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Our Town March 7, 1918

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 7, 1918


    7 and 9

    Essex and Price Aves.

    C E N T S



    ( ' I\ '1t Sf>IHIT OE'Tln,",UUJERTH JiIllHU:S

    The c ommi tt ee i n c ha rg e o[ th e Y.1\1. C. A. Piano Fund t ake s pleasure inextending thanks to th e fo llowing Lt t le fo lks [ o r t h ei r efficient help i n dist ri b ut ing th e tickets for the motionpicture benef it g iven last week. ThecheerfUl spirit in whi ch t he se l it tl efall,s took h ol d o f this civic w or k i sto be commended..Joseph Snyde r was In th e lead withforty-four tic lwts to hi s credit. Th e

    following o th er n ames a re men ti on edin th e order of th e n umbe r o f ticket:>told: Anne Barc lay , Ella Dothan:.Emil)' Hontz, Helen Holme, MargaretI ~ o w l e r . : ' \orman Johns, Harriet Xel-son.John Botl ansky, Baird Caldwell,I ~ a t h e r i n e Gillis. John Holme, ThelmaFowler, James Wheelock an d KatlJer il l e Da lton .

    R E E L S


    T , " , O



    D o n ' t D i s a p p o i n t T h e m . !



    On Sale at Thleatre Box OfficeRemember the Poor City Kids; Think of the Holiday House as

    Their Paradise.

    "DRAFT 258," t . Ed'th T l' farrmg 1 ala erro, and Mr. and Mrs.Sidney Drew in a Comedy.These motion picture reels are shown in place of t he usual

    amateur theatrical, staged by t he Jun io r Evangel Circle ofKing's Daughters, the gir ls being too busy on war work thisyear to give up time fo r rehearsals.

    Bet ty Baxte r 's GossIpTHE FIRESIDE

    BASE BALLTilere ,,,lU be a meeting at tlleh om e o f ~ [ r . }'red Walzer, cornerof ('onway an d WIndsor avenues,on }'riday evening, lUarch S tl l, todiscuss th e possiblUtIes of a basebull t eam t or t he :coming season.I t Is hoped t l lat ,,,e clln give tllCDorongh a good h l d c l ~ n d e n t team.The I de a Is to play teams from th eth e different trahling cllmps. 'I'llellroceeds ar e to gd to tile ned Crossl ind oUler eharlta1Jle organizations.E"er) ' one Interested in t lus sportis urgently r ~ l n e 8 t e . 1 to be pre scn t .

    R A Y M O ~ J ) C. JONES.

    THE Narberth Guarddrills eVery Thursdayevening in the Fire House,8.15 to 9.15 P. M.

    NARBERTH, PA., THURSDAY. MARCH 7, 1918A TALK BY I , - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



    By Burgess Carroll Down12S

    A "Smoker" w il l b e held at ElmHall on ' fhl l rsday, March 28th, SP. M., under t he a uspi ce s of th e~ a r h e r t h Home Guard.

    All mEn and hoys o f Narberth. 18years o[ age anti over, ar e cortliallyi nv it ed t o attend.A.lmi",s!on iret '- I lo rc" ,enc(l s cnt s

    A lJiglH;rade orches t ra has beenengaged anti f i rs t -c l as s vaudevil l eta lent will be on hand to furnishan evening or genuine enjoyment.



    CIGARETTES-THE"GROWING BOY"AND THE LAW Th e Civic Assoc ia t ion has been very

    f o r ~ u n a t e in obt ai ni ng th e c on s en t orMr. Edward Bok. president of theMerion Civic Association, to .give a

    I t is h ard ly n ec es sa ry f or m e tG talk at t he a nnual m.eetlng on Thurs'tell th e parents of th e "growing boY" day , Mar ch 2l.that th e us e of cigarettes is a menace M r. Bok, th e dlstlng.ulshed editorto his good health an(l t he re i s some and pUblicist, of course need s no in doubt that mat ur ed men ar e he lped. t roduc tlo ll to th e peopl e o f Narberth,J,P an y great extent by exce ss iv e use and a la rge audience Is anticipatedof t he c ig ar et te . However, th e to hear hi s talk, which, no matter"growing bo)'" Is ou r pr.oblem an d w ha t th e s uh je ct may be, wm be anwe must g e t h im to realize that among Inspiration. He ha s had so many de the th ings listed to make him h ea lt hi er man ds o n hi s time that he ha s beenin mind and b od y, h e do es no t find compelled todecline many s imi l ar in "cigarettes." .At the training ta;bl9 v lta tio ns. H is c ompl ia nc e w it h t hewhere th e athlete is 1Jeing made physi - Invl t ation of ou r Civic Association Iscall)' fit, cigarettes are no t to be found prompted by a neighborly feellng andon tb e menu. 'fhe "growing boY" 11 n inter.est in all efforts made lookseeking a position, in competition with ing to dvic Improvement.other haYs, wil l l ind that hi s ca:le Brief remarks will also he made byisn't belped to any great degree if he Hon. Fletcher W. S ti te s a nd Georgeappears 1Jefore bi s prospective employ- M. Henry, Esq.er with a cigarette between hi s -------- Istained fingers a nd smo ke exuding e,"tl ,Aon;U J,F:1'T};RS ' \1'f rom h is n os tr il s. T he re a re s o man y ,"AIW}:HTII ]>()STCH'FlCF;"growing boys" tllat ar e fre,e from t l l ~ S --- Iunattractive, miIHI-d,eadening habit Benjamin Beraingthat it seems a bi t foolish an d no t Patriek Garceygood business to handicap one's chance E:1i Green It o m ak e g.ood by carryi ng t his ext ra B arn ey Haro lyhurden. Walter KeesI can give the "growing boy" count - Mrs . A ll en Millerl esS reason s why he should conserve Charles Hobinsonhis heal th 1Jy 1Jlue peneiling t he p le as- J\I. 'l'ownsenel (four)u re h e t hi nk s h e get s f rom th e us e of Jacob Ushina eigarette. After all, it d oesn't Frerl W idm an Nmake quite so much a ma n of a bo y as Boh Whittam Get your ga rden in early this ye;1l'. arberth Y M C A Berthd P the thinks it does. There ar c olher Mr. a ntl Mrs . H . Williams Th ri ft S tamp s a re on sale at Mrs. e e eel ay ar yhabits m ore manly and .even the: E.lward S. Haws, Lo\\;ry's store. I S dE 'tu r ay venmg, March 16, 1918cigarette smoker will admit th is. T he Post master. R alp h B eatty and J uni or Winnie ur e Ifollowing letter is interesting; ' tis reported on th e s i ck l i st . Eworth reading. I t appeared In a re- VOTERS .URGED TO ENROLL MI'. Wi ll iam Sel fr idge i s able to go ' very bod y ' \N' e 1 C 0 D'l . ecent number ,of a bulletin of th e Na about with thp-ald of a cane.tionaJ Educational A S ~ ; Q c l a t i o n : Miss Grace Haight , of Windsor ave- . A. musical program of rare excellence is being prepared,:'IiI'. C. H. De Montemar , Sec., AU Repuhllcan voters of ~ a r b e r t h nue, i s v isi t ing In Jersey City, N. J. mcludmg Mr. John V a n d e ~ s l o o t , Basso, and Mr. HowardArmy-Navy Field Comfort Com., who have recently moved into the Mr. an d Mrs. William S. Horner B ~ r r y , Tenor. Further detaIls of the .evening's entertainmentHotel McAlpin, Xew York City. borough, or who previous ly wer.e no t spent seve ral days in Atlantic City last I wIll appear in next week's issue. The Women's Auxiliary willDear Sir:--I have your letter of No enrol led , a re u rg ed to communicate at week. be g lad to welcome you.vember 5th asking me t o s end , 'o u the once with :'Iir. ( ' arden Warne r, a sse s- Mr. Peter 1\1iesen and family ar e I";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;names of ou r p ri n ci p al s o f s ch oo ls SOl', so that he ma y prope rly enro l l now occupying th e house at 158 Merionan d .tio get t he ir co-operation in h av - s uc h votoers upon th e poll hook. Thi s a ve nueing the ir pupils raise money to be for must he done n ot lat er than March .Miss' Esther Buck is v is it in g he r HON. FLETCHER W. STITESw ar ded t o yoU t o p ro vl de "comfort 21: otherwise t he v ot er will he un - sIster. M rs. Harry B ra dl ey , o [ Kar-I IS A CANDIDATE FOhoxes" fo r soldierS', sa ilo rs , and Red ahln to vote at th e s pr in g p rima ry . b er th avenue. I RCross nurses. Such comfor t 1Joxes ar e The p rimar y election on May 21 will Mrs. Harry S. Hoppe r a nd daugh-descrihed a s c on ta in ing the following: he one o[ the m os t im portan t th at t e r ~ . ar e a t. Atlantic C it y f or an ;n - CONGRESSIONAL HONORS20 Chesterfield cigarettes. i has 1Jecn held in the State fo r many defimte perlOd.20 Piedmont cigarettes. years and cvery voter should have a Mrs. William Elmi. 01'[ Narbroo l pta nil, an.l Is (lIWn ( or e n-g-ag:PI1Wlltl"l ar-: : lC l ' lJ ll I pa n i s t . (:!2 p)

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 7, 1918


    N'ARllEBTII, PA.-O U l TOWN --MARCIl 7 1U18Of course, wedeliver - anyp I a c e - anytime.OWARD'Selephones,12671268

    The B r i g h ~ e s t Spot in NarberthA drug store in the most modern sense of the term

    PLANT A FLOWERING TREEAnd help to make our town themost attractive Village

    i n t he Pblladelphia SUburban District, The double flowering peach is the quickest growing f1owermg t ree and t he mos t showey. Plant the tree where it can beseen from the s treet. I offer them at cost to help introducethe plan. 25c each, five trees for $1.00

    The J a p a ~ e s ~ flowering cherry is, on the whole, a finer treebut not so strlCkmgly showey, nor as fast growing: '$1.00 each or s ix for $5.00

    Place a quarter or a dollar in an envelope with your name andaddress, state what you want and we will do th e rest..The Garden Nurseries NARBERTH, PA.

    ASHoclute .Editors.

    HAURY A.JACOBS,Edltor.

    H. C, GARA,AdH'rtJs!ng Mllllnger.

    OUR TOWNOwned and Pub l is he d eve ry Thurs

    day by t he Na rber t h Civic AssociaZion.

    Mrs. Roy E . Clark .\ . J. LoosMrs. C. T, Moore Henry Rose.... M. Henry W. T. Melchior

    p or t, n on e e qu al s the American Li- I CUB'S WEEKLY LETTERbrary Association in maxlmumeffici- Iency, with s impl ic i ty of organiza tion IA.n EX)lerJment in Co.operative 1"01' ev.erv dolla r subsc r ibed to th e To t he E ll it or o f Our Town:

    ; o u r n a l i s m - ~ o Paid Workers. cause, t h A. L. A. gives a Large r per- I There was handed me th e other daycentage of ac tua l se rv ice to the sol- i a copy of a newspaper called "Thedier than does a ny o th er organiza-/ American Issue," published at Westion." tervllle, Ohio. UncleI ' th e title is aIsentenoo reading , "A saIooniess na tion

    S ub sc ri pt io n p ri ce o ne d ol la r per,' Some days ago pub li c annoullce- and a stainless flag," wh ic h i s in- : "y ea r i n advance. ment was made hy. the newspaper' d l c a ~ i v e of ~ h p ~ r p o s e to which the, She 's no wor se a l ~ d she' s a . d ~ r n s.ight :---:-else ~ 1 ' h Y would h e a cc ep t m y junk?p re ss o f pennsylvama that ou r hon - pub li ca ti on IS dedicated. On t he f ront b e t t ~ r than t he a ve rag e smal l tOI11-! H NotIOns would w ri te o ft en er an d~ A I W U T J l CHiC ASSOCIATION. lored fellow-citizen, Fletcher W. Stites, page-r ight in th.e top center- is a Imumty ,and-oh, wha t' s t he use! imor.e volum inously such d r y s tu ff aspr.esidtlnt, A. J. Loos. was a caudidate for Congr.ess from th e scare head title reading, "A Hor ri h ie I' I - - - ' auditors' reports c ou ld h e crowdedVice-presidents, A. C. Shand, J, B. E ig ht h C on gr es si on al d is tr ic t. T hi s E xamp le -" WelI, there i s nothing es- A I t e shop on S ~ u . t h street HlIows ou t altogether.\\'illiaros, James Artman. announcement was very f.ayorahly re- pecially I l i s t u r h i u ~ ahout that. TIH' a servl;9 flag cOI.ltallllllg twenty-four! 1\ow, even if :'-iotions (wish he'dSeeretary and treasurer, G. M. COleS-I c.ei.ved hy j ? ~ r n a l s of alI s h a ( ~ e s of p ~ firHt thou/;ht that. c om es t o any one H ~ ~ J : S : nTh:. ~ r o p . n e t o . r , . ~ ~ Hehrew e ~ : ~ ~ h a n g ? ~ h a t J H . I I l ~ e ) will ~ w : n d a meet. -worthy. . htlCal opIllwn. Th e PhIladelphia when he r eae ls a tempera'uce paper ,l ctlO , was belllg lehcltated on Ios- 11Ilg, of the CIVIC ASSOCiation on theDirtlctors, Frederick L. Rose, George Recorcl. the leading D.emocratic j ou r- a nd sees the expr,ession "Horrible IIlr; HO many em p !0.y,9s on account of ' 21st., to which eve rybody i s i nv it ed ,M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, GcorgeM. nal o f Phi la de lphi a, paid a high trih- I ~ x a l l l p l e " is that some poor drunk th ? .war, although It was rather s ur - m ak e hiH voice heard ,and hutt In

    Colesworthy, Mrs. William S. Horner, ute t o Mr. S ti te s. haH heen pushed ou t on a platform Iprlsmg to k n o , ~ that he had !;o m a n ~ ' when he f eel s like it, he'll no t onlyA. E. Wohlert, Mrs. Georg.e M. Henry, Mr. Stites' reco rd in the Leg is !a - t o e xh ih it h im se lf a nd h is m is er y a s emp lo ye s on IllS p ay ro ll . " Ps haw !" be: thrice welcome, bu t will be ac!,'letcher W. Stites, E. A. 'Vluschamp, ture of Pennsylvania is on e of ~ h l e h a sample of what might come to ' auy ,saiel he. "they don't rel lreHen t em- corded a li t h e c ou rt esy and a tt en t ionH. C. Gar a, Hen ry Hose, Edward S. " ..c may all he proud, an,I t he re i s no poor creature who h as the misfor- Ip l o y e ~ , th e stirS r,epreHent. th e nUIll- that's due to Oue who i s i n sp i re d byHaws: i \ 1 ~ s . Roy E. ~ I ~ r k , Mrs. Lflll- douht. that if eIecte, I to Congress. he i tI 'ne to l.le add ie te ll t o t.he too free)1 he r of customers I have lost . " :11 desire to he of help to the good andtel' \\ . l \ lcker son , Wilham D. Smed- will continue to work for th,e high use of strong d r in l, . hut as I read a. - - - 'worthy cause of Which h.e speaks.ley. ideals and prineiples for which h e has li ttl e furth,er I saw I h:lel made a DHI Y I ~ U h ea r a ho ut th e "Smoker" "(:lIb:'

    always s to od i n t he p as t. Mr. Stites poor gueHs anel that--holy smOke-Ito h give n on th e 28th'! We ar e ----------may he d.cpended u po n n ot to go to t1:e horrihle example referred. to was I~ l r o m l s e d a f i r s t - c I ~ S ~ show. A gooe! RECEPTION TO

    ICongress merely to register votes , hut the whol.e town of Xarberth . Eager ly ~ a l . H I and tal.ent ha , e . b e ~ n engaged.Ihe will he heard f rom i n no uncertain I scanned the thi'ng to find ou t wIJeth- e.llIg free, you can lIlYlte all th e NEW TEACHER'tones on the great qu.estions of the er all or most of th e citiz,ens of th e I ~ l e l g h b O r s a.nd acquire reputationIday. As a forceful, logical and con- "Year 'Hound Home Town" h ad been Ior generosity that won t cost. youvincing speaI,er, , there ar e few that consignee! to th,9 D. -r. ward without ;1 ~ : e n t . Try to get ou t ,a big crowd- Through the hospitality of Mr. andIsurpass him. I ll y ;o1Owlee lge. Wouldn't your lrllIg a II the men you know. Mrs. W. J. Peebles, of lana avenue, theWe t a ke p l ea su re in r , ep r in t ing in thoughfs haveheen similm' to mine I - - - Men' s B ib le C la ss o f t h e P re sby te ri anMAIZIE J. SIMPSON, I this issne his manly and e le ar state- ulleler t he c ir cu ll ls ta nc es ? But i t was August Ev.erg-reen. Wohiert t h i n ~ s Chureh was enabled ,to a ct a s h os t toCashier. ment of th e p r i n e i p I e ~ ; f or w hi ch he a false alarm. eHpeeially t1w title. he m ~ k e s a. gooe! pOInt when he tWItS th e men of th e chu rc h in a receptiJ:l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Istands. which we feel assur,ed will Heacl it ~ o u r s e l f . Here's a copy: r . Ie With uSl ll g a nom d e p lume . Per- to t he new tea cher , Mr. Howard A.

    I commanel the r es pe ct o f v ot er s o fal l ' haps he ( Ioesn' t Imow that the cub Banks. on Friday evening las t .Iparties. .\ Jlurrihle f:xlIlIIJlle reportel' on a newspap.er isn't allow- i After - short "Get-acquainted"I . .. ed to sig,n hi s real n ame , l es t he get ' period, th e men , who filled two largeSend al l I

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 7, 1918









    TWO O F T HE


    For SaleHiih Grade ButterTelephone-Narberth 644 A.

    Narberth and Forrest Aves.



    Y . M . C . A . BU I LD ING


    SCOTT-POWELL DAIRIES45th and Parrish Sts.

    Fo r Bent and SaleFire InsuranceBell Phone 862 W.WLIll nulldJng. Narberth, P. .


    Pas teur i zedMilkBryncloVls Cerli l ledMilk(Pedrlal le Society)' ,Special .. Guernsey": Milk: (Roberts '& Sharples s 'Dalr le .. )Cream But te rmi lkTable an d Whipp ing


    H. C. FRITSCHPr.pertJes

    Also a BUNGALOW on Avon Road,Anthwyn Farms. Don't miss this opportunity of securing a good horne.WM. D. SMEDLEY. ,


    ,\l,Jt:XS F.\lI, '1'0 m:mSn:H

    LIAI3ILITIESDues , $270,856.50Due s in advance 349.00Interest, etc. 28.66Reserve fund , . , . . . . . 717.30Net gain 77,465.6;]

    Corne and Jo i n


    $349 ..U7.09 :25th Series opens March 7t h 1918

    Penns3'}vnnla Free Library Commission, PeDDsylmllJa state Library,HarrIsburg.

    F e b r u a r ~ ' 28, 1918.

    Yery s incere ly )'ours,AXXA A. JfIlCJ)OX,U,Il,

    Acting Assistant Secretary.


    Mr. A. J. Loos,Narberth, Pa .Dea r S ir :

    Remembering your help and co-operation last f al l when the AmericanLibrary Association r ai sed money for the "War Librari es," we arecoming to you aga in for ' he lp , f ee li ng sure t he cau se in i ts el f i s ourjustification.Under separate cover we are sending YOll copies of the A. L. A. WarLibrary Bulletin, which gives a report on t he work done Witll t he moneyr ai se d a nd t he books given, and ou tl ines of a fresh "drive" for books.Enclosed is a cop y of a personal letter from a camp l ib rar i an . Recen tlythe Commander of a vessel about to j oi n t he f leet In European waters,asked the A. L. A. Dispatch Office for 1,000 cases of 50 books each t o distribute to t he v es se ls a lr eady in service the re . T he re were just 200books to give him!All this wllJ give you an Idea o f t he n eed for bool{s proven by the usemade of them In the camps and can tonmen ts . The money r ai sed Is beingused to t he bes t advan tage possible. Bu t thousands of bool{s ar e stillneeded, such books a s a re s ta nd ing unused on th e shelves of hundreds ofour homes . C an no t you help ga ther these books for this u se b y co-operating in t hi s " dr iv e" ? Adver ti se and manage it a s se ems be st in yo urtown, and la ter when you are ready to ship them, shipping direct ions wilJbe sent.Again expressing appreciation for what you have done and hop ingsincerely that you can help In this book collcting for our "boys i n s er vice," I remain,

    E l e v e n t h An n u a l Repo r tNarberth Building and Loan AssociationREC)

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 7, 1918


    N A l - { B E U , ' l ~ J { , PA -OU1{ TOWN-MARCH 7,1918PHONE TON A R B E R T H 6 '72 WALTON BROS. NARBERTH THEATRE

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Th e nbove (1( 'pa r t luen t !'\hould be of th@greates t u se t o th e c o m m u n i t ~ r . th e list contnlns th e nnme of e \ ' e r l ' ~ professional man,t rnde9 rnan . mechnn lc . shoph :eepe r . e t c. wh odoes or cn n In an y wnl" s er \' e h is fellowtownsman, n nd w ho Is progressive enougbto I],dd name to l is t o t R egi st er.As It Is dIfficult tor those contributingthe ir t ime nnd error ts to the p roduct ion at"Our Town tl to personallY e i th e r k n ow orInterview all such, It would be most helptul If t hose not now tound In the printed\1st would send In a memo of t he ir names,nddress, phone numbers and businesses orprotesslons for Ilstlng. This wlll cost a. follows: 10 cents each Is.ue tor 2 l in es ; 5 cen t.tor each add it iona l l ine.

    Crist, I '-rank Phone, 644-W.See display advertisement In thIs Issue.1I11LKScott-Powell Dairies. Phone. Preston 2398.See display adver t i sement In this Issue.1I10ltTGAGJo;SStollJHOn, ,Janlep; C. 232 I ~ H s e x ave.Phone, ti36, or 1420 C h es tn u t I t.lIlUSICCowin, T. Stuar t. Plano Teacher .206 Merion nve. ? h on e . N a rb e rt h 3 ( 1 ~ R .1. 001'1, FlUlUl' II . Plano teacher.Studio, ArC:llle BId '; . Phone, 316J ,N O T A l t ~ f'UUI.ICJefferies, J. II. 111 Narberth ave.Phone. 666-111.T,son. \,"urren H. 200 'Voodblne ave.Phone, 1 2 0 ~ - \ V .

    I O I ' T I C I A ~ 1 5Fenton, Cllrl }'. 506 Essex ave. Phone, 638-W.Phlla. address. ISO'; Chestnut st.PAINTEItSCole, James R ..246 Haver to l'd ave. Phone, 1225-.1.\l . G. Cuuuue r . Phone . 1 2 - : ; ~ W.210 Elmwoou ave., Narbe r th ." 'n l zer . Ji'rtd.117 Winsor ave. Phone. 1247-J.PArF.R I1AXGF.R8Denver, Rlelmrd A. Arcade Building.Phone. Narberth 1693-W.Witt". Gell. A. 3 ~ Woodbine ave.Phone. 1203-"\\". Firs t -c lass work.PIIOTO I'LAYSuArc n dl o ," 1 6 th an d Chestnut et8., Pbtl ..S e e d i sp l ay ndvertlRcnlcnt In this Issue.I ' L U l l m l ~ G , ETC.S"I,lee, G"". B. Phone, 1289.See display Ildvertlsement In thIs Issue.\\all. H. n. Phone, 319-J.S e e d i sp la y ad vertlscrnen t In th I !! le!!u.

    J U ~ A I , ESTATF.Coldwell &: Co. Phone, 1271-W.S ec d i sp la y I l c l \ ' e r t 1 s e n H ~ n t In thle: tS!U&.FrltHch, II . C. Phone, 2 5 ~ - ""08ce display advcrtl.! 'lCnlcnt II". thl!! lesue.Godtre)', \\'111. n.114 'Voodslde ave. Phone, 685-W.:So_h, Uobert J. Phone, 1>05.Jl.Ioney ro r F ir st a nd Second 1\Iortgngea.UOO}-ISG, I ~ T C .finrn-1\lcGlnlr)' Co. Phone. 1 ~ 5 8 ' V .Se e c . l t s p l a ~ advcrtlsetnent In thle bl!IJue.1\J1lh'r. John A. ~ 1 Jonl], ave. Phone, 661-J,Shop. 246 Haverford ave. Phone, 1226-J .SCnOOLS, ETC.Z e l l t n l n ~ t r M . ' l 'he l\ll!"lsN'.Phone. Xarbcr th 1;:"'1-.T.

    SIIOElIlAUERSOOO() ""t1 l lr ShOt" n ~ J ) R l r ShOll.Con.tllntlne, n. G. Y. Ill. C. A. Bldg.

    Sa ' t u r d ay , 30DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in"HEADING SOUTH"

    and Comedies


    and a Sunshine Oomedy, 'His Smashing Career'

    Two Linell, IOc pe r illllue; Sc for each aJJitionallineNarberth Register

    ESSEX AVENUE, above Haverford AvenueC l o s e d Ca r s 't o Hi re , D ay o r Nigh1;L. C. SHAHAN, Prop. Narberth

    Mack Sennett in "That Night"

    ~ A n B } : n ' r J [ (RAUl)

    Fatty Arbuckle in "A County Hero"

    Sunshine Comedy, "The Milk-fed Vamp"_._._--------_ .._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Monday , 11WM. S. HART in"THE PRIMAL LURE"


    : J ? r eg r a , :D :1 f e r 1 Y I ~ X 1 " t h e"1 rvIa,rch- ~ - - - - - - - - - - -- ---Sa ' t u r d a y , 2 3

    PAULINE FREDERICK in"THE HUNGRY HEART"Mack Sennett in " Taming Target Centre"

    (Continued tram First Page)

    BURKEIn Flrtit ~ h u w l n J , ; ' of



    When you want automobile trips, lurnituremoved, packages carried, Irelght hauled.automobiles stored, etc.

    Telephone Ull YourGrocery NeedsWe do th e rest

    "".-.'k ('mnnlf"nttnK ~ I t ) n d l l ~ . : \Iarch 4t h) 'nnLll lount Itrt'!'WntH

    ==========7=========-1Sa ' t u r d ay , 9HARRY B WALL I Sure know j us t w ha t m en need. I MARY PICKFORD in. I sometimes think that w hen w e ge t "THE LITTLE PRINCESS"PI b G F'tt ' I Upon th e other shore,urn lng, as l Ing iWe'll find they took th e aeroplaneand Heating i And gotten there before,N AR B E R TH . PA IWith n ot a no th er t hi ng i n m in d

    Bu t seein' w he n w e come,' That we'll have things to e a t a nd drill!,A R CAD IA And make us feel "t o hum."w = : r p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . : : r : h : ! THE FIRESIDEa t r e ot It s Size In th eEnt i reWorld.Pbotoplays-ContlnuoWJ 10 A. M . to 11.30P.M.PhUa . , Pa . Dr. and :V[rR. Romaine C. Hoffma!l,of Forrest avenue. have been entertaining Mrs. Hoffman's cousin, SamHelT . Smi th , chief radio o ff icer o f th e U.S. S. Oklahoma. d 18Mrs. K E. Dav is , w if e of Major M on a y , - - ~ T - ~ ~ ; O - - SHOW:S 0"1.1"Eve's Daughter" DaVis, U. S. A., now in France, who NORMA TALMADGE in .... ' n SATURDAY


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 7, 1918


    - - - - - - -_ .._ . _ - - - - - - - - -





    METHODffiTEPffiCOPALCHURCHEssex and Price Aves.Two c en ts p er word each insertion, caebIn advance. No advertisement accepted un

    Jetll& c a s h accompanies copy.W,\X'l'Jo;()-!loll top desl materialsa nd g ave u sefu l and p rac ti ca l illustrations of me thods of de tec ting substitution in t he man uf ac tn re o f textiles, such as cottons , wool s , linensan d silks. All who attended enjoyedthe ta lks greatly an d t here i s no doubtthat Karberth housekee,pers will profitby what t hey hav e l ea rn ed o n t he" eimportant subjects.


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 7, 1918


    NARBERTH, PA,-OUR T O W N - - ~ : I A . R C I I 14 . IHISOf course, wedeliver - anyp l a c e - anyttme.

    a fine r t ree,

    ,\ . J.;. Wohlert.


    R . EMOVALGEORGE A. WITTEPaper Hanging and Decorating

    Will Mo ve A b o u t M ar ch 1 5t h.To Fairview. B e l l P h o n e

    BO X 596 . NARBERTH , PA,

    J 1 o l l " f ~ l w l l l ( ' I ' S JllIs/. Viii Out UlllnksulIli Ueturn til Fooll JIend-I'roveY11111' j'l1trillUsm

    The Garden Nurseries




    The Brightest Spot in NarberthA drug store in the most modern sense of th e term

    A. E. WOBLERT '

    25c each, five trees for $1.00The Japanese flowering cherry is, on the whole,bu t not so strickingly showey, nor a s fast growing:

    $1.00 each or si x f or $5.00Place a quarter or a dollar in an envelope with your name andaddress, state what you want and we will do the rest.

    1 I 0 ~ . FLE'I'C'IIEU W. S 'I 'I 'I 't :S 1';X1l0nSIW BY I,OWER JIEJUOXREP['HIM'"XS

    And he lp tomake our town the most a t trac tive vi llagein the Phi lade lphia Suburban District

    The double f lowering peach is the quickest growing flowering tree and th e most showey. Plant the tree where it can beseen from the street. I offer them at cost to help introducethe plan.


    That is wl ta t K ip li ng thought ofsmokes.Bv ,all mWtns. l et u s not s end s choo l

    ehP( l ren ont 10 hu y cigarettes fo r th esollilers. i n v io la ti on of t he s ol emna17 were paid ou t to farmers oft he Uni te d States h)' th e I,'ederal landh an l, s o n lo ng -t ime t ir st.- mo rt ga geloans, aceor(l ing to a statement by th eFederal Farm I , oan Board . On Jo'ebruun- 1 th e total amount o f m on eyp ai ll ' o u t t o farmers since th e establ is hmen t o f th e Fel le ra l l and hankswaR $50,182.4:12, covering 24,020 loansdosetl. The total amount of loa11s app li ed f or up to I ~ e b r l l a r y 1 wa s $260.r,f>li.!lSl, representing 112,146 applications.

    Send a ll l et ter s an dP. O. Box 404.Send all advertisingBox 820.Make all remit t ances to P. O. Box118.O ur T ow n is

    'Winter still ling,ers in th e la p ofs]lring. Th e o il l dulTer ought to ht;lasham,'?ll of himself.

    NAnnI-atTlI ca w A S S O ( ; L \ . ' l ' l O ~ .President, A. J. Laos.Vice-presidents, A, C. Shand, J. B.

    Williams, James Artman.Sceretary and treasurer , G. 1\1. Colesworthy.Directors, Frederick L. Rose, GeorgeM. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M.Colesworthy, Mrs. William S. Horner,A. Eo Wahlert, Mrs. George 1\1. Henry,Fletcher W, Stites, K ' A, 'I 'luschamp,H. C. Ga ra . Hen ry Hose, Edward S.Haws, i\1rs. Roy K C la rk , Mrs . LIl'lte r W. N ieke rs ot l. W il li am D. Smedley.

    Mrs. Roy E . C la rk A. J. LoosMrs, C. T. Moo!'19 Henry ROBe

    ~ M. Henry W. T. Melchior

    I Last we.ek the Cuh Heporter quoted I t s now reported trIat the plans fo rolll a rt il '! e on the apathy of 1'iarherth th e impl'll\'ement of th e t , ~ n n i s courtvoters, stating, that ou t of no regis- site hav e heen l '1langed anrl that atere(1. only :1[,8 werr, enrollell in any ~ o a p f a ( : t o r ~ ' w il l h e ereeterl there illparty. This is a disgraeeful state of stea(1 of tl),'? proposell hrewery. I t apaffairs, if true, anr! ther,e is too mUl'll I,cars t ha t t he e ha ng e w as malic hereason t o hel ie ve that it is. The fa d rause oi the llanger that e er ta in o f~ h a t th e same s t ~ t ? of. affairs exists iou r fel low l 'i ti zel ls would enlleavor to111 other eOmmUllllJes IS no eonsola mono]lolize th e out pu t o f th.(! hrewery:tion. ('ontrast t his wi th th e r ee or d o f whereas it' the p rod uct were soap nowomen \'oting in :\,(!W York C i t ~ at similar ris], would he involver! .Many pairs of perfectly goo(1 shoes a reeent election. It hall been pr,e-

    have h ee n I 'ui ne d hy th e rocky street rlil'terl that few would t:llw arlvantagec ro ss in gs o f HaverfoJ'lI avenue. No of th e ( ) p p o r t u n i t ~ - , hut. in f ac t. n i ne elaims on th e horough for sprained tr PCI ' r 'e nl . o f t h o ~ , ' ? entit lell to \'oteankles hav,e ~ ' e t been made. Not nO\\-, exerciserl th e righl.bu t soon. I Th e g-reat wa r no\\' being wagol'(1 is't o rlemoeratize th e world. In oilIer

    words . t o g'ive men a nl l w O I l l o ~ n eqnalslltTrage al lover th e worlr1. Millionsof lives anrl h il li on s o f t r ea sur e a r eheing pou rell ou t to give men the('oveted privil.eg,e of \oting-. whilehere, at home , f or ty to f j f l ~ ' pel' ('ent.of th e m en entitlell to vote throwa w a ~ ' the p r ic el es s hoon. SlIr'h men: l r , ~ ~ I a c k e r s inllec(; t h e ~ ' ar c no tcligihle to f ight , anll despise t he t hi ngt ha t m i ll ion s ar c fighting for.Ll't even' man in Xarhe rt h no t en r ol le r! fi ll ou t a (:ertilieate of enrollment without furt lwr d e l a ~ . Do notlet another d a ~ ' pass w it hou t do ingthis.

    Thl' appeals for hooks for soldiersa III I sailors is one that shoul(1 receiveimmediate a t tent ion . The hays n,('ellsomething, when off d u t ~ to relieve th em o n o t o n ~ ' of camp anrl ship life. Youcan do this worl, at no great sacrificeon your part. There ar e lUany ""01n m . ~ s on your shelves that yo u will110t read again. Send them wherethev w il l d o llluch /l;oorl. a nd h av e th e~ a t i s f a c t l o n of realizing that you ar edoing 11 patriotie ( lu t) '. MI'. "' . G.NycI', secretary of th e Y. 1\1:. C. A..will receiv,e and t ak e c ar e of them,un tl l s hi pp ing orders ar e received.

    ])0 n ot f or ge t to reserve Thursdayevening' o f n ex t week 1'01' t he a nnua lmeet ing of th e Civie Association. Itwill he a good 0IIPorUlnity to m alwHlIgg,'?stions. critieize ollicers and rlil'eetors, autl eled new ones .

    Army ha s removed 1050 officers of th e CUB'SMedical Reserve Corps. IIi th e follow- ,i ng t ab le the reason assigned fo r dL,- i charge does no t iso la te under "inapti-' To the EdItor of Our Town: .tude fo r th e s er v ic e " a lI t ho se wh03e I It's to be hoped that th e bO,Ys .Ofd ism is sa l wa s in considerable degree Xar lJ er th w il l h eed th e words of W1Sdue to inefficiency or incompetenr.y, dom a , e xp ou nd ed b y ou r worthysince t he se r ea so ns ha d weight in Burgess on th e sl\hject of cigar.ettemany c as es o th erwi se classifielJ. Dis-, smo!dng. Narherth is to he congrat-c h a r ~ e d fo r physical disabil l ty, 411; !ulated on having a r ea l r ef ormer a t " eomf 'or t b ox es " eontatning, among To the Editor of Our Town:inaptitude fo r th e serviee, 154 ; t o join th e helm. No t th e kind of wh?m th e i othe r th ings, tobaeeo'! Please tell th e Cub that I aecept h iso ther branches , :W6; domestic diffieul- p oe t w as t hi nk in g: w he n h e s al ll : I have just received a letter f rom apol ogi es or excu se s f or not s igningt ie s, 59 ; resignation, SS; needed hy an officer in I,'ranee who writes t lw ,t hIS t ru e n ame; though 1. o f cour se ,c ommuni ti es , ho sp it al s, s choo ls , ::'2. "Wh,en th e divil was siek, th e divil wh at t he men want 11I0st and find realize, to sa y t he l ea st , that he isDur in g t he s ame p er io d there have a mon l, wou ld be. hardest to get ar e t he muc h maligned camoutl.aging us just a little. A roseheen 2265 p romot ion s, i n cl ud i ng s ome When th e divil WilS well, th e (livil cigarettes. A r ec en t a rt ic le in a lI!H!er ' any U t l 1 ~ I ' nallle s me ll s j us t a soflieers promoted m or e t ha n once. a monk he'll he," magazine written hy a Hed Cross "weet. I think, therefore, that it isl lurs e s t at e ll that t he f ir st thing they' best that hi s nom de plume, "Cub,"What ha s hel 'ome of th e top sergeant dill for a woundel! llJan wa s to g ive l ' emaim; unchanged.

    of the Home Guard? He wa s a 100 him a cigaret te--a glowing tribute tope r c.ent. man unt il e le ct io n d ay , hu t th e ef1'caey of th e "pernieiou,s Yege-his couusel at reeent wa r eonfer-r tahle" in allaying human suffe ring. '1".1,0['1{ j" ('O[''''I'}' 1'0 HE S j Z I ~ n l.:P(-nces ha s heen s a r l l ~ ' missel!. 1'el'- If th e current prospeetuses ofhaps he thou!';ht t hat t he wa r ende(I "eomf'o.rt hoxes" conlJain too manvon : \ o v l ~ m h ~ r G. allusions to th e weed, why no t puhlish

    an expurgat ell "children's edition'"The mini al ul 'e seashore huugalow conlaining only suell innocuous things 'at A n t h w ~ ' n I,'arms wa s the scene of as I\Iaillard's ehoeol'ate a nd d en ta l As a further effort to conserve th eH rather uniqu,e dance last Sat- eream? , supply o f w he at , C ou nt y F oo d Adm in -\ l r d a ~ ' night. The somewhat con- fllll'elll'e X. t 'u ll el lC le r. ; I s tr at o r Henr y K. Boyer ha s i na ugu -tracted area of th.e mai n h al l r oom a e- . ------------ I rated a campaign to aseerta in for th e('ommodate(I, i n addi t ion to th e musi-I t:.\S'I'O" BOAnn OF 'I'RAllt: ! : \a tional Government th e amount cfc la ns , a hout , s ix l:ouPles. The gues t sI API'UE('U'I'ES ~ I H . STI'rt;S !lou r h eld hy th e f am il ie s o f Mon t-round that s ta ndl ll g wa s more con- 'gomery county.lindve to e om fo rt and e lh ow r oom E di to r of Our Town: Complete rep orts of w heat tlllurthan s i tt ing. hence :h e danees f O l l ~ I W - It is alwavs a grea t p lea sure , when holdings will be demanded from every~ on;. : . 1 I l 0 f ~ I ' ~ ! W l t I ~ O U t ~ e r e e P t J b l ~ away from l ;ome. t o receive evidences h ou se ho ld er . A t t he beginning the 1'1'-lr;lermlsslOn dn(1 o n l ~ a s lI ght hu lg t " t' j fello\" townsn1an ports will b e a sk ed f or as a purelyt () apprel'olR IOn 0' U '. - . . !J ' ft ' t'in g of th e outer walls. On: g ne s. 1I l I was rivileged recently to read anll v ~ ) I . u n t a r ) ' eontri u ~ l O n rom .p a rIO Iei\lanufacturers of essential foud I'ntting on hi s overcoat lift I'll th e p f tt 't t t i\'r CItizens. These WIll be codi fi ed anr l' ta ke n ote s r om a le el' wr l ,e n 0 j 1 ' hP r od uc ts h av e he e n u dv is ed by th e bnilding The topograph\ ' of tile llat- I 'I I' t B d f T lIe ,a ea re ful account kept of eac return.. . Sf tes bY t Ie ..as on oa r 0 ra ", . . . . ill ....Food Adinistration that t he y w il l he flO grollllll mude it necessan' for the. . S t 1'1 A H SuffiCient time and oppor tun i ty w ~ " . slgnell hy e er e a ry lOmas . . . I k tl "n ew s i tem to a hl e t o obtain their fu ll neces sar ) ' re - partners to hold one another rather HUv It ' refers t o ' an u dd re ss made gIven every househo .der. to ma I' l ~

    nuil'ements of sugar fo r lllanufactur- ('Ioselv in o rd er t ha t a ll would have I'M' S .'t t tl . tl n'verh III S te el Companv warmlv eon- " .Entered as second-class matter, r.- shortage i s re li eved, aeeonling t o t l: e llang'er of a sou r k r au t famine in l'\ar- g e r a ~ l l i a t e t l Mr. St i te s ': l ll h is a ~ l d r e s s , upon willeh l t s r ea de rs ~ n a y . m a k e .retober 15, 1914. at the Post Office at!1 Food Administration statement, sup- I.erth n ex t w in te r He has 12.000 J '.1 I "1'11 \"I,S one of t h e f in es t . turn to Mr. Boyer. TIllS wIII be "heNarberth, p e n n s v l ~ a n i a , under th e p li es o f sugar w ill h? a vail ah le . fol' young sO;lr krout ' roots r e a l l ~ ' 1'01- ~ ~ l : ~ e J : I O ~ ~ ~ ; ~ P i r ~ I ~ ~ he had e v ~ l ' b e ~ n i o.nly I ~ ? t i e e giv,en, No d ir ,ee t a p P . I ~ c ~ -Act of March 3, 111/9. I these purposes. SllIpments from !l!'lntin/?: '11111 wiII he g la ll to ( li str il l- " 1 1 t h 'II' I tlOn \ \ l l l b e m ad e to householdels ,11( ' 1 1'1 - " .' " k t prIVI egel a e, . ; this time for these r ep or ts b ut o nl yTHURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918 u lU ar e steal I) IIlcreaslllg. ut e t hem among ' l oc al sour ' rOIl ' The l et t er s t al e s that th e trustees: _ . . . . >--------- -, All canners h av e h een a d v i s e l ~ . to im'ers, if they wil l [ 'a ll at his man- o f t he B oa rd of Tralle, a ft e r t h e me et . : th.rough . I h ~ newspapers and 111 th eEMERGENCY PHONE CALLS hold fo r wa r pu rpo se s s uch quan ti tI eS s ion on t he h an k of th e erec]" In ing "a t whil 'h vou l ' 'l p turd t he h ea rt s m an ne r l l 1 d l ~ a t e d . .I'" I ' t at e ' "trill" . ' ' . ' , Th e Chroll lcle would urge upon Jlsir e 350. 0 cannel e or n, p eas, om a S. , -. , fael, he feels that th e Ollor from RO of vour hearers hv vour e loquen t all.' .' I ' 'I I ' . tl 1'\' ma - have . . .' , . readers to make these returns prompt-Police l2fiO. I leans, ,tnl sa man as 1. manv of these pLints mIght gIve tn n - Iress" unanimouslv pas se (l t he fo1-. . . .' fi t f: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ 1 I S I tT ' s no t . . I .. , - . ., Iv from motives of patrIOtism lr s 0n Janl. uc 1 quan l Ies ,I ar e e l el ' s on \Vvnnewood road th e Impres- I 'In resolution' . , . " ... '11 I . I . I , ' t ! ' f' . . 0\\ g-,. all and lf patrIOtism lS no t a com-wanted \\ 1 Ie Ie e as el W l. ll n a e\\ sion t hat w e have a1re'l11\' erected th e " I V ~ " o ! v e t ! that th e t lnnl-s of th e ' . . rI, j't ' . t! ' t 'I ,',,' ' . ' " < ,- pelllllg n10tlve then he cau se o f fear 0( . J ~ s a er recelp a repor s s 10\\In" , 11I'opose,1 g-lne facton. Harry IS .cx- trlt tees f th e Faston Board o!k I I I . I t I . 1 '. s, 0, "' , < unpleas' l Il t ( ' onsequenees that ma vstoe s on HUH, W IIC 1 mu s )e SU)- per imentin '" wi th a view to produclllg- TI" Ie he tendered Hon Fleteher \v. '. . .. t i t tl I' 1 AI ' . t r' t ' n b '" . a( . . ensuen ll t e l 0 Ie' 00 1 I milliS .t 10 e- 'I hot do " p la nt . hu t is no t qUite reallr Stit s of Montg-omerv ['ountv for hi s ': . .fore March Hi. ' . ,., ,_ e. , . , .., : '.. _' I t lS agam c al le d t o your attentIOnto 1eport progless. eloquent and pa tr iot ic addle ss , "It .h, that a n immed ia te report wil l a vo id

    the assurance from US that it wa s al l possih il i ty of s ea rc h a nd prosecugrea t ly apprec ia ted hyal l who h ad tio n. :\ 0 householder is permitted tothe p lea sure of h e a r ~ n g him, and t l ~ ; t 'purchase more than 49 pounds 0;'the secretary he (hreeted to no th)' ,wheat !lour no r t o h av e more th an 30him of this action." . : (lays' supply. 'fhis does no t mean.Th e letter conclude,s as follo\\"., however, t ha t, i f you h av e mor e t ha n"Please aCl 'e pt f rom t he p re si de nt t hi s q ua nt it y o n h an d, it will be takenMr. G. S. Brown, allll myse lf our p e: - . f rom y ou i mm ed ia tel y. I t simplysonal t ha nl ls f or your courtesy ln Imeans that persons having more th:lIleOllling an.(l g i Y . i n ~ ns the wonderful an adequa te quant ity o f ! lour on hanllmessage 01 patrIOtism amI goat! cheer. 'can hol d t he same s ub j ec t t o purchaseT am very sure we -all feel just as ' of t he same bv the Government in case:'ITr. Schwah dill. that it was one of of fam in e wid ch is sure to come inth e mosl e loqnen t and patriotic ad Mav Or J ~ n e if householders indulgJllresRes we hall ever ha ll thc p lea sure in hoarding.of hearing' ." The s ys tem of requiring' ('omplet!'It ""IS so gratifying to m(' to know reports of wheat tlour holdings isthat 1\Tr. Stites is ju st as much ap , P O i l l ! ~ into e ft 'e et i n every county inpredated ahroad as 'at home, that 1 . th e State. I t i s of liciul lv stated hy th ecallnot refrain from sharing' th is 'Gove rnment Administ r at ion : "The pu!'pleasurc w il h a ll of ou r Xarberth pose is to find ou t wher e excess arisepeople. la te r . the location of th e tlour to Ill!'elChic Prillr. the need w il l h e known immed ia te ly ."- - - - - - - - The fundamental i de a o f th e Govern-

    ment. is that n o o ne slJall SUffer, hu t allshare equally.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 7, 1918


    l\ f A l t B ~ R T H ~ PA. -OUR TOWN-MARCIl 14. 1918

    FIGURE THIS OUT$156.00 Per Annum Saved





    I I. WILLIS DAVIS, ProprietorPrime Meats

    45th and Parrish Sts.


    BOYLE'SHorne pressed Poultry, Butter. E;::-/;,s and 9qme.Fane" f r u it and Vel:etahles. "A ~ T O R E FORPARtiCULAR PEOPLE"Telephone. NARB ERTH . P A .

    H. C. FRITSCHPnperUes }'or Rent and Sal.Fire InsuranceBell Phone 852 W."LID Building. Narberth, Pa.

    Also a BUNGALOW on Avo n Ro ad ,Anthwyn Farms. Don't miss thIs opportunity of securing a good home,WM. D. S M ~ D L E Y . ? "

    We Sti l l Have RemainingFor SaleTWO OF TH EFive Houses

    Narberth and Forrest Aves.

    Frank CristMEATS & PROVISIONSHia:h Grade ButterTelephone-Narberth 6H A.

    GLEAN SAfEWHOLESOMEPas teur i zed Milk I DELIVERIESBrynciovis CerUUed WEST PHILA.Milk(Pedrlal lC:Society) OVERBROOKSpeci a l .. Guernsey" MERIONMilk WYNNEFIELD(Roberts '&:Sharples s ' BALA-CYNWYDair ies) NARBERTHCream Buttermilk ARDMORETa bl e a n d Whipping WYNNEWOODCream.


    CALDWELL& CO.I Re a l Es t a t eI n s u r a n c e

    S O ~ ~ t ~ ~ d S t a l i o n NARBERTH, PA.IGeorge B. Suplee1

    Steam & HotWater HeatingPlumbingBell Telephone.


    ' I' IIE '! 'IIIIW UUnt'l 'Y I , O A ~

    Phillips WitherowFrank H. Hewitt.H. Z. BubRobert PattonG. W. WaidnerMrs. J. F. HogelandMrs. Robert NashMrs. M. DavisRuth E. Prescott,James FratantoniWalter O'BrienJohn McCourtRaym8nd S tal l te rJohn B. Wils'onSamuel W. BowmanPaul T. McAlpineArthur HurthCharle,s K KremerAlbert Fieldel'Arthur W. Miez(;n,Tames Maguire:\icholas KerrigauCa rson Kn igh tRoscoe Smedley.Tohn ; \ ~ a g l 1 ' i r eClarence L. Metzgar, Jr .,Tack MetzgarElwood SpeakmanGeorge MJ3guireTheodore ArtmanLynne Walte rsMillart l DickieRobert H. HarrisW. H. Dunwoody ZookDona Id BrownThomas Daltou.Toseph K. FultonDonalll FaileEllswor th Ri leyI ' ~ d w i n H. MartinC. Roy Smi thMer ri t Wayne BondHenry MullerA. K. Siler. .II'.,James SmithJames ClintonMorris WoodBaird CaldwellRichard T. Odiorne\\Tarren SpeakmanHobert WardWill,iam Reed ParkerAlbert OdiorneFrank HamerGaetano D'Alonza,Joseph D'AlonzaWaJlace LiuphfieldWc,sley Dean.lack CunninghamArthur CramanGerald Sperry'William BurgessPa Imer Swar tzWilliam BrooksGeorge DavisHarry Cunnington,Josel)h BarclayW. Lyon Gil royFrank BrooksThoma8 ManningEdward : \o lanGeorge j,'owler, Jr .J ~ l m e r JenkinsEdwin A. WolfLawrence HoustonJohn W. HillegasElizabe.\h MetzgarEdith MaguireAlma Wei ge lMargaret LambertSadie SimpsonAnita MillerWhilma WeigelCatherine WhiteAnna ComptonFlorence E. J"rearEleanor HandMarian G. BottolllSMargaret LivingstonDorothy Williamson

    !\larch 20-Ardmore Y. 1\1. C. A., atWayne Men's C lub ; B ry n M aw r !st JenkinsHerbert A. SeymourOharles E. KreamerWilliam H. Pugh, Jr .W. H. Russell1m R HooberHoward A. BanksWilliam B. GodfreyG. L. Coane. William S. HornerHugh W. BrownCollwyn HumphreysH. W. Karstens:\elson S. 1\1001'1'A. H. WilsonC. \ \' . B at esCarl F . F en tonWalter F'. RogersLester W. :\iekerson: ' \icholas D'AlonzaCo 11 Greyer.lames H. HoustonF. A. BrownW. H. LewisA. LoughCharles H. ChurchillW. S. l\hllilioxW..J. Hamilton.James S. ScottC. H. l\TI'Carter, Jr.Alex GrantGeorge M. naYisHenry HospGeorge \Y. l ~ r a l e yA. A. ChallterW. G. CUlllmer

    AU, S A I ~ T 8 ' I'. l:. CmTHCIlHI"'. Anth't'w 8. Uurke. nector

    Ue,Juhn "1111 ~ e s s , ~ l l n i s t e r'l 'IlE I'UESBYTt:RIAN CllURCH

    Me'etings for nex t S unday as follows:10.00 A. M.-Sunday scho()J. All tlepart.ments.11.00 A. l\1.-Public worship. SermOil on "Chr is ti an S t ewa rd ship ." A tt hi s mee ti ng t he c an va ss er s will bese t apart fo r th e "Every Member Canvass" to be conducted in th e afternoon.4.00 P. 'M.-Communicants' Cla3s.7.00 P. M.-Christ ian Endeavormeeting lel l b )' t he member s of :.\-11Compton's Sunday school class.7.45 P. M.-Evening wor sh ip . S uhject of se rmon, " I shmae l , the Outcasr."

    Church NotesThere were 248 present at th e morning wurship last S un da y. T he prayermeeting on Wednesday night of tllisweek is at th e home of Prof. Vol. T.Melchior, 112 Grayling avenue. KextWednesdaY e ve ning we joi n i n a unioumeeting t;) b e h eld in th e M e t h o d i ~ tChurch.The pastor and l ~ l d e r Hamilton werecommissioners to th e Presbytery meeting held last Tue sd ay i n t he CentnlPreslJ\'terian Church of :\orristown.The' Westminster Circ le meets on

    Thursd'ay night of t hi s w ee k at thehome of Mrs. Crater, 218 Hampdenavenue. 'fhe hostesses ar e Mrs.Crater, Mrs. iVlanning and Mrs. Johnston.

    Narber th Off ice, ARCADE BUILDING

    M E m o ~ MEE'fiNG nOUSE,

    Uev. Avcry S., UeDlmy. PlIstur

    ST. JLUWAUt:'I"S C l l r l l l ~ l l .

    ;\IETHOIlIST 1 ~ I ' I S C ( ) I ' A 1 , CHUUCII'l'he IJUie (,hureh ou th e JIlli_ _ The serVices at All Saints' P EChristian G. 1\0I1pel. rust or Church. Montgomery and Wynnewood__ I~ v e n u e s for nex t S unday ar e as fol-SlIIllhn' Scnlct's low8:fl,45-Sunday ~ c h o o l . Men's Bible R.OO A. 1\1.-Holy Communion.

    ('lass i n th e a ud it or ium, l ed by Hon. !lA5 A. M.-Sunday school.I.' W. Stites. 11.00 A. 1\1.-Morning pra) 'er unli n .OO-Morning worsh ip . Sermon hy sermon.the Rev. Mr. ! 'yce, acting secretary 01 In order t o c on se rv e c oa l d ur in ,;th e Y. M. C. A. l Len t. t lt e week- da y s er vi ce s w il l ha

    Jlours of service : -Sunday!lA5 A. 1\1.-Bible school. Classes forall. Everyone welcome.11.00 A. M.-Morning worsh ip . Se rmon by .the pastor.7.00 P. 1\1.-Young people 's meeting.7,45 P. M.-E"ening worship.Sermon by th e pastor.Week Un,-8.00 P. M.-Wednesday mid-weeltsong and prayer 8er"ice.:{.OO P. M.-Thursday meeting of theSunheam Miss ion Band.Church NutesIt i s q ui te grat ify .jng \0 note that

    in spite of II great deal of sickness, theattendance in th e Sunday school is atwent.y-five pe r cent. i nc re as e ov erthat of last year. The 8chool is moving in t he r ig ht way . M rs. C. A. McAlpine ha s been s ec ur ed t o t ea ch t heLatHes' Adult Bible Class . All womennot members elsewhere ar e invited tojoin th is c lass .In the young people' s meet ing nextSunday evening Mr. \Villiam Durbiu,one of Nar be rt h' s y ou ng men n ow inth e service of the country , will speakWe invoite any who ar e no t rcgll'la rly a t tending divine services elsewhe re t o worsh ip wi th us.


    Early Mass o n Suwhl.Y Uorr. Avril\I;t to October 31st at C.30 A. :\1. I:

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 7, 1918


    NAltBElt1. 'II. PA.- ( )UH T ( ) W N - ~ I A R C H 14-. 1918

    The above depar tmen t .hould be at tltep;reate.t use to the community, the \I.t cont ai ns t he name at every professional man,tradesman, mechanic, shopkeeper, etc., 'Whodoe . o r C an In any way .erVe hill fellowto,vnsman, and who Is progres.lve enougbto add name to list of Regl. ter.As It Is dlftlcult tor those contrlbutln8the ir t ime and e tror ts t o the production of"Our Town" to pe rson ll \ly e it he r know orInterview all such, I t would be most helpful It th o. e not nOw found In the printed\1st would send In a memo of t he ir n ams s.addre .s, phone numbera and buslnessell orprotes.lonll for listing. This wlll COllt a. follow.: 10 centl l each Issue for 3 l ine.: 6 cent .for each addit ional l ine.

    UrlHt. "'rank Phone. 644-W.See display advertisement In this Issue.:\1I1_KScolt-PCI\V"11 DnlrleH. Phone. Pre.ton 2398.See d i sp l ay ad ve r tl s eJnen t I n this lBl!lue.1IIOJlTGAG..;S8hnJJHOn, tJ:uneH C. 232 J';ssex ave.Phone, fi3G, or 10120 Ches tnu t at .

    ~ I U S I CCowin. T. S t ua r t. P i an o Teacher.206 lIlerlon nVe. Ph"ne. Narberth 347-R.J ~ n 0 8 , J.o'"ann:r H. Piano teacher.Studio, Arcade Bldg. Phone, 316-J.SJuhohn f 1\UMH t ~ b b l l . ~ I u ~ ; i c Teacher an d Ac C"ornpanl:.;l, :?:.!K ] o ll a a v e ., ~ a r b e r t h ..NOTAUl: rVDUCJelferles, .J. U. III Narbertlt ave.Phone. 666-1Il.T)"HOn, "'arren n. 200 'Voodblne ave.!Jhone, 1202-'V.OI'TICIA1'l!lFenton, Carl .... 506 I ~ " s e x ave. Phone, 638-W.Phlla. address. 1806 Chestnut st.PAINTERSCole, J ames R.246 Havertord aVe. Phone, 1225-J.W. G. Cummer. Phone. 12-62 W.

    ~ 1 E lt nwood a v e. Narber th ."'alzer, "'red.117 Winsor aVe. Phone. 1247-.J.PAl'Elt IIANGERSDenver, Rlchllrd A. Arcade BUilding.Pbone, Narberth 1693-W.'VUlt, Geo. A. 320 Woodbine ave.Phone, 1203..W. First-class work.pnOTO I'I.AYS"Arcadia ," 16th a nd Ch es tn u t l!ts. Phlla.See display advertisement In this Issue.l'I.U1IIDING, ETC.SIII,lee, G"",. B. Phone. 1289.See display advertisement In this lesue.W"II, II. n. Phone. 319-J.See display adverti.ement tn this I.sue.RE,\L ESTATECaldwell & Co. Phone. 1271-W.See display advertisement In this I.sue.Fri tsch. II. C. Phone, 252-W.See display advertisement I" this Issue.(iodtrey, "'m. D.114 Woodside ave. Phone, 685-W.Naslt, Robert J. pltone, 605.Money for First and Second Mortgagee.ROOFING, ETC.(iara-lIlcGlnl.y Co. Phone, 1258-W.See dl.play nd vertlsement In this Issue.!IIIller. Joltn A. 243 rona ave. Phone, 661-J.Shop, 246 Havertord ave. Phone, 1226-J.SCHOOLS, ETC.ZpnfnlB3"er'H, Th e ~ I I R R e 8 .Phone, Narber th 651-J.SHOEMAKERSGood 'Vear Sl toe Repair 8bop,Constantine, B. G. Y. 111. e. A. Bldg.

    By Expert Mechanics. Al l Work GuarQnteed.

    Two Lines, IOc pe r issue j SC for each additional line


    Narberth Register

    N A r b ~ ~ o h n i 6 0 5 Essex Avenue, Above Haverford Avenue, Narberth,Automobile Repairing of All Kinds

    espec ia ly to those w ho h av e b ee n sayin g fo r So long t ha t " th e woman dono t want to vot e. " Ove r n in et y p ercent. of t he w omen who registeredvo ted, w hi le th e me n showed' onlyabout thirty-five pe r cen t. Th e womenalso k new wha t t he y w er e a bo ut a ndrece ived favorable criticism by theirintelligent an(1 business-like methods.


    Fast as has been the establishment of cantonments, campsand naval stations, the constructions forces of the BellSystem have more than kept pace.The tremendous demands of the Wa r and Navy Departments at Washington have no t only been met, bu t havebeen anticipated, and for months there have been hundredsof Bell men "over there" building th e lines of communicationfOf Pershing's men.The placing of the enti re facilities of the Ben System at theunreserved disposal of the Government has been a t r e ~mendous factor in the preparing of the Nat ion for themighty struggle.Thrive by Thrift! Buy W a r ~ S a v i n g s Stamps!

    The Bell Telephone Company of PennsylvaniaBUline.. Office,1230 Arc h S tr ee t, P hi la de lphi a.

    The Telephone Vanguard

    Plumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingN AR B ER T H . PA


    "'""k Comm.ndhlt 1IIonda)', lIlardl 11thParamount ]JreHentsGEORGE BEBANIn ],'lrHt Showing of"ONE MORE AMERICAN"

    Added Attrlwtloll- l 'urnI110nnt )'rf"H(-ntHBENJAMIN CHAPIN

    ARCADIAHESTNUT.Bel.16th St .Finest PhotoplaY The-atre 01 It s Si ze In th eEnt i reWorld.Pbotoplays-Cont lnuous 10 A .M . to 11.30P.M.Ph D Pe .

    MAIN PROIll:CTION !lTAJlTS AS NEARAS POSSIBI,": TO 10 .15 A. III .. 12.00, 2.00,3.4G, r ..4I i, 7.41i , 0.30 P. III.

    Th e "Womam'K ,rote in :New YorkAt t he recent. election In four Congressional dist r ic ts in New York, thev ot e o f the women wa s a surprise,

    Sllbscr1llt101lS fllr Th e WlIlI\lIn (;ItlzenTh e Nal'berth Branch of th e WomanSuffrage party is working har d forsubscriptions to "The Woman Citizen:'T hi s p ap er, pu bl ish ed weekly bywomen and devoted to t he wor k whichwomen ar e doing, is wel l wo rt h reading. The subscrip,tion is $1 a yearan d t he local suffrage party recelveEa percentage o f t hi s, b es id es an extrapremium if a hundred subscribers :ll'eobtained. Anyone who d es ir es tobe informed on al l suffrage matterssend $1 wJth n am e a nd ad dr es s toThe FamouH Imp.rHolllltor of .\hrnhnll1 J.ln- Mrs. Char les Wal te r Young , Box 20,coin In ""Itth ";I.I",,,le of ~ a r b e r t h Pa.'THE SON OF DEMOCRACY' ' - - - - -

    ("Tt::-iDl-:Jt m ; ~ I O I t n ; s " ) VOTERS URGED TO ENROLL

    BROS VIVID DESCRIPTION idone by Merton Greims, apartment! nvitation of ou r Civic Associat ion is-PHONE TO WALTON specialist, 210 Liberty Building, Phll-. prompted by a neighborly feeling andA R BE RT H 8 72 OF AURORA BOREALIS adelphia, Pa. The u.esig,ns .ancl est!-: ~ i n t e r ~ s ~ in a ll e ff or ts mad e look-N m:\tes w.ere prepared by BI' ight anti IIlg to CIVIe improvement.When YOU want automobile trips, furniture Myers, architects, Philadelphia. Brief remarks will also be made b ~ moved, packages earned. freIght hauled. As Seen In Narberth Thursday! Hon. }"Ietcher W. S ti te s a nd Georgeautomobiles stored, etc. Night I Every workable vacant lot i n Nar- M. Henry, Esq.;be rth should be p la nt ed t hi s s ummer .:\"arberth fol1,s who happened to be : There is t he mos t urgent need fo r 1m- A J,I';TTJ-;U }'IW)[ 'I'H}; 1 ) J o ; ~ r o C R A T J Cou t doors last Thu rs da y n ig ht a lo ng Imense food product ion and every com- ( , O J D n T ' r } ; } ; ' l l A ~ TO TilE VOTERSa bo ut h al f p as t t el l had a splendid II munity must teed itself In order too p p o r t u n i t ~ to see thc Aurora Borealis, , ject by Mrs. Hugh Brown , Mrs . Bye , The r ea so ll w hy w e h av e an Incomwhich s ci en ti st s s ay w as o ne of the Mrs. Ros;; and Mrs. Charles Young. plete r egis tr a tion he re is largely bet in es t e xh ib it ion s o f t hi s phenomenon 1\'11'.5. Solenherger, of D rexe l H il l, w il l cause we have so many n ew p eo pl eseen in th e United S t : te s jn mallY give all alL!res.s Oil "The Employmen t i n : \" a rber th who do no t know whereyears. From one of ou r residents who cr Women as Affec ted hv th e War: ' to go In order to be properly enrollcdwitnessed th e "lights" from th e time Mrs. Solenherger is a m:mber of th e or who pu t off tile matter from daythey were at t he ir h ei gh t until th e Philadelphia Civie Club and chair- to day. :\ 0 matter what th e reason"big show" was over we have received mH l of t.he Committee on I ndu st ri al may be, th e condition exists an d Is at he following description: Condi ti on s. S he is thoroughly con - pub li c misfortune In these bimes when"I had s t ar t ed ou t fo r a walk wit.h versant with he r subJed and presen ts v it al i ss ue s ar e to be decided. Theth e dog, a bo ut twe nt y m in ut es after: to liS a topic in which we ar.e v it al ly p re s en t known issues ar c important,ten, and noticed no th i ng pe cu l ia r in i nt er es te d. The 110ur is 2.30 P. M. t ru e, bu t more importan t ones will !>eth e sky until about ten or fifteen before us before next November.minute s late r. Bu t between 10.30 an d Therefore, m ake u se of the coupon11 o'clock I s aw s igh t s that o nl y t he The Civic Assoclat.ion ha s heen very found In th e lower corner of Our Townl at e S te phen C ra ne , w it h hi s mdr- fortunate in obtaining th e c on se nt or and send It to Carden Warne
