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Opportunities for Reuse Beween User Assistance and Training

Date post: 09-Jun-2015
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In many organizations, people who develop training work in an entirely different group from those who develop documentation. The two groups may develop information about the same subjects and barely realize it. While there has always been potential for the two to work more collaboratively, in today’s economy there is increasing need to find ways to collaborate across these teams, to share resources, and to reuse information. This talk looks at the potential for reuse between documentation and training, points out some of the problems that get in the way, and proposes some strategies for improved collaboration. Discussion points include: * What types of information are the best candidates for reuse * Must you reuse, or can you repurpose? * Difficulties when training is a revenue center and documentation is a cost center * How to reframe the picture of documentation and training to increase opportunities for reuse * What the DITA Learning and Training Specialization offers
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Linda Urban Twitter: @lindaurban Email: [email protected]
Page 1: Opportunities for Reuse Beween User Assistance and Training

Linda UrbanTwitter: @lindaurban

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Opportunities for Reuse Beween User Assistance and Training

Reuse: Finding ways to integrate doc (user assistance) and training

A collaborative and user-oriented mindset, not just “content reuse”

Problems that get in the way

Strategies for improved collaboration: Reframing doc and training to work together

© 2011 Linda Urban

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Do you create:Training

eLearningClassroom training

User assistance/documentationBoth user assistance and training

Work in a group that includes training?Training development handled by separate group?

© 2011 Linda Urban

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What do you write in?◦ Topic-based editor

( RoboHelp, Flare….)

◦ Document-based editor(Frame, Word, InDesign….)

◦ XML editor

Do you work in a CMS?

© 2011 Linda Urban

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In the documentation & user assistance world:◦ Single sourcing

Multiple outputs (pdf, html, Adobe Air, ePub...) Multiple flavors (platforms, products, versions,

users) Conditional settings Variables

◦ Topic-level reuse: Use the same topic in different places

© 2011 Linda Urban

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More granular reuse Paragraphs, notes/cautions/warnings…

Conrefs (in DITA) Chunks in Component content management

systems (CCMS)

© 2011 Linda Urban

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In the user assistance world:◦ Single sourcing

Multiple outputs (pdf, html, Adobe Air, ePub...) Multiple flavors (platforms, products, versions, users)

Conditional settings Variables

◦ Topic-level reuse: Use the same topic in different places

◦ More granular reuse Paragraphs, notes/cautions/warnings…

Conrefs (in DITA) Chunks in Component content management

systems (CCMS)

It can mean all those things in the training world, too

© 2011 Linda Urban

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© 2011 Linda Urban

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Client researching an XML solution for their training content

Eventual goal of integrating it with a similar initiative underway for the documentation

© 2011 Linda Urban

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◦ The possibilities….

© 2011 Linda Urban


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Especially at the topic and granular level

It’s hard within documentation and user assistance

It’s hard within training

And it’s even harder between them

© 2011 Linda Urban

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ContextThe greater the differencebetween the contexts, the harder it gets

You’ve probably seen this

© 2011 Linda Urban

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The context for (formal) training is learning and building skills

New concepts, information, tasksDemonstrations Examples Scenarios

Opportunities for practiceAssessments

The context for user assistance is “I’m working” – give me what I need so I can do my job

How-tos ExplanationsTrouble-shooting Reference look-up

(Performance support!)

© 2011 Linda Urban

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◦ Sequenced for learning

◦ Might not (probably won’t) include everything

◦ What is there might have more detail (or less, depending on intent)

◦ You might see redundancy

◦ Expect practice and interaction

© 2011 Linda Urban

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Training is focused on getting learning to “transfer” and to “stick”

User Assistance is focused (mostly) on “providing answers at a moment of need”

© 2011 Linda Urban

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© 2011 Linda Urban

From Don Stepich*

The purpose of a job aid (user assistance) is to provide a repository of information that is external to the individual and can be used to direct, guide, and inform on-the-job performance.

The purpose of a training program is to create a repository of information that is internal to the individual

*Stepich, D. (2011) Instructional Design course in the IPT program at Boise State University

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“Real,” single-sourced, granular reuse isn’t very easy, or straightforward

© 2011 Linda Urban

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From DITA 1.2 spec, page 126http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/spec/DITA1.2-spec.pdf

© 2011 Linda Urban

Same central topic types, + more for learning/training

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Really good start for reuse within training content

The opportunity is certainly present, for reuse between…

but slow to arrive, and challenging

Some companies doing it

© 2011 Linda Urban

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A common occurrence: Copy, paste, and revise

You might be groaning, but is repurposing always *bad*?

Depends on what’s repurposed, and how

© 2011 Linda Urban

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User assistance/documentation, within training

Training elements, within user assistance

Performance solutionsthat integrate both

© 2011 Linda Urban

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Support materials – used during training, and after◦ Reference materials Help systems

Job Aids Knowledge Base Articles

(Performance Support)

Training organized around materials-for-the-job◦ “Reference-based training” (Clark, 2008*)◦ “Quasi-training” (Harless, 1986*)

Organized around job aids, user assistance or reference materials designed to be used on the job

© 2011 Linda Urban*Clark, R.C. (2008): Building expertise: Cognitive methods for training and performance improvement (3rd ed)*Harless. J. (1986). Guiding performance with job aids. In NSPI. Introduction to performance technology, pp. 106-124.

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Training elements◦ Recorded demonstrations

Interactive demos (simulations) Practices

ScenarioseLearning modules

Tutorials (self-paced training module)◦ Complete with examples and exercises

(Think: Classroom-in-a-book)◦ Self-paced learning, that augments help systems◦ Part of a “documentation set”◦ Available on a “learning portal”

© 2011 Linda Urban

Can integrate well in help systems

Lots of possibilities!

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Unfortunately, “when” is often an “if”

Why is that?

© 2011 Linda Urban

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Training implies helping people develop skills

Learning implies retaining, applying, using, mastering

Informing and communicating are more about providing access to information, and about knowledge

(which support and lead to learning)

© 2011 Linda Urban

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When training is a revenue center

And tech pubs is a cost center

© 2011 Linda Urban

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Tech pubs may be part of product development

Training may be part of HR, or professional services

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© 2011 Linda Urban

Technical Communication world

Training/Instructional Design World

User Learner, student, participantLook-up, explain, inform, trouble-shoot

Learning and job transfer

User Guides Course materials (workbooks, handouts, slides, flash module)

Help systems Performance supportQuick reference cards Job aidsUsability testing EvaluationArchitect information Design learning experienceProcess: Plan, design, develop, produce, evaluate (PDDPE)

Process: Analyze, design, develop, implement, evaluate (ADDIE)

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Doc and training are both part of a bigger picture

Ideally, they would be planned, defined, and designed at the same time.

Then you avoid duplication, know what will be in place, and how pieces relate

Some companies do get that!

© 2011 Linda Urban

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They need: Skills and expertise to accomplish their

goals Tools and resources

(to help them do it) Information/knowledge(some of which is about the tools)

And companies want workers to be more productive

© 2011 Linda Urban

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When companies (and departments) think about the bigger picture

Really – worker performance—what do people need, to do their job?

Then they can design solutions that make use of both user assistance and training

Reuse starts from a common vision

© 2011 Linda Urban

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Where to start, if you work in silos?

Show an interest

Learn the “other language”

Connect through common challenges◦ User-generated content◦ Doing more with less◦ Need to align with business goals

Offer assistance: Exchange & enhance skills◦ Both fields have much to learn from each other

© 2011 Linda Urban

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You can reach me at

[email protected]

@lindaurban (Twitter)


Thanks for attending!

© 2011 Linda Urban
