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Orangeburg times.(Orangeburg Court House, S.C.)...

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» » >... i j . < . 'Times*. i:\ ijih Vt'l ' Y MOliNlKO. Term »I Subscription. 11., f\m ,.-,. V. (r.$2 00 « a* .'.,»¦ </,.<. i 00 Kntns of Ad , rtising. >n«! .Vt-'iujT. lc! Tttsertiüli»»».. .»$1 60 '.'(«. h Kub&cvml " . 1 00 Notice*, inserted in Ia>c\1 Column at 20« ^<:r Zill«. All Svbccriptiöni and Tra'njiicpi {Advkrliao matt» to be, paid for in idvvnrr. BQ?' Kb nccipl* Jor Subscription or Advet' Ct'w»iaiM an: Valid vtdcax Siyntd by JJam new 8®" We are in no way responsible for the viowa or opinions of our Correspond- Ultfl. The Governor's Message. This nbie and lengthy document wets received by the Legislature on Wednesday last. Among the many wise, .recommendations and sugges¬ tions, we notice that he refers to th o pledges made during the canvass financial condition of the S'tato, the payment of the debt, free schools, the University of the Slate, penal Institu¬ tions, taxes and forfitedlands. To all of which we" have no doubt but that the Legislature will give their earn¬ est nud undivided support, which will be the means of relieving our people, to a certain extent, of tho heavy liabi 1- ities hanging over this State, and in the future bring additional prosperi¬ ty and happiness to her citizens. We are sorry that we canuot give tl>o Message in full for want of room from the heavy pressure of advertise¬ ments ou our columns, and therefore we can only add that Governor Hampton has in toe past, and w ill in the future, carry out to tho letter," every promise made by him. to this people. ¦ 11 ¦. . - . <.. The report of the In,vest jgulm«- Committee appointed by tho Lcgisla- i ure appeared in the Xcioh and Qouriitr of Friday. It is lengthy and to the point, fully showing up the rasca lily 61" Uoiitfst John, and others. All of whom'we earnestly hope will soon be there to receive the full extent^of the law. [CO MMUNICA TED.] Mr, Kdit», : We noticed a communication signed "Kuff Hod' in a recent issue of your paper concerning the County Fair;' complaining of the Heard of Directors in reference to thecQtnneti- .intern tue oranges; using the name of White Cane Grange in a way which we regret It w as done with¬ out the, know Ic.dgc or consent of our Grange. We aid wh.it we could and feel that it was not only the privilege, but the duty of other Granges to do thersnmc. True the premiums offer¬ ed furnished a pleasant exeitmcnt, but whowculd think of making them an object? In our opinion tho Fairs arc designed to benefit the County generally and no doubt would do very-.much to this end, if all would enter into them in the right spirit. Great skill and success in the variouä, branches of housekeeping, gardening, farming, stockraising &C. &c., would bo attained, pleasant acquaintances made aud many other beuelicial results follow We belipve the Board of Managers to bo co in - posed of gentlemen of honor and principle who act for the b.'st interest of all concerned, as far as it is pos¬ sible to do, in the position they occu¬ py. We sympathize with them in what we believe to be a trying posi¬ tion' -and hope that its far as White Cane is concerned, they will rest satis- lied that when thero is another op¬ portunity. White Cane will not be found missing. Tho distance bei ng about twenty-live miles of course it is not to be expected that we could transport as many articles as those living nearer, and will not complain if excelled again, in a fair race. We have not had a meeting since the said communication was published, but feel sure that wo express tho feelings of 'White Cane Grange iu the above nnd we repeat, that we deejdy regret its ever appearing. 8 v.vf.ita i, M kmhbrs. (communicated,] J ad'ti ,i.'i4ii<<it I'l'ttj Tina'*: A rli.'if time ago, I presented my v i< wit in n public address to my i>: :!j j the colored race in this C Ii <. i' .Miiing the expediency of i! i ir >pr,i pope to emigrate to Liberia things', while holding of ihe inlogiity of ' -dos. 1 >;,i<l ,,nm .! ... .' I' i 4 U /l i . . ..- . . .-«'_¦ confirmed my apprehensions, and I write now, asking- Sjmco itt$§R&ur columns, Lo say again to those of my race who read it, or hear it read, look before you leap. The Liborian ship was to have been in port at Charleston on the 1 th iust., to take those, and many they wore, who had sacrificed every species of property to leave the shores of Lheir.native laud and go to Liberia. I know of a man who left to his mortgagee 200 acres of laud the purchase inouev of which he had paid ni'»re than four-fifths df^ saying, as he could not carry it to Liberia, he must lose it. »Such i*< the madness and folly nrrising from a scheme set on foot by men whose education and experience ought to* teach then) that if Liberia be a fit place to emigrate to, their scheme is certainly impracticable in accomp¬ lishing it. Knch day brings expense to tho carrying on of tho project, and every day witnc ses an nbateueutof the zeal of tho followers, ui rising jL3 is natural from a want of inlolleg'iuoe to understand the incidences peculiar to such a grave scheme. No ship has yot arrived, and every day the officers nre cutting from the slowly growing pile, no doubt their salaries justly , if not wisely earned. Amidst all bur troubles and difficulties tiierc yet re¬ mains the blessed and important privilege, unrestrained to get our bread by tho sweat of our brow, to educate our children, to enjoy tho liberty and freedom of speech and locomotion, and by industry and economy to obtain the soil alongside with.our richer white brethren. So'uo one says in substance; behind a dark cloud there is always a silver lining I look forward to an early day when men who prefer fair piny to robbery will feel such a common interest black with white, that no one will know the desire to leave his horhe. b utas he freely desires. Our new era need*, my colored friends, education and atuca tors 08 well as justice and just laws. We must rid ourselves of pretended sycophuuts, negro haters who conic among ui in the shape of teachers ami Presidents of our Institutions, and who koep us always stooping head downward while they place their hands on our shoulders, leap over our bend,and launh themselves safely in some comfortable placu without ever looking back to sea 1)J what means they reached their exalted positions. Our educators must have truth as their shield. ,K~'* utaj oc exemplars to tho youth in their charge.whilo left free to their political convictions,' if thoy vote for (Jov. llamptou they should not affirm it to Democrats' and deny it to Re publican Trustees so as to gull thorn into belief that they aro Republicans, While there aro honorable excep¬ tions to this description of our educa¬ tors, to whom wc oWc listing debt of gratitude, yet if the ebutio is to 1)3 filled hereafter with such ins tue tors as our guide let us reject it. Colored men, with such as lhnvc described as Lheir leaders or, instructor-;, political or educational, must learn that all Southern white men arc not their bitterest enemies, and it is wiser to learn of your enemies than to be deceived by* your apparent friends. Yours Rtspectfu'ly, D. A. Staakgr. [communicated.*] Etli or Oranycbiirn Times : Midway,0., November 28th 1877. In your issue of the Tjm.es 21th iust., appeared under tho head of "On the Wing," signed "Rambler" a statement to the effect that there is no liquor license issued here, it must be owing to your correspondents late arrival that ho did not see that we have two bar-rooms running in full blast, where a man cati get anything to drink from tho pleasant tonic cordial to tho best Rye Whiskey, at the lowest market prices. Our town has a bright futuro before it, and I fear some of your citizens would go round us in passing through this sec¬ tion, on account of our extreme dry* mom. I thcreforo trust you will ex¬ cuse this intrusion oti your valuable space and time. _Resident. Legislature. Tho above body convened at tho Capital on the 27th tilt. The newly elected delegation from Charleston were sworn in, Mr. Dibble obtained unanimous consent to introduce a concurrent resolution authorizing the oniptro 1 . ler-gciieral lo extern! the time for tho nf doliii.piuiit real estate until M i.iday in January, in ca3C3 j ,. , pe x.i 'd ent I«) do si); Jn the Scimto Mr. Tuft sent a com- muuicntion to tho clerk which wasj read, and which proved to he-tho' resignation of S. A. Swails »Senator from Williamsburg and jncsident^V'o tern. The chair fhen hud read another co'mmttnicatiou which proved to be the resignation of Joseph us Wood¬ ruff as clerk of the senate. _ üiv jMouday tbo 2Sjh u^, - Dibble presented the rep >rt of the investigating committee Lt is a long document, covering fifüy-twqj\a<;o3 of legal cap paper, and on motion of Mr. bhoppard it whb ordered to bo priiited. Mr. Sawyer also gave notice, of the introduction of a bill to fix tho per diem and mileage of members of the General Assembly, . Referred to the ways and means committee. A* : *- * M r. Dibble,, of ürangeburg, nsked and obtained leave to introduce with¬ out notice a bill concerning delinqu¬ ent taxes. Bead1 the first time'Ivy its title nud i referred to the .committee on ways and means. The Message from his. Excelleucy the Governor was brought in whd'J read, and referred to commit eo. Fiv^. hundred copies of the Message were ordered to be printed. . For the want of space wo have to omit the publication of tho Glover nor s Message. Suffice it to s.i / that it fills the bill to the letter. In tho Senate.-On motion of Mr Cannon, the Senate then went into an election for president pro tern. Mr. Cannon nominated Mr. Jeter, and, there being no op position, Mr. Jeter was uuauitnously . oleet-sd, (receiving 24 votes,) and was duly sworn as president pro tern, of tho Senate. On motion, the Scuate proceeded to,, the election of clerk. Mr. T. Stobo Farrow, of Spartan- burg, was nominated, and, there be¬ ing no opposition, was unanimously elected, roceiviug 2-3 votes. The House concurrent resolution relative to extending time for pay ment of certain delinquent, taxes to a period not later than the first Monday in January, 1878, was agreed'to. Sentence of tho Ex Officials, The Court of Comtno i IMous con¬ vened in Columbia on the 2(>ih ult., Judge Towndscnd presiding. .The first business being the unfinished business of tho., Iirmo'v! i..' . uourt proceeded to r^td the reasons for over-ruling the motions for arrest' of judgment and new trjaj, in tho Cardo/o case. A similar disposition was made of the motion in the Smalls case for a new trial and in arrest of. judmert. Mr. Melton excepted to the ruling in both cases. An ofliccr was then dispatched to the jail for the prison- era F. L. Cordozn, and L. Cass Car pouter, Robert Smalls being already in court. A fter a short interval, a deputy returned with pardozo -and; Carpenter. Tdio"Judge then proceed¬ ed to read the sentence of Card.uo, the prisoner receiving it standing in the rear of the reporter s, table. Tiio court reonUute I the crime of the prisoner, remitnling him that he had prostituted his high position *for purposes' of robbery. He a'lsoi re¬ viewed the evidence, and tho argu¬ ment for the prosecution and the defense, and said that, in passing sen tence, he should not bo influenced by popular clamor, but should heguiiled solely by the law. The court then announced that the defendant, Fran¬ cis H. Cordozn, be confined in jail two years, and pay a fine of 84,000; and if the fine should not be paid, the imprisoiinvut be for three years. Mr. Melton entered a general ex¬ ception lo the judgment of the court Robert S:i1 nils was next curled, and underwent a similar ordeal in regard to the review of his case in the com¬ mission of the crime, the trial, cto The sentence of tho court was then pronounced, that the defendant Ho¬ be!«. Smalls be confined uthard labor for three years in the penitentiary. Mr. .Melton entered a gonoral ex¬ ception to tho judgment; us in the Cardozo ensc. J Ij. Cass Carpenter was next called and sentenced to pay a fine of 31,000 and bo consigned in tho cOMilty jail for two years. Mr. Melton in behalf of Judge Carpenter, Whi is detained in Wash¬ ington, ontitred an exception to tho judgment. Mr. Melton, also stated that he had already served upon tho Attorney-General the necessary pa¬ pers in notice of appeal and would move that tbo execution of the judg¬ ment in the. case of Itobnrt Sm ills hj suspended, pciidtn'g proceedings before the higher tribunal. General Conner said ho would interpose uo objection to tho motion , and that he was willing that tho prisoner should be bailed pending tho proceedings, but that the bail should be larger than tho amount given for his appearance before conviction. Judge Melton then urged a similnr motion in the case of Cardozo, and thatrthe amount of b:\il bo fixe 1 at .such a sum as would enable the prisoner so meet its requirements. Tho court reserved its decision upon the propriety of admitting Citrdozd to bail. In the meantime he will remain in the custody of the Court. Since tho above was put in type we learn from the Columbia Register that Cardozo, Smalls and Carpenter 's eascs'go immediately to the Supreme Court. NOTICE, On the night of the 22d Nov., my house was entcicd and all my Land Papers, to- aether with ad my Notes were carried off. A.liberal reward will he paid for the return Iqf the papc's, with evidence sufficient to convict the'thief. 1 als«» wain all persons I against Trailing for Notes given to me previous to the nbovtf date- Branchville, Nov. 2Sth, 1877. dee 1 . 1 l'RlLIAP W. FAIREY. i'>iit"nin I will sell at Hie Residence <>f E. J. Bax¬ ter. L>ee. 1, IS77, at 10 o'clock, the follow¬ ing property, for cash, t«> the highest bid- »Ii < >jic KrayHorse. Two Mules. (hiu wagon One Buggy. Levied /ein as tlij> property of E. J. Bax¬ ter under Lien and Mortgage to Oeo. II. Oornelson. <>raii};eburg, Nov. 10, 1S77. dee 1-11 I). N. SMITH, Agt. Havk You DVSPKI'SI A 1 . With its at¬ tendant troub¬ le*, constipa- hcait- adie, loss of a p p e t i t e, g 1 o ouiincKM, water brash, ilisüesfl after eating, etc? If so, take ,S i Ii« in o II *' IJcpatic Compound and he well. Its result m astonishing, and sure relief is guaranteed lit every case, where it is used as directed. H nsüisis digestion; tones up the Mo mach, HürougtllcliA th i debilitated, restores a na¬ tural appetite, and as a liver Regulator has no enlntb "It is the very fountain of ha Ith'." 'To all who are'suffering from a disordered stomncli or liver, or who need a gen lie Spring ami Summer tonic, we say try it/anif you will tbalik us for the advice. .Delicate females Will Ihul it peculiarly iidapled 'In (heir various disorders. It is the .most efficacious rinthWi« ,f»»r -.11 J .- . imni a. tnsonfcrcu stomach, liver or a low state of the system, that has ever been pre- t-urihed fir advertised. Try it just once, and you will, Hlc'c thousands of others become its cntluHastic advocate. For sale Wholesale and Retail bv AUSTIN & CO. Dow IB ,f MOISE, Proprietors, Charleston, S. C. Tor sale by lin. A. C. DUKES, DR. .1. (J. WANNAMAKEK, DR. A. S. HYDR1CK. ang 11 Cm. tSTOTTO 13 OF DELINQUENT » A\I> 8A EES ORANGEBURG COUNTY J FOB TUB YEAIt 187'). Aiiulin Township. Arthur, .! and E325 acres. Brady, Mary 40acres, 2 buildings. Clutfoy. ist .lames 303 acres, ö huihlings. Duncan, S L IS acres 4 buildings. Darby, I)r A 'I' JAM acres 4 buildings. Frederick I Ham 1 lot 1 building. Fry.-t leorge 570 acres. McKenzio, I'" -v ft«J4 acres :> buildings. Oliver, e*t of James I0C0 acres 2 buildings. Teers, trehry 31)0 acres '> buildings. Rust, yiflt E'll 'JO aciesi Bast, M A Q07 acres 2 buildings. Zcnglor, .1 .1 23 acres ."> buildings. Zenglor, .lain- M 300 acres <. buildings, /eitler, Emma WO acres4 buildings. LtloVer] Wib 120 acres 4 buildings. Kune, Harry 10 acres, lirmichviflt Towuship. Dukes, Susan 1*00 acres ."> buildings. Kb wards, T O B 400 acres. Evans. C tampion 170 acres4 building.-.. Oreen, James S !17 acres 1 building. Loggia*, John .'» acres i building. Oftntlll Danish, llSl acres. Riionds. -\ 1) 0!{ »1 res. Sasportas, M J 135 acres 1 building. Sa-portas; T K 229 acres - buildings. Sluilcr, Lewis .'!.") acres. Caw Caw Township. Bo/.ard, S K S2 acres 1 building. Bilthtr, Mosen '»acres 1 building. Col mau, R 1' 540 acres 2 buildings. I'rim, John 200 acre* Dupoiil, J OilOU acres 1 buildings. Footman, Camel 74 acres. Footman, llcury 05 acres. Hampton, FcUrHc 200 acres 3 buildings. ilousiir, Jell R 1000 acres. Inabinet. »Samuel e*t', 850 acres 1 building. Jackson, .Mrs K .M S.VJ bores i buildings. Jenkins, Patsy, 60 acres 1 building. Lighion, J W Oh acres. Moorer, E T 312 acres, McLain, Aligns Q9 acres. Myers, alien 72 acres 3 buildings. Ott, H V 00 acres 1 building. Wolfe, MrsE M 470 ceres 4 buildings. Zeigler, Aaron 1*1 M Wcres 2 buildings. Zoigler Emmn Miss 800 acres. Zoigler. L A for M F Stabler 1Ö00 acres 4 buildings. Gm- CaMle. Arant, Meld red BIO (Verbs 2 buildings. Cain, flc-hry .1 17 acres. Collier, May 40 acres 1 building Jonas, .too UO acres 1 building- Lyons. jUtti 1 or, acres 2 buildings. Riekculiackc'r, J 1) .100 acres 4 buildings. Uhner/ )Yi1liam.l20 acres. Whetstone; N ncrcs 4 buildings.'! Walter?, A E Miss 120 acres Ö buildings. Walker, Samuel 10 acres. Marlin: C 10,80 acres 3 buihliilgs. Hair. I'.art' ui (hi) acres. 'Mtiobi'.' IffjnVi lO'VcreVl Iniipliiig." -_r-:._-- fidisto Township Gav, Aaron ö acres. Griffith, L A 1 75 acres 5 buildings. Hutching, Mrs Sahna 65 acre) *i buildings. Johnson, Isaac 22 acres JobnKon, Exsep 10 acres. Myers, J F 50 acres'4 buildings,, 0'IJrian, Asberry, 50 acres3 building!. Sellers, Ben 25 acres. Tucker, Jnmefl 15 acres. Tucker, Hen 11 acres 12 buildings. Tucker,Stun 12 acres 2 buildings. Millions, Henry 100 acres 2 buildings. Jiluabeth Townxh ip. Doolcy, Mrs C E 73 acres. .Jamison, Chan 28 acres. Knotty, Joe 25 acres. Me Michael,71 ten bin 10 acres. Oliver, Frank 50 acre*. Porter, I) A 050 acres 7 buildings. Sfidey, Henry 220 acres, 4 buildings. Sistrunk, W A J 503 acre.-; 4 building*. Wolfe. J l) Ii 22 acres 2 buildings. (Juoilbfa Tolcnxhip. A rant, James 11 50 acre*. * Hull, Mm Elizabeth 53 acres. Ho/ard, Daniel 71 acres, II buildings. Daiitzler.M N and D B Uliner, 100 acres 2 building*. Jackson, Mrs EM 50 acres. Moorer, W .ID lGl acres 3 buildings. Sbulcr, Mrs R GO acres 4 builhing*. Tilley, Sam 4<» acies. Thomas, Isaac 34 acres. Zeigler, Jelterson 2 acres, 2 buildings. Miller, Harry 34 acres. M' >rer, Ellen It 200 acres 4 buildings. Muiry, Jake, :i"» acres I buildings. (JoodlatiH Township. Ilearthiligton, Isaac 53 acres 4 buildings. Keadlc, N A (>0 acres 3 buildings. Porter, \V M 05 acres 1 building. Haies. W A 250 iicr** 7 buildings. Butler, J W 205 acres 3 buildings. Fanning, Elija 81 acres. llnbron Township. West Garwhi 30 acr s 2 building*. Liberty Tornthip. Hon nett, Sam 130 acres 2 buildings. Chavis, Herman 220 acres. Churchwcll, U m 10 acred Donald, Margarette lO.acre4 2 buihlsiigs. Fralic, Mrs E P lOOacret 2 bui Idinas. Olcaton, Julia 10 acres. Olcatou, M W K5 acres: Jackson. Daniel 35 aeres 2 building4-' Livingston, Hums IrtS acres 2 building4. Hutland, E l> 30 a eres 3 !>uilding4. Simmons, Vaiidy 140 acres 2 buildings. Stroman, Dennis 25 acres 1 building. l,ijoi)'n Twos hip. DoVtan, Tnin lOO acres 2 buildings. Chavis, Hol» 143 acres. Chccsborro, EC 50 acres 1 building. Qarvili, Dennis 40 acres. Hampton, Addison L 00 acres. Mart, Gabe iöoacres, 3 buddings. Haigltr, Andrew80 acres Q buildings. Kcitt.S S Mrs 1702 acres 12 buildings- Moss, Heeder 21 acres 1 building. MoCorde, Honey 85 acres 1 building, Pauiding, Addison 50 acres. Tilley, Sain 40 acres. Zimmerman, D 50 acres. Darby, J H 1150 acres and building4. Middtt Taichnhip, Bozard, G AV 70 here* 8 buildings. Bozard; Henry 00 acres 4 buildings. Davis, E A 130 acres 3 buildings. Hut to, (IS 117 acres 3 buildings. Thomas. Kobart 10S acres 3 bid Illings. Iii Icy, 11 11 512 aeres 2 buildings. Si mini. Hohei t CO acres 2 buildings. I Htrmmin, Abrt|m 100 acres. SmoSik, Ers L M 275 acres 2 building''. Shulei, S L 400 acres 11 buildiugir. .Wtr Hope. Towntklp. Baxter. Mrs H ( Too .,..->... s l.utljtug.«. Baxter, AiinO 1300 aeres. Brown, James 200 tvrt*. ri Criim, .1 F 5(50 acres(1 building, Davis. Richard 100.acres 5 hiiildings. Meddowx, J W 28 acres 1 buildings. Melvin. James 3 acrvis 1 building: Meyers, Kieliard 52 acres 3 buildings. Heaves. J U 5(1 aeres. Ora'ifjr Tounu<hip- Aibrtcbt, M 1 'ot 3 building4. Andrews. 11 M 102 aeres 3 buildings 1 lot. Ant Icy, R P Agt 070 aeres 1 buibliag. Bozard, J E 50 acres, 8 building-*. Bittlar, Joel .>.'» acres. Harwick, Primas 1 lot. Colter, Geo I lot 2 buildings. Clark. It E 1 lot. Clark, W F and children 1 lot 3 buildings. Clark, W and children 1 lot. Chimin, William 1 lot 1 building. Dantzlcr. Mary M 200 acres 4 buildings. Dnutzlcr, Isuin 27 acres. Graves, Henry (minor)28acres 1 building. Green, « 100 acres Hart/.og, \V F 1 lot 3 buildings. Jackson, Mrs E M 3 acres* Johnson, A S 02acres. l.oyd, H .1 1 lot 1 building. Mcllichamp, S II 21 acres 4 building4. Mitcbel, W t: 1 lot 3 buildings. Peers E A A Jackson 1 lot 1 building. Robinson, Jeffrey 100 acres 0 buildings. Kobiason, Pharow I lot, 0 acres ami 2 build¬ ings. ' _ Rodger*, lYl/.cr & Co, SO acres. Sasportas. T K 440 acres 4 buildings. Hi-trunk, AV A J 1 lot 2 buildings. , Shul. r, D W 20 acres. Shtilci, Richard 00 acres 5 building4. Stromah. J E 75 acres 4 buildings. Thomas, Jessie 27 acres 2 buildings. Thomas, Gabriel fiacre 2 buildings. Thomas, Gabe 1 lot 2 buildings Thorn, Charles 11 acres, 1 lot and r> build¬ ings. Van Tassel, James 1 lot. Washington. John 20 acres 1 building. Ynuiigblood, Curtis Vi i eres2 buildings. Zimmerman, Stephen 28 acres 2 buildings Pine drove Township. Andrews, II M 1509 acres 10 buildings. Eritzpatrick, J I) F 4u acres. Mention, W II 450 acresS buildings. rJudsou, Cuflie 101 acres. Shircr, Mrs M E B 28 -eres. Wecks, ,.st Jaby 112*» acres 11 buildings. Wiltgard, Mrs A C 5 acres 1 building. Williams, Captain SO aeres 2 buildings. . Heckle, El more 42? acres 0 buildings. Hair, J I 110 acres3buildings. Hanes, Jim 8." acres. J'oplor Totcnshiy Chavis, John 54 acres 4 buildings. Ethoridgc, J D 60 acres. Elliott, Geo 131 acres 1 building. Fairuot, Cynes 4 acres 3 buildings. Felder, U E25Ö acres 0 bnildings. (Irillitb, Joseph 02acres. Grodwin, Toriey 45 acres 1 building. Jenkins, Jacob30 acres 2 buildings. JoknMn, Abrain 80 acres 2 buildings. I.eiiis, J P 210 acres 3 buildings. Mingue, A J E 1 building. Milier, Moses20,aeres. Moorer, It G HO acres 4 buildings. Moorcr, W K HO acres 4 buildings. Pauling, Neri75 acres. Pauling, Carolina 75 acres, Pauling, Frank 130 acres 2 buildings. Reed. J A 140 acres- Kohiuson, Jonies lOO acres 2 beildinc*. Roiike W H 50 acres.2 buildings, Rush. H F 5 acres 2 buildingn. Sbuler, Andrew 100 acres. Stone. Andrew M 31 acres. Thompson, t' R Est 210 acres 8 buildings. Way, W C 50 acres. Waj, May Ann 53acrC9 1 building. Weeks, Uaniel 200 ncres 4i "".dings ^ Providence Tvxciuship. Allen, Thema« 50 acres 2 buildings. Winger, D J 83 nerey. 2 buildings. Mack, W A 300 acres 4 buildings. lull, E M 88 acres 1 building. nil Dnnd wife, 210 acres 10 buildings. iürkcl, LM 100 acres. >>gle, Simpson 103 ncres 1 building. jtovah, .Stanley 997 acres 1 building. lart, Mrs A E 2.'18 ncrer. 4 buildings Jckfton, Robert 50 acres SJiuildings .Ickson, Peter 00 ucres 3 buildings Pooliet, Peter 8 acres 3 buildings Slilcr irvin E 43U acres Hockey drove Township Failing Allen 00 acres r KntU Mrs Sarah 107 ncres Tvlr J II 300 acres 4 buildings Wei W C 140acres 2 buildings. Union Toicnuhip Cr.uim, Adnm 97 acres 1 buijding ' Cbafain. Sarah A -10 acre*. Hunt. Robert 54 ncres 2 building*. Jaektm, Mrs E M 29 acres* KitirJl, H 1) 200 acres 1 building Kit trll, A»d 109 acres G building* Kcnnrlv.J M 110 acres 4 building*. Lovd,Sniart 100 acres Minvi, Jim 10 ncres'2 buildings McMihasI, G S 40 acres 0 building. Palme, .1 D 33 acres 2 buildings Howe,lohn C 500 acres 5 buildings Zeiglei Jefferson U 47 acres 1 building Vance* T»tcnthip Griffin I A 200 acres Jamisoi Charles 28 acres Kcitl Ililiard 39 acres- j \ Muiiiiis hllcy 177 acres Riehhrdsti ihircla* 100 acres 7 buildings Rush., Rabael 80 acre* 1 Buildings. Sluiler, JW 120 acre* *y Stockcr, PR 00 acres. Tyler, P I Miss 50 acres. WVtzel, f< M iss 80 acre*. Wright. Jane* 20 acres. AvetigcQ C.I 400 acres 2 buildings. Gad-in, Mnvs3J acres 3 buildings. Sparksnian,Elizabeth 150 acres. Singlctaryj Vi A-220 acrvs 3 building*. Moder, M A150 acres. Stockcr, .1 L Mr* 20») acres 3 builoHngX Willow foinwhip. Frederick, .!? twenty ncres two buildings Hnrszog, W J GO acres 1 building, llart/.og. Di« 217 aer"*. Hough M L 15 acres. Hough, E H M acres. Botighe* DIthtt 100 acre* 4 building* Jackson. Mine- 52 acres 2buildings. Kimtrd, Calvii l'»2 acres. Void try. trillion 40 acres Prophet, Archer 20 acres 2 bnilding*- Kutland, A I* acres 3 building*^ Stephcnson, I^cison GO acres 2 building*. Tliomn* I U 20acra*! 2 b:::!;!;r.gs. Thomas, J II -Ou-re* two building* Holen. Mary 2<H. acres 1 huihling K'ibin.-on, Jeff 81 acres 5 buildings Zi>ii Ttuhithip .. . . ponl. John 42 notes tiro burning*.! Fun hess. H'illian 40 acres 1 building." Gndsdcn EE I> h here*. McMicheal, Hallet 32 acre* 4 buildings. McMichael, (hi rid tie 100 acres Pm.ser u 1* 100 ncr*s two buildings Robinson, Jacou 26 ncres 4 buildings' Salley.-A G 505 aeps 3 bid tilings. Turresbn, Samuel 2) acres 2 buildings Garrick Mai grelle Mrs 130 acres lltines, Fredrick SUier. s 4 huildii'g* Barton A EfAGH 52 acre*. Dclimpient Laud "rales for Orang'-burg County for 1S75 : C'tfic On 7otr*is/»tp Dickson, Joe 100 ncris two buildings. JtifOins 'tntrnxhip Keitt, Miss S S 1002 u rcs 12 buildings. £ (Wan'je 'hitriuihip*- Andrews, h M 102 a en**, lot 3 buildings Sain, W M A--Co 3 buiMing* /VlM <IrorrVcnrnthip Andrews II M 1599 a".-* 10 building*. Haigler, E M OlOaercsO lmihlinga Xion Totpitftip Jamison, James 40 ncrvs2 building- Notice is hereby fcivct thai tho wholo of the *cvera' parcels, lots bid parts of lot* *t Real Estate described in be P/ereeding liof or so much thereof as wil be necessary to pay the Taxes. Pcnalttesind As*essmenU charged thereon, will he lohl by Treasurer «f Oraugeburg County, Siuth Carolina, at his Offne in said Countywn the first Mon¬ day of December A. V. 1877, rmlew said Taxes, Assessment* and P-nnltie* be paid before thai time; and suchte will be con¬ tinued from .day to-day lotil all of said parcels, lots mid parts of los of Real K*t»to sha'l lie sold or offered for tale. Xov 20tli, 1S77. DONALD R.H.VRTON, Auditor of Orangemrg County. THE STATE OF SOI'Til CAROLINA. ORANGKRURG CDÜNTY Ry O. R CLOVER. Esq.. Probate Judge. Wiikkkas, Martin L. Gambling hath made suit to inn. to grant im letters of Administration, de hold* non. of the es¬ tate and effects of M G Sfr*man. The.-e are therefore to citeaud admon¬ ish all and singular the kindled nnd cred¬ itors of the said M- G Stroi»anT late of Oraligeburg county, deceased, that Jhey lie and appear before mo. in ilie Court of Probate. »0 be held at Orangiburg C ii., on the 13th day of December next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In tho inrcnoouto shew cause, if any they havo why the said Administration should not be granted. (liven under my hand this 28th day of NoVCUlbch Anno Domini 1877. C. B. CLOVER, nov 20 Judge of Probate. the Stole of South Carolina, OiVanöbbubo County. liy C. B, GLOVER, E«=q., Probato Judgo. Wiikhias, R. S. Gicaton hath made puit to me, to grant 'him Letten of Administra¬ tion of the Estate ami effects of Thomas Gl caton. These nie therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said Thomas , Glcaton, late of Orangeburg County deceasod, that they be and appear, before «0, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Ornngchurg C. D. on tho 8th of December next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, jf any they have, why the said ' Jininistrntion should not be- granted. Given under my Hand, this 23d day of Novcmbei, Anno Domini 1877. CHARLES B. GLOVER. , [L.0.] Jndge oCl'sobatc _ C C. W. B. TREADWELL DENTIST Will attend to patients at their iresfirqntS" either in Town or Country. At" through Post Office or call on mc dent Coner Russol nnd Treadwell jSjT Prompt attention will he given and ^s- faction guaranteed. W. B. TREADWE1 nov 3 wide-nts" AdMesa I
Page 1: Orangeburg times.(Orangeburg Court House, S.C.) 1877-12-01.historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067804/1877-12-01/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Zill«. All Svbccriptiöni and Tra'njiicpi {Advkrliao

» » >... i j . < . 'Times*.i:\ ijih Vt'l ' Y MOliNlKO.

Term »I Subscription.11., f\m ,.-,. V. (r.$2 00« a* .'.,»¦ </,.<. i 00

Kntns of Ad , rtising.>n«! .Vt-'iujT. lc! Tttsertiüli»»».. .»$1 60'.'(«. h Kub&cvml "

. 1 00Notice*, inserted in Ia>c\1 Column at 20« ^<:r

Zill«.All Svbccriptiöni and Tra'njiicpi {Advkrliao

matt» to be, paid for in idvvnrr.BQ?' Kb nccipl* Jor Subscription or Advet'

Ct'w»iaiM an: Valid vtdcax Siyntd by JJam new

8®" We are in no way responsible forthe viowa or opinions of our Correspond-Ultfl.

The Governor's Message.

This nbie and lengthy documentwets received by the Legislature onWednesday last. Among the manywise, .recommendations and sugges¬tions, we notice that he refers to th o

pledges made during the canvass

financial condition of the S'tato, thepayment of the debt, free schools, theUniversity of the Slate, penal Institu¬tions, taxes and forfitedlands. To allof which we" have no doubt but thatthe Legislature will give their earn¬

est nud undivided support, which willbe the means of relieving our people,to a certain extent, of tho heavy liabi 1-ities hanging over this State, and inthe future bring additional prosperi¬ty and happiness to her citizens.We are sorry that we canuot give

tl>o Message in full for want of roomfrom the heavy pressure of advertise¬ments ou our columns, and thereforewe can only add that GovernorHampton has in toe past, and w ill inthe future, carry out to tho letter,"every promise made by him. to thispeople.

¦ 11¦. . - .<..

The report of the In,vest jgulm«-Committee appointed by tho Lcgisla-i ure appeared in the Xcioh and Qouriitrof Friday. It is lengthy and to thepoint, fully showing up the rasca lily61" Uoiitfst John, and others. All ofwhom'we earnestly hope will soon bethere to receive the full extent^of thelaw.


We noticed a communicationsigned "Kuff Hod' in a recent issueof your paper concerning the CountyFair;' complaining of the Heard ofDirectors in reference to thecQtnneti-.intern tue oranges; using thename of White Cane Grange in a waywhich we regret It w as done with¬out the, know Ic.dgc or consent of our

Grange. We aid wh.it we could andfeel that it was not only the privilege,but the duty of other Granges to dothersnmc. True the premiums offer¬ed furnished a pleasant exeitmcnt,but whowculd think of making theman object? In our opinion tho Fairsarc designed to benefit the Countygenerally and no doubt would dovery-.much to this end, if all wouldenter into them in the right spirit.Great skill and success in the

variouä, branches of housekeeping,gardening, farming, stockraising &C.&c., would bo attained, pleasantacquaintances made aud many otherbeuelicial results follow We belipvethe Board of Managers to bo co in -

posed of gentlemen of honor andprinciple who act for the b.'st interestof all concerned, as far as it is pos¬sible to do, in the position they occu¬

py. We sympathize with them inwhat we believe to be a trying posi¬tion' -and hope that its far as WhiteCane is concerned, they will rest satis-lied that when thero is another op¬portunity. White Cane will not befound missing. Tho distance bei ngabout twenty-live miles of course it isnot to be expected that we couldtransport as many articles as thoseliving nearer, and will not complainif excelled again, in a fair race. Wehave not had a meeting since the saidcommunication was published, butfeel sure that wo express tho feelingsof 'White Cane Grange iu the abovennd we repeat, that we deejdy regretits ever appearing.

8 v.vf.ita i, M kmhbrs.

(communicated,]J ad'ti ,i.'i4ii<<it I'l'ttj Tina'*:A rli.'if time ago, I presented my

v i< wit in n public address to myi>: :!j j the colored race in thisC Ii <. i' .Miiing the expediency ofi! i ir >pr,i pope to emigrate to Liberia

things', while holdingof ihe inlogiity of

' -dos. 1 >;,i<l,,nm .!

... .' I' i 4U /l i . . ..- . . .-«'_¦

confirmed my apprehensions, and I

write now, asking- Sjmco itt$§R&urcolumns, Lo say again to those of myrace who read it, or hear it read,look before you leap. The Liborianship was to have been in port atCharleston on the 1 th iust., to takethose, and many they wore, who hadsacrificed every species of property toleave the shores of Lheir.native laudand go to Liberia. I know of a manwho left to his mortgagee 200 acresof laud the purchase inouev of whichhe had paid ni'»re than four-fifths df^saying, as he could not carry it toLiberia, he must lose it. »Such i*< themadness and folly nrrising from a

scheme set on foot by men whoseeducation and experience ought to*teach then) that if Liberia be a fitplace to emigrate to, their scheme iscertainly impracticable in accomp¬lishing it. Knch day brings expenseto tho carrying on of tho project, andevery day witnc ses an nbateueutofthe zeal of tho followers, ui rising jL3 isnatural from a want of inlolleg'iuoe tounderstand the incidences peculiarto such a grave scheme. No ship hasyot arrived, and every day the officersnre cutting from the slowly growingpile, no doubt their salaries justly ,

if not wisely earned. Amidst all burtroubles and difficulties tiierc yet re¬

mains the blessed and importantprivilege, unrestrained to get ourbread by tho sweat of our brow, toeducate our children, to enjoy tholiberty and freedom of speech andlocomotion, and by industry andeconomy to obtain the soil alongsidewith.our richer white brethren. So'uoone says in substance; behind a darkcloud there is always a silver liningI look forward to an early day whenmen who prefer fair piny to robberywill feel such a common interest blackwith white, that no one will know thedesire to leave his horhe. b utas hefreely desires. Our new era need*, mycolored friends, education and atucators 08 well as justice and just laws.We must rid ourselves of pretendedsycophuuts, negro haters who conic

among ui in the shape of teachers amiPresidents of our Institutions, andwho koep us always stooping headdownward while they place theirhands on our shoulders, leap overour bend,and launh themselves safelyin some comfortable placu withoutever looking back to sea 1)J whatmeans they reached their exaltedpositions. Our educators must havetruth as their shield. ,K~'*utaj oc exemplars to tho youth intheir charge.whilo left free to theirpolitical convictions,' ifthoy vote for(Jov. llamptou they should not affirmit to Democrats' and deny it to Republican Trustees so as to gull thorninto belief that they aro Republicans,While there aro honorable excep¬tions to this description of our educa¬tors, to whom wc oWc listing debt ofgratitude, yet if the ebutio is to 1)3filled hereafter with such instuetors asour guide let us reject it. Coloredmen, with such as lhnvc described asLheir leaders or, instructor-;, politicalor educational, must learn that allSouthern white men arc not theirbitterest enemies, and it is wiser tolearn of your enemies than to bedeceived by* your apparent friends.

Yours Rtspectfu'ly,D. A. Staakgr.

[communicated.*]Etli or Oranycbiirn Times :

Midway,0., November 28th 1877.In your issue of the Tjm.es 21th

iust., appeared under tho head of "Onthe Wing," signed "Rambler" a

statement to the effect that there isno liquor license issued here, it mustbe owing to your correspondents latearrival that ho did not see that wehave two bar-rooms running in fullblast, where a man cati get anythingto drink from tho pleasant toniccordial to tho best Rye Whiskey, atthe lowest market prices. Our townhas a bright futuro before it, and Ifear some of your citizens would goround us in passing through this sec¬

tion, on account of our extreme dry*mom. I thcreforo trust you will ex¬cuse this intrusion oti your valuablespace and time.


Tho above body convened at thoCapital on the 27th tilt. The newlyelected delegation from Charlestonwere sworn in,

Mr. Dibble obtained unanimousconsent to introduce a concurrentresolution authorizing the oniptro 1 .

ler-gciieral lo extern! the time for thonf doliii.piuiit real estate until

M i.iday in January, in ca3C3 j,. , pe x.i 'd ent I«) do si);

Jn the Scimto Mr. Tuft sent a com-

muuicntion to tho clerk which wasjread, and which proved to he-tho'resignation of S. A. Swails »Senatorfrom Williamsburg and jncsident^V'otern.The chair fhen hud read another

co'mmttnicatiou which proved to bethe resignation of Josephus Wood¬ruff as clerk of the senate._ üiv jMouday tbo 2Sjh u^, -

Dibble presented the rep >rt of theinvestigating committee Lt is a longdocument, covering fifüy-twqj\a<;o3 oflegal cap paper, and on motion ofMr. bhoppard it whb ordered to bopriiited.

Mr. Sawyer also gave notice, of theintroduction of a bill to fix tho perdiem and mileage of members of theGeneral Assembly, . Referred to theways and means committee. A* : *- *

M r. Dibble,, of ürangeburg, nskedand obtained leave to introduce with¬out notice a bill concerning delinqu¬ent taxes. Bead1 the first time'Ivy itstitle nud i referred to the .committeeon ways and means.The Message from his. Excelleucy

the Governor was brought in whd'Jread, and referred to commit eo. Fiv^.hundred copies of the Message wereordered to be printed. .

For the want of space wo have toomit the publication of tho Glovernor s Message. Suffice it to s.i / thatit fills the bill to the letter.

In tho Senate.-On motion of MrCannon, the Senate then went into an

election for president pro tern.Mr. Cannon nominated Mr. Jeter,

and, there being no op position, Mr.Jeter was uuauitnously . oleet-sd,(receiving 24 votes,) and was dulysworn as president pro tern, of thoSenate.On motion, the Scuate proceeded to,,

the election of clerk.Mr. T. Stobo Farrow, of Spartan-

burg, was nominated, and, there be¬ing no opposition, was unanimouslyelected, roceiviug 2-3 votes.The House concurrent resolution

relative to extending time for payment of certain delinquent, taxes to a

period not later than the first Mondayin January, 1878, was agreed'to.

Sentence of tho Ex Officials,

The Court of Comtno i IMous con¬vened in Columbia on the 2(>ih ult.,Judge Towndscnd presiding. .Thefirst business being the unfinishedbusiness of tho., Iirmo'v! i..' .

uourt proceeded to r^td the reasonsfor over-ruling the motions for arrest'of judgment and new trjaj, in thoCardo/o case.A similar disposition was made of

the motion in the Smalls case for anew trial and in arrest of. judmert.Mr. Melton excepted to the rulingin both cases. An ofliccr was thendispatched to the jail for the prison-era F. L. Cordozn, and L. Cass Carpouter, Robert Smalls being alreadyin court. A fter a short interval, a

deputy returned with pardozo -and;Carpenter. Tdio"Judge then proceed¬ed to read the sentence of Card.uo,the prisoner receiving it standing inthe rear of the reporter s, table.

Tiio court reonUute I the crime ofthe prisoner, remitnling him that hehad prostituted his high position *forpurposes' of robbery. He a'lsoi re¬viewed the evidence, and tho argu¬ment for the prosecution and thedefense, and said that, in passing sentence, he should not bo influenced bypopular clamor, but should heguiiledsolely by the law. The court thenannounced that the defendant, Fran¬cis H. Cordozn, be confined in jailtwo years, and pay a fine of 84,000;and if the fine should not be paid,the imprisoiinvut be for three years.Mr. Melton entered a general ex¬

ception lo the judgment of the courtRobert S:i1nils was next curled, and

underwent a similar ordeal in regardto the review of his case in the com¬mission of the crime, the trial, ctoThe sentence of tho court was thenpronounced, that the defendant Ho¬be!«. Smalls be confined uthard laborfor three years in the penitentiary.Mr. .Melton entered a gonoral ex¬

ception to tho judgment; us in theCardozo ensc. J

Ij. Cass Carpenter was next calledand sentenced to pay a fine of 31,000and bo consigned in tho cOMilty jail fortwo years.Mr. Melton in behalf of Judge

Carpenter, Whi is detained in Wash¬ington, ontitred an exception to thojudgment. Mr. Melton, also statedthat he had already served upon thoAttorney-General the necessary pa¬pers in notice of appeal and wouldmove that tbo execution of the judg¬ment in the. case of Itobnrt Sm ills hjsuspended, pciidtn'g proceedings beforethe higher tribunal.

General Conner said ho wouldinterpose uo objection to tho motion ,

and that he was willing that thoprisoner should be bailed pending thoproceedings, but that the bail shouldbe larger than tho amount given forhis appearance before conviction.Judge Melton then urged a similnr

motion in the case of Cardozo, andthatrthe amount of b:\il bo fixe 1 at.such a sum as would enable theprisoner so meet its requirements.

Tho court reserved its decisionupon the propriety of admittingCitrdozd to bail. In the meantimehe will remain in the custody of theCourt.

Since tho above was put in typewe learn from the Columbia Registerthat Cardozo, Smalls and Carpenter 'seascs'go immediately to the SupremeCourt.

NOTICE,On the night of the 22d Nov., my house

was entcicd and all my Land Papers, to-aether with ad my Notes were carried off.A.liberal reward will he paid for the returnIqf the papc's, with evidence sufficient toconvict the'thief. 1 als«» wain all personsI against Trailing for Notes given to meprevious to the nbovtf date-

Branchville, Nov. 2Sth, 1877.dee 1. 1 l'RlLIAP W. FAIREY.

i'>iit"ninI will sell at Hie Residence <>f E. J. Bax¬

ter. L>ee. 1, IS77, at 10 o'clock, the follow¬ing property, for cash, t«> the highest bid-»Ii

< >jic KrayHorse.Two Mules.(hiu wagonOne Buggy.Levied/ein as tlij> property of E. J. Bax¬

ter under Lien and Mortgage to Oeo. II.Oornelson.<>raii};eburg, Nov. 10, 1S77.dee 1-11 I). N. SMITH, Agt.

Havk YouDVSPKI'SI A 1.With its at¬tendant troub¬le*, constipa-

hcait-adie, loss ofa p p e t i t e,g 1 o ouiincKM,water brash,ilisüesfl aftereating, etc?If so, take,S i Ii« in o II *'

IJcpatic Compound and he well. Its resultm astonishing, and sure relief is guaranteedlit every case, where it is used as directed.H nsüisis digestion; tones up the Mo mach,HürougtllcliA th i debilitated, restores a na¬tural appetite, and as a liver Regulator hasno enlntb "It is the very fountain ofha Ith'." 'To all who are'suffering from adisordered stomncli or liver, or who need agenlie Spring ami Summer tonic, we saytry it/anif you will tbalik us for the advice..Delicate females Will Ihul it peculiarlyiidapled 'In (heir various disorders. It is the.most efficacious rinthWi« ,f»»r -.11 J .- .imni a. tnsonfcrcu stomach, liver or a lowstate of the system, that has ever been pre-t-urihed fir advertised. Try it just once, andyou will, Hlc'c thousands of others becomeits cntluHastic advocate.

For sale Wholesale and Retail bvAUSTIN & CO.Dow IB ,f MOISE,Proprietors, Charleston, S. C.Tor sale bylin. A. C. DUKES,DR. .1. (J. WANNAMAKEK,DR. A. S. HYDR1CK.

ang 11 Cm.



Aiiulin Township.Arthur, .! and E325 acres.

Brady, Mary 40acres, 2 buildings.Clutfoy. ist .lames 303 acres, ö huihlings.Duncan, S L IS acres 4 buildings.Darby, I)r A 'I' JAM acres 4 buildings.Frederick I Ham 1 lot 1 building.Fry.-t leorge 570 acres.McKenzio, I'" -v ft«J4 acres :> buildings.Oliver, e*t of James I0C0 acres 2 buildings.Teers, trehry 31)0 acres '> buildings.Rust, yiflt E'll 'JO aciesiBast, M A Q07 acres 2 buildings.Zcnglor, .1 .1 23 acres ."> buildings.Zenglor, .lain- M 300 acres <. buildings,/eitler, Emma WO acres4 buildings.LtloVer] Wib 120 acres 4 buildings.Kune, Harry 10 acres,

lirmichviflt Towuship.Dukes, Susan 1*00 acres ."> buildings.Kbwards, T O B 400 acres.Evans. C tampion 170 acres4 building.-..Oreen, James S !17 acres 1 building.Loggia*, John .'» acres i building.Oftntlll Danish, llSl acres.Riionds. -\ 1) 0!{ »1 res.Sasportas, M J 135 acres 1 building.Sa-portas; T K 229 acres - buildings.Sluilcr, Lewis .'!.") acres.

Caw Caw Township.Bo/.ard, S K S2 acres 1 building.Bilthtr, Mosen '»acres 1 building.Col mau, R 1' 540 acres 2 buildings.I'rim, John 200 acre*

Dupoiil, J OilOU acres 1 buildings.Footman, Camel 74 acres.Footman, llcury 05 acres.Hampton, FcUrHc 200 acres 3 buildings.ilousiir, Jell R 1000 acres.Inabinet. »Samuel e*t', 850 acres 1 building.Jackson, .Mrs K .M S.VJ bores i buildings.Jenkins, Patsy, 60 acres 1 building.Lighion, J W Oh acres.Moorer, E T 312 acres,McLain, Aligns Q9 acres.Myers, alien 72 acres 3 buildings.Ott, H V 00 acres 1 building.Wolfe, MrsE M 470 ceres 4 buildings.Zeigler, Aaron 1*1 M Wcres 2 buildings.Zoigler Emmn Miss 800 acres.Zoigler. L A for M F Stabler 1Ö00 acres

4 buildings.Gm- CaMle.

Arant, Meld red BIO (Verbs 2 buildings.Cain, flc-hry .1 17 acres.Collier, May 40 acres 1 buildingJonas, .too UO acres 1 building-Lyons. jUtti 1 or, acres 2 buildings.Riekculiackc'r, J 1) .100 acres 4 buildings.Uhner/ )Yi1liam.l20 acres.Whetstone; N ncrcs 4 buildings.'!Walter?, A E Miss 120 acres Ö buildings.Walker, Samuel 10 acres.Marlin: C 10,80 acres 3 buihliilgs.Hair. I'.art' ui (hi) acres.

'Mtiobi'.' IffjnVi lO'VcreVl Iniipliiig."

-_r-:._--fidisto TownshipGav, Aaron ö acres.

Griffith, L A 1 75 acres 5 buildings.Hutching, Mrs Sahna 65 acre) *i buildings.Johnson, Isaac 22 acresJobnKon, Exsep 10 acres.Myers, J F 50 acres'4 buildings,,0'IJrian, Asberry, 50 acres3 building!.Sellers, Ben 25 acres.Tucker, Jnmefl 15 acres.Tucker, Hen 11 acres 12 buildings.Tucker,Stun 12 acres 2 buildings.Millions, Henry 100 acres 2 buildings.Jiluabeth Townxh ip.Doolcy, Mrs C E 73 acres..Jamison, Chan 28 acres.Knotty, Joe 25 acres.Me Michael,71 ten bin 10 acres.Oliver, Frank 50 acre*.Porter, I) A 050 acres 7 buildings.Sfidey, Henry 220 acres, 4 buildings.Sistrunk, W A J 503 acre.-; 4 building*.Wolfe. J l) Ii 22 acres 2 buildings.

(Juoilbfa Tolcnxhip.A rant, James 11 50 acre*. *

Hull, Mm Elizabeth 53 acres.

Ho/ard, Daniel 71 acres, II buildings.Daiitzler.M N and D B Uliner, 100 acres 2

building*.Jackson, Mrs EM 50 acres.Moorer, W .ID lGl acres 3 buildings.Sbulcr, Mrs R GO acres 4 builhing*.Tilley, Sam 4<» acies.

Thomas, Isaac 34 acres.Zeigler, Jelterson 2 acres, 2 buildings.Miller, Harry 34 acres.M' >rer, Ellen It 200 acres 4 buildings.Muiry, Jake, :i"» acres I buildings.

(JoodlatiH Township.Ilearthiligton, Isaac 53 acres 4 buildings.Keadlc, N A (>0 acres 3 buildings.Porter, \V M 05 acres 1 building.Haies. W A 250 iicr** 7 buildings.Butler, J W 205 acres 3 buildings.Fanning, Elija 81 acres.

llnbron Township.West Garwhi 30 acr s 2 building*.

Liberty Tornthip.Honnett, Sam 130 acres 2 buildings.Chavis, Herman 220 acres.Churchwcll, U m 10 acredDonald, Margarette lO.acre4 2 buihlsiigs.Fralic, Mrs E P lOOacret 2 bui Idinas.Olcaton, Julia 10 acres.Olcatou, M W K5 acres:Jackson. Daniel 35 aeres 2 building4-'Livingston, Hums IrtS acres 2 building4.Hutland, E l> 30 aeres 3 !>uilding4.Simmons, Vaiidy 140 acres 2 buildings.Stroman, Dennis 25 acres 1 building.

l,ijoi)'n Twos hip.DoVtan, Tnin lOO acres 2 buildings.Chavis, Hol» 143 acres.

Chccsborro, EC 50 acres 1 building.Qarvili, Dennis 40 acres.

Hampton, Addison L 00 acres.

Mart, Gabe iöoacres, 3 buddings.Haigltr, Andrew80 acres Q buildings.Kcitt.S S Mrs 1702 acres 12 buildings-Moss, Heeder 21 acres 1 building.MoCorde, Honey 85 acres 1 building,Pauiding, Addison 50 acres.Tilley, Sain 40 acres.Zimmerman, D 50 acres.

Darby, J H 1150 acres and building4.Middtt Taichnhip,Bozard, G AV 70 here* 8 buildings.

Bozard; Henry 00 acres 4 buildings.Davis, E A 130 acres 3 buildings.Hut to, (IS 117 acres 3 buildings.Thomas. Kobart 10S acres 3 bid Illings.Iii Icy, 11 11 512 aeres 2 buildings.Si mini. Hohei t CO acres 2 buildings. IHtrmmin, Abrt|m 100 acres.SmoSik, Ers L M 275 acres 2 building''.Shulei, S L 400 acres 11 buildiugir.

.Wtr Hope. Towntklp.Baxter. Mrs H ( Too .,..->... s l.utljtug.«.Baxter, AiinO 1300 aeres.Brown, James 200 tvrt*. riCriim, .1 F 5(50 acres(1 building,Davis. Richard 100.acres 5 hiiildings.Meddowx, J W 28 acres 1 buildings.Melvin. James 3 acrvis 1 building:Meyers, Kieliard 52 acres 3 buildings.Heaves. J U 5(1 aeres.

Ora'ifjr Tounu<hip-Aibrtcbt, M 1 'ot 3 building4.Andrews. 11 M 102 aeres 3 buildings 1 lot.Ant Icy, R P Agt 070 aeres 1 buibliag.Bozard, J E 50 acres, 8 building-*.Bittlar, Joel .>.'» acres.Harwick, Primas 1 lot.Colter, Geo I lot 2 buildings.Clark. It E 1 lot.Clark, W F and children 1 lot 3 buildings.Clark, W and children 1 lot.Chimin, William 1 lot 1 building.Dantzlcr. Mary M 200 acres 4 buildings.Dnutzlcr, Isuin 27 acres.

Graves, Henry (minor)28acres 1 building.Green, J« « 100 acresHart/.og, \V F 1 lot 3 buildings.Jackson, Mrs E M 3 acres*Johnson, A S 02acres.l.oyd, H .1 1 lot 1 building.Mcllichamp, S II 21 acres 4 building4.Mitcbel, W t: 1 lot 3 buildings.Peers E A A Jackson 1 lot 1 building.Robinson, Jeffrey 100 acres 0 buildings.Kobiason, Pharow I lot, 0 acres ami 2 build¬

ings. '

_Rodger*, lYl/.cr & Co, SO acres.Sasportas. T K 440 acres 4 buildings.Hi-trunk, AV A J 1 lot 2 buildings. ,

Shul. r, D W 20 acres.

Shtilci, Richard 00 acres 5 building4.Stromah. J E 75 acres 4 buildings.Thomas, Jessie 27 acres 2 buildings.Thomas, Gabriel fiacre 2 buildings.Thomas, Gabe 1 lot 2 buildingsThorn, Charles 11 acres, 1 lot and r> build¬

ings.Van Tassel, James 1 lot.Washington. John 20 acres 1 building.Ynuiigblood, Curtis Vi i eres2 buildings.Zimmerman, Stephen 28 acres 2 buildings

Pine drove Township.Andrews, II M 1509 acres 10 buildings.Eritzpatrick, J I) F 4u acres.Mention, W II 450 acresS buildings.rJudsou, Cuflie 101 acres.Shircr, Mrs M E B 28 -eres.

Wecks, ,.st Jaby 112*» acres 11 buildings.Wiltgard, Mrs A C 5 acres 1 building.Williams, Captain SO aeres 2 buildings. .

Heckle, Elmore 42? acres 0 buildings.Hair, J I 110 acres3buildings.Hanes, Jim 8." acres.

J'oplor TotcnshiyChavis, John 54 acres 4 buildings.Ethoridgc, J D 60 acres.Elliott, Geo 131 acres 1 building.Fairuot, Cynes 4 acres 3 buildings.Felder, U E25Ö acres 0 bnildings.(Irillitb, Joseph 02acres.Grodwin, Toriey 45 acres 1 building.Jenkins, Jacob30 acres 2 buildings.JoknMn, Abrain 80 acres 2 buildings.I.eiiis, J P 210 acres 3 buildings.Mingue, A J E 1 building.Milier, Moses20,aeres.Moorer, It G HO acres 4 buildings.Moorcr, W K HO acres 4 buildings.Pauling, Neri75 acres.Pauling, Carolina 75 acres,Pauling, Frank 130 acres 2 buildings.Reed. J A 140 acres-Kohiuson, Jonies lOO acres 2 beildinc*.Roiike W H 50 acres.2 buildings,Rush. H F 5 acres 2 buildingn.Sbuler, Andrew 100 acres.Stone. Andrew M 31 acres.

Thompson, t' R Est 210 acres 8 buildings.Way, W C 50 acres.

Waj, May Ann 53acrC9 1 building.

Weeks, Uaniel 200 ncres 4i "".dings ^Providence Tvxciuship.Allen, Thema« 50 acres 2 buildings.Winger, D J 83 nerey. 2 buildings.Mack, W A 300 acres 4 buildings.lull, E M 88 acres 1 building.nil Dnnd wife, 210 acres 10 buildings.iürkcl, LM 100 acres.>>gle, Simpson 103 ncres 1 building.jtovah, .Stanley 997 acres 1 building.lart, Mrs A E 2.'18 ncrer. 4 buildingsJckfton, Robert 50 acres SJiuildings.Ickson, Peter 00 ucres 3 buildingsPooliet, Peter 8 acres 3 buildingsSlilcr irvin E 43U acres

Hockey drove TownshipFailing Allen 00 acres

rKntU Mrs Sarah 107 ncresTvlr J II 300 acres 4 buildingsWei W C 140acres 2 buildings.

Union ToicnuhipCr.uim, Adnm 97 acres 1 buijding '

Cbafain. Sarah A -10 acre*.Hunt. Robert 54 ncres 2 building*.Jaektm, Mrs E M 29 acres*KitirJl, H 1) 200 acres 1 buildingKit trll, A»d 109 acres G building*Kcnnrlv.J M 110 acres 4 building*.Lovd,Sniart 100 acresMinvi, Jim 10 ncres'2 buildingsMcMihasI, G S 40 acres 0 building.Palme, .1 D 33 acres 2 buildingsHowe,lohn C 500 acres 5 buildingsZeiglei Jefferson U 47 acres 1 building

Vance* T»tcnthipGriffin I A 200 acresJamisoi Charles 28 acresKcitl Ililiard 39 acres- j\

Muiiiiis hllcy 177 acresRiehhrdsti ihircla* 100 acres 7 buildingsRush., Rabael 80 acre* 1 Buildings.Sluiler, JW 120 acre* *yStockcr, PR 00 acres.Tyler, P I Miss 50 acres.

WVtzel, f< M iss 80 acre*.Wright. Jane* 20 acres.AvetigcQ C.I 400 acres 2 buildings.Gad-in, Mnvs3J acres 3 buildings.Sparksnian,Elizabeth 150 acres.

Singlctaryj Vi A-220 acrvs 3 building*.Moder, M A150 acres.Stockcr, .1 L Mr* 20») acres 3 builoHngX

Willow foinwhip.Frederick, .!? twenty ncres two buildingsHnrszog, W J GO acres 1 building,llart/.og. Di« 217 aer"*.

Hough M L 15 acres.

Hough, E H M acres.

Botighe* DIthtt 100 acre* 4 building*Jackson. Mine- 52 acres 2buildings.Kimtrd, Calvii l'»2 acres.Void try. trillion 40 acres

Prophet, Archer 20 acres 2 bnilding*-Kutland, A I* 4» acres 3 building*^Stephcnson, I^cison GO acres 2 building*.Tliomn* I U 20acra*! 2 b:::!;!;r.gs.Thomas, J II -Ou-re* two building*Holen. Mary 2<H. acres 1 huihlingK'ibin.-on, Jeff 81 acres 5 buildings

Zi>ii Ttuhithip .. . .

ponl. John 42 notes tiro burning*.!Fun hess. H'illian 40 acres 1 building."Gndsdcn EE I> h here*.McMicheal, Hallet 32 acre* 4 buildings.McMichael, (hiridtie 100 acresPm.ser u 1* 100 ncr*s two buildingsRobinson, Jacou 26 ncres 4 buildings'Salley.-A G 505 aeps 3 bid tilings.Turresbn, Samuel 2) acres 2 buildingsGarrick Mai grelle Mrs 130 acreslltines, Fredrick SUier. s 4 huildii'g*Barton A EfAGH 52 acre*.

Dclimpient Laud "rales for Orang'-burgCounty for 1S75 :

C'tfic On 7otr*is/»tpDickson, Joe 100 ncris two buildings.

JtifOins 'tntrnxhipKeitt, Miss S S 1002 u rcs 12 buildings. £

(Wan'je 'hitriuihip*-Andrews, h M 102 a en**, lot 3 buildingsSain, W M A--Co 3 buiMing*

/VlM <IrorrVcnrnthipAndrews II M 1599 a".-* 10 building*.Haigler, E M OlOaercsO lmihlingaXion Totpitftip

Jamison, James 40 ncrvs2 building-Notice is hereby fcivct thai tho wholo ofthe *cvera' parcels, lots bid parts of lot* *tReal Estate described in be P/ereeding liofor so much thereof as wil be necessary topay the Taxes. Pcnalttesind As*essmenUcharged thereon, will he lohl by Treasurer«f Oraugeburg County, Siuth Carolina, athis Offne in said Countywn the first Mon¬day of December A. V. 1877, rmlew saidTaxes, Assessment* and P-nnltie* be paidbefore thai time; and suchte will be con¬tinued from .day to-day lotil all of saidparcels, lots mid parts of los of Real K*t»tosha'l lie sold or offered for tale.Xov 20tli, 1S77.

DONALD R.H.VRTON,Auditor of Orangemrg County.


Ry O. R CLOVER. Esq.. Probate Judge.Wiikkkas, Martin L. Gambling hath

made suit to inn. to grant im letters ofAdministration, de hold* non. of the es¬tate and effects of M G Sfr*man.

The.-e are therefore to citeaud admon¬ish all and singular the kindled nnd cred¬itors of the said M- G Stroi»anT late ofOraligeburg county, deceased, that Jheylie and appear before mo. in ilie Court ofProbate. »0 be held at Orangiburg C ii.,on the 13th day of December next, afterpublication hereof, at 11 o'clock In thoinrcnoouto shew cause, if any they havowhy the said Administration should notbe granted.

(liven under my hand this 28th day ofNoVCUlbch Anno Domini 1877.C. B. CLOVER,

nov 20 Judge of Probate.the Stole of South Carolina,

OiVanöbbubo County.liy C. B, GLOVER, E«=q., Probato Judgo.Wiikhias, R. S. Gicaton hath made puit

to me, to grant 'him Letten of Administra¬tion of the Estate ami effects of ThomasGlcaton.

These nie therefore to cite and admonishall and singular the kindred and Creditorsof the said Thomas , Glcaton, late ofOrangeburg County deceasod, thatthey be and appear, before «0, in theCourt of Probate, to be held at OrnngchurgC. D. on tho 8th of December next, afterpublication hereof, at 11 o'clock in theforenoon, to show cause, jf any they have,why the said ' Jininistrntion should not be-granted.

Given under my Hand, this 23d day ofNovcmbei, Anno Domini 1877.

CHARLES B. GLOVER. ,[L.0.] Jndge oCl'sobatc_C C.


Will attend to patients at their iresfirqntS"either in Town or Country. At"through Post Office or call on mcdent Coner Russol nnd Treadwell jSjTPrompt attention will he given and ^s-faction guaranteed.

W. B. TREADWE1nov 3


