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Our recipe book II. Main courses

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Our recipe book II. Main courses
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Recipes book II.. Main courses Comenius project: Students and Parents in partnership COMENIUS PROJECT STUDENTS AND PARENTS IN PARTNERSHIP OUR RECIPE BOOK II Main Courses IES LOS MORISCOS HORNACHOS
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Recipes book II.. Main courses

Comenius project:

Students and Parents in partnership




Main Courses


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Recipes book II.. Main courses

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Recipes book II.. Main courses

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Recipes book II.. Main courses

Comenius project:

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Extremenian crumbs


- Bread

- Oil

- Salt

- Garlic

- Pepper


1. Chop the bread in little pieces.

2. Put bread into salty water.

3. Fry garlic, peppers and some ingredients like bacon in a pot.

4. When all is fried, put it out on a dish.

5. Fry the bread with the same oil that you fried garlic, peppers and bacon with.

6. When bread is fried take all the ingredients out and add some bread.

7. There are a lot of recipes of this type depending on the place where you eat it. This

can be eaten with coffee, cacao or wine, as you like it.

8. The last step is to enjoy this delicious food that we have just prepared.



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Recipes book II.. Main courses

Comenius project:

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Lamb stew

Ingredients: 1kg. lamb (chest and back cut up into pieces), 50 gr. butter, 3 cloves garlic, a tablespoon of dried herbs (thyme, oregano), 250 gr. onion, 2 tablespoons of flour, 100 cc. dry white wine, 200 cc. beef broth or water, bay leaf, a sprig of mint, 3 peppercorns, salt.

Preparation: 1. Heat butter in a pan, add the garlic cloves until brown. 2. Take out the garlic. 3. Add the meat to the pan and let cook over medium heat. Stir occasionally. 4. Once well browned, add the chopped onion and let cook with the meat until

tender. 5. Stir in flour, stir a bit and splashed with white wine, stirring over high

heat. 6. Once the alcohol has evaporated cover with enough broth or water and add

in a bay leaf. 7. Cook over medium heat about 25-30 minutes, or until lamb is very tender. 8. grind the fried garlic with mint and pepper in a kitchen mortar. 9. Add to the stew and let it cook for a few minutes.

Mamen Becerra

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I’m going to talk about the traditional food of Valencia. It has got rice, chicken, rabbit, ”bajoqueta” or what would be the same: flat green beans, “garrofón”, white beans, tomatoe, olive oil, saffron and we use twice the water than of rice. In order to decorate you can put some small branches of romero and lemon. First, you put the olive oil. When it is hot, you put the chicken and the rabbit. When the meat is done, it is taken out. You fry the green beans. After, you put the tomatos and you stir. You put twice the water than of rice and you add saffron and garrofón. Then, you put the rice and you wait 20 minutes and it is ready to eat. It is my favorite food, I like it very much. And you, have you tried paella?.

Francisco José Collado

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-Four slices of ham -One bag of frozen potato salad -Four hard boiled eggs -Mayonnaise -Olives with no bones. -Olive oil, two tablespoons -Small pinch of salt DIRECTIONS:

- Boil the potato salad to defreeze; drain and leave to cool. - Slice three hard boiled eggs and olives (reserve some for

decoration ) - Put everything in a bowl and mix with the mayonnaise. - Fill the slices of ham with the potato salad and do rolls. - Serve in the plate decorating with the hard boiled eggs and

the olives.


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You need:

• ½ kg mince meat

• Three eggs

• Salt

• Grated bread

• A garlic

• Parsley

Procedure: Put into a bowl the mince, three eggs and mix all together. Cut the garlic in little pieces, put a bit of salt and a little of parsley. Mix with a spoon. Add the grated bread and mix all again. Now you can make balls with the mixture. Put oil into a saucepan and fried the meatballs Put the fried balls in a pot and then add fried tomatoes. Now cook in the kitchen for ten minutes and you can serve. ANABEL DELGADO

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Stuffed musselsStuffed musselsStuffed musselsStuffed mussels


���� 500g of mussels.

���� 2 tomatoes.

���� 1 green pepper.

���� A small pinch of salt.

���� Some oil.

���� Garlic (optional)

� Directions: 1) Cook the mussels for 15-20 minutes until the shells open.

2) While the mussels are cooking, chop tomato and green peppers.

3) Add a little oil and a pinch of salt in a pan.If you want you can also put some garlic.

4) When the mussels are cooked, remove shells, add to tomato and pepper

5) The shell of the mussel is filled with the mixture .The

stuffed shells are placed in a tray and are served.

And… bon appetite!!! FÁTIMA GONZÁLEZ

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Aubergine Gratin

3 medium aubergines 6 thin slices of ham 6 slices of cheese to gratiné Olive oil Salt Oregano Wash the aubergines, cut the stem and cut lengthways by the half . Give a few cuts in the aubergine and add a bit of oil and little salt. Put the aubergines in the oven to 150º, in the below tray until it is tender. Take out and put on every half aubergine a slice of ham. Cut for the half the slices of cheese and cover all. Put on the grill during 5 minutes . And serve warm. ELENA GALEA

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Ingredients for four people: *1 Kg of pestorejo * One small onion * Three cloves garlic * Salt * Oil * Parsley * Vinegar * Two tomatoes PREPARATION We clean the pestorejo, when finish cleaning we handle be on tenterhooks. We cut it in small piece and put it in a casserole. cut the onion, parsley and tomatoes. Later, add in salt, oil and vinegar. And the three cloves garlic. It’s ready to eat.

Mª Isabel Hidalgo

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- Fry the onions, tomatoes and peppers

- Add the tentacles of the squids finely chopped.

- Pour a glass of white wine and boil it softly.

- Add the tuna and crushed tomatoes and a pinch of salt..

- Let it boil for ten minutes..

- Finally, retire it from the fire and until you get the time to complete.


- Fry onions, tomatoes and peppers. Add a glass of white wine.

- Crus hall the ingredients.


- Stuff the squid with the mixture you have previously cooked.

- Once stuffed, keep them tied with a wood stick.

- Add the squids to the sauce.

- Let them boil for 15 minutes.

Blanca Bermejo

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� 6 Sirloin steak of deer � 1 Cup of olive oil � 3 Leaves of bay � 1 Garlic clove � Small pinch of oregano � Small pinch of sweet paprika � 1 Glass of white wine � 1 Glass of sparkling mineral water � And salt to taste

Directions � 1...Chop deer

� 2...In the pressure cooker , put in the cup of olive oil with 3 leaves of bay

� 3...Add meat and mix

� 4...In the glass of the mixer is thrown garlic, oregan, paprika, mineral water , wine, and beat

� 5...And all this is added to the meat

� 6...Put salt and cover for about twenty minutes

� 7... Uncovered and serve on plate and ...eat.YUMMY


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Page 16: Our recipe book II. Main courses

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Suckling pig roast

Ingredients • 1 suckling pig of about 3 to 4 kg • 100 grams of lard • 4 cloves of garlic • 1 glass of dry white wine • 1 glass of water • Laurel • Salt

The roast suckling pig recipe preparation

Suckling pig is usually purchased already prepared, about and without viscera .

Open the belly all along. Clean the suckling pig well and dry it inside with a cloth.

Put salt all over it. Peel the garlic and crush them well in a mortar. Mix the crushed garlic with lard and minced laurel leaves. Burden the suckling pig, with this mixture.

Puncture the skin with a thick needle and let the air go out and stay crunchy.

Place the suckling pig with the skin down, an appropriate source of clay or the tray from the oven, on a few twigs and a few Bay leaves so the skin will not stick.

Pour the wine and a glass of water over it keep the oven to medium power, (170 ° - 180 °), for 45 minutes, occasionally sprinkling it with the juices .

Then, turn back and keep cooking for one hour and a quarter, occasionally sprinkling sauce and turning it back. If it`s getting dry, add some water on it. READY TO EAT!!!!!

Rodrigo Zavala

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Ingredients: ♦ Macaroni

♦ Water

♦ Oil

♦ 1 Bay leaf

♦ Salt

♦ Tomato

Directions: 1- Boil water with the oil and the bay leaf.

2- When it starts to boil, add the macaroni and the salt.

3-When boiled take them out and pass them under cold water.

4-Finally add the tomato mix and serve. (Then you can add tuna, mince ...)


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Recipes book II.. Main courses

Comenius project:

Students and Parents in partnership




--TTuunnaa ((ccaannnneedd))


--PPiinnee nnuuttss

☺☺MMiillkk☺☺OOiill ☺☺FFlloouurr


**FFiirrsstt sstteepp:: FFrryy tthhee ppoottaattooeess.. **SSeeccoonndd sstteepp:: MMaakkee tthhee wwhhiittee ssaauuccee wwiitthh ooiill,, fflloouurr aanndd mmiillkk.. **TThhiirrdd sstteepp:: AAdddd tthhee ppoottaattooeess iinn aa bbaakkiinngg ddiisshh wwiitthh ttuunnaa.. **FFoouurrtthh sstteepp:: TThhrrooww hhiimm tthhee wwhhiittee ssaauuccee,, tthhee hhaamm iinnttoo ssmmaallll ccuubbeess aanndd ppiinnee nnuuttss.. **FFiifftthh sstteepp:: PPuutt iinn tthhee oovveenn ffoorr 88 mmiinnuutteess..

Sofía Benítez Cáceres

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Cheese steak


- Pig’s steak - Salt -Pepper -Cheesecake -Cooking cream


- Season the steak with salt, pepper and put them in the oven for about 30 minutes at 270 degrees.

Putting them in the oven Seasoned

Cheese sauce:

- For the cheese sauce, mix 100 grams of cheese with 300 grams of cream in a saucepan and heat it.

Mix cheese and cream

- Once well-mixed, serve the cheese sauce with a steak in a plate.

The end

Ángela Durán

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Comenius project:

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Stuffed tenderloin Ingredients for 4 people 2 omelettes -2 tenderloins –ham –oil -salt and black pepper Ingredients for the sauce 2 large onions -3 cloves garlic –a glass of white wine –a cup of beef broth

1. Open the tenderloin

2. Put the Tortilla filled with ham

3.Tie the tenderloin with kitchen rope

4.While performing this, preheat the oven to 200 degrees 5.Take a little olive oil and pepper 6.Put it in the oven at 200 degrees

To prepare the sauce 1. Poach the onion and the garlic

2. Add a glass of wine and cup beef broth

3. Leave it boil to reduce the broth

4. Beat

5. The sauce is added in the last 15 minutes, then wait 10 minutes more

Christopher Ramos

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Page 22: Our recipe book II. Main courses

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IngredienIngredienIngredienIngredientstststs:::: (Serves 4)

100 gr. Butter 100 gr. Flour

200 gr. Serrano Ham 1 Scallion

1 clove of garlic 1 l. Milk

1 sprig of parsley (garnish) Batter and frying:

flour 3 beaten eggs Breadcrumbs

Hojiblanca extra virgin olive

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PreparationPreparationPreparationPreparation:::: In a saucepan heat the butter cut into cubes.

Meanwhile chop the onion and garlic. When you melt the butter put the onion and garlic to soften, incorporate the ham and sauté briefly. Add flour and mix well, pour the milk slowly, stirring constantly. Work the dough for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and spread the dough in a bowl. Spread the surface with a little butter so it does not make crust and let cool.When the dough is cold, cut and shape croquettes. Pass them through the beaten eggs and breadcrumbs and fry them in hot oil.

Mª Carmen López

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Roasted Sirloin Ingredients: - 1’5kg sirloin - Garlic - Salt - Parsley - olive oil - lemon

Preparation: 1º Marinade: Mix together: olive oil, salt, parsley, garlic and lemon. do the marinade. 2º Introduce the meat (slices previously made) in the bowl with the marinade. 3º Let the mixture in the marinade for about three hours. 4º then grill the meat until browned 5º Put everything in a plate and add olive oil. 6º Decorate to your taste 7º Bon appetit!

Juan Esteban and Yolanda Chacón

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� 1 rabbit 1,5 kg

� 2 tablespoons of oil

� 2 cloves of garlic

� 3 slices of bread

� Thyme 1 piece

� 1 bay leaf

� ½ traspoon sweet or hot paprika

� Broth or wáter

� Salt

� Pepper


1-Fry the garlic,pepper, add salt to the oil and the bay.

2-Add the rabbit liver. When everything is fried, drain them and crush it a Little in the mortero with Little pepper.

3-Fry the rabbit in the same oil . When browned ,add the mixture . 4Remove well andcover with broth or water and add the salt.

5-Boil about 40 minutes. If the sauce is lighter, we link with potato starch or cornstarch diluted in a little cold water.

Cristina Mancera Valverde,Andrea Bermejo Benitez,MªJose Franco Benitez e Isabel Caceres Morales.

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-Approximately 1 kg of pork loin.

-300 grams of canned muhsrooms.

-2 or 3 potatoes cut into chunks. -Olive oil,onion,garlic,salt,black pepper,oregano,thyme and bay leaf. -White wine and water. STEPS:

1ºCut the loin in fillets.

2ºIn a saucepan ,pour the oil,add the onion and garlic with the back filleting and then, add the salt, black pepper, oragano,thyme and a bay leaf.

3ºSauté and add a little white wine and water. 4ºIn a skillet,fry the potatoes and add the mushrooms to it,leave to cook for a few minutes and remove from heat. 5ºServe hot.


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HOME-MADE PIZZA Ingredients: -Flour (500 gr) -Water (500 ml) -Butter (50 gr) -Yeast (16 gr or one envelope) -Salt (1 tablespoon) -Sugar (1 tablespoon) -Tunny -Tomato sauce -Cheese -Oregano. Instructions: First of all, you have to mix and knead all the flour, water, butter, yeast, salt and sugar using a recipient and your hands. Then, you can let it rest for an hour. After that, you gotta stretch the mass until it’s thin and put it on a smooth table. This part is always the same. Later, you can decide what you wanna put in your pizza. You should put some tunny, tomato sauce, cheese, oregano and whatever you want to. Then, put it in the oven for 20 minutes and that’s all. You’ll have a delicious pizza!

Alba Durán

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Pasta with cheese

Ingredients: •one packet of macaroni •one packet of sliced cheese •fried tomato •oil •one onion •one packet of sausage •a little of salt •water


1 To prepare the macaroni: add in the saucepan water. Get the macaroni boil

2 When the water boils pour the macaroni in the saucepan

3 Put salt and oil in the saucepan with the water 4 Wait ten or fifteen minutes until to soften 5 Slice onion and fry 6 When fried the onion put the macaroni and pour

the tomato and sausage in pieces 7 Fry pasta with tomato and the cheese

Belén Pulido

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Potatoes partridge Ingredients Ingredients for four people

� 2 partridges � 1 kilo of potatoes � half kilo green beans � 4 carrots � 1 tomato � 1 onion � 1 pepper � 4 cloves garlic � 2 bay leaves � half cup of oil � half a glass of white wine � water to cover the stew � dye (saffron) and salt

Directions � Chop the partridges into 4 pieces � They Are placed in the pressure cooker � Add the tomatoes, peppers, garlic, bay leaf, onion, green beans, carrots, oil, and wine and mix and cover with water

� Close the pressure cooker and it isleft to cook for 20 - 30 minutes � The pot is uncovered � Add the potatoes, the dye and salt � Leave for another 15 minutes cooking and ready to serve


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DIRECTIONS 1.Boil the macaroni as directed on package. Add stock cube. Drain and drizzle with oil.

Meanwhile, place a pan over medium heat with 2 tablespoons oil and tomato. Season

with a pinch of sugar. Cover and simmer 10 minutes until tomato is cooked.

2.Put a saucepan with 2 tablespoons oil and flour. Stir a few minutes. Pour the milk

slowly, stirring with the help of a whisk.

3.Boil a few minutes and remove from heat bechamel. Mix tuna, eggs, tomato sauce and

macaroni. Heat all together, stirring constantly. Serve immediately.

Elisa Béjar

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-eggs, parsley, garlic,red pepper, onion, tomatoe, oil, bay leaf.

-Beat 3 eggs -Chop up parsley, garlic

-Add breadcrumbs and salt

-In a frying pan, to spill some spoonfuls of the dough.

- add in that oil green pepper, red pepper, onion and tomato.

-allow it to cook and add water, parsley and a bay leaf

- allow it to cook again and add the repápalos to the sauce.

-mash garlic and put it in the saucepan

Lexuri Márquez

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