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Our Lady, Star of the Seastaroftheseamarblehead.org/bulletin/102217.pdf · The different sides of...

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We see our community as one moved by Faith, led by Hope and united in Charity, seeking, as a caring family, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ by reaching out in welcome to all: the young, the old,

the stranger, and the neighbor. We commit ourselves to helping and healing, to feeding the hungry, to visiting the sick, and to consoling the bereaved as Jesus commanded in the gospels.

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 AM Holy Days: As announced. Daily Mass: 9:00 AM—Monday, Tuesday Wednesday & Friday CONFESSIONS: Saturdays: 3:00 - 3:45 PM Also upon request, at any reasonable time. BAPTISM: To make arrangements for Baptism and Baptismal Catechesis, please contact the rectory at (781) 631-0086 - Mon - Fri 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. WEDDINGS: By personal appointment with a priest, six to eight months prior to the date de-sired. SICK AND SHUT-INS: Priests and Eucharistic Min-isters are available to bring Holy Communion to the home. Please call the Rectory. NEWS DEADLINE: All items for the Parish Bulle-tin must be at the Rectory in writing no later than Monday at 10:00 AM. NEW PARISHIONERS ARE MOST WELCOME Please make yourselves known to us at the Rec-tory. We want to know you.

Our Lady, Star of the Sea Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945


Rev. Michael L. Steele, Pastor

Deacon John E. “Joe” Whipple

Rev. Philip Des Rosiers, Weekend Assistant

Mary J. Pagliarulo, Director of Music & Liturgy /

Director of Religious Education (DRE)

Erica Corrigan, Religious Education Assistant

Jean Ranger, Parish Secretary

Janet O’Connor, Church Bulletin Editor

PARISH RECTORY: 85 Atlantic Avenue (781) 631-0086

Fax: (781) 631-5668

OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 9:00-3:00

Fri: 9:00-12:00

Sat: 12:30 - 4:00


(781) 631-8340 PARISH WEBSITE: www.staroftheseamarblehead.org

PARISH EMAIL: [email protected]

Religious Education Registration Schedule Sunday: 9:00 to 11:00 AM in the Parish Center Monday: 9:00 to 1:00 PM in the Parish Center Tuesday: 9:00 to 4:00 PM in the Parish Center Wednesday: 9:00 to 5:30 PM in the Parish Center Thursday: 12:30 to 3:00 PM and 6:00 to 7:00 PM in the Parish Center Friday: Office is closed, but you can register at the Rectory from 9:30 to 11:30 AM.

2017-2018 Classes will be as follows: Sunday: (following the Family Liturgy Mass) 10:00AM to 11:00AM (Grades 1 through 10) Tuesday: 3:00PM to 4:00 PM (Grades 1 through 6) 6:00PM to 7:30PM (Grades 7 through 10) (every other week) Wednesday: 3:00PM to 4:00 PM (Grades 1 through 8) 4:30PM to 5:30 PM (Grades 1 through 5) 6:00PM to 7:30PM (Grades 6 through 10) (every other week)

Registration fees will be:

$125.00 1 child $175.00 2 children $200.00 3 or more children

Registration is required for all students including children attend-ing Private School, Parochial School or Boarding School. For Private or Parochial School students, fees will be waived as long as they are receiving their Religious Education at the school. Boarding School Students must make arrangements with the Religious Education Office regarding class times.

We will be having our Second Grade Parent Meetings on Sunday, October 22 from 2-3PM and Tuesday, October 24 from 7-8PM. More details on this to come.

The All Saints Mass for Grades 1 & 2 will be on Sunday, October 30 at the 9:00 AM Family Liturgy. More details to come.

Confirmation 2017

Confirmation Rehearsal Thursday, November 16, at 7:00 PM in the Church (Both candidates and their sponsors should attend.)

Sacrament of Confirmation The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held at Our Lady, Star of the Sea on Sunday, November 19 at 2:00 PM. Bishop Mark O’Connell will be celebrating the Eucharist.

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017


Saturday October 28 4:00 PM Father Steele

Sunday October 29

7:30 AM Father Steele

9:00 AM Father Steele 11:00 AM Father Steele

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday October 21 4:00 PM Rev. John Griffin Memorial Mass Sunday October 22 7:30 AM James Pye, Jr. Memorial Mass 9:00 AM Thomas Pollard 5th Anniversary Mass 11:00 AM Anthony DelVento 9th Anniversary Memorial Mass Monday October 23 9:00 AM Irene Nagle Memorial Mass Tuesday October 24 9:00 AM David Crowley Memorial Mass Wednesday October 25 9:00 AM John Dzerkacz Memorial Mass Thursday October 26 9:00 AM NO MASS Friday October 27 9:00 AM Anthony DelVento 9th Anniversary Memorial Mass Saturday October 28 4:00 PM Mary Diamont 11th Anniversary

Memorial Mass Sunday October 29 7:30 AM Barbara Pierce Memorial Mass 9:00 AM Mary Jane Gagnon Memorial Mass/ All Saints Mass 11:00 AM Fern Natola 18th Anniversary

2017 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MASS REQUIRMENTS (including Private & Parochial School Students)

November 5 Youth Mass at 11:00 followed by a Presentation by Douglas Lowe December 3 Youth Mass at 11:00 followed by Pizza in the Parish Center and a visit to the Devereux and Lafayette Nursing Homes to distribute Christmas gifts

Sunday, October 15

Offertory Collection: $15,865.50

FR. STEELE’S REFLECTION: “...repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” Matthew 22: 15-21 The different sides of Caesar’s coin For this single mom, it’s macaroni. Working three part-time jobs takes up the time that she would prefer spending making more nutritious meals for her two young daugh-ters. The challenge of stretching her few dollars to cover her family’s expenses each month also limits the menu options. But it is those boxes of macaroni on the shelf that remind her everyday of the cycle of poverty she sees no way of breaking out of.

For this widower, it is the closet filled with his late wife’s clothes. He cannot bring himself to dispose of them. As long as they hang there, he feels he is still holding on to something of her. Theirs was a wonderful marriage — her final illness drew them even closer to-gether. Her wardrobe and her few pieces of jewelry are his only joy in the midst of his loneliness and quandary as to what to do with the rest of his life.

For the teenager, it is his name — its culture and eth-nicity are unmistakable. He works hard in school and at his job because he knows he will always be second to someone with a more “normal” sounding name, someone from a less “exotic” background. He will always be a lit-tle less “equal” than others; he will have to work harder to be noticed because not much will be expected from him. Despite the burden, he bears his name and heritage proudly. There is a deeper issue in today’s Gospel than just taxation. No one has ever liked to pay taxes, but in Gospel Palestine, taxes were a constant reminder to the Jews that they were paying tribute to a foreign power. Caesar’s coin was an ugly sign of their powerlessness, the loss of their religious and national identity, the never-ending cycle of poverty and subjugation that strangled their lives. Today, Caesar’s coin takes the form of any-thing that traps families in poverty or imprisons individu-als in despair. In our own works of mercy and justice, we can help the poor, the broken, the abused and the lost break out of their tombs and prisons, rendering Caesar’s coin useless in God’s Kingdom where generosity and mercy are the coin of the realm.


We will be gathering for Coffee and Donuts today following the 9:00 AM Family Liturgy.

All are welcome

ParishPay Becomes WeShare

Existing Donors: Thank you for using online giv-ing for your support of our parish. Online giving is safe, simple and convenient. It benefits our parish by helping to streamline our administrative process and proving more accurate budgeting. Our current online giving provider, ParishPay, has been ac-quired by Liturgical Publications. All ParishPay accounts will be transitioned to WeShare, LPi’s online giving platform, early in the Fall. You do not need to do anything for this transition process. Your information will be transferred electronically fol-lowing the strictest security protocol Once the tran-sition is complete, you will receive more informa-tion about how to log in and manage your account in WeShare.

New Donors: Please refer to program information in above paragraph. You will be able to set up your online giving using the link which will be provided on our website.

Catholic World Mission Sunday

This week’s second collection supports Catholic World

Missions. By Baptism, all Catholics are called to participate

in the mission of the Church and share their faith as

missionaries. World Mission Sunday gathers support

for the pastoral and evangelization programs and needs

of more than 1,150 mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pa-

cific Islands, and remote regions of Latin America. The

funds gathered on World Mission Sunday are distributed in

the pope’s name by the Society for the Propagation of the

Faith—a Pontifical Mission Society. Please visit

www.propfaithboston.org for more information.

To my friends at Our Lady, Star of the Sea: I want to thank all who attended the Mission I preached at on October 1-3. It was a joy meeting

you! On behalf of My Passionist Community, I would like to thank you for your generous donation. This money will help us and the sisters who are now living at our residence. Thank you also for the purchase of my resources. Please explore: www.frcedric.org Remember my TV pro-gram “Live with Passion!” airs on TBN Sundays at 8:00 am, Cable, Dish 260, Direct 372 and ATT 1560. It was such a joy returning to my home state to preach. Enjoy the Fall leave changes and go Pats! Fr. Cedric. CP

An Opportunity for Growth The Increased Offertory Campaign

Our parish has responded with great generosity and enthusiasm to the Increased Offertory Campaign. As of last Sunday, October 15, 135 parishioners have indicated on their commitment forms their intention to increase their giving to Our Lady, Star of the Sea. These commitments totaled an average of $5.00 in increased weekly gifts, which would equate to an increase of 29% in their annual support of the parish. To those of you who have made your commitment, thank you for your thoughtfulness and dedication to Our Lady, Star of the Sea. Our parish also experienced a significant jump in the collections last weekend as the offertory was $15,865.50! For comparison, the of-fertory collection on the weekend of October 17, 2016 was $7,498. Additionally, 23 families have requested to join electronic giving and 15 families have requested to join the envelope system.

If you have not yet responded to Father Steele’s request, you will find a commitment card in the church pews. Simply indicate your intended increase and include with your new, increased offertory in the basket today. We hope to have all parishioners involved by the end of this weekend. Thank you very much for this terrific beginning!

Join us for a Magical Afternoon of Holiday Cheer at the Boston Pops

Sunday, December 17 3:00 PM

Symphony Hall, 2nd Balcony Center We will enjoy spectacular center seats in the front rows of the 2nd Balcony as Conductor Keith Lock-

hart and the Boston Pops Orchestra per-form Holiday music favorites and lead us in the traditional Pops sing-along. To add to the festivities, there will be a special visit from Santa Claus.

Tickets are on sale in the Rectory. The cost of the ticket and bus transportation to Boston is $68.00 per person. We will leave from the Church parking lot at 1:30 PM and will return at 6:30 PM.

Our Liturgical Music Season Our two choirs—Adult and Youth Scola— lift their

voices in joyful and prayerful song as they enhance the beauty of our weekend Masses.

If you enjoy singing in tune and would like to join us, please contact Mary Pagliarulo, Director of Music and Liturgy, at [email protected] or 781-631-8340. We would sincerely welcome your participa-tion.

Family Pizza Night Saturday, October 28

5:00—6:30 PM in the Parish Hall

Join us for a fun evening of pizza, drinks and dessert!

Tickets Individual: $5.00 Family: $15.00

Congratulations! Our Ticket Raffle Winner, Ina Ehrenberg, will be off to the New England Patriots Football Game when they face the Atlanta Falcons on Sunday, October 22 in Gillette Stadium.

Enjoy the game, Ina—it should be an exciting one!

Italian Night Saturday, November 18

5:00—6:30PM in the Parish Hall

Feast with us on Traditional Italian Fare

Religious Education Needs Your Help Volunteering in our Religious Education pro-gram is a deeply rewarding experience. We would sincerely value your participation in imparting the Word of God to our youngest parishioners. Each class requires a teacher and one teaching assistant. We will provide materials on curriculum and planning. Presently we are in need of teachers, teach-

ing assistants and hall monitors. We would particularly welcome teachers and teaching assistants for our Tuesday session: 3:00 to 4:00 PM (1st and 3rd grades), Wednesday: 3:00 to

4:00 PM (7th grade), and Wednesday: 4:30 PM to 5:30PM (All grades). Volunteer Hall Monitors during all class times will be truly appreciated. Please contact the Religious Education Office at [email protected] or by tele-phone at 781-631-8340. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please note also that there is a Volunteer Form un-der Religious Education which we invite you to fill out. We thank you sincerely for your interest.

Tickets Adult: $8.00 Child: $6.00 Family: $20.00


There will be a meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council on Monday, November 13, 2017 from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Parish Center.


There will be a meeting of the Finance Committee on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 7:30 PM in the Rectory.

All Saints Mass To Grade 1 and 2 Parents / Guardians

On Sunday October 29 at the 9:00 AM Family Liturgy, the 1st and 2nd Graders will dress up as their favorite Saint. They will sit together with their class and teachers. They will be part of the procession and will line up in the foyer of the Church, 1st Graders on the Rectory side; Grade 2 on the Rose Garden side. The pews in the

front will be blocked off for them.

If you have any questions, please contact Mary Pagliarulo at [email protected] or 781-631-8340.

The Loyola Press website (the books we use) has considerable information on Saints.


Please come to our Annual Bake Sale for great pies and goodies this week-end, October 21 and 22, following all Masses.

Funds received from this sale will go towards Christmas Fair expenses.
