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TransformedThe Body

You can lose from 15 to 30 pounds a month - in safety, without hunger. Shed resistant fat from thighs, hips and waist that slimming diets don’t budge. Restore your body’s natural shape permanently. Leslie Kenton will show you how and guide you through your process day-by-day as Cura Romana’s natural homeopathic protocol resets the fat-controlling center in the brain, transforms your body, increases your vitality and rejuvenates your life. Cura Romana has already changed the lives of thousands.

17 pounds (7.7 kilos) lost in 30 days:

“My flesh is firm… body looks like it did thirty years ago...food cravings are gone.”

A double-barreled weight loss miracle, Cura Romana has two parts to it - a specific homeopathic derived from the only natural substance known which tells the body to turn inessential fat into usable energy, and a highly specific dietary protocol. Together they burn your inessential fat stores at a rate of 1,500 to 4,000 calories a day while resetting appetite and how your body handles food. Once your excess weight is lost, you can go back to eating normal, healthy food and not have to regain it. In short, your body can maintain its perfect size and shape permanently. The revolutionary research and clinical procedures behind Cura Romana were developed more than half a century ago by a British physician, ATW Simeons. A brilliant researcher, clinician, and writer - much celebrated for his medical innovations - Simeons spent 30 years grappling with the challenge of obesity - its cause and cure. When he applied his discoveries to clinical work, and published the first of many papers on the treatment of obesity in The Lancet, doctors from all over the world flocked to his clinic in Rome, eager to learn how to use his techniques. By now, thousands of people – from kings, popes, celebrities and movie stars to others in the know - have already experienced this transformation at exclusive clinics in Europe and in the plush offices of discreet doctors from LA to Rio. Recently we discovered that the homeopathic protocol is just as effective as Simeons’ injected protocol. So now, for the first time, the marvels of Cura Romana are available to everyone—safely, free of medical procedures, in your own home.

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Welcome to the miracle of Cura Romana 3

Transforms Health 4

Resets Fat Control Center 5

What is HCG 6

The Secret is out at last 7

The Body Transformed Process Homeopathic Cura Romana 8


Day One and Two: 8How can your Body manage on only 500 Calories a day? 9

Days Twenty Four, Five and Six: 9


PART TWO: CONSOLIDATION - Life-Changing Lean Forever 10

The Cura Romana Protocol 10

Part One: 10

Hcg+Food Plan 10

Simeon’s Food Plan 11

Breakfast 11

Lunch: 11

Dinner : 11Making up the Calories 13

Simeons continues: 13Cura Romana’s Unique Benefits 13

About Leslie Kenton: 15

Why We’re The Best 15

Here are a few bonuses you receive from The Body Transformed support: 16

Welcome to the miracle of Cura Romana

Let me tell you a little about the origins of Cura Romana, its development and why I am impassioned about bringing it to people throughout the world.Cura Romana is a natural procedure that allows your body to shed up to thirty pounds of excess fat in a month. It clears fat deposit

from resistant areas - like thighs and hips and tummies which slimming diets can’t budge. It restores the body to its natural shape while increasing vitality and fostering radiant health and good looks. The research and clinical procedures behind it are nothing short of revolutionary, yet they were developed more than half a century ago by a British doctor, ATW Simeons.

I was personally introduced to Simeons’ work by a doctor and good friend who directs the exclusive clinic in Bavaria where billionaires, popes, movie stars and potentates go to receive live cell therapy once

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a year. At that time, I experienced the marvelous, easy weight loss and vitality of Cura Romana. I was both surprised and delighted by the results. Yet it took me another ten years before I fully grasped the life-changing nature of Simeons’ work. Only then did I begin to grasp the far-reaching implications for body and mind transformation that Cura Romana brings us when we follow his protocol to the letter.

These results are typical:

41 pounds (18.6 kilos) lost in 35 days: “lots more energy...less mental fog... pain in my knees

completely gone.”

Ever since, I’ve wanted to share this experience with others. I have felt unable to do this until now for several reasons: Despite HCG being a natural substance, when given in the form of daily injections as Simeons used it, came to be classified as a drug. I didn’t want to write about a “drug” - something that only a specialized group of doctors knew how to use for which most of them made high charges.

For two decades I longed for this marvelous experience to be available in non-drug form for people who, like myself, had struggled with their weight so they could reap the benefits of it, as I have done. I also knew, from personal experience, that, because of the highly specific nature of the protocol, anyone wanting to use it for lasting weight loss needed a coach, a mentor, a friend, for them to make their Cura Romana journey a resounding success. Recently, doctors and natural medicine practitioners - I among them -

discovered that you don’t have to inject it for Cura Romana to work its magic. You get the same results when you take in the form of a natural homeopathic remedy. In the past year I have interviewed hundreds of people who have done homeopathic Cura Romana - many of them mentored through the program by myself. So remarkable are the experiences they report - and so consistent are the results - that I feel compelled to make this homeopathic process available to more and more people - and to personally help guide them through their own Cura Romana experience. This is how The Body Transformed and this website came into being.


Men and women who have been through the program sing its praises. Not only does it eliminate their excess weight quickly and easily, without hunger, it transforms their health, enhances mental functioning, increases their ability to handle stress and brings about a sense of emotional balance, which many claim they have never before experienced. I continue to receive report after report of physical rejuvenation, lasting increases in energy, even vast improvements or the complete clearing of various chronic conditions.

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How did the Cura Romana protocol come into being? A brilliant researcher and clinician, celebrated for his medical innovations, ATW Simeons spent fifteen years of his life grappling with the challenge of obesity - its cause and its cure. Then he applied his discoveries to clinical work. In 1954, he published the first of many papers on it in The Lancet and other prestigious medical journals.Doctors from all over the world arrived at his clinic in the Salvator Mundi International Hospital in Rome to learn from him. Then they took his techniques back to their own countries, using the injectable form of HCG to transform the bodies of their own overweight patients. Over the next forty years thousands upon thousands of people availed themselves of these benefits. Simeons had always been sure that obesity has nothing to do with a lack of willpower. It is a metabolic disorder, he insisted - the result of some kind of abnormal functioning. Anyone suffering from this disorder gets fat, he insisted, whether or not he eats excessively. A person free of this disorder seldom gets fat even if he overeats. Simeons was sure that little headway could be made to cure obesity until he had a clear, intellectually satisfying understanding of what is happening to the metabolism of an overweight person. He knew that this understanding had to be able to withstand the onslaught of known clinical facts. It needed to provide a solid background against which the results of treatment could be accurately assessed. With all this in mind he set to work. After several years, Simeons identified what he believed to be the locus of weight control in the body and the source of abnormal functioning that results in people getting fat: the diencephalon area of the brain.

Resets Fat Control Center

Buried deep in the skull at the top of the brainstem, the diencephalon includes three especially important structures: the thalamus, the hypothalamus and the pituitary. All three, either directly or indirectly, control autonomic functions such as appetite, thirst and hunger, breathing, heartbeat, digestion, sleep, sex, and as well as the interplay of hormones through the endocrine system. For 15 years Simeons searched for a means of restoring normal functioning to

the diencephalon, thus enabling the body to clear abnormal fat deposits. What he discovered led to the development of Cura Romana.

19 pounds (8.6 kilos) lost in 22 days: “quickest way to lose weight...I recommend it to anyone

serious about ending yo-yo dieting forever...still stunned by how great I feel and look... you got to experience it to believe


Originally Simeons’ practical protocol depended upon your receiving daily injections of minute quantities of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) together with his highly specific very low calorie diet. It required you to “feast” for two days on beginning to take the HCG – intense eating of concentrated fats and carbohydrates before beginning the the HCG+FOOD PLAN for 23 days. After that

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you spend six weeks during which you follow specific eating instructions. To consolidate the beneficial changes in the diencephalon. This stabilizes weight loss, making it permanent. “Won’t any 500 calorie diet make you lose weight?” you might ask. The answer is fascinating: Yes. If you live on 500 calories for 23 days you will lose weight. But a lot of the weight you lose will come from your important muscle tissue and your essential fat stores - both of which are needed to protect your organs and to provide for energy in a time of famine. You can also end up undermining your health, riddled with muscle wastage and sagging skin. Homeopathic HCG plus Simeons’ food plan lets your body burn only your inessential fat stores. It will spare muscle tissue, restore the natural shape of your body and can leave you looking and feeling better than ever. Only Cura Romana carries out this job safely, gracefully enhancing overall health and vitality in the process.

What is HCG

HCG is a fascinating substance - a glycoprotein originally (inaccurately as it happens) classified as a sex hormone. HCG is found exclusively in the body of pregnant women. Every pregnant woman produces it in massive quantities. It is the presence of HCG in her urine that tells a

woman she is pregnant when she uses a pregnancy test kit from a pharmacy. Between 400,000 IU and 1,000,000 IU of HCG is excreted in her urine every day. It is the HCG in her body which enables her inessential fat stores to be converted into energy, nourishing her developing baby.

What Simeons discovered is that by injecting a minute quantity of HCG - a mere 125 IU each morning - into the body of an overweight man or woman and while combining this procedure with his clearly defined very low calorie dietary program releases excess fat, turning it into usable energy at a rate of between 1500 and 4000 calories a day. This has the marvelous ability to eliminate hunger and induce feelings of well being in the person losing weight. Why? Because your energy needs are being well-supplied from the burning of your inessential fat reserves. This is why people on Cura Romana report feeling vital and happy while their bodies eliminate 0.5 to 1 pound a day, instead of stressed and struggling as they were on ordinary weight loss regimes. This is how Cura Romana came to birth. In time, Simeons not only published his findings in medical journals, he also wrote a concise, erudite yet easy-to-understand book as a guide for doctors who came to him to be trained in the Cura Romana method and for their patients. By the time Simeons died in 1970, Cura Romana had been tested on thousands of patients and proven to be enormously successful. Not only were people delighted with the easy-to-maintain permanent weight loss it produced; the majority reported lasting improvement or the disappearance of previously chronic conditions as well - from rheumatism, hypertension and abnormal cholesterol to long-term fatigue and depression.

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The Secret is out at last

Until recently information about HCG and Simeons’ protocol has been suppressed. In no small part this is a result of political pressures from lobbyists for the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry with its huge investment in selling appetite-suppressing drugs. Now, thanks to somewhat misleading information disseminated as a result of a rather distorted book about Simeons’ work, the internet is full of confusing information about HCG. There is now a legion of opportunists attempting to sell people products they don’t need, to follow erroneous versions of Simeons’ protocol. That’s the bad news.

The good news is thanks to the recent discovery that homeopathic HCG works beautifully in conjunction with Simeons’ exacting dietary plan, a whole new world of permanent weight loss has just come into being that literally transforms people’s bodies and lives. Homeopathy is a 200- year-old medical science which uses tiny doses of specially prepared substances, stimulating the body to heal itself. It is gentle enough to use on infants, the elderly and pets, yet potent enough to create quick and lasting relief from disorders and abnormal functioning. In essence, homeopathy could also be called “energy medicine”, for the original substance from which a homeopathic remedy is made has been subjected to so many dilutions that, in many potencies, an energetic imprint of the substance is often

all that remains.I’ve personally studied and worked with Simeons’ genuine protocol - the real McCoy - for twenty years. I know well the power it has to end our weight loss struggles forever and I am passionate about working with those who want to transform their own bodies and lives permanently. I have worked with both the injectable form of HCG and the homeopathic form. I find them to be equally effective for permanent weight loss, yet I observe that there are extra benefits to the homeopathic approach. Again and again people who have used it report that it enhances and increases our capacity for joy. I love seeing this happen. Simeons’ wonderful Cura Romana must no longer be undermined or distorted as a result of misinformation, exploitation or ignorance. It’s time to end the on-going anguish we

experience with yo-yo dieting, the inevitable failure, the heartache and the disillusionment. It is time for us to leave yo-yo dieting behind forever and m o v e u p t o h e a l t h -enhancing permanent weight loss and it’s time for us to feel wonderful in the process.

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The Body Transformed Process

Homeopathic Cura Romana

Homeopathic Cura Romana is a nine-week course of transformation in two parts.


PART ONE: HCG+FOOD PLAN - Rapid Weight Loss

During this time you will be using the homeopathic remedy three times a day while following Simeons’ exacting food plan. On average you will shed excess fat at the rate of half a pound to a pound a day over this period. By the end of the HCG+FOOD PLAN you are likely to have shed from 11 to 23 pounds - 5 to 9.5 kilos. You will be in touch with Leslie daily during this period as she guides you through it. We provide

you with the all the necessary details to empower your graceful and effective weight loss. An experienced mentor is essential to making Simeons’ exacting protocol a resounding success for you. You will learn the specifics of how to follow this rapid fat-burning period as part of your Getting Started Training.

Day One and Two:

These are your feasting days during which you build up your stores of glycogen and fats so that the next three weeks of rapid weight loss progress smoothly. From day one you will be taking your homeopathic remedy three times a day.SIMEONS knew that no one can stay comfortably on 500 calories unless his or her normal fat reserves are reasonably well stocked. It is for this reason that even those that are actually gaining weight on feast days must eat to capacity of the most fattening food they can get down until the third day. It is a fundamental mistake to put anyone on 500 Calories as soon as the homeopathic drops are started since it takes about three days of taking the drops for abnormally deposited fat to begin to circulate and become available as useable energy.

We now distinguish between the first couple of days on homeopathic drops, which we call “non-effective” as far as the loss of weight is concerned, and the subsequent days on the protocol, which we call “effective”. The average loss of weight is calculated on the number of effective days beginning on the morning of the third day. This may be much higher than it was on day one.

39.5 pounds (18 kilos) lost in 43 days:

“I look and feel fifteen years younger... my doctor was amazed that high blood pressure had disappeared... I’m off

of all hormones now… firm skin... it’s a miracle.”

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It can be hard for most people who have been struggling with diets for years and know how rapidly they gain to realize the absolute necessity of feasting for two days before you begin. Yet this is absolutely essential for your weight loss to run smoothly. After a day or two rapid gain levels off. Any weight gained is usually lost within the first 48 hours of beginning the FOOD PLAN. It is necessary to proceed in this manner because the gain re-stocks the depleted normal reserves. Subsequent loss only comes from the abnormal fat deposits. You continue to take your homeopathic remedy and follow Simeons’ specific dietary program while your progress is monitored day by day for the next 21 days.

How can your Body manage on only 500

Calories a day?

This is the most important part of the homeopathic Cura Romana for you to understand. For most people, it is also the most difficult to grasp since we have been brainwashed into believing what the multi-billion dollar weight loss industry has tried to make us believe – that it is dangerous to lose more than two pounds a week. Not on Cura Romana. As Simeons explains:“Just as the daily dose of HCG is the same in all cases, so the same diet proves to be satisfactory for a small elderly lady of leisure or a hard working muscular giant. Under the effect of

HCG the obese body is always able to obtain all the calories it needs

from the abnormal fat deposits, regardless of whether it uses up 1500 or 4000 per day. It must be made very clear to the patient that he is living to a far greater extent on the fat which he is losing than on what he eats.” This is the only thing that makes it all right to follow a 500 calorie diet. Thanks to the action of the homeopathic HCG, participants are able to get all of the calories they need for energy from their body’s inessential fat stores. As a result seldom, if at all, do they experience hunger. He is also clear about a need for experienced guidance on the protocol and how exacting it must be.”

Cura Romana works for everyone. It does not require willpower or going hungry. All it asks is that you follow the protocol to the letter.Again Simeons says: “Any patient who thinks he can reduce by taking a few ‘shots’ and eating less is not only sure to be disappointed but may be heading for serious trouble. In treating obesity with the HCG + diet method, we are handling what is perhaps the most complex organ in the human body. The diencephalon's functional equilibrium is delicately poised, so that whatever happens in one part has repercussions in others. In obesity this balance is out of kilter and can only be restored if the technique is followed implicitly. Even seemingly insignificant deviations, particularly those that at first sight seem to be an improvement, are very liable to produce most disappointing results and even annul the effect completely. Few people take one's word for it that the slightest deviation from the diet has, under HCG, disastrous results as far as the weight is concerned. This extreme sensitivity has the advantage that the smallest error is immediately detectable at the daily weighing but most people have to make the experience before they will believe it.”

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Days Twenty Four, Five and Six:

You are getting ready for the second part of Cura Romana. During these three days you stop taking the homeopathic drops completely while continuing with FOOD PLAN you have been following for three weeks.


PART TWO: CONSOLIDATION - Life-Changing Lean Forever

Consolidation begins now. This is just as important as your rapid weight loss period. In many ways these six weeks are even more important when it comes to m a k i n g y o u r w e i g h t l o s s permanent. During this six week period your body integrates the positive shifts and balances it has created during the HCG+FOOD PLAN. Consolidation consists of

two three-week periods which stabilizes the weight you’ve lost, strengthens your body, creates a new awareness and relationship to the foods you eat and sets the pattern for maintaining your new body size permanently.During the first three weeks of consolidation you will be eating what you like - except for starches and sugars - and remaining aware of your body and how it handles specific foods. You will come to know which foods your body loves and which it doesn’t like so you can make informed choices. You will weigh yourself every morning. During the final three weeks of consolidation, you will begin to add

back starches and sugars, always weighing yourself each morning. After spending three weeks on HCG+FOOD PLAN your system will have become very clean and responsive to whatever foods you eat. This brings a tremendous opportunity to become aware of what works for you and what does not so you can make powerful, positive choices that will enable you to continue to feel uplifted and vital. Also during consolidation the functional improvements that have taken place in the diencephalon area of the brain while you were on HCG+FOOD PLAN, bringing you natural appetite control and fat burning, now become a normal part of your body’s functioning. This replaces the abnormal functioning that once caused you to gain weight and hold onto it.The Body Transformed program provides the right mentoring so you can experience the very best that Cura Romana has to offer for weight loss, your health and your life.

The Cura Romana Protocol

Part One:

Hcg+Food Plan

This is the food plan that is absolutely necessary for homeopathic HCG to work its wonders. It must never be used on its own. Homeopathic HCG+FOOD PLAN - followed to the letter - enables the body to turn its inessential fat stores into usable energy at a rate of between 1500 and 4000 calories a day while never touching your important essential fat

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Simeon’s Food Plan

The exact nature of the 500 calorie food plan is explained during the feasting days so that you, or whoever is preparing your food, understands how to carry out its preparation with exactitude. In Italy, where Simeons carried out most of his work on obesity, his patients were given the following diet sheet.


• Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar.

• Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours.

• Stevia can be used for sweetening if desired.


• 100 grams of veal, beef, chicken breast (skin removed), buffalo, veal, fresh, wild, white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Salmon, eel, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed. The chicken breast must have

been removed from the bird before cooking.• One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following:

spinach, chard, chicory greens, beet-greens or Swiss chard, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.

• One Italian breadstick - grissino - or one Melba toast.

• A medium-sized apple or an orange or a handful of organic strawberries or one-half grapefruit.

Dinner :

The same four choices as lunch.

• The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes. Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but no oil, butter or dressing.

• Tea, coffee, plain water, and mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times. You must drink between two and three liters of water a day. Many are afraid to drink so much because they think this may make them retain more water. This is a wrong notion as the body is more

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inclined to store water when your intake falls below its normal requirements.

• The fruit or the breadstick may be eaten between meals instead of with lunch or dinner, but not more than four items listed for lunch and dinner may be eaten at one meal.

• No medicines or cosmetics other than lipstick, eyebrow pencil and powder may be used during HCG+FOOD PLAN.

18 pounds (8.2 kilos) lost in 36 days: “There’s nothing like it… have tried them all... lost not only

pounds but inches in all the right places... they’ve never returned in over a year.”

Every item in the list is gone over carefully, continually stressing the point that no variations other than those listed may be introduced. All things not listed are forbidden. Nothing is permissible that has been left out. The 100 grams of meat must be scrupulously weighed raw after all visible fat has been removed. To do this accurately you must have a digital kitchen scale as other kinds are not sufficiently a c c u r a t e . T h o s e , n o t

uncommon, people who feel that even so little food is too much for them can omit anything they wish.There is no objection to breaking up the two meals. For instance, you can have a breadstick and an apple for breakfast or an orange before going to bed, provided they are deducted from your regular meals. The whole daily ration of two breadsticks or two fruits may not be eaten at the same time, nor can any item saved from the previous day be added on the following day. In the beginning people are advised to check every meal against their diet sheet before starting to eat and not to rely on their memory. It is also worth pointing out that any attempt to observe this diet without HCG will lead to trouble in two to three days.

Simeons says:

“We have had cases in which patients have proudly flaunted their dieting powers in front of their friends without mentioning the fact that they are also receiving treatment with HCG. They let their friends try the same diet, and when this proves to be a failure - as it necessarily must - the patient starts raking in unmerited kudos for superhuman willpower. It should also be mentioned that two small apples weighing as much as one large one nevertheless have a higher caloric value and are therefore not allowed - though there is no restriction on the size of one apple. Some people do not realize that a tangerine is not an orange and that chicken breast does not mean the breast of any other fowl, nor does it mean a wing or drumstick.The most tiresome patients are those who start counting calories and then come up with all manner of ingenious variations which they compile

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from their little books. When one has spent years of weary research trying to make a diet as attractive as possible without jeopardizing the loss of weight, culinary geniuses who are out to improve their unhappy lot are hard to take.”

Making up the Calories

Simeons continues:

“The diet used in conjunction with HCG must not exceed 500 calories per day, and the way these calories are made up is of utmost importance. For instance, if a person drops the apple and eats an extra breadstick instead, he will not be getting more calories but he will not lose weight. There are a number of foods, par t icular ly f rui ts and vegetables, which have the same or even lower caloric values than those listed as permissible, and yet we find that they interfere with the regular loss of weight under HCG, presumably owing to the nature of their composition. Pimiento peppers, okra, artichokes and pears are examples of this.While this diet works satisfactorily in Italy, certain modifications have to be made in other countries. For instance, American beef has almost double the caloric value of South Italian beef, which is not marbled with fat. This marbling is impossible to remove. In America, therefore, low-grade veal should be used for one meal and fish (excluding all those species such as herring, mackerel, tuna, salmon, eel, etc., which have a

high fat content, and all dried, smoked or pickled fish), chicken breast, lobster, crawfish, prawns, shrimps, crabmeat or kidneys for the other meal. Where the Italian breadsticks, the so-called grissini, are not available, one Melba toast may be used instead, though it is psychologically less satisfying. A Melba toast has about the same weight as the very porous grissino which offers

much more to look at and to chew.”

Cura Romana’s Unique Benefits

As well as rapid, permanent weight loss, the benefits reported by people who have made the Cura Romana journey are remarkable. They include:

• increased energy and vitality without hunger• an end to food cravings• better skin tone• improved body shape and weight loss from problem areas• normalization of blood pressure• blood sugar stabilization• lessening or complete disappearance of aches and pains• restoration of better hormonal balance • a decrease or disappearance of hot flushes and period

problems• an end to ravenous hunger• a beautifully sculpted body• deeper sleep

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• normalized appetite• a new fat setpoint• a need for less sleep• greater self esteem• an end to addictions• great emotional balance• weight loss with ease• an end to emotional eating• improved metabolism• life transformation

If you are on any prescription medication we ask that you let your doctor know that you intend to carry out the Cura Romana program and tell him he can download a copy of Simeons’ book free from this website. Ask that he or she monitor you while you are on the program. So improved are most participants’ health parameters that doctors frequently need to reduce the dosage of medications they are prescribing. In many cases doctors report that patients end up no longer needing the medication which he or she may have been taking for a very long time - so improved has health become.

20 pounds (9 kilos) lost in 23 days:

“I’d recommend Cura Romana to anyone who has ever struggled with diets... amazing... easy... fun... and results last.”

Cura Romana must not be followed during pregnancy. It is especially important if you suffer from gout, gallstones, diabetes or have recently been treated for a coronary occlusion that your doctor monitors your progress. These conditions are not contraindications for Cura Romana, but in such cases the protocol should be carried out under the watchful eye of a wise physician.

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About Leslie Kenton:

Award-winning writer, TV broadcaster, and natural health practitioner, Leslie is well known in the English-speaking world for her no-nonsense approach and is highly respected for her in-depth reporting. A consultant to the European Parliament for the Green Party and course developer for Britain’s Open University, she is responsible for more than three dozen best selling books on health, beauty and spirituality. Trained in acupuncture, nutrition, bioenergetics, and energy medicine, she is a member of AAMET and NTCB in the US and a certified homeo-theraputics consultant. In the UK, her contribution to natural health was honored by her being asked

to deliver the McCarrison Lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine.

Leslie long struggled with her own weight despite eating an excellent diet. Then she was introduced to Cura Romana 20 years ago by a celebrated German doctor and good friend who was himself trained by Simeons. Her own life has been so profoundly changed for the better through it that she is passionate about coaching others who wish to make the Cura Romana journey, transforming their own bodies and lives.

 “Leslie Kenton is the Dalai Lama of the beauty business…her creed goes like this, ‘If you’re doing what’s right for you,

you’ll continuously unfold and become more healthy and more beautiful. It’s a process not a state.”


Why We’re The Best

Whether you have as little as fifteen pounds to lose or as much as a hundred - or even more - the key to success is clear, accurate, easy-to-use information coupled with the best coaching money can buy. This is what our top quality support system brings you on a day-to-day, week-to-week basis during the nine-week program. Leslie Kenton brings you the benefits of her long experience with Simeons’ protocol, her knowledge of how to use it homeopathically, how to avoid pitfalls, how to make your weight loss permanent.

Leslie’s knowledge, experience and skills are matched by a life-long dedication to sharing tools, techniques, information and inspiration instrumental in encouraging you to become everything you have always dreamed of being. Her greatest joy is being privy to a human being discovering who, in essence, he or she already is

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and living this in her life in joy and freedom. Here are a few bonuses you receive from

The Body Transformed support:

It makes you aware of common pitfalls and how to avoid them, such as how to steer clear of cosmetic and skin care products, spices and cleaning products which can interfere with or slow down your weight loss.

It identifies common glitches and helps you avoid or correct them.

When little plateaus occur, as they almost always do at one time or another, it helps you identify and eliminate causes and to get things moving again.

Leslie keeps in touch by email and voice mail, making sure you are getting the best possible results.

We strengthen your awareness and accountability throughout the entire process.

So streamlined is our system that we work equally effectively with people all across the globe.

Although the homeopathic Cura Romana program works for everyone, it is complex and does not always fit in with one’s idea of common sense. The support we offer, with its knowledge and skills, brings an exceptionally high rate of

success in following the program and getting the results you long for.

People we have worked with express enormous gratitude for the mentoring they have received, claiming they could not have done it on their own.

Moving out of the homeopathic HCG+FOOD PLAN into the six-week consolidation phase can be tricky. It is important now that you have support from a skillful mentor and guide. We supply you with in-depth knowledge and guidance for this part of the program, including delicious recipes. For getting this part of the Cura Romana journey right is what will enable you to consolidate your weight loss and enhanced health and vitality and make them permanent features in your new life.

23 pounds (10.5 kilos) lost in 43 days: “never believed it possible...no hunger...self esteem has


To paraphrase Simeons:

”The HCG+Diet method can bring relief to every case of obesity, but the method is not simple. It is time-consuming and requires perfect cooperation. Each case must be handled individually. There must be time to answer questions, allay fears and remove misunderstandings. The method involves a highly complex bodily

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mechanism. In most cases, it is useless to hand a patient a diet sheet, give him a shot of HCG and expect it to work.” At The Body Transformed we offer the support you need to make Simeons’ life-changing protocol work for you.

Learn more about homeopathic Cura Romana, what it is, what it does, and how it works by reading the information on the site www.curaromana.com. Listen to Leslie's audio MP3 by clicking here, then ring me or book a free consultation by clicking here. Leave your phone number and I will get back to you for a free fifteen minute consultation.

These are the numbers to dial:

From UK or Europe: (44) 020 3287 4787From USA or Canada (1) 707 206 7404From New Zealand or Australia (64) 03 6690585 Speak soon,

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