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P6 sample - JumpStart

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Exercise Page 1 Conditional Sentences (1): If … will … 2 2 Infinitives (1): to-infinitive 5 3 Conjunctions (1): so that, because 8 4 Relative Pronouns 11 5 Phrasal Verbs 14 6 Conditional Sentences (2): If … would … 17 7 Conjunctions (2): before, after, until 20 8 Determiners 23 9 Adverbs (1): either … or …, neither … nor … 26 10 Infinitives (2): bare infinitives 29 11 Passive Voice 32 12 Reported Speech 35 Tenses master 1 38 Prepositions master 1 40 13 Questions and Question Tags 41 14 Prepositions: with, in 44 15 Gerunds 47 16 Adverbs (2): therefore, however, besides, moreover 50 17 Conjunction (3): unless 53 18 Infinitives (3) 56 19 Adverbs of Manner and Degree 59 20 Adjective Suffixes 62 21 Adjective + Preposition 65 22 Reciprocal, Reflexive and Possessive Pronouns 68 23 Modal Verbs 71 24 Tenses 74 Tenses master 2 77 Prepositions master 2 79 Verb table 80 Contents P6 sample

Exercise Page

1 Conditional Sentences (1): If … will … 2

2 Infinitives (1): to-infinitive 5

3 Conjunctions (1): so that, because 8

4 Relative Pronouns 11

5 Phrasal Verbs 14

6 Conditional Sentences (2): If … would … 17

7 Conjunctions (2): before, after, until 20

8 Determiners 23

9 Adverbs (1): either … or …, neither … nor … 26

10 Infinitives (2): bare infinitives 29

11 Passive Voice 32

12 Reported Speech 35

Tenses master 1 38

Prepositions master 1 40

13 Questions and Question Tags 41

14 Prepositions: with, in 44

15 Gerunds 47

16 Adverbs (2): therefore, however, besides, moreover 50

17 Conjunction (3): unless 53

18 Infinitives (3) 56

19 Adverbs of Manner and Degree 59

20 Adjective Suffixes 62

21 Adjective + Preposition 65

22 Reciprocal, Reflexive and Possessive Pronouns 68

23 Modal Verbs 71

24 Tenses 74

Tenses master 2 77

Prepositions master 2 79

Verb table 80



1 Date:

Grammar Walkthrough 文法攻略


Conditional Sentences (1): If … will …

We use the first conditional sentences to talk

about possibilities.



We use the simple present tense for the if-clause to talk about things that are

very likely to happen:

「if子句」 用簡單現在式來帶出很大機會發生的事:

If you leave now, you will arrive at school on time.

We use ‘will’ to talk about what will happen when the things mentioned in the

if-clause actually happen:

當 「if子句」 提及的事真的發生時,用 「will」 來說明將會發生的事:

If you leave now, you will arrive at school on time.

We can also reverse the order of the two clauses:


You will arrive at school on time if you leave now.

If …, … will …



A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words.

1. I (not forgive) her if she (tell) my secrets to


2. If you (eat) too much ice cream, you (get)


3. If you (speak) so softly, no one (hear) you.

4. My parents (be) disappointed if I (fail) my


5. I (give) you more information if you (be)


6. If Emma (be) late again, we (not wait) for her.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words. Add ‘not’ where necessary.

ask become get press rain water wear

answer catch have praise put shut survive

1. If I a firefighter, I out fires.

2. Miss Chan is nice and patient. She your questions if you


3. If you this button, the computer off.

4. Mum me if I full marks in the exam.

5. If it tomorrow, I my football training.

6. You a cold if you enough clothes.

7. The plants if you them.



0-20 21-30 31-40

Power✔ ✔ ✔

be get have lose put slip touch walk want

C. Rewrite the sentences using ‘if’ and the correct tenses.

1. You buy this ticket. You have a chance of winning the lucky draw.

If .

2. I forget to bring my lunchbox. You don’t remind me.

if .

3. Mary lies to her parents. Mary’s parents are angry.

4. You cook the dinner. I wash the dishes.

5. Sam gets his scholarship. Sam does well in his studies.

D. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words. Add ‘not’ where necessary.

Although you might think your home is the safest place in the world,

there are actually many hidden dangers around. If you 1

aware enough, you 2 yourself in dangerous situations.

For example, you 3 a shock if you 4

electrical appliances with wet hands. Also, we should always keep the floor dry.

If the floor is wet and you 5 on it, you 6

your balance and 7 . So if you 8 to get

hurt, you 9 to be very careful.


Tenses master 1


Tenses recap

Aspect Present Past

Simple I do my homework. I did my homework.

Continuous I am doing my homework. I was doing my homework.

Perfect I have done my homework. I had done my homework.

Key item (verb and tense) of this school term: first/second conditional sentences, to-infinitives / bare infinitives, passive voice

1. We use the first conditional sentences to express conditions and the second

conditional sentences to talk about imaginary situations.

If I don’t feel well, I will go to the doctor. / If I were rich, I would buy a boat.

2. To-infinitives are used after verbs like ‘want’ and ‘need’, while bare infinitives are

used after the verbs ‘make’ and ‘let’, verbs of perception (see, watch, hear), many

auxiliary verbs (may, should, must), and the expression ‘would rather’.

I want to be a singer. / He makes me laugh. / I would rather stay home.

3. The passive voice is used when we want to focus on the object affected by the

action, especially when the performer of the action is unknown or unimportant.

The dog chased the cat all day. / The cat was chased all day (by the dog).


A. Fill in the blanks with ‘will’ or ‘would’, and the correct words. Add ‘not’ where necessary.

be late be mad help join punish

1. If we talk in class, Miss Chan us.

2. He at you if you didn’t lie to him.

3. If I were a wizard, I people by using magic.

4. If you don’t get up now, you .

5. Janet us for the picnic if she has too much homework.


Prepositions master 1 Date:


A. Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verbs.

1. Our trip was because of the horrible weather.

2. Please your homework before class tomorrow.

3. Do you know where my keys are? I’m them.

4. Tom building the model plane because it was too hard.

5. Dad always early for work to avoid the traffic.

6. Stop excuses for your irresponsible behaviour!

7. It’s a casual gathering of close friends. You don’t need to like

a princess.

B. Complete the conversation with the correct phrasal verbs.

find out get into look after put on run after

Tim: I 1 a bike accident when I was small.

Felix: How did that happen?

Tim: I was going down a slope. At first, I thought it was exciting, but then

I 2 that the brakes didn’t work. I couldn’t stop

my bike.

Felix: Did you get hurt?

Tim: Unfortunately, yes. My dad 3 me and tried to stop

my bike. He couldn’t because I was going too fast.

Felix: Did you 4 a helmet before getting on that bike?

Tim: No, I didn’t. I hurt my head and was sent to hospital. My parents were

busy with their work, so they took turns 5 me.

Felix: Please don’t ride your bike without a helmet again. It’s dangerous!


2文法知識學習 Q & A

330 星期爆分計劃介紹

530 星期爆分計劃流程建議




30 星期爆分訓練計劃表 6

30 星期爆分訓練 Checklist










編排特定時間完成《JumpStart Grammar


完成《JumpStart Grammar Goal》的練習,掌握基礎知識後,再研習《Power Pack》內「Grammar


完成《Power Pack》的題目,而家長可協助講解答案,並鼓勵子女紀錄完成練習的日期。完成計劃內的學習內







參考「30 星期爆分訓練計劃表」,家長引導子女編定學習進度。


6 JumpStart Grammar Goal Power Pack P6

___ 月 ___ 日 至

___ 月 ___ 日

___ 月 ___ 日 至

___ 月 ___ 日

___ 月 ___ 日 至

___ 月 ___ 日

___ 月 ___ 日 至

___ 月 ___ 日

___ 月 ___ 日 至

___ 月 ___ 日

___ 月 ___ 日 至

___ 月 ___ 日

___ 月 ___ 日 至

___ 月 ___ 日

___ 月 ___ 日 至

___ 月 ___ 日

6 JumpStart Grammar Goal Power Pack P6

· 6A: Units 12, 13 + Enrichment 7

· Exercise 9

· 6A: Units 9, 10, 11 + Enrichment 6

· Exercise 8

· 6A: Unit 8 + Enrichment 5

· Exercise 7

· 6A: Unit 14 + Enrichment 8

· Exercise 10

· 6A: Unit 15 + Enrichment 9

· Exercise 11

· 6A: Unit 16 + Enrichment 10, 11

· Exercise 12

· 6A: Unit 1 + Enrichment 1

· Exercise 1

· 6A: Units 2, 3

· Exercise 2


10 JumpStart Grammar Goal Power Pack P610 JumpStart Grammar Goal Power Pack P6

練習 文法重點 完成日期 實力儲備

1 Conditional Sentences (1): If … will … 月 日

2 Infinitives (1): to-infinitive 月 日

3 Conjunctions (1): so that, because 月 日

4 Relative Pronouns 月 日

5 Phrasal Verbs 月 日

6 Conditional Sentences (2): If … would … 月 日

Test 1 月 日 分


配合《JumpStart Grammar Goal》6A-6B 及《Power Pack》 P6,整個學習計


按照「30 星期爆分訓練計劃表」完成練習,並填寫下面的學習紀錄。

如發現某個重點實力儲備較弱,就要重温主書內「Grammar Walkthrough」的



14 JumpStart Grammar Goal Power Pack P6

Exercise 1A. 1. will not / won’t forgive; tells 2. eat; will get 3. speak; will hear 4. will be; fail 5. will give; are 6. is; will not / won’t wait

B. 1. become; will put 2. will answer; ask 3. press; will shut 4. will praise; get 5. rains; will not / won’t have



6. will catch; do not / don’t wear 7. will not / won’t survive; do not / don’t


C. 1. you buy this ticket, you will have a chance of winning the lucky draw

2. I will forget to bring my lunchbox; you don’t remind me

3. If Mary lies to her parents, they will be angry.



4. If you cook the dinner, I will wash the dishes.

5. Sam will get his scholarship if he does well in his studies.

D. 1. are not / aren’t 2. will put 3. will get 4. touch

句末為「with wet hands」,代表答案與手部動作有關,因此可推斷出「touch」是此題答案。


5. walk 6. will lose 7. slip 8. do not / don’t want 9. will have

Exercise 2A. 1. to work 2. to help 3. to wear 4. to keep 5. to buy 6. to go 7. to ask



B. 1. want to be a pilot 2. needs to work harder 3. wants to go to sleep 4. need to be very careful 5. need to finish the project 6. want to go with you 7. wants to visit Japan to relax 8. needed to apologise to him



C. 1. want to; need to be confident in front of an audience

2. wants to be a clown when he grows up; Clowns need to be able to make people laugh.

3. wants to be a writer when she grows up; Writers need to have good language skills.

D. 1. need to borrow 2. want to come 3. need to wait 4. wants; to help 5. want to join 6. need to leave 7. need to study

Exercise 3A. 1. so that 2. because 3. so that 4. because 5. because 6. so that

B. 1. so that 2. so that 3. because 4. because 5. because 6. so that





Name :

Class :

Date :

( )

Primary 6 First Term General English Test 1

Time allowed: 40 minutes

Power PackJumpStart Grammar Goal

Marks : / 100

Extra credit / 2

Parent’s signature :

A Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (14 marks @2 marks)

either ... or neither ... nor

Felix is at a fast food shop. He can eat either a hamburger or

a packet of French fries.

1. Sam Gary can come to the party. They are busy with

their homework.

2. Let’s go on a picnic tomorrow. I can prepare the food

the drinks.

3. My brother Tom doesn’t like doing sports. He likes playing football


4. I have some fruit here in my bag. You can choose an apple

an orange.

5. We lost the game last week. my teammates I was

happy about it.

6. My sister Daisy is allergic to seafood, so she can eat shrimps


7. We are travelling abroad this summer. We will visit Thailand


