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Organizational Communication

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This is a student presentation researched and designed by Organizational Communication graduate Lynette Clower during her senior year. The portfolio discusses the portrayed image and identiy of a UCO campus department over a five month period. Organizational Communication is: A dynamic area of expertise which encompasses the foundations of communication theories, policy and practice, and human understanding.
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Organizational Communication

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Lynette F. Clower

Department of Mass Communication

University of Central Oklahoma

December 1, 2008

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Organizational Communication at the University of Central Oklahoma

Analyzing the Image and Identity of Healthy Campus

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An organization is commonly defined as: “An administrative and functional structure

(as a business or a political party)”

With these two definitions in mind,

Organizational Communication could be defined as:

“A process by which information is exchanged between individuals belonging to an organization through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.”

What is Organizational Communication?During the transformational process of acquiring an Organizational Communication

degree, many have asked, “What is Organizational Communication?”

Communication is defined as: “A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system

of symbols, signs, or behavior.”

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Organizational Communication encompasses core communication dimensions of

Interpersonal, Nonverbal,

Intercultural, Small Group,

Health, Crisis, Gender….

which are then applied in an organizational setting.

Organizational Communication:Organizational Communication is more than just the

simple flow of information within an organization.

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Org Com is a Social Science:

Like other social sciences such as



And Psychology,

Organizational communication scholars utilize empirical methods to study

human behavior-specifically the communicative aspects of human

interactions in an organizational setting.

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Careers with Organizational Communication:

Some careers a degree in Organizational Communication prepares graduates for are:

sales representative

public speaking community relations

labor relations human resource

communication training organizational analysis

conflict management training and development

executive management

human relations critical thinking problem solving oral presentation written communication understanding the communicative structure of an organization

Org Com scholars are skilled in:

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Organizational Communication at the University of Central Oklahoma:

The University of Central Oklahoma’s Organizational Communication scholars are experienced in analyzing the

communication process of an organization as described by the Competing Values Framework of Belasen (2008).

Through the CVF, Org Com scholars are capable of identifying barriers to effective communication within organizations then

making applicable recommendations to improve communication based on their analyses.

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“Each man…could feel only the part of the elephant in their proximity - the trunk, tail, or belly

- yet none possessed the full pachydermal perspective – l’essence de l’elephant.”

(2008, Xxii)

Belasen (2008) explains organizations by referring to the fable of the three blind men and the elephant.

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The basic design of the CVF:

Human Relations Open Systems ModelCulture, Shared Beliefs, Flexibility, Branding, Expansion,

Morale, Cohesion Adaptation, ReadinessHuman Resource Management Reputation Management

Internal Process Rational GoalStability, Compliance, Control, Profitability, Productivity, Planning,

Uniformity, Formal Comm. Goal Strategy, Top DownInformation Management Performance Management

In addition, the CVF acknowledges the Internal and External divide of an organization.

Internal ExternalFocus on well being Focus on well being and development of and development of people in the organization the organization

The CVF explains the dynamic nature of an organization by displaying the correspondence between the interdependent parts of the “elephant”.

(Belasen, 2008, Xxii).

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Internal Consistency




Reform Transform

InnovationOpen Systems



Human Relations

Process ManagementInternal Process

Market LeadershipRational Goal

Open SystemsRelational








Coordinator Director










Dimensions and Roles:CVF also addresses the Dimensions and Roles members of an organization fall into.

These roles are highlighted red within the center of the CVF model shown below.

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Organizational Communication:Through the CVF, Org Com acknowledges that corporate communication goes

beyond simply training managers to have good interpersonal skills, but also envelops the communication needs and challenges of the organization as a whole.

Organizational Communication is: A dynamic area of expertise which encompasses the

foundations of communication theories, policy and practice, and human understanding.

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Research Project:

Applying Organizational Skills

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To demonstrate an Organizational Communication scholar’s competency in examining the complex communicative behaviors which occur in a corporate setting, I will apply the competing values framework to the Healthy Campus initiative at the

University of Central Oklahoma.

Applying Organizational Skills


In order to analyze the communication aspects of Healthy Campus, I created interview guides and surveys for students, staff, and committee chairs. I also compiled information through participant observation and researched the organization’s promotional material.


I utilized participants by: •Conducting student focus groups and walk-up interviews performed around campus. •Performing staff interviews consisting of personnel who allowed me to walk-in during their business hours and interview them.•Attending appointments where I individually interviewed each of the workgroup chair members in their office for a taped session.

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InstrumentsDepartment QuestionnaireDesigned to explore the chair member’s perceived image and identity concerning his/her group.

External Image/Internal IdentityDesigned to insure the chair member’s perception of image and identity matched mine.

Transformative LearningDesigned to insure the chair member was familiar with the aspects of transformative learning.

Student and Faculty QuestionnaireDesigned to explore the portrayed image of Healthy Campus to the UCO community in regards to the new Educational Resource Space being designed for the University’s main building.

Transformative Learning at Healthy Campus SurveyDesigned to explore the student experiences of individuals involved through coursework integration and workgroup participation.

A copy of each instrument can be found at http://www.slideshare.net/lclower

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Materials gathered during my research consist of:

• Healthy Campus Promotional Index Card• UCOSA Tobacco Ban Flyer• Tobacco Letter of Intent• Tobacco Free Pamphlet• Healthy Campus Logic Models• UCO Health Report Rough Draft

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Research Project:

Healthy Campus Image and Identity

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Healthy CampusThe purpose and mission of Healthy Campus is to

“Promote a campus environment supportive of the development and maintenance of a healthy body, mind, and spirit for all members of the UCO community.”

Healthy Campus is a faculty, staff, student, and community initiative.

The initiative was created by members of UCO to help meet the transformational learning needs of the University.

Discipline Knowledge


Problem Solving

Service Learning and Civic Engagement

Global and Cultural Competencies

Health and Wellness

UCO’s “Central Six” tenets of transformative learning

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Through Org Com, the internal and external aspects of Healthy Campus can be analyzed from a broader bird’s-eye perspective in order to assist the initiative in

consistency of image, identity, and the promotion of a unified organization.

External Image:The complete perception of the way an organization presents itself either deliberately or accidentally.

•Helps the organization differentiate itself from other organizations

•Promotes external presentation of security and productiveness in an organization

•Aligns with “Transform” of the CVF “Products, Markets, Branding”

•Aligns with “Perform” of the CVF ”Goals, Strategies”

Internal Identity:An organization’s presentation of itself to its stakeholders.

•The outward presentation of an organization created by internal functions.

•Tells internal and external stakeholders what the organization is about, what it does, and which strategies it adopts.

•Aligns with “Conform” of the CVF “Coordination, Symbolic Convergence”

•Aligns with “Reform” of the CVF “Culture, Core values, Shared beliefs”

In order to understand an organization’s external image and internal identity, one must acquire knowledge of the interactions within and between departments

functioning in the four quadrants of the CVF model.

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Healthy Campus Relational InvolvementThe Healthy Campus initiative consists of five separate workgroups

directed by Committee Chairs of faculty and university staff. Each of these five workgroups, through their involvement and departmental

responsibilities, functions within the four quadrants of the CVF model.

Employee Relations

Investor Relations

Government Relations

Media RelationsEmployee WellnessHumanism, Employee RelationsFocuses on promoting health and well being to UCO employee’s and addressing the barriers employees have to being active

Communications/PRStructuralism, All Relations Focuses toward different areas of HC by creating ways to enhance public image, maintain public relations, create positive public awareness

ProgrammingInterpretivism, Employee RelationsResearches, designs and schedules events relating toward HC goals. Coordinates and utilizes information from other groups to meet the needs of the UCO community.

PolicyInterpretivism, Government Relations Focuses toward insuring policies presented for approval are researched and match the demand of the community

Data Analysis Functionalism, Investor RelationsResearches the UCO community health related data. Provides accurate information to the workgroups for collaboration on selected projects.

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Research Data Conclusions:

Image and Identity of Healthy Campus

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Healthy Campus Workgroup’s Internal Identity

ProgrammingThe Programming group’s identity is volunteer-based, allowing members opportunity to pick projects which interest them. Communication is informal and the workgroup feeds off the enthusiasm of the initiative as a whole for motivation.

Data AnalysisThe identity of the Data Analysis group revolves around insuring accurate, reliable data for the other groups to base their work on. By insuring timely, professional, and cohesive research, the Data Analysis group aspires to present an organized and reliable foundation for the Healthy Campus initiative.

In addition to the relational aspects of a workgroup, each section’s internal identity is a primary factor to understanding the system of communication in that group.

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Healthy Campus Workgroup’s Internal Identity

Employee WellnessI regretfully did not have the opportunity to interview the Committee Chair for the Employee group. However, from my steering committee meetings and the Employee Wellness report, I have developed the following observation of the Internal Identity of the Employee Wellness group.

The Employee Wellness workgroup focuses toward its personal goals, generating a disconnected identity with the rest of the workgroups. The group generates information and programs focused toward employees.

Communication/PRThe Communication workgroup is focused toward community involvement and establishing an influential presence with the other workgroups. The Communication group hopes to lead by example with coursework integration and facilitating teamwork through researching the aspects and challenges of Healthy Campus. The Communication workgroup is attempting to be an involved and idea generating contributor to the initiative.

PolicyThe Policy group attempts to lead by example for other institutions by involving a diverse board of members from across campus with different educational and cultural backgrounds. By encouraging open communication and utilizing Wiki technology, the Policy group sets a diverse communicative atmosphere for all members.

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External Image

The Healthy Campus workgroups do not feel that a single department is a strong enough source of public notice to justify claiming responsibility

of a direct influence on the initiative’s external image.

Instead, the workgroups consistently agree that the external image of Healthy Campus is the outcome of the programs, policies and

information provided to the UCO community through Healthy Campus.

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A bird’s-eye perspective of Healthy Campus shows a newly developed organization with enthusiastic founding members who

are experts in their fields. Analysis of the workgroup’s relational aspects with in and between

departments allows an Org Com scholar to gain the information needed to create a communication overview of the organization.

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Internal IdentityAlthough each workgroup creates a positive culture of shared beliefs and collaborating teamwork, the interactions between workgroups is lacking direction. Some workgroups are easily maintaining relations with corresponding groups by incorporating their research into coursework integration.

However, in order for the process of communication to flow between groups, it is advisable for the groups to improve relationships and approachability between workgroup chairs. This will insure that the flow of communication extends across the relational divides of each workgroup and increase overall satisfaction and productivity.

External ImageStudent and staff interviews concerning the initiative’s desire to create an Educational Resource Center located in the university’s main building portrayed an external image of Healthy Campus that is actively involved in the health and wellness of the entire UCO community.

Healthy Campus is presenting the image of an organized and dedicated contributor to the culture and lifestyle of the UCO campus by attempting to find ways to involve the community in aspects of health and well being and providing the community with the health tools they desire and need.

Putting more focus in public relations and marketing the initiative in a more productive way, Healthy Campus will easily extinguish any negative viewpoints that may arise through controversial issues.


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As demonstrated by my analysis of the University of Central Oklahoma’s Healthy Campus initiative,

Org Com scholars competently identify barriers to effective communication within organizations

then make applicable recommendations to improve communication based on their analysis.

Copies of the instruments and materials used for this research are displayed within the following section of this portfolio.

Instruments and Materials Appendix

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Picture References• Norwegian School of Management Sphere

http://www.bi.no/Content/Article65263.aspx• Stairway to success, http://www.cook-communications.com/images/ladder%20-%20clouds.jpg• Mechanics of Psychology, http://www.duke.edu/~age2/• Shadow in the crossroads, http://www.dukembanetimpact.org/img/Direction.jpg• Three blind men and the elephant, http://www.satrakshita.com/images/AnitaKunz400.jpg• Water Sphere, http://www.hewett.norfolk.sch.uk/curric/soc/pearlY.jpg• Image reflected, http://achristian.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/identity.jpg• CVFCC Model, Recreated by Lynette Clower from Belasen, A. T. (2008) The Theory and

Practice of Corporate Communication: A Competing Values Perspective. Thousand Oaks, CL: Sage Publications.

• Northern Lights, http://www.southernlakesbedbreakfast.ca/Quickstart/ImageLib/Northern_Lights.jpg• Paratroopers, http://thewaronterrorandterrorism.blogspot.com/2008_01_01_archive.html• Blue Apple, http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1054/567807684_44b6d5dc7c.jpg?v=1191958367

Competing Values Framework Reference• Belasen, A. T. (2008) The Theory and Practice of Corporate Communication: A

Competing Values Perspective. Thousand Oaks, CL: Sage Publications.
