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OVERVIEW - School of the Cathedral...The School of the Cathedral, a 2014 Blue Ribbon School,...

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Page 1: OVERVIEW - School of the Cathedral...The School of the Cathedral, a 2014 Blue Ribbon School, provides students with a rigorous education from kindergarten through grade 8. Cathedral’s
Page 2: OVERVIEW - School of the Cathedral...The School of the Cathedral, a 2014 Blue Ribbon School, provides students with a rigorous education from kindergarten through grade 8. Cathedral’s


SPIRITUAL STRENGTHAt Cathedral, students develop spiritually through

a variety of opportunities. Kindergarten, pre-irst,

irst, and second grade students are paired with

a middle school student as their “prayer buddy.”

Prayer buddies stay together throughout their time

at Cathedral, sitting together in weekly Mass and

participating in monthly classroom activities. We

teach our students from day one at Cathedral,

we PRAY:

Practice peace

Respect ourselves and others

Accept responsibility and

Your best efort always

All students attend Mass once a week, where the

homily is geared toward a topic relatable to the

students. Religion is taught in every grade, and

2nd/8th grade students also participate in First

Communion/Conirmation through the parish

program while in school.

Our school engages in service projects alongside the

parish, including donation drives for those in need,

breakfast bags for those who are hungry, casseroles

for Our Daily Bread, and holiday gift collections for

families in Baltimore. Middle school students also

participate in a social justice program, with weekly

classes on poverty, ethics, and more. This program

culminates in an eighth grade year-long capstone

project where each student works with a group of

peers to develop a 4–8 minute TED-style talk on a

social justice issue. The talks are shared during a

spring leadership conference, entitled Faith in Focus.

Faith is woven into every student’s education at

the School of the Cathedral in a way that ensures

students will “act justly, love tenderly, and walk

humbly with your God,” as they read from Micah 6:8

every day at the end of the announcements.

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCEThe School of the Cathedral, a 2014 Blue Ribbon

School, provides students with a rigorous education

from kindergarten through grade 8. Cathedral’s Class

of 2016 was awarded $545,000 in scholarships—a

record amount for 8th grade students in the region.

In addition, our students score in the top quartile

on standardized tests, which are administered each

spring in grades 3–8.

Our standards-based curriculum is developed based

on guidelines from the Archdiocese of Baltimore,

with additional resources provided to ensure our

students’ success. Teachers are encouraged to

continue their professional development with

the assistance of scholarships from the Teacher

Excellence Fund. 70% of our faculty have earned or

are working toward an advanced degree.

21ST CENTURY LEARNINGOur facilities include a contemporary science lab

used by students in all grades, classrooms with

lexible seating arrangements, and Smartboards

in every classroom. Every middle school student

receives a Chromebook, and our expanding 1:1 iPad

program ensures that every student in the lower

school has access to an iPad. Teachers use these

tools, along with Google Classroom, to create a 21st

century educational experience where students have

an opportunity to collaborate, create, communicate,

and become critical thinkers.

Act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God.

– MICAH 6:8

Page 3: OVERVIEW - School of the Cathedral...The School of the Cathedral, a 2014 Blue Ribbon School, provides students with a rigorous education from kindergarten through grade 8. Cathedral’s

LOWER SCHOOLThe kindergarten through ifth grade curriculum consists of English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Science, Social

Studies, Library, Art, Music, Physical Education, and Religion. In every grade, teachers provide diferentiated

instruction, which allows students to work on skills appropriate for their readiness level. Students engage

in various ield trips for hands-on learning, school-wide assemblies, and outreach projects to promote the

development of the whole child. Featured activities for out-of-classroom reinforcement include Math Night,

Science Night, and Literacy Night, where students visit various stations to see how math, science, and reading,

respectively, connect to their everyday lives. At Cathedral, every grade ofers at least one event that marks a

unique experience for our students to create lifelong memories.

KINDERGARTENKindergarten students at Cathedral develop the

fundamental skills in reading, writing, and math as

they begin their academic journey. Students

become independent readers and writers by the

time they inish the school year. The Thanksgiving

Feast is one memorable event for the kindergarten

students. Students enjoy making food and

decorations and performing holiday songs and

poems for their parents. The 100 Days of School

celebration, participation in the Christmas

convocation, and preparing for the Cardinal Cup 5K

Race are other great moments in kindergarten.

PRE-FIRSTCathedral’s pre-irst curriculum is individualized to

give extra support to students who need the gift

of time to be successful in their academic journey

through Cathedral. Students participate in their own

Christmas pageant, which they perform for their

families and the kindergarten students.

GRADE 1Students use the “Daily 5” framework, a structure

that teaches independence and gives children the

skills needed to create a lifetime love of reading

and writing. The rigor in irst grade increases for

Cathedral students as they build upon the skills

acquired in kindergarten or pre-irst. Students grow

stronger in reading, writing, spelling, handwriting,

math, social studies, and science. First grade

students share a book that they have created

themselves with parents at the spring Celebration

of Learning ceremony.

GRADE 2 A sacramental year, second grade is a time of

transition for Cathedral students. While the students

prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and

First Communion in school, academics do not fall

by the wayside. Incorporating the “Daily 5” skills

students have learned in the previous years, students

begin writing more detailed sentences and spelling

increases in diiculty as do reading and math.

Second grade students begin using technology

more often in the classroom as a way to diferentiate

their learning.

GRADE 3Third grade marks the irst time students will begin

to take standardized assessments. Expectations for

independence and organization are increased as

the students begin to master the skills needed to

be a high-performing student. Students are learning

about communities and are introduced to 3D

printing and computer-aided design. Using online

CAD software, TinkerCad, students design and print

their own communities and Washington Monuments.

In math, students work in small independent groups

as they rotate through several “Math Centers,” which

include a technology center with iPads, a math

writing center, and a hands-on learning center

that uses manipulatives and fun math games to

enhance student learning. ELA is not forgotten

as the students delve deeper into grammar and

creative writing.

GRADE 4Students in fourth grade begin to have their irst real

exposure to Google Apps for Education (GAFE). In

math, students create Google Slides presentations

at the end of each unit to demonstrate how to use

the skill outside of school. Students read many

wonderful novels, complete author studies, and

express themselves through creative writing. In

science, students research a habitat of the world—its

climate, animals, vegetation, location, and beneits

to the world—and then create a diorama with the

aid of 3D printing technology.

GRADE 5Grade ive inds students in English Language

Arts Beginning Writer’s Workshop. Independence

and collaboration are important as students work

individually and in groups to complete assignments.

In math, students are asked to apply their

knowledge to real-world situations that use a variety

of skills, such as decimal and fraction computation.

In science, students produce 3D models to

demonstrate their understanding of living organisms.

In social studies, students study European explorers.

Each student researches an explorer, writes a

narrative describing their discoveries, and presents,

in costume, a treasure box containing items that

relate to their explorer’s tale of adventure.

Page 4: OVERVIEW - School of the Cathedral...The School of the Cathedral, a 2014 Blue Ribbon School, provides students with a rigorous education from kindergarten through grade 8. Cathedral’s

MIDDLE SCHOOLThe Middle School curriculum is designed to educate, develop, and guide students as they discover their

individual potential. Middle school students have the opportunity to grow as leaders through the social justice

curriculum, Thomas O’Neill Leadership Program, Student Council, the Middle School Play, Prayer Buddies, faith-

based community outreach, and a range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The cohesive, challenging

program exceeds core standards and enables students to grow in self-advocacy, conidence, integrity, and

academic excellence. Cathedral students are regularly accepted into premier private and Catholic high schools,

often with generous scholarships.

GRADE 6Beginning with the middle school prayer service

the irst week of school, sixth grade students are

welcomed into the middle school by joining the Stars

and Stripes teams, with which they will be aligned

for the remainder of their voyage at Cathedral. Stars

and Stripes, a student-led organization, focuses

on building school spirit and service. In science,

students explore through hands-on investigation and

discovery. They create their own rockets to explore

physical and chemical changes. The National History

Day project is the major project in social studies,

while math and English continue to be a focus as

we prepare students for high school. Students in

sixth grade attend a three-day, two-night retreat as

a culmination of their servant leadership study in

social justice.

GRADE 7Seventh grade marks the focused preparation

for high school applications. Students begin working

on their high school résumés and on diferent styles

of essay writing. They dig deep into novels such

as The Red Kayak, A Long Walk to Water, and The

Giver using qualitative and quantitative dimensions

of text complexity. In math, students either take

pre-algebra or algebra, while in social studies

students implement strategic research to locate,

interpret, and apply primary and secondary sources

for the purpose of proving thesis statements in their

National History Day projects. Following a spiral

curriculum for science, seventh grade students focus

on physical science, conducting weekly experiments

in the science lab. Finally, at the end of the school

year, students are given an opportunity to engage

in a mission trip through the YouthWorks Christian

Mission Program.

GRADE 8Eighth grade students enjoy the beneit of being the

leaders of the school. For math, students are placed

in either algebra I or an algebra I/geometry hybrid

class. In ELA, students read such works as Tuesdays

with Morrie, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Romeo

and Juliet. Students prepare for the high school

application process by drafting and writing their

high school essays and inalizing their high school

résumés. Mock interviews prepare the students for

their high school shadow visits. Social studies places

a focus on Reconstruction to the present while

students focus on biology in science class.

Their journey through Cathedral culminates in

several exciting events. Students attend the yearly

team-building ield trip to Genesee Valley or

Terrapin Adventures with our Sister School, Mother

Seton Academy. The conclusion of the three-year

social justice curriculum inishes with a year of

research and prep when the students deliver their

TED-style talks to the

school community

in the spring.

he Cathedral Middle School provides a supportive,

yet challenging environment where students realize

their own abilities and become conident, lifelong

learners and leaders.

NOTABLE MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAMSBeginning in sixth grade, students are paired with a

middle school faculty advisor. The advisory program

is designed to foster development of academic and

social skills. Advisory groups comprise a mix of sixth,

seventh, and eighth grade students. Students remain

with their assigned advisor throughout their middle

school tenure. Advisory ofers an array of experiences,

including monthly activities with their prayer buddies,

guest speakers on the topic of leadership and adversity,

and academic skill development.

Cathedral’s middle school has a fully integrated one-

to-one technology program. Each sixth grader receives

a Chromebook that s/he uses in school over the next

three years, and will take with her/him after graduation.

Chromebook use is a part of all core academic subjects,

as well as several specialty subjects. Teachers use

Google Apps for Education, video editing software,

research databases, and many more online resources to

supplement instruction.

More about our


Middle school students engage in a social

justice class once per week. The class is

designed to teach students about social

issues in today’s world and to provide

service opportunities that will prepare

them as global citizens.

After completing Servant Leadership

in sixth grade, our students take

Introduction to Social Justice in seventh

grade. They complete their experience in

eighth grade by preparing for the Faith

in Focus Leadership Conference during

their Social Justice in Action course.

The Conference is the culmination of

Cathedral’s social justice program, the

only program of its kind in the area. The

Conference’s mission is for “Cathedral

eighth grade students to serve as leaders

by inspiring members of the community

to live their faith more intentionally.” A

faith-related topic is selected every year

as the theme of the conference. During

Social Justice in Action, students research

ideas related to the theme and develop a

presentation (similar in style to TED Talks)

that they then share during the end-of-

the-year conference.

The Thomas O’Neill Leadership program

is the lens through which we view our

educational environment. The underlying

theme is teaching behavioral expectations

in a positive manner, the same way we

would any core curriculum subject. We

incorporate the PRAY motto (below)

to cultivate an environment of respect

and positivity. Students are encouraged

through positive reinforcement incentives,

educational presentations, and staf


At Cathedral, we PRAY:

Practice peace

Respect ourselves and others

Accept responsibility and

Your best efort always

Page 5: OVERVIEW - School of the Cathedral...The School of the Cathedral, a 2014 Blue Ribbon School, provides students with a rigorous education from kindergarten through grade 8. Cathedral’s

SPECIALTY SUBJECTSStudents in every grade participate in specialty subjects—physical education, art, music, Spanish or French,

and library. Through these courses, students have the opportunity to expand their education in a diferent

environment. Teachers work together to plan cross-curricular projects so that students continue similar themes

as they reinforce various skills.

PHYSICAL EDUCATIONAt Cathedral, we focus on daily activities to increase

students’ movement, perspective on health, and

athletic opportunities. Students use their math skills

in physical education class by practicing angles

during indoor soccer, as one example. Physical

education is also the space for students to receive

health education—in fourth grade, for instance,

students learn how to perform hands-on CPR.

ARTThe School of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen’s art

program is continually evolving. The art room (with

new tables and walls brightly painted this summer)

is a studio space that fosters students’ creativity.

Students in kindergarten through eighth grade

develop problem-solving skills and art history/media

knowledge. Students create artwork in each of the

following media: drawing, printmaking, ceramics,

and painting, collage, and iber arts (weaving

and stitching).

MUSICStudents in music class learn a varied repertoire of

songs. They sing in groups or solo, play instruments,

and learn about music from around the world. Group

and solo performances are recorded and posted on

the school’s website.

SPANISH AND FRENCHSpanish is ofered for students in grades 1 through

8, focusing on basic principles in the lower school

and on more advanced grammar and conversation

by the time students reach middle school. French is

an option for students in grades 6–8. Grade 8 French

students place orders and converse in French while

dining at Petit Louis Bistro during their food unit

each spring.

LIBRARYOur students are engaging in a bit of detective work

to ind their way around the newly re-organized

library so they can ind a “just right” book! Students

are learning that being able to read the words is

only part of whether a book is right for their reading

level; having the schema, or background knowledge,

to make connections with the characters, themes,

and action is just as important. Choosing books in

the library is diferent than in ELA, and interest is

key. For recreational reading, students don’t always

choose books that are at their “challenge” level or

“sweet spot.” Sometimes, books are chosen below

students’ reading ability and developmental age

just because they love it! Other times, they want

a book that is well above their reading ability, but

one to which they can still make thoughtful

connections. Reading these with a

parent or sibling helps forge

strong reading skills as well as

a lifelong love of reading.

COUNSELINGThe school counseling program at Cathedral

provides regular guidance curriculum to students

based on the American School Counselor

Association standards. For example, the

kindergarten guidance curriculum focuses on

good listening skills, being a kind friend, tattling

vs. telling, and other age-appropriate social-

emotional learning skills. The 5th graders focus

on “what kind of student I want to be “ and

create memes using their iPads. In middle school,

the “Great Balloon Tower Challenge” tests each

student’s ability to work in a small group using

ultimate “teamwork” skills.

TUTORINGOne-to-one tutoring is provided as needed to

students through our Regina Plan, a program

designed to assist students with dyslexia,

dysgraphia, and other learning diferences. We

employ Orton-Gillingham trained tutors to assist

our students in developing strategies to become

successful, lifelong learners.


Our vision is to foster our students’ spiritual strength in the Catholic faith

and to challenge them to achieve academic excellence.

Page 6: OVERVIEW - School of the Cathedral...The School of the Cathedral, a 2014 Blue Ribbon School, provides students with a rigorous education from kindergarten through grade 8. Cathedral’s

BEYOND ACADEMICSThe School of the Cathedral believes that students’ development continues outside the classroom. Cathedral is

a place where students beneit from more than education—Cathedral is a community. Activities such as those

listed below are ways to bring together the entire family.

SPORTSStudents of all grades have the opportunity to join

soccer, basketball, and lacrosse teams at Cathedral.

These teams strengthen a sense of community

among classmates outside the academic setting.

Cathedral’s Running Club practices for the annual

Cardinal Cup 5K, which raises funds for Cathedral’s

sister school, Mother Seton Academy.

YOUTH MINISTRYAll are invited and encouraged to participate in

family and youth ministry activities in order to

continue their spiritual development. Some favorite

activities include Movie Nights, Halloween Trunk or

Treat, Middle School mixers, and service projects.

Students may participate at all ages, including in

high school, which creates many opportunities for

families to enjoy time together at Cathedral.

MUSICALSEvery year, middle school students are invited

to audition for Cathedral’s musical. This is an

opportunity for students to hone skills in and

showcase their choral, dance, acting, set design, and

backstage crew experience. Past musicals include

Little Mermaid, Annie, and Willy Wonka.

ELECTIVE CLASSESStudents in ifth through eighth grade participate

in elective classes each week, including Chess Club,

STEM activities, Geography Bee, Current Events,

Math Club, Let’s Start a Band, Exploring Technology/

Coding, and Faith in Social Media. Teachers engage

with students in creative manners to focus on these

advanced academic topics.

SACRAMENTSIn second and eighth grade, students prepare

for First Reconciliation/First Communion and

Conirmation, respectively. Every class at the School

of the Cathedral receives religious education, and

that, in combination with sacramental preparation

workshops and activities, ensures students receive

strong spiritual development.

BOY SCOUTS & GIRL SCOUTSScouting is ofered at Cathedral as a way for fathers

and sons/mothers and daughters to learn practical

skills that are reinforced in creative ways.

Photos by John J. Coyle, Jr., and Lisa Melancon.

Page 7: OVERVIEW - School of the Cathedral...The School of the Cathedral, a 2014 Blue Ribbon School, provides students with a rigorous education from kindergarten through grade 8. Cathedral’s

111 Amberly Way • Baltimore, Maryland 21210 • 410.464.4100

