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ounce can or 98cWantedColors....

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EDITORIAL PAGE REVIEWS OF THE WAR THEATRICAL NEWS DEPARTMENTAL NEWS V YT' DOINGS OF MUTT AND JEFF AMONG THE FRATERNITIES Part 2.8 Pages WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNING, MAY *13, 1917.' ILLINOIS DEFENSE BODY ASKS FOOD COMMISSION Adopts Resolution Urging- Congress to Take Prompt Action in the Present Emergency. CHICAGO, May 12..The state council of defense, composed of fifteen of the most prominent business and profes¬ sional men of Illinois, today adopted resolutions urging Congress to enact at once, as a measure of the utmost ne¬ cessity. a law creating: a commission for the absolute control of foodstuffs, fuel and other basic commodities. The commission would be appointed by the President. "Upon prompt enactment of proper legislation of this kind," the resolution read, "will depend the safety and pres¬ ervation of our nation and our success in the war." The resolutions were telegraphed to Vice President Marshall and Champ Clark, Speaker of the House of Repre¬ sentatives. The.\ were signed by members of the committee, as follows: J. Ogden Ar¬ mour, Frank Billings, Louise De Dover- Howen, B. F. Harris, John H. Harrison, John P. Hopkins, Levy Mayer, John G. Oglesby, V. A. Clander, David E. Shan- ahan. J. A. Spoor, Fred W. Upham, Charles H. Wacker, J. N. Walker and Samuel Insull, the chairman. Thefts Reported to Police. Mrs. Franklin B. Clark, East Ward- man Courts, has reported to the police a robbery committed in her apartment last Wednesday. A miniature of Mar- shal Jofifre. valued at $1,000, she stated, was among: the things stolen. Other property taken consisted of $60 in cash and numerous valuable papers, among: them being drawings of ships and notes pertaining to the patents for them. Complaint was made that a suit of clothes, the property of Representative William J. Fields, was stolen from a yard in rear of a cleaning establish¬ ment on Maryland avenue northeast. The police hve been asked to recover thirty hymn books that were taken from Friendship Baptist Church. Gold Imports Heavy. NEW YORK, May 12..Resumption of British gold imports assumed large pro¬ portions yesterday, another consignment of $18,400,000 from Canada to J. P. Mor¬ gan & Co. being deposited in the local federal reserve bank. This makes an aggregate of $48,000,000 received here in the last three days, $382,000,000 since the beginning of the year, and a grand total of $1,520,000,000 since Jan¬ uary, 1915. Two "Sub" Commanders Lost. COPENHAGEN, via London, May 12.. The loss of two prominent German sub¬ marine commanders, in addition to sev¬ eral previously reported, was disclosed in a reichstag speech yesterday. The men named were Lieut. Commanders Wagener and Russ, who were eulo¬ gized by Herr Pfleger of the center party in remarks giving the necrology of U-boat commanders of prominence who have lost their lives. More Norwegian Vessels Sunk. LONDON. May 12..The Norwegian steamers Tiger and Leikanger have been sunk by German submarines ten milfs off the northwest coast of Spain. According to information received here, the submarine halted the steamers in Spanish waters and escorted them be¬ yond the territorial limit, where they were sunk. The Norwegian foreign office re¬ ports the sinking of three Norwegian steamships, says a dispatch from Chris- tiania to the Central News Agency. The vessels were the Tore-Jarl of 1,094 tons gross, the Voss of 2,422 tons gross and the Nydal, a new vessel of 3,080 tons gross. Boats at Coal Docks Burned. AUBURN, N. Y.. May 12..Fire of mysterious origin yesterday burned two boats, the Porter and the Conger, and for a time threatened to destroy two more, together with the coal docks of the Lehigh Valley railroad at Fair- haven, on Lake Ontario, where great quantities of coal are shipped to Can¬ ada. The fire will tie up coal ship¬ ments for at least a week. Railroad officials say they cannot account for the fire and they are investigating spy activities. No estimate of the damage was made. To Aid War Belief Work. NEW YORK, May 12..A clearing house for about 1,000 women's war relief organi¬ zations in New York state has been estab¬ lished here, which will be known as the New York state division of the women's committee on national defense. Mrs. Wil¬ liam Grant Brown, president of the state federation of women's rlubs. is chairman of the division, which is the first of similar divisions to be formed in every state. Weather Outlook for This Week. Weather predictions for this week, is¬ sued by the weather bureau, for the mid¬ dle Atlantic states, which include the Dis- trict of Columbia. are: Cool weather the first part of the week will be fol¬ lowed by rising temperatures Tuesday and Wednesday and considerably warmer weather thereafter to the end of the week. The weather during the week will be generally fair, except that local rains are probable about Thurs¬ day. FRATERCIDE GETS 15 TEAKS. John Paulding, Jr., Sentenced at Martinsbnrg. W. Va. Special Dispatch to The Star. MARTINSBURO, W. Va, May 12 John Paulding, jr., convicted of second- degree murder In the circuit court here for the killing of his brother. Frank B. Paulding-, at the Paulding home here a year ago. was today sentenced to fif¬ teen years in the state penitentiary at Moundsville by Judge John M. Woods. This was within three *y**r» of the maximum sentence. C. 8. Jones, convicted of forgery, was sentenced to the penitentiary for three years. TAKES LIFE TO ESCAPE DRAFT. Street Railway Employe Worried Self 111 Over War Prospect. NEW ORl-KAXS. May II..Krar of l*»- ing drafted into the army and nepa rated from his wife and three children caused William II. James, twenty-eight years old. a street railway employe, to commit suicide here today by swallowing poison, according to statements made by Mrs. James to the police. She stated that since the conscription measure came up in Congress her hu.-band had worried over being drafted until he became ill. ?G ?C=3E STYLE.SERVICE JE ?C=l C 15c Cans Talcum Powder 9c THisror- PON and 9c for Bab- rock's Clio Clio San Talcum Powder: high-grade tali-urn ¦with real oriental perfume. <S) 39c Kleen-o THIS COUPON" and 18c for Klwn-O Oil Floor Mops: triangle shape: long adjustable handle. Each mop in tin box. (None delivered.) (S) 10c Cartons Tooth Powder. 5c THIS COUPON and 5c for two-ounce cartons of Prepared Chalk and Or¬ ris Koot, the best and most economical tooth powder. (S) Cream, 12c THIS COU¬ PON and 12c for two- ounce jars of Peerless Peroxide Cream; superior grade toilet sage cream. JUL=]E .J | <t I A LITY.V \ 1,1' B->; IVI !% fi~| Q 3BQE BOTH SIDES OF 7. AT K ST. "THE DEPENDABLE STORE Store Hours Open at 9 a.m., p.m. close at 5:45 Special Notice During July and August we will close Saturdays 1 p.m. Tally Cards lOcDoz. THIS COUPON and 10c for 1 dozen Double Tally Cards, for 500. bridge or auction bridge. Choice of 25 styles; printed in colors. (S) Large bottles Ammonia 4c THIS COU¬ PON ami 4c for Gold enberg's Ammonia, for household use; large bottles, nearly 1 quart; full strength. (S) 5c Colonial Table Tumblers 6 for 12c THIS COUPON and 12c for six Crystal Glass Table Tumblers; colonial style; full size. (S) THIS COUPON and !*. for two cak<*« of Ameri¬ can Lady Hound Bath Soap: good quality toilet soap, in violet, gerani¬ um, witch hazel, Turk¬ ish bath, peroxide, etc. («» $1.50 Chiffon Taffeta Silks In All Wanted Colors. Full 36 Inckes Wide, at 98c a Yard Amazing in its variety of beautiful colors, startling in its value-giving, this sale of Chiffon Taffeta Silks should bring a record crowd of silk buyers to our store tomorrow. These are the identical quality taffetas which every other store sells regularly at $1.50 a yard.extra heavy, rich, lustrous quality, with soft tissue finish, so much desired for summer dresses. The assortment includes every desired color, such as Navy Blue, Midnight Blue. Wistaria, Plum. Burgundy, Reseda, Silver Gray. Old Rose, Seal. Golden Brown, Garnet, Tan, Mais, Nile, Pink, Light Blue, Cream, White and Black. $1.50 Silk Crepe de Chine, ' $1.15 40-inch Box-loom Crepe de Chine, heavy, firm-woven grade, with rich, crepy finish. Guaranteed not to slip. In a complete range of all-wanted street and evening shades, including white, flesh, pink, nile, mais, gold, old rose, corn, lav¬ ender, silver, plum, African brown, Russian green, wistaria, golden brown, mustard, chartreuse, alice, Copenhagen, navy and black. Goldeaberg'R.Fint Floor. $1 Shantung Pongee, 69c 36-inch Demi-Rough Shantung Pongee, with lustrous quality, for making coats and street dresses. $175 Satin Duchesse, $1.49 38-inch Black Satin Duchesse, all silk, extra heavy quality, for mak¬ ing handsome coats and street cos¬ tumes. $1.25 Satin Messaline, 98c 36-inch Colored Satin Messaline, heavy, rich satin-face grade, In a complete assortment of street and evening shades, including white and black. 75c Colored Gabardines, 36 Inches Wide, 39c 36-inch Imported Gabardines, the season's most favored material for women's suits, coats and skirts. Handsome yarn-mercerized quality, in all the newest sport colors. Coupon Sales Boys' $1 White Puts, 69c THIS COUPON and 69c for Boys' White Duck Pants; full knickerbocker shape and guaranteed wash¬ able: sizes 7 to 14 years. (S) Boys' and Children's 50c Hats, 25c THIS COUPON and 25c for Boys' and Chil¬ dren's Rah-Rah Hats, of straw and wash¬ able materials; sizes 3 to 7 years. <S) 10c Crash, 5 Yds., 35c THIS COUPON and 35c for five yards of Bleached Linen-finish Crash; neat, fast col¬ or; red border; excel¬ lent grade; for roller or tea towels. (S) "Orienta" Coffee, Lb.. 26c THIS COUPON" and 26e for 1-pound cans of Orienta Brand Cof¬ fee. <S) 15c Pork and Beans, 12c THIS COUPON and 12c for Wagner's Pork and Beans. (S) 7c Milk, Three Cans, 16c THIS COUPON and 16c for 3 cans of Pet Brand Evaporat ed Milk. <S) $1.50 Lonjrcloth, $1.29 THIS COUPON and $1.29 for E n p ! i s h JLongcloth; 3*> inches wide; soft, chamols- finish quality; 12 yards in each piece. (S) In the Most Important Reduction Sale of the Entire Season Tomorrow at . Tomorrow we inaugurate the biggest sale of women's ready-to-wear apparel of the season.our semi-annual stock-adjustment, in which will be involved a closing out of many of our best selling lines of women's and misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses at sweeping reductions. Women with an eye to quality and economy should not miss this opportunity to purchase smart new apparel at many dollars less than the prices they would ordinarily have to pay for such excellent garments. The models in the collection are the newest and most approved shown this season.the fab¬ rics and workmanship such as will-appeal to discerning women. The Suits. Materials of Chiffon Taffeta, Poiret Twill, Gabardine, French and Man¬ nish Serge, "Wool Velour and Poplin. Newest models in belted and pleat¬ ed effects, sports and tailored styles, flare and novelty suits. The Coats- Fashioned of such favored materials as Wool Velour, Poplin, Gabardine, Velour, Plaids, Poiret Twill, Moire and Serge. Stunning new models in the new barrel and sports effects, belted, tailor¬ ed and dressy styles, braided and fancy trimmed coats. The Dresses- Beautiful materials, including Georg¬ ette Crepe, Satin Duchesse, Crepe de Chine, French Serge, Crepe Meteor and Chiffon Taffeta. Choice of embroidered and pleated styles, tunic, barrel and tailored ef¬ fects, as well as smart sports and Nor¬ folk effects. The color range is complete, showing every wanted shade for spring and summer wear. In addition to the wonderful savings. Golden be rs**.Second*"^1 loor. ALTERATIONS FREE 40-in. Silk and Wool Poplins Sold Regularly at $1.39. QO Here Tomorrow at, Only %sOC The leading fabric for one-piece dresses and hand¬ some frocks. Included are Black, Battleship Gray, Navy Blue, Taupe, Brown, King's Blue, Tan, Russet, Copen¬ hagen and other desirable colors. 59c Check Suitings, 49c $2.50 Cream Coating, $1.69 54-inch Cream Gabardine Coating, all wool; a stylish material for spring coats. Goldenberg** Dresn Good* Depart men t.Fir*t Floor. 42-inch Black and White Check Suitings, in all size checks and overplaids. Women's 29c "Cumfy-Cu(' Vests 19c Garments that fit snug¬ ly and cannot slip over the shoulders; low neck and sleeveless, with taped neck and arms. Sizes 5 to 9. r Dress and Tailored Hats Worth $4*00 and frl Q O $5.00, at yfr-f .%JO The season's biggest value event in milli¬ nery.a purchase of .two hundred new and styl¬ ish Trimmed Hats secured from an overstocked New York designer at much less than regular price. The new. charming styles include Black Hats, Leghorn Hats and Colored Hats, in the latest- moment styles. The majority of the black hats are with extended edges of maline or chiffon; some combined with hair braids, trimmed with imitation aigrettes or other fancy feathers, in all black and colors; also lovely Leghorn Hats combined with crepe, ribbons and flowers. Styles suitable for women and young girls. $3.00 and $3.50 Un- trimmed Hats ...... A truly wonderful assortment of Fine Quality Untrimmed Hats, in black, as well as l.ght and dark shades, ,n Milan Hemp and Milan Hemp and Lizere com- binations In large dress shapes of mushrooms, sailors, side roll hats, Chin-Chin sailors and beautiful continentals. Every hat is new, fresh, clean and perfect. 95c I2V2C Mosquito Netting. Piece. 69c THIS COUPON and for 8-yard pieces of Adams Mosquito Netting, 7-quartr-r width; in white, black, green,\blue and pink. (S) 50c Sofa Cushions, 33c THIS COUPON and 33c for Sofa Cushions, size* 18x^4 and 20x20; filled with soft, fluffv silk floss and covered with fine white cam¬ bric. (S) $3 Rope Portieres, S1.69 THIS COUPON* and $1.69 for Rope Por¬ tieres, velour finish; large ta*Hel and huf-k trimmed; plain and combination colorings of green, red. brown and rose; fill in upace up to « feet wide. <S) Sc Shade Pulls, Six for 5c THIS COUPON and .»«.. ior 6 Shade Pulls, crochet cord; white, ecru, light or dark green. <S) Goldenbera'*. Second Floor. Worth-While Savings On Boys' Clothing Boys' and Children's 50c Hats, 25c Of straw and washable materials, in Rah Rah shape; suitable for boys and children from 3 to 7 years of age. Boys' Khaki Pants, 49c Boys' Tan and Navy Blue Wash¬ able Khaki Cloth Knickerbocker Pants, sizes 7 to 18 years. Nicely made and finished. Boys' 75c Hats, 39c Roys- Cowboy Hats, of tan felt; broad brim and high crown shape. Boys' Suits, $3.85 Boys' Fancy Casslmere Norfolk Suits, all with two pairs of full- lined and taped knickerbocker pants; light and dark patterns; sizes 7 to IS years. Boys' $4 and $4.50 Suits, $2.79 Boys' Fancy Cassimere Norfolk Suits: light and dark patterns; spring weight; sizes 7 to 17 years. Boys' Two-Pants Sailor Suits, $1.69 Boys' Blouse Middy Sailor Suits, with two pairs of pants; of white galatea, with navy blue collar, cuffs and ties. One pair o'f long middy trousers and one pair of straight knee pants with each suit. Sizes 3 to 10 years. <ioldeobe-rg*».'Third Floor. 25c and 50c Sample Neckwear In the Most Wonderful Sale J /?/» of the Season, at A \JC A purchase of a maker's entire line of spring and summer samples of neck¬ wear secured to sell at the astonishingly small price of 16c! Come.choose several pieces tomorrow from this collection of charming neck fixings. The assortment includes: Large, Round. Epaulet and Square-Back Collars of embroidered swiss. organdy; lace trimmed, chiffon, pongee, net. dotted swiss and pique, in an endless variety of styles; Collar and Cuff Sets of organdy, hemstitched, lace trimmed and embroidered styles; also of pique, chiffon and dotted swiss; Flat Col¬ lars of sheer organdy, embroidered, hem¬ stitched and lace trimmed: also of net, pon¬ gee and dainty embroidered Georgette crepe, n round and fancy shapes; Stock Col¬ lars, of embroidered swiss; Stocks, with jabots; Plaited Back Collars, of embroidered organdy and voile; Vestees, of embroidered swiss, plaited back and roll effects; Revers Collars of embroidered swiss. and many other smart and fascinating styles. First Floor.Bargain Booth. v. ., ^ Mill Purchase of Towels at Savings of Vs to Vi A big special purchase of a leading mill's surplus lots and seconds of Turkish and Huck Towels affords this unusual op¬ portunity to supply your towel needs at rare savings. Come tomorrow and get a liberal quantity of these splendid bar¬ gains. . st Hemmed 11 nek Towels, in all white, also fast-color red -g a borders; soft-finish, close-woven, absorbent grade. Size 22x44 J[ T*C Dress Shields Worth up to 25c, 10c Dress Shields, factory samples and odd lots, in¬ cluding regular and shirt waist shapes; nain¬ sook and silk-covered styles; all sizes. A Phenomenal Purchase of Importer's Surplus Lots of Embroidered Organdy Flouncings Worth 75c a Yard, at 55c Striking economies mark this offering of beautiful flounc¬ ings, which we obtained last week at a big concession from one of New York's leading importers. Exceptionally lovely styles for smart summer dresses and Commencement frocks.40 inches wide; beautifully embroidered on fine sheer quality organdy. The wide range of new and attractive patterns, the fine qualities and the remarkably low price make this one of the best sales of its kind known in years. 12'/*c SwIm, Cambric and Vain nook Embroideries, pretty blind and openwork patterns; also the de¬ sirable baby patterns. Insertions, edgings, beading, galloons and demi-flouncings. Val¬ ues worth up to 19c yard 18-inch Embroidery Organdy Flonncings, fine sheer quality, in a large assortment of exquisite designs. Worth S.C\C. 39c yard 27-inch Oriental Lacc Flouncing*, fine mesh quality, in white and ecru colors; scores of effective ^ patterns. Regularly 75c yard vvv SwIm and Camhrlc Embroideries, edgings, insertions, veilings, head¬ ings, convent edgings. Bo¬ hemian edges and corset ^ cover strapping. Values worth Sc yard Embroidered Voile and Organdy Flouncing*, 40 inches wide, em¬ broidered with fast-color mercer¬ ized floss; beautiful designs and heavy scalloped edges. Colors in¬ clude sky blue, rose. Copenhagen, pink. lavender, gold, ^ ^ black and Persian effects. JjJjC Worth 69c yard Golden berg's.First Floor. 50c Sport Suitings, 36 Inches Wide, 25c 36-inch Sport Suitings, a high-grade cotton material, enjoying great vogue for spring and summer wear. These beautiful weaves are shown in gabardine, pique and basket weave grounds, with handsome colored print¬ ing in exclusive designs. 39c, 50c and 59c Cretonnes I Coupon Sales Sale Price 24c Yard I SkBdriewi, sale oflterinar'of 4rt!n*s ov«i »uts of flneet at aavittc* that will interest women wKo house for summer. The lot includes Cre- A wonderful grade draperies at are Axing up the house for tonnes. Chints. Art Tickings and Taffetas, the most popdlar materials for furniture slip covers, draperies, cushion covers, bed sets and other uses. Full pieces and remnants.plenty of each pattern for every need. Guaranteed washable fast colors, in overprints, shadow effects, floral designs, figures, stripes and tapestry effects. Goldeaberg's.Fourth Floor. >rders; close qj/ 17x34. Worth Q°/4C inches. Worth 19c cach. Hemmed lfuek Towels, fast- color red borders; close woven; size 1* 12 yz c each (nion Linen Hemmed Huck Towels, guaranteed 50% pure linen flax; sizes 19x36 and -g s 20x38; mill seconds of 25c £ OC and 29c grades H olden berg's.First Floor. Extra Heavy Full Bleached Turk- iNh Towels; athletic weave, the ideal bath towel; size ^ 23x44 inches. Worth 35c each Inion Linen Hemmed Huck Towels, with names woven through center: 60% pure linen flax* g Size 14x18 inches. Worth 10c each A Wonderful Purchase and Sale of 39c White Novelty Voiles 36 and 40 InchesWide, at 1 Qr* the Record Low Price of 1 *7*" A sale of beautiful new summer white fabrics that caps the climax of value-giving.the result of a lucky purchase obtained at about one-half original cost, which we hand to you the same way. These White Novelty Voiles are 36 and 40 inches wide.dainty, sheer and new fabrics, enjoying universal favor for summer waists and dresses. The collection includes scores of lovely effects, such as Gabardine Stripe Voiles, Woven Stripe Mercerized Voiles, Stripe Seed Voiles, Satin and Lace Stripe Voiles, Plaid and Check Voiles, Shadow Lace Voiles, Plaid Seed Voiles, etc. -selling regularly at 39c a yard, in this remarkable Extra fine two-ply quality- sale tomorrow at 19c a yard. 35c White French Voile, 19c 40-inch White French Voile, fine two-ply quality, with, mercerized chiffon fin¬ ish; firmly woven; one of the most sought after ma¬ terials for summer waists and dresses. 19c White Ratine, 9%c 27-inch White Ratine, with the new pebble weave; heavy, close-woven quality, for summer skirts. 35c White English Rep, 19c 36-inch White English Hep, heavy, firm-woven quality, for skirts, middy blouses and nurses' uni¬ forms. 20c White Cannon Cloth, 14c 36-inch White Cannon Cloth, heavy,* linen-finish quality, for .suits, skirts, middy blouses and boys' suits. 50c White Novelty Skirtings, 25c 36-inch White Novelty Skirting, with white mer¬ cerized corded stripes, a new and distinct white goods novelty for skirts and suits. 59c White Pique, 39c 36-inch White Pique; heavy raised welts, in new novelty effects; a superior quality for suits and skirts. Golden berg's.1 at Floor. 81x90 Double-bed Bleached Sheets, 69c value at 49c A purchase made months ago enables us to name this low price. They are 81x90 Double- bed-size Bleached Sheets, of# serviceable round thread sheet¬ ing cotton.perfect quality.not seconds. Get a supply tomorrow while you can save so much on de¬ pendable sheets. 81x00 Seamleits Bleached Sheet*, full double-bed size; heavy linen- finish quality, strictly perfect and free from starch or dressing. Worth /Uf *100 each # -7 W Crochet Redspreads, double- bed size; Marseilles -g designs. Worth $1.75 I ..*>V each Crochet Bednpreadn, in handsome raised Marseilles de¬ signs; full double- /H * g\C\ each"'": WOrth " 1 . "O 43x156 Bleached Plllo»ven*es. la rge size; linen-finish quality; -g fv hand torn and ironed. I C9 Worth 25c each ^ W <;oIdeaber**K.First Floor. 59c Table Damask at 39c a Yard. 64-inch Yarn Mercerized Satin Table Damask, a good, heavy, firm woven grade that will give excellent service and always re¬ tain its luster after washing. Choice of five neat patterns. .>oldeaherg*».>Flr«t Floor. Housewares and Needs for the Garden Screen Doors Continental Mortised 4- inch-frame Screen Doors; >valnut finished; best qual¬ ity wire: choice of <5 sizes; complete with fixtures, $1.25 Garden Implements 50c Steel <.«»« den Hoen, long handle 59c 8te«»l tiarden Kale***; 12 prongs, long handle 50c Steel Crass Shear* 75c Steel Spade*; strong 1) handle' 75c Steel Spading Forks; 1) handle 10c Steel Garden Trowels Selected Lura- berStepladders, with shelf at¬ tachment. 4-ft. size for 49c 5-ft. size for 59c (J-ft. size for 69c The Androck Oven saves time, fuel and worry; bakes, warms, heat 3 irons at one time; has 4 separate parts, one, and many Try see its advan¬ tages, for 59c Dependable High-grade Kasy-rnnning a w n Mowers: 14-inch size steel blades. For $3.49 Extra Quality 5-ply Rubber fJarden Hose; 25-foot lengths: complete with combination brass nozzle. A hose we $2.98 50c Crystal Glass Washboards; won't eor- rode or tear the clothes; IS1.*1": 33c Extra Quality Tin Wash Boilers, with cold wood handles; strongly made. No. 7 size for. No. 8 size for. No. 9 size for $1.59 «U $1.39 Continental Mortised Extension Frame Window Screens; steel centers; strong and durable. 24 in. high, extend to 33 in., for 29c 24 in. high, extend to 37 in., for 39c 28 in. high, extend to 37 in., for 45c 30 in. high, extend Mi 37 in., for 49c $1.25 Selected Dumber Folding Ironinsr Boards; strongly made; QQ- good size. 7*J\J SUMMER HOSIERY For Women and Children Women's Lisle Hose* seamless foot, double sole, high spliced heel and toe. garter tops. In black and white. Subject f ^ to slight imperfections. J[5C Worth 25c pair Women'* Pore Silk Hose, printed and striped effects, in plain col¬ ors and novelty designs. Slightly imperfect. Worth $1 pair Children'* Fine Ribbed Uslc Hose, seamless «foot, dou- -g fv ble heel and toe. Black £ only. Regular 29c values.. Children's Cotton Socks, rolled plain tops; black and q Regular 12%c val- OC or white. ues Golden berg' -First Floor. DE1G J I »TV1.B.SERVICE*"! P Last Day of the R-I-N-G Sale To close out all remaining stock of rings left from our successful factory sale and demonstration wo will..offer unreserved choice of the broken assortments and odd sizes of Gold Shell and Sterling Silver Rings, including stone set, enamel, solitaire and signet rings, in many attractive styles. Values up to 50c at.... Signet Rings initialed free while you wait. Golden berg**.-First Floor. 16c $1.25 Petticoats at 98c Including the "Flexo" Self- Adjusting Petticoats See these special values tomor¬ row.they are exceptional. New Self-Adjusting Petticoats of fine quality white cambric, with embroidery and lace insertions and dust ruffle, with "Flexo" band, which gives that snug, comfort¬ able feeling. Regular and extra sizes. White Sateen Petticoats, in regu¬ lar and extra sizes; made with stylish ruffle flounce and elastic waist. Sateen Petticoats, in black and colors, made with new flounces in several styles; fine, lustrous flnfsh, with elastic band. All lengths. Goldenberg'a.Third Floor. Eyeglass Cleaners The) Given away nee at our Optical Department. Come and get a sanitary cleaner for your glasses. We have an elegpnt as¬ sortment of Goggles and Sun Glasses from 2Sc ta HM. THM COUPON and J»c for SM Pillows, filled with sterilised curled f.atilers. cov¬ ered with heavy- welght art tickings; blue. pinl$, green and tan. (4th Floor.) (S) 100 Paper Napkins, 12c THIS COUPON* and 12c for 100 Pure White Sanitary Crepe Paper Napkins. (8) Iroaiff Wax, Six Piece*, 3c THIS COUPON and 3c for 6 pieces of Chinese Ironing Wax, wooden handles and muslin covered. (No¬ tion Dept.) (S) Boys' Play Suits, 87c THIS COUPON and 87c for Boys' Soldier Play Suits, of tan duck, with yellow trimmings; pistol belt and holster with each suit; sizes 4 to 10 years. (S) Men's 50c Uoder- shirts. 28c THIS COUPON and 28c for Men's Athletic Undershirts, of gaufte cotton; plain white only. (S) Men's 39c Sos- penders. 25c THIS COUPON and 25c for Men's Sus¬ penders. of good qual¬ ity lisle webbing; leather castofTs; s t r i ped patterns. (Limit, two pairs to a buyer.) (S) Men's 25c Hose, 14c THIS COUPON and 14c for pair of Men's Bradford Hose, good quality lisle t h r e ad; in black, white and gray; made with linen heel and toe. (S) Men's 75c Underwear. 38c THIS COUPON and 38c for Men's Law¬ rence Mills Underwear; white gauze, cotton and balbriggan; sec¬ onds of the regular 75c grade. <S) Corset Covers, 12c THIS COUPON and 12c for Corset Covers, of good quality mus¬ lin: plain styles; well made. (S) Children's 15c Drawer*. 12V?c THIS COUPON and 12 Vac for Children's Muslin Drawers, tucks and hems; full- cut sixes from 2 to 12 years. (S) Infants' S$ns. 25c THIS -COUPON and 26c for Infants' Nain¬ sook Slips, b.iahop style, with neat edg¬ ing on neck and sleeves. is) 3!=3E OGoMenbergV.1The Dependable Store."Both Sides of Seventh Street"!-]^ 3 I.I I <Htai.itv.vnH B-ciYi\nT| || JE n nr TT mmSmmm
Page 1: ounce can or 98cWantedColors. Yardchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1917-05-13/ed-1/seq-15… · EDITORIAL PAGE REVIEWS OF THE WAR THEATRICAL NEWS DEPARTMENTAL NEWS VYT'





Part 2.8 Pages WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNING, MAY *13, 1917.'


Adopts Resolution Urging- Congressto Take Prompt Action in the

Present Emergency.

CHICAGO, May 12..The state councilof defense, composed of fifteen of themost prominent business and profes¬sional men of Illinois, today adoptedresolutions urging Congress to enact atonce, as a measure of the utmost ne¬cessity. a law creating: a commissionfor the absolute control of foodstuffs,fuel and other basic commodities.The commission would be appointed

by the President.

"Upon prompt enactment of properlegislation of this kind," the resolutionread, "will depend the safety and pres¬ervation of our nation and our successin the war."The resolutions were telegraphed to

Vice President Marshall and ChampClark, Speaker of the House of Repre¬sentatives.The.\ were signed by members of the

committee, as follows: J. Ogden Ar¬mour, Frank Billings, Louise De Dover-Howen, B. F. Harris, John H. Harrison,John P. Hopkins, Levy Mayer, John G.Oglesby, V. A. Clander, David E. Shan-ahan. J. A. Spoor, Fred W. Upham,Charles H. Wacker, J. N. Walker andSamuel Insull, the chairman.

Thefts Reported to Police.Mrs. Franklin B. Clark, East Ward-

man Courts, has reported to the policea robbery committed in her apartmentlast Wednesday. A miniature of Mar-

shal Jofifre. valued at $1,000, she stated,was among: the things stolen. Otherproperty taken consisted of $60 in cashand numerous valuable papers, among:them being drawings of ships and notespertaining to the patents for them.Complaint was made that a suit of

clothes, the property of RepresentativeWilliam J. Fields, was stolen from ayard in rear of a cleaning establish¬ment on Maryland avenue northeast.The police hve been asked to recover

thirty hymn books that were takenfrom Friendship Baptist Church.

Gold Imports Heavy.NEW YORK, May 12..Resumption of

British gold imports assumed large pro¬portions yesterday, another consignmentof $18,400,000 from Canada to J. P. Mor¬gan & Co. being deposited in the localfederal reserve bank. This makes anaggregate of $48,000,000 received herein the last three days, $382,000,000

since the beginning of the year, and a

grand total of $1,520,000,000 since Jan¬uary, 1915.

Two "Sub" Commanders Lost.COPENHAGEN, via London, May 12..

The loss of two prominent German sub¬marine commanders, in addition to sev¬eral previously reported, was disclosedin a reichstag speech yesterday. Themen named were Lieut. CommandersWagener and Russ, who were eulo¬gized by Herr Pfleger of the centerparty in remarks giving the necrologyof U-boat commanders of prominencewho have lost their lives.

More Norwegian Vessels Sunk.LONDON. May 12..The Norwegian

steamers Tiger and Leikanger havebeen sunk by German submarines tenmilfs off the northwest coast of Spain.According to information received here,

the submarine halted the steamers inSpanish waters and escorted them be¬yond the territorial limit, where theywere sunk.The Norwegian foreign office re¬

ports the sinking of three Norwegiansteamships, says a dispatch from Chris-tiania to the Central News Agency.The vessels were the Tore-Jarl of 1,094tons gross, the Voss of 2,422 tons grossand the Nydal, a new vessel of 3,080tons gross.

Boats at Coal Docks Burned.AUBURN, N. Y.. May 12..Fire of

mysterious origin yesterday burned twoboats, the Porter and the Conger, andfor a time threatened to destroy twomore, together with the coal docks ofthe Lehigh Valley railroad at Fair-haven, on Lake Ontario, where greatquantities of coal are shipped to Can¬ada. The fire will tie up coal ship¬ments for at least a week. Railroad

officials say they cannot account forthe fire and they are investigating spyactivities. No estimate of the damagewas made.

To Aid War Belief Work.NEW YORK, May 12..A clearing house

for about 1,000 women's war relief organi¬zations in New York state has been estab¬lished here, which will be known as theNew York state division of the women'scommittee on national defense. Mrs. Wil¬liam Grant Brown, president of the statefederation of women's rlubs. is chairmanof the division, which is the first ofsimilar divisions to be formed in everystate.

Weather Outlook for This Week.Weather predictions for this week, is¬

sued by the weather bureau, for the mid¬dle Atlantic states, which include the Dis-

trict of Columbia. are: Cool weatherthe first part of the week will be fol¬lowed by rising temperatures Tuesdayand Wednesday and considerablywarmer weather thereafter to the endof the week. The weather during theweek will be generally fair, except thatlocal rains are probable about Thurs¬day.


John Paulding, Jr., Sentenced at

Martinsbnrg. W. Va.Special Dispatch to The Star.

MARTINSBURO, W. Va, May 12John Paulding, jr., convicted of second-degree murder In the circuit court herefor the killing of his brother. Frank B.Paulding-, at the Paulding home here ayear ago. was today sentenced to fif¬teen years in the state penitentiary at

Moundsville by Judge John M. Woods.This was within three *y**r» of themaximum sentence.

C. 8. Jones, convicted of forgery, wassentenced to the penitentiary for threeyears.


Street Railway Employe WorriedSelf 111 Over War Prospect.

NEW ORl-KAXS. May II..Krar of l*»-ing drafted into the army and nepa ratedfrom his wife and three children causedWilliam II. James, twenty-eight yearsold. a street railway employe, to commitsuicide here today by swallowing poison,according to statements made by Mrs.James to the police.She stated that since the conscription

measure came up in Congress her hu.-bandhad worried over being drafted until hebecame ill.

?G ?C=3E STYLE.SERVICE JE ?C=l C15c Cans

Talcum Powder9c

THisror-PON and9c for Bab-rock's ClioClio SanTalcumPowder:high-gradetali-urn¦with realorientalperfume.



THIS COUPON" and 18c for Klwn-OOil Floor Mops: triangle shape: longadjustable handle. Each mop in tinbox. (None delivered.) (S)

10c Cartons

ToothPowder. 5c

THIS COUPON and 5cfor two-ounce cartons ofPrepared Chalk and Or¬ris Koot, the best andmost economical toothpowder. (S)

Cream, 12cTHISCOU¬PONand 12cfor two-ouncejars ofPeerlessPeroxideCream;superiorgrade toiletsage cream.

JUL=]E .J | <tI ALITY.V \ 1,1' B->;IVI !% fi~| Q 3BQE


Store Hours Open at 9 a.m.,p.m.

close at 5:45 Special Notice During July and Augustwe will close Saturdaysa£ 1 p.m.

Tally CardslOcDoz.THIS COUPON and

10c for 1 dozen DoubleTally Cards, for 500.bridge or auction bridge.Choice of 25 styles;printed in colors. (S)

Large bottlesAmmonia


PON ami 4c forGold enberg'sAmmonia, forhousehold use;large bottles,nearly 1 quart;full strength.


5c ColonialTable Tumblers

6 for 12cTHIS COUPON

and 12c for sixCrystal Glass TableTumblers; colonialstyle; full size. (S)

THIS COUPON and !*.for two cak<*« of Ameri¬can Lady Hound BathSoap: good quality toiletsoap, in violet, gerani¬um, witch hazel, Turk¬ish bath, peroxide, etc.


$1.50 Chiffon Taffeta SilksIn All Wanted Colors. Full 36 Inckes Wide, at

98c a YardAmazing in its variety of beautiful colors, startling in its

value-giving, this sale of Chiffon Taffeta Silks should bring arecord crowd of silk buyers to our store tomorrow.

These are the identical quality taffetas which every other storesells regularly at $1.50 a yard.extra heavy, rich, lustrous quality, withsoft tissue finish, so much desired for summer dresses.

The assortment includes every desired color, such as Navy Blue,Midnight Blue. Wistaria, Plum. Burgundy, Reseda, Silver Gray. Old Rose,Seal. Golden Brown, Garnet, Tan, Mais, Nile, Pink, Light Blue, Cream,White and Black.

$1.50 Silk Crepe de Chine,' $1.15

40-inch Box-loom Crepe de Chine,heavy, firm-woven grade, withrich, crepy finish. Guaranteed notto slip. In a complete range ofall-wanted street and eveningshades, including white, flesh, pink,nile, mais, gold, old rose, corn, lav¬ender, silver, plum, African brown,Russian green, wistaria, goldenbrown, mustard, chartreuse, alice,Copenhagen, navy and black.Goldeaberg'R.Fint Floor.

$1 Shantung Pongee, 69c36-inch Demi-Rough Shantung

Pongee, with lustrous quality, formaking coats and street dresses.

$175 Satin Duchesse, $1.4938-inch Black Satin Duchesse, all

silk, extra heavy quality, for mak¬ing handsome coats and street cos¬tumes.

$1.25 Satin Messaline, 98c36-inch Colored Satin Messaline,

heavy, rich satin-face grade, In acomplete assortment of street andevening shades, including whiteand black.

75c Colored Gabardines, 36 Inches Wide, 39c36-inch Imported Gabardines, the season's most favored material for

women's suits, coats and skirts. Handsome yarn-mercerized quality, inall the newest sport colors.

Coupon SalesBoys' $1 White

Puts, 69cTHIS COUPON and

69c for Boys' WhiteDuck Pants; fullknickerbocker shapeand guaranteed wash¬able: sizes 7 to 14years. (S)

Boys' and Children's50c Hats, 25c

THIS COUPON and25c for Boys' and Chil¬dren's Rah-Rah Hats,of straw and wash¬able materials; sizes3 to 7 years. <S)

10c Crash, 5 Yds.,35c

THIS COUPON and35c for five yards ofBleached Linen-finishCrash; neat, fast col¬or; red border; excel¬lent grade; for rolleror tea towels. (S)

"Orienta" Coffee,Lb.. 26c

THIS COUPON" and26e for 1-pound cansof Orienta Brand Cof¬fee. <S)

15c Pork and Beans,12c

THIS COUPON and12c for Wagner's Porkand Beans. (S)

7c Milk,Three Cans, 16cTHIS COUPON and

16c for 3 cans of PetBrand Evaporat edMilk. <S)

$1.50 Lonjrcloth,$1.29

THIS COUPON and$1.29 for E n p ! i s hJLongcloth; 3*> incheswide; soft, chamols-finish quality; 12 yardsin each piece. (S)

In the Most Important Reduction Saleof the Entire Season Tomorrow at .

Tomorrow we inaugurate the biggest sale of women's ready-to-wear apparel of theseason.our semi-annual stock-adjustment, in which will be involved a closing out ofmany of our best selling lines of women's and misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses at

sweeping reductions.Women with an eye to quality and economy should not miss this opportunity to purchase smart

new apparel at many dollars less than the prices they would ordinarily have to pay for such excellentgarments. The models in the collection are the newest and most approved shown this season.the fab¬rics and workmanship such as will-appeal to discerning women.

The Suits.Materials of Chiffon Taffeta, Poiret

Twill, Gabardine, French and Man¬nish Serge, "Wool Velour and Poplin.Newest models in belted and pleat¬

ed effects, sports and tailored styles,flare and novelty suits.

The Coats-Fashioned of such favored materials

as Wool Velour, Poplin, Gabardine,Velour, Plaids, Poiret Twill, Moire andSerge.Stunning new models in the new

barrel and sports effects, belted, tailor¬ed and dressy styles, braided and fancytrimmed coats.

The Dresses-Beautiful materials, including Georg¬

ette Crepe, Satin Duchesse, Crepe deChine, French Serge, Crepe Meteor andChiffon Taffeta.Choice of embroidered and pleated

styles, tunic, barrel and tailored ef¬fects, as well as smart sports and Nor¬folk effects.

The color range is complete, showing every wanted shade for spring and summer wear.In addition to the wonderful savings. Goldenbers**.Second*"^1loor.


40-in. Silk and Wool PoplinsSold Regularly at $1.39. QOHere Tomorrow at, Only %sOC

The leading fabric for one-piece dresses and hand¬some frocks. Included are Black, Battleship Gray, NavyBlue, Taupe, Brown, King's Blue, Tan, Russet, Copen¬hagen and other desirable colors.59c Check Suitings, 49c $2.50 Cream Coating, $1.69

54-inch Cream GabardineCoating, all wool; a stylishmaterial for spring coats.

Goldenberg** Dresn Good* Department.Fir*t Floor.

42-inch Black and WhiteCheck Suitings, in all sizechecks and overplaids.

Women's 29c"Cumfy-Cu('


Garments that fit snug¬ly and cannot slip overthe shoulders; low neckand sleeveless, withtaped neck and arms.Sizes 5 to 9.


Dress and TailoredHatsWorth $4*00 and frl Q O$5.00, at yfr-f .%JO

The season's biggest value event in milli¬nery.a purchase of .two hundred new and styl¬ish Trimmed Hats secured from an overstockedNew York designer at much less than regularprice.

The new. charming styles include Black Hats,Leghorn Hats and Colored Hats, in the latest-moment styles. The majority of the black hats arewith extended edges of maline or chiffon; somecombined with hair braids, trimmed with imitationaigrettes or other fancy feathers, in all black andcolors; also lovely Leghorn Hats combined withcrepe, ribbons and flowers. Styles suitable forwomen and young girls.

$3.00 and $3.50 Un-trimmed Hats ......

A truly wonderful assortment of Fine Quality Untrimmed Hats, in black, aswell as l.ght and dark shades, ,n Milan Hemp and Milan Hemp and Lizere com-binations In large dress shapes of mushrooms, sailors, side roll hats, Chin-Chinsailors and beautiful continentals. Every hat is new, fresh, clean and perfect.


I2V2C MosquitoNetting. Piece. 69cTHIS COUPON and

for 8-yard piecesof Adams MosquitoNetting, 7-quartr-rwidth; in white, black,green,\blue and pink.


50c Sofa Cushions,33c

THIS COUPON and33c for Sofa Cushions,size* 18x^4 and 20x20;filled with soft, fluffvsilk floss and coveredwith fine white cam¬bric. (S)

$3 Rope Portieres,S1.69

THIS COUPON* and$1.69 for Rope Por¬tieres, velour finish;large ta*Hel and huf-ktrimmed; plain andcombination coloringsof green, red. brownand rose; fill in upaceup to « feet wide. <S)

Sc Shade Pulls,Six for 5c

THIS COUPON and.»«.. ior 6 Shade Pulls,crochet cord; white,ecru, light or darkgreen. <S)

Goldenbera'*.Second Floor.

Worth-While SavingsOn Boys' Clothing

Boys' and Children's 50cHats, 25c

Of straw and washable materials,in Rah Rah shape; suitable forboys and children from 3 to 7years of age.

Boys' Khaki Pants, 49cBoys' Tan and Navy Blue Wash¬

able Khaki Cloth KnickerbockerPants, sizes 7 to 18 years. Nicelymade and finished.

Boys' 75c Hats, 39cRoys- Cowboy Hats, of tan felt;broad brim and high crown shape.

Boys' Suits, $3.85Boys' Fancy Casslmere Norfolk

Suits, all with two pairs of full-lined and taped knickerbockerpants; light and dark patterns;sizes 7 to IS years.

Boys' $4 and $4.50 Suits,$2.79

Boys' Fancy Cassimere NorfolkSuits: light and dark patterns;spring weight; sizes 7 to 17 years.

Boys' Two-Pants SailorSuits, $1.69

Boys' Blouse Middy Sailor Suits,with two pairs of pants; of whitegalatea, with navy blue collar,cuffs and ties. One pair o'f longmiddy trousers and one pair ofstraight knee pants with eachsuit. Sizes 3 to 10 years.<ioldeobe-rg*».'Third Floor.

25c and 50c Sample NeckwearIn the Most Wonderful Sale J /?/»of the Season, at A \JC

A purchase of a maker's entire lineof spring and summer samples of neck¬wear secured to sell at the astonishinglysmall price of 16c! Come.choose severalpieces tomorrow from this collection ofcharming neck fixings.

The assortment includes:Large, Round. Epaulet and Square-Back

Collars of embroidered swiss. organdy; lacetrimmed, chiffon, pongee, net. dotted swissand pique, in an endless variety of styles;Collar and Cuff Sets of organdy, hemstitched,lace trimmed and embroidered styles; alsoof pique, chiffon and dotted swiss; Flat Col¬lars of sheer organdy, embroidered, hem¬stitched and lace trimmed: also of net, pon¬gee and dainty embroidered Georgette crepe,n round and fancy shapes; Stock Col¬lars, of embroidered swiss; Stocks, withjabots; Plaited Back Collars, of embroideredorgandy and voile; Vestees, of embroideredswiss, plaited back and roll effects; ReversCollars of embroidered swiss. and manyother smart and fascinating styles.

First Floor.Bargain Booth.v.

., ^

Mill Purchase of Towels atSavings of Vs to Vi

A big special purchase of a leading mill's surplus lots andseconds of Turkish and Huck Towels affords this unusual op¬portunity to supply your towel needs at rare savings. Cometomorrow and get a liberal quantity of these splendid bar¬gains. . st

Hemmed 11nek Towels, in all white, also fast-color red -g aborders; soft-finish, close-woven, absorbent grade. Size 22x44 J[ T*C

Dress ShieldsWorth up to 25c,

10cDress Shields, factory

samples and odd lots, in¬cluding regular andshirt waist shapes; nain¬sook and silk-coveredstyles; all sizes.

A Phenomenal Purchase of Importer's Surplus Lots of

Embroidered Organdy FlouncingsWorth 75c a Yard, at 55cStriking economies mark this offering of beautiful flounc¬

ings, which we obtained last week at a big concession from oneof New York's leading importers. Exceptionally lovely styles forsmart summer dresses and Commencement frocks.40 incheswide; beautifully embroidered on fine sheer quality organdy.

The wide range of new and attractive patterns, the fine qualitiesand the remarkably low price make this one of the best sales of itskind known in years.


SwIm, Cambric and Vain nookEmbroideries, pretty blind andopenwork patterns; also the de¬sirable baby patterns. Insertions,edgings, beading, galloons anddemi-flouncings. Val¬ues worth up to 19cyard18-inch Embroidery Organdy

Flonncings, fine sheer quality, ina large assortment ofexquisite designs. Worth S.C\C.39c yard27-inch Oriental Lacc Flouncing*,

fine mesh quality, in white and ecrucolors; scores of effective p» ^patterns. Regularly 75cyard vvv

SwIm and Camhrlc Embroideries,edgings, insertions, veilings, head¬ings, convent edgings. Bo¬hemian edges and corset ^cover strapping. Valuesworth Sc yardEmbroidered Voile and Organdy

Flouncing*, 40 inches wide, em¬broidered with fast-color mercer¬ized floss; beautiful designs andheavy scalloped edges. Colors in¬clude sky blue, rose. Copenhagen,pink. lavender, gold, ^ ^black and Persian effects. JjJjCWorth 69c yardGoldenberg's.First Floor.

50c Sport Suitings, 36 Inches Wide, 25c36-inch Sport Suitings, a high-grade cotton material, enjoying great

vogue for spring and summer wear. These beautiful weaves are shown ingabardine, pique and basket weave grounds, with handsome colored print¬ing in exclusive designs.

39c, 50c and 59c Cretonnes I Coupon SalesSale Price 24c Yard I SkBdriewi,

sale oflterinar'of 4rt!n*s ov«i »uts of flneetat aavittc* that will interest women wKohouse for summer. The lot includes Cre-

A wonderfulgrade draperies atare Axing up the house fortonnes. Chints. Art Tickings and Taffetas, the most popdlarmaterials for furniture slip covers, draperies, cushion covers,bed sets and other uses. Full pieces and remnants.plentyof each pattern for every need. Guaranteed washable fastcolors, in overprints, shadow effects, floral designs, figures,stripes and tapestry effects.

Goldeaberg's.Fourth Floor.

>rders; close qj/17x34. Worth Q°/4C

inches. Worth 19c cach.

Hemmed lfuek Towels, fast-color red borders; closewoven; size 1*12 yz c each(nion Linen Hemmed Huck

Towels, guaranteed 50% pure linenflax; sizes 19x36 and -g s20x38; mill seconds of 25c £ OCand 29c gradesH oldenberg's.First Floor.

Extra Heavy Full Bleached Turk-iNh Towels; athletic weave, theideal bath towel; size ^23x44 inches. Worth 35ceachInion Linen Hemmed Huck

Towels, with names woven throughcenter: 60% pure linen flax* gSize 14x18 inches. Worth10c each

A Wonderful Purchase and Sale of

39c White Novelty Voiles36 and 40 InchesWide, at 1 Qr*the Record Low Price of 1 *7*"

A sale of beautiful new summer white fabrics that caps the climax ofvalue-giving.the result of a lucky purchase obtained at about one-halforiginal cost, which we hand to you the same way.

These White Novelty Voiles are 36 and 40 inches wide.dainty, sheerand new fabrics, enjoying universal favor for summer waists and dresses.The collection includes scores of lovely effects, such as

Gabardine Stripe Voiles, Woven Stripe Mercerized Voiles, Stripe SeedVoiles, Satin and Lace Stripe Voiles, Plaid and Check Voiles, ShadowLace Voiles, Plaid Seed Voiles, etc.

-selling regularly at 39c a yard, in this remarkableExtra fine two-ply quality-sale tomorrow at 19c a yard.

35c White FrenchVoile, 19c

40-inch White FrenchVoile, fine two-ply quality,with, mercerized chiffon fin¬ish; firmly woven; one ofthe most sought after ma¬terials for summer waistsand dresses.

19c White Ratine,9%c

27-inch White Ratine,with the new pebble weave;heavy, close-woven quality,for summer skirts.

35c White EnglishRep, 19c

36-inch White EnglishHep, heavy, firm-wovenquality, for skirts, middyblouses and nurses' uni¬forms.

20c White CannonCloth, 14c

36-inch White CannonCloth, heavy,* linen-finishquality, for .suits, skirts,middy blouses and boys'suits.

50c White NoveltySkirtings, 25c

36-inch White NoveltySkirting, with white mer¬cerized corded stripes, anew and distinct whitegoods novelty for skirtsand suits.

59c White Pique, 39c36-inch White Pique;

heavy raised welts, in newnovelty effects; a superiorquality for suits and skirts.Goldenberg's.1at Floor.

81x90 Double-bedBleached Sheets,69c value at 49c

A purchase made months agoenables us to name this lowprice. They are 81x90 Double-bed-size Bleached Sheets, of#serviceable round thread sheet¬ing cotton.perfect quality.notseconds.Get a supply tomorrow while

you can save so much on de¬pendable sheets.81x00 Seamleits Bleached Sheet*,full double-bed size; heavy linen-finish quality, strictlyperfect and free from

starch or dressing. Worth /Uf*100 each # -7 WCrochet Redspreads, double-

bed size; Marseilles -gdesigns. Worth $1.75 I ..*>VeachCrochet Bednpreadn, in handsome

raised Marseilles de¬signs; full double- /H * g\C\each"'": WOrth " 1 ."O43x156 Bleached Plllo»ven*es. la rgesize; linen-finish quality; -g fvhand torn and ironed. I C9

Worth 25c each ^ W

<;oIdeaber**K.First Floor.

59c Table Damaskat 39c a Yard.

64-inch Yarn Mercerized SatinTable Damask, a good, heavy,firm woven grade that will giveexcellent service and always re¬tain its luster after washing.Choice of five neat patterns..>oldeaherg*».>Flr«t Floor.

Housewares andNeeds for the Garden

Screen DoorsContinental Mortised 4-

inch-frame Screen Doors;>valnut finished; best qual¬ity wire: choice of <5 sizes;complete with fixtures,

$1.25Garden Implements

50c Steel <.«»« den Hoen, longhandle

59c 8te«»l tiarden Kale***; 12 prongs,long handle

50c Steel CrassShear*

75c Steel Spade*; strong 1)handle'

75c Steel Spading Forks; 1)handle

10c Steel GardenTrowels

Selected Lura-berStepladders,with shelf at¬tachment.

4-ft. size for 49c5-ft. size for 59c(J-ft. size for 69c

The AndrockOven saves

time, fuel andworry; bakes,warms, heat 3irons at onetime; has 4separate parts,

one, andmany

Trysee itsadvan¬tages, for59c

Dependable High-gradeKasy-rnnning a w nMowers: 14-inch sizesteel blades.For $3.49

Extra Quality 5-plyRubber fJarden Hose;25-foot lengths: completewith combination brassnozzle. A hose we


50c Crystal GlassWashboards; won't eor-rode or tear the clothes;

IS1.*1": 33c

Extra Quality TinWash Boilers, with coldwood handles; stronglymade.No. 7 size for.No. 8 size for.No. 9 size for $1.59


Continental MortisedExtension Frame WindowScreens; steel centers;strong and durable.24 in. high, extend

to 33 in., for 29c24 in. high, extend

to 37 in., for 39c28 in. high, extend

to 37 in., for 45c30 in. high, extendMi 37 in., for 49c

$1.25 Selected DumberFolding Ironinsr Boards;strongly made; QQ-good size. 7*J\J

SUMMERHOSIERYFor Women and ChildrenWomen's Lisle Hose* seamless

foot, double sole, high spliced heeland toe. garter tops. Inblack and white. Subject f ^to slight imperfections. J[5CWorth 25c pairWomen'* Pore Silk Hose, printed

and striped effects, in plain col¬ors and novelty designs.Slightly imperfect. Worth$1 pairChildren'* Fine Ribbed Uslc

Hose, seamless «foot, dou- -g fvble heel and toe. Black £only. Regular 29c values..Children's Cotton Socks, rolled

plain tops; black and qRegular 12%c val- OCorwhite.ues

Goldenberg' -First Floor.


Last Day of the

R-I-N-G SaleTo close out all remaining stock

of rings left from our successfulfactory sale and demonstration wowill..offer unreserved choice of thebroken assortments and odd sizesof Gold Shell and Sterling SilverRings, including stone set, enamel,solitaire and signet rings, in manyattractive styles.

Values upto 50c at....Signet Rings initialed free while

you wait.Goldenberg**.-First Floor.


$1.25 Petticoatsat 98c

Including the "Flexo" Self-Adjusting Petticoats

See these special values tomor¬row.they are exceptional.New Self-Adjusting Petticoats of

fine quality white cambric, withembroidery and lace insertions anddust ruffle, with "Flexo" band,which gives that snug, comfort¬able feeling. Regular and extrasizes.White Sateen Petticoats, in regu¬

lar and extra sizes; made withstylish ruffle flounce and elasticwaist.Sateen Petticoats, in black and

colors, made with new flounces inseveral styles; fine, lustrous flnfsh,with elastic band. All lengths.Goldenberg'a.Third Floor.

Eyeglass CleanersThe)

Given away nee at our OpticalDepartment. Come and get asanitary cleaner for yourglasses.

We have an elegpnt as¬sortment of Goggles and SunGlasses from 2Sc ta HM.

THM COUPON andJ»c for SM Pillows,filled with sterilisedcurled f.atilers. cov¬ered with heavy-welght art tickings;blue. pinl$, green andtan. (4th Floor.) (S)

100 Paper Napkins,12c

THIS COUPON* and12c for 100 Pure WhiteSanitary Crepe PaperNapkins. (8)

Iroaiff Wax,Six Piece*, 3c

THIS COUPON and3c for 6 pieces ofChinese Ironing Wax,wooden handles andmuslin covered. (No¬tion Dept.) (S)

Boys' Play Suits,87c

THIS COUPON and87c for Boys' SoldierPlay Suits, of tanduck, with yellowtrimmings; pistol beltand holster with eachsuit; sizes 4 to 10years. (S)

Men's 50c Uoder-shirts. 28c

THIS COUPON and28c for Men's AthleticUndershirts, of gauftecotton; plain whiteonly. (S)

Men's 39c Sos-penders. 25c

THIS COUPON and25c for Men's Sus¬penders. of good qual¬ity lisle webbing;leather castofTs;s t r i ped patterns.(Limit, two pairs toa buyer.) (S)

Men's 25c Hose,14c

THIS COUPON and14c for pair of Men'sBradford Hose, goodquality lisle t h r e ad;in black, white andgray; made with linenheel and toe. (S)

Men's 75cUnderwear. 38c

THIS COUPON and38c for Men's Law¬rence Mills Underwear;white gauze, cottonand balbriggan; sec¬onds of the regular75c grade. <S)

Corset Covers, 12cTHIS COUPON and

12c for Corset Covers,of good quality mus¬lin: plain styles; wellmade. (S)

Children's 15cDrawer*. 12V?c

THIS COUPON and12 Vac for Children'sMuslin Drawers, tucksand hems; full- cutsixes from 2 to 12years. (S)

Infants' S$ns. 25cTHIS -COUPON and

26c for Infants' Nain¬sook Slips, b.iahopstyle, with neat edg¬ing on neck andsleeves. is)

3!=3E OGoMenbergV.1The Dependable Store."Both Sides of Seventh Street"!-]^ 3 I.I I <Htai.itv.vnH B-ciYi\nT| || JE n nr TT

