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Optimizing OS Windows XP

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Optimizing OS Windows XP
  FT 4/8/09 Page 1 of 18 Optimizing of the Windows XP Operating System for best performance NOTE: The procedure contained in this document must be performed by qualified personnel only ! The XP operating system can be optimized on any HMC-500 / 600 and Fanuc CNC controls. Also optimizing the OS on other PC based units, such as on Helicheck, EWAG, or even regular desktop or laptop PC’s such as offline Cyber Grinding workstations.  CAUTION: The installation of the Intel chipset and d rivers are approved for HMC-500 / 60 0 and Fanuc controls, but may not be recommended on other units. To skip the Intel installation, jump to  point 5 on page 7 Tab le o f contents: 1. Installation of Intel chip set ………………………………………………………..2  2. Installation of Intel VGA drivers…………………………………………………. .4 3. Installation of Intel a  pplication…………………………………………………….5 4. Verify Intel app licatio n operation………………………………………………….6  5. Removing index file service……………………………………………………......7  6. Best performance settings and setting paging file to zero……………………….....9  7. Defragment the hard dis k drive…………………………………………………....11 8. Resetting the paging file to optimal size…………………………………………..14 9. Changing display themes and mouse pointer……………………………………...16 10. Registry changes…………………………………………………………………..18
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    Optimizing of the Windows XP Operating System for best performance

    NOTE: The procedure contained in this document must be performed by qualified personnel only !

    The XP operating system can be optimized on any HMC-500 / 600 and Fanuc CNC controls. Also

    optimizing the OS on other PC based units, such as on Helicheck, EWAG, or even regular desktop or

    laptop PCs such as offline Cyber Grinding workstations.

    CAUTION: The installation of the Intel chipset and drivers are approved for HMC-500 / 600 and

    Fanuc controls, but may not be recommended on other units. To skip the Intel installation, jump to

    point 5 on page 7

    Table of contents:

    1. Installation of Intel chip set..2

    2. Installation of Intel VGA drivers..4

    3. Installation of Intel application.5

    4. Verify Intel application operation.6

    5. Removing index file service......7

    6. Best performance settings and setting paging file to zero.....9

    7. Defragment the hard disk drive....11

    8. Resetting the paging file to optimal size..14

    9. Changing display themes and mouse pointer...16

    10. Registry changes..18

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    1. Install Intel Chip set:

    First, verify that the Intel application is running. If it is working, skip ahead to step 5 on page 7.

    If it looks like this, it is working correctly.

    Installation of Intel chipset and accelerator from USB drive under \Tools\Intel:

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    Continue through the setup with clicking on Next.

    When you click on Finish, it will restart the PC.

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    2. Install Intel VGA drivers:

    Continue through the setup with clicking on Next.

    Click on No, I will restart my computer later, then Finish

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    3. Install Intel application:

    Continue through the setup with clicking on Next.

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    Click on Yes, I want to restart my computer now, then click Finish and it will restart.

    4. Verify that the Intel application is running:

    If it looks like this, it is working correctly.

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    5. Remove index file service:

    Right click on Start, click on Explore. Then left click on System (C:) to highlight it. Then right click on System (C:) and the click on Properties

    Deselect the option Allow indexing service to index this disk for fast file searching

    then click Apply. It will default to Apply changes to c:\, subfolders and files. Click OK.

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    .now applying the attributes.

    If it errors to apply the attributes, click on Ignore All

    Close the windows after it is complete.

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    6. Setting of best performance and setting the paging file (virtual memory) to zero:

    Go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System

    Click on the Advanced tab, then on Settings under the Performance section

    Most likely the setting is set to Let windows choose whats best for my computer. Well, windows doesnt know whats good for CNC controls... You need to set it to Adjust for best performance

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    and all the pretty animation options will unselect automatic.

    Then click on the Advanced tab, and then Change under the virtual memory section

    then click on No paging file, then set

    click on OK, keep clicking OK

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    .until the restart message shows up.

    Click on Yes to restart the computer.

    7. Defragment the hard drive:

    Right click on the Recycle Bin and then click on Empty Recycle Bin

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    Then right click on Start, click on Explore. Then left click on System (C:) to highlight it. Then right click on System (C:) and the click on Properties, then click on the Tools tab

    and then click on Defragment Now

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    make sure that the System C is highlighted. Then click on Defragment and it will start to defrag the hard drive.

    Click on Close, then X and OK out of all the windows.

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    8. Resetting the paging file to the correct (optimal) size:

    Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System, check and write down the amount of memory

    displayed under Computer:

    Click on the Advanced tab, then click on Settings under the Performance section

    Then click on the Advanced tab, and then click Change under the virtual memory section

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    then click on Custom size

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    Change both MIN and MAX values to the same value, calculating 1.5 times the actual Ram size you

    noted earlier. E.g. calculate 1GB or 1024MB x 1.5 = 1536. Enter that value in both fields.

    9. Changing the display theme and mouse pointer settings:

    Right click on the desktop and click on Properties

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    Click on the down arrow for Themes and select Windows Classic

    then click on OK, then it will flash a screen and change the display.

    Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Mouse

    .click on the Pointers tab.then the Scheme down arrow and select [None].

    Click OK and exit out of Control Panel.

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    10. Registry entry changes:

    On the USB drive under \tools\WinOpts double click on each registry reg to modify registry entries.

    Completely REBOOT the machine !!! Thats it. The computer should be performing much faster now.
