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Page Issue 3, March, 2014 Shutterbug Times Volume …€™s orner by Rosalind Philips ... March,...

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Page - 1- Issue 3, March, 2014 - Shuerbug Times Volume 79 www.olympiacameraclub.org Find us on Facebook: hp://www.facebook.com/pages/Olympia-Camera- Shutterbug Times THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE OLYMPIA CAMERA CLUB March 2014 President’s Corner by Rosalind Philips Happy March everyone. Spring officially starts this month. March is one of my favorite months because it is a month of tran- sitions. Daylight savings time starts, the crocuses are up, the days are getting longer, tree pollen is in the air and the birds are sing- ing. This is one of my favorite times to photograph at Nisqually. Each year I try to capture the wonderful greens as color starts to return to the delta. What do you like to photograph to capture the dawning of spring? Post your pictures and comments on the OCC Facebook page (www.facebook.com\Olympia Camera Club) Membership dues are due this month. You must renew before March 31, 2914 to keeping receiving your newsletter via email to access the Member’s Only content on the website. You can: 1. pay at the next meeting you attend 2. send a check to Olympia Camera Club; PO Box 13333; Olympia, WA 98508 or 3. use the paypal online option at http://www.olympiacameraclub.org/ membership.html. Please pay promptly so that we can pay our bills such as rental fees for meetings. The big change this month is the new Olympia Camera website launches on March 10, 2014 and it looks beautiful. Be sure to check it out at http:// www.olympiacameraclub.org/. Thank you Colleen for a job well done! Sunday, March 30, 2014 is the OCC planning meeting. The meeting will be held at the Friendly Village club house from 2 pm – 6 pm. At this meeting we will brainstorm addi- tional club goals and we will divide into smaller groups to work on plans to achieve our goals. One of my goals is that we form functional committees on membership, club activ- ities such as field trips, nominations, and financial. I hope that many of you will partici- pate in this meeting; a club is only as good as its membership. Please make a note that there are two photography conferences in April. On April 5, 2014 The Nature Photographer of the NW will hold their annual conference at Centralia Com- munity College. Adam Jones, nature photographer, is the featured speaker. April 26-27 is the Northwest Council of Camera Club spring conference in Gig Harbor. More infor- mation about the conferences and the associated photo competitions is in the newsletter. May the force, photographic force, be with you. Rosalind [email protected] Executive Committee President Rosalind Philips [email protected] Vice President Colleen Easley [email protected] Secretary Chrisan Weinreich [email protected] Treasurer John Damio [email protected] Immediate Past President Gene Pardee [email protected] Newsleer Editor Teri Dean [email protected] In this issue: Board Mtg Minutes p. 2 Upcoming events pp 3-5 NWCCC Open Print Salon Deadline p6 34th Annual Camera Sale, Swap & Show p 7 Contests etc pp 8-11 Phototunies pp 12-13 Upcoming mtgs p 14 Commiee Contacts p 15 Volume 79, Issue 3

Page - 1- Issue 3, March, 2014 - Shutterbug Times Volume 79

www.olympiacameraclub.org Find us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Olympia-Camera-




President’s Corner by Rosalind Philips Happy March everyone. Spring officially starts this month.

March is one of my favorite months because it is a month of tran-

sitions. Daylight savings time starts, the crocuses are up, the days

are getting longer, tree pollen is in the air and the birds are sing-

ing. This is one of my favorite times to photograph at Nisqually.

Each year I try to capture the wonderful greens as color starts to

return to the delta. What do you like to photograph to capture the

dawning of spring? Post your pictures and comments on the OCC Facebook page

(www.facebook.com\Olympia Camera Club)

Membership dues are due this month. You must renew before March 31, 2914 to keeping

receiving your newsletter via email to access the Member’s Only content on the website.

You can:

1. pay at the next meeting you attend

2. send a check to Olympia Camera Club; PO Box 13333; Olympia, WA 98508 or

3. use the paypal online option at http://www.olympiacameraclub.org/


Please pay promptly so that we can pay our bills such as rental fees for meetings.

The big change this month is the new Olympia Camera website launches on March 10,

2014 and it looks beautiful. Be sure to check it out at http://

www.olympiacameraclub.org/. Thank you Colleen for a job well done!

Sunday, March 30, 2014 is the OCC planning meeting. The meeting will be held at the

Friendly Village club house from 2 pm – 6 pm. At this meeting we will brainstorm addi-

tional club goals and we will divide into smaller groups to work on plans to achieve our

goals. One of my goals is that we form functional committees on membership, club activ-

ities such as field trips, nominations, and financial. I hope that many of you will partici-

pate in this meeting; a club is only as good as its membership.

Please make a note that there are two photography conferences in April. On April 5, 2014

The Nature Photographer of the NW will hold their annual conference at Centralia Com-

munity College. Adam Jones, nature photographer, is the featured speaker. April 26-27 is

the Northwest Council of Camera Club spring conference in Gig Harbor. More infor-

mation about the conferences and the associated photo competitions is in the newsletter.

May the force, photographic force, be with you. Rosalind

[email protected]

Executive Committee


Rosalind Philips [email protected]

Vice President Colleen Easley

[email protected]


Christian Weinreich [email protected]


John Damitio

[email protected]


Past President

Gene Pardee

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor

Teri Dean [email protected]

In this issue:

Board Mtg Minutes p. 2

Upcoming events pp 3-5

NWCCC Open Print Salon

Deadline p6

34th Annual Camera

Sale, Swap & Show p 7

Contests etc pp 8-11

Phototunities pp 12-13

Upcoming mtgs p 14

Committee Contacts p 15

Volume 79, Issue 3

Page - 2- Issue 3, March, 2014 - Shutterbug Times Volume 79

Olympia Camera Club Board Meeting Minutes

March 4, 2014 6 p.m.

Mercato Restaurant, Olympia

Present were: President Rosalind Philips,

Secretary Chris Weinreich, Treasurer John Damitio,

Past President Gene Pardee, critique group chair

Tom Blankenship, Frank and Terri Townsend, Wes

Kirkpatrick, Jodie Cox, Dale Easley and John

West. Vice President Colleen Easley was absent.

February Minutes: Frank moved and Wes

seconded that the minutes be approved as they

appeared in the February newsletter. The motion


President's report: Rosalind reported that a nature

photographer from Bellingham will be the speaker

at the club's next general meeting and that a special

general planning and direction setting session for

the club is set for Sunday, March 30 from 2 to 6


NWCCC (Northwest Council of Camera Clubs):

Per Frank, the NWCCC will be holding it's annual

photographic conference Apr. 26-27 in Gig Harbor.

The theme of the conference will be "Mobile

Photography" -- cell phone image making.

Registration is $90 for the two days. Contact Frank

for further details.

NPPNW (Nature Photographers of the Pacific

Northwest): The organization will hold a meeting

April 5th at Centralia College and the featured

speaker will be Adam Jones. $10 per person.

Community Liaison: Wes talked briefly about the

Land Trust. That organization has acquired some

new properties and would like pictures of them.

Wes said that coordinating is needed because some

of the properties are surrounded by private

properties and we'd need permission to get access to

them. Rosalind suggested putting together field trips

to photograph them.

Club Web site: Rosalind reported that Colleen

Easley is the new web master and everything is set

to go except for the PayPal account, which Rosalind

is working on. In the course of the discussion about

the web site the subject of Photoshop came up and

it was moved by Tom and seconded by Gene that

the club buy/rent the new version of Photoshop "off

the cloud." The monthly cost is not excessive. The

motion was passed.

Advanced Group: Tom said the subject of this

month's meeting is "Panoramas" Bring prints -- a

limit of six -- and people at the meeting will vote on

the images.

Fundamentals Group: Per Rosalind, this month

subject is also panoramas -- how to make them,

how to stitch them together, etc

Meeting adjourned at 8:30

Chris Weinreich, Secretary

Treasurer's report for February:

Beginning Balance: $ 1847.36

Deposits: $ 270.24

Expenses: $ 200.80

NWCCC Dues $20

Gloria Dei Room Rental $90

Reimbursement-Rosalind $10.80

PO Box Rental $80

End Balance $ 1916.80

Savings $ 1379.48

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MARCH GENERAL MEETING Alaska to Patagonia - a Photographer’s Journey

March 25 - 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Capital High School

Our special guest speaker in March will be Alan

Kearney of Bellingham, WA. Alan’s program will

focus on nature photography - mountains,

landscapes and wildlife - from his trips to Patagonia

and Alaska. He will discuss how his images were

captured with regard to time of day, light,

composition, equipment, and any special techniques

he used.

Alan graduated from WSU with a degree in

Wildlife Biology in 1974, worked as a ranger

naturalist in North Cascades National Park in 1977,

and later taught climbing for a guide service in

Bellingham. He has been a full-time

pro photographer for 23 years. The majority Alan’s

income has come from over 800 images on the

Getty Images website. Over the years some of those

photos have appeared in Newsweek, Men's Health,

Seattle Magazine, corporate brochures, annual

reports, Washington State Tourism ad, and most of

the climbing publications such as Rock And Ice,

Climbing, and Alpinist.

We hope you will join us for an exciting evening of

adventure stories, beautiful photographs, and some

great photography tips.


This month we be learning how create panoramic

images by cropping and by stitching images. This

program nicely dovetails with the Advanced Group

topic of panoramic images. Learn how to prepare

your images for the Advanced Group meeting on

March 11.

This is a hand-on meeting so please bring your

laptop, an extension cord and 5-6 images to stitch

together. Your images should be in RAW, but jpgs

are OK. If you bring jpgs please save them as a

non-web file. You want the image to be as large as


MOUNT RAINIER - Another Try by Frank Townsend [email protected]

Last month we had planned an attempt to visit Mt

Rainier but nature took its course and prevented us

from doing so. So here we are in March about to

take another try.

On March 22, we will leave the Martin Way Park

and Ride, near Regal Cinema just off I-5 at 8 AM

for another shot at photographing a snow covered

mountain and the visitors who enjoy it.

I recommend bringing a lunch and something to

drink, we plan to stop at the Copper Creek Inn for

dinner on the way home. It would probably be a

good idea to wear warm clothes and to have an

extra battery stored in a warm place.

I haven't been there in the winter for a long time

and I hope you are looking forward to this trip as

much as I am.

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MARCH 10 IN HISTORY By Colleen Easley

March 10, 1804 - The Louisiana Purchase was signed

March 10, 1876 - Alexander Graham Bell made the first successful telephone call

March 10, 1933 - A 6.4 earthquake hit Long Beach, California

March 10, 1940 - Actor, Chuck Norris was born

March 10, 1958 - Actress, Sharon Stone was born

March 10, 1983 - Singer, Carrie Underwood was born

March 10, 2014 - The New Olympia Camera Club Website is launched!

We're very excited to be launching a new website on March 10 at www.olympiacameraclub.org. Watch your email

for details on the new and improved OCC website. Speaking of email, please put [email protected]

into your email program's contacts file so that you'll be sure to get emails that come from that address. If our messag-

es ever end up in your SPAM or JUNK folder, drag the to your inbox and mark as NOT SPAM.

NORTHWEST COUNCIL CONFERENCE - Apr 26 & 27 by Frank Townsend [email protected]

The Northwest Council of Camera Clubs (of which we are a member club) is hosting its annual Confer-

ence in Gig Harbor on April 26 & 27. The featured speaker for both day is Kat Sloma of The Kat Eye Stu-

dio in Oregon. Kat is a photographer and a writer and conducts many photography courses, check her out

at http://kateyestudio.com.

There are three sessions on Saturday; "Mobile Photography" (where it fits for the photographer, "Shooting

Outside the Box", and "Honoring the Spiral of Creativity". There is only one session on Sunday, "intro to

Mobile Photography", a hands on workshop. Both days begin at 9 AM ending at 4:30 on Saturday and noon

on Sunday. Cost for Saturday is $65 which includes a catered lunch, the cost for Sunday is $25 or $90 for

both days. There will be many door prizes given out. Our Traveling Print winners will be on display as

well as the Open Salon images we submit and an awards ceremony for our winners. There will also be

someone there to clean your camera for about half the price of sending it somewhere.

The event is located at the Inn of Gig Harbor, 3211 56th Street, NW, Gig Harbor. Contact me for carpool

options. More details are available at http://nwcameraclubs.org, where you can download a registration

form or visit http://nwcameraclubs.eventzilla.net for online registration.

A DAY WITH CAPITOL LAND TRUST - April 12 by Frank Townsend [email protected]

As residents of the southwest Washington, we depend upon and value the watersheds and the wetlands, the

agricultural lands, the streams and open spaces, the conifers and creatures unique to our region. These

dwindling assets are essential to our quality of life, yet they are disappearing at an unprecedented rate.

Capitol Land Trust seeks to maintain the coexistence of people, wildlife and the natural habitats that sustain

us all, by working with groups and individuals at the local level to protect and conserve important lands.

The Trust conserves important wildlife habitat and natural areas by accepting donations of conservation

easements and gifts of land, or by working with partners to purchase lands. The Trust also meets with and

counsels landowners on these and other conservation techniques.

The Olympia Camera Club has supported the Capitol Land Trust for several years now. We have provided

photographers to record their special events and a number of our members have selected Capitol Land Trust

sites to visit and photograph on a regular basis. On April 12 we will visit a couple of those sites plus

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McKlane Creek. I'll announce the meeting place and time and give more information about the site as we

get closer to the event. Capitol Land Trust has some new sites that none of our club has selected to shoot,

this will be a good opportunity to become acquainted with the idea and perhaps encourage you to take on

one of the sites.

You are invited to attend the 2014 PSA Conference in

Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Click here for more details. http://www.psa-photo.org/index.php?2014-psa-conference

If you are having trouble booking at the Marriott, it may be because one or more of the nights you are re-

questing in our room block are filled. Try talking to Marriott reservations at 800-228-9290, - you may need

to pay $179 for some nights. At this time, rooms at our $99 rate are unavailable for Friday night 10/3 or later

because of the Balloon Fiesta.

More rooms are now available at the Hilton Garden Inn - 500 feet down the street from the Marriott Confer-

ence Center. Contact the Hilton at 505-944-0300 and use the group code PSA1. The rate for our room block

from Friday, 9/26 through Thursday 10/2 is $99. After the conference, the nights of 10/3 and 10/4, we have

rooms in our room block for $169 per night. These rooms are also somewhat limited so you are encouraged

to book at this time.

There are others rooms available at this time in Albuquerque despite the Balloon Fiesta. Use travel search

sites like Expedia to check for rooms if you are having trouble booking at the above hotels or you just wish

to look at more options.

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NWCCC OPEN PRINT SALON DEADLINE NEARS by Frank Townsend [email protected]

Remember that the Northwest Council of Camera Clubs Open Print Salon competition entries must be submitted by March 30. I

can collect your prints at the March 25 General Membership meeting and forward them to NWCCC. If you want to submit imag-

es but can't attend the meeting contact me to make other arrangements. You may enter 3 color prints and 3 monochrome prints in

either the large print category or the small print category but not both. I am repeating the rules here to give you more guidance

but please contact me if you have any questions. Since we have no inner club competitions this is a great opportunity to have

your work judged and displayed.

Categories: Small Prints & Large Prints

Small Prints - The mount size is to be 8"x10" minimum up to 11"x14" maximum.

Maximum print size is 8"x12", with shapes being no more than 96 square inches. There is no minimum print size requirement, but

the mount size must still be as specified above.

Large Prints - The mount size is to be a minimum of 8"x10" up to a maximum 16"x20". Maximum print size may be up to

16"x20" or 320 square inches for odd shapes, but smaller prints may be entered.

General Rules

1. The photograph must be the work of the entrant. Commercial prints are acceptable. An image may only be submitted in one of

that year's Print competitions. Use of a print or print title that has previously won an award will disqualify the print.

2. Electronically manipulated photographs may be entered into both salon competitions. Images must originate from a photograph

taken by the entrant on film or digitally. Vector elements are not allowed. Other graphic elements must be created by the maker in

a photo editing software, (Photoshop, Elements etc), but not in vector software such as In Design.

3. All prints must be on firm support so they will stand erect. Masonite or other heavy mounting materials, frames or glass is not

permitted. The print title, name of the club, and the makers name must be on the back of the mount, preferably in the top left cor-

ner. The title on the back of the print must agree with the entry form and in the correct image orientation. Maker's name or print

title cannot appear on the front side. Print titles need to be unique for bookkeeping purposes. "Untitled" is acceptable if you use

"Untitled #1", "Untitled #2", etc. It is also important a maker not reuse print titles. Any prints that have previously won an

NWCCC award are not eligible to re-enter.

4. Print submissions are entered as Monochrome or Color (and by size in the Open Salon). Photographers are encouraged to enter

new images, but prints that have not previously received a NWCCC Print Salon Competition award (1st, 2nd, 3rd, HM's, Special

Award or Best of Show) may be resubmitted again in any annual NWCCC print competition.

5. If the prints are to be returned by mail or UPS, an enclosed return shipping label and sufficient postage must be include with


pick them up yourself, please try to arrange for someone to pick up the prints. Your clubs Print Director will be responsible for

coordinating pickup beyond the conference closing.

6. "Monochrome" means "one color". A monochrome or black-and-white print consists of one color on the white paper base

(white is not a color but an absence of color). Generally the color is black (in various densities or tones from black through very

light gray). It also may be black tones with a global warm (brownish), cold (bluish), sepia, or any other color tone.

7. Judging criteria shall be based on the elements of Impact or Interest, Composition and Technical Quality. Non-affiliated judge

(s) will do the final judging.

8. The Northwest Council of Camera Clubs will take all possible care of the prints, but not responsible for damage or loss as a

condition for entering any NWCCC competition are.

9. The Print Directors are the ruling discretionary authority on the rules and their application.

10. See additional specific Rules for each specific Salon.

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Michael Immel 14408 180th Ave SE Renton, WA 98059 (206) 856-7722 www.PSPCS.org Issue Date: 10/22/2013

Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society

34th Annual Camera Sale, Swap and Show

The largest one day Camera Sale, Swap and Show in the Western United States will be held on Saturday

April 12th 2014 from 10 am to 4 pm at Kent Commons Recreation Center - 525 Fourth Ave North, Kent,

Washington. Over 100 six foot tables piled high with digital, antique, “user” and collectable photographica

will be displayed or offered for sale or trade by collectors from across the Western United States and

Canada. There will be up to twenty display tables exhibiting unusual photographic collectables from the

collections of Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society members.

The sale/show is sponsored by the Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society, and the 34th Annual Show

is expected to be the best one yet! The sale is a virtual cornucopia of all things photographic--literally thou-

sands of photographic items will be offered for sale or trade. Included will be “user” cameras (both digital

and film), lenses, accessories for current and collectable cameras, darkroom equipment, instruction manuals,

literature and images dating back to the earliest years of photography. Fascinating antique and collectable

cameras attract buyers from around the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. The instruments that

recorded our history have truly become prized treasures.

The Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society, Inc., organized in 1979, is a non-profit group of photog-

raphy enthusiasts dedicated to encouraging public awareness and appreciation of our photographic heritage.

The public is welcome to bring any photographic items they would like to have appraised or to trade

or sell.

The doors will open to the general public at 10:00 am Saturday April 12, 2014; General admission is $5.00.

For the more serious collector, an 8:30 am early admittance can be purchased for $15.00. Plenty of FREE

parking is available.

For additional information about the sale or the Puget Sound Photographic Society’s meetings check the

club’s website: www.PSPCS.org or email: [email protected]

Or call Michael Immel (206) 856-7722; or Write: PSPCS c/o Michael Immel, 14408 180th Ave SE, Renton,

WA 98059

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NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY AT ITS BEST! ! The spring meeting of the Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest will be April 5 at Centralia

College in Centralia, WA. We will open the doors at 8:30 AM, and the program will begin at 10 AM. The

invited speaker will be Adam Jones, under the generous sponsorship of CANON. Adam is a member of

CANON’s “Explorers of Light,” specializing in nature photography. He is highly published and known for

his skills as a teacher. Adam’s morning presentation is entitled “Nature Inspirations:

An inspirational nature and wildlife program” and his afternoon presentation is “Tips & Tech: Basics of

flash, HDR, image stacking, using textures, and fun with software”. Treat yourself to



Bring your digital camera bodies for specially priced sensor cleanings by Advance Camera.


As usual there will be projected (digital) and print competitions. We will again use a “limited hand of man”

rule. Any man-made object in the entry should not be a major or significant portion of the image. Your digi-

tal files must be received no later than March 28. Send a maximum of three digital files as email at-

tachments, each 3 MB or smaller in size, to [email protected]. Include text in your

email message that describes the attachments. See the competitions page at ww.nppnw.org for complete


PLEASE NOTE THE NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR DIGITAL PHOTO SUBMISSIONS: The file names for submitted images must have the format:!

Category – Title by FirstName LastName.jpg example; Wildlife – Bull Moose by John Doe.jpg

The categories remain Plant Life, Scenic, and Wildlife.

PRINTS: In addition, participants are encouraged to bring a maximum of two prints. The prints may be

matted but not framed. The total external dimensions (including mat) must not exceed 50 inches (length +

width). The categories for the print competitions are the same as those for the projected images.


From I-5, use Exit #81. Travel east for .5 miles on Mellen St. (becomes Alder St.). Turn left on Washington

Ave and drive four blocks. The entrance to Corbet Theatre can be seen from the intersection of

Washington Ave. and W Walnut Street. Parking is readily available on the surrounding streets.


For those who wish to arrive on Friday (April 4), a block of rooms has been reserved at the Travelodge

(702 Harrison Ave). Please contact the motel directly ASAP to reserve a room (360-330-9844). If you iden-

tify yourself as a member of the Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest, you will receive a

special rate of $40 plus tax for one or two persons. From I-5, take exit 82. Drive east on Harrison Ave. for

four blocks. The Travelodge will be on your left. The Travelodge will be the site of an informal conversa-

tion among NPPNW members beginning at 7:30 PM on Friday evening.

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Circle one

Single membership $10

Two members, same household $15

Three members, same household $20

Four members, same household $25

Please print:



City, State, Zip:

Email Address:


The Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest meets twice a year, rotating

meeting sites. The primary purpose of the NPPNW is to share information about nature

and wildlife photography and thereby to promote the growth and development of its mem-

bers. Our next meeting will be November 1, 2014 in central Oregon.

A Special Thanks to Canon!

and the Outdoor Club of Centralia College

for their Generous Sponsorship


Membership – Preregistration

Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest

April 5, 2014 - Centralia College - Centralia, WA!

Make checks payable to the Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest and mail to:

Frank Lahman; 3710 NW Clover Pl; Corvallis, OR 97330

On-Site membership/registration will be $5/participant more than listed below

Check here

if this is a new email!

or street address

Page - 10- Issue 3, March, 2014 - Shutterbug Times Volume 79



The 13th Annual Spring Fair Photo Contest, sponsored by

Tacoma Photographic Society, is now accepting entries. Deadline for entry is April 2nd, 2014.


Grounds in Puyallup, April 10th -13th, 2014.

CASH PRIZES are: Best of Show $100, First Place $75, Second Place $50 and Third Place $25. In

addition, Awards of Merit and Honorable Mention Awards will also be awarded. (All winners will

receive an award ribbon.)

Entry fee: $10 per photo, with a limit of 4 photos per maker. All the details are on the entry form,

available on the TPS website http://tacomaphoto.org/ just click on the pink tulips.

Email Stan Braaten for more information: at [email protected]

Entry Form is on next page and may also be downloaded from the website shown above.

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A listing of events of visual interest for Olympia Camera Club members

March 14–16 Spokane County Fair and Expo Center

Inland Northwest Motorcycle Show and Sale

Check out motorcycles from all over the world, plus custom rides, accessories and more. (509) 466-


March 14–16 Blaine

Wings Over Water Northwest Birding Festival

Celebrate the abundance of wildlife and bird species in this pristine coastal area with field trips, live raptor

displays, workshops and more. (360) 332-4544, wingsoverwaterbirdingfestival.com

March 17 Theler Wetlands, Belfair

Walk the Wetlands

This special event will feature learning stations set up along the wetland preserve's two miles of trails and

boardwalks. (360) 275-4898, theler.org

March 22–29 Oregon Coast

Spring Whale Watching

Volunteers at 22 sites along the Oregon coast help you spot gray whales during their spring migration north.

(541) 765-3304,whalespoken.org

March 28–30 Othello

Sandhill Crane Festival

Visitors flock here to view the leggy cranes during their spring return to Othello and the nearby Columbia

National Wildlife Refuge. (866) 726-3445, othellosandhillcranefestival.org

April 1–30 Mount Vernon, Burlington, La Conner

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

Area farms open for self-guided tours of their fields bursting with millions of colorful tulips. (360) 428-5959,


April 4–6 Sequim

Olympic BirdFest

Lectures, photography workshops, birding cruises and wildlife-viewing tours shed light on the area’s avian

inhabitants. (360) 681-4076, olympicbirdfest.org

April 5 Tacoma, Puyallup, Sumner and Orting

Grand Floral Street Parade

The colorful parade—a highlight of Daffodil Festival—brings floats, bands and mounted units to four South

Sound communities. (253) 840-4194, daffodilfestival.net

April 12–13, 19–20 Holland America Bulb Farms, Woodland

Woodland Tulip Festival

The fun includes touring the display gardens or gathering your own flowers in the U-pick field.

(360) 225-4512, habf.net

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April 19–May 11 Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens, Woodland

Lilac Days

Famed lilac hybridizer Hulda Klager’s Victorian-era farmhouse opens for tours during the festival, which also

allows visitors to stroll the colorful display gardens and purchase lilac plants.lilacgardens.com

April 24–May 4 Wenatchee

Washington State Apple Blossom Festival

Wenatchee honors the state’s signature crop with this annual celebration featuring a food fair at Memorial

Park, a carnival at Riverfront Park, and the Grand Parade on May 3. (509) 662-3616,appleblossom.org

April 26 Downtown Olympia

Procession of the Species Celebration

Parade participants don imaginative animal and plant costumes in order to inspire appreciation and protection

of the natural world. (360) 705-1087, procession.org

April 12–27 Hood River Valley

Hood River Blossom Fest

Driving the 35-mile Fruit Loop, you’ll wind past farm stands, alpaca ranches, wineries, and festival venues

featuring quilt shows, a grange blossom dinner and fresh produce. (800) 366-3530, hoodriver.org


Page - 14- Issue 3, March, 2014 - Shutterbug Times Volume 79

The Advanced Photographers Group (APG)

Monthly on the Third Tuesday of the Month—March 18, 2014 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Edge Lake Mobile Home Park - Community Center, 3928 21st Ave SE, Lacey

Meeting Topic: Panoramas. Bring up to 6 images to be voted on

Contact, Tom Blankenship at [email protected]

The Fundamentals of Photography Group

Monthly on the Second Tuesday of the Month—March 11, 2014

Capital High School POD A, Westside of Olympia

Meeting Topic: Learning how create panoramic images by cropping and by

stitching images

Contact, Rosalind Philips at [email protected]

General Meeting

Monthly on the Fourth Tuesday of the Month

March 25, 2014

Capital High School POD A, Westside of Olympia Meeting Topic: Alaska to Patagonia - a Photographer’s Journey

Contact, Rosalind Philips at [email protected]

Monthly Business Meeting, First Tuesday of the Month

April 1, 2014, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Meeting at Mekong Restaurant (Downtown Olympia, 125 Columbia St. NW)

Open to all. Contact, Rosalind Philips at [email protected]

March 2014

Olympia Camera Club Monthly Meetings

Koffee Klatch Meet up, Every Other Wednesday Morning

from 9:00 am to 11:00 am

Panera’s Bakery, 2525 Capitol Mall Drive SW, Westside of Olympia

Open discussions about photography and other topics of interest.

Contact, Wes Kirkpatrick at [email protected]

Page - 15- Issue 3, March, 2014 - Shutterbug Times Volume 79

Community Liaison Wes Kirkpatrick

[email protected]

Equipment Custodian Gene Pardee

[email protected]

NWCCC Traveling Prints Vacant position

Social Programs Frank Townsend

[email protected]

Webmaster Colleen Easley

[email protected]

Critique Group Tom Blankenship

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor Teri Dean [email protected]

PSA Representative Frank Townsend

[email protected]

Thurston County Fair Terri Townsend

[email protected]

Digital Imaging Rosalind Philips

[email protected]

NWCCC Liaison Wes Kirkpatrick

[email protected]

Scavenger Hunt Rosalind Philips

[email protected]

Video Group Dottie Hall

[email protected]

Olympia Camera Club

PO Box 13333

Olympia, WA 98508-3333

Memberships with

Committee Chairs
