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Our Town April 4, 1918

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town April 4, 1918





    Betty Baxter's Gossip

    Mr. Harry Josl in, o f ElmwoO.l1 of th e Nal'berth : from !J.oys i n t he present s ta te of theirhy t h ~ s , t he p ia ni st whirled on his Home Gua rd , and Harry A. Jacobs,' Hoover Dinner Instead of .development.. An effort ha s heen madestool, always pomlcing on t he k ey s at edlitor of O ur To-wn. Banquet-Red Cross to to secure rigid complialllice w it h a llth e right i n st a nt du ring h is r ev ol 'l - All of these gentlemen made brief rules, a nd t he s ec re ta ry ha s n o c om -tions. Th e lilttle man in th e tin-shop, Iand poi nt ed s peeche s, patriotic in Benefit plaint to make. H e desires 1.0 sa y inotherwise th e t rap d rummer , s ur - s en time nt a nd a ll u rg in g t he claims of tl . tl tl t tl bo [ Nrounded by a dozen or more weird tile I.Tome Guard most eloquently 'I1ho Ushers ' Assooiation of the i li S c on ne c o n la Ie ys O R r -"] f 'herth, wi,th hu t very few exceptions,mechanisms, l{ept hands, feet, elho,ws Those tak,ing J}art in th e active drll:" BaJ}t.ist Church on accoun t 0 warbusy wlith jazzy s y n c ~ a t i o n 3 on I lumber on.lv a.l)011'.t twentY-five, and cond,ttioll's will t hi s y ea r do without hav:e p r o v e ~ l themselves to I ~ just

    J plam Amencan hoys, [ un Iovmg anddrums, trliangles, c owb e ll s e t cetera. strong pleas wer e m ad e for a large theIr annual 'banquet, and lllstead, on h' I i' t ,1 Itt II bl 1 .1om I . A'l 18 t 6 ~ Ig I sp. n e.., lU con 1'0 ,a e anHThrou,gh it al l perco la ted the mourn- l increase in this number, which it is "JlurS( ay evenmg , pn ,a ..~ b' f 1 I !t I1 . "H ,,,. " . I capa .e 0 (eve opmCln a ong, anyful wall'S o f t he melancholy saxop l on e hop ed did no t fall o n d ea f e ar s. glve a oover uil llner, serV1ng on Y. .t. tl tl . 1 b FdA I IrIght hne, and the frlendsl11p theyand th e b ra ze n c la ng or o f t he corne. '. r. .' , . , "'I lOse 11Ugs u.pprove( y. 00 I 1 1Then there were solos. Mr. Sebos- St,rgtllllt U. Urlmn EXlllodes Ii I. lllilliistrator Hoover. have sh07n 111m Ie h'as appreclate(

    Hen Rudo lph ' s suave and mellow tenor nitratetoltllli Either Lieutenant J. D. Newson or v e ~ ? T ' l m u c 1. tvoice wa s heard in two appropriate i The princitplLI speaker of th e evening Lieutenant J. P. Skidmore, th e former . Ie secre a.ry now relinqui,shin-gsongs., most a r tis t ica lly sung, whi le c am e l as t, bu t wa s by no means l ea st . o f th e Royal Fieltd Artillery of Great t l ~ e office d.eslr:es. a , l s ~ to t h ~ n k theBugler Fred C. Pa tt e n a roused g r za t Sergeanl. H. Brown,a member o f o ne Britain, and the laMer of th e First (llrectors. fo r t h eI r umfo rm kllldnessenthusiasm b y h is cornet solos. The of th e original Canadian b3Jttallons, Canadian Exped'ltdonary Force, will and helpful co-operation, an d to assilvery tones o f h is cornet had scarce who h as s er ved t hr ee y ear s 'in th e speak. Definite announcement later; sure them that. t he f ou r m on th s heIy died away when th e leader of t he g re at war, and is now connected with either one ha s a very impor tant mes- hlas spelnt in t .helrservice. will a.lwaygjazz bRnd played "Mother Machree" t he B ri ti sh R ec ru it in g Servrce In sage. Th e meeting w,l'l1 als'O be ad- b looked. upon as a brIght ,spot inand another equally beautiful solo, Philadelphia" sa t t hr ou gh t he pr e- d re ss ed by Han. Flet.cher W. Stiles, 1115 expene,nce. H.e leaves with t th ewith much artisti lc feeling, d emon - Hmina ry ' prog ram wi th ill-concealp.d member of Sta te Assembly an d call' heart ies t of good w ~ s h e s fo r th e fu urnstrating that his t al en ts w er e n ot ex- impatience, a nd w he n finally called d id at e f or t he National House. Gocd prosperity of th e ll1'sUtutlon a nd t heclusdvely devoted to popular "rQgs." upon he sprang to ,the fioor lil{e an music. A fine p ~ t r i o t i c meeting for success ~ ~ Mr. Bowen. th e Incomine:IIlItelI'spersed w it h t he se were sonF,s uneaged '!lon, paaing up an d dlOwn, and al l Narberth foI-ks, whether BaptLsts secretanan d choruses by th e aud ience , includ- pour ing ho t shot on th e Ame ri ca ns f or o r not. T icke ts w ll l s oon be on s al e. - - - - - - - - -i ng s uc h popUlar favor,i tes as "Over t he Ir s lown es s i n WJakl'l1'g up to th e '1'he e nt ir e n et proceeds to go forThe re ," "They Go 81m'ply Wild Over grim r e a l d t i ~ of the conflict. He bene fi t o f 10c-1Il1 Red Cross.Me," "\V1lere Do We Go from Her"." wanted the applause cut out and"Grasshopper Song" and t he l'lke. Thon launclled into an eloquent tiradet he re w as a maglc li an , who causclI a,gaiiIlst t ho se who c.Laimed tIley weremuch ,IllIirth by th e way he extracted doing thedr Mt by f i l ling gQVernmentcoi ns f rom th e ears and noses o f th e pen-pushing positions' 81t $6 to $10 pe ra ud ie nc e a nd p as se d t hem w it h e3JSe day. He disclaimed an y abiUty asthrough th e v amou s p or ti on s o f hi s (Continued on Fourth Page)

    A Melange of Speeches, Songs, Cornet Solos, Mystic Magic andJazz Band-Sergeant Brown Explodes a Bomb

    T he sll loke r gi ve n last Thursdayevening by the H ome G uard wa s at)'pica;l ente r ta inment. Hundreds ofsuch ha ve been he ld t hr oughou t theland. A pleasant s oc ia l g at he ri ng ,c ha ra

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town April 4, 1918


    NAHBEHTH, l>A. -OUR TOWN--A.PRIL 4 1918

    ____ 5

    Of course, wedeliver - anyp l a c e - anytime.



    War SaVingS Stamps

    Main Line Federation SecretaryOpens Office Hours inNarberth

    Woman Suffra.ge party wiJll b e h eldon I"riday, April 12. at the hor ne o fMrs. W. J . Mulholland , 102 Chestnutavenue. An)' o ne i nt er es te d i n '5uf1'ra.g,e is c or di al ly i nv it ed t o be present.

    HOWARD'Selephones,12671268The Brightest Spot in NarberthA drug s tore in the most modern sense of the term

    LETTEREEKLYUB'STo t he Edito r of Our Town:

    PLANT A FLOWERINt: TREELocal historians tell us that in the Alul JIClp to make ou r t ow n t he most attractIve vI llage In t l le PhIlade lph ia

    old. old day s Narbe rt h' s sidewalks Suburban DIstrIctThe II I the Sen ute "11 I Y hTo th e I"ditor of Our TO\\1n,: delivering one of his well-known "There is no t a Senator at Washing- \\ I le ours.In last week's paper in Cuh's col - b rie. f homil ies. to a friend when the '1 ton who l.Io'es.. not. know that worn.an ' "W. G. J[eAtloo.ff "Secretary of the Treasury ."umn a short article with reg11:rd to traJll pullell 111 and he wad still at su rage lS lIn;entable. that reslst-

    t he unt id )' appearance of "one spot it when t he c ar s began to move out. 'a,nce is fut il e,. that delay is buton Haverford a ve nue. not fa r from Our good old schoolmaster h as l on g wre,tehed SUbterfuge.Y. M. C. A." This spot, needless to legs a nd h e d id n' t ge t left, nor was h e "That i f t hi s country is to stay inA,lthough bakJers who use less than men ti on the na111e of the owner, is injured, thank goodness. but we do th e \1alngua,rd ofdemocracy the Unitedth re e ba rr els o f flour and meal a indeed a d is gr ace t o auy town! Ma.ny no t al l have t he advan tage o f b ei ng States Senate mu,st do it s part inmonth are no t required to secure peoDle have compla.ined a,bout it. an d built according to similar extended pushing on in th e wake of ou r AlH,esFood Adminis t ra t ion licenses, a re- people visitin'g here at th/3t! I think. perpendcular architeotural l in es a nd to secure th e enfranchisement ,of woce nt r ule 19ives them th e right to Iand I am sure everyone in Narberth most 'anyone of us wou ld h av e come men .come unde'r llicomse. thinks the same, that this corner a c ropper h ad he e ss ayed the same "How can anyone hold hack iln! this_.___ sh

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town April 4, 1918







    45th and Parrish'Sts.



    CALDWELL& CO.R e a l E s t a t eI n s u r a n c eNARBERTH, PA.


    Pas teur i zed Milk I DELIVERIESBrynclovis Cert i f ied WEST PHILAMilk (Ped r iaUc Soci et y ) OVERBROOKSpeci a l .. Guernsey" MERIONMilk WYNNEFlELD(Roberts &: Sharpies s ' BALA-CYNWYDair ies) NARBERTHCream But te rmi lk ARDMORETab l e a n d W h ip p in g WYNNEWOODCream.


    Iresponding to th e ealll to JIJ\3lke th e IrLEAN SAFEenUre Narberth School an auxmary to , lJ WHOLESOMEthe Junior Red Gross. A definite 01'- _glLnization h as b ee n f an ne d consist- OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEEDlng of facu lty officers an d committees UNDERBACTERIOLOGICALCONTROLa,nd s ,t adelnt officers and committeechairmen. The plan of work w il l l>ediscussed in a following i>lsue. AMmon ey a nd materil]!1 contributed willbe under the strict supe rvis ion of this: o rgan iz at ion. P ar ,e nt s c an feel as sured that the,re will be no haphazardwork done.

    Suuda)" ServIces,t' .11. (;rIIl', J'l\stor

    'fhc Utfle Church ou the IIlll Persons having' a n over -s up ly of Hiih Grade ButterILarly cabbag,e, caul.iflower, toroato and Telephone-Narberth 6401 A.othe,r plants. , ca n encourage boys !3lnd II ~ : ~ ~ s s l ~ : ~ I ~ ; ~ ) ' ; ~ : r t ~ : ' p ~ ~ : ~ ~ l i ~ : 1 1 W f l ~ ~ ATTRACTIVE NEW HOUSES9.45-Sunday school. Men 's B ib le t hem.Class in th e auditorium, led by Hon.

    F. W. Stites. Although the school will no t official-11.00 -- Morning worship. Sac- lv conduct school gardens it will co-rament of th e Lord ' s Suppe r. Sermon, (';perate w it h t he Communi ty Garrlenby pastor, "What is Consecration?" 01ub in every wa y possible. TheAfter t!le morning service th e Wo- s choo l w il l g,ladly g i Y E ~ scientific inmen's l3ible Class mee ts, lerl by Mrs. formation on garrLennnlg, and w h e n ~ For Sale No. 225 Forrest AvenueMcCraeken. ever poss ible will assi'st in planting And Bungalow on Avon Road7.00-Epworth League. An interest- MallY disappointments result from l3Inil1g; anrl he lpful se rv ice for youn:g poo- improperly prepa re (l seed bed and Also choice b u i l d i n ~ sites. Don't hesi'pie. pLanting at a wro,ng depth , wrong tate if you want a good home.7,45--Evening service. p'3'stor w il l t im e, too crowded" an d w it h s oil too

    preach on "Have You Lost Your heav)'. Mr. Mel ,chior ha s started aSoul?" The c ho ir s will sing at t he s er ie s of five-mLn!ute ob je ct l es sons ----- ---'-- ----------------morning ,Ind e ve ni ng s er vi ce s w it h in growing c ro ps . T he f irs t s howed H. C. FRITSCHProeessional and Recessional. t '1 ' I . I' spect'veR 1'1 Ollg l Y pa,rslllps grown e. I - PrtpertJes For Rent andThis Frida'.', Apriil ii, at 8.15 P. M.. 1 Ie' Ilallo" sOI'1 Sal,y over on g manur , ,m s " Fire Insuranceain ' e nte rta inment by home talent wi l l 1 t '1 . d fine sOI'1III (eep, sony SO.l ,111 eep .. Bell Phone 869 w.h e g iv en f or t he henef it o f t he Lad ie s'Aill Sodety. 'rickets, 25 cents. Watch f or announcement o f t he ex- "nI l BuDding. Narberth. PLOn W e ~ l n e s d , a : " Ap ril.3, 8 P. M., th e I hlbitioln to be g,iven IW t he phy si ca l

    p ~ l s t o r Will hegm a series of t al ks a t c ul tu re rlep\:ll1'tment.the pl1J)'el' me. et ings on the topics, A COMPLETF LINE OF"What Did Jeslls Teaeh?" Th e pastor I T m l " m . : s m J o ~ SCHOOL SUPPLIEShad IIsef l these in conrlucting h i s l argec la ss o f students at. t lIe University of (Continued from First Page) ATPen71Ry lv an ia . Thes e discussiollllS ar e nue, has been v,isi-ting Private William Iof "ital importance. YOII ar e wel- Dennison , at h is h ome in Bridgeton,come. K. J.

    Ou r frlenrd t he Cub cannot take th e "Every Hlg,lt Schoo l boy a Scout,"credit f or h av in g a ll ow ed Add ie an is this week ' s s logan. IY . M . C . A . B U I L D I N Gopportunity of philanthropy. We know - - - \'Cub wHI s ay , "My ar ti c le made him Almost without exception th e Highcome aGross," bu t no t so. Our prin- School pupils have enrolled in onoclpall 111318 a letter on file dated mlearly o r mor e o'f the committees for Junior Ia year ago i n whi ch Mr. Wahlert of- Red Cross wor k. Commi tt ee No. I,fered these trees. They were not the Boys' Gollecting Committee, is nowplanted then because the school a t w or k soliciting stamped magazhles, GARAnteed RoofsgrouIHls were b ei ng regraded. Cub, which the y in person will deliver att ha t' s t he t ime Addie pu t one over th e postoffice, oleL magazun:es fromon you! We und,e:rstand t he b oa rd Iwhich the Art Committee preparesha,s heen offle,red an additional num- s to ri es for hospital beds, leave oversbel' of 5ne trees. Perhaps th is is iln of )13!rn for th e el1e.mentary pupils toresponse to your suggestions. k ni t i nt o s qu ar es , old wonlen c lo th-ing fo r shoddY, or if good enough, forThe Easter exercises ',v.ere conduct-Ii distri'bntion through r el ie f c ommi t-

    ed on Thursday morning,. ,after which t ee s. South Sideth e school a,djouMled for a brief Citizens ar e , li be ra ll y r espond ing At th e Stat ionEaster vac aHon . S choo l reopened on Iand appreciate th e ca re ful organiza - ----------------Monday. tion of this wor k u nd er tll,8 leader- George B. Suplee

    ___ ship of Miss Sailor, faculty chairmanCommencement week will begin Iof this committee. St & H t W H .June 16 with th e hacca.Janreate exer- The "In!ew time" did no t dtfect punc_ earn 0 ater eating

    cises, aJold Col,ases with commencement tuallity o n Mon da y Illorni,ng. TanH- I Plumbingon Frida)", June 21. ness is prt ld. ica lly nil. The pupi ls ap- IBell Telephone.preciat e the privilege they wil l h ave I _The elementary pupils ar e rapidly of OI1'e h ou r mor e of

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town April 4, 1918


    NAl-{BERrrH. PA. -OUR TOWN-APRIL 4.1918

    Ar e you buying War S tamps?

    We canllot publish unsigned comulIInlcatlons.

    Al l W o r k Guaran t eed .

    I\U.LKScott-Powell DairIes. Phone, Preoton 2398.See display adver tisement In this looue.MORTGAGESSIml'80n, James C. 232 Essex ave.Phone, 636, or 1420 Chestnut .t.IIIUSJOCowin, T. Stuart. Plano Teacher.206 lIJer lon ave. Phone, Narberth 3 '7-R.Loos, Fanny II . Plano teacher.StUdio, Arcade B ldg. Pbone , 316. J.SJoholm, JIIIss Ebba. Music Teacher and AccOlnpanist. 228 Ionn . avc., Narber th .N O T A R ~ 1'UBLICJclferleH, J. II. 111 Narbertb ave.Phone, 666-111.T)"son, "'arren R. 200 WoodbIne ave.Phone, 1202-W.O l ' T I C I A ~ l ! lFenton, Carl F. 606 Essex ave. Phone, 638-W.Phlla. address. 180r. Chestnut lit.rAISTERSCole. Jl1mes R.246 Haver fo rd ave . Phone 1225-JW. G. Cummer. Phone, 1262 'w. .210 Elmwood ave., Narbertb.

    \Valzer, Fred.117 'Vlnsor ave. Phone. 1247-J.PAI'Jo:U lJAl'i'GERSDenver, RlchRrd A. Arcade Building.Pbone, Narberth 1693-W."'ltte, Geo. A. 320 \Voodblne ave.Phone, 1203-W. First-closs work.PIIOTO I'LAYS"Arcadia," 16th and Chestnut Otll., Phil ..~ e d isp lay adve rt i s emen t I n thll l ,,,IIUPS J ~ ~ ~ ? E ~ : ; ' A C l l I m S 6; ACCOMr,\NIST228 Iona ave.PLUJlUUSG, ETO.Suplee, Goo. B. Phon", 1289.See dloplay advertisement In tbls losu .Wall, II. n. Phone, 319-J.See display advertisement In thlo loou .REAL ESTATECaldwell 6; Co. Phone, 1271-W.See display advertlBement In thlo loou .Fritsch, n. C. Phone, 252-W.See display adver tisement In thlo I .oueGodtrey, Wm. B. .114 Woodside ave. Phone, 685-WNasb, Robert J. Phone, 606. .Money for First and Second Mortgages.ROOFING, ETC,Gara-l\leGlnley Co. Phone, 1258-W.See display advertisement In thlo I.ousMiller, John A. 243 lona ave. Phone, 661:J.Shop, 246 Haverford ave. Phone, 1226-J.SCHOOLS, ETC.Zentms)"er'''"t Th e l\IIMRcs.Phone, !\arberth 651-J.SHOEIIIAKERS

    Good Wear Shoe Repair Shop,Constantine, B. G. Y. M. C. A. Bldg.The above department IIhould be ot t hsI ;reatest use to the community, the list contalnll the name ot every proteoslonal man,t r adesman, mechanic , shopkeeper , e t c. whodoes or c an In any way se rve his tello1l'townsman, and who III progresolve enoughto add name t o l ist ot RegIster.All It III dIfficult tor tholle contrlbutlnatheir time and e!tortll to the production ot"Ou r Town" to per llona lly eIther know orIntervIew all lIuch, I t would be moot b slpful I t t ho se not now tound In tbe printedlist .would .end In a memo ot tbelr namss.addreu, phone numbers and buslnessell orprotelllllonll for III1t1ng. Tblll will cost all fol.10wlI: 10 centll eacb ISllu. for :I l ines: 6 csntsf or eaob add it iona l Une.



    By Expert Mechanica.

    Two Linea, 1 0 c p e r iaaue; 5c f o r e a c h a d d it i o na l line



    Narberth Register

    NORRISTOWN, PA.Federal Food Administrator for Montgomery Co.

    L. C. SHAHAN, Proprietor

    Send Rep or t t o

    Number In household adults " , .. chl ld ren under 12.Wheat flour on hand (all flour containing an y wheat) . . . . . . . . . . . ,lbs.Thirty days' requirements (when used with subs ti tu te s according to 50-50

    regulation) Ibs.I agree' t o h ol d mY excess subject to th e order o f t he United States Food


    S t re e t a nd No. or R. F. D ' .Maximum penalty fo r hoarding is $5,000.00 fine an d tw o years' im

    pr isonment . These b lanks will no t be distributed. You must fill In yourow n b la nk a nd mail or deliver it to y,our County Faod Administra tor.An immedia te report wi ll avoid pos sib il i ty of s e ar ch a nd prosecution.

    HOWARD HEINZ,Federal Food Administra tor for Pennsylvania .


    No householder is permitted to purchase ove r 49 p ou nd s o f wheat flourno r to have more th an 30 days' supply. Every householde r must report Immediately (o n this f or m) to their County Food Admlnlstr lltor . Make reportof a ll whea t f lo ur o n h an d whe th er i t i s e xc es s or no t an d urge on your 'neighbors th e importance ~ . n d necessity of ma ki ng t hi s r ep or t promptly.

    We carry a ful l l ine of Goodrich an d Lee Tires and TubesAlso Accessories, Oils an d Gas


    N a r : e ~ ~ h i 6 0 5 Essex Avenue, Above Haverford Avenue, Narberth.Automobile Repairing of A ll Kinds

    All communications must bear thewriter's signature, although the slgnature will not appear In the publJsh.ed art ic le , unless wanted.

    'I'ln: JWJIE GLUm S)[()K ..;n

    Ml's. Charles W. Young, of Fairviewavenue, r ec e nt ly p re se nt ed a ll of th es'Clllolars of th e school in that districtwith a thrift card, haVing a 25-centTh ri ft S t amp a tt ac hed thereto. Bydoing this Mrs . Young ha s given th eyOungsters o f t he community a splend id incen tive f o r s av ing . It will no tonly benefit each indiVidual, bu t in th aaggregate will be quite a help In pl'Oviding Uncle Sam'iS boys with thet hi ngs t hey need.

    WALTON BROS r 12, in th e schOol assembly at 8.15 P.M. Th e admdssion wm be thir ty- r tve cents to all. Don't forget ,the t imean ll p la ce . You can' t afford' to missa n ~ t h i n g produced in th e Narberthschool.

    In I',....t ShowIng o fJACK PICKFORD.\d,"'d Atlrnetl ';n-AII "',,.,1
