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Janet Hardy-Could Starter Workbook with MultiROM OXFORD
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Janet Hardy-Could

Starter Workbook with MultiROM


Page 2: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

- l ■ ■ .,

|S f§| fgf;M

Starter mm

Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.

Find nine more words



Anna What’s this in


Anna Oh


★★★■ Look at the pictures and write questions and answers. Draw your own pictur

for numbers 4 and 5.

★ Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Starter unit

v « f w a a a a a a * a a aj « a a a «

It’s a book.






E A E C w 0 E M

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- .GUAGE FOCUS ■ be: singular affirmative

Choose the correct words.

—eilo! You /(T}n


1 You / It 're my


3 He / You's a


I l / She’s from

New York.

3 ★★ Rewrite the sentences using short forms.

You are from Paris.

You’re from Paris._

1 I am fine.

2 He is in class 3b.

3 You are Adam.

4 It is a computer.

5 What is this in English?

6 She is a student.

7 I am in this class.

8 We are eleven years old.

- She/I’m from 5 It / He’s a bicycle.


* ★ Complete the dialogue with’m, ’s or are.

creddie Hello. How are you?

Yasmin Hi Freddie. I1_fine, thanks.


Freddie lJ_fine, thankyou.This is my

friend, Max. He4_from Berlin.

He5_a student.

•asmin Hi Max! 16_Yasmin.

Max Hello Yasmin.

Freddie OK. See you later.

9 They are from Spain.

10 He is a new student.

4 ★ ★★ Complete the dialogue.

Emma Hello _Joe.

Joe 1 _Emma!

Emma 2 _are you?

Joe 3 _fine, thanks.

And 4 ?

Emma 5 _, thanks.

6 _my friend, Kate.

Joe 7 _Kate.

How8_ ?

Kate I’m 9 .thankyou.

Startpr nn

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VOCABULARY ■ Countries

Write the countries.




3 ★★ Complete the sentences with the words

in the box.

✓------ > j Argentina Great Britain Hungary

I Japan Russia the United States Turkey^

f My friend is from Budapest. It’s the

I capital of Hunqary_ ._^

1 f Will is from Los Angeles. It’s a big city |


2 Carmen and Maria are from Buenos

Aires. It’s the capital of-

__ ^

Robbie is from Liverpool. It’s a city in

zccheercuplbi Yu mi is from Tokyo. It’s the capital of

rgate rnibtia Boris and Anna are from Moscow.

It’s the capital of-

2 ★★ Choose the correct answers.

Charles Bridge. Prague

Charles Bridge is in _L_.

a Japan b Russia c Czech Republic d Turkey

1 Buckingham Palace is in-

a Brazil b Great Britain c Argentina d Germany

2 Tokyo is a very big city in-

a Japan b the United States c Russia d Brazil

3 The Statue of Liberty is in-

a Hungary b the United States c Brazil d Japan

4 The city of Istanbul is in-

a Great Britain b Germany cTurkey d Argentina

5 The Amazon Rainforest is in-

a Germany b Turkey c Great Britain d Brazil

6 I’m from Ankara. It’s the capital


★★★ Read about Oscar. Then write about


Hello. I'm Oscar.

I’m eleven years

old. I'm a student

and I'm in class

3b at school. I’m

from Chicago. It’s a

very big city in the

United States. -


■ Starter unit

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• IUACE FOCUS ■ Subject pronouns • be: singular and plural

★★ Complete the

sentences with’m, ’s

Order the words to make sentences.

we /Argentina / are

■ ii '.. Argentina. This is Mehmet.

He^s_from Izmir

in Turkey. He ’_;

student and he 2_

ten years old.

■ jes's eleven/you/old/are

This is Martina and

this is Eva. They3_

eleven years old and

they 4_from Czech

Republic. They5_

from the capital,


Hello. 16_Ollie

and this is Jake.

He7_my friend

from school. We 8_

from Birmingham.

It9_a big city in

Great Britain.

I he a/is/student/good

Replace the words in the boxes with

r'the words in brackets.

4 ★★★ Complete the dialogue using the

| Va' a | is from Rio de Janeiro. (She / He / It)

21 \ David and I are ten. (We/You/They)

Si j Moscow is a big city. (She / He / It)

•t - exander is from England. (They / He / It)

Si ' '„ssia and Australia" are big countries,


6 *cj and Clara I are friends. (You / She/They)

I I'Sanjivand I [are from Leeds in England,

-e/ We /You)

I (V, school I is very big. (He / She / It)

correct form of be.

Anna Hi.What^s_your name?

Ivan I1_Ivan. And you?

Anna My name2_Anna.

How old 3_you?

Ivan I4_ten years old. And you?

Anna Is_eleven. Where6_you from?

Ivan Australia. 17_from the capital city.

Anna Oh yes. My friends Ben and Tanya 8-

from Australia. They9_from the


Ivan Oh no! The capital of Australia 10-

Canberra! I "_from Canberra.

Anna Canberra? Really? Oh ... OK.

See you later. Bye.

Starter unit ■

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VOCABULARY ■ Numbers 1-20

2 three

4 eight

6 twelve

8 nineteen

1 one

3 six

5 nine

7 fifteen

9 twenty

2 ★★ Complete the crossword.

Down 4,

2 10 + 8

3 12 + 2

4 14 + 3

6 3 + 4

7 2 + 3


■ Starter unit

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ANGUAGE FOCUS ■ there is, there are, some, a lot of

3 ★★ complete the sentences with the words

in the box. _ Choose the correct words.

'nere’s /(arejten tables in the classroom.

1 There’s/are a big computer.

2 There’s / are a lot of books.

3 There’s / are some posters from New York.

i There’s/are one English teacher.

5 There’s / are a student from Great Britain.

5 There’s / are fifteen boys and sixteen girls.

a are lot ot oi

's some There

phone in my bag.

_ fourteen boys in this class.

_of big cities in Germany.

_English books here.

’s a dog in the garden.

re a lot_cars in London.

_student from Turkey.

_a pen in the car.


* v Look at the pictures

sentences with There are so

lot of.

★★★ Count the things and write sentences

the box. using the words in

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VOCABULARY ■ Adjectives

boring difficult easy expensive

gfeat interesting popular terrible

animal bicycle book

computer girl phone

•gat actor.

V t »,,n



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«GUAGE FOCUS ■ be: negative

I-W Choose the correct words.

not / isn’t very good at climbing,

i <-nbul isn’t / aren’t the capital of Turkey.

|2 and Ben isn’t / aren’t at chess club.

■ Th s computer is / are cheap.

i — not / isn’t from Great Britain.

|S low’m not / aren’t twelve years old.

i -/is in the new drama class.

Mfrjr dog isn’t / aren’t very big.

■ ll v. friends is / are from Hungary.

♦ *■ Complete the sentences using the

■gative or affirmative form of be.

Tvs desk isn’t new. (X) p My friends-English. (»X)

12 This meal-cheap. (X)

B Lucy and Ellen.-fast. (»X)

. _good at climbing. (X)

5 -e

uuu hi \r / . my favourite actor! [/)

» * Complete the mini-dialogues using the

-esative form of be.

This music is terrible!

Xrre |t isn't terrible-it’s great!

i Sue Football and rugby are boring sports.

Pete They_boring-they're


I .uke Leonardo DiCaprio is from Australia.

oam He_from Australia - he’s from

the USA.

5 3eth You’re an unpopular student.

Mark I_unpopular-I’m very


i =red You’re nine years old.

SamandVal We-nine-we’re ten.

= Dora Chess is an easy game.

Rob It_easy-it’s difficult.

6 Carl


7 Kim


S Jan


She’s a teacher.

She__ a teacher. She’s a student.

You’re in the new dance club.

I_in the dance club. I’m in the

art club.

Olivia and Alice are at school now.

They_at school. They’re here.

4 Write true sentences using the correct

form of be and the words and phrases in the

boxes to help you.

boring difficult easy

interesting new old

{ yeaf&<?kl in the club ffom4apan J

My teacher isn't from Japan. She's from Czech-


My school friends aren't ten years old. They're_

eleven years old.-

My best friend--

My books--

The students in my class--

My school _


Football —

Prepositions: on and at 5 ★★ Look at Lily’s diary. Then complete the

sentences using the day or the time and on or at.

Monday ?iano warn 1 o'cloeK

Ciimbinq dub 6 o'clock __

Tuesday 6iuiiar class 1 o'clock


Thursday Panes club 4 o'clock,

Tae Kwon do class L o'clock

Friday ?iano concert ft o’clocS

My piano exam is ™ Monday at two o'clock-

1 The climbing club is

2 My new guitar class is

3 The dance club is

4 My tae kwon do class is

5 The piano concert is

Fun ■

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VOCABULARY AND LISTENING ■ Nouns: favourite things

Label the pictures with the words in the

animal colour food game singer

sport team TV programme


My favourite_Qame

it's Temple Run!

1 My favou rite_


2 Toy Story is a great _

3 My friend's favourite

4 Adele and Rihanna are very good

-They’re fantastic.

5 Blue is my favourite_

bag is blue.

6 Robert Pattinson is an interesting

-He’s my favourite!

isn’t Angry Birds

4 ★★★ Look at the puzzle and write sentences about the children’s favourite things.


Complete the mini-dialogues.

What’s your favourite

Ifiort? It’s tennis.

1 l What’s your favourite

2 ; Who’s your favourite

Ayisha’s favourite film is Pirates of the Caribbean

1 Alfie’s_

2 Daniela’s_

3 Mark’s_

4 Will’s_

3 I What’s your favourite

Who’s your favourite It’s Mariah Carey

or Katy Perry.

5 j What’s your favourite

1--? ,

1 It’s SpongeBob

SquarePants or Zs

\ The Muppets.

6 'What’s your favourite 'j 1 <-\

It’s a dog.


★★ Complete the sentences with the words

in the box.

f colour film film star food

1 game singers sport

12 ■ Fun

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JAGE FOCUS ■ be: questions and short answers

Match questions 1-7 with answers a g.

: .ou nine years old? —-—

i.ustin Bieber a singer?

i.oeand Dan here?

►this new film good? -

i ;-ristina in the photography club? -

, ;;ger Federer an actor?

; .ve good at hip hop dance?

s. it is.

they aren’t.

■*es. you are.

•es he is.

He. she isn’t.

V I'm not.

V: he isn’t.

Write questions and short answers

; the correct form of be.

i / Cabriella? /

3 ★★ Complete the dialogue with the words

in the box. _

’m ’re ’s ’s am Are Are

Are are aren’t Is is is

Lydia Hi' Are you new in the tennis


josh Yes, I1-My name2-


Lydia 15-_Lydia and this4-

my friend Emma.

j0Sh 5_you good at tennis?

Lydia No, we6-We7-


j0Sh a_you Rafael Nadal fans?



^ tm not

/ a football fan? S

2 trey /from Brazil?/

9 -/expensive?*/

9 -me t popular? */

1: she / a good singer? /


1 i you a basketball star?»/


Lydia Yes, we9--

your favourite player too?

Josh Yes, he"-He'2_


4 ★★★ There’s

a new boy at

school. Write

questions using

what, how, where and who.

lA/bat’c vour name? -





Ben Stiller.


6 ____

Lady Gaga.

Fun ■ 13

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READING ■ An email from a friend

1 * Read the text. Choose the correct


Freddie is at...

a a climbing school

b a drama centre

c an activity centre


® C C a / o* : 5^ DWi Mo*. Mo*. AU 'utajio IWMHI

Hi Ben,

How are you? I'm at a big activity centre in Scotland this

week. It's fantastic! There are ten different activities for

young people. I'm here for six days - from Monday to

Saturday. It's Wednesday today.

For the activities, we’re in classes of seven students.

There are four girls in my class, and three boys - Harry,

Alex and me. Harry is my friend from school. He's fun and

he's very popular.

The activities are in the morning. Today it’s climbing

with my favourite activity teachers - Sam and Rebecca.

They're from Colorado in the USA and they’re very good

at climbing. I think climbing is exciting but dangerous!

See you on Monday at 5.00 at drama club.



2 ★★ Read the text again. Complete the

sentences with the words in the box.

two five six seven ten

At the centre, there are_te?L__ activities.

1 Freddie is at the centre for_days.

2 In Freddie’s class there are_


S Climbing is with_teachers from


4 The drama club is at_o’clock on


3 ★★ Read the text again. Are the sentences

true or false?

The activity centre is big. _true

1 Freddie is at the centre from

Tuesday to Saturday. _

2 There are three boys in

the class. _

3 Harry is popular. _

4 The activities are in the

afternoon. _

5 Sam and Rebecca are

students. _

6 Sam and Rebecca are good

at climbing. _

4 ★★★ Answer the questions.

Where is the activity centre? In Scotland.

1 What day is it? _

2 Who is Freddie’s friend? _

3 Who are Freddie’s

favourite teachers? _

4 Where are the teachers

from? _


5 ★★ Complete the sentences with the days

of the week.

_Friday_is a good

day at the activity centre.

1 My favourite activity

is on_

2 The photography class

is on_

3 There’s a tae kwon do

lesson on_

4 The dance class is on

_at 9.00.

5 _is a

boring day.

6 There are no classes


■ Fun

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' MG ■ Information about you

Rewrite the sentences using capital

, in the correct place.

■ -rerested in english football. r • ■’•crested in English football._

try name is rosa. is

3 ★ * Complete the information with the

words in the box.

fan favourite interested like

school think

from brazil.

Reader Survey

3 5 your favourite film shrek?

4 the music club is on monday.

5 -e's a manchester united fan.

6 -amburg is a big city in germany.

* Find ten more mistakes in the

igraph and rewrite it correctly.

name is michael and I'm from Cairns. It’s a

city in australia. I’m interested in english Music

and my favourite band is coldplay. i’m a tennis

=3n. My favourite player is maria sharapova.

:hink She’s great.

Name: Martina Hadasova Boy Girl /


Town or city:-Prague-

Country: Czech Republic

About you

Music: 11_hip hop music

I'm a Kanye West2--

15_he’s great!

Sports and activities: I like

basketball and volleyball. I'm also

4_in photography.

Clubs: I’m in an art club at my5-

Actors: My6-- actor is

Daniel Radcliffe from the Harry Potter films.

4 ★★★ Complete the information about you.

Reader Survey

Boy Girl

Town or city:

Country: —

About you


Sports and activities:

Clubs: _


Fun ■

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'my EVALUATION How much do you know? Do the exercises and then complete your own evaluation.

©©©© I need to try this again. ©©©© I am happy with this.

©©©© I could do this better. ©©©© I can do this very well.

VOCABULARY ■ Adjectives

1 Complete the sentences.

1 New York is a g _ e — city. It's very exciting.

2 The film isn’t interesting. It’s b _ r-!

3 Mr Cox is a good teacher. He’s very

P-P- 4 ‘Is salsa a difficult dance?’ ‘No, it’s e _ s _.’

5 A Porsche is a very e _ p-car.

6 David isn’t a good actor -he’s t_r-!

7 Pizza is a c _ e_meal in a lot of countries. ,-; s I can describe people, places and things.


READING ■ A web page about clubs for

young people

2 Complete the sentences with the days of the


1 There’s a new rugby club at the sports

centre on M-

2 The photography club is for young people

from 11-13. It’s on W-

3 The music club is at four o'clock on


4 My friends and I are in the English club at

school. It’s on Tu-and


5 Volleyball is a good sport for young people.

There’s a club on Sa-morning.

6 I’m in a climbing club on Su-


I can understand a text about clubs and people’s hobbies.



LANGUAGE FOCUS ■ be: negative

3 Rewrite the sentences using the negative form

of be.

1 I’m from Great Britain.

2 He’s a film star.

3 You're thirteen years old.

4 My dog is grey.

5 The posters are cheap.

6 I’m in the new club.

7 Anna is at school now.

I can talk about clubs and free time activities.




favourite things

4 Complete the sentences.

1 My favourite-is blue.

2 Ice Age is my favourite-

3 Beyonceisa-from the USA.

4 Is Inter Milan your favourite football


5 Rice is my favourite-

6 Your favourite-is a dog.

7 Basketball is an interesting-

I can talk about my favourite things.



■ Fun

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0 ^GE FOCUS •foe: questions and


Lrr-r ete the questions. Then look at the table Tom

arc complete the short answers. Karl

Sara James and Peter Tom

12 13 Karl

Cruntry Australia Great Britain Tom

:3T> football tennis Karl

CM drama tae kwon do Tom

_Sara thirteen? Karl

. she Tom

2 _Peter and James fourteen?

_..thev. Karl

) _ _ Sara from Australia? Tom

. she

* ~ _ James and Peter from Turkey? fica


_Sara a cricket fan?


.James and Peter tennis fans?


. Sara in the drama club?


•_James and Peter in the rugby club?

I _.they-

Complete the mini-dialogues with the words in


he’s it’s it’s she's What’s

What’s Who’s Who’s

t Joe


: --e


= Bob


- ”na


_your favourite actor?

Brad Pitt. I think_great!

_yourfavourite sport?

SPEAKING ■ Giving personal information

7 Choose the correct words.

2I / My name’s Karl Boyle.

Sorry. Karl... ?


Can you 3spell / spells that, please

Yes, "that / that’s B - 0 - Y - L - E.

Thankyou. How old 5is / are you?

6I / I’m thirteen.

And what's 7your / you’re phone


8lt / It’s 020 7946 0832.

Great. Welcome 9at / to the sports


n respond to questions and give inform


WRITING ■ An email

8 Choose the correct answers.

e © a iZi o* & i ftrplyAII foi—ird

Hi Ivan

My ’_Tyler and I’m twelve years old. I’m2-

Boston in the USA. I like films, and my favourite film

star3_Will Smith.

14_like golf and basketball. I’m a Chicago Bulls

fan - they’re5_very exciting team!

6_are you from? Are you interested7_


Write soon.

Tyler Wells

Golf. 1 think interesting. 1 a name b names c name’s d names’

yourfavourite singer? 2 a of b from c on d at

Shakira. 1 think fantastic. 3 a are b am c isn’t d is

your favourite TV programme? 4 a but b and c also d here

The Simpsons. 1 think very 5 a a b an cthe d one

good. 6 a What b Who c How d Where

7 a of b in cto d at

can ask and answer questions and give my



I can write an email about myself.


Fun ■ 17

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1 ★ Label the pictures with the words in

the box.

f city country family house

man person town woman

2 ★★ Write sentences.

village (2) There are two villages.

1 house (5)_

2 family (3) -

3 child (6) -

4 person (8) -

5 city (2) -

6 woman (4) -

7 baby (7) -

3 ★★ Correct the sentences.

The new dance club is for| womans].

The new dance club is for women._

1 There are twenty I chi Ids] in my class.

2 Paris and Rome are interesting(city!].

3 There are eleven [mans] in a football team.

4 The |babys|are happy now.

5 There are 10,000 [peoples| in this town.

6 Is this tennis club for [familys|?

4 Write true sentences using the words in

the boxes.

There are ...

in my...

baby boy child city girl

house man person woman

city class country family

school team town village

There are three children in wv fawilv.

18 ■ My world

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~-^rP isn’t a 1 There

■» What’s the problem? Complete the

sentences with's, isn’t, are or aren't and a,

:ome or any.

T Choose the correct words.

ThereQ/ are a quiet park in my village.

1 There are some / any good shops in London.

2 "here aren’t some / any cars on this island.

3 'nere’s a / some great museum in Oxford.

- ' nere are a / some hotels near the cinema.

5 There’s / are some big houses in my town.

: There’s / are a popular restaurant near here.

• 'here isn’t / aren’t a school in your street.

• "nere isn’t / aren’t any cafes at this airport.

3 ★ ★★ Look at pictures A and B. What are the

differences? Write sentences using there isn't a

and there aren't any.



there is, there are, some and any: affirmative and



5 There.

terrible singers.

My world ■ 1

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_ 9 ■_■_ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■

There are two bookshops.

6 newsagent's

3 clothes shop

5 chemist’s

4 sports shop

1 ★ Look at the pictures and write the

correct words.

2 ★★ What shops are the things from?

Complete the crossword.

shoe shop


Down 4-

2 shoes

3 a games console

6 a dog and a rabbit

2 supermarket

Across ->

1 a football and a

tennis racket

4 milk, eggs and rice

5 a laptop

7 jeans

8 a book

3 ★★★ Write about the shops in the shopping


Whitewater Shopping Centre

There are a lot of fantastic shops here at the

new Whitewater Shopping Centre!

20 ■ My world

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.GUAGE FOCUS ■ there is, there are: questions and short answers • -epositions of place

T Complete the questions with is or are. --en complete the short answers with is, isn’t, z’? or aren’t.

Are there any shops in this street?

Cste No, there aren’t

Ed -there any supermarkets

near here?

Rose Yes, there_

* Write questions using the words in the

box. Then write short answers.

bookshop X park X school X

X cars / houses X

students y teachers </

Is there a sports centre? No. there isn’t.

Are there any students? Yes, there are.

1 Amy -there a museum in this town?

Sam Yes, there_

-ulu _there a bus station in your


Matt No, there_

- Greg there any cafes i in the village?

Pat No, there_

5 Will How many people_ — there in

this shop?

Gill There eight.

£ Ella How many rooms_ — there in the


Paul There ten.

* Write questions to ask a penfriend.

s famous football team / in your town?

s there a famous football team in your town?

* a shopping centre / in your town?

2 a park / next to your school?

3 any shops/nearyour house?

- any good sports shops /in your town?

5 now many /teachers /in your school?

S how many/students/in your class?

how many/people/in your family?

4 Look at the picture and complete the

sentences using there's or there are and the

words in the box.

Tin near next to on opposite under

Xhere’s_a phone_near_the computer.

1 _ a rat _the table.

2 _ a dop _the cat.

3 _


two posters the table.

4 _ a bag _the table.

5 _ two books the bag.

My world ■ 21

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READING ■ An article about two museums

1 ★ Read the text. Complete the sentence.

The Pencil Museum is in1-- and

the British Museum is in Holborn in

The Pencil Museum The Pencil Museum

is in the quiet town of

Keswick. 400 kilometres

from London. There arc

hundreds of different

pencils here. Some of

the pencils are very old.

and one is very big -

it’s eight metres long!

There's also information

about art. and it's a great

place for art fans. It's a

small museum, but it’s very popular - there are

90,000 visitors every year. There’s a shop and a

great cafe here, but there isn't a restaurant.

The British Museum The British

Museum is in

Holborn - a

noisy part

of London.

It’s very big.

and there are

eight million


objects in the museum! This famous old

museum is also very popular - there arc 5.8

million visitors every year! It's a fantastic place

for children and families. There are four shops,

two big cafes and a good restaurant here.

Famous objects at the British


Visitors at the Pencil


2 ★★ Read the text again. Choose the correct


The Pencil Museum is in a (town)/ city.

1 The Pencil Museum is in a noisy / quiet place.

2 The Pencil Museum is / isn’t near London.

3 There’s a very big / small pencil in the Pencil


4 There are 5.8 / 8 million objects in the

British Museum.

5 There are two / four shops in the British


3 Read the text again. Write Pencil Museum (PM) or British Museum (BM).

It isn’t in London.

1 It’s very good for art fans.

2 It’s in a noisy place.

3 There’s one very good cafe here.

4 There are millions of visitors here.

5 There’s a nice restaurant here.

4 Answer the questions.

Is the Pencil Museum popular?

Yes, it is._

1 Is the Pencil Museum big?

2 What information is there in the Pencil


3 Is the British Museum old?

4 Who is the British Museum good for?


5 ★ V- Match words 1-10 with pictures a-j.

5 park

6 hotel

7 shop

8 restaurant


9 museum

10 cafe

■ My world

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•VRITING ■ A factfile about a city • Language point: be + also

T Order the words to make sentences.

-< also/there/a/centre/sports

There is also a sports centre._

' also/are/there/some/parks

2 a / is / museum / also / good / there

3 two/also/there/cafes/are

• shop/there/is/shoe/also/a

5 there/hotels/three/are/also

■*"* Is the second sentence in each pair

correct (/) or incorrect (/)? Rewrite the

^correct sentences correctly.

”'ere are two restaurants.

"-ere also is a cafe. 1^ 1

There is also a cafe._

' There is a castle.

There is also an old church. □ 2 There is a chemist’s.

There also are two supermarkets! □ 3 There are some nice buildings.

There is a also big airport. □ - There is a newsagent’s.

There is also a computer shop. □ 3 There is a basketball team.

There are three also football teams. 1-•

£ There is a hotel.

There is a cinema, also. □

3 ★★ Complete the factfile with the words

and phrases in the box.


Country Famous people Famous shops

Famous teams Interesting places

Kilometres from the capital

Location Population

1 Name of city 1 San Francisco [

1 The United States

2 It's in the west of the


3 It's 4,000 kilometres

from Washington DC.

4 The population is

800,000 people.

5 Hip hop singer MC

Hammer and actor

Robin Williams are

from San Francisco.

6 There are some nice

museums, including

the San Francisco

Museum of Modern

Art. There are also

some popular parks,

including Golden Gate

Park and Buena Vista


7 There is a very good

American football

team - the San

Francisco 49ers.

8 There is a famous

bookshop here - City


Look at the notes and write a factfile

about the city of Liverpool.

•rpoo\. United Kingdom, north.

, m from London. 446,000 people.

nou* peopVf- footballer* top* Poor* and V**

,, some good art museums - Tate Liverpool,

me interesting o\d buildings - the Po^al Liver


,ams: Liverpool football team. &verton football team

nop*: a new shopping centre. Liverpool One.

ith 00 shops

My world ■ 23

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MY EVALUATION How much do you know? Do the exercises and then complete your own evaluation.

©©©© 1 need to try this again. ©©©© I am happy with this.

©©©© I could do this better. ©©©© I can do this very well.

VOCABULARY ■ People and places

1 Complete the sentences with the plural form

of the words.

1 There are twenty-in this

village, (family)

2 Are there any old-in your

country? (town)

3 Budapest and Warsaw are interesting


4 There are ten_in my drama

class, (child)

5 These clothes are for-(baby)

6 Are there a lot of_at the sports

centre? (person)

7 Sarah and Jane are popular names for

_in the UK. (woman)

LANGUAGE FOCUS ■ there is, there are,

some and any: affirmative and negative

3 Complete the sentences with the words in the


f ’s a any are aren’t isn’t some

1 There _some cheap shops here.

2 There _ a restaurant here, but there's

a good cafe.

3 There _ any quiet places in the city.

4 There _ a new school near here.

5 There aren’t. discos in my city.

6 There are_ _noisy streets in New York.

7 There’s_ _ new cinema near the airport

1 can describe a town 1 know.

MY EVALUATION © © © © V_ _/

READING ■ An article about two places

2 Complete the sentences.

1 There's a fantastic new r-tin

Hollywood in the USA. The food is very good.

2 The s__ps are very expensive here.

3 Sometimes there are film stars in the


4 Hollywood, Ireland isn’t a good place for

film fans. There isn’t a c _ n-

5 In this quiet village there isn’t ad_o.

6 The village isn’t near a noisy a-rt.

s \ I can understand a text about two places.



4 What shops are these objects from?

24 ■ My world

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UkSC JAGE FOCUS ■ there is, there are:

tions and short answers;

>sitions of place

Lrmplete the questions about the town. Then

cc< at the table and write answers.

1 Eastbridge 1

--seum X

■n ✓ l soorts centre X schools ■H ✓ ✓ ✓ 1 |Brks X -3 an restaurants / /


. hotel?

.sports centre?

. schools?

. parks?

Italian restaurants?

How many schools

* How many Italian restaurants .?

v.3tch prepositions 1-6 with pictures a-f.

_ 2 on —

3 near _ 4 under —

5 next to _ 6 opposite —

can ask and answer questions about a town.


SPEAKING • Asking about places in a town

7 Choose the correct answers.

Tom Excuse1_

Man Yes.

Tom ls:_a tourist office}-here?

Man Yes, there's one 4_Old Street.

Tom Is it5_this map?

Man Yes,6_here. Next to the

bus station.

Tom Great. Thanks very7-

Man You’re8_

1 a 1 b me c he d it

a there b there’s cthey d it

a next b now c on d near

a to b is c in d at

a under b on c near d opposite

a it’s b it cthis dyou

a a lot b also c much d good

a fine b good c here d welcome

I can ask for information about places in a town.


. ? WRITING ■ A brochure about your town

8 Choose the correct words.


Norwich Norwich is 'in / on

the east of England.

It’s 170 kilometres

2of / from the capital

city, London.

There 3’s / are some interesting buildings in

the old 4place /part of the city, including

some very nice churches and a castle.

There’s 5also / and a big museum. There’s

a new shopping centre 6on / in Norwich

- it’s popular when it’s very cold! We like

ShoeSpace 7for / to shoes. There 8,s / are

also a very good market in the city.

I can write a brochure about my town.


My world ■ 25

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, Family and friends VOCABULARY ■ Families

Find eight more words.


/ ^ ots


b r o. t h e r

2 ★★ Complete the sentences with the words

in the box.

[ brother cousin father grandmother |

l parents son wife

My parents_are from Australia.

1 There are three children in my family: me,

my sister, Emma, and my_, Jason.

2 My uncle and his_have got two


3 Our-, my mother's mother, is

very old.

4 They’ve got two daughters and


5 Jane’s mother is a tennis fan and her

_is a football fan.

6 Jack's mother is my aunt. Jack is my

3 ★★ Look at the family tree and complete

the sentences with the words in the box.

aunt cousin granddaughter

grandfather grandmother grandson

nephew niece uncle

George —.— Sarah William—|— Sophie

Joseph is Jasmine’s grandfather .

1 Elizabeth is Mary’s_

2 Toby is Elizabeth’s_

3 Mary is Joseph's_

4 Sarah is Mary’s_

5 William is Toby’s_

6 Mary is Jasmine’s_

7 Jasmine is Sophie’s_

8 Toby is William’s_

Language point: Possessive s

4 ★★★ Look at the family tree in exercise 3.

Write questions about the people and answer

who / George / father?

1 who/Toby/sister?

2 who/George/son?

3 who/Sophie/daughter?

4 who/Joseph/wife?

5 who/Jasmine/mother?

6 who/Sophie/husband?

26 ■ Family and friends

Page 25: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

■ GUAGE FOCUS ■ have got: affirmative • Possessive adjectives

5 Rashid

■ Hanna-—

2 Millie and Liam

i Lucas and Ed

Freya and Lauren

Mava has got an interesting book.

I like pets. My favourite animal is a dog.

1 Hello! We’re Mia and Amy, and this is

_cousin, Alfie.

2 Robbie is good at tennis, but-

brother is terrible.

3 Hey, Jenny! Is this-shoe?

4 That’s Emily’s twin sister.-name is


5 London is a nice city.-parks are


6 Where are_parents, Larry?

7 Molly and Harry are quiet, but-

sister is very noisy.

Family and friends • 27

a black cat a fast bike a good film

a small phone a sports bag

an interesting book some nevwshee;

some nice clothes

* Choose the correct words.

:arents are popular. They ’ve/ 's got a lot

*' ends.

-manda’ve /'s got a twin sister.

ve /’s got a favourite football team.

Be” ’ve /’s got a piano lesson at three.

>ou’ve /’s got an exciting computer game.

•V e’ve /’s got a great teacher.

My dog’ve /’s got a new ball.

"ney’ve /’s got some great posters.

Sne’ve /’s got some blue pens.

» Write sentences using the correct form

-ave got and the words in the box.

3 ★★★ Write sentences about family and

friends in other countries using the correct

form of have got.

I’ve aot a penfriewd in Brazil._

Mv father has got a cousin in Australia._

Mv parents have got a friend in New York._

1 I._•

2 My mother_•

3 My father_•

4 My parents---•

5 My friend_•

6 My cousins_ ■

4 ★★ Complete the sentences with the words

in the box.

Her his Its My our

their your your

Page 26: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

VOCABULARY AND LISTENING ■ Adjectives: describing people

2 ★★ Complete the mini-dialogues with the

words in the box. ★ Label the pictures with the words in

the box.

fair friendfy horrible quiet tall young

friendly horrible mee noisy short tall young

Ann You’re unfriendly!

June No, I’m not. I’m very —

1 Ben Is your dog old?

Adam No, it isn’t. It’s very

That film star has got dark hair.


2 Dave Emma No, she hasn’t. She’s got

__hair now!

3 Sue Is your cousin nice?

Lily No, he isn’t. He's-

4 Mike Charlotte is a noisy girl.

Beth Well, she’s—-today

5 Elsa Is your mum short?

Pete Yes, she is. But my dad is very

★★★ Write sentences about the people

in the pictures. Draw your own picture for

number 3.

Page 27: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

JGUAGE FOCUS ■ have got: affirmative, negative, questions and

ort answers

p Match questions 1-6 with answers a-f.

- Have you got a pet? —£— : -as Adam got a baby cousin? -

3 Has your mum got a sister? -

x -ave they got dark hair?

: Has your dog got a ball? -

f Have we got a new teacher? -

i -'es, they have. b Yes, I h-ave.

: No, we haven’t. d Yes, it has.

= No, she hasn’t. f Yes, he has.

Complete the sentences using the

:c 'rect form of have got. Use the short form

*nere possible.

hasn’t got a new T-shirt. X

She's got


. a new bag. •/

_a sister. X

: They

. a brother. J

_dark hair. X

3 |

fair hair. X

a big phone. X

4 We.

a small phone. X

a shoe shop. X

a bookshop. /

3 She a car. X

— a bike. /

** Order the words to make questions.

*-en write true answers.

jou / a / got / have / penfriend / ?

- ave vou aot a oenf f iend?-

Ho. I haven’t.

• you /got /bike/ a /have/?

1 you / a / got /football / have / team /


3 friend / your / has / got / pet / a / ?

got / a lot of / have / cousins / you / ?

5 your /classroom / has / got / computer / a / ?

6 parents/got/car/your/have/a/new/?

★★★ Look at the table and write questions

and short answers.

Grace Lucas and Ben |

/ X

[ i X X

/ X


Grace/a cat?

Hag Grace got a cat?-

Yes. she has._

Lucas and Ben / a cat?

Hava Lucas and Ben got a catP

Nn. thav haven’t._

1 Grace/a dog?

2 Lucas and Ben/a dog?

3 Grace/a rat?

4 Lucas and Ben / a rat?

5 Grace/a bird?

6 Lucas and Ben/a bird?

Family and friends ■ 29

Page 28: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

READING ■ Special people in your family

1 ★ Read the text. Answer the questions.

1 Who is in a dance class?

2 Who is in a team?

A special person in

my family? That’s

my cousin Will.

He’s sixteen.

Will’s father is my

Uncle Jack. He's

my mother's


Will is tall with short dark hair. He’s interested

in sport and he’s very good at tae kwon do.

He’s got a place in the UK Olympic team this

year! It’s exciting!

Josh, 12, Cardiff

My grandmother is a special person.

It’s her seventieth birthday this year, but she’s

very different from other old people. Gran

likes modern

music and

dance - she's

at her favourite

salsa dance

class today.

Gran’s got a dog,

Pippin. He’s small and very noisy! There’s

a big park next to Gran's house, and Gran

and Pippin go there every day. They’re very

popular, and they've got a lot of friends there.

Katie, 11, Brighton

•kit Read the text again. Choose the correct


Will is young/ old.

1 Will’s father is Josh/Jack.

2 Will is a tall/short boy.

3 Will is terrible / good at tae kwon do.

4 Gran is / isn’t interested in music.

5 Gran’s dog is quiet/noisy.

★★ Read the text again. Are the sentences

true or false?

Will is Josh's cousin.

1 Will is seventeen years old.

2 Will has got short hair.

3 Gran has got a big dog.

4 Gran is in the park every day.

5 Gran and Pippin are unpopular.

4 Answer the questions.

1 Has Will got fair hair?


2 What team is Will in?

3 How old is Katie’s grandmother?

4 Where’s Katie’s grandmother today?

5 Where’s the big park?


5 ★* Complete the sentences.

1 Will is at the sports centre t_d-

2 The Olympics aren’t ev — yy — r.

3 jh_ar Will is in the tae kwon do team

4 Will has got special lessons e-y d-

5 There is the tae kwon do club t__s


30 ■ Family and friends

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! NG ■ A letter to a penfriend. Language point: and and but

* Choose the correct words.

' r got a sister, and /(but)I haven’t got a


1 'nere’s a chemist’s and / but a shoe shop

near here.

I l m not good at basketball, and / but I’m

good at tennis.

3 .'.e’re interested in football and / but tennis.

■* E .van is quiet, and / but his friends are noisy.

3 '-is is my mother and / but this is my father.

- -e hasn’t got a dog, and / but he’s got a cat.

* * Connect the sentences with and or but.

• Hie clothes shops. I’m not interested in

ga~es shops.

-L** clothes shops, but I'm not interested_

• tames shops._

-e's tall. He’s got brown eyes.

I .'.e’ve got two aunts. We haven’t got any


3 m eleven. My brother is twelve.

* osie is friendly. She isn’t very nice.

There’s a cinema in Albany Street. There isn’t

a hotel.

3 ki Complete the letter with the words in

the box.

also and and but class friend

friendly got left photo

Dear Takub,

Thank fou for 'jour letter and_the

nice photo of four familf. How are fou? Is school

interesting this week?

Here's a 1-for fou - it's OK, but

it isn't great! I haven't2_ anf

verf good photos.

In this photo I'm at a football match with mf 3

-Dan. I'm the one on the

4-I'm tall and I've got dark

hair5-brown efes.

Dan's 6-got dark hair and brown

efes,7_he's short.

He's in mf 8-at school. He's

popular with the other students - he's funnf and

verf 9_

?lease write soon.


4 Write a letter to a penfriend. The letter

has got a photo of you and a friend in it. Plan

your ideas first.

Your penfriend’s name

Your photo - is it good or bad?

Where’s the photo?

Who's in the photo?

A description of

A description of your


« S.eand Sally are twins. They’ve got identical


~ . a:k is tall. He’s got brown eyes and black


Family and friends • 31

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MY EVALUATION How much do you know? Do the exercises and then complete your own evaluation.

©©©© I need to try this again. ©©©© I aw happy with this.

©©©© I could do this better. ©©©© I can do this very well.


1 Complete the sentences.

1 Ourgr_is 82. She’s very nice.

My teacher has got two children - a son and

a da-

3 Kate is Prince William's wi-

4 My sister is seven and my br-is


5 My friend’s pa_are famous. Her

father is a film star and her mo-is

a singer.

6 This is my cousin Peter and this is my


7 Our father has got a sister. She’s our

au_Mary. z'-----S

I can talk about my family and friends.


READING •An article about a festival for


2 Complete the sentences.

1 There's a big twins festival-

(vreye eayr)

2 _there are thousands of

people at the festival, (htsi eyar)

3 There are great activities-


there’s a music concert.


5 There’s also a disco—

(siht gveneni)

I can understand an article about a festival.


LANGUAGE FOCUS ■ have got:

affirmative; Possessive adjectives

3 Complete the sentences with Ve got or’s got.

1 Isabel_a baby sister.

2 You_my book!

3 I_a big grey dog.

4 He_a friend in Czech Republic.

5 They_a house near the bus stat>

6 Thisschoolisbig.lt-fortyteacl

7 We_your new phone number.

4 Choose the correct words.

1 Hello! We’re new students and my / our /

his names are Eva and Rebecca.

2 I’m in the climbing club with my / its / he*

friend Ashraf.

3 This is Jacob. Your / Their / His favourite

sport is basketball.

4 Are you interested in football? Who isyoin

its / their favourite player?

5 Ben and Jamal are my cousins. His / Her /

Their house is near the school.

I can talk about my family and possessions.


VOCABULARY •Adjectives: describing


5 Look at the picture and complete the senter

Bert Jane


1 Harvey Jones is y_andf-

2 Jane Jones is s_and she’s got f-


3 Bert Jones iso __ and u-

4 Rex is h_and n-!

5 Erin is an_girl. She’s got d-hair.

I can describe people and families.


32 ■ Family and friends

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; JAGE FOCUS ■ have got:

lative, negative, questions and

: answers

*—te sentences using the correct form of have xcr Use the short form where possible.

i X

/ /

p we//

i re//

'S they//

* fio/X

SPEAKING ■ Describing people

8 Complete the dialogue with the words in the


girl got looks names photos

She’s That’s very Which

Lydia Hi Dan. I’ve got some !-of

my friends at the music club.

Dan Where?

Lydia Here. Their2-are Sophie,

Layla, Freddie and Josh. Freddie is a

good singer. He’s5-fair hair

and green eyes.

Dan 4_a great photo.

5_one is Sophie?

Lydia She’s the6_with the brown

hair.7_next to Freddie.

Dan She8-friendly.

Lydia Yes,she’s*-popular.

_ock at the table and write questions and

srort answers using the correct form of have


Isabel Alex and Joe 1

■‘air hair / X

yown eyes X /

1 Isabel/fair hair?

: Aiex and Joe/fair hair?

3 sabel / brown eyes?

I can describe people in a photo.


WRITING ■ Description of people for a blog

9 Choose the correct answers.

1_a photo of some people at our family

party. The two girls2_the front are my

cousins Abi and Harriet. Harriet's3-

one with fair hair - she’s very funny.

The two4_at the back are my father

5_my Uncle Bill - he’s6_the left.

Uncle Bill's very quiet and serious,7-

he’s friendly.

- Aiex and Joe/brown eyes?

can ask and answer about people’s

appearance and possessions.


1 a Here’s b Here c This dThat

2 a and b but cat d of

3 a a b an cthey d the

4 a man b men c mens d mans

5 a and b but cto d where

6 a for b in con d of

7 a from b with c and d but

I can write a description of people in a photo.



Family and friends ■ 33

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Days and dates

VOCABULARY ■ Verbs: celebrations and special days

1 ★


Label the pictures with the words in the

celebrate cook dance decorate |

get-presents play sing wear

get. firesents 1_special


the house an instrument

4_nice food 5_

a festival



7_a song

2 ★★ Complete the crossword.

Across ->

3 I_to hip hop music with my friends

4 We_a big party every year.

5 My parents_nice food for the parr»

7 We alsoa lot of small sweets.

8 People in our country_NewYea';r<«

Down 4/

1 I_a big instrument. It’s the piano |

2 The twins_presents on their birtr.^j||

3 People_their houses for the EidfesTi*^

6 We_special clothes for the carniva

3 ★★★ Answer the questions about yoL'

favourite festival and your favourite sf

What’s your favourite festival?

Mv favourite festival is Christmas. I like the i

Mv mum and dad cook a big turkey and a lot of

other nice food. We also decorate our house.

I get presents in the morning on Christmas I

It’s very exciting!_

1 What’s your favourite festival?

2 What’s your favourite special day?

34 ■ Days and dates

Page 33: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

.GUAGE FOCUS ■ Present simple: affirmative

Complete the sentences using the

;nt simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Ur. ^ther_visits_

upecal day.

aunt and uncle

•or the festival.

2 My grandmother-

(visit) friends on this

(make) sweets

(cook) a big fish.

: rthday.

4 They-

I ce ebration.

* Cur dog_

ft r-'thday!

_(wear) nice clothes to parties.

. (play) in the park with my friends.

_(like) the presents on his

_(dance) to great music at the


_(eat) special food on its

I - Look at the pictures and complete the

Dr :ne special day...

3 ★★ Complete the sentences using the

present simple form of the verbs in the box.

My mum celebrate_her birthday with a big


1 We_to school every day.

2 Ourcousin_in Brazil.

3 The film star_expensive clothes.

4 They_nice food for the


5 He_the house and it’s very nice.

6 At the festival we_over a big


4 ★★★ Look at the picture and write about

Ella, Harry and Oscar using the present simple

form of the verbs in the box.

■ My friend_

~_nny clothes.

■ V. uncle _.


Days and dates ■ 35

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VOCABULARY AND LISTENING ■The months and seasons

1 ★ Find eleven more months. Then write

them in the correct order.



3 some_


36 ■ Days and dates


Page 35: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

-NGUAGE FOCUS ■ Present simple: negative

| * Complete the sentences with don’t or


I M .riari doesn’t dance the samba.

I 7 Sanjay_play an instrument.

I -ou_go to school in the summer.

I * .Ve_cook at school.

3 ★★ Write negative sentences using the

present simple.

my grandmother / travel / in the winter

Mv grandmother doesn't travel in the winter.

1 we/have/a festival/in the summer

- She_have a party on her birthday.

5 'hey_celebrate New Year.

- My aunt_eat turkey.

* Our dog_like potatoes.

• i_live near here.

-* * Write negative sentences about the

>r.ures using the present simple form of the

•e-bs in the box.

2 they/eat/fish/at New Year

3 she/celebrate/Christmas

4 you/dance/at parties

5 he/go/tothedramaclub

6 I / make / sweets / for the celebration

7 my school/open/on Sunday

4 ★★★ Complete the table for you. Then write

sentences using the present simple.

On Saturday...


■ " / ' i

fl ^ RiS^1 1 ■\m

I vdmtgsA 1

■m.' 9INH I

j 1

I EsilSg

Page 36: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

READING ■ An article about a festival in Italy

The town of Perugia is in a quiet part of Italy

called Umbria. It’s 160 kilometres north of the capital, Rome. Umbria is famous for its grapes. Every autumn thousands of people travel to Perugia, but they don’t go to the town and eat

grapes - they eat chocolate!

The festival is for nine days every October. It’s an important celebration of chocolate and it’s called Eurochocolate. They close the streets in

the old town because there are a lot of visitors - 900,000 people from around the world!

There are hundreds of special shops in the streets. People make chocolate sweets and also cook with chocolate in front of the visitors. Families buy small things in chocolate. Children get chocolate money, and perhaps a chocolate

animal or a fish.

4 Answer the questions.

What’s 160 kilometres south of Pei

1 What month is the festival?

2 What’s the name of the festival

3 Where are the visitors from?

4 What things are there for child:


5 ★★ Complete the sentences w


In the UK people often have p ° ±

their meal.

1 In some countries people eat g

on 31st December at twelve o’cl

2 A lot of people eat _i __ on Mi

in Norway.

3 In Perugia people make small c

2 ★★ Read the text again. Choose the correct


Umbria is in a_part of Italy.

a noisy (bquiet) ccheap

1 The people at the festival eat-

a chocolate bfish c grapes

2 The festival is for-days.

a five b seven c nine

3 In the old town they-the streets.

a close bopen c decorate Deoo e

Page 37: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

RUING ■ An email to a friend about a special day nguage point: because

» Order the words to make sentences.

£0 / they /the park / because / quiet / to / it’s

They qo to the park because it's quiet._

* we / this film / because / like / interesting /


: the shops / because / there’s / close / a


3 oecause /1 / concerts / to / go / music / like

1 /'

i boring / I / computer games / like / they’re /

don’t /because

F they / we / don’t / our cousins / visit /

because / live / Australia / in

* * Match 1-5 with a-e. Then write

sentences using because.

1 My friends like my cats

I Ed and Will go to Italian restaurants -

3 Jamie has got a book about Wimbledon-

- Ava is good at drama —

E People go to this supermarket -

i he likes tennis b theyTe friendly

c it's cheap d they like spaghetti Ie she’s got a great teacher

9 My friends like wy cats because they're friendly.





3 ★★ Read Jessica’s email to her friend in the

USA. It is about a special day at her school.

Match topics 1-6 to paragraphs A-F.

Races at Sports Day

1 Where the students go for the day JL

2 Who is at the special day —

3 Jessica’s clothes for the special day —

4 The month of the special day and

the times —

5 A question for her friend —

6 The reason Jessica is excited —

••• ___ © E fc BE? Jj

Hi Freya!

A Thanks for your email. I’m very excited today

because it's Sports Day. It’s my favourite day of

the year.

B We have Sports Day every year in July - it's a big

celebration of summer sport. It's from ten o'clock

in the morning to two o'clock in the afternoon.

C The school closes for the day. All the students go

outside and there are a lot of different races.

D Our parents come to Sports Day. There are some

special races for parents and they’re very funny!

E There are four teams in my school. I’m in the blue

team and I wear a blue T-shirt at Sports Day.

F Have you got a special day at your school?

Write soon!


4 ★★★ Write an email to a friend about a

special day or evening at your school. Tell your


• the name of the special day

• when the day is

the things the students do

• the people at the special day

• the clothes students wear

Days and dates ■ 39

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MY EVALUATION How much do you know? Do the exercises and then complete your own evaluati:

©©©© I need to try this again. ©©©© I aw happy with this.

©©©© I could do this better. ©©©© I can do this very well.

VERBS •Celebrations and special days

1 Complete the sentences.

At the special celebration ...

1 I_an instrument.

2 we_new clothes.

3 people_their houses.

4 I_nice sweets.

5 we_presents.

6 people_the samba.

7 you_a big party.

I can talk about special days and celebrations.


LANGUAGE FOCUS ■ Present simple


3 Write sentences using the present simp <


1 my mum/cook/ special food

2 we/ sing/songs

3 our grandfather/visit/our house

4 my brother and sister/open/pres

5 I/go/to the shop/with myfriencs

READING ■ International festivals

2 Complete the sentences.

1 In Spain people eat_at New Year.


2 In Norway families cook_on a

fire, (ifhs)

3 They also have_(opseotat)

4 In England people cook a big-


5 When children singsongs, they get


I can understand a text about celebrations.


6 my dog / play / outside

I can talk about special days in my home


VOCABULARY •The months and seas

4 Complete the sentences.

1 In Ja_


2 lnthesp_

.and Fe_

_we go to Brazil.

3 I have a big party in Ap_or


4 In Au- . I travel to the USA.

5 We stay at home in the au_

6 In De_r we ski in Canada

/ I can understand an interview with a

talking about her holidays.


Days and dates

Page 39: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

I can write about special occasions.


1 Robbie walks to the park but he

_to the sports centre.

3 in July we eat hot dogs but we

- At the spring festival they dance salsa but

3 in the summer she makes salad but she

5 At Christmas our cat eats fish but it


7 n the autumn you visit the museum but

Days and dates ■ 41

jUAGE FOCUS •Present simple: WRITING • A composition about a

tive special day

lomplete the sentences with the negative 7 Complete the text with the words in the box.

-orm of the verbs in bold.

• n the winter I play football but I


On the big days of the festival they 5 _some of the streets in the 6 _People7_in the street to famous Russian songs and they eat nice 8-

Every year there’s a big1-in Moscow. It’s 2_the Winter Festival. The festival is from 5th December to 5th 3-and it’s a

celebration of the 4-season.

Families like the Winter Festival 9_there’s good music and

people are very10-

I can talk about activities at different times of

the year.


iAKlNG ■ Making suggestions

Choose the correct words.

<ate Hey,'who’s/what’sthat music?

Lucy 2We’ve / We’re got dance practice now.

I’m in a new dance group.

Kate 'That’s/That exciting!

Lucy Yes, there’s practice every Saturday and

4on / in August we’re in the big festival.

Kate Great.

.ucy Why 5not/don’t you come along?

Kate But I don’t 6dance/dances!

Lucy That ’doesn’t / don’t matter.

Why 8not / no make some costumes?

Kate Yes, OK. Why not!

I can make suggestions about things to do.


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joe Learn

VOCABULARY ■ Verbs: learning

Terrible Tammy

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iGUAGE FOCUS ■ Object pronouns• ,ent simple spelling rules and revision

Complete the sentences with the

ct word in brackets.

ae o! I’m in the drama club with _Y2M_.

t-J / us) h My dad has got a new book. He’s very

rflterested in-(it / them)

V , grandfather is very nice. I often visit


3 setra and Daniel, I’ve got some sweets for

I_(me / you)

x We ask questions but sometimes the

:eacher doesn’t listen to-(him / us)

5 Lucas and Dan are in class and Laura is with


- Anna is my cousin. I like-(him / her)

at the shopping centre and my friend is

r with_(me / her)

I »■* Complete the mini-dialogues with the

•oids in the box.

her him it me them us you

Pete Who’s this big present for?

ifc-se It's for me _ ! It’s my birthday!

Are you good at climbing?

No, I’m very bad at-I

Is Mrs Patel nice?


Yes, she’s our favourite teacher. She

often speaks to.-after class.

Hassan’s a friendly boy.

»aul Yes, Mike-

i Dave Have you got any sweets?

Mel No, I don’t eat-

5 Mary Who’s that woman?

Eric That’s Mrs Hill. Hive near.

David Mr Evans, I haven’t got my homework


Mr Evans I’m not happy with-.David!

Clara Field: Spanish report

I'm happy Clara.

She always_listens-(listen) in class.

f she_(study) at Feme every


2- All the teachers.

good attitude.

3 She usually-

(like) her

dictionary in her bag.

4 She_(We) the dictionary in

class. 5 she_(finish) her school work.

(„ she._(not play) with her

friends in class.

7 she_(C0PY) the verbs from

the board.

g r __ (not think.) she has any

problems in Spanish.

4 ★★★ Look at the picture and write about

Josh using the present simple form of the

verbs in the box. _

eat finish go listen to

study use watch

Up. Studies French,

1 He_

2 _ 3 _ 4 _

5 _

★★★ Complete the notes for a school report

using the present simple form of the verbs in


. (carry) a Spanish

6 _

Learn B

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1 ★ Complete phrases 1-7. Then match

them with phrases a-g.












an EUgli sit question

a French w__d

the English a_ph_b__

three I_t _ rs

a s_m__l

the la _ g — g_ of France

a phrase in Sp_ n — h

Bonjour! b

THE d Buenos Dias!

French f @

A B C D E F G H IJ ...

2 ★★ Complete the puzzle. Find one more


R u s s 1 A N 1

1 3




Tennis player Maria Sharapova speaks-

1 People in Istanbul speak-

2 A lot of people in China speak-

3 ‘Language’is a word in-

4 Rafael Nadal speaks-

5 ‘GutenTag’is‘Hello’in-

6 ‘Au revoir’ is ‘Goodbye’ in-

The other language is-

★ ★ Complete the sentences wit-'

words in the box.

English French language a!;

letters Spanish symbol Mai \___ —

People speak_French— in Paris.

1 There are thirty-int^ei

2 ‘Tablo’ is the.

3 (3) is the

_for 'table

for ‘happy

4 Is Mandarin a difficult-

5 People in Argentina speak .

6 Hollywood films are in_

★★★ Complete the sentences with

languages so they are true for you.

My father speaks Turkish and English

1 I speak_

2 My mother speaks.-

3 My teacher speaks-

4 I think_isaneasylanj

5 I think_is an importarn


6 I like songs and films in-

5 Match pictures 1-8 with subjects

1 English —^

2 science


3 geography 1 2 j

1 1 4 music

C / 5 history

6 Maths

7 French ‘JV 8 art


44 ■ Learn

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.GUAGE FOCUS ■ Present simple: question forms

Liam and Charlie/use / a


Complete the questions with Do or Does.

_you study English?

_your teacher speak Mandarin?

_the students in your class use

r ctionaries?

_your teacher give you homework


_you read English magazines at home?

_your friends ask questions in class?

_your teacher play English songs in

watch DVDs in class?

Answer the questions in exercise 1.

5 when/Megan/study?

Write questions and answers about the

ires using the present simple.

Florence / speak / French?

4 Does Florence gpeak French?

★★★ Order the words to make questions.

Then read the text and write the answers.

Hi! My name’s Anna and I live in Cairns in

Australia. I speak English and 1 study French

and Spanish at school. I also understand

Italian, but I don't speak it. My parents are

from Italy.They sometimes speak Italian at

home and they often watch Italian TV in the


Anna / speak /Turkish / does / ? 1 Lily/live/in New York?

1 Anna / live / does / Australia / in / ?

2 study / German / school / at / does / Anna / ?

2 Mary and Tom/make/

pizzas? 3 languages / Anna / study / does / what / ?

4 speak / Anna’s / parents / Italian / do / ?

Page 44: Oxford English Plus - archive.org

READING ■ A school on a boat

1 ★ Read the text. Answer the question.

Where does Mosa live?

At six o'clock every morning ten-year-old Mosa

Khatun always walks to the river near her house and

climbs on a boat. It goes to different villages and other

girls jump on.

At half past seven this special boat stops. The boat is

Mosa's ‘school bus', but it is also her school and it has

a classroom.

Mosa lives in Bangladesh. There are problems in this

country because it rains a lot and it is often difficult to

travel by road.

Some students go to classes on boats. These students

are usually girls. There are thirty students with a

woman teacher. They have lessons with her for three


The girls study maths, reading and writing in their

language. Bangla, and also in English. There is a

computer on every boat. They use it for ICT lessons.

The students also study outside school. Mosa usually

does two hours of homework every night - often maths

or English.

2 ★★ Read the text again. Choose the correct


Mosa goes to school in the_

(a morning') b afternoon c evening

1 Mosa goes to school on a-

a train b bus c boat

2 The_in Bangladesh are often bad.

a boats broads ccars

3 The students are usually_

a boys and girls b girls c women

4 The students study their subjects in_


a two b three cfour

3 ★★ Read the text again. Complete :*i

sentences with a number.

Mosa Khatun is ten...

1 Mosa jumps on the boat at_o’co*fl

2 In Mosa’s class there are_girls

3 The lessons are for_hours.

4 There is_computer on every ben. j

5 Mosa usually studies for-hours atf


4 ★★★ Answer the questions.

Where does Mosa walk every morning’

She walks to the river._j

1 Where does the boat go in the morr -sg

2 Is the teacher a man?

3 What subjects do the girls study at sc' :

4 What is the language of Bangladesh7

5 What does Mosa study at home?


5 ★★ Complete the sentences with the i

in the box.

Foodtechnology French ICT

maths physical education

_Food technology_is interesting.

You sometimes study the things in the


1 I like languages, and_

one of my favourite subjects.

2 The girls study_ . and I

about numbers.

3 My brother is interested in volleyball and ■

rugby. He likes_at setad

4 We’ve got a lot of computers in our

_room at school.

■ Learn

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• TING ■ An article about a famous person • guage point: Punctuation

▼ Rewrite the sentences using capital


*»= o, i'm gabriela and I’m from Czech republic.

I’m fiabriela and I’m from Czech Republic.-

« aoyou speak turkish and german?

2 my aunt is from brazil and her name is

| eiena.

3 the capital of russia is moscow.

4 there’s a good italian restaurant in prague.

5 a: school we study english and Spanish.

4 : jr friend is called pablo and he’s from

, madrid.

■ * * Rewrite the sentences using commas,

I fa ! stops and capital letters.

[ . <e football golf and tennis i don’t like

I basketball

. uu football, aolf and tennis. I don’t like_

sascetball.___ _

It .ve live in york it's a city in england

I -hey speak russian german and english they

[ Gon’t speak Spanish

5 i ke johnnydepp he’s an american actor

4 martine is french she comes from paris

5 -e studies italian it’s an easy language

€ ne only likes films he isn’t interested in sport

★ ★ Look at the notes and complete the


Name JK Rowling

Work writes books

Native language English

Home country Scotland

Famous for her writing in English

Other languages

very good French - great pronunciation and vocabulary,

some Portuguese and Spanish

Family from

other countries French great-grandfather

Travel visits Paris

Famous speakers of different languages

People in different countries around the world read

the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling. Her native

language is1 *__ and she lives in

2_She’s famous for her3-

in English, but she also speaks other languages. She

speaks some4-and Portuguese. She

also speaks excellent5-- - her vocabulary

and6_are very good.

Some of her family are from France - including her

i_She sometimes visits the capital,


4 ★★ Look at the notes and write a short

article about Leonardo DiCaprio.

1 Name Leonardo DiCaprio

Work acts in Hollywood films

Native language English

Home country the United States

Famous for his acting in English

Other languages

excellent German - very good

speaking and listening, also

some French and Spanish

Family from other countries

German mother

Travel often visits Berlin and other

parts of Germany

Learn ■

Page 46: Oxford English Plus - archive.org


Do the exercises and then complete your own evaluat.ee

©©©© I need to try this again. ©©©© I a» happy with this.

- ~ I oould do this better. ©©©© I oah do this very well._



(Verbs: learning

Complete the sentences with the words in the


copy dictionary go homework

listen music revise watch

1 We don’t usually-


2 I do my---

3 We sometimes listen to

in English.

4 I never.

5 We.

__ DVDs in

.every evening.

. my friend's work,

.to the teacher in class.

6 I often use an English

7 Tom and Eve.

classes after school.

8 I always,

important test.

.to special

_before an

READING ■ A day at school

2 Complete the sentences.

1 | like numbers. I always do my

homework, (tahms)

2 _technology is a good subject.

We sometimes cook in the lessons, (ofdo)

3 They're very interested in languages. They

go to. .classes after school.

LANGUAGE FOCUS ■ Object pronouns;

Present simple spelling rules and rf '

3 Complete the sentences with one of the

in brackets.

1 Mark’s favourite subject is Spanish, -e!

interested in-(him/it

2 Hannah is a popular girl.The other:


3 Arjun has got a lot of English books. He

reads_at home, (it / us r—

4 l think Harvey is a good student. He a

listens to --in class.


5 Adam sits next to Paul, but he doesrtt

to_in class, (him / her / rQ

4 Complete the school report using the prs

simple form of the verbs in the box.

(h refen)

4 | always listen to the teacher in —

and communication technology (ICT).


5 We’re good at sport. Our favourite subject is

physical_(PE)- (ndieocuta)

I can talk about my study habits.


c do listen not talk study think

I am vepj happ'j with C-ara this '(ear

1___hard in class

and she.2— -^e

students, ‘bhe.3.-i

her te.ache.rs and she. 4-

a dictionary lahe-5-

home-work evepf day I 6_

she's got a good attitude.

I can use object pronouns and the present

simple to write a school report.


48 ■ Learn

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C:<-plete the sentences.

T 'Here are 26 le_in the English


2 <atze’ is the German w-for'cat'.

People speak Ru-in Moscow.

x --inkTur_. is an interesting


15 The chimpanzee can understand this


« _we chimpanzee understands English, but

;ne doesn’t understand Fr-

can understand people talking about

a-iguages and communication.


■ JAGE FOCUS ■ Present simple:

tion forms

Ijr-plete the questions and answers with do,

sres. don’t or doesn't.

y _you study Spanish at school?


.your teacher speak Spanish in class?

•es, she-

3_we have a vocabulary test today?

No. we.

. your friend use a Spanish website?

No. she.


4_your teacher give you homework

every night?

res, he-

! can ask and answer questions about study



SPEAKING • Asking questions in class

7 Choose the correct answers.

Millie Owen, do you know

. the other students practise at home?

- What languages-your teacher speak?

^ Spanish, Italian and French.

8 Where_you watch DVDs in Spanish?

At home.


Millie .do







. French?

Yes, 12_My mum is French. Why?

IJ_understand this. ‘

you say ‘play’ in French?

It’s 'jouer’.

Sorry, can you say5-again,

please? How do you 6-it?

It’s easy! It’s ‘jouer’.

And how do you7—


Thanks, Owen.


1 a the b a c any d in

2 a does b do cam d have

3 a not b isn’t c don’t d doesn't

4 a How b What c Who d Where

5 a what bthat c me d them

6 a talk b make cspeak d pronounce

7 a spell b read c listen d watch

I can check understanding, meaning and spelling.



8 Complete the report with the words in the box.

doesn’t homework hours

listens to native pronunciation

speaks studies thinks

Natalia . at a big

school in Buenos Aires, the

capital of Argentina. Her c 2_language is ■ IT

Spanish, but she also j_English and some French.

At school Natalia studies English for four «_every week, She usually has two

hours of

Natalia likes speaking and listening, but she

6_like reading and writing. At home

she often7_English songs, but she

never reads English magazines.

She8_that her English is good, but

she wants to improve her9.

I can write a report.


Learn ■

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E i N W C

4 My grandfather

_in the river.

eamp cycle fly sunbathe swim

mp cycle eat fly shop stay

sunbathe swim travel walk

l cunbathe in the park with my friends,—

My f micihg r.amo in the mountains in Fram

l □ Travel VOCABULARY* Verbs: holiday activities

3 ★★ Complete the text.

tAy family holiday

by Pavel Every year we c a ro^at a very nice

near the beach in. Italy. We 1-aj

beach in the morning on oar bikes ant ■

2_in the sea. We dont3-

because it's very hot!

We usually 4_for food at the

supermarket, but sometimes we 5-

to a restaurant and vie 6-big pizzas.

4 ★★★ Write true sentences about the

summer holidays using the words in the

to help you.

I my mum my dad my brothe'

mv sister my friends mycousirs

2 Tom- to a hot country.

3 Carmen and David

__to the

tennis club.

Find nine more holiday activities.

Veronica —camjjs-

next to the river with

her family.

1 My sister-

on the beach.

2 ★ ★ What do the people usually do on

holiday? Complete the sentences with the

present simple form of the verbs in the box.

50 ■ Travel

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'.GUAGE FOCUS ■ Present continuous: affirmative and negative

Write the -ing form of the verbs in the

t column.

ebrate climb jump shop speak

swim travel use write


What are the people doing? Write

rtences using the present continuous form

Fthe verbs in the box.

cook cycle play shop sunbathe

swim travel watch

E'ol and Omer are in the sea.


Layla is on her bike. She-

to the cafe.

AJfie and Joe are at the sports centre.


=3ula is at the supermarket.

3 ★★ Complete the sentences using the present

continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 They.

(fly) to Spain.

_(celebrate) their birthday.


_(not camp).

_(eat) chicken.

_(not walk) to the beach.

_(not wear) a black T-shirt.

4 ★★★ Look at the picture and correct the

sentences using the phrases in the box.

eat some grapes play a computer game

read a magaz+ne sing watch TV

3 Freddie and Ellen

Eva is reading a magazine,

^hp isn't reading a magazine. me. She s HsteniH

1 I’m doing my homework.

Matias and Sebastian are in front of the TV.

They_a film.

My dad is on a train. He-to


2 Ricky is playing the guitar.

3 Freddie and Ellen are listening to the radio.

4 Mum is making a cake.

Travel ■ 51

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1 ★ Label the pictures with the words in the


beach boat bus car mountain

plane river road sea train

2 ★★ Complete the crossword.


2 Our family has got a small-forfour


5 The_Thames goes through the centre of


7 There are a lot offish in the-

8 I sometimes sunbathe on the-

9 We climb this big-every year.

Down -i-

1 This_flies to New York.

3 I’m going to the shops. It’s only three

minutes by-

4 There’s a fast_to London from


6 Our school is on a quiet-There

lot of cars.

8 He often travels by-because he


★★ Complete the sentences using :-e

words in the box and on or by.

(i boat bus car foot foot plane

We often go to the train station. We like

travelling—by tralM-

1 They’re on the road in their new Vot*

They’re going on holiday.

2 We visit our cousins in Australia eve'-. ]

We go_from the airport i

3 My friend lives opposite me. I always

her house.-

4 People go to the bus station when tha


5 Why don’t you walk to the shops toes. ?]

easy to go-

6 My grandfather likes the sea and he

sometimes travels-

4 ★★★ Complete the postcard with woros

from exercise 1.

Dear “Sarah

I'm on holiday with m'| familf. We're staging in a ■ house- ne*t to a nice-beach-and we swm i

tVie1_ever) morning. We sometir?; <

a small island - it’s onlf ten minutes b'j

behind the house there’s a big3-

brother is happ-j because he lifces climbing. The-? <

a 4__ but I don’t swim in it because I

venf cold and fast! The town centre is four Lilcrr-s

from the house. We go there b'j5--

there’s a bus stop opposite the house.

There’s onV( one problem - there’s a ver^ nois-f

c__ nert to the house and there ar-: :

of7_and buses on it ever-| mornre

See ^ou soon.

Love Tasmine

52 ■ Travel

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1 are/you/now/sitting/where/?

2 is/what/your/doing/mum/?

3 you /today /are /wearing /what/?

4 you / are / listening / music / to / ?

5 your best friend / with / studying /you / is / ?

AGE FOCUS ■ Present continuous: questions

2 they/cycle?

3 you /cook/chicken?

Travel ■

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READING ■ On holiday

★★ Read the text again. Are the

true or false?

Olivia is on holiday in a town.

1 Olivia’s mum and dad

are reading.

2 There are old bottles on

the beach.

3 The activity centre is very big.

4 Olivia and her family do some

work in the morning.

5 They sometimes clean boats.

★ Read the text. Choose the correct


Olivia’s summer holiday...

a is really expensive,

b is quite expensive,

c □ isn’t very expensive.

A different holiday

by Olivia Harman

4 Answer the questions.

Who is Olivia on holiday with?

1 Where is Brancaster?

2 Where are Olivia and her family I'm on a beach with my family. We're in the village

of Brancaster in the east of England. But this

summer I'm not sunbathing and my parents aren't

reading their favourite books. We're walking on

the beach and we're picking up hundreds of old

bottles! We're on a special working holiday - it's

called a volunteering holiday. We're staying with

other families in a small activity centre next to

the beach. In the mornings we work and in the

afternoons we do activities.

Today we're at the beach, but on other mornings

we work at the centre - we sometimes clean and

repair the mountain bikes there. In the afternoon

we often go by boat to a different beach and swim

in the North Sea.

It's a really good holiday. It's quite cheap and great


3 Where is the activity centre?

4 Whatdotheydointheafternoor

5 Where do they often go in the a-


5 HI Choose the correct words.

Olivia isn’tfn)/ at Spain at the mom;-

1 She and her family are having a g:>

at / on holiday.

2 They aren’t staying at a place in / c

3 They sometimes cook fish on/ at*


4 They aren’t usually in / at home *


5 Olivia and her family are on/in E-

2 ★★ Read the text again. Choose the correct


At the moment Olivia is on her bike /(the beach.

1 Olivia is on holiday with her grandparents /

mother and father.

2 The holiday is in the summer / autumn.

3 Olivia is /isn’t sunbathing today.

4 There are / aren’t other families in the

activity centre.

5 Olivia thinks the holiday is great / terrible.

54 ■ Travel

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TING ■ A school trip • Language point: Modifiers

Rewrite the sentences using really, very, 3

• or not very.

Wt/y really

M/ very

4 ;-rte

j-r. very

Ac =.nops are busy now. X

L|^ W.rv bUSV HOW.--

f t- s beach is quiet today, yyy

2 stood is nice.X

Xrdrew is good at surfing, y/

■>e cafes are cheap. ///

- - e weather is bad this week. /

§ O-' Spanish friends are funny. ///

Order the words to make sentences.

Loeel / our / is / good / really




3 cjite/the/expensive/are/shops

. -terested / very / museums / the / we’re / in

aren’t / people / very / the / friendly

3-j'te / here / cold / the / at / moment / it’s

★★ Read Dylan’s blog on his school

website. It’s about a visit to a museum.

Complete the blog using the -/ng form of the

verbs in the box. _.

eat look shop talk

travel travel visit

8.00 I’m sitting next to my teacher,

Mr Wiggins, and we’re1 about science. But we aren t at school

today - we’re2-by train to

London. Our class is on a visit to the

Science Museum.

10.00 We’re at the museum. It’s quite busy

- a lot of children are3-- *he

museum today from other schools.

At the moment, we’re4-

at some old planes in the ‘Story of

Flying’ - it’s very interesting.

I’m5_my chicken

sandwiches, and some of the other

students are6-There are exciting things in the museum shop.

We’re7_home now. We want

to visit the museum again - it’s

a really great place!



★ ★★ Imagine you are on a school trip to a

museum and you are writing a blog for the

school website. Look at the table and make

notes for each paragraph. Then write about

your visit.

Paragraph 1

The journey

Who are you sitting next to? How are you travelling?

Where are you going?

Paragraph 2

The museum

Is it quiet or busy?

What are you looking at?

Paragraph 3

Food and shopping

What are you eating?

Are other students shopping?

Paragraph 4

Travelling home

What do you think of the museum? Do you want to visit it again?

Travel ■

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MY EVALUATION How much do you know? Do the exercises and then complete your own evaluate

©©©© I «eed to try this again. ©©©© I am happy with this.

©©©© I could do this better. ©©©© I can do this very well. _.

VOCABULARY ■ Verbs: holiday activities

1 Complete the sentences.

In the summer...

1 we usually_a _ in a small hotel.

2 I_le to the park on my bike.

3 my parents always-in the sea.

4 I _a__ to the shops near the hotel.

5 my sisters_eon the beach.

6 I sometimes _ a _ nice food in a restaurant.

7 we_e_toa big island.

I can talk about holiday activities.


READING*On holiday

2 Complete the sentences with at, in or on.

1 This year we’re having a holiday-


2 Dad often cooks nice food-


3 He doesn't usually cook-home.


4 My brother often plays tennis.


5 My mum and I goto a cafe —

LANGUAGE FOCUS ■ Present contir

affirmative and negative

3 Write sentences using the present cor

affirmative or negative.

1 my mum / make /some food /


I can understand a blog.


2 I/read / a book /

3 my brother / shop /

4 we / watch / a new DVD /

5 they/camp/this year/

6 you/celebrate/your birthday/

7 I/swim/with my friends/

8 our dog/have/a good time/

I can say what people are doing now.


56 ■ Travel

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*»■ at the pictures and complete the


I’m sitting on an old -

in India.

We’re in the middle of the


There are a lot of people on


They’re flying to India on a

We’re on a large-in


an understand a programme about

a-gerous journeys.


■C JAGE FOCUS ■ Present continuous:

tssz ons

Camolete the mini-dialogues with the present

I acre nuous form of the verbs in brackets.

' "anya Where’s dad?-

(he /sit) on the beach?

SPEAKING BA phone conversation about

a holiday

6 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.

[ about family having here How

I reading sounds Text What Where

Jessica Hi Bradley. It’s Jessica 1-

Bradley Hi Jessica.1-are you?

Jessica I’m fine, thanks. Are you 3-

a nice time in New Zealand?

Bradley Yes, thanks.4-are you?

Jessica I’m in a hotel in Italy with my

Bradley 6_are you doing?

Jessica I’m walking to the hotel restaurant.


Bradley I’m8_a book on a

fantastic beach.

Jessica That9_like fun. Have a

good time.,0-me later. Bye.

z' \ 'N

I can talk about my holiday.



-arry No, he-He’s in

the sea.

I Bruce What’s the time?-

(you / cook) dinner?

Meryl Yes, 1

a -rank K Marv here?_

_. It’s chicken.

• 3 i i r\ ij iviai y i i v_ i v_ . —

(she/watch) a DVD?

Clip Vpc chp _It’s Titanic.

* v.aria Where- (you / go) now?

=ete To the beach with my parents.

S Creg What- —

(your friends/play)?

Usa Basketball.

r---; \ can ask people about what they are doing now.


WRITING ■ An email about a holiday

7 Choose the correct words.

o £ 1* 2 JT "

Hi Peter

’How / What are things? I’m 2on / in holiday here in

the south of Spain with my mum, dad and brother, Karl.

We’re in a place ’name / called Malaga. It’s “very /

a lot hot here 5at / on the moment, so I’m 6sit / sitting

on the beach under an umbrella. Karl 7is / are playing

volleyball with his new friends from the hotel.

The town is really nice but it’s 8some / quite noisy

in the evening. I prefer to 9go / going there in the

morning when it’s quiet.

1,0hope / hoping you’re having a good time.

See you soon.


I can write about my holiday.



Travel ■

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be: singular affirmative

We use the verb be for names and ages:

Hello, I’m Emma. This is Daniel and this is Claire.

I’m ten. They're fourteen.

We often use short forms.

i.”. |

You are eleven. You’re eleven.

She is from the USA. She’s from the USA.

He is thirteen. He’s thirteen.

It is a dog. It’s a dog.

be: plural affirmative

We are from Oxford.

We’re from Oxford.

You are Tom and Ed. You’re Tom and Ed.

They are seventeen. They’re seventeen.

Subject pronouns

1 am Carlos.

You are eleven.

He is a teacher.

She is a student.

It is a cat.

We are from Argent-*

You are fifteen.

They are friends.

Emily is from Great Britain. ->

| ghe|'s from Great Britain.

I Ricardo and Isabel I are new students.

| Theyj’re new students.

We can't leave out I,you, he, she, it, we o’ i

I'm twelve years old.

Am twelve years old. /

there is, there are, some, a lot of

We use there is with singular nouns and

with plural nouns.

There is a poster.

There is a car.

There is a pen.

There are two |

There are a lot o*i

There are some i

We often use the short form of there is.

There is a computer in the room. ->

There’s a computer in the room.

There is no short form for there are.

We use a for one thing or person.

There’s a book.

There’s a girl.

We use some for more than one thing or i

There are some books.

There are some girls.

We use a lot of for a big number of things


There are a lot of books. (50 books!)

There are a lot of girls. (50 girls!)

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ir affirmative

; :ne mini-dialogues using the correct


r? David from Australia.’ 'Hi David.’

_ Sandra.’ ‘Hello Sandra.’

_you?' ‘I_fine, thanks.’

.from York.' 'York in England?’

. Coppin_my teacher.’


_in my English class.’ ‘Yes!’

_this in English?’

. a phone.’

: pronouns

te the sentences with the words in the

4- He She It We You They

name’s Harry. _L’m from Toronto.

is from San Francisco-’s ten.

|is my cat_'s black and white.

i and I are students. _’re from

f Smith is from Glasgow..

i and Emily are my friends-

!*»Ty class.

i and you are from Brazil-'re

i Sao Paolo.

lar and plural affirmative

sentences using the correct form of be.

n years old

years old._


i and Ivan / from Russia

i a student here

kra / my friend from the Czech Republic

: fourteen years old

*?••• Orleans / in the United States

m-'om a big city

_J 4 Write sentences about the people using the

correct form of be.

) I A8e 1 From j

Nathan 11 Newcastle in England

Dora 10 Budapest in Hungary

Lucas and

Daniela 13 Mendoza in Argentina

Yuki and

Satoshi 12 Osaka in Japan

Nathan is eleven years old. He’s from Newcastle

in England._




there is, there are, some, a lot of

5 Complete the sentences with there’s or there


There’s a girl from Germany in my class.

1 _some pencils in my bag.

2 _a big table in my classroom.

B _three cats in the room.

4 _a lot of cars in my city.

5 _a phone in your car.

6 _a computer here.

7 _some English boys in my class.

6 Order the words to make sentences,

a / pens / there / lot / are / of

There are a lot of pens._

1 posters / some / there / a re

2 big/book/a/there's

3 students/are/a/of/lot/there

4 teacher /a /there’s

5 are/there/tables/some

6 of/are/there/lot/bags/a

Language focus practice ■ 59

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be: negative

I’m not from Brazil.

I'm from the USA.

He isn’t an actor.

He’s a singer.

They aren't teachers.

They’re students.

We often use short forms.

lam not Anna. I’m not Anna.

You are not nine. You aren't nine.

She is not Eva. She isn’t Eva.

He is not Sam. He isn't Sam.

It is not a dog. It isn't a dog.

We are not from Paris. We aren't from Paris.

You are not teachers. You aren't teachers.

They are not boring. They aren’t boring.

be: questions and short answers

In questions we change the order of the words.

You are twelve.

* , Are you twelve?

In short answers we use


Is he eleven years old?

He is from Brazil.

* Is he from Brazil?

the long form for the

Yes, he’s. / Yes, he is.

Question Affirmative Negative

Am 1 in this

club? Yes, 1 am. No, I’m not.

Are you John? Yes, you are. No, you aren’1

Is he ten? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Is she Ann? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

Is it a cat? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Are we in your

class? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t

Are you from

the USA? Yes, you are. No, you aren'

Are they popular?

Yes, they are. No, they arer

Prepositions: on and at

Monday limbing c\ub ‘j.oo

Tuesday Music concert 4.00

We use on and at for days and times.

We use on with days.

The climbing club is on Monday.

The music concert is on Tuesday.

We use at with times.

The climbing club is at five o’clock.

The music concert is at four.

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be: negative

1 Complete the sentences using the correct form

of be.

You aren't my friend now! /

1 Ella _ _a football fan. X

2 1 _ in the English club. /

3 We _ _from Germany. X

4 This grey bag expensive./

5 The books very interesting.,

6 You _ _good at tae kwon do. X

7 1_ _ a teacher. X

8 Josh_ _nine years old. /

2 Correct the sentences.

Justin Timberlake is from Great Britain.

(the USA)

He isn't from Great Britain. He's from the US A.

1 The dance class is at three o’clock.

(four o'clock)


2 I’m fifteen, (fourteen)


3 Charlotte is in a chess club, (climbing club)


4 You’re from Czech Republic. (Hungary)


5 They’re in London. (New York)


6 You’re Emily. (Kate)


Prepositions: on and at

3 Choose the correct words.

The basketball club is at /'onjTuesday.

1 The guitar concert is at / on five o’clock.

2 The art club is at / on Monday and Friday.

3 Is my piano lesson at / on half past seven?

4 Your English exam isn’t at / on Wednesday.

5 The climbing club is here at / on six o’clock.

6 The new Hollywood film is at / on twenty

past four.

7 Is your school concert at / on Thursday?


be: questions and short answers

4 Write the short answers.

Are you from Russia? (X)

No. I’m wot._

1 Is he sixteen years old? (/)

2 Are they at school? (X)

3 Are you in the drama club? (/)

4 Is Angela popular? (/)

5 Is it Friday? (/)

6 Are Ed and Mark friends? (/)

7 Are you an actor? (X)

5 Write questions using the correct form of be.

Then write true answers,

you/a football fan?

Are you a football fan?_

Yes, jam.-

1 you / a student?

2 your name/ Adam?

3 your friends / good at sport?

4 you/eleven?

5 your school / new?

6 you / in a lot of clubs?

Laneuaee focus practice • 61

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there is, there are, some and any: there is, there are: questions and short

affirmative and negative answers

We use there is and there are to describe things,

for example, a town.

In the affirmative, we use there is a / an with

singular nouns and there are some with plural


We use is there a / an... ? to ask about one thing

and Are there any... ? to ask about more than one


Is there a shopping centre?

Are there any restaurants?

We use How many... are there? to ask about the

number of things.

'How many restaurants are there?' ‘Five.’

In questions we change the order of the words.

There are three shops.

There are some shops.

In the negative, we use there isn't a / an with

singular nouns and there aren't any with plural


There isn't a museum.

There aren't any parks.


Long form Short form


There is a cafe.

There is an airport.

There’s a cafe.

There’s an airport.


There are three


There are some shops.


Long form Short form

Singular There is not a

cinema. There isn’t a cinema.

Plural There are not There aren't

any hotels. any hotels.

There is a shoe shop in this town.

Is there a shoe shop in this town?

In short answers we use the long form for the


Is there a good cafe in your town?

Yes, there is.

Ves, there's. /

Question Affirmative Negative

Is there a bus station?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Are there any

parks? Yes, there are.

No, there


How many

parks are

there? There are two.

Prepositions of place

We use in, on, under, next to, opposite and near to

say where things are:

'Where's the pen?’ 'It’s on the table.'

'Where are the books?’ They're next to the phone.’

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there is, there are, some and any:

affirmative and negative

1 Complete the sentences with some or any.

There are some . new students in your class.

1 There aren’t — _pet shops on this island.

2 There are_ _ popular cafes in the city.

3 There aren’t — _famous actors in my


4 There are- _ girls in the climbing club.

5 There are_ _great parks in London.

6 There aren’t — _film studios here.

7 There are_ — good restaurants in Milan.

8 There aren’t — _exciting films on TV.

2 Complete the dialogue with the words in the


’s a an any aren’t

isn’t some some there

Holly Is Barford_it!_exciting town?

Mum Oh, yes! There are some nice buildings

in the old town and there1-a

small museum.

Holly A small museum? It isn’t very

interesting, Mum!

Mum But there are2-good places for

young people. There's3-new

sports centre, there are4-

fantastic parks and there aren’t

5_noisy streets!

Holly OK. And the shops?

Mum There6_a shopping centre and

there7_any expensive shops.

But8_are some nice small shops.

Holly Thanks, Mum! I think Barford isn’t very


there is, there are: questions and short


3 Order the words to make questions.

there / is / near /your / house / shop / a / ?

Is there a shop wear vour house?_

1 any / there / hotels / this / are / town / in / ?

2 cafe / there / is / a /your / school /to /


_y 3 museums /this / are / city/ in /there /


4 many/people/how/there/your/in/

club /chess/ are/?

5 tables/there/many/are/this/in/

room / how / ?

4 Write questions with Is there or Are there.

Then write true answers,

any good cafes / in your city?

Are there any good cafes in your city?_

Yes, there are.-

1 a sports centre/near your school?

2 any Italian restaurants / in your town?

3 any noisy streets/near your house?

4 a shop/opposite your school?

5 any famous people/in your street?

6 an airport/near your house?

Prepositions of place

5 Choose the correct words.

There’s a bag under/ oppositelthe computer.

1 There’s a pen on / in the book.

2 There’s a caron/next to the bag.

3 There’s a pen under/near the bag.

4 There’s a pen near / opposite the phone.

5 There’s a pen next to/in the bag.

Language focus practice ■ 63

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have got: affirmative

We use have got to talk about possessions.

They've got a nice house.

She's got a blue bag.

We also use have got to talk about families.

I’ve got two sisters.

He’s got a cousin.

We often use short forms.

1 Long form 1 Short form

1 have got a brother. I’ve got a brother.

You have got a sister. You’ve got a sister.

He has got an uncle. He’s got an uncle.

She has got an aunt. She’s got an aunt.

It has got a ball. It’s got a ball.

We have got a cousin. We’ve got a cousin.

You have got a twin. You’ve got a twin.

They have got a son. They’ve got a son.

have got: negative

We often use short forms for the negative.

I have not got a cat. -> I haven't got a cat.

She has not got any cousins. ->

She hasn't got any cousins.

1 haven’t got a brother. It hasn’t got a ball.

You haven’t got a sister. We haven’t got a cousin.

He hasn’t got an uncle. You haven’t got a twin.

She hasn't got an aunt. They haven't got a son.

have got: questions and short answers

In questions we change the order of the words.

He has got a twin brother.

X Has he got a twin brother?

1 Question I Affirmative | Negative

Have 1 got a

new teacher? Yes, 1 have. No, 1 haven't.

Have you got a

sister? Yes, you have.

No, you


Has he got a

brother? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.

Has she got a twin?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

Has it got a ball?

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Have we got a cousin?

Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Have you got

an aunt? Yes, you have.

No, you


Have they got

an uncle? Yes, they have.

No, they haven’t.

Possessive s

We use’s to show possession and to talk about


It's Maria's phone.

This is Charlie's mother.

We add’s to names and singular nouns.

Katya's mother

We add ’ to plural nouns,

my grandparents' house

Possessive adjectives

We use possessive adjectives to talk about


This is Oscar's pen. -> This is his pen.

This is Rachel’s cat. -> This is her cat.

1 Subject pronoun 1 Possessive adjective

1 my friend

you your book

he his pen

she her computer

it its ball

we our teacher

you your phone

they their dog

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V ^cssessive s

1 Choose the correct words.

nere isiRachel’s)/ Rachel bag?

1 Are you Sam’s/Sams friend?

I That’s my grandparent’s / grandparents’

house. They're at home today.

3 Here’s Paul’s/Pauls pen.

- i've got some new shoe’s /shoes.

; What are your parents’ / parent’s names?

•eve got: affirmative

1 Write sentences using the correct form of have set. Use short forms where possible.

| my sister / a penfriend in Argentina

Ht sister’s got a penfrieHd in Argentina._

1* T / an aunt in Australia

I jve/a friend in Berlin

I 3 Maria/three cousins in England

- 3ur friends/an uncle in Chicago

: my teacher/a nephew in Madrid

t he/a twin brother in your class

rssessive adjectives

Complete the sentences using possessive


«/ / It’s _

she / It’s _

1/ It’s _

we/ -frf

It’s _

~e/ S It’s _

:iey / It’s _

have got: affirmative, negative,

questions and short answers

4 Write sentences using the correct form of have got. Use short forms where possible.

David / a guitar lesson today X

David hasn't got a guitar lesson today._

1 we / a very nice teacher /

2 I / a big pizza! X

3 Luke/yourexpensive pen/

4 they/a big family /

5 she / a horrible pet rat /

6 you / a nice classroom /

7 she/a lot of friends /

5 Complete the mini-dialogues with have, has,

haven't, hasn’t or got.

John Have you—got a favourite animal?

Lucy Yes, we_hive_it’s a cat.

1 Dora _your brother_a

favourite tennis player?

Tim Yes, he_It’s Roger Federer.

2 Tom _you_a favourite

TV programme?

Eva No, I_I think TV is boring!

3 Julia _your sister_a

favourite football team?

Sam No, she_She isn’t interested

in football.

4 Evan _you_a favourite


Ava Yes, I_It’s Antonio Banderas.

He’s the cat in Shrek.

5 Suzy _your parents_a

favourite singer?

Roy No, they_They aren’t

interested in music.

6 Tony _your dog_a

favourite toy?

Val Yes.it_It’s a toy car!

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Present simple: affirmative

We use the present simple:

1 to talk about routines and habits, for example,

the things we usually do, or the things we do

every day or week.

itihiiA "SCHOOL f I

Monday / Tuesday / Wedpfesday / Thursday / Friday

I walk to school every morning.

5.00 Tuesday / 5.00 Thursday /

We use the base form of the verb with ,

and they.

We decorate the street.

I cook a big meal.

You eat special food.

With he, she and it, we add -s to the verb

He decorates the street.

She cooks a big meal.

The dog eats special food.

Present simple: negative

Rudi plays tennis at five o’clock on Tuesdays

and Thursdays.

I don’t go to festivals. It doesn’t go tc

You don't go to festivals. We don’t go to ‘esai^H

He doesn’t go to festivals. You don’t go tc

2 to describe things that are always true.

I live near my school.

My father speaks English.

We study drama.

I understand German.

3 to talk about what we think, feel or like.

We think the festival is exciting.

1 feel happy.

She likes music.

1 walk in the park. It walks in the park.

You walk in the park. We walk in the park.

He walks in the park. You walk in the park.

She walks in the park. They walk in the park.

She doesn't go to festivals. They don’t go::

We use don't with I,you, we and they.

We don't like music.

We use doesn't with he, she and it.

He doesn't cook.

We often use short forms for the negat .e

I do not ski -> I don’t ski.

He does not dance. -> He doesn't dance.

We do not sing. -> We don’t sing.

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Tt simple: affirmative

(1 Car-ciete the sentences with the verbs in the


cook cooks get gets open

opens wear wears

V. s ster wears new clothes to the carnival.

I Children_sweets on this special


: Our aunt_a nice meal.

1 ~-e shops in Spring Street-at


i .'/mother_a present from my


5 YVe_ _a lot offoodforthe


€ ~^e supermarket--on Sunday.

1 |_a nice costume to the party.

Complete the letter using the present simple

■^rn of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Carlos!

are (be.) you? Thunk you for

letter about your friends. I've got

t*c good friends - Jamie and Lewis.

They 1_(go) to wvy school.

ie 2_(pl«y) for dhe school

ream and he 3-(wear) his

- - vourite football shirt a lot. Lewis

4_(be) very interested in

music and he 5-(su\g) in the

school concerts.

I,try day after school I 6-

(walk) to town with Jamie and Lewis.

Y/c 1_(like) the park in town

S:d it 8_(close) at fve o'clock

:n the winter.

7 9_(go) home at half past

■nve and I 10-(have) my

t.ening meal with my family at seven.

Please write soon.

f than

Present simple: negative

3 Order the words to make sentences,

don’t / we / grapes / at / eat / Christmas

We don’t eat grapes at Christmas._

1 doesn’t/dance/he/samba/the

2 go/the/to/don't/festival/I

3 food/they/like/don’t/English

4 house / decorate / her / doesn’t / Isabella

5 visit/cousins/you/don’t/your

4 Correct the sentences.

Theyfnojwear special clothes at the festival.

They don’t wear special clothes at the festival._

1 My sister [don’t [ like fish./

2 11not|go to school on Saturdays./

3 Emily doesn’t [plays] an instrument./

4 We | doesn't] sing songs at New Year./

5 You |dont|walk to the shops./

5 Make the sentences negative.

I like this new shopping centre.

I don’t like this new shopping centre.

1 We eat turkey in the summer.

2 Carla plays chess at school.

3 You cook every day.

4 The teacher decorates the school.

5 The shoe shop closes on Friday.

6 I have a holiday in March.

Language focus practice ■ 67

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Adverbs of frequency

We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we

do something.

We always revise before a test.

I often use a dictionary.

He sometimes watches DVDs in English.

always ■■■■■

usually ■■■■□

often ■■■□□

sometimes ■■□□□

never □□□□□

Adverbs of frequency go before the verb.

She never reads German magazines.

Do you usually study before a test?

But they go after the verb be.

They’re usually happy.

He's never at home.

Object pronouns

1 Subject pronoun | Object pronoun

1 me

you you

he him

she her

it it

we us

you you

they them

We like our French teacher. -> We like her.

I'm interested in French. -> I’m interested in it.

I sit with Tom. -> I sit with him.

We use our dictionaries. -> We use them.

Present simple spelling rules

a We add -s to most verbs with he, she a^zt.

he understands

she revises

it plays

b When a verb ends in a consonant (e.g. r :

y, we leave out they and add -ies.

carry -> carries

copy copies

study -> studies

c When a verb ends in -o, -sh, -ch, -xor -ss m

add -es.

go -> goes

finish -> finishes

watch -> watches

Present simple: question forms

Do 1 speak French?

Yes, 1 do. No. 1 err

Do you speak French?

Yes, you do. No. >o-ll

Does he speak French?

Yes, he does. No. -e 3:

Does she speak

French? Yes, she does.

No. sh-e doesr *

Does it speak French?

Yes, it does. No, it ro

Do we speak French?

Yes, we do. No. mca

Do you speak

French? Yes, you do. No. >0.1

Do they speak

French? Yes, they do. No.tfe«

What languages

do you speak?

1 speak French and English.

We use do to make questions with I.you mm


Do you ask questions in class?

When do they study?

We use does to make questions with he 4m

Does she like English?

Where does she sit?

We use do or does in affirmative she"

and don't or doesn't in negative shot

‘Do you like music?’ 'Yes, I do.'

‘Does she like pizza?’ ‘No, she does* *

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Adverbs of frequency

1 Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs of

frequency in the correct place.

Matthew uses a dictionary in class, (sometimes)

Matthew sometimes uses a dictionary in class._

1 You listen to the teacher in class, (always)

2 My parents speak French at home, (often)

3 Maya walks to school, (usually)

■4 He watches TV in the afternoon, (never)

5 They eat Spanish food, (sometimes)

Object pronouns

2 Correct the sentences.

This is a good book. I like [them]. /

This is a good book. I like it.__

1 I'm on the bus. Mustafa is next to [my], /

2 My mum likes grapes. She often eats Qt|. /

3 It’s your birthday. I’ve got a cake for|your|. /

4 Maria is unfriendly. I don't like [them]./

5 Our teacher is nice. She often talks to [we]. /

Present simple: question forms

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with do, does,

don’t or doesn't.

Rob Does Emily understand Russian?

Sue Yes, she doe_s__.

1 Ann _you study German?

Zac Yes, I_

2 Mike _our teacher speak French?

Lynn No, she-

3 Joe _we have a lot of homework?

Sarah No, we-

4 Meg _they practise at home?

Paul Yes, they-

5 Mark Where_you study at home?

Elsa In my room.


4 Look at the table and write questions and

short answers using the correct form of the

present simple.

Damian | Marta and Joanna |

/ /

f>jr / /

© / /

i® / /

Damian / use / a dictionary?

Does Damian use a dictionaryP_

No. he doesn’t._

1 Marta and Joanna/usea dictionary?

2 Damian/listen to/English music?

3 Marta and Joanna / listen to / English music?

4 Damian/watch/DVDs in English?

5 Marta and Joanna / read / English magazines?

5 Complete the mini-dialogues using the correct

form of the present simple.

Sam When does Emily cook ?

Amy Emily cooks in the evening.

1 Liz Where_?

Dave Nathan lives in Manchester.

2 Ian What books-?

Bill Ann and Susie read Harry Potter books.

3 Rick What time_?

Dora I watch TV at six o’clock.

4 Kay Where_basketball?

Gary Ibrahim plays basketball at the

sports centre.

5 Jeff When_— ?

Ivy I listen to music in the morning.

Language focus practice • 69

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1 am swimming. 1 am not swimming.

You are eating. You are not eating.

He is camping. He is not camping.

She is cycling. She is not cycling.

It is running. It is not running.

We are sunbathing. We are not sunbathing.

You are shopping. You are not shopping.

They are walking. They are not walking.

We make the present continuous with be (am, is,

are) and the -ing form of the verb.

I am reading.

You are not listening to music.

We often use the short forms.

He is cooking. -> He's cooking.

We are studying. -> We're studying.

I am not camping. -> I'm not camping.

She is not sunbathing. -> She isn't sunbathing.

Spelling rules for -ing forms

a We add -ing to most verbs.

visit -> visiting fly -> flying

watch -> watching eat -> eating

b When a verb ends in e, we leave out the e and

add -ing.

practise -> practising make -> making

Affirmative Negative

- Affirmative Nega-

Am I playing? Yes, lam.

Are you

playing? Yes, you are. Nc.

Is he playing? Yes, he is.

Is she playing? Yes, she is.

Is it playing? Yes, it is.

Are we playing? Yes, we are.

Are you

playing? Yes, you are. No. you amM

No. :*■?> Are they

playing? Yes, they are.

Where are they playing?

They’re playing on the beach.

In questions we change the order of the .vzr*

He is swimming in the sea.

Is he swimming in the sea?

They are visiting the museum.

Are they visiting the museum?

We make the short answers with the a~ - —

or negative form of be.

‘Are you working?' 'Yes, I am.’

‘Is she cooking?’ ‘No, she isn't.’

70 ■ Language focus reference

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►*sent continuous: affirmative and


Write the -ing form of the verbs.

/.ear wearing_

1 visit -

2 revise -

3 stop -

4 sing -

5 practise -

6 go -

7 sit -

3 ask -

9 close -

X)open -

Complete the sentences using the present

continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

.(play) football.

_(swim) at

;a isn’t here. He's playjnfl—

• Monika and Andrea-

the sports centre.

2 We_(not listen) to the radio.

3 i_(watch) an interesting film.

i The dog is unhappy. It-(not eat)

its food.

5 You-

6 Anya.

7 I_

. (use) my new phone!

_(do) her homework.

_(not shop) at the

supermarket. It’s very busy today.

*-esent continuous: questions

1 Write questions and short answers using the

correct form of the present continuous.

you / work / on the computer? /

Are you working on the computer?_

Y&s. I am.____

1 your dad/drive/here?/

: we / walk / to school? /

3 Clara / play / in the park? /

4 the children / make / sweets? /

5 you / take / my photo? /

6 your mum/work? /

Order the words to make questions,

going / now / where /you / are / ?

Where are you going nowP-

1 David/eating/what/is/?

2 watching/what/they/TV/are/on/?

3 is/shopping/Lily/where/?

4 you/how/feeling/today/are/?

5 walking/we/are/where/?

Complete the email with the present

continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

© is ft a IUD*« • *'■*'<»

i c* ;■ Sr- Mj»t>OM 1 CM Mailbox

Dear Emma

We're having a great time here in France.

i’wi writing . (write) this email to you from the hotel.

It's hot this afternoon and we'- (Sit)

outside. My mum and my sister2- _(read)

magazines, and 1 think my dad3- (sleep) -

he4 _(not move)!

What5_ (you / do) this summer?

6 _ (your cousin / stay) with you?

Write soon.


Language focus practice ■ 71

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Unit 1: Syllables Unlt 2; p|ura, forms

1 !JwTTanyfW? aretHere iP 6aCh 1 •l04 Listen to the words. Which endir

Tsten and ch«k W° C°rreCt^ y°U in each word? *»= words "


( boring

easy 4 ■ terrible



| One syllable Two syllables 1 Three syllables 1

cheap borina

2 • 1.03 Read the words and write them in the

correct list. Then listen and check.

ear actor sport colour invention

animal country song computer

3 Write two new words for each group.

1 one syllable

bag, pen,_

2 two syllables

poster, table,_

correct list.

I rnirrutes



i /s/ 1 /z/or/iz/


2 • 1.05 Practise saying the pairs of words.




4 ( girl ( girls ^

5 house houses

6 village villages

72 ■ Pronunciation bank

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1.06 Listen to the pairs of words. Then

listen and repeat.

Unit 4: Vowel: /A/

Diphthong: /3U/

1 • 1.09 Listen and repeat these words with



nit 3: Vowel: /3/

1.07 Listen to the /o/ sound in these family


1 ||. brother 2 ^grandmother^

3 ( father ) 4 husband

5 daughter 6 cousin

1.07 Listen and repeat the words in

exercise 1.

• 1.08 Listen and underline the /o/ sound in

these countries.

3 ^ summer ^

4 brother

5 country

6 ( hundred )

2 % no Listen and complete the sentences

with words from exercise 1. Then listen and

repeat. Can you say the sentences very fast?

1 My _


2 She.

.travel in

visit her.

in the.

3 • i.il Listen and repeat these words with


1 Brazil


November 2


Great Britain

3 phone



Australia s 1 ge 9

6 c hello J


Pronunciation bank ■ 73

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4 • 1.12 Listen and complete the sentences

with words from exercise 3. Then listen and

repeat. Can you say them very fast?

1 We-to Rome


2 You_say_on

3 • 1.15 Listen to the sentences and choos

the verbs that you hear. Then listen again .


1 He plays/watches football.

2 She studies/practises French.

3 He likes/finishes his school work.


Unit 5: Third person singular

1 1.15 Listen to the sentences. Tick the verb

rm you hear.


like J likes

play plays

finish finishes

listen listens

watch watches

think thinks

use uses

speak speaks

understand understands

Unit 6: Sentence stress and rhythm

1 % 1.16 Listen to the sentences. Notice th

stress on the important words.

1 Where are you travelling?

2 Are you going by train?

3 We're staying in a hotel.

2 % 1.16 Listen again to the sentences in

exercise 1 and repeat.

3 % 1.17 Listen to the sentences. What are

stressed words in each sentence?

1 Where is she going on holiday?

2 She’s visiting her friends.

3 What are you doing in the mountains?

4 We’re swimming in the river.

5 Are you walking to the beach?

6 No, I’m staying in the car.

2 1.14 Listen to the verbs from list B in

exercise 1 and repeat. Which ending do you

hear in each verb? Write the verbs in the

correct list.

/s/ /z/or/iz/

likes _plays_

74 ■ Pronunciation bank

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Phonetic symbols


i happy /3:/ her

i/it /d/ not

i:/ he /a ’J four

'x/ flag lol look

'a:/ art /u:/ you

'd egg hi sugar


ip/ pen /f/ food

ib/ big /v/ very

It/ two /0/ think

id/ dog 16/ then

Ik/ can /s/ speak

yg/ good /zJ zoo

W beach III she

id$/ job izi television

/a/ mum /is/ here

/ei/ day /ea/ wear

/a i / why loo/ tourist

/oil noisy

/a u/ how

/ao / go

/h/ house

/m/ meat

/n/ now

V sing

/l/ late

/r/ radio

/j/ yes

/w/ we

itarter unit

ien (n) /'eilian/

gentina (n) /,a:d3on'ti:n3/

ig(n) /bteg/

cycle (n) /'baisikl/

)ok (n) /buk/

jy (n) /boi/

•azil (n) /bra'zil/

ipital(n) /'ka;pitl/

ir(n) /ka:(r)/

>mputer(n) /kanVpju:ta(r)/

>untries(n) /'kAntriz/

ie Czech Republic (n)

datjek ri'pAbhk/

ermany(n) /'d33:mani/

irl (n) /g3:l/

reat Britain (n) /,greit 'bntn/

Hungary (n) /'hAggari/

invention (n) /in'venjn/

Italy (n) /'itali/

Japan (n) /d^a'psen/

note (n) /naut/

number (n) /'nAmbo(r)/

pen (n) /pen/

phone (n) /faon/

poster (n) /'pousta(r)/

Russia (n) /'taJo/

some (det) /sAm/

student (n) /'stjuidnt/

table (n) /'teibl/

teacher (n) /'ti:tja(r)/

Turkey (n) /'t3:ki/

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actor (n) /'aekt3(r)/

animal (n) /'asniml/

bad (adj) /ba;d/

basketball (n) /'bu:skitbo:l/

blue (adj) /blu:/

boring (adj) /'boirirj/

cheap (adj) /tji:p/

chess (n) /t Jes/

climbing (n) /'klaimirj/

club(n) /klAb/

colour (n) /'kAla(r)/

curry (n) /'kAri/

difficult (adj) /'difikolt/

dog (n) /dng/

easy (adj) /'i:zi/

expensive (adj) /ik'spensiv/

fan (n) /fasn/

fantastic (adj) /ften'ta^stik/

favourite (adj) /'feivarit/

film(n) /film/

film star (n) /'film sta:(r)/

food (n) /fu:d/


76 ■ Wordlist

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rport (n) /'eopoit/

aby(n) /'beibi/

llion (n) /'biljon/

bookshop (n) /'bokj'op/

bus station (n) /bAS 'steijn/

cafe (n) /'kaefei/

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centre (n) /'senta(r)/

chemist's (n) /'kemists/

child (n) /t/aild/

cinema (n) /'sinama/

city(n) /‘siti /

clothes shop (n) /klaodz Jnp/

computer shop (n) /kam'pju:ta(r) Jop/

country (n) /'kAntri/

disco (n) /'diskau/

east (n) /i:st/

family (n) /'fasmali/

famous (adj) /'feimas/

games shop (n) /geimz Jop/

hotel (n) /hoo'tel/

house (n) /haos/

hundred (n) /'hAndrad/

ice hockey (n) /'ais hoki/

ice-skating (n) /'ais skeitirj/

incredible (adj) /in'kredabl/

machine (n) /ma'Jirn/

mall(n) /mad/

man(n) /m<en/

map(n) /marp/

million (n) /'miljan/

museum (n) /mju'ziiam/

newsagent’s (n) /'nju:zeid3ants/

north (n) /na:0/

opposite (prep) /'Dpasit/

park(n) /park/

person (n) /'p3:sn/

pet shop (n) /pet Jop/

population (n) /.popju'leijn/

restaurant (n) /'restront/

shoe shop (n) /Ju: /op/

shop(n) //Dp/

small (adj) /smarl/

south (n) /sauG/

sports shop (n) /sports Jop/

studio (n) /'stjurdiao/

supermarket (n) /'surpamorkit/

thousand (n) /'0aoznd/

tourist office (n) /'tuarist ,ofis/

town (n) /taun/

village (n) /'vilid3/

west (n) /west/

^ People and places j

78 ■ Wordlist

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(clothes shop)

(chemist newsagent's

(pet shop com

. __


Init 3

the back (prep) /aot do btek/

the front (prep) /ait do fr<\nt/

nt(n) /a: n l /

droom (n) /'bedrom/

)g (n) /blog/

other (n) /'brAdo(r)/

usin(n) I'kw.nl

rk(adj) /du:k/

ughter(n) /'do:to(r)/

ery (det) /'evri/

es(n) /aiz/

r (adj) /feo(r)/

:her (n) /'fu:do(r)/

itival (n) /'festivl/

nstar(n) /'film stu:(r)/

end (n) /frend/

endly(adj) /'frendli/

df (n) /gnlf/

iod-looking (adj) /,gud 'lokig/

granddaughter (n) /'grcendo:to(r)/

grandfather (n) /'gra-nfardofr)/

grandmother (n) /'granmAdo(r)/

grandson (n) /'gransAn/

hair(n) /heo(r)/

horrible (adj) /'hnrobl/

husband (n) /'hAzbond/

identical (adj) /ai'dentikl/

in the middle (prep) /indo'midi/

mother (n) /'mAdo(r)/

nephew (n) /'nefju:/

nice (adj) /nais/

niece (n) /ni:s/

old (adj) /ooid/

on the left (prep) /on do left/

on the right (prep) Aondorait/

room (n) /rum/

short (adj) /Jb:t/

singer (n) /'sigo(r)/

Wordlist ■ 79

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Describing people


sister (n) /' sista(r)/

son (n) /SAn/

song(n) /sDr)/

street (n) /strixt/

tall (adj) /toil/

this evening (adv) /dis 'iivmr)/

thisyear(adv) /disj3:(r)/

today (adv) /to'dei/

tree (n) /tri:/

tweet (v) /twi:t/

twins (n) /twinz/

uncle (n) /‘Agkl/

unfriendly (adj) /An'frendli/

wife (n) /waif/

young (adj) /jArj/

Describing photos at the back

at the front

Unit 4

April (n) /'eiprol/

August (n) /oi'gAst/

autumn (n) /'oitam/

ball (n) /boil/

band practice (n) /bsend ‘praektis/

birthday (n) /'baiBdei/

boat (n) /baot/

carnival (n) /'kumivl/

carol (n) /'ksrol/

celebrate (v) /'selibreit/

celebration (n) /.seli'breij'n/

Christmas (n) /'krismos/

close (v) /ktauz/

competition (n) /.kompa'tijn/

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Unit 6

Holiday activities



mm ^ ,

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English Plus Options

Extra listening and speaking

Unitl baseball club (n) /'beisborl klAb/

basketball club (n)

/'barskitborl kUb/

film club (n) /film klAb/

music club (n) /'mjurzik kUb/

photo club (n) /'foutoo kUb/

Unit 2 clothes shop (n) /kloodzjop/

How much? (det) /haumAtJV

pence(n) /pens/

pound (n) /paond/

shop assistant (n)

/'Jbp o,sistont/

souvenir shop (n) /,survo’mo(r)


sports shop (n) /sports Jbp/

supermarket (n)


Unit 3 borrow (v) /'borou/

calendar (n) /'kadindo(r)/

desk (n) /desk/

dictionary (n) /'dikjbnri/

drawer (n) /'droro(r)/

glue stick (n) /glu: stik/

ruler (n) /'rudo(r)/

scissors (n) /'sizaz/

Sellotape(n) /'seloteip/

Unit 4 eighth (det) /eit0/

exam (n) /ig'ztem/

fifth (det) /fif0/

final (adj) /'fainl/

first (det) /f3:st/

fourth (det) /fo:0/

match (n) /rmetJV

ninth (det) /nain0/

second (det) /‘sekond/

seventh (det) /'sevn0/

sixth (det) /siks0/

tenth (det) /ten0/

third (det) /03 rd/

Unit 5 afternoon (n) /,a:fta'nu:n/

board (n) /bo:d/

message (n) /'mesid3/

morning (n) /'mornig/

school hall (n) /sku:l had/

timetable (n) /'taimteibl/

Unit 6 platform (n) /'platform/

return (n) /ri't3:n/

single (n) /'siijgl/

ticket (n) /'tikit/


Unitl camera (n) /‘ktemara/

cost (n) /kost/

instructor (n) /in'strAkta(r)/

member (n) /'memba(r)/

youth centre (n) /ju:0 'senta(r)/

Unit 2 beautiful (adj) /'bjurtifl/

cricket (n) /'krikit/

film director (n) /film


hometown (n) /'haomtaun/

inhabitant (n) /in'hiebitant/

island (n) /'ailand/

rugby (n) /'rAgbi/

sailing (n) /'seilig/

traditional (adj) /tra'dijanl/

Unit 3 family tree (n) /.ftemali 'tri:/

guitar (n) /gi'tadr)/

married (adj) /'maerid/

pop star (n) /pop sta:(r)/

tail (n) /teil/

Unit 4 bonfire (n) /'bonfaia(r)/

fair (adj) /fea(r)/

fireworks (n) /'faiaw3:ks/

hold hands (v) /haold h$ndz/

pancake (n) /'ptenkeik/

school holidays (n) /skud


school year (n) /skud j3:(r)/

special (adj) /'spefl/

Unit 5 canoeing (n) /ka'nuur)/

history (n) /'histri/

location (n) /bu'keijn/

modern (adj) /'modn/

optional (adj) /'npjonl/

similarity (n) /.sims'Iiersti/

sports facilities (n)

/sports fo'silotiz/

sports field (n) /sports firld/

vote (n) /voot/

web page (n) /web peid3/

Unit 6 ancient (adj) /'einjont/

circle (n) /'S3:kl/

outdoor (adj) /'aotdor(r)/

paragliding (n) /’preroglaidir)/

pie (n) /pai/

region (n) /'ri:d3on/

resort (n) /ri'zort/

stadium (n) /'steidiom/

view (n) /vjur/

white-water rafting (n)

/wait 'worto(r) 'rarftig/

84 ■ Wordlist

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Curriculum extra

Jnit 2 esert(n) /'dezot/

orest (n) /'fDrist/

ake (n) /leik/

nountain(n) /'maonton/

lorth-east (n) /,no:0'i:st/

lorth-west (n) /,na:0'west/

ilain(n) /plein/

iver (n) /'riva(r)/

outh-east(n) /,sau0'i:st/

outh-west (n) /,sao0 'west/

Jnit 4 lassical (adj) /'kkcsikl/

Irums(n) /drAmz/

rlectric guitar (n) /I'lektnk


lute (n) /flu:t/

ieavy(adj) /'hevi /

azz (n) l&yxzl

:eyboard(n) /'ki:bo:d/

musician (n) /mju'zijn/

)iano(n) /pi'eenau/

)op (n) /pop/

elaxing (adj) /ri' laaksirj/

;axophone(n) /' saiksafsun/

dolin(n) /.vaio'lin/

vocals (n) /'vooklz

Unit 6 bar chart (n) /'ba: t|a:t/

frequency table (n) /'friikwonsi


hiking (n) /‘haikir)/

sightseeing (n) /'saitsing/

survey (n) /'s3ivei/

tally marks (n) /'taeli mu:ks/

tally table (n) /'taeli 'teibl/


Unit 1 judo(n) /'djuidau/

meeting (n) /'miitir)/

movement (n) /'muivmont/

scout (n) /skaot/

summer camp (n) /'saitio


youth group (n) /ju:0gru:p/

Unit 3 dan (n) /klam/

design (n) /di'zain/

tartan (n) /'tu:tn/

typical (adj) /'tipikl/

Unit 5 canteen (n) /ka;n'ti:n/

class tutor (n) /klu:s't ju:lo(r)/

drama (n) /'drcuma/

graphic design (n) /'grad'ik

di'zain /

media studies (n) /'mi:dio


normally (adv) /'noimoli/

personal, health and social

education (n)

/'paisonl helOiend 'sauj'l ed3u'kcijn/

sandwich (n) /'samwid.V

uniform (n) /'ju:nifo:m/

Wordlist ■ 85

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Starter Unit

Greeting people

How are you?

Fine, thanks.

This is my friend ...

See you later.


Asking questions about people

What’s your name?

Where are you from?

How old are you?


Asking for information


Can you repeat that, please?

Great, thanks.

What’s your phone number?

Welcome to the club!

Giving and asking for information

I like music.

I also like (films and football).

I’m a (Newcastle United) fan.

Are you interested in (music)?

Please write soon.

Unit 2

Large numbers

one hundred and ninety-six

two hundred and sixty-seven

a thousand

a million

Asking for information about places in a town

Excuse me.

Is there a (bank) near here?

Thanks very much.

You’re welcome.

Writing about a town

(Quebec) is 275 km from (Montreal).

(Montreal) is in the east of (Canada).

There are some nice buildings.

We like (Bonsecours Market).

Unit 3

Describing people That’s a nice photo.

Which one is (Vicky)?

She’s the girl with (fair) hair.

She looks nice.

Describing position

at the back

at the front

on the left

on the right

in the middle

Unit 4


on my birthday

on New Year’s Eve

at Christmas

at Carnival time

at Easter


OK. Why not!

But I don’t (play an instrument).

Why don't you come along?

That doesn’t matter.

Why not come and (dance)?

Unit 5

Classroom language Can you speak (German)?

How do you say ‘read’ in (German)?

Sorry, can you say that again?

How do you pronounce it?

Can you spell that for me, please?

Writing a language report

His / Her native language is (Turkish).

He / She does two hours of homework.

He / She thinks that his / her English is OK.

He / She wants to improve his / her (listening).

86 ■ Expression bank

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it 6


i travelling by bus.

; travelling on foot,

re going by train,

hanging news

(Sally) here.

you having a good time in (Portugal)?

at are you doing?

it sounds fun.

t me later.

king about a holiday place

w are things?

’re in a place called (Rimini),

very hot here.

efer to go there (in the evening).

Expression bank ■ 87
