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Land off Albany Drive, Copster Green OUTLINE PLANNING APPLICATION



March 2014


The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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1.1 PWA Planning is retained by Westbridge Developments Ltd to progress a planning application for

the residential development of the land off Albany Drive, Copster Green, Blackburn.

1.2 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires planning applications to

be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate

otherwise. This Planning Statement will demonstrate that the proposals accord with the provisions

of the Development Plan and that other material considerations also indicate that planning

permission ought to be granted.

1.3 The purpose of this statement is as follows:

(a) To describe the site and surrounding area;

(b) To provide an overview of the proposals (full details of the scheme can be found within the

other supporting documents);

(c) To consider the extent to which the proposals are compliant with local and national policy;

(d) To review other material considerations relevant to the determination of the planning


(e) To assess any other relevant planning issues raised by the proposed development.

1.4 This document should be read in conjunction with the following suite of documents submitted in

support of the planning application:

• Completed 1APP form, relevant certificates and notices.

• Planning Statement.

• Design and Access Statement

• Transport Statement.

• Aboricultural Impact Assessment (including Tree Survey).

• Landscape and Visual Assessment.

• Flood Risk Assessment.

• Ecological Scoping Report.

• Drawn Information:

o Existing Site Plan (Sheet 1 of 2)

o Existing Site Plan (Sheet 2 of 2)

o Tree Constraints Plan (Drawing Reference BTC583-TCP).

o Tree Impact Plan (Drawing Reference BTX583-TIP).

o Landscape Layout (Drawing Reference 375/01).

o Location Plan (Drawing Reference 010-283_01)

o Proposed Illustrative Layout (Drawing Reference 010-283_02)

o Proposed Site Plan (Drawing Reference 010-283_06)

o Proposed Access Plan (Drawing Reference 010-282_07)

o Outline Drainage Scheme (Drawing Reference C-0642-01)

1.5 The aforementioned documents were those agreed with officers of Ribble Valley Council and were

deemed to be those necessary to ensure the swift validation and determination of the planning

application. For reasons identified in this statement it is considered that the proposed

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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development is entirely appropriate and consistent with relevant policies of the Development

Plan, as well as National guidance and material considerations. It will be demonstrated that the

scheme represents sustainable development and that planning permission ought to be granted.


2.1 The application site is located in Copster Green, north of Blackburn, east of Preston and west of

Clitheroe Town Centres. The site is accessed via Albany Drive which provides a link to the A59 with

onward links to the M6 motorway providing access to the wider North West. The site is readily

accessible by pedestrians, cyclists and via public transport with bus stops along A59 and train

stations nearby at Wilpshire and Langho.

2.2 The application site comprises an area of grazing land defined by trees and hedgerows along its

boundaries, off Albany Drive. As can be seen from the aerial photograph the site lies adjoins an

established residential area located south of the A59.

Figure 1 – Albany Drive location plan (not to scale)

2.3 The site is considered to represent a sustainable location for residential development which will

complement and improve the existing neighbourhood in the immediate locality, whilst ensuring that

the Borough is able to meet their housing needs and the aims of the NPPF to significantly boost the

supply of housing land.


3.1 A search of Ribble Valley Borough Council’s planning register has been carried out to ascertain

whether there have been previous planning applications for development of the application site.

3.2 There are no records of recent planning applications which are relevant to the application site, nor

are there any applications in the immediate locality which are considered relevant to the

consideration of this planning application.

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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4.1 The description of development, as per the submitted 1APP forms, is:

“The erection of up to 32 no. dwellings and associated works”.

4.2 Permission is sought for in outline with all matters reserved save for access. The proposed scheme

would see the erection of 5no bungalows, 5no 2 bed houses, 15no 3 bed houses, 7no 4 bed houses

with garages. The new properties will be of a design not only in keeping with the area, but of a high

quality design. The proposed family homes are considered to respond to market demand and

identified local needs and reflect the character of the neighbouring residential areas so as to be in-

keeping with the existing community.

4.3 The development would help boost the supply of such dwellings within this part of the Borough and

represents a modest development which reflects the scale of the settlement of Copster Green.

Existing properties within the vicinity are predominantly detached 3 / 4 bed bungalows and dormer

bungalows, set in large plots with private gardens to the rear and front gardens and driveways. The

architectural features of architectural features of existing residential area in Copster Green is set

out in the Design and Access Statement provided in the supporting documents, together with an

explanation of how this has informed the proposed scheme of development.

4.4 It should be noted that whilst the Design and Access Statement provides a narrative in relation to

the design, the proposed facing materials and all other detailed elevational treatment matters are

reserved for future consideration should the outline planning permission be granted.


Flood Risk

4.5 The Environment Agency Flood Risk Map indicates that the application site is not within an area

considered to be at risk of flooding. Nevertheless a Flood Risk assessment is submitted in the

supporting documents, in accordance with the requirements for such where the application site

area exceeds 1 hectare.


4.6 The site is not subject to any statutory ecology related designations; there are no National Nature

Reserves, Ramsar sites, Special Protection Area of Conservation or Sites of Special Scientific Interest

within 1km of the application site. Local, site specific ecology matters are dealt with later in this

Statement and relevant reports can be found in the supporting documents.

Heritage Designations

4.7 The application site does not include any locally or nationally listed buildings and is not within a

Conservation Area.

Public Rights of Way

4.8 There are no Public Rights of Way which affect the application site.

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Tree Preservation Orders

4.9 There are no Tree Preservation Orders which affect the application site. A Tree Survey is submitted

in the supporting documents which considers the merit of existing trees on the application site.


4.10 There are no local, regional or national statutory or non-statutory designations relevant to the

consideration of the planning application nor any which would preclude the proposed scheme for

residential development of the site.


5.1 In advance of this submission, discussions with the Council have been held, in particular the pre-

application discussions with Rachel Horton (Planning Officer, Stockport Council). A summary of the

consultation relating the application is provided below.

Policy Context


5.2 The National Planning Policy Framework, which came into effect from March 2012, sets out National

requirements for early meaningful engagement and collaboration with neighbourhoods, local

organisations and businesses, the benefits of which include:

• Strengthening the evidence base for planning decisions;

• Commitment to the future development of the area;

• Promoting regeneration and investment and their benefits;

• Fostering ownership and strengthening delivery through partnership working;

• Greater public ownership resulting from the ability to influence the decision making


• Greater potential for effective and efficient use of resources;

• Identification of problems at an early stage, allowing matters to be put right at an early

stage before they escalate and result in lengthy inquiries.

5.3 Paragraph 188 of the Framework states that:

“Early engagement has significant potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the

planning application system for all parties. Good quality pre-application discussion enables better

coordination between public and private resources and improved outcomes for the community”

5.4 Paragraph 189 of the Framework states that:

“Local planning authorities have a key role to play in encouraging other parties to take maximum

advantage of the pre-application stage. They cannot require that a developer engages with them

before submitting a planning application, but they should encourage take-up of any pre-

application services they do offer. They should also, where they think this would be beneficial,

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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encourage any applicants who are not already required to do so by law to engage with the local

community before submitting their applications”.

Ribble Valley Statement of Community Involvement

5.5 The Council adopted a Statement of Community Involvement (2010) which makes a number of

recommendations for engagement prior to the submission of planning applications. There

recommendations include;

‘Have pre-application discussions with development control officers using the designated forms and

paying the requisite fee. For more detail please visit www.ribblevalley.gov.uk/planning and search

downloadable forms.’

5.6 The applicant has carried out pre-application consultation with Rachel Horton (Planning Officer) to

which a response was provided on 16th July 2013 (RV/2013/ENQ/00098 refers). This has allowed the

applicant to address key matters of concern and ensures that a robust application is provided with

relevant supporting information.

5.7 Whilst the SCI also encourages developers to carry out consultation with local residents and

community groups, it is indicated that applicants should ‘make their detailed proposals available for

public view at the site’. The applicant is committed to carrying out meaningful consultation prior to

any further application for detailed permission in this respect.

Public Consultation

5.8 Pre-application public consultation is not a statutory requirement the applicant has not formally

consulted with the community of Copster Green on this outline planning application. The proposed

development is submitted to the Council in outline and seeks permission only for the principle of

development with the proposed layout being illustrative at this stage.

5.9 It is therefore considered that there would be limited merit in holding detailed discussions with local

residents until such a time as the detailed design is developed. In this respect the applicant will seek

to gain the views of local residents on such matters in relation to further applications for detailed

permission should the Council be minded to approve this outline planning application. Ward Cllrs

were notified of the submission by the applicant.

5.10 It should however also be noted that the Council will notify all local residents of the application in

line with the regulations. In this respect the local community will have the opportunity to engage in

the determination of the planning application.


5.11 In summary, the pre-application consultation is considered to be entirely commensurate with the

guidance described above at both National and Local level and furthermore is appropriate in the

context of the scale of development proposed.

5.12 We are therefore confident that the pre-application consultation ensures that the application for

outline planning permission represents a robust submission which has considered the views of key

stakeholders and statutory consultees whilst being mindful of ongoing engagement with regards to

detailed matters at a later stage.

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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6.1 As outlined in the previous chapter, the required submission documents were agreed with Officers

through the pre-application discussions held between PWA Planning and the Council’s Planning

Officer Rachel Horton. Accordingly the following documents are submitted in support of the

detailed planning application:

• Completed 1APP form, relevant certificates and notices.

• Planning Statement.

• Design and Access Statement

• Transport Statement.

• Aboricultural Impact Assessment (including Tree Survey).

• Landscape and Visual Assessment.

• Flood Risk Assessment.

• Ecological Scoping Report.

• Drawn Information:

o Existing Site Plan (Sheet 1 of 2)

o Existing Site Plan (Sheet 2 of 2)

o Tree Constraints Plan (Drawing Reference BTC583-TCP).

o Tree Impact Plan (Drawing Reference BTX583-TIP).

o Landscape Layout (Drawing Reference 375/01).

o Location Plan (Drawing Reference 010-283_01)

o Proposed Illustrative Layout (Drawing Reference 010-283_02)

o Proposed Site Plan (Drawing Reference 010-283_06)

o Proposed Access Plan (Drawing Reference 010-282_07)

o Outline Drainage Scheme (Drawing Reference C-0642-01)


7.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that:

“where in making any determination under the planning Acts, regard is to be had to the Development

Plan, the determination shall be made in accordance with the plan unless material consideration

indicates otherwise”.

7.2 This statement considers the application proposals against relevant saved development plan

policies contained within the adopted Ribble Valley District Wide Local Plan (RVLP) as well as

emerging policies of the Core Strategy, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and other

material considerations.

7.3 The Ribble Valley District Wide Local Plan was adopted in 1998 remains the development plan until

the emerging local plan (core strategy and site allocations) is completed.

7.4 The Secretary of State issued a Direction under paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 8 to the Planning and

Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 in respect of policies in the 1998 Local Plan. Accordingly only some

policies of the Local Plan were ‘saved’ until they are subsequently superseded.

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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7.5 The relevant saved policies from the RVLP are :-

• Policy G1 – Development control

• Pollicy G5 – Settlement strategy

• Policy ENV3 – Development in open countryside

• Policy H20 – Affordable housing – villages and countryside

• Policy H21 – Affordable housing – information needed

• Policy RT8 – Open space provision

• Policy T1 – Development proposals – transport implications

• Policy T7 – Parking provision

Principle of development

7.6 The application site lies within an Open Countryside area (Policy ENV3 and G5). It adjoins an

established residential area to the north of the application site, and to the south are further areas

of Open Countryside. The policy states that;


In the open countryside outside the AONB and areas immediately adjacent to it, development will

be required to be in keeping with the character of the landscape area and should reflect local

vernacular, scale, style, features and building materials. Proposals to conserve, renew and enhance

landscape features, will be permitted, providing regard has been given for the characteristic

landscape features of the area.”

7.7 The supporting text to Policy ENV3 goes on to state that ‘Whilst the Borough Council has no wish to

unnecessarily restrict development it is essential that only development which has benefits to the

area is allowed. Even when such development is accepted it must acknowledge the special qualities

of the area by virtue of its size, design, use of materials, landscaping and siting’ and ‘The Borough

Council is also committed to protecting key elements of the landscape character of any site affected

by proposed development and would make the siting, scale and form of any landscape proposal that

forms part of any planning application a priority.’

7.8 The application proposals are considered to fully respect the landscape character of the area. A

Landscape Visual Impact Assessment is provided in the supporting documents to this application

which identifies key elements of the landscape and this has informed the illustrative proposals and

will be carried forward to the detailed design stage should the council be minded to approve this

outline planning application.

7.9 The proposals are for residential development, and with the exception of the affordable elements,

are of a type not provided for within the policy framework of the adopted RVLP in an open

countryside location. It is acknowledged that there is therefore some tension with existing local plan

policy, in particular in terms of compliance with policies G5 and ENV3. Of course the development

strategy of the adopted RVLP is now extremely outdated and whilst the policies remain extant and

part of the development plan, it is clearly important to have regard to other material considerations,

which include the emerging Core Strategy, which is part way through its examination process, and

in particular the NPPF. In particular Paragraph 14 of NPPF states clearly the manner in which the

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Government consider applications for residential development ought properly to be considered. It

is stated that :-

“At the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable

development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and


For plan-making this means that:

• local planning authorities should positively seek opportunities to meet the development needs

of their area;

• Local Plans should meet objectively assessed needs, with sufficient flexibility to adapt to rapid

change, unless:

- any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits,

when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole; or

- specific policies in this Framework indicate development should be restricted

For decision-taking this means:

• approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay; and

• where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out����of����date, granting

permission unless:

- any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits,

when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole; or

- specific policies in this Framework indicate development should be restricted.”

7.10 In the case of the RVLP it is considered that the relevant housing related policies are out of date and

hence that the determination of this particular application for housing should be considered against

the requirements of NPPF Paragraph 14 and as a result, planning permission should be granted

unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits,

when assessed against the NPPF.

7.11 Moreover it is noted that the emerging Core Strategy document identifies a constrained strategic

residual requirement for ‘other settlements’ (sites not within Clitheroe, Longridge, Whalley or the

strategic site south of the A59) of 580 over the period to 2028. Such provision is acknowledged in

the Core Strategy to require appropriate sites which will extend in an appropriate manner the

boundaries of the settlements. The identification of suitable sites to meet the identified need,

subject to the Core Strategy’s approval, will be the function of the site allocations document, which

remains in its very early stages and has not yet been published for public consultation.

7.12 The emerging Core Strategy does not seek to identify any appropriate sites and whilst the SHLAA

document has been updated to identify a pool of potential sites, this document has no statutory or

policy status and remains subject to public consultation and approval as part of the Core Strategy

examination. Accordingly, pending the approval of the Core Strategy document and in particular the

(yet unpublished) site allocations document, applications for residential development in the

borough need to be assessed against relevant material considerations and in particular the criteria

set out in NPPF regarding the presumption in favour of sustainable development and the need to

boost significantly the supply of housing (paragraph 47).

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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7.13 Considering the sustainability of the site itself, the site comprises land adjacent to the established

residential area of Copster Green, it is immediately adjacent to a frequent bus route providing ready

non-car access to the major settlements of Preston and Clitheroe to the west and east respectively.

It is considered that, even disregarding the other materials benefits of the development (affordable

housing provision and boosting the supply of deliverable housing land) the application site would

represent a sustainable form of development and moreover would appear as a logical and natural

extension of the built form at Copster Green.

7.14 A Landscape Appraisal is provided in the supporting documents to this application which finds that

the site is located immediately adjacent to the built up area of the village, and although this is a

green field site, the development will have a moderate landscape and visual effect. The majority of

new development will be sited well within the site and the scheme would see the retention and

significant enhancement of areas of open space.

7.15 It is therefore considered that, as a matter of principle, the residential redevelopment of the site

would represent appropriate and sustainable development when considered against the

requirements of NPPF and those of the emerging Core Strategy document. In accordance with NPPF

paragraph 14, such factors are considered to outweigh any conflict with adopted development plan

settlement and housing policy.

7.16 There are clear benefits of the application proposals in providing high quality family homes required

to meet the demand for housing across the Borough. Furthermore the proposed scale of the

development at up to 32 no. dwellings respects the size of the Copster Green settlement and meets

with objectives of the Council in their emerging planning policy to distribute growth across all

settlements across the Borough.

Design and Layout

7.17 The proposed development of 32 dwellings has been designed in a manner sympathetic to the

established village setting, with a mix comprising 5no bungalows, 5no 2 bed houses, 15no 3 bed

houses, 7no 4 bed houses with garages. This mix ensures that the proposed housing appeals to

various demographics and meet the diverse needs of the borough in delivering housing for first time

buyers, families and the elderly.

7.18 A Design and Access Statement is provided in the supporting documents to this application which

provides a summary of the design process.

Affordable Housing

7.19 In considering the affordable housing element of the proposal, it is important to have regard to

Policies H20 and H21 of the RVLP, as well as the emerging Core Strategy requirements and the

document Addressing Housing Need in Ribble Valley. Whilst a strict interpretation of adopted policy

would suggest that the scheme would need to provide 100% affordable housing, for the reasons

highlighted above it is reasonable to treat this site as an urban extension where the requirements

of Policy H21 and as repeated in the emerging Core Strategy Key Statement H3 would be more

sensibly applied. In this respect the expectation would be that the scheme should provide 30% of

units on site to be affordable and with 15% elderly provision.

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page | 10

7.20 The submitted scheme responds fully to these requirements and will provide 10 units of affordable

housing, which will comprise of 3 no. 2 bed houses, 5 no. 3 bed houses and 2 no. bungalows. It is

proposed that there will be a 50:50 split of rented and shared ownership. It is proposed that the

affordable provision as well as the provision for the elderly is the subject of a s.106 legal agreement

and heads of terms of such an agreement is submitted in support of the application.

7.21 These matters have been the subject of discussions with the Council’s officers. It is therefore

anticipated that, subject to completion of the appropriate legal agreement, such provision will

match fully the Council’s requirements for affordable housing.

Technical Considerations

7.22 The application is accompanied by a series of technical assessments and surveys in anticipation of

those matters which will be pertinent to the determination of this planning application. In addition

to this Planning Statement which considers the proposals against the requirements of the Planning

and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the following matters are worthy of note:

Highways and Access

7.23 Vehicular and pedestrian access to the proposed development is via Albany Drive. Given the scale

of the proposed development and as agreed through pre-application discussions with the Council,

a Transport Statement is provided in support of the application, the preparation of which has

included consultation with Lancashire County Council and Ribble Valley Borough Council.


7.24 An ecological scoping report is provided in the supporting documents to this planning

application. The majority of the site is of very limited ecological value comprising mainly

species-poor improved agricultural grassland, however there is a pond on site and a number

of hedgerows, mature trees, an area of marshy grassland, and a stream, all of which are of

at least moderate ecological value.

7.25 Whilst the scoping report submitted recommends further survey work during summer

months the proposed development comprises significant mitigation should Great Crested

Newts be present on the site and in this respect the proposal includes adequate ecological

mitigation and indeed includes significant enhancements.

7.26 A further survey will be carried out during April and the resulting reports submitted to the


Flood Risk

7.27 The Environmental Agency flood risk map indicates the application site is not within an area at risk

of flooding. A Flood Risk Assessment, together with a draft Drainage Strategy for the proposed

development is provided in the supporting documents to this planning application (Document

Reference C-0641 refers).

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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7.28 This information demonstrates that the proposed development to be carried through to completion

in a safe and sustainable manner without risk of additional or increased flooding being caused to

property within the new development or to existing neighbouring properties or land.


7.29 A Landscape Appraisal is provided in the supporting documents to the application which fully

considers the landscape character and the resulting impact of the proposed development.

7.30 Although this is a green field site, the Landscape Appraisal concludes that the proposed

development will have a moderate landscape and visual effect. Furthermore any moderate impact

in the immediate area will reduce as the proposed screening planting and other mitigation measures

become established.

7.31 The proposed scheme includes the retention of the existing field boundaries within and around the

site in order to provide a framework for additional screening, which together with further

enhancements such as retaining the pond and developing new public open space, will also reduce

the effects on the landscape.


7.32 In summary it is considered that the approval of this full planning application would pave the way

for the delivery of a high quality residential development. There are no technical matters which

present significant constraints to the proposed scheme for up to 32 no. dwellings and associated


7.33 Table 1 below provides a concise summary of the above analysis of the proposed development in

the context of the provisions of the adopted Development Plan:

Table 2: Summary of Compliance with Relevant Policies from the Core Strategy DPD

Policy Comments

Policy G1 –



The proposed development compriuse a high standard of building design

with significant landscaping and ecological mitigation measures include

within the submitted illustrative layout. The submitted documents provided

as part of the submission package demonstrate that the proposed

development meets all of the criteria set out in policy G1.

Policy ENV3 –


in open


As already noted in this statement it is considered that the relevant housing

related policies are out of date and hence that the determination of this

particular application for housing should be considered against the

requirements of NPPF Paragraph 14. Moreover, the emerging Core

Strategy (Policy DS1) sets out defined settlements separate to the

principal settlements and strategic site south of the A59, which are

required to provide 580 new homes over the plan period.

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Policy H20 –


housing –

villages and



Policy H21 –


housing –



It is considered reasonable to treat this site as an urban extension where

the requirements of Policy H21 and as repeated in the emerging Core

Strategy Key Statement H3 would be more sensibly applied. In this respect

the scheme includes a provision of 30% of units on site to be affordable

and with 15% elderly provision.

Policy RT8 –

Open space


The proposed new residential development includes amenity open space

the detailed of which are provided in the supporting documents (Drawing

no 375/01 Landscape Layout refers)

Policy T1 –


proposals –




Policy T7 –



As noted in this statement the site is located in an accessible location close

to the A59 which provides good transport provision to the wider area. The

accessibility of the application site is further considered in the submitted

Transport Statement, including the provision for cycle and pedestrians.

Adequate parking is provided with 2 spaces per dwelling in the case of 2

and 3 bedroom properties rising to 3 spaces per dwelling for 4 bedroom



National Planning Policy Framework

8.1 The Framework was published and came into force on 27 March 2012. The Framework sets out the

Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It sets out

the Government’s requirements for the planning system only to the extent that it is relevant,

proportionate and necessary to do so. In general terms the Framework significantly supports the

case for granting planning permission for the proposed development of up to 32 no. dwellings at

the application site.

8.2 At the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable

development, which should be applicable to both plan-making and decision-taking. As noted earlier

in this statement:

For decision-taking this means:

• approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay; and

• where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out-of-date, granting

permission unless:

- any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrable outweigh the

benefits, when assessed against the policies in the Framework taken as a whole; or

- specific policies in this Framework indicate development should be restricted.

The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

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8.3 Sustainable development is broadly defined in Paragraph 7 of the Framework as having three

dimensions; namely economic, social and environmental. In relation to these dimensions we

comment as follows:


8.4 The proposals would make a positive contribution to housing land supply in Copster Green and the

wider Borough, ensuring an appropriate amount of development commensurate with the size of

the settlement.

8.5 The proposal will provide employment opportunities and trade for local businesses and suppliers

during the construction phase.


8.6 The proposal will result in the creation of high quality environment and comprises a compatible use

in keeping with the neighbouring uses in the immediate surrounds of the site whilst providing high

quality family housing for the community.

8.7 As outlined earlier in this statement the site lies close to the main link between Preston and

Clitheroe off the A59 and therefore offers an excellent location which benefits from good transport

links and is close to local services. The development can promote the use of sustainable transport

modes and reduce reliance on the private car.

The proposed dwellings comprise high quality family homes, and will contribute to the promotion

of Copster Green and more widely Ribble Valley as a desirable location to live.


8.8 As set out in this Statement, the application site is not subject to any statutory ecological

designations, Tree Preservation Orders, Heritage assets or protected species (subject to

confirmation following further survey work). It is not within an area considered to be at risk of

flooding as defined by the Environment Agency.

8.9 The illustrative proposals for the development of up to 32 no. dwellings provide scope for ecological

mitigation and on site public open space.

8.10 The landscape character is respected and the submitted Landscape Visual Impact Assessment

provides detailed analysis of the current landscape features of merit which have not only informed

the illustrative proposals but will continue to inform detailed design should the Council be minded

to approve this application for outline planning permission.

The Presumption In Favour Of Sustainable Development

8.11 Paragraph 14 of the Framework establishes a presumption in favour of sustainable development.

8.12 The proposals are considered to comprise sustainable development. The site would meet current

housing needs of the Council in a manner which does not compromise the ability of future

generations to meet their own needs. Accordingly the application would benefit from the

presumption in favour of such development as stated in Paragraph 14 of the Framework.

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Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Delivering a Wide Choice of High Quality Homes

8.13 One of the aims of the Framework is to boost significantly the supply of housing. Paragraph 47 of

the Framework sets out a number of requirements to be undertaken by local authorities to help

achieve this aim; bullet points 1 and 2 are worthy of consideration:

“47. To boost significantly the supply of housing, local planning authorities


• use their evidence base to ensure that their Local Plan meets the full,

objectively assessed needs for market and affordable housing in the

housing market area, as far as is consistent with the policies set out in

this Framework, including identifying key sites which are critical to the

delivery of the housing strategy over the plan period;

• identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites

sufficient to provide five years worth of housing against their housing

requirements with an additional buffer of 5% (moved forward from later

in the plan period) to ensure choice and competition in the market for

land. Where there has been a record of persistent under delivery of

housing, local planning authorities should increase the buffer to 20%

(moved forward from later in the plan period) to provide a realistic

prospect of achieving the planned supply and to ensure choice and

competition in the market for land”.

8.14 Paragraph 49 goes on:

“Housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of

sustainable development. Relevant policies for the supply of housing should not be

considered up-to-date if the local planning authority cannot demonstrate a five-year

supply of deliverable housing sites”.

8.15 Clearly the granting of planning permission for the proposed development will assist the Authority

in meeting the requirements of the Framework to significantly boost the housing supply.

New Homes Bonus

8.16 Using Band D as the average Council Tax band for a simple calculation the development proposed

could generate local contributions of circa £221,064 to Ribble Valley Borough Council over a 6 year

period via the New Homes Bonus. In addition there would be a sum of £55,266 payable over the

same period to Lancashire County Council. These are significant monies in the context of the modest

development proposed and can be put towards local needs as required by the Council. It is

considered that these potential significant monies are a material consideration having regard to

Section 143 of Part 6 of the Localism Act 2011.


The Winds, Beacon Road, Romiley, Stockport SK6 3ET | Proposed redevelopment of site to provide 8 no. family dwellings

Planning Statement | February 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page | 15

9.1 PWA Planning is instructed by Westbridge Developments Ltd to prepare this Planning Statement in

support of the proposed development of land at Albany Drive, Copster Green. The short description

of development given in the planning application forms is:

“The erection of up to 32 no. dwellings and associated works”.

9.2 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that:

“where in making any determination under the planning Acts, regard is to be

had to the Development Plan, the determination shall be made in accordance

with the plan unless material consideration indicates otherwise”.

9.3 It has been demonstrated in this Planning Statement and with support from various technical

reports that the proposals accord with the provisions of the Development Plan, and furthermore

that there are also other material considerations which support the granting of outline planning

permission for the above development.

9.4 There are a number of significant benefits of the proposals, as follows;

• The provision of high quality housing ensuring a diverse range of high quality

housing in Copster Green and the wider Borough.

• The delivery of housing to boost significantly the supply of housing as

required by the Framework, and to meet the demands of the Council in the

absence of a five year housing land supply.

• Employment opportunities and support for existing trades and building

suppliers in the local area during construction.

• A New Homes Bonus payment of circa £221,064 for Ribble Valley which the

Council could use in accordance with local priorities, with additional monies

to Lancashire County Council.

9.5 For the reasons identified within this statement, together with the other supporting documents ot

the planning application, it is considered that planning permission ought to be granted for the

proposed development of 32 no. dwellings and the application is commended to the Council.

28th March 2014
