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Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi...

Date post: 25-Mar-2018
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Weather Oecreasing Cjouds TonigW, Tom orrow Centennial ^&rturd lAt T . F . F a flER-Sepl. 6_Attend«n™ nt comity fiur Thumlay Ilo f 400 over last year's seco: S Barry. Despite threaten.i S S i expected for W est End da; . g|l repofts indicate the fnir th ^th all displays complete and a 1 ri ouantity. Most fairgoera seei ^ -------a r e an Me Set for ;'rei?o1 , , tendinj Examination [)f Suspect PorS • alKelU' T. a«t«» *UB. 22, n flotWidiiad»y, nbtoiaing lo « IWMn,, Ol.on', alwr- & *rl'pr™ d " “ J'",’ ,M tt. rtpotl would b= slvm w™ M w. Anna Lou McKlnnan, f™ .oundtd ...«.l tlm« lUe shootlnB. la reported In S f'rp iS .““ " iteordlng to hasplUl author- l«,Mrs. McKlnmin'a right arm ' " 3hive repair work done on It “ ^ Sia-not.bo-amputatecl .... ,. ^ ZT I- Saturdfl State Board ’ " i, _ 1, fa^rou r O llP V crowd 0 l)l8ehools “S BOlBE. fcpt 6 M l-Prelim la- P’“y» « J, tttpulmed »t developing & oU WiIWiUteaot-of-polloF-coT- “ “ ..a ifclMiWitoiUWUonj o f h ig h - J ^ t t e a r.edQttU!a.«ntftken.todfty-by J hrffiUWcTWiiratrdn.“— papers- ITur could letd -to csUbllBh- had scr lUt 0 /1 (wntoatlng agency mentilBt icirt of all liutltu- ^ jM«iUT» tiij^fccond^ ccbool rtl r' T ' , . Goertzc: Tm Hivku, Pocatello, board tsldeat, ta]d ho T7111 a«k t h e In - .I't itfllOM it higher education to wtlcles. lUlns la 'w r itte n form their repllc. a poUcles and ho wlU dlacUas In Uie, 1 lil D.-P.-Engelktng. Btat«‘.8U- log rialtDdent of public Instruc- were fc iPolfelM Bet In tho pnat-by per's-ca bte board. Tlie i Ko ttld he would attempt to by pcoj wnble a tlrat draft of a.pollcy Innoit for aubmlwlon a t a Mo in™ policies of the Unlvcralty Idtho and Idnho Stnte uni- C 1 «lr differ and he called Uio O Cl allon '•» llitle l>ii rldlonloav" ouftbi to havo uniform 1 ? ^ . Wm,“ he added, V 01 18 MenTaken f£‘j ^romTowers ;”i“ ; ’Copters |£s lUONBPr POINT. II, I., HpiH. 'I'lic I '»-A tirtt of lielluoiilcra iivci - ii-i,.n "•l‘l«Iorco wlndn Uxliiy, nnd notnin'i' l"W ?8 mr.i lo B,.fcly fron. 7 ir , miienr.l -I'oxfts town.- In v ^Wr? ,»,n, AM.,mr *«i» htllcuuicia cvuiiuiitrd .J.j '" " ' ,«'«» ffoni lowciB a nnd 3 nn w»vf, l,nii/,ie<t tlin runty " •'‘'■ '■fa. Tlin innn ivnr flown '• ...... . »«vni nlr MU- Jo lll.K« fir. Kl,,|{ h.olli;i)i)kiti liindi-d on » , 'onil <M , i„„,„. N... J «n<I I'J ' "f'liiily wnlKr<l al)r«Vrd, , 1*1 oilipi wcro fn , "i« iiftvTl Imnn T i m ^ I / ^ i f l r ‘'"III. flrld, Io Mon ciiMi miard wn.i nnlird io '‘"'I ftn ' " ' n lllf- nint-W(ii.Hnii<i<l loW- ^<''1 »i‘«ii ll ivH.s f n i r r d t h a t r n n - •'‘'f*"' J\{'"ii<idH.K hy ltl.f<.oL w«vrr. ''V '!;« K«l« form wi.i.ln w'm.ld <ti‘M. M ■ ;''"'in,l„ r.,lj|,|,„r, H-lnK I 'H int wcir mni.loyril l,y n ''l«"‘''l' 'Nil. ...................... ,1,0 llnwl "* I'M ' KiilniHr, Mnl)l, ri Ilf'Hlt.tll! Riibni Expert "i™ , " " r “ ;w. « m -m . ,,’^*li''iimll<'n ftt 33rH= Ca ...... llm .inmun.».t -«ri f tonl'o,,. ||„ VV i .fcll ......... . ............. WAllI H ,"" ^111 I),-, ||„„n Jiuoilllll '“lliiV *'">V«-ii>Hy of N o ilh llim nor: _______ limlv'fi n >»AN I 'A t i r wo'irW •Irni.i" l)„ Mini.,, Aflrv ‘''■Vlll^,„ '^ nujflndpi V'1' '“ 'I'"*""’'’'' *'». IHh u'""'''’*'' I"'" ‘'''"I’l'oi 1 Hoklwulm'. Wlinii U>i ,n l' '''> I'K'liM.ly woii;i( In liono Of A im I ........ (ds 'O W " Th* MbcI« V, ^ ____ a l D a y V •d a y Mr lA ce nl En.ot ond day nt the rsdiiy wa^ Ifi,327,^n_lll:. . I sccond dny, according atening werither, a good nd day Friday. Barry add- L S H fiir thi.s yenr ia excellent, . V gBM id a high in both quality h ? seem more relaxed and re .eajoying_p.very_fl8pcct f the fair more than in reviou.q yenrs. People at- ^ ending the fair Saturday, - 'hlch had been designated bji icntennlftl day. arc urged vu sme dressed In period caJtumc*. .•• 'ho Idaho Oldtlme Fiddlers a-t- . Klatlon will present a Jamboree , 1km t 1:30 pjn: Saturday on tiic . W or table.,.stage opposite tne B randstnnd entrance. H The fiddlers will play numbers ; « iroughout the aflornoon. a - —ij irge number of association lembers will attend, Including g 3mc of the cum nt champion iddlers, Barry aald. H b 8%. | Home economic judging con- ists were held Friday morning mbbm gl 1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress revues also H Bn 'crc held. —’--------------------------- ra«l"“ Fitting and showing of horses 'as held Friday morning and ng- Icultural demonstrations took laco In the afternoon. A live- Lock parado of 4-H members waa EffiJ ... .... Laged at 2 p. m. Friday. Presentation of awards In the -H department will be present- ? d at 2:30 p. m. Saturday. The UiiSi^'aa«ia ree horse show of the Filer Vrafiglerettes win-begin at noon AN ARMY Saturday and continue until 4 denied entran I. m . the ichool, wl The historical museum at the . ¥ a'&grounds Is attracting a good rowd of visitors thls.year. Inter- A ^ at' ln--the -e ldtlme' - artielea—Is —/% 1 specially high since this 1s Ida- f~ \ | n , lo’s Centennial year. One table In the building dis- days coins, confederal* currency J .nd other Items from-tbe year n 8a2..Qa-dlsplay-nlso-to t.Ietttf -k J V y A I.- rrlttea on a ClvU war letter- lead, and also the discharge ,TY»%Tmr,iT r a p m ^ e o a l n r tT s o ia ier ^whff — HyNTSV lad served on duty In the Civil schools todi m . mu.eum ha, . „™,b.r ol W lOw iteav this year, stated Peter t^.oopers bal ioerizen ah<{ his assistant, Eddie ^ An exccu ogels. Fairgoera are urged to ---------------------- top In and see tho historical -| rtlclcs. Also added this, year Is I replica of an old miner's cabin U . Jl/i 1 tlie bock of the building. The Id log chairs and table shown zero found years ago In a trap- W fV W * er-'8-cabln-in. Uie. m ountains.. X VfJL . Tlie historical booklet written y people living In Twin Falla MIAMI, ] (See T. F. FAIK, ra*e 2) Stlllc.S fo r a mg « ^ Rchool tend] Most of Stops - Scheduled ■, ri Tfjr 1 HrIiL aircra ro rlie n n e d y ' v two hi, WASIimOTON, 8cpl. II font of thn fl(op< on Pioaldrnt :flnncdy's lO-Btnlr •'oonsfirvnlloii "We hold tin rtiir" thr end of IhlK month wilt ment rcnponnl 0 to Inaprct conBervntlnn nnd H Uml rcjxHli i;nouvcn dfviilopmoni project.-., may rcMill In fllll l.n nlM> pinnfl (n vinlt flnit AiiUI llm Cul ,iikn Clly, Bun l^iunolnoo, I>.irt- »ti«li:iiicnl. "'I >nd,. Orn,. nnd Uiilitlh, Minn. mnnl In i.ol wll The ivlp .vlll lin Hrpt, -jft-ao, I>l".lU'ftl i.cIa J1rl«lln luivn not hrrn nn- Kiinin'il Uui U wna loiiiiird tlmt Rovrrnmetil pr llir. Iniil.ullve Itlniira.y h.w hen. 1,0,1 ,„ a : I’’" Aflcr n vlnll to I‘()iuiriylvniilii, !*7iiini! ronnrnywiirfiy to niilull.'lo ‘!»y '* |wnk III nn nHilc'illiirfi diipiiil- .nil ,Hmtnicnoo in. Ini.d nnd 'ni>l>lr. T lirn ho v^lll K<* lo N orlli * UIILC <J i::: Probe j i:»d'rK;':„"E;,t."' i;;;, Oil ticpl. ;iA ptniin (<<111 for lihii niiiA {milinil 0 fly lo Jnoknon rioln, Wyo,, oiydo Dniiny imr Ynllowntoi.o and Orniid wIillA nfirr a fltoii imtlonBl tiarkn to apriid ndjacflnl Oar li*,»)iHhu---------------- -------------------......................... Hnilt, an, Kriinrdy piniin lo KD |- o|Iit nnld o Moiilf.im ft. BiMiiik ni lllllliiKA trniiliird wllnt: nd Cliniii Knlln mill piirliniM l« ocmnkiln>i. 'll: n. Yclli.wlnll ,|,.ni lir«|- nilllllKn. of Ihr flir . nom Moiiinnii ICnnnniy will ,iii,i |)inv nddn ly lit Ulnli lo nno nmliliiH (Kniin ,|„ iiniilvr lor Inm mill oil.pr pi-ojrotn linrinn imn nm.loi.'n "I'lK ll' Hull l-«V' Clly for n l«'™ ii 1..I.I „ „ o v . n , 1,111 Hn Will fly („ WiihliliKiioi, nintp ' ,.M„iimt i"pi. n . All,.,,,,, II,. ,„„ii,i„ „|i. '1'"“'“ 'f'diniirrri ImUiK ninnldnin,! Iliinn in olmorvnnrM of tlin :i(i|li nil- 7 . .•■"i 'Ivrrnnry ,.j q, h,ic_ fiA'lM-*-!*! ■nil Ihfl ,)rdlr«l!on I.f n inoHinm I’ttlNT 'M l i> Konniiio powor fiinn Btniiiii Hnpl, n mi’C-A 'iiHliK^nil fioiii ni. nioiulo irn.ilor llt<i wi>" l«'ii»’> ' g llim^nil, in))|i, lodii^V Capital Residents White House’s Bo( WAHIIIN(m»N. flnpl, fl Ml rioiikr.l nli«o I Jxiniilim minlo t>iirnl/i of nliilil- nwHolihnKidn Imn , tlinvvorfcn i.t (hr WliH" nowniM.iHr ulfli limno niton,ilnnt I'mUdriil Kmi- Mofit niilii'' irtlv'n Kiirntn Uul hnpl iM.ll.in Imny (hnre lind li"'] M'lnlnlijK tlio nerliil lilnnU I'l I...... I'lH'’*' ' 'oi'ilnd KBldontn In lha la.liltiil tlir iiiil»i''iiiik rcn, Ihn W hit'' III Aflrv Ihfl flinl ,iol()rrul j.Ki»i«a frw dlniirililUn >tI'lndBO wltll ft flr«iNiirndi)‘ft1»ilU «nniiinn‘fii'‘v >1^(1 p.m. 'ri.iitTKlny, iiolUm ni.ld tinin'of nliihl. Iii.y «lHi'i»d nntlliiK n ImnnH" <•> ‘' rlniihoiin .'niln, Kli.H Molmi'm Wlinii itin in-mlmiln (llnpluy lliminlrn i'|«l ‘ I. honor of thn kliiM nnd qlioon wftlfllili'K f Aiirniiniitaii iia«i emted, polloo Boutu Jnwn or M bcI« V,I1ot Newipapnr DpHlratpd to HVIN TAI.l.S * ___ i 1 '/' ’S S ® '4 HI i'f' '■ jS ^ AN ARMY SERGEAirr arfnes wllh Btalo pat, enled entrance (o the Fifth Avenue elementary le •cfaool, which Is nnder federal orders to Inti H- * ^ V- * if- Mauaitic^o^ Bchoal Int^g ihools today to bibck integration temp arched-their children through atate tro oopers balked classroom activitie.s at tl i nn executive order issued by Wallace, Cuba Blames t For Death in Ail M IA M I, F la., Sept. f> C/P)— Ctii)ii blani iile.s for an air raid which it »aid lolled hool teachcr and injiircd hia three chili unique of Fidel Caalro’s iirtned force lmb.'^ were dropped jil 'I a.m. Thursdtiy { pitol of the central Cuba province of 1 mnuinique. heard in Miami via Havann rliL aircraft whlcli drojipcd Iho liotnbs two hiKh-flying jitls iWi flew away „ „ r 11. - 'We hold the American Kovnrn- o . , . 'S h o e)!! ly rcMill In Herloiia lnnldnnt«," f ///-, . d Il.r Ciibnn nrm«r'roiTKVrtf-'*'*l 1*1 ,U-mcnl. "Tho Ciibui. Hovuin- , ml In I.ol wIllhiK to tolnrnie llic i.,.n V ullffti nctfl nKi'lii.'.t im." nniliKHl In crltl :i liii/i hccoino BtnmlnrJ Cnnlio dny nrimn<MHi frriimetil pnictlcr to cull anti- Miirnorlnl lionn nlro inUIn "pirntlniil" nnd lo .vouiid In tiln b I. 1 'KR llm Unllcil Hiitlon wllti cclvni nlioiil 'i tliiK It.fl rnlilrrn nnn I1a U itI- DIrkIr I.nilnn 'y lui n jiimiHiff |h>Iiii. wh* vliniKuil wl 'olic<^tj[{oise _ , ni Nil dale, lian I •robe Shooiins l> •I'n.mary Im. lOIHK, Hepl. n W - T lltrr Iml- MiV^l.mmry 'n r. w nr fired liiilny Into Iwo wmitwoilli rnn lA jmilinil at the hoinn iil ,n.|i|n.rr nl IftO ,',ln Dniiny Dni.lon n ''hiM'L vnid Tlin woinr illA nfirr a Htoi'fl tin owiib in innn’ iinik wlini )ncfliil Oardnn Oily caiiiil.t iinmnoii InnvliK ............ .......................... rralflnnn! nnrt" I'olliT tinid limy Imd not <!•;• rnr. liiinrd wimtlmr tl)irrn wl.n nny U.onry "Imvr in^rlliiii lim y Bnlil Um oiiiim' i.iiloninlln I'Inlii Ihr riir wnn uinliitoi'iiiliiiul on Uin ilrlvi'r'n il Ihny nddrd ttmy havn.Ioiinil nnd ilrmniiilnl .....llv.' U,r fhlim thn.nlinln Airi.iillilK H> n nm.loi.'n rnin, l.ii.iiiry hnil tin Chr riti' wnn (iKilnHiilnlinl nfl- llm i«o ivonimi nuinliiK ilninnHi' In Uin irni liinx'il liln Ixiily 'Um <|iiiiiin<>t-liul lypfl n lin r- i/|i nnd Inin Um r Him illM'hnuinl ------------------------ ----- • 'M ilrrrd hin rlRli nA'llil'*-!'*'!' .••''_llNiilir.ll_ 111" li'.l'H' . ['•OIN'I' 'AHuij'liil.M'i, ’ Oiillf., ''llll'M l '* J.l, n Iiirc-A u-i. Briirnl nnid- ''ml Mm. Wniii 1 wnn Iniiiintinil lottVtnl n jiolni loKrllii’r niillni III. lodny hy Um nli Jnr.'n,_________)Hrn V H !T » ents Don’t Appreci 3 Booming Firewo; mkril Iiii'il) III I.IXHI iinlln Tim ll vvn/i nn okoII II.ihlinnidn of Wimlilinllni. dliiimi <'iil«rtnli ivni'Kjx r iilfliirn .vai r (loiMlrd. A mllllnvy rn. VI,wl .inllnn »nld tlmy UiitUKlil. Il»l.i.-d iii.uii. In lire lind bn'ii mi nKpionlon or mnrlimn, nlr foi mb l.iiml. W hni lliry Iftiinird i.rmy noloiil.il Ii D inilnnainklnK «Hnm fioin alBO lind liflflii t 1 Wlllt'' fii'ftwoi'lin, ft nttmirfttmn, V dlniiriMlUnl rflBldniiU nnld (I Hut; wliflii Mi' nilinn't'lii'vfl bmn dm.n afc thnt thn nky,- Ihft -I im'of nliihl. ruiitlml llko you lllll for I'lrnldi'iili Ktinini^, 'I'lir linn.i.l III „ H ’M<'iinn>iii'’'l .. ..... . imr In lionnr of ininirn i»l''l 1'“’ ‘>"HI>I>' n in iK c i I UililiiK ffinii tinloonlOA and tlifl /all nmilni eeajn ith Jnwn or thorWhUoVi<»"w. notise. to Serving nort rromoUng tl ^VIN TAM.S, iuA iio, F RIDA V, s’F .fri with state patrolmen Friday as his wheelchair ue elementary KbooL A Negro boy also was d i orders to Intecrate; (AP wirephoto) « ^ « V « swvernoriJ: it^gration E ; 6 (/P)— Govr-Georga-G.-Wallacc-shut ration temporarily but one group of r gh atate trooper lines to register thgni- :tivitie.s at the four schools ordered clc by Wallace, pupils started a new_schoo --------------------------------------- ers. Enrollf lesU.S. * • 1 about 2<i,0C 11 Air Raid ,;rcrp i; <— - grammar scl; -Ctiba blames the United grated by the it Maid lolled a Sanla Clara o>-‘'o«d cio.se ia three children. Thc com- Slndl and^‘ lu-tned forces said .several About as n . Thursday on Santa (^liira, rnin to troop irovince of Liis Villas. The that tim via llava„„ni<l]„, said t»<, 1 Iho liomufl w ere uHcorlcti ^tood njiide. ------------------------------ -- Thr mothi-i \7» -• p Inlored Uielr V ictim oi Shootin*^ Still Re T I<I1 TtlSCAI.i Is'“(j-itical .lutn,-n I.rn Wllll,u.iBnii, W. lo- miliKHl In crlUonl comllllon fil- Iny nrimiKmii at Mi.kIi: Vnllry "'“X "f I'"'' Mmnorlnl lionnllnl wllh n Imlli't *“ ri voniid In III" bnrk, wtilih hr ii'- iPlvnl nlioiii a a. in. 'I'liinnilav. * Dlrklp I-nilnnd l,«ionry,'JV, wlio („],) ],v .•«» vhniKuil will. tiMniill wliti a thrrn would 1 Irndly wi'iipon In Ihr nlimiUiiK, Wlilln thry vtili'.li occuriTd nt Unrmim pnik. njiry, a nla inn bren icli'nnod fill »l,mm Imml |o\idn|K'uker li Ho date, lian bcnn act lor ll|i iiicni. don't li iridlinlnary ImnrlnK. ko Inl" The Alimidiig (wuiiiitiI i'H'T H'-I>i»'l ib'.v. din, l.iiiMii’y nnd Min. Illi'Imiil tlir (inir N<-|ir Vmilwoilli rnn Imni ilir l.uonny brni oi'dirrn riildn.rr nl lft07 lllUnlmUi I'onln- wlllln niilniol nld, Tlin woinpj. nm ni'io.'.'. Ilnr- oonrin, ' nun pnik whom limy nnw Wll- , Iniiinon InnvliiH (Hr Wj-iilwoitli ,,|,y ramnnri! nnrt-thny-Rlopprd • hin flntim-wnilirri »v. nil,In iiiat nrt Uxiimy nliovpd llir r: nilllM'v ,,,, .nil ilrmiiililnl llm hnn, Ari'onllllK 111 Ml". Wiiil"imUi n,,,,,,,., ^.,1,1 .. .iHilirV hnd Um Kinr |«illil<-il "I 1,o<>ii,'in lo In Im hv,. wonmii »'hnn Will.....'non , IIII,.',! hin Ixiily l.iwniil Hi" wi»n . ., {, ,„„| l„l„ II,. ll„c ,,l M,.' Til,. ' nn illni'linuinl nml l.lir li'iHi'l ■iilrrrd hin rlRht nIdr, Jiiil imdrr J ,,, Mr nmr-'MrB‘ixioi.rv niid' Mr. j ml Mift. Wriil.vmUi Iik.I h.'n, j>j() J oKrIlinr n.illnr In llm rvri.liiH ,,0^11 (Mrn VUITIM Ol^ I'nufl '^1 „.||| Im no aiil' ------ ; ----------------------------------------- lllft llf-ftUl or ppreciate pjfl ireworks "Hrii; l:: ;-■ ! A ,„iiii„v, „„ II,. ....... I- ''1'';;;, 1«1.|,.,I I«,vii, .................. >“| " " i„„.|i„,.. »l,' lonif, lm,ipl,„.|. «i»l ; I" I rmy noloiilnl nfn und dniMinifi' I'll'l'*)' lB,i Imd imiiii fiintini'll mul dimv (tinirntion ... iin ^ iv mI'I nnt; wlirit Min firnw-'ikn HI- ‘U' llfl nky,. ♦hft -ITMtdrnfi'n Rii""''’ uiioinpuiymnn i.nulnd llko yminiKili'in AiiHimt U> :Mm '(■III' tinn.1.1 lilnrh llr Binir .U'l- rr III lioniir<if Uin vlnllliiH i'>V»l ‘" r fivtii nioi implr iiiniKci Uin opmilnK nl 'li" '■''i” >'"i' U'nt >11 AiMiiai eeaflou a t tlin WliH« dioppflit brlov loWBe, )moUnfi: th© Growth of Ijifne Irrijfatwl i V. SK^TF.^^RF.It 6. 1 9 ^ '” Pai IlnFa] ^ E overnight, wa '■'•jk the vault I '^'1 '''jJBi sl^criff's offic _ Bank of Troy those loi'ked ' v B | nnd the seen B B R aj^ W getaway ca>. ' ' n womnn. - AJN hers. ^ ^ '0 of the I mM scribed ns wearli ing and black H B the other wn.s with a silk .stocS •: > E , IW Wi At thc time ol ^<^009 out In Ihc -B H en lOOF bulldli probably waj s« a w Brooke, his wl ert. 15. were n held In their I r - * i -•< nlEht. bul thc b '> 'V pwhllo thc robbci H allW l.-^it> • •■?!?■>■-W B ~ p . m . unU I B ro ' •• Ihc bank this n FBI ag^ib E ployes and cust the bank, they ' i ~ thff btick nt gur f 23 persons wen J |0 n | *' sPPI^H A witness sold Bohman, iiulde the vau customers were - the floor, a wheelchalr^rldden cfilld wa(- All those insl r also was denied entrance to ordered to act n «) bers waited for ¥ * V V open. _ Roadblocks w rOrdersSpi a-Delay . ^ band and thel llacc-shut-down^four-^city. M d handcuffc ?roup of m ilitant mothers ster tI\eni.-While helmeted the front door >rdered closed for one day pretext of aski new school year nt 24 oth- rs. Enrollment at the four Jivlngroom. she ist year totaled 2,323 and ing a pisioi at ttendance .at all schools in was ordered t his city of 100,000 wns .. boufr2d,000. .......... tl?hou«'Do[ The marching mothers acored “ V® iielr coup at one of ihe three % rammar schools ordered inte- ______________ rated by the fe^lernl courts nnd rdcrcd clo.scd by Wal'.nco de- TlyT - _J Mte llio protest of the city V I H H I umicll and the mayov. J.T X -V /V '^ About 2R mothers turned deaf ^ « -w-^ nrn lo troopers and their mea- /^ il p (iKc that tlin East Clinton Bcliool i f I Ij ■nn clo.scc'. 'Hiey proceeded rcno- itidy «p the alcpa. Tho iroopors nUlU FY '“ n r S c r . w.,,1 ,r,- ........... -on'f™ ,tered Uielr tola, then left wlmn WO(!K lin'H I)n , ei«l nicotliiK ing wjis anil Rejected TtlSCAI.OOHA. Al».. .Sept, tJlU rC fl l.1'i— ll. S, Clroiill Judxe WiiKrr l'.- (inrin t.Hlity re- MJ Jrnled a ^c.|IIm I l.nfUr.l l.y lYIOVC fSrorne W nlU.r for . nUy I.f imtillr «oti,M.llnlr|tra- ‘I ^ »l.,n In UlrmliiUmm. A l(l 1|1 * * Vl iV WAHIIINfri'l lid l)V nrliiH'l ortl,;luln lhat .rrr would hr nn clnnjrn todny. „n Am,nlr WIilIP they wrifl makliiK thrir ijtry, a niair l.lghwny pnlrol ‘ ” ".'''V . Aidnp.'uker l,ooiimd. •'Don't hurl ,71. J Jr m, leni don't hurl ll.cm; let lIlcii. i> I 'll ., . 1(1 ,tnimiiidn Hi-liool ,lnv« writ? drinyrd for " ' m (nnr N<-«i" chlulrrn who l.ml " m,„„.,,u.„| „f rrn oi.lrrrd .nd.nillcl Inlo Illln BiiliiiolB ‘l.y llm fr.lr.nl Tlir twd-hi.ii (Illy Ally, .toe l*nyim nnUt Uio „j („r ly plftiinril no Irmil nnllon l.n- ronunlllrn of t uim-wniiirrirnnirnMiirrti-nfn-- rni ,i|u,,Vnmim: Illn m at nrtmol opciilliK would „,,.'n„nw lny 1. i>,iinil(lrd Monilny, nnnininiil nrori-l "Thin in nn iinforluiinlr nltiiii- fn,- ninlrni af( ,,n v r h n v r hi'on nilUJr.Mr^il 10 i„,,, Illn Hi'vrtiior." Mnym n. U. ,,,|,.,i„k irUr.n nnirv hiilil, "Wr did not nnk fur ||,^ nllllnllon" ll 0..11rin 10 hr ^^nl In limn nnd „,„whi« mil ot ■ lllll nt.l wiiiK limm, luM.lmrnl uf n "I ihink Wnllimn nin.nld m- ..j, ,,„n'l 1 ii'liihrr h,i In fiinnlnK nl Uin l,id- ^,1 liullKiinnl al mivrrninrni loiiilliiH |,,M.nlr nf Uin ^ ouiin inin m.r «.nlr> ml , ---------------------------- cmiiTirncmrci No hiqueHl MIIOflllONIi:, Hrpl, (I . -n.rin l,O V < ^ /ri ...... .. no aiitmwy or lmmrr.1 Inlo » ift d m h of .mniM u.'W jiiiifl , 1. Dlrli'lnh (iinimi' ivho .vnn llril Ml a t\m .,;nr' rolllninu hiiiMliiy mi.riiliiK Miiilhrn/.l ol cH.YMI’IA, V Inlilnh, nci'.mdUiK lo Dll 11. (1. . aUti I I ,i|i.'r, l.liiriiln ,i.iiinly ,:oionrr. jni„nl' ulirrlnl llonnid ’ni.iiiira, SI, D lrtrkli, InriiUfnnL on I hll wnn ilrlOn of llm Muimid nlri.n, II whlnli iH.lllilr,! wllh Um Mr- '|'|m „i>vnm>i lum vi-hlole, In In fnlrly iimnl itml diiiiiK i^iffi iiiillUon. nltrniliiiiln ,,i ril. nm - kv Ili.udiimn,,! IK'i'n ln«pll«l, Jriuiiln, nnld |)„nHliin, Kvriflll ililuy noon, 1,1 nil nl lli« ........................... - Ihll rnlln '» npn: . UNKlViri.OVMKN'l' m i'H . lri<IMntU'<>. WAIIIIINO'niN, Hrpt. fl ilil’D DoiiKliin, 33, iianipliiyiiinnt fell hy 4<1»,IK)0 lu yoar.old Bi-und iiHiinl in :i,fln’l.i>Ol>..Uin Inlior do- ii.i,’ dilvn lo rn .............. iri'iirieil I ihU v. ( i. .vnn dm, ir fhfil liKiiilti Blnrr Inal On. DiilliiK """'’I iiiilinr Mint Ihr Jol.IrnB lotnl Mrn. (loiNliimii Diuiflil l.n|mv thn four mlllli.n tnlklmi, uvk. -I'hl. Ji our I I Irrlpitw l Mnho Co.mJlw, Bank Pre Family IIi ^50,000 If TROY. Ida., Rppt. fi {/D-Unbhcri hpid ; ernight, wailed for a time lock t<i opon t the vault heforo p.m*nping with an oslin eriff's officers al first broadcast an alii ink of Troy, Frank Brockr. had been kid ose locked in thp vault d the spcotid n.nn in a ri^i T hirc :rs. W :>ne of fJio rolibnrs was de- I •Ibed ns wearlne wrsl'-rn rloili- X -iv fO V /k I nnd black cowboy hnl nnrt e olher wn.s clad In covrrnlU JEROMIO, S th a silk .stocking ma.sk. the .lerom e Hcl At thc time of tho robbery, fire n„n,..j(inii wjiq oko out In Ihe iwo-story wood- , lOOF bunding. Brockc said it voles a obably waa set as a diversion. Wiis 606 In fa\ Drocke. his wife and son, Rob- Bpoiled ballol, t. 15. were not harmed while ,,i/ioa ar^hnnl , Od In their home during the ght. bul thc boy was ro.stralned w orkers enrol llio the robbers waited from 11 m. unUI Brocke was taken to TVT V H/ oyes and customers arrived nt rp le bank, they were herded to X 1*V1112 iff btick nt gunpoint ana iiiiany J o Averts A Witness said the bank ca-shier. ’illis Bohman, was handcuffcd NEW YORK, islde the vault. Some of the Mayor Robert I istomers were ordered to lie on stepped Into the le floor. school teachers All those insldo the bank were education in on •dered to. act normal as the rob- teaclicrs’ strike jrs waited for the vault lock to tho city’s 650 p sen. scheduled to opi Roadblocks were set up on all one mUllon chll des of this small northcentral Leaders of .th lalio cbminunliy; aiLnougn“ the nave said iney )bbers were l>cllevcd headed east go to Jail to bi long sUite highway 8. The worn- mands for an n seen at tho wheel of the raise and that etaway car waa wearing a black court order ilk scarf, witnesses said. strike. -MrsrBrocke-saJd-she. her hua* —The-board of and and their son were each jaina there ar ,cid ,handcuffcd,but in,,M PA r^ more'-pBy=thls= One man got Brocke to open iL^ he front door, she said, on the irelext of asking directions to a J ervice stAtlon. Mns. Brocke said hat when she looked Into tho broker Ivlngroom. she saw a man point- °^y- ng a plsiol at her husband and Whllo the irns ordered to open the back wllh leaders of loor. whnt steps to Two other persons came, into Ihc U n l^ , Fedj he house. Doth were dressed In ers met to vote nen's cloUiIng, she said, but ono ready approved (See BANK nOUHKD. Page 2) night by their Meet Set to Dis Of Declo Studei RURLEY, Sept. i>—Complaints by pai ;hililreii from the Oeclo elementary hcIk veek has i)ronipled offlcialH of llic ('aasin •jnl meeting al H-p.n). Monday al the Cii ng was aniioiiiiciid Thiir.-jilay evening by (ihurch Eyes i Qye,-, MovetoCnt .,=.3^ I drnwii l.y 4(1,1 Aid ill Asia ;'.m.ln.’H ‘n' " (hr miinllil WAHIIINfri'ON, HnjU. (1 l/|V - '■ Ti,.|,Miin M I,',i, I'Vnnk (;imrr!i nnld todny Im :! m ,,,,,, |,n,i a ni,y tiffrr 11 irniiliiUiin lo nl.iil Wllllum.i nliii iff nil Aiiirrlrni. nld lo Soiilli Tlm.ir|>i.pl 'li-l Nnn. unIrM drnnlli) informn I f„n,l ri. unilrrlnhnn l.y llir Ngn Dinl. , „„ „f aiih, 3 JIrm K"vrrmi.rnl. jl jm i mi ...................... Idnho Drniocrnt, ttm i, it iiflld. nld itnmniiiln for Blrni tl. H. '. mii.iinml urnnmrn-lnclUdlliK M'lue for a ,'llhdrnwnl of Amrrln.n inllllnry ' u,. tnx niitlr .Ivlnern -wnrn vokrd nt Wlinl lir rn,'rl1.rd nn a nKirmy l.rlrdiiK, i*-- Mining < Protest: . ............... . ''y ""'7 nAI,T LAKE ' riininn nf(nlrn, (;iiuii'h ll.lll n rciK.iIrr thn u;y<in ludny lo ilrlliiK ir(lr,r|r,l "n ilflliillonU- npoh.’iMiinn mil,' IK nllllnllon" in HuiiUi Vint Niu.i tlirl1,< nHlliidr lowliiK out i>( llm Dim. rrKlmr'n ,'oinoilnAlon nnd ,ii.l„,rnl ut nuitdhlnin, n,n nrnl. "if wn don't irnllr.r how Bliork- Tin- inrrllnii .1 hiillKi'nnt nnd nroiinrd llir lnn| \M'i'K'n Ilciy ,-ii|ilr nf Uin world nrr, wn nrn TrxnA (liiir ^lii iiniil'K all "iir liflinnrrUvr" i)oni..li iiillir 1 niiiTirncnmrccr.'— m »f ‘Jf>'n lM»v<‘-rnor, Two I’icke Ureakfa.st on Capitol ol.V M l’lA, Wnnli., firpi, fl (liri) nlin nnld. "Von <li>v, AllK-il I), lti>nnlllli| liHlny Huvnm.i ntinln,' linrd ulirriiilii.lr plrhnln t«ii- ti.H.diiun „.i,kfnnl on lllfl Mnlil cill.Kol |„,„,„i,.dlv Hint mtnlnnL llm li-||l 'llm Hi.vnm.i- nio n.vrrt loiin ,|m Huvriimi', II UMiHlun, Kv’inll, w ill'hnvn v.uviMl , nil III llm oni.Ui'l nnlll lt,«r|- Q . ',",""'' 111 rnlln <» npnilnl (.,'«nlon «i( llm ' .................. .„i.i.„i,. .................................... ii.m iiii,i t.pi DoiikI*'". 33, Jidiiril llin Ml- >’o coinmrnt ni Dni'«o1d Bi'uiulnioliirr l,i,|,iy .In Tlin yovtiiliui .1,’ dilvn lo rninn wnKmo hnilii- liinil Unit tm in, M>'’''li>l .............fl DiilliiK ll'’»rllliil'n l.rint vlnll, nl Irnnl, llfl (iiKMlinnn did liin.H of llir. " t nnn'i, ,wiiil. 1 tlklnii, ' I" K" Immr," "Till* Jl our i.exL ( uimi nor," iiriitrj.Lr,d. Final F d ilio l I 'resident, lleld Wll 1) Is Stole i.bhcri hpId a hank pro.sidpiit nnd his fat ick to oppii todav and then I'^cked about vith an osliniatpil J50.000 to ?r.0,()00. I-- idcasl an alarm that the presiclenL nf Ihe had been kidimned, but it turned nut he rh ird T ry on L< L oses a t Jero m f JEROME, Sept. 6—The third effort thi; le .lerome school board to obtain extra fur .)eration was defeated Thursilay when \ y 30 voles a five-mill migrant school Ie iis 606 in favor and 726 against the meas loiled ballol, for a total of 1,423 votes. S idoa school districts which hnve childrei 'orkers enrolled may levy funds which cj ^ .general achoc N .Y . M ay o r -ry TlTnrsday wai Iry in g to ' „'S„rA A v e rt S trik e The first try 1 NEW YORK, Sept, 0 (UTR — levy increase In ■iayor Robert F. Wagner, today .than 700 school tepped Into the dl.ipute between two-thirds majo chool teachers and Uic board of for tho 10-mlll ducatlon In an effort to overt a celved only-R-eli eaclicrs’ strike Monday when ^arle Schafer ho city’s 650 public schools arc intendent of set cheduted to open for more than day nlghf. -Th mo million children. Ing.-The major! Leaders ot the 40,000 teachers the view of the lavc said they are hOt afrald'to -Ora-fCTOBTWlTr ;o to Jail to back up their de- ingly. The sir oands for an immediate pay numerous cUlze 'alse and that they will defy a sago of this U\ lourt order prohibiting the been In vain at itrlke. I wish to thank -The-board of-educatlon-matn- tbelr -generoi^ ,»ln. Ihtre ote no luna, lor “”„f Until today \yagner had kept :uindj off tho dispute.' He de- m l!i** :ldcd to intervene when negotia- Ira illC lions between the two sides wero ibrupUy broken off late ycsler- Id lo/^T While the mayor conferred ............... ivllh leaders of tho two sides oiH . IroZ..- .... Yhnt steps to take, members of .. .he Unl^_d Federation ofJTe^h- ;rs met to vote oli'fhe aUlke al- lox-s ready approved 1,500 lo 11 last , '/y .............. light by their delegatfa. 1962 ......... a Discuss Trans tudents'to Burl ainls by parents concerned over the tra nentary hcIkwI lo Miller elementary schoi [>f Ihe ('assia county school district lo H i ay al the Ca.saia county school board off evening by di.Hlrict school Supt. Er.ra R ............, . .......................... ............, and Btiy Kei ;.................. i' school Hiiperl O vordraw n I' "H h noari ; ........ Mil,., Mnrjorlo II. ; Moon mid Auditor Jon It. r . ‘"['V, ?'J tV ', ' ''''lTr'rrim rLM U .l‘{£^^^ ""■y prnirainrt nn of AIIH, 31 wni. U .m .- U I -Jflll. llnl Mibtn.nle,l Irom I; II w '» : Uini, It Iinid. .vcro »l.no3,no , ; wIhhio nnmrn w In mil.ilnmlliiK wnrinnln I '*l'}>'“ ''’»'>y wn ; nnd In oiitnlund- n ctiildreii hnd I ji : ......................................... ... I' s ,"?i,:; k .', i M. . ........ I Ing 'niiiradny'fl Mining Officials Protestin-Utah " Inln mnl ..Illi (Inv. (leom r 1). pro-rrulnlrt ;i" ImlU- niUlmlr ol Uie liKhmlrlnl <.nmilnn1mM.iid llm K,.vri nui-lu- ,, unid Ihn nrrdn nf n.ll.yn, llll- IlirrllliK Bl.-mni,-.l / I'l. Ill „( nni M'rk'n Ilciy rM\li.nliii. »l Ll.« tn ail, VxnA (liiir ^liili'liin ,'uin|iniiv'n , 10I 11..I1 inliir nnn Miinh Ihnl ..iiV ', ’J i " I " - ..... lit thfl Uirra ' 1 l’ick<>,tH 1 lav<“ , In tho IMnnIn m a p ito l S tc |)s 1 ;,: lin nnld. "Von nio kuIi 'K 1<> Im w iS i.Z n 'io ’i; Huvriimi-, Ih r ....... ....................... lim lS n 1IdliiK "Wlim wn riria you Um nrnt Huilny nnd Imo Ill.r, wr nhmild Kivn y..ii full ,|ny.’lliry ulno f owrin nml K<'t rid of llm \mln- , ern and alntora ll.fMilllii( miillnd wnii ly ffi||ltq, .trniiuft .aiilioul. No cmnmrnl nt nil,’' ,,„np,i. _ Tlin Movtiniui iol(l.JWvi...aiHHU ...i£Bi'ft -Mw»r*- s„r:i,Sir,,;::.: .......... I Irnnl, Imvn lo im mi I "1 nnn'i, ,wiiM. iJinl, Ioiik, 1 wniil Ml mii.iitnn mid I K" hiimr," MtA., (loodmnn l<i put ail Uio iiitrjitcd. enliiinl. Final Fdilion ■tr"' '’Prrif; mt, While ' \ olen I it and hia family ho.itage | incked alviut 20 persons .0 ?r.0,()00. I--atah county | JsidenL nf ihe Jndependent ._| :urned nul he was one of ' .| on Levy irome i ird effort this summer by , lain extra funds for school ^ -silay when voters vetoed ant school levy. The vote inst the measure, with one 1,423 votes. State law pro- hnve children-of migrant inds which can be used in 'oneral achool operations. Last month an election denfcical to tho one held riTnrsday was defeated by 100 votes, wllh only S60 vot«rs partlclpallng. A ulmple majority was needed to approve the in- The first try was for a 10-mlll levy Increase In July, when more tlian 700 school patrons voted. A two-thirds majority was required for tho 10-mlll levy and it re - ceived only-R-8lmple majority.------------- Earle Schafer, district Buper- Intendent of schools, said Thurs- day nlghf. ■•This Is dlsappoint- Ing.-The majoritv. has expressed the view of the jcbgrni^ty and ingly. The sincere efforts' of numerous citizens for the pas- sage of this five-mill levy have been In vain at the present time. I wish to thank these people for tbelr -generous support-and-ro ------ quest a continuation of their atcadfaat_effort_jQr_ttie .good .o f , ,,. the ydflhg peopl6~ln~thl»-ttrea.'‘’- ------- Traffic Deaths Idaho 1963 ................................... 131 . 1962..7 ............... .............. 173 Magic Valley 1963..1.” ......... 1....... 32' 1962 ................................... 41 ' [ransfer Burley over the transfer of their. nentary school, Burley, this' district lo Hchedtlle a spe- lool board offlge. Thc meet- Supt. Er.ra Moore after ho 1 and Btiy Kecd, elementary I school Hiiperlniendent, mot with n e a rly GO families Thuratlay morning on tho • Inwn of tho Declo elementary Bcliool. Tho -tnfomial ll.urfidny morning mcotinB wna held afler IinrentA of 11 Ueclo nUidoniA ntopped the sehool bus Wednea- dny morning nnd again 'n.iirndny morning, In an nffort fO'tet the Bcliix>| bonrd offlclnln know that tliry proiratnrt the Idea of their ctiildren allending ocliool hi Hur- ley. II was repnrlcd tl.e pnrnnts, wiiiK.0 nnrnrn wrre not dfllelnned, npnnrni.lly were nnnware tlielr ctiildren hnd been Irnnafcrred lo lluilny until Ihey hnd rnliirned from Um flrnt dny of noliiml. Dur- ing 'lUiiradny'A menllng the pnr- nnln (luratluimd llm offlfllnls nl.out the Irnnnfer and anked If nny iiioin Drnlo atiulnala would *.n iratiflfnrre.l,------ = ------------------- Moi.m Inid Uio pnrri.ta thnt Ihn flcliuol hoard nindo U.o dn- iilnloi. nllrr It wna learimii diir- liiK prn-rri(li.lralloi. of rlrnirn- inrv atiidimin ln.-,t nprlim Umt Ihnn wrrn '^11 flnvollnd In llm flrnl Krndn nnd U.n l.oiii'd folt Unit timy r,nild only acrommo- ilnlfl JA. Iln nddnd durhiK Uin flinl wrrh i>f notiool the lotnl grnw to ail, ' Tim pninniA Umn naked tlio orfiDlBiB If Ulcy oolita liavovoH-------- i.Uinr Iflnnlior al Deolo In onn lit lllfl Uirno emply roon.n nt thfl elemmilary scliool. Mooro iinnwrird Ihrrn nro :i0n lenvl.era In tho IMnnIn (Kiiii.ty fliitiool sya- trm nnn "limy aro iieedrd lit thr pinrra wl.rrn timy are lo- cnli'd." Ttm piiifliila of atiiilei.la hi Itia flinl, nrcund nnd lliird Braiiea. whirl. Bfli'iii lo llfl Uio only Hrndes Invulvrd nt thla ttnin, nrn r.on- oninrd uvi<r tlifl Idrn of tlinlr iildliUrn ilillng Um adhoi.l hUfl lo Dm Iny nnd Imok to l>e<d|> eueh ilny. 'Hiry itlnii fflel U.at U.n chll- ilrrii nlioiilit l.n wllh llioir brolll- ern and alntoia li.atead o( In a Birniiun aiiliuul. ua;i pkrflnl. 10- . |i(iflr<t. , -ICni'ft -lh#..Brouj»------ Hint the toi.Kcnl nny nlllld wuutil Imvn lo Im nil tho hua would ba An mii.iitnn and (hnt lliev piai) t<i put all Uio •tudonla lu on* Bnliunl.'' , .
Page 1: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

WeatherO e crea s in g C jo u d s TonigW , T o m o r r o w

Centennial ^ & r t u r d lAt T. F . Faf l E R - S e p l . 6 _ A t t e n d « n ™ n t

c o m i ty f i u r T h u m l a y I l o f 400 o v e r l a s t y e a r 's seco : S B a r ry . D e s p i t e t h r e a t e n . i S S i e x p e c te d f o r W e s t E n d da; . g|l repofts in d ic a te th e fn ir th ^th all disp lays co m p le te a n d a 1 r i ouantity. M o st fa i rg o e ra seei

^ -------a r e anMe Set for ; 're i? o 1, , tendinj

Examination [)f Suspect E £

P o r S

• alKelU' T . a« t«» *UB. 22, n ™ ’ f lo tW id iiad»y , nb to ia in g lo « IW M n ,, O l.o n ', a lw r-

“ & * r l ' p r ™ d " “ J '" , ’

,M t t . r tp o tl would b= s lv m w ™ M

w. Anna Lou M cKlnnan, f ™ .o u n d td . . . « . l t lm « lUe shootlnB. la reported In ”

S f ' r p i S . “ “ "iteordlng to hasplU l au th o r- l«,Mrs. M cKlnmin'a rig h t a rm ' " 3hive repa ir work done on I t “ ^ S ia -n o t.b o -am p u ta te c l.... ,.

^ Z T I- Saturdfl

State Board ’ " i,_ 1 , f a ^ r o u

r O l l P V crowd 0

l)l8ehools “SBOlBE. fcpt 6 M l-P re lim la- P’“y» « J , tttpulmed » t developing & oU W iIWiUteaot-of-polloF-coT- “ “ . . a ifclMiWitoiUWUonj o f h ig h - J ^ t t e a r.edQttU!a.«ntftken.todfty-by J h rffiU W cT W iira trd n .“— p a p e rs- ITur could letd -to csUbllBh- h ad scr

lUt 0 / 1 (wntoatlng agency mentilBt icirt of a ll l iu t l tu - ^jM«iUT» tiij^fccond^ ccbool rtl r' T ' , . Goertzc: Tm Hivku, Pocatello, board tsldeat, ta]d ho T7111 a«k th e In- .I't itfllOM i t higher education to w tlc les. lUlns la 'w ritten form th e ir repllc. a poUcles and ho wlU dlacUas In Uie, 1 lil D.-P.-Engelktng. Btat«‘.8U- log rialtDdent of public Instruc- were f c

iPolfelM Bet In tho pnat-by per's-ca b te board. T lie i

Ko ttld he would a ttem pt to by pcoj wnble a tlrat d ra f t of a.pollcy Innoit for aubmlwlon a t a

Moin™ policies of the Unlvcralty Idtho and Idnho S tn te u n i- C 1

«lr differ and he called Uio O C l allon '•» llitle l>ii rldlonloav"

ouftbi to havo uniform 1 ? ^ . Wm,“ he added, V 0 1

18 Men Taken f£‘j rom Towers ;”i “; ’Copters |£ s

lUONBPr POINT. II, I., HpiH. 'I'lic I '»-A tirtt of lielluoiilcra iivci - ii- i,.n " • l‘l«Iorco wlndn Uxliiy, nnd notnin 'i' l"W ?8 mr.i lo B,.fcly fron. 7 i r ,

m iienr.l -I'oxfts tow n.- In v ^Wr? , » ,n , A M .,m r

*«i» htllcuuicia cvuiiuiitrd .J.j '" " ' ,«'«» ffoni lowciB a nnd 3 nn

w»vf, l,nii/,ie<t tlin runty " •'‘'■'■fa. Tlin innn iv n r flown '•

...... . »«vni n l r MU-

Jo lll.K« f ir . Kl,,|{h.olli;i)i)kiti liindi-d on » ,

'onil <M, i„„,„. N... J «n<I I'J '"f'liiily wnlKr<l al)r«Vrd, ,1*1 oilipi wcro f n ,

"i« iiftvTl Imnn T im ^ I /^ if l r ‘'"III. flrld, Io MonciiMi miard wn.i nnlird io '‘" 'I f tn

'" 'n lllf- nint-W(ii.Hnii<i<l loW- ^<''1 »i‘«ii ll ivH.s fn ir rd th a t rnn - •'‘'f*"' J\{'"ii<idH.K hy ltl.f<.oL w«vrr. ''V ”

'!;« K«l« form wi.i.ln w'm.ld <ti‘M. M ■ ; ''" 'in ,l„ r.,lj|,|,„r, H-lnK I

'H in t wcir mni.loyril l,y n ''l«"‘''l ''Nil. ...................... ,1,0 llnw l

"* I'M' KiilniHr, Mnl)l, riIlf'Hlt.tll!

Riibni Expert "i™, " " r

“ ;w . « m - m .

,,’ *li''iimll<'n ftt

3 3 r H = Ca...... llm .in m u n .» .t - « r i

f t o n l 'o , , . | | „ V V i

.f c ll .......... ............. WAllIH ,"" 111 I),-, | |„ „ n Jiuoilllll

'“lliiV *'">V«-ii>Hy of N o ilh llimnor:_______ limlv'fi n

>»AN I 'A tir w o'irW

•Irni.i" l)„ Mini.,, Aflrv‘''■Vlll^,„ '^ nujflndpi

V'1' '“ 'I'"*""’'’''

*'». IHh u '" " ' ' '’*'' I " '" ‘'' '" I ’l'oi 1 Hoklwulm'. Wlinii

U>i ,n l ' '''> I'K'liM.ly woii;i( In liono Of A im

I ........

(ds'O W "

T h * M bcI« V,

^ ____

a l D a y V

• d a y

Mr l Ace n l En.ot ond day n t the rsdiiy wa^ Ifi,327 ,^n_ lll:. .I sccond dny, accordinga ten ing werither, a goodnd day F riday . B arry add- L S Hfiir thi.s yenr ia excellent, . V g B Mid a high in both quality h? seem more relaxed andre .eajoying_p.very_fl8pcctf th e fa ir more th an inreviou.q yenrs. People a t- ^ending th e fa ir S atu rday , -'h lch had been designated bjiicntennlftl day. a rc urged vu •sm e dressed In period caJtum c*. .••'ho Id ah o O ldtlm e F idd lers a-t- . • K la tlon will p resen t a Jam boree , 1 k mt 1:30 p jn : S a tu rd ay on tiic . Wo r ta b l e . , . s t a g e opposite tn e Brandstnnd en trance . HThe fidd lers will p lay num bers ; «

irou g h o u t th e a flo rnoon . a • - — i j irge n u m b e r of association lem bers will a tten d , Including g3mc of th e c u m n t cham pion iddlers, B a rry aald. H b 8 % . |H ome econom ic judg ing con -

ists w ere held F rid ay m orn ing m b b m g l 1 th e 4 -H building. T ho Junior . f flnd nenlor stvlo d ress revues also H B n'c rc held . — ’--------------------------- r a « l " “F ittin g and show ing o f horses

'a s held F riday m orn ing and ng- Icultural dem onstra tions took laco In th e afte rn o o n . A live-Lock pa rado of 4 -H m em bers waa E ffi J .......Laged a t 2 p. m . F riday .P resen tation of aw ards In th e

-H d e p ar tm e n t will be p rese n t- ? d a t 2:30 p. m . S a tu rd ay . T h e U iiS i^ 'aa « ia ree horse show of th e F ile r Vrafiglerettes w in -beg in a t noon AN ARMY Saturday a n d con tinue u n til 4 den ied en tran I. m. th e ichool, wl

T he h is to rical m useum a t th e . ¥ ■a'&grounds Is a ttr a c tin g a good rowd of visitors th ls .y ea r. I n te r - A ^ a t ' ln - - th e - e ld tlme' - artie lea—Is — / % ■ 1 specially h igh since th is 1s Id a - f ~ \ | n , lo’s C en tennial year.

One tab le In th e bu ild ing d is- days coins, confederal* cu rrency J.nd o th e r Item s f ro m - tb e y e a r n8a2 ..Q a-d lsp lay -n lso -to t . I e t t t f - k J V y A I . - rr l tte a o n a ClvU w a r le tte r - lead, a n d also th e discharge ,TY»%Tmr,iT r a p m ^ e o a l n r tT s o ia ier ^whff — H y N T S V lad served on d u ty In th e Civil schools todi

m . m u .e u m h a , . „ ™ ,b .r o l W lOw i te a v th is year, s ta te d P e te r t^.oopers balioerizen ah<{ h is a ss is ta n t, E ddie ^ An exccuogels. Fairgoera a re u rged t o ----------------------top In a n d see th o h is to rical - |rtlc lcs. Also added th is , year Is I

rep lica of a n old m in e r 's cab in U . J l / i 1 tlie bock of th e building. T he Id log chairs a n d tab le show nzero found years ago In a tr a p - W f V W *er-'8-cabln-in . Uie. m o u n ta in s . . X V f J L . T lie h is to rica l booklet w ritten

y people living In T w in Falla M IA M I, ](See T . F. FAIK, r a * e 2) Stlllc.S fo r a

m g « ^ Rchool tend]Most of Stops - Scheduled ■,r i Tfjr 1 HrIiL a irc rar o r l i e n n e d y ' v two hi,

W A SIim O T O N , 8cp l. II font o f thn fl(op< on P ioald rn t :flnncdy's lO-Btnlr •'oonsfirvnlloii "W e hold tinrtiir" th r end of IhlK m onth wilt m en t rcnponnl0 to Inaprct conBervntlnn nnd H Uml rcjxHlii;nouvcn dfviilopm oni project.-., m ay rcMill In

fllll l.n nlM> pinnfl (n vinlt flnit AiiUI llm Cul,iikn C lly, Bun l^iunolnoo, I>.irt- »ti«li:iiicnl. "'I>nd,. Orn,. nnd U iilitlh, M inn. m nnl In i.o l wllT he ivlp .vlll lin H rpt, -jft-ao, I>l".lU'ftl i.cIa J1rl«lln luivn no t h rrn nn-

Kiinin'il Uui U wna lo iiiiird tlm t Rovrrnm etil pr llir. Iniil.ullve Itln iira .y h.w h e n .

1,0,1 ,„ a : I’’" ”Aflcr n vlnll to I‘()iuiriylvniilii, !*7iiini!

ronnrnywiirfiy to n i i l u l l . ' lo ‘!»y '*|wnk III nn nH ilc'illiirfi diipiiil- .n i l ,Hmtnicnoo in. Ini.d nnd 'ni>l>lr. T lirn ho v^lll K<* lo N orlli * U I I L C <J

™i::: Probe ji : » d 'r K ; ': „ " E ; , t . " ' i;;; ,Oil ticp l. ;iA ptniin (<<111 for lihii niiiA {milinil

0 fly lo Jnoknon rioln, Wyo,, oiydo Dniinyim r Ynllowntoi.o a n d O rn iid wIillA n f ir r afltoii imtlonBl tiarkn to apriid nd jacflnl O a rli*,»)iHhu---------------- -------------------......................... —

Hnilt, an, K riin rd y piniin lo KD |- o|Iit nnldo Moiilf.im ft. BiMiiik n i lllllliiKA trn iil i ird wllnt:nd Cliniii Knlln mill piirliniM l« ocmnkiln>i. 'll:n . Yclli.wlnll ,|,.ni lir«|- nilllllKn. of Ih r f lir .

n o m M oiiinnii ICnnnniy will ,iii,i |)inv nddnly lit Ulnli lo nno nm liliiH (Kniin ,|„ iiniilvr lorInm mill oil.pr pi-ojrotn linrinn im n nm .loi.'n "I'lK ll' Hull l-«V' Clly for n l«'™ii 1..I.I „„ o v .n ,1,111

Hn Will fly („ WiihliliKiioi, nintp ' ,.M„iimti"pi. n . All,.,,,,, II ,. ,„ „ i i , i „ „ |i . '1 '"“ '“ 'f'diniirrri ImUiK ninnldnin,! Iliinnin olmorvnnrM of tlin :i(i|li nil- 7 . .•■"i'Ivrrnnry ,.j q ,h,ic„ _ fiA'lM-*-!*!■nil Ihfl ,)rdlr«l!on I.f n inoHinm I’ttlN T 'M li> Konniiio powor fiinn Btniiiii Hnpl, n mi’C-A'iiHliK^nil fioiii ni. nioiulo irn .ilo r llt<i wi>" l«'ii»’>'g llim ^nil, in))|i, lo d i i ^ V

Capital Residents White House’s Bo(

W A H IIIN (m »N . flnpl, fl Ml • rioiikr.l nli«o IJxiniilim minlo t>iirnl/i of n liilil- nwHolihnKidnImn , tlinvvorfcn i.t (h r WliH" nowniM.iHr ulflilimno n ito n ,i ln n t I 'm U d riil Kmi- Mofit n i i l i i ' 'irtlv'n Kiirntn Uul hnpl iM.ll.in Imny (hnre lind li"']M'lnlnlijK tlio nerliil lilnnU I'l I...... I'lH'’*' ''oi'ilnd KBldontn In lh a la.liltiil t l i r iiiil»i''iiiikrcn, Ihn W hit'' IIIAflrv Ihfl flin l ,iol()rrul j.Ki»i«a frw dlniirililUn

>tI'lndBO wltll ft flr«iNiirndi)‘ft1»ilU «nniiinn‘f i i '‘v>1 (1 p.m. 'ri.iitTKlny, iiolUm ni.ld tin in 'o f nliihl. Iii.y «lHi'i»d nntlliiK n ImnnH" <•> ‘ 'rlniihoiin .'niln, Kli.H Molmi'm

Wlinii itin in -m lm iln (llnpluy llim in lrn i'|« l ‘ I. honor of thn kliiM nnd qlioon wftlfllili'K f A iirn iin iita ii iia«i em ted, polloo Boutu Jnwn or

M b c I « V ,I1o t N e w ip a p n r D p H lra tp d to

H V IN T A I . l .S

■ *

___ —


1 '/' ’S S ®'4 ■


i ' f ' ' ■ j S ^

AN ARMY S E R G E A irr a r fn e s w llh Btalo p a t, enled e n trance (o th e F i f th A venue e lem entary le •cfaool, w hich Is n n d e r fede ra l o rders to In ti

H- * ^ V- * if-

M a u a i t i c ^ o ^

Bchoal I n t^ gih o o ls t o d a y t o b ib c k i n t e g r a t i o n t e m p a r c h e d - t h e i r c h i l d r e n t h r o u g h a t a t e t r o o o p e r s b a lk e d c l a s s r o o m a c t iv i t ie .s a t tl i n n e x e c u t i v e o r d e r i s s u e d b y W a l la c e ,

Cuba Blames t For Death in AilM I A M I , F l a . , S e p t . f> C/P)— C tii) ii b la n i iile .s f o r a n a i r r a i d w h ic h i t » a id lo l l e d h o o l t e a c h c r a n d i n j i i r c d h ia t h r e e c h i l i u n iq u e o f F i d e l C a a l r o ’s i i r tn e d f o r c e lmb.'^ w e r e d r o p p e d j i l 'I a .m . T h u r s d t i y { p i t o l o f t h e c e n t r a l C u b a p r o v in c e o f 1 m n u in i q u e . h e a r d in M ia m i v ia H a v a n n rliL a i r c r a f t w h lc l i d r o j ip c d I h o l io tn b s

tw o h i K h - f l y i n g j i t l s iW i f l e w a w a y „ „ r 1 1. -

'W e hold th e A m erican Kovnrn- o . , .' S h o e ) ! !

ly rcMill In Herloiia lnnldnnt«," f / / / - , . d Il.r Ciibnn n r m « r 'r o iT K V r t f - '* '* l 1*1 ,U-mcnl. "Tho Ciibui. Hovuin- , m l In I.o l wIllhiK to tolnrnie llic i.,.n Vullffti nctfl nKi'lii.'.t im." nniliKHl In crltl:i liii/i hccoino Btnm lnrJ Cnnlio dny nrimn<MHi f rr iim e til p n ic tlc r to cull a n ti- Miirnorlnl lionn nlro inUIn "pirntlniil" nnd lo .vouiid In tiln bI. 1'KR llm Unllcil Hiitlon w llti cclvni nlioiil 'i tliiK It.fl rnlilrrn nnn I1a U itI - D IrkIr I .nilnn 'y lui n jiimiHiff |h>Iiii. wh* vliniKuil wl

'olic<^tj[{oise_ , n i • Nil da le , lian I•robe Shooiins l> •I 'n .m a ry Im.

lOIHK, Hepl. n W - T l l t r r Iml- M iV ^l.m m ry 'nr. w n r fired liiilny Into Iwo w m itw oilli rnnlA jmilinil a t the hoinn iil ,n . | i |n . r r n l IftO,',ln Dniiny Dni.lon n ''hiM'L vnid Tlin woinrillA n f ir r a Htoi'fl tin owiib in innn ’ iinik wlini)ncfliil O ardnn Oily caiiiil.t iinmnoii InnvliK

............ .......... ................ rralflnnn! n n rt"I'olliT tinid limy Imd no t <!•;• rnr.liiinrd wimtlmr tl)irrn wl.n nny U .onry "Imvrin^rlliiii l im y Bnlil Um oiiiim' i.iiloninlln I'Inlii

Ih r r iir wnn uinliitoi'iiiliiiul on Uin ilrlvi'r 'nil Ihny nddrd ttm y havn .Io iin il nnd ilrm niiiln l

.....llv.' U,r fh lim thn .n lin ln Airi.iillilK H>n nm .loi.'n rnin, l.ii.iiiry hnil tinChr riti' wnn (iKilnHiilnlinl n fl- llm i« o ivonimi

nuinliiK ilninnHi' In Uin irn i liinx 'il liln Ixiily'Um <|iiiiiin<>t-liul lypfl n lin r - i/|i nnd Inin Umr Him illM 'hnuinl

------------------------ ----- • 'M ilrrrd hin rlRlinA 'llil'*-!'* '!' .••''_ llN iilir.ll_ 111" li'.l'H' .

['•OIN'I' 'A H uij'liil.M 'i, ’ Oiillf., ''l l l l 'M l '*J.l, n Iiirc-A u-i. Briirnl n n id - ''m l Mm. Wniii1 wnn Iniiiintinil lottVtnl n jiolni loKrllii’r n iilln iIII. lodny hy Um nli Jnr.'n,_________)Hrn V H !T »

ents Don’t Appreci 3 Booming Firewo;mkril Iiii'il) III I.IXHI iinlln Tim ll vvn/i nn okoIIII.ihlinnidn of W imlilinllni. dliiimi <'iil«rtnli ivni'Kjx r iilfliirn .vai r (loiMlrd. A mllllnvy rn. VI,wl .inllnn »nld tlmy UiitUKlil. Il»l.i.-d iii.uii. In lire lind bn 'ii mi nKpionlon or mnrlimn, n lr foi mb l.iiml. W h n i lliry Iftiinird i.rm y noloiil.il Ii D inilnnainklnK «Hnm fioin alBO lind liflflii t 1 W lllt'' fii'ftwoi'lin, ft nttm irfttmn,V dlniiriMlUnl rflBldniiU nnld (I Hut; wliflii Mi' nilinn't'lii'vfl bm n dm.n afc th n t thn nky,- Ihft -Iim 'of nliihl. ruiitlm l llko youlllll for I'lrnldi'iili K tin in i^ , 'I 'l ir linn .i.l III„ H ’M<'iinn>iii'’'l ....... . imr In lionnr ofininirn i»l''l 1'“’ ‘>"HI>I>' nin iK ci IUililiiK ffinii tinloonlOA and tlifl /a ll nmilni eeajn i t h Jnwn or thorW hU oV i<»"w . no tise.

to Serving n o r t rrom oU ng t l

^VIN T A M .S , i u A i i o , F RID A V, s ’F . f r i

w ith s ta te p a tro lm en F r id a y a s h is w heelchair ue e lem en ta ry KbooL A N egro boy also w as d i o rders to In tec ra te ; (AP wirephoto)

« ^ « V «

s w v e r n o r i J : i t^ g r a t io n E; 6 (/P)— G ovr-G eorga-G .-W allacc-shut ra tion tem porarily bu t one group of r gh a ta te trooper lines to re g is te r thgni- :tivitie.s a t the fou r schools ordered clc by Wallace, pupils s ta rte d a new_schoo --------------------------------------- ers. Enrollf

lesU.S.* • • 1 ab o u t 2<i,0C

11 Air Raid ,;rcrp i;<— - g ram m ar scl;

- C t i b a b l a m e s t h e U n i te d gra ted by th e i t Maid lo l l e d a S a n l a C la r a o>-‘'o « d cio.se ia t h r e e c h i l d r e n . T h c c o m - S l n d l and^‘ lu -tned f o r c e s s a id .s e v e ra l A bout as n . T h u r s d a y o n S a n t a (^ li ira , rnin to troop i r o v in c e o f L i i s V il la s . T h e th a t tim v ia l l a v a „ „ n i < l ] „ , s a id t»< ,

1 I h o lio m u fl w e r e uH corlc ti ^tood njiide.------------------------------ - - T h r mothi-i\ 7 » - • p Inlored UielrV i c t i m o iShootin*^ S till ReT • • I<I1 T tlSCA I.iIs'“ ( j - i t i c a l

.lutn,-n I.rn Wllll,u.iBnii, W. lo- miliKHl In crlUonl comllllon f i l - Iny nrimiKmii a t Mi.kIi: Vnllry " '“ X " f I '" '' Mmnorlnl lionnllnl wllh n Imlli't *“ rivoniid In III" bnrk, w tilih h r ii'- iPlvnl nlioiii a a. in. 'I'liinnilav. * ’

Dlrklp I-nilnnd l,«ionry,'JV, wlio („],) ],v.•«» vhniKuil will. tiMniill wliti a th rrn w ould 1 Irndly wi'iipon In Ih r nlimiUiiK, W lilln th ry vtili'.li occuriTd n t Unrm im pnik. n jiry , a nlainn b ren icli'nnod fill »l,mm Imml |o\idn|K 'uker liHo da te , lian bcnn act lor l l |i iiicni. d o n 't liiridlinlnary ImnrlnK. ko In l"

T he Alimidiig (wuiiiitiI i'H 'T H'-I>i»'l ib'.v.din, l.iiiMii’y nnd Min. Illi'Imiil t lir (inir N<-|irVmilwoilli rnn Im ni ilir l.uonny b rn i oi'dirrnriild n .r r n l lft07 lllUnlmUi I'onln- wlllln niilnioln ld , Tlin woinpj. n m ni'io.'.'. Ilnr- oonrin, 'nun pnik whom limy nnw Wll- ,Iniiinon InnvliiH (Hr Wj-iilwoitli ,,|,yramnnri! nnrt- thny -R lopp rd • hin flntim -w nilirri»v. nil,In iiia t nrt

Uxiimy nliovpd llir r: nilllM'v ,,,,

.nil ilrm iiililn l llm hnn ,Ari'onllllK 111 Ml". W iiil"imUi n,,,,,,,., ^.,1,1 ..

.iHilirV hnd Um Kinr |«illil<-il "I 1,o<>ii,'in lo InIm hv,. wonmii »'hnn Will.....'non ,IIII,.',! hin Ixiily l.iwniil Hi" wi»n . .,{, ,„ „ | l„ l„ II ,. ll„c ,,l M,.' Til,. 'nn illni'linuinl nml l.lir li'iHi'l■iilrrrd hin rlRht nIdr, Jiiil im drr J ,,,

■ Mr nm r-'M rB‘ixioi.rv niid' Mr. j ml Mift. W riil.vmU i Iik.I h .'n , j> j ( ) J oKrIlinr n .illn r In llm rvri.liiH , , 0^11

(Mrn VUITIM O l^ I'nufl ' 1 „ .||| Im no a iil' ------ ;----------------------------------------- lllft llf-ftUl or

ppreciate pjf l ireworks "Hrii; l:: ;-■!

A ,„ iiii„ v , „„ II,. ....... I- ''1 '';;;,1«1.|,.,I I«,vii, .................. >“| " "i„„.|i„ ,.. »l,' lonif, lm ,ipl,„.|. «i»l ; I " Irmy noloiilnl nfn und dniM inifi' I'll'l'*)' lB,i Imd imiiii fiintini'll mul dimv (tinirntion . . . i i n ^ iv mI'I n n t; w lirit Min firnw-'ikn HI- ‘U'

llfl nky,. ♦hft -ITMtdrnfi'n Rii""''’ uiioinpuiym nni.nulnd llko yminiKili'in AiiHimt U> :Mm '(■III' tinn.1.1 lilnrh llr Binir .U'l-

r r III lioniir<if Uin vlnllliiH i'>V»l ‘" r fivtii nioiimplr iiiniK ci Uin opmilnK nl 'l i" '■''i” >'"i' U'nt>11 AiMiiai eeaflou a t tlin WliH« dioppflit brlov loWBe,

)moUnfi: th© Growth o f Ijifne Irrijfatw l

i V . S K ^ T F .^ ^ R F .I t 6 . 1 9 ^ ' ”

PaiI l n F a ]

^ E overn ight, wa '■'•jk th e vault I

'^ '1 ''' jJB i sl^criff's offic _ B ank of Troy

th o se loi'ked ' v B | nnd th e seen

B B R a j ^ W getaw ay ca>.' ' n womnn. -

A J N hers.^ ^ ' 0 o f th e I

m M scribed ns wearli in g and black

H B th e o th e r wn.s w ith a silk .stocS

•: > E , IW W i A t th c tim e ol ^ < ^ 0 0 9 ou t In Ihc

- B H e n lO O F bulldli p robably w a j s«

a w Brooke, h is wl e r t. 15. were n he ld In th e ir I

r - * i -•< n lE h t. b u l th c b '> 'V pwhllo th c robbci

H a l l W l . - ^ i t > • •■?!?■>■-W B ~ p . m . unUI B ro ■' •• Ihc bank th is n

FBI a g ^ ib E ployes a n d cust th e bank , they

’ 'i ~ th f f btick n t gur f 23 persons wen

J | 0 n |* ' s P P I ^ H A w itness sold

Bohm an, iiu ld e th e vau custom ers were

- • th e floor,a w heelchalr^rldden cfilld w a (- All th o se insl r also w as den ied e n trance to o rdered to a c t n «) b e rs w aited fo r

¥ * V V open._ Roadblocks w

r O r d e r s S p ia -D e la y .

^ band and thel lla c c -sh u t-d o w n ^ fo u r-^ c ity . M d handcuffc ? ro u p o f m i l i t a n t m o th e rs s t e r tI \e n i.-W h ile h e lm e te d the front door >rdered c lo sed f o r one d a y pretext of aski new sch o o l y e a r n t 24 o th - rs . E n ro l lm e n t a t th e f o u r Jivlngroom. she i s t y e a r to ta le d 2,323 and ing a pisioi at t te n d a n c e .a t a ll sch o o ls in was ordered t h is c i ty o f 100,000 w ns ..bo u fr2 d ,0 0 0 . .......... t l ? h o u « 'D o [T he m arch ing m others acored “ V®

iielr coup a t one of ihe th ree %ram m ar schools ordered in te - ______________rated by th e fe^lernl courts nnd rdcrcd clo.scd by Wal'.nco de- T l y T - _ J Mte llio p ro te s t of th e city V I H H I umicll and th e mayov. J .T X - V / V '^A bout 2R m o the rs tu rned deaf ^ « -w-^

nrn lo troopers and th e ir mea- / ^ i l p (iKc th a t tlin E ast C lin ton Bcliool i f I I j ■nn clo.scc'. 'H iey proceeded rcno- itidy « p th e alcpa. T ho iroopors n U lU F Y

'“ n r S c r . w.,,1 , r , - ........... -o n 'f™,te red Uielr tola, th e n left wlmn WO(!K lin'H I)n

, e i« l nicotliiKing wjis anil

RejectedTtlSCAI.OOHA. Al».. .Sept, t J l U r C

fl l.1'i— ll. S, Clroiill Judxe W iiK rr l'.- ( in r in t.Hlity re- M JJrnled a ^c.|IIm I l.nfUr.l l.y lY IO V C

fSrorne W n lU .r for . nUy I.f im tillr «oti,M .llnlr|tra- A » ‘I • ^»l.,n In U lrm liiU m m . A l ( l 1 | 1

* * Vl iV W AHIIINfri'l

lid l)V nrliiH'l ortl,;luln lha t . r r r w ould hr nn clnnjrn todny. „n Am,nlr WIilIP they wrifl makliiK th r ir

ijtry, a n ia ir l.lghw ny pnlrol ‘ ” " . ' ' 'V . Aidnp.'uker l,ooiimd. •'D on't hu rl ,7 1 . J J r m, leni d o n 't h u r l ll.cm ; le t lIlcii. i> I 'll . , .1(1 ,tnimiiidnHi-liool ,lnv« writ? drinyrd for " '

m (nnr N<-«i" c h lu lrrn who l.ml " m,„„.,,u.„| „f r rn o i . l r r rd .n d .n illc l I n l o Illln BiiliiiolB ‘l.y llm fr .l r .n l „

T lir twd-hi.ii (Illy A lly, .toe l*nyim nnUt Uio „ j („r ly plftiinril no Irmil nnllon l.n- ronun lllrn of tu im -w n iii rr irn n irn M iir rt i-n fn -- rni ,i|u,,Vnmim:Illn m a t nrtmol opciilliK would „ , ,. 'n „ n w ln y 1.

i>,iinil(lrd Monilny, nnnininiil nrori-l"Thin in nn iin forlu iin lr nltiiii- fn,- n in lrn i af(

,,n v r hnv r hi'on nilUJr.Mr il 10 i„,,,Illn H i'vrtiior." Mnym n . U. ,,,|,.,i„k irU r.n

nnirv hiilil, "W r did not nnk fur ||,^ nllllnllon" ll0..11rin 10 hr ^^nl In limn nnd „ ,„w hi« mil ot ■ lllll nt.l wiiiK limm, luM .lm rnl uf n "I ih ink Wnllimn nin.nld m- ..j, ,,„ n 'l 1 ii'liihrr h,i In fiinnlnK nl Uin l,id- ,1 liullKiinnl al m iv rrn in rn i loiiilliiH |,,M.nlr nf Uin ^ouiin in in m .r « .n lr> ml ,

---------------------------- cmiiTirncmrciNo h i q u e H l

MIIOflllONIi:, Hrpl, (I . -n .r in l , O V < ^ / r i ...... .. no aiitmwy or lmmrr.1 Inlo »ift d m h of .mniM u . 'W j i i i i f l ■ ,1. D lrli'lnh (iinimi' ivho .vnn llril Ml a t \m .,;n r ' rolllninuhiiiMliiy mi.riiliiK M iiilhrn/.l ol cH.YMI’IA, VInlilnh, nci'.mdUiK lo Dll 11. (1. . a Ut i I I,i|i.'r, l.liiriiln ,i.iiinly ,:oionrr. jn i„ n l ' u lirrln lllonnid ’ni.iiiira, SI, D lr trk li, InriiUfnnL on Ihll wnn ilrlOn of llm Muimid nlri.n,II whlnli iH.lllilr,! w llh Um M r- '|'|m „i>vnm>ilum vi-hlole, In In fnlrly iimnl itm l diiiiiK i^iffiiiiillUon. n ltrn iliiiiln ,,i ril. n m - kv Ili.udiim n,,!IK'i'n ln«p ll« l, Jr iu iiln , nnld |)„nHliin, Kvriflllililuy noon, 1,1 nil nl lli«

...........................- — Ihll rnlln '» npn:. UNKlViri.OVMKN'l' m i 'H . lri<IMntU'<>. • W A IIIIIN O 'niN , Hrpt. fl ilil’D DoiiKliin, 33,

iianipliiyiiinnt fell hy 4<1»,IK)0 lu yoar.o ld Bi-undiiHiinl in :i,fln’l.i>Ol>..Uin Inlior do- ii.i,’ dilvn lo rn.............. iri 'iir ie il I ihU v. ( i. .vnn dm,ir fhfil liKiiilti Blnrr Inal On. DiilliiK " " " '’Iiiiilinr Mint Ih r Jol.IrnB lo tn l Mrn. (loiNliimiiDiuiflil l.n|mv thn four m lllli.n tnlklmi, uvk. - I 'h l . J i our


I I r r l p i tw l M nho C o .m J lw ,

Bank Pre Family IIi ^50,000 IfT R O Y . Id a ., Rppt. fi { /D - U n b h c r i hpid ; e rn ig h t , w a iled fo r a tim e lock t<i o p o n t th e v a u l t h e fo ro p.m*nping w ith an o slin

e r i f f 's o f f ic e rs a l f i r s t b ro a d c a s t a n alii in k o f T ro y , F ra n k B ro c k r . h a d been kid o se locked in th p v a u lt d t h e spcotid n .n n in a r i ^ i •

T h i r c: r s . W:>ne of fJio rolibnrs was de- I •Ibed ns w earlne wrsl'-rn r lo ili- X - i v f O V / k I nnd black cowboy h n l nnrt e o lh e r wn.s clad In covrrnlU JEROM IO, S t h a silk .stocking ma.sk. t h e . le r o m e HclAt th c tim e of tho robbery, fire n „ n ,..j( in ii w jiq oko ou t In Ihe iw o-story wood- ,

lO O F bunding . Brockc said it v o le s aobably waa se t as a diversion. W iis 6 0 6 In fa \ D rocke. h is wife and son, R ob- B p o iled b a l lo l , t . 15. were n o t harm ed w hile ,,i/io a ar^hnnl , Od In th e ir home during th e ‘ g h t. b u l th c boy was ro.stralned w o r k e r s e n ro l llio th e robbers waited from 11 m . unUI Brocke was taken to TVT V H /

oyes a n d custom ers arrived n t r p • le bank , they were herded to X 1 * V 1 1 1 2 iff btick nt gunpoint ana iiiiany J o

AvertsA Witness sa id th e bank ca-shier.’illis B ohm an, was handcuffcd NEW YORK, islde th e vau lt. Some of th e M ayor R obert I istom ers were ordered to lie on stepped In to the le floor. school teachersAll th o se insldo th e ban k w ere education in on •dered to. a c t norm al as th e ro b - teac lic rs’ strike jrs w aited f o r th e vau lt lock to th o c ity’s 650 p sen. scheduled to opiRoadblocks were se t up on a ll one mUllon chll des of th is sm all no rth ce n tra l L eaders o f .th la lio cbm inunliy; aiLnougn“ th e nave said iney )bbers w ere l>cllevcd headed eas t go to Jail to bi long sUite highw ay 8. T he w orn- m an d s fo r an n seen a t th o w heel o f th e ra ise a n d th a t e taw ay c a r waa w earing a black c o u rt o r d e r ilk scarf, w itnesses said. strike .-M rsrB rocke-saJd-she . h e r hua* —T h e-b o a rd of a n d and th e ir son w ere each ja ina th e re ar ,cid ,h a n d cu ffc d ,b u t in , ,M P A r^ more'-pBy=thls=

O ne m an got Brocke to open iL^h e f ro n t door, she said, on the irelex t of ask ing directions to a J ervice stAtlon. Mns. Brocke said h a t when she looked Into th o brokerIvlngroom. she saw a m an po in t- °^y- ng a plsiol a t h e r husband a n d W hllo th eirns ordered to open the back w llh leaders ofloor. w hnt s teps to

Two o the r persons came, in to Ihc U n l ^ , Fedjhe house. Doth were dressed In ers m e t to votenen 's cloUiIng, she sa id , b u t ono ready approved(See BANK nOUHKD. Page 2) n ig h t by the ir

Meet Set to Dis Of Declo Studei

R U R L E Y , S ep t. i>— C o m p la in ts b y pai ;h ililreii fro m th e Oeclo e le m e n ta ry hcIk veek h as i)ron ip led offlcialH o f l lic ( 'aasin •jnl m e e tin g a l H-p.n). M onday a l th e Cii n g w as an iio iiiic iid Thiir.-jilay e v e n in g by

(ihurch Eyes i Qye,-, MovetoCnt .,=.3^

I drnwii l.y 4(1,1

A id il l A sia ; '.m .ln .’H ‘ n'" (h r miinllil

W AHIIINfri'ON, HnjU. (1 l/|V- '■ T i,.|,M iin MI,',i, I'Vnnk (;im rr!i nnld todny Im :! m ,,,,,, |,n,i ani,y tiffrr 11 irniiliiUiin lo n l.iil Wllllum.i nliiiiff nil A iiirrlrni. nld lo Soiilli Tlm.ir|>i.pl'li-l Nnn. unIrM drnnlli) inform n I f„n,lri. unilrrlnhnn l.y llir Ngn D in l. , „„ „f aiih, 3JIrm K "vrrm i.rnl. jl jm i mi...................... Idnho D rniocrnt, ttm i, it iiflld.

nld itnmniiiln for B lrni tl. H. '. mii.iinmlurnnmrn-lnclUdlliK M'lue for a,'llhdrnwnl of A m rrln .n inllllnry ' u , . tnx niitlr.Ivlnern -wnrn vokrd n t Wlinl lirrn,'rl1.rd nn a nKirmy l.rlrdiiK , i*--

Mining < Protest:

. ............... . ''y " " ' 7 nA I,T LAKE

' r iin in n nf(nlrn,(;iiu ii'h ll.lll n rciK.iIrr thn u;y<in ludny lo

ilrlliiK ir ( lr ,r |r ,l "n ilflliillonU- npoh.’iMiinn m il,'IK nllllnllon" in HuiiUi Vint Niu.i tlirl1,< nH lliid rlowliiK out i>( llm D im . rrKlmr'n ,'oinoilnAlon nnd,ii.l„ ,rn l ut nuitdhlnin, n,n n rn l."if wn don 't irnllr.r how Bliork- Tin- inrrlln ii

.1 hiillKi'nnt nnd nroiinrd lli r lnn| \M'i'K'n Ilciy,-ii|ilr nf Uin world n rr, wn nrn TrxnA (liiir liiiin iil'K a ll " iir lif linnrrU vr" i)oni..li iiillir 1niiiTirncnmrccr.'— — m »f ‘Jf>'n

lM»v<‘-rnor, Two I’icke Ureakfa.st on Capitolol.V M l’lA, Wnnli., f irp i, fl (liri) nlin nnld. "Von <li>v, AllK-il I), lti>nnlllli| liHlny H uvnm .i ntinln,'

linrd u lirriiilii.lr plrhnln t«ii- ti.H.diiun„.i,kfnnl on lllfl Mnlil cill.Kol |„ ,„,„ i,.d lv Hint

mtnlnnL llm li-||l 'llm Hi.vnm.i- nio n.vrrt loiin ,|m Huvriimi', II

UMiHlun, Kv’in ll, w ill'hnvn v.uviMl , nil III llm oni.Ui'l n n lll l t ,« r |- Q . ' , " , " " ' '111 rnlln <» npnilnl (.,'«nlon «i( llm ' ................... „ i . i . „ i , . .................................... i i .m iiii ,i t .p iDoiikI*'". 33, Jidiiril llin Ml- >’o co inm rn t ni

Dni'«o1d Bi'uiulnioliirr l,i,|,iy .In T lin yovtiiliui.1,’ dilvn lo rninn wnKmo hnilii- liinil Unit tmin, M>'’''li>l .............flDiilliiK l l '’»rllliil'n l.rint vlnll, n l Irnnl,

llfl (iiKMlinnn did liin.H of llir. " t nnn'i, ,wiiil. 1tlklnii, ' I" K" Immr,""Till* J l ou r i.exL ( uimi nor," iiriitrj.Lr,d.

FinalF d i l i o l


'resident, lleld Wll

1) Is Stolei.b h cr i hpId a h an k pro.sidpiit nnd h is fa t ick to oppii to d av a n d th e n I'^cked abou t v ith an o slin ia tp il J50 .000 to ?r.0,()00. I-- id cas l a n a la rm t h a t th e presiclenL nf Ih e h a d been k id im ned , b u t i t tu rn e d n u t he

r h i r d T r y o n L <

L o s e s a t J e r o m fJE R O M E , S ep t. 6— T h e th i rd e f f o r t thi;

le .le ro m e school bo a rd to o b ta in e x t r a fu r .)eration w as d e fe a te d T h u rs ila y w h en \ y 30 vo le s a five-m ill m ig ra n t school Ie iis 606 in fav o r and 726 a g a in s t th e m eas lo iled ba llo l, f o r a to ta l o f 1,423 v o te s . S idoa school d is t r ic ts w h ich hn v e ch ild re i 'o rk e rs en ro lled m ay levy fu n d s w h ich cj

■ “ .g en e ra l achoc

N . Y . M a y o r-ry • T lT nrsday w ai

I r y i n g t o ' ™ „ ' S „ r A

A v e r t S t r i k eT h e firs t try 1

NEW YO RK , Sept, 0 (UTR — levy increase In ■iayor R obert F . W agner, today .than 700 school tepped In to the dl.ipute betw een tw o-th ird s m ajo chool teachers and Uic board of fo r th o 10-mlll ducatlon In an e ffo rt to o ve rt a celved only-R-eli eaclicrs’ str ike M onday w hen ^ a r le Schafer ho c ity’s 650 public schools a rc in te n d e n t o f se t cheduted to open for m ore th a n day n lgh f. -T h mo m illion children. In g .-T h e m ajor!

L eaders o t th e 40,000 teachers th e view of the lavc said they are hOt a fra ld 'to -Ora-fCTOBTWlTr ;o to Jail to back up th e ir d e - ingly. T h e sir o ands fo r an im m ediate pay num erous cUlze 'alse a n d th a t they will defy a sago o f th is U\ lourt o r d e r prohib iting th e been In va in a t itrlke. I w ish to th a n k-T h e -b o a rd o f-educa tlon -m a tn - tbe lr -gene ro i^ ,»ln. I h tr e o te no lu n a , lo r “ ”„ f

U ntil today \y a g n er h a d kep t :uindj o ff tho d ispu te.' He de- m l!i**:ldcd to in tervene w hen negotia- I r a i l l C lions betw een th e two sides weroibrupU y broken o ff la te ycsler- Id

lo /^ TW hile th e m ayor conferred ...............

ivllh leaders of tho two sides oiH . I r o Z . . - ....Yhnt s teps to take, m em bers of . ..he Unl^_d F edera tion o f JT e ^ h -;rs m e t to vote o li 'fh e aUlke a l- lo x - sready approved 1,500 lo 11 la st , ' / y ..............lig h t by th e ir delegatfa. 1 9 6 2 .........

a Discuss Trans tudents'to Burla in ls b y p a re n ts co n cern ed o v e r th e t r a n e n ta ry hcIkw I lo M ille r e le m e n ta ry schoi [>f Ih e ( 'a s s ia c o u n ty school d is t r ic t lo Hi ay a l th e Ca.saia c o u n ty school b o a rd off

e v e n in g by di.Hlrict school S u p t. E r.ra R............, . .......................... .......... .. , a n d B tiy K ei;.................. ■ i ' schoo l Hiiperl

O v o r d r a w n I ' " H h n o a r i

; ........Mil,., M n r j o r l o II.; Moon mid A uditor Jon It. r . ‘"['V, ? 'J t V ' ,

' '' ''lT r 'rr im rL M U .l‘{£^^^ ""■y prnirainrt

nn of AIIH, 31 wni. U .m . - UI -Jflll. l ln l M ibtn.nle,l Irom I; II w '»: Uini, It Iinid. .vcro »l.no3,no , ; wIhhio nnm rn w■ In mil.ilnmlliiK w nrinnln I '*l'}>'“ ''’»'>y w n ; nnd In o iitnlund- n ctiildreii hnd Iji

: ......................................... ... I' s ,"?i, : ; k . ', iM. . ■........ I Ing 'n iiiradny 'fl

Mining Officials Protestin-Utah "

Inln mnl ..I lli (Inv. ( leo m r 1). p ro-rru ln lrt

; i "ImlU- n iU lm lr ol Uie liKhmlrlnl <.nmilnn1mM.iid llm K,.vri nu i-lu - ,,unid Ihn n rrdn nf n .ll.y n ,

llll- IlirrllliK Bl.-mni,-.l / I'l. Ill „(nni M'rk'n Ilciy rM\li.nliii. » l Ll.« tn ail,VxnA (liiir ^liili'liin ,'uin|iniiv'n ,10I11..I1 in liir n n n Miinh Ihn l . . i i V ' , ’J i "

I " - .....lit thfl U irra '

1 l ’ i c k < > , t H 1 l a v < “,In tho IMnnIn m

a p i t o l S t c | ) s 1; , :

lin nnld. "Von nio kuIi 'K 1<> Im

w i S i . Z n ' i o ’i;

Huvriimi-, I h r ....... ....................... l i m l S n 1 IdliiK"W lim wn r ir ia you Um n rn t Huilny nnd Imo

Ill.r, wr nhmild Kivn y..ii full , |n y .’l l i ry ulno f ow rin nml K<'t rid of llm \m ln-

, ern a n d alntorall.fMilllii( miillnd w nii ly ffi||ltq, .trn iiu ft .aiilioul.

No cm nm rn l n t nil,’' , ,„np ,i. _T lin Movtiniui iol(l.JWvi...aiHHU ...i£Bi'ft -M w »r*-

s„r:i,Sir,,;::.: ..........I Irnnl, Imvn lo im mi I"1 nnn'i, ,wiiM. iJinl, Ioiik, 1 wniil Ml mii.iitnn midI K" hiim r," MtA., (loodm nn l<i p u t a il Uioiiitrjitcd. enliiinl.

FinalF d i l i o n

■ t r " ' ' ’P r r i f ;

mt,While '


olen Iit and h ia fam ily h o .itag e || incked a lv iu t 20 p e rso n s

.0 ?r.0,()00. I--atah c o u n ty ■ |JsidenL nf ih e Jn d e p e n d e n t . _ |:u rn ed n u l h e w a s one o f ' . |

on Levy irome iird e f f o r t th is su m m e r b y , la in e x t r a fu n d s fo r schoo l ^ -silay w h en v o te rs v e to ed a n t school levy . T h e v o te in s t th e m e a su re , w ith o n e 1,423 v o te s . S ta te law p ro - h n v e c h i ld r e n -o f m ig ra n t inds w h ich can b e u sed in 'o n e ra l achool o p e ra tio n s .L ast m o n th a n e l e c t i o n denfcical to th o one h e ld riT n rsday w a s d e fe a te d b y 100 votes, w llh only S60 vot«rs partlclpa llng . A ulm ple m a jo rity was needed to approve th e in -

T h e firs t try was for a 10-mlll levy Increase In July, w hen m ore tlian 700 school pa trons voted. A tw o-th ird s m a jo rity w as required for th o 10-m lll levy a n d i t re ­ceived only-R-8lmple m a jo rity .-------------

E arle S chafe r, d is tric t Buper- In ten d e n t o f schools, sa id T h u rs ­day n lgh f. ■•This Is d lsappo in t- In g .-T h e m ajoritv . h a s expressed t he view of th e jcbgr n i ^ t y a n d

ingly. T h e sincere effo rts ' of n um erous citizens fo r th e p a s­sage o f th is five-m ill levy have been In va in a t th e p rese n t tim e.I w ish to th a n k th e se people fortbe lr -generous s u p p o r t - a n d - r o ------quest a c o n tinu ation of th e ir atcadfaat_effort_ jQ r_ ttie .good . o f , , , . the ydflhg peopl6~ln~thl»-ttrea.'‘’--------

Traffic DeathsIdaho

1 9 6 3 ...................................1 3 1. 1 9 6 2 ..7 ............... .............. 1 7 3

M ag ic V alley

1 9 6 3 . . 1 . ” ......... 1....... 3 2 '1 9 6 2 ................................... 4 1 '


ov e r th e t r a n s f e r o f t h e i r . n e n ta ry schoo l, B u rley , t h i s ' d is t r ic t lo Hchedtlle a spe-

lool b o a rd o fflge . T h c m e e t- S u p t. E r.ra M oore a f t e r ho 1 a n d B tiy K ecd , e le m e n ta ry I schoo l H iip e r ln ie n d e n t, m o t w ith n e a r l y GO fa m ilie s T h u ra tla y m o rn in g o n th o • Inwn of th o D eclo e lem en ta ry Bcliool. T ho -tn fom ial ll.u rfid n y m orn ing mcotinB wna held a fle r IinrentA of 11 Ueclo nUidoniA ntopped th e sehool bus W ednea- dny m orn ing nnd ag ain 'n .iirndny m orning, In an n ffo rt fO 'te t th e Bcliix>| bonrd offlclnln know th a t tliry proiratnrt the Idea of their • ctiildren a llen d in g ocliool h i H ur­ley.

II was repnrlcd tl.e pnrnnts, wiiiK.0 nnrnrn w rre n o t dfllelnned, npnnrni.lly were nnnw are tlielr ctiildren hnd been Irnna fc rred lo lluilny u n til Ihey hnd rnliirned from Um flrn t dny of noliiml. D u r­ing 'lUiiradny'A m enllng th e pnr- nnln (luratluimd llm offlfllnls nl.out the Irnnnfer and anked If nny iiioin Drnlo a tiulnala would*.n iratiflfnrre.l,------ =-------------------

Moi.m Inid Uio pnrri.ta th n t Ihn flcliuol hoard nindo U.o dn- iilnloi. n l l r r It wna learimii diir- liiK prn-rri(li.lralloi. of r l rn irn - inrv atiidimin ln.-,t nprlim Umt Ih n n wrrn ' 11 flnvollnd In llm flrnl Krndn nnd U.n l.oiii'd folt Unit timy r,nild only acrom m o- ilnlfl JA. Iln nddnd durhiK Uin flinl w rrh i>f notiool the lotnl grnw to ail, '

Tim pninniA Umn naked tlioorfiDlBiB If Ulcy oolita liavovoH --------i.Uinr Iflnnlior a l Deolo In onn lit lllfl Uirno em ply roon.n n t thfl e lem m ilary scliool. Mooro iinnw rird Ih rrn nro :i0n lenvl.era In tho IMnnIn (Kiiii.ty fliitiool sya- trm nnn "lim y aro iieedrd lit th r p in rra w l.rrn tim y a re lo- cnli'd."

Ttm piiifliila of atiiilei.la h i Itia flinl, nrcund nnd lliird Braiiea. w hirl. Bfli'iii lo llfl Uio only Hrndes Invulvrd n t thla ttnin, nrn r.on- oninrd uvi<r tlifl Id rn of tlinlr iildliU rn ilillng Um adhoi.l hUfl lo Dm Iny nnd Imok to l>e<d|> eueh ilny. 'H iry itlnii fflel U .a t U.n c h ll- ilrrii nlioiilit l.n w llh llioir b ro lll- ern a n d alntoia li.a tead o( In a Birniiun aiiliuul. ua;i pkrflnl. 10- . |i(iflr<t. ,

-ICni'ft - lh # ..B ro u j» ------Hint th e toi.Kcnl nny nlllld w uutil Imvn lo Im nil tho hua w ould ba An mii.iitnn a n d (h n t lliev piai) t<i p u t a ll Uio •tudon la lu on* Bnliunl.' ' , .

Page 2: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

' Frfdoy, Sept. 6 , 1963 2 ^ w iii r a i t s TImes-.New

If You Drink, You’ll Drive; Aliy Takers?

BO ISE. 8cp t, 0 (CPO - IdaJi tta£« po(Jco wUJ do an aboii face Balurdfty by permttUn •ome d runk drivtnff.

B u t Jf* only for experim ents reasons a n d n o t & e au ror armi

L ieut. E A H auler ialU m peritona h a ve cojw enled lo Rf U ninlr-for-thB -pstrD liiinnsntJ-a) lowed themselvna to be tented li various w ays on Ih e lr ctrtvlnj re •r ilo n s w hllo d runk.

T h e sam ples Include a truci flrlver. secrclary. housewife, biw me}« m anager. ualeHmRn and '’"wsman.

H agler nald a course ho* beei ip l up behind th e s ta le pollr

to drive. A driver cducatjon In u ru c to r will bo w llh the drunk to c rlllclse th e ir driving. Afle th a t, blood nnd b rea th leslfl wll be m ade by doctors to d e ler m ine w hich is Uie beat m ethod I

, prove a m an Is too d runk t

' “H ils-ls-the real Tca*on-for do m s this,*' snld th e Ueulenani " Ifa necesflwy to convince peac fifflcers and ludRcs th a t th b rea th wimple tc.U Is bn ttcr thm blood lesta.’’

Tlifi d runken drivers will rU be observed by pt-ncr officers nn the public Is wclcomo to wntcb tiQRlcr sold.

; He sa id th e drivers will bctheJr cho ice ot nicohoi, Blftetlii,

* Kt 11 f tjn . S aturday .

Pastor Uses - Cartoons ill

Hi^ SermonsT A V L . M lnn . CR—A 8

P a u l L u th e ran p a s to r Is using lifelong hobby a s an effec th

■ aux ilia ry In sprendtng th o goape ' T h e Rev. P au l E . B chueaaler«I PllRrom L u th e ra n chu rch la

L •e lN taU B ht-cartoon lsl w ho usi h is sk ill to publish rcllglousl o rien ted pm nple ts and to b1> •■chalk-talk permons."

i' T he p a s to r does n o t consldt;_____ : h im self a _ p artlc u la rly good ai

t ls t , b u f h s c red its cartobnTw U ;| • belng>“lrreslsU hlo.m edla o f cotr ■j tounlco tlon ."HI . "C^ittoonfl do no t have tt

la s tin g im p act of aiuslo o r serloi----------a r t .” hft BaTS. “Tn fae t .

I th e m a re a lm o s t ' lmmedlat«l( ' , fo rg o tte n . S u l th e y p inpo in t tl-

o ttc n llo n Of tho -v iew er-'on• p o in t you a re try ing to rhake."

i Aa v isual Bids th e y a re sup t lo r to lH ustra tlons or phqb

--------- grsphsrhB-«aW niBCB«M -th6y-ci‘L th a law s of apace a t

' P a s to r Bchuessler, th o son of C hicago m in u te r , sees nothli u n usii^ l,abou t th o t le - la betwci relig ion a n d cartooning . R«llglo nnd po litica l cartooning d a i bock to th e reform ation , he note - J ’o slor fichueaslor s ta r ted dra>

■ 1 Ing a s a boy du ring h is fathei W non-UtUTBlcnl BcnTj,o(u,■ I _ H e cam e to_^^L T au l to la!■ I --------the p a s to r jh lp of th e e t.-C lii■ ' a n d P r io r Avenues church

A ugust. 1969, a n d lost Jftnua J]i pub lished a 2 4 - page cartw

p a m p h le t about a m an searol Ing fo r and find ing chrla t.

O t Iff,000 copies ho lio d p r ln f t 5,000 hava been bought lo r dl tr lb u tlo n by h is c l]urch’s cor m ission on colleges a n d unlve eltles.. iio niso has used h is cartoo Ing skills ou ft local telovlnli Bible Btory p rogram ; Ko le

I BIblo sto ries and lllualrn tes the w ith sketches.

Magic Valley Fiineralls

n u ilL E Y . rvm eral services f W llford She rbu rn (Bher) P r i

will ba held a t a p.m, Hatui'rti In th e Burley LDS alnkelifliise : UW>op n ioharrt OrlgR. L ast rll will bo conduoted In th e I'leasn View cem etery, rr)end /i m ny e. a t tho Pftynn m ortua ry Prlrt ofCernoon a n d evening anil Sn Urday whin llnio of scrvfCM, ■'

IIAILKY — a rn v rs ld e scrvlt fo r T h tire U o n n rd Olnoii will he ld a l 11 AJn. U alurdny in l l la lle y cem clory w ith tho Rev. J . K ennedy, pmitor o l thn Coi lu iin lly Bftpllst church . oHIolj Ing, I t le n d s m ay call a t the 111 lu n e ra l home i t l i la y mmii a (intll 10;30 a.m. H nturday.

W I N P A U Ji - n n te ra l mv lrra fnr Mra *n,.n l . Urnltn utin held n t 10 it.m. M oudny In I WIiKo inorlunry uliat>el by t Ktdor I), li. lllimcrluR, Hovent <1iiv A dvenilsi ,-h,M(;h, rliu»I rH

‘ , will lio III Uib Oiuisol Meiuui

I , . _____i| • D lliT I'IlIO M -IV m ry fi»r Ja n

] l, M cOlufe will 1)0 iTclleil at i'r p.m , ^undny lu tlin ncrKlu I:?••• tin ra l chnpfll, Ilrrjdli

i hiKh iiinwi will bfl crlolirnlflil ...-111 ..|U iu~U im i]fty a t ..Ul, i CaUiollo chuioh . Mliiwtioiia, w I ■ llm Hoy. .Tohn U nffprty as i-e

I h ra n t. MlUlaj-y. KiavcnUle tl

■ , will Im rmiduclecl In the to I .a liono Minfilery by llie Weni I "Yndeii Aiiierluaii I/i«l(m■ iTlfliidA |imy t:all n t thn nuirtiii■ /(iinitny nurf u n til (line of nfrv l■ MoDiliiy.

I Goldwater Stiuii I Defeat Kxiieclei■ WAMiiiN(»'n-)N, iiPiii. n w V I Jinn, n r o r s r n , Alkrti, It., 1 ^ prrO lrtriil iciOity ilniL llm hmi■ , will rnjrrti Mm, lin n y cmiiU " te r ’fl ''fliilinii rmiT'

>■ lliMi", l<) liiA limllPit nuiilrnr t I - b a n frfn ty , • ." 'I'lit' iletimiiit tl

th e ctfri'llvenrnn nf Ihn p n f t Itllll^lu.lmll Illllli llm Hovlnt 1

,HU leiimvrii n); |in iniliiir foriTn irnii, {:„i,n m, .jH,,,,

J d l ' to kill the tu 'n ty , A lkn f 'U lil .

l l i M . : ..............

".w. Weather, TernvAr-t-K Y^-^onslderable eltrad

I ly ic a tte r rd >hower« or thundersbow er* c loudineu (nnlfhl, b e c o n ln ( pa rtly cloui

~ Outlcxtli for Sunday pa rtly clondy w ith ture. Illfh« today S5-93, Sa ln rday 81-88j Camas prairie hlfchi l< ^ y lo n tld HOt.

” lo n lrh l n rar 40. T em peralarea a t 8 aJn . Q rxpcrlm ent ita llo n w ith 61 per cen l I

S f lom elofy laboratory <rltb-61 per cen t 1 a t K alrfl'ld . 71 a l Huhl. 66 a i Caitlefor

- Idaho j 3 T. r . e,nl^tnoIogy labora tory wl I about iiarnmRte’’: 30.IZ. Nof| tem pera ture* : Al rmttUng r^ur-lnch fill, el*ht*lneh 07. 20-Inch 66

no d r « ) : »< Huhl. Ih re e - ln rb 7D; a t Im enU l Wendell. Ib ree-lneh 7J.

ia lJ MX FIV E-D A Y FOIlE<lo RM The m«an preMure p a lle m a lo ft In

®” J®. th ff-la tfrm in ia ta lrrrnted m lja y * wUh ln*v preature located In lh e < i'ing re- Thf§» rortiblned pretai^"^ p a l te m i

'o iit of the valley* of xoulhern Idaho a » ^ ® '', f a c K le will b» *hunled to lh e n o r th oi re. Dim- m oliture wprklng np ^rom th e »<»ti

“ khle a ir flnw pa ttern .,a . h«.n I pre»»ufe e«>#«led lo be th .I " the In term ounU In ro f lo a th ro u jh Wed l:rf-m i,. the valle y of »oulhern Idaho will averaf,

ito v e nonnai ovFrTTm cefftPaT-vane?, drunks lem peratiire* w ith la rre r coo lin r In t

A fter drcreaaes Sa expected Into the•sU will letnperature expected from then I

de ter jnorm al average tem pera tu res for Ihls ‘thod lo ! ^ '^ '" Ourley 70-41.'u nk to l rree lp lta llo n d u r ln t th l i five-day pi----------- la in o u o ts -In - th e —valleys .o f^ so u th cc n tr-for do* (odi'T * " ‘1 pOMlbly Sa tu rday , due to U Jte n an t ^be couth, will account for th e rainfall ;e peace (ol^l am ounts generally le s t th a n .OS o la t th e Clearing and generally fa ir w ea the r I* e: cr th n n ! fiun«hlne will to ta l from 70 to 75 per

Jtlme clouiHne** averaging from .3 lo vlll nlJio Wind* will be mnslly ligh t a n d trom a '.ers nnd through W ednexday. Soil tem perature*

wntch, Inch dep th will con tinue lo a v e ra ie In with Roll m oisture losses rang ing arout

vlll Rct S ligh t delays In aome fa rm aellTltl starllN g lome o f (he souO iern portions of the

heavy rain* resu lting In long delay* :- and a re tu rn to fa ir w ea the r Into the fl

farm w ork to norm al In these areas. /S will be favorable lo i^ards m a lu rlty ot

these agrleu ltu ra l valleys. W ate r for lets In dem and a* f in a l irr igation lo

[1 W eather conditions fo r b a rrc s t ln g wll w ith conditions Im proving Into th e fin

[ I S SY N O PSIS AND AGRICULTIA w enkenlng low pressure system

—A S t. California coast com bined w ith high ’“ Ing a c en tral U nited S ta te s la con tinu ing to

effective of ^ ir into th e valleys of sou thern Idi 3 goapel. levels hn.s moved along w ith n lr flow essler o f producing considerable (loudlne.-u a t m A la a portion nnd pa rtly cloudy skies .In tl ho uaes of-B ou them - Idaho ,-O ooaslonal- llghl llglously widely sc a ttered u r e f l of sou thcentra l to give occurring a t th e Tw in F a lls expcrln:

Bhower ocUvlty will con llnue light, consider D rie r a ir la now In sou the rn Nevada :ood ar> >QUthem Id ah o on S a tu rd ay , 'decreosli >na wUK cloudtness-^ ver th e se -n g r lcu l tu ra l-v a l o f com - th o low a lo ft along so u th e rn Callfon

w estward w ill sh if t th e a ir flow to a n ave th « c learing ^ l e s c on tinu ing on Sunday, p aerloiis T em p eratu re s w ill be low ering todi

change cxpccted on Sotu rday . Maximi

olnt°*thi lo n lg h t will bo. mostly In tho 50s excep ■on S o Cam as prnlrle.

.. Ini th e valleys of sou the rn Id ah o hai ■ of d ry beans nnd som e early potatoes

re supe - jo ^ e r e levntions w ill continue t h s r c M t“ “ ^W o.ahojver_flctlyny_tcdaj’..______

TEM PER A TD RE AND'' PI-------------—H lgliesHemperRture-JTliflrfldnyi-lowcjson of a p rec ip ita tion lo r 24 hou rs ending n t 0- n o th ing SUtlon Mtx. Min. Per. Lo ,between' Alb*"*'. N. Y------------ m ]*„i.

Reii»ious ^ ; ; ; ; ■'< "*™ff d a t e Aihtviiit -i________ _ M «a .01 Miiiinhe noted. -^ **iiwied d raw - mrtn"n‘»>.Vm~’ |!n s-! n“ «"'

fa th e r 's ui«m*rtk ---------------us n»»K::.;«r.'^z= S !! ■'! S:i;i

to lak e iiut<*io‘------------------ «K, Bl om.i3 t - c i « i r g ™ & , = n n r r : = : ! S f £ - ,u rch In i;ii»rif»ton. w . v » .__ ts 6n ru iiiJftnuary cwc»»o ----------------- - as i>k ■ i-orticartoon C lnclnnull_______ _ p,>rllLOiwuil ci«y«Un.l__________ Ud M lUttlise a rch - rniumitn. o . _______ 7s

1st. I)»nv,r ------------------ HI. • Al Il,n„

lo r d l s - n u iu ih _____ u.llI’s com - Kl . ................. Kd fln H.I.

un lve r- ------------ '" J JJllrlent ____________ III 4t Hrtll

c artoon - in.ii.n.p.iii. — is m Hhtr,

Ko te lls ciiy . . ........ . IU nj WmI;te s th e m I-m Vnc«> . . . . .... .. rh. oh Wr«l

__ ^ n i o tcm jieraturo extroinM (lom w._ cep t Alaska nml Haw aii, 't'hurmlny hhl A V 103 a t D allas. To*. Frldny m o n iln i

- I V 'Y O reenvllle , Me,, ond 3D a t Pcllston,■, *' Caribou, Me.

' A laska. Haw aii aii<vices for H ighest tem pflrnluro yr.ilerdny, lowc;r) P rice tu r hou rs eiKlliig n t 4Hatui'rtay ,, „ " r — ,i» « .o by E,•,I , . ‘Vl" w k :vast rltfl.1 M ..iitr.*l......................AA v.iirI 'leasnn l ........... ' "*m ny ealJ 1!.:* "?„■ ........ IS JJ I,:,'' r r l r tn y ______

»ml f la t- IDAHO •ri'lMl'Kii^/fCM, ■ fil.^l.in ■ M.x, Mln. IVli, MUII

Al.ct.lt.n ________ _ m M 1,fwlI .tr* icc« ..............' ; j ! ; [ S ;II will 1)0 iiiiiifr ....................nv MS I'oiii,y In tho - - - -- i*’ i'"'*n n o v . r t , f ; : , , } ; ; , ' , x ; s j i C ;Im C om - ii...>.iini ................ ii« M H.h,.oH ioint- ‘I'V "";."!:. - - H.1 l i i r i "tho ijirrt j i ; ': ; : , / * " * -------------l i ^

mnii nnd ' ------------I»y. N O ii 'n i l » A l I D - r « i r mut .•mitliiu

leral fror- ■

M a i r i c V . i l l c y H c n i d i ' i n l BArtnilHfrt

M is, (U rn Myniti, Coiiiilr MU- m or Ja m es It'i'. Andy Iteviiii ll'irriin in , p j . lleil a t il aim Kay rh^liaok, tiHiiiurl ('linrlrn ;rKlu lu - (hu iiilro , Min, UirlirH llliriiiiiinK ,, l lrriu lrm tintt Mrn, .Terry riickn-, nit 'i v i i i ,

lirnlcil a l l''n lls; V frla lln t t nml iinvlil I .- I 'o lo r ’a U lailley U lalbuiii«, Imih tliHxIliifij ' one. wILli M ariiui (J'tinlM'n, lliih l; Mm, iloii*’ aa role* n ld It. .lonrn, K lm lin 'ly; Mrn. A lUIn iltrn L arry I>, Ilnlinrii, lli iilry , .Imciili imil llm tihci- l/Kirill, llii|K 'ri, m il l Mm. Cnlh- Mnl n Wfnkn- nrliin niiriiJi, W hllU rr, Ciiljf.

tx iil. Dl.inUM'ilni'T liiniy K m iir ll , i„ u n u y , iii)ii«il I*pf nfrvlccB Miimii. Itulioi L Anloll. Jiuim s I.'al- * ' *

IriMill, llDiinln K ill/, niKl Min M rlvlli lt«i|iiilH)||, nil 'I'wln |''nl1n; ^ '

i l l l i r l It. M.L i L l l l l vvhltn iiiul Min, o lm ilfs H(.;- w it . , , < ^ . , 1 lliiMSWKilli. a ll Huhl. aiKl Mlliiilo i C l C n (lrnhi.irf, K lm bnly ,. n W - •

im Miifttd ^ t . 4 { ( ‘iU M llr( 'H . .K 'r o i i u i (io|n tlolilw n- Ailiulllril 'I'lrrMTvn- Ituimlil lii.Knn, I ilr ii lrh ; Mm,

iiilcnr irn t Itnlplv HliiKn, Min. ( iiv i || Mu- mi | Irf in ii ,T rn iA lm 'n n l)ln nii.i m is , lax

aiKt Uml ix iind iy tiuillh, a;i .ipruinr, r.m,l icvii n popt Im Mrn, • (Unra Kniilrwiiy, Un|{Pr* Initlr iivlnt I ln - mail. , .|,i„

" " 'h i 'i y ■ iiin im -nI M li'inpl A iliiiiiihlri wno b i.ni lo Mr, anilII mill Min, ijiv iii M„i,riiii, .inniiin. u. t

Temperatureserab ie elotidlheM w ith chartee of w i d e - ' | M ^ i idersbow ers th is afternoon . D ecreu Inc; -LTACJ : p a rtly cloudy Sa tu rday , A JilUe cooJerj ^clondy w ith Ullle change In U m pera -' I f ^ urday 81- 88j low* loo lgh t M-Sa. except;In n lld flO*,.6atarday tower 80«; low* w A flti

-e* a t 8 a jn .: 70 a t Jerom e. 69 a l T . F.; per cen l hum idity , 7 0 -a l T. F. e n . j l J f * " * " 1 p e r-ce n t hum idity . «5 a l B uperl. 5 9 ^ * , ? " « l Cait/efofrf. M . t W endeft; a t n o o n - C ^ ^ boralory w ith 57 per cen t hum idity , erature* : A( T. f . experim ent aUifon, J ; ; „ , 20-inch 66 (24-hour evapbrallon .21- J

nph 70: a t C«*tleford, th rr^ -in eh 70;_ _ _ _ _ Kennedj

d a y FO Iir.CA STem a lo ft Indicate* a con tlnuallan of . . . i I L , lv r m a u a ta ir r - n g ia n - ta r - m - n ext i lv t ‘ v ? ^ led In th e easte rn Pacific durlpg th is '

pa ttern* will lend to keeji m oisture I* e rn Idaho as *torm *ystems fm ra the lh e n o r th o t th ese a n ^e tiltu ra l valley. rom th e south will bav» a le u favor-

*d lo be (he p redom lnan l fra iu rr o ttr h rough W ednesday, tc n p e ra lu rr* over „ , ,a p k - ) w in average from five to seven degree*B tm 'v a n e y c 'B i iK h i i r ^ ie r ~ a s y t i ! H r ^ - ; rpooling In nlgh lllm e (em peraturrs a* I l ^ lled Into the week-end w ith lltUe change Wrom then th rough W ednesday. Some f y-

period a re Gooding Bl-48, Jj^g ^

five-day period will toU l only ligh t -r-i ^ s o u lb c ro ira j -Jd a b o .-S h o jre r . a e l i r i l r 1^ r k t T. due to the influx of m oisture from th e ta ln ra ll th rongh W ednesday w ith ' ~

» th a n .05 of a n inch In Magic Vallpy. w eather Is expected a fle r the jreek -end . .*70 to 75 per cen t o f pou lb le w ith day- JiIrom .3 lo .4 o f the to ta l »ky covered. Anotli a n d from a sou th to w esterly d irection o f th e b sm pcrature* from the th ree- lo eight- reason.

average In th e upper eOs and tnw 70s 1<1 th e mglng a round .20 of an Inch p rr day. A but arm activities will be encountered In senger I Hon* of the sou thcen tra l vaileya bo l h e r faci ong delay* a re not foreseen. C learing . r Into the f irs t of the week will re tu rn j^ e sho lese areoa. Above norm al tem pera tures harrow na lu rlty of la to w arm season crops In itnlf« oi W ate r fo r Irriga tion 4tI1] tend to be o u t wa:

Tlgation to m ore crop* are completed, him iJTCsllng will rem ain fo r m ost y«Uey« . ' In to th e f irs t o f the week. w t^ t l^ '

AGRICULTURAL SUMMARY ure system a lo ft W ong th e sou lhern

w ith high p r e m r c over the sou th - All I Qntliiulng to produce n southerly flow th in g li sou thern Idaho . M oisture In th e lower I th a ir flow Into these valleys and la “ ha« idlne.is n t nKwt s ta tions In th e sou therir * n m n r

skies .In th e more no rtherly vnllleyj bc lp fr lo na l-llR h l show ers have occurred In ,T h e . ou thcen tra l Id ah o w ith a few sprinkles th e ir c a lls experim ent s ta tio n th is forenoon, a n d aci Jue JJght. ‘'WJiile m Nevada a n d will work I ti way In to goes or ay, 'decreasing th e show er activ ity and sa id ei Icultural-valleys.—O on tlnued-w enkenlns n t—hos h e m C aliforn ia w ith pressure rebuilding have s

flow to a m ore w esterly d irec tion w ith T h e n Sunday. dlsclosliw erlng todny and ton igh t w ith Uttle Inclder Jay . M aximum tem peraturea both days T im es

ho 50s except for read ings o l a round 40 a ll th learnct

•n Idoho harvesting of am aller am ounts pleasa i .-ly po ta toes a n d f in a l h srv ca t o f g ra in s them ." Ul continue on a lim ited basis d us to Japo’day..______ ___________________________ backJn

--------- r- • ' Havo IRE AND' P R E C IP rrA T lO N agalnaIrfldaVi-lowcst tem pera tu re la s t 12 hours, a s :"sn ending n t O a jn . CST. W hl in. Pep. U l A n i» |« ------ 1---- 79 6& , th e b0 .n hUmVhi* .---------- ~ J t l i condU(s ' wi.mi » « 7 h _______ so and fla .01 J|]''i»nd. Tm . — ------ M SS J : A quc7 Mllw»uk»« . _____ __ «7 42t Mlnn».p«Hi-Ht, l’»ul_ 7» SS'! i!:: a ------- !! .-jjTJ! ::■1 Omi>li» ....... ........ .....74 Al hns b1 .. i;hiitii«iphu --------- «a -r.*4 sen ter5 •" fKU-nzir::■" ■ rort1«n.l. M e.____ __ S3 «S B utiH rnrii.n.1, O m .---------SO t* • only S

il t-m. .. Kl " i "A In llchmim.l __________ 71 Ml ,S7 Ing- 01

iiIII H htr.ri.n tt_________ M 7J I.J2 mnryI" . HlxiUn. __________ 9(1 SH ftclA <» TC.u"i..,,» !!‘S Wnl Vrllim.li.n* no w ent

'VIrhK. Kt SS ,I» "ThInps from w ithin the U nited S la te s ex- by Un IVitHwlny hjghs JO'i n t Y um a. A rlt.. a n d erancf ly monilin^-low a .33 a t Alm-nn, Mich., Hie | it Pcllston, Mich., nnrt M llliiiocket and striuiR


. Haw aii and Caliada ’lerdiiy, lowc.H lem ppinliiro Inst 12 hm irs, m m oy eiHllllKjU 4 l).ni, I’ST.

............... ''K:!™V.iir___ _________ . 7-J A.1 TI‘PA||<-||1.I«||. ----------- . An 41 Tr. llm ll I

» . . . . . ? S s !---------- ■ lllllljn

O •ri'lM l'K llA-niUKaIn. rr|<, I<ui1i>n Mn> Mln IV|i I

H.,ui,..ii> ii„ ii .,- : ' , ; } „ i>'« IIS r«ilii. gil ft; Ilm l M I‘,',»i,'IIm . . vn nl riMilni

I,:";;'," • - ............. 5" ."3 ilnnKPM Hallit,.!, Vll M !<• I'Hl!M T-ln r . i l . . . ■ . M t t CaseM « :i:,"ii' «

------------ a nirnlUiii I'liiitliiiipd wm iii.lliiiniK li fiatim lny, '*“ 1iws lonlKhl 4ti-no. <i>

alley H osp ita ir~ 3l o r l u l

Ip M - Mrrt, A, lln iiiiii.tr/., Mnlin, MaJI'J'. *'i- mill i.yn,, c inliiim ii, Albi.m, ||m iii

............. l>»lhnIt * ivm “ *»iry lirnttm , l<n|ivii| Jtkky "ninuH

I,I,..j.l WiilklT, lll‘yl)Ui 11, Kiiil M it '•iit''ii.HMlli.il '■ 'iH rim llill nu ilm ni. h i,il ,.._ ......... ,n, ilDii- IWrtlis I / i i

Mrn, A ilnun'liler wnn lioiii In Mr,.hntjlili llllll Min, J.nn A, Ilnim iiiliir. Q y

illf.'" ................................ ... J . W AA ll f i

-fain Delaying'Tax Bill Vole i:v"

II. M, W A/lJIIN d’l'ON. ;i<’lr(, fl MT '

Mill liUimiMK u„, |h |. Iii,i„c in II.,I liiM ‘ p^fw'iiCP.I III viKo mi I'lnMilriu lnl<n( Ki-lilir.ly'o , lll^ 1,111 ,11,111 n||(.ii|

.•o im i (i.'|.i, -JO, ,' 'riio ilnlo lP|i|i'Miiitn n lliillirr Uiiidiii

'I Mm. nllHhi .................. . |,„l",'>li»''-d. ............. .

M Ml«. IM luil, 'rim 1.1 ....limtloi) -.i.,.! N IP, I>1H|1 iPVInliHi llininiiro nliil iilvll i IuIiia Men llnifpr* initislimon imvo bnpn kIvpii io |i uiiii<iii'

' I 'llo ihy iiilliiii by K nm r.ly |,h,y„« rtlil liliiiM! I'lilriKlni In r|iii|ii.i| i,tt Iln

lo Mr, ami llH'ir In nn niKii nf imy dilvii jipi- nn ’nniim . Ul th,«i ll,

;S fiyiessage N et' Tv .i^Mergerior : iEi; U. S. Ordered: low* W ASHINOTON. Sept. 6 W - older » T . r* P residen t K ennedy has ordered

'• the m erger of a ll federa l com- i>r. >rli ** m tm lcatlons system s and destg- WasHli '" ’" " ‘ m ated fiecrctary of Defense Rob- ccrtinc

nldlty, a ( .icN am ara lo supervise lallon, opgraUon of^the ncw setup.

in a m em orandum signed Aug- \ ^ 21 a n d m ade available today. 1

I K ennedy direc ted th e creation of a new govem roen t « n a to be SeUa.

, tnow n as th e na tio n al communi- f cations system . violatjt

‘ K ennedy sold U « purpose will JuscteK g in is provide th e federal gov- for spi vlsuwe ,rn rn e n t w llh cenlraW y-conlrol- O w r

Ifd com m unications th a t will op- was' fu ’ '•*>'* eralo "u n d er a ll conditions rang - ba le Ji

ind from a norm al situation to reckles nnilonal em ergencies and In ter- Jail m

' na tional crises. Including n iic k a r Twir ' ntiacit." Adams

—— 3 ------- speedli

£3 Odd Violence SSome f /~ t and tlIs l,ommon “»««; ‘S For-Japanese £3

TO KY O Ifl — A teen-age boy days a I," - J ’ w aits In f ro n t of a telephone days I I day- ^ crowded Tokyo stree t, by JuiIvered A nother teen -nger comes o u t tence eetion of the booth and . for no ap p aren t » e lrb t- reason, punches th e other youth urc.iy

70s Jn th e Jaw, bie&kSng a tooth. r day. A bus conductress asks a pas- •ed In senger to sto p smoking. H e slaps a bo l h e r face. tfon je»rlng a p a sse rb y ' b ru shes slightly {o re tu rn t^ e shoulder of a no ther m an In a . lu r e s ha rrow alley. T h e la tte r pulls a ops in i£n|fe a n d s tabs th e form er, w ith - policeto be o u t w arn ing . Bcrloualy wounding --------

p le ted . h lra . X jv«Uey« breaks Inlo a queue I I

w aiting fo r a bus and punches a • m a n w ho asked h im to go to Ihfc

south” these inc iden ts fiSll oneV flow th in g In com m on: T hey happened r p i

lower >n *«>nt of m any bystanders, and . X 1 nnd u aJ hn« been alm ost the rule m

ju p a n . iVie M tttm a-teeeW ed-tvo - J jw . 'allleys be lp fro m th e onlookers. Thered . In -T h e. Jap an ese ore lomoua for twlay rlnkles th e ir courtesy—a s far. as Irlends m w d renoon. a n d acciualntances are concerned. Buddi

" W h a t bowing and scrap ing « « »- ly In to goes on ." th e new spaper Yomluri A i ty and sa id editorially , “bu t then look SUtei ,kenlns o t^ h o w -th c se -sa m t_ p e o p le _ b c ^ uUdlng have am ong stratveera."■n w ith T h e boy 's Ind ignan t f a th e r Oni

disclosing the telephone booth 1 Uttle inc iden t In a le tte r to th e Ja p an oppos h daya T im es w ro te ;' , « . i

■und 40 a ll those Japanese who' havele arn ed to 't u rn away’ when u n - u n

m ounts p le a sa n t th ings happen a round tno g rains them ." v. q« .

due lo Japanese- au thorities, w llh th e S ta te backJnJr o f th e p ress and public, n« _ c

------ ^ H a v e 's f a F f e 'd " to 'c ra c k -d o w n ciinetag a in s t w hot is described here ,

1 hours, 05 ."smoUrXlolence.— ===.=i==:=j -.IJi W hile th e ru ff ia n who slugged j j J

66 . th e boy w en t unpunished, th e . J i conductress slappcr was a rrested I JS and fined-I.OOP yen- (nearly WO)- - L i i M J l A tiucuc b reak er w as lin e d 10.-« 000 y e n (»27 ,a0 ).and ano ther M£ ; BU 8,000 yen <»22). , X T l411 j t A m an w ho repeatedly struck "x passengers in tra in s when d runk

h a s been given a one-yenr )aH P ^ d i s t - s e n ten c e -rep o rtc d ly th e first for 72 a "m inor offense.'' • ^»5 B u t the punished represent It* • only a sm all i>erccnUge of h u n - here « .JI dreds of such dally occurrences, bcnu ?■; "A m ojor cause fo r Ja p an hav - gent,[Ml .S7 Ing- one .of th e h ighest rate of c « o r

violence In lh e world Is th is dirty S i-- • to le rauca Wr amnU vlotcacf. the call (67 newapnpV Yom luri said. Orav « "U ntil tccen lly . It w ai cuslo- Italli

m ary for people lo Ignore m inor brlgl SH ' ■ aclA of violence p c iw lra te rt by mngi

d runks o r hood\um #r th e p a l» i "A** w ent on. lltul.M ,111 "This flttllwde was reinforced i,„ rri,trs ex- by th e Irndllloim l Japanese tol- .,,j U.. nnd eranco lor acta commltcd under

Mich.. Hie liithience of a I oo h o l —a ;e t nnd ntrango nnd sham efu l tradlllon.

NewspaperB In recent weeks liavp rotwrlert niimei'tms canrs o t I ’I- T ufilons o r d rim ks fighting or

I hours. aniiiiyliiR oH iT people In public - O i Binnll liiclduiils which In the U l piint wiiuld have gone w ithout MC

'V - I’f 'M n«'Hc«- ffoi”J , “ • T h e Jnpi'n»^’'«. h^in41 Tr. llm ii nny o the r people, abhor HPl- week?? tli'H liivolvcil In o tli rr pcopln'fl“ ■*’ iiiiiii'tnln lo tim imjiil th a t for-

elKiiern havo lrc(|Ueiitly remarked llm t llm Japaiieao "lack In m oral

An' ' coiiraKe." , , porl,Al T he aVeiaKO Ja|.aiie»o f e e "I'l llrn l imolilp wll" dlBplay a iil - Kl r<H;lnl liPhavlor arn iHilitnllally

."3 daiiKPvniis anit tliit br-il policy la [1,^1 JJ t<t liMik llm o lhe r way.til Ciiaon of people notlliiK nl"*'*

liPil while irylnii lo niPillatn In h i ** a tiJvnet » « h l «ve u w im o w , *

.l.inlLV " “ I t '" '" '’ '* K <iiiiiim y, ijiiUllu'B HtllliiilP rccniilly. X f \_____ c:anpn havo bpeii irjKirteil of of- I ,I_______ ^mMUr»-l>«4»tf-iwl»oil .liy .iiliUiukUa J u _1 _ an il liiriieil ovrr lo pollie. KiiuV, I S Nalliiim l pollen lieaili|iiailiTn riilili

M arch UJ neiU a imilimwldn illt- Af I I ei'ilvp to all iinllrriiiPii lo rp»|Miii(l II, N

|ii.in i|illy lo .•Illr.Plin' iP|«)rli> <if rhllil•■small I'lnlflJirr ” •

;, Malta, M ajor imwB|iaiinln npplaliilP'l ni'Hn. .Ill llm iipw loiiHliiirnn on Ihn |ia rl of A

IL.lli n and tho .■iilllln towaril tim -Iph 'iI llickv vlolMw*"' oll«w l«i» aiwl U'lttli ml Mi»

‘"' 7 Buaiiicssineii HitIn M t, r i i y-1 1 'Over lax Cut. • W A M iilN iritiN , »ip|ii, n ll'I'l'

A IteiiiiblUinn (•iiiimeMlinml l.mil- \<j, n lotUv 'il"i»"Mi»Pvl U ndnn n.in dm iiiinfnenn rmiiimiiiKv for /nhi- rlmri

^ ,iiiH foiren w ltli I'lTnlilriil K en- Aliilnimily |.i pip-'n Inr pimniKP Ihln in i|„

"f “ I' llllllnii ilnllnr lax“ mil

<Ulnllnn III.,,. \y, Hrllil-n, U,, \Vln„|>P In iml InI.I ilmili Ih.' nlnllil thdy lmvii| im rilrlil It t io iii'\ nl>imt lenl^ 'l'nllilllly" liPi'iUin'' en-

acliimiil nf llm iiiVPIiiiii-nlnnlilnK lilll miiilil "ll II a r n III n e litiK"

nilollirr iliiidiiPli ilnlliilla lor iih fai im niilloii WP m il lix'K llllo llm Illliiin."

Ion-anil N1:VAI>A'IUH H'I'lllKIJ >II llKlilA M clllLI,. Nov., llPiil, n iHI'li All I ,iipii iitii iiihHtiiti i«iiW‘ii iiiiiiiM r n r ' nm - ^'<lv I’lnypn lioiii two iinlnmi walknl riiolird o il Ihn Joh ul th.i 1Unilcn>tl C'.iji-, ly (irlvit |IPI' romiiaiiVn ^elliiliiK jilniit Imie

ltil» inoiiilnu, I L - .

t Twin Falls News----------- A~Mn h a T b e e r rb o fr i to ^ Ir , tlon- of- t

TOe new son. Kevin Jav. h » . an Edwin W - older b ro th " . K ermit, Jr to Snn»a

lered -------- vU ltlnecom- Dr. Alma H ardin. 157 N<^th W tg- WashlnBt*-'. ‘«"‘n a^ b - certincate ol ruccpssIoI cnm pie- mesvvs.■rviM - . , - ' - • — r ;

s Valley Traffico" be Sebastian Va<jiierp. T»’ln Fftlla. due rega°u n ^ was fined »50. co-.U and four tlons,

violation points by Tw m Pah* Sandra , will Jusctec o f tf«- P c a « AJ R oblnwn

IZ- W . . W .» '1,-n to reckless dflvlnK. He Is In county Sandrti n te r- Jail in lieu ol his fine. wt^UTlrar Twin F»>i» PoJIce Judge D ale Ja k e Wa

Adamson fined th ree persons lo r lo t sp « - Roeerilnf Dave' J . Z ublzurreta. Lewis

■ ■■ S tT T T osls-aisa-O ireo 'tfas' f tn^ f ' P violation points ; W heeler M. appearec

O 'H arrow. T w in Fa-.ls, »9, cosU In Rup' and three violation points, and charge c D inner B Wells. Tw in Palls, *10, Ralph costs and th ree violation points, was fine

R ichard Simmons. T w in Falls , p e r t po. i f t - was lined *100 aQd.cO sta. hla. .JuUus

drlxer.-s license suspended for W ;■ boy days and he was sc n ten c eJ lo H O ^TTthrw W e days in Jail fo r reckless drW mg RuU i P itreet. by Judge Adamson. His Jail sen - th e peo< ; o u t •»,«r«.nt ends sta rting a t I p jn . each S a t- w as fin

uW.ay to 6 a.m, Monday. He will th ree v Jd l « celv e t»-o days fo r each week- Parsons

end served.D arrel W. Burgess. Jr., w as p i

fined $13, cosU and Uirce vlo.a- [ d l tlon points by Judge Adamson

iRbtly for following too closcly. ' P ^ i1 1n a Robert W . K ing, 23, M inidoka. £ 1 .1 2 1uils a forfeited a $25 bond In R u p e r t _____■with- police court, for driving w ithou l \ f / _----------------------------------------------------------- - Y f e

SS” U. s. Refuses , Demand for E :

S Three Monks Ss'6 d -n o ^ -A V A ^ N O T ON.-S c p t. B- i X i- . - , 2 ^

T h e s ta te dcpartroen t r eb u tted ^ ^ e n for todoy a S outh V ietnamese de- Oeorge

^?eiSI m and th a t ,11 tu rn over th ree M ondaj erned. Buddhlst m onks now In refuge In «>* rtLTilno th e U ; S . emboaay In Saigon. jm lu rt A spokesm an sa id the United 1 look S tates would no t han d the m onks * . . Z . over w ithou t "satisfactory a ssur- ho^eve‘® -“ - anTes as" lb ' th c lr-sa feiy .----------fnUiPr O ne of th e th ree b T hlch T r l accomn booth Q uang. leader o f the Buddhist Ja o an opposition movement. The th ree ¥ >

souVht asylum In the embassy J>a]H rr tn a t Sajgon Sunday a fte r 1.2 d a y s ___-

have fiiTHHtng! i ■n un O n broadcr-Issucs Involved In appeari [round tho V le tn am u e crisis. Including upstlck

questions o l w hether the U nllcd th th e S ta te s policy of seeking reform s j,nubile has collapsed, th e spokesm an de - 4-dow n c llned to-d lscuss the -s ltuo tlon .—I he re , ------------— ---- ------ - nlarm

ssa BritislrPoet—d. th e gled li

7wo) LaudsiLadiesj gsf'fhs . . - I Hcer^.Mauls Males ,

d S n e w Y O R K (Df»-Amerlca Ib a r lall p roducing , b e tte r women th a n p , S s t fo '" e n . accord ing to English a u - K 0 1

- tho r-poet, R obert O mvcs. ipresent " I hove lectured a t colleges x f l l f h u n - here . . . and I see a ll these ences. bcnutlful g irls - they 're Intclll- n hav - gem . th e y 're lo v e ly -an d th e ir ° rate of escorts a re waiting for them . ‘ is th is dirty , scruffy , talking only about ’ :e.'’ the ball gam es . . . yoii know, Joutlsh,"

G raves so ld In a dialogue w ith ; *« "V cuslo- I ta lian film acire.-is G ina Lollo- m inor brlglda, published hi Redbook

ted by m agazine. paper "And lo th ink Ih a l these beau-

lltul. g irls should linve such a n in ilii iforced horrib le cholco of hnslin»i<l.i. Had, se tol* .,jjm ^j,nre nre Jurl more good

under nbout Ihnn there are good ,

weeks ^

China Refugees ;i” Stream to Russia

NlUWlV MOSCOW. Bept. 6 UT\—Uet'WC<'i> from O hlnu havo been ntriniiiliiK

1 more j„ to the HovloL Union In rci'piit mako ■lor ge t- wcokn, wc.iterii noiirces naUl toilayj 'piesim

aoijrcp ftnW 6&,W)0 hnvni»t for- midilln of " " "inaikei „tni‘ niinhiH wimn lie not lils la .u ro.

, , v o n , ul««»V a v,fBk H«o,' " O ther soiirccn nnld timy hml n l'U nr' heard nlioiit iili Bxmliin Iloiii laiiilliiitnllally iiip Hovli-t DnUiii, hn l alrj)niiollcy la ijatipvi'ial RlMUit a y -M a«ii,

( ntab- “

Furry ‘Bird’Bother,s Lad “

llf of- l .lT i 't -K I to y ic (jfi-A n tiiiln it J HU iukua Ju _ Ju m c a ,-U __ MiuXln’.t ..i;lnhtU. -77 -

Ki iidp niih'iii'P chinn rniiKht n hiihy im rli'in ruliblt aii<1 Iii'oiihIiL It to ruilmnl. dn llll- Aftni thn pliini. had cxniiiln.til pn|>niid II, M arlin Innk ll Imiim (m lilx ntln ol fliHih.’n l''')V w nnl nl n IwitHiv

(Jim-r, ih i’y ifi'i'i » Wl ff him iliiiii|p<l Piiim.p a n of A nnlKhbor’n rlilld, age fl, w an.\w \ tU" d n i 'i l h i im r ili\y and ^v«^ Ui- ,* aiKl Ul«licil hy Um liirty m naluie .

'Mm I'hll.l wiilknl ........ id llmc'liHP in'vcral Uiiipn, in-prliiH in- ftl.ii

M lrn tly nr tlift rnlililt ' far. Vn im lly Im nalil, "Min, M arlin , w

are ynil abnoliilPly sum tlm l’n aI

I'l-ri IVAl.I.ACIv I.AHIIhl)■I Ipail- \V A »illlN(l'l()H , llp|il 11 (Ifl'li - |.'ln of {In, W ayiir 'M.Hihi, D , Oip., r /llln* rhaVKPil h i thn nniialn lo.liiv itinL

K nn- Alahaiiia Onv, Ororgii i: W allani :p Ihln In | | | | '| | | i ik rarla l vlnlni.'ii.

b a r t l e t t

'££' PEARS ' Alaigp _ . I , ''j

fai im A t tb o O rc lin r ii ,B ring C o n la in o ri I

rr GOURLEY !rs,;;i o r c h a r d [" ' " " ’ l F i le r , I d n h o I ^

News in Brief Vi«etiMr, tlon- of- th e a nnual educationallllo, sem inar c o u rse -a t pa lm er . Col- . 0 x 1 1 / 'w n lege of C hiropractic, D “v^t>orC.

— • Is <-an Edwin S. Lloyd has re tu rned

to S a n ta Monica. Calif.. *fter vUltlnK his parents. Mr, and.' soi

- Mrs. 1 J Lloyrt. Bfjllvllle a p a r t- W enlwortlpie- ment.v dlsagrecmt' ............... ............................................llamson. w

^ ihe Alley,

•affic "Courtsalls, due regard for existing condl- v h ^ lo lour tlons. couple. U'^ iU Sand ra K. Know land. 17. B u r- jp[t hai*on Joy. was finisdOD two counts. She i„ „ , ih c V,

forfeited a $20 bond for runnlnR to ride hoje rt . a stop slRn and.$5 fo r'd rlv lng on ^^fter aPro- an expired driver's Hc^-rtt". In ^ o r th rW : for R upert 'pf’llop court, park ave'nirity Sand ra J, Baker. 25. Rupert, from the

was fined IIO and cosU by Judge .-vCcniworll Dale Ja k e W all'ln Rui>en police court wmiBmsoi I lo r for speeding. Mrs. Wentreta . Lewis D. Osborn. 25. Rupert, Looney rc hreo '! fa irftned - |50^ nd -co8U 'W l«nJw j.owM»y.—

M. appeared before Judge Ja k e W all Accordli costs In R upert police court on a ^^^s. Lnor and charge of reckless driving. friends f<$10, R alph H. Hodgson. 23. Burley, did not w

lints, was fined $15 and costs In R u - to come 1 ^ I s , p e rt po'.lce court fo r speeding, disagreem

h la Ju lius H . Rambo. '5 1 . Boise. n lng .^_)r 00 w as fined $41 a n d 'c d s ii and gW- ' Looney toHO ?m hree-T lo ln tlO Trpoln ts-by Mrs.- w orth frc Ivmg R u lh Parsons, Bliss Justice of he and t sen - th e peace, for speeding. volved in reek- K u rt B. Shouslcr, 23. Bol.se, women rr S a t- w as fined $15 and cosla and apartm en ■ will th ree violation points by Mrs park, l /x 'eek- Parsons for Im proper passing. gun and i

------------------------------ Wllllanisc

-io”“ Paldstan toTison the scene

• • a fle r ItKemain in »i "upert away >r'

West Camp

S RAW ALPINDI, pfiJcUtan. Sept. had calJe 6 (,fi—P ak istan had advised the —U nited a taU s It will rem ain a « \ , I 0 1 firm W estern ally ag a in s t com- Jmunlsm despite its recen t eco- ,

b nomlc. border a n d cu ltu ral pact.s K | ( » h w ith Red C hina, high Pokl.stanl source.? snld today.

IW— Tliey said th e assurance was Brlgg ,u(fed given to U naersecretnry of y t a l e M ^ '" ' ' ' '^ s d j . George Ball, who will repo rt Richfield th ree M onday lo P residen t K ennedy . . lae In on resu lts of hU threc-dny m is- blgh sch jn alon to determ ine th e d r if t of menlory Jnitcd P ak istan 's foreign policy. tlents ctnonks T he sources said Ball was told, secj£sur- however, th a t Pak istan p lan s no gradc.i. — - - baBlc-change-ln foregln.pollcy.j.Q Ih .eJou r h T r l accom m odate the U nited S tates, fmd 17 1

‘iS Bank Robbed Sy. *

— ^ — c o in tm ie a -P tu n r Pagc-Owt!— ^■ed In appeared to be a w om an and had ludlng lipstick on cigarette l iu l t r replacim

M rs. Brocfce said w hen they r > ' I I ^ took he r husband to the bajik K Q ,I I in de - 4 J ^ tjjg Ijgy

w e r e - w a m tx l- n o f to - s p r e a d - a n - S p t . C nlnrm on th e th reo t th n t ha rm J t,

____ Tirn.iM rnmi. tQ Brorh;f , ______ BURLShe said R obert finally w rlg.' d'

glcd loose • from the handcuffs ,P C * n^i^ cnme dow nstairs to Join her. „

^hey were a fraid to call o f- sc!_ Ralph

;t t 'T h e y had m y husband ,” she officer said. "W hnt could we do?" . demonsi

■lea Is ------------------------------ loading

Rotary Offici?il. llr.2 Talks in Rupert

them Intcriui{lonal, praised the localabout stu d e n t exchange *

iitljili •• program w hich they arc sim nsor- V I S !6 w ith urged the club to .look ,Loiio . Into th e po-sslblllly of niwii.sorlng I ? ! / ! ,

pdixviir I' In te ra c t club, which Is ah igh school gri{anl/.allDn pal- WA8Iterned a fte r Rotary clubs, a t thn T he kli

beau- Yv„,i„e„,ii,y Ui„cticon meeting a t of Algli■uch a iiln iln g cafe. (lent Ke

' Ilobblns m et with chib ofllcerB “ •''nuKh0 good jiiii, •I’lii-.Mlay eve- * e good ,(„^st npcaker a l

llio n<x)ii iunclicon.Tim d istric t gnvem nr-strfsiw d jiJIJ

/ jQ llm linporlaiieo of tho chiMlllca- rn,wils I-® tlon systrin ,iso,i m dc lrnu lne k ,,,7,,,,,i

n o ta ry club nieinl»crshlp. lie said „f i o l i l Ih a l l l In Ihln syMcin tluiL iiiaKta n,ni iliigccfl the orgniil-ir,«llnii an oiitntandliiH |i,„ ,,,in uniliiK “ 'V' uri(C(l r |nb mrinlm rs lo •i-ii,.'i rci'piit mako cfforla to fin somo of limb , , ,, to ilay j'p ie sp iil vw atliinal and I>|•o(e, . '

1 j,„y,. niniial cla.'^ltlcatinnn which arn llln of vacant.re ntlll ................. ■■■ Hii.lL rc . J i : i ’ im ;i ,a y i ',i » I 1*0

IIAI,I1''AJ^ Hrpt, 11 (,11-A Hwlnn ,^ .0 1 y had alrllim.n Jiil-mnde an uiincliniliiled Hollrllo

III,II, laiiilliig a t llalUnx IiiIpi natliinal „.,|.i in 111, 1)111 ali-|)nn ypatniday lo I'lnrck a rc- ir ami, im fi th n l n bnmn hnd been / ,r L i ,

lilacpil aboard 'r |ie plane took n , , . . . „ off th rn t a n d , nim -liall imiiia ,,,„n„iii la ter a fle r a nniiieh failed to Uirii I up anylhliiii. I t wim pii roule lo i,„ V, Z iirlrh fioin Nniv Yoik,

a a p g a a M g ' ;1, 1,1,1,^

“,Ii!!'.ni ' ' „ i ' l c i i

Hi- nioMPy (li^nii‘1 imvo , I < | '10llir, Jiri')iii)>fl n .|)rrrv rr li ulnim M M

h ill In, ii'R ,vr1r..iiip, a

Special fncome Ta /n llan i I TARTING MONDAY

H SEPT. 2 :w [:f k i .y r . r s ' i i c

: f;V ('« Y M O N D A Y H [..nv

A kiiowlniin, o f thn l«i,-i| irHiih.l. I . ....................... . in iild mua

llm mill of iiiiiliii),

, . } ,A '|" fi 'rM 'tr |.i|i,,nftniiMi

Y I - -Twin Falls BusinesI I 'V i t i r n i i i t i wi':i.(:iiM i'; - m u r i ';

f Victim of Sjeei S Shooting Still ""-Is“a - i t i c a r ~

Continued From Page One grounds ptiW hile a t the Alley, 121 F ou rth ^ rat e avenue south, according to Mrs,

» t - W entttWUi. Uiere J ja d been a Acrm. disagreem ent abou t masie, WIU cor alo g

Mrs tio n e y hom e a n d returned S*'*' *r, i r t ' ' 10 ihc^lounge. W entw orth Donald^ «

couple. Looney and Wllllamiion IMl m e hiir w im th „ u n d .r .U u .,1-

She in tf .lh c W cntw oclh .couple .w ere w n u w i^ r I 'n g to ride home w ith W illiamson,I on After arrlvlnK a l the W ertt- ^■ ^ o r th reildonce. 1768 H arm on he r game

park avenue. Ju.1t across the pttrk ' 'pert, from the I 'vsney residence, Mrs. ___udge .-vCcniworlh fixed breakfa.st for ^ou rt wiiiiftmson and he r husband. I

Mrs. W entw orth then went to the X •[>ert., Looney residence lo talk to Mdi p .n , ,_ ua J w j.owM»y.—--------------------------------------------_W all According to . M rs. W entw orth, county, la n a Mrs. Looney and she have been It'S- Mrs. w

friends for some tim e and she assistant, irley, did not w ant a m lsunderslanding period cosi R u - to come betw een them over Uio selling th<

'g- disagreem ent e arlie r In the eye- A specla lolse. nlng .^ T h u r s d igW- ' Loon'ey ordCt'Cd Mrs. W ent- Parks, Sec Mrs.. w orth from th a residence-aftisr lalr..tO _J? 8 of he ond the .women became In- having thi

volved in an argum en t and Ihe the horse 5o(.se, women ran from th e downsfaJr.f donated

and apartm enl and acros.^ H arm on Filer quai Mm park. Looney followed w llh the Ls the fli ng. Run and caugh t up wllh them a t presented.

Wllllanrson’s car on the other The stx side of the park . Conrad. 1

Richard W onlw orth arrived a t sccond bei the scene o t the ishoolJng shortly Appaloosa

I a fle r It happened and fought third.H-Jlh Looney to loke th e gun Borry s away Irom him, according to atlrnctlou; Mrs. W entw orth. Looney then are helicoi was taken Into custody by Twin b ird” fron Fnlls clly pollcc. M rs. W entw orth M any fait

Sept. had called th e pollcc. up for a I I the ----------- --------------- -- grounds.

242 Enrolled in « Richfield School -

RICHFIELD, se p t, t r - ^ u p t F. Oliver B was R- Briggs announces a to ta l cn- ond. And

i ollinent of S42 a tudenta-ln—Uw nna JCIT •eport Richfield schools this yeor. seconds, ancdy Tliere are 02 s luden ts In the fourth . •

m is- high school and 180 In the cle- s t^ e r \ 1ft of m enlory school. Twenty-tw o stu - o ro u n d l-

den ts each a re enrolled In the Qre.I told, second, th ird and seventh Reynolds,n s no grades. T here a re 25 pupils In pnjj. L ^r, lcy.j.Q I h e Jo u r th gnylc. 2 7 jn _ U i£ M ^ thlrij, a m jta tce. fmd 17 hT lhe cigRlh. erljn, Ore

Two new stu d e n t body officers sarebac 1 were elected In the high school Loveland,

w ith Tom W ard named sccre- Mike Isit tary. replacing S andra Stubbs second- /

irtt— King who hos m arried, and inn ifiS ; . . _ . Lowell W ard cho.sen treasurer, stevens,

replacing LaVey Jeffries. fourth.

Z i Ballistic Expert £ r S •V™ -Sets BurlerTalk-

™ BURLEY. Sep t. 6 - A world re - G riffith.- nowned-balilBtlo^expert-wUl^talii . Brohm

o„ and dem onstrate shel; re - Murray, loading a t a sporU m an clinic. Tit J 'fstj R(

iSiS Xv-V_ R alph R uehlm an, retired arm y “ut, Lo'

I," flhe officer and bolllsllc expert, ^will poluts. t dem onstrate th e a r t of shell re - *“loading nnd answ er questions on P j i n

^ 1 th e subject. I n conjunction w ith I v U p 41. th e talk a special hun ting film T J , , „

rt will be shown. J Q l l fTlie m eeting Is open to th e r u p EI

public w ith no adm ission charge Ryttlng.'* sponsored by Tom 's T rad - for mln

Ing Pont, Burley. from ll -hnnuo ------------------------------ hospital

Visiting King S”?; Rides in Parade

put- W ASHINGTON. S ept; 6 lUPti- was cltci a t thn T he king of the fabled kingdom

•Ing a t of A lgliniilstaii rode with I’rrs l- on fievet (len t K cm icdy tOfUiy In « pa rade ' ' ’“Pk

,f,i,„._, tlirnuKh downtow n Waflh/ngton. '^'bV r!; . Tim moim rch obviously gol n big <>n E str

kU;k ou l o l ll. Iluper“ K ennedy mid King Mohammed H‘e ficci

Ziihlr sUhkI III an open convert- Mftre:*wd waving lo m iiH't Ii^ilflca- 11,1, t i,,p jiircd.ermine ifw iiit’dy m l down for Ihe Jailer Oainaiie halil purL |,t II,B jtiiriidn and allowed <<' tbn (ii'tiKca (I,,, Hinllliijf-kliiu to -tako iiiusk.ol tU.llic_LlUidliiH thn iiiipluunc, ------------>er« 10 |,|,|.|„ ie |„ „ t bnu i ponpoii- I

....... '» ■ " "y t o ™ » i f"i».

''"' Constitutional , Proposals F layed-----

I Hwln,i w a HIIINOTON, Hcpt, fl riim - C P tii.i iiied O i'firniJ ArrlllbnW OdxatlDiml „ ,,|„y' ‘L' tvl/lg hiivr p b f lh f f t l

iicrn ihriiiiKh nomr ntate leglnlnliirc.i MilKtli tl o took t]„.p(, i i r o p o n n d roiintltiitloiiiil ilpiiin \\, ...............................j t should bo glv-" '" ' I ' ent "(|iilf!k Imrlul,")ule lo iin , 1,1,1 „ „ AI'l.-OIO Poiifrr- '

m en rnllPil to dinciinn lUn pro . - A H j jmnni* Ihal iho so-rnllnd "^Inlrs ■ '

J ^ rlithtn’’ am eiidiiieiiin imvp "flour- '■“ iM irti--nniy-in~tnn~nm'k'," i n t n y

rvpr aro iMibJmiled to piililin do- I r ' , bate. Im nnld, •'limy will rrcnlvfl a I t I.

t f liilckjiiid final burial,'' ' f U T , ’’ *

■ m i B M O N D A Y

M UM i r . , r ^

B E D i ...........

l o g o .BSBM............. 1^7*' KO If Ibey'rIrue, I t . luiw aril

W M tM M U ^^^M I^^^ frniii till

come Tax Course MONDAY EVENING

*T 2 3 r r l S'il™tiillloii, I•Ki.Y r .rs 'iiO N '; llin

h a y , o „ „ ,

I 'l ln l iPHMlnlloim 01, iiiyniliiiPiil i l i r a m ;III (llllltl ).iun you ||„„,y i i i ,,^

r r liifi>{‘irhrT1iMi i'ltll . . •

Business College t,loMi': -m (,)i'i';Nit<ci tii a u iu jN I------------------------ -- • j NPHI '


. . . . . . . . . . . ' ' i

Seen TodavU R a lp h c ed a rbo im . P iij,

Ing gasoline truck a lo n j 'h Z ' w ay 30 . . . L ana L a^L ^'»h• local offlcc on business j Decker. Douglo* Bchow friends direc ting ti-affp w,

s grounds park ing lots . i r th B ''‘tf«n leaving for cm'im,.Mrs T exas a t early morninH i,,,,,. ’’ n ft Mr^. A drian Ti>!k, r i w ,WIU c a r along Second s"-cct !T Dt ■ D ennis Flora »,'avi„j * ,„riy friend w hile drlvhiR "t-.i.j

dlson avenue wpjii . j,''®' took K cams hnndm g larRr rned C harles H arris . . . ra„ i o rth O o n flJ d .^ « » n g drink , n.roy-h n ,on straw w hile driving alm.B u „ j . w est , ,

WnUon greeting friend ot, o n a -s t rc e fw e s t : . . An^t 0 - -

'e rit- h e a rd : "W ell. If we w ant n, a ll m on the ir game. w^H hnve t^-piivh! pjtrJi; thW r nilr-s, at leflsi un til » . | Mrs, ___

rs T. R l<'airMr)i

ContlQUed From P a g t On«orth . couniy, Js m m f i n lh-? gojribeen Ing. Mrs. Jo h n E. Hayes and h», she assistant, d rtssed in auihtntj.iding period costum es, a re In ch ar» «• Uio selling th e booJu.eve. A special trophy <^as prestniH

T h u r s d a y afternoon by Ton /e n t- Parks, iecre tary -m an ag er of aftisr la lr..to_ Jn .ckJrie ren« ,JB o l5t to B In- having th e best decorated su ll i ,1 Ihc the horse b a m s. The trophy «u stairs donated by T hane L anf«.-, rmon FlJnr qonrterhorsc b r 'edo r Thii'1 the Ls the first year it .•m a t presented.other The s ta jl belonging lo

Conrad. K imberly, w ai judtM cd a t sccond best, and Rob H am eA r JOrtly Appaloosa Acrcs. T^k-ln p U aught third. ^

gun Borry snid one of the blun.. ly to a tlrac llo n s -bL thP foir p .;, ,?

tiien are helicopter rides on a "whlrit Twin bird" from Reeder Elylnir'servii' worth M any falrjgoe rs have been laktn

up for a brief aeria l view of tbsg rounds.--------------------- -----------

Result:? of T hursday evenlnii I rodeo perform ance a re :

I Calf roping (first go-aroundi lO J - W ulhcrler, Sulf»lnml p seconds, first; d, u

I en Wr.useconds, tied for t h i r d stj

" '■he fourtii. . . “ 5o * t» w r e s t l i n g (first 15.

n ro u n d l-M o c OrlffK h, Penlll^ -vpnih seconds, first: JoK•yen h RoyHolds. Afelrose. M ont.. u . sa '”5 » ond; L arry Thom ason. Filer. iS L ! ! ^ th ird ,.andJrfn rkS ch ricke r, Sul?:

erlln, Ore., i n , fourth. ■ -------. ^ Boreback rld lng -D Ick Grant s ^ o o l Lovelond, Colo., 178 points, first- Stobhi *s‘cy. Salmon, 173 polnti 3tuW« second: A lb e rt VanDom. ife r f^

bm-lfi&-DotnLv thirH Pn-,. SUvcns, O o o d l t i r 162 fourth.

Bronc riding - John Davis. W hitehall. M ont.. ITS points first; D tn n is Coleson, Balmon.

a J l r - J o h n D cyndii, a m rose. M on t;T 64 . IhlfaTwiS-viSc ■ rid re - G riffith . Pendleton. IM, loutlh, Ul^talk B rahm a, bull, r iding - Too nr. re - Murray, CaTdweli. I W ^ l i i i f Inic, t i t fJrst; R e r W orkm an. RIverta; B uney u j f i i . . 'U points, sccond, ui

• AJbert- V onDom a n d D ick if. a a rm y »nt. Loveland, Colo,, both l rt. w ill points, tied fo r th ird and fourt, lell re - — ----------------------

Rupert Man Is Hurt in Mishap

c ^ r g e n £ r l !J m d - for m inor bruLiw and reless!

from Uie M inidoka Memorli hoapltal a fte r he wna involved ta tw o-car collision Wcdne.vlv

a l tiM Intcm ccllon t J Seventh and fe it re c ta In Riipf,!

• U c Harold 38, Paul »)*B lUPti— was cited f / j ^ f f u r e lo yield toIngdom f*nbt of w'ny, was traveling

I 'rrsU on fievetiih In a IDOO Ford plcli;parade truck which s ln ick th e I0fl3 C«.

ilitffUiii, w hich »ds tritvellfig sMii>l u big on E street.

Itu p ert poUno w ho Iiivm IIksWamined accident rei>orted Ryttlinionvcrt- wile, Mrs, iCailiy R y itln s , a pjt-'Ing lo Msiiger ll, the Corvnlr. wnn iintn-Rlrcitlfl, J'ircd.

h t ta r l>nmui!i> wan Mtlniafcrf a f mallowed to the Corvair and MQ daiiiifiiiiusl-ol tu .U ic_liuck_________ _______

Ofltpon- I ~— ----------------------------

r COHHEMT' , by R . E. DERG j

lyed-------- —---------(SCHOOL days'

ilgh l-IIK h n l firplriiihfir M n tlnio alif iliiLiirt',1 niiUili llum ghl 'In given to iiv nUwwl d«» /i ivlKi a lo nf«rtm«(;V »f»

adVHiitiiro . . . rnpculally lli«

' o ff lo

■"nmlr 9 ' '

lie d ^ lIlllUHlll In |l ‘' “'c'llvfl a jW / J to the jisiniU

' "1* ,1I'or m any iiareiiln, this

iiipaiin Hint llmir clillclrfii *'*I leaving hoinn fof llio lim i I"*'^ , If thryTe.goIng to a ro»liloiiirt)’

|r((p. I t nm«ii« Mini limy mill** luiw aril . to iii'.oiinliiiialfiniii thpli oflhprlnH, imrllcitl^^wlirn n prom la .uwiibig lid »"*

Inmimy In iireilnl,

J”iH' Ih rar oa iriiln , .'nllfi|« )f“' ijirnn sni'iifli'p in many i«‘i‘ iiiK Iho Ifliint nf wIiK'Ii M iilal. Dad iiiiinl conm H' I'"™ *vJlh fliiiili tm>U lit collrKi’ l" * \ lilllloil, liookn, iidtlvlMrn, Hci*™ llm llKe, I fa hoiiih I" '>« • ^ liaiil lor Mm nlinlniiln . , ■ inniiy n ]inrrnl MinlylN ” ja iik arm m nt aa W*;"

" t v lll ai>))ipp|ale a kliullf ll'*^‘iln 'a Kol A joiiK pull alifoilr

BERG'S■ - T w in ,FalJi W flr fw n ' ^- j m - i m ■ r**

J NPXI nepk Mr, ' SH iiipnl ' nil aimlHpr lidft»l'^

' 'i ' ' '

Page 3: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

At T he Chi

“/,r"-T l, Ba»l«»"'''P ' hip - ipwUl tniule: p. ra..

’T h . Klci«d»m of du«l»J hl.t»o"', ®f K- I A r« '> MfO-ol

*p’i i u " n

JoMi. ^ - r *• '"■J ‘*’1" ’5 -^ n W ,f|;*|;*s.‘ 7»Jl. n“« ‘ A m ,\ Ev*.n .ll.rJ'i 1 W r!n-t.r. P->"r.«rn «"p«< 1“ '*'*»i!!rtth«r«^uf »**' «''»n.K p W * * ' ; . „ | i i „,Mt Im Thum- 51

f o l i o . . n r ' i - ' « • '•• •!'y * ' i i ™ ‘y r j & = v . ’ T ; , c f s : S; - ;””i ■■«•,* 1 >1.,. T. ^ T-r.y. Nnr.h on . .hi,,, "ll

I Ji r. C l " '- " > -* " V P " «» f.’r " i> M d " in ! " " T " , ’gr;- f..;K

* . . . 1. ---------- -mllRCn OP TUB ASCENfllON Iln* for

• ' VS niut liV r. bouuvinl north ___^ W » r 'y I.. » BW»1I. r»cl»r ^ CHU

Jo'JlUt U » T *nd .en«..n.^ ,nn'" '.m=5r-AlM prorr»m for ehllclrtn •u* 3 m*nl. fi

th , »lh gr»rt», S.-'lur hiBh c l... f.M

.■ .■ i.n "l^ lir W*dnnil»y mornin* lervlc** Thr ehol

on 6«pl. * »nd wlH eonllnue S<iulr«

^ f u t will b* ««r>ed »fwr In* 1 iir»fn. 1 !r»rvlcc.______________________

OUR BAVIOB LOXnEBAN UmLxT**l .nd Fourth »»*nu. north

Eaoni TJ»rlii. p»»l«r S«d.r "orihlp with holf eommunlor; * »‘ " l .

. „ |JO .n d 11 n-m. Sund.r .chool »r>d ^ " . '‘’Lr -!i,li..U i..» t » ;« ».m. Sp«l»1 hoir

S ;»nion .crvi« . t 1 P-m- <m 8u... '•lu. ri»» roMMUliv* Mfnlnji of Hlbl*„gd, b.^inn1ni S.ind.r .1 7i*0;P-W.

(Im »n Tu~d.>- «l CM p.m. Church teMotll mftti Thuriil.y .1 »i30 p.m. I!intr lulld work mKlinn cm Fridiy it

•ll om Confirm.lhin yu lh P*f^ . t . Frld.y . t 7;J9 p.m. _D lvln.

f i r s t " c n u i ic n o f t u b Thr ii' NAZAUESE KTFI. S

Jlilh »v»nut . t Fourth .tr**! tiarthJU,b.rl 0. J.cWon. p.rt«r F.euHr

Sjrtlay. S«pl- »:*6 »• r"- l '» « la ‘ P-S,M B,md«," In Sund.y «<'hrv,l. l t |;« U-m- I".

■*. n murnliiK w.irah p. »»rm.in t.ip c. Ilupert..?r"lht«l Un.' D«.h." 7 p. m. of P..l«S ' . * ; . h '

Life oriheTirihlS.u»-.“-jrulid.y. ‘'on* . ‘t » B, m-. Sund.y .chool ion. mwt- mwtlna,Ul in Ih* fellowship room. Monduy, bo.H rnVM ». m.. Scout Trrxjp »3 . Thui». »t 8:J0iiiT In m . lolden hour rh.pter mr«t> n.nc* 1iJiM tl.. home nf Neil Miller. Thur.- Choir r.iif, J p. Knox eh.pUr metiini mitte*.. .V. CiH> ril Rw Whlt^. Frld.y.

1 j io : i j I:

1 N eighboring I Churcines

— ... — a f i o o ^ Wonhlp

HAS8C1 MErrilODIBT p.m.. E

Irt. >.’<i i-a. Armon, "Cutt<in Ctndy." d>n of fpibrt Him 1 p.m. M.Y.F. me«u «pe>ker. JJt-t OA UtiitT. F.llh .nd ft1U»r> (en tr .l »>rj> rrw> B»«« 8:]0 p.m. W»dne»d.r. church.

nerU > p.m. 7I9-Z4T2HUBHUOH MCTnomST IMm;» a Hh.r. mlnliUr Fifth <

Imiilir »hoo1. 10 ..m. Wonhip le rv Rob*kl. 11:11 ».m. Sermon, "Colton C.n- 0." P»tl«k diner >t iUnien, I p.m, »l4B i RT.F. *.#:30 p.nu Thund.y, gun.i.r. W.6.C.0. mrtU 2:30 p.m. .1 church. Sermon

--------- ---------------------eh.me.

* llfRLEr ZION LUTilEnAK C.ry M<Orerlinrl .nd 2lit .Ireet hllh coi

Clcnn A. Kr»ch. p.ilcr Mondiy. Dlilm wnrihlp II *. m. Sund.y mllte* i

KkMl .nd IllW. e l» . t , l t .. m. Him. P.m-. 1* jl Sp«l.l rilly d.y <crvlc* .1 u . p.m., He

•lund.r aehi.il picnic In ti.linon purk P.m., 8eImmrtliiely i(l«r rhurch. Inil.lUiion Tue»d»r,

iMM. I.F<in»d Mellinfr . i p.alor nf meethif.fTilnltir l.mh«i,n chiirfh nf lUpeVl >i Fre«hm«I p. m. -Illl lUv. Koch dellv.riix ih* Wi.d II,•UtMi. The puMIc 1. conil.lly InvUnI. l)nl»*r»lA.Ilher U»u<ra *i* ..ked to .llemi P.m., CIk. hil.ll.il„„ |,„ie„| „j ih.lr re in i.r dlnlnf•nntlni. Mon.I.yi Hperlil diilrlct iiuin* Jcymn.tn{O'M fliculi ciiiiferrni-e .1 Inim.iinel aenet.l Ullnr.n trh..,| |„ T»ln K.lll. I'luiini*>n>m i.6, (...lull and church counetli fr«m liSO-lOiU, Tue.d.yi I.WMI,>"«l. In reiul.r .rolim .1 the churrh 11V .'" "- W „l,„.,|.,| | i„ , K.»-h »l)| F*

Il’J ^''^''jl''"'.T;lll^«M '^V/rc‘ l’‘ " 11’^ 'm !

S ; - ' ' : s l i r 5 i ; £ r 3 ^ ^ -

nimt.KY KIllHT MKTlinniHT 10K. K. Illion. p..lor II .. ri

lltl'l Huilit.y .n . r I'.Hler.i.H pi.yeT I'"'''ir'.'r'S

a'i 'Ii' . ' M' ‘vll;,;,’' ' ,u '" ' ,7 '" •

-Sr ,Ml. Iliiir II. A ,ri., Ml., Ii„„ W.diif.l Ills,." 1 Ml*. I.— I. Ill* Ten5"?‘■u * r r ' I;';"; ' ' I ' " '- ' ’- ' 'I - ' ’I:: Ir':!'I;', .h.ii.,1, •u” K.i;',',’}..,'*;;;';*.'I'M ‘h,‘i’,V'"m 'l . l l ' . " " ' ' ........I ‘Illl' 'l l '"

...... ................ "lio^ .............. ... 1.Ik. 1,,.... Iv. ''liilill.pi I,Ife llf.dliia*•-11 h"',"' I>'v.iI|,i(i., Am. (I,,. »l|iri, I

*'''>«'> .l/rL „ ,”"'JJ......... .......... " p.m., MIA,

'" ’'• I 5 n ;n niMMiiNiTV ,, 'Il'^'tl'VTKIllAN

......... ..

I.,!'., ‘''I" ' ’'''""i-f.......... '"’iilll We,lii.,i,l... ""‘*'“ | l „ —

H.l l i i i " i 'r ’Viii” i''i’'m ‘


-u^ ‘''■I' 7.'li-” " n ''' ' ' , " i '‘ J l" " 'v i i

•■I* i,|"V 'wn' ri'V l . l l - S.V;,','.: I.KI

■ u u 1


h i S u i,er KLIX. 10 . . m.. Sund.y iehool.

; r a . ;^ ^ k l* . . ’.n»^Vlic"” «"c*i ^ OSSOOlBH..!, wl uct,J hr E ..n» .ll.'- Hill’ «'>■' n*llv nual rn -v rm t,

r.. rt»y»> fnr th» »lck *nd .pp.ir- p jn , Fiulay,™;.‘ .. . . . . . . . ..y UirouBt' Frldiy. • p. m.. .l—l.l " n ' ' flKt, iifiv.nB.llitie ur«<re* cvndurtxi ny ,h .

p ‘” ; " H i d " : " : « l p ;— ----- bers linve

PIRflX BAPTIST. ap p ro p i'it,. r itin Sh-xh.ine »lr**t » ..t i - , ., ,,Vrne.1 II.M.lkl.d. »Mt.r ”

r . n » l.j.r .^ « ln l.u r * f^ ^ « .» * « ^ S l o C m m '

h"'^‘h .!h '* r II " m V!^rnlr>r -o*’ n o w ri .hit'. "Hlv.l Ix.vr.," 4 p.m.. Il.liy. !>'- O fU f’S' nir 'i""!,''' 7* 'rm " ''lV o X X ” h.dr''? 'V m SatU i'loy "Milh'"‘'c>"'U-r .i'...k"ni' Mond.y. P-m.. slon.l ' >tli - ii iroii'a- K P.m.. Iv.h ]{«neii* cirel* .1 hOO»K. H i' M

:lfU "lll-bt-U litn^.T utt'i§{i_lP ..n>y .-M rs . Phylllj; ' r Wh" ' ” '->“ '" 1rhurid.y. 8 p.m.. ErieV»im circle. p*r- ftnnOUlir*d U»« or. 2 p.m.. Jick'ton eirel* .1 Mr»- T. e r from Uie £j..;',::;"'.™ ;i;r“ v.u"v“": x .>»ny. "ni* n»c-n.Qo*." Twin f . i u Of th e p fn o n >»rk. ne«erY.llon. II • p*r»on (d*.d- clOSCd M yft. In* for re.*.^Mlon. Sund.y. R*pl. 1).

CHURCH OP THE BRETHREN WlU be tlio 161 niff-iv*nuf-w ».t ttn n c

ch„„» . * " , " 1 " ' ; .’ . r ™ A . j - bmn. .upl.. Iv.n Sflulre*. director .if T no CCU"''tlt «(mhip. It.moni Wheti.1. dlr«lor of followlni: O"

r , " t s ; , " . . ; " . ' r . ' S-l.<. for chll'Iren under four ye .r. nf COnVditlon■,‘'; ^ o r w in '’b i ' 'L 'l i r '.^ d 'p w V r '* D ryden. Tvi’inrhe choir unde^ the <Ilr*elIon of Iv.n l«e t:halm ien 1 Juuirri »-lll .ln i, "Softly .nd Tenderly Shelleobargcr. Ir.ui It C.llin«." hy Will U Thomp- ♦](,- , ■rr.::.;s Sn. "J,lion for rhildren under ichool .(e . M iller. Buht,'

i’„ rT h .'S ™‘\,e dltruuhn. -A ni All tor One" un- enKrU ilnm eni I.r th . gener.1 topic of "N**<1 «nd M rs. Lloyd Kl iunlor''*I°-F k.del- f.‘’"^c'ki**VllMn* T h o flowcr rhe tuple for dlicui.lon I. "School of llo ra l arm" I 'T ” iii*^*"^t °* th i' ch^«h” Vt“ " *’>■j.m.*ThuW d.rTh* fln.nc* .nd •tTe.e. be U p fnr pulirdihip eommi.ilon will m*.t . t the InR thn meet:hureh . t B P.m^.Tueed.y. n 0 O n . MrH.

IMMANURL I.IITHERAN nOUnced.<14 Keciin,| *tr*«l e .jt ——C. A. R.lhjtn. puU r ril.KB AVK.Sl

_Dlvin* lervlf. . i mafl .nd 11 m.m. IVU IJermon Ihemei •The P.»tlnr Zon*!" 10 .- n>. .■<wnilThe 11 ..m. .ervlce I. b ro .dc .t uv»r "onhlp .rd J»rKTFI- Sund.y «chiK>I . t #:4i ».m. Jun. wonhip h,.ur.Inr .ntl .dult DIhle e lu .e . . t 10 ..m,F.eulty picnic. Junior W.llher le.»ue RfORO>t 2 p.m. .Mlln-Nyitrom wp,ldini. 2 21ii» Killp.m. In.t.ll.ilon uf P .itnr MIetiner *t Ll.i* FIlupert. 8 p.rdTMond.y. Circuit me«llnif No .ervlcr. .of p.tlort »l 2 p.m.. Hoy Scout. .1 T W clncl.y . TiStip.m. Circuit mectlnK of memlier. of d.y, 7 p. ni.. ju church bo.nii and .uxlll.ry ors.nit**tion. . t 8:»0 p,mr-Tu*.d.y,-Kulh-«r«UB JACKPOT Jmeeting. We<ln«id.y, L-L.I., executive J*cl».rd meeU «t the horn* of Irrln Ehleti „ R«b,r« Kch.1 8:30 P.M. tlulMlng commltte* fl. Mond«y-6:30n.nc* bo.rd . t 8:30 p.m. Thiind.y, 1'iO P- m- won

1D:U ».m. V ^Kimberly .er,

FIRST UNITED PENTECOSTAL t ""r Fifth .venue .1 Third itreet e .i t 3” H.-o'„ „

J. L. Ch.n<IUr. pu lo r V io „ ’.r10 .-m.. Sund.y .chool. I c o n "Jo- “ ' i ' " ih "

lnh_EreiehK_rt_H.pcDUi;c.."_ Jsn .h " 3:1-10. Clue, for .11 .»e«. 11 ..m..Worship .ervlce. termon by p.itor. 8 _________p.m.. Ev.n(rellille .ervlee. Wedne»d*y, EASTSIDE^^

Mn of SU Loult. Mo., will b . (u n t 8c>.pe«ker- Th« Rev. Mr. UorF.n ll the ,}’> Sun»ener.l tupt. of Ihe Untied P*nt*co.Ul *»"• ” , ••tthurch. For further Inform.Uon c .ll p ™ . .“ rmlnln*IJ3-2472. »ior.hlp.

PIB8T PRESnVTERIAN riRST ClFifth .venue *t .Second »lre«t north 24

Hoberl C. H.rvey .nd Ron.ld J. KerryK*Mh.n, pMt»r« 10 m.m., 8u

#|4B ».m.. Church tchool. promollon MornIn« wor.h

eh.nie. Anxiely for F .lth ." Golo' by '

M,?' Jie^lirni.^n'r^ri'riounl,"Mon<l.y, 10 a.m.. UI’W executive com- . 'mllte* mrtlln». Flre.lde luunse. 7:S0 , **«p.m.. Troop M, Bymn.lorium. 7:S0 , J®* **• n.m., He*«Iiin commltte* meellnn. »i»0l>.m., Seaaioil meellii*. Flre.ld* loun«e. wonhlrue.d.r, 7 p.m.. Senior hUh c .b l'e t J’,': Jlm 'meethif. p ..i„ r-, ,i„dy. 7 iJO p.m.. ‘ ’' ' “ 1“ '* >VorkcKre.hman collev* .liident meelln* with J’*''"'* Pei^’l* m lUi.d Ilollek. We.lmin.ler Fc/un.I.lion.Unlvernlly of Id.ho. Wedncd.y, J '•"‘••tlp.m.. Couple*' elub .Ilimer meelln.. ” »•illnlnf rtiom. 7:30 p.m., TnKin IIHI. P ™-. UIW. .luil.ymn.toriun.. Thumd.y 1 p.m.. UI'W ----------lenel.t m e*lin»^-|re.ld. lo.ini*. -

VAi.i.EY CIIIIIRTIAN G lobe 8eed‘i<Dl.elp1» *f ChrI.I) ---------------

no* Htybiirn- uveniit * ..t Ferceat J. Klhbard. mini.ter

Church .rhoid {H4t .. m. Worihln^ irf: r s , V ' ? r £ . J C lni,UE I.AKKH imiTED ^

. .. . I'ENTECOHTAL , ____ - Illloe I,.).. |K..il.v.id noilh U n i

II.Tld Hhtbl.r, p.tl<ir % J V # I10 .. m, Hiiiiday .rliiKil f„, .11 .|e>.

-ei-vlre. H n, i„, Tiie*d.,, Illhl* .tudy,H P. m. \Ve,||ie.d.y. I.dle. .ii.IH .rr r ^ r -ineM li,,. K Thu,.d.y, ........ Ip £

UV'[r, !r.vZ;l*';'tVi'' ■ R>flxitd.y .rlii.ili «i4A .. |„, r |iiiirl,|

i i150“|il>..lt«.| . t . iVirI.ll.ii Hrlenre •rrvU'r. i illila HiiiKl.r. Hiilijeol ,.t Ih. 1111,1. I r- M <oii I. "M.II," wllh tha r<>1|.iw|n«[lohleii Tetli "ll|e»«<t la 111* mail lh .t D H X 'fe.lrlh Iha L.ld, lliat delUhlelh .le .l- T K V .y III 111. comm.ii.iinenl." dV.lin r k l Am i l l . Il.l.te,| lea.lliK. (i..m th. .1.- o N Allil.l "Ihi'M ||,I,V''’i."l* l" . I..,lll'''l'lij n t~ ,r \' o'l wllh .11 ihy h*.ii, ...d wllh .11 Q n c lIliy .oiil, mid nil), .ll lli.y inliKl'r *‘" '* '^ m »T n t •lnrtnrtr»-Tmirtrri*Trir*nir - —’~"~T*IT ’"••-'-'I'r ...... . Iiiaieil.l ..i,- P I-" 'j ' '" ^ |. 'f ' '’l1''ll. M>d wol.llll," lllclMir* ■ ■' 32-

HARWOOD L. STOWE,an n o u n ces romovol of ofl

Medical Arts Building1!)37 A D D I S O N A V iiN U E li

C o r n n f o f A i lc lla iin A v o . n n d J m


N o w F o r S a l e !

R xcopM oiK il h i i s ln o s s o p f in r t i in i t y In !a r o o . C a l l o r w r i te (o f lircfcln

L o M O Y N E r e a ll u i u i v I.0MOYNK, MA<n'.KMAN W INTON nU A V , HUN VAM-KT ..... ......... -7A1.HKIIT i . a n o a n i ’k h . w i:n » k i* i ................

"loral Meet$et Oe». 4-6n Sin Valley

eV N ■ K\As-.\ p -n ' f. m " ;Tf. of 111- ,,vSW'BH-.n will I,nil I ,,.,. - lal rr...v„ ,„,„„ Or 4 « ' •:Slip) ' Clml! ..cn imi. n^O'sTiill,.,. J,,,, ^ ,m. ^'Mday, () t -1,1, . lard •.,r.i..,B „ p .„• P ' ' fliir, K -icii pveni «n i l,ele " e l „.,p ("pi.ipiinip,>rlv P p „ |:rs hnve to i,rt„8)p ro p i ',t.. cc«i„m'e,i r,iih

W*""' t ' Ihw Rffnl' tllnl 111 __ __■ TIV tile llinl

o w ri . ................... ..

O et-r-.i n,rMli,ax -vi'1 !«• l.M,lvtm-loy "Mil l ^ j S3n.i ' >tli ••ii.TiiingR -n-j

m - m -.im p ! Mil con st o ' ftrrlgn .wIicv'Ir, RtowMt Inlc* nnrl rrtaHlnR procr-diitPi M rs. Phyllis Crlco«:h*a, Ooort g. prw lrtenl of Uie n.wylBllon, mouiir*d ilv^„ ^,|ii ^ a spenit-

from Uie Society of Amcrlca orL-iU Micnrting b u t th e nam e Uie perw n h .rt n o t bi-fn d l.

used M yft,Saturday fveiilng 's social eventIII be tlio annuai president'*

dinner-aHnce tn n t will ) p rfcetlM by » rocktBll party , ho c m '- titlo :, - m adjm irn lllowllli: R'>lu|ny «(>4>|Y1<VM| a eetlnirConvpiitlon chairm an Is Daryl UjM'i™iryden. Tn’ln FaJU. otid com m U ,e t:halm ien include; Mrs. Helenlellenbarger. Jerom e, reg ls tra -on aiid welcomlns; Bill Llow- p S (ulyn, Burleyi-BecorKUBtls- x rb h clllUer. Buht." flower shew nnd R g « Qac iio n r iin i-H c n scK e ia rn u iw rt,nK rtalnm ent, a n d M r. and[rs. Lloyd Knodel. I lo r ljt clinic. SBSaT h o flower show will consist’ f lo ra l a r ra n g e m e n t con trib -Kd by th e mcmber.i a n d wills u p fnr public auction follow-iR thn meeting Sunday ftfter-0 o n . Mrs. C.oicoechea. ati-ounced.


10 . . IK. ,'<tind.r ichwl. 10:46 •- m. orahlp .rd J»n|.,r ehorrh. 1;D0 p. m. or>hlp hour.

RL'URUANIZED LDS 21iig Ellt.Wlh boulev.rd

Lltl* Fullmar. p.tlor * L - 1No .ervlcr. .1 Ihlt church Sund.y. I Im l- ■'c lnnd.y. 1 ;3u p. m.. fellow'thlp. Frl->y. 7 p. m.. junior Ic.itue.

JACKPOTJUrilST-CIlAPEL ------------1 k >Jnckpol, Nev.Robert Schretkenbeif. pu tor '

Monday-6:30 p. m. Sund.y acbool. ^ K ' '^iJO p. m. wonihip .ervlc*.

EDEN TniNlTY~LUTHERAN —^(T^re* I'l*”

Kimberly aervlce 6:80 a. m. nibl*:rvlce 10 .. m. Memberthlp clasa Tuei- B t ^ly K P- m. chuir rehe.n>.l \Ve<lnc>. ■ k -:ly H:nii p. m. W.llher Le.iu* Thur*.IV 6:30 p. m. Confinnalion e lu sc ednefid.y lhrou»h Frld.y. S.lurd.v.»m m uflkn-,nnoun™ . Frlda,-p.-«. •—


— ;Cfl4-Elli.betti-b«mler«tTl-------------------------Robert SehrKkcnb*r(. pu ler

10 ».m.. Sund.y tchool. c l.tte . for11 .se*. 11 ».m.. Mornln* wor»hlp. 7 m.. Trmlnln* union. S p.m., Evenint


Kerry 8n*ok. pu ler10 m.m., Sumt.y ichool. U a.m.. ■

tornlna worahlp. 7 p.m.. Youn* p*t>- ■le> meellns. 8 p.m. Evenlni aervlc. ■ 'e<!ne.d.y, B r,in„ P r.ytr m*«tin*, , _ ■


2SS Tyler ilrect I J* . B. Wood. p..lor I

tiSS a.m.. Humlay .chool. It a.m,, , Iurnlni wonhip. Kpecl.l mu.le, Solo 1 1• Mn. Jlm Wr.y. Meta.cti "Th. H Iirlall.n Worker." 7 p.m.. Jr. and Hr. K S i>uns peiRile meeilnii. H ii.m.. VWenlnf B & 'orahlp. Special mutlc. lluet l>y Mrt. H 3era (;o.ieU .„d Mr.. Jo* WiK>d. Me.- B M'* Vi’Ii Wclnead.y, • B Bm.. Ullilt tludy and pr.ytr.

G e t r id o f Mioe and n a ta itl lh ilo b e _ 8 e ^ ‘ llc d e n t IJail,—A dr. f c M

^JEROMeI IGolf an d------ |p

Ranch ClubG R E E N FE E . R A T E S m

■ $ 1 .0 0 W e e k d a y J 5 i l ,5 0 W e o k - e n d s a n d R M

H o l id a y s B T

PRO SHOP ^5NACK BAR P Lan d Lounge

P F C W E — --------- ^324.4545 I

TOWErM.D. rq I of o ffices to

lilding Annex H^Vr:NUE tAST

,vo, nnd Ju o lp n r I

EK L O D G E S a l e !

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Page 4: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

w .= .the le t t

A eonfolld.llnn of r«b. 8, 1>4I. el Ih*’ I<Uho E.crilni U ;c ;g ? l TlmM Ml*bll.h«i In ISflt •nd lb . T -ln T.H. N .-t

**rublUb*d d«IIr tnd atlD<l>r «t I to S^ond B>rr«( Wmi.Twin r«IU. I<J«lw. br th . TIOW'M.W. PnhlUhi-.. « » -

ALWESTCiuiHEN LOWELL DICK ‘ W iu 'v DO0D3 lluiinn Wi>n>i>r MunMtn* Editor Adxrttilni m , >- 'V

- KTAN CUIirEW J’AUL BTANIM.KY K Q eComlKnIni IWom Itoocn M i-'if'f

eoAMltnl'Tiirl^eiWn to frT DiiWlihrr'*wf»''’l>' '•'I' '>• B r a l

Ciuhfd In th. Tbun.!4r Itiu. of ihli PM-r pu-.-n' l«. «o-1o8 M.bn c<xu. ,

Knt.red «• (rrrnd <U>t mall m itU ' Aprl< «, ’ »*. •<Ih. iMMloOlr. la T -ln r»ll«. Id»h». unH»r ib- Anar.'M.r<h __________________ _ _ th rca lc r

. A merica

No Agreement ”'n„"” nl Air

I f th e S n w to o th w lldorn»'ns l>onri*'(j in of po li B o ise p ro v e d a n y th in f j i t w ns tho w itie nnd ii? d iv e rB ity o f o p in ion ov e r th o d is t r ic t ’s f i i t n i 'f . S o n ic o f - th e~ v n tn cssc s w nntod t bo U 'ildernesa deHi;rnHtion r if fh t n<iw: o th e r s ,,,^ 1 opposed i t fo r now n n d al! tim p in th e fu ­tu re . S o m e sp o k e o u t fo r th c concept o f o a d i a n a tio n a l p a rk ; o th e r s a g a in s t “ lo ck in g " present n p ” th e u re a fo r a n y u se excep t rec rea - t io n . T h e n th e r e w e re th o se w lio oppose |„ ttnj-— reclasflifioHt-ion - o f th o Saw -tooth t w a -c p r im itiv e a r e a u n t i l U .S . Inful law s n ru member m o d e rn ized . _ Dfnnc /^

C o n sp icu o u s ly a h s e n t f ro m th c h e a r in g tj, WHS th c in d iv id u a l w ith no vM lod in te r- e s l, no .p o s s ib ili ty o f f u tu r e g a in ; th c the nev p e rso n w h o h a s e n jo y e d th i s ex cep tio n a l to lobby S a w to o th s c c n e ry n n d p e rh a p s h n s in - jJ: '5 d u lg ed in a fe w h ik e s o r r id e s in to t h e *t,antic a re a f o r f is h in g , h u n t in g o r p e rh a p s j u s t Uiis sui re la x a tio n . T h is s o r t o f in d iv id u a l d iscov - pul thn e red lo n g n g o n o o n e p a y s a n y a t te n t io n to a n “ u n o rg a n iz e d " p e rs o n . .

P e rh a p s - th e h a p le s s in d iv id u a l a lso d isco v e red so m e y e a r s b a c k ' t h n t th e „a^ j g: p r im itiv e o r w ild e rn e s s a r e a u n d e r co n - to susp B idera tion is n ’t; j j e a r ly bo w ild a n y m o re . pA case in p o in t Isi' th e T w in F a lla b u s i- ne sam an w ho ro d e to o n e o f th e h ig h rjers a

• lak es a fp w y e a r s a g o f o r a r e s t fu l w eek - jusimcn en d on ly to d is c o v e r th e p lace o v e r ru nw ith v a c a t io n e rs .

TJio m o u n ta in s a r c s t i l l th e r e nnd tK cy’r e 'J u s r n s scen ic a s ev e r . T h e la k e s bcco; re m a in a n d so m e o f th e m s ti l l o f f e r e x - the pric ce llen t f is h in g . T h e b ig q u e s tio n now Is Even to how m a n y r id e r s a n d h lk e r s 'c a n u se a " w ild e rn e ss a r e a w i th o u t h a v in g i t a s s u m e p itied

“ t h e - g e n e r a l - a i r o f j u s t - a n o t h e r p u b lic I opcrdtlo cam p g ro u n d . M a n y d i s t r ic t s o f th e S a w - i t la to o th p r im it iv e a r e a lo n g a g o lo s t t h e i r when a a p p e a l t o t h e 'p e r s o n lo o k in g f o r q u ie t

_ 6 o l i t u d e _ i n a n iso la te d , p ic tu re s q u e s e t -t in g . P e rh a p s t h e g e n e ra l q u e s t f o r su c h menta i s u r ro u n d in g s hfes r e s u l te d in d r a s t ic c u r - to prote ta i lm e n t o r e v e n e lim in a tio n o f su ch re c - r e a t io n a l p o s s ib il i t ie s . , n

T h o o n ly a g re e m e n t am o n g w itn e s se s a t t h e h e a r in g c a m e In a n e g a t iv e 's o r f o f w ay . N o o ne^su g g e s te d t h ^ S n \ ^ o o th ^ re - J

p u b lic e x p lo ita tio n a n d no o n e -su g g e s te d .th e r e g io n sh o u ld h a v e n o spec ia l de sig - j j^q .jn a tio n , w h e th e r p r im itiv e , w ild e rn e ss o r a seip a rk . T h e re cnn b e n o a rg u m e n t o v e r th e crimina

■ Kcenic q u a l i t ie s o f t h e a r e a u n d e r s tiid y . iiighwui T ho sc e n e ry e x c e e d s w h a t is o f fe re d in A® m a h y s p o ts t h a t a ro f a r m o ro fa m e d a n d miuion, w id e ly k n o w n . rcstgnai

- — R ig h t - n o w r th o - f u tu r o - l s - n o t - c lo a r - f o r --''Eaih th o S n w to o th re g io n . All. t h a t Is c e r ta in ciurk, is t h a t w h e n a ll th e tn lk in g is o v er, th e nppo>»t S a w to o th s w ill a tl l l p ro v id e so m e o f th e ‘ b e s t a n d riio st r u g g e d sc e n e ry a n y w h e re , „ g

---------------------------------- --- on«> of- C O M P L IC A T IO N S quMo u

S en . L o n J o r d a n 's a n n o u n c e m e n t h e TmRi■ in te n d s t o f ile f o r re o le c tio n In 196C m a y {‘''" ’b '

u p s e t so m o o f t h o guesflo s a b o u t Id a h o p o litic s . S e n a to r J o r d a n an n o u n ced , ho tho lio' h a d n o v o r co iiflldered f in i s h in g th o u n - congrcs e x p ire d te rm o f th o la te Son. H e n ry C. D w o rsh n k nnd th e n j u s t b o w in g o u t o fth o p ic tu re . A ny o n o w ho aflsum ed S en - "f a to r J o rd a n w ou ld n o t Hook reo lec tio n imi, nii n iiia t rc v lso h in th in k in g n b o u t th o fu - fpiil of tu ro o f p o litic s in Id a h o . paymm

___ Som o o f th o so on th o Hidollnos th o u g h tB o n a to r Jo fd iin w ou ld how o u t o f th o inpso t

- p k 'lu ro a t th o end o f h in p r e s e n t te rm , two yr T liey re a so n e d su ch a c tio n woulil Icnvo th o d o o r w ide op en f o r G o v e rn o r Sm yllo • to n sk ro o lo c lio n to th e U . S. Honato a t ® th e ond o f h is p r e s o n t t e r m a s g ovoriio r. nWijim H a rd ly a n y o n e e x p e c ts G o v e rn o r S n iy lic hidinitr to s to p o u t o f p o litic s , a llh o u g h llie ro tmtli it h av o b een ru m o rs o f posslh lo positlouH a w n ltln g th o g o v e rn o r in p r iv a te buHl- 'llOflK................... -

T lio r e c e n t c o n v o n t lo n o f K o v e n io r s u irco i • . I f ic rv ftd t o e in p h a n lz i i ( l o v o r n o r R n iy lio h a s ’'• 'e m 1

I’m iH li io ra li lo H tn tu r o n s a p o l i t ic i i in o n a "f n a t i o n a l H calo. I l l s n a m e w a s n io n t io n e i l !',” '!?! lit a s l t i m t i o n t h a t H uom o d t a m l L L i n ^ .ton>hM

— nn<l I t w o i iu ln ' t bn s u r p r lH - *if tim In g to h a v o t h e iii i in o o f U o b o rl S m y lio Wc n I 'o inn l ) o f o ro n e x t y e a r ’s H u p u b lic a n i-o)i- v m i l io n w h im d o l o g a t i t H g o ali.iuit (h o 'n ,n in p r o l i i r m u f n e lc o l in g a v lc c -p r< i» iil t 'n ii ii | <miiiK.- I 'l i iu l ld n to . A p o l i l lc h m w h o K aliin h uc Ii i d a h i n i iiii it n a t i o n a l b a s i s I tiii 'l l ik e ly lo . ' iilo i. o u t o f p i.lltii'H , ‘ ' 7 ; ;

O u t h n o t h e r h iim l, I h i t r i i a m I d a liu iu m iini>ui.i

• - 'y'}!* ’’n iU . If n o t IinpimHiblti, ta sk of b.diiK n t- iiltM-lcd K overim r iiKaiii, Som o l.lahonnH l(n,\ mliiSHiirL lu . w m iM h a v o f . ..... . d r fc a lC t l h m t H myoiu- If th o Ihwiioi’nitM Ci.uld havn ro m e u p w ith a n ai't’t.p lab lo f ..n .llilt.te , ManV

■ Dom oi’ratH have I'lmvlin-ed thm nnnlvitu ( Jo v o rn o r Hmyliit nm nol. be n u il.ic trd ai’iil « m .- fo r t l i a t rennon, (ti„ „oxt. iitn lo {ilei'.lliiii '‘""V w ill Him a fltn-li o f Ih iinoeru lri o u t a f t e r Jl'l*'” ' tlio n o in ln iitlon . I,,",,,"

H till, ther«t 1» mi g u a ra n le ii o r even iiii«"■ p ro lm b llity riKbl now t h a t th e DmuocnilM . i'<rr

(’lu v so h ’c t II K tib en ia lo r ia l eh n d lila to w ho w ould bo ■ W rei,tu i)lo" a n d coulil d rlV u |(Jove i'iio r H m yli.,„nlioubl ho 1.IIII Im lu 'llv .. Tt., ,III a ln lo p iil i t ic i) 'a n d tletiiro. lo iMmk m - lutileetio ii. Uiin ii

Som o imiHOiin iir« wondtiritiK w hv Sen- ''IF , n l o r . l o r i la u d o iil ih u l in a iin o u iH 'o liln In - ..tt'fli

lo n t l o im t o i m k r e o l o d i n n Ih in f n r in m l- Mm. . . '.W U I C U . ,A f t e r .n i l . m a n y M ilnKa n m h a p . "imtu

| w n - - a i i d p r o b a b ly w ill in th e m-M, l l i r o a y o a n i l o n l l e r ih e |io |il i ,- i il i i i d u r e m1!!.,i''

H iilto t l r a t t t l c a l l y . ‘ T i H '

Friday, Sopf. 6 .1 9 6 34 Twin Falli TIm et-N ew i______________ T T T



W ASHINOTON. a rp t , 0 - I n llie sp irit. If nni llie le tte r, of free en terprise. rotisre»>i in likely r a p W flB 'p T W lO . pass n bill intikliic H po.«iblf

Hong Konff wlUiout pnyliiK i;i;.T^^^ ^ ^ h l g h fnres d lc tn ted by for'itrn (

AnoT.-Tnii, O thrr* forelun b o v r r n m <• n I * th rea te n ed to seize A m erican Dianes unless Pan Am erican W orld Alrwny* n»rt yW A v.*»h .Im .e wlUi n tran s-A tlan t'-; f a r r in-recL-^ .

n i ls tncrcdae wfts volcd by Uio lnt/>rnat1on- nl Air T rannpo rt "ASoclnilf''i, nn oroQiil7."t1nn of PO Internatlonftl nlrlln"*, Incl'irtlnu Tnn Am ^

. nnd TWA. chftrKcd w ith K fllnu rnl''*. At *hnt llmo, th<> A mtTlrnn n irlln rs imd no cholci* bu t Jp.iiQ. aloilK.J5lHcc.jnosl_torclBn goverpm entt ji-vvc llip power to olcny forr.s fnr ?f.nnc« W .II . ib -»• tlielr Koll. wlill<> Ilio CAB (inos iiol

OAD CAN CO ninA T FAHE CHANOES—If the p resen t bill p i iw j . however. CAB tt’lll be In 'a position lo rela lln le ftRolnst fa re chflnees by - -forelKn a irlines. ThroiiKh L A T A -w hlch moct.i

■ In SalzburK, A ustria, on M onday—P an Am andTW A -couW—v o lo -nny fftro--<il»Bn«of. by foreign---------------------m em bers a n d thc CAB would bnck them up by refusing to lot fnrelim a lrllno . land ih e ir /p lnnes he re If U'oy porsUind Iti ir'-lnif nlong / I iw ith th>? chnnKo.v f l \ L

M ore im porlnn l fo tho Anierlcnn wlio files, - / M g th e new bill would pe rm it Pan Am and TWA ] / lo lobby »ucce.«fiilly .for Jowor fares. Speclflcal- 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ly. th e bill would Rive Rovernment support to ’P a n Am's proposal fo r n *180 ono-wny tran s-. - - .A ,tlantlc -.'thrift" fare, w hlcli Is $103 less th a n ' 1 / / til ls sum m er’.'! Jet c tonom y ra te . I f P an Am pu l throuRh th e fa re and hnd ILn plane.s Rclzcd j m t U fo r lls benevolen t,pains, CAB could do thc sam e H t W f t i w llh fo relun planc.-i, '

A ctually, th o new b ill goes fu rth e r th a n Pan Am nnd TW A had rccom m endcd. All they w anted

: wns IcBlslntloii to cover au th o rity by thc CAD to suspend. over.«a5 rnle.i, Dut In RlvhiR th e M Oboard power for the flr.st time also lo fix fftre.i. i O Chtfirm nn W arren G . Mar.MU-son. D,. Wn.<ih.. says consrcss will be glvlnR Ihp A m erican c a r- O t t /" Tiers a ‘'too l” analn.-it discrim inatory fare a d - ^ 1 -1 1 ju slm cnla by forelRn compeU tors. ^ ^

• . •FEE ENTER PR ISE A FA CTO R — T here Is |_________ ^

nothlnR wrooR w ith th e a p lrt o f th is bill. T he doctrine of free en terprise cncouraRes a m a n NO I

' to bccome' so effic ient h e ’ll be able to_.reducb Potsy:• th e prices on tho goods a n d services ho sells. Som eplact ; Even today, m ost forelun a irlines are ru n p re tty j a picl

m uch as th e ol<J sailing ship- m onopolies w ere .' run , nnd th e A m erican citizen should be p e r- .■ m lU cd to _ tak e advantage of th e m ore e ffic ien t . _____

o pera tlo iu of Pan Am a n d TWA'. . •I t Is n e v e r 'a c a u s e .fa r rejo icing , o f course, „

■ w hen ft federal auency Is g ran ted a n o th e r regu - “la to ry pow er over on A m erican business. B u l row m e nu

' the public h a s a vested In terest In a irlines fa res there Jsn t I 1 .acd-conR rctB-jjh ould -n n t p>-mil t ^ o t clgii ..CQ itrn r--------------------■ m enta lo victimize A m erican trave le rs mere:y . to p ro tec t Ihelr own carriers. The.ie foreign gov-

e m m en ts decided to play rough nex t spring, a n d KITTENS It now looks as if U ncle Sam Is rcndy to throw a few le ft jabs himself.

- EET^'- --jvi-.-.-..,...— I I I ' tens and th

: = o f O t h e r s ^I . e r r " • . -■ i N OT M|-..MnER O F BILLBOARD LOBBY DIO

A S eattle n lto riify who Is' opposed lo liidls- Po t Shots;5 crlm lnaic.p lnc lng o l blllbonrds nlong th c atnle'a Why docsi , hlghwiiys and I5 nn advocatc of roudsldo parka c rs nsk U. I , a n d p lan tings to Improve Uie looks of th c h ig h - (q I ways has been appoin ted to tho h ighw ay com-• mission, filling the v a c a n c y caused by tho

resignation of E rnest, J . K etcliam , also of Seattle.P • - ''E a lhetlcn lly -the-h lghw nxB a tln k .i^ f t ld Irving p M p j cI Clark, Jr., In h is f irs t Interview following hla

nppointm ent. *, Y et tho s ta te of W aahlngton Is fa r b e tter o ff ‘r *'' th n n m ost s ta te s In th is regard , especially in «rco uy• th e rcgulalloii of blllbonrd.i, W njihlngton is only “ r l^ or yo

on«> of 19 Btntes w here regulations deemed ndc- 240 Ccntcr 1 qunte under U, S. a landnrda nro In effcct.

G Trnglcnlly, perslatenco of billboard cye.iorcs PLANTS , nlong much of th e 40 billion do llar In tcm tnle Young Ik ' highw ay nystem app ra ra Inevltnblo. A law m aking pinnta will ^ It po-vilblo for atntca to ban advcrllshiR aloiiR li;lm street0 th e now viperhlghw ayn expires June 30, unless qiq2.- congress nets quickly on a pending bill to extend

f ConKrc.M III lOM nuUioilvcd cortlrol of outdoor ••ndvcrtlalng w llh in dMlmuilcil llmlifl of th e rou lra * * * c e of thn Inlerflialn ityalem. B.Ialcs wiilch aKrpcd lo

II bail nil excrp i "Inform ntioim r' bIrhs w ltliln (lilO- fpiit o f rights-of-w ny were lo rccnlvo Incentive

pnymeiiln of nn ex lrn ono-lmlf o f 1 p e r cen t o f ------1 tho co.1t of liilcrnlnlo proJrclA w ithin th e ir T'' bnundarldfl. W Jioit-lhu-.pruvU lun wa.i about to I t l i0 inpso In 111(11, coimrcM rxKmdrtl 11 for nnotherI. two yrnra over iipposlllon of th a billDoarrt and 0 m o ld loWiIrn,Q - I n hla highway mMsftge lo congreB/i In 1001,, Prcnideut Kcimiuly drclnrcd Uml tiic Inlerntnto ; nyslnm *'wan noi ln lrii(lrd lo provido a largo nnd „• imrijlmbuised meaiMirn of b n id lin tu llie lilUbonrd I

e industry, wht.,vi M vunlurn lend to dn trae i from T0 hotli tha liflniily nnd nufuly o t tho n iu tra they

H to r e m o i1 All n rcldrn l ximiynln run by tho Now Y ork

Thruwuy A ulhcrlty on IIa j.U H -m lle lo ll highw ay n 'w ic a n a ^hows Hint n rd d n itn cniinrd by liin llon tlo ii wcro *

H th re o 'l ln ir s ns iium cniun on ono aiimll ntrotoh u n p n i T l II whern bllllHuirdn nrn iic rinlltcd nn on tho rom nin-U dpr of liin rond, T ho Tliruw ny n rn t nu t a nmnll ^ i>oUllon, nrmy of workmnn n l dnw n.on Jim o 10 nnrt to rn (,•,

" ilown M Inriio alKn'* under a llifla .n tn ln Inw h n v n 'a lo i u. •fort>hMltiff-ndTtrMa1nff^)»lbonrrtir-irttti1n-D00-fcefr Tfcm onratJI. of Iim rlKlit-of-wny. t I i o c„ Wfi nro Klail Uio now mniiilior o f tiio WnMihiK- j,„„ i „ , „

ton Bllllo hlKliwiiy ('olmnlualnn ' linn mntlo nuoh i h r o o i>'■ n forlhrlK ht nU itrmoiit 011 liln lillllmnrd ntniul, ,,„ rllfn —e 'I'hn inw iirrdn MronKllinnl'iK Jn llm r tlinii wtink- ccnln. Hoill fluhiK.- T im Cnlumblnii, Vnnnouvnr, W nrli, . Urj.ul.llcnh . . . . ---------------- . . ._ um itlin riu'* I TUK HACK IN Ml'ACIC him m) nii ^ t l r n r rn l ef Iho Arm y Klfloiiliower li> llm m iisl ,-n ,„ y o,

n |ipiii|ii'ln lo iiciDoiinKO wo rn ii thliiK n( tn ex lu irl crullu InlII llniiuU llnnii-m liulrd "ninnltiura" li( tu rn Ihn K ri i- i>eiin>„rn(1 nmly ndm hilnirnll.iii ou l lu iliii4, (im im O I'linrn- |, |„ ,„ |« o ,

how rr In w llliou l itinilit lllfl iiin.'it mii'coiwirui p iillt;m il nm nlour rv rr Ic oniuiiy ihn W hllo lluiinr, th rn i wli

i« nnd ao iio nj.nnhn w llll n itnmlini' nullm illy , hniidn wlli t H evorlhflPM , th n n nm o.muk t.rrnn lu wh^.rli rnil„ hn him nlKiwu n lurk .if ...... II in | n „ „ n1, hnrilly vnll'l I.i ft«V, im llm Iinmi-r lui'tildniit d id Koiino.ly'i

lo n Hf.iup of llr ,.u l,lin t,, ........ r r ........ . Ih n t , |,V‘'niiybiiily ivlii) would n|>niul 4(1 lilllliin .lollnrn III irv h . | | | |i

III A inci- lo tho miKin (<ir ii;tt|..iii.l |iiri.llno M m iln" ‘j , | ,11 Il'hnv l» nlinllni- In oiilliKiH n> ilio KniiTiil'n lUfiT |ifM)ur.| hi

n in lrin ru i iiii lUr liiivi.'l niniliill>, iluil "nn f.tr nn cil l» <111thn niucllllo' ii„Hf In w H v n ,m \ Iho Il'imMnu d n lln r- 'h riiimrhli.H .l.irn i.nt lulfio |i,y ............................ . Kon.iod

■'* runhrd 1(1, l'irr>llH,i In jiivlilvrd In Ihn i» ro lui Ih r c(Ml»-Ioi Imiioii lirrmifK' It will llk.'lv i.ffrr i llio .mlcnino i,,,. hnvo.If Ih r l';,.M-Wr.l, ......... An.l ll l» n in .o .................

' wIiiMlMti ttr IiKm ll III- linl Ilniu.' iiil|;m |.;nn llir 'n , , , i „i'.ivli'l woiiiMii.iii.r.|i«cn iii.;n> Mi.iwniniinlil|i, liiil Min}n>ltv 1

■0- llfl wnil.l r(lri;(n .'iiiilKit b* IkiiimoiI, UOn n iio llirij ‘hi>lti h.iliIlllAilim Him , which wn miir.1 iirhiiow lr.||,r rv ril n» il.| n „ lI' ........... . Dm- Inrt Uml 11..- imlU.iiA of <iiir K r.in.'IlvWdl lil nu ilin l riiilll|lllii I.i |iiuli.> lll.j ili)nl.*i lr;i <il ftdu,),

I - iiltifli idiuiPln, 'I'hln iiiiiy f.iinr In Iliiin llrim bllrii(I- Moiiiiwlillo, jirrflllKn nal.ir, Ihn I'M iloinllon nt .Icn 'l mi.n I), niincu la Ihit uiriil nilv<u>linu .if i.to.iuiii ll«i.<i>, in tlio

, l'.'llm l.^ in.. ..................... will npill Ih (o iulv»ii,r-i .......... vn.', Him iniiihl ntlin«|r>r I).-I...... di'Uiyrd, Wni nliviiv* iiiunl..-i H

ftlimlr. Ich lin ln illn il |)l i>i<rr.ii Thin 1 .ilil|ml lll.in, ||i.> ||i(|.r.r» l Irnnl, la |ir«c;tilul, - Ul, l^.ula I ’lml-lJUiinlch. U'M«auK!j

1 ■ ■ .

Old B o y F l

= r (;■ ^ YOU R E M F ^

^ V me?


SHOTs Jp' candldaUs

u tini nomir1 ■ th e SenaU

n NO REC IPE HERE clear test-;b Potsy : Q iH d w a!. Som eplace in the last few days, y I saw 0 pickle recipe I was going

to try . but 1 forgot to clip it and T now I can ’t rem em ber w here I every w~ snw -il;.....................................................has-wTltU

Did you print a pickle recipe? u tte red - “’ I f you didn’l, then tha l wlU nar* th a t Js a , t row the hunt quite 0 bit because words—Is !S there isn 't too m uch else 1 read . ' opoL i.--------------------------------Uaui*i«l{«— In-hls-ow iy (’Twin Foils) ty a n d t

• • • Domocratj KITTENS FOR KIDS D E P T , believe' he

^ Sir: - -must beaWe have three tri-colored kit- w ater’s *

tens and th e -m o th er-ca t-to -g iv e awoy. • individual

DIO WE MISS m S S ly l ?- Pot Shots; versus co■ 8 Why doesn't onp of your report* M athews la c rs nsk U. N. Terry whal happen- S tar write »- ed to his cn r not so long ngo? reflect th 1- 1. Know denco of j

e a* si

PU PS FOR KIDS D E P T . S “ o“ “o Two fem ale puppies 2 monDis them 0 (

. . old nnd the ir mother nre nvallahlo sta te froitI,j for frco by phoning 423-5409, Kim* M athew ly bcriy. or you cnn pick them up a t titled "Se B. 240 Ccntcr atrcc't In Kimberly. Foreign r

♦ • • a ape«ch C3 PLANTS FOR FR E E D E P T . fl^ot^ 10 Young hollyhock nnd parsley " I augg IB plnnta will l« Riven nwny nt 340 Plea (for IK 121m slrccl or you cnn phonu 733- 1“ *Bs 0102 •,d . . . to cooxl

commiinliFAMOUS LAST L IN E - • «ve.r lu tl

. . Hol, huh?" , Ooldwn GENTLEMAN IN THE S ta r anyi

FOURTH ROW ciudo th

I'B c s 7 J T i .u K '- . ; ' . . : j a T « n s z r a m = c 3 ^ ^t)f

■» Interpreting tlB3ar:iac xiTOasx';aigw.:j3x n7 ^ ^

„ n , JAM ES MABLOW forelKil n. ’ AniiKiUted T r ru Newi A neiyst how the ,rt W A S inN O ’l'ON. Bept, 0 M l- ARnlnn . . . Prcnidonl Koiiiiedy h as n ten - oornlA, 1 . * dency to politlcnl am nesia whon cu t; 333

hla D em ocrnta Join BtTnibllcnna pilbllonn ^ to do lilm In. Ho finds ll onnler Domocm, lo r e m f l l l l l i e r M f S M n H M

w h n t Iho a(H forpuM lcans did. 'I 'ho ovri

l lo sn ld o n c o « ^ ^ ^ H K » thn rciiI l n p i i l h l o A n f l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m vote.

n'^iKiUllcnl p r o - ' A llh u l IHrain. Ii’u t no ^ l i n i n g 11

T l i o country ftoulli>K- him l i i . o r f o f l t ^ ^ H j j n '111010

t i l r n o i > < i l l t l n n l | 0 V | M m ll Innl yn>'' jmrllen _ Dniiio- j*mMMi»l«>i ’I'lm l

ornU, m iu lhern peinoornU , nnd wIlJi I)... Urpulillcniift - Jhnt hfonunn tho ilopublli

Uinitlinriicrn hnvo Kuno nHalnnl dy'n prii, lilm M) m nny llm ra. Ilin nKr

‘" '‘I r n io y fliKrnlo undor llm Homo- roiihl hii'<Tt crullu InlKl b u t ra n m>k« ..^hn iirnnn <11on- |>eiii.>.irn(lo juirty'n rrtmpnlHii ' Hut t'•>'* in.iinlfion InnK, llko biillnonn lu n Ciiin.

luck fiuilorv nny llmo ll miIIa t | io v.I'"’' thrill, whlcli In ..f im , lo I'lanp ai nnmn

hniidn w llh llrputillrniin. dnliur ||iJ.rh Tw o rn crn l rxninptrn : iim ai I)

In 1, Moiitln-in Doindrioln, nHnliinl rm If jtlia Koiinu.ly'A rlvll ilHilln pniKi.im nlnyo.l vh n t fiom llm nliirl, nm rM « 'rln l I.i ............. .

III I l f h . Illlbunlo, ll h> drnlli. K rnn rlo -J. J m l Ihn o lh n liny Ihry hlll- imlUM |r.r»f>7 |ifM)nnl him w hni ih r liounr vul- iilninlnn

an Cll Lu i;UI. (iiirlun nl.t Miti iiUlllou lluitnn niInu dnlinr™ l.olnw whitl h r nnk.'il. .unift" «nno Koiiii.>dy Ilmt noiim ................. .I.<lntl, ]

runhrd 1(1 ili'll(lUlir.> Ih r l lr |i i i l . ||. ful, it wl)>r cnii9-fiN llm la.lW. llu i Uioy .llllllll llir .......liim iMii hnvo a.inr II If n liln inuirli N.ii Inn .r nf l).-iiiiH^rnln hiiilll'l Jiiliird llin n . ilr lrn i Htim '11m no inm iiiln hnvr MU.U n Mi.ii nl 1lllll li|n}niltv nvrr Ihn llrpubll.iiiiir. In jiirllv Jil i r g T i . l l i ii.n.non ii{ mnitilrnn lli.iy l).'in.>.'l|iveil r.iul.1 jiiit lliiiiuttli nnv |iMi||inin »lr pm li<1111- Kriinoilv w u iil.,i l_ i.,.,n .|.i.l lliny "SVn r.

.|( niiirii liiK rdirr oven If nil llm DoiniiridH rpubllnuin vi.tad i>.>, T l io y llepubllr

nt .Idii't nll.ik l.inoIh.-r, loitjly nlIn tlio ^;l^M^nl hiiin r, w llh vnrv (lit

......... vn.'.UM.IrA, I)......... nu l- vriMul ,nyn iiuinl..-i lli<|nilillr.inn Ufni-l’/n, In n iiiiu i n.III, III.) IIKl M'ni nqlmlr llir ||nrii|> In ('iiiiinII. U’< JjciiiDci A tiitjJ ItoimlJllcuna, Uii cliniiue

t o y F r i e n d R e a p p e a r s


f l S

^ P ^ R W I V t F W H fl ^ ^ e g ^ l M F L U * & V N H



W ASHINGWASHINGTON. Sept. Q — As lavo acces.-!

the fron t-runn ing R epublican hi.<! rtm arks,candldaUs for th e 'G4 pre.slden- to Prcsldeitla i nomlnaUon and as lender of conference

- th e senate opposition lo th c n u - Uiilled Stnlic lear te st-ban trea ty . Sen. B arry peaceful co

- O ^ l d w a t e r ia .......a s long as_ coming in for?-'^:■^^n■Bs,-- , salelllle .■ f h e i n e v i t a b l e . "U Is n vi

1“ Intensive scru- to s“y •■hat

I? u t t e r ^ '—V n d B u t M ali r* th a t Js a lo t ed ito rial wcie words—is being scrip ture . e>4 combed over b y j ^ f j . V K , . . | to be th e i

t h e o p p o s i t i i m B ^ ^ ^ ^ J hU . w riting: In—hl^ oifn iVhy Not 1ty a n d by th e M>r«iiii Chiiii se n ato r out D omocrats w ho a ro beginning to overcoming believe he will be the m an they Pm c® nn "ul jn u s t beaf. -In terp re ting G old- h is conclusi

t. w ater’s Writings Is a lllUe like -Iho m ere tli

^ Individual tends to read Into th e Soviet ; them w hat h e w ants to believe, tim atum ."

-------B e o e n U j^ n n -e d ltO f - in -G o ld -w ater's own s t a l e 'o t A rizona P ,„ , ^ , challenged th o se n ato r on w hal ho rea lly m e a n t to say abou t war versus coexistence. W illiam H.

t* M athew s of th e - 'A rls o n a -D f tl lr r 1- S tar w rites a lin e d editorials th a l

reflect tho vigor nnd indeiien- w hen th e 1 dence of an e arlie r W est. Ho goes h e tback to th c days w hen T\ic.wn "was a sm all town ’ before Uie ’boom th a t h a a brought so m any 'w ell-lo .do Republicans, m ost of

■s them O oldw aterltes, in to the IQ sta te from a ll over th e country. ll* M athew s w rote nn editorial cn- x.,1at tit led "Sen. O oldw ater's Reckless u n io n

Fore ign Policy." 11 wa-i ba led on th aa ape«ch In which tiie Bcnator ftiwaya wil wna duoled as follows; , „ „ y in te r

>y " I suggest th a t the Pre.slilenl’B mdro thon to p lea (fo r th o Icsl-ban trea ty ) la lh a l In on -I ju s t nnotlier wny of saying th n l Ualkniis."

tho Ne?/ F ro n tie r la de l.u in lncd T lien \ to coexist w llh In tcrm illuiinl nKrcomonl com m unism whorovdr 11 th rives— crlllclKiii

' e v e ir ln the Wc'ntwn‘'hem lsp licra ," falling to , O oldw ater w rote a le tte r lo thu lor, who S ta r anying h e could nuly con- th e tcn l-l ciudo th n l the editor did noi nhice Cubi

_________ - ya rd it isp u t nn

ng the Newsir := r ,t r i i r r r s « x 'j r . ;K s y .r j : '; .•t-:T»r3 n ,n GOI*

forelKil nld In th e iioiino tlila vvan >t how tlio voting went;I- ABnlnnl th e cu l; lllll (ITJ H riii-II- oorntfl, 10 Jlepubllcnnnt; for thn nn i ix i.^n. ,nn cu t; 333 ((Wl Domocrnln. Iftil Uo- ' .na piiblloniisi. I t only 18 of llu>*n,tiO “ 'h ,1 ler D om ocrats hnd nluok w llh Ken* '■■'NinliiHly M nedy Um votn would Imvn Iniei P '" '"■ 3(H for the cu t bu t 3(HI nHnliinl, <’‘'‘|lv I'V■ 'I 'ho ov rr-n ll nld bill th ru w n il l<. Hrmil«. 'I’l■ thn aennto on a finnl 2^ 1-11111 "louol ‘'<>1■ vote. <''’" lly 'I-" M 'n i r r e would iinvfi b rrii nn cul.n All b u t Ihi'onof the 0(1 Dcmorrnl/) i'"‘ '>‘1 1 lining ui> w llll Iho Uniiubllrnim Irnl-linn I

m ftoulli hnn hniinled K rnnn ly li'><m«’‘l I■ 'H inrn wnn n aIiIiiIiik rxninpl.i of ‘’''UilHinniii 1 11 Innt year. '<"'>l)‘. 'I 'lin l wna ivlini llm nrimlo. <'tn d wIIJi DniKirrnin (niliiiiinliri inii <'"i'''<H«>ltim ilepubllruiin (14-:!(1, jilllr.l K.-imr- lUiin-niiw,■nni dy'n jiriiiiniiii nf iiirilli:..! cm.i tm , W llh Irr

llm nKnl, TIml m nj.iirty t.f ail H "’no- foiihl hnvo nwompo.l th r i(fi|iiil)- i'" iminliu^Im ilrnnn <111 nny Iuiiid. mnilinnikiIHU • Ullt thin Impimnnl mi m rdi- l"i 'l’''« HI n «inn. ........................... iMiit. oul.,lit* Tim volo In kill wi.n ri'J-411, wllh I'' "ar>P 'il nniiUK'inln nml J l Krpulillrnnn <1'<’ l>i<

IlnliiK Ihn kllllllK. All Iml foiii of l''<UIII1Ilin ai DrmiM'niln w oir floiillmi'n- "in 'P l'T Ai

nnt rm If Ju.l llu r .i ..f i|u< 'il Imdnm nlnyocl w ith Itmtr pnity Ihn lllll lolnlimd

I.I wnuhl Imvo ciiirlod. huKr iiinj'K rnnr.lv mnd.r ihin 11 n u n - .....ly Imd

III- jinlioi |r.nim In Iho IU(|‘4 nlnillonn, olnvi, llrot- iilninlnit "lum ily nil liir .......... . Hum .........lou lluniin nml n hnniKnl ..( hnm .i. h.i'll wli> 1

"in ln" wlm im nril 1...... i.ir hin ...... ...... il.'lriil, ll wnn iimi.i Ihnn n linml- Mllll, K.'•II- till, il wnn nl....... n Ih lh l ..I ull . 'iiidii. mlllll llir ......lin IXmimiiMA, .'.iiii|i|i<liinK'li N.il IniiK |,.-lm .' Ihn lii .'.ll im r Imly nlimi'III. >lrln,i K rn n n ly .....dr nn ndiiiH- m.IiI ' I'ln

n Mi.n nl n ii.iwn ............... w lilrh Inil lirll „In Jiirlly Iiitiikiv nrliniKvlnlii.Ml iho .r .'.M fir’

'"V I f ..... . imrly In mil llm ntii- A d rr Inmn Illn p iulv ll |iirl.iiiil;i in h.' Ilrjnililln .my "SVn nlmul.l ronllrn ihn l nnmo rliiii iilil,llm Doinorrnln hnvn votni w llh II1A llni.iw nt.'ioy llepulillnnlin f n r n Kmiil aft v.niin, c f K t'lllin

innliy Alnrr IMII. Il„ w,i Imvn .» I'liiii nl.l 1u n v r r v (IK ricillt l l i n r nn u c m ilin - r in lh ; .. . .u l- VriMiil jiln.'ii IriiiMKllmi In i.«- Mr llnliIn nn iiiii n ivinKIimi m i i |m l iv hv irn IIM

I In Cniim llm rlnidnm i T h rc ilhln'l ii.'ilv v .itnu n clinnue niuiili. 'f lio Uninotiinls I’lnahlonl

p p e a r s C O V E R

PEW A sm N O i

Jp l'V F K enr\ a V n s " of h i

tnrR..-l for MJ K A \ - n * T - p r e t t y d i r{ ~ ■ trnoks ftoin p>' a W I J / • pie who nr>- ■

- //> mitieclly his

/ V l A ^ \ r \ 0 / P resident M---- r 1 —y - r l r - mendnWe e w

^ / Kmncdy 1».^ 7 I ___ y gacs th n l ht

tiired a l hl.s/ Im pressed

this ninterlaT.‘i J . • Scrlpps - Ho'

1 _________________________ WashlnRton,•■New Fronlle

j u « ^c... - — 50- cont pock

- setred uponV U -V 1 cam palcn 'd.«I ^\\- ,

ll 7 I cnrlter Ronei> I f be used by

\ . I f show th a t th

a rc

S’;■’•I Just fll

---------------------- ^ -------------------- 109."


N G T O N ”s la v ea cc css to th e en tire tex t of ^;i hi.<! rem arks. He w enl on to refer- to P residen t K ennedy 's p ress • _______f conference s la te m en t th a l th e ” - ........ ..- iJiilied S ta le s will never agree to Q _ M y dot y peaceful coexl.stence w ith Cuba stones. Can. a s long a s It rem ains a Soviet will I havo

salelllle . moved?" I t Is o vnsl oversim pllflcntlon A—If yoi

• to say th a l nnyone w ho doesn’t caused a tti j w an t coexistence w llh In lcrn a - of colic or o I tlonnl com m unism a d v o c a t e s sym ptom s. 1 i. war.'!. O oldw ater sa id .______ shou ld bei B u t M athew s In a following moved surgl I ed ito rial w en t back lo O oldw ater ly. -There Is 1 scrip ture , exam lng w h a t prom ises way lo diss I to be tho m ost controversial o f or o lhers 'ise I h is. w ritings. T h a t Is . th c book, m o v e t h

ia v ity .NoUVicU>ry ,i:-ia-wlUcl»-tba ^ iH iou4— op se n ato r outlines a s tra tegy for tion.

0 overcom ing com m unism . He p ro - M any per.' y poses nn "u ltim atum " to Moscow, however, h . h is conclusion being th a t ". . . s l o n e s t e -the m ere th re a t o f A m erican a c - never block

0 th o Soviet acceptance of the u i- live in pcaci tim alum ." . your stones.

_ ''W e would invite th c com m u- q _ m v h i n is t leaders to choose between b c e n " ^ k ln i

, to ta l destruction of th e Soviet vears U nion a n d acccpllng local' d e - „ o t nu t

1 fea t," O oldw ater w rote. ' ' c o u ld th is ■ ^ — "C onsequently ,'' M athew s sa id o-iieonorosls I In h is second olgncd ed itorial, . ‘

"w hen th e se n ato r w rites In such ^; term s, h c is g iv in s h is ow n a lte r - {J*“ '

nw lvo to h i . (Itnnm liiU oii o l co- f “ “" oiiLiloncc. I I h .101 irn ovorslm- ;f, p liricn llon 10 m y Umt B tn. D i r r , J ' , ' "f G otdw iiter, who d o c s -n o t -wnnt

coexisienco w llh in tem n tlonn l |

“Any ts t lm a lc of w h a l the So- M v let U nion w ould do alinuld rec-

ogiilzo th a l ns a g rea t pow er ll [>r a lw ays will f ig lit w here lia p r i- " V Z

mnry In teresls nre n t atnke, l-or ^ ".'a mdro th a n 200 y e n rs .11 hns done , , ‘ ! la th n l In e aste rn E urope nnd tho ‘ i>l U alkans."sd 'H ien M nthcwn c x p r o B n e j l al nKfcem ont w l t l i G ol.lwiiler'n ‘•'''•‘•'‘Vi,, ,,- c rlllclsm of tho P resld.-ul for , 7 “ ',,,^,. ;I," fnlllng to n-nt(Tn Cubn, T h r edl- , ' lie lor, who fnvorn rn llflontlun ofn - th e 'l«nl-1nin trenty, iicld tlm t .lol nlnce C uba Is hi oiir own hncK- ^ ', ynrd It Is In mtr prlm nry InlnrrHl ' ' J ,• U) p u t nn end lo Hovha (Imnlim*

llo 'i th e ie . "l.ionn nnd IdooloKirn 1.) onr

~ «r(le7 ‘ a 6T d w ii ln r l l .! r ^ T r ^ l l iT i i ‘" l '‘‘• nn innrcnnlimly nlronii urlp o n . ‘• llm GOI* .n-Kniilzntlmi, 'I'lmy iiio ."y >'

KnInliiK (lumliinlloii n o t nnly m >' V"'' llm nrnnlo nnd luuih.' fnmpnittn commlLIrvn wimio limy hnv.- ImiK nyi»>«lyi'ii

, L imd IX l.n»l bu l In Ihn Urimhllc..li 'nnMimnl .m m m lllc- nn wMl.

,00 ' ‘‘I'ln 1,1 ir lL rrlrd Hi HlV III- ’ ‘'1'; ..^rrnnliiHly ronririvnl Iw* lniu< nf W h lli him

If, llm publlcnlionn |iiil .m l ..npr- l '" ''< ’.;m|ly hy (Im N:nn(n mul liniiM. ^ .. .

, iirim |«, Tho lti;|iiiliilr.nn am K irn- '

:!:s Os'...I linii hondlliio, Aiioilmr ImndlUm

rr^f.lr " ll. (i, rom iininlM V 'Im ll u. , Irnl-hnii U rn ly ." Tho l(o,)iilili.)nii'

llm-. "!!llL>!WU_miiilli:iiui;^;aiL_uuL-lJX----------- ? '•II,,. T l» .................... I ........ . .............. T 'l

........ ...... . I...... II,„ ' I ; ; "lli«illi lii.t ,m .i' l,ii„ . 1,,.,.,, ''""IHifi p.11- conl by. Aii.cil.t»iii. Im " l ''" " '' l " i

r .........f,i,. W llh Irnn Ihnn i;i inonllin iinlil I---------------

11 llm ltr|)ul)llrnnn In Hnn I'Vnimln-ib- ‘'o ..................... ... rnndldiU.' llm

m m linnikrin Indny nny (lolilwi.-,1| . Ini. To n Kirnt uinliy 111 hin ....... .... I'llit mil.. Of II .■nnMi llliiH hh ........... .It], «-"nln In nnt n.mily m. liii|>m hiiil

nn tim piollilnn )ir .................... .„( of iriun ilnK t.1 nn ...... nnd A liK!

simiHnr Ami i irn, y A ii 'f iml ♦ A IIIllll lolnlim d liiM nlmiil Ih r ...... ..

liUK'i liinjoilll.'n , nltluiuiili K .'ii'111- .....ly Imd iinlinl loi rv rii l iln innn, miivi, Iln lu rfiillv mliiilti.'d nmIII- Hum ......... n nm l 1 nv ri.h il hlllMl- h.i'l| wli> m |..n,. hy llirn> m (m»I'l" ...... .Ml- Hllll, K.'llimily IV,.n'l flillll With ....... . 'I'll M-' n rv n Im.......... )m,l

........... . m.'nrilmmllv, |ililH.-U- ' ' ^ • ' ' •.10 Inilv nhmil Iho l(r<|mlillniim llr 'H- Mllll • I 'h .i.. In IIU r.riiNO In ii.li. ''I 'l 'l.liIrh lllll h rll nml llirii'im i. hoinn <imi- __________Iho . r.’.Mfil . ...........Ul- Allri Ilh I'<mi|ilnlii1 nbmil llm .. ................

llr jn i lilln .in ' pn il In 1 ulHnti Im of . hili^IIIO riiiii mil, iiriHilillniii Ill'll I tn n v to n]|nw HIIllA tlnl.lw nl.'i ol A lkm m iill.nl ......in Al Ihluun, of K .'iiiirdv 's own ifcrifd nn lor- would hnvI n I'lllll nl.l whrii hn Wnn ij IH'llin. (I. ||n ^ynfIII- I'lallil ..... mioi' liinl „tv..,iI"’- Mr linlnl (lllll (1, 1'iiNlnnii Iir l.i'VHI, M|o

hv irn Ill.VI nml IUMI ^^||n|| K .'ii. Iil.'m, Inn'l nn lv v.itn l Im Im rliui .1I1I 1 nlii In III.' I lu r . 'nl4 r ir a lilu n l li:inrnhuwni"a tirnuinm . in'ni.iil, I'n

C 0 V E R I N 5 T H E C A P I T

P E T E R E D ?W A Sm N O TO N . Bept, 6 <NEA) 'They’ve cho

_ Nobody can nccuse P residen t "The New Ijp h if F. K ennedy of no t having Man'* Family, n sensK of hum or. H e can evensec n loke on him self, w hich JP K Isn t lI, iliP suprem e « a M ia f lV ' tw ii though t he h test ■ • • u n til he h

T iie P r" c s ia c H l 'H r -7T ^ 8 ^ them .

U r d, Im lrntcd. 5 , 0 ^ 3 ^ 'T re s ld e n t 1Inmpootied. o a r - K a B S business.Ir.itured, h n d l > ? j » ^ S - ^ broker nnd Iumids p u t in h is , ■ ^

tnrB<.-l 'fo r" some r':--------"W h a fs w n

trimks f ^ in peo- "I.-don’t icn<nie who nre «d- P .I .. answ ered. "Hmiitedlv h is eimmlcs. ' ever fino« th

th lK blilcrnp'-Ji h a s no t r e a rh - hero.” ed tim tloplhs of vicluusnesa lo w h i'h the lalo P residen t F rank- T h e s e dII,. D. nnoscvoit w o. .^ubjectfid. W ashington or the ei'cn woree Insults to iho Prc.sident P resident Lincoln. W llh cora-mendnWe e w d naluwi.. p m ld e n l - W e should. Kennedy hns taken the Jibes nnd dy and Rock; cacs th n l hnve been m anufnc- T h e loser coi tvired a l h is cxepense. tlonnl debt.

Im pressed by the oua n tity cf this niaterlaT. Gene worUsm.in. n K ennedy Scrlpps - H ow ord repo rte r in court declslo W ashington, has nssem l-ljd a schools. He "New F ro n tier Joke Bouk" w hich going, ovcr hh ns lu.1l been published us t r "50-cont pocket boo^., I i m ay be "Y ou're cer setred upon as a Repiibllr.m Mr. Presldei cam palcn 'docum ent nnd used '*Why. I rem ncnlnsl him In 1064. I saw you. P^

B u t like th e Ford Jokes of an you w ere out earlter Rpneratlon. ll enn also sw imm ing nr be u<ied by the D cm ucrals lo was cverywh show th a l Ih e lr m an IS a hum nn K ennedy

» W : "TheyH ere a re some of th e be tter

one.s, reproduced w ith pcrm is- As a youtl Sion- wns like any

-” 1' lu s t finished rending P T - fre e ,-red -b lo - 109." who h a d a r

"W ha l do you th ink of It?"••I th ink il’s a ll r ig h t having I t 's a ll rig

h im for P residen t, b u l for Q od's den t a t 43 If X don’t RO boating w ith h im ." th a t you 'll r

The Doctor SiS ‘ ______ _____ . . ,

!o Q _ M y doctor says I have gnll- and s la rc h b'a Slones Cnn they be dissolved or You can get3t will I hnvo to have them re - est g rocery s

moved?n A—If you r gallstones have m y heels or 'I caused a ttac k s ^ h a t

s sym ptom s, they '“ ' ‘j ^- . . s t o u l d .b e re - ^ 4 go tten no r ig moved surg ical- 1

? S t “ w S ' i»; ......... 'lKar'-~>r tlon f h a rm , b u l w)- M nny per.sons, HV, however h a v e ,paln th e on

- s l o n e s t h a t i.r. U r.ndit.dt Bical removi > never block the ir bile passages. Q—M y n i In if_i,-ou-arc-one-Qf_Lhcse_you_C(»n our la tg 00 I- live in peacefu l coestlstence w llh plUs every

your stones.

" rjtTu't sTooShoSS « : - i■ c o u ld tS l . c u s e h im lo d o .d .p S“ osteoporosis? - amount, of, ' A—Y our husban d is cau g h t on (j^uy a n j

th o h o rn s o f .( t dllem(na. I f ho w ell-balanc ' ha.s a tru e deficiency o t ad renal La^g^j ^

,, horm one, hc m ust com pensate fo r ^ h a rm fu l;■ ll by tak ing ono of the corllsonc anyone to

llko druBS, b u t a ll of these have j j , , {joctor, n i l iinnuesliohcd tendency to p ro - a vuam l

i?‘ dvice decn lclflcatlon o t th e bones (osteoporosis), e-spcclnlly In per-

'^ M oro 'o fl'e ii th a n no t, however. ^ lh l3 coilics.n iiou l as n re.sull of

, tnklng loo larKO n doso of the: horm one over n pvnlongcd pcrlotl. f

T h e lino nd juslnm nt nt the drug 7to m eet your husbund’a Individ- J uni liuuds niunl becni-ufully work-

„,i ed ou t i>y his doctor nnd re- cSTilX-r? ,fr!‘ chrcked n l f in iu r iit iHteivnln,‘ ' q - M y <loc[in- iclln um I hnve W ASIIIN

j' hyiioslyceiuln. II.iw se ilou» '. is OnldwnUr,-ihih-,' W hni Is the ircnliim iit for tim l ho wI t’/ nucicnr lc<

' r A • Your roiulllion H cnuned by Ills apeclaln Inw l.'Vrl of bltnid MiKnr. I llln ed;ICM1II.1 w hrn llm pnncrrnn piiln " I ’d hojmil loo m uch IumiIIii. 'lliLt In h n p p n i lommnllv no t nn hciloiin nn tho I have whlith l.I.iml MiKnr-lImt nornmp- nbouUnilll;.

,, nnlni ainli.;l.-n, imlrnn It in rniin- mir fnllute , • Td hy Jl tuTMtir (If thn-TinnPrenir o n h n - tr o n,, If 'yon Im vr nuch n luiiior, Itn nujnpllnn I'

, proiii|>L i.-ninv|il will euro ynur HUNTHV.1 ' liypoKlyrnnli.. U. K. Hent, IJ M iirh m o ir cmnmonly nn Lu- the city 's

m or .11 olli.-r (iniinn I.ir Um low term on niI,lond nuiini rnn bn lound. In "Wo hnvw h im I'liMi n d id hlRii in fntn no t to Inl. mul ino lfiiw bill Inw In minnrncluiola,''

■""" r.," ;; - "v -......r '/r r r r 'i-

Oswald Jjicoby,•• .......

J K<jlli:i:zi'; KII,I,H had oponot u y --------------------------------------------------j,jp . (,

; I'lnnl'n ........ 11 oM m niln won llm omo ro-ontI, thnl liIcK nml Im ir lu rn rd Ih r ti|> w llh f ' . I'liilit, W.'nl w.'hl up wllh nrn nn.l llkoly to 1)

r lr ii ird llm milt Iiy Irnillim llm I’niil cnnl iirv.-ii. m itn rrd dt

"" 'Mi.i liniiil I n i i k o d nlmiilo lUilhm Ihi'

A lC 'fl l Mn rnnliiy K l 0 4 nnd wnleh4,1(1 111 hrnrin ,

........... - .»rK(M H I I - .— • Imrh-thn-t*'V' \VI:HT I'rtH T th "m d A IIK! A .I IMI ll ll

y A H 'f .n a ir t j n n . ,“ i‘4 A III 4 i ^ l lB 4 a 1,'“ ^

nm 4 1(1‘ID nmim .l hin

»'■' A A Wll I honiU , hu 'II,', V ,U tw.. l iU f l ..... 4 K I) 'f ;» kiiiun,

N iirnm v.ihminliln ‘ Nmilh W rnt Nnrlh KantI N .r, I ’...,,I j f i .T , Q -T ImI'i.Mi 'V,.,„i Kimi H

" ....................... ^ , 1Mil- t.. ------ . Y,,„ Ihl

rimiiiih nt Mil', imlnl. Iml n l l r r A A o 'mllm ................. . .........u r nml ...... mi I,01 o f , ...... ......... I .. .............. K l l i,riv to niimv out ■ , / “ i luimr Al ................I ........... ... nhiyorn■or- would hnvn d<Tlilr<1 Ihnl nm d l- *11"- (t.iin ^Yi'ic bnil cvuivivhcui luul ^O Ii

Ill'll Iilv.'ii M|I bul ...... Iloiilh, I’lllll Vvrnt il.Hr l.rvHI, mIiiiik Clly, In , )n„ | nllii'i ' ninm iii hi.'1|. Iil.'in, III Ii|lllr III 'i h r |iml Hllll |ioW/.......... Im I lu r . ' Ill ImnilA Imil 11..I np-lnm. lirni.iil, I 'nu l wnn m ii .i Ih n l W unll Am

; C A P I T A L W I T H

E D S O N) 'They’ve changed t»> nr-^. , t "The New F ro x 'i . . . ,J Man'* Fam ily."1 ' — —^ JF K Isn 't th e fh^i n »v, though t he hnd nil th» »tin,.^ i . . . u n til he hnd lo r ...... ,3 them . *

J -T reslden t KenneHy 1, .1 for business. I 'm n Wuh HtrJ ) broker nnd I ahnuM knou-.

nedy Is n o t bnd foi bi>^in.„ loves business. Yos. h r \etc.. e tc.

"W h a fa w rong with ')- ,i pj ,. nsked n m nn nearby.

; "I.-don’t know, the mnl. nu:, nnsw ered. "H e’» been u uever ?1n r„ they i , |„ ’

I- hero.”

;• T h e s e dnys. o 'o tv ’>o<lyI W ashington w ants to 'cno, ];o Iho Prc.sident In off »>'<I- II —We shou ld .Je t-Jnhn -F , K*m id dy and Rocky n m It off in ijj :- T h e loser could pay off tin

llonal debt.i f ---------a K ennedy likes th e supnti In court decision aboul prnyen q a schools,, He doesn’t like »njoa

:h going, over bend.

;c “Y ou're certain ly looklnu jni* m Mr. P residen t," the mnn w l jd “Why. I rem em ber the l u t tty

I saw you. PT-109 had been wrA in you w ere o u t th e re In the o«u so sw imm ing a round and the ene; lo was everywhere about." in K ennedy sighed sadly m

said: "T hey still are."cr ■ ---------s- As n youth , Jo h n F. Kennrt;

was like any o the r normal, cut- r - free,-red -b looded . Amerlcnn

who h a d a m illion dollars.

Ig I t 's a ll r ig h t to become Prtsl- I's den t a t 43 If you accepl the lu;1," th n t you 'll never ge t promoHd.

ctor SaysII- and s la rc h Is tbe best Ireatmei or You can g e t th is a t your ner- e- est g rocery slore. ,

Q—My doctor took an X-rsyd VC m y heels o n d said I hnve bia

spurs. W h a t cnn I do to ease tl pain? I have tried speclnl shj and h e a t trea tm e n t, but hw

I’ go tten no relief.I— --A—Y ou have a-condltlon-lJul ^ commonly occurs w ith age ^■ ' rheum atic changes In the JoInU 7 ' W hen these spurs are In a loci-

tlon w here they are not-*ub}ect ~~ ed to dally pressure they do nt > ha rm , b u t when, as in your cast

C they nre a conslsnt source of■ pain th e on ly treatment Is sur*, 'glcol rem oval. . .cs Q-<-My husband and I ate Ui ;5»n our la tg 00s. We lake vVlatnlii Ith pills every dayTT«y“ MU«bltr

says wo shou ld stop th m te- cause they do more harm thu

M p w d rW lra t-d c ry o irth ln k l------iniR A—O no v itam in U b le t » (n

w ill n o t h u r t you, b u l for ar people th ey -'o re a needleai*'

^ pcnsc. Y ou need only a it amount; o f any, of th e v lu a

on dolly ond you get these hi w ell-balanccd d iet.

L arg« am ounts ' o f v itam in o be h a rm fu l. 1 would n o t edft

o*’® anyone to ta k e th em uita h is doctor found dc fln lle »!p of a v llam ln de flc ien cy ;-------

mcsw r- c ria jn z : : 'x n i3;~ n r r .':rar s 3

Quotesi(Ki. f r o m t h e .

Newsre- cxzz'x-m -.’-Jcc i i 's -rn a

n,inve W A 8 in N G T 0 N ~ ae n . 11 aril ' . i s GnUlwnUr,' 11., Aria., liullctlL-( for tim l ho will vote ngnlnst U'

nucicnr ICAt bnn trenty iinl»I by Ills apeclal rraervnlloii is ndo;<’ Illln cd:;iuln " I ’d hope Boinetiilng nvil 1 In h n p p n i lo change m y mlii«l. D> tho I hnvo (W mnny rMervatlK

inp- nbouUiiillUury dl.uidvnnlauct mn- nur fn llu te to Kol nomclhliiR n- •enir o n h n - tr o n ty , th n t tfji-n-ftrir*

Itn aujupllnn I 'll bo opiK«cd,"^nur HUNTHVVILLE, A ln .-M «l

11, IC, Hcnrcy, plftiinhiK lo oi* lu - the city 's achnuls lor tlio ti low term on nn liitoKrulcd linnlt:

, In "Wo hnvo nnked. llm h»«(i» fntn nn t tn In terfere, w ith liuiiUil^ iinnrncliDola,'' ’ f


icoby, Bridge.............I

“ Imil oponod A flvo-cnrd rull w'— nn(V th e 'n c o or itinn inndrM ' thn oino ro-on try . Ho imd nlioslio" Ih r lip w llh four ulNba no h«

,111.1 llkoly lo Im nhort. Ill n|nulf*' _ Ihll I’iml cnnlird llm aco of WJ'”'

m itnrrd dtunniy w llh il>«III,In n.ilhiH th n t Wrni linil (Iropp___ _ llm Ion, I ln htil n Ihli.l ''lil '," '':

fhiroood illn nliio, 'iVlirn U tKJ 0 I I’nul wnn In rinvof, ^

Mo nmlmd llio (iimofi of nnd wnl.ilir.1 Wrfll ilri)|>111 hrnrin , Ills Ilrnl illi» i>f‘l 1*

— - lm rn-lho-trn -nf-* lli» im .m li._ |.T hn Ihi ro nf llOnrln wM *'"

inlnniiiK, im t *’i" 'l 1""' * SIhudo ui) hin llllllll 'VlK'f*

-l-„ul Ind n lowrnnim.l hIn nno null Itii'l '"u,,Im niU , hu t I'iml nio. o 11 ^tw.> iilukfl wlUi Iho minorkliiun,


Q —Tim bUldliiK t'P* f 'i.nt Hnulh >Vfit JL ! ♦ nmiiiin m . r*« Pnna 7

— - Y.1U, lloiilhi tiol'tl . , , , i | | 4 » A Q m Y A K O f l * * ' '

Wliiil do y<W il<i7{ ^ "’'I'l* A— Hid one **• $A

1 » , 7 " 1 V 1 . V | ............vU oa lo *■*.

“i m i ,l '" " l 1V..I ...... |illii'i' ni'.imiii lu yi»ii Wli»»‘l'’ ^‘" Hint now ;

A n . « . r N » W « -I

Page 5: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

y ou Na

. , - 1

• : ^ 1

OKAVn CltAAII’ION m a lu rc sow In Th T«in FalK cminty fa ir w as Ih ls 2 - y e a r .hire o«nca and showri by Je rry K ruse

¥ :i. -Y- -y- *

i- .. • ' ' :j_________________ ___ ;______ ■ _________

3 '. '

H H r ^ - *

' «v

A m :ii M,\NV MONTHS of Iirctmrull...... T'vlii I'iilN, «llNi)lnyn l,r r Rraii

’•II JiiilnhiK ThiirMlii)', K rnrrvn G rand ( "111 >lr%. JiM'k (;ii>ll.<>rii, Jr.. Klnilicrly. IllMKnil f>rvrra| I.....rn In tho nUuw-nrt>nn ‘“Hlle. ('nnu-r,.Nc,v« ,.|,„ io ) - —• '• ¥ .■,'. -Y ‘ !i.-'--------------------^

^ ^ - > 7 ■

' l l ' i l l ? ' ’ * " ' ' ’' ' ^ " T IU M niIN O HT/1 till II ""! ’');"M| Aiiiiini!lv.whlli\ Jrlnim III,I, I ' >' r>inii'iif C iu trc , n irn ilin n •liil’ , , . ' ' '; I l n nhr.rji.. /,MI /,»«,

\ 'l |) |„ . ‘VI,ll ,,„«|U y „||,H„


ame It,

] i ^

In T hu rsday jud sln i; a l llie K n ise family r- y e a r - o ld reg ls lered B erk - fo u r of tlitm j K ruse a n d son*, F lier. T h e (TIid m -NVus tih

¥ •¥ ¥ =e- V. V.

r'' ®®WBpS• ® | > J ** f l T r a l j f e ■;

rtmruUiin, ju l l n Aiiiltr»(.M. IB. da iinh le r o f Mr r (rraml cl».m |>lon I,lac|( Angi.5 M rrr. Hnnimy ran d tli iu n iilo tt lioiinrA iv n it lo llrc n l CInlhiir rly . lllx stPcr. I 'r lnce , l i a Uerflriint und |,o tl 'W n a 'i’h u n id n r before llia (Inal deolihin j,y

.......V - ' V -- V ' " ' l - ” '-— V----- M

I ^ e 8■ f f e - a ^ r r

tT i^ J k I T f i r '

m i m 3■ * .A K f i l B f f g a W M ■ t a ..

1» HTANO »),p,j | „ I , r ,UliniuhiH t i l . ntid o ir .u i. B — n ltri llf llm HlKiihliiildnrN 4 . I t ^‘ '■»«, wu» KiilnrKd 111 rUlliiR IU)T r u n ,

"l|>h>irn In 4-H <,«iii|inlUI>in. Hlrlii.ui<| Um U'nniln Noliriti

t. Tt's Tl

:]3 ^J /

wc tx m ltj haJsfs m a n y of ih w e hoc# and wo

p - > -

V- ^ ^

»V‘‘^ ■ - ::

;™i 3=,;;S!',:v'S ;i;;;: S'k ';r.,;:";xir;j; ;;;ix-;,-

------^ ( m . I . j , „ l ™ .

6.............- S L

r t ¥ ' v ■■ "'

IBi '■ r:.H3n|^

IU)T rO H A (:001,IN (1 itlD i: „ |, I h , ,„ rn y ., (rtinunl IJr<ill»<trn (’riMilviii n l jlm 'JVftf {'nKii k'nniln Nohritdrr. 17-iniii)ll>-ntil dAUKliinr i)( Mr.


hoE» and won 23 r ib b o n s I ‘-TIIB FAIIrule, a l th a fa ir th is year. peojile m ugl h

I of th e lone b'^ » ¥

••I.ICT'S KKK NOW. a liUIr mure hdajisiulu li iihc'll ].f ready for th r «li'>«," T u n u iild n illf lr show n lielitllii? Ih rlr ih lld rrndy th r lliil-ilcli flltliij; Iind nlifltvlni! riiiiil>cUllon In lhe Hvcr 4 - ilc r i nnd Uielr iiitrrnin n m lie n rrn In (lie 1 vicinity early each morning lir fo rr Uib bIiows

Tinl!i to pleaxQ t h r iiidfir'n ry«. (Tlniei>-No». |il -----;f,------!f. - >t.----- V ------------------------ ¥ — •V

IvjP-' ■4j|||i^'‘-'' ^

M t j ^ ^ Z S S B P f e s ^ E c j '

on Ihfl n irny-m i-rm in il In Iho Ni'Mr.Hlrr, HSH 10 'rH ln I'nlln «i(ii<iity titir, tx w lillr rIdluK lU llitrr oC Mr. mnl n^r^ Jiinir* II niii»lly h» i

, at T .l

••THE F A lI l nO A U n UilnUs of cvcrylliluE,- rojile iriusl heSiayinft »•! lUcy r e s t fo r a m inute

lUe lonj: ben rhes In ih r shailo th n l were pro

Hiiaii’iiidfi h r re nnil llinrc itndI u iild rn l lfl rd 4 - il |n irrn ln aro • , . i i . v. m o ith r llolnlcln dairy h r i f r r fo r „In lhe llvcnlocli dlvlnlan. T ho ‘' ‘' l “r r n In lhe llve ilo rk liarnH and "irm ^lrd only

lliR (iliows iircimrhiB Iho anI-. . . . - N . » . i .h .lo i 1"I> I '-------if.— -----^ ----------------------- * -----M—

ii'h n id rr, HSK T « p |f lh u lirtil, Unlil. Tho imliy wnr vh llr rhlliiK «li«> iiiJiiy. Iml o).|itr.iiril xoinn nidin I niiHlly tVHi (ImD ill Icnve. (Tlnirn-Ntov* i<hiitu]

T' Sopi- 6 ,

r . F . Coui

V '*■ ' i I l nft w ' ^ r ■ « - M*‘' «f IS nlA B " t i # l u i ' B _ k

f p i p M

evcr>'l»>h\8;’ MH\\e « f lU rs t (<>r th is jturpusc. fo r a m inu te or Iwo on M.mo th e llve^lock bar Ih a l wero provldi-d »Mie<-Ially » C->'1 'li-xv of I

^ z,. H- V ¥

W i

■ vn.VVINO rA lN T IN (iS nnd o lh e r a r l MhthU T u la l alla eouniy fa ir . The a r l bulKllnK. “cn e « lri," lrd only n frw yenrn u ro bnl ban no rm.bl aro cxhll.llH l Iiy iiu inb rr a n d iirr.onn uro Ing. (Tlmc»-Nc»i. jil^ 'lu j . ' ^ ^

ff 'iMI i l

f J

I l l yi f f a H


NIKtH riTfiild l>

.........— ......... ...... - -n iin i i r r ’tnMirT■ll.o imliv wn« -.n.llhiK ............ .. UV'lr llvml.ioU j

........... . flidin i.( illnUci.li «liD» «(l miiniMiir UU: ; 'noi. . iihoio) “ •«>

•;d .iy , S opt. 6 . 1 9 6 3 iv . i " r , i u T lm cs-N o\

ounty Fs

' Ai. 1. |§yT - ■

H m E jV ^ ' n ^ H

I f til ls jujrjMwc. 'J'hc.M! bojicbrs a re located across i le llve&iiKk b a ra i a n d jude ine aren .i and resterg C<.od vli-w Of lhe livestock judclng . (Tlmes-New

■*= ■V ^ -V ¥ ¥


• v i . , [ : S r y

:L ' m s m M

her n r l e xh ll.lt, fn a favorllc jiniKmo fu r bI( f biilldlnfr, Jucaled n t the n o r lh end of th e rnl<! I ban no Iriiubln utin«oUnif Its nhare of ob»erye unn uro allowed lu vole for Ih e lr fnvorllo ns Uiey

TO m ; NMOWN bftfnro crillcnl Jurt(jrn wUhln llriTfiiKl 4-H im i jr i l lirhxf r ln in rd mill flU rd by irTfT n r r T n rtirrr- ijn n -rn tfrii.- 'U n R rn in n r ftttnil-it«

r lr llvrnliii'U iiro jru u ra lly hi llm m>rlnR itiid ni niiniiMiir IrnlitlMK .mkI rli'tinliiK th n n , M unhn

Iho llniiiiy llo lllnlpi 4-H o lu k ('riinm-NBtYB lihol

Timcs-Nowj 5 l |

Fair I

B S l .jH H '-k

I l i

! located across the*road from -en.i and teste rs a re afforded ng-. (Tlme*-New» photo) i f

¥ ¥ ¥ * ‘I

O E m m f ■ ' ' '

■ l i l l l

V i i l

tallm o fnr a ll fulrRneni a l lh*Bill) a t lh e w ldnaj-, jraa con- ha re of obnervers. All pletiirea [nvorllQ ns Uiey leave (ho build-

» » i|»

ll JiirfRrn wKlitit KU h o u r in a d Kiid ( lllrd by M nrxhk <'allrn,

{ m n tir Mtmt m i-« * tlrn i -n b la ln —......in nlirliiK and Hiicnil lone hourti U inn, M unhn h » ineinhnr u(

Jnim-NetYB Vholo)

Page 6: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

■ -News-AroiIDA H O TALLS, 8CDt. 6 W >-Th

m ay speak In W oh6 P a lb brlofl w estern 8tol«sa Sept. 24-28 w m po: Rnlph HnrdltiB. P . Trt«

BO ISE, Sep t. 6 MV-<3o». Roben An kpln lon on th e e«t«blU bineD t o ft i lu d y of th e p ro p o u l 1« compl can.bci.AfAlnBl belnc-lnlorm ed.'* t m dceU lon w ith m p « e l I a th e t w en K fe u lb l llty itudy.-’

BO ISE, Sep t. a Ml—T h e DolM plnnfl to c o a t tn ic t a 2,5 m jlllon d< iJ i O rando In e aa tcm O regon, a r expansion of a m ill a t Y ak im a, ^

rOC A TELIX ), Kepi. 6 ipv—D ud | ef % new na tio n al f u a r d a rm o ry I tlnn adopted by C ham ber of Con

IDAHO FALLS. Sept. C OR— Mn: flcplorca the refusnl of th ree Idnh K<-nya, Afrlcn. cxchonRe s tu d e n t tdftho P a lls firm i»nd ha.i b<*«in n tl " 'u n , S tep h e n K. O lknnyo. wrot»

PRESTOf^. S e p t « C . iilve» -« ao rd in aU ii |.co n im (tt£ a-ln .1 den t K ennedy In v ltin t Him to fl dam site w hile on hU eoD M rratloi

BO ISE, Sept. 6 W ^-M ftrlon H . V ^ n a been e lrdted O in lrm an o f .t l i m U 'lon . Dnyle L. Scott, th e com inld H olbcn auccccda M ilton W. B B ranch was. ? lrc tcd vice c hairm an Pnlls, a rnw crop fam je r nppolntC ' tecretflry.

AMERICAN FALI.S, Sep t. 6 LTV called B tem porary h a lt to d a y in jnu(ch» irrekm an, Pocnletlo , fear« bo)r haa been m lsaln r since h e dl« Inc tr ip w ith h is fa th e r, E lm er II dam w as sh u t down T h u rsd ay to hoy’s body in th e river, b u t th e w a' day n lfh t.

Goldwater Is Greeted by Qiief at Fete

W A aillN O T O N , Sept. 10 Scii. Barry O olilw ntcr, R „ Arlz.. stepped in to th e W hlto House JlmcllRht today—a t tlie pe rsona l request of Prc.sldent K ennedy—

• ■■'‘during a cerem ony honoring re ­tired 'd lT 'f o rc e Q en . E m m c ll (Roslc) O ’D onnell.

K ennedy, w alking to th e s teps out&lde h la offlco to p rese n t the distingu ished ficrvlco m edal to O 'D onnell, f ir s t called to ti group of h is form er senate colleaguca

------- w ho-w ero-w nltlng-to-w ltness-U jeccrem ony from th e law n of the rose garden.

Ho called th e senato rs by, the ir--------l a f t t^ a m e s —“Seno to f—

S en a to r Sym ington" — u n ti l he epotted O otdw ater, K ennedy 's po ten tia l Republican rival tn the1904 prcsldenUaLxompalBTi.-------

"B arry ," calicd K ennedy w av- — I n ff - th e - A rlz o n la a - to - J o ln th e

o the rs on th e stops. T liia fam ll- la r gree ting to O o ldw ater drew aomc la u g h te r a n d K ennedy h a s ­tened to add "wo a re a ll friends."

O oldw ater Is a m a jo r general In th e a ir forco reserve.

A fter tho ccrcm ony, O oldw ater c h a tte d b riefly w ith K ennedy a n d th e ir conversation e n d ed In lauffh ter ovcr somo p riv ate jolco.

K O W H f f i l

...............................IT'S MORE FUN 1 /

T H ^

, w ii ‘ O O p - ' d J N G

I— buttons-Jw Sl a h rmnsiiM'ini Mtntocouiii |

8 ;0 0A d u tti $ 1 .0 0 # S tu d e n ts 7

2nd W eekJ

---------- S l W s - l i o p l n f f

‘H « ? s r e a d y . . j E i ' <

D O R I S i: J A M E S C

. i n y l t o Y O U T O ,w Q t .c l -

.M S s iiU H im .m c iN li- 'T h ©

■ A p N Y w . O p iH T O N IG H T ‘f t i m e s — -

t - .....

• %-

round IdahoUFV—T h e DOMlblllty P residen t K ennedy v J •

b riefly durinp hi* sc h e lu j-d tour of iraa posed »'or* y»-<»idov Hv u . 8 . R»p A . . .

R obert E. Kmylle •»?» he w in reserve WAS! Bient o f a Saw tooth na tional park U nlli, Sen Ler com pleU d, “I don’t how anybody >'nport

led ." u l d BtnyD*. " b u l I .would rewrVe fources th e in« tl» r ol thp P»rw u n til I bad looked

whUe t------------ being gi

Boise Cascade corporation announce* da itry . llon do lU r plywoo<l m ill a t Elgin, near "T his (on, a n d lnv i» t 1 milllnn dollars In con t tn im a , W i^h . top le\

--------- f- ■ Jordan .—D u d fe tln r of fiinrf* tnr eonstm ctloo exam pit mory In Focs<ello U In • rM ola- Importajf Com meree rtU ^fton. . Industrl

------------ berlng 1Pl— Mnyor W. J. O ’B rynot, Idaho PalU . convenli e Idnho Pnlls hBTbers lo nerve a yo»m? ed nsMe ■udent whn hns l>cen employed by an m en t d i*en ntt»'nf'lnB coH''Re. T lie vnung i1«nrr n

w rol« n »n 111- mnvor Jo rda— Uietlc tl

[. C . Cr»nn»y. chairm an o f (he B ear Coast p !*_ln-Id«hn. h a » -»cu t-a .JrlJ t_ lo .P ttJ lL : oMo»»I to fly over the proponed B*«r rlT*r ., r ra tlo n tour of th e W mI. for uTe

n H . Holben, O encsce. a w heat farm er, o f . th e Idnho soil conservation com- " 7 '

IC commLwlons a dm in istra tive officer.I W, Brniinli, MUlvtile. ft Cattle rancher. “ ulrm an; and Jom es N, M arshall. Idoho J j po in ted It) Ih " commlMion. was nam ed

. 6 LT%—I’ower county sh e rlfr s o fflce n v , • ^ lay In the, search for 0-year-old E lm er jpI. fea red drowned fn Knake river. Tha h e disappeared W ednesday on a f ish - P l i

m er H ickm an, t r . T h e A m erican FalU lay lo perm it searchers lo look for the ;he w a te r level was raised again T h u r t . ■

® W a n t i n gW ASHINOTON. Sept. 6 m

— —A labam a Oov, O eorge O.Wnllftcc nnd Sen, W ayne

f t M orse. D .. O re.. have m e a ­su red m en ta l faculties nnd

W — '6Hcli found tho o the r w an t- JArte., ‘nn, Ilouse C ontinu ing nn exchange of sonal l»sull.i a t long nvnHC w ith 7

. W ftllacc, Morse told the se n - i• ^ a te yesterday th n t W allace ’’g fS" camo .out o f W orld w ar I I ''im c ll w ith a p sych ia tric d isability . " J

T ho se n ato r sa id th e gover- , nor' had n o t been exam ined J

by th e v e teran s ndmlnLstra- „,, tlon since lOSO and th a t It

'^o“ ld be ap p ro p ria te for him " lo vo lun teer lo be exam ined

3?U,e -OLiho_pLescnC_tlm e.'J------------1 ----------f th e I n A labam a, W allace re-

- p iled th a t M orse m ay be suf- ferlng from effects of a kick ,

* 6r», — In th e he ad by_n horse.________________ ,II h e I ledy's . — — — — — — .(I th e [

w av- W t T T r y T a T W i Mth e M W W l W H H I H M i f i l l M - —

KHiii- ■ H H M B H H H H H H H

h ™ ----------N O W ^P rA Y IN G --------------ALFRED H ITCH CO CK 'S

"T H E BIRDS"S 'm Co-Hit, "Rlno A Ding Rhythm"


1 0 :0 0 ‘ nts 75c • Child Frc« under 12

k j g j j i P i g m y i i

.............“i G A R N E R —'Q l c h ;l h a m o n U o y '1

I)I‘|:N >llH HA TDIIhAV n iK rM ......................

------------s r a r ; - iT :d T ^ 7 ^ , , , ■

Jordan Says I Lane .,IJ. S. Problem-

of . / - I . , , • 1 han d ban!

/Vi-e Shjrhted:r,c w /ism N Q T O N . Sept « I* ; Z ' X ' e Z n lli Sen Len B. Jo rdan , R„ Ida., snv« oAr im port problem s of n a tu ra l m -,:rVe M urces Industries a re being over- J J ™ " i , d looked b y - t h e a d m in w tm ti ''n '" 1111 .

while top-level consldern tlo r is " ®{ J being given the U. S p^uHrv i"

ices dujitry. ■ear "T his new and ra th e r tnslR iilf'-; K nutsen

In c a n t trad e problem Is rec*iv1nKnj,„ti top level consideration."Jo rdan , -w hile o the r 'o n s -U 'ie , A nderson

Ion exam ples of trad e lnjustlce.i t o ' , j e n f A ’ >la- Im portan t and »»*enttnl domesti'^ •

• Industries such as m ining. Iiim-,^^^ appr. berlng nnd livestock ar«* b e i n g s ix tee n

klU. conveniently overlooked or push-l,,,,,! noidi •n? ed nsMe by th» executive de rn rl an m en t desp ite "nqucstlonod ovi ,..m h e rn

ang dpnre nf unfair Irn ro rt l'']u ry " I o Jo n K Jo rd an said he wn,s sy m p a - ' pml Land

Uietlc to th e pasUlon of *he Ensi i^y. m ad. * • '’ Coast poultry pro<l(icers b«ci>i)»p meet, n b of. low of tha lr mojkatJi. | _’ "Howover. my chief concern Is IN

for the lum bering, m ining Rnd' CARAC ng rlcu ltu re Industries which In — In t

“ j reality produce the only new M antilla ' w ealth for our economy." are stepp

____________________ an n ttemb u y T IM E S-N E W S W ANT ADS dcn tla l «


I P t S o ^ M O Kthe


HODADS-GRENIMIES!h 7h« Produe«r> grattluIlT aclnoal«dg*^£^?I- 4h* capoelty olUndoAcai oecerdsd ' >;o "lEACH PARTY'; >K*r«r*r It 1< play- ' fY Irif. Amt/leoii l»t9r»elio»vl f i e h m ' iii' - proTSi Jh tn 'i rwlhing wrong »ith llu ’\U' • melien pictur* Iftdu.try thot s GOOD l{(• ple»iir.caiT-letff«."atACHPARTY"l. • ^d ?HAr i M ol e film. W, .rg* to

= C0M»l8S.I*r.„B



f t . T A B H U N T E R BE A C Hf F R A N K IE A V A L O N B IK IN I

f .1 "O PER A TIO N A d u lli

;,5 B IK IN I" C hill


! 'BEACH PAr ...................... —

i "T H E BIG

- ....

^ S U i i r M c p N

... »G A H flEfi jl: c / w . RICHAflOrtntNBOfiOUGH ' ^


T o i i i l c h<:u i l f i o i n l l u ;

^ H i iK ln n l i iK 111 0 :0 1 ) l u i d H t.h ')

" T l u ' t i v H lo v i c H / I r t - T h f

I t v n l l i t i t i r t u l m n c n r

________siiNi»AY o r r N V r„M,

A.Uiil. ' ' "I.Hl Al'lV'-■


i I Land Bank Meet Ends at Burleyj BDRLBV. Sept 0--A federa l “Worli

I I land ban k of Spoknnn conference nnd the * prided a tw o-day si-vion n t ihe World « I roiidcro.'in Inn Prl'luy. Arnold , A nderson. ns.iUlnnt ’-lr,r' pn‘*l-

' (lent. Spokane, reporU per»-ii« ■“ s a l t M tendcd. I

' B u s ln e u wa# conducted by ,(,4,^, ■■ ij, ’ , '.W lll la jn J . H olm an. Boise, ch air- 1,,^ 1 ' mnn of th e board. Bank bpern- , lions w ere s tud ied a n d new bnsi

n»s» 'p rog ram s d lsc u w d . ,Adnm»: O fficer* a ttend ing w*re Frei}, >-lop . □ . K nutsen , p residen t of PtKlTnl: _

'“" 'S lL n n d B ank of Spokane; L. C .| * " '° ,C h c sn u t, vice p residen t; Arnold ‘""*1 A nderson, a ss is ta n t vice pre»l- '■’ ,*",den t; A. W. N « l. ch ief rqvlcwms

inppraM sr. nnd H ervert O; P p '" , j r/.f. app ra ise r, aJJ Spokane. u , ,

.Sixteen aaw clntion mnnflB<'r«'“ '’ ■|iind fleldm en from' 11 owvoclni'on

offices In Idnho. w hlrh serve i'" pe",y ♦••mhern Id aho , nlso ntl'ndecl j„ b „ jy

j O lon K nnnu, m nnnger 0/ F''rt npa- Pinl L and Bnnk n,«oclatl’'n , " " t -Eftsi ii>y. m ad " Biroinr»m<"it« foi '>■" "R'>oli.»')*« m eet. Billy Te

j __________________-U Is INCREASF. RAIDS foouion:Rnd’ CARACAS, V enezuela. Sept. n .

11 I n: — In te r io r M inister M nnuel, new M antilla snys O ostro commiinUts

nro stepp ing up te rro ris t raid s In ^ >iclcma an a tte m p t io thW art th e prew - tleptom

ADS dcn tla l election se t tentatively ------ :—LT S for Dec. 1..__________________


- = i =



IRE "IB E A C H P A R T Y . . . . 8 : 0 0B IK IN I ...................... 1 0 :0 0 ,u

■»A dults $ 1 .0 0 — Stu. 75c

C hild Frco un d e r 12

A T E S H O W IN G —

S A T r - H - l - :a 0 - i l l

a P A R x r 4


' ^ Eoorclio -----

n u n t in ; ^

) m i d H ; f i > i M c . f > n ; 'jim lv ^llclw^ I — ll*

A r v T h f n .m II,no I

u i n v n r ‘ l i i i y « ' ;iJ-I ).*)

•„M ...................... 5A1. IIJ, n „ il ------i lL .

i . iT I ', ' . ; . MIN,I Ij i


e t "H-crld-Series of Golf," (Speclfil. color. 1 tccond World Series of golf I* played n t t Club In Akron for a »50,000 flr.st prlie.

era! “WorW o f-8 p o > V '3 p m. A B O - A swim nee nnd the Uidt^'d RIa— .'«P'«n «wln> ni-»t a Ihe World »i

'-Utah open Golf." iSpeclnl. 3:30 p.m ABI Bt S a lt !,«»• C llv <* Irene Jot tho Utal

I " S im Benedict." (Repent. 5:30 p.m. NBC by .Rers " is featured when S am ’s legol ta len ts ai

Bir- i , j j fto acc'tfed .m urderer ou l of the gas chs

il si ''G allan t Men." (Repent. 5 30 p.m. A PO Adnm» 1* Captain Benedict'* girl friend m

Te[}j"'Iop« a « tl«ehm ont for 0 bnfl'y

" r ' i "Liicy-I»e»l Comedy H our." 'R epeat., Q;30 •nfH Ooes to S'Mi Valley,” Ricky and Fred (Inrl t»- pVl' ^ ” '*" Volley.

-MUs A -n 'rira P a ,« a n t." tPpeclsI, B p .r M a l't ." Is 'h u year's pngcani ih 'm . wh*'-I-..!, u u . /I '-o r ic t Pnceiuit.


" " “ A CerUln Smile.” <I0^8> Rossano B’nz7J, ^ Jonn Fc'iW lnc (Color. 1 p.m, Chnnnel ’>"' Vrt •nfamet^'d w ith »n olri"r manlut •».o -R oou M»lnne,“ (1052) WUllam H o'den.

Billy reur.'' 'c i <8 p n i. Chftnnel i> Tlm fast- ol a tmyjh Jockey who tries to tra in a younfooi»ioi\.^

!m 'i "Whlrlponi." (1050) Ocne Tlen 'cy . Rich Pcrrer ( l l pm . C hannel 2B )-Su5pcasefu l

. ' 1,'. blnckmall, hypnosis and m urder w hen a e y . tleptom anlnc, tu rns fo r help from a quack I'cly ------ ------------- -----------------------------------------------

^ S A T U R D A Y , S E P T E M E

Inform ntlon below , la given Ihe Tlme*-1 i questions ihiruld be directed lo the station

^ KMVT K nO I K'Twin Falls Boise BChannel I t C hannel 2 Cbai

Cable 8 Cable 3 CaI ABC-r!BC- CB 3 ADCI ________ CBS_____________ I

11 Jioe ICapL KansiruoIII ICtpc. KMagtroo|]« Ruff .nd n«Jd> Cipu K»n»»roo Hulf •Hi Ruff untl llfiM>l Ctpl, K«ntir(x.l Rutf ■

|i«« Bb>M t!^>Li Alvla Sb*rl .!]» KlS» L»on.Vjo Mlfhly Moui* KiS* ]■ Kln» T.ron..rdc. Mlghly Mnu.. Kin»^

~ liOO Furj nm Tin Tin Furr.[$ • fu r. Kin Tin Th K«rr^J0 »<H;mfor Di.I.lr Ilor n.-Bcrt Hoorn I


11 ISO Kiio«UII lllurU II TennliiIS Hufli.d Tfnnlil i t Bucbkll I Ilatcbtll Tcnnli!<i llU ifh.ll 1|l..rl>«ll_______ Trnnl.

I]i0» IlM»b»ll llM<b»ll IT.nnl*:1} Ituthall lUxball 'r^nnlil]« n»tbiill llucb«ll TennU■ H llMfUll Hm.thi.H . iTwnti

liQ* Ilufball Kucbkll Tennii_ . I l i . JlM.UIl-- - - JlM*6«ll T»nni»

,]« (|,iir if" 'b* || (■''If

2l«e Coif llUieboU (lulf>11 Cair ' IlMtbtll Golf110 CuK . Bucbkll Oulf

_ I t i <i«i)f llU»cUUll« t (.Thi. It J f . . !uYl.’ World111 Thft II I.lf» Muvl. Wotld i]» Majnr Adima U»vl< Wurld i4i lM«JorAd«m» Hcivle . | World

4<eO .'UjotArtuni ilnvl. ■ World,its iUlor Ad.m., Hu»l. ' World .|H ‘ MliihiyiruU»» • M»jur Adinii— -DIB-S:i«8 MlglilT Mnuif Matnr Ariami I Fonim

I— li«»— ll«>nr-*nd-CMll — |-nullwl/ tIS Tteinr and CccU Mkior Adtmt (Uultirl

iSe Lucy<«nd Oni Uillani Min Sim U<.« l-uty ,nd Df.1 C.ll.nt .M.o

<iOS I I.ucr iDtl n«tl Gitllknt .M«n iiim n■ It t.ucy and Dnl nallant Mrn ilam U

=ai <10 .McKsU'i.Kavv Lucy & DmI J«iaon ^ Ui .> avy U iry & lln l Jrt.pn

. • tiOO l.av>r«n(* W«lk I.uer & Dnl ' LtwniJ l l i I.awrgnc« Welk Lucr b Uni Lawrt■ :90 Lawnnca Welk Have (.un Lawra■ i«i I l.awn.nf« Wrlk llavf Him_______ t.«wr>

I llOt Ibtlia Amcrira |MI>i Ainrrlra I'lKbla■ _ t l i Mill Amfiica Ml» Amcrlca Flulita■ >» MIm Amoic* Ml.i An.cilra riirlila■ 1«1 ImI.« Araftica Im1«. Amrrlra Oowllr

I liVft Mill Am«r ra Mlii An>rHra Klcvem■ l i t MIm Aitici ra Mlsa Amirica KIcxnl■ 00 Ml.aA»icrra- Ml.. Anioira Kl..«ni H U i Ml.. Amrrra lIlMAni-rlra Kl.vnH

m IOiO» Kliihia Dcrcnilni N««>i, U i Hslua Dcrcndni Mi>vl*I l » Kliihli IJcfriMlrii Muvl.

0 H it* Air lUuiu.^k iN ro. ■ M„vl*. l i t Air Itilrhc.ick Muvl* MovisJ <1Q Alf llllcltcock Muvl. Muvl.

Ui Alf Illlflif.rW iMovI* Muv|»

C K IFI KUTV KIdaho I'a lia Knit U k o Hal C hannel 8 C hannel 2 Chi

NDG Cniiln Z CiNUO -

■ 1 ■!! li!;!!i;:lll;:l:l!l-Ei}^:l-!i:i:!U;iiiilino n.iari l,«*i» hh«n |.«<vii .(Uiii.

|30 King l.#uuanli» itlUK I.««<iiaii1u fi'ailu Ul iHlny U un.fl-. Kin, l^m .rdn j (^.n,.

I,CO Kurr Kurr Carlon " ' I I) 11 I 'r '" I II 11 r ‘ " i'

■ T 111 li!"m! {"I I’r.l'ilT ll!"!l" ful t’*!ld> ( *HI

**1j » | mI.’ 'v lllld )l"J‘l i t i:ai|i.uii ('•iImui. Allak m l( 'a |1iK,u________ Cail'-Mi._______ All.t.

lll«Q Tfhhl, M'ari'turii rilrkil l i ■•mil. ('•il.H.ii. Kllrk.i>0 Uiiiil. I I . .... . II*.ul.

I I ........

— — t i j | j — ” jiuiii'"” *— iir i!!

I« .... I (iuH ' ll.'.-lli*« I'iuK__________ Loll__________ )i,,i.n

’ I”___ i» __________ |i;i1! ■ [["ll:*

ll* w,',!i'i ‘.!i 'ti'iMiu m!!!!' wllli;----- Hi --------------b L iih

. - ‘'■'■'[it ur fip^.'lstu.’t.' ,vu'!ili iSn , tluwtinir • MiiUk ' rhryn

IHu|.lluj|_______ I Mv>l-________ n ,r f .- — ||U ..||A ,..........,.| vrratt-tlarp-----Ohrr.i

— [ i L J i i i i l i tli^jia h i;f fc ii :ilM i!:ii:i;

*1" ' ll*p" ll*"* ll'i 1’’•I" n"i'"|l'"» ilillan ■lu J.,. , Ili.i,,,,, J.i.r lli.l„,|,‘ II*.,"Ji

------Lli-----^ .il|-Ju'L' IJl-,/ 1...... . III..,1.1

'iii------lii----- tlaii:________ ImI-IiI* ' i:*~l*

*i'» .'fu"!! f f '”’’*

— _iU__ Ulu;i:___ lv|!l!|r

----- 11!------Liilllll^ll^____ jiiiib

J J L J i L J iI " " '! . u „

.1* ......... . si„. 1. "'Jf f !" '" IMkr

^ ........ . ' ' - I * II..II.I

• RATUIinAY. SepL 1co?or.^l:30 p.m. N B C ) - T h o , f T

s played n t tho F irestone C ountry

i B O - A swim m eet, s to c k -ca r races *wln> ni»»i ar** rII covered In Ibe

3:30 p.m A B O - T l ie C ount.v rliib . for tho U tah Open,

:30 p-m. NEC)—"Too M any S tra n - I n U m a l l legol ta len ts a re involved w ith keep- Don Ameot of the gas cham ber, perform ers :

30 P-m. A P O — USO Singer Joyce Ctrl friend m -"Tommy,'’ Joy.** de- or » bPflly v-ounrted O I.

"D eserter’s(Repeat., 0:30 p.m, C B S)—In "Lucy - tjlnx Aloi d Fred (Inrl th«y have to s tay hom e include

H endrle. B<Ppeclal, B p.r*.- C P 8)—"H nll. /U n a ''B out* 68

in»m . wh*'- B»*' r a 'k * i‘-'- '» *»«■ „ e r a re gue of two wow

AV NIGHT MOVIF.Sossano B’nz7J, C l'rlstlne Carere »nd S 'u Ls lectin Chnnnel ■>"' ' ' ro li'o» (rin „ b .U liant

lri"r men

illam H o'den. Johnny S tew art and 1) Tlm fnst-p»ced race track gtory “T he Iror

> u a in a young boy to follow In h is ii j K irk (C D w m ana"*

Tlenicy. R ichard Conte 'in d Jo se a beau tifu l I—Suspcaseful d ram a dealing w ith •der w hen a p sych iatris ts ' w ife, a BandWo from a quack ostrologlst. • S co tt (10:3

____________ ' border in to

E P T E M B E R 7 , 1 9 6 3

n the Tlme*-News by s ta tio n s a n d C o e ,( l l p j, I h . . t a l l . .

DOI K T v i K ID P JBlse Rolse Id ah o Fallsm el 2 Cbai.neJ 7 C hannel S In fo n n alie 3 Cable S ABO-CBS qnetU ons aiB3 ADC-NBO ----------------

Kangaruo Capt. lUonarooK.ng.foo C*Pt KanjfsrooKangaroo Ruff «nd R«ld> Capt. KiniaroaKantarmI Ru(f and IMd.») Capt. K.n»ar»?

Sbarl UwU AIyId ' ■Moui* W intrdo Mlahl7 Moui* gMnui. Kln s J ^ n ir d n | MI,h.ir_Ll..u,e_ ^

n Tin Furr Hlr> Tie Tlo^ — IJ n Tin yerr l»n Tin Tio « .,i,cn Hoomfor D.ddf Ruy ’ j” J

------- lt-«-m for DiddjrJ_R(j Rog,<r» _ jritf Mr, Wtiard Ncwi — l i i — Li n« Mr. Wiaard N»w« , , , ^

llrany and C«ll Iriduitry t _______ llrany and C.elli Hai.ball gII Tcnnl. nai.ball , . JII T»nni« Ut»fbaU . , , , „11 Tcnnii Daiel*!! *1” g!1----------- <10 DI] I Ten'll. - nai.ball ------ ! iL _ l£II T cnnl. Itai.ball , , , , „ll Tennli Ilaa.ball » ” °n . iTennli I n .i .b a ll . _ ;>» [

II T*nnl. nai.ball _ j l 5 -----£■|. T.nni. , D.a.t«illI C.uU__________ Our Land .*•';* J: ] fjnlf___________Our Land ' «}» 0

II (luir UoTl* ,I fiSlf Uovi* H '»» JI Colt ' Mori* ;}» i

World of Sp.irt» MovI*H'uild of Spdrti ilovla Wurld of Spuru HumnUad USA

______ ^ World ot .qporn llnmeal>ad UBAWorld of Sporu Dll rielur*World ot Sporu Biz Piclur«

kdanii— TJIli^nKwt------ yreadom —UntT.— ............. .......triami iFonim I Fr«»dom_ UnW.. _______

Adam* I Su'twlnkl*'" D*tny^Snd‘0 « il * ' f f fMm Sim Ucn«dlct Lucr ind D nl '** I;.M.o ISamncn,dlot l.ucyandPnl |U Ij

: .Men iiam noncdlet I.uer andD**l . . . . ,: Men ilamU<n^ict Lucy and D nl * ; !i D..I J«uon’a Usltal*'* N a ^ i! h n l Jc..onV I McHal.1:. Navy. \

i Pn t Lawmne. Walk Lawrtne* W«lk .t Uni Uwr*nt* Wdk U«r«nc« W*lk ' ' f ?.m, . l^wr.ne* W«lli U«r*ne« ^ .Ik JJJ |

iirrira I'lKbla MIi. Amcrlca . . . . ,,ncrica Flxbt* Ml.. Am«rlca *I.cilra riitila Mill Amtric* . 1! ‘nerlra nowling Ml.. Amarlc* |urHra Kiev.ntl) I uur Ml.i America . . .wrlca Kl.v.nih J our Mli. Am.ric* ' ‘JJiieika KItvtnlli I our Ml.a Amaricau.rira Kl.vMiU. I ''^r j Ml.. Am.rica . . \\* ]

'r . N«v. ' Klihl.K ' » ,

■ J l ; : : ! : ' J f l l i M » ; » : _______ ^!i::!: ' i i r :UTV KC’PX K SL ■■= - ^ =L U k o H all U k e S a lt Lakein iiel 2 C hannel « C hannel B "t—bin e Cnbln 4 Cable S Iu o A flo c a s

>ai.n ll.|K>r> Cajpt. Kaniai.n,Kaim l(.|H,rl Oa|.u K.n.ar.K |

Mid ll.dil Kairii ll.jiutl _Taj.|. K«nK.n.o | |

M nli jCaili-.ii» . .• Alvin

l.^ " '‘idu Mli'hiy .Muu** i^ ,n ..dn ______ [M i,h,r_M uu..

t.tr IlaiUr '''" i" .! ''! Ilrauy !l!.“ (us*!!" ^! . r t i .d d , l .> , | | .n l l M ::„yln„, ■

.Ul llu>. Ilunuy Hky Kins A.... )>..». lik, Hh,g ^Ull Allakai.u. N.w. ^m;_______ All.k.i.m IN«.-«

ri* nirka n.i.liall ^i>i Kllrk. |l...'UI|> M

IlKul.llM.I IU..UII f l;-------------U liiidriud_____ I'........ . ■

__ i i _ _ *

Wuild l,( ilplllll mII!|H------------ >V"iMutni-iit.lMu.i._________

IViirlil nl nlmrd Muvl.‘ chrvriini- -MxtI*

------------ ll'..d||||M-ti.rp---- ('hry.nn*------- t'in nmont • '

imiii' i ih iiiilM i'l!— k t <i!!t ! i" !“

-------.IL-JiL'i-'iif___ 1,'u.r »uli I»!J

{.— l.li” Wllk llllrr Uiul !)»! ^, .a-Mhr, W.lt, II.,* ||„„

--------------w«ll-. iH .'t . Om.

------------ iM l-'fllll 'lu '

Ml.« Alil.iJiaMl.. A n..,lr. ^

----------- J jl iilL y -----------iHl-i Aui.i).^ p

■ fsii s;;s=

iiriiS:;: I s. " " 't ----------- --------------- ------------------

= T E L E V IS S G H E D U l

F R ID A T . SEPT. «

n - I n U m a l lo n a l BhowUme,” (Repeot, 6:30 ; P - [>on Ameohe Is .h c ia t fo r J ’Clrcus from Co

perform ers from th e C ircus Schum ann.

“ “Raw hide," (R epeat, 6:30 p jn . C B S )-P n are w arned th a t th e y are in danger from hrv "D eserter’s Pa tro l."

cy "t}lnx A long w ith M lleh ." (Repeat. 7:30 p.m Ists include Louise O ’B rien, Leslie Uggoms, K endrle, Bob M cG ra th , S ta n C arlson a n d J

n a "B out* 68," (R epeat. 8 p jn . C B 8)-i-Janlce I *'■ ner a re guest a ta rs in "B u t W h at do you do

of two women Involved in a hydroplane due: “77 Siinaet S trip ." (R epeft, 8:30 p jn . ABC)

nd S 'u Ls lecturing , tw o m urders take place In ”T I 'l e b .H iian t rrlralnology s tu d e n t Is chief «iii

B E ST FR ID A Y N IG H T MOnd>ry "T he Iron MUUesa,” (1653) Alan Ladd, Vin

Ils K irk (Color, 7:30 p-m. C hannel 8)—Jin G0ui51&ns*s hHckwotJdsT 'r r lT W lir N ew 'O rli

ise a beau tifu l girl a n d se ts ou t to w in h e r h a i

'‘B andldo," (1850) R obert M ltchum , 'Ursulc . S co tt (10:30 p jn . C h an n el ID —A m erican i

__ border in to M exico du ring th e revoU of 1816h ighest b idden

* T h n n d erin r Je ts ,” (1653) Rex Reason, Aud ,na Coe (11 pm , C hannel 3 -B )—A form er W orl

happy wlUi h is asslgnm co t as f ligh t Instruc _ to p ilo t te st p lanes.

F R I D A Y , S E P T E M B E lS In fo rm ation below l i given th e Tlmea-P 3 qnesUons auao ld be d irec ted to th e s ta tlo o <

EAIVT KDOI K l*“ T w in F alU Boise Bi

C hannel 11 C hannel 2 C ha tCable 6 Cable S Cai


^ ll< ( Dan Smoot Cartooal Mickw'* s ll Dan Smoot Cartooaa Mick.y— l i t ' ^w bld« M«wt Hlirhwi

»«~~tT5whlda~ IWtwa ' - • lltlgbwi’ JUwlilda U»n Hl»s(n» U e tl i

I t i Ra«h!da Man IIIh Iu K .w ..,— H» N«wa, W .ath.r Uawhld. Cheyem

t » _ J N.W.. W«ath.r lUwhId*_______ [Chjy.ni,T i t l DakoUa Rawbld* Ch.ytn

t i t DaktTtai Rawhld. Ch«yenSJ( Dakotaa PUoUloUi Sitis AI t i Dakota. Fllnmonn lsin» A

si<i Dobi* am is Rouu ei sins a

_ 11! » ; : £ “■ W : ‘.! f f c *U l |D*f«nd«r» I Root. 68 I Funny

tiOt D*f*nd«n I’m Dlekm J*ck rl i t Dcfendtri I’m Dlckma Jack P

^ t i t Outdoor IdalM Tviilifht Zuo* Jack 1’U i Outdoor Idaho Twill.ht Znn. Jack I‘

ISlOl Ona Stp tle^ond Twillgbt Zoot* FrMdoi' s it Oni SlD SayoBd T«lll(bt 2 e u Fre«doi

— tie Naws Mews---------------Ntwa _«■<»— Mo»I«__________W talh.r-------- --N.wa

lliM MoTl. Uorl* Tonlih___ l i t Mo»l* Movl. Tonlgb

l i t ~~ _i-Movl« ■■ i T ^ l i

ISA RXF? K CPX KlISA Id ah o Falls SaU Lake Sail

C han nel S C hannel 4 Chi NBC Cable 4 Ca

' I - ^ ^ A B Q — - N

jiJii ----JjS# •“ C»rtoon»--------- -Lo»»-B»o«»r— Uarl»-, * l i t Cartocni L«d« IUB«r~ UovI*

l » ‘fhrM Sb>oc« Ntwa . Morla12- . « l f _ Thr*. S to o ,.a_ N .w i----------------Movl£.•! Ne»a INawi tx>e.lL . <1* Ntwi Naws Nawa

t Z 111 Int’l Sbowdm* SUg* West nt’l 2^ • H « _ In fl Sh,.wllmijBta,a_W« t____L s l l J

f i f f la t’l Sboirt)m» Btac* Watt Int'l 1 ;*,L l i t Int’l BhowUma Susa Waat Int'l i ^ III Sint A ons FlIntalDBa. Bins A

* l l t l ISIni Aloni I'm Olck«ni I.SIni f* t i l fling Alan« _ fm Dlckcni Slni A* It* Pric* la U is h r 7T“ 8uh i.n iH |S Prici" i — . t o I Prlc. t l llUht_.77-Buniat Strip j l ’flcf,.* t l l» Jack Paar 77 Sontx Btrip Jmek I ^ 111 Jack I'aar 77 Siin.al Strip Jack 1

ll* Jack Paar. i|lonnr •. Jack 1

l ll i* Oiil. a llarrlft H tni *hT*«aIII O ul. 4 llarr|«l W.alb.r Wrathll* Dan Snioot Movl* Tnnl|t

----- ■ l4l_ll>anHm,HU I Moyl. _ Tnnlit'J f Illff* T.mfhC Itorl* TaolrJ

u (II Tun Kit Uu>i. Tuiili^' t .>•- T .,.i ,,l Mo.la Tonlsl

__ l«l T nnsht _______ Mo.i. Tonlst

ke I


i f v J5CHTO^ Are Starting

“ Get On '

CABIF or O n ly

; i 9 . jT l io n P o y O n ly 1 6 c A

I 'd r 5 C h a n n o l E n lo r la l i



^ PHONE ^733-2233 u l


(Repeot, 6:30 p.m ., n d c - fonU , 31rcus from CopenhaB«f f-M,iri„ ohum ann.

p jn . C B S )-P n v n r tinrt danger from hoatil" Crrw lii.||,„

le p ea t. 7:30 p.m . CBfl) M U n,, Leslie Uggoms. Bill Ventura,I C arlson a n d K e ith nooth. C B S)-i-Janlce R ule and S rin n Ko .

Vhnt do you do in MAtn,. . hydroplane duel,8:30 p jn . A B O —A t n -ol'«v , 1, ^

take place In "T he H ' - ' " ' -p.,. snt Is chief suspect.


Alan Ladd, V irginia Mnyn b,,^ Channel 8)—J lm Bowie, (n>sli it^J ey- li r N ew -'O rlean*: ts titn iir rf j -jj to w in h e r han d .

I^ltchum, 'U rsula T h iess and Zachi.-j ID —A m erican adventurers > crosi th. e revoU of 1816 to sell wenpf.iu tott,

\e x Reason, A udrey Dnlton and Bun -A form er W orld w ar II pUoi ii ur,. IS f ligh t In structo r, Instead he

P T E M B E R 6 , J 9 6 3en th e Tim es-N ew s bv sl«iionj , .j to th e s ta tio n eonccm ed.

RDOI K TVB RtDSolse Boise Idahe Fil^u in e l 2 C hannel I Chaoael ]ible S Cable 3 ASC-CBS3BS ABC-NBO

ool Uickn Moai. Poo Sbo*ona Mlck.y U o um Fun.ShT.

IliBhway Palrol Rawhld.- • I ItlgbwaT Parrot Ra«MJ.------

lllfgltu Local c .wa lUwhldiItlgglna K .w , R.whld.Id. Cheycnaa Nrw.1.1* |Ch,y,nna M.w.

Id* Cb*y*nna DakoUiId. Cb*yenn. Uakuin'ilooa SiiiK Alun* Uikotii Witontt I Sing Along I n.kpn.

M Sing Aloni Dot.|. GllUi•15 Blng ^Along Doble GlUli■ 65 Fxnny K rna Uctcnd.n

6S Funny Filma D»f»nil.r.Mekm J»ck Paar Dcfcndtit '3ick«na Jack Paar Dcf«nJ,n ^ght Zuo* Jack I’aar Piter Ggtt '

Peler nmngbt Zone- Freedom Unl». PlirtoM?-----ght 2ea« Freedom Univ. Pliyhouj*b .r-------- --N*wt .

> Tonight ■ 77 Sanm SM;I Slrij! M l i ---------

CCPX KUTV K St It Lake S a it Lake 8aU Lake annel 4 C hannel 2 ChsDOtl 5 able 4 Cable 2 C»ble i ABG--------------- NBO— -T :— CDS------

-fUogtr— Marl*------------ -UUk»7-it«ia.-lUBgtr- UoYls----------- Mitkrr H«p

I . Morla N.'.aI----------------i ia l s __________I Local .Daw* Itovta <1I Nawa Itu ita tl' w**t nt;i {};•'*{* SJ

I Waet Int'l SbowJIma Ibpcord I Waal Int'l Showtime Riecord alsnaa Blng Along ’Tbeattr

Dlck*ni ISIng Along • Theater DIckeni Sing Along Th»ai*r :iini*l-8lH|S] Price JI'JIIIM - TJ'****' -

'unttl fljrip Jack Paar Thealer iin.al Strip Jack I'aar Th.alern r •. Jack Paar R.ndcivou*

I ‘h?**. N.waIb.r Wealh.r W*alh»le Tnnlght Sieve AUta

>« TanlrAt 6(«r« All»1. Tonight Ale.* All.ala Tonlghl Ht.v* Allfii!• Tonight_______ Hl*v. All«o__


H E D U iE Sirting Now!

On The

)r O n ly ■

1 .9 5O nly Ifi'c A DAY .............

nnol E n lo rla ln m o n t '

: v i s i o N

Page 7: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

j l i n i i C a s s i a

S e t s D i n n e r

O n C o n c e r t s

“S S o ““ 'W r n n»l» ft d inne r ftt 7 p jn . you ni

in Lhe N otional h o ld to ( >lsn. 1

; you uw sh ip s in th e fts*oclatlon civrc. (

for n^ult-i a t $750 Seldon•f* %b Only those hav- slve n*'’'**i!imtarshlp cards mfty a t- you ic

S w hich n r . he ld laid s.“t m fsu r lc y h igh school Midi- pcrfcc

^ ,’‘pibU cll% h(.lrm an .

^ ^ l A l phone ocrvlco U, re-^ ^ p in b c r s b lp s from ^ n..mSrp-m - d-vlly du ring th e drlv r. „ “ ’nJ 618-0281 for m em berships ^lDlormnt‘«n on th* enmn ml

A ., (onc«r‘*- yoil n

^ U) tu rn In sold m em ber- ^n^'n as possible. T here

S^^only 789 in lh e high Kbool iua ito rlum .------------------------home,

Pour concerts will be held du r- _ th o i ln» Ui8 season, s ta le d M rs. P rcs- o„t.ud um stocks, p residen t.------------------p a r t '

----------------------------------------- thlnK

-Rites Honor Oakley Man . TmOAKLEV. S e p t .f f -F u n e r n J s r r . ^

fa s for Val Joseph B rnckenbury Ttre h e ld ' W cdnesdny In th e v /o ri, OiUey LDS tabernac le , w ith mjhop D onald J . C lark con- i.jctln(f and L aw rcncc W . E llio tt jjid John R . A dam s asslstltig . ,

Family prayer wos given by a , pnrag Boyd pouiw n. P re lu d e nnd pa< t- „q E werrf Plt^ycd by M rs. Lafc Poulton and M rs. R eed W hltelcy.

— A rthur-Bercener gav o -th o In - V I[ 'Tocallon. O bituary was given by Uwrence W. E lliott.

John F. M artin , L loyd H . M ar- tlh Keith W arr, OeorRc B utler.VXalne M atlhow s. Ja n e W hite-

Jjty. Bonnie H ardy and K lydasanK In o m ixed quarUst. “ ‘‘"j'

«con,panled by M rs. May PouU ton, Mrs. D uane Steel was soloist.• m h u n lo c k s th e Door.-.

Speakers were W {„[„Siiers and Jo h n A. Clark, H enry ,.. q

,-tl.O ltley gave th e benedlcllon.■' psllbearers were WlllLs Mabey.

Lynn Bcrjfcner. R icha rd C lark 221— -'Kmneth C raner. Bill M cBride

m i Paul W oodhoi.se. checlRowers were n rm nged by Oak'- p .

Itj lirst ward R elief society, d l- . tttl*d by Mr.1. Phyllla C lark nnd f ^ u r Mfi. De5nlft Poulton. .

lhe OjUey cemetery. G rave ded l-^ "^ ij^ ■ aitei vai g i v e n by P loyd tu o 1

P to l-_________________ when

—Hagetman-Sets- “5 Church Canvass "u?

- mOEBMAN. Sept, C -A lfrc d Ica.-itBtadx eoaiudcd the M ethodl.st ARdtureJj ol'/Zclal board m eeting coailMWntsday evening n t w hich It twiceTM jnnounccd W orld W ide Com - you Biiinlon Sunday-wlir-be“ O c i r6 ;

Pluis s-ere made to m eet S u n - Yourtfiy a/lemoon, to organize tcam i' ®ofor the canvassing of th e H ngcr- Idena man aren. to de term ine (hethurfh membcr.ihlp In th e com - Onccmunity, Tlic Mclhodl.si, R cor- yowfinnttrd tD Sim crB nptlR t c lu iren 'r nee 1

Bill cimvass th is nrcn Jointly , It. KA potluek dinner with a freew ill CA

offering taken, will be served t»i CfilJ.7 p.m, Sept. 22 a l the c liu reh P*

[loralic luniLs to iw in t' U>o e x . your •terlor of the church and repairlhe roof. Mr. , A lfred Sanfly, can Mm. Ocorgfi U -nker nnd Mr.iMoyri Orlfflth will bo In chnvKO y«"

’ «l tlie (linner. andllie Juiilor cho ir will prnclice a .

■ flu'll WnllKMliiy nfl<‘r RClllM.l. , i ' '. ^iflti« Itir w inter. Mrs. Dob !1‘

■nipprr nn,l Mrn. John Jmie.i. Jr., S' ■•rc lc;i(lrr,t nnd M nrllyn Adam s >111 l)c i.KiiitM,

Il wan nnnniincod thn pnstom l frtlnlimi.i coniiiim ce will m eet n t !, •lie cliiircli iirx l W ednesday.

-Scott-Biiniiing - Honored at Rile.s

n p e i lT . H„p|, ( l - r , u i r r n l nti.m.^rvlfp., tor Hui.ii (Jnrnpton I!m ,. wi.iili

wrrr M<} ■jntumltty til fJip (lofitJn rn (.•liriniiiiii d m in li |» Uii|),.| i Inildi'

l-anl M „„rr. YouOj«n„u,t. wnfi Mrn, K v e l y n lo wi

*»iik" i ""'* Itn i'iln l wny,

Aciivo iM.lll.ciin'rn w rrn lln rrv m L >'<niiiiK, I l i iK n r W fiitrndorf Yii

i ’ll; ',,,,;::...... ■tlniinntTT-pinifj7iiii(rifl'wei(i .JoV-lT "nni

I fll, IXinnId K rn irr . Don n ic n o n no t I11,I t,I , ,m .T lliiK Ncllsoii,H.1II, V rn , f .m il l , K nn- u lhr.

.......i:i""Mimii'f, III dm Mliili-o hliih nml'i

w ^-'l luiilor ,-lnM m in i fo r llm An

fiumM'"'I'."''" Miiim.rlnl piuK, 'IV h i T nyl


j - i s t K i ( x ! H l I e l d s i r

Jill' Mrs. Millei- lilrin , . , r s V..

y<>' iii-id nl 4;:in p.m, w m i-" ''7 ‘u thn I 'l u l iWiDiIni .......

J "' I| " I th llm linv. Hnu. Il„ .i-

"( KiiMrrii Mlur. iilmiHnr . j , m na,|,,||,|| At viiI liih,r« »,id Mrn. n m l l>„. ' ‘

l l , I M i'n. WtUlm' '' iniri wnn llio ph.iilnl, ‘

(, imllhnaini'n worn m .Dtiwi Wnlmlnr. W ill , ,V'tllipn “ '’' '" I " Adllvn l i^ i

iv ‘ ''’''I" LlnVil A lhiinuli,

s ' S n v i i l l i ; ; ; i i r i ' V , ; ; ; : li^ i!

' ' » '" ' i i i " ' ' ; , , : , : “ " " ““

TJII'h " !! ’ ' " " ' ’ ' ' '' ' " I " ' ' " ” , H rpl. fl Ml rni^il

' ’'f'Wriii ,11’! 'ir'"On ,,,, ‘ «'>l-»l>"l>, l«'(l IMll,1)1, , ; , " viMi to th o IJn ltril lioMi


Y O U R B I R T H D A Y ^


FRIDAY. Sepi, 6 - B o r n today , o lr d '' <■ >i you n rr slow er nnd m ore de tlh - b rn r 'I ie ra le llian m any bom u n d e r your joys of Ir mi.sign. Your nppronch to w hateve r S A iit I ' \i you underlake Is In fused w llh 22> f|.icnrc. cnnKlHertitlon n n d th o u g h t, tls 'fln .....Seldom flo you m ake nn tm piil- <>n ' "nslve move; therfl Is no need for CAi 'im .1 you 10 do 60. as your p la n s a rc - rm ■laid so fnr a h m d nnd to -su e h n w h l- 1 ...........p crfce l <ICKrre th a t y o u '’-'know th r I 'h i,. ■ ju s t w here you are going a t n il your v ii'a tim es. ' A Q U / '" '"

Y ou arc generally conscrvatLvc a IttH-' 1 in nltltuclr.s. b u t you can a l>'0 bri p rac ii'' . nmnr.ingly nnd progrc.*islvely con- f r im 'ts > , s tru rtlv e Vou tjnow exncUy whi-n view. ’ 1 • ' ll is lim e tf 'r n change of vlrw . p i? ■! nn Inrrrn-SR nr dri'rea.w In your mpO- pacr. W hen Ih a l Ume n rriv rs . you nre r-a d y . You have, ns nil deHberntr b>uI ripterm lncd peo ­ple hnvr, n y rn for pow rr: I'u t yoil a b o linve a h igh scn.se of oihlo* t^ B t-k so p s y o u -m o v ln i: ^ J,.,. ...down nn honorab le p a th . ........ .

N ot given lo open d isp lay of 11 .• 1 !•em otions excep t w ith in your ownhome, you m ay .}« ih o u g h t co ld ,.—though never unkind ly — by . n-,., outsiders. As th is is a d e fin ite p a r t of your n a tu re , a n d som e- c,n»r»i • ..,,1th ing you n e ith e r c an n o r w an t ..........lo change, people will h av e to c e l 1'." 'iise<i to ll o r leave you a lone . Tn .j.,,!,!.,,, nny citsc. th e y will n o t fall to Mi-f ii"’,.--, ndm lre you fo r o the r a .w ts .

A m ong thfwn bo rn on th is d a le ii„„,t . .. n re; Jm ep h P. K ennedy , fo rm er ' ‘'' 'o - • ' U S Anibft.'ssndor fo O rcnt nii'',',,-,- 1.',!! B r ita in : C laire Lee C h e n n a u lt. t„ , . i W orld W ar I I U. S. g e n e ra l; n..n,i i- . '.- i- M arquis de L aP nyelte. so ld ier. h,.’!

T o find w h a l Ls in s to re for you t,-.!.! tomorrow, seleo l y o u r b ir th d a y Srh.H,i n . o s ta r and rea d th e corre.sponding ii.i'i";!-,, pa rag raph . L et your b irtliday s ta r T.-t.i 1)0 you r da lly guide. ^ ''F^^InrV '',''

S a tu rday , Sep t. 7 '‘T -t.i....V m G O _ (Aug. 24-Sept. 23 i— Rpfci*!

T m vel. rom ance. businc-« — all good for todny. T ry to solve ro - yC'j,...! 1;;'.' la ted difficulties on j-our ow n. 1-

LIBRA (S ep t. 24-O ct. 23)—B est to ta lk th ings over w ilh rsomeone acqua in ted w llh y o u r ' '■a ffa irs from the Inside, A n o th e r ,m igh t .overlook e x ten u a tin g c lr- A<iniini>’'>ti cum stances. , i->.ir-..'nm,.i

SC O RPIO fOct. 24-Nov. 22)— -rrl."hriV Personal as well a s busines.-) a f - - fairs should progre.ss sn lls fa c to ri- ■■ly. O ptim ism Is hn lf of g e ttin g AuoIi.iVA w hat you w nnti

SA G ITTA R IU S (Nov. 23-D ec. (i.h ,| Am 22)—A dny_w hen e m ^ o n s m ay often rffic to Ihe su rface . D o ub le - cn.imi check the logic of o il decisions. iiuiidin». .>

• CAPRICORN (Dcc. 2 3 -Jan , 20)• —A good day for seeing in to th e c,..,,.,;.! k„,• fu ture. Coasider you r life In nil iiunn Kmii.iii

its n.ipccls. ■ ■ '2“'"11 AtjUARTU a tJ ltn . 2r-T U ir191- ' Tills day improves, as your In ltla - I. tive Increoses. Consider th e prize

when the gonl Is w on a n d forge ahead. ' r.n.i

PISCES (Feb. 20-M ar. 20) — J'''".!;-Keep nb reast-o f th e -m a in s tre a m - - ilii, of com m unity e n terp rise . O ffe r Ccwr«i Km

- your services w here needed — n l1 least yo iIr ndvice, • ------------t A BIES (M nr. 21-Apr. 20) — U I,,,«ii.i i'u ; coasidcring a purchase , th in k T.,i»i L twice. W h n t you sp e n d to d ay , .‘.I’h',!"'. you will n o t have to m o n o w l “,’',’m' in.'<i «n; —T A U R U S '(A pr. 21-M ny 21) “ = iwn><'iior,-is . Y our m ind Is on a c ren tlve trn ck , ‘i*'|'''5 so take ndvnnlngc of ll. T o d ay ’s H ^nrrh* “. ideas should be w orth ndvancing . ck'kkta . G E M IN I (Mny 22-Ju iie 211 — • ‘^l''''*. Oncc you've won Uint, fe a th e r fo r . your cnp. takd cnrc no t to d a in -r nge it by leAnlng too hcfivlly u p o n — ■

it. Keep iip -lo -d n tc ! . ,•i CANCER (June 22-Ju ly 23) - a . * ll. I'l.nL Cfill y o w sc iw e a l pracllcaU iy In - AHyn «»<( itn , lo piny. Y ou cnn 111 a ffo n l to le t “"Ii. your em otions take over now, . Aoicrlmn A«r

LEO (Ju ly 24-AllK. 23 t—Y ou Ainerlmr. Au cnn deal your«elf nn I'xcrlliinl. f' 'ihnnd In (he gaiiir of buslnc.'i.s If Ainnirnti Cm

j you s ta r t early enough . An "u p Airirii.«ii i'«iand a t 'em " dny! A m 'lk l" I'l!

8 ATUUDAY, Hepl, 7 — IJorn 'iv,' lodny, you' hnve. a rn ro Inli-nl. .. ............ . i.ui’ luilerd. fur inoKliig you r Ining- ■ Innlivo- pliui.% niul Ideiin iiin tc- An'.in' rliill/o w llh g ren t foiTc n i i i l , r f - j. T. An.in.n

ffc t. ICmliiciilly prnntliinl, yminro d irlciiuitu 'd (0 get wlml xoii AM! ii','-Vi*M.i’i"

'■ wnnl out o f life and , tlil('s.si-(l Aihi.n .Miuiw llh iw rsevernncc, con.MiiuiIivo Aiii.iir 'ivj.ir nblllly. nn ry r for dirtnil nnd n 1;.‘i,h"

. m ind lui- lliu.-ovur-itll, you will ii,,,.. j . ' iixii m oat likely mccccid In wlinlovn- .'‘'.I ''

I goal you s r l vournelf.' ‘ iir','ki,.ri'.i,i','I Y rl, lur nil .(If your d c ln iiilu - ................... 11I ntlou lo nurrrcil, you n rv c r H'"''**''. would iiKijnipt III nculn H"' 'nl!*"'*,;,i' 't 1.'> tinli;ll(n lt}< nfeiilillK iiniiftiiT'n i i ,„ i . . r iiini,ii Inddrr •• o r m uilhnr's lliu n d ri . li»ii'-"> I.......

You 111.1 iiulln wlllliui itllil nb ir 1,.* jI to work tliliigs nut in your own di, l ii| | , v, aI wny, lo go 1.1. you r own p u rr, ii„r. I im> »h

llllll lo iirrlvn u t yuu r ditallnikllDn H'" 11' ii,',w1..VI iiiutnr yiiiir mvii pow er |i,ikh- a lUr. You m e, lio w rv n , npl lo h r I..... ilM.;i-(l.n. ovcidniiiiiiiiiliiK of titlnirti. Ilnvlnn I'l",” !1 l>l> inuilll miOI'lty, Vl.llOll IUkI Uumilr’ IIi.,'||'

, no t bo ,Im llt of thn nninn Muff, m'mom <>f r’.i, U ia in li> liKik n t tiiid (<* muirpl 1......... . t'-. u ih rin on tlioir w nrth . noi on 'y'.’".”"*,,!;'I yiiurn, mill you will ho fitr Im p- cHimV '. ti-m.

I'lnr. pnrttcu lnrly lu ymii sorlnl . .......... i’l-nI oiiiKnoln, '.'‘ " " I 'l 'n 'il AiiioiiK Ihonn lion i on llilr> d n lr ,H''i!,„ I'lici,

nro: 1- o l r r l.aw lo iil. - r l ........ ........... . '- I -I llin n d iiin Mimm, nolnd iiiiln li 'ii '•■""“i '" I’l'1 Tnylor Unldwell. A iiiorlrnn nov- .

nllnt. I. n . I i<ii.i.T o rimt Wlllil In In »to>r foi H '- 'i ', , '; , '"

you (oiiiiinow, onleia your lil ilh - j 1 i»'>«n'idny ntiir nnil jr i.d Itm ro iii 'n - 1 i ..,.v i..., r,I'ondlim piiriiKinpli. I,rl voui ....lilrihdny llllll' 1,1, your (H‘lly niilH" r.:iii,,"M«„»r(

1 Hiiniliiy, Hriit H i,"H»V iK u u lAiiH. - ijopi, u j i - i,‘'i;,"ir,i ;';|||i,

. (Intillon |« nilvlM-il If .•o iiv rux - l",',’,!,,;;,', ll"ii >vllh n n iiiuw ri liiiii'> »n 1.. i \ . .........

|MilMj|uilllli;„, V iii/in iiy ho hrlilniiniiiiiiMblr lolnjff l , , ’,i i'"“I'.'’ i

I 4 IIKA lllr|)t^ 'J4 - Dill. 'J;ii 1...... . K. I'lAdviiiioo x«(ip kniiwlodKi' nt ........ i;***--",

'■ Ih ln ip niiliTliiiO nnd vini will m l- i'm,' vnnoti yiiiii' jioworn o t lnHl)ihl ii...Kk . iiuim

llO O Ill'K ) iDiii. ai-Ni>v, yyi ii..i,o-'ii'i'jM . Tho w nniilh of your own fniullv am,„i'i" | '' I '" ' |

; Enrollinent'at,: li'airCield Down

i'’A iiii ''j|i;i,i). nop i, II — E nroll-I m nnt In jrn'i thin ynnr' llinn Innl I";,,, ...........

yrnr III (niiiiiin ouiillly niiliooln, |.;,|h,.iI"|.-| ► nciHii-.llnn n» Uui.t, i ln i 'ry D iim ll, \

ffo rojiorfn flini'fl nn t o n l / i'i„ni„i nifiiriiw ilird in thn lil||h (\olio(.l, W ll- i :mIi> '"J '"" ','

r lUihi Hwrnt, Hrnilo'floliool in lin^l' I'l’inn I iMii, ntiiicn Im him inu m voiii'd .1 Moth flcliiMiln iiliirliKl t h r i r Jnll ................ 1

tnriu eliinsBn Tiirfuliiy. ........ ‘

V ' '

* A Y ,

'E W

.e n r 'l i '.i„‘ '' 'oys of I,. ,,,.. ■

S A lit I ' MMI f, ,*T„V - I I. ,

■n ................. . I I ........ .,CAI 'IM .IM' ■;

- n u . .,,,1,. ■ .................Vhi'-'l r......... , I,,h r h n l , ................. ... p l

A Q U /'" '" '- . i .f v h I", ) ',V ,..\ I ttll- I .< ll- : V (, ,.|„ i;>racii.' .......... . ................ . | .■ , ,frlrn '* ' ,. .. ■ ,,i „ ,,,L'lew. I • ' ti. ,1 n

■ -I, --O M,,, !! 'II, ........

I F G A l A D V P R ? IS 'M F M »

- I ,f,.r I j" ” ' ’ ' •" I" ' r , I-.-- I 'l I ■ I

'.Sfh.... I > , T » . . . ■ "-I

Oiii-’i ’

ll.>n,l l-i'.-i.-i .,.1 ............... . I .,.,.1

b^.lMir.. ln.’,’,'’l .J " v .- . .

^‘'sch.'K.i n'i'-Vr.rTjr..'. «nal.nr.. f„„„ I.,,., v.-,.r

T,.t.it'Klrrtl h"",i y„„.l

T,,ii.lBprclal I-'iiimU i.Srh,.,l I.... rh, W lrinl A>->>i*'<ri'"l-.ral' ...... ........................... • I

K.-l.-r.l ll-.„ ,c. ln,-l„.l. 1 .1 . . .I11..,ri,,!. V. * ((., lui^tir,- i.u-t v.Ki

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(;,..i-i;ii r'liihi i),r.i"f„V ivi.uci (iiitiBv .. III,mil Kiiil,llllll |--Vin,l lUril (-‘i l iipiixl lliitliiy ...

ii'«|,| ..1, It..... .

.sj,tfi.i'V iin,i. . r - - “ I . - 1- -

Ccwr»1 Kiiml-1n<-lM.lin» .Sch.,,.1 l.\j.ich .............I<i,n.l lluil.Hi,K Kun.l - -------

—ScU,Mil.-ltl»nt' Pnrintlrs-i'uinl-r-r:— __L -----_______II..ml Iiilrrr«l iinil llrilcm|itim> Kiiml - .. -----

Wp. Vh*'tiri<l-n.lttri«it, Ch»lrrtii.ii

liwrtilloV’ lSo Wllhlri flltiim »rc cmUrt aiiil n'plnrWr • u» »«iil ili»lrl,l. Thin itlnJtl ll iubmlllcJ in fimiiill«


— I ' “ Vfrr-riei-it-ffcar Kmllnir Jime .10,In I'.vor I).’-,nli>llnn

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Aiuoili-mi l'lii>'iii.„i,ui l»,-vlii- i ................. I KiiulimipAi..... I’lil.hnlirin l'm|>.. l.H>ii>i> II.'.>k>

AmI.'ip.l!.' IjMilllri'V'.,!!'!!-!,?.'Il!'i'»h- a I'ui.llllll.<\ K. ................ |li,,„ii. ■

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n'l'i’i.'ir.'''rll’,!,i.I'IunM.77nm^ ------- —r.iii'..iv tiiiiii... .

iIriI,'t",!HiJ'*''Ml:,i';'i",Vi?,,'L7iV'Mil".JiUmH||lHniMi«M,. JL H., I'liullM H ill- ........ . .

]nifitiT"*rVii7-ii\r“ ^\^\HlM'fTnrr~ — ------------------r , K. Ili.i lnr. III.. Al......^(ti-l.li.. ^

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1 ri.-.k »t Ihl. ni.«r.I ot Ti.i.Iih',•K urirv . Il,ul^«c^h-^>r

m '.ililV .InrW , wUU Ihr I.ffkiul Iilllca In fomulUii.c .Mill the 1..

J. T. A.-^nKII.SON .\lir,"I'.,m."ll"I) K.XI'KSSK K1>H ' Wm.'Ml,,"!,'.!'II-r NU.MMKIl 411 I-, V. ......... ■• ll*. Iili)<" M„i.„ M,-i,-i.iKnillnir June .10, l ‘J"1 ........... . Sh,.,iloii„ii

v” 'ri.iiiliiK Miiiniin,'Vly ll»il<i> I

ll-* & V'liilillilir I ' " ............. M„,

II.|,I. i:.,.i....'.

, 'i i ln l____________ . I'll. 11. Ill,111 I,'..iy lliiiik. . . . — ' ’ ""IA. I ....... . I

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I ............ .......... 1,1 'r,ii.'ii<i-. ii.„.v<............... ........ A-v,. , 11,H,U

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.............................. -____ w.a.1 <;.'m Stujtf l’»i>r

■ "J. SK.'s: llumlll*i. Il«‘<-h.l:ii..n IlMlvi. Il.«iW Co. til.iiii n.riiiT ft lli.w,

__ _____ ________________ H).nil II.-llnK« Hiill.p._ ' T ' n i'r.ii Hiilt 'llln"hirt *<

___1 __ n.rni* riunniine.,1 _ _____ I.K.K.C.O., Kiicl.i l l i s

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- . - . - r — t - V T i S :ll..... . :,l>;lii.7il M«Bk C1>M AS........ . .\1r(ii»w ItiU II.H

m.lfi .MiinlKiiii-Mprilll............. Si).»il A. J. Ny.li..m A

IK N.iitliriu Sri...... , l l l . n Dfflcr I'o.h. Krr

iMl" I'^Mjllrr 'lu!l',''j'i

l|„„l,., 'liu'ii, u"I-"mhl‘ ••im-l'li

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iiil.!;l ,iM*,’r.''A ’ 'v,'uii'.'.

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ei 111)01. Dl.sTlUCT miMlu-H III T--I,1 K.U.. l-'.ho

»•„. I-Ur.1 V ..r jMiillr* J.m . jn, UO

l„ Wh„.r ^ ^Dr.rrl|.llon

aL m'I”"'! rl'l irr * Sill,lily* Ch.. Kiirnll.ir. ------------Aiiiriir.ii T.rli..ir»l S.irlrly. CI«..r.Kim Jiiull'm rnt____Armr,. J'),.,liirl» Uivi.li.n, t'i).« for Groim.U-------II, W. Arnrtl, Alhlrlie h:quliimrnl ---------Amliii-VI.iml Crnlpr. Inc.. Au.llu.Viiiti»l F>iutpmml-------lUhl’. t'lililiirl .■itn.j.. lU b in r l^ ’iitk - ------- 1______

>iiti»l Sri.'iitlfir <••!.’. -Stiriic. FiirtiiiuT* . .. ... ..

.^A'."’n«».',',il r'l'm l'niMii.n C-i.. «»ti»r»l INinlr.ctor tinS

Krntiypi. Il.i.Tirrt C.»... biKik" . •• - --------------------l)i,hrmi.n II.nrl Siuuiily Ciimp«ny. KHchtit Equlpm»ni _DiiM.r i'liMlr.llllll*, Inr,. U.xiUi - ....................... ...............l>„l|1,|r,l>.r ft fn.. Ili->1.» - -------------------------lliiUim 4 Ol.. IliKikn...............—........... ............................Klrrlilr I'linm t KQiiipmrnt Co.. Tum p--------------------Kmri.i.n Iliink». Inc.. llo-ik..................................................Ktirvcliil'i.MIS“ TIrn£niiIr», KncycloplKJIu

VfHirK iuI’Ip r i .J r i’l.l.ycM WorTd’D i i k r ^ ! !ll.U.lj In.llliilc of Mmhcmilicii. Hook-------------------------llnyl.inl lln.i... t.ibr»ry Kiluirment — „(ii'm Stull! I'mipr Co.. D ltp tn ie r----^ —.O nrral Il«rilwiK>il Cl,.. Wixi.lwntkln* Equip. ;------------lUtTili' K'!'~i;i!Hi^r. 'A[ci.iUct''” ''K ^ -------- ^llti, l«ll r..nMrqc»i..n Co., "E '’ Wliif Contr.cl Hl(b 8«b<llumllMi. Ilr.rh. Ilom. Kconimilc. Egulpmenl-----------H«,l..ii II...W Co,._lli.'k» -------- ----- —Il'^lln'i,* 'l” ^ k .“ -!-----------------------------n, n. nine. u«-rn I’lunlini E x p .---------------------------n!mi»*I'"ui?ni^e*i'n«tin«''Cu!jIc« Contr»rt, O’J ^ iI.K.K.C.O., Kllchtii Fnuli-mtnl--------------------------------

' ' ' ' ‘ tl!! Sm"'u' ?p A th lrlir’c iothlng~n.,,. —H.i.li,~’!ti; i<. }fiirplii7TTTipfHrrt7»^ rurT>mir«- , ,

ll.. Tn-rwrllpr F..fh»iis». F.irnilurf—ofM e*_______''"hi-lil»l t'hrml<-»i tjibiirmUirlp*. J»nllor’t Supplle* —liitrrmiiunuln (7»i Co„ Cm h»it ------ --------------------I'lirl* k KuBPnf J»r»rn. R«miKW—Llntoln —

CrriTEl *iii«.' A™e'hilecu'ArehllMft*rw# ----------------<»r|.W!llil«on-Strunk t.umlxT Co„ Furnllor* ft Equip.Slh KlrffnfT AlhlMle BiiiipllM. Athietle f^julpmtnt ----Krrfl J«nUnr Siii.piir., J.n ltor F oulpm .n t---------------KrcMBcl'-. Inf.. I t.n iw .,, A Equlpmtnl-Shot) -----------KrfiiKfl Muciiln* Ciimtmny. Exiuipment ----------------------

J. »''^1,l|i|i«” rotl ci:.. II.H1W " I . - Z I -------------------------U r I-iit.n. Simi. ................................... ......................Dr, b . T.' UV-. Hlrli.*'ftMr.!.;'-..-....:----i----- -------- -----M.Bic <il>M A r .In l Co., F ..rn llu r» ---------------------.MrKliirh^i MrKiiiVhi I'lihlirnlii.ni Co,. Itooki -----------nio MkU«?rA.'i‘'n /rm it‘ r.i-. Ilriiiiie Work ^_______ _.\1i'rii.,n.Mrr,lll t Cn,. T .hir. Hl.i.rl Jr. Ill.h----------A. J. Ny.liom A C.u .Mui.s * (iln '« - '--------------------N.iilliriu Sri..... Sni.rly. F u i.iU i.i.---------------------------Dffirr I'o.h. KrrlMlil — ---------------------------------Kcivkp »nirn«, SnivrylnK --------------- -------------I’.'A'K.'l'inirlllr'cnm"*^^ ' ' ‘P* * lli l« „ „

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S H v ; S ' S ' H l ....... 1 . ” ^A .......... Inr., Iloik. , ...........

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......................... .. -•\\'t“ 'i'i^rlkim‘i7T n :rrfiln ,n«^I .iiHiii WkH". Inr. iii,iiii«v i:,iiii|,»i'iii ..................» , .1,111 l'rll.llll<< lllll<|llv, A.I l':i|llll>l.lrlll .

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Page 8: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

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i ; J r I d a y , S e p t. 6 , 196 3 8 T w in F a lls T im e ^ N c w s

Figure in Scandal to

I Face CJiargeI LONDON, 0 ..^► -ciuU.k fliip 'K noler. Rf-x K>nilKn V ^U l’IF [ a ln 's Kciuiam t>f t l i p ccnlury, I K[n'i)t Chf tti y«» ntiflI iimilc bond trxiny on r>'nru<'* tlm t

l-hr. Ilrd 111 Ihc tritxl of i. cIIn- ciircltHl Nfiiic. Ir.vrr,

l l i p 2l-ycftr-ol(l plnyulr! looked piil<" Ijiit n» nhf "'ocxlIn cniiri wiHi (hrcT o iii rr clr- tpililin'l.s two wonipii frlt'Mtl* n 'lil >i Wr.st in iilm i imin I > iw - Ihp., ,irr,-/iir,I l,- 'l ,,'nhl.

\I(.-,S K i'P lrr 'frn -.l >hc ro u rt spl h r r blind nl ii i"hiHvply whinipiiia n.ooo piimnK 'iii,4nn>. Khp {nr--fl fniir nf pprjiirvn i-1 co't«plr"(-v i<, o b s lrx 't In Ihp rat-p r.f Alov«‘>.-> n. i-n <ttircion, h<T px-I»v<t

( Jiainhcr at Rujjcrt Hears Safety Need

nU PK RT. S pjjI. fl - - Thfl iiCPd for scnic- lypo o l KlKimllluK tli-vlcc n l till* riillrimd cros«in« iio rlli o( Mlnlpii hlKh Ri:liiKil mul Imprtiv- InR liiifpi.y mPK.HUn'K u l the rcIuhiI cinlini'il llin alletU lnn of nifiiiljerh of ili« Cliiiiiibpr o f CointncriT wlieii llipy iiiia T hurndiiy noon u l lIlllliiKB oati;.

Wiiviio A nderson, c l i f t m b e r priiKldcni, ri'nd u le tte r In w lilch Itoii A iidcrain, i.tnilor class pro.il- tlcu l Ht Miiilco, n.Hkod th e su p . po rt o t the chiuiibiT la Kctllnn fiorno type of ali;iinJHtiR tiovlcc nt

' tho nillrond crosslnn ja s l n o rtli o l thu hlEli scliool. wlicrc nn nc-

t cldciil I n m M nndny ovpiIHir c lttliiird ' the life of ^ o U Unij- nlnt;. Mlnlco Biuilcnl.

Som e membnro f d t llie chnm - ber hluiuld n o l tnkc nny nctlon

u n til nn lii(|iic.st In to th e dciilh , • sclierfiiti'd fo r 7 p, tn, fYWny. Is

( complcled untl n il fncis hnd bepn lilVestlRntcd. «.

It T he po.s.sllillity of nippoIntlnR n commlUco to look In to ih e p ro ­posal waa brouKlit ou i. "'

John DroR atrcssed th a t nctlon ■ of ft positive nn lu re to bring ^ . nbout mnxim iim safe ty wns necri-

CH. ife nddcd th n t etiforcetiietit

!•■ -o f-tr tiff lc - !aw8-iil-6ohools needed Im incdlnte a tten tion .,

O the r m em bers . foil If llghta should be Insta lled tho problem of drriff-raclng wns s till prevnlenl

I and som ething de fin ite needs toI ------ hn rinnt" nliniil. th n trn ffln nroli-I ]em n l Che high schctol.

I ln rd ld Cnrrow ay repo rted a BtOR sign could be p u t up lmine> dlntcly w hen presen ted th rough proper channels, nnd a -decis ion

.on w hnt J3 needed wheUier I t be ga tes,.s top signs, o r s lg n n rirR h tj fihould bo determ ined .

------r^H opo ln tod-otil-that-thcn iH roadCTosalng bclweeh Biirley a h flH u - p e rt which Is enulpped w ith s H ashing slgnnl hns hnd m ore ac-

- cUlcnts Uinn nny o th e r cros-slng In th e eoimty.

i Ocorri.’ MncDonnJd moved tJu problem bo referred to tho civic reln tlons com m ittee for study nnd mombera approved th e BUggcs-


President A nderson rem inded • m em bers Of lho fill slock snle

___ .v lilch will bo he ld M onday a tth e Vnllby Livestock Cominliislon compnJiy.

R o bert Jones, program c h a ir ­m an . Inlkcd briefly on vurloiin

. occupntloiml tlllc-i w hich nro used n l t h e em ploym ent sc cin lty nRency. Ho jm lntcd m il w hen « person niiikc.i ii|ipllcntloii f o r work a t tho nttency nn nppllca- tlon cnrd Is prepared ijlvlng pur- aonnl <J/Ua nnd worJj t'Xjjprlt'Dco.

Tlio cnril Is th e n Klvnn a cotle nhd n |i tKieupiilUin lliln, W hen nn em ployer plncen ii w ork ttr- diT, (hlx o n lr r In iilno Klven un

.oecupnM ounl tit le nnrt riiiToTThlB helps Almphfy Job pliicemnnl. ho

> lIo nulud lliere nro innny Jiih in im III Ihu :J3.D01;

lobs Ilnlrd In tin ' iM-ciipittInnnl tllliiH dlotUmnry, w h lth U.ri>(vr-

rwl Io n« Ihu uHi>iuiy'ii •’blblo."

Solon'raUislf , Troop Use in

11- Alabama CaseH I \VAHIlINO‘IT>N. Heiil. (1 M'­l l Ren. .Ini'ub K, JuvMa. U., N. Y„ M toI<) llm nriiiite «Kiity th a l Trenl- I I 'I tnnt K n u jfily "miiy well Imve to H nonil U. li. inni'nhnln or li» o i» " to I I ' Alnliiilnn In rropeii M:hiNiln where ■ I Inti'iinillDii In ^rheilulrd In lnkeI C ----- p lu r r .-------- ---------------------—| i | .lavlln Mild Ihin wuiihl he "nH h'vlnir iln-lnlun" fnr Ihe I’J-r il-I I cli'iil. Iml K cnncily "should ^invrU (Iin ^Iifitioll ,t{ IIki |inr|it»I I ro u n d y nnd of Hut n in iirc 'fi inn llm Plrpi Iin Mniln 11 nei'i'roiiiiyI I li iM K r"

’ P lane MissinK In South Laos

\ VIl''N’l'IANI';, I.IHW, (1 (.I-'A (MU All' Anirilt'ii IliUlMpi’ll h

, i . (iilrMiii; on ii ic l ld niipplv niin- , fliiin In M 'lilhein I.iioh. n niiokrn-

| m«»l I<'I (JiH IMI, vU'llinit iiliUiwMihf tnitay. •

T ln re Anieili’iitm iinil (h rre l.tiolliini w n r oliiiniil wimn Ihn lHitn.1 dli'n|)|-eim 'i| ■riiur^anv rve- nlnii. A i<|>i.kt'r.ini>n mOiI n M'liiehImn ..................... T h rIhwnrn of Ihnnn iilxmnl wm> w llliln'ia.

A M N O U N C IN O O l


w ltli o lf l to !

| | ^ M A O IC VALLEY J6 /6 r .IfO U l’ /

• f - • r i io n n /j




trlfM di iiiBmlM

iSIii'lv rlv l ............Iii,4nn>. I,. K. WKIISTKII tl ,r K.ip rjiirv i . . »ii>t lifp" ai)|H>lnteiJ fnm- MMliff piun iin n w j for S ffrra Mfe In . i-vi I n « " r n " P ' i'«imj>«iiy. Twill plBi-.'d

K:,IU lie l.>, l,Pr„ r<inMllHnj wrek , opi|iur>- (ur 10.'. 'I'liuItl ll>e I 'o lln l St'atrii urn) ( 'a n - aila, unll l>n« lipfn active In ln> |,pr of tniriincr fnr n jtpiirii. U’plmtpr I. <• iKi.t ilrPHiilpnl nf Ihp In -

I l l ’ S nf .N>hra.ka wc-lcnrniicf inpmlipr of ffic IVestern wlilch

I .SlnlPH Home OffIrP r n d e r - fin[,„i. - wrIleMt a»»i>clallon. Ue also laan an<incliite nf (lie ( 'n n frr - pi-'A

fl n e rd eni'p >if ^^ lua rlr1«. lie In tna r- jjd rv lce l rlpil i.ml h;i» Ih rre tlaiight<T». OuniiV

i r l h o t j ' - - - J e r r y ,iip rov - « , . r t YomiK

N ew s o f - / ‘j: " = R ecordm b e r TW IN FA U .S C O tN T YWlilch T w in I'iillH JiiHllen (if the l*pace aus-selpre.ll- .‘Bebii.stliin Vntiuern. Tw in I'Mlls, .^rom .

e fiiip . $3 nncl cokUs. exjilrcd chauffevir's '«e tlliic Ucen.^e. „„,r. svice n t r ro h a te C ourt Kanilv

n o r th a r n n t O reen. R upert, $25 and Wood'jnil nc- cofil.'j. d runk , in nuto. He Is In Lynnveiling jftii in ncu of fine. j l ,„ \

H nn- <;nunty ( le rk and j, Pnlrlcla A. RoUlnson tiled for 3hi>(

c h a in - {Hvorce from Ronnld S. R obin- noriiunc tlon .-joii on Un' urovmds of- inentnl Hoqcndeiith . nnd phy.-^lcnl sutferliiK. They Mohln

tiny. Is ^vere m nrrlrtf iti Provo. Vtuti. jd bepn April 1, 100' . Chiirk

.. Kulil I'olice (.'ourt rauditlnR n m il !,cl(cli. Buhl. SS nnd ensUs, ciiiy0 p ro - c-xplred drlver'.i jlccnse. B lnlr .

ila ro ld H ouser."U ulil. SS a n d itible'r nc tlon cosi.s, being overdue on an over- Yon bring tim e p a rk ing ticket diiUiig back th e fn

1 ne ed - to April 18. . llnrrl.s -etiietit r i l e r l>oHce <'<iurt Croft, needed —Don^ia J . K ovar, Filer. .*5 a n d Handy

costs, fo r biieklng w ithout re a - birds,. llRhta aonnljlfl Kifety. Mny t

roblcm - ----- H^rrl.i’va lcn l GOOD IN G COUNTY jo r r:cds to n ils s Justice n ic k I

prob - .tp.s.-;pp n n v . 17 F rem ont. Nebr,, ____$10 and c o s l B f o r t o o m u c h 'T F T r

•ted a w eight over th e axle. J O I I

iroug'h E I.M O nE ( » i !n t y E l C eclslon K ing lil l l Juslloe C ourl B Hr I t be F ined for overweight loads g |j'i r g h t i woro A lfonso-Bcrmen50Jo..M oun- tvpdiii

tn ln Home. I IQ ;' ,R ichards M. • g“ „. a llro ad i H u l l P l i m ^ an im ett, $10; P e te r • 1d“R u - MtJstos;—Am erican F o rk r U fah, ivith a *25i and Hurley .Miner, Daraboo. Ji „ , ore RC- W ls„ %\0. rrosslnn H alpli Oroefsemn. M ountain

Home, a n d Merlin D. Nlckol, J r , crt th e M erccy Island , WLs,. $9 ench, no t0 civic m iidflaps. ' dy nnd Cecil R . Tliompfwn, F o rt Col- lugges- llna, Colo.. »10, overhniiKlng lond, J, ■

K eith C. Crnm er, Durley, $5, no ” " “ •n inded m irro rs , a n d Oncy Allretl, f?lv-k sa le erton , U tah . ■ «20, Inndcnuntein y a t cm eraoncy flares. , .nliislon ---------

CASSIA COl'NTYcl,Mr-HirlQiis Mra, I.u lu 1-eo filed for divorcero used from A lbert U-e, O r ‘' ' ;cc iiiuy Clerk’s Office•hen u M arrlaHe licenses wece (.s.MiPtl J')'’'*', f o r lo Dlllcy Arnold Lnnnloy nndiinllcn- Duverly Jenn U ile r, Iwih H ur- J*"'’'"lg p e r- l‘'y : H o b rrt H. a io k e r ami W nir- ‘Jrlt'Dco, Ander.'((m, bo th Bnll- l^uke Baweta cotlti C ity; T erry Jam es Miiriln nnd "t'''**''W hen Jo lc i‘0 Monenr, boUi Hurlpy;

rk o r - Hiiym ond 'n n c y , UiiiM-rl, and <‘h-nl>'i,(•11 «n M ary M nrgaiei Allen. Heybnrn, Hnyi;.''r T l i l s Durley Tollrc <?<iUrtm l ho Aounit. in , llurlny, lft dnyn [V <)

in c ity Jnll, Intosluatlou.m nny J ' H'^i'ln. 30, Hiirley, if, | J ya3,D0l) and >3 co.its, iimn>erlnt( w ith ihe

itlonn l Hiirley elciili'le neivlco wlie.i lend- VIC rtifu r- i im J i i t a jv rr?l'.ij:fi'L':i...,blo." ------------------------------ I'OUSC!

, Infant Dies ""r:1 WliNDlCLL. H tpl, 0 tiriivcsldn 'betw n

servleea will Im eundiudrd lU Up. in. Uniiir^iny lor llio Ihfiinl «>n .If Mr, niHl Mrn. Frnnrin

t ClolMler, n l thn Wendcil cenifl- g mtory.- .1

11 M'— 'I'lio Infant died nlinrlly nflur V'< b lrlli n l Ml. Ili'iirdlcl'i} lionpilnl,'

r re n i- jcroniit. Tlnirnifiiy mnrninit, Tlm mvii to Hov. U, H, (ipniidn. nf Christ I .u - ' | '!» ' lo Ihon tn rh u ii'h , will o(lU:laln nt whnrn ihn nervier, j V

" III addltUin to Dm jm ienin, n u r - '~ T ivoninrnfntT -T nnfn 'm iit-^fam t'^) ------

he "n im irn ls , Mr. nnd Mrn. V. 1,. A nd-'Ire^il- O ndrn, tWnli; im ierntil

:1 7iiivn Kinndimiimln, Mr, mul Mm, Cnrl o fJ litn ((pln^ln, WVnilfll; p .ttn im l iiin il- , ni

I" K niniirnlhi'r, Kmiik Knvi r, W rn - ' T ■'''^1‘iy dril. nnd p iiln n n l H in il-u n in d - '

IlKillier, Min. Miiiy <li'l»M,-i. | ',iy . 7 3 m m m

I ArrnniiiunrhU nii- iim lrr Ihr I td lri'i'tln ii nr Wi’iiver iiiiniim iy '

W nidrll, n

(1 (,ii ■ riiiiN (iv i:it n i i i 'i i n r ' K.<i.ll h I'OIMK. Hrpl 11 .11 Ill|lhn'^ Tt lliln- PUliilr n n h i in l niippilntrndthln Hliok.'n- nhowed n i \n i in n 'r rn lr liii.i y .'iiv B

>n }I<'| M'lii, Jhi- Aiiilx ilr- Et>»ilniiinl of i'ihu:iillii» i rp in li 'd , n

(h rre todny,. u i Ihn |ufi |iul>1l<i (niruiiii. ' b<11 Ihn lUnlrh'In whlt li opt'iuli' li h i h BV eve- eehooln, ;ii hiivit ni'» mi|H'i m ii n - > Hnrnieli di-liln. Ih r d rim ihni'ltl o l ”

T h r Ihi'M> nllll' Ix iiiirih wmp nii|ni Wrro llili'lidnnu Inil Ij lU> (•-l mh| i.i mnv


IO o m - i i N o o r o i i k i —


iil f l tn s lin n lm l In

LLEY MEDICAL CENTEK “)u i> A V i'N U i' w rr.T [.(lft / ; i ; i - 'M v v

Jililln .'i 7 3 '

i . . . _____

I M in id o k a F : i t '

S to c k E v e n t i ■ Set M o n d a y

R tJ I 'F p r . Rppi fl Tiip I0i;i *■MlriKlnkii county la t «Mi k -.kj-

1 ^ Rohoihileri to r Miniiliiv m !!■' V:.i 'Jh | Ipy Mvp.noek ,

pany will hnve a rt.. „r<l nuin’.r. •; nf 1 .JI und F '- t i i t ' P«r;T>er fn , riiivvjc trle^, ii'-eordli'e i pM..nt P ’-’ i

S iniili mji- iiPd «:> ..111''"' 'ex’x-l*-!! • 111 li l t ' '.••‘■ 'I ' I-!''' ■'rcefjrd lilaii fnhil of ■« " I ! ' '" ’',', corded in ihp .m|p l>vo yp»'-- i‘u“ ■ ,He KU-.'.MPd ih..i e ..I «ou(il- be Ihp di'HfllhiP fll' i M -ik '

in n r v !" ............... Hni.In.ipp-. Ulll ,,]n f- n.» h.-.-f r , , .

,.01 ... in II... iiM.s ' . n Iapp r» r !>' llw *»l- ISHK I'll ' t fo I <1 H til- K'.l- Mcinriii> m .-ih'-u: Ms'>

<T,: i;:;:;:" Neiwhi plBi-i'd 'lililt'K l>i‘- )nilu"'"Hn» wppk »• thP roui.tv fnli ’" 'H i .

-i'liu saiM lu UI' iiiinuw '-cycnl.H olm <‘Sj '» " • 5;»vi“r'rrrt Ijv I)).' Rnr>Tt f’linm ■ nilcr. n in - i,pr of C nm m rrre nn-l ihp roiiinv i ivHed r>

ai{enl said nil loenl bii^lnr'-'^c.'. nr- ronncll *"• gnnlzntlons nnd Indlvldunls .nrp rus.'s p r

u k a wclcnmc 10 Join In lho iiirtdUii; I orynnlzt tern w lilch will jilve ilie younc.'fers ajinclKC.

flnltiielnl hcKxst w llh lh “lr pro]-1 Hulmes0 o e l L . - ; ...............................................win pref '’’’* r V \ U'Cf cntrle.s will be m.vlp I'nincITi ’“ f- by m n Mnri.uch. I.iirrv nn it.i A 'mo

Duniiv Hondo, Ron Riisinusspn, oil imJe rry C raven. Je rry Arilnir, Lloyd liin lu oiYoung, Clny Jnnpj;, Wuyii" Pl'K-k- ly apprcr r . <iiirlaii'l Knopp. Ron AnripT- cri’’ cot•stin. Jerry Rclienk. Mlkf f<■f.’nll, ml tin . D an Cnll<-y, L nrry U’lllln i'i' «nri)<';tnm(re no iia ld Atitierson. loll,

4 -h ' club members w llh byef A refVen irlt's In the sale will Include dl.siriclnus.sell i.ln s iro m . K niliy L ind- loy wns.Mrom. Lois A bo."nceky Heln?.o. Null Ar

C'lr's Judy LInd.strom. M arllin K rne- ree led , mt'r. Steven Dnrley. Llndn D uller, boundarR andy Butler; iioy Evans. Alien pnymcfi'W oody, Shirley Facer, Larry Dell, (•utters

Is in Lj.,,11 ^Rogers, Elaine K raem er. u ie d ls t Jim W(K>dy, R ichard K lnw ltter "nnd Ivoulse ph llllps. i . , .

1 for s h r e p en tries will be by Dnve ,, Jbln- H orner. N ancy H orner. Ricky A i-ntai Roqcrs. H nrold M olJm nn, Doiinn■I'bey M ohlm nn. Dill W eir, Loul.'^e P h il- po,.d,.-c

li|» , Jo h n Sm ith , T etry Sm ith.Chuck T hom pson. George O l- .raud . Jerry. ..Scott, T ed Sm llh. ‘ '

:o't.s. Clay H arrison, Tom Haynes, ' ' B lnlr JurK ensmeicr, Dee Jurgens-

a n d iribler iTnU Brenda' JiirBcnsmeler. ive r- YoniiKSlers cn lering swine in , back th e fa t filock snle will be Clny

lInrrl.son. M onte Sm ith . G erald No ac C rofl, D nvld H orner. J im m y Inn th e

a n d H andy,. .H « n -H o iio ii. Tom l^o- sewer. _ r e a - birds, S teven K ing, T im m Adams, A nev

Mny S iuarc. Pnul K ing, Cnrolyn dlscussCH arrl.ion. mon ro

Jt^ny O lbion. Calvin P rue tt. mLsslomR ick S tu a r t and D enn Gibson, nanclng

Jebr,, ----------------------------- Decltjin'

^ IB lis s Students Elect Leaders

^ BLISS. Sept. B—Class officers tro lm ara t Blli.? Wgh school were elected ccp ted .Wednc.sdfly n t-schoo l.................. s ta te pt

' M. • s c i o r elas,s p residen t is A r- p e rt, wiIcnc. Z cU er.:.-P al^eiidcr£on .-Vlce Rex W'presiden t; Shlrlee Steele, ?ecre- w ere ■

aooo. in ry -tren su rer. and Joel ijrviell Ilr.sl cl:, , and Dncky D uller, s tu d e n t body Build

? reprL-sentallves. to J . I '• J ''- T h e Junior c lass cleclod Dave hom o; .’■ " V le m iw . president: Mllte H ard - d lllon '_ , wick, vice presiden t; O re tchcn remodr: , V D eischcr. socretnry - U easnrer,

nnd .T erry W atk in s and B eth T \ - „Rlv- rcp rese n ta - JL /C L

lunte "^j” \ o n d c W ood wns e:ectcd EIgI nreslden t of th e s o p h o m o r e cln-ss; Claiuiln Holloweli. vlco gusto,,,, prcslrlctit: U eannft Droivn, »cc- rotiuclli

,orce ‘•““ “ ■y - irca -su re r,' a n d Dorisa rn v e s , vepre.sentative. Sehrenl

Hon K ln lc y was e lec ted pres- ,, ,, ideiit Ilf the iresh m an class, w ith

M acllyn Ornves, vice pre.tidcni; ,t , „ r . H onnlr Hmllli, secretary ; S ta n - p^wcr

Icy Hi'lnlicr. treasu rer, and ‘I tm . ,, anw ehuck nn.l Cccelin K onip,

,„nl s tn d fiii body reprfsentallvcO ,,.ipy. Ju n io r varnlty cheer loaders ,„„i r t , . i ln l im Cir»v™. I l . l l .

imrn, Hnye.n and llonnlo Sm llh . .j.

" Norlh Italy Hit ; By Heavy Jlainslead- VU'KN/.A. lln ly . Heiil. I) M l- -

Htoimn ulld fliinli (IoihU toppled iiouscs nnd nuiiidn trd-fle lfls-ftnd (iin'et.s in no rlhern itn ly todny, 1 1

M IriiMi a m »J)l» ]» l)r» . 1rsUtn 'bi-t»<'<'ii hein and Mniitova io the I ■

M inlhwenr were h i t when rain - ifan l s^''‘>ll>'n Mri'nina biokii over Ihelr,„„r,„ lmiik.n, .................................. | ^

iif iir O r d e r Y o V r *jiilnl,

i -^ ^ C O A L , s

g " 1 d a h o ~ 15B E A N 8. E L E V A T O R ,

'J ;;;;-: i w i n P o i i . F iio r : t'l rny; 7 3 3 -1 0 1 2 3 2 6 -5 1 1 ^ Elk,


C lu '.M -, •.ItiilltiQ tlm w e e k . t i l S t ip lo m iiu r V tli l(i|

— T A P , B A L L E T A N DA C R O B A T IC

IrrrU K iiifrt , ■ . \i i i t) ir

MODERN JA Z Z Cll^ !i(nm DM IV

f.lii-i'.ti;. fu r G l i h - - (-lir.-i

ANITA MILLER n.7 3 3 -1 5 4 9 l a :

‘'^j -Thinking

I I AMADO. A rl/., se p t. 6 '/ P - I riip rabbit wiui cailght Insl i n i’ b i tJurlnj? greyhoiitid races . gA-'J

I'l thU » on lh -tn A-lr.'ii» ^' :n><iunlly. wp.,,),

, lo,;-, I t hnpi>rii"d in U’- Mvih ip^ ,p,. • " h e n n (ioz n-''n*’d dp,: V:.l Cindy rov-rM-d h.T

f f t f i ' l cu iish l th e /«<*• (i,p [;n n 'iii <-’" 'n lco l fiibbit a.s ot,hrr tlons f .im m,r ivi rhascd It frr-m the rear, w e

11V .W of atvlilg OW«v Cindv n l>lg mpnk nx b r<--

v . - r ''i"< i fnr u.'.ina lipr ‘leml i.l- ,1, liil>i|R (-,iiic<'lf^| 'h r -ftcr mid r u

..........-OUfd- ..Q„I TKA

H n r le v E lk s,.f r „ . J lu ’ .. ^

I,t)(|tre F’la n s N ew B i i i l t l i n t x ;

7 ■-•V r ? ’ u 'hlUUli.IsY. Hrpt 0 H arold;,,,,,,^ ,,,

■event, Holnit-s, Burley .Elks lodge ex»lted I.,,. Minm nilcr. nntl OnT? Kt-en. pasT ■oiiiiivi ftlted ru ler, m e t w llh th e city D,». n r - ' ronncll Tiic.sriay evening to dl.s- |Y /|^ Is .n rpn is.s p re lim inary p lans for ' Ihe J . » i ' ifldliiKjorynnizotlon lo build a new Elks (ersajioclKC, A f t e r th e dlscu.«lon / | , pro]-iH nlm cs s ta te d th e Elks lodge V " I

J will p repa re a proposal fo r the m.vlp’ r’n incirs con.slderntionr " "/V >Dtiit.' A 'm otion to p roh ib it pouring

usspii, oil on unpBvcd streets in city x Lloyd liin iu of Burley unnnlm ous- , ,

nUK-k- ly approved by ihe cnvincll. Sev- ' , iiiriPT- t-ri’’ co tnplnlnin w rre s 'ud lcd .o f.Irf.'nll, nil tin iitipnt-ed KfrpeU HfitJ tlie _ ' I P r o p i - r i y from the ^

byef A rep o r t on local im provem ent Dort iclude d ls iric i No. 12 In southw est D ur- o* L ind- loy w as given by c ity engineer. '‘"J' leln?.o. Null A nderson. Councl'.tnen dl- ‘K rne- rec ted . A nderson to e x p l a i n Progra 3uller. boundaries a n d pftrilcipntion for |o r e s . Allen pnym ent o f curbs, sldewnllcs and tJ^rcsK

f Dcil, (•utters to p roperty ow ners in vemi-r. u ie d is tric t. Afiew itter - c lly c lerk wns direc ted by

th e council lo con lacl a llseai f’*'®'’''' a ce n l m S a it U k e City rega rd - ’ , ing th e im provem eni dU lrict. ‘ ‘ "Islt

p O i e n K u n n u . repre.sentlng Attn - llh Poi’derosn Inn . m ot w lih th e day ' f ‘i i , ■ council on th e s^wer line, w hich Tw in im n i. installed nnd paid for la st n r . J,aviips Ponderosa lu n . K u-. t'*ernens roquesicd th a t the Ponder- Dr. Cineipr Olvnera .be rfjlnibursed .by ISU t

in concerns w hich hook up to Quc,Clny educai

Herald No action was tnkon on affix - BJ’" " ’* ilm m y JnP th e cost- o i hook up to th e KlelnlI R o- se w e r._____________ __ ____ ..dams, A new cliy dum p Tbcatlbh w as " I I p arolyn discussed,' M ayor L eonard S a l-

mon repo rted th e county com - U p >ruett. mLssloners will help In ihe fl- 'SOU. nanclng o t a new dum p a rea . DEC

D eciding on g iocailon is th e club n Im m ediate problem , NU licuun 1 betaui was ta k en on a Iocailon. I ’hc

Police Chief G eorge W arreli record p resen ted th e resignation of P a - Riven

fflcers tro lm a n Jlm F inch , who has a c - conve; elected copied a position w llh th e idnho carllc:

s ta te po lice-C urtis-E dw ardS i U u . _. *112 ,s A r- p e rt, was h ired to repinee P inch . • i ._vlce Rex W ood and C larence W right,Jo sep l ^eorc- w ere prom oted fo patftSImClI "cussrt IJruell I lrs l class. ventk . body B uilding pe rm its w ore Issued ley U

to J . L, Flow ers for a $14,000 Dave hom o; M ax Furw ell, a S5,000 a d - ■

H an )- d lllon to a hom e, B , A, M oline, I ctchcn rcm odrling o t $1,000 6n 010 club, I i.surcr, -------------------------- -— I

Declo Will Cut I Electric Rates

DECLO. Sep t. 6 D eclo power■ customBia will hnve a 10 per cont ’rvf*!* rctiucllon in the ir e lcctrlc bill

s tn rtlng In Septem ber, G cwrc Sc hrcnk, chalrm nn of Uie vlllngo y

. rcporU d today. Lv w l th T)io bonrd ,sl«ned a 2l)-year ric- ^

m and co n tra c t w llh DnnnovlllQ ^ . power adm ln lstrn llon Aug, 20 ^

a n d th is ri'Miited In a navlngh Komp, ,3 000 i„sain ,K>w.'r c .«ls,oiiderslonier In the southcvii Idaho nren, T ola l Kavlngn In wholennle

. fjoiver cmM »rn In fxr.cM of i ; «S':^.000, DPA olflclnls cinlm.

n c O m rltl of M Irr anil lin ts trllli O iutie Seed's Iltxlenl Hull.—Adv.,

I) Ids— ':ip|)Uid

| » E T■ Ih rlr,

• Wi(fo Solactlan• H o n e i t V o lu o i

, SEE . . .

\ BM iH H H H H BI { ' 'U iiN rrim io c o m p a n y

I Elk* B ld g . T w in F o l l i i

w e e k ■ WII III,

I■ , (t»f Ditr IdfffM In

lA Z Z DANCING!i(nm (in IV

i h - - C lir .M n fo r D.iyf.

ILLER DANCE STUDIO ' i l1Q 35 G ro n o iJ a D riv a '

Neilan Says Tax S] - Sliould Account fc

uh>'-h cilc l"'.D'nal revenue se rv - ' Wt-r^l■•th IpI. I pc.'IIK'. tp-p!<V“'!i OlOllld [ vh^ l. mo'•■d tlpinnr-1p<l of inv .spend"R.|

Ch)ijnb.;r N llll™ Pro

nn "dilrfvs r oparpt^ for s hni’ili-

t O kiiFl--’ pMlt.Ir.,..'. [J.l .

I '-H c iPil pj p .r -Rp T h P i" ' Ih* cfttpl'? npprovnl

' I.s I' a " ' 1''^' iii'inil fnr Ihp Wpdn‘'sd: i-jtir/-" io on ''Ls l:u rc- s ire d nnl„M. ihftf' I'.I 111.' l,- i-«M nn ' u ,y I,. Ill •>« inr P '....... " • Plf'115

PVPR 1., ti,p ................................. of nn nfl

" Wh"ii inl.|i>t« n pick-

;I;-Meet Set toEtt> „ . r O ¥ T f . i r t " ' , , ' ''Si Ort^amze IhlJ lo r.u,.d

' tl>t . , . pmbKm

Adult fiasses ““Crd'mfm’' d n i» n ia ,U ..'« l m r e I In „ lor ,

llm.- o il5 Klnn end adnU educni'o" pro- ^

r i j ? e Crnms i.p h-ld nt 7 p. m. p,\l‘l Thm sdnv at llie O U-nry jiioinr

high srhool, TB'ln FalM. ,|,p ,r prp.Dorcoy RIkbs, a-Mlstnnl dlrecthr by !> fooi

B ur- of extension sprvlce.s, snid alm ost will cdrI Inppr any course listed in the ISU bul- Board , lotin can be offered during th is tend a w l a i n program If there Ls sufficient in - of th e p _ ,o r lere'sl. He urges all persons In- G rain 8

nnd tw cstcd in ISU clas.ses to a ttend street Irt rs in meeting Thursday. O m in ci

After the meeting T hursday charged^ -J evoiilngi a list of courses to be phis a t-

offered will be nnnounced, a long Mayor ,,„5? w llh Ihl- times and places for would be

■ reglslrntlo,,. er'S G ralm tlng Ationding the meeting T luirs- , th e day will b<> A rthur Klelnkopf. ' ‘“ '‘J vhlch Tw in Falls coordinator; Riggs.• last D r. J, Hnrry Adnms. d irector of

K u - the ISU extension service, find | ? p n d e r- Dr. Donald Kline, hend of >he i by ISU departm ent of education, JE RO t up ' to Questions conccrping the-iidull r

educaUon and extension pro- affix- grams 'should bo dlrccied lo B p ju . T

™ Declo Kiwanians S ,T7. Hear Recording “area. DECLO. Sept. 6 - Klwanls tc rson oi

s Ihc club m el Tuesday noon Uils week 1rcniniTbecaus<!,-t,f-tftbor--day^--------------- ,e rv g d-b

T he program con.slsled of a {<,c a rre li recording of one of the ta lk s - f Pft- Riven a t the national Klw anls |15 a c - convention in Alantlc City, N J .. I / / i , Idnho e arlie r In the smnipcr, Ii, H u . _. iiio..plctlBc was'givtin by R ob- I 0 ^ n c h . n-' m o 'ift and the prayer by I- / r ig h t Jo seph Preston. Plan-s wcro dls- I ( 2 1 flinClI -cussra-ftbout—H ie-K -lw anls-con- I—

veijilon to be held In Sun V al- I W Issued Icy ih ls week-end..14,000 = = | | g ^ = = | = j = = | = = | g | | j j» a d - H lollne, I< club, I J>

t ^power r cont

bill icorgc

i * 1 / 0 *Idaho I

To Be Givenw llh

-A dv.


« NEWolli I

0 U P -1 Under The J - ! Recently -



W ed n esd ay <Si, F


l a x Spenders iunt for Funds^V -ila r , we rob . the aged of Ihclr lllvlri'n iilonx. we de fraud ourtel'-W-.,rv '. ' -W f ra of nil wc c /vr»pl thfi uld I vti«i« m oral fiber of Uio

Niimlieriii"'t Proje.ct (iets■ Okay nt Paul

PAUL, Kept. 6 Repre.wiilailvcs ^of tho Paul G range received the npprovnl nf lh(' village ci'unuii

thp W pdii''sday evening to gPi their rc- s;rce< num bering projerc ut.'lcr,

IPle'iK tlrod’ ' by th e O range | ^ ^ H

„P,P BivP.i I-' m il Fansons, vll- ^on. inse o-tornpy, for the prennrailnn J {

of nn n fflru l o r-lnnnce, m tid . , . ' ' *Ih'- s lic f is Tlm O rnnge dr.«lrei »'»'• '• in have .•■ilform hou=p m im '.-.'^ P--"., tt.rhidlng ih rp o -i'irh n'lmliets.

M nrvin 1>k..s11. board mt-ii'ber,'*'■ u rg e ti .ib e b o a rd .to -e n fo rc e J h e _____ ,

curfew law nnd h av e xowe lype | { o | ) slrfii nr whistle in sU lied to blow as a tim e w arning. I t was point- ed ou l Ihn fire s iren cannni be 1^ V f l l

Uuspd, as it ftutomRllcally snunos J - J » « .* 10 rountis before stopping. r)ie . | | problem was token under atlviso- l < o 11 m enu .. _ _______________________ - * z 5 _ .

Hoard mem bers O tto Reldilng- cr, Ja k e Renz ftnd Loosll will bo ,

deputized Ia allow th e mnmbni jonvei lim f off as nebticd. „ u i b<

A bnilding p e n n lt was granted■ to th e P roject M iitunl Telephone (,fT,iaplp '

company to build an adOltlon tb ^ tlieir present building. T h e i tool L pa|,.

iCUir by !> fool c inder block structure „ nn st will cost $650, ^^yjy Ubul- Board m em bers voted to e x- ^ongo, u'l th is tend a w ater line 300 feel no rth convo

• In- of Ihe pum p house for Feeder's ....ngclLsw In- G rain Supply a n d across th e '

tend street from th em to service K err Bapusts G ra in com pany. K err 's will be

sday charged the reg u la r fee 160.45 ,J be p liu » MO ""O k -ip S ilo S , Maj-or F i llo n no ted l l i « ”

t o ' woiiM t e no chm go «e « tu ter’S G ra in because th is compnny prevloasly donated th e Innd to

•r of Mnglc V t

5" , Eeception-bet—m , JEROM E, Sept. 6—T h e annual Eniidult teacher's rcccptlon sponsored b y js t^ n Ow p^Q. Jefferson PTA will be he ld a t U n d tho

(Q B p.m . Tuesday a t th e school, nc- buU . cording lo G ordon Hoillfleld, T he pu' president. Everyone la Invited ioJ — Uike ndvantagc of th is opportu-1 BUY TIW

U S ' n liy to -m eet the-iteachers.-^-------r-----------T he teaching s ta ff will be In-

or troduced by C. O . Brackenbury,& principal. Mr. and M rs. T ed Pe-1 ■''r''* tc rson a re In charge o t th e pro-1

gram . Refreshm ents w i l l be]■r— - ?em rd-by-the-e*eeullve-<«m m U -----------------

_____________________________-nnls I •N J., I < t|f p la n t It—

aob- I ^ f e e d i t . . . r

GLOBE SEEDv . i - 1 m i H A V r i T "

3 0 0 *

Given Away SundiI GLYEHj r ^ A W A YM j EVERY


RTING T IM 1:30 P.M . SI


P-TOWdor The M anagem en t 01 jcently O t-The-D eserl-Ini

f NlteHT' S C O O P a h c l P T i

5N NIGHT r T 1

ay & Friday H B m


— - . ---------------------- : - KORISEOUL.


n | ^ ^ H K ' i ’.K ea.sl coast■ T h e quake

-------------nillcs- eastnoo r damage,

hrlr ;

o n . HAHRY COULTER !ili't- ■ • • *** speaV fr fo r’ ^

Ihp fall pvnn*rii'ii' i r ] | |p.m. .XomJa.r a l «he T " ln TpUt * »

^ l l .p iu t >-l>nrcH ft.ber, V * V V J J

i Baptists Set 4 ;3i Evangelism - I Rally Here ^

Dr. H orry Couite'r; executive M | ^ - '” secretary of th e A m erican B np- f f H T

iLsi convention of U tah and Id a - | | K ' / \ . ho, will be gu fst speaker du rin g T B ■ ! J

' ' ‘®° m o American B npiist churches o f’M apl'' Vftlley's fall evangelism

" rally a t 4 p.m. Sunday a t UieTw in Falls Flr.st Bapll-st church , W .

Dr. Coulter has re tu rned from H L | / / i study tour of Europe and th e U i r M Congo, which was sponsored b y - |B f M k

5 ''“ ’ the convcnilon's d e p aru n cn t of M M A ivongclLsm. F f l f f l

K „ Dopil-sts will ga ther a l th e ^ I I I r iiP Twin Falls church Suriday a f te r - H | M L a noon to view a film taken on D r. J * ■ I

Coulter's Irip. Mnglc Valley B ap - ^;ist m inisters will .sing several \ 1 seiecUons, w hich will h lg h llsh t fc

n n^ 'lU ie fellowship In the afternoon . ■.*' A ^ S Dr. Coulter will speak du ring ,

J I t h e evening sc-vslon, which ’.viil Ifentiire a choir m ade up of p a p - ■ lis t women Irom U iroughout . . .

t Mnglc Volley. * bi1 Planning ih e rally nre the Rev.

----- SaVi H tnarlckB,— Jerom e; th e ‘ —il" '“M nev. Eni5.sl Has.se!blad and R .l *d ‘’y js t a n Owens, both Tw in Falls ,; d- a t and thfl Rev. Roberi B u rchcll.; " _ . “C- Bul-J.field, T he pubiio la In v ited .. <:d lo i -------------------------- —)rtu-1 BUY TIM ES-NEW S WANT ADb l l ^ M

bu’ry 'l B a c k - i o - S c h o o l S p e d

p r o -1 P erso n a lized School S_________________Will, ilu tl.n r , flt.l m d t«il Hi



) T he H lL tS of ID

3 0 0 ^

Sunday! \ J lEH .......—


P .M . SUNDAY. - SEPT. 8


W N E Rn e h t O f M ickey C olahor Bserh-lnn-ln-Utis-Vegaa!—

FREE SUNDAY Dlhjo iv t i i l I 'ln n i 1 :0 0 p ,in ,

m g ?

VHiTi 'Mm 1 1 ^

_ - KOREA HAS QUARr -■ SEOUL. K orea, Sept. 6-,» .■ cacth tiuakc shook Olchin' ,7■ m ites souU ieast of Seoul o’n iC*■ ea-st coasl, and vicinity■ T lte quake nlso was felt at■ on th e sou theastern , tipH pen in su la and K angnuni . i

Tnilcs-east of Seoul. ^H no Im m ediate fepnri* nf H o r dam age.



i t i w

i d Lu-ing wb jum/

ALL NEW rARVlV*L BrnEK Fni« im j


i t l . ) And Fun n««l)<>I '

DI« r.iCANTic cincitg FREE SHOWS DAH.T

Door* Open 10:00 A.M. Dili/


k h o o l S p e c i a l s !

J School Supplies,:r« Flt.l ind t«il N»m« j


lO O K S . . 5 -y o » r goa ran le# jirt/ALLETS • B

tS o f IDAHO I-L iw ln -f ill i— — ^ h o a > - 733-«S61

5 0 U K »

SEPT. 8m am m n m m m r


E P SC olahonV e g a a l ^ T — ----------------------

lAY DINNERin 1 :00 p ,in , .

Page 9: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

I 11 iV iW i'i" ll lln T r K y ^

£ ' Ii ,i^ L ^ I »> J S m b i

' S f ’ “ ’“ ■ " 'W i’< T T *

. , . , . , ..............v s I B( u l 9

■ jg«Br > J j: :i'-^ " ' j f l M

' J ® r ^ i

MP Aisin.MRH. RONALD PEAI (S h ir M orlU pholo]

* * . * l"-------------- ^

iQuble Ring . I So<Vedding Rites wh„..Jnite C o u p l eBeverly K fi r c n C hristensen, iiihwr of Mr. and M rs. L ym an dessert. rLiens'-n. Tw in PRils. becume . bride of R onald D ean D u r- ^, 1 “ ol Mr. .n d M ri. M .I-

ms bridegroom’s p ire n U were « '"® -sti for ft wedding d in n e r ftt ___.jtbatilc cafe, Idaho Falls, a n d FILER m house a t RuperL a " ^ a drreception was held \ v g . 34 nesday the T^'ln FBlls sUikohouse. H ow ard me bride wore a w hite f loor- to a tten LiUi 1»« Bown fashioned w ith p jn . a t hoop 6klrl, waHoped neckline tran spo r (1 flniterllp sleeves. H er neck - rodeo ev t was a Rift from h e r b ro th er chuck w Dtnmark. Sho carried a caa- ed . OlrLi le bouquet of tangerine c a rn a - a n d cotl ii$ and bron ie c h ry san the - to como

HowcH. Pocatello, was Id of honor. Bridesm aids were openlnfr HJ Webb, K ath leen Rappleye.J- Katherine D u rra n t a n d ^rjlj D urrant, sister* of the g a tu rd a j

■ul charm dresses a n d . thc Iff wo bridesm aids w o r e HAOE iitrlne-colored c ry sta l c h arm will me< asii Each carrled ^ "b '6 u (iu e t th e Leg

UD{eilne carnations a n d v m chrysanthemums. jj^ O E

iln pQusjn of th e b r id e - 'rsiiuutiw ^ K a u S S T w e r e Sholton D u r- „ o m s a K uM lK r of th e hrldegrcwm T H lUtut C h rla ten«n ^ ■ s t Chhitensen; b ro thers of

bride. - BLISSbrldt'i m other w ore a tlo n will

^ H ro 'ttid 'liL cterine colored silk day a t t dius-The bridegroom 's

^ ■ lhereho<e-*rM n-flllk -6heath —h a d e

R n aerred by M rs.W f n Bishop. Mrs. L aura M ay ^

Buoirir. M rs. Elsie Hlcken, s- Fern Ostler and Mra. R uby Cheerilor. m e e t 'a t Ifj. Dorothy Purdy waa In Y bulldl rge of'lhe guest book, M rs, son on inle nigby and M rs. Delorls T ay lo r i i»eU, aunts o t the bride, werechirge of the g ift tables. A ltrus hii-of.iown guests a ttended nesa me a Bull], RMpert, Bnncroft, a t- Qrlgit Lake City, Logan, W elaer ------------I Uva Hoc Springs. T V In F j hi bride Is a 1002 R raduate of g rad u a u


/larian Martin S ' rn ' L , T h e I)Pattern of Mim.

n n d hiiA

tronlca,y T he c

I L ake Cl

M v, y (

1/ / ' ! f j _ 'I lie I)

t j teinbor’ U /3. (le


^ th e II ,

K M ( ft'odsW fl l\H l\H ll "H

a n il 'a 1)1H cnht l M ^ V ^ U MH hniH In nnn

E E - l u ^ ^ E / ^ H | y | B _ —. a u j i u t j ily <»io v

( \ un■ Niiln;

^ n ^ D / l H A u . / ^ c JuUIiiiiikI

h w 1)0

l l, H mi|iH ' ■ i r " 'i g . a u b ;

«(iii„ A««ia |, I'A IIl i™— ■*‘»'l Ji>tii|.cr ii1|in I'jiiM- |>„itII II. ' ' " ‘t’■ " I'l'lv W k tlm i’i, fr.in i.

i^lvri!'.'!;'ll^il lli.ltri,, iKiim; MiMip;,. . , I, ,'■■■ |1 KI, lil, a<l, »lr.o|

H‘k vnrrtfl rn -iij.ll i J * >«iiu :in-iii,....... I'' '’' 1111" for nll^ill Il.r . *''r•iitri. / " ' ' ‘•■'''’'•fl innllln#............................... "m i,l I,,, Mnriiii, <!/„ •nrura-Nnwa

y 'N .V , PrhU

I . /'H l'l lllltlllir,-, :

'o la L '""• 'V lllln r l)nt- 'I'M 1, *1'"' •<''< iln**' ‘'■'iiU DIM iiif ««toioB,

Candl.el i WeddiiK Unite C c

BUHL. Hrp, ( Im B S m B B S S S I k H erd ing .

^ r s . Jnm r't r i M / i a f 5 ^ V K i S S ? ^ B C alif., bcc.uiic H'

' nr<l D . T ^ 'rv

B uhl. Ill n (i,.,,i ceremim^

T lift npv Mlthe brir)

tho I)Rbrrv pubaskeLi i <-igiadlol<se tting i'<> >>,„

T iio by hP<le n g th II ol

w{tii >> ncck>lnc >,i

.......... .^ — clo«v<u;..

......... r

and Iscend***

A train ,> DEAN _DURRAT«T queen c r« P h ° t ^ . , iie ld her -------- ■— ------------ - ' I lluslon. S'le -ar'

Social Events_________ . I s tream ers.

W heeling S ta r SQUare D ance b ride lb will dance a t 0 p.m . S a tu r - w ,?',y a t tl»«* D ftlrdltorlum . Dill C o - . ' ..Id will cm;. T hose a tte n d in g ' Hoped ncrkt e asked to bring sandw iches o r [’“ crt- ^ ^ „ g ladioli f io i- ,.

c r book,Y -W lves win hold th e ir re g - ChrU tln# nii a r m on th ly m eeting a l 8:30 th e bride. Oran m. M - o n d a y In th e YWCA „y snbaugh B om In th e Y building, 368 Sec- m aids. Thpv vi id avenue e ast. Q uests a re w el- govnw of j-Hiow me. like the mal<l

V ^ ¥ c a rrlcd prnyer I F IL E R — T lio MIA will ho ld green Rladloll "R eady G o R o u n d -U p ” W ed- cad in g green st

•sday a t th e hom e of M rs. Flow er girl v ow ard T egan . T hase p la n n in g a rd . daughter

a tte n d should m e et a t 1:30 R icha rd Hownn m . n t th e LD S c liu rch fo r sk irled yellow l an spo rta llo ii. A num ber of carried a mln deo even ts wll! be he ld a n d a yellow and vhl lUck wogon lunch will be se rv - Benny Sllbai 1. OlrLi a rc asked to w ear Jeans be.U m nn, u,<ihi Id co tto n s liirU a n d boys a re ' McNew, Twin

como In I^v ls . H atfie ld . Buhl.^ were H arry T

m h ° h

M e-C onK reiiC T r-w m - be 1« W m “’ p S ,

,n iiL stiilitJiim 35,----------------------- Ijj,* * >(■ She nccompar

HAGERMAN—G olden age club M rs. H any Ta ill m eet a t 1 p^m. .M onday t t oC-the-brldcgro le 'L e g lo n ^ a l l , T h e bride's

V ^ ^ V brocade iHAGERM AN — T eachers re - sptlon wUl .be held a t 1:30 p jn . u e « d fty - ln - th e -h o m e -« o n o m le 9 ■! , " - j i7L >oms w ith a deasert, h o u r p re - J e ^ r l M R ^ h i d l „ , t h . P T A m . o t l n , .

V ^ * T h e newljTi,-« B L IS S — PTA teach ers recep - a t a reception 1 on will be held a t 8 p .m . T u es - fellowship hall. xy a t th e ' school bu ild ing . ' fea tu red a h «

)(. if. :f. c en tred wUh iHA-GERMAN •— Jo b s ' DaugHT ver leaf weddlt r t will m eet a t 8 p,m . W ednes- d e co rau cly Bt tlie M asonic tem ple . ? re en h e a r t ^' i , « « to rs of w h ite i

■ * ■ ■ * ■ * • te red w ith a giC heerfu l M a tro a i c lub w i l l arid bu tte rflle

le e t 'a t 3 p,m. T uesday a t th e ^^nth a m lnlabuilding. T hp re will be a les- bridegroom un

m on teen -age code by Eva n e t bearing ray lo r a n d A n n a B ronson . bells. C rystal

* ^ V w ith yellow ti A ltxusa club will hold Its busi* cake.

esa m eeting a t 6 p.m . T uesday Rccepilon i t- G riggs cafe, th e wedding i

punch a n d cw in Falla J ilgh school anil wns E ugene BlijdsoH -aduated from LDS D u.ilneu n lngham , M n iliege. S a lt L ake C ity. She Lt te r and M rs. nploycd by A m erlcnn AgenQles, aun t.t of th e 1 )c.. S a lt Lnke C lly. A nita BledsiT h c bridegroom Is a g raduate b ride. M rs, E : M inidoka county h ig h school a n d Mrs, Joel id hus fulfilled an LD S m ission aided a t th e I th e gu lf fltntcs. He Is n tle n d - T alley , ninter c Ig W ultcch College of Elcc- regis tered the onics, B a lt Lake C ity, ^'or her wedT he couple will reside In Hnil Mrs, T alley c ake C lly. k n it d ress wH

Food for Ameri(By GAYNOR M A D D O X

'H ie ijig m iirkei news for Hep- 1 cup diced :inber ^ lurkeyn, ucconlUi)i (o * cups chick f i . d e im rtn ic iil of aKrlciiltini^ 1 cup heavy iportfl, Proiliictlon th is ynnr Is 1 lenspoon n ell over Innt yn \r. T hey will ',4 trntipoon g I'obnlily 1)11 tho bcnl n ira l Imy per : Ihe iiKinlh. C:ti(i|iped clO lh e r hnrvdht tlinn i\lmiidniit K)dn wli; bn iiniinrd lum i, KmpM. l" r <>r nmrgnrli «bbnno, ftwriit corn, ('.iioiiiiilinrn, lions, Kroi'M |i<r|i|irrn. oniua- C!uvrr and nliiii iipe nnrt w nter m elon, Hwcet yK «tob|(,irn . in our borncs, m one nf ‘ ' ‘roug i a foo od'a best kUU to m an . O n the H 'loimh a slo' )b w ith b u tto n crriv.n. s a l t nilll l l M iss 1), fditd expcrl. w rites

1«1 l,«r Kr.,:i, c » m V lo lij .n .il..nnn »f th e sw eet corn sen- _ .. .

I ll's .m on l dollKlitrni trea ts , We 'u^nuuu«um «a>«v-*-4iitiiM i' i m » - --------- I' ono w unii nlKht Innt w rek. All | 0 |: nn nrnrt (iiir tlm nhn l<i Miss 1).Niiln; If y.,i, nnrvn It olillind i V ■ V

ivn l l i ln k ' thiki’n Ihe bent wny I I ' I dllhiiiiKh y o u -m a y ' n o t n n r r n ) | i | ' | I I * n BUK1 It In tlm rouKhly chlllml. lul nnivo 11 In chlllait linwin, ^

c o r n v k ii iy h o ih i-;' • “" '“ I r g f f i i i i i

% iui|i flnnly <ili(i|i|>ril Imkn iir grfinn (lllll,nn, I ,

a Ubirn|iiKiiin |)iit(ri' or iiinr- unriim ] M A A F I

oui» corn, frrnh; .:iil, off llie, IH M V tl.coll iiiliDui 'J rn)7i)


•Ar M oc lom iij> In iln lo m rtln rln ll ★ f'l” ® A M ERICA N A N D LATIN DANCI


n O S S A N O V A - MY-BO-ie ’ n n d Ihfl Infoat dnnco f«ti» C A U TODAY

TlinRr: IS A CLASS rO R f:VI:ftYOl

Dan and Willa De^n NieS c h o o lo f Dnnce


3 n d , l , e l i q h t - ■

e d d i n g R i t e s I

n i t e C o u p l e

aing, (ii>iiriitp, nf W C .-w M R S ^ . -•J n m r. r m.tilinB O in n - . '■

f . bcc.imc llio I i<i« j . ic i , 'D TM'rv, cm ..f

Ui'lnii*' M 1 'nllfj <•■•':1. Ill » .K L I,. r .u v \ \ i LI ceremi,>H ahu ’;k m ii.r I Ohrl!.ti.,„ U p M f s y ;Ift np i Ml In llry . f,ul,p, ^•he brirt , 0IM«.,1,H r - -------nuilll:.!- |i':i.„ .W .| „ |„ |H

k fo 'i 'iir ,, p „ „ , i ,:eLi «>' v - ii .i ' nno . .m ,,Ilol' '< U - ilif l,..o l< r'ni"«ing l'>. '>io » t '* i f o n III*, lie '"U l., ^i, „ i„ n'OTiingp i •h e . f..iiu , :^oii- f, fio-., •• - ^

;th u<i- 11 of I 'lin titn iy -ii,.*' . v .• wl’'!.- ;,llt>,> - ta ilp , dpAlsii ,v jtli « t''!<'rl I'CKll.'r, P '.iiro lt 1(................... ‘ll 0 '-ll r » - l p rarU I '

“‘"I’............. ' I " " ” < -.i..,.,|l : , ,\v<u;., j ----------------------- J

>lin»i'rii ' i" '" '' f

lU 'rt '• • • .. " ':!imo' llwn'i’.V, • S ^ , . . ,

. queeiM crown of M-rt 7 ^ 1-------------1 her Int,Bill vfii ot ‘‘afci'' •lon. S'>e .-artlo,! u m bU top ■

w ith a B'liite orchid o tn n . • ••.Ued with cft.'icnrting .salln 'v ] s j B r '— • am ers. '-‘'^ 'a S R ' 'Udy Jinrrtliig, sister of th f ^ le, OrBiige, wa* maid of hon- MIC

Sh# wore a powder g r o i i cade ffnwn fnshionrd w ltli a Upped necV'liie and bcu sk irt. rlp.« ae<'rnt(Ki t- h ' > carrIM a tMunnH of vellow rh id f .-m he r br2“ ; " .............. • - “ . • P - v - n , , ,

:h r u i i , . . n iH ,™ ,. „ „ M „ o , brldp. Or.iiKc. «,id M rs. B cn- '

i ? " '’ ThJv 'i-ns of ycilow brocade de.mgned unt^s"of'^BuW*hI , I h . ,n .M ol l,onor. m < ,, » 'r led prayer books topped w ith a ltendeen Rladloll flo rets w llh cas- ^allf-. S a il Laki ling green sa tin streninens. E U o , Inower Rlrl was Sydney How- Ooodlng.;. daughter of M r. n n d Mrs, Caldwell and Ru ihard Ho»'nrd. She w ore a fu ll P re -nup tia l e rled yellov,’ brocade frock and tiie 5>rlde IncludJ rled ft m in iature ba sk e t of ous sliower a l thi low and vh lte snapdragons, church ho.iied bj icnny Sllbaugh. B u h l , was ler, Mrs. Law ren t m an, U,<;hers were R lchn rd M argnret Slrlckl New, Twin F a lli . a n d Bill Ewell and Mrs. tfleld . Buhl. O the r a l le n d a n ts son: Mrs, Lonah -e H arry Talley, b ro th er of Milo Davis, a

brltiegrooin, Caldw ell, nnd home of M rs. Du nm y Svilllvati. Bulil, Tw in Falls, co-loland H arding, b rp th cr of th e C harles T ippe tt,

a n a - S ta n le y R u th erfo rd , In son ,-M rs, Kei In Falls, wero ta p e r ligh ters , nnd M rs. Rlchi traditional. weddlng.muj>lC-Was show er.a t the .ho yed by-M rs, B lanche Sm ith ,' ny SllttnuR h'w li 5 accompanied the .loloLst, os co-ha»teas; s. H arry T alley, s ls ler-ln -law were given by frthe-brldegroom . - ....................... A wedding reheirhe bride's m o th e r chore a held a t th e ho g« brocade d in n e r dreas w ith M rs. Joel Neje& ,0 accoteorles. ¥■ >n i8 bridegroom’s m o th e r ««• n j .1 1 t« L l. . .b e lBe .Hnen afte rnoon P o r l U C K ■sa- with m atclilng be lgc-.ac - sorles. Each w ore a corsage c l —10 ( H r bronre ch rj’santhem unra; rhe newlyweds g ree ted gue.its R o K o L ' n l - a recem lon hold in th e church I X C U C N U I lowshlp hall. T h e b ride 's lable P rim rose Rebe •tured i h « r u la c 6'tab lcclo t^i m e t fo r a potlu it<red wUh a th ree - tle re d clo- banquet room <■ leaf w edding -cake. T h e -c a k e iow*-h»ll.----------8 decoHit«d w ith- yellow a n d T h e f irs t reg icn h e a r t shaped la ttic e , c lus- th e ' season folli s of w h ite w edding bells c en - M rs. A. C. M ar ed w ith a green ro se tte , sw ans presided, d bu tterflies. I t w as topped Com m unicatlo ^h a m in ia tu re b r i d e and from Veda Nye degroom under a ll-archw ay of den t, and Oftrrc I bearing m in ia tu re w edding sem bly presldftn Is. C rysta l c ande lab ra w itli -M rs.-.E V elyn J l yellow ta p e rs flanked thb land , ^'fts a gu te . troduced by M:Iccep iion easlsianj-i, serving «on.I wedding c a k e . and pouring A n Invitation nch a n d coffee, were Mrs, Fellows to fttt gene Bledsoe, M rs. B e tty C u n - h a m burge r fry igham . M rs. R aym ond K la - ^«ed Bept. 13 wi

and M rs. R u th D uggan, a ll D elegates to 1111.1 of th c b ride . bly In O ctober tin l ta B ledsoe, cou.sin of th c ley * re M rs, Jde. M rs, D udley R u therfo rd Mrs. w llfo r Dei:l Mrs, Jo e l N ejerch leba pre- M rs. C larice Wipd a t th e g if t tab le. K athy S t® '^ |*Iley, nister of th e bridCKroom, “ '®ilRlered th e gue.sts. I t ... 15’ ' "Of h t r w td d in , irlp . 11» i.tw.. T .lle y o li .M c d 10 , rod “ S , . , .A "II d r ™ wlUi w lilfe H.W.UO- I J ™ ™“"

I ¥

m ericans „ , s ~VAADDQX cnlebrnled he r 1

anry w ith a pn grent-grnndm oi:

cup diced raw pom tocs- F lvelaiid. H er . cups chicken stock v/^a also hnnore

cup heavy c ream lofi U) re tu rniraspoon na lt (o rn ia hom e aftffttipooii g round w hite pop- niimii)(|r In RIoli per ifttid home,C:litinped chlvea or wntnrcrMS

tnute lenkn or o n lo m in bu t- nr m argarine 2 nilniites, Add

n, [xitatorfi an il ohickcn slock, vrr and nlinm er 10 in liiu tes urIII VDgetablea a re tender, P u l migli a food m ill o r p u i ih0111(11 a sieve, e t i r In h rnvy ■ Mlllll. s a l t nnd w hite pnpiinr. rve Imt or chilled, gnriilnlind :h cliopped oltlvea o r w ator- H

T O P S n i N ^


MAGEL TIRE CO. IC*-------- ------------ Is DeptILL BALLROOME S S O N S

1 * F lm i l . lA . l ru c to r i l . l y . y o u « J IN D A N C H S .i z - Q u i c K S T t r w nNEW DANCES AT THE S,MY-BO.ie


Ie6'n Nifllsen DanceSliPIFM M R________________ I ■

....... ..................... ............................

s a r ^ r r /

-------J l

f c "

M il. AND M RS. ItlCH A U D O. TAI.(S h ir M o rl'a photo)

M a<r<'pn'wl w ith th e w hile • X A _ . _ Irt f i '‘m he r bridal l>ouquct | / V v G f n D G Tlie coupl# will lesldi* 1« T C l — •nnffe wiiero the b fl'le will pon- I P O ^ I Q me )'»r studies a t S a n tn Ann 1 1 . f iJi'or college'. Tho bridegroom / V l U S l C L 11 continue his s tud ies at lapm an college. B o th a rc g rad - den te a of the les of B uhl h ig h school. £,]„(, ^Oue.st.i a ltended fro m O ranRe. M onday a l tl- lllf-. S a lt Lake C ity, D enver. R obert f irallsf :no, E lk o , Pocatello , T w in drive, ills, O oodlng. Id ah o Fnll.s, lo„ , , -ildwell and R upert. .ship chairm anPre -nup tia l events hono ilng thc tea. Mrs, e 5>rlde Included a m l.w ellanc- prngrnm chnlrr is sliower a l th e F i rs t C h ris tian UoKprson, EdM lurch ho.iied by M rs. D on MU- mnn. r, Mrs. Lnwrence Q uigley, Mrs. Belliniargn re t Slrlck llng . M rs. B la ine proRram fea tur A'ell nnd Mrs. E. M.» T om lin - un num bers. A n : Mrs, Lonnh B ra te r a n d M rs. snloUt.i will bt Ho Davis, a sliower a t thc cent nnd Mr.s. )me of M rs. D udley R u th e rfo rd , jr.. Ann Wllll win Falls. co -ho .ited ' by Mr.i. n m , vlollnl.^ts, tiaries T ip p e tt, M rs. Dick R ob- iln duet, accoi ■son,- M rs, K e n n e th - .P a ttc rso n poiid .Id M rs. R lchnrd H ow ard ; a A ssisting Mi low er.a t the-hom e.oI-M rs..B e»- ,o c ,„ , a rrange r f s im nuR h-w lth Je rlly n -P npc I co -hM teis ; o t h e r show ers v,.eiier M rs. E ere given by friends In O range. jc ssle T ea te r

wedding re h e a rsa l-d in n e r w ns ^n d M fs. Irv ln cld a t th e home of M r. nnd w ' <- to . JO .I N . | , „ l , k b . .

^ ^ ^ troduce Sepler

^otluck Dinner s Held by " S S iip ^ebekah LodgePrim rose Rebekali lodgl: No. 76 T hc T w lr

le t fo r a -p o tlu ck -d ln n er In th e l« o n - ^ f l l anquet room of th e O dd F el- tlonn l Fede ra l»ws-hall,____________________ ___ since 1060. ArT h e f irs t regulnr m eeting of ^ S “’ conU

lie- season followed th e d inne r. irs . A. C. M arU n, noblo g rand , ^resided. 133-6530.C om m unications w ere r e a d

rom Veda Nye, assem bly pre.sl- FA M ILY II en t, and O arro lyn H ancock, na- j i a n s e N E ombly presldftnt. reun ion andJifra.-.E V elyn D enning, P o r t- Uie hom e ind , 'fiia a guest. She was Ui- ^ o m Sleelsm il roduced by M rs. H ugh A nder- ]on. Boise,A n inv itation from the Odd „„(! B urlev

■ellows to a tten d the a n n u n l____________ l_am burge r fry a n d roasting ear eed Bept. 13 was accepted.D elegates to a tte n d the assem - S e a

ly In O ctober to be held In B u r- _:y a re M rs. Jack Bell, No. I : CL UIrs . W llfor B enedict, No. 3, a n d n — a - . - Irs . C larice W ollers, No. 3. r O n T O O

S tella Bell is lodge deputy for he ensu ing year. D inner com- D f nnittee Is M rs. T, Bell. Mra, C ar- D V Jle M odlln. M rs, M innie Patz and Irs . C rysta l Van A iudeln. N o w

T lie nex t m eeting will be Sept.

, 1/2PA IITV HKLO ' •

in iC H F IE L D , Sept, fl - T attle r i ic s e a rc lieiling, B an la Monica, Cnilf., . o iicratednlebrnled hor b irthday nnnlver- sport. 3 encnry w ith a pa rly given, by he r and two m rent-B rnndm olher, Mrn Oiinilnr^Ivftlaiid. H er slater, Chnrlnlee, D i/BA also honored beforn tlin glrla ** 'oft to re tu rn to tlieir C all- C A B Uorn ia hom e a fte r apeiidlng the j . , iiminrjr In R ichfield a l the Flve- and home.

W h e n y o u b u y

ROOFir— — T-'— B u y - t h e - b e s t i -

W h e n y o u b n y a ro o f in p b o s u r o o f tl i OjOS w o ll Q5 th e p r ic e . N o ! o il L O W P • A R E t h o b e s t b u y s ,

Johns Manvi

ROOFirIs Dependable . . i B ea u llM Proven lo Be Belter In [very

O l * u> d c u l l b « (o r« y o u b u y o n y ro g ly a y o u o FREE E S T IM A T E o l w h a l R o o r W IL L C O S T . . . IT W IL L S U l

A T T H E S A V IN G S .


"C ll ty M « .» Vlae* la B land a n d . I ’ll. Ilot’l

1 5 1 RO SE ST . T W I N FA L L S

— n, V i c k y B o i

# A n d e r s o n

~ i W e d d i n g '^ ITATT.FV', RFi.r P

r>«llf . M'l;

p c r f . im r '' I- 1' ' cou ll^ r'‘' l 1} Ihr

. ■ 1 h- 1' M- . 0-1 Ir iag r i)\ lip’ (Ml*-

'■ in>c f ' t r d bodir ( iir'-k'.lnc ‘I

' ;.'j 'Z In <ho hni'lfT he i'oiii(«i.t rI

r . . .:j Im g 'h H"i ii''iil>l : w n. f-M ..n-,l iMi■ l a k p«niU nn'l s<'nnl’i

P 'Tl I III iinn l^ 'ir - ~ a Ol^SCriU boiKjui'l

V 1; :; : '

Mrs*! jB iiirs VI:---------- - thw b-l(lF. wn- in:

<’ar"1 VlniiOf nim wns malrt of 'm nr

■aV «, ^ gold shr-alh row . ' . ' • , r S sage o( m atchli

- r - — •• • mum s;Mr.-; Mike Rlgi

UD n . TAI.I.KV S m ith wffre brldPhnto) gowr>5 w tre bhio

A e t n b e r s h i p I T hp brUlo'3 '1

e o S l a t e d h y. . , bill*’ wool slicftth

A U S I C L l L } b hrco.iRorlr. Enrtic arnation corsaei

he anniinl |n e m h m l,lp g a r- c h r l s A nn Prc i fea of th e T u'in Knil.i M usic hrldi* wn.i 1 b w in be held n t ,-30 p.m. “ 0% f w i i i r d r ! mday a l the hnm c of M k . <;ifiri 1I . „ t « r .lU -n rd , A U ,.„

, ^ she carried. Dam^Jr.i. Louis T ljorson, niember- nephew o t the l ip chn lrm nn, ts ih chflrpe of benrer ! tea. M rs. T ea la Bellini Is Altoii Andcr.ioi igrnm chnlrm nn nntf-Mrs. D .in bridegroom wan iKerson, EdMi. i* sorlnl rh n lr - jqucs and. J a r ''*■ ushers.Mr.?. Bellini ha,i a rranged a Bouquets of wl ngram fea tu rin g piano and vlo- te red w llh pale 1

num bers. A ppearing as pbino tied w ith wide pt ,oUt.i will be M rs. Rozer V ln- in UiU w hite br HI nnd M rs. R obert Bln.itock, th e church /. Ann W illiam s nnd Beverly ^ reception tII, violinists, will p resent a vlo- cu ltu ra l ha ll of1 duet, accom panied _by L inda bride'# iab le . cov 'hd. ' c lo th , wns 'ccnAssisting M rs. Rogerson w ith tliree-tle red we( elnl a rra n cem en ts wlU be E den ‘L.Jsy.TcaileB.'Wf tb m em bers, Mrs'. W. H D et- pan lcd by Mr; iller, M rs. E m il M artens, Mr.s. F loyd D orlus w ssle T enter, Mrs. H enry Jones, th e guest book id >jlrs. I r\ 'ln g M cDonald. Shcpcrd prcsld Mrs. Ja ck C talborn , sr., hym n table.

the m on th chairm an , will In - R efreshm ents oduce S eptem ber’s hym n, "Cnll M rs. C harles Da hovah T h y S alvation ." T h is C annon a n d Mi lll_bc—«UHg—by—M r«> -^en r)i — ^ » -b r ld e -a t t« e stcndorf. • school. AndersoiM em bership In th e T»’ln FalU H ailey h igh se t uslc club Is open to anyone In en tly serving I nglc V alley In terested In m u- T lie couple w :. T he T V ln F a lls Music cltib R obinson aveni« beon -a ffllla ted w ith-U ie N a- CallL.^-------------anal F ed era tio n of M usic clubs O ut-of-tow n nee 1060. Anyone In terested In frotn Ely, Nev ilonglng to th e c rg a n lia tlo n Y alls, M urtaugr lould con tac t M rs. T horson , um . Bellevue. 13-2201 or M rs. Clyde K oontz, n n d M ountain I3-B530. *

V .¥ ¥ SH O ^\'iTAM ILV M U N .O N I.EL1.

JIANSEN, Bept. C — A fam ily j,ey j,eld a t :un lon and d in n e r wna held M ilford Jones i Uie hom e of M r. a n d M rs. ^ ^ re sen-ed by om S tee lsm ith In h ono r of Mrs. d - „ q 'Co red K a r i. ROlatlves a ttended j_j„_ ^ th e l Mcl om Boise, Je rom e, K bnbcrly A ustin M nthene id B u rle y ., --------

S t o .o n - E n i ) DAILYC L O S E O U T

Pontoon PADDLE '_ . _ _ O ulck io rv

B O A TS l e e IN o w . . i n , o , ,


T licse a rc fo o t o r m otor . o iicrated fo r fishing or

sport. 3 ench of 3 alMa. Ono and two m an boats.


~ 401 N. I.O0U11 Tw in FalU

^ ReI U b u y '

FING ®- b e s t j -------------------------- -- I — -----------------

s u r o o f tlio q u o M ly . . . ill L O W PRICE R6orS j

lanville .......... jP i ■ 1^ ■ .FING', nle a u tlfu l . . . ond m.imi«i. 1 In [very W ay . . . ------>tiy> a n y r o o f in g , lo t uaE o ( w h o , o Q U A L IT Y iW IL L S U R P R IS E Y O U 1 n.ml to

Ihn Opr

VNIELSG C O .i n d . l ’ll . l lo t’rM in .W nrlfl".... .... CAPP:FA L L S 7 3 3 - 2 1 7 9

c k y B o u l to n , F r id a y ,^ c p t . j

i d e r s o n S o y H H I H H I ; d d i n g V o w sTT.FV'. p iv i i n '

'f qiul<ll»'i nniif'11 P a ’" 'v h r !

>>r h> <l.r ')( r r ’<> Al iriso i, !Ml*

h ; i" - 'i . |i '|,M^ I l S B h ' M S r^f'■'l ti) Ih r i>fsiii)i> ■

I- M .k «■ rn •,• 1.\ hp- (M ln niif , I.I of « \ ' if 't t rd b o d ir .

'h rIf I'Oiillnnt fl'xn->h H"l |i‘'ill>lr ‘ll'i\U>ii

( .Ilh n ofinlir rniTlrrtl

’Ti(« ym - Knn*,<tii>

rs, Ja in rs Vlnlm^, »1«irr of 1______________tj’ ldF. wilt i im f - n nf > innn r" | ” i - ' .V i n

"1 VlniiOf nm rr of th " h iid r. ^ 9 ^ 2 W c ltc c maid of imiini Eticb « " rc a

1 sh ra lh gown with i\ cor- ! o( matchliiK chrysniitlie- jT1S; ~ g '"If.-; Mike RIgglln nnrt D oris. ■ T i - j l1th wffre hrlclc-.^maliU. T liclr•rn w fre bh ir Inrp and •n c h ' ’ I

■hr brUlo's m ollirr wore n ■.ic a flrr i'o o n ‘t 'o - i " ' t h hour, , • Wr isn r lr i . Mr« Prnl chnur a f ir wool Kticftth '^rrss '■ ll'< bonr A jBr.iRorlm. E nrh worr a w hltr H B k B Bna tion corsage. ( 'h a rlr« Tnpha:h rls A nn Prcslrldge, niece o t . , to m irrly fronI bride, wa.i flower girl. S h e ' S o u th rm lHa rc a w hite dro.w with n short!i f f a n t sk irt, and the flowers; ^he r bouquet m alched those ,‘rt t

! carried. D anny D oan Vlahos,! f,.,=w . M l . , b r ld .. r l , „ . S” " r c u “ ' l

U ton A nderson, b ro ther of th e T T ouairfv an t dcgroom, wan l>oa m an . D onl 'lies and. J a rk HrooVs wore! I’*'” ’ '

Bouquets of w hite gladioli c en - ' 1 W |c d w llh pale gold gladioli and d w ith wide pastel blue rib b o n s! ta ll w hite baskrts, rircorated ’

5 chu rch / 1312 * th Ave.\ reception w as held In the llu ra l ha ll of th e church. The idc'g ^able. covered .w lth a loceIth, w as 'c cn tcred—w ith—t h e ----------------—ree -tlered wedding cake . T U F P FJsy_rca:leB_TVM.-M]olstpc£omrnlcd by M rs; Fowles. • Mrs.oyd D orlus w as In chargc of ■e guest book and M rs, Joyicpcrd presided, a t the g if t J V ■

R efreshm ents w’cre served by H jrs. C harles Dnvls, Mrs. w llllnm ' ■u in o n nnd M rs, Joseph I v le . . ™g^e-brlde-ftttandad-H ftUoy-h lgh. ----------------------hool. A nderson Is a g rad u a te of a lley h igh school a n d Is pros- - Iitly serving In the navy. *CVv®T lie couple wf,l reside a t 1258 • t O Dblnson avenue, S a n Diego 3, *

O ut-of-tow n gucsU a ttended om Ely, N ev.; Je ro m e ,'T w inalls, M urtaugh , Burley, K 6 t c h - ----------------------tn. Bellevue. Billings, M ont., nd M ountain View, C alif. y.

* * » ’ 0 7 -^SHGW EU HELD '*

EDEN, Sppt. 6—A p ro-nuptlal low er honoring D arlene M athe- ey was held a t th e homo of Mrs. tllford Jones. R cfreshm enU e re sen-ed by Mrs. Jones, w llh Irs, D an O'C onnelly, Lewiston;Irs. E thel McDonald, nnd Mra. b ' - ' u stin M ntheney ns co-hostesaes.

f o r c u l t u r


KODAK FINISHING / V \ a q iQuick te rv lc o o n c o lg r 9

LEEDOM I y o u 'v o dro(_ - __ __ ^ — — lin e r s . , . .

2 3 0 Sho


SEPTEMBERelreshmenlsI Door Prize

O P E N IC om e, S ee >

------------------ C ilV r P P -tR lL C T liD , C L O S l’D IN / '

( A t t h e B o n j a m i n

Yiiii i-nil b 'ly Ibn fliiral—A t ’niiii-lltinip—«n Kirt.Tiiiir. (liin rn lilrrd |irliirn liiiliiiln inniiy ra Thlii In llm liiiiiin jn rf rlrc il hy tlioiiniiiidn In llir hiilldliiK rmhvi, V.iii run Kcl KHI’; niiiiin Yiiii Kill a ll M>« hiilUlliig ll1nlcl'1nl^ for a m liuiliulfl I'h iinliliiu . lli:nl.lnui r.uMinn arnluiin wIMi nxliin 'n , lOO'n of plniin lu irlimiM' Irnn linivy niiiritiiioilini iiii yum lol and fdiiiiil iniilnilnln fo r ymirnnlfl

H O W T O G I T T O T H E C /

'ralic Mlii'liwny' 'Jl liDiii Minlny, innnn tlu I'liiulriiiMi lull, iiiinl thn riiitlliiK nn iina nlii niKil lo Ihn left, T hn odilrrnn o t Ihe C^inii : Ihn O pen lloiinn niHiws nn<l nlKim,

Y O U R C A P P -H O M E


F riday , S e p t. 6 , 1 9 6 3 T w in Falls T im cs-N


1 9 6 2 W c l tc c h G ra d u o to

V T j f K j S r ^ "Becnnse of WriiooiiH f course, I nm now employee

elrclr6\ilr« li“rhiilrlnii in M '1 u (r M an Ml.^iilr procrnm.

IT PAYS■ b ^ n ' " ' ' ' " ’' ' ' ' " v('li*rlr« Tnnham

s s r n MEN WANTAges IB to 38 for fifty (50) weeks of re.sldent technology. T rnlnlng begins w ith th e basic fur Full o r pa rt- llm o Jobs available to he lp pay tul board and living expenses. G rnduates placed wl m ajor electronics firm s. E-xcellenl sta rlin g sa larl vancem cnt. An urgen t na tional need.To qualify and for fu rth e r inforn iallon send nnn nge nnrt phohc num ber to;


Branoh O ffice O f T he R egistrar 1312 8 th Ave. E as t Tw in 1

or lAione 'J33-2388

" n r i E R E ' i J l O L J / i a j ^ ^

CRUI2^ S E f l M U D A - ^ ^


f o r 'c u l t u r e . . . f o r re ld x o M o n . . . fo r f o r m a k in g n e w f r i e n d s . , ,

C r u is e s f ro m 3 lo 1 0 3 D o y s .

M a q ic C a rp et‘Zfc■ W e c a n g iv e fu l l I n fo r m a t io n a n d b o o k

y o u 'v o d r e a m e d a b o u t f ro m f r e ig h te r s l in e r s . . . A T N O E X T R A C O S T T O YC

2 3 0 Shoshone St. Enst 7


EMBER 7 and 8Door P riz e -A n Electric Hair Dr]

N H O U S!, S ee A B eau tifu l

P P - H O ^ M EL O SliD IN A N D R H A D Y T O R N I S H I

njam in M cD onald home’niiii-ll<inir>—onit navn tli<iii>i«iiiln of dollar*. Tin ii'liiiln inniiy raliiin l *' thoiiniiiidn In 17 ntnlro. (Inpii-IIoiiicn m o liiilll 1. I d KHI’; Iliiiiiii'Inii. or ymi iniii imy a« little nn('l■lnl for a rnninlrlfl iimiie liiAidfl nnil nu t nil UMiiiii a rn lunra Kll<^licn i:AUIiiiila n iid UlcdU'Icnl lu trliixinr Irniii, n r linn yiiiir own, O u r rnii)«iit< lol and fdiiiiilntliin, liuipful Iho d u e (jiiallty

T O T H E C A P P -H O M E S O P E N H O U S E :

iiTlny, inonn tlifl ilv rr , nml fuliow H ighway U7 |i litlliiK nn iina nliilhni mi thn lefl, and Uikn thn flin ■n o t Ihe Cnmn Muiioo U 3im nouMi nnd 1»NI WMt. 1. I niKiin,

: a p p - h o m e r e p r e s c n t a t i v e i

3 607 Yotos, Boiso Phono 344 13 Dupont N., MinnDopolis l I ,

r ^ i i


r W rllM lVi r x r r l l .n t I now employed ^s an rrhiilH an in the M lh-I.«ilr prorrnm . 1 mad*

r P A Y Sr r l i i . l r o l l y tin i iip H -k ,

I WANTED II■eks of residen t electronic* . I Ih th e basic fundam enta ls. I Ito he lp pny (ulilon, room, I I

luates placcd w ith over 41 | | |II sta rlin g sa laries and a d -need. f * ’Illation send name, address,


T be Iteg tstrarTw in Falls, Idaho

33-2388 '*




oMon . . . fo r fu n , . .<v friends . , ,l o l0 3 D o y s . ,;

e t'Z fa v e lsIon a n d b ook a n y c ru ise 3m fre ig h te rs fo luxuryC O S T T O Y O U !

ist 7 33-1668

.M .-IN HEYBURN-------

i d 8ic Hair Dryer

U S Etifu l

IVl E-----D R N I S H I *

Id h o m e )of dollar*, r iiii iiir ln g lo r

Diiicn itie lliilll bei^ter than iiiy an little nn ip 'l. down.idfl niKi nu t Bii(( you cnn I m id UlcflU'Icnl l*ncknK(«II, O u r cniiieiiteiA do th e 0 d u e (jiiallty lnbor and

•EN H O U S E :

/ H ighway U7 pnnt the iiid Uikn thn flint pnved and (KHI wr.it. Uiok for

r i v E i

Phono 344-4761 < i p o l i s l l , Minn.

■I ■■ ............J i

Page 10: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

T.F.,Bruins. Injuries Football

T h o T w in F f l l l s 'B r u I n s I lh (!y t r n v e l t o M in ic f t t o t ( io u b le s c h e d u le n n d n r a « l lire -H c aso n R c h o d u le (o h e r I h ro u K h t h r o e n r o u f o e s .

Yankees Beal . Solons 3-2 In 12 Frames

NEW YORK. Sept. 6 - llM to r Lopes punclied a h i t I riRlitflpld Tii i ^ T S l i n r i n l n g 1 Kcorn CIctc Boyer w tlh th e wli ninit run T lm rsday In a 3-2 vli tory for the New Y ork Yc»nk«( ovpr Uip W aRhlnflon Scna.Uirs,

Lnppz bounced a d rive Jn lo tf lower rlRhtfleld Rland*. I t no: nmlly would htivc been a Rroun rulff double b u t ho wns crodlu- w llh ft Ringlo h e did n o t go pai Itrst. ba*c.

I t ini.'rked th e sIxUj lim e ihl season th a t Lopez hod driven I the w inning ru n In th e In st In nlri«.Wiihlnilon N<ir York

.b r h bl< mb r hIllM'.m. i I 2 OjKiiWh & 1 1IllnU-n 1 0 1 olrrBlUmt S <1 0aMlnoio I 0 0 0,M>nlli 1 0 0Klnr 1 0 0 oll.hti 2 0 0l^irk 4 n 0 U Mirli 4 0 IZlmmrr 4' 0 I 0 ll.rw.r.l 4 6 0ll,l.rr $-0 l-O lll.nrhrd 4 0 0Iltlnkmn 6 0 I, « H'lyrr < I Illhl>lk 2 0 : OTfrrr 4 0 0Ili.fliurk I 0 0 UcLuixi 1 Q 1KIIm " 1 0 0 0 _Tol.l. a m ToltU « a l ’ ..]|>n f.ir lllcilon In 3rd: b-FII.a oi

fnr llofbu«k lo lOlb; e-SlnBlr,l ». Tftrr in Ulh.W M hlm um _____ono 020 ooo ono-

- V/.rtr-------- oou-wa wi> o w ->;-nrInltmin. Pbllllpi. How.nl. II

____ ^ - f h l i l l pi. Kubrk;.. : .

Rookie Gains 4-1 Victory OverChisox

CHICAGO, se p t, 8 -W —Rookl scn&atlon O ary Pelere racked U| h is 12th victory since th e a ll-ata game here T hursday na h e p itch ed th e Chicago W hlt< Sox to

f 4-1 vlctojy over th e K ansaa Cll. A tlilctics I rH h e tln a ri0 0 3 '8 a n T betw een the tw o tconu .

i K iriiTTIty--------- ------------------------. U h bl] >b r h 1

Del(lr«o 4 1 1 « Ijin.lli 8 D tI Clmoll » 0 I 0k;uti-h»m 4 1 >

Ch»rlt« 4 0 0 o]ll<Cr»w O O Omtlwrii t 0 I I ll.iblnion S O I )KdKarcla S 0 4 0 W«nl 4 0 OrLuttijx 4 0 0 0 Mnrtln 4 0 0I|trr«lin a 0 0 OlNlrhoUon S 1 pU Ilu t» 2 0 0 0 IUn>cn 2 0 b

• .lleynldi I 0 0 0 W*l. 2 I 0. Manl'silo 0 0 0 0 rclcri 2 1 1

b»:iiftin 1 0 0 0Uvrifb 0 0 0 0 ______

S t i l ' t l l Tol»l. 27 4 s ’ k-Cillril nut iin Mrikr* fnr lUkovr I

t lh ; b->-|lf<l uiil for Muiil*»«uilu In Mb1 Kxitnt Clly ---------- 000 000 OOI —

Cbic.110------- -----------100 oai 00. -i;—NuiK. 2II-Cunnliiih>m 2. sU-

1 I’tKrt. H—WtU. HK—l’ct«n.

BowlingMAGIl' noWL

AlliitM I.iika >ltf«Mnl Kox FItin .l.f.»lKl Dtl"

<<Tlll a-l. Mcirrl*iin-M«rrlU Itnl l«i ■r..«rn »-i. IVIr. »«U. Tr.(it.,r .1'

W.lllr. TriicW 4-U. Youni Daily •lc<»lr<l JliiixlU B>)i

hi M*'"*! II ll

I, S l i i i i



' V .

3 Are Plagu€ es Before Fi] ill Test of liu l n s t a k e t h e w r a p s o f f t h e i r 1 9 6 8 c lu b

to to f l t t h e S p iir ta n H o f c o a c h B i l l M a a r a « h o f a n k le in ju r ie .s , c o a c h P a u l Ofll0 h e m u c h t o u c h e r t h a n i t w a s laH t y e a r fo e s . A f t e r a s c o i i t i n e t r i p t o M in ic o M o

" tan n in th e ir J n w b o r e e ■ o p e n e r w i th B u r l e v , c o n c h I J ,

O H ty n n a id , " M i n i c o w a n * > * quit** ir i^p rcH sive. 1 b e l ie v e w-fc. they look s tro n se r th is seasoh f I thnn the pM i t h r e e . M iller I lira? > w5s a very iraSJiy m n ire r Y

l A Q fnr ih rm nnct we've seen him iii l v - | n iraclc jiiill a n d know h» '« on r

1 _ of thp fft*iMt a round .” j^j. t h i t to - T h is will bo th e (K lh -t lm e .th c Bob in lnn lo t 'O «»«>!* hftve-tnet-ln-footbftll ^nftjo h e w ilt' •*'* B rulrii ho ld a 3-1 record , c ijjj t 3-2 vie- one .to th e S p a r- a„cc Yftnkees Brula* lead In ^nuk la to rs pol'it-' -^Cored In the fou r-yea r g.o 1,, .^ .'h hLitory 08-<0. T he la st two T w in n iuk in to th f p„,[^ t,y ghutoutfl.I t nor- vnrslty h as b t*n ‘vir.^.i

ISi H fllvlded Into two team* w ith mo.« ci.m- , of Iho Juniors golHR lo O len tu C''-';;*

go past /■<.rey for a Brtturday n igh l gam e jZ ,, , . u’hlii> th e seniors play M lnlco. bcihiK

"We w on 't be deep and this riven in in ju ries h as me Aiieyla s t 111- worried a ll&lc." sftys coach

O.ityn. Ho noted Jo h n Roed, ab r h bl movcd Into th e tailback Ppot s<hw>6 1 1 1 th is year, and sen ior wlngback ‘ ‘ " Bobby McClusky are som ew hat1 Q 0 0 doubtful s ta rters bccRuse of In- n«n f*2 0 0 0 Juries. "T h ey v e been In su it th e riit.i.i4 0 0 0 a ro n ’l4 0 0 0 ready to go full blftal on tho.se „ ^ ; r ' < J 1 0 ankJe.'t. Wo n « d R««d lor de- *'* * } fl ? I *0 have to .

spEU h im quite o ften offensive-

9 "J T he tailback sp o t probably I r t j•Fiini out will go to senior Gregg F lin t, a iBir<i for ic iic rm an a t th a t position, I f NET

„ McCliLiky c an ’t go. th e w ing- Wash 00 oo j-lj bncK PPSiypn_probab)y will b4/•nL HR Junior A lan Brow n, a 200>poiuid> day c

- c r . ....... , ........... 000thCoach O styn also noted Steve game

¥ » - » c W oodall, s la ted for s ta r lin g end Wai l l d du ties, has been lost from four ^----------- lo al* weoks-w lth a -b ru lse d .k ld - the 8, ney. "W e w ere very th in a t end of th' before tho In jury . Now .w o'rc InccP

hurthiff. ■njcro h a s been n o tJmc Slgto m ake any changcs, b u t wc sen tli p la n to sh if t some personnel nex t

-Rookie ■ ■___________________ Thi:ked up ^ m ade

ligers Stem .

s r 7 | i n - B o s t o n - ^ ‘ 2 — S “

5 ? J ? BOSTON, Sept. 8 l^^-D el^o lt Bame 0 0 0 0 reH ef-p ltchcr F re d Q laddlng fl- ed Oi* “ ’L j na lly checked a n in th Inn ing ponei4 0 0 0 B oston rally a fte r th e f irs t four s i p 0 b a tte rs rcached bnso and the? ? n 2 “ a c r s won th e ir fourth s tr a ig h t | t 1 (5 I I 2 ^ T hursday. ^

Dtlroll noilon I <•b r h bll .b r h bl -L d ]

. nruum i I 0 OjlirTor 4 0 0 0 gA]7 4 S 4 MtAulif. » 2 I I M.nilllit 4 1 1 0

a ! ."SKr2 Hmllh a, 0 0 o|C»tiln»r .1 0 0 0 JCHUS*• • “ Aml,r»on * 0 0 0 cTlllmtn 1 U 0 0 brolll

Ul*d.ll»l 0 0 0 0 WII...U ® J ® ® SixI.MpJim I » 0 0 inclu

r Ni.;hui. 0 0 0 0 e r u.> ! : ! S ai»ii

_ _ ____ . . . ___ of tl

i t iK 'S w '-Itnl l*>« fnr Nlfhnl« In.Bllii t.n ir .l •ml *"(!•.«i«r .1^ /or (l.,,l...r In mh.

Youhk. I),|„,iv ..................... - 400 0(11 o»o-& x \ T ‘. . TM.n ” '& A u 1 l f f , - I l l l . :M r r .h '’; r “ --^ Wl

h I ? ^ d i n ^ F j ]

i i l i !

• ’ NATIllNAI. i.V.Aimi! dll'

I fp F lt l l ' l

■ ......... .. U'JNrt |l^,tl,^o UACrI. D.rllhN CIinCAdtl.- Ili'in, II i ln i iyn;.. t'*i" T. A.lli« non llii< il'JuMi Uoiiki'i

X-, i;i:: ----------------------------

< M .. " 7 5 I, :::::: * 8 5 ; ..L A ttK S rU R "I

r i

[CO TOJgued by

- F i r s t I

f 1 9 6 3 I196H c lu b S a t u r d a y n ip h t wh«’n . ¥ ^ 1 ^

h B i l l M a t th e w s , f r i m n l e d hy n j •■ •U c I P a u l O fl 'y n e x p e c t s t h e (fi.Hfricl i IflHt y e a r w h e n ih e B r i i in « R w ei’t o l H

M in ic o M o n fla y to v ie w th e S p a r r e e _

^ B r a v e s B I a n I < „ „ 8

P i t t s b u r g h E f

E i n 8 - 6 G a m e “ g

MILWAUKEE. Sept. 6 Wl - p_„ ' le . th c Bob Sadowskl t » s u d h ts first •otbftll n iftjo r-lcflgue -B hu lou t w llh nn rt,nnini ecord. cUfht-hlt, J3-strlkeout perform - Spftr- ancc T liu rsday n igh t as th e MU- , ^ ad In wfiukfe Braves bolt#d Pltej.horBh r-year b-OT w in n .u k .r ,! . Mii— v.. th e fif

g. mt. r h 6l: r ft >> mnSC.b « n v t i ' n ’'* 1 I! 1 S 'u X , J i ? oi C hai

I mO.M n^m rnu 2 0 0 0!A«rnn 4 2 2 0 terbncl U entu ci.n.i.nn 2 0 I 0|T .ri|'r ‘ « J '! th e fcgam e j ; ' " , . , * J I t o o '»-'n«bt

llnlco. bCihiKin 0 0 '0 o;fnrr. 2 1 0 1 Change1 th is \ “ i gl'ijl'Jh-k 2 : S i ‘he p;^ me A i.:" ‘^‘ J t S ol5i','nT“ 5 S ? S f^omcoach I’*” ""* 2 0 0 O MrMiii.n 4 0 0 0 team .Rocd, r f r . 1; n - i ‘ “ A nd.

ppot Srhw.ii 0 0 0 ol con tln i

ew hat In Slh; b. J»ere £Jf In- n .n for nune. in »lh.I t th e rilt.Imr»h ................... ono ooo 000-0a re n 't Milwaukw --------------ou.i 04i oo» -8 ■ |thO.se . / — Cl»n<!.nBn, AH.n. M.lh.w.. H K - ' U '

r d e . ______________

C a p i t a l t o H o s t

1 0 0 , 0 0 0 t h G a m e)n , ’ l f NEW Y O RK . Sept. 8 Ifl—To w ing . W ashington. D. c . . the na tlon ’a III b4 cap ita l, will go th e honor to - oiuidi- day of p lay ing -host to th e ..100.-.......... 000th m a j o r league baseballSteve game. ' ’ - • -

g end W ashington’s opponents will be four th e Cleveland In d ian s who, like D l | |

I .k id - the Senntors.,have been rnembcrs U I I J ,t end of th e A m erican league slH cc'lta T wo're Inception a s a big league 'ln 1001. I j C C

> tJfnc Significantly , - a team rep re- It we sen ting Cleveland played In the 1 nex t hlg leaguo game 62 yeara

T h is in trigu ing dUcovery was m ade a t th e na tional baseball ha ll or fam e and- m useum In Cooperatown. N . Y., and called 5 “ " “ to th e a tten t io n of Com mission- c rfFo rd FrJcJr. - Joe

-------- --A com pilation of a ll gam es de fendplayed by a ll team s w llh m a jo r « th e

------- Ico g u c ^ tn tu s going back to l a i l Crdeterm ined th a t a fte r T h u r s d w ^ xles“ of

le lro ll games, th o m ajors will have p lay - Profess ;ig f l- ed OO.M5; gam es, barring post- on t.he n n ing ponem enla. cheatei 1, four ------------------------------

G i a n t s R e c a l l ^

.K „ , 1 3 , B u y F i e l d e r® * “ SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 6 OR—I , S T he Ban Francisco 01ant« re* ______0 0 0 called 13 m inor league players“ • • T liuriiday a n d purchased th e ......o o o co 'X rnct o f & 24th, ou tfie lder 0 0 0 Jruus Alou, youngest o f th ree ■ n n S brollier# w llh tlie club. - . .0 0 0 9** of the recalled players, • — o o o including » i60,000 bonus p ilch* ■« ® 0 e r Dob O nrlbaldl. will Join th e ' n n n O lnnla for tho lost few weeks .

----- of thn c u rren t cam paign. T ho '■■■• ' otliera will repo rt lo aprhig tr a in - ■

hig. ___________________ = = =

Soaj Wisconsin Has === First Scrimmage =

■ srn l Uin M em lln K HJff T en

ih s'rcr^sirsiiir^r =P, ■

' ' “ 'I K nT o,riil»r S 'tlrU r- ^ ^ 1

m.1(11 M IMY-I-ON. O., Ocpt, fl

I’hlrM,. =W..1,: d o im r 'im r i / lo i ; in i i |> lu l ll = ^ ? : ;

„ ,M ,. luT m iller J.onir, ,'• N ilrr frhr-«ho„.rd d rp u ilrs

Ih r .ImilA 111 h rj inOIrr, nnd = (Ill'll piodurud more rv l- r =

: ^

Idftlio t lc o iu o d , llo ru ltx l,

nm i liiM irod G .iU toi am i

..... P A C K E R S \ M


g I^ T R I - P A C t l

5 1 SSm .. K____ ll I . fhTJ.

0 6 p mt o Fridoy, Sept. 6, 1963

Ivlj Idaho Coaeli q- ShufflesHis Backfield S

MOSCOW , Sept. 6 W- In the i,ig firs t m a jo r pcrsonnfl shuffle of nw th e fa ll s<*w>on. ida lio Idolhnl'. conch l> e Andros Tlnirsdaymoyed__two fif th s tring backsIn l^ roles th a t covild give tlHfirt f i l *

f r spo ts on th is sen«>n'» (rnvfllng ^ ‘ _ ( j r

rir„t Follow ing the grad ing of *, Ul nn W edriesday’s scrim m age, A ndros W \ ‘ 1 “ p rom oted q u a n crb ac k -G a ry P e -

te rs to the sccond team and CH .l.V ;lh wlngtoftck Bob -B a n lc tt to the big K

th ird u n it. Both hart been on rearh th e f if th u n i t during th f scrim - th e

>- r h w mnge. lln«lc’ 5 ni C hanges saw lottcrm on qunr- 2 2 0 te rb a ck O a o ' G agnon moved lo0 0 " th e fourU i leam w lih vetpran thorr i i o w lngback .Cary Sm ith- T h e only f '" ’'"1 0 I change on tlio f irs t un it v a s Iln 0 Jj ' th e p rom otion of Jim M oran when n I 0 from th e sccond to th e f irs t Bend 0 fl 0 te am . light, ® ’ “ A ndros sa id the shuffling will

con lln u e r ig h t up un til th e f irs t " 'h h - - - gom e w ith Fresno s ta te college co"t«i ' t 8 « ‘- 31-■___________

D 000-0 will

r-. Dove Hours, «"'»? th e I

a Jn , p.m., S ep tem ber 6 6:35 7:04

S t 1 5:35 7:02 1 1 18 6:37 7:00

',e . ,s S 'ilSBen 5:40 6:50 LO.12 5:41 8:53 UCL;13 5:42 6:51 r u g |

C -100.- .................14 . ...5:43. — -8:30 Thur;____________15 5:44 0:49 cd w

. reseri. SirBhnd Champion S,

5 Leading Field S•WHITB PLAINS. N. Y. Scpt..fl

(/W—Charlie Boswell. B irm ingham , h a lf t yeara C3.Umes na tional cham - | i ^

p K in rflrp d u 40 ycsteiUsy ln -4he------- -^ ^ „ n lnp -ho le celebrity day tu n e -u p ' ' 1

tn ^or th e 25th annual 36-liole U. S. i f l rnned B l 'h d Golf cham pionship. T he;

i« io n - to u rn am en t opens today. i C‘ . . . J o e Lazaro. W altham . Mass.,J gam es defending cham pion, carded a 50. m a jo r « th e 16 finalists from the U. S .' -K

to 1871 C anhda team ed w ith celebrl-i r < t le s - o f -show buslncss-and -local]

e p lay - Professional and am ate u r golfers /V Dost- on Lhe par-38 fro n t nine a t W est- I - f t ,

chea ter H ills golf club.


a i* ItmUCKT STIdfiHT tOUIlOR WHISIir.._ o i s m t i i T co y p » iY . i o i i i s v i l k .n — ________

lU r e - - ■ ___ ,j ;nlnvers -iM ;d theI f l e l d c r -----------■■ - - j j K

th ree ^

players, • — ■■ ■'p itc h - ...........

>ln theweeks , _

1. T h e 1 tr a in - ------------- '

■s -..

• T "“ — - i t .


I llm I

l l l n

mid “ ~ rfl ■ 4rv l- 1 ' ____l : j | M n tTOOF'

W\<3 I

V 1

f I I B

th e true ol K e n ^

^ l i s s, 1 9 6 3 m e T t / ^

Time ChangedEDFN - HAZELTON. Sept. ^ o n in n

fl - V a l l e y h igh .ichoor* 5'’t ^ pnnic Wltli Buhl has b<'en rfl- h e tool

1 1 Rfhf.lulo;l for 7 p.m. 8ft*>ir- tcR'c a ‘ J ( J dny litf.ioa<l o ! B p.m. n.« tournar

prprioMSiy 'm ou' icr d r ai-tT rd * fo tf» .b n the lug (o if-v m il. HnMix>ir» rfi r " ' ” * fie of rrw.nr Jolhni;

mm Big Gold Rush ™ Opens Saturday

‘ T- With Futurityt and CHICAGO. S ep t. fi iJv rT lV e0 the big Kold rush a t A rlington pa rken on reaches a 't l lm a x f ia tu rd a y w hen ^scrim - th e w orld's rlche.st race, th e A r- \

llnjjlon - W ashhiRion F u tu rity ^nunr- “ t ’ SO.OOO p o irn lla l purse. I

ved lo juvenile Ielp ran thornughbrert* scooting seven Ie only furlongs for fam e nnd fortune. It R'«s Unlike Wst y ear 's F u tu ri ty I j j r yM oran when Candy Spots a n d N ever \ l | n1 f irs t Bend hogged th e p re-race sp o t- **“

light, Sa tu rday ’s runs has the ig will earm arks of a cavalry charge e f irs t " ’hh four or five h lgh '.y-rcgarded college contenders. ,

S treaking for f irs t money of belween JJ 12,000 and $120,000, will be such splcedj- 2-year-o lds ns Golden'RUlcr, M alicious. Ama*

L S > s ta r . Chieftain . M r. Brick and th e Scoundrel,

p . m . ---------------------------- ;__

™ UCLA’s Varsity ~ Beats Reserves

6:50 LOS ANGELES. Sep t, 6 UPI- •6:53 UCLA's Bruins w en t th rough a 6:51 r u g g e d , o n e -h o u r scrim m age

.--8:30 T hursday and th e va rsity em org-6:49 cd w ith an 18-0 wln'~ovcr th e ______

reserves.StrenBthenlng th e belief Oils p

•\M wlH fie ft p a « Jn g B ru in team , ^__ th e regulars scored two of the ir

touclidowiis th ro u g h th e a lr - a n d - passes sc l up th e th ird , w hich

;cpt.-fl “ '" c on a sh o r t p lunge by left igham, halfback A rt a te lnback .Chom-4n-«»e- — --------------- ------------------------ ----------- !

:rs- MERCEDES. T h e ' ■ ■ J

i Sales & Service 4Mass.,, fJ a 50. \


300 North 5th Avenue Pocatello, Idaho

P A D s j — - — lULTS i


. Ill_______ p

m b K d

e old-style ty Bourbon ^bccouselt-a slow-distilled ^

■HE T / A i e S 'A / £ V t / S H im

( O w ash ln )W 0 7 M 0 ° UieW s ( / I m r j Z * by lia l

<* Y ork Yl----------------------------------------- -------- Althoi


d LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. S ep t. 8 Ctv-A 2 /cl D avid Leon, DavlsM onthnn a ir force base. A rlz, » “ Usr.t a course record. T hu rsday as dew rlbe

rfl. h e took the I'-ad in th e strti-„ r - tcglc a ir force w orld wide golf T h e i

„5 tournam .'n i a t L ittle Rock a ir token :Tf}. fotf».b«^» '••I’h nn elghl-uD der- H in tonrti r» r "« w T o n o

1 A ~

r~TlVe ■■ ---------------------------------------------------------p a rk m g M f J A

w hen ^le A r- \ *itu rlty T i m ^

/ V h iI 1 ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ H | |.I ^ H l D w

une. I

larded /jl i fley of f l < x ( ___20,000, \IS A . M /

t a n d “

■ I . . .i UFI~. ■ / / / / ^Ugh a " / J / \ I

//U I


. I r

= ^ ' 'a : ' ' i 3m

■ Mustie BraunH Al The Piano and Organ

Y £urf a v o r i te 5onub

I DANCING I NIGHTLY^ Jackpot's Finest s In te r la im e n l

I ^

* C L U B I[ H I G H W A Y 9 3 S O t ,

SATUR]^ Hinton Beahed ^ By Yank Hurler a su ce

W c S n S S ^ ' l e f u S d e r oT th e ™ m d d W ashington Senatora , w as h i t de of i

W on th e he ed by * - p l tc h th row n —r :— V by lia lp h T erry of th o New Q q - * i

Y ork Y ankees yesterday . — « --------- A lthough th e ba ll h i t below I T A I> n tb e a re a protected by hU p lastic ■

" , 8 h e lm e t 'h e did n o t lo.w con- D avls w lousnesfl; and w m ta k en to L en - D on't iw Arlr 0* H ills hosp ital w here h e w as bv .ucn

lay as described os “resting com fort- Rtrti- *hly." more nn

e golf T h e hosp ital sa id X -ra y s were ;k a ir token and were negative , bu t init. o»i jDder- H in ton would tw hefd fo r ob- eouattn

w h ra tlo n lot* IfOlu lit to •tf~how»ri--------- —

r $ s «J r f r l S U N D A Y ,

( W L Bring Your Sw e

2 2 -


i m _ _ _ _ J

J ^ r o E ij f c WIN $ 1^ up to I

Every Mini

- F r e e ISunday &Starting a t 1 p.r


raunRegisler Voui

id OrganIllfl yoiir , ______10^ ..

ING Mmr i Y ^ ^

* Lcivolla I

i B @ a9 3 S O U T H - J A C K P O X , .

JRDAYl A •--------- f i l i p i n 'o w 5 T ^- u |LOS - ANGELES, S^pt ,

le ry , _ geles lost n ig h t by r in n ln . of th e round decision ovrr 7.n,ruV

■as h i t de of Mexico c ity . th row n — :----------- ------------- •-— —

' ’'™ D o n ’* N e g l e c t S llp p i,

-J FALSE TCETHi.S;he w as by »uch h«ndlc»p«,,PA8TE&^,'} im fo rt- »lVaJlnr lnoD-»ad) po»rlMio,n-^

more nrmly Bet.QkvM connn.ntj^ vs were accurlty and jKltifU otnfrnts were noKUmmr.K0o«r,p«tyin«i.„./e. bu t init. o» t PASTEsrni tM .,'o r ob- eountflm ev»/y«'her»- ^rli< m r.j--------- •

5 5 0


! ! § aYour Sw eepstake Tickets

1 2 - ’2 5 . 0 0


:HEEI.DFo s T w r

Every Few Minutes

^ ree D i n n e riday & Mondfl]ig a t 1 p.m. (Adults only

CKY license!'ED. and THURS. lister Yours A ll Week

^ L cr/n tlo ft. U n lm rta Hartwi

/ H n rv o y & ■


Page 11: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

palmer H it Ailing Shoi

Event I'a itb ON, 0 . . S e p t . 6 ( f f )— A . nolcl 1

i» i " I ''- ' " I 'o u W o r T h . , '* S v » i t " tc » o f f i w a i n i t J n c

r t . I h i t th e

R r a z i i .• , practice

Upsets Yank £"„S:r coiirxe wl

jaJVetPlay. a T iTkiner from Brazil, iipw l ^ ‘’“ 'i

f c l S e d Dcnnl* RnlsUm 6-4. 'I ’" ’ l« '‘ ' K ? Sul towering Frtm lc to r prcsc

III siwn3 Amci'lca'5 h n r te m< tv comeback 0-B. in tlic da

f r *.3 0-3, 0*7 victory over hal, bot^ L i.nrt^ Bobby W ilson T hum - bnll rig) S t t e qunrtcr-flnals of th e drlvca. y ;nm l tciinl* cham pionships. Som cl

S t » other p«lrlnE to be gel InE 1 .lirB lntd »y »>e r tm n ln ln s «n<l ever „ ™ »rlor-nii«l te sts Friday , the riglil Tn lhe« . top-seeded Chuck P alm er ..,-tfinltv of San Antonio. Tex., carn inps 7 ^ the Mcond ot Brn7.irs su r- profwsloi Sslnc form wrockers, 18-yeni- inRfk In M Thoiiifl.< M tirtln aliouldcT Bi« wn of Evaiwton. 111., (zocs w hile he m lnst 'foiirlh-.seeded lU fa c l week. I t M nn or Mexico, iiiK a $50

Ralston's de tea l wns Uic see- P laye r a: jfli stuniilntf setback to prim e Sunday Ijroiltcs In 24 hours u t tlie ch ill- k e san . II fd West Side T ennis club. FYoeh- Asked Hnj eliminated sccond - seeded play ou t Boy Emerson W ednesday, r id - yed and iliif! the m en's ticid o t A ustra- seem a t< Itins'lor tlie H rst tim e slnco 1050 quickly t It such an early stage. h a d no

---------------------------- Ing.

Infield Hit ill a r m h " ^\ yn rd coi

'{intli Dumps “™S j wins 8-5 . fhe"

------. o tf w ithJinNNEAPOI.lS -• ST. PAUL,- pH, qH V 6 — Jim Fregosl’s in - jng off. ‘WjI Jingle in thc iilnUi inning solemn s

cipped a tie and led the Los ]nnd wh -Aiplts Angels.lo a n 8-5-Vlctory in July, tTw Minnesota T hursday nigh t. Tuesday

‘- ‘■■’'r . , s . k blU m 1 ? I 'f l nnlllri" B 0 0 0 T he S r w i * 0 ; Vi;"';;"’ } ! ! S ries is I

« 0 0 o'nit.cy 4 1 2 0

iiiif iir 'iin s™f i i p “O v itcmnis U tunki In 8lh ; cSlruck

Mt fof ®j;»r<D tlh; d-Slruck out fur , ,n.-«u l> W>. . ST . L(

“ I -------SIS S” Sim m onHR-Mi>Tin. ‘lUll. Kllle- o u t and

V«*, Tctw, Allrn. FoUm . s - rregu.l. T lju rsdn

Idaho’s Miss “H lEnglehornls HB Patient Now E=-■cA LibwEi.L;'se;\." u IJI ■_'lilrlcy Eniilchorti, a nienibcr of Hmiiti

we Uillcs- PioftM,lonal Q dU Hsoclniioti tour, wa.n hoiipltallz- fd licrc Ttiiir.silfty and will Hl:lp Hot;irii.»r lliU Htck'.s louniey In Spokaiui, I!*’"'''"

Her moilicT, Mr«. Ualph J . En- llenorn, miIiI Hhirlry Ix-canie III r r.i*WediiB.sOiiy, complaining of ........ . ,•loinftcll pillll,v AmlVriun

'T liodoclou nrc undeeUlcd yei ii.h.w *l'»l Is Ihn Mr,s, E ll- , •Jtliurii snld, ••They j,i„„.»ifr IcMn iDiiifHTow and wii Iioih- flil!;

mum'''" m , ,ni,i Bi.irt,,,,

1^1 (liirltiK Itin li.u iim m ciit in K MmAll>miiirrt|iir. but iiliiycin Dnilcn H flprtM ie liiM wi'i'k. Him iiii.nn| ih ird I 'l l i I ,

\ r '" “" ‘ey. l ) „ v . cU l ”l'eh vv

I '■■ ■ - - tlnn,

Asproinonlc r i c s C i a „ t s , ; S I

llK'n lloinera » |»«» I 'l in N i i in r a , iiei.t. 0 IJ, - S

......... . ivli" .n ire .l the ^K nili lliilll- iloiiblliig lit IliK ^ ••

..^yi lL .lil.uu ,i- ,k -,) ,fT r-rH ii-itllti -m -------

'‘" '" ' I'''''' 'nititrnltiy, ^

.I J ;; ; ;; J ^

.....!: i ‘ 'iiii" ''" ♦ i J ■ ^

ll ':;: ;:............... i - , . ....................... gUl« «’"«5S5U 5....... J l

" I J n i l ' i ' . ' i > (IlM lillvf « '''nilHl.li ' I ' " ' ' 1 (‘liillmitiiHi' ^

iiiiur r m lh li ir ^ fi'imWi'n lil ^

ctytoE’s I *adiator S

m m 5 ,...... , 7ij"nDhD ^

i t b v ClieekV Momb«T. of I

R ifle chib uiii.o u ld e r isHH*;anil oi/ni" Hrj

Nearsnolcl P a l m e r , t h e KHOie’s llle lr l)^ vken with a painfu l cusp l l , " r T hursday 4R ho u rs bo- ,i,,it Jack NickluuH. Juliu« ____________$75,000 W orld ScrioH o f ----------- -----If. " I t Inirtfi evpry tim e /,it the ball.” P alm er Haidi M Ihe Ktruffjrled th ro u g h a , r f ^ .

ictice round w ith th e j 1 n r th ree sppIc* qua lif ie rs a t - |

F irestone C o u n t r y club 1 ‘ ) /irxe w here th e »howdown to r | > Y | , > - ( 50.000 firs t p r i/c will be played JAirUa.v-i>ud ^ u n ila ^ :___________ ..UANS.' S >i»iI've lind It X -rnyert n n d th e re tioroiitvd i i . ' . . . , a pparnU ly nniM tig w rong o t n iu iit wli'n u ■, RcrloUK n« lu r» .' P a lm er snld. ihc »isti<., , t m lakliiK snme pills th e ;d o c - nntl dn 'i ,,..- ..

prescribed, b u t r ig h t now i t f irs t sri‘r~ r ta m o r r th o n i l -dirt w U o r h c «'■«, v.,*.,., thc day. P u t it l.m’t th e pa in s jn ih e iii"it I t bo them m e. I c a n 't h i t th e pnssed t'> l.onn 11 rig h t. (Mpeclally on m y th e sccond .Cast .vcs. ' fo r exIiJi pmKi■Something grabs r ig h t u n d e r x iie ■—flhoiildef—w hen—T t t a r t my- touohdi>w» it> u wnswlng. As ft resu lt. I 'm n o t on n qitiitirrhar :tlng Into' th e ha ll p roperly ry Bllll*T (I every th lna I h i t goe.s off to 5 r igh t." - r \ ]Palmer, w ilh o fflcla : P D A | J O ( l l ? < N rn inps of SIOI.555, th e f i r s t ^Qfc.-sslonnl lo top th e *100.000 -|- ■ «irk in n single year, sn ld th e IouldcT began to b o th e r h im ^lile he w as In C a lifo rn ia Inst | ick. I t acted up sligh tly d u r - | _ ^ U l ) S I ) ; a $50,000 exh ib ition h c , G ary ayer a n d N icklaus p layed la s t L O S ANGEIJ nday a n d M onday a t W au - P e te RIcheri n gan. III. collaborniwl onAsked If h e th o u g h t h e cou ld o u t Thursday i \y o u t th e soreness, h o s h ru g - A ngeles noaiicrs d a n d snld "apparcnO y no t, i t five-gam e Nntl :m a to m ake I t w orse." H e by defeniine ii Ickly added , howoVor, th a t h e 4-0. , d no thouyh ta o f w ith d raw - I t wn.s tho g. tho DodRiTs IrA c r o w d of 1.500 m a rc h ed gamo.s. Tlip s ound th e p a r 35-35-'J0, 1.105- S t. LoiiK Cart rd course to w atch th e cc'.e- e igh th In u nv a ted foursom e in t h o i r - l l r s t Y ork o-o. ll«Hi rm nl p rnctice round . ; C ards tmvo -n Pa lm er. N icklaus. th e M aste rs in«. id PO A cham pion , a n d Boros, chir.*.^ c U.S. O pen w lsncr in a p la y - i g i if w ith P a lm e r ,a n d Jncky C ii- iiDdKm < n o i t, a ll a rrived ju s t be fo re te e - nuit.m a o i > g off. C harles, th e slender, v f , I " , Icmn sou thpaw fro m New Z ea- I d nnd who won th e B r itish O pen ‘ " "t Ju ly , hns been h e re s ince i o «ucsday try ing to figu re o u t th e D„hi i o n isw er to th e FlresU jne layou t. i " "T he second a n n u a l w orld se- es is a m edal play te s t o f 36 ;i: n 6oles— 18 cach on S a tu rd ay a n d »-KtrufV „tii fmn , e . r --------------- ------------------ M O S h l k

------------------------------- ChicuRi,■•t • ' Ijk Ansriri5 i m m o n s l i a s '

5-Hit Shutout —D V C j T r M c t S CLEVELAl

Anyone finiST . LOUIS, S ep t. 0 Iff) — C u r t dop-m ascotIm mons p itched a s lx -h lt s h u t- from the cI t and C urt Flood w en t 6 -ror-5 boa t sta tionIjursday n ig h t as th e S t . Louis .w ill have noa rd ln a ls con tinued th e ir p u r- IntJ h im .lit of N ational league-lead ing Chief M.os Angele.^ w ith ih c lr e ig h th S n a ff is rv : m ig h t victory, 0-0 over th e New •’ klngese whoork M ets, like, a poodl•w York Hi. U u it a tten tio n wh

■b r ll bl] »b r h bl o r Iho S tar mniKiiil < U 0 OiJsvIrr 6 1 0 0

unV’" ' t U I! ulwii'ul * i i " ____________I?vm»n < n i r niiMyrr i i n i - ■ '

E. J i ; ii'SF" s;:: ISU Ticllrki B n llMr(:.ryer ft (I ;i J A |«p IW o 'l;irll,«r I) ll 0 (I Allnmli < ll I 1 r l l l C XTXU

11 11 i; !*“ *<’ POCATKLLCIhtMrr 1 n II 0 HOIl tickcl sitler*l* fl « " » vUillHl giune til•iiimfl I D II « SI llio unlvcr.sl'miniun 0 II II «ro mnvlng v"<>w 0 ll u 0. Bcll-out o f flcnl-.ii.l. a i 'o ' s 'n T,.ui» ,o i . i i '7 Iii-(Uiir.i .,>.1 Ml .iiik rt fnr ii.iiM.. In Is ll cnrialnty,

........................I r„r Mm*....... Mli, 'lUln Win llliI .... ..... ih u nthioiic

fw Yiirh onn ii'iii niiii-ci " 'h lch ndvlHcn1. i,.Md. .....................Ml 8111) :i« u chnfto Henson i1K Miir.ii, (l.frn. C i.l,. • Uli-ni Of f>ft-yi------------------ [],„

H o o r I’l .A Y n tH HKiN "rn n n cnnI 'l l Il.A D K lil'ltlA . H ept. II rrKUlnr pMcn

)iive Oninbiifi nnd rouldn lli 'i- llriioln," tickhell W ent Im vr Algnrd coiitnirlfi Hlchinond hnlJ t h Ullt I'hllnilRijihlu 'Jdrrn of l ir il r r h iir iy tlift N ntldiial Ilnnkrllm ll nn.iciiiii- niiatn to IhiiInn, liroii Mild."

\ M o b i l H cJ Hegting OjJ jo r the Sf t

^ I M o b i l I

l o t u s f il l y o u r la n k

^ c lc a n b u rn in g H i-H eat N

\ FUEL Oil^ B u d g e t T e r m s

^ G o l d S t r i k e S f a m

iPETERSON&McV M obil Pfoducis DistribiJ ’ a s Y MVKwoirAvo^^^...... tw T irf '« iii ■V

Ciieek Rifles T r iO 1ilomb«T. of ti,r -Irie chib u iii .;li;u In h n n l- f T T i -In iJtir ih s.i,Mi,i„v .,,,1 'Open' t r ’: '.'‘r 1 1 , \k i- -sir o^ V III' 'l I , . . ' ' I " I’lfV ............ -I I....I, l i ' " ' n i t l i .

1 , I , „I ll r • --.I . i„

a s i I ( ' f o i - < l I-','.'I'liu

ipn I l i M i s i - n* ' nil" , ,| |l |, |;ni

AN£''>; >i»i> f. ri ',,,.1 I ' m - ' , ! in 'u r■iiti-d II. 1 III i: t l l ,,, ' I,. ........ .

.............. .pr k r .1 '■ . .11,'isH '" . ' ' ^I'l,,. ’ l.n 'ii.’l . . , II „

■ I.f ll„. fhi;;sl|,-kf! ftl-w, V.r>-r.( ,l,p r^tTH pn 'm ' T ' 'T T"ir\Ihc 1li-i< ......... .. ,1||„ I . . . .1,5ed t'> l,<..lnv Al.-X»,idfl Il.r M ;.--rr|l vnsccond .Castlcforil s m r r '1 rv exit;. (;uU-tl. ' ' ^

lie Ilil.'.kli'.; *roir>d Uiolr Iniir5hdl)wi> lr> ih« fn iirth ti"-’TtrT l f 5 » n l r Bn flimiirrhnrk ^ncnk by T n .B11I1.T ilt ik ry .

........ r r - l . |rn t

'o(l<i«'i-s K e ep ;E'\?rvi! ,ead, I)<>f«'al “' r l u l l s l , ) y 4 - 0

o s ANGEI-EK, Sopt, 6 lAl - ' e Rlchprl nml t j i r ry She rry * ■*Inborniwl on a f iv e-h it s lu il- rilih lioU' In on(

Thursday n lu la n.s th e lyis carcc'f. bu t th e : gcles no;!i!crs m a ln ta tncd th o ir plav." j-gam e Nntlonal league lead Maxwell had defeniine ihe Chicago C ubs h is ' foinid, He*s

• . tlien birdlpd tlt wns thp "j'vonth v ictory for Aftor h is enKle o I DodRiTs In Ihelr la st nine Rrjjri’d ih e iwo no.s. Thp secimd - place* SI. 'thn 12th iinrt 13

LwiK (Mrdlnnls woi\ th e ir T h iro plnycrs h th In il row. de feating New .siroitf behind I rk 0-0- Ilnili the Dodgcr.i and ihrre-ur^dpr p a r rcis linvo -n eumos rem nln jp rrv S tfe lsm llh

nnd Phil Rodner n '-'" Tntumy Jacobs, '

fk 1 g I g!w D k.u l '’ 0 V o ! '* '" ' Moson Rll < ll 0 Oldliunm 4 1 -1-1 G8.- i .- ^ _ .

tim 3 0 1 0|.\l,nin 3 1 2 0 Uon Ma.'i.'icngn M'iim. 2 M 1 “ Holtw'o 1 I) 1’ 0 Tomm:,i,i I I) n 1) Skowrmi 4 II 2 I Only th rcc strol

'it t \ " 'i " i'i Ii 0rwirt 1 II <1 0 MrM.i1lrii 2 I n <> '

r i : : j s E r j n j A m atei'.Kmifiv,"i o.r%iTi'l\?'in s^hiVliin* X J , S . L C

m? m Si"-'; S lim mMcMullrn. UmlKrr., IIK- -t'-*

D ES MOINES '■ — T h c United

r t 1 1 * TV cxpeilcnccd anb w a b b i e D o s : squeaked lo a

m argh i In thoCLEVELAND, Sopt. C IT-— blcnni.-il 'Aiiii'rlt

Anyone finding S n a lf . th c tlon T hursdny I ioc -m asco t who d isappeared sho tn ink ing of from the coa.st guard life L abron H arris, lioal sta tio n he re L abor dny. T h e Y anks, will havo no trouble Iden tify - .six p revious cui Ing h im . hem isphere ni

Chief M. Don Powell sa id Iw o-poliit edge 3naff is ri 2‘-j.yenr-old Pc- “ R -sK-some.s tingese w ho wears his hn lr Ii^hIcU for a like a poodle and .stands a t enrly n^fternooii U ten tlon when he hem s t«i)a m atches.Jr the B tar-Spnnglcd D an- B u t the Unli tier. n hcad n t th o cn

because Coe, — 1,1 11— -- c i t y ~ n n a ““ twi

SU Ticket Sales Srio” »“_ _ , U f I I C a n n d u s G ary

ire Moving Well-OCATELLO. Hcpt. 11 l;^^-Hen- A inerlcn.s'• CupI tickcl sales, ns welt n.s Indl- Hi.tond.s 1iuitl giune tiekei.i tor the- Idnho (icti'iiloilllio unlver.slly fiiolball M'n.Kin, Mcxicii 1 upI moving woll und nn cnrly ij,,, ,.,„j j l-o u t o f flcnln for th e U nlvcr- Ihi. I. y of liliiho gnmo hern Nov. 1(1 nohil.i, CaiII cnrlnlnly. 3 .,.,Illln wn.s tho word iodny f i m n ------------------------U nth lo llc bu«lll<•^s iiKlci', tlch lo pu r-n«o seiison ihientn wlili'h ni.siiro ('111 of r>n-yiird lllll' M'ni.i lor ■I blK Imtllu w llh thu Vniidnln.

mivo t l till'Kiilnr pMcn hy buying m'» m>iiikoln," Uckot iiinnnKcr .lovcliinond hnlil. " an d Ihey hnil „ Z 2l l r r liiiriy too, ua nn irly M.DdO Uy >iUaln to llm Idnho uiiiiiii linvii W h rn im rtoil Mild." oMo (if liiinolin

-mf Im-", n.^ - - .... II nnn 'o iin 'frN f“hp niiiliKlrd I

^ mit.Rn . . . Imt Ma «vnn i> iiU thrr

H e a tA-&SS-........

^ I’lllll, Wl-fll liio ^ I,iiiiln OiirillnnI

I « ■ ^ iilliihi'il Ihll (Inr ta n k w i th ^ H"' w.in.i mr

....................................................^ . .n u « y l>u«l hlll^ ........ . »p >h

j-H ea t M o b il. ^ "■X& iti»l I'tMll <' ^ R rn ilrn t nriiiiiMi

^ % | | ^ l)p<i.iH r in r isI 1 1 1 ^ Clmi»plon>.hlp.^ ^ I k ^ ilx 'm mil 11-11

K (i< iillliiiDi (h r O llriiiniiilx 'r II

T e r m s , S ..........................' ■ W lino td niniHiiK

^ riir iiiiliiH . - . 1'

1 S f a m p s ^ : : r ' i ' : : “ , : , r ; : .K r<ir lliciilllllllin ^ I'lir iiiiil iiilild

KMcHAN 5 riiiiliir,Y Irnhinl

^ Hin hmi'"-liinT

D i s t r i b v m .« (nn lrr, iiinrn m

F«lli ■■ F l l< )» 0 7 3 3 '5 3 0 1 ^ prniinm n Trpni% rnl Jn mUii nnlfW Mol< Mul

*«■> Avo. Ho.

VioTied S t o rn i l f q " K rn n ,A D K I,P H II I I J I d l - l Simiiy JuvKt'iispii.

the Phlhulolphlp V sub .'tltu ir.

) p < ‘ n r l a y ; S ; 5 ^ . C v. \ l 1 1 , \ i ; i - ' nn .l ........I _ 1 |. , . . , . i . ia y c r .s v ' . 'o '

1 'V ' r i l ' ' y . ' r " n m ] I ^ ln ^r • -• ■ in t l i c ? i r . 'l lH l

)i I p r ‘I vlli*i|niiiil

' - ' ' T ! I , ,",„i;'e K u n ,lM ^ ’l';^ r i l h ?,'u\well. Hon Iiui-

I'liiypr. T lie 'Ifh l [ ^........ I ll'«? lOtt 1') llllcl,

t. i. v 'h,- KPToiiil ii iin.l

1. :i .11 > • ,..'ii- r ' l h ' h " ''' j • • • - —' ...... 'hP i ' l ‘‘''ti I r'> |T

Hi" (hii;si|r-k nnd ‘ "il

I' . . . .1^1,1 in nil III'M ;..-rr|l .„ ia U WOS tl-.


Hanks HighH-Jhti I iu k ry . fo rm er Tw in lliu rr«U |rnt n o w p inyl'ic r..fp'Hional c 'llf. ll«-<' wUh '*(br« |,|..iyrr« a t 71. imp ovrr :»r. 111 Ihp f u l l O prn i'>-l i( l.- i;t| r " l f ln ..i» n m -n t■111 I aUp f lty .Uip ihrpp lop playprs lied nt

H. Ih p rr wprp IhrPP llrd a t <'*. iii>t CK. tlirre a l C>0 hixI It nt 70,

* * * -k

Ih litili' In one of m y golflni; rct'f. bu t th e f irs t in tounioy av."Mnxwell had n 34-32-6G tor s ' foinid, H o 's n o r e ig h t pars, en blrdlpd the n in th hole,'tor h is entile one on No, 10, he Ori'd Ihe iwo m ore birdies on 0 12th and 13th holes.T h n '0 plnycrs were on ly oneniitt' behind the leaders with I * —irre-undp r p a r 67.s, T liey wero■rrv Stpplsm llh. T om m y W uilf »Id Phil RodKprs. G ordon Jonos, i 1minny Jacobs, G eorge K nudsonj 1 1Id M ason R udolph, Jr., had ~. m \

Uon Ma-'i-'icngnh’. P au l Hondo- >11 a n d Tommy W illiam s wore Illy th ree strokes beh ind w ith IIs,

\mateurs of aU.S. Lead by_____ 4Slim Margin ^D ES MOINESS. In .. Sept. Q OP,

- T h c U nited S ta te s ' a rm y of ;xperlcnced a m ateu r g o H e r s . . -queakcd to a na rrow IW poin t Anarg in In thc f irs t h a lf of thc

lon T hursdny behind th c steady ihotninklng of C harlie Coe a n d ] I H:>abron H arris, Jr. { I H

T h e Y anks, never beaten In ,lx p revious cup encounters- with lem lspherc neighbors, hnd a w o-polnt edge a lte r the m om - iiR .slx-.'iomes n n d appcnred lejuleil fo r a virtua l ro u t In inrly t\,fternoon during the sln- :les m atches.

B u l the U nited S tales stayed ihcad n l th o end of tlie day only lecause Coe, from Oklnluinia:i ty “ n n a “” twlrR—th r am ateu r ------------------iluimplrm. - t) ro u g h t nn nbriipt la l t to th o unbcnicii iticoid ot :nnndi»'s G ary Cownii.

Cou bent Cowan ■i nnd 2 for ho C niindlans' first d ffcni In 13 \m e r lcn s '. Cup bUikIcs fiicoiin- eni. Hccoiid.s Inler, Cinvnii niso va.s (Icti'uliul by Jiiiiii l'-ilm<ln )t Mexico 1 up,

At till! end of the day 's nli'<- iinteh«',i, (hit D nllM .4tlltl■^ hud lU’j poliil.i, Canmlii 11, nml Mi'X- co 3'-i, •

t ^ O l V j i l n v n ■ U i l F


W h rn hn r r l l rn l hr lifi'iimr>110 Ilf lixnolxill'n iiiinC |>i>iiiiliirknnoiiiinrrn. fu iiird (nr Iho wi'Y . liP niiiiiKlrd Uir Ilimll’ h l“ “ - .(iiiifin . . . Imt ill h h iirlnit lie | ivnn i> iiU t'hrr tlm t im I'l’lh 'r liked til nrn an UiQ mu>unl. I» <\(iiiikIi npul. I

l ) l / 7.y Oi'uii wnn n hiiul iiimilti. I .. . _ . , II b iniiil'irt . . . 1 * . tint III' hnd llio '

^ nlulf ..............I '-a IIP h h I....

-L.,........J - . iJd viiii i r c n l l , . ________________

‘n = ! = ^ i ; l r ' : r ! ! ' ; , t : ' S _ _ _•. v l yn ii ,' 'I'lii'l ''-nn

■ • v^ fk 111.- miinoii whrn J ) . ■ j l i ' M "M r mill I'l'iil."

* * Hllll 'hi'i lii'illti'i'•lllll, wi-fii llio IK'I'r' III 'h i ' ('I .llllln Oiirillrinl nliilt nndilinhi'il Mill (liihhmir.1. tioiiK I'H'i h<> Wlirlll lli'rlrc.. n u « y hu ll hliiiioU i|iili« A >rnr. .......«IimIIi>R lip Ih r nn<Miii Iiv »lil- ililX Ihlrly Kiuiirn: Tlirli ',Mp td il I'lllll" n iiin n l «'ff ‘I 'j ' '{ rrn lrn l i.niiiiMi hv «lil|'j>l"K II'" 'Drtr.iH Tlnrts f.ir llir W.irlil’n I'Immplonnlilp. Ohl l»l« " ''n l th rm mil 11-11 In tlir Climl Rnnn'III rllliiiDi (h r yrnr |

llrilirllll>«.| llip .vriir'.' 1 'I'lllll. M’iwi h llilir »)i<’ll a IIKIII

ind td niniHiilP III kiTii ’(h r .il.lllir nolliH . - . I'liil HO'"l .................innolblu m u t unn. VllnllV llii|iiirh lilt 111 h im . ilu nhiii>|i''‘l Uli’iind r.ir iiu'i-hniilcn wh.i I'lirw liln 'iir mill I'liiild l\rr |i I' in h 'l" ihnpr,

‘i;iifl y ra r itiin lli:H.W ij'rr nrrvlrn ruiri'lnM'**". ihir

’miinr,v Irn llin l niprliuiilrn Imvr Ihn hiiiK'-lliiiT III R l''' iriv jrn . . , nllll lliry I" " ''’ Ihr iliiit^rn tiiiiitiMiiuiit th n l nirniii nulrr, iiiiiin' iicnirnli'. m'lrn >lr-n'niimiin Trpnini. - n i r - n i ' ’- » ! " - • ................... -nl In niHo (inlpn nml i.riv lrr. »rn .lull Um«« M ulur Cll... autl 1H|II'I« inrt Avo. Ho. I

to rm y SessicIl.A DK l.PH IA , si.pt (1 1 1 - said thsy wouldn't y JuvKt'nseii. siui pnsscr o f they had sinned coi ’h lhulrlphlp E iiyi-v ni'<l h is V lncc McNally tier substltu ir . SUiii: 1 ||\'. « :t- Of <ho Engles rem h rlr snlKi d'si-.Hi' u ' h the by tp lrn lv i ir ini.l T^Miiidivv If .1 'l i i» . Ilpp.^- TiH 'tlr'7 In tlip rliih

............... ....................... out to llo l|ju iK n ;* -n nt i> 1

rap ' f u m u' Mill «|>1W<- ■ out r r r r n r" w.'H'' Mf-f'iJip Knulo llnshe.v, Pn., B u t Ih r • (iii-.

n e r / A ^ e s - A / e ^ s

' m mr ' - r - i M I E F R E E Z E A I

H u m

M m

j n j

S i



1 , Conoco porm iiniont typ p ro lo c tlo n p o 5f>lblo.

2 Buy nownncl bont ttio fSo onsy ,..Juh l ilrlvn In.

y l If y o u w n n t Kii«rnMl«otl ■* c o o lin g sy :d« in lu td Inst

J J A n d chH ryo It nil o n yoi.

Y o u c a n c o u n t o ncot............ .... .........................H f f t l l i e s '

jssion S e ttle sthsy wouldn't rp tu rn u n til pni»nlly w eren 't n had sinned coniniots. Lati'r, ih r b lii rr a f te n n a t • McNally general inaiinspr to a b irakdow n of 10 Engles r en .''cd Ihe f ' r a.-, wt-ii som e o''p lrn lv iir u|,.l «M.i-l«r.l i; . . i |. . ,« l FOOtttnll1^7 In tlip rliih r 'l l r . ' l .n - - ’.^ rt i*B'»lntlm*ii 'P c>rri<"ii>lui.pi' -.ii,.! «.-t Al on- p’llnt dur!to do III- vri- oP 111, 11011% i>' McNun^ri;s*-n nt >i i> i.nl( .................... infiriit.»t Irnn rdiri- wll*' Mf-r' llv «wt 'I r iif t'i . rii pp<it Ih r 'l lll '. lH 'v ,..rn Ul’ th e »halt. " 'I 'l

^ r .M p y , S o p i , 6 . 19

C S H # ': E Z E A I C O N O C O S t A r i O N ;



E i - m

: U E A S O N S T O B i ; A A N D K U Y NO V

m iin io n t ty p o n n tl- lro o z o g iv e s y o u r co r ': )05s|b l0 .

1(1 t)«nt th o f r o o z o . . .s n v o d o ltiy s d u r in g i

iihl ilrlvn In . . .w o p u t n n tl- f ro n z o In (h o ti

^ im rn n td o d r^ d lii to r p r o te c t io n , y o u r Co o in a n d Instn ll n n tM ro u z c fo r y o u (o r sHi

It nil o n y o u r C o n o c o c ro d l t c u rd .

n t o n

> N O CH o t t a s t B r a n d G o ln g l*

t t le s D isp u teIlly w eren 't nmlcnblp nnd JiirBPn.v>ii itullCBli.a liir r a f te n n a th could lend nlr ol thc inceilui:b irakdow n of tcnm mornle \ QUe.sti'Jii ubr'iit p.f ll >'s som e n ''|u s tinc '" .s in pliimry ncllini "u” ' ■ml Footttnll l-"ff.i- <•.... , v l . i f fB'xifttlof* • r-i|„,^on- r ’'ln( durlnn Uip n ' ro hIiIk ikI, I ".inV

■>ll» I" McNuUv's ft'd fp Ih r NW'lt KV iilc ’ i v - ■ 111."! Ir«npd bRck ll' I11« l"H-> ' - f "'I cbft'i. rli ppd f m nft - - t »»')ialt. " 'I 'l t» ''*«' " )„ j|« . s;,„.

ilil» II” ' I ((I...ISopi. 6. 1963 1 1 .

* I got MAIN AVI

S i A I I O N S D I S P L A Y I ' ( r i n r



[ Q B E Z ]

^ i r 'H " *J i

) G A L L O-CAKKY»(»1JT P i t

L l M l T l i : » T IM IS O i

} B i ; A I I I J l lU Y B I l l lY N O W Io s y o u r c o r '5 rn d in to r th o b e s t y ^ t o r

Inys d u r ln tj Uio ru sh .

inzo In th o tru n h . N o ca rry in g .

lo n , y o u r C o n o co d o n lo r will I n s p o c t youi ir y o u (o r sH sh t nd d ltlo n n l c lio rg u ,

c u r d .

^ . T T T - '" f r — •,

' C O @o l n g l * _______

O I«<1>, RnnllninUI Oil Oimpa

[)uteirBPTi.vii itullCBlprt the heated ol thc inceilui! In nn.swer to •le.sti'Jii ubr'iit pi>ssil'’lc dlacl- ' .1. nry nclUni m j» i '- i II'p iwo

r-'irip ii.'.ih t h ' sniv- fines. iKli I "'InV NIi'V ('■.ouch

, >;> „io> , -M- ■ j„ ,t n , p.,x-

. U - tiry Sl:.>.-lp-, .n ld : "I


3 M I N U T E j l



i ' l « n i r .; I



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o s t \ # t o r


I I n s p o c t y o u r l i n r g o ,

........ ...... ......................

nnllinn>«i0H0imV«nr ___________ _

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p T / I'VE BEEM ANOBOpy W T /»S 701VJJ/.£3W<S £SW«X<i:

I MR5. HAW TOLP A1E W l . V W £Re I’RaM D TCPno


V ONE/ WHY PO VOU r- ) HIPESU CH TH IW oa^I fHOM ME 7 ------/

■i t ix 4 W |i i

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B*n C«i*)r

i W B W K S l ^ ' Y SVli l«li or

M Runii,

W ' / d '.vati r/A ■'H I ' IN A m ii'a a v I ov.ot-^ .] -■ I AW-ru: I'.r-i, ; . i » ,U L « JH I TiMP i r i n i i i .v r ,■ 1 \ i1 i ;A R fvM.jl , ^

Ipit i - m s s a -1:. . . m .

Friday, Se p t. 6 , 1963

Jews Comics forAtit%vi>r to Pr«Vloui Puxjia

inllihilii ti.niyl* (^min ^

isSf-’ jiflis.. ^\ Tnrwrrrritv ■ mr"> *"

;il \U., . IHl'nl,,;..! —r-vll.m ...................M’l-''- WlSljrk

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'iOU AMU J t , /»iL. \eA-iTER.WlAEN You TR Y T O B

^ ^ J A K e u e LAW With w e m a n J (7^v*( ■ WHO T O tO R ^D CLAREMCe T u r-^ '° ^ '= ^ P ^ 0 ’ '0 '^® l--A C K S rD fJF ' — jv,-\\. m H Y o u 'r e 6 o 4 Wi \>iKto F t a l k a t w b t o d a v . p e r - >rH /S ii HAPS YOU'LL, r e m e m b e r

TO TELL YOUR WIFE- ^______ A B O U T T H E r^S R A IS E M ____

- —

^A<3 HOLDI h46 —< 3U T flN H F R .=-

O py IfJ \ / VOU DON'T UKlDER- \£SW«X;dH.' I I STAWP.' A MVCK7/IB /5 \

-MEWU y \ EkJOUl'-'M FOKAWtltLE" J CPHD r > i n c y PIDW'TMAKII J WU’RG \ I M e lH 'P R E S lP tK lT - \LIKE J I JJSTTM'ilEAKKOOM /

OU FOREWAW,-d o a J __________ y

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i‘l«I;0O IN <iin |V ifr~L ]

^ m u if . iA ’VSV lull ir I l ( K ^ r

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k. /1 V / AMrf.xm.1'" V ''i^ MfUMllI,

I K p V.i. i-iMn i r I i . iAi I vA.i:i,vi,-v' A .iii.i.r I v l - '


i for the Enti'"'

r i ______— “ J u s t f ix i t u p s o it w ill ru n o v « r t

p la n tn g o n n y w lio io no ;


3 «>.'>». Ol.,________________

" I s u p p o s e t h i s M id a s e n d e d u p In ■ p a y in g t a x e s o n a ll th e


' J ' ‘‘If y o u M U S T K N O W . I o tu n o It

A'ir> iv>Y tHir.T offii r: ^

' ' f l '*■ ( VA KNOW, Tins t 0 y 'l RA’iOR O'Yf;'K‘J

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p*k JL ^ a S t II__ II

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W . I 0 ^ 0 In f o r a S H A V E l"

Hl«TOfrnr: ^ K f iA o i; PO,i>ootr)Kl n t ; i ' ,)0(MMi;»<)K 1 IIADlNOllfJH IMIli.r I 'w r.c A irm K / s u B w r ffK ifisw n/w ifrl j

.:__________________ _ _ tcs KNCW.THtS L-LtCTWlC V / »A’iOR O'Yf;'K‘J COULD ' t ./,,. , STAND A LI'L \ . (■ ,•^ ^ ^ liM A R l’t N I N ' I ^ ^ '''

: ' I1 ■

urWHUT'STW'U-SA. ------ < NOTHIN'.'!( X ^ H A O O 'e C i j r T U E r Y Y - - ; ; : : : : ^ FURR'WER.OlUY-KHAhU-/-' OESTROVIM 'OUR T < 3 ^ g A ll'*^

, » < 0 » ^ E r‘ _ . ___ '

[ H...................

< ,„ . . . , t..y

vruR TRtcB ' \ W a <r-R’''iT_ovJ 1 Ol!'«AoEOU5 knwDlHON. V'OSOOV ■•.Bl't rw F ■52 t'WO'y SVHFB«-

op^'-=:;:m e roR / - r r g o i n ; •


R..I Me/g.n. M.D.

aeCTROCflRDiOGRA 7 BCB'.VASrcRftCTlvfinE Af’R5.WILEY/lif'SH;

V/hD; h£ LEfl THE - ' , A SERIOUS " t ke5m u!?m i;d r.aw cgav /’ iORONARy/ j ;

A « YOU SURE HE DtDN'r V ' , _ -• ./ |! JUST HAVE ANOTHER , r; I ( I L j j J ’i LITTLE AT TACK Of J I '1UO:GE5tiON« I I W f f i P ®

. Oatolln* All*y

k jc d le l’ eisQ toknotu l o c n t uji5n to d'5t

lip Kirby

■ I B B g S SHOJLtTEf?;:. ■ t ^ i CAN'T SWM # ^ /

IT^ r r< ( EASY. I'LL H£


rthBrt Rlbi

I r ~ 1 FhcI ottt1H0l){M«D GOLC) PIfC£S OR 601

WKU destroy VOUR CASTLE' r~7

^ 3 1Allty Oep

ALLEY OOI* IM J pONT11li:Y 1 Oil, till^ cuAtmrr.' my look all . iuht

[ CAHT K KIC.M1 i‘ /llKAtg Ol- Till

, l 5 ^ ii" ' " ' ------------- ’’ ^ a a v ' ,!■ / • V,.(.\l .\ 5MliLL ' tB U m ,\^ 1 F"<n Ol-. \\A> .M |.<i'.>I .1 >*»* J S o m l l f i r T


'Tttry «iiil Ihf ritxat

I / 'ir'|IE®i,7F0f! ™'...7|A _---------U _ * * _ lL t. H tr/ lOOK I t-

: fcAKLr hi:m ,sxi(H- ai t/in i» iN.r,\llAl'ftVM:itK-\t|yl; - , , , A W

: ~ - ’91CP

~ < N O T H M '; . ' i r H E G O r S O M U C H O I ^T h / Z=!> ll U S A . N E E D S , HE CO T TW J


^ l i : ( ^ : S , '

l i _ ....... < ^ - 7 / ) ^

.i C-Rf IT_0VJ C>iE \ AGRFSP"!' T WOW IF VOI)'HON. ‘'0S00VMU5I ) McJCEE CAW TO THE A'f P'KWO'y SVHFBr ••■"! > i - WRAC< Hi$ V THE BAU K

. GOt n ; • BRAlWWDEr-| ---------- , / -


WILEY/ Ilf'S HAD I ■ WILL HE? .yJIll'-----: t - —A SERIOUS

6o rlq h t cn \ ] x ------------ u jh a t”<th uour- Ujork,' IL’9 \ ( Almost donelX th e dfaaiini;n 'tijj i5 'n to d i5 t'..-o i Ju 5 t_ a h ttle l u 5 ^ bjv

- x r --------V y o u ty T O ichingup j ' 7 ===;xM r

I ~ i / WE'LL 0E / [ T H E R e ^ /

------- --------- V A^IWJTE.? ; : . ' I i - ' . £ i X W ^ : r ‘ ^ r

HOW ABOUT V ii l HUt^DRED •5 OR 6OL0 PIECES AND1HE QUEEN? |•ASTLE' f -T ------- ^ I---------------------- ’--------- - / LETS 6 E E \ M

iii:Y 1 oii,c.iii<ri ll l i ( iiiLVHn f.iKANT.nl r.un,- a.L____ .iLinT thf: ) all uic.ht. hut (T.kita i‘ , /iiKAtgar;Ni:n5f Tuiirf.nKi; ciikli) n u i.

__^ Ol- TIILM,' MLM’AOJ),-;,'

I / j

on ivMlli'i .jAws.M 'yi'iiy --•'L.' i Q M ;'■,!'I ,Huiiv M.I riiL- i tf c -* r .r / d •u r J W f t . ■>. '■> H,1> 1.1'. 7 . I r. J • ' , , , ( 1,1'

i S r a t w i ^ iFOR 7l'f* ,.//T i T l ' ' ^lllAIknMl'K.'''i'' Mtr/ lOOK , , - ' \ IC jj i - i / .C J f t ll(l:(\H t(l‘-.r.M


' • T ' • ••' '•'

:H O IL T H 'l/'lN R A C K .T W 'V /A Y T W E Y '-----HECOTTM' J { EXPLAfNeOfTJITWASAHONC D<DOWN \ V TOSACREEF1CE.OUR T > r U S A ..r J V i- l 'L H O M E .' 'y -

\ ' ' : , ;

.■ywi^lFV OU 'LlD R lV EU t \ l l7 ^ .~ S 0 THE CYCLOJ TO THE AIP-PORT: u l SrARTj PlEIE SUCCE55I 5 V THE BALLmilMSTTrrr^,'' V kAEDWARE TO ?■r - ) -----------) / - 7 se e S ~ tforwa .p

^-JORKIfAW -1 -- ■-}■'’■■' . -••. \ JOVIAL IW / •>. ■'• ■ ^ WOJJTH ! . /

« W m ii

® V ^ 1 m &oIn? i6 BE RIGHT NOW, I'M NOT THI■ ^ brutally frank with terms of how L0H6 F

,W l | - ------,--------- , YOU, ■ m CONCERNED A5 to;AW5. ORNOTHaiAIAKElT/

^ /^ A lu jh a tV t a q e in ' \ / ’ 6lue pencil? Klever^ \ th e d>-aaiing do gou \ use it.' G5t5 all over I. u^e the blue pencil, gcor hsna! If there'«

, -r ~ r lj -> A Mr. Itoboine?/ anything I ha te it'4--y

/ VielLBE \ | i J


iD RM A F i w o iUEEN? / H ere s h e i s , 1 a n d \

fANfiin r.Un.TJIAIt) WILLTHIC. ( I DOWtCti: 1- HUT r.KITAT V aI-FI-CT w iir ) WIIY IT / I'liiKiiH nui... / i-rMriiiwcy I flii{xn.n..( my

vOIl-;,' - — r AtlATlMU- X . \ t i- —■■ V V_ IKAVCLHKY / ] / ' n j ^ '

I m M i

'‘ ;i-i iint-o .ti^u wAiTATiitJii

-V,' •■ i.ic '.,in 1.1,' II..O not my or{ K ,l III. iMiLir>M''i\t.'i ____ _

tiiAi kuMi'K.' '’i'iwriMi/ii>*r,>ui'\ A ' f ’ P / MirwORTnii '|l(l:)'lHHI‘-> T-M'IIK. Al'lli'fl.' } A.'AI’I'AJV l-> A/'OC’.I T '5 T R U E / \ y . - 7--------------------------

T ^ i E <’ii''fAiirAKr:'crj^Sii’"S’'((r


f ,i '

Is "■~.~S0 THE CYCLOr.4’ 5HOOI a J ^ . i

PlEIE SUCCE551 THE >Vei(tviI R.'liOct , HARDWARE TO PAYI.OAO 15 A Ri-? fijp



' 1 1

^ c i l ? ^I G5t5 all over I f.isnfl! If there'4 I in^ I h a t e i t '4 - - /


( I o o u r c L c y --------- VO WIIY IT /I ' L L C .n T ^ • ''} ' f fll1{XH.n..( MVr.f:AK10-\ p\)


WAITA MitJint' YOUIIcT •''‘’'iu li'.o NOT MY t>niVEn.';^

\r)l’ PJ- Mir'MnRTIIII» Ttltl AIR FPKi f.'Al’I'AiV l*> /V'Oi’. rr—---------- --------VT— ---------- J/|V.\IT iinliL I If j‘ ) )

Mr Hi'i ''li'l ^

Page 13: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

m a r k e t s ^..........S t o c k s ^ , I f

"IEilahW lower In somo of w hr.iS U-iciltiB of ll‘e yenr - 'n .n .,

I f ' '’*».torlty of losses w w p u t

'"?'■•■■SiS'S"*-""""""""'"'n rrcfiiit lilRh-f’y? ''' ''ii-

CHp’S«^ .n„,t,H‘rftbly In m » ‘

, .tro im prtJlcUal the I j l

5T^f tlie piilJllc. o r *' r * '^ 0,0 m arket now tim t , .„ „ t , .af rconfirf-” '-'’ " 'r v . i "r-ni'irMlny* lito 'orlc move ■>< .',

app'rcnU y eonflr-oe.I

^jniry ......“S d ln g tn Sperry Rsvx^d w u 'i'™ v

for n srPBl sllare of H>P C.ive. .i 2rt»cliv liy - Shnrily o ftc r noon1^,000 iJm ra ^ .uum-.na,

r i s "alri^ tl>ls''ls tiic livrcesl g ^ . f ,v e r . t r « te d - ln - > i - r c 8 U - f 'J; .7 ^ « ic l lo u , II has been rc - „ „^ ^ h n t M artln -M nrlJ tU h a s .o - i ^ l l - S t Its one n.mion-Uia<fcs

^ ! f f w e r o " '’mlxed -bu l- .nu tD sx t tT i m Rohm nnd Hnns rose lirtiuldembly in nn IrrMiularly ,^.91,.»^h«r chPtnicnl section. DniRS sh.r,, ,.,S frroR'ilnrly lower. E lec l.on - ^J';

a improv'd and fenUircd. B e- si.'zo;,w .m i . LlMon, B fckm nn. Av- ........

„ l and I!Ik1i Vojlnne Ennlneor-

Intcrslnle D cparlm cnl Stores^ , d ft siMble Rnln a fte r re- S r tha t earnings for th e ;inl Imlf of lU fLscal year were u . s \-2

50 per cont from th e year

* UCA. Ooodrlcli, G erber, W est- c ,u i« ii-Ehousf. Oxford P ape r. C orn- lo »tron*. M Glas,^ American Resenrch. J‘”EKtrlc Auto-LIto nnd S ou th hUh chui Cjiollna Elcctrlc moved hlRlier.

Quaker Oats, H u n t F o o d s . 5Him Avenue Coach. Foxboro u .m,Di Amcrleai) SmeltlnR softened. ^

jStock AverafresKEW YOliK, Scpl. B m D.-wJi’n*' I.lv.. l<;ck :

*aes«K»»«: i«*fsII K»ili i73.4S, uff l.:i'J. .

Wind P ' i McNiiL W H.7G: «JI

i - ^ S E s - i s{taVroj* ' |'* '’'fuii*"''

I's S;EE“' su s £ S a . sjsai*=«;■' 5*’: ^ "i " S r t IT'! ^“.;vA ntoV u '' «»% 2.;«o; bI

i : \ T ^

wv N'’ A"* Av h \ i:,«,il »nrl

k S .Si K f “ ™*.w Corp r . ' , ‘’“ "I" * l iS!S' ™ s-i S "iililOHo n? l;*"'' 'M /''J ? ? ‘ !■• m-tli-

r«iiA(rc’ n-; J "’•K'L, ;:;s;™ s 'h: st'K t e g n

■iW.rn i7 \ ;:j"l ‘'''I* *

I t iifSSf I-Ijmuih. !«I.-, j’"l"r"M , i | r |„ .,„i.1 I’ltk ;iMi ,'V ''u* /.•. ’' ‘I.. I'l"- i>rnii .".ft. j,;;’; ”’{ j];;* i>-| ''■•i''

f'l I'm w jll*"'"'*"! ' ^

1*1" T,It 11 ||" '”"lT hlTfrr;.")

ar 8r.sSt« 'i : : ; ! ! ; : : ™ S ,

!;•! S';;!";!:

l l f l " ':■: is S k ; ix!;

p But''■■"m".’;, ;T '‘ {‘j ' ; ; ' ,,, rm cA

p : tSkiil:''.!', Si'-’ ['■'■’" " fr.'il vn'' |l‘“'" 'l ' , .. . MlM'nMrl

' '" i !l!"!lh n i l ' I‘'.hrTk ‘p l ' ' ' ‘J','' Ki"ii.'"lM

1 .1! '" jji'j |!ji""i'.’ I

i S'. iP j’"*'"■ On'

.... '(■; l l ' : ' : , " 'V ' m ia nI;;;:........... ............. „,i,’ ii'iun,. ,

- 'I..i,„. - ' ' ' '" •" I '■•■Iil :i l '\ at llut

W v ' ■;;! » r , : : '...A'l I. ‘'.V loI""'*! ;1;.' "1! i '" . ' 'I'lln I

::s s?,:

?'? '"rC:"<( / ' ' I ' ...... <),ir

1,1'n ' ? ’> \n \ Miom"";i;i i!;:S; ; ; ' >vi,'',!l m' HHj; t i

............. ;:;• ................. - n m '■‘C ' - 'i ; V l V\\^ '" '‘I ‘-'<1"n"i... i z n i l ! Hd.nmi

'■’■'i ......... nm, lliiiri, t.............. ..... . I- •

"U.1,,' ' ' ...... n M, N..w«siV'm''"' 'i";;i'„.:.:i!,';i" ;!:> ----------.... IM -';;i II A I a „ . „ 1,11;

WAmn,'^‘; i n i ' u c a m i ' h ______

1 ............................. ' .......... ''''Iv llimv hy D .l, .


“ >f*lf|.Uy '' '" '" I ll'ln il'l-1 <1>M|.|.


chicm-() s...,*

*vTrl*-' MI1.J ; KMrby ni-r-tl- bv.rd

(u ir -A u 'r i ; i « ” ; ' ii»m ' ''..If.Mv.ll. Mgl.... . ' f ..

'stHMHhlrr -tr.., Sln.»» •" r.’""/hlirli'* ; ll'l' '’I'* tinue of hi-..*

Livestock srilbrS'roUTI.AHI) 40M0D I.. I’..,..,.

•OllTI.\NI>. S-r> « ll)nnA) Iji H l.i .- '-kilt 11. M l..ft: ■hroujn•.<11. l.S>"); l,l«h BiKHl 4n.l fhol.'. ................... ...,<IH| 11.. .U - . 2ftd0-2».7»: mU«l .h i N o rf . .- ..1 .ml fl.uirr -in.UH-'ii.'ifi : •l.ri'UtH >lUSKi.l I0.0U-2I.6J; «o>kI »nH ehulc* el.l hmnr. I.„n.hi

UTmrTTPi? tttw rm - r^ryjsT

i'* : , . c«. nil .'. Ti'•.Ive. .115: ..... I and ehuic* v.«l»r» Ou»»l-l< •••■ UiIk 2'i.0 0 * ? : K<KiiI *bd fboict W h'-l - i ' ,

! rf ''S.?vS"'‘S ^ kiiifei r'-fr-,1 ,ill» IWI- lU IU. l« •••“’• ’ *"'* H hl.h.r.^,,,1- :m -tm lb., u.od.is.&u- juw.r u. \ huhc Sh..«l) 050; chiilt# »nd prim* »8-ftO mrlr: m l« .l-0.11 10 uUUly I"-* l.mb.r • ;• • • .X.,kI 4.t,il-1.00; r« d .r iprln* Uml-,6 11,., 13.0UOOU:____ __i:A.'in

KU. 1,01| : t,,lm» MQ-U2 1 ' J

»•?>’' " ' ■ " ' t 5'.‘, :

,7.'.; U .S. i-i'lS0.270 Ibt. IK.OU.16.60: .M«y --- l..;i ,

C.llie^lisofl ; c .lvrt 10 i .- . 12<’. \•troti*. In .un«» 2i hlBh»r: htlf.r* I>«c — • I n ' ,

..dy; cim. hl»h .h ..l« wilh M.r _ .K,

";£r..''=iyf- £" % S ':"« -olrc ai.OH.24.60 : good .nd Jow choice „ O.***fW. f»« f '" " " * '' '» • • .. . . i i m ”ShiTi. *00; net .nounh • .!« f'-r p rir, ^'• _______ D.'t . - l.J*'.

CIIICACO. a .'" . 'r / 'S ro (U rd a j — m*v - • v.’ Kick: llc<ici II.8011. Mml»r»l»1y «c- •J"'!' - I JHn

V «; ...vr.Vnor.lly 2.'. l««<-r; r.u..tly pon,, 1.2 20(J-2J0 ll.. li.rruw. «na kill" rOtlTI.ANC), .S ^.l_fi,74|-l«S U-7fi>-inl»».l cr.in »h..)f..lr, i0 ll,r U.r76.’r6.J.'i; no. '2.3 2M.270 lb. j i 11., "Jsit'.'"«K.ortU<I-1C.2S: mlird No. 1-3 at.... . Il>. ,u tr rn ew> T*.S0-l6.2r,; 3R0-400 lb, M,nO- n,. 41.f,(,7G: «U-«60 ll>. 1.1.tO.|J.28: Nn, 2-3'yHI„»- r.Ci.<M).wi„-,(,. 11.000 lb. 13.00-13.76; 600.860 11.,j r.-l .y 'i Ho.e.

C a in s '9,500, cilvM Tinn*. a lin ih le r n .rW U.I io iten nnd hclftn active: >t««n .tronK ihlpmenl dcilverr<

fully 26 hlKhtr: ln .l.n c« oO up: or 2-n.wr.l w «i, rlf,n ilmng in 26 hi«h«r: owe Ltvfdy Whrnl Md i„

.in.iiB: bull. Ilexly. llirca loa.U bulk, 2».<l.y uhlpiims l,l&0-l,31? Ib. il.uRhler n ln n Whilt l.k>i...,.t,u; hich c .iSce nnrt prlm» H.ril l l . . .

;!no.«77l; <rhnir»'l.300-M rii.ur B; corn l.fiO; itn.Kl BOO.1,260 lh, 22.25.2;i.7R: mill f«d *. frw mand.nl and low mod ::n,i.n. _______

S : € : ^ £ = S v ^ £ Trustrrfin! rn«^. A»l!l.trd Fund.'

S iF sH f"1 ,1 . r. sr'rriii.1;mishiet lamb, and .horo "lauaht»r i ""

aprlnir .I .u ih lfr ' i } " r ? --..I an.l rhoire nn.ion Ib, IB,S0.20.II0; tJ* ’ qI' v ^ r ( ,

n vrao ;.m n; ^ .J l ih, .1.*. »k ' T. lrvl.lnn Kirn, r i'oS fi on “ V .l". l.Ine l.>o.., r *wn 4.0l).6.m____ _

Ht^r^i^TTTv- • i l ' ' ••

" J - . i? 2 ^ ' i, . : 1 ; : 7 i . ‘s . t : r ; 0 M « « -. b.ilrhen. lH.nil-lR.3,t; <*v«ral r..n- I ; ''* ’ "* 5? - -unmi-nu mi>«llv Nn. 1-2 Ifl.40.Ifl,60; JJ • •. .S. 1-S 270-100 lh. ...WM U.00.15.K0, r?"*"".! i,'w lf„6i>, ln l.rn .llm.al F.i


If..7ft.l'7.00; uV h. 'l-2-J 270. {'"J*' Coir.ii. ..!

I'nlllo I,K|I»:'^.Ivri MOl Rtn.'ially (^on.nl, KriUhtwi c .ly rnn.Wl; .|.„Kl,l»r .I t r . . frw {'rlhl Taylur _.. .d> rh.ilri. -< 1X1.24 7A ■ alanKhlrr K'lnlty ON .

*lln.Vrr;n?’*!,1,!l!ihur‘ "b»l7 '''"lMin^ »•>” ' Hrn.Hly’’ I.! i.r,ii.ii..M(^^^huh rhc.ir. ...d i.rin.'1,1,1 and rh,llll. 21,(10.2M?.' ' <i«rrctl^ Kr»l»hll

p p : ; f

Butter and Errsrm rA iid , nn.i. « ‘inrn I’l.niur.i H|'«<-dr. Ma.t ..

‘ .^"” J.4” '" ‘ 4'.’'"i''''i,i'J>.V « v ‘ ir '■ I'* "" ,'...... l.;«f nil.44; hllrl. SU.4.11.,. " r-l * ""‘I Al. II.

::n, Potatoc•....Ird I* 'ih.’Vhi.>«yjrrrr.'.’.'iMri;V. n n c A im , H.'I'l’.’.'li'V. IU 1 I . , . , MV I- J'"'*!.'"il* ‘ '‘‘‘il!

r . . |„ l , | VO .roir nv ...n f

............*"il I '"lMld,',!|""llJ I ",I|m*m' J7 ] i!j"''N i*i'r 'ria 'i!

’olice Worker ■ isiI'a*!' la s ‘(;ol(l’ One E - ^ S ' )n Way to .lobM IA M t,. Kin. Ml . A Mlitiill ' 'i i '. ,k ' . . I f . i I

'''H '''' 'l .’i.i.i Uiini,| w.ithiir nioi.n .V , I , " 't llut nM iirr lliiiurr nl.iin f.n a niiV . .(‘ j.'.Il".‘■"'‘I >'vrry nuMiiliiK im lliii ......... . 2.iri.«."ly t.l hln Jol. iiiKt iliirMi'l rv rn .nd l . i . .'.V "> Krri) It „ nrcrri,

I llll wiirhitr In liurcjn, n | iiiIIi-p'">-1 Ih r ”,.....I on« ’ m il- n i

'<I a n io l, Jiiliiy ,.|.|il...' ' ' '- " J hiniiln tlir aIo iA Ni n /vii.

■I'h'i illiiiil hnn hi-Pii HiiliiK "0 y ; ' ' ' " ' , ' ' ' -----

i»v‘r i i ..........O ne llinli oftkrd Uii.,pri l.i

l " f millllKi IligiK.p |„ 1, 1, wifr

"'I " f y t i r Morn Ihln iiiiiiiiliui," „ v.iiiK,*']

•I 'riA ciiiiiiH l u i r o i i ’r '"w!.oi iniMr..'ri

•»l,imil iMi||r>„fl (Poiiiinin, p IuIU .■.,iiri..i«d n„.Iiin'n tlio iiiiiiii,,.!' ll, ch lim In ' ‘'""I ....*ll 'l , iii|niiin iiin Nimv O hlnu ............................I"""‘ 'llU'niiy, iii.Mlih N-N.nii

T w in I’iiIIh M ark

......■ - *''‘S *'s.'sr.. ..... ................1 '" " ........................ .

I-IVR n in i.T M i , , ^<Jl«l.la .K.I ,j„ .,|„ || N l* I"

N A N C E The E Grains

iicm;<) Sn-1 4 m

d ' ’ 1 '■' ’*'* ' ''■ • I'*' hnd W n „ovi, th. tir.i .,, Ill, n..l«-nM llted i

....n^'l......I ••» .. ,,p ' “fll" ' It Ulth

t.;i' " .liirr","!In...-I h, I,.,k .,. »mil(1 Oa> 'nxpf ■

r.ir 'w -.i^ f.r/'Vn ’v l '.......... ’“‘V-K'.I ii..t .., " '* - n r d

'I—' I'»'1». .,|M .„n,i,i l.iiyli'^ mil'iial

r.i."'• r erraii' m.,1,,1. U:-S ........ ” 0U wrOKMllAti'l ?nn1- '" ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ’ '■n'’"'tC

u»h n. ' ■ " ' It .wiw) " „

iiTd'X “ \ ‘' T ' ‘ ’r ' ^ -ir-ri. i r . - n'li't yi

fi ' . t - v l r ^ I -

ro/iV""' T' *' A n<'i-uis<. o\«i, • ro. Im. .. I,. ’J

'h ' - j .......... . 1..-1.H high.. '"'K-'lV •llhj.-rt

^4x^1 , E.V ^n.O ii'l J l llemW. 1 , ...iK u.,<hr.,K..,1 t., 1' ' “ iMl'll U> hi UlU

‘‘ from peo[

b»r ftIP f'pprveltn pnl Ihl,.

.. - M « n r people 11" 2 0. n '. : y"i :„‘ ' l>»Mi»-.vs take the■Ht Kn. , y»i|,n, i.ii%-i.':ip.'‘; It I ' nlwny.s deac•> s'^ >■-nid. f ..I. . up "perm a tirn t"V '.114 . . . ” .'1 ” ' 'w hich hfli cash

"•’■■■ ‘‘J liisuiancc. of t. i n , , r f . .. - i-’oU-rMon -pure

' ' r . . '‘" '‘'" 'u t l 'U(„H 1... r'l.... ,-1” ' poTnian.'nt life

pr-'liably (he m »‘ . ! ” ': 1"% 1:” ^ \m>1

i ^ i 'i i.vii', i.iii'4 i.n i a m a tte r o t :' — i.«;i, i . r .1, i,k; lution of any or1*4’ • Pohcy for anothiI . 'i M i . i.sw<. i.r,os i.iion; twUllllR,«” ! Many people - 1 ; " : 115:^ 1“ ? <v .'Witch p u t u

r _ _ I.K u i ^ i:}^^ <ln lower life ins r - l . i : \ 1,17‘i I.IT ', i.n y , cosUsi Into m ut ^i« 'nvesu i .C6'i -i!s ; .6&IA course, geus m an

.««•. .SHij .i:h>. .6»r.;. pie w renmlnB n ' -lli” ‘lo'ii 'ini^ However, man I',,- • •» • • 0 ,-; inve.<;lmenV busl t . . 12';i, J.2B'; I.2BV, l.29Kj tllM if lhe Vftlu

" l a * ’ I 'sr ii JS S^ l u r 'n®‘’*-‘‘ niodc 1 f r . . i 'n c \ risrlii usr.i/! uasij people r . . . i . j |i» i.so 'i U3H4 Kjii'i sw itches como <

Please unflers

in «h.,)r..ir, prompt ll.lK.ry^ bulk TI1I.I COlUinn CO , f'.ii i.-rk pcfriundi^oiu, Va, I th a t coch fam lh, ~Sit. «».ort; Corn, No, 2 yfilow in.«iurance and s '" « i i ;n '" o .M - i2.oS- mik"'n?.^ ‘2 »« tm e n ta . iiiw r.ci.<n).f.(i„ (i. ’ ’ B u t how muc1-I.y'. rioif. ri.rll.nd Rraln Ki- w hat kind? Tr.M/y Ud io arrlvr m.rVrt. JO-U-y ” !'•pmenl drilvsrc<l toa .t! No. 2 2-rowfd on c a c h IBmll)2-row,.i w„i«rn 41.60. slllon. N o m a tu

nl ll .a . t : Or<51nary 2.1J. Q. ThO COlUn:«r ^rrrfiiiln;. .Wh^J^^ag l h. r lry. i ; g^p ia ln ea t lie »:I f«d ■ *” ■ ^ “ ■ and th e «.000

----------------------------- lions" from fe

Trust FundsISVESTMKNT TRUSTS If I m ake lar

. ..Hid Asked persoM to whs , ; : i . s , ; ' ' i » . s . 7 r , ! 3 , ; 3 i ■ion .nd HowanJ Slock 14.S5 U.72 On IhO gifts? 7 -n w M i5 ?r^ rr_ r- ;.. t .s r ' s.or — a'. N o. W r*'• ------------- S'Jj *•{? you arc ta lk lrIK siorV SeHM'Z— .I h!22 M0 tO-gOOdne.'!S glin.m Cio-ih ..__ 8.17 111.02 Uiii m istake 0rvj.lnn Klrri.,inlr. _ 7.7S ft.46 som ellling aSI..e U n ' s I 'tT s i t . ;.:i .1.25 j:65 rea lly a payme.■•ton. 11,1 .................. Ili.75 ifi.jn H ere again,r-inn« 114 -------------- 10.16 ii.on nnyono m akliJllnnI K 2 ----------- -- M7 s'»7 »h0Uld COnSUltf.ion. K2 1'________ la.flT 14,M m ako sure he

-........... 'J J * >J’iJ ru les s tra igh t,

Unlisted StocksOVRR THK nOONTKR ftccoltttlc

illd a.VkI of well-M lftbl.e r i .n n 'i ------------- IB.JJ 2n.ini wUh ROOd rec.e ( :M r ., i ,~ I ....... ai'sll JIM nnd tllvldends.lan.a Alrlln>« " I " l*!?n n'uo IlOWCVer, dlfl

d lffere iil Ideas , oil"' — u S ■>k r .l liMnnrcM .... 2,•J 2.fl2',4 'n ie r o ’n no ha •t »Miirltj' Corj., I 4N.no fT.uo iiUlon You ml.1 HrfiiiHy Invnl. H.JS 0,(10 .|,vW uoll oim-nll,( Alrllnr. n.Tr, 7,MI , V ‘> « '(inti.r llcfli.li.a . «.}!l loun It n blun rI\I; " “ iii^" i»h iiin« - n.«o M.so nilKhl call tho ihi. I*ii-rr 'l-fd 1- Hfl.ufl pn iii O'" "• rmnuMlaln ( i . . , . In.(HI VI.IIU -------------

= : : : i : = i s PeaMi-M« , . ----- J.7A ii.no O ieen pen

v ;;; ',: ',';:" '- , j ,m.rr Hl.r gu rtn . . .Jfl ,|:i 'V’th lim ited •fdr. M..I .. a,atl 7,110 'I 'hn yellow iin»

i j v . - ' - n S " "" " 'I '■ I t'ii.>l Alrliiir. .WA t ill) U.I'O leVC),

...................... ... l.tiiilll price,!

’otatoes. Onions S L S 'Tn iu 'A im

■iiii'.Aiiii, H.iii. fl n iM .|‘„ u i„ „ , ijiHck peila

'l.v, , , « in.a.krl dull lo .IlHhlly

>.l«. (100 II, lA un-I nihrrwlia alaltdll W.ihliiMliKI _•ri< 4,110; MlnnnuU ntliiid r<di | iI. Niiilh llaVi'la iviind i<,l. 2.no- - M

..................l u r .......I ird | l.fln.l.lA. VIllf l . . I r . l Wa.hliiLloii iii.Ml.

U K ... A.U.H.16) r.llf„i,i|a ,..l Ukei.' . ».4a.6.7*....MI..— 4« - - m W m i iimI irdi t,lin.n.2fl| Nmll, O.kidaii„l ■»!> Alin I .......................... . ,„ |.ri-’J.ni| Indian, i.niiid i«,li 3.7A 1.......... .a ilr ii>r». U,1K-fl.|iK,Inl...... Aiilvali ;l| liark fl, iiiniillrl

il.niaiiii iix-t I in .ikti .Mahllrr,.,k N<ii.« ri|',i.i.,l,, l.« t >.lr,i i:,,|„,.d,i r.lli.ni lar*.

"••hl.iai,,.. r.llnwi l . ia . 3,7h.■ •ll(.,,„ |. t«|l,i~. lata. A.U.t.nu,

,lliiM,* a.lB-iI.IA, nhllia m.,lliiinahla.n i.ll„w (l.,l,» ni..lln.." Llllll


hr I...... ...................I.U..... a ,.Kill'll I'r I'i, W, Mrll,d>«ila and ..... . ■ ^„ , 'U in Kail., .... I f

Main. r.lal^M | \

m m " . ’a,Ifl' Iilii7"«j'r«’l.'r' _ . . .

i"...... NOWWool ONLY

NKW vnnK n.w Vllllll, ll.m, « im Wnnl tn,ia ...... -M . M.il.l.V,.„l .......fa r1«»d .1 I,. ,7 nf a raiilli.i : llrl, ln« :7 ill.r 1)111,111, Mai rh,|jjj, M*» iHIMIli Jiilr Iin,4i llfl. (J llC

i r ’i : : : ' , : i : ! r : " : l , r ' ^ ; ^ i . i ......."iHMi.Ird .....I w..„l I.,,,. inil.dN.II.MIiti K-Niinilii.l I A'Aaloill

M arkets

' i ' , ....^ B L M _11,1, ilt.I.r

nHANfll„ .................. | | | | | B | C £ ^ |

I — IM I i ^ 5 i ^ i i i

The Daily Fetl f « Investor S<

*'j v v n i.U M A. n o v i . r

I U- n If.(Ip , who Sftlcl t*'nl , ,

’n'm r

t • I'Tr k ' » l l l l l l ^ l l ^ ^, . ’‘1 1 ,. ' " . *21 *23: iilll‘'vi''i{'i > I t 0 t V n „ | . ♦ n « l- . , i„

' ' ' n il ' you n e v r . cni'in "

w in ' lirl(ni«. f S ji

A n.-,-uis<. 0 \«i» n te I i.i',t j jn .V * ' o')''"l'i'

liKhl l.u ll.. MiE v e n .O in l jlm D l 'i. s ia to m e a l H « « 'v ro«ii. ixiMinl to hi llic In fcoiu«* .MToiii: j23 so; iiclii iicrs from people w ith tnlKhty j20- common c n. npininii.4 on ihU . And H 'l're 522; iioU 'etnp r»ppr«|,n pnliita nf vW*w on 53250; p n o r

$13.50-$10; heoMftny^ people In t h f Insurnnec J10-i2l,50; '.Ib' iKliic.vs take the firm s ta n d ih iil 521 so-$2n 50 u nlwny.s dead w rong 10 Rive « 'o rr

> " p e rm a tirn f life insurHiicc cnmmon nual /hich hfli cash v a lu e ' nnd buy s 23 »34 SO; b<>! wi'r-ro.'it li-rm livsurnnce. T e n n jor). nnlors S ■suianec-. of cour.v.-, prot'O o^ tn .R o 'j 'lot^'rHon -pure ni'rl i=iTTiple,Tlio Kul)'Mtutlr.n 0/ te rm f‘>i 'Tnian.'n t life In.siiranc* l.< | { | | C''liably (he mo.st f re q u en t tji«> t'A'lMlTiK praellced today. Bui,

. ft m a tte r o t fac t, lhe subsil- l y l 1itlon of any one life Insuranee i - ' i A>)lcy to r a no ther c n n be cnlle<i Hy•'l-'l'nK’ AP Kuftlne*Many people w ho m ake such NEW YORK •swltcli p u l th e m oney saved gHu^ over chi

n lower life in su ra n ce prem ium only a sm all » ti5i Into m u lu a l fund share.i bcLween the • o the r Investm ent!*.. T h n t. ot u i J E uropean Mirse, gcus m any in su rance j w - w h ile th e od Ic Acrenmlng m ad. o f compromHowever, m nny people In the is in th e a ir, I

ive.ilm ent buslne .« p o in t ou l conflict invol m l If the value of th e Inve.st- ing m oney n >cnt.i m ade In th is m an n er pro<liicU L-j 1 row, Uie people w ho m ake .luch from se ttled y Aitchcs como o u t ah ea d . T he U n l t iPlease un flersinnd IHal T am stA tcs U nnp

o l try ing lo duck ft h o t topic, b e c . a u s e 11 'hLi colum n consla iilly stresses coninjou m arl la c each fa m lly -s h o u ld -have ha., ral.sed I i.«iurance and sav ings before In- ta riff on Ami e.ilm ents. U n n chlckfB u t how m uch In su rance and and a ll b u t c

fhat kind? T h a t '5 som eth ing ninrket. ach fam ily m u s t decide—ba-ied Peace Kcstin c a c h lam lly ’s fin an c ia l po- peans__F ra n cItlon. N o m a tte r w hal, you m ny lu ly , Bolglun e to ld ; th e re Is n o p a t form ula L uxem bourg - rlth w hich to ca lcu la te th is . small to m ak

Q. T h o colum n In w hich you s o th e Unit

.nd th e W.OOO " a n n u a l cxem p- such oa rals lr Ions" from rede ra l g ift taxes ropean wlncj I’as m ost en ligh ten ing . B u l ll rUrp. am ong eaves one tjue.Ulon in my m ind . Also worryl f I m ake large g ifts , do th e A tlan tic ts ll wrson-i to w hom I m ake th e y e a r o f An lifts h av e to pay incom e taxes money. B u t in th o gifts? highly differ*

A'. N o. ■We’re" nMUiiilng tlVal T h e U nltci /ou arc ta lk ing abo u t h onest- bccause th e ( .o-goodne.'!S gifts. D o n 't m ake do llars lucre Jill m istake o’f trylnfr to label th e bnlnncc w m eih ing as a "g ift," If II Is th is y e a r Is •cnily a paym en t fo r som ething- T lia t builds

H ere again . I ’ll repeat th a t ob road whlc \nyono m ak ing sizable gifts in to th e U.S ihould consu lt a good tav,7 c r to of Its gold, iiQko sure h e has tho ground dLsturblnR si 'u les s tra ig h t,---------------------------------- Bomo Eure

Q. C an you explain w h at is tliough they n e n n t by a "blue c h ip '' stock? lara, nro wi

A. I n a nuU hell, "'blue, chip" A m e r i c a n neana h lgh -quallly . Blue chip could m cna s a i\ ftccoltttlc. filvciv to s iock i U 'c lv -indusu >f wcll-e.slftbll.shwl compimlcs, I-’rnncc , toi ivllh good records of earnings rcgu ln to Uio !tnd d ividends. Unl by requl

However, d iffe ren t prople have nny Intentlo i l f f f r e n t Idciui about exactly o th e rs U) bu, ivhat iiiakc,) a stock a blue chl)>. paiilcR, cxcep n ie ro ’n no hard-nnd-fasL dcfl- e rn tlo iis of t iiltloii. You m ig h t like a ccrtnlii chnnao .wher Uock well ciiouhIi Io ciinsKlirr w atched. '11: 11 a blun Rl\lp, Bomi-oiui cl.'.e <leah which nlglU ra il tho same MiK'k it "ca t" common, j r n "doK."----------------------------------------Kniiice Is 11

--------------------------- -- Ihm i In Uio

Pea Mart DullO ire n pen price <iuolaIUiiin welciiiiiu as )(

«vrraned »3.00 Ihi.i pa.iH period noinlo ri'owI v lth lim ited tradliiK reported.I'hn yellow pn« iniirkrt rontliuied lull With p r lc n <|iiatoa a l lh e ■M.flo level, ^ I V I *

l.iiiilll prico,! w rip lift ^ l l I I l l t ly ________Ihls pnnl perlud wllh (iiiiilnlloiis . . . - n d Fo ivernKliiK ♦1,7ft wllh lim ltnd .tiMlinH, WHrt'i;

n inck peils wero r r i K i r tB U 'wrakeiilllg n l tlin $3 levi-l. rail 7,ia.4ifl4.



___ 100% "501" N\

NOW $ A 9 5 L ‘ oNiy T i.O n e O f T h e I ,a r ( /C H t S l u c k t i (

hi. Vfilloii . I . CrcA t T h< \ S t o v o T h o t S d v c n Y i n

ed (la»tie lU s e 1

l<> v in I . 1'’. '';™, 'i”1-ISdftJ- / I I '^ tm w ' _I ro rn im i) «al- vlMi lli« ” W>1’| l»'l i «V» J

I 25 lf> r rn i t lo*.\rT m*.l« w»i». ..,''wa aolrl -xlja,,. - ‘p.i .Iv, rfld _________H0’«’<'l') .,lr»’ -. r t - l . - , w ith ■'.AUK Mil.l.KlI I

m nv- ft1 sn O' .1, t,- }i Innor.h l- r n rlD liu i n , . |. . 50 * '® '*on»ll-Sp«t!ta Invvc. nil,I rn l i r - n„ (lie ■ r

------------------»0<”l In lll^^^ rli.li",* M rr,., j23- ..........10; ■ • • I . m , t r [. « good, . .*23: 11II1‘'V vtiT. ,, rl(i-$lR; ;'k ,,. .............. ..

Ttol-'» |„ tl'■ ^o .J22: P.11..1 i „ -.11 m. I•d I" pliolep h i f r . ^ »:!1,50-..SO; I’-iiiMtiBfol"! I.l 1,.~. jjootl BIHI"^J.(0, . . t ’H J;J|1 •tnii. rows. Ut-' tl- iiw. «•

! « '4 c - ' i i im r i - l 1: ,11, , , b ‘ V . l l l n , ' * W ); lll lliu bu lk t r t 'T .,,,1 t.-.nhi bu ll., t r j . j i f l _____B . . . , I , . , I . ,IflO; Hcbl roftdcT J23.&0- t.llti>B3: common ounllly j i o - Um«_»n<l munry > 2; lio l,tp ln U fcrs, $17.50-J.SO; p o o r e r ^rftrir s teers. iIc.Ci rX V i,3^50-$10; heavy fpcilpr hclfei'5. civil, o t cilmln.3-i2l.50; fppdpr heifer*. ■"miiip .i ■» ■ 1.50-$2n.50; cnmmon Uelfers, m a k v - I k4 -$ n ; t 'o r r cn l'"s , $7« $33.50; n r ,* '**h .. u J m m on quality auor cnlveA. J,ihii.3»34,50; bolfct rn '.P ., 504 o k c h h a ti.s " ~ Pnlors, S2'’ f '" ""'1 ' - 1, • a.in’i lirlp yi.i.

*13,50 JIR

B u sin ess, MA.STKIt IirlMtl*.

iVurror Sjn y SAM DAWSON KKKK d.mon.lr.t

AP Kuslnens New* A nalyst S '. '' '' '" ' '• ‘'i '* " ' NEW Y O R K .S e p t. 6 >S%-Kivh-Ing over chickens nnd wine lis Alma n.rdin, uily a sm all p n rt of the ba ttle phon« 733. 4141.

reen th e U nited States a n d s i ’KNCKii-spirriiiE uropean common m arke t. '* "*“ ''*'2.' ‘

’h lle th e o d o r’f - , 'f comprom Ue fuiU r' nru

inflic t involv- a l c o h o i. ic .n.iIg m oney ond Jj"{i’^we*2U2

^ se ttled yeU T r> n ip o rt iH o i

ininiQU m a rk e t . Kimbe"iiy. 427.S

c n n chickens b» OawMnnd a ll b u t c u t o ff a profitab le S«JlmiIrk l®r.dlarket, 7ih, Th. b».uPeace Restures by Uie E uro- o ^ n w^kday.

eans—Francc . W est G erm any, i)„k ™*"p*ra«Uly, Belgium , th e N etherlands, appninimem..uxem bourg —' a re ' te rm ed too H A iucu rriN t:.mall to m ake m uch difference. i“erman«nu /rc

So th e U nlU il S ta le s th is week .5 - exploring— eouniirm tfisurt.? , coMi-L>Tfci'' briuch oa ra is ing th e 'ta r if f o n E u - v'anced' .iud»n opean w ines a n d photographic Perm.nfnu. r Um. am ong o th e r Ih lngs. Y rV ?'

Also w orrying b o tJ sides of the U lan tlc ts tho big outflow Uils w « ,, 733-677fl -ear o f A m erican Investm ent B a b v S lH eri- noney. B u t Ute two Bides take ,° « p Y » 'n e r» ilghly d i f f e r e n t ,v l ^ s of a lw m .

T h e U nited S ta te s is w orried ji.so day, rat. iccause th e outflow of A m erican •.i.t-cson. io llars Increa.'es th e d e fic it In c h il d cauk , i ,he bnlnncc of paym en ts (w hich “m ' uT i "*' ** ,hls y e a r Is f a r from balanced , (•nii n c a iiv , n i a t builds up su rp lu s dollars ,nii i.dict u, ib road w hich could be tu rn ed ■Snn.rviod pia n to th e U,S. trea su ry for more I’liE-.sciioOL )f Its gold, a lre ad y su b je c t to i ' ,* , '/ '?!*’' ^ ILsturblng sh rinkage.

Som o E uropean c o u n trle^ n l- fuii „r n'ait ii ho u g h they like to g e t th e doi- « r ., nro W orrtoa ^ icnusc tho ^ n ip lo y in .n l k m e r l c n n Invc.itm ent m oney ■’“.1*:ould m cna Y nnkco con tro l of i,.kr, HnVih ii\c lv - in d u » u le s .----- - u s t ; r

I-’rnncc , to r one, Is movInK to n a lp W n t e t •cgulnto Uic flow of oulsldo cap- tnl by requ iring p rior no tice ot WAm y In ten tion by Amerlcnn.i or )Uiers t« buy Into l*Yunch com- p^allies, cxcep l In Uio norinnl op- l^XJiCmjrn llo iis of Uie l-'rench .ntock ex- ;hnnaQ .whcro th o Influx cnn be . >\ iA’atchcd . 'n i e lurKCt Is privati; . . , lealti w hich hnvo been fnlrly *“common.

K nince Is iirKhlK Uie o lh e r n a - Cijim i In Uio coinm on m iirket in .'ork (llll n com m on policy on ^'orelKii Investm rn i. Dollarn a ie ,’clciiiiiu as long n.% they nld c to - C A C T L iioinlo Ki'owlh In gem ual.

■ ■ Jiickp

C la s s i f i e dLoit 4inci F o u n d A “ 'ij',VHrt'i; CvnWu Hi.»i%Ur lM>’7.i^U»rk _VVa^...,

»y. .tiay.,| 3li, „ ,||„ r.ollh ,.f (‘flV |..iJa'l" 7',H u m " ^j.'n-4l^'-4.1•'l

TO J l l - -

I _ . 'Ipiiliif«Ttt(iiri7iii*« "I'lPET" * H alp ,W«nl*«l



I" NYLON '................ - - - G 'l'K 'i;

| - c SQ.'YD. ' | - ^ U T ) S ’ “r l a i d o v e r

R u b b e r P a d , *»

. . . - A p |!iy :iTHOY N A TK

,S{(/din Of C(iri)ct h'< ini/ C m l i l T e n u i i .nMli.,i'*.i.rilI

You Moik'i/I

W ^ J TOT:iUfAN^-«jT

I se T im e s - N e \«t 'n d J F o u n d ^ ____ _ _____ 1 1 H e lp - M iU « n d

lo r t t I ■577sii i .;v ; t z . . * ■ - w » n,.l-,n. ..I.l„., r,..rr.. tr.il

7...'*. * i n M c i f

- .‘m ".I'lVl- '" ’ ' * ' ' ' F(OC If lo n » ll-S p « t i* l N oli«« t ” >'i -“I r'Tlve MtC

■ ? • r'"'*<i'in.T<•p^’SE^v. NUnSTNO '•I'TTF I ^ yy

, , 7 , . i . 1 . ” T ! . . " 1.0, ' { ' I ’S t r i M V'

’rf',^.J'-.l,'i''V,iVV..-i'V".V. Vi'ii \Z 'lU ’HATIl.Ul.I.I. ••• ..I i . > _______ Vh..»> V


:lvll. o t cilmlnal. i;^nIldentUl—\V.« .■.uAa.'^.cIu-w..'

* * ...... " "■ :c i.iiv ri.s -— r i;; .;? !:;? i ? n ^ . rrr ip?’ - .

!.V.Iiy. w . sUi

ir'f. Any^lnrf.iie.tlnni, II.dl,. r-iul|,- tr WunrnWrt. .1 p^! tatn. World-wld« rtpr»»»niatl*«. y—r—r— -----

m.lle cin.ult.nl. Mr.. (illb.n Hw.»t, riTTTf m r n \ i 'in .-'

im » m r ; r ^ i r n “ !p«l.l^ : Dr. ■*■

fENCKIl-Splrrll. rjnl.l.rrd flfurr 6fl«l,__________AV7nul*Nr:HKpho.l;‘ 7‘'»!7MK' ' ’j!''UV IltWT no.lltr rrndurt. from ypur 328-472H Hl'-r. 'lor.l FulUr Hru.h Man, Pal. H.c»n. ctjsfOM torn rhu

S o U C .nonym.,...— ^ Mrth.-;llln T « I'm-, CUaTt^M HALlNt; <l«ll 636.^12.___________________ Holland. itrfn«

r r> m p o r t in o n -c « r pooi« 10RTVIKR tn Lo. AnttW B«plrmh«r atr.w—pt.a .nd i Ulh or 12lh, U k. .^n. or Iwo p ..- J.n .m . 324-4123

Kimbeliy. 423.667S.______________ ! if n.i.d«l.' \V^

J e a u ly S a lo n t ■. 15 wVNT~J«;ir ^ Im s . THOIlA CLA.J3KN of Cl.u.to-.

nratity Salon h.« Itfl on a trip lo __________Denm.rk and will „ iurn S^tmber CUSTOM COUN Tlh. Th. btauly .hop will remain propelled choppe op«n WMkday. .itep l Tu».d»ya unU.r —Atford. 643.4Q4H

va:............. .. “

|:c”S ;;;s ' ' s s SS’i,=oS l ,.t ,: t , . . „ . .^ i „ b,

vanced .ludenl. .1 redu'ed priere, , . *Perm.nenu. 13. Jltauiy Aru Acad- CUbTO.V J j w ^ emy. 136 M.ln We.l, phone ^3-6342- - »

IS.SD Sl’KClAI, Ptrm.n.nl. Edna'.Iljaulr_ Shop. 103 Dorah Avenue.

B a b y S l H e r i - C h i l d ^ r * 1 6

■■iS..';.” ‘S S - .g e m s

_____________________ S E i

r i! 'Z 'S !oQ L * ''N u".“ " i l: ■ n o T Ol. . r ( . play rovm ami yard, nratun. Rtrden. — L4w .hl< r.te>, Phon. 324-54*3. Jerorat, ‘ -“ -Ford Iractor-i

KKLtAIlLE ehlld ••car. in my Ume. D IC K full nr part lime, 733.82H,______________________ T?

E m p lo y m en t A g o n c lc i 17 RO TOjo i l O I 'E » l» ,a ' . . S,

S n o i

Holp~ W .n l a d - r » m . l . ' 1» jT M lT B m S n

W A NTEDE x i ie r i e n c e d F o o d KM>Kiij.Y m .n^

W iii t r c a a . . . . ,

Apply In person ONLY fnr l« . ih .n 3o

C ontact; Jim i:t.KA_NlN(i,Jlc lly Jll nnsinuM cn t:.ii i 'sj-i'j j *

C A C T U S I 'H T E 'S “ ■ • K j |2 w £JackiMil, Nevada _________

___ _______________ i T i t ^ i i d..n. II.AIirKfl'w. nrr,I hel|. / . i t i llur f.b.i- {li'irijlInilS,

tzli,K. in T»ln f . n . .ml ..iri....nillni *'I t.7 a."ri.Ml'.'*'' Ihllti'd-MMia' ..'i'l* IVllTTfil .rTiAHIR

t t e . ' g S g t t ........... KB u iin o i* O p f

F:X l'WiUihTT.Ii'’ « l i i r . ~ i n i nf.lii 10 im ir mo’ ajilfl. Clly t.f« , H6 M.h. A ..nt.. .Iniji,^...»lf.^ali

W A T iT tl ii^ >11 p .ii. /Hmr, IllMt lie—a. Arp*r * tfNIT Mtvn

r:x-i'T :M iKm 'M r^^^!^^^ l.’::,i"i::..!“ i'i';-,

h i '" j ; : : : i - i io im d a v k n i c i i

h:i,,,il'„j...-nl ivin.llr lltJIr., _ _ rhi.n . M1.47,tl

k /u.ll'i'i!.''’'" ' ‘ ''*'* INKOMmHBlp',vvani‘* « i-M « i» } 9

M A r ia r i io u f ic V* 'I '" ’.'

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I.Tl'.'1'nli^'’^ ^ ll- '.n .rm tn l, t'ali A JJUIUNK-SH *(;i,|!oll)f' Mk fur Mr, lUrim, l .a v i- 'V .'r ..IIU.VII. .

■■UOTTrrliiN'' ‘'"M i,r,i^ '' ' UJiNIC I.A I'.ld V.rall.n. *»4.»I71 I.....Ill

"""AM'TviIit"'* - • “ ■"vynri'i'kiA

A p n i y : B 3 ‘»rill«THOY N A T 10N A l,l,A nN im Y * f T Wall I

\ aa :i M.ii,ui;i“ i iV n u t .o . . . .r " n i Il'L lIi' .Im 'I , ;II.Kiln* ,...-li..u >a..|. ..n. .m .n. n .l . l . har,

l^ m .'i r I.l ............ifldn.iji.i and '

EFil:f-iIS;il:fv;;EiS; f : 5 ; ' 3 . i 5 ■

IXTPiUfAN ■‘« i . '^ r V in . 'T 7 ^ u il~ ^ ........... I" f.ir ♦>ii»iI.iliilii.i, Mint ht IIIIH enii.li.rtil III IIIA.IIIIO, liU.IIUU

Mu.l. lloa, l.,n-u„.rHl.nu. J l” ' ; , V?U'V ^

ai-wV, /!‘.,f';n,rir.'inTr.iu iii7.nt;;;:, niliiikviiir',Tio'i^II.lair .,|i.n, Il.iul* 1. (M.eolt, b* ai.1,1 due I,.iii„diii(. W«i, jm.aiioj

N e w s W a n t /I p -M a U a n d 7 0 l S(.[ '. A 7,.■tl l i k i . r ... -i— i - . u . . . , . . | i ' " - i - i r „ i i , tii .ip t

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■ ' W .,.lr W » n U d ' i'.,'"',"

< in M c n o r n n ' i ......... ..

.’IMi <i1 niortri sH f-iix .pel’* ' •■*'’• ' ' I (■X -i.n p r" '« , in ir ii* n ici I j;;;;;, ; 'I 'o l r'Tlve M tC H K 'A N ’ ............ .......... .• fn. p.-.-kl.in tv.e p it i 'ii oMv , , ',7 , , ; -

i . E o A u t iA N p -R• c r s ' r i M Y l- ' •ii

• v joM COHN c n o r v " ’ s’,r'rir.pi’'pi'llr:1 ftmppiT- im ln r r f 'ir '" r:

• •Unir I..rl„r ....... . ' ^'lU ’H ATin JUI »• r : ............; ;.........

__ __ Vh.'.vT _______ . 1 .■••>• •

f,.tt UII Ju.'h, 'inlVrn.iii.nal « 'i- '- ....I i'.-..'r-II>rv.j|,r. T.'u-l.. If i.r ..l..l "■■••

's r m i ''oi7n*'ri.,.^'.?n!t'* tM lo i»on»

t . u . W a . ^ . c I u - o r at«U*i. K»i>-

h i T TT;;;r;

lil'id H o m o , fo r s* le|~<|. K ll.,lke,'7;i;l.lHH2.VI8TOM ha„Un,T lUv. al.-.- Th-;.;, rA nM C 1I"M F .If H -....I Sr"llK, r*.-"* Tl’ •

tr Wi'nrnWrt. .nn-»47. Fllrr. rl...r i

Whli», Klltr. Phi.n. 32f..43i;i: .t ir r 6 fi.Vl' v .iirr ' '.'itliiJL21:___________________________ bnll.ll.,,. .n,I I„IIHTOM IIAI.INC. — Nrw Iloll.inl -.Uin« He. C. 1. Uerrv. v>u>''« 733- l.lS fdl.N -Mrr.i

..... a c e r

nuhl, 843-fii«(;3. •________________ ----------

■'ifnTuml “ '".VrVn;! Geu™ V-Kr^VHrer. jirome, 324-S042' - 324-f,ISU. , , , . ,

iuaioM k .« „ . 11.,-'V’A.mT'’3‘4-4m ' n* '""*"*!'" '- lovely |aii:e b-

JUSTOSt bttl barve.tlnff wllh Irurki ronniry. h'lt ^■U1 If n .^ .d . W. .U Jl.rillnj, pl.i.n. Th. f.[prt..il liv

*^an^b.Vna^'c.n’ Uw'eil TJiey."” ?". I*';' , ''L',",’'

:t)STOM COUN' clit.ppl.1.. Kux .>H- "pr..pelled chopper and truck.. Marlin

IIAV ^nil^ . iri^w aUcjiJnB^ R O C K Y X

HAY h.ulins and .lacking. AcmiidKennedy, phone SBn-7ti75, Shinhi.nr. 733.140S — Kian

CUSTOM HEAN cumtilnlna. Tiuck If _______________neeiled. Cary Olto. 324-4090. Jcrumt.

CUa'MM MACklKtiiMl.y and . I t ; ” ’ VUITTMu'.TJei i:^ll 733, or 733-K434.

- ■ " 'e s - " W r - - ' s ; f . T , i E R AKxperlenced — Llrenaed

G E M S P R A Y I N G 7^3.7033 S E R V I C E ,, ,I’liuM 7J3.4:uo '

_________________________________ 1700 .loisn, »75• n O T O TILL IN Q , ov j'I V »<*II

Carden. - L4wna - F.rm acre.ge. 2 bed^-m home ■“■Ford Iractor. mounte.1 n.lu tiller wm, 2 mnr« I

D IC K PO O LER and family ro_____________ 7a3-4ai t r«tlo »nd b.rb.

R O TO T ILL IN G NKAT .m.II sO.rd.n., lawn, and farm acreage.. a , l « ”tr i t ’Vli

l u f e l d t m a iJ KKK WCikKi Jlemaval '.if . l e ^ . l 'M »7» J'Her Ave.

m dlataitd .»d iK.Ir.a trer.. C u t______________belnw. . u r t . c e .nd ..ll.r.n .irlly J|ele.ned up afl«r«ai.l». Anywhere In rilAMK IHII'I.(•.‘l^cnllec* V24.4V4'r''M ^^ ^

i:LI>h:ill.Y m .n w .i.l. >V.,rk. .ny hour. r!i‘.k'l‘* rn'ur p'i' Will dl.ru.. waie*. Will wa.h .ll.he. u ,„ ^diicrd ll

JI.» c:i.i:A,MNii T A Y I.O IIt:Vl’ri'3J-I«"» .*..nlnil’,'"73J.'irui ifl- Klrnl'eMy-*’

iiysKp”.nn.l,I., ( ..I ..rvke, Call >26-4347. J',';/'-';*',',

ll«^^J^Nll d.,n. In "ii:; 'iii.ni. on“ v r ;rn r 'i .S ln M , “ i t v T t n m l i r r :

O pK N 'f, perTalaplix. Me.ltr |.alcr. j\*',''n!‘"’

iiiW(i^r.i,KANjN(i uj .11 i.i.t.M ii'^i >i.wirl;;dMiu^i.::i133-44H ut 733.B4H. _______ rtrl.rhf.l «a..a,

B u f ln e i i O p p o r lu n l lU i 3 0 rr^“ o S l ^ i ‘

" ^ " im iT M n T W re . 'f c T I rH .y '' S * 3 £ "Vnd''l.*wn' ^VK^‘''t 'n n u iV ;,? l; .M Il'TlHTO FiltT'l liand ?ll«l,'w.'y SO.Ilwnei will l .k . 1“ ',' ^ ' '^ U a' ’ „H..l i.a,..r nr |.rn ,...l, . . pail p .,- n„ ,i|,.

liV llWfJKIIi *■

» tfNIT Mtn'Kb ...............I.M. 7 7lh-AV#liM.-‘ K

and l.-n , llw'n... l.,ilh .IrV, hnl ]|V'(Iw'H t.H I*"...K l„ .I..I wllh. Win li .d . r„r ....... I...... i;|,K>d .m .n ho,»a irr raiin. l,..r„,rii

DAVK NIC IIO I.'ION , Ilrtik rr in'''(i\Vi^i.lji T-

INKOMli: I^lKJriCKTY ""»*............ . ....... . llV'llWWl'lli Ni

N V w 'i.'ri'i'irn .r.! .I'livi.*' .'Md"'ri- u ' m "j

|lo“iDU,"T..M'.'. r .iV li. .'r'l.n.td, n i lF l.Al.i;,'li'.;.

O H T U A N D M il A C I 'IN C Y i l l ’S ' " * ' ' ' ’ ’*‘‘“ ''"n„i.’"l''t.ir'. " jT . iuju’”'''""'''’ i'll.'1l’l.l.ll

A »M»UN1«H O l’r o i lT llN IT Y

i i i - H r S - S S ' S S ?Mill., IJ,,'Oil d..ni. will liainll..

UJiNIC I.AJiUICN, tlnlra rtU' iU’N'l'; Tn':'l

~ “ "V'v;r,ri'|i'Vi,i!'5"n>;Ai,'i'iyii:i^ - ri'imu’| ' ’"<'.Vw’"'

........ 1An,l»nii 'I'Vvil 111 llllllll,M’i'niv;i)-7;?7i.iii:iain.7u;.i.rp.:nr“ i- .i;; .» ,V K l'' 'iIid. 'i'.

h.ll ail.l Ih. ..Ih.i II..n'. Va.k J .... . A.ailrini. f » r W.n llllll ............. I,.t ................ M.VIili.ll..If MI.I b .li.d .p ,..d .n l wll......... e .. FIV n'‘1((mM' li;

tw.E:^?;;ib;T;:£S sir'"-- *■ .........

llim ijH lV 'iiii.r* '|.'l"*l«l.,.''a i' ,.,V..nl l'a(|.''ir.-li ','" i' mV|‘.1'.'" w'| ||’" “ iu i f " ‘ " lal'li'u

.... K'rSimmrai-

iiin,” "f:ir ." "n .i im v iT r.d 'li lit .1ii'i'i w aH ‘1' 'Kt't'Ki.i

H.A, I-'II TlMiea.Newa, lor a ii.iv un-n ilillkv iiinuo iiJ .ir'i.* ' ‘<'iw..;r,, Mi.."k _!!rsl!iJli'.a .'! 'J

b« .1.1,1 due I . llln .... tllT AI.II..III t in i 'l l ^ l l k l l Al

i n t A d s !A 7, 19A3

-I.. r„ |i , til.ipt Nows 1 3

j f l n n t f O p p o r tu n ln a i 3 0

fiv|.‘.M'!''n'. i'..' 'y.I,.v..,,..„,^, of

a,.^.Mn.,n',..’ ’l ' . r , : ;r ,’l'-'i;".ni"lc'H f i i

:• il ........i t

- iiVlutic L o fion i 4 0

Hoit.o« (or S*l» 5 0 I

••AnM c ii" M F n A rpF A O R n I

40 Al llKii rl...r to •I'wln ^■•"■-|A Ibnll.||..,l> .n,I :l l,-d„„..„ IMS'fdl.N .><lrr.| ),„mr. Top W .- Ith.n. plrn.ani niniM.i'h.Tp. 2 h.-<|. 1

l.V''l’.'lrl!l''«t''oTX'*llTolrrr^*»^^^ \

ACE R E A L T YChari.-. l-.p„;-.7.l.|.li-,3*

... . JA n O I .L H O U SE

......™ . . w . . . f«• re.l'Vno'1 trnri. rn'lfiilrc' t h * ------

TllL''‘c«i^t.'d''lIvlni'‘ room'\"«ru^^

Li'i' E^'3.;r kS .ip . lc l at Jl2,3f,U with a .mall , • down payment and only 186 per . mnnth. .

R O CK Y M O U N T A IN ' R e a lty

733.140S - Kiank Uooth ~ 733-6074

■VUirr Mu'.T -.ee IhU NL\t BfllTI>.------- ‘3 m’.^lhT‘a'j.."i'nir'L'vpVenV?^r^^ feted. The l.wii t» .lulntf nicely.Thla hun^'^wa. boui:hl^w ith a CU

l'ocVl“o 'r^ I« e '’ o“.rh ,« rT h i tolllPile. 1........ Ywi ^ .um ejoan .plua lhe coil o£ impiuvcmenU.

‘■JIERV” -JO N ESR ea lly

733-7033 204 Sho.hnne Ea.t

Cl.KAN oId,.r 2 Udioom hiimej_ new^

I.OVKI.V. w.<II located clo.e In,2 hednM>m home, dayllsht bt.emcnt will. 2 mnr« bedrubm., full lath and family r...m, 2 fireplace., patio »nd barbecue, IIB.DOO.NKAT .m.n S bedr.K.m Urick <m v. ^','j^acrt. ^lo.e^^n.^^l0S fruit tie«.

F E L D T M A N R E A L T O R S87S yiler Ave. 733-1081 ‘

SIOM ■ IFKAMK l)i;i'I.KX on 2nd Avenu*No.th in Twin Kalla. You ran llv*I.. „u« unit a.ul lel th . other .in« maka rnur p.ymenU- Prlr* h.a U tn rrdiicrd ll,uuo f.,r ..iilck .ala.Now only M.OOU with iiik.i| term..

tinn'i','f''f.MnrV.rr“fu,*he“rinf.*'mi^I.... c.ll . . .

T A Y L O U A G E N C YKIrnherly- I’hu'n. 4'J:i"m «B Member Mulllpla M.llni______

iiY^owsKirrrwiriiomt."^ .ui. i..t

.Imwii p«ynl.llt,^MLl^^n'in'^jo'lla*!!

i i ^ V N-Kil-r ~t).;n.f,;rl.hla S r.»n. Home, |md».».d^ ...... . fenced y.i.l

full ha.rininl i^..y I...... l . » . ,rtrl.rhf.l »ai.»i-, iclw....I l.i..«, III,.yM.I and .leUhl.ua, aU Madl.iiH, '

rrV (iWNKIli In iK.liald. I.yiiwi.odana. I.ilrk an.l fiani. :i .............. 2hall,., ,l,„.lda Iia.kii., l.'all aller V

aaiailr, i'llA i.l III, tu'.HIKI. 4.11J iL.rVrn N..11I1.

liV llWfJKIIi •■|..-'ii'....ni.: |l,"l."llir 7ih -Av/iiM k‘< " ' I jiVWjV-ir -nn---

] i y “owki.iii"^A^^

iiv 'iiw W i'iiT 'N i.. 'i,ii. k ■r»;,.udi.„.nj

rilr 'a A i.'i ',''liii 'l. (.11 I .l '; .i' ubkup

Kiiii i'ii.Mi>i.i.ii; 1..1 '..i ,.i ; .r .v i,;....I .....U .., -.11

III. Ia>l,.l A........ ........a,I, t;.l.

'l‘Wrilkl)lll)illM I.... Y„.lr'l lll'i™...... . Dveiiile, )n,nmt. Would ttarlafn. II.llfl I....... I'... .I.l.lli will*ll„. hllJ. Il|..kl„„l, l,l.|,M.

OU'lU’N'i'i T.u:-|ir,i;,i',';n'l InnMiCVa.I,’..!-

,iW(ij|I.I^IIUIl^^^ liiiu.u' hi h. ino.ni;

■ F iv n '‘i((iiu ri,M in .-w iiK "i» .« ..” i ' t.sn I.IK. I'll-. I..IW Pllra, .a.'.dlrlll

' iVj; \V M;I. .M.'j.' ri.ii . . -li,' ili>'.' IlH.i.r'; '

■ iAvii'V,''/i^Iri^ii~.rTn;»"'^^....... Iiiaiv. Jn’lll J. Wnir., II..........

' ...... .' vn ii ham : III HMrwhi. ;,|,iii;;ri„~inr,i

Hew llirr.'I'eitMKnii liflrli (i»m»Km. ' I

TWii:iii;iiViTiiTiii:r.':;;;iri7.'i;^'.~i^* •

\VAHn'7(VMKi',rjinr.“ 'i..uri.-;u"i7.';i;(or a II.I. Iiii.r Il.ll l.Ll.r, Mlu»i«

....... .................... . .(inl'llANIIkll A |..ire| n i f ...... .I lr . I

fai........ I'I.i.ii. 1in-4iiin,

..................... I ‘ -------i, , " I

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F A IR iS e p t. 6 -7 . 1 9 6 3 1T w in F a lli T im es-N ew s

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W . P o t f l o E q i l i p m q i l t .........



C H A M P I O N p o ta to dlgRcr P O Trv" w ith CURL re n r end HARVES'

7^ C o rn E q u ip m e n t

^ " U s ^ ^ ALLIS - CHALMERS

T.l A N D Y & BOB’S l i S H- M OTOR CO.


sr.: 'S P E C I A L ■_ Y E A R E N D B U Y S S E p rm ;

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/VS W A N T A8 4 Farm Im p le m e n la 9 0 H o r ie i" ,1 ' ' • - - — nn JcK mil.,. K.lth ftrl

T R A C T O R S P.rfortn.n,— C'Ulinir. ri1**- T^^TB:RN■L <60 tm cto r. nr>r><i. _ rondltlon . Very clcnn. SfilJii

®® -y MASSEY ■ FERGUSON 85 I’o'il’.W .


BOM roramimi,'■'* A L L I S CHALMERR D-17

— TPIRCiURON *0 U9S’ > Unal ^

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C O M B IN E S ^ P e t i 'a n d -

1 JO H N DEERE 55. 1000 AtlonAPt.

I JO H N D EERE 65. 1559

b l n / $4,750. " ■ J E A N N

2 -J O H N DEERE 55. 105B ^VKNPEi.I

>5_ 1 -JO H N DEERE 43 w ith u n i- SE C U R n

1 -C A S E 150 comblnc. $2;2S0. ^

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”s V r n » " S S s ' r ' c a 1 ,

I I I S B ^l i l i . . i M olor Scooler.“ i i r JS G l IN’TC


« o n l „ r O o o i r = W - 1058 p j t

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,^ °^ ‘t 10N .porum.nl ^ORI.

------------------ — 1953 F O R I

W ^ 'to Skie"r>

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B U D & M A R K ’S i g e l w i m“ ‘. . ' . " y . r . ‘. f ? ; H . . . u’S ; . ; ; / . S " "

■'M.“ ‘- / l . s v ! r i : ; [ L “ “ i s 6 2 f o r il . t .. ,g w . . pp ... _ _ _ _ v . _ .

D E A N 'jjg T O B COM PANY '

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1957 IN T E R N ’L ^^v-ton

B O B R E E S E po j

M O T O R C O .


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U S E D T R U C K S '?7 f o r d " '

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■61 C H E V 2 -to n $2295

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•57 P L Y M O U T H $495

c o m m

T H E PO SSE L 0 6 E R '58 IN T E ’56 F O R D W ag o n $495 I’lrku.,

NO SADDLE BORES ■’off C H E ^‘ ------------ ? K ?55-------

A COW CU T T E R .....................■57 F O R D $695

-Cl f\ l”c O N ^ ™ $ 1 ^ 5c h e 'L?x20

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IMPAI.A ?17S5 " ' p . l i " .

(10 FAI.CON ?!)95 *i'!,!.!;'v,a t ' • •■" '■•■'■■

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•66 O L D S 88_,.....

'5.S PONTIAC .... $295 ’5n FORI) ’

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■..................................... * ’50 BUICK

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c o M P A c n i '’on FAI,CON $095

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•5!! F O R D WiiBon $22 c H E V w ' . .■52 F O R D $16 lM 1TO R D (-t

r a 4 i 5 t r t . ‘ « s ..... .1D5G FO RD Vi.

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M O T O R S , I N C .

7„1 M..,. K.,. 111.11P* '6B P 'O m i

IlllO W N IN G A U TO CO. '“

’01 MrilOUHY^ Cornel 'flfl MKROUR^

'BD CHKVUOl. •ftfl I'ONTIAO Hf.lMl 1301^ I-.l....,

H K O W N I N U v n m m -K

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1959 R A M B L E R | | |

19r,9 S T U D E L a rk ' W'

CLEAN $005

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1966 P O N T IA C 4 -door , | f


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W I L L SU S E D C A R D E P T .

W IL L S M O T O R CO.N E W C A R D E r r .

R A M o iy R " - ’' “- ' ^ " ‘ ,E E P .

B « : ~ " § i i ■

S H A R P E S T j

O n e o f

I t s K i n d ! K

O L D S M O IilL K 98............ I

O N LY $1905 W

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{ kC O M I'A C ra to CA D IlX AC a | E |

C A l i i . E S O N ’S ■I’DllTlAi: . CAIill.I.AO ~ (IMiI

S i s i l i i !: 1 = ~ 3 £ I

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Page 16: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

I /

^ \ \\ \ \I' \I ^ 1

Jeannie aiid

Will > a t the

G ala Bar!-------


. s

k B W r A'X


I H s iI '

I , Tf)is Far [I Comes to

I This

| " U I

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J ib T w in F a ll! T i r n e s - N e ^4ew s Friday/ Sepf. 6 . 1.963 ,

~ J

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"m^ C i ' ' I V H V i

^'>IK I' . v f ■

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■ontastic Entertain to You Froin . .

IS W eekend 1


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Bonus Giveaw Registratior

! s u2 :3 0 ................... $ :

3 :3 0 . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ !4 : 3 0 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ :5 :3 0 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ !6 -3 0 . ; . T . . . . ; 7 r ? l 7 : 3 0 ................... $ ;

------------------ Regis-tAnd Become

I - ' ar : / f t \■I wStil

l y m :irtaininent Group r . . . "H AW AII'

id The . . .


L O (

iveaway for Memb ration Starts at 12

U N D i.. . . . . . . $ 5 0 .0 0 8 :3 0 . ........ $ 5 0 .0 0 9 :3 0 . ........ $ 5 0 .0 0 1 0 :3 0 . .. . . . . . . . $ 5 0 .0 0 1 1 : 3 0 . .. . . 7 r $ 5 0 . f l 0 1 2 :3 0 . : .. . . . . . . $ 5 0 .0 0 1 : 0 0 . .

^tegis-t-eH^EE Sunlecome a "Cactus Pete

1 ■•

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H s i>roupW AN" R e n

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Membership Clubat 12:00 A.M.

> A Y3:30 ............... $ 1 0 0 .0 0) :3 0 ............... $ 1 0 0 .0 0J :3 0 ............... $ 1 0 0 .0 01:30 ............... .$ 1 0 0 .0 02:30 . : . . . ; . . $ 1 0 0 .0 01 : 0 0 ..............................$ 2 0 0 . 0 0

: Sunday------------ ---s Pete" Member


r H U NR E G I !

r o B E i

iE P T ERemember al

C a c t



’ 'V hlle F irh ' Cold

ii« i n/>i

''- >

^ H jjT RE(

■ j B H a io lc e P riim m B Sirloin

Baked Vlr

ub ■ ;

0-00 ^ 9 ^ R /0 . 0 0 ^

S m 0-00 • - ^ ' ' 0 .00

W m: . ■ ! ■ • .-ya :

1 A B R A ^



FE M B IT afte r the F



SEAFOOD BUFFETAbftloije Steaks _ FVog Legs (P la in c r In B a rb t^ iir Sauci*)

'V hlie P lfh ' H ntlbut Scallops E a.it«m Oysi Cold Tab)«i w ith Chol<y. of E igh t P i la d s

.Tollo Molds Li'V.«>.r N f'v '-K ippered Salm on Cholrfi o f D c .w jt

H..I n/>Ui C offw P u d or

^ . 5 0


REGULAR BUFFETR oast B aron of Ee«f

Cliolce P rim e Riba au Jus (r(ire-m edlum -w el S irloin T ips Sm oked S pare B ibs

B aked V irginia H am w ith a ll th e trlm m lngi

. Z''Z~ 2.50

^ Old Fashioned RANCH DINNER

SERVED EVERY SUNDA]Fom ily S ty le In T h e G a la Room

^ 1 . 5 0 — C h ild JI.O O

K "

A N D N E ^

E R B I IR F R E E !


B E R 1lie Fair Ifs to


iH T I UFFETFVog Legs H»> Sauce) «I E a.it«m Oysifl'rf ■ r E igh t S<i1ads ■

LrV.«'»r N fv i .-o - ■on M

mP »c |« r M



UFFET ^Be«f ■

tire-m edlum -w ell) ■:d S pare B ibs f lII th e trim m ings

50 J

sned \NNER ^

SUNDAY J ,G a la Room — M ~ -

liid j T . o p


i l R DE E !

. W A Y

1 5 “I

‘s to . . .

Page 17: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

W S idiidC

»<* S f OT,“ ib t CMWIM "■'I■■>“ , ! a" n JM « c l l W l l w a

u U i. « “ «*

■fffl Xfffl TboW M

s S i f S ' d ^ Kg s i u Is not.iafw tid with a cro

« , uid Mfi. H ujh B m r

beJnr l»»t»IIed. ____

r. w Sclilfner. Flier. hM purcl 5 « ft 2~yettr-oW heifer, trom

w y , ^ i . r« l .l« tc d . «

BMlf Tew*. »“•» 0* ^foD of Mr. and Mrs. Deai

* ^ ? '{ 6ur day lwt»ebaelc trip ft r i« r U.U w «k . They c «

J i S S e Jhe tr ip fuUiUoieiit of a

ur'arK} M ra'.'ijflvJd sev ere &ndK. S . K lo g ra « £ h ne&r AJn

lelr younger bo y p .a re e tte nd lng

Ktidow W»M. Inradoi ni«n< lltle. eatlnr the lotnaloe* as «oo T i t r m t n ^ th e lt a teS m becaoje tbe mice are eatfor

ffUliAm M aude a n d R a y n a rd W ri In, their red beans. T heodore Ooi

B o n . m u e . t n th e lmmcdlflto

Cot Payton, north Shoshone, pure trom IM Mathew#, BuhL _______

«tBbe:i 6t ihe’T hom creek Cat hrr day la»t week, m orlnj their « M r a /eneed-ln area c « d e x tiu

Su^one catUe m d t member*, who ^ o n e , sorted tbelr catUe and t«x

■ ^ 5 -C re e k catUe wui fttay on tJ Ktkn lor 30 days. Membera report

tbelr calf crop thla year.

■Til G ary U OtUxdstn^fs a t e tu r,

BiiLThey also cOlk some 50 cowt.

Ue new home a t the ranch of 1 SSaBUl. t«» tjcea completed and t tu built by Volco company, Jerome

Sugg began threahlnft bean# t< Bat Hlll _____________ ^

Fssffl B u r e a u C

® S e S y i ^ 5 rcaicMob, W t « — P a tm th {

tic9 ‘a d toitoa. t ^ l d i r i £ W »Inc eo the national eeoDomy

tre due to unwiM goyem* ogt unt Intmentlon l a th e fa in i- hai Sf SoffliissJ, Charlea B . Shumon, wident, American Farm Bu-

ruu fede^tlon, «oid h en . B e « idiinsed a luncheon meetlns of ko i

; 7 con

l o y i n e H a s *"................................................. ..........l e c

^ i l i t y t o ll’*

H o ld A i - s e n i c wiiWASinNQTON. Bept 0 - A tl- ‘of!

ilher rem arkable atjlllty of . th e ..j xw waa lecen tly dlflolosed ' by I University of C a llfon ila M l- Hnu mlbV-tho abnuy to e lim ina te kkhIc, a common Ing red ien t In th e WUcldes, from, th e m ilk I t p ro -

pro(Btaiuetraccs of pesticide may por(

wneilmM bo contAlned In fe^d, troli D. S. A. Peoples of the coIlCRe'a tlon :°»l 0? vcUtlnary. mtdJcSno rra I “ nltd to fhirt oiii whnt hap- mnr «!«( When A cow'a dally d ie t to s iduded feed contaminated with arnr ^ of Arsenic, No m atter to 'w fotin r>{ aTaen^o -waa hj- whli WKl. IL wnn found that the P°rt ulwunce wnn excreted rnpJdly. rneij Mmi iiotnble. ncconling lo Dr. tlom *ople«. wns thnt none of tl»e — ~ »ealo fwHMl Jia wny InJo Uio perli

™t. Altnoni nil Available infor- Ui MUou on nrneiiio U>xlcolo«y up peat

nov)'. i i u been boM d.on-ax- polw



s.np i i " wm*

BiltWtllMIU K U T E D d

K Im borly R pqd — ;

iiwiTii i:ii

f f e n c e s l ; ^

Cdnols'l^iddto B m llb, owners o J-the.K ln rH IU "* :M (M pacjt ra i) . tbfy think, « » » ", paek rat. U cettUif Into the s t ^ - —T BdMluf and i of Qtavy T m ln m mtscked away. O ther foods t n p»ek»gea ^V.Yl« r w s i 'k i n e a - a i ^ l h e - b o m s “ 0 * - » ^ fcK=:

jad carried o il artJeles. U k ep t Ih tjn{ and f»awta« in between f •It w e n t to th e rescue a n d klU rt the ,nblcb bas been In tbe tovm In tbe

lopes to caplttre ibfa one soon.

mbera t^ ^ S h b o S —fttound. They hope

1 ft crop of pack rat». ^

lad to replace a bumed-oot motor to ifcrthelf rtocb , the old SPlUvan « n o h is a « d tq- tw- puHcd-nnd-TetBe-ef-4^ — Pfn in f and required extra maehlnety pMes water. ta_ih«e-/«iaUJe*».A.»^e?,__

I purchased SouthWew P a ttr BeauV irom Blrchle V. Brown, K lm btny.

Illklns Shorthorn. '

and Mrs. Lawrence Tews, B iIv Dean Barney, all north 8J»o*hone, B B Irip from Oaiinett to the east fork g g a ey carried their sopplles with them, t of a p u n of the post several years. i « n

re Bhd” famlly. Oakley. haTBTnCwed - - | H gi r Almo which they are purchasing.idlng Almo school. B f fg j

I many 0/ the g i r i e a i on ta n a s a t _ M i o as soon aa they sU rt tnm lnr. S c f B J E ' s are now d l^flnr carrots »nd p(^- ,« a tfc { th e se c re w tb j sU o. | H K

xl W rie h t a re In th e process o f c ^ t- re O a rd n e r -will cMt beftna f o r S a m ■ « « ed la to - tu tu re ." ---- -------------------------- -

e, purehased an Aberdeen AnfU* tnU - '

ek Cattle association rode the ran t*their cattle from open ran fe to the *1 e«lM lvtly by assocJaUw m e m b t^ w m **K who live In the east end of Northu id took them home. manage

y on the range to the fenced grazlnB ^ -te p o r t a e m ail pcrcentas® of d e a th s ! K 1 1 (

re busy th is week prepatln* fo r th e " O - m /- y a tln i-bceU-oa - thefc ranch- eaat-of I cows. " .- — ■■ Bergt :ti of Mr. and Mrs. Bay Thompson, qqw abou , and they have moved in. The-home ^ xw e Jerome. successful

beans th ta •week o a t i i ran ch south jy jj,' __________• Jand mai.............. - govemme

I Chief Claims ^arm^etioH— -

b y th e B l .tro the Bdnd club e f Chicago Jn the servJoe «* X I<aSalle hoteL ■ agpW les.

tJn re a lls tlo -p r ic e a u j ^ p o r t s to u r 'e p n c w h ich h a v e nefc given p ro p e r jw * creek , nei

II* ogn ltlon of m a rk e t condlU oos em oon .' n - h a v e s tim u la ted unneeded p ro - B aslcall J . ductioR i a n d hurd«R5oato stzr* o f ran g e

* p lu se s o t t h e ’ fttfec ted com m od- m a d « I n : Itles, S hu m an sa id , a to weeds

"R e jec tion by fa rm e rs o f th e rem ova l 9 o t governm ent's m anaged p rice a n d d iscussed,

con tro l schem e fo r w h e a t woa a T h la Is s ig n a l t o th e a d m in is tra tio n to r to u r , a n d a long overdue change In th e d l- h e ld In Id le cU o n .o f g o v e m m e n tJa r tn p o i- .evei7 _oU ley," t h e la r m leade r sa id . pe rso n n e l

H ow ever, t^ e fed e ra tio n p resl- p rovem en'' den i safd;'there app«dra id b « 'a j M M B l

, deliberate campaign among the / WitBhlngton planners to mlnln-

terpret tho tcflulU o t th e wheat referendum vote.

"flomo pundits along the Po* j}' tomac claim th n t farmers voted ' ' down the wheat cortlflcnte plan

nuppoTto and tigh t controls in the hopes of getting nnother

** with ItA promises of high price program with Just ns high siip-

>y porUi and no production con- id, trols. Tlila In a deliberate dlstor- ''a tlon of the (nets, m rm em voted ic against a governmont supply*I* mnnogomcnt program in order jit to secure a sensible wheat pro- h gram with price supportA related IWir to t h t matlsct price nnd one .- which would Rive them an op* e porlimlty to make the manaRe-!, m ent deolsions on their npcrn- ■f. tlnns," the fnrm lender sala. ■

e perlnienCa on rats, HUnlike oUier anlmfVlA, rats np- ■

p tn r lo l>e unln\ie in storing the ■- pottton,-lie • B f t ld ; ........................ ^

i ^ ¥ •

K | | H ^ n lllro-m

FA!I t a


rius TAX ANO PIUI TAX AHO 010 TIH o rr CAN DID TIKI O ff CAN ^ ^ 1

a K m Y B D f tD ^oirco .— 733-7033


. .........................M^ " • 4 w \ ''In & > “: ^ I k oh •- ’ m i ' ] •'b » - M # --------- y u

^ • ■ ' '■ ' • m i l • . ' T -e w __ ______________ _____ ____ t



w f f C j

ta tI"^ . > w ^ i

ce R A N G E 'W E E D C O M M ITTEE w hich a« le Id a h o I la n je W eed to u r welcomed some H

sons as they de p a rted f ro m a ch a rte re d I Ij com m ittee m em bers a re , fro m le ft, R obert ]

m anacem en t, B oise; M y r r Nobel, bu reau* «t * * *

“ S u c c e ss o f G rass I E rfijec t I s S ub jec

Berger’s r a n g i weed projcct^ tour. Some now about eo p e r cen t'com p teted , resen ted c

® h a s proved to b e o n e o t t h e m o s t A tc o t to successful In th o h ls to o ' o f th is gc r project e f fo p tr^ a e le -^ lf lo n T -m a n a p e r-o f of-lOM .-Ti

n t h e B urley d is tr ic t, b u rea u o t p ro je c t lala n d m anagefflen t, io ld r e l a t e d ----------------government a g e n c y -offlclais r p • Wednesday. I

An estimated 60 persons were _ on the spe_clal^ tour whlcn le tt .

T w la F aU i W e d n e s d a y m o rn in g | { p | > | - by ~ch a r te r b u s r lt-w w ~ sponsored

by th e BLM . a g ric u ltu ra l research T estlm r e serv ice a n d o t h e r In te re s ted h a r \ - e s t ^

M fn c te i. A t« o - a » y J a u n t t h . t a p o t t « S to u r epncluded a t U tt lo WUlow n e ^ t crop creek , i ie a f Boise, T h u rsd a y a f t - pa jja couiii em oon .' p ro p e r s

B asica lly th o to u r Is a study lu to nccesi o f r a n g e w eeds a n d ttio p rog ress g rea tes t > m a d e In r e c e n t years to e llm ln - waya to w eeds, i n add ition , sagebrush a m oun t of r em o v a l a n d g rass p la n tin g s were th a so il ai discussed . should be

T h is is th e f if th R ange W eed sol] sam pl to u r , a n d th e th ir d fu c h to u r Ically teste h e ld in Id a h o , T h e to u rs a re held T h e rcsu .eyej7 _oW Jrrj-y jfar.- O ffvernm ect a aoU teat p e rso n n e l w ork ing on ran g e in>- to recom n p ro v em e n t u su a lly a ite n d th e of p la n t 1


w ItiiM orrisen'

R E CPrices

S f d r t d f ............M l ®

y . 9 5 ; ^ ^

PROVE IT TO YOURSELF— div ide I c ost o f th e re c a p by th e n u m b e r of tl

pOTfofTTted. U c o t U t o HUSofoJ


T i r e s i n t h i s m o r n i n g - o u t I

Get Our Pric T(RE REG

Stuart/ ... TIR

2 0 4 4 t h A v e . V(_ ' . J ______

E m b' . ----------- — -_____ _A

' , T . . I ; •

S S S - S e f r "! , r ;

G rass G r o ^ h o n I JubjecJLoiJR^ngeJPCt tour. Some nine statda were ze b . raneeian <d. resented on the tour. h ^ fiMt According to WlUon. the Ber- S e

o wted ^ 61,330 a c r ^ r l t e S S

3't F a l l s C o u n t ]

« d J t e c S m m e i i d s S o i lfollowing crop ttie form

the and/or I

xAy , „ r* T ''® ° 'i‘ * " l l l l ty b a n .a b so . , r « "'JWsslty for producing the li^ y‘«Jd from any cron ^ ," The way to determine the

J8" i^ o u n t o l-p ln n t lo o d already Inthe Mil and the amount which 'should be added U by taking a ^

;f,2 f®’ . and have Jt chcm- recommc

s i t n ^ u K ln g information from ® m WU.flervc. M Wl.? key A chai

i!!LPi_Ply>t food to be applied In loenn sal

l l V i !OUR TIRE Orison's Fully Girari

i C A P

n u m b e r of th o u san d t c o ita 10 lirtio to Qg


'ng - out this evening.


rtMorrist ir e CO.

A v e . W i ^ s t ' ( T r i i c l c L a n o

___________M a g i c VoHcy's W e e f c - E n r f

f ' \

x a W a th h ^ to o , D . C .t HarolA B lrs t . b u teav :r- Lake C ity ; J e rry Klom p, a c r tcu ltu re r< h e Falls, a n d Lee gb a rp e , U n irerslty o f Idah n d lasted tw o days a n d concluded T hursday n n t, N ev i photo)

* * * * --------------T % - g e r p to je i

o n B e r g e r r u sOvergra

Ig e T o u r _____ s sencourage

?p* rangeiand . ot w hich ^7,142 acres b n u h anc have been reseeded. Totnl cost fo r Russli

e t- sotne t n a « c inc ludes le n c - w eed to 5 ing ing , roads a n d w a te r fac ilities. T h istle:he — Probftbly-*ne-of-tJ»&*rooBt-4n--------- (Conlo l ^ re s tin g te a tu re s a b o u t the B er-

b u n t y A g e n t

: S o i l X e s l S _ _ _ _ ^ _______•op th e fo rm of conunercla l fertilizer oat a n d /o r m anu re . Suppo rting In- J ie fo rm atio n , fo r recom m endations »ln com es fro m cropping history.,,..

Soil sam ples 4ore received a l | / th e county agen t's office, pack* I

, a g e d m specia l hags a n d a e n t to ^P- th b u n iv e rs ity of Id a h o soil 7 “ lab o ra to ry fo r arlalysla. T h e re -,

, s u its o f th e te s ta a re receW cd In*„ a week to 10 days a t w hich tim e

recom m endations o re 'w r itte n ond m ailed to th e grower p lus a copy of th o analysis,

ey A c h a r jB o l >3 p c r-sb m p le la Its m ade fo cover expenses Involved,In O e n n aald .______________________ m b

i i i l l ECOST Ljiraranteeil I I

P S ■S n ^

r i a P i M a ? Y m • H r

i •W A V ' l I S i H B H i vot

J f J i n i M H I *

M U g ib w H f !goc

• Tfio“ I tho

TRUCK I .A ll SUoi S IA ll Typoi

risonc L a n o ) •

R a i i i iV e e k - B n d F a r m P a p e r

D a i r

l ^ . ' - ' 'P \ 4 H on

--------- ------- WATWU3 m 'f f S f i ' r)"T't»r BU

--— bulc. tn J l \

■ ■ U f l l l i H i v . Tlio porttop

' . wW bo Ul

| ^ h :h

n in t . bureau of reclamation. Salt asriculture reseAfcb senrlce, Twin eralty of Idaho, Mo.fcoir. Tbe tour :d Thursdny north of Boise. (Times- |

-------------------------------------------- ------ ,. ger project Is its history, in pio­

neer times the-range abounded M In ‘'bunch grass" and sagebrush. I

Overgrazing, plus olher fac- \ tors, perhaps weather, led to the _

— dcmlso-of-th o bun;h-grass,-'fhls -----encouraged'the grol«h of'sage- '* '•

res brush and also let: the door open osi lo r Russian th h tl: and mustord 1C- weed to flourish.IS. Thistle and mustard proved to ^ tCoa«n tt>d^a -y ag»-»)-------


a ^ ~ W R

i T h e !: By InlBd, ... - — ..........- ......................

Inferncirionals Famous 4I HUNTERS . . . FISHERMEN . . .

1 FARMESR o r C 0 N 5 T R U C T 0 IN CF

' u ie by a n yone .

• H onily, ninibio pIcK-up for ilghit I u so^n so m o n y woys,

• H in k y I.H.C, 4 -cy ilnder 9 3 H,P, yot cconom lcoi In qqs, oil oncJ c(

• D eep , c(H?ifor<cib!e, ccisy-riding c 2 -lono vitiyi In terior . . .(piii!> n

• WMii ALL W HEEL ORlVr. ih o Sc goos oyory p lace over rougii a n d

• Tho Scmit‘s ruoocd truck-buiit fof llio roiigiiosi o rra ln on fie (arn a n d fio id i.

• Tfio .Scout o ffers f/io n iasf In noaf t t \o l w ill lo k o yoij ev e ry p la c e , q

S t p p i n , o r p h o n e u :

M c V E- 161 3 r d A v e . W e s t

n ^ lS E C

- D airy Gi-onj> rwinPd' S e t s A i i m i n l

H o n o r s K v p n lrn ilin li-i

— WATRRj.xx>t~4i., Ropt-, 8 b« ) n n t l» r A.x -H opors Hny" por.>....... . . slnitlnr no.n--n ,Vt a horr. mcmbnr« , „Of llip liiiornixUonpUy rocoRi'ir.pd f'oUttt'jii'J>;itr.c .S!ir(n» clul) will pay (rl- p,| i,nvc Iw

_ buic. to-llyc.cccal.daltj’. Icndcr.s lug imjKiruof the pnsi nnd present. Improvonio

_ Tlio jwrtrnlt ot one of the nn- lion, nicdlctlon's top conl<?mporary leaders opmciM of

. will bo unveiled In the club's ucUs.


I Horse SiI A l l T y p e s o f H c

SEPT. Ill i 8:00 p.nut ■


“ =€oFisign^ifour-Hors P H O N E 7 3 3 .8 !


T H E R E i n ^ r S !

e S C O U3y In ternational

famous 4“Wheel d r i v e . .■RMEN . . , SPORTSMEN . . .'^OCKHt]

lUCTOIN CREWS or h t j u t t p l a in a l l* a i

• u p fo r ilQhit io a d s , s l io p p in f l I r ip s o n d fo

i d e r 9 3 H .P , C o m m o n c i ie o n g ln e , w i th po Q5, o il oncJ c o m p io tf l m Q in lo n a n c o ,

ca iy -rk iin g a i s h h n a d sonjs^—w /fJi n o a f t . . . ( p i i i i m a n y o t i i o r c o m fo r is ,

)R IV f; ll io S e o u l I-I n n o f f - r o o d w o rk h o rso i r r o u g ii a n d lo iig li t e r r a i n a n d u p Ih o at«

t r u c k - b u i i t fronU T c a n w i th s t o n d th e |o l t 8 In o n h e f a r m , h e c o n s l r u c i lo n s i lo o r In |l

n io s f In n o a f , c o tn /o r t a b f e , low c o s( f ro n s j / c r y p i a c e , a n y t im e .

phone us for a demonstra

r i r s i r^ e s t 7 -


o, , t S S , I , ; , ,” , " ; ”l l mnnii'-. ,049 j

--“ f

n . - ! 4 » 7 c S , . ■

ecial ★

s Sale!e s o f H o r s e s

T. 11th 3 p m

GROWERSM xor) U F = H o r s e s ^ E a r l y =

IE 7 3 3 -8552 ------------


J U T ’»nal

® J (Jl ^ 1

f / t i l l » y . V e | i i c l a

. . 'l ^ O C K H p U N D S ,

»f p / a / n a l l - a r o u n d u U H ty *' *

J I r ip s a n d f o r f a m i ly

ig ln o , w ith pow er p lu sla n c o , ' '

— iv } lh n o a f <}i/rahla foria,

o d w o rk h o r s e t h n t 3nd u p th e a to o p o s t h ill s .

to n d th e -lolta arid tw ists on slfo o r /n ih e w oods

ow cost rronspoffp j/on

i m o n s f r a t i o n .

M nc.733-9018

■ _____ 1

Page 18: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

n E x p o r t s

W o v e a t - r a | |

o r d P a c e - ~ W mMOTON, s«t)t. 8 o n ~ B 3 K n il t im lie ita r tm en t pre* - tam -n p o rts iirlM S 'M —Unue. a t near-record is ' tod m t j possibly ex.

T ir prediction of 'ssrl- ~ exports for fiscal I9M F f i w w DTtiy after tho end oX 3 and was based on the . rrd foreign sa lee-eH W t — lartment vlU make a ' 1 * 0 % ^? ^ . (jlflc prediction concern- V '-“ 4;11904 exports a t tbe an> v •< n icultunil outlook confer* - r -Norember..rnl export-ln 'the-flscal ed June 30 totaled W.- K>. “Jlii* was one p«r . ow last year’s all-time le near-record level of occurred desplta aereral ifaTorable developmenU K.fprelsn markets.IniUriy unfavorabla 4ft* . H b B ^ B l l v as the imposition by pean common market o f ^ ■ H j H Import levies on Importa itslde countries. These ■ ■ j ^ n nposed In Ausust, KKQ, H f l j H rB. exports of wheat and - - flT W H K o declino'sharply. EroUv K |Q B E S ;r exports to the suro* i ^ B Q l lobmle community drop* tw o*thlrds-ln Auyust-

2.03, from a year earlier. AOSSOUR tieat flour exports do* Mlsi^ cattTes by one-third. fecdyard an<sed'cottoa production In ' "Ign free world was an - . ,ifarorabla trade develop- A w ^ l , ha reduced.consumption r l I tf t- ln 'th o - lo re lg n - free • — ^ - - isdlted in a substantial In xra. exports of cot- M f l l * V . cotton exports In fiscol i v X 0 .aled 3 ^ mUllon bales, a _______ot U million bales from ^ A B H IN Q vlous fiscal year. T^ere0 decrease, In exports cf

- V— unified, andinsthoremen'a stnxe from .fficu itunambw_to_early.Jftnuaty “other unfa;vorabla' tradenent,. although the K»t »as mada up partially In.onths. Exports in Jon-«3, .were down ITT million «rams.fr«n_the-BAme-month-» —Ereema n - irller, • o so p h y o f 'a jto[»ttm«nt 8«M l iu t Haajeen for the unfavorable “nents, agricultural ex*

£.r^At, S• factor* contributing to r-record exports were all- Igbs In gold and doUar1 in mort countries buy- 1. eomm«Utue» with dol* otlnued.«tren«Ui.la_eco.- “ ‘5 f “S r ' icUvlty to more Industrl* auntrlesrsdarlor-^owUfniles to couptrles short of f f l l A dollar holdings, and ex- laiket promotions actlv- 5*™ “ °;■ha department said sub- *r*I Increases In exports 6 f clearly^ and alns, rice, soybeans, edible t«yea- >Ia oils, protein meals, rya Freeman bi egetables reflected these turol policy i )Ie developments,- ’ a s su a a cc

lenrv's IF O R F A S O N T O P

B LF E R TW h « n p l a n n i n g , y o u r f e r

B a v e y o u t lm « s n d e f f o r t ! L<

o u r . t d p - q u B l i t y b u l k . . , . .

M A K E U S E o r

W i t h o u r l o c a l k n o w l e d Q i

• F e r t i l i z e r p r o o r a m m i n o f

^— ‘^ • 'E x j i t e r i e n c f id l e c h n l c o l 01

v a w c 3 E n ^ ? * H l K * '


' O R D E R C U S T O M B U N [W o c a n b lend com blnatlona fo o d a B ccordlng to your nei

S t t u s f o r t Q p ^ u n l l t y fw ,

So— «h« p laca ' to g o | | | ! m fo r th * P ro d u c t! you ,know : i t . ,— HKMRY^$ L ff lJ l F A R M S A L B / K I M - B B R L Y , ID A H Q . | | f i j |

s p t . (>-7. 1 9 5 3 ■

ISOURI BIVEB BAlioE is converted l^to ca ieattfemsD Gerard Hartiion convertedird and shipped l.OM steer* to Omahar where tb" ' ^ '''" 7"^ . ,--------------------------------- ---------

rgiculture Secretai ir New Program oflHlNQTONr8€ptre-(tl?0= IB t-fstr-8nd stable p r iry of Agriculture OrvUle and fiber, Including r «man has called for a quote to meet any com plete, comprehensive, emergency, while It

and organized program waste th a t re su lts^ cultural policy." tlon of morA than w-»-=poUoy,-he=sild,-*'muat-‘He. saldrlh ls- i W Mted toward basic goab" within a IromewoM ibatltuted for "a continual assure fair Income to T g-u p -o f-o ld -fa rm -p ro . famUy .farmer.-Witho '■ tJon of either tbe tax

" K S S ffit-publMiea annual np o rt p roU m on .ubma ■etaty 0< astlcultuie. IHS. and In dtprrased tur sident Kennedy. The 03- Freeman said anal report con^de^d

wa turn to the more dla- policy for today's wo utiure.” Freeman said, “it based on the prlnclp DUS th a t American agricul- management. When vlU bear a responsibility ture would bo pror r perhaps than 16 has ever means of doing. U e i ^ before . . '. This ernment. what me h-tar-responslblllty--flo*s doea^jftjp-ltsejf-whej Jia fact th a t It Is In the to the amount It ca itiu ^ part ot tbe economy pro.m." the pragmatlo dlMerence H e said supply in the frea economy and progroms have wor mmuaUt economy ta most muy for decades fo

and spectacularly -por- njodltica as tobacco. •** • nuts and rice;iman sold such new agrlcul- He noted th a t sup policy as he outlined "must mcnt program opp I a continued abundance Kennedy admlnlstrt

Farm-SalV S T S E R V IC E > P - Q U A L I T \

J L KT I L I Z E Rj r f e r t i l i z e r p r o g r a m , r o m o m b o r — w o c i

) r t i L e t u s f ill y o u r f e r t i l i z e r n o o d s f a s t , w i

O F O U R E X P E R I E N C il e d g a o f l o c a l c o n d i t i o n s , w o c a n o f !o r yoi

l i n o f o r y o u r p a r t i c u l a r c r o p s a n d s o l t

i c a lo d v i o o i - — ______________ ____________ _

TO HELP YOUIn bulk or blonds wo iibo

ELEPHANT BRANDto g ivo y o u l l m o Im p o rta n t b e n e f i ts :

• u n i lo rm ly -a l ie d p o l l e la - e v o n r a te . a p p licD tlo n

I • f r e a - f io w ln o - n o c lo o o o d o q u lp m o n t

• w a te r « o lg b il i ty - n l | p ln n t f o o d ro a d a v o llo b la lo yo iir c r o p s ^

• h lp h ann ly sla> -m Q re p la n t fo o d p e r to t

• a qu n lily p rfic lu c t- -m o ro v a lu e f o r yo lo r t l l i io r (lollnr

U N D IM G FO R Y O U R S P E C IA L N EED j t lo n o o t n llrp o e n , p l io s p h a tq a n d o th e r pin

u r n e o d s , In tf ia rn tlo s y o u w a n t . N o d e la y

ty fwUllx«r. . . fMt, atrWC'1

t i Into cattle hantlnr rig. Gre«BTine,-| f r md We b a rg e In la Belle” Into s floatlog. cattle Iwr where tbe catUe were sold. A track { (AP v

retary" Freeman C tn of Organized Polttd stable prices, or lood and W had- d ^ a s

Including reserves ade- stockpUes by 180 mlUli . meet any foreseeable and feed grain surplus ly, whlla It avoids the Hon tons—“while fa r a t results'fronr produc- has been-Increased by : ior« than we c ^ use.” 10 per cent."Id thls-must-'be-^done A, government p r o I IramewoMc that will tighten producUon an Ir Income to tbe efficient Ing controls on wheat ’ umer. without explolta- doTO to a producer t ther tbe taxpayer or the flay 317 ,

and a t the same time Freeman said the go leelrtorsoiverthe-lnoomo piy im anaasm B nt^ls^ on submarglnal land agrlculturoJ

epressed rural a r e ^ aufflclently balanced s 01 said analyses of cur.* role o t government pro n problems lead to one payments wiU progre n ; . . "An - agricultural m iaish...yet-sufiJeleat; r today's world must be uve an a n eX IB in ir. the principle of supply ----------- ;------lent. Whereby agrlcul* lid bo provided with a If doing, through gov- , what most industry-ItseJf-w hen-lt-adJusts , - ----------------------mount i t can sell for a .__________

.Id supply management s have worked success- • decades for such com* as tobacco, cotton, pea-

1 rice;ted th a t supply manage- rogram applied by the r administration in 1001

tales —I C EI T Y

=B „)o r— WO c a n

id s f a s t , w ith

l E N C Ean o f f o r y o u :

m d s o i l


Lia: feed^on r a t e o f

lu lp m o n t

f o o d ro ad lly

o o d p e r t o n

d u e f o r y o u r . >

iAL N E E D S i o th e r p la n t

. N o d o la y a l

i h s t r W M .

WI.W ^P" I I I I

| } . 3 j e l E S '

'WIISi i . r a h c m h o m

B b W ^ * > fc

SBllSia; . t c lcE B e S i S ^ L • Tk

r \ i l

u»Tine,-| from tha Omaha atoekyardi met tiu loatl^ . I catila tba U st few miles to maiket.to

_ • needs Uiat may arise,

lan CallsX must recognli

.4 . ^ —..f -h M f dament^l.facts/’ he.i - bad decreased wheat American agrlcul 3 by 180 million bushels S e m o ^ t h S v I grain surplus by 38 m il- ’

i - ln ^ a s e d by more th an comumers may buj many clothes, twice v

fernment p r o g r a m to or twice as many T ■producUori'and'market-ihey- eat' twi& xols on wheat was turned lood ” y S _ P ! 5 a u ^ j « l e r . ^ u » m u

; a n „ M « . . . = a l . I . u p . " r H S S f h S ' liSBBmBnt^ls-progress-to- io ^ -p -r ic t» -U n a -tt 31 agricultural economy farmer to raise stUl i itly balanced so tha t the der to keep up his Im {overment p rogram and expenses which usual


See FkFi4,elity lias been mal

Magic Valley since 15

feed cattle tliis year,


' m i N F A L I ^ Ii

Hbonliniie n n d M ain

* v T -- I _• g i i r n i t T ' ' M B

W M K — ^

irds n e t tiia barge on tha r i r ^ a n k and tnic lo maiket.to eompleta tha rlv e r_ tr« u p « ^ _ tiw

It may iLrlseJ* manage thU abundanctin said f a r . too few “Wo cannot do it." he IS reallza tha significance reverting to a policy changes brought about falra. abandoning ftU i sclentmO‘::KSd=t«chno> gTams.and.«UowlDg_Bi

ivoliitlon In agriculture, demand to detcrmlna I in it n c o jn lM tw o lu n - and w i c a o n l a n n p i I facts/’ ha.sald.-.'Tirst,

Date Given;,S .i’’L.» rd"oVS Water to St5 .« “ « » - “J n S S ‘o S K M O B IL I.. 8 .P U - a s m any TV se ts. B u t board of d irec tors o f

I’t e a f tw lc e -as "m u c h - H U l-ln igation 'd is lrieb -j day n ig h t a n d announc

t o h r1t « ? t . n d - t t - r a u » T t l . .0 raise stUl more. In o r- p ro jM t. th e dls •ep up h is income to pay w hich usually a re fixed, boa rd to to c u s s t h

.« ..I r t **,A L , A I. fn r “ y® w ill 1^m tm a e nouncem e n t on th a jo s

ding cat

Fidelity ]len making cattic feeder I

lince 1908. We su ggesf if

8 year, that you see Fidel


Meiiilwri l>\iilrtnl IMiionlt Iiiimi

Dependable Itanklno, Si

FILK R l^RANCH T:iO0 M n in

, A ’

_ E a st LincO" BHOSHONB, B ? p r ^ . {j a well-known word

{ ■ ■ B b B I I I ■ : area.' mostly as a look for the bureau o t tend i

during Uie fire seat summer., ‘

' However., to some, |i mcmbered as-a ra th e rp i

' homesteader«*'Communlt 1913-1918 era. To'others only tfte-typ l^ l ghost.

— tbe-W estrbut-also-^-pai . potenUal top farm area

• scction of I ^ d ., ■ Actually, K lraam?' Is

8018 .veloped farming area in "i county, fo r 'th e new ar

i " r i I n not only Klmama, 1 ..1 is-knQwn_os_the_Bii58i

Senter lake and South and South Shoshone se

■ fringing on a vast ix . w hat Is commonly know 'ert.

• Klmamft J«j.located_Shoshohe,j w i t h

lake ar<ia. 13 miles south Senter lake six mHes Klmama.

In the early days w tiers went ( h ^ to t settle. It was for dry but evldently-.lt_was_ They knew Uicre was \ low the surface, but Itai to get out, so had

B S 9 B B H | | |H [ | | |Approxloiatey 10 y<

_ modem methods, insp I B H B H B B B fan h en and 'setC^ers'

the water to the surface deep well Installations

ank and tnieked tha plan has turned out h u uuportad traasaotioo. acres v of hlgh-produd

fields:■ ■ ' '■■ ' Thera are an cstlihU abundance. separate farming u n itmot do it.” h a said. *1)^ area a t this t i m e to a poUoy of lalssez to statistics comjriled

indonlng «u fa ra j pro* county agricultural sts d.«UowlDg_Bupply_Bnd and_coiuetyatlon_se^< 0 determine p ^ u c t to n Total acres of Iw d s on fan n products.” units run a t 17,(00, wl

— * actually producing as

Given for4 . ^ wheat and potatoes. Oc<

I T t o o t O P there will ba a field < BTTT a - « f . 'Ph« satnower or radishes se HUiL. B ept^e — The ^ 1, ^ u ,ij j , the « directors of tbe King some of tha fields tl'

ition'dislrieb-met-Tues- highrsom e as-much- aj , and announced tb a 'lr- q ; sugar beets to tha vater will be turned out of lOO bushelsm al Oct. 10, according grain to th racrerlO O -t lock, chairman, Parley to the acre: 8(4nterested.in:thn small o L .w hB at_ to_ t^ ^aw , ijtct. the ' d istrict has to'400 sacks of pofatoes king on m et with the There are around 48• discuss th e matter, operation on deep wei 'S there will ba a n an- average depth of 3S0 i i ^ £ n the loan project age lift of the water li



y first!feeder loans througliout

g e s f if you’re going to

;e Fidelity FIRST.

lity) n a l ^

IMlionlt iiimiranco ooriKiratlon

tan/clntf Shico 1008

CH ■ I M OTQR B RA N C I1.12 a rd A v e . M.

Is Make Good Ci o])s ( t Lincolia CountY Fai-tONE, B ? p C ^ K im iu m a " T h i r e " 'a fe “ l8 famlli», l-know n w ord In th is In th e a rea . 'w iih niam stly as a lookout , s ite m oving in during the ureau o f te n d m anflge- m optha , pe rhaps iivjng i, Jig Uie fire seaso n eac h houses, during- the rumi

r, to some, i t Is re - considerable work h t as-a ratherprosperous dorie-lo Tmprovc Ui. ^ 4er«‘ community of the tween Uie new settl.m, tail. T o o ^ e rs i t Is no t 0 ,5 county seat, but

ghost town o l a t least 2fl miles ot I -but-also-^-pftrt-of-Uie iw eW -D ieirlttt andtop,,**™ area for Oils need olllhg.

■, " u Some-of'-tho well-eji r. Kimtmij Is not the farmer? there include mle of the riewly do- ^aur. Darwin Nleb.nV a r tt^ g area to Unco.n stoUer, 8 am Clark or the new area takes Mathcson. • oly Klmama, but w h a t ____________

h Shoshone section, .all ^ — . . . . . on a vast •jcpaose of

! Alfalfa & . Clo ^ Seed Cleane

ike six miles west, of J . •

early days w hen' set- ■ Wild GamiI t ( h ^ to farm and f . ■

was for dry farmuig, ■ rrO C fiS S B d dlen tly - .lt^ a a _ to o _ d ry . ?_________ ^ _______jw Uiere was water be- ■ J jrA T O nlurface, but l iad no way • ’r iV A O llt out, so h ad to move ” < #

cloiatey 10 years ago. * locker Boxtmethods Inspired new , ^and 'setK ers' to bring r —:.. ' •

r to the surface, through J T W JN M U J ll Installations and this • P F F f f ^ a 1 ^ turned out hundreds of ■ f r r | | K I f

r hlgh*produclng crop ; "- "CREAMOFTH

a are an estimated « ; VALLEY FEEDS' farming un its to thethis t i m e according-------------------------!LL'*

itlcs compiled by the igrlcultural stabUleatlon sety«Uon_semqe._ _ acres of land in 'lb e se '□ a t 17,(00, wlUi 13,060 producing as cropland.CTThFTnolQ -crops-are----- k ^ B g ^ e T a 1 |ets, barley, mixed grain, .' ■ ■ ■ r l l id potatoes. Occasionally n i a | f j l l U be a field of lenUta, L * J 1 H ^ H or radishes seen to the '

t Uils 1s the exception.)f tha fields there yield f H B H B B H ne as much- as^37-tens | | f : l | 1 - , f r l | | |

beets to th a acre, to l 3 1 l | i M | 9 | I 100 bushels of mixed U a U l I l ^ ^

> the acre; 80 biuhebL t o _ t ^ ___ ■ 3 H H R Bcks of pofatoesper acre; ~ B V | 1 M | | r n are around 48 pumps to ■ B r i l l l l f J I on deep wells, a t an depth of 3S0 Aver*Df the water from these uiis 340 -fasti- ■- !■

UF— ________________:___ : ■ - Fofl c^Tkofioa

Slmplot f ir titlz m —Bo»d 6»»job don i when

h o v i thft l im f . , .

m oy rwfd iv « y i nex t Spring.

Fall oppffcQfi'on < Thi p lan t food 'eil lished in Ihe root i

ond o idi organic

(ompM ltion too.

0 - 4 5 - 0 , 16-2t . 1 1 .4 8 .0 and U .4

f ro m you r aeo ; Slmplot dM iir.

t MPf

C rops on l i y l a r m j ,'a r e 18 ^

“in duTlns

lerable w ort h « ^ Im prove Ui« foM v

he new s e t t l . m ^ 9 I ty seat, but ,1 ^

2fl m iles ot D ie irlttt- anrt K ^-' ing. .o f - t h o well-estahiu. th e re include Meckv

)arw ln Nlebsni-.8 a m Clark g

d.of-M lce and R»(,-w ;eed’s E odenl l i i i u j

lalfa & Clovei eed Cleaners

Wlld*Game rocessed and "^roien

ocker Boxes • •

T W IN F A llS


J o lL w p f e g tloa *1 :mplot fertitizen it ood bu»)fiw». 6 »» « )♦ - '

lb done when yoo

OVI thft t im e . . . yoo

n y r>e«d every how ex t Spring.

Fall oppffcation geft ie p lan t food'eilab*

shed in Ihe root ioih nd oids organic dt*

omposHion too. 61I

. 4 5 . 0 , 1 i - 2 0 0 ,1 .48 .0 and M - m .

rom you r aeoibif

Implot dM iir.

Page 19: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

Symposium I® H j ;«heduled W po^Exii^il 9 B' ' * ® S S S « “ • U 'o o S

-EuropeS i s t a t « would M -m V lted - ^ K

S ^ d ogrlculturol revolution, g J J as i t J* P ^®® t i i f l

;«g N orth A m e r ic a _ X S B B i S ^ p M l u m wUl consist o f L^W M l H riiu .d a y sessions, eac h of U n S

H‘ « i ^ t t e m . one E u ropean « A m erican will speak on .h mftlor .topic, eoch speaker H H

«n a u thority In h is Held. _ M M uilor topics will include : tM

,S jlo g lc a l revolution In w orld ^ t a r e : scleijce a n d dovel- Sr,mi of food s ta n d a rd s a n d | B « S^^utions for In tern a tio n al B J W

consum er-labor In tere sts | M KT l i a and a ^ ic u l tu ra l tr a d e ; ....9 K SL income In re la tion to tr a d e ;^ a l ag ricu ltu ral policies In ^ tlon to trade ; em erging as*S lu ro l trade problem s a n d f ^ m ^ tu n lU e s ; a n d th e p la ce of ^ 1 trad e In th e policies of fiTwcst.

Hog Cholera Vaccination IsvUrged -..frfflfl M o iN ^ ; 'ia ;~ 6 e p ^ .~ g — ‘ ‘a ^ I ttT an In itial Im provem ent In » V " aa of the key po in ts o f th e n a - J . v. iwi^ cu rren t hog cholera e rad l- BlK iucam paleD .-B lgns-polntJo . ’fiBlDK dow n now , th e A m eri- 09 FoupdaU on for M lm al

tta p o in t Is vacc ination and piwi h e a lth au th o ritie s said in s r T S ^ p e r x e n t - o f ^ th e T ia - — Sg a P iiA tw ine h e rd s need to be

nobtted to provide a solid w all ' of tenunlty opa ln st con tinued „ . • ortjttto of th la k ille r d isease. ® v -

m m m teii m m t h n c w fU t t Increase in vacc inations h IM th e n th e r a te reached ti PR- eoll. However, • It now rea d y \ u m ^ t vacclnatlozis m a y shou ld b y ipnl'T biTe decreased lo s t only afl n u , »& ta l^ rlt le s a re f r a n k - h e rd to

4f-icrtii___________________ piKs aro7Ui top «U could be a se- develop

ftflru tiM to the eradication er he ha irceta, founAstloa oHIclals of' vaccl S T . . - W - — - local-COI

n m b t a s f l j an Jipsurge In tlon of «■ dffflfiT^utbreaka In the Parme

f»E Itar thli reason, leaders lar anni intd fumen to have hogs lm> cation o romlatd-ii&ir, If this has not a l- datlon s

Editor Scores USI Wire Service OpeiNW YORK, Sept. 0 (UP1>— a n d tick

KUfl—Rldder,__ publisher,___th e Ing-oosbJournal of Commerce, has c h o rg - m en t ofdU« government Is th rea te n in g to th etedom of the p ress w ith Ita new Intoleral

[ftp Uld m arket reportlnR w ire m ercla lWTlc# set Up In com petition to a n edlto»^lT»te commercial service. 'T e w

new m arket news service can s ta rW up l>y tho dep artm e n t o f a g . typo ofnwllure is rilstrlbuted- by th e T h o nAmerican Telephone and T e le - w ere adiWph compony to aubscrlbers In th e•no apply rtirectly to A T nnd T pow er I Ifl pay AT and T for th e service. Indlvldu

Tiitt Amerlcnn N ewspaper P u b - va tlon v luier* aasoclntlon filed a com - departm>»Uit with the fede ra l.com m u- ImnoMikwcaiions commlMlon on th e use o r ITOund th a t the Rovem m ent h a d mnrto b'n tred Into un fm r com petition RIddo 9 Uie privately owneU I'A M m a r- V epartir■« wire ftorvlcB. T lie ItJO sa id I t n o t exp'Ua not imve Jurisdiction a n d cancel b« k no action. scribers,

fllneo PAM, a com m ercial e n - ed:^ ^ 9 , m ust oharga n n t on ly “I s n 'ty UIB iiao of wirca, ope ra to rs U. 8 . d

r r ~ ' doesn 'tn o t e d nocessai

W M inN OTO N , 8«pt. a m n i - _lorolgii »Brlmillur»l . c r v . 10

» reports U m cattle . Inclnd.. BA N . "< tows, 01, collN tlvo a n d s la to io d in e (

ill, tlie so v ie t U nion on by fee L » ‘"»»>««>d M ,l m illion sa lt ,1mI, u , r „ n,111,on t , ,

!! g ^ t l m a f ty c « r ago,___________ a n d oU


P Oc o m

B U II F a c t o r y R e i


~ W . W . P A“lockfoot - Burley

t't fl.mm •■^■-.4s k . & r ' H i


DAMAGE CAUSED by attack of the elm leaf mt by J . R. S o a rla n , retired entoiqologlst and I tne weaiem oean culwuim cuuizut aBeiicjr, T------------------------------------------------- * Alady been done. Vaccinating . lould be done by a veterinarian \ q i i ily after be has checked the . L x l / t / C l v jrd to determine, whether the gs are In propcr_cqndltjon to . ' \ r ^ •_ jvelop solid Immunity and aft- V I J J r t * l i he has determined which type i - T X a f t H

'• vaccine to iise, depenalng on cal conditions and tho condl- , , ° “ tely elm 3n of the herd. t X. Farmers have a 80 million doi- ftttw k by thi r annual stake in the eradl-------------------®*L iio n of hog cholera, the fbun- attacked, J. R Itlon says. entomologist a ----------- -------------------------------- western bean

JSDAfor^ and "look llk<

Deration I said, la cause

cwU u i i u k ? V '^ d o ^ ^ ' t - a n d * 'th jn " 't^ ent” of agr^ulture chorgerof'f jfiv ?“ a*'^lSw , the taxpayers, the result U itolerable-pressure on the corn- ercial service,” R lddersold in \ editorial In his newspaper."rew forms of free enterprise

Tho nubllahor said th a t Uiero f J ® f c “bv" ere addltlonol dangers inherent J®I the ngrlculture dopartnient's *"1? '} i

S u ? ,

iinoMlble to'foresee what lUeKal “ l,, „ h". i o r n« g r« ril .b u » > ,1, 1, 1,1 1» ' C “ Sinrto by Individual BUbscrlbers."RIddor quoted the agriculture Americai

Dpartmenl oa saying th a t It did , ™ s bcotJe ot expect It to be necessary to '« frotr»ncel service lo individual «ul)- «'»* wm flrat :ribers, howerer, and commBiil- Idal'o in 1031

there Uie Inte‘‘I s n 't I t n ice to know t h a t the th roughou t th

8 . d ep artm en t o f ag rlou llu re valleys, oesn 't expect U ia t I t will be 'Tlia a d u lt Bcessary to can<*^l service.” beetle la aboul

. , . - long, Is yellovIO D IN E W COHTI.Y in general co

BAN FltA NO ISC O , S e p t. fl — stripe , sonietin :>dlne rieficicnoles, easily iiuvt)rd th e sides o t y feeding trace n ilneralircd 'I lin nntennoe ikit ,liave been - troublesom e niul yeiiowisii, th e nntly in Colorado, N evada, U tah nmt tliere a re nd oUier W entoru ataK n. head and tlu


N -N E W and DS


>AULSO NCO .,lr>Y Ph . 6 7 8 -8 3 6 6 B

'’as . ' % 'rf''*

Jie elm leaf beetle Is pointed trees a re on thiqologlst a n d cow a n official peated a tta c k 3! a re n cy ,'Twin. Falls . Thesa | DoukUsb w arns;

* A * * f t *

U t a c k o f E l m L e i

t l a g i c V a l l e y , C o n tstately e lm tree s th roughou t T he eggs a n•glc Valley a re vulnerable to a n d spindle sha ock by th e e lm leaf beetle on U>o underslt1 m an y , a t p resen t have been in groups of facked, J . R. Douglass, retired wise. T ho la rvae x>mologlst a n d official of th e t e d ' w ith b lacks te m bean cutw orm control grown a re aboi;ncy, sa id F riday. long a n d dull >ouglass sa id ih e leaves have black strip es <general brow nish appcarance w ith black hea<a "look lik e they liave been ^ e s e beetlesirched." • T h is appearance, “toe jn u,o a d u lt s tad. la caused by th e feeding such as b a rn Icth o lorvae, leaving the veins a ttics, loose b a

i _ thin_ tissue of^ the upper p th e r’p ro tec ted ■fQco flie letonlM d. Biich leaves borne 'ac tlvo wli10 ' « locc-llko «pptar«nco „ |„ i„lo h -d r ie s , tu rn s brown and r e e d oh 't l io d(

3 n n ^ Ire c a a re dcfoilaU d com- if ly . - n e t , » r . "'rtou-^ly ” [ V

by dcIollaU on »na r . - S , r ™ ! . ,, , M MVOr.l U m « m«y kill S ' ‘I t r e c j o r m n k t ui«n, a liile e t ? !“ ,« tt« ck by b . r k b f l l t . in a S “" ‘ " ”

ror. „ w ill ,u by a i .c « « .. S ' . e " J i i n io e lm beetle la a nntlvo or rope a n d w as Introduced in to “ If,,,, u n ite d 8 t« te . »bo«t m u , '" “i ” / ; , uBlasa f ir s t no ted th is injury 1022 on th e ctunpun of Cor-

II im lverslty w here they were raying m a n y noble nnd liis- 'io A m erican elm s.n i l s beette w as first reported Idalio from I/iw laton In 1017

It w as flrn t found In Boutliern \lio in 1031 n t N am pn. From n o Uie In tes tn tio n h u spread raiighout th e Soisa a n d Maglo

niB a d u lt o f th o elm leaf Btle la a b o u t one '(|U arl«r Inch 1ig. Is yellow ish to dull green

genorftl color, w ltli a black ipe, som etim es ind is tinc t a long .

sides th e wing in n n tennoe a n d th e logj are iiowisii, th e eyes are ttlnck, d tliore a re black spots on the ad and tliorax ,_____________ ,emgmmBtBAiD S E D ' I i l l

0 l HlES;: S' j TIi'nHimli

' H ANK IX), a u ' livciUxk 0IA N ____ I , jncilio<ili|

BI NE S ^ ' .............'I “, ' la iiy , ol. r ' , LA N D BA

I,, In c ...... i : , £ s1366 BURIEY I

, ' rh«n« 73I-391

rees a re on th e Terry. Sullivan place, caKt of eated a tta c k c a n re su l t Sn th e death o f tl

ft * ft * ft ft

m L e a f B e e t l e N c

, C o n t r o l M e t h o d IT he eggs a re o range yellow pa to in creviciad sp ind le shape a n d arc laid tho bole or 1n Uie underside of th e leaves a t th e base 1I groups of five to 25, e n d - they p ile up IIse. T ho la rv a e are yellow spo t- leaves or llttcid 'w i th b lack and w hen full days, th e purown a re ab o u t one-half Inch form ed to admg a n d du ll yellow w ith tv/o Id ah o th e re 1lack s tr ip es down th e back, ge n era lio iu a1th black h e ad s and legs. dam age Is do^ e s e beeU es pa.is th e w int«r th e f i r s t g

I the a d u lt s tage , in dry places. All elm s aic h as b a rn lofts, sheds, house though tiie Euttics, loose b a rk of trees and usually th e tther.prQ tcctQ d.placc3.-T licy \K i A m erican elmome active w h e r t 'th e buds be- diimiiRCd whilIn lo swell In the spring and tlio least inju;!fid on tlio doveloplni? roilago. in u rb an areaEgg lay ing beg ins In Into May building.^

r early Ju n o a n d InsLs tor sev- iHie.iled nndra l weeks, du ring which tlm o T o control,ach fem a le lays from 400 to sprny tho tree00 eggs. T h o egRs Imtch in four pounds obout a week o r 10 dnys. dei)cnd- phis two pou r;ig on tho temi)crnturc, T he m aliU hlon weijvao feed fo r two or Uirce 100 gallons ofrecks on th o imdcrhidu ot the plications assaves o r u n til full grown. Inrvae a re foii

Tiiey then crawl away (0 pu - sp ray npwnrd

what’s being done withU N D BANK LOANST!Mniiim1i nf t«nrlnri ami fattncn l(l<' ycni «ic /lANK' W A N S u> woik (Ml iliplr |.1».« cvny <li

or IxitM-JorHlUn kii<l lni|. , jncilio<ili| t<> o o io a iiiis fulum Inr ihrlr cli

HAHK I.OANH •*" for iJidr liiw civJ<>ng k rin »iw, anil (■•ii jKcpariiioiit pilvllrun

I a lly , o t four»,) r.«t 1»>« ta rn rviw aUnU LA N D BANK lO A N r .n «lo f.ir

y p u r I , a n d B A N K lO A H h e

T W iN F A U S BUmEY O O O D IN O W . R . N u tlln i i O lon K u n iu A . M tC o m liiI4>3(UAv«. I. IM SO rttlinJ 11l 4lh>v», Wi rh«n« 7JI-J#77

■ ji; Decline IPr f Product...........' W ASHINOTON,

» a S P * ^ T lie nBrlciilliire dPiS C .. J f j \ w arned of f contli■ y a •“ 'S tla l decliii* In til

y S m ilk cows d o t Ing. , fa il a n d w ln trr tti'

•: 'A ; M ilk productionS a ® * - . ! . ’ _ - , v l ' V duced num ber o f n35K i'fcX '''V ly to *'

billion pounds In I i r W r ^ i •* billion f

th e depM tm ent sn o f 't h o nn llon 'a di

d ep artm e n tS t* V i S S m id -y p a r tlio nu'

■Q fl ljW riS y ^ /■ i - T S i cows was rrportPcl ■ t f f l f l r i z Llm / ~ h e ad , dow n 2,8 per

mliUon head T h is is the inrgest

■ v v E S 9 S B n B c croose Klri\;c Junp. H U B d H E R e ^ - ^ : - oLIOGO. ISQI a n d i l F W H b er of milk eowty . l K B s E B H |E B t s ^ W one and two pe r c r v . l B H | S | B g B B S tlie p revious June

T h e dep artm e n t duc tion declined 1

^ — o n e "p e r ;h a lf of one per cc a year earlie r. Ti

Europe Output Into Ex

W ASHINOTON 1070 th e Euro) M a rk e t countries d ucing th ree to r da iry p ro d u c ts ' 1 consum e, leaving

; expo rt to o the r buy U.S. goods, i

__________ by th e common

F ra n ce already w henever can

T h e commls.sla m a ted by

produco a needs, as again, today, a n d 00 ]

. / k beef reflu lrcm ent^ ^ 3 ' I ■ i s . today. F

helped boost in tiie common

la sttry o u tp u t wo£ 2 e r th a n th ree

I j)|^TT|j s u r fu e s o f the'o f th e la te r ger

' a lly unnecessary'Cfallon'~ls~prope

« e , e a l t of T w in Falls . R e- »— l.d eath o f th e s ta te ly trees, IT S h

ft ft ft ft

i e N o t e d i n

h o d N o t e dto in crevices In th e b a rk on 0 bole o r la rge branches, o r

th e base of th e tree . Here ey p ile up in th e g rass, dead ives or lit te r . A fter a b p u t 10 ys, th e pupao have tra h s - , ■ ■ . rm ed to adu lts . I n so u th e rn , H ^ F J oho th e re a re tw o to th ree n e ra lio iu a year. M ost of th e H m age Is done by th e lo rre e 1th e f i r s t generation .

All elm s a re a ttac k ed , and ough tile E u ropean spccles a re , .unily th e m ost in ju re d , the ncricpn e lm _ ls_a lso , ^sdyerely niiiRCd w hile ih e Sitiflrlan is o least in jured . E lm s growing

u rb an areas, especially those :ar bulldiug.^, a re m o st heavily fc.ited nnd In jured.To control, Dougla.is aald. ray tho trees tho rough ly w ith u r pounds of 80 p e r c e n t D DT ns two pounds of 25 p e r ccnt aliU hlon w ettab le pow der in0 gallons of w ater. M ake ap- Icntions as soon as tlin first rvao aro found nnd d irec t tlie rny npw nrd to covcr th e lower

. I -

nKSyjEUEBHfll •fu r <

I H f t i M I H i H H *........................................ ------------ ; ♦ •T IIK

w i t h . r “

vNs--' I ™::HYMTKI O F MU

n Klc yini aic iniiilnit M N D >Ucr> cvriy <layi Iti liii)' U iiii, ,Illiln ami lni|ii<iva laml ami > I.II Ihrlr chlMirii. I.ANI>Iticlr li>W ci»l, nr>llilllly I TREV U

lOiit inlvllruM (wlllimit iH-n-1 rwnv aUnil i)m l l i i» n A

I VAUC’LO AN h e r e

lO O D IN O RUPERT ‘M c C o m b i F loyd F ru it

I ■llh 'Av», w, «■ r. I t, I«ni«14-4?ll r>iani416-«41l i

ecline Is Predicted in •oduction of Milk Itei.SHINOTON, Sept. 0 W’ - cllne '••cim ti,p ycnr. ngrlciilliire dppftrttn(>nl Iiuk sIih t .inn, \ over cd of f contlniK 'd subst«u- '•■iitlis nt 0110 per cri decliu* In tli» n u - 'b c r of liio <ipjmr(mcnl. 1

cows chitinR th r ">-..inn pUii» in il,p num bor in d w ln trr tti'inlh.i «ifiiii>irrl (rom slnwljIk production from t h ' rp- whll'’ p'lc<>* farm ors 1 n u m b e r ,of m ilk cowk ilk r- i" 'lk in liip ninnufni ill drop to iPM Ihan 12.S3 rPinntnpd about con n pounds In 1Q83. compared * '' ' n ri“f1lne tn th 125.B billion jwiimdn In 1062, A -'ntlirr rn.Ron for i

lepM tm ent sftld_ln a review ninr10 n a llon 'a dnlry Indii.'tty, ''"*>• I'onr pnM ur e d e p ar tm e n t snlrt th a t n t c '"r'* ‘'nvp can: ypa r th o nu m b -r of m ilk , ' " was rrporlecl n t Iflfi million '

. dow n 2,8 per c cm from Uie _ H '? m lihoij head o( la « Juiie, is the in rgest percentage de- | | | | | | | | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

se *1rite Junp . 19. 0. In}Q0. ISQl a n d ]063 the num - A G R I C U L T U Rof milk eow» bfl'w rcni an d two pe r cm<> i -'-rr iim u l —previous Ju n e S K E D I Tle d e p ar tm e n t jinld milk p ro ­ion declined seven •tentlw of •pe r •w n t- ln ' Jn n t': nnd ' —of one per cpnt In July from \ }

!ar earlie r. T iie m onUily de-

urope Dairy lutput Bites ato ExportsWASHINOTON. Sepi » --- By ) th e E uropean Common •ket coun tries will be pro- ing th ree to 12 per cen t more \y p ro d u c ts ' th a n they can sum e, leaving a surplus for o r t to o th e r a re as th o t now ,

U 5 . goods, i l w ^ predicted loanth e com m on m arket com- a u c tio n of w

slon. Y our P rota n c e a lready exporU b u tte r ttn m lv 'w lih ^ Bnever i l can find buyers. s tn n u y wUh •hi* commls.s!on fu rther e.sti- ' B"'’® ted - th a t by 1Q70 the a rea ®* m o n e y l< lid produco a ll th e w heat I t C tim t. inIds, as again st 00 per cen t . ay, a n d 00 p e r cent o f its I reflu lrcm cnts against 03 p e r K ^ i n V T n it today. F rench farm ers ped boost w heat production th e common m arket 22 per

It la s t year, H olland 's poui- o u tp u t W0£ 27 per cen t h igh - W M M V n th a n th ree years ago.

•faces o f th y lc a v H r 'C o h tr o l th e la te r generations is u su - H H B I B B

y unnecessary If the f irs t gen- itlon Is” p ro ^ r ly 'c o n tro lle d . — —

I T S N E W !_______________


- - - ^ SBeet Ha


MODEL » 1 5 0 -

j— ^A QETS ALL YOUR DECTS• — nato n to d lif te r wlieotn,

■pike o r^roo tio ii riina gol hoeto, d o n 't hrnhk tnilH, (1

' in to g ra ten to p p e r nvniin lA CLEANS BEST— Itiib b n r f• ‘'l iv e flCtion" ta n k bo tto i

th n m oat com pletfl clean!A SAVES cu. f t . t^ c a p a c ity . 2 4 ' K lova tn r in

m oving , l l i tc l ip in , F I 'O •U U m bO okup ncoUod.

G e r m o i e b e d s . (

f a t c f w ith a l..................... - ...........— ......... ^ - " “ 1-

t^ote The Rugged Unitized• 'n i l ! N12W DICHIONED WIU.DIcn HTl

rlglillty.• 'l in e WIDl!! 'n iU O A T lo thfl iiulimilln

fur oicitner and fnntci' uniiiitiliitK.• \VA)1.KIN(> inSAM w ith nylon tlrrn.# .T 1 II£ NUW1.Y OlUliaNlCU V UKLT 1)1

mnlrl board top ir a t is tr r nyfltem th m ri

• IIANDV 'n n iO W OUT OI.U’l.’O II U iat t b ato iidnnl on llio iiioilel 300 a n d optliii


SEE T H E A ^ t ) h




cted in tw,„ilk Items rrnriy ■ hiw eaiiRed a

H oi'priinifnt piirchaa '■•om llif* ycar-carll« 'r Ipvrl p rm lw ls. Tho d«pa

-Inn. \ overagp'i <*'»'" l” « r t pro<liirUoii nn s nt one per criil, rtuiimero1i»l demnnd' 'ip iia rim cn l «inld Uip i| p ttovert'iupui pvircha* In the num bor of mllV r«w« nl>o’u ' 25 per t p o ' •iprl (rom slowly rl-itiiK pi“iI*. f 'l" ' ,s<'vpn nioiilJi.i >■

p'lc<>* farmers,rooclV"il for I*-! " e r fIn tiip nin iiu fncturlnn arnus la p n cp'>t n-'ri oh-* tned about constan t, exccpt nlmnt fin poi r en ' 1 1 ri-Hlne »n th e 'N o rth v -rs f . nnn-fnt. Mu mtiir w lift rn ison for cow rertii'-ltoii r ' t ri*'il » " -strong tim rkc t to r culj _ ,T hp d r i’artnic,!)*, s

Tonr post u rcs and hay pniiir oT low ncoul I nlfio I'nve caused th e nunv- e tum pin hoi'Ungs ol >f-c«ws to be reduced s»Ni>tp iio n - 'a t drv milk ai

'om c nrea-s. .Inly were suUsUnp lower milk producUon nl- la-st year s levels.

iR IC U L T U R A L -


PCA loans arc designed to Increase cfficie duction of wealth from your land.

Your Production Credit Association wof stanily wllh ranchers in this arco lo improvi od.-:. give ruiuiiciHl counsel and lurnish a read) of money lor sctdinp, liarvesling and ma

Come in soon and talk ii over.

i r S D IF F E R !THE NEW .1963


oollonriinB , g u tn io r*' t hrohk tniid, (I’rccioe, to p p e r nvnilnblo.)

E S T - l t i ib b e r flaila, 2 2 ' R Icnk b e d , ii\" t a n k b o tto m , fou r c o n v e v o n do completfl d e n n in g jo b poaaible,IP—77 c»i. f t . ta n k haa 4,000-ll».2 4 ' K lflvatnr iin loaila iiland ing o r litc lip in , F l 'O a n d byd tauU c UoM a r« ik u p ncoUod.

b e d s , d e a n e r b M h «

i H h a l A R M H A N D- H A R V E S T E I t

I Unitized iVlaln Frame Constr|ic*W iu ,n ic n HTi'IICI, TANK wllli Iirillipod ftl|ir« Tf

0 thfl iinloaillng elovat<ir w ith tho "l.lvo llottoii

nylon tirpn.:u V UKLT nUIVlCN lia«v*»l«r inountad top |i« r (lymem th m rivm you im rxrnlled topping, '

lI .U ’l.'CK U ial n(iii>n nil diivrn. lint Uie unlonillng <1 300 n iid oplliinai on Uin mmlel 100, .






Sopt, 6-7, 1963 n |1 Falls T im es-N ew s 1 9 ' •

/ ha.'i caused a change Inriinipnt purchases of dairy- -----i>"ls. Tho d«panm on t eold -— r pro<liiritoii nnd Increased nero1i»l demnnd hnd caused '■ fiiput pvirchasps to drop ' 25 per -cenl rturlnn tha ,seven n ion llu of 10C3. B ut-

pi'Toiin'ps ''(.IP down about ^I-I rp” t B-'ri oh-'Jie purcha.iea It fia fw-i ren ' Purchases of •fat. Mil mtiir w»ra rtnwn 30-------

IP dPi'artnie.i)*, sRld ih n t .b e - _ r of low npoiilfltlons. rov- ■\pnt hoi'iings of cheese and • 'a t (Irv milk a l the end Of i 9 ’

were suUsUntlally ^ lo w ' • year 's levels.

— - 5 i

: i S W EALTH ^


in c rease effic ien t p ro ­land .

Association w orks con* a rc o lo im prove m e th - Jfu rn ish a ready su p p ly •

L‘s l in g a n d m arke ting .


D I F F E R E N T ! _

3 - - ister


' I

« a r«

eds.«AND IS T E I t -------------- -------- - J

9 Constr|iction:iriiiipod nl|1rn Tor more

no "l.lvo llo tto in " uuik

.lountad topiM ^w itli lU . .I topping, ■. Uie unlonillng elevator flO, ,AI.ANOKIt (n ,K A N IN aIT M A N iirA O T U ititnn J





Page 20: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

_______ S e p t , . 6 : 7 , . |? 6 3 ..........

2 0 Tw in FqI)5 T im es-N aw s

^VegelabltT^^^ Reduction Is Advised

WABHINOTOM. Bept. 8 (TO- Tho » fr1culture-depftrtmenl-hM recommended a a tv tn 'p^r cent cul In ocrenRC J ot lOM-crop w in ifr'W eijn ira rT of-frfearu ie ; The agency aUo called for a two per cent decrease In . the total lOM potato Bcreage.

Thp departmcQt'i' ftcreage- murkBtlnu guides are designed

• to help growers Jn planning pro­duction. Their use is voluntary.

The 1U4 guides caU (or a 'totntorJSWOOTvcrcff'tirbe-plant- ed U> 16 winter vegcUbles. There were 253.000 acres planted in 1»S3.

Acreage Increases recommend- ed Included: Spinach. 16 per

bers, 10 per Mnt. and cabbage, ilve per ccnt tn Texas.

Decreases Included:.Carrots, 30 per cent! tomatoes. 10 per cent; and lettuce, tlve per cent in Oal* Komla, Arizona and Tlorida.

The winter potato guide fdr------- 1994-ls-»-pIanted-aore**e-e<iual

- to-lM3-ln Callfomla.andJlTe per cent less than 1063 in Florida. The department said the reo* ommended acreage would pro­duce about SA mtlUon hundred- w eight.________

Tight Mart Is Predicted For Soybeans

w a q h in q tc In , Bept. « am)— The ogdculture deparlment said thn t-desp ltfl-a-record-soybean crop this year there will be a tight fit between supply and de­mand during the 1D03-04 market* Ing year beginning Oct. J. ■

____ This means th a t prices to soy-beaaTTOwerg'thls-fali'probabiy wUl average abore the 10S3 n a ­tional support ra te of |3.S9 per bushel, the department aald in a review of the fats and oils.slt-

> uatlon. Soybean prices laCtf in - tbe year may advance more than

seasonally, because of the tight supply «l(uatiOR. the Agency

_______ The-J!tfght_flt1_Btemfl_.fromstrong domeatlcuand export do* nand , most of U from surope.

'Hie IMS soybean crop as of Aug. 1 was estimated a t 723 mil­lion bushels. This compares with

-------- rotmOfl BUiheU M t y iW . TpU. Irecord crop plus a carryover of 10 tnlliion bushels will.mean a-soy- bean supply of 733 million bush­els. This ■ Is. Just slightly more

..........than the-1862-53 supply of 7M• ' t p m ion 'bushels.------- ------------------

The~departm 'ent w td trade ~ iourees estlma^ the total UB. "soybean CTUsning capocivy to d« a t least million busheb per year. In the 1893*83 season, crushing wi:i amount, 40 about

'475 million bushels.

Wheat Sujpply Below Norm^ In Northwest

______ BOISE. Sept. 0 -W heat 8up-glleTUrWaahrnglohTOrtgolTaha

_ n o r th e r n ld a h o ,io t a l l n g W,47B,<W bushels on Aug. 1, were SB per oent less thart a year earlier. This »a s tho smallest carryover of old*crop wheat since July 1, 1003, when tho-thr**-stat«-area had only 7.W3.000 bushels o l wheat la all etorogea.

Farm stocks totaled 1,«S9,000 buBhets, 01 per oent le u than the

. 4.1B3.000 biiahel total on hand In the Pacltlo Northwest area a year earlier. The otf-farm total of 14,640,000 bushels on h and this year shows a SS per cent decline from the July 1, lOU level of 33,838,000 bushels.

Off-hand holdings this year in-......... eluded 8.0{K).OOO l)U9hola of while

wheat, down 37 per cent from «—.......'year.ago: B.mooo bushels of.t«d

wheat, S3 pci cent le&s; and Ofl,- 000 bushels of mixed and other classes of wheat, which were showing Increased supplies over a year earlier.

..-^B E F O R E YOU ----- --------------- B U Y Q IL U E A S E ,

c h o a

t h e 'M u o l ' ~ ^ ' b u l k . m i l l

H o r t h w e sFARM EQUI

» 1 N o . W a ih ., Tw in Foi

taw s V

k h ascent i n

-crop ■

\ two 1 «toU l ;


ilan t' — rhere d


.. L p V

ts, 30i3 r<

> Oal-

e fdr equal re per




ns) said rbeanbe a i ' v i a M S n v H I I H H a n S E Hd de-a k t t - COMPAKION FOR TWO WEEKS sUi

fogciber with anoUier 34 coir>--«pent (h> loy* pnrposes. Btndents a t tbe VDlversKy cf bably D enairiJB m iiirT hB yT eportedm arbon s n a - The U oOwo, they aaid. didn’t glTe them 9 per pho(o)

i ' l l - _ * * * * _ *

I I M e m a n A p i c i i

' Z L a r g e S t r i d e s DWA8HINQTOK, Sept. 6 (CPa- change

«. nf Agrtcultural progress In Mexico surplus mil In the decade between 1080 and good grc w ith has been described by the ty of mi

"^m arkabll-: , are like..ov . DurUig that 10-year period, the Dni'

hush, tarm production increased 62T)er wheat more c«nt- The land planted to crops cicnt in f ,M expanded 32 per cent. T h e 'p er more, th t _ i ” caplU food cansumptlott ln Mex*. and ..oui trftrta ico-weab-up.-ond-morB-agrloul* future.-] UB, tuna products became available quantlU

, B ,- ports represented 64 per cent of United iJ ml all Mexican'exports, llje lr TSlue for Mex about aa large as the The hie

value cf the country^ agilcul- can be tural Imports. further

_ Henry Hopp. U.S. agricultural winter a l v attache to Mexico, reported to Cattle U y iPAfi th a t farm output in the and me

% big country south ot the border lions, i i n l conllnuea to rise, bul a t a con- the u n I c U Biderably slower rate than in expeclei

1060*80. nopp aald that In the Mexico 2 | - last year or so. Increases in crop for t?.S

production have been somewhat stock. *] gup. selective. This Uend, he said, is Unue.

SooM yewsA. than dc'n-CSlI —H o p p -p re p a ro d -fo r-I 'A a -a tlQn_8ti , thumbnail sketch of the agrl- Oils i ‘ _« cultural situation In Mexico, on export

.g .] a crop-by-crop }>uls. but thL h>d Cotton: Sharp rises In produc- large.

Uon havo stopiSed. W hat hap* Sugar pens in future will depend pri* to boos

a s 000 on competitive position port mi>n 'tha ^ cotton grown by olher coun- straw md In MWclally the U n i t e d boomlni I5J ft States. Export avallabnitles will united

Increase, but probpbly not very Mexlc id th is >huoh. Colton Is Mexico’s leading ucl InlecUne «xPOrt commodity. --------vel of Com: Moit important crop,

both In alze and value. Grown lar In- for most t>aH without Irrigation, while Dry weather cut back oom gains

rom « Uils year. Tliere la a oontlmilnB of w d demand for corn, mainly bcoaupo Id 08,- of Mexico's growing livestock In* other dustry. Mexico had to Import were several hundred Ihotuand tons

s over of feed grains tlvls year for live* stock feed, n ils altuatlon could

«e^EE_11SC _! _

» d e l s t o l o o M f r o m I n f o l i e r l i n e o f i l l k c o o l e r s . ^

j l l l l ^ • • • XMranr Mori.i'iiir, —»puUr Xloi,\ -M ' *inK.,,h..l« iiwt UIkit MTlnt M'~t<l I”V," Vrt>»trrtr l/p* c( jrnU Imtr tx*l«r, (M ll in ib«Mutlltf Iln«, anit >oti mtr iIhx'Xfrm ■ 1ti|« „( iiM« | l » UA m i w I.., c h , i h . t

V Maynur KtiJ iitn l/.^ • ' C'.,in» In I.i’i Hiliw ,,Mir ■

Sg <LWESTERN DAIRY JU IPM EN T, Inc." f»ll< 7 3 3 -1 8 6 0 ,

WEEKS stands between (wo eollege men after ir>—«j>ent thm t U n g ib e t Um e ia a nnelcar fa: Diversity cf Nebraska,.tlie boys are Artbnr E. / ed'Uiat-botedom"infl-iaon«rtonotu-food-Trer®- tl ’( give them as maob tronbie as 35 bnmaas w

★ . * * * *

; n c u M ¥ e P f o f i f l i s

l e s D u r i n g L a s t 1 0’a— change within a year—a com rose five. ;lco surplus could result if there is obovd the md good growing weather with plen- In populal the ty ot moisture. I t Imports should uct of 4.3

M g ' C p T c h g ' . Slod. the United States. - ' mined rlcper Wheat: Mexico Is Belf*8urfl* exports d<opa cicnt in wheat. W heat production ports inaper more than doubled tn the 1030‘s. p^r cenC ex* and 'output- is likely to rise In , . ^ : lul* future.-Mexlco-mlghtJiave-smai: iE _ 5 — ’ ,ble quantlUes f o r , export.

, of United States created a boom ilu« for Mexlcan.produced vegetables, the The high prices Mexico received :ul- can be expected to stimulate Lai

further planting for the next iral winter season. D

to Cattle; Exporta of live cattle D the and meat are of record propor- ^ de t tions, most of them going to V i on- the united SUtes. Brporls are k JI

in expected to expand considerably, the Mexico Is the largest customer In rop for tlJ3. dairy and beef breeding hat stock. The- demand should con* ■ . , is Unue. Hlext —Tobaccoi-Hils-crop hart mflre — ! —l

than doubled In output. Produc* BUI- a .tlQn_aUlLU_trcndlng_upwart^ __irl- Oils and oilseeds: Mexico may 2on export more oils and oilseeds. ..

but the Increase will not be u,« *t/luc- large. _______ unde„lap* Sugar: Mexico la endeavoring ^pri* to boost production for the ex* tlon port market. .

Strawberries: The Induairy la ■■ e d booming and shipments to thewill United Slates should mount. fnon«y'pry Mexico's gross national prod-ling uct from agricultural sources I m M H




! f u i

O i lGel on Our Check Ro

B f S A ftl




Proven Qualily Producli O w n - HOME OWNED an

UNITED 01' ............A M fR IC A N PALLS



wheat 1 ports CO vields 1 139 but pereenU Twin f Vntversl

' i station.8.4 to s

-------SMdlrU f -- ^i A ed 137


- the-sam■/•,’ I ii H M H B j H n uoo. Oe

Increase was Inc Locally on the J

UUty pri Oolne

planted over tw Emergei Is not oi thla-TM done In

' im*irrl{ . yields., c

crop-ia the faU In orde growth, general!, ber 16Ui excelleni Oalnea *

For Ib variety quality Wash., 1 hiiUers An exp bushels

- beprodi■ west Ull

a lot ofege men after the three of them—* i t has b I a onelcar fall-ent abelter for test flour n ire Artbnr E. Andenon. jr.,'lett. and Oalnes, is-food-irere their-biggMl problems, about U 35 bnmaas would hare. (AP wlre« company

hour, a* * * I t " ~ rederatl

S f iflifs M ad e ^ ast 1 0 YearsMim i o u five per cent In 1&83, Well producU e Is abovd the three per cent giowth million len- in population and the total prod- third In ould uct of 4.3 per cent. ket for^ -.M ftxlco-lncreascdJixporta.dur- ^ Ing 1982 In cotton, hcnequen, ' ' I H B

milled rice and tomatoes. Sugar exports declined. Agricultural inr- • •

Uon ports in c a s e d an estimated 18 30 s, pe; cent, with th ^ biggest gains

In Vorh, soighui^S, tobacco nd powdCTed’mllfc '


“ m C m o f I h tlEaM L ar0 « ff S tocks o f

Z. Buildingpor- M i •

Supplies)mer In M ogte Voll«yding

1 J o j i i e y V Hdue* BUILDING SUPPLY

--------The store Uiat undersells

if.' t*'® »tore, Uiat undersells ' the store, tha t couldn't bs

undemold. ....... .......... —DON, RITA, RON

4 2 3 * 5 9 1 6

^ lie <0 mon*y off i lot of P«epl*,,norrod- nion»Y off |uii • (•w"irces i M H B H B i i B H m H H I H



l E L ;IIL ;;Check Route l i s t -

Btf S A ftI I '«

.—is IlN - ' 51


f Products from Your m m and OPIRATCD




I C o u n t y A g e n t B

I i T o p z B e l d J F r o m (I Yields reported for Oalnes wheat?I wheat have been excellent, re* Ves, s I MiS county agent Donald Yout*. "if PUmUt I Yields have ranged from 80 to his farmb I ISO bu^els' per acre. Protein Is semi-re I Dercentsffes of alx samples from the dlseau I i»unly sent to 'U ie aged Uie ;I - U n lversity -o f-Idaho-experi^ t flelds^^—I sUUon. Aberdeen, ranged from "Stripe i 8.4 to 8J. reduce yUt -------B«dlflgT*tes-forOalnerwhe*t aays-YoutJ should be at the rate ol 80 pounds ousness ofII ' per acre, however one field yield* from year rl ed 137 bushels per acre which , stripea was planted a t the rate o t 48 from year□ pounds per-ftcre. . stage on iS •TertUiser should be applied a t rennlal g r

■ ths'same rat« as tor other wheat qIbo tonslij . yitfleUM." says Youta. At terUllty lower whei

S Uoo. Oalnes wheat' continued to to r , ' along S increase In yields as nitrogen yields tor ^ was increased up to 180 pounds, due to si N Locally the rate would depend pianUng (

on the fertility level of lhe_fl_elrf. -Many ^ inirpHVIotts-crtipplng-Bnd-fer- abcillt pU :? tlUty practlcea. ^ n h wlnt*J Oalnes wheat should not be Extension 1 planted too deep, preferably not Roylance i | over two and one-half. Inches, no case S Emergence from deep planting tried; ho S ' Is not one of the strong points of reason wh a thi« variety. Planting should be the wintei d ~ done In moist soli, w ItE lEelana work oU f S ' I^*lrrlgated If necessary. High might,- ho J . yields., can be produced If the “present o ^ crop~b planted early enough In due tb~ th y the fall to get it well established, height.'*- 3 In order to get adequate ia ll

growth, 1.w inter., wheat ^o u ld y generally be planted by' Septem* fj ber 16th; however, last year some I excellent'yields were reported.on I — Oalnea wheat planted on Ooti'l.I , Por milling, the quality of Uila I variety was tested by the wheat I quality laboratory In Pulhnan.I Wash., and by Pacific Northwest I millers before It was released.I An expected 30 to 40 million I bushels of Oalnes Is expected tp I - be produced In thePacHIcNorth*I ' west this year7 which'means that

a lot of this variety iplll be used. ■ - - — I t has ' been reported that a local s t flour mill has run tests on id Oalnes, and are quite optimistic ts. about the milling quallUes. This !• company noraially makes a cake

flour, and consider Lemhi , and ~ Federation wheats the finest

available tor their purposes.■- - - Should g-farmer plantiOalnes r rr—...

Mexico shipped farm products __worih 31 million doUan to Uie > ^ l United States In 1983. She boughtfrom the United States farm H V

veil producU rv a lued -jua t-under-64 —vth million dollars. Mexico ranks * 0 1 1od- third In Latin America aa a m ar- * * '' '

ket for UJ9. agricultural prod-ur- ucts._________________ H Ilen, ’y ^ m t K S S ^ ^ S B m S B ^ S S iS S m■gartar- • .......... ... - --

i B I G A mmmiH e r e ' s y o u r c h a n c e h


L ilte d he ro aro only a few exoi lay in g i.y o u .w JII f in d hero o n a t a n d A U T O TIRES d u rin g th l i w


I 7i9Ch(14 'B utra m ileag e t i r e .........................

! 6 :7 0 x 1 57 i5 0 * 1 4 ...................................................

~ 7 i l 0 x l 5 B tO O xUE xtra m ileage t i r e .........................

7 |1 0 x 1 5BjOOxH ...................................................

6 i0 0 x 1 S j 6 i3 0 x 1 3

E xtra m llooge tiro ..........................

All p r i c i


CO-OP^263 2nd Ave, S o .

e n t R e p o r t s

les wheat?re- “Yes," says the county agent, OODKN, It*, "if planUng faU wheat fiU Into ^orse a h m to his farming operaUon.” Qalnes .

eln Is semi-resUtant to stripe rust, om the disease which seriously dam- evenU will iie aged Uie Lemhi and Federation den's 4SUim t fields.-_____ ’ _____ ■_ u iU onal-Iiom “SWpe rust Is very Ukely to jo ,

reduce yields In future yearN" n t says'-Yoular^however.-UM-sen. “ P f - ^ ids ousness of Uie discaw can vary Id* from year to y w ." *J? ln thi»ch Stripe r m t ^ m i s a i aurrivea ^ ,48 from year to year In thfl summer

. stage on whea^ and various pe* ” ' rennlal grasses. A farmer should

w ta lso tonslder Uie probabUlty of N o t. 1 and ^ y lowCT wheat p ^ due w tlvUlM d

to tor!' onV*wlth *pirtaW?*1^ e r proved by jen yields tor Lemhi and S^deration claUons, aa

due to stripe rust, ihay favor AucUons >nd planting (Oalnes wheat. • Herefordila, “M a ^ farmers have osked breeding 1 er* aooui piBTiUng OKtnea wheat lim H rsn ff

with winter barley,” says Youts. niarket slei be Extension Agronomist 'Howard •niere will

not Roylance reporUd, “I know of quarter h les. no case where th is has been horses, ing tried: however. I know of no pjenjm n

s a wOTt'oarMUgfactoriiyr’-a o m e sIgh might,- however," said Roylance; p****® ,” the "present a problem In harvesting in due to’ Uie-difference in straw w «clals_«

ed. height.™ »- Tlie Ogd[bUjid



I GRAIN£ • GAINES WHIed. - (one yield re p o rt^ ttils .;cai o f 136 tnishd per ocre

itlc I • ALPINE BAR ^ . RYE ,

• MIXED GRA™ -G E R T IF lE D 'ond^N O N iC E F





a few ex am p lo s o f th o v a i t hero o n a ll sixes In T ^U C K 'jirfW

irlng th l i »ale. L^X-M


.... 20.80....15.95 .,7o«,

.... 22.50

..........................18.15 7 ,1 0 .1

Z...' 17.95 “iU l pricos plus t a x a n d r i


IPSUPPSo. 733-5(71 ■ MMM

G t o ld e n ^ S p ^ ^ Show Is Set For This FaU ^

n t , OODEN, Sept. 0 — AucUons, horse show s, m a jo r c a ttle d is- plays a n d Jun ior ' d e p u tm e n t

m - even ts wlU be included lo O g- Ion den 's 4Sth annual- O olden Spike

N aU ona l-L lvea tock -ahow ^sched .” uled for N ov. 1 * 0 , .................

!h M ore th a n a dozen W este rn B P ^ I irv a re « i5 a u td : io “be"repre=^

su ite d jv lth ou tstand ing s p e d - UJ \ . m ens In the .A ppalooaa a n d q u a r- V

! “ te r horse show s, sa id R y lo n P . 1 3 * * i • ^ Peterson , s tock show p residen t, C r - U 5ld A ppaloosa even ts will be held o f Not. 1 and 3, w ith q u a rte r ho rse b . .t Vm

lue acUvllles claim ing a ttenU on Nov.HA. 1, B 9 Iihnw« «T» ap - —- -j irer proved by th e ir naU onal asso - * . ; ' i ^ ion claUons, so ld P e terson . • 7 ' - 'vor AucUons will o ffe r b reed ing ' •*

‘ H ereford a n d A n g u s oatUe, iced breeding ewes, m a rk e t catUe,CTt lam M ftna ' tn >g» ,' a n d In d W d n a l B p Q I jit* , m a rk e t a tee rs a n d pens of-steers.

*niere will a lso be' auctions o f ■ 6 * 1 of qu a rte r ho tM a n d A ppaloosa P C K I

.K em lu m purses fo r 4*H club Sublll L i a n d F u tu re F a rm er e n trie s h av e p | | » |

b * « n -4 o u b le d ^ a n d _ U il» _ is_ 6 » . J f W I B I pected to resu lt to a n In c re iw . . in Jun ior d e p a r tm e n t e xh ib its , •o /flc la ls- sftlA I,,.— ...... — ---------- - — *Tw«ini

T h e O gden expoolUon o p e ra tes * i n r u i t

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IO R A LL Y O O r ^

.-SEED - - - is AIMS gies,.w h e a t _r e p o r t ^ ^ . f a i l S lK?thI*f

n ith A p e r ocre) ----------- MrsM* hi



i m SEED& REDA> E j e e d c o . Flo,

T W IN .FALLS * *” ]


IxH E C K @

« t h e E, f l S A V I W ^< t liL sa s ia B S ilK


I 6 i7 0 « 1 5E x t r o ^ l l i o g o t i r e .......................... ........

6 i7 0 x l5 .....................................................

»7 i1 p x l5 ^ Exlro m ileage IlfO...........................

* 7 i l 0 x l 3 ...................................................

8 i2 5 x 2 0 ' > i H eavy D uty A ’ 10 Ply T ru ck TJre.............................. "

IC a n d racap p ab le tiro .

PPtY d- MiMiin PAcinc coopniATiVM

again as a “Hereford H M prlt!t.8how____ 1-

OH rid of Mice tna Globe Seed’s Rodent d*ilI , 2 H



pre=’ ^ -J* ■ . ^eel- [D \ . - ria r- y y C L i : -‘ p- Q e * i ■■ Zlmt,tieldorse P —q V)LpiQyifrv.

I p jsso- " / .

ling I . ^ / Kttie. , \ f l } . > I ItUe, tSnFROM------ ^Dosa R E D A Iclub Submargibla ■S! JPUMPS______blta • T*n MjMlMMtlKt «•»!

•ti • s M s w r" * T

• fa hfOt tl m 1.W M

h.as’iu.vj-ii;brmt. Itxiuiirid <sddo, Wh«f»»ff dtptftdibit iiu ,

~Se« YduTNeore REDA Pump Deilej

Floyd Lilly Co.DItMbuler

•t t ija e

* s s

b l a c k


_ 13.40

2 0 .2 0


.. 48.80} tiro .(BP O T A T I V M ^ ^ ^ ^ —

Page 21: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

R e s u l t s , 1^

In 1S(S er baferti’” S.MB». « " ‘ = "5?? ' f i f l

S S I i i l S[ f t i" * ' ^r.‘."r P»ln F«lll. i ln t .tL BDir 'igio or b«for«i Prli^ V-^.ft;f i . „ Utn in B. Bu*J, t :

• f v L i.. £> ••.■ '•" '■ , " " ' • T K f

g lw .


^;.K '**bom In 10»»' Ch«roke«. •[ ^ Cnwforf. Fil«r. f ln t S. DU-

w Sl in i m •• -------------

m sM t^/b“ wJ f F»111. third: Unniinrf. Dr. At-

i*^ ;;‘ ' i ; r . " " . W . ^ r r & S ' ,

5I;.n.’t Dolt. Ntwbjr, ••cond;. P»- g

C«L.“-e!::i...“ 'Si>.”'‘”"“ •'!«“toTci»>"Plon •Ulllotu Active Duty. “ “ ®‘ ji0i,ck»inp!on ni»™j Oh«w«n,-JUr- m ari» I

" • " ....... 'Um. t 7« S * « d o lf r t Bob IIoi^ T h e ]

l^ ,ro m e . JInU U.m. 1 y»«r kod s ta r t r S i r iwoi Hopp«r. Hrall r»ni. undtr i._tinff

t e ' i ' - S n , - " . " . " ■ - . . n . . - ' . S “!■ r . . . . . a " . J . r ! . H"!- F o r

S ' :

P “ " ' C K i i . . f s f . J» " " ? " ■ i K EIn, 1 T « n mnd •ontitri lUnt*

{M:1m4 lluUt. Dl«trieh. >*«ond.tol 1 r » r i T.flor, f ln t!

jS tk C ^ r . Buhl. .Kondi H a l r t .2 ;o tF

* S . UW: «w” *i y«»t'»nd**und«r •«ond. ll lUn Jin* Pl*rc«. flw i; Kim FnMhllc Bedxe, Buhl, lecond: U sritn U c Klmbcrl C«T. I ta tUrt. _ Woel

tn nin 1 Tcirs Rodney UcCor, fottl. fttt; Hiin. iKODd: Tiylor. third! Llndn : «a «1 &nt «wf Umbj bred by «x- cclUiiec Qiiai.fidd..lin(: Tw lor._*«oadi ii^h, »Tuiot, ^ V . .

i v / J M S t S V r S - o i ; - ■ = K . r . f t E r ■ ■

S r t i . X ’ f e ’'8fe '■u t rknft FDir.

anthdtwn ■*u«l «m«nd oven Lm E. T»y. ■

hr. Knu. flnt: mm I yeir »nd ' Hoiit U TmJ.t, tin t i rem undir 1 ■>m, T«l«r, flnl. ... ■tw, t i n n *nd o»er: T«yIor, ■

nti «*i I yc*r and under I t Tay>W flnl) cnnd cbimplon nm , Tay- ■I

CUUrtn a.U y o n eld ■Ealinildery i H

U t ^ a«ti : . C. Sinbmlth, ir., ' ■D<r. (Inti J .n Oravo. Flltr, eMond H

ju Orifa, third. Tlaln towtli Mir- Iiwlu-q««n*ii. Twin -T.IIa.''flrT tJ ■U^^M nor. Ho Hater, aecnndi Coa« ' Hih Jlndrl,. Twin f.ll,'. ihlr.1. ‘ ■

S c W ' . i K . n / X r ' f f f i I S t e , , ! ' s i r • " " " ' I ' I»j2 . >'»ntlnf. .Twla f liSf. v “ An<J«t»on. lecondt f l^ , Voui.,. / | ,r third, rilto* f l

U n X V o iw ; I

' I

& i ? " “ f "■ Iii»lil«.r T l 'n''«*ll»naoua ■Ttln^ Hi i n, Twla l^alU, H

a f t ; , II andnad. K.hbr f l

^"'Ki^ii'.!h"''iu '!::.',? r :^ ^ ;d f '" /r ' I^ ^ .^ “""•'1. Twin r . l l i , third. MU. I

‘• '" 'I '" T..lley, i f lr Ju ' i n' «wen*. 'I'wjn f ljlil; nabtec* Ilarlon, Twin ■

h’S'"'/.*"*""*' n»«lh. Twin I

r . iu l .M .r" ' " f" '" IWeodei, AHI.1* I

(H>nn|i Owani, third, Air- H

fii^T'Hi"' »h'P,miKl.|, J a r r y - B.1 A I f” "•'•'•i ••'bill'd, 1‘enl I I

n.iu'.'I!'' ' ‘“ 7 Y»"t n«rii«r« |



'^hen it comes to Submersible

PUMPSNothing matches

JACUZZI! pW A R R A N T Y ...............

^ PUMP ^

r K . d K i M H r

MH. txJL i v H i H i .

— NEW UEAVY D U TY w « fo n p e rm U tlm ind«j o f a»le« will b« ad d ed to th o New M e* Farm

A gricu lture Depai W heat-PTogram a

W A SH IN G TO N , S opt, 6 l U ^ n M rag r lc u lW ire "a ep a r tm e n t-h a a P o r - io yenrR pred ic ted . th e 16M w h ea t c rop d e r a mnndi m d I ts m uch low er p r ice su p - fftnm w lih ln( Dort r a te wlU b»vo ft p ro nounced ago allotmcn ftffect e n th # w h e a t econom y, p r ice lo r a il :

I n a cauticms review of th e a llo tm enu .. : w heat situ a tio n , tJw d o jw rtm e n t vo ted on an i u l d u n e e r ta ln ty w ill m a rk th e g ram th a t wc taU end of th o 1663-64. w h ea t p roduction ai m arke ting y e a r a f te r a n . < arller u la tlo n s in toerlod -o f B00d d«m flnd,-4 la lr ly th e -whent-jitlB bt supply, a n d s tro n g prices , e rs : tu rned t T he IW i w hea t h a rv e s t will decisively, s ta r t n e a r tlie e n d of tlio m a r- Now, th e l ke tlng year. How m u c h w h ea t ca lU fo r a \ will b e on h a n d Is p ro b lem atica l, t h a n for ma • F o r a num ber o f years , w h ea t m a y Ignore tl fa rm e rs have n o t fac ed t h e a n d forego pi sam e condlU ons w d a lt* m a tlv e s ahe dlrcct------------- --------------------------------------- to a t were IraJIi, flrat; Bhlrli* Joallo, Twla F«ili, m arketing til

Filer, **cood| Citrbarm Uitrtwell. third, they m ay be c a a i b a n k contrac

Jelly rollt Lark Hylea, Buhl, fltal. p la n t. Any IDark butUr «ah»l Malta E-r.na. F l tr , tQj.y

•Kon'd. Woo'l aklrt or lumper:' KaUiy non-com pllarFroahllch. J!»n««n, f ln t ; Larolyn IvU. lo tm cnts willKimberly, aeeond. - j

Wool dreaa or aulti LaRee Craw. w hA tho- «■ford, f ln t i Carolyn 1tI«, aeeond: °Linda Froahllch, Hasien. third. Mli. P lan t the ir I

: £ : s : : ; r ' ' . a ” " * i S 5 S ; b :Hanaen. aacond. ________

— FERTitizei

And you’re on your \c r o p r o s id n o a cn ri incronno y o u r p

n tn lk a , p o t a t o v in o s — lio lp " t r n r

, T h e r e s u l t : G ro n fn r no il p r o d lic t

n e n se . F f i r i l l i r o f ftpi)li«‘l in t lm fi

w ljo n n n ( i w lio ro nco iim l liy i-’ropi

nnd t h o unc o rtflln tiu H o f fllir ing

N itro B o n F o r t l l iz o n i , n in d o h y U

F o r A l l Y o u r C


" 1 P “ T ^ ^

— J B ' ^

■ \ i j g w ■-

a U tln r Independent osoUlatldn l pany tine of fa r Id ea Fam ^E qulpm etU com- | In* radlu* of

)epartment Review am and Economic 1toy now have open to them , under p resen t li o r -10 yearB they op e ra ted -u n ^ BO-per~cent“ o r ' e r a m nndatory control p ro - $1.25 pe r buahe rom w llh Individual fa rm acre- cry from the S<» allotm ents a n d a aupport bushel, rico for a il production of th e ir Despite apprc l lo to e n u .. I n May. growers tho size of the 3ted on an a dm in istra tion p ro - quent w heat ci ram th a t wotild have tigh tened officials appeal reduc tion a n d m arke ting reg- success of rec la u o n s In an a tte m p t to c u t grnme. T heso : tie "whentniurpluB, Thfe grow- a praspcctlvo c rs: tu rned down th e program 1, ID64, o f l.OS ccldvcly, clown 134 mllllNow, th e 1964 w hea t p rogram }.®“ - w hich wa

a lls fo r a prloe suppo rt lower ^rom th o . a a n for m any years. Farm ers ryover, w hich m y Ignore th e ir a llo tm en ts and Previous ye n d forego price suppo rt w ithout bushels. hc_ ,d lrcct- f in an c ia l .penalU ea T ha ,1{I64 cr tia t were In e ffec t u nde r a zoom ixcauab i w k e t in g quo ta p rogram . B u t Ing to keep Ih hey will lose p a r t o t th e ir acre- order to bolstJ go history o n d any paym ents h it th e m arke t tiey m ay be receiving im der soil thp Ju ly 1, 10( a n t con lrtcM u th .y do o m - m . d e p .rtm . iiant. Any loss of acreage h is- exports to Jun ory will be reflected In ' 1968 615 mUlIon b i e reage a llo tm en ts. jm a lle r anUcI

T h e dep artm e n t sa id th e f irs t W estern E uro « g mpnjiiirn nf liia >.YUnt >»pnrU f/>tnl»rt lon-eom pllance w ith acreage a l- els.Dtments w ill come w hen seed- E>omesllo coi ng takes p lace th ts fa ll . pected to . rise

W hether o r n o t farm ers over- bushels In 19£ ilan t the ir a llo tm en ts, a sh a rp Hon bushels li Irop In prices In 1B64 Is likely, of a n Ihcreasei a ic a {.tipport- l o r - th e 1904" crop for la rge r 1B64

L i - i

I L I Z E ' f ■ ‘ / .....■......■■■

your way to profltl rnii np])inno y o u r p ro fl ln ! • N ltro B u n HpcodH tli

ho lpn trn n H fo rm c r o p rcnlcUiOA in to nniU hi

n il p r o d l i c l l v i t y a n d h lg h o r p ro fl ta f o r y o i

((I in th f l f n i r w o rk s f o r y o u . n il w l n to r lo n i

til h y cropH iii o n r ly Hprinff. W h o n y o u fo

o f f ljir in g w o n th o r ( n o m o m l)o r JoBt a p rin

in d o h y U n i t e d S t n t c a S tc o l.

f o u r C h e m i c a l a n d F e r l


pany tine of farm m ach ine ry In Ju n e . T be wa Ing radlu* of 10 fee t. 2 inchnt.

Reviews U .S j omicEffects^'^y®^*’inder p resen t legislation will be 1 1 1 l l l lo - p e r ~ c e n t - o r - ^ l ty , o r dtiout:1.25 pe r bushel. T h is Is a far W A8HINOT

m sh e r* "Despite apprehensiveness ovcr I*

ho size of th e 19G4 a n d subse- " a t pow er ca luent w heat crops, dep artm e n t take Ju rlsd lc tl i l l ld a l . tp p o a r c lu W «1 B it „ „ „mccess of recen t w hea t pro- %<jram s. T heso havo resu lted In ' ‘“ “ vcs are n I praspectlvo carryover on Ju ly eleotrlfloatlon 1, 1964, o f 1,055,000,000 bushels, T he FPO h lown 134 m illion from Ju ly 1, ops to show 19G3, w hich was dow n 133 m il- .lion from th o Ju ly 1, 1062, car- ryover, w hich wos dow n from '^ ^ b FPC ihe previous year by 89 m illion '"e lude fUing bushels. s ta tic a l :

Tho .u » l crop, - w h lc h ^ o u ld S i S a i r S toom becauso of grow ers w ant- p p c gjjijj ing to keep th e ir volum e u p In opera tes facll order to bolster Income, w on't glon or sale h it th e m a rk e t In tim e to a ffec t w holesale foi thp Ju ly 1, 1904, carryover. genem ted In

T h e d e p a r tm e n t cxpec ts w heat sum ed In ano exports to J ^ p In 1963-64 to , _j^cemaii_flD 615 m illion bushels because of tako Jurlsdlct sm aller a n tic ip a te d crops In w ith tho rest W estern E urope. T h e 1962-63 cre tlon congi >»pnrt.< f/>t.nl<‘ri-fiaH:mH11f<r< himh- tn havfl~ ln~B cls- tho ru ra l elec

E>omesllo consum ption Is cx- kould h inde r pected to . rise fro m 894 m illion th e act. Also bushels In 1962-63 to 616 mU- be c on tra ry 1Hon bushels In 1963-64 because — ____of a n Increased de m an d fo r seed PO R FA ST 6 for la rge r 1964 p la n tin g s .--------- B U Y T D r ^

>isi ll :

— p co w r~

t ! rnll.np])llo{l USS NitroBCn plowed ' ;tm HpcfldH tlio (luconipohltion of grnln nti IS Jnlo Hoil-hulldlnK orRnnlc inntnrlnl hy i iroflta for you. # 1''a11 forUlIr-ntion innli ill w inter lonff, dcciwlnu fltulihlG — nnd it' Whon you forlilizc in lho foil, you nvold h, lor JflBt aprinR?). * l-'ortlllro thla fnll

IS S ) Nitrogen FertI^ ' ............................r t

i n d F e r t i l i z e r N e e d s — S d


—T— Realign O f D u t i


' - ■-> W ith th e nominnby P residen t Ken

^ , L. M ehron as a-vi^ ' of agrlciilfiire forS ^ d j l ----- - consum er servic

----------- --- '■ M tn i of hifijo'r df^ H B B L cles wa^ aimoiin

— ~ -T h o -ARrlouItu . service

a u th o ri ty rc T h e ngrlcnltiiri

cntiservatio fede ra l c rop liu tion i>e

-} nr Under.f C harlr.t s . Murp

^ — -r— BReticlM fo rm rr 'llrcc tlon

Who rMign(>d n« w ry ns of Aug. 1

'j Confei Is Sch.

une. T he wagon h as a tu m -W ASH IN O TO

-------------- em ploym ent am

^PC Opposed ir“com e a cOmmei

5y-lireeman[u_REA Eight S S iW ASHINOTON. Sept. 8 IDPD — Supporting th

or * s r t c a i . » . o r v m . S f S S q S ? : F reem an Is opposed to a fed - crim e, th e U.E

a t pow er commission move to labo r, th e AFL- ■ke Jurisd ic tion ovcr th ree ru ra l d e p a r tm e n t of. = c m . o o . p . , . u , « , r ^ . coop . “ t S r s ; •atlves are finance by the ru ra l b e tte r educatloi eo trlfloatlon adm in istra tion . ru ra l young pet T he PPO h a s ordered the oo- D escribed as ps to show cause why they rough ," by thi lou ld n o t be required to com - S e T T e S V n

procedures. T h ese com plete h igh iclude fUing a n n u a l financ ia l ..-rh .« . r . .ii nd s ta tic a l reports, cost s ta te - mniHw^rtnMi^ir » n u . occountlns e « , l „ . n d S f , f ' ' ■ hotea l. P O ..F m to K h td u l . . .TC .a id oaoh co-op o . n j andp e ta to laclllU ci lo r tra iu m la - f f !ion or « ilo 01 .Icc lrlc lly ' a t ,.hoIesBiB fo r reaalo w hich la ^ Converaely,enerotcd in o n . s ta to a n d con - d ropped 11 pumed In a n o th e r. a rena du rin g tr-Frcem aii_flald-EP-C 'a-acU on_toako Jurisd ic tion w ould co n flict au^S the^ S^Ith tho responsibUlty a n d d ls-

S a v » : S l w n ^ K £ ^ ? d ^ ig . crim e In ^ e h e ru ra l e lec trtfica tlon a c t, and :ould h in d e r adm in istra tio n of h e act..A lso , h e sa id . I t w ould » c on tra ry to publlo In tere st.


Tl-n plowed tlown wltlj)( grnin nttdihlo, com MAInlnrlnl hy aprinir. •zntlon mnl((?a n lo t of r, « i. - nn,lll'»mlW,lo Buhl Co-(/o n n v o ld HiirinR n iflli , „0 I I . I . In il w i l l . U S S C o o p e r a t l

J e r o m e G

M lni-Cas!

FertilizersTwin Fall:

..... ................ — BoanGro\

E V E R )

‘ealignment Dubois St ►£ Duties Schedules

DUBOTB. s e p t. I 1 ani* ■ of b reeding

L l i n O l l l l ( * C ( J Hook* a t th e U nite

rASHINOTON. a . p l . , _ - ’" - " '" • " I h th e nomlnftllon 'h is m onthK „ i d . „ . a , . „ . S ; n S ' X 'Mehron as a-wUitant Rpcretary .igrlc iilfu re for mnrk^tlntt nnrt . a t publ■sumor services, a rcaliRn- “PProxlmateiy n i of mfiJoY drplTrlmi.ni '•‘ '" '. '- f iW. w a. a.moiUKcd, “ >)«*l io -aHFloultural m arkellng nam h^uniet“ breed vlco anrt commodity fxchange _ , , . •horliy Will rcp^r. ,o M chrcn. “ ‘" J fa ftgrlcnitiirnl stabUbBtlon 1 conservation service ^nrt ;eml c rop liw urance corpora- ' .n will l>e under dircpt xu jw - P r n / l l l ^ f l l ' ion cf u n d e r B e c r e t a r y * I w U U t U l arlp.t s . M urphy. All of tlipw r » . O c c 3 T o C SticlM fo rm rrly w n r tmOPr ' H ttbC J-JU S T ; ) d irec tion of Jo h n r D'nicftn, PO ISE Bflpt, 6

■>'_ _ _ , expected

.J .. -« T pounds, about th

W a l Youth !.S."tir'Ss“-_ oRrlciiiture report

.conference s Scheduled YOU C

W ASHINOTON, Sept. 8 - U n - RELAXip loym en t am on^. ru ra l youth l « f U C M50 pe r c e n t h ighe r th a n among W r l B Ne lr u rb an cousins. Only one of ^ ^ \ f C Er u ra l boys cnn expect to be- ^ W C r

mo a com m ercial farm owneropera to r. Tli(?«e a re to_bc focal

)intd fo r dbcDsslon o t a n a - ^>nal conference on problem s of r K rr a l youth , se t fo r Sept. 22-25 a t j r ^t ln h o m r- S ta tc un iv e rs ity :--------- ' ' 'S upporting th e m eeting are th e I ' T•esident’s com m ittee on Juve- le de llnquencey and you th l ^ Time, th e U.S. departm en t o f . m m m bor, th e AFL-CIO and the U.S. K U i t t ljp a rtm e n t of ogrlculture. Som e • i ;0 U> 400 you th leaders are e x - N o b o d y I scted to recom m end guides fo r ! tte r education and Jobs am ong S A F E C O m al i ra l young people. a g e n ts , l ik e o iD escribed as “diam onds in th e you th e fines t )ugh," by th e agricu ltu re de - e r a s e possible i r tm e n t's extension service, 40 e r cen t o f ru ra l youths never ^jm p lete h ig h school. ar<"T hey a re eligible only fo r th e

ip ld ly declining num ber of u n - **cUled Jobs w ith lo w .p a y ..lo w q a p i ^ r o n n ta tus, a n d lit tle se-cufl£y. M any “ A l-fcO OO ll r e headed tow ard w elfare rolls,” o c n e n ts . I t v l e service sa id .Conversely, th e crim e ra te

topped n p e r cen t In ru ra l rcoa du rin g th e first s ix m onths • jf 1963, accord ing to .govem m en t V O C iigurc5“re le a s e d - ln “ la te -A u g u s t ;----------- -------------lU 'o th er sectors o f th e economy if tm ti* rlw lA i eflected a n appreciable Increase '°1a crlm o In th e came tlm a period )i— i u b —

- -



3uhl Co-Op S u p p ly .....................

looporatlve Supply A ssn., Inc. .

lerome G range S u p p ly ..............

v\lni-Cassla M ktng. Assn., Inc.

vllnlcloka County Co-Op Supply

rwln Falls Co-Op Supply .. T W

ioan G rowers'W hse. AssfH., T W

EVERYONE CAN BUY i................. .... ........................

ubois_Statiqn :hedules SaleUBOtB. s e p t. 6- 11)0 annual go |a i t yea

of breed ing aheep from v»rt •varf-g of 60 jkx a t th e U nited S ta le s theep! ------ ------------'•rlmi-nt s ta tio n wHl- be held TtM BS-NEW Seht. 38 a t the "xperim ent T "

•ion head q u a rte rs approxl-irly n ine m iles n o r th of here 'Tforod a t publlo auction will

? i r C S S O U A L ltu r r ewes, ond ISO ewe lam bs nnrtthe Colum bia. T arghee and SER VI

m tw uniet breeds.mvIb Is Aoheduled to begin • po to 'o Oh

10 n m. T lge T hom as, B l l l in - 9 f^^al"I ■ »•" ' * - ■ -»“ on, - . B p ro o k .f

'roduction of • ™-'rI -w- /-«, I *T ool n a r (r r a s s - I s ^ t e a d y ^ , ;y - ^ F io . ,10ISE . Bflpt, 8 ( ;fV -^U C » Jo n

croated w hoatgnw i seed in A ^ I»ho U expected to to ta l 3BB.OOO unds. about th e sam e aa th e - M A rM lW P 5 0 ,0 0 o_pnunds-JiaD £s ted_ la it i»r. th e U.S. d e p a r tm e n t of *n‘rlcu itu re reported today. 5 0 0 M A INrh e yield was fo recast a t 65


N o b o d y s « t t l e s c l a i m s f a s t e r a n d it

S A F E C O m a k e s i t e a s y f o r h e re Is one of a g e n ts , l ik e o u rse lv es , t o g ive - lufvpnfope* ofT you th e fin es t iM u ra n c e cov- S A F E C O A u e r a s e possib le. F o r ex am p le , i>oiiey:

* SAFECO paya your e n lire repa ir bill ll a re Involved lii an a tc ld e a t w ith an< e a r covcred by a SAFECO au to poUey. will h a re t» pay th e deductible ami

S A P E C O ofTers m a n y m o re tim e -sn v in g a n d b e n e f its . I t w ou ld b e o u r p le a s u re to d isc u ss t


_ D o d d s I n s u r a n c e A g

C ltnbtrly , Id ah o P .O . t o * " A " GA

I T h a t ' s a le s s o n w h l d i f a n g i r l s o r e le a r n in g i n t h s Ju d j o o t in t y a n d s t a t e f a ir s .

A n y m e m b e r o f t h o F u t i o f A m e ric a o r 4 - H C lu b s i t h a t a B l u t R ib b o n m e a n t th * j u d g in g i i d o M . |

C o m p e t i t io n t e a c h e s a n . . . y o u 'v e g o t t o w o rk b e t t o r t h a n a n y o n e e ls e g o in g t o c o m e o u t o n t o p .

I T i a t ' s t h e n a t u r e o f c p i b u s in e e s r to o r - c o o p e r a t lv e i p o r t e n t p a r t o f t n i s com ] I w e e n b u u n e e e e s w h ic h r e s t s e rv i c e , a n d im p r o v e d q u a l a n d B erv ioes, b tn e f l t i n g a l l i



isn., In c . .. BURLEY

Inc., RUPERT | U | | |

)p Supply, RUPERT

Dly .. T W IN FALLS P W f l

ssfH., T W IN F A L L S - y i l l l j j


Sept. 6-7, 1963 _ j l PIn'Falls Tlmes.News 2 t - j- l l

inds p e r acre com pared w ltii I l H p<>unds la i t year a n d a five-* 1 1 1 IT •Tar*'B of 60 pounds. I B

»Y TtM B S-NEW S W ANT A D S ---- | | l

•••.. At'M E Farm TooU '

Q U A L IT Y - . f l

SE R V IC E . _ J B

• po fo 'o C hal"• Boot C hain I * '• Sprockets J• Com i(ra*on ■ !• H ill-r^ 1 |• Tool n a r Clomps I

loc i! ^ | |

ACME 'M A C H I N |_ W O R K S ,________ j .


t a s t a r a n d m o r e f a i r l y ^

here Is one of the e xe lu a iv iadv fin tag«$ oflfered you by • VS A F E C O A u to In s u ra n c i (*>policy: - l '

[>Ure re p i l r bill If yon ,ccideat w ith a n o th e r > '•ECO au to poUey. You ie deductible am ount. I

me-snving and m oney-savlnf - j j u re to discuss them w ith yoo. - j


m c e A g e n c y

< " A " G A rfleU 3 -5 5 4 0


^iory is — ^

/eeterii^hehmpetitlons |iD u g h ... ”

_____ ________________ „ . y

so n w h l d i f a r m b o y a s n d T ^ g i n t o J u d g in g r in g s o f

) e r o f t h o F u t u r e F a r m e r s ) r 4 - H C lu b s w ill t e l l y o u R ib b o n m e a n * m o r e w h e n

I c ^ . I

tm t e a c h e s a n o t h e r le s s o a f g o t t o w o rk h a r d e r , d o s n y o n e e l s e , i f y o u ’r s

A o u t o n t o p . *

I n a t u r e o f c p m p e t i t i o n i n I'^ -C o o p e ra tiv e s a r» - a n - i r a « ------------i; o f t h i s c o m p e t i t i o n b o - i s e e s w h i c h r e s u l t s i n b e t t e r i im p r o v e d q u a l i t y o f g o o d s \b e n e fit in g a l l o f u s . '

:) BY,YOUR '



' ' i:

Page 22: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

SoptV"6.7, 1 9 6 3 9 9 t w i n Fol[v-T Jm es»N ev<

FarmQutput Increasing At FastGIip

W ASHINOTON, S ep t. « rtfpff T lie agricu ltu re departinen l

. c u r « n t B u m m a^ t o p o r t . c J» an g ^ In fa fm p roductW n '61 efficiency ehown th a t farm ou p u t w en t up a t a f a s te r clip the p opula tion betw een J060 a n 1M2. ‘ • ' •

F a rm o u tp u t Increoaed U p con t annually , w hile th e atiQU popula tion , tncreaae waa 1.7 p

*nio to ta l volume of U.S. f a r o u tp u t in iBB3 a t ' a ne peak. O uti>ut~from field croi a n d from livestock a n d llvc2 to< p roducts — ’ was one per cei

— f lw in r - th a n In iSflU nnd cIh! p e r c e iu g rea ter V>an the IBS' fiS average. I n only, one year < th e p ast decade h a s th e t o t volum e of farm o u tp u t failed s e t a new rccord equal to t) p reW oiu year's. TTiat waa In is: w hcn ih e farm ou tp u t Index wi tw o points lower th a n In 1058.

l l i e r o was a record h ig h ou p u t of livestock a n d Uve8to< products In IMa. T o ta l produi tlon w as ono pe r c e n t above tt p revious high In 1061, and wi seven p e r cen t al>ove th e 1657-1 average. F a rm production i m e a t caiai/tla M J b llikpounds live w eight. T ho lh w eight production o t c a ttle a r calvcs exceeded 30 billion pounc la s t year fo r the f irs t Ume.

Field crop production In 1S( tie d tho 1960 record ou tpu t. T f 10S2 production w as one per cer g ren te r th a n in IM l and elgl' p e r ccn t la rger th a n tho 1967-e average.

Food grains, vegetables an f ru i ts and nu ts show ed declInc from lltfll. Production of ic e g ra in s and foo4 g ra in s was low e r, w hen compitred w ith 1900, bu Increases In a ll o th e r groups c crops offset 'theso decreases.

T here was record-h igh pro duction of hay a n d forage, auga crops, and oil crops in IffO: ProducUon • o f th o four fee

— lh s - w a s - tw o -p e r" c e n t - » b o v th e 1961 volume.

Common Mart__Barriers Are _

Under Study~ W A ira iN Q T O N . Bept. « -

T rad e barrlera ra ised 1 ^ th e Cu ropean Common M a rk e t agatns Im ports o f U . 8 . agrlou ltu ra Tiroducts brought th re a t th i monU j of retallaU on. H earing

____ wero called fo r e a r ly Septwnbe;by th o ' trade Inform fttloa- com

------- T n ltteq o f- Uie-W hltff-H ousfr-o i'tu ttin g trado concessions grante i

' by th o U . 8 . oik 10 lo re ign p n d;' ' tlCtS.................... - ■ ' ................. ■’

7?}9 p la la t w as focused oi pou ltry on w hich th o commoi m a rk e t boosted ta riffs la s t yea Irom 4.fi to 13J1 cen ts p e r pound T h e resu lt was a loss o f 49 m il lio n dollars a year In America! I» u l lry exports, i t w as charged Although th is w as on ly a fm cU oi Of n . B. exports to IMTOpe. 1 m a Intercepted a s reflection o

common ma>rket)> a im to ­w ard protec tloa lsm in agrlcul

• ■ tu r* ........ . ' * -T lis 19 Item s on w hich thi

_____ mt«r-ellm lnat« Im port con.rasslons ranges from wine, b iibk t

-------- » n d -b u ses .to ..n o w e r bulba,_anjR oquefort cheese. T h is countr: im ported ' la s t year some U IJ m illion dollars w orth of th e li I tem s from com m on m a rk e t n a tlons,

U.S. Buffalo Can Contact

r BrucellosisWABUINOTON, Sept. S flTPB-

T tte agrlouUuro d e p ar tm e n t h a proposed to aubject Uie A m arl c an buffalo to federa l regula tion oonoem lng. bnicelloals.

T lia federal reguU U ons Uia | i w ould a ffec t Uie bison deal p r in F> elpalljr w ith in te rata t« m ovem en

of th o anim als,---------- BruoallosU U * livesUxkillaMAi

w hich also endangers hum ai . 'beings. Contact Infeoled an

Im als Or an im al p roducts Is Uv only cause o t h um an bnioellosU oornntm ly known m iin d u lan fever.

T iie federal regula tions a ffec t tn g U)Q an im als a ra a im ed a

------- a t ^ g t h a n l n g . . UiQ_,biuo«U;>olerad ica tion cnmjMlgn be ing con dueled by Uie a ta lra a n d th e de p a rb n e n l 's agrlculCural researol aervlce.

'A t ono tjmo the re w «ro m il lions Of head o f ijuffalo roam lni th e w est«m prairies. I ’h e / pro vlded ono of th e w orld's gr«a n n lu ra) m e at su p p ilM /'D ie U iif

I fa lo almoflt beoaine ex tlnc a ro)ind Uie tu rn of U ie 'o e n lu n b u t Is m aking a conieliiuk. T li

........ d e p a r tm e n t MlU U>*ce a ra no i•b o u t la ,000 buffa lo nn aomo 40 H p ara tee premlsen In Uie U nllci

... '- • g ta tw . '—- -.......... ..................




C e r t i f i e d o r

i ' ......'


p ..— ft l m . n f . ------- j f l

IMI U per / n nff'..

l i r is l lF * * * *Id crops I--- i/bIiII^’*

g - r t t P M Wa .

railed to ] / n n i

Igh o u t- / ® J ) 5,6‘-Y iri u « n a u „ . „ .

i n ! »■ POPULATION In tb e Ui ” Q . , " dw indle. Between- 1910 and IMO th e

1.S m illion people. Between 1040 and 5 » „ , « IKEAho live

University Reses }Ut. SI Probes Cattle Lefd’ eiaht liANSINO. Mich!, Sep t. 8 — h in d 1967-60 "O ver 225 cases of leukem ia tn "St

M ichigan cattlo were reported signses a n d 1<iH'ye<^r, and th a t figure mny tlsauideclines h a lf o f '^ o actual conflof feed tolAi."- dftolorcft G.—H';—C onner, -'-Actas low - professor of surgery a n d m edi- th o i980, b u t c*ho a t M ichigan s ta te un iversity appa oups of "DJagnoals Is our num ber one ises. problem In studying th is d ls-h p ro - ease, m ain ly because Its sj-m p- P e a te, su g a r tom s oro d ifficu lt to de tcc t. In day,n 1M3. o th e r instances, an im als w ith “ dcir feed bovine leukem ia ore destroyed questt-» b o v e w iu icu t .OUT;-knowing -cf -tha d l« a

case '* m lgh - ' B e .«arch h a s n o t shown

whoUicr th o disease could pose a _ th rc a t to h u m a n health .

C onner exp lains tha t_ b o v ln e ^ v cstM A leukem ia Is a progressive f a ta l „jone

— dlseaso -o f-ca ttleT -chB rac tcrlzed p r o j i by abno rm al grow th (tum ors).

• | V A sw elling of glands c an occur* 7 oxt«rojUly o r In ternally . T ho d ls- H f—5 ------- iuifa <« Tftfh>gipi-nfnnji«rf-Hnrf- {g.. c h a ra c te r la d by g rad u a l w eight

ft» t p roduction.s ^ t S a l digestive o rgans a n In- ^t S i s <^wo will b e a change ^ f > a r ln « ^ eaU ng." says C onner. "OUier

aifiJH-SOm etinjes observed axe< « . o r l » t h . . w . W *

r t i s S ^ or d lfU a ity In controlling one T h o '- a n t e d o r ^ b o ^ h l S d n e g s - T h l s ^ a y c a lc^1 n ro d - cause th e ''a n im a l to go down o f th. . . . .. w ith e v e a tu a l.p a ra ly s is c f tb e so u rc

on --------------------- --------- ------------------- ?.■»:-

S i Upswing to - no rlcM Continue for

Cattle Martt lo n of w en tbn to - W ASHTOQTON. Sept. # (UPtt- to 10 ig rlcu l- Th® .d e p aru n en t o f agricu ltu re T h t

predlctfl th o upsw ing In th e c a t- perso; oh th o cycle; w hich began in 1068, sourc r t con - w li: con tinue th is year a n d prob - o f f ; tiiibks, ab ly fo r a t le a s t th e n tx t couple gover

M a n d of years. T h e averafio r a te of n e t li :ouh ti7 e xnanafon"m "tfio begJnnJng-Jn- ope ra e l l l J l ven to ry o t catUe a n d calvcs on a rte s th e 10 farm s from 10&8 th rough J a n , fa rm

cot na> Ic 1003, was 9!a p e r cen t. trlbu lRoughly, he re Is how th e c a t- er» to i

Ho cycle works:I CntUe prices a U r t rising. O at- i Thi■ o U em en like h igh prices, Ju st like como

anyone «lso w llh som eth ing to from ■ sell, T liey increase th e ir he rd s, como

* t! T h e ca ttle iniinbers r ise a s long waget a a th o p riccs a u v up . .T h e n , profe. w here Utero are lo ts o f catU e tran s

I on h a n d , nnd tiie supply o t empl< beef Is g rea ter th a n dem and, th e seour

S (VrO— price of b re t s t« rts to d rop . Also ^nt baj9 S o does Oio price of cattle . T lte Jncon A m arl- ca ttlem e u snll o ft Uieir su rp lu s nou-1 ila tlo n s an im als, reduce th e ir h e rd s 'u n til m ate

th o app ftren t aiipply of b eet on a s d l IS th a t Uie hrKit m atchea. o r Is below, g S S iII p r in - dem and.ve m en t P rices o f beef i t a f t rising , so

do priccs of Uve c a ttle , Kencrf; jllMAaq .U )o ,_cnU ltt_ sycl.^ ta rta o iw i i e h u m a n upsw ing again . T l i e oyoie — iijf le d a n - a n d down—l<i never ending.

Is Uie ■ T h o fleporlm ent sa id th o ex- , cellosla. panslnn lu cnltle a n d calf num - id u la n t bers Uiis yenr Is expeoteil to bo

abou t Uireo pe r cont. iM r the a ffe c t- fo u rth connecullve year anotlie r

med a t new record for num bers on farins . loflUoola ja.ln-DrooDMV.._ _ M

con - ,Tlio slowdown m tlie r a te o t K th e d e - h icreaae’ will bn cnunrd prliiinr- w esea roh iiy' by liinrRiuott cntClo slitUKlKcr *

a n d sllRhtly fewer Im ixtrls «r ro m il- live anim als, Uie OeiiBrUnrnt n am ing said.9jr p ro - T h e expam lou likely will oon- a g rea t Unue, hnwnver, iKcautin of n iwn JO lU if- pe r c e n t lar«rp nnlt critji auil n e x tin c t five p e r cen t m nallrr ciilf olniiKli-

len tury . le r lu 10(13 tlm u In IMJ.3k. T lie n t e d e p ar lm m l m»Ii1 bu In- X* now creasa n f.m iirn Uian .ln imr com nna 400 In eatlln nml onlf tiinunlitrr U nited would bo rrciulrml lo nlup ihp __ cattlq cycifl -tttnwHiH ydnf.


EA N Sr - N O R T H E R N , i OS and REDS •i o r H o a - C e r l i l l e d

1 t r

L- V


! To ' '*»“ S )

n n n i i i ' ' ■ downfiagTicUl


(loses fl__ _______ . ihem l

l i l l l l M l - Sth e ag "eventi th e spi

n i t ^ f l f l I t n n I I -------------------- ucs tju tT he

cam I million


in tb e U nited SU te* contlnQei io id IMO th e fa rm population declined n 1040 a n d lOCO th e figure ro«e to 15 3;__________________ ____________________ _ oppllei

1 o f th e

Researcher SS'iJfrom f

tie LeukemiaT he

8 — h in d legs. th a t tllla in "SU ll o th e r an im als show no a n o n x irted s igns before deatli, and only o n e . '^

mny tis sue a n d blood studies can m ale > nctual confirm diagnosis.” th e fieMiner, - —A ccording—to—M SU -research,- —T h e : medi- th e incidence of th e disease Is success erslty apparcnU y no,t re la ted to the screww r one breed of da iry catU e. ' U nited

d fa . ■•While teuk ra ila Is n o t of cost t' !>'mp- K reat economic im portance to - 10 mil ct. In day , .the AI8 U rtse&rch pro jec t ® 7*^"

w ith ^ d e s ig n ^ to answ er a s m any •royed questions as possible ab o u t the

4;ha disease, a n d to fin d o u t how I t . ^ U m ig h t re la te to hum ans.- ' -

ihown X V - aC onner, - Is to bnprove our d is- T T ] ease repo rting techniques. E arly

• r e « ^ t l m ._ .w o u l d .h e lp .s a v e - l - Q i livcstocit_ProducerB considerable m ^ e y _ ‘n_tr,eatm ent_,and,Jos».of

erlzed production . . ^ B O Knors). _________________ _ raisedoccur f to ta l (

J arm Income ^ 5;reight - n * g - \ T board.

f'S. Rises OverS I960 Level, t y t i W A S H IN aT O N ,-B ept. « ([W ~ o n e p e i : one Tho~ ag ricu ltu re d e p a r tm e n t h u a ra -e x ^ a y c a lc u la te d -- th e -p e rso n a l- ’lnoome p e c -c e down o f th e fa rm populaU on from a ll raised,I th e source* t a loea a t 20A billion h w — doKars. T h is is 460 m illion do i- ek

lo rs over th e pe rsona l Income In uon a 1001 a n d up abou t on* billion T.c,hi do llars from I960.

77]» d e p ar tm e n t r a id th e rise «<<h a ll* alnce 1960 w as due to a n Increase c i l u

In th e pe rsona l taoom e from - i n « fa rm sources. T h e p e rsona l In - oome fro m n o n -fa rm aources „ u u (m w e n t dow n sligh tly f ro m i960 mUllon

(ml— to 1063. VlnrinlIltu re T h o d e p ar tm e n t de fines th e 4 5 mil I c a t- p e rsona l Incom e fro m fa rm T h« 1968, sourciBs as th e to ta l n e t Income (ember

prob- o f f a r m opera tors, inc luding ouple g o v e m m e n t-p a y m e n t* ,- lo u - th o earlie r te of neb Income of n o n -re sid e n t fa rm occurrl: r i n - ope ra to n r,-p !u 3 -w ag es a n d s a l- m arch :s on a rle s a n d o th e r labor incom e of from j

Ja n . f a rm rcs ld en t- ijs rk e rs , l e u con - was tw tr lb u tlo n s o t fa rm res id en t o p - earlie r

, c a t- e » to rs -a i l i l w orkers to 'socia l tn - ra tio h su ran c e . monUi

O at- I T h e agency sa id personal in - monUt t like com e of Uie farm popu 'a tlon VrlUi Ui ig to fro m n on -fa rm sources In In - July. Ii le rd s . com o received from n on -fa rm m Isst

long w ages and sa laries, business and was sllj h e n , professional income. In tere st and catU e tra n s fe r paym ents , such a s u n - r. ly o f em ploym ent com pensation, social WASl 1. th e oeourity, and veterans’ beneflte. m lu e o: p. Also Included under non -fa rm ed by < !. T lie Incom e Is r en la i Jnconje from exceed jrp iu s nou -fn rm aourccs a n d an esU- market* u n til m a te o f Income from Item s such llslied ”

e t on a s dividends a n d royaltlea. onera tu lelOW,


Now i s tlio t i l

arrange for youifarina

E' FEED!Ifl «t

• BEEF • I «3»: • GALF • ;

• SWINE • I• HORSE . • !

Klltrr» il» ' C vc iY llilna In fo o d f o r n il

c l a s s o i i lm o ls :

F O R T IF IE D a n d T-OWN




A t B E R S"A D ivision o f Co


Com Borer G( Falls Prey

I ToX*Rays S

t W ASHINOTON, Sep t. fi OIPO— W*'* ' , T h e seac urge of th e deadly E u ro - I "? ' ' pean com bo rer m ay be h is W« ■ dow nfall, th e d e p a r tm e n t o f c

ag ricu ltu re says. IcalsAnd £f a d e p a r tm e n t p lo t sue- offlcj

ceeds, th e fa rm pest will l i te r - iom e a lly chase th e girls In to ex tlnc- w ith t'Ort:--------------------------- ---------------- g ln i.

T he p lan Is to sterilize a d u l( o e p male < o m borers w ith h eavy c h e n (loses of gam m a X -ra y s and tu rn tive, Utem loose by th e -th o u san d s to rice 1 m ingle w ith Ih e lr lady Irlends. _

A ccording to p ast tests, th e ir m a tings Will' p roduce egga th a t J will n o r h a tch , lead ing to w ha t th e ag ricu ltu re a ep d ru n en t c a l l s | | |^ B -eventu» l se lf - ann ih ila tio n of th e species.”

I T he t e c h n i q u e , snld one. spokesman, "dupes th e Insect in ­to being th e ag en t o f h is own

-------- ' UCStJUCtlUll.-*--------------------------------- ----T he com borer cost U. 8 .

cam fa rm ers an estim a ted 84 m illion dollars tn crop dam ages

. In 1083 alone.Ijfflfl a g ricu ltu re a ep a rtm en t's j

new tw ist In biological w arfare! ngalnst. farm Insect pests was developed by J . R . W alker and

B t . a . B rindley, ag ricu ltu ra l re ­search service entom ologists. In — { co-opera tion w ith th e Iow a ag ri- '*• J cu ltu ra l experim en t stiitlon.

*""5“ T hey found In labo ra to ry tests ** th a t 32.000 roen tgens of X -rays,

______ applied one day o fte r em ergenceo f th e -adult mole corn borer, were enough to p rev en t a ll hut less th a n one pe r c e n t of eggs from h a tch in g a f te r th e ste rile m ales w ere m a ted w ith u n tre a te d ■ ■ females.

T h e sc ien tis ts also discovered th a t th e fem ales could n o t tell

low no a no rm al m ale from a s te rile;1 only o n e .-A p p a re n tly th e sterilized ■Ji can m ale was Ju s t as a ttra c tiv e In

Uie field.search; —T h e rad ia tion-w eapon w osnsed ease Is su<xeaslally to erad ica te the! to the screwworm In th e souU ieasterh

' U nited S ta te s . Screw w orm h a d ; o t of cost th e a re a 's c a ttle Industry

ice to - 10 m illion to 20 m illion dollars p ro jec t a yew-, m a n y ------------------------------

'SLJi Tiirkey Crqj Will Equal / 1962 Level

T O r S E , - s e p t— 6 - —- T u r k e y s —raised in 1083 a re expected to .to ta l 02.7 m illion b irds, ab o u t ^

r i A th e saroa a s la s t y e a r’s crop, —acc o rd ln g -to . th e c rop , r e p o r t i n g __ f ltxxira.

T h e num ber o f lig h t b reed rtu rkeys be ing ra ised is u p six l iper- cen t, h eavy w hit«s a re u p Htw o pe r cen t, b u t b ronae and . ■o th e r b e a v ; breeds a re dow n B

I tm— one p e r cen t.-L igh t b reed tu rkeys Mn t h a s a ra -e x p ec t« a to accoun t fo r 10 - 1|inoome p e E - c e n t_ o l_ th f i_ to ta l_ tu r k e j? .___| |o m a ll raised . - UblllioQ H eavy b ree d tu rk ey s raised H

>n do i- e k ^ e tM to to ta l 83.4 m il- I Iome In jion a year earlie r. Iflbillion t u i u j , , b tln g 1^

. raised to ta l O J m illion com pared WHe n s e g g m llilon In 1082. ■i c r e w Califo rn ia, th o lead ing sU te , I ]' will ralso 15£ m illion turkeys, I ]1*1 t a . /allow ed b r M inneso ta wJUi J5.1 ■

mUllon. Iow a 75 , W isconsin 63 Ia I960 mUllon. M issouri 4.0 million, H

.. V irginia 4.7 m illion, a n d Texas IV68 th e 4i mllUon. I ]

fa rm T h ^ early season h a tch , Sep- UIncome lem ber 19«3 Uirough M arch 1063, 1:ludlng „ jia four p e r' cen t above a year I s s - th o eu-Uer, w ith e ll o f th e increase — It fa rm occurring In the Feb ruary and R d s a l- M arch h a tch . T h e poult ha tch ♦ - Wwne of from April th rough Ju ly 1083 ||IS con - was two p e r oejit below a year 'n t o p - earlier. iT io turkey-feed price jial tn - ra tio h as been above Uio sam e I I

monUi a year e arlie r every HIia l In - monUt since S ep tem bn ' 1082 Hu'a tion WlUi Uie exception of April and l lIn ta - July. In Ju ly i t w as Uio sam e I In-farm m la s t yenr, a n d In April I t I I53 and was slightly below a year earlie r. n is t a n d ------------------------------ Ulu u n - F.XOEEDH o n i s n a, social W ASlflN OTO N , Sep t. 8 — T he sneflte. rnliio of da iry products mivrkot- ^-farm ed by cooperatives contln iied lo

from exceed a ll o th e r fa rm ffrtxIiictJi I e s ti- m arketed, USDA’s now ly-pub- s such ilslied "BtaUstlcs o f F a rm e r Co- ______ operatives, lOOMOai" revealed.

V OUR DISPLAY FHE-PA;IR~------------------s the time tofor your season ^


E • RABBIT Io e d f o r o il o g o , ly p o a iu l *054 o i i im o ls :

) a n d F O R M U L A T E D E V E R Y N E E D


m i l l i n g

■ltd co:)n o f Carnation "


■ G o o d in g A riea W e e d T o u r S e t

O O OD IN O, Sept. -8 - A weed to u r will be held.W ettnesdny a c - . , . . cording to Ed K oester, Ooodlng co unty extension a ^ e n t T h o ,to u r porced

CTO- will m eet a t 1 p.m a t Uie Oood- decUne E u ro - Ina county courUiouse, m e n t 1

>e h is W eed plo ts dem onstrating th e p<ore a t o f UM of eome of th e newer chem - fau lts

Icals will be visited. T he county ^oAclo t sue- office a ls a fW 'be ixp ia ined a n d a n j oti l i te r - io m e resu lts checked. A ssisting j^ rs t<

a t ln c - w ith lh e to u r will be V /a lter H lg- a t a n-------- g in s .- c o u n ty ..jy e ed .^ su p m lw ,;^ j;j

a d u lt O e p r g e W orham , A m erican 1553 ' h eavy ch em ic al com pany rep rcsen ta - T axd tu rn tive, and Forest BristoW, ASC o f- 0.6 du t™ds to f lee m a n a g e r.. compaj

•I!.!!; T h e tour will be concluded by of 1.8. 3 p jn . and a ll Ooodlng county preced:’ farm ers are Invited., K oester sa id . T h e

on o f ' .

kl - CON

M LEVI'a rfa re l

r a n d l is i r e - : sts. InI a g ri- ^

T W I M F A U S 9:-ray s, H

F i b u h l §I eggs ste rilerea ted f c l i j i p p — — — I B M

overed 3t tell sterilerlllzed ■<ve In ■

s -u se d . . . . ______ I j» th e ' H Ja s te rn 1 H JIt h a d UdusU 7dollars T

/Komplefe Scu r k e y s ----------- ------------.----------ted toab o u t i ^ —crop, — ------------- ----

m r t in g __

breed | | |}p six I Ire u p I IB and . ■

dow n H |Jrkeys PP 'to r 10 - l lw k e j ? ___H |_______________ ___________________

raised f l I mU- l i

being Ll ipared ll j

sta te , Hirkeys, | |h 15.1 ■In 63 I fillllon;Texas IU

Sep- y

I - M o w ^ l l i :rett60 — I - • - _____________

3 - ^ W H - nprice J

.“ " S U I n H e a v y '108a I I

som e l l Tod’ll score high on

I I - a l i m , trim W HITEIirlle r. n lU l fftbrie of th e Besson >

- T h e m ' irearCordQrorW JlITE>rkol- I Ied lo I I Get a couple of p s lr a -<ll>Ct4 I I ''•pub- U

aled. I

W e H a v

C o m p l e t e I

tiieI -------


, " ■ s l l

Forced Sale o f 1 , weed D eclin ing in R«i>odlng W ASHINOTON, ^ p t . 8 — o n d t r i ^ to u r Forced fa rm sa les a re on th e p e r 1,0 Oood- decline, th e ag ricu ltu re doport- ended

m e n t reporU . from Uig th e Foreclosures, tac lu d tag if«- Tho chem - fau lts o f c on trac t, sa les to avoid ra te of :oun ty toA ciosure. su rrender, of tit le blnaUoi <1 a n d a n d o th e r fa rm re a l eatat* t r a m - num bci !lsUag fers to avoid foreclosure were farm r r H lg- a t a ra te o f U p e r 1,000 farm s fac tor I Cylwr.l t a th e yeo r e n d tag M arch 1, Whll« c rican 1553 • ^ — — sa ie s -g sen ta- T ax sales d ropped to 0.4 from up.3C o f- 0.0 du ring th e sam e period . T h is Farm

com pared w ith a fo rced sale ro te 48 stat* led by of 1-8 per 1.000 fa rm s ta th6 to r Ala jounty preceding 12-m o n th period. to ta led r s a ld . T h e ra te of vo lu n ta ry sa les a n inci

C O M ^ E S E L

for men, yiI f I t ' s f r o m R O P C R 'S . .


fe Sele^iM of Leor-M en>^bung=^


A f r o w ^ l l m . . . a n d te u p h a s h ic k o r y ! .

HITE L E W il e a v y w e i g h t C o r d u r c

icore high on style w iili America’s mopi-wantcd p

trim WHITE LKVl’S, U iloted in the favorite sporis

)f th e Besson — rugged heavyw eight corduroy. T(

(fdaroy WJIITE LEVI’S everywhere - In sebooJ snd

)uple ot p sirs — a t your favorite store — now 1

Have A

ete Stock! II

the finest of Leiare always avai

shirley - m e

le o f Farm s Is p s’ in Rural A reas IH8 ■— a n d t r ^ « o f r u ra m ^ b d a t 284

in th e p e r 1,000 fa r in s d u r in g th e y e a r ^ ” ioport- ended M arch 1 w a s . unchanged .v e rn i,

from Uio previous 12 m onU is. ^ n t fi; de- T ho d e p a r tm e n t's a ld tl^ls lo w -----------> avoid raU) of vo luntary sales, ta com-t title b lnoU on-w ith -an .tacrcaflB -in_ the_______tr a m - num ber of people looktag for **»«

I were farm rea l eaia te, Is a p rtac lp a l farm s fac tor In Uie upw ard p rice tren d . i.moBth.

rc h -1, W hllo Uie . r a te of tavo lun ta ry « »otitiu -— — sale»-goo* -4ow o ._m ib ttgagc3Jgo ‘ r««r,. ( from up. Br C«rri1. T h is F a rm m ortgages reco rded in le .ra tc 48 s ta te s (no datft:W as repo rted . „ .„ u , In tb6 to r A la ^ a a n d H aw aii) In 1962 - -onitu Kl. to ta led $3,473,000,000. T h is w as , „

sa les a n Increase o f 18 p e r c e n t Oi>cr 1 m r

SELECnoN 01" — r

' men, young men, boys an J P I R ' S . . . I t ' s W G H T Imsof Levil iitclocliiig

ing=Men and^Boyi


I mopi-wantcd pants


- In


of Levi Casuals'S available at

-m endiolq

• lOfll. P ro m 1930 to MC crease wiia 7 p e r cent r* H

. . 288.800. m ortgages wet# , ^ * 5 tw o p e r c e n t above

jasS i a S e d om ireo to X* n t S ftverafte sito Increw M , i’

c e n t Iro m 19,860. W low I ___ __ _____

In com-j-in _ th e _ _ta g for Mill a u « . .> n .h , ■ rta c lp a l *>k» h..M* .0 tren d , i.m onth*-----------------------------ilun tary « -------------— — Z T 2ig c s-g o

^ r t i d , ■Iri 1962 : ° ! ! ! : . — ---------------- - r- 111

lls w as , ~— *So t o.»cr I ,» . r . — ‘if;

i H o r---------------- ---------------------------------

boys and women!T l

f B U R L E Y


lucliiig Stretch

= =

— — I— — —


a ..... ■■' ^

Page 23: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

^ S d r e * . system . T he f l n t stop C .i« t. I*l>!ch U nearly 80 p e r c e n t co !T« fcwo e ltm ln ited Irom th a *rc» a t

Possible Depress Koted for Broile

f 5 ^ 1 y Indicated by th e » a n d piles i « n t A pril a n d M ay In - in g

p la c e m e n t for g i ^ - , u p p » y - f l o c to . : I f thla

Credit Head L lUlC8ore<;

p r e d i c t s £ r

No Takeover j u iV'

K e r e w ok exception to tb e | t e t t o of some B sricu ltu ral ftu-ttlU e a - th a t- th e - tren d . tow ard M = a n d = Ja rg e r^ X an n « jn e an a .tieover by corporation fa rm - “ t a b American ag ricu ltu re .^ ipokesman w as M arv in ‘“ f f

member: o t th e fede ra l

ta u a CooperaUve association. to tu b e n to add ress th e g e n - P « « oil «rion on "F in an cin g O ur

■ iBtattm In th e F u tu re .” a t « ^ In s titu te of C o- I - 'cpenUia . _______ _

...- rb trtm ie w a l reu o n s_ w h y hm.orponle f a rS i i a re n o t I q liH»“ Wnittiime*^unierDU5-,'' ^ BrijjJ eentended.' " I n th e f i r s t i - | fhct, U igt.tim s c a n n o t be r taSr ifg n f ittd Into - solid blocli because fam ily farm s are w not inqucntly offcrcdi foe sa le. T ho Tw) lud which U offered for clflo Bla tenis to be absorbed by th is idjwent Itmlly farm a. n• -SecoDdly.Tk largo c o rp o r itlo n Aug um be supenrlsed look- the-

tst dnn ft production line. 6 u - sllgl ertntm^g 10.000 acres o f fo rm bust ad wUlipread a m anager’s low Itl iw thin, and costs o f p ro - 20 ;

duetloa per u n it w ill Increase." cen l Allboush B rlgfs bcMeves Uie M

funUj firm will rem a in th e don i- yeai lu t- fo rc e - tn -B fc r tc u U u re rh o c ltk

ic rw O Q -xeY eH al_ ln ..tha_ lm - m a l iBtdItU future In th e sh rin k in g c ro i number ot farms, p red ic ting th a t P( U» f»rm population, now 10 p e r Ooa e a t Id the VA. could well d ro p dow loflTfl per cen t by 1076. a n d

■nie reteran farm official sees T DO let-up In the agrlouU ural seai fiTolutlon. ‘'These changes, now wor openUnj. will crucially te s t th e «d l BWiierlM ability of fa rm e ra T he md tha statesm anship o f lead - I t <».' Brlggi said, Pnc

ne described t h c successful A t o e t of tho Jttlyr® a s be ing a cew Tiud, careful, and sh a rp buyer. A ud a iDod, Intelligent, a n d e x - bu t perteneed seller, i l l s pu rchases cap «1 moTe from fac tory to fa rm P » cut unnecessary coats,- a n d O re

of h is i^alea. w ill movo d l- ed fKUy to -the prooewor. to ellm - “ U duplication,’* Drlgga sa id . Moj

' - I — nin.

fiemand-Rises "ii Por Short.^ th nlerm Loans

o pera ting coslii M Uia substitu tion of c a p ita l , ^

« o IncroBslng th e do- “I 'o r t and Interm edlato 1’^

Z“ “ '"""r Pre*liI»'iU Poll- f™i

O r«.llt D m .k p l '" 'I « * « ■ . M tt i l „ 30 proclm llon ' « JM t In M onU im ,

OrcBon niw WMliinHUiil P®*'S f ' ? ' 01 . L pI

are t o l l i n g i i ,q m,.e *„f 4 . norl "J'rt ran c li m il l« ,4 o H l! l ;hln!rl ‘“ 8.0* >ni- ncf,.?,. tl>*Teby he lp o ffse t

m I o '‘ “ “’" '•‘''•''Of •>«.*

« I n ? ,! Mia.OOO.-

l»,U ie ia a t fisoal ‘nnlndlng

«Oft,000,009IIM (5)n nni ' ‘ '*® y"“ *'

♦tJ,OOU,oOO gyor Ju t)g

I '

J t to h im e o h c e rn iw w ” !**M arch , b u reau o f Jand m a n a fe m e n t, ho ld , ,

L itoD O T th e a o n lH em T d a liif ; f lan g e -W e ed to •en t com plete. Banx* w eeds a o rfi aa .B u M lan » trea a n d ran g e p a s s e s a re m a k in g a com eback. i

•essed Price Ran »iler Supply Proh. b u ildup continues, ts is expected T P ' to re su l t In excessive b ro ile r e u p - J . O U l I p lie s e n d depressed p rices d u r - . in g th e f l r t t tw o q u a rte r s o f (ConUntj r 1084." b e exccelleJ T heM -.w er«_ . thB.:_conc;»BloM f o r th e "be• rea ch e d d u r in g a tw o-day de lib - un leoses ha

ern tlon five lead ing college e m Id ah o i e<ionomlsta w ho com prU e tb e Uo a n d mu pou la ry su rvey com m ittee , S p o n - t h e c h ea t so red by th o A m erican P e e d B e e t lealho M a n u fa ctu re rs ossoclaUon w d on . c h ea t g th e N ational T urkey , f e d e ra tio n . T h e nex t th o com m ittee Is com posed o f o f wrested D r. R a lp h L . B aker, O hio S ta te w ill boost u n ive rs ity ; D r. O lan D . P o rke r, th e range.

k ^ Jn iveislty o f C a lifom laj-D r.-W lU th e capacl . Uam R . H enry . N o rth C a ro lin a gome InsU e S ta te college; D r. R lch n rd L . Accordlni . K ohls, P u id u e un ive rs ity ; a n d u e Allotted a D r^ H enry L arzelere, M ich igan n o t consun . S ta te university . th is is th< 7 ^ In -m a k ln g lh e lr 'S B tim u H n e r iy f a n g c J

repo rt, th e com m U tee a lso in - -wilson t n d lcated th a te g g prices d u r in g th e T h ey have .1 la y ln i ycox begUm lng O ct. I . a rc r ip th e sag

likely to average onc to tw o cen ta a te ly to gi J. le ss th an rd u r in g - th e .p re sen t-lay - tf f tn U n c a J . Ing y e a r ; Egg supplies a re ex- th e re havi : pectcd to be sligh tly abovQ y e a r w hich, acc

e arlie r levels.____________ a p ro tty h

-PearHarvestf JW _ T \ , . ‘ a h lgh_p fji Is-D-OWiii-Oniii;5 Pacific Coaste W A 8H IN Q T0M , S e p t. 6 fiJPB— 0"«S' T h o p e a r industry on th e P a - ®“ P ' T clflo C6aat Is tak ing a beatin g H ere 0 y th is year; p la n te d cc

T ho ag ricu ltu re d e p a r tm e n t's n A ugust c rop repo rts ahows tK a t t r e a te d t t• th e -p e a r c rop th is y e a r w ill 'b e- sligh tly m ore th n n 30 m illion w la. ITiB V n bushels. T h la Is 31 p e r c e n t b e - •1- low th o 1063 crop of m ore th a n “ ®I- 29 m illion bushels a n d 39 p e r “ *«•

c e n t below average .. ^ t e r toi.0 M oat o f th e reduc tion In th is a n d V [- y e a r’s crop w ill bo in th o P a - Hi'” ', rao w ,0 c l t lo -C o a 8 t~ B ta t« -w h w B “ n o r - W ednesdaj I- m ally .A bout-O O -per c e n t o f .th o ^Ig c ro p Is produced. T > ^ * ^kt P e a r p roduction in th e Pacific ir Coast s ta te s is expected to be p dow n 34 p e r c e n t from Inst year T 1 7 *

a n d SO pe r c e n t below average. X S JT -1 ss T iie dep artm e n t's econom ic re- il search service sa id th ree no te - T J^ ■ w w ortliy dovelopm enla have m ark - J C j S i e le ed tho pcn r economy since, 1D36. ra T hese a re ; W AQHUI- Incronfllng p roduction in th e B iliis So i

Pnclflo Const sta le s. tio n s withi l A sh if t from fresh use to pro* p a r tm e n t < ft ccM lug. , th o u sa n d sr. A sm all Increaw In to ta l use in newspn c- b u t a m odornte decrease tn p e r T h is a lt es c ap ita consum ption. ' over in tom P e a r production In Califo rn ia, c u ltu re 's i id O regon, a n d W ash ing ton increns- p residen t. 1. ed ab o u t 3ft p e r c e n t from th e re tro spect ) . la lo lOSO's to th e early iOOO's. In th e nn rt. M ost o f tlio ga in wna In O allfor- "D uring

nin.. I n o tiie r com m erolal sta te s, cooperated p roduction dropped ab o u t 68 per Joiml con

3 Aa a resu lt, abo u t soven- n Texna b etgh thn of Uie na tio n al crop irns imn beoii I been grow n in th e Pnolflo 'C onst of nefrniidi nVt»ten In recen t years, l u Uiene by 'fe lling th re e jila te s , B n rtle tU comprlsnd cfiiilpment, abou t 711 pe r cent, a n d .o the r niniccrned varleUes, mont "w in ter pears" w ith t^io

gf auoh aa th e D 'an jou , m a d s up th e ' ‘'A llrgatl lUi ' ■■■ speclnl be a l P e a r p roduction du rin g Uio la s t t r rn tm e n t 0. two decades h a s .b e e n iim rked BlnvnHP ani ,lo by a deorenso In th o num ber of rilloiia cor „a fa r r t s growing them . Prodiiotlrm vflnHKntlnii

w as m aintA lned Uirough In- iiepiirlm en creased y ie lds pe r tron In few er fnilod to i

q( bu t bigger oronnrdn. leRiuionn. ‘ 0,^ I Blnco IDSa th e volume of pnitrs the K"Vxrn

m nrkflteij fo r fresh unn haa 'd l’op- nioiify th i (,,1 ped suhstonU ally, m i l tlin voU litMiiiis wl

iimo of nearn sold fo r procPwiInK ovlileiico « lo haa doubled, prntlui'n a " — r.. • mm\ rom p

[’5 nTOOKR n o iin i .K O rcKftnl to _ W A a in N a T O N . Oopt. n m - notion acr

.V T lio c rop repo rting board anit) ' imniotiin • Stocks o f 40 kinds and tyix's to odrirnt

’ of vogelAblo seed held by ilcalers floloiivles i on Jiiufl 30 to ta led almiMt Iio pnrliiiniit

n f . '" " 'lo ' ' pounds. T h is Is m ine nItnllHr at ^ tim ii doubln inst Vnni-'fl bUmiKs. rlim ,"____

NEW and US Hall-Way PO

i;: HARVEST!IU - BULK BEDS and fj 4 Good Uied DahimanI H aim ay Potato H

q! N o rth O v arlan d > ■noi

1' ] Aj rioii^ I i i l , e r e s

r W \9H IN O TCThe agrlculuire

I iw coteiifd thpRovprtimcnl wl aiui olher Irn

■ whlct^ pu l up 1t ' ________ ________ , prifo »'>ppori l(

T l 'f ncpArln rnl"

. " <« PCSept. 1. F\ir ll

_ tlie ra te to lei . i>pr cent. 11 w(

ia i-eo Sharp*. U niversity o f . Ient, holds on to the’, portable Ig e -W ee a tour w H s'lh e B erger M j.B u fH ln n (h litle nnd m ustard. com eback. (Tlmes-News photo) "

* * * A

Range Weed Problem Is Tour Subject

(ConUnued P rom P ag e 11)b e exccellent b reeding grounds f o r t h e . ’'beet leafhopper" w hich unieasea havoc on m any sou th - e m Id ah o crops. O nce th e Uils- Uo a n d m ustard a re eUm lnatcd, th e c h e a t g rass will - flourish.B e e t lealhoppera wUl n o t thrW e on . c h ea t grass.

T h e nex t step is th e reseeding o f wrested w heatgrasa. w hich w ill boost thc fo rage pow er of th e range. I t will a lm ost double th e -c a p a c i ty of th o r a n g e ..in aom e Instances.

A ccording to W ilson, th e c a t­Ue a llotted on Uie p ro jec t will n o t consume aU th e gross a n d

ranges. ' ^W ilson noted one o th e r Item .

T h ey have b e tte r success If they | | Hr ip th e sago off a n d go iim nedl-a te ly to g rass. I n SO some odd H 9p la n U n cs- ln t h r n iir lry -d h tT lc tth e re havo been two failures,w hich, acco rd in g ' to W ilson, Isft p ro tty h ig h average . ■

T h e e n tire Idea beh ind th e teata a n d reseed ln gls to restore th e range to th o orig inal s ta te , a h lgh_p$ rcen tag^ of g rass a q d U m lM sage cover.— A s y e t , - t h e r « - f tr « - m a n y - u n - -------------know na a b o u t ran g e ' weeds. ■T lie se currenU y a re u n d e r s tudy on m a n y te s t plota. such aa tho one no rU i o f W endell, tho sec ­ond s to p on th e tour.

H ere tho researche rs have p la n te d several varleU es of g rass (u id r a n g e vegetation, jin d have tr e a te d th e p lo ts 'w ith various chem icals a n d cultlvaU on meU i- oda. T h o W endell te s t p lota cover aom e 8& acres, w hich a re p ro ­te c te d f ro m f ire a n d Jackrab- Wta.

A fte r to u r in g tho Berger p ro j­e c t a n d W endell te s t plots Ui« < . to u r m oved no rth w ard to Boise

Brief Report Is Filed in Estes Case ^.

W A S H IN aT O N , Bept. 6 (UPO— AB illie Bol E s te s a n d hts r e la - 3 iTUons wlUi th e agrioullure de - J M p a r tm e n t caused thousands uponth o u sa n d s o t w ords to toe p rin te d mIn ncw spapera in 1003, ■

T h is a ltu a t lo n did no t carry Hover in to Uie secre tary of a g rl- "cu ltu re 's a n n u a l r e p o r t to Uie ^presiden t. T h e E stes cniie In ■re tro sp ect w as disposed of Uiusiy ■in Uio a n n u a l rep o r t: t m

"D u rin g 1003, th e dep artm e n t cooperated w ith two c^iigrM s- ionnl conim lttees investiga tingt l i o - f l f f n t m in J i i i i a r s o i - B s t e a . -------------a T exns biislnesnm nn w ho since imn been ind ic ted nnd convicted of dcfrn iid lng farm ers nnd oUiera by felling iion rox lstcn t fertlllre r cfiiilpment. T ho com m ittees were niiticoriied w ith Sales n ila tlonswith Uio department,............ ... . . s.*.■ "A llegations wer* m a d e ofspeulnl benefit and f a v o r e dtren tm en t in extensive g ra innlnvnHp nnd co tto n growing ope r- f j f fntloiifl conduoted by itstcs, I n - S KvenllKntlnns conduoted by Uio(lep iirtm ent a n d tho com m itteesfailed to BiibstAntlnto tliese a l- fc s f tiRgiuionn. T hey d id ind lon te th a ttliB Hnvernmoiit d ld n o t lone a n y C g Sm oney th rough Its busln^w r e - 'W SJiilliiiis w ith lEnles, l l i e r a waaRVldeucn of poor adn iln lslrn tlveprntlKi'fl nnd of a very tnnglDdnild c o m p lic a te d 's ltu n lln ii wlU)rcKftrd to tho tra n s fe r o f poolednotion norengo alln tm enta . • '' Im niodm te a te p a 'w e r e U k a ti ' H i to (Kirient Uie ailm tn lslrn tlva dn- floloiivlea a n d to s lreng llinn do- pnrliiiniit rrKulatlcms U> preven t ■nlinlliir aUuatlonn tfroni reoiir- rliiK,"

ll w .

i n d U S E D tho


) a h i n i a n H a h r e s t i s r s ^

i ^ t o H a r v e s t e r s PI . , . B U R L E Y II

Agiicultme Departni Inl,erest Rate for Bar

w \9H iN O T O N . S ep t. 6 fu?n - The increw i The agrlcuUiire dep artm e n t hns feet the rai* ■ iwcotened ihp in te re s t ra te the producers on Rovprtimcnl will pay to bank* loans.' T ills f and olher irnd lng InstU ullons 3 ', per cent. s.-hlcb pu i up money to flnnnrp o e p ar lm e n i prk-o *'>ppori lonns. . . Ujcrcaso lo I

T)>f ncpArlmciU raised I h r hi line w ith r rnl" of tn tc r 'M li will pay lend- bchig mnde tr er.i t<i 3i„, per cen t, effective tlclpnllon hy Sept. 1. For Ihe p a s t tw o year* liio flnnncliiR tlie ra te to lenders h a s been 3 11 corporailoi; p rr cent, l l Wfts'3% p e r cen t In 'tT ie ‘Scpiirl ^G O jw d four per c e n t In 1950. crcase • lo In

- NOm ake ar

F Lwith

W H OI n


Cleonest, ClI s t -1 s t-1 st-1 s t-


---------- ------- — ^ W a t e r _ t e s u l t i c

causes rustini sludge build-u

/ I IN FE R N O co r1' - ^ - - te r from conc

, , tec ting your f and insuring i n f e r n o diss sludge now pr Will c l e a n - c


3J . INFERNO h o . Imaii ;

i FURNAiW e S holl A lw ays S trive th fi Boat Fuel O il a n d Si

G emPHONE 7:

partment Ups wSr e n-*■ * 1903 c rop suppoi

•r Banks;ct the rat* of ln t« r« l chnrged *» d 3V, per roducera on inn^ crop support . .inns.' T ills ret* wii; T.mnin a t IN D IA IIA!

per cen t. W A8HINOTCO eparlm eni offtclals xold tile w orld 's la rgest

tcrcoso lo loiuliiiK (iKcitcifs -is g ram 4ias be<I line w ith rot-em tri-nrt.^ and Is In d ia under pu chig mnde to cnroiir»ae Uie pn r- gram s. L ast yei Iclpnllon hy private Viiclers in m illion Ind ian ho flnanc ln s comiiKxliiy c red - noon m eal « t L c°[PoraU oiiJo^i_j)rogr;\HlS. ndd ltlonal 3.6 'T S e '? £ p f tr tm e n t’ sald the Tr? n iid -day milk, ;rcase a o Innders nlll no t be 4B0 auspices,

)*owtsna r r a n g e m e r



;t, Cheapest, MostI s t -W it lr th e ^ D Ist-W ith the "ivl Ist-W ith "Radio Ist-W ith the "Gl

^ m L J x c lu s FUEL OII

For Our----- To insure our

dnd Stove Oil I I m H W WE ARE NOV ^■1 ■■ ■ IT A RRIVES/'

H elp AT NO

_tesulting_f-r.O-m_cDndensatiQr rusting a n d contributes tc

build-up. . ;:N 0 com pletely solubilizes wa inn" condensation ; thereby pro) your FUEL TANK from rus isuring ag a in st freezeup?.NO dissolves a n d suspends ani now presen t in your fuel tank

lean - and keep clean - YOUf R.

ho. Iman u.od.ln thou.anili of homai I

lACEOIlSs Sfrivo to GIyb O ur CustomoriII and Sorvice posslbl*.


m S t aE 733-5962■ ■ ■ Y O U R H O M i S 0 W N 1 9 1

;roacUvei Lending InsUtutlonsilch have-Invested funds m 1 31*111 iVJ»3 crop support loans will earn ^ ..terest on their liiv>>stnienEs at I tn tY I P Qr« pef cent per year from Jit« of Investment through Aug. /-v . i .

and 3H per cent Uiereofter. i

INDIA HAS PROORAItt WASHINOTO WASHINGTON. 8epl. 6 - The lowing Ulo pat orld’s largest school luncli pro- years, farm folks •am 4ias been- developef' In about two-thirdS idia under public law 480 pro- al ln^ome from f rams. Last yeor. more than SJ third from nonft illllon Indian children ate a lolal amount ! oon meal at school, whllo an farming was st ddltiqnaL_3.6.,jnmiQri.,_Kcclwa dQllftiaiJWoi l ild-day milk, under public law 7,i billion dollat BO auspices, ______________ / The raUos of

S ^ H E ^ T Hm ents (or yoi

i L C1 STATE 0LEADS THE/ICE,i ^ lO N ,M.ITYIf t l l l - IS 'W I l T N illlli)ajie|H!iiiliJilfcl e ^ D e g r e e D a y " S l e " M e t e r e d D e l i v c

R a d i o D i s p a t c h e d "

l e " G h e e k R o u t e "

elusive With t OIL HELP "IIOur Customers a

sure our custom ers th e fin es t - .tove Oil possible, we a re using >yRE NOW TREATING EVERY DRIVES AT OUR BULK PLANT AT NO ADDITIONAL COST

denso tion ............................................... .....I N J

ibutes to com

• ra illT l ■ °ilize? wa- soot reby pro-- -...... .... ingfrom rust |7T7T7[ a ' ZLE2 M P ? - £ S h ,

. e n d s a n y . . . f f '^fFERh fuel tank . [ i l l SPACE' - y o u r o ^ d g re ,

of homai In t h i po it t«nlyiiar«>. I t '1* <

I I S -Sf- S T:u 9 to m o r > D o n o t b o m l a i

I. NOT h a v * t h l i


to te 0»2

I3 I i id o j ie n d o n t O I L

arm Money Twin FdrsTim

jomes From ir,” ;- v . l O p o in te d ;o u t by

f I n P t * search service. Pi- / i i i e i o u i u i . e

W ASHINOTON. Sep t. 8—Foi- P«r « n l of th wing Uio p a tte rn o f recen t

farm , fo lks In 1082 rece>.ijfd only aboul 30 MUt tw o-th ird s of the ir,’ r« o n - f»rm sourcM.1 ln^ome from farm ing and one- D epartm ent of llrd from n o n fa rm sources. T lie ures show a 106: >lal am oun t t o t ' y ear from Income of 440 b u-mlng was s o ^ e 13.4 billion contcrm lnous U. Q llf tia iJW ai nQ ataw i-jauc .ce .s .tlQ n..com ptlslai. A billion do lla rs . , tho to ta l, rccelv' T h e raUos of farm a n d n o n - of ihe to ta l pen

TIME1' y o u i ^ s e a s o n '

o n

E OIL CO.HE W A Y . . ,


lablefAutonmfli^I t » I . ' ■________________ i_•ay System ^

Delivery"ched" Trucks>ute" System

I t h t h e f o i n o t i

P "INFERNO ^lers at no Added <le f in e s t - c le a n e s t burning Fur ire using th e best oil obtainal 3 EVERY GALLON of th is oil K P L A N T W ITH INFERNO, ^L CO ST TO YOU.

__ I N F E R N O Is 0 non-ci com bustion cata lyst, whi

D. a c le an e r, h o tte r flam e;

soot forrhation; and preve ing a n d cdfbdh bulld-up ( ZLES. '

' INFERNO cleans up ond kee SPACE HEATERS, hot w ater

an d g rea tly increases th e ir ef

yiliin. It I* « complwol/ pioyon aJdltiri

STOVE 01♦ bo m lainform od. All O ther F Itav* th l i com plete trea tm en t.

S T A m

O il C1315 H ig h lo n <

TWIN FAIO I L , D B A L B R ■ ■ { ■ ■ ■ P

S e p t. 6-7 , 1 9 6 3 'w in F o i ls T lm e s -N e w s I B -

arm Income varied by the Tol- I I Iime of fnrm buslnessi t f w a s ------■ ■•oln t*d ;,ou t by economic r e - 'M m t eareh service. Farm s w ith sa les ' { I B if 15,000 nnd oT^tr'rfallzed abou t S per cen t of the ir to ta l Income rom fnrm sources, w hile those n the under 15,000 group realized.>nly aboul 30 per -cent from 'orm Kourcu.

D epartm ent of commerce f ig - / ires show a 1063 to ta l personal } ■ ■ ncomo o( 440 billion dollars in :Onlermlnous U. 8. farm popula- | I M; lQ n . .c o m p t l s l a i . . l . l - v « E ,c t a t - o t_ y ! 9 »tho to ta l, received 4.T per c e n t ' of Ihe totnl personal hicome. ■ ' ^

Ia s o n ' s 4 - i |

:o. If . . . IJ


\im o u s — 1

N O " Idded Cost! I jjrn ing Furnace Oil I HII ob ta inab le , an d I Hof th is oil W HEN I IIFERNO, Fuel Oil I ^

5. non-corrosive, B 1olyst, which gives I jfr flam e; prevents ■ 1and prevents cok-__bulld-up oh NO Z- I I

p and keeps c lean I ' ho t w ater h eaters I i

es th e ir efficiency. I

roYon a d d itiv e . ^ H

E OILS I.11 O ther Fuels DO I eo tm en t. , , I

C o.H l i g h l a n d A V e J I . y i N F A L L S I I

Page 24: Pai Bank Pre 'resident, mt, lAt T. F. FaMr lA IlnFa] Family IIi ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...1 the 4-H building. Tho Junior . ffl nd nenlor stvlo dress

— --------------- - .

T ^ n " F a f r r ’n ^ ^ e w t — g — S e f

^B I m H L 3 g U j , g

URIFICATION T E ST S , mre n in b r Em< lU lnr pU nt, located betw een K lm bcri lueer o t oil o f dUltreed In th e V hlted kf U te because o( crop d a u a i e . (T in

listiilation Starj lant; Crop Dam

K oke c o m panys m in atom i tla l oil p la n l n e a r he ro h a s tim e a sev led a fte r a delay of ab o u t dW lrlct’Au weeka caused by crop d a m - Ind ica ted

-E m ea t-8 ;~K oke.-ow ner,-an- •pJ*mt-opeiQce'd today:-------------------------------- 'T i s r moke s a i d sdTeTso. w ea ther in various UUona In M aglo VoUey se- 20 t« 100 riy affected tb o crop. P r io r d ltl crops

■ssistance Erovidc IrongbtStrickeirJrABH m aTO N . Bept. «" ’T exaa. VI > -*g ilc u ltu re_ d ep artjn cat-re . — Emerge] ta the governm ent la p rovld- provided

emcrgcncy assistance ^ adn tin lstn Tiers In d rought arena o f . l# poses In ;cs. s ta tc s^ A jtie sta tes h it ' by d rough t a re slsslppl, : E o n a , 'A rk f tn a a s , Colorado, Now V orl lielona, M aryland, M ichigan, C ost-ah isisslppt, M issouri, M ontana, irrig a tio n V Jersoy, New York. T exas, e ig h t Uti ih , Virginia, a n d W isconsin. AOB pro£ n a roundup of d rought dam - 1 tbff departm ent sa id ; . w -t .bandonment of w inter w h ea t h n i * 1 i-boen heavy In -th o so u th e rn -Ins where w in te r- in ju re d 1e a t fields were subjected' to I Q Jera spring a ro p g titr J u n e r a i n - -------- ----1 In the area rep len ished soil W A 8 HI Isture bu t generally cam e too tJ . -6 ., fa s to help w in ter w heat. 1B(0 aro levere drought In Colorado ilted tho acreage seeded to wero In 1 ing w heat, while d ry soils m onU is j ring May delayed spring w h e a t “ B" ding in parla o f th e n o r th e rn U m ted t ilns. Including a reas In Mon* in; A' B U bstantlnl-portion -o f “nter w heat acreage In , Colo- th a n the io w u BbAndoned nnd y ields c'^riier, ro seriously reduced on w in te r Tl>o d« leat acreage rem ain ing fo r of m eata rvest. of cone a3overe w inter k ill coupled w ith Bujht during April a n d , e a r ly 1yy reBUltert In Ronemlly poo r “ IvWuol nductlon of onta In th e sou th-'% plains, D ry soil condltlonn T lio #u idored oaU developm ent In ly compt r thw est M onlatm a n d th o fo r »2,oa: stern slnpo of Colorado. R e ce n t | 1,[UIO,000 d u p r e n d .s l ia w m a d l& y jid j l i ;;»oll conditions Umt h a d w e n t velopltig lit tho heavy proU\io- . m K corn belt region. ■Borghums In th e conslul b end He& of-T iua« wor«-<2a;naffed.b>r iought. Cotton pro»i)cotJ In th o | ' mo area nlno were reduced by i oiiglit. High tem pcrnturea a n d | o rt mnlnluro h P l|«d lower yield flspflotn for noutliern M ary - | nrt • l«l)nr,oo, ' ,Tho Ju n e rrp tirt on w ind c ro - 'DU In tlio Krrnt plivlnn Havo | iniiiaratlvo tlKurcn of Innd ' imnRO (or Uio IjIow le m im iu n l | idcil and llm 11)03 nrnncin. T h e irrrn t nrnnnn nluiwcd 3,OtO.MlQ |]res wrre ilitmnuod l)y wlmt,impnrrd w ltli 1,4^0,000 atiiTn |umARrd a yn tr nun. ,Tlifl ilniiiKlit nnnlttiiiuin prt)- |

hy llio oKrlciiHtirfl rtnpiirr- Cirn l coiiAlntn o( (nur einniKOiioy | . rogriitns!Halo ot K ovrriiin rn t-ow iin il ;

icd grains n t reducrd prlrnn tovfMockijirnducrrn, I i'rrm lttliin HmKliiR nnd hnylng

f Innd rntlrcd friiiu rriip p m - f UDiloti iiiulrr Bupply-ndJuAlinciii rogrnmn;KmerAniiuy lonnii to flim iire i >

top proiluutlon and iittior (n rn t- |HR oxiHiiinen; nnrt fl(>»t-nlinrlitR 3Id lindnr thn nKrlculturnl c<ui- nervntlon proRrnni. Q

Thfl dn|)nTtiiiciil nnld (nnd Arnlii (t'oiu i(oviiniiniiiil ntockn h yinlng t/ffcrod (o llm lw lc own- it /r* III reducrd jirlrrn In Iftn 5 /IrmiRht'dtrlnVnn iiountlrn mul ^ I f jlarLihen lu A rltoila, lAHilAlnim ^ J [ l l4lulsslppl, nnd V lm lnla. ' S \

d«iiM tnirtit Imn iiffn 'rd 6 \laying aiul RntnliiR iirlvlIrKm on Qands retired fri):n croi> jiiiiilun. nio n .* ’’ aw dniiiiiht r<)iiiii|c-(i gMrlshoi In ninn Aliiti'n i,<iiiln|. nin«, M aryland. MlrlilK»n, Mlnnln. D

p i T

i ^

I n n v* - -

i - ^ " '

^ * • / /

ly E m e it B. K oke. ow ner of ibe Koke company') U nberly a n d H ansen. T he p lan t Is th e large Jh lted ^ ta te s . P la n t opera tion a tarted T bu rtda , (T im es-N ews photo)

A A * * * *

arts:afeEssen±ial^ im age N oted in ReHB^TOro5inHlyheflV7 'w lnd "an d | th ff Btorm j r t h e r r . s to rm s, a n d for th e f irs t of f la tten e d p la i ! a severe h a ll s to rm h i t th is n o t 'm a tu re propc rlct'A ug . 10, “a ll th e d ill fields yields of m arke t c a tc d a bum per crop.” tho form ing to th e ri t-o p e ra to r-s a id .:------------------ ca l_analy ils ,’MCom ' l h i n e iaa -w ere -aam iiB eii H a“ Miitt' - m e - t irarlous -degees rang ing from w ill h and le hundj a 100 pe r cen t. W here good p la n t .m a teria l th crops w ere s tand ing before a very low perc

--------------- ;----------------- :----------- due to th e w cath• J J J* " l/js s o f cash| Q G U _ I O r

C U M ----------growersr i T o t a t C S ---------------- tn n a te r u n d e r th o/ * * in com parison to;aa, V irginia, and W isconsin, po ta to growers t imcrgency—loans—ore—being -fttcU that-the, dill v lded by th e farm ers homo as a ro ta tio n croi itin ls tra ilon for d rought p u r- soil fertility . TJi cs in 120 counties In seven a tlll h ave 100 pc tcfr^A rkansas, Coloradc), M is- fea tu re o f tho i Ippl, M ontana, New Jersey , pated,** K o re sal w V ork, nnd Texas. T his chemurglc!ost-sharlng a id to conserve been In operatlo ga llon supplies Is going to tr lc t fo r 37 years, h t U ta h counties tinder the e s t individual pr,c B p rogram . dJllweed In the

- - D istilled oil reco. ■ dlU p lan t* grown

arm Imports SiSJ”ioS," "o Increase HerefordVASHINOTON, Sept. 6 m ~ k j T J ^ U ' ^•6.. fa rm Im ports for fiscal A t I Q d l l O3 a re oKpected to be about t j o is e s e n t 0-;r p e r cen t g rea te r tlinci they f i , ' ' , , '"ro In fiscal 1002. For th e 11- « nni<nU is period, Ju ly , 1002—May. woro’ namc( 9. ogrlcu ltu ra l im ports to Uie

breeds in the st-510.000.000. c rnnd mi rh U IB four, per cciit g rea ter nn iiZ unH

I h . W ,« . ,» 0,000 0 , . , . . r S C ; l “ 1 senior. The JJi

n io deparU ncnt sa id Imports grand cham pionm eata und m eat p roducts nnd haa show n byc an e suga r nccounted lo r vlv- Nnuipii. ^ vlly a ll th'e Increase. Snm ller in the open shanges In Uio value ol o th e r ln> tig eo„a. Jl rldual coniniortlty . g roups off* bull chninplonshi ench o ther, vcr Doin 205, n r iio supplcnu-ntary. or pa rlln l- 'l l ie rencrve clmi com petitive, lleinn accouiitcd flllvrr Uom 31, ii

■ 12,023,000,000 conipnrcd Wllh showii by Nnug090.000.000 a yonr cnrller. ilnncli, Nnmpn..

F e r t i l hTHIS FALL

Put Your Stubble to Wor Fall Fertilize and Plow Dow

* Increaso Humus* Put, Fortilizer In Root Zo* Balance Your WArk toad* Bo SURE Wllli Dry Fortili

-BULK blending-cu stom SPREADING


RANGEN\ M i l 5 4 3 - 4 3 3 8 - B

S / T O s ' ■ '

Hr.rniiijl :!H Yr

Cfaerry~P Manager Siniplbt 1

M erle Cherry, as: m anager for Simple e rs in Magld -Valle,

m anager ol effecUve

McCollum, general r nounccd,

----- i i i e g S fe ra f man:.... . . . . . . ou t C herry h a s a w.

y led background I n . ' ' ' a n d chem ical fleli

/ farm applica tion »:' - _______ \ ' • S lm plot's In lOM.

' . • • In 1000 C herry anc, , form ed th e commerc

. p llcator service of / 1 Dnvls. s ta r t ln s hi/ I IBfll, h e h as been cr

. ’ I I tim e by Slm plo l 8. . \ l U n til ^ leptcm ber

----- . i, . I . . M htf w as a (leldm an i/ / ( f ' Polls u n ll and at

/ / - / y I becam e a ssis ta n t ea ... . L y ^ . ' A C hen 'y a n d Ws w' i f '• **''® K lm be

: i *'We fee i^ th a t Ml ■ M - e n c e and sound k

■ ^ ■ w A Maglo' V alley agrlcu W of b e n tfl t to a ll fo

W y j w I a rea.’’ M cCollum sa* A / f A th e , announcem ent

^ poln tm ent.

nECO RD--------W A B R m o T o r rr ]

3.4 billion borrowed by farme and Interm ediate tlie ir 467 production c latlons during year thom inistration .

<e com pany'* essential oil | H Is th e la rgest individual H B ■ led T hursday, abou t two ___ ■

« * A A H I

ia lO il , n Reportorma.- th e re -a re -n ow-fieldfl -------- :------------------kttened p lan ts w hich willla tu re properly to produce S S m n l o f

of m a rk eu b le oils con- J I m p i O r ng to th e recm trftt chem l-tia ly g la ,» _ g o k e ,f la M .,^ _ - - P C r S O n n i

landle hundreds of tons of .m ateria l th a t will, contain y low percentage of oils J th e w ea ther dam age.SS o f cash incom e to th e rs can n o t y e t - .h o - .c s t l- 1.“ -K o k o -8a ld r : “However, ill growers a re m ore fo r-rrT nnlerthBTdrcnniB tjinccsr --------- ;----------------nparlson to bean, beet a n d ) growers because of th e

ro ta tion c rop to e n ric h th e tertUlty. T h e grow er will have 100 p e r c e n t o f th is '0 o f tho crop 05 sn tie l-

KoEe sa id . ^ s chem urglo Industry has In opera tion In th is d ls-

to r 27 years. I t is th e la rg - idlvldual pr,oducer o f oil of led In th e .V nlted Btates. led oil recovered from th e ilanta grown on a re a form s Bed for f lavoring d ill plcklcs ithc r.food .p rpducta ._______ _ . . . ________

i r e f o r d s P l a c e ________ _____

I d a h o F a i r „ „ „'IBE, s e p t 0—O n th e open- f f j ilay ot th e W estern Idaho W; f■ Pair, a pa ir of sleek H ere- • wore nam ed g rnnd nnrt re - Hf 4 ) ^ ^ . ' 'grand cham pionn over a ll | |H | . C

la In the s teer show. e g rand cham pion wns a H)und calf shuw n by Jlm tnd . an E m m olt high acIiooI '•ir. The JJcrrford rm rv o ll cham pion over a ll liri-ertn T 'show n by O nry niinplvn, (<; i W i i

hr;*!the open show, Ulnluo Cur* ‘ :Ji

in<\ sons. JJurloy. won th e H . r ^ Bchnm plonshlp nn Ilcn. Oil-Doin 205, a juiiliir yciirlinR.rcncrve clmiiiplnn wnn N llllr uom 31, ll ficniur yrHrlliiKIt by NauRlo:li. Nnmpn..

______________ . J o ,

1 1 0 t • V W a r o lio u s c

E - I - Z r I ...h9.yoon" g b u i ld e r s a l

g 1 9 6 0 h o \

A k L L K M q n a o c r .

8 ^ 3 t o W o r k S j in d A y o a

l o w D o w n ] I h o t c o m nl o r o p la c o

U n lY o rs lty 5 D e n ro o In

R o o t Z o n e t

> r k t o a d W c f c c i t i i

, .Y'. W e l l t o RCI

y F e r t i l i z e r m u w i » r t

DING-:a d i n g IO R D

i G E N , I n c - ll

1 3 3 8 - B U H L I

. . . W K /IW .S ' g S . . . ( l l t A I N S I ,

' < ■ / / I

lerrjrNow—' L i n c o l r

inager of ^acM llinplbfUnit•le Cherry, a ss is ta n t sales th a t a t t r a c t o then

l . r S lm pl.1 » U b » M - I Magld -VaUcy, has been co(1 m anager of th e T w in i,o „ uves in the u n it effecUve a t once. Joe L incoln county. Hum. J ™ « » " “

.. a h o a c .h n d what_.! general m a n ag e r j>olntcd doggonecherry hiia a wide a n d v a r- th e s ta te of Idaho ackground In. th e ferllllre r elded to se itle in 1 «h .m te al M d . t e a a a in japp lica tion »t*rU ng w llh m achin ist

:o fs in lOM._______________ H all, owner and oiODO C herry a n d O ene Davis T srm c rs ' ^Equlpmid th e com m ercial farm np- lu ring company,o r service of C herry and Hn« L- evon mo. B tartlnn hi Septem ber, chlnU t. is a i h e h as been em ployed fu ll- m achinery end aby Blm plol Sollblulders. a s well. Many of

. Wl,U»it McrW a p a i - -and sound Icnow le^c o t .yjjg fam ily

i ' Vnlley t j r l m i m r t «111 b t j . , ,„ c |s c o (torn J n w il 10 a ll la n n c rs o l the’ M ocouum S lid In m aking g M oompiannouncem ent o f th o *p - technlcjucs an® <nt. pijps Jn hJj* presi

---------------------------- -- developed there.llE C O nD SET i n 1B44 th e fam

>BHINOTON. ~Scptr B~—r A- to —Idahc ts^ ttllng -d 3.4 billion dollars w as w here h is presenlwed by farm ers fo r aho rt s ta r ted In a 20-byIn term ediate te rm s, from shop building. T467 production c red it asso-- w as -ch iefly a bl

ins du ring th e p a sl fiscal ter.repo rts th e fo rm c red it a d - A new bulldiniitratlon. a n d It Is he re Hal

W 'S^Oti> F

i i m p l o i ' S o i l b u i l d e r s a r e

> e r s o n n e l i n t h e i r O r g o n

------------- Joe-W o g n o r....... ............... .........W a r o l io u s o - o f f IcQ m o n a g o r .....................

. . . ,> 9 9 ..W o 3 n 9 r- -P r ]Q jn q |)y M o r to d .w ! ! K .b u i ld e r s a t M o s o s L a k e , V /o s h ln Q to n 1 9 6 0 h o w o s t a r n s f o r r o d to J e r o m e

M q n a o c r .

Jo o w a s b o r n In t h o D uh l a r e a , o n d h n d 4 y o o r a o x p o r le n c e In F e r t i l i z e r i I h o t c o m m u n i ty . J o o c o m o s to lh o Tw t o r o p la c o N o r m a n R o o m , w h o Is ro t U n iv e r s i ty o f I d a h o o t M o s c o w fo r D oQ roo In E n to m o lo g y .

Wc fed that (lie wide cxDcrlcncc well to Hcrvc |he FarmetH of thli FuIIh wareliouHc.



ncoln Man Called I ic h in is tin fiem S taittrac t o the rs to th a t a re a dustrlo l m a ch h ie s ., his Is th e case w ith one th in g s w hich sets

W ood B lver soil conser- a p a r t Is h is ab ility t d is tric t cooperators -w ho ch ines of size a n d .

lives in th e e as t end of are n o t o ffered on n county. . . day m arket,ew m onths ago th is m an .. sp ccla llied tools ked il w as because Bho* jacd Jobs c an be c

had w h a t . he considered h l8_shop,. He, also icsi doggoned niachW U t Ih '^vhich ore n o t on a te of Idaho" th a t h e de- m arke t' today, to se itle in U ncoln county jja l l cr*

th«n going " th e oUier s tream a n d 'pWood R iv er, soil

t m achin ist U W . A. (AJt) diso-Jcfa falr-' booth owner and ope ra to r o t the a ssistance of r rs^ E tp ilp m e n t-M a n u fa o - n,nd6 a deg p -w e» -

company. ^ _ nIng Irriga tion waULl even inore th a n a ma- ^ j^pne

t. is an inventor of dencry end a civic le i^ e r background. ‘

ccelved wide recognlllori: h as served a s m ayor ofone and th rough h is serv- ^ f i a ^ n d, civu defense direc tor for ounty and city, launched ,,o » n . U nooln county prp- ,

HaU lam lly moved u , Ban Jalr. M c o ^ m t l Isco from Jerom e In 1040 w nii <iid

H all w orked for B eth le- Uie w ork HaU d d Bleel com pany. M any of message beforo^ tiw ichnltiucs and ideas h e ap*In hJj* p rese n t work were O f h is Inventions, >ped there . d itcher Is best kn1944 th e fnmlly moved back gone to po in ts ala h O s ^ ttl ln g - ln -S h o s h a n e . -woijd . ------------. h is p resen t business was T he H all fom lly d In a 20-by 40-foot wooden one da u g h ter a n d t building. T h is f irs t shop older son. Bryon,

chleny a b lacksm ltli cen* navy in th e Pacif: d aughter, M arilyn,

new ' building w as erected Hicks coUego thla t Is he re H alt Tnanufoctures Doug Is a t hom e,

i A Sb FACEf INr s a r e h a p p y t o i n f o r m t l

O r g o n i x ^ o n a n d ipresse

- - — ;

' ^

•“W f , J J d

M f jr le CW a r e h o u s e

M e r lo C h e r r y h a s b e e n opp T w in F o ils u n i t o f S lm p lo l S e p te m b e r 1 s t . M o r lo , W ith v a r i e d e x p e r i e n c e in t h e I f ie ld s t a r t e d w l^ h S lm p lo l;

\ ■ F lo ld m o n In t h e T w in Foil: ■ h o s b o o n A s s i s t a n t S o lo ^

V a l lp y o r o a .

/ ; • M e r f ^ , w ith h is w lfo V o rik

b e r ly a n d , a r e w e ll k n o w n Ir a n d M u r t a u g h a r e a .

r ...................................................... ‘ .

i r to d w ith S lm p lo t Soil- ^ s h l n o t o n , In 1 9 5 8 , In lo J e ro m e o s A a s ls to n t

□ re a , a n d p r io r lo 1 9 5 8

F e r t i l i z e r a p p l i c a t io n In i t o th e T w in F o ils P la n t w h o Is r a tu r n ln o to th e \o sc o w f o r h is M a s te rs

: i i c r l c n c c a n d B o u n d l i n o w l c d i r c o f

r n o f t h i s n r c a h n d K n o w t h a t y o i



lied B est Re«reati

m State 'V. bulk p o ta to beds a n d o r rtorB'-lncome-prod Ized ag ricu ltu ral a n d In - aUon en te rp rises wen 1 m ach h ie s ., O ne o f th e by 8.816 la n d o w nen

w hich sets h is btislness to w c o o p e r a ^ g wil IB h is ablUty to m ake m a- cally-m aiw ged M il

o f size a ^ d . type w_hlch conservaUcm ,l o llc tcd on th e p r t a n t cU y e t r U K . t o ' D market. *nent of ag ricu ltu re

la llied tools for apcclal- Hrtitional o 07B

m nS l on lho common ^ , , 3,' ‘ , , ioo p e ra to rs consider'year H all c r a t e d ,a ru n - „ c r e a tlb n fo r p w flt'

Itream a n d ; pond for th e c ra tlo n s In th o coun R iver , soil c o ^ v a t l o n , techn ical he lp

fa ir , b o o th .-T h is year, u s d a ’s soU conservi assistance of o thers , h e du ring the fiscal ye "H dc?p w elr~puroprT U it- —x tOUU o f M S ^ls ti rrlgotlon w ater o n a pas- to rs sw itched from 11 I fa rm scene w ith m oun- crop f r u i t s icene and desert In th e farm ing a c tiv i t ie s - to u n d . ' --------------------------------se w ho he lped th e shcKhone h ig h Mho

lorwin 8 Uva. S teven Davis. c o m m u n l t r ’and°i>h' s L auer, M rs. Jessie D an- h av ing served in va loyd Silva a n d o th e rs from offices In P T / C3 offlcc. w om en's groups,booth w on f ir s t place h i

ommodlty section a t th e • w ll conservation personnel lieir work Is benefited by _ _ _ ''W ^ ork H all d id to p u t th e ir \ \ l U 50 befo re ' th e public th is y . y _ | . ' J

ils InvcnUons, p robably tho I W E S T E N I r Is best knoWn, having to poin ts a ll over t h e 2 K

H all fom lly consists "o l ____ J u s T ' ^lu g h tc r a n d tw o sons. T h e ’ » L IQ U ID son. B ryon, Is w llh th e « m A A P LIn th e pacific a re a . T h e .te r, M arilyn, will a tte n d v .u /v i r i .

college th is fo il, whlla Is a t hom e, a s tu d e n t

TNNEWPQi f o r m t h e i r f r i e n d s a n d c i

l i p r e s s e h t t h e s e m e n i n t l


'7 ” S i i

M f jr le C fiQ riyW a r e h o u s e M a n a g e r

a s b e e n a p p o in t e d M o p o g e r o f t h a o f S lm p lo t S o i lb u i ld e r s , e f f e c t iv e

M o r lo , W ith h i s w id e b o c k g r o u n d o f ice in t h e F e r t i l i z e r o n d c h e m ic a l l^h S im p lo ls In 1 9 6 1 , w o rk in g o s e T w in F o ils a r e a . . . S in c e 1 9 6 2

t o n t S o le M a n a g e r f o r t h o M o g lc

w lfo V e r l lc n , r e s id e o o s t o f K im -

e ll k n o w n In t h e K im b e r ly , H o n s e n a r e a .

............................................B o b C a r ls o n .w oh e f a r m e d vjn tll b u i ld e r s o s F lel

★ I r o n s f e r r e d f o 1

I h e L iq u id F e r t b o w id e n e d n o w

m iz tf rs an d h « » F a l l s u n i t .

iv lc ( l ( ; c o f t h c H c . t h r e e m e n o f . M a i

V t h a t y o u w i l l b o u c f l t f r o m t l i o



s c r e a t i o n E n t e r j p r i s e s

i t c h i n g o n f o r F a r m e i

3 H I N 6 t6 n , ”i^pl7~d~(ini)— eriteiTjrlsM' ias a prir rB '-lncome-producIng rec re - of Income, USDA ta en terprises w ere estab lished Volved 231.691 acre« c 16 la n d ow ners a n d o p e n - o the r 1,563 coopemio ioopera thig w ith th e ir lo> will convert 611.780 a n a n ag e d se ll a n d w ater from presefat livestoc -ra tion d is tr ic ts du rin g f ls - p ing p a ttern s to reci B r ‘196S rtha“ U . S . d e p a r t- p rlm arr-fiouree-of in o f ag ric u ltu re announced T he.lncom e-produi

tio n en terprises eata add itiona l 9.075 d is tric t co - p lanned include vna »>r8 so id 'th e y in te n d to e s - picnic a n d sports c< i - o o e -o r- m o r e —recreation lng-water«,~campinR i r ^ - l n a ll. 3ff,eS4 d is tric t recreation areas, hu iTitors considered Including ond 'shooting prescrvi •tlbh fo r p ro fit l i i th e ir op-' A ssistan t Secretary n s In th e course of recelv- tu re Jo h n A. Baker, technical h e lp f ro m ’ th e ru ra l developm ent ai / s soU conservation service tlon activ ities o f Usi I the fiscal ye a r . outdoor recreationS t s r p r M i ^ t s tr ic fC D opera- d is tr ic ts ts "rem artaiw itched from livestock, do i- , ---------------j—rop f r u i t s a n d s ln ilU r CRANBERRIES c s Bg ac tiv itie s • to rec rea tion W ASHINGTON, s

T he crop reporting b one h ig h school. ' tlm aU d th e 1003 cn. H ail, 100. Is active iff HI IJll.OOU biirruter u n ity a n d c h u rc h a ffa irs , per' c e n t sm aller thi g served in various execu- bu t nine per cen t afc Jfflccs In PT A a n d o th e r Only th e I 8OO and n 's groups. were larger.


5 4 3 - 4 3 0 9______ 1 _ 2 M il e s E o s t o f B iih l H i-w o v 3 0

J u s t W e s t o f C e d o r C r o s s in g B e e t D ur LIQUID F E R T IL IZ E R S p ro v ln jo n itu h


iT C I iP M C E S "

Is a n d c u s t o m e s o f a c h a n j

f i e n i n t h e i r n e w p o s i t o n s .

I ^IMo f t h a

^ fe c tiv s ij

)u n d o f ' Iti!le m ic a l v . i.Ing o s 'c'l-

e 1 9 6 2 e B M l -M o g lc I

f K im .

■ • i t i i l l f f l k . v M___ _____ ___________ __ Bob C ortion

- S o l e i M a n a 'f lo r

) C a r l s o n .w a s .b o r / i .o n d _ rQ l5 0 d .-Q t_ P .u b L f a r m e d v jn tll I 9 6 0 w h e n h ^ |o ln e d S lm p lo l Id e rs o s F lo ld m o n a t J e ro m o . In 1 9 6 1 h n s f e r r e d fo T w lr t F o i ls o n d p la c e d In c h o i

L iq u id F e r t i lU o r d iv is io n . D o b 's o c tlv lt ie w id e n e d n o w to I n c lu d e d ry a s w ei lo s llqui

zars a n d h « w ill b o S a /o i M a n a g er fo r th a Is u n i t .

i c n o f M a n i c V a l l y a K r l q i i l l n r o

f r o m t l i o f l c r v l c c t h e y o f f e r n t b u ;

‘.S so M ANY HAVE, vINTED. •


. _ _

agprises Farmers

rprlsM as a prlmarr . . la

Id 231.691 ocre« nf land r 1,663 coopemior* convert 611.780 preseh t livestock and i ? p a ttern s to r e e re a t l^ ^

» rr- tt> u « e -o f lncomv-“ le.lncom e-produclncen terprises eatfthU!ih,rtV

ned include vncaiion t.Ic a n d sports c c n i e a ^ water«,~campinR and •atlon areas, huntlnr shooting preserver. s ls tan t SecreU ry of Anw Jo h n A. Baker, who ^

I developm ent ana com ^ activ ities o f Us d a . iZ ? oor rew e a tlon progttj,

A JiBER RIES tSTIM ^Tn ASHINOTON, Sept. g S crop reporting board hu te d th e 1063 cranberry, ^ S ltr o r tn n r c te r T t j i r i r i c e n t sm aller than laii „ nine per cen t above a m r th e J 800 and los: q

la rger. ’

0 , Inc.& CHEMICAL, Inc.19ll. H i-w o v 3 0 s s in g B e e t D u m p •raying on stubbleT l l l Z E R PROGRAM P.PLIES

H Ifa change i n


i ^ « ’

A J m tBob C ortion i l e i M o n a flo r.

5 0 d .-Q t_ P .u b l/ ..w b « /f: |o ln e d S lm p lo t Soli*,e.‘ In 1 9 6 1 h e w oi ' D iacod In c h a r g e of .■

D ob 's a c t iv i t ie s will

a s w ei lo s liq u id fer* inager fo r lho Twin

' I q u l t n r o f l l »o f f e r n t b u r 'I V l i

^ V E ,
