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P ÝãÊÙ St. Clement P ÙÊ «® ½ V® Ù Catholic ... · Fr. Rafael Martos Msgr. Cesar Pe lla...

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St. Clement Catholic Church PÝãÊÙ: Fr. Thomas J. Anastasia PÙÊ«®½ V®Ù: Fr. Rafael Martos Msgr. Cesar PeƟlla MASS SCHEDULE/ HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Vigil Mass/Misa Vigilia: 4:00pm in English Sunday Masses/Misas del Domingo: 7:00am and 10:30am in English 8:15am y 6:00pm en Español Morning Prayer/Oración por la mañana: Monday - Friday 7:30am (Chapel) Lunes - Viernes a las 7:30am (Capilla) Daily Masses/Misa diaria: 8:00am (Mon.- Fri. / lunes-viernes) 6:30pm - Todos los Miércoles en Español First Saturday Mass/ Primer Sábado del mes: 9:00am followed by AdoraƟon 9:30am-2:00pm/ Misa a las 9:00am seguida por Adoración de 9:30am-2:00pm Holy Day Masses/Misas de Día Santo: Please call parish oce for schedule/ Favor de llamar a la ocina para el horario Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon/ Sacramento de Reconciliación: 2:45pm - 3:30pm Saturday/Sábado Rosary/Rosario: 5:30pm Wednesday evening/ Miércoles por la tarde Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena/ Novena a Nuestra Madre de Perpetuo: Every Wednesday at 6:00pm/ Cada miércoles a las 6:00pm Novena of Sacred Heart of Jesus/ Novena al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Following 8:00am Mass every Friday/ Después de la Misa de 8am cada viernes 1104 North Alexander Street Plant City, Florida 33563 Phone: (813) 752-8251 Fax: (813) 759-2721 The Ascension of the Lord (La Ascensión del Señor) May 20, 2012 www.stclementpc.org [email protected]

St. Clement Catholic Church

P : Fr. Thomas J. Anastasia

P V : Fr. Rafael Martos

Msgr. Cesar Pe lla


Saturday Vigil Mass/Misa Vigilia:

4:00pm in English

Sunday Masses/Misas del Domingo: 7:00am and 10:30am in English

8:15am y 6:00pm en Español

Morning Prayer/Oración por la mañana:

Monday - Friday 7:30am (Chapel) Lunes - Viernes a las 7:30am (Capilla)

Daily Masses/Misa diaria:

8:00am (Mon.- Fri. / lunes-viernes) 6:30pm - Todos los Miércoles en Español

First Saturday Mass/ Primer Sábado del mes:

9:00am followed by Adora on 9:30am-2:00pm/

Misa a las 9:00am seguida por Adoración de 9:30am-2:00pm

Holy Day Masses/Misas de Día Santo: Please call parish office for schedule/

Favor de llamar a la oficina para el horario

Sacrament of Reconcilia on/ Sacramento de Reconciliación:

2:45pm - 3:30pm Saturday/Sábado

Rosary/Rosario: 5:30pm Wednesday evening/

Miércoles por la tarde Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena/ Novena a Nuestra Madre de Perpetuo:

Every Wednesday at 6:00pm/ Cada miércoles a las 6:00pm

Novena of Sacred Heart of Jesus/

Novena al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Following 8:00am Mass every Friday/

Después de la Misa de 8am cada viernes

1104 North Alexander Street Plant City, Florida 33563 Phone: (813) 752-8251

Fax: (813) 759-2721

The Ascension of the Lord (La Ascensión del Señor)

May 20, 2012

www.stclementpc.org [email protected]


Dear Friends in Christ,

As part of our Centennial Year Celebra ons I have asked previous pas-tors to come and preside and preach at a liturgy at their convenience. I was very happy to receive a phone call last week, just before leaving for my Mission Coop preaching assignment in Hernando County, from Fr. Tom Spille regarding his availability to come and celebrate mass here. Consequently he is here this weekend at the vigil mass on Saturday evening. Sorry for the short no ce. Hopefully you were here last weekend and heard the announcement of his arri-val from the pre-mass pulpit announcements.

Our celebra on of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord is enhanced this weekend by the presence of Fr. Spille as we look forward to Pentecost. Next weekend you are invited to wear red as the vestment color for this great Feast of the Holy Spirit is red. The extra smells & bells liturgy will be at 10:30am next weekend with a ceremonial procession of the gospel book, the general in-tercessions in eight different languages and various other surprises. This will undoubtedly take a bit longer than your normal Sunday 10:30am Mass but there’s nothing normal about the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. I have even invited the clergy of the parish to join me for pre-mass medita on in the monas c tradi on at 10:15am so you might want to get here early if possible.

Next weekend will also be the first weekend of our summer seminarian Bob Angel. Bob is a graduate of the University of Florida. A er comple ng his undergraduate studies in Gainesville he then went to the Fire Academy and was subsequently hired by the Tampa Fire Dept. A er about a year with the TFDP he entered Miami’s St. John Vianney College Seminary for a two year pre-theology program. He is currently between his first and second year of theological stud-ies at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach. I shared with the Edge group a couple of weeks ago that Bob spent last summer on a mission trip in Africa. During his 10 week summer assignment with us I am certain that he will get the opportunity to share more of himself and thus be an inspira on to us all.

In two weeks the graduates will be receiving a special blessing but you will hear more about that in next week’s bulle n column.

Peace in Christ, Fr. Tom J. Anastasia, Pastor

Scripture and Reading . . .

Week of May 21, 2012

Monday St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33

Tuesday St. Rita of Cascia Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a

Wednesday Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19

Thursday Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26

Friday St. Bede the Venerable; St. Gregory VII; St. Mary Magda-lene de’Pazzi Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19

Saturday St. Philip Neri; Vigil of Pentecost Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25

Sunday Seventh Sunday of Easter Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15

New Parishioners...

We welcome new parishioners and winter visitors. St. Clement Parish believes in Stewardship - the giving to God, a share of our

Time, Talent and Treasure. Please register at the office when you

first come to the Parish. You may also register online by going to www.stclementpc.org

Welcome Home! Page 2


The theological unity, or perhaps even the temporal experience of the early community, made it seem that Jesus’ resurrec on and his ascension were inseparable aspects of a single mystery. Only in the later wri ngs of Luke and John has further theological reflec on helped the Chris an community to dis n-guish different dimensions of the mystery. Liturgical tradi on has followed the forty-day chronology formulated by Luke. We would miss the point, however, if we were to demand a precise historical chronology of events such as the Resur-rec on-Ascension that are primarily spiritual in nature and that clearly surpass the bounds of me and space as we know them.

What is important for us to grasp is the significance of the Ascension. For Luke, it is the decisive turning point that marks the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry and the beginning of the disciples’ Spirit-led ministry and thus the ministry of the whole church down to our own day. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Pray For . . .

Pray the Rosary daily, for Voca ons to the Priesthood, and

for the Sick of our Parish, especially for:

Sco Vaughan, Ginger Fortner

Joe Moore, Tom Gill, Fred Franceschini, Alberto Gomez

Carol Hetrick, Connie Hetrick Carmen San ago

Barbara Caccamisi Frank S llatano, Sr.,

Harriet S. Arciom, Juan de Dios Olaez, Jill Nicholson Danille Cro , Kathy

Cecile Jacques, Walter Stevens, Jan Jones, David Co er,

Rita, Rogers Fisher, Juana Hernandez

Allison, Frances Sardo Gary Buie, Kris ne Dorsey

Christopher Luke Steve & Fran Carraggi

Dick Pitman Mary Jo & Robert Todd

Liz Bradley, Laura Vazquez Mary Kay Fullenkamp, David

Sharlene Callahan Tony & Gayle Iacovino

Isidro Olaez, Miriam Lemos

Pray for the Repose of the Souls of:

Maria de la Luz Garcia Laurie Madonia

Joseph Bules

Please pray for the safe return of all the brave men and women serving our country, especially the parish-ioners of St. Clement, for those who have died for their country in me of war. If you would like to add a name to the Prayer list, please call the par-ish office at 752-8251 or email to:

[email protected]

Page 3


Mon., May 21 8:00am †Albert Parr by Jean Parr Tues., May 22 8:00am †Ed Wintermantel by Hilda Herold

Wed., May 23 8:00am Voca ons

6:30pm †Jose Rodriguez por Lucy Velez (Misa en Español)

Thu., May 24 8:00am Bryson Sluga by Mike Sluga Fri., May 25 8:00am †Michael Mallick by Mary Ann Guice

Sat., May 26 4:00pm †Barbara Harvey by Marge Washbon Fr. Tom Sun., May 27 7:00am †Nela Shonkwiler by Mr. & Mrs. Shonkwiler Fr. Cesar

8:15am †Pedro, Salvador, y Herminia Mandujano

Fr. Rafael (Misa en Español)

10:30am Members of the Parish Fr. Tom

6:00pm †Guillermo & Francisca Ortega por su familia Msgr. Diaz (Misa en Español)

Your Help is Greatly Appreciated! / ¡Su ayuda es muy agradecida!


Total offertory (Loose & Envelopes) 10,697.02

Children’s Offertory / Ofrenda de los niños 11.00

Candles/Velas 49.56

My Brother’s Keeper/El Guardián de mi Hermano 189.00

Special Collec on(s)/ Colectas Especiales: Debt Reduc on Renova on Fund

Land/Building Fund Mother’s Day

Direct Debits (5/6/12) Credit Card Debits (5/5/12)


5.00 478.00 952.00 510.00 240.00

TOTAL FOR May 13th 13,360.58

Average weekly expenses for May 11,933.00

BINGO FOR May 9TH 1,118.40

2012 APA Update



Total Pledge $93,723.07

Total Paid $59,543.67

# of pledges




If so, the Centennial Commi ee would like to speak with long me parishioners to share their memo-ries of the Li le Brick Church on Baker and Thomas Streets. Please call Carol Rodriguez (813) 727-5214 or Mary Ann Fontaine (813) 717-3294.



If you are thirsty for learning more about your faith,

thirsty for growing spiritually, thirsty for community,

then join your brothers and sisters every Sunday morning from

9:00-10:15am in the St. Igna us portable, for reflec on,

prayer and study. Contact:

Judy Zink at 813-716-7674



The Mul cultural and Racial Appre-cia on Ministry is planning an All Ministry Opening Procession for the Pentecost liturgy at 10:30 AM on Sunday, May 27, 2012. We are asking for one representa ve from each of the ministries at St Clement to par cipate. Prac ce for this pro-cession will be on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 7:15 in the church.

Please contact Deacon Neil or Cris Legner by May 15th at

(312) 622-3977.

Page 4


GRADUATION MASS Sunday, June 3, 2012

8:15am Spanish & 10:30am English


Every Tuesday from 6:30pm to 7:00pm a group from the parish will be praying the Rosary of the Unborn in the Chapel an anyone interested is invited to join us. We are using the rosary that is said daily from Holy Love Ministries. Booklets will be available that accompanies this rosary if you would like one. Those who already have a booklet, please bring it with you.

Mary As the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary has a unique posi-

on among the saints, indeed, among all creatures. She is exalted, yet s ll one of us "Redeemed by reason of the merits of her Son and united to Him by a close and indissol-uble e, she is endowed with the high office and dignity of being the Mother of the Son of God, by which account she is also the beloved daughter of the Father and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Because of this gi of sublime grace she far surpasses all creatures, both in heaven and on earth. At the same me, however, because she belongs to the off-spring of Adam she is one with all those who are to be saved."

Mary embraces God's will and freely chooses to cooperate with God's grace, thereby fulfilling a crucial role in God's plan of salva on. Throughout the cen-turies, the Church has turned to the Blessed Virgin in order to come closer to Christ. Many forms of piety toward the Mother of God developed that help bring us closer to her Son. In these devo ons to Mary, "while the Mother is honored, the Son, through whom all things have their being and in whom it has pleased the Father that all fullness should dwell, is rightly known, loved and glorified and . . . all His commands are observed." The Church honors her as the Mother of God, looks to her as a model of perfect discipleship, and asks for her prayers to God on our behalf.

PARISH ROSARY IN HONOR OF MARY Thursday, May 24th at 7:00pm in Cronin Hall

You are cordially invited to join your brothers and sisters in Christ to pray the rosary this Thursday, May 24th at 7p.m. in honor of our Blessed Mother Mary, in Cronin Hall, sanctuary side.

A er the rosary, there will be me for refreshments in Cronin Hall. We ask par cipants to bring a dessert for sharing with others. Coffee and punch will be provided. We also ask par cipants to bring flowers to honor our Holy Mother.


The Centennial Fund, a dona on of $100, has been established to preserve our beau ful church. Those contribu ng to this Fund are en tled to a commemora ve brick which will be placed on our church grounds. These engraved bricks can recog-nize a person, family, organiza on, commemorate a loved one or a special occasion. If you are inter-ested in contribu ng to the Centennial Fund, please complete the informa on below. If you have any ques ons, call Mary Ann Fontaine at (813) 717-3294 or Carol Rodriguez at (813) 727-5214.

Brick Informa on

• Up to three lines of text - Print all capital le ers • Use a different order for each $100 dona on • Fi een le ers/spaces per line maximum

(punctua on and spaces account for one character each)




Telephone Number:_________________________

E Mail:____________________________________


Any of the below graphics can be added to your brick paver but it will require two spaces.



To have a child bap zed at St. Clement, parents are expected to be registered, ac ve par ci-pants in their worshipping community of faith by regular a endance at Sunday Mass. Parents who wish to have their child bap zed are asked to pre-register for the Orienta on and prepara on classes.

To sign up for the Orienta on class, please call Erin at the parish office at (813) 752-8251

Orienta on Class

7pm-Parish Office

Prepara on Classes

7pm-Parish Office

Bap sm Dates


June 6 June 13 June 24

June 27 July 11 July 22

August 1 August 8 August 26

September 5 September 12 September 23

October 3 October 10 October 28

October 31 November 7 November 18

November 28 December 5 December 16

Order forms are available in the church or the parish office ORDER FORM WITH PAYMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED


#1 #2 #3 #4 #5

#1 In front of main church doors

#2 Sidewalk between rose garden

Business Spotlight

Please patronize our bulletin advertisers!

Keep up to date via our website: www.youth.stclementpc.org

5/23/12 God Save the Queen

5/30/12 My Brother's Keeper

A program for High School Teens

May 23- Splash Party *********

To keep up to date with the summer activities, please email Joyce McFaul at: [email protected]

A program for middle school teens

EDGE: Joyce McFaul [email protected]

LIFETEEN: Kim Horwedel [email protected]

For more information, contact:

All youth, grades

6th - High School are invited to

join us every

Wednesday @ 6:30pm

YOUTH MASS Sunday, June 10th

AT 10:30AM


St Clement Early Childhood Center is for families seeking a Catholic, NAC accredited early childhood program for their 3 or 4 years olds. St Clement Early Childhood Center

has also been awarded 5 STARS from Hillsborough County represen ng the Highest Quality Program available.

For more informa on and/or to schedule a tour of the school, please call Maureen Ringley at (813) 754-1237 or (813) 478-1185.

• FREE VPK is offered to all EC4 children.

• Space is limited and registra on is on a first come

first serve basis.

Applica ons are available in the church office.

Special thank you to our Catechists and Assistants and all who have volun-teered in helping Faith Formation run smoothly. Our parishes would not be able

to do all we do without you. Page 6

Ask for parishioner discount

PAT ALMERICO, D.D.S. Serving Plant City for over 20 years

At Woodside Dental



704 N. Alexander St., Plant City, FL 33563


Queridos amigos en Cristo,

Como parte de nuestra celebración del centenario, he pedido a varios sacerdotes a venir y presidir la liturgia a una hora conveniente para ellos. Estoy feliz porque la semana pasada recibí una llamada, justo antes de irme para mi asignación de predicar para la “Mission Coop” en el Condado de Hernando, del Padre Tom Spillet diciéndome que podía venir y celebrar una misa aquí. Si estu-vieron este úl mo fin de semana aquí, habrán oído el anuncio de su llegada.

La celebración de la Fiesta de la Ascensión del Señor se incrementa con la presencia del Padre Spillet a la vez que esperamos la fiesta de Pentecostés. El próximo fin de semana están invitados a que se pongan algo rojo, ya que es el color para la gran fiesta del Espíritu Santo. La liturgia de los efectos especiales será a las 10:30am, la próxima semana, con una procesión con el libro del Evan-gelio, las intercesiones generales en ocho diferentes lenguas y varias sorpresas más. Posiblemente tomará un poco mas de empo que su misa normal de las 10:30am, pero no hay nada normal en la venida del Espíritu Santo en Pentecos-tés. He invitado al clero de la parroquia a unirse a mí en la meditación antes de la Misa según la tradición monás ca, a las 10:15am, así que quizá quieran llegar un poco más pronto.

El próximo fin de semana estará con nosotros nuestro seminarista del verano, Bob Ángel. Bob es un graduado de la Universidad de la Florida. Después de terminar sus estudios en Gainsville fue a la Academia de Bomberos y trabajo para el Departamento de Bomberos de Tampa. Después de un año, más o me-nos, entro en el Seminario de St. John Vianney en Miami y estuvo dos años en un programa de pre-teología. Ahora mismo esta entre el primero y segundo año de estudios teológicos en el Seminario de St. Vicente de Paul en Boynton Beach. Comenté con el grupo “Edge”, hace un par de semanas, que Bob paso el verano pasado en una misión en África. Durante las diez semanas que pasará con noso-tros, estoy seguro de que tendrá la oportunidad de compar r más de si mismo y de ser una inspiración para todos nosotros.

En dos semanas los graduados recibirán una bendición especial pera oi-rán mas sobre esto en el próximo bole n.

La Paz en Cristo, Padre Tom J. Anastasia, Párroco

Escritura y Lectura . . .

Semana de 21 de mayo, 2012

Lunes San Cristóbal Magallanes y compañeros Hch 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33

Martes Santa Rita de Casia Hch 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a

Miércoles Hch 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19

Jueves Hch 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26

Viernes San Beda el Venerable; San Gregorio VII; Santa María Magdalena de Pazzi Hch 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19

Sábado Hch 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25

Domingo Sép mo Domingo de Pascua Vigilia: Gén 11:1-9 o Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b o Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Sal 104 (103); Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Día: Hch 2:1-11; Sal 104 (103); 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 o Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 o Jn 15: 26-27; 16:12-15

Nuevos Feligreses . . .

Le damos la bienvenida a los nuevos feligreses y a los visitantes de invierno. La Parroquia de San

Clemente cree en el Servicio - El darle a Dios parte de nuestro

Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro. Invita-mos a los nuevos feligreses y

visitantes de invierno a que se re-gistren en nuestra parroquia.

¡Bienvenidos a Casa! Page 7

NUESTRO MINISTERIO EN LA IGLESIA Es un punto aparentemente insignificante, pero importante a tener en cuenta al reflexionar sobre el ministerio durante estos días previos a la venida del Espíritu Santo: percatarse de que el lugar de Judas entre los apóstoles fue llenado a causa de su traición, no de su muerte. Él había sido, según las palabras de Pedro: “llamado a desempeñar con nosotros este ministerio”. Entonces es la traición de la misión y no simplemente la muerte lo que deja un vacío en la estructura de la misión de la Iglesia. Nos olvidamos de que en la mente de los otros apóstoles, Judas habría sido contado entre los doce que estuvieron presentes cuando Jesús rezó la plegaria que escuchamos hoy: que al ser enviados al mundo fueran san ficados en la verdad. Es di cil para nosotros comprender que Jesús se arrodillara para lavarle los pies a Judas. Estas son lecciones podero-sas e importantes que nosotros debemos recordar y tener en nuestro corazón al reflexionar sobre el lugar de nuestro ministerio par cular en la Iglesia y el mun-do, si nos mantenemos fieles a ese ministerio, consagrados a la verdad. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Servicios Sociales…


El Consulado de México ofrecerá

sus servicios en Tampa quincenalmente con un horario de atención al

publicó de 10:00am - 2:00pm. Haga cita para tramites de

pasaporte y/o matricula consu-lar en el servicio de MEXITEL al


En la siguiente dirección: University Área Community

Development Corpora on, Inc. 14013 North 22nd Street •Tampa, FL




de 2:00pm - 5:00pm en la oficina de alado de salón social. Para más información,

favor de llamar a Jose Fernandez al (813) 631-4397.



Ayuda con comida todos los viernes de 9:00am-12:00pm

Favor de traer iden ficación de cada miembro del hogar.

Page 8


El Ministerio Mul cultural y Racial esta planeando una procesión para la Misa de las 10:30am Domingo de Pentecostés, 27 de mayo, 2012. Estamos pidiendo a un representa de cada ministerio que par cipe. La prac ca para la procesión tendrá lugar el miércoles, 23 de mayo a las 7:15am en la Iglesia.

Por favor póngase en contacto con el Diacono Neil o Cris Legner antes del 15 de mayo a [email protected] o por teléfono al (312) 622-3977.


Jueves, 24 de mayo a las 7:00pm en el salón social

Están cordialmente invitado a par cipar con nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo a rezar el Rosario el jueves, 24 de mayo a las

7pm en honor a nuestra San sima Madre Ma-ria, en el salón social.

Después del Rosario tendremos refrescos en el salón social. Le pedimos a todos los par cipantes que traigan un postre para compar r. Tendre-mos café y punch. También le pedimos a los par cipantes que le traigan flores para honrar a nuestra Santa Madre.


Si es así, el Comité del Centenario le gustaría hablar con esos feligreses para que compartan sus recuerdos de la Iglesia pequeña de ladrillo de la calles Baker y Thomas. Favor de llamar a Carol Rodríguez al (813) 727-5214 o Mary Ann Fon-taine (813) 717-3294.


Cada martes de 6:30pm-7pm, hay un grupo de la parroquia que se reúne para rezar el Rosario de los no nacidos en la capilla. El Rosario que se reza es el Rosa-rio de “Holy Love Ministries”. Todos están invitados. El Rosario se rezara en Ingles.


Un Agradecimiento especial a nuestros Catequistas y Ayudan-tes y a todos los voluntarios que han ayudado para que la ca-tequesis funcione sin problemas. Nuestras parroquias no po-dría cumplir con su misión sin la ayuda de todos ustedes.

Todos los Jóvenes de

8 grado a High School están invitados a convivir con

nosotros cada Viernes a las

7pm en el Salón Social.

www.youth.stclementpc.org / St. Clement Youth Facebook page Page 9

Calendario de Jovenes:

Mayo 25- Stressed Out!


Junio 8

Ensayo de Confirmación

Junio 10 a la 1pm

Misa de Confirmación

For more info contact Myriam Reyna at: [email protected] 813.752.8251 ext. 323

MISA DE JOVENES 2do domingo de cada mes.


Registraciones para los bau zos se aceptan


Favor de presentar los siguientes documentos:

• Acta de Nacimiento del niño • Acta de Matrimonio por la Iglesia de los Padrinos **Personas casadas solo por lo civil o viviendo en

unión libre NO CUALIFICAN para ser padrinos.





Mayo 25, 2012 Junio 2, 2012

Junio 8, 2012 Junio 16, 2012

Junio 29, 2012 Julio 14, 2012

Agosto 3, 2012 Agosto 11, 2012

Agosto 17, 2012 Agosto 25, 2012


A LAS 8:15AM

Se invita a todos los estudiantes que se gradúan de High School

o Universidad este año asistir a esta Misa.

Jóvenes Adultos/Young Adults (Nueva Generación) te invitan todos los

Viernes al las 7:00pm en el Youth Portable atrás de la Iglesia.

Para mas información llame a Roberto Espitia al (813) 323-8581.

Formas para ordenar sus boletos están disponibles en la oficina parroquial o en la entrada de la Iglesia.


Diócesis de St. Petersburg DIA FAMILIAR

Con los



A la 1:40pm (Puertas se abren a

las 11:40am)

Costo por boleto:

Lower Level Outfield - $18.00 Upper Reserve Tickets - $10.00

Únase a su parroquia y a otros miembros de la Diócesis para un día inolvidable en el Tropicana Field para ver a los Rays de Tampa Bay

contra los Orioles de Baltimore. ¡Asientos limitados — compre los de usted ahora!


− Estacionamiento gratis para automóviles con 4 personas o mas − Los niños corren las bases des-

pués del juego − Bobblehead de Desmond Jennings

primeros 10,000 niños de 14 años y menores

St. Clement Ministry Directory D M

PASTORAL CARE/ CUIDADO PASTORAL Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Home Bill Muench ..................... 752-8251 Parish Nurse Janet Maze, RN............. 752-8251 Respite Care Mary Kay Fullenkamp . 707-6449 LITURGICAL LIFE/ VIDA LITURGICA Altar Linen Care Fran Aton ........................ 759-0848 Altar Servers Deacon Neil Legner ...... 412-2250 Edel Stephens-Eng. ....... 754-8528 Blanca Caudillo-Sp. ...... 967-6497 Choirs Piedad Mendoza .......... 335-1908 Extraordinary Ministers of Comm. Bill Parolini ..................... 986-2059 Greeters Claire Schoonover ....... 759-8740 Readers Michaelyn Moscinski ..... 752-9312 Teresa Hernandez-Sp .. 659-2819 Sacristans ......................... 752-8251 Ushers Joe Moore ...................... 368-2701 SPIRITUAL LIFE/ VIDA ESPIRITUAL Apostles of the Blessed Sacrament Elsa Valenzuela ............. 473-3284 Cursillistas Josefina Patiño .............. 478-0558 Heart of Jesus Prayer Group Bill Muench ..................... 752-8251 Juan XXIII Efren Salmeron .............. 486-7620 Marian Movement of Priests Jean Parr ........................ 752-8251 Prayer Chain Jean Smith ...................... 752-8251 Grupo de Oración “Cristo Vive” Hortencia Sanchez ........ 759-9436 St. Elizabeth Prayer Group Lorraine Renaud ............ 707-1004 St. Patrick Bible Study Wendy Hetrick .............. 757-6398 (20 member small community) St. Michael Bible Study Bill Muench ..................... 752-8251

FORMATION/FORMACION Adult Formation Ministry/ RCIA Judy Zink ........................ 659-0956 RICA en Español Cathy Rosales ................ 752-8251 Coming Home Ministry Deacon Neil Legner ..... 659-0956 PARISH LIFE/ VIDA PARROQUIAL Auction & Gala Carol Rodriguez….……727-5214 Mary Ann Fontaine…….717-3294 Bingo Joan Labinski ................. 759-8606 Dialogo Matrimonial (Spanish) Estela Cruz ..................... 719-8526 Elix y Lucy Castro ......... 468-0144 Finance Council.............. Ken Jones email: [email protected] Golf Classic Carol Rodriguez ........... 727-5214 Gardening Mary Ann Fontaine ..... 717-3294 Grupo de Jóvenes Mario y Miriam Reyna. 752-8251 Knights of Columbus Joe Moore ...................... 368-2701 Migrant Ministry Janice Putvin .................. 752-8251 Multicultural Ministry Carmen Sierra ............... 458-1181 My Brother’s Keeper (Food Pantry) Fr. Rafael Martos ......... 752-8251 Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee Chuck Luke ..................... 752-8251 Religious Article Store Judy Zaring ................... 754-3777 Respect Life Mary Ann/Pat Powers-248.224.5686 Sew & Sew’s Marsha Szymanski........ 754-1089 Scholarship Committee Mary Ann Fontaine ....... 717-3294 Carol Rodriguez ........... 727-5214 St. Clement Catholic Women Donna Goldbach .......... 335-4935 Strawberry Shortcake Project Barbara Caccamisi ...... 754-3102 Quinceañera Preparation (Spanish) Angelina Arroyo ........... 541-8456 Teresa Cienfuegos…863-370-7014 Welcome Carol Rodriguez ........... 727-5214

Parish Staff . . .

Fr. Tom Anastasia, Pastor Fr. Rafael Martos, Parochial Vicar

Msgr. Cesar Pe lla, Parochial Vicar

Deacons: Deacon Neil Legner

Deacon Manuel San ago Deacon Kevin Orth

Janet Maze , Parish Nurse [email protected] - ext. 311

Piedad Mendoza , Music Director

[email protected] - ext. 315

Bill Muench, Pastoral Care Coordinator [email protected] - ext. 304

Janice Putvin, Migrant Ministry Coor.

[email protected] - ext. 305

Myriam Reyna, Sp. Youth Group Coor. [email protected] - ext. 323

Maureen Ringley, ECC Director [email protected]

(813) 754-1237

Carol Rodriguez Volunteer Coordinator/Hall rental

[email protected]

Ray Rosado, Maintenance

Cathy Rosales, Faith Forma on Coor. [email protected] - ext. 306

Gary Runkles, Bookkeeper

[email protected] - ext. 318

Judy Smith, Housekeeper

Erin Stone, Parish Secretary [email protected] - ext. 301

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Bulletin # 514027 St. Clement Church 1104 N. Alexander St. Plant City, Fl. 33563 Contact: Erin Stone 813-752-8251 Dell Computer XP Professional Publisher 2003 KM 5530—Kyocera all in one COMMENTS:

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