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Palaeontologia Electronica palaeo-electronica.org Kort, Anne E. and Famoso, Nicholas A. 2020. Novel analysis of locality data can inform better inventory and monitoring practices for paleontological resources at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon, USA. Palaeontologia Electronica, 23(1):a17. https:// doi.org/10.26879/1053 palaeo-electronica.org/content/2020/2996-gis-at-john-day-fossil-beds Copyright: April 2020 Paleontological Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which permits users to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, provided it is not used for commercial purposes and the original author and source are credited, with indications if any changes are made. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Novel analysis of locality data can inform better inventory and monitoring practices for paleontological resources at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument Oregon, USA Anne E. Kort and Nicholas A. Famoso ABSTRACT We evaluated the current inventory and monitoring practices at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument (JODA) with an analysis of fossil yield based on locality data. While JODA covers a range of fossiliferous Cenozoic rock, most paleontological field- work conducted by the park staff occurs in the highly fossiliferous Oligocene Turtle Cove Member of the John Day Formation. To optimize the number of fossils collected, JODA established a schedule that cycled fieldwork every four years between the five most fossiliferous areas of the park. We digitized over 1000 field collections from 1999- 2019 to evaluate whether the four-year return interval allowed enough time for new fos- sils to be exposed through erosion in an area between visits as intended by the sched- ule. We found no significant difference in fossil yield between areas that had not been visited for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5+ years. Based on these results, we infer that the claystones of the Turtle Cove Member are erodible and fossiliferous enough that one winter of ero- sion will expose enough fossils to fully “recharge” an area that had been thoroughly inventoried the previous year. Because of limited staff and high fossil yield, not every fossil will be collected. Therefore, we use this analysis to shift JODA’s paleontological inventory and monitoring practices away from a rigid schedule and propose a flexible new system. The paleontology staff will use a tracker geodatabase of locality data from past years to set priorities each year based on past collection and current available staff and space. Anne E. Kort. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Indiana University, 1001 East 10th Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47408, USA, [email protected] Nicholas A. Famoso. John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, U.S. National Park Service, 32651 Highway 19, Kimberly, Oregon 97848, USA, [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0002-1795-624X Keywords: GIS; inventory and monitoring; locality data; National Park Service; John Day
Page 1: Palaeontologia ElectronicaTurtle Cove Member, we only evaluated the fossil “recharge” rate for this unit of JODA’s geology. We used field collection locality data from one of

Palaeontologia Electronica palaeo-electronica.org

Kort, Anne E. and Famoso, Nicholas A. 2020. Novel analysis of locality data can inform better inventory and monitoring practices for paleontological resources at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon, USA. Palaeontologia Electronica, 23(1):a17. https://doi.org/10.26879/1053palaeo-electronica.org/content/2020/2996-gis-at-john-day-fossil-beds

Copyright: April 2020 Paleontological Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which permits users to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, provided it is not used for commercial purposes and the original author and source are credited, with indications if any changes are made.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

Novel analysis of locality data can inform better inventory and monitoring practices for paleontological resources

at John Day Fossil Beds National MonumentOregon, USA

Anne E. Kort and Nicholas A. Famoso


We evaluated the current inventory and monitoring practices at John Day FossilBeds National Monument (JODA) with an analysis of fossil yield based on locality data.While JODA covers a range of fossiliferous Cenozoic rock, most paleontological field-work conducted by the park staff occurs in the highly fossiliferous Oligocene TurtleCove Member of the John Day Formation. To optimize the number of fossils collected,JODA established a schedule that cycled fieldwork every four years between the fivemost fossiliferous areas of the park. We digitized over 1000 field collections from 1999-2019 to evaluate whether the four-year return interval allowed enough time for new fos-sils to be exposed through erosion in an area between visits as intended by the sched-ule. We found no significant difference in fossil yield between areas that had not beenvisited for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5+ years. Based on these results, we infer that the claystones ofthe Turtle Cove Member are erodible and fossiliferous enough that one winter of ero-sion will expose enough fossils to fully “recharge” an area that had been thoroughlyinventoried the previous year. Because of limited staff and high fossil yield, not everyfossil will be collected. Therefore, we use this analysis to shift JODA’s paleontologicalinventory and monitoring practices away from a rigid schedule and propose a flexiblenew system. The paleontology staff will use a tracker geodatabase of locality data frompast years to set priorities each year based on past collection and current availablestaff and space.

Anne E. Kort. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Indiana University, 1001 East 10th Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47408, USA, [email protected] Nicholas A. Famoso. John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, U.S. National Park Service, 32651 Highway 19, Kimberly, Oregon 97848, USA, [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0002-1795-624X

Keywords: GIS; inventory and monitoring; locality data; National Park Service; John Day

Page 2: Palaeontologia ElectronicaTurtle Cove Member, we only evaluated the fossil “recharge” rate for this unit of JODA’s geology. We used field collection locality data from one of



Submission: 12 December 2019. Acceptance: 20 March 2020.


Locality data forms an integral basis for pale-ontological research by contextualizing a fossil’senvironment, age, and community and allowingresearchers to revisit important sites. With theadvent of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)and the ever-increasing precision of the GlobalPositioning System (GPS), geospatial analysis oflocality data can be used to inform collection prac-tices beyond simply relocating old sites. Severalstudies have used spatial data for known fossilsites in combination with other data like topographyor geologic unit to locate unexplored areas withhigh fossil yield potential (Oheim, 2007; Chew andOheim, 2009; Malakhov et al., 2009; Anemone etal., 2011). However, locality data and GIS can alsobe used to evaluate year to year collection prac-tices within a well-studied area. The John Daybasin in central and eastern Oregon presents anexcellent case study for analysis of long-term col-lection. Some of the most complete data can befound in lands managed by the John Day FossilBeds National Monument (JODA) under theNational Park Service (NPS) and the United StatesDepartment of Interior as it has a long record ofprecise locality data across a large area of cover-age stretching back to the mid-1980s.

The John Day basin contains an extensivefossil record across central and eastern Oregon(Condon, 1910; Fremd, 2010; Graham, 2014). Themajor fossiliferous formations in this area spanfrom the early Eocene through to late Miocene,representing one of the longest, most continuousfossil records in the world (Albright et al., 2008, Lig-gett et al., 2018) (Figure 1). The most extensive ofthese formations, the John Day Formation (~39.7-18 Ma), historically has played a pivotal role inunderstanding North American Oligocene ecosys-tems (Condon, 1910; Cope, 1885; Fremd, 2010;Graham, 2014). Major finds have included nim-ravids, early canids, early equids, oreodonts,numerous rodents, and the last known primate inNorth America (Cope, 1885; Korth and Samuels,2015; Samuels et al., 2015; Famoso, 2017). As thenational significance of the John Day Formationand the John Day basin was recognized, the Stateof Oregon designated three areas of the region asstate parks in the 1930s (Liggett et al., 2018). In1974, the U.S. Congress authorized JODA, basedon those original three state parks, to add stricter

protections to these significant paleontologicalresources (Liggett et al., 2018).

The U.S. Congress established JODA in 1975with a mission to preserve and provide for the sci-entific and public understanding of the fossilresources found in the John Day basin (EnablingLegislation of 1974, Public Law 93-486). To fulfillthis mission, JODA staff have conducted system-atic paleontological fieldwork within the monumentand maintained a museum collection of fossilssince the creation of the monument (Liggett et al.,2018). Furthermore, while JODA itself covers only57 square kilometers split into three separate units(Sheep Rock, Clarno, and Painted Hills), the pale-ontology staff at JODA regularly collect from siteson non-NPS-administered land through partner-ships with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM),U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and other federal,state, tribal, non-profit, and private landowners(Figure 2). Through fieldwork in and outside of themonument, JODA has become a major repositoryfor fossils from central and eastern Oregon (Liggettet al., 2018).

The establishment of JODA shifted collectionin the John Day basin from sporadic expeditions byuniversities to consistent, systematic fieldwork bydedicated park staff. However, available staffing atthe park has been a limiting factor on field collec-tion, with the size of the paleontology division fluc-tuating from a dozen to as few as one over theyears, and even seasonally. Because of the largescope of collections, paleontologists at JODA havehad to allocate resources carefully when choosingwhich paleontological sites to closely monitor andcollect. Before the implementation of the Inventoryand Monitoring Program in the NPS, JODA paleon-tologists focused on collecting from the most pro-ductive areas on NPS-administered lands (Fremd,T., Memo to Superintendent, John Day Fossil BedsNational Monument, February 17, 1986). Thecyclic prospecting schedule implemented in 1986focused fieldwork on prospecting, searching a des-ignated area for exposed paleontologicalresources with a distinction made between fine andcoarse prospecting. Fine prospecting involvedthorough coverage of an area on hands and kneeslooking for smaller specimens, collecting every-thing identifiable to at least the taxonomic level oforder for mammals and class for other organisms.Alternatively, coarse prospecting entailed a shorter

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FIGURE 1. Composite stratigraphic column of the John Day Formation with the Columbia River Basalt Group cappingthe section. Stratigraphic relationships and radiometric dates are based on Hunt and Stepleton (2004), Albright et al.(2008), and Fremd (2010). The black box encompasses the subunits that are considered lower Turtle Cove for thepurposes of this study. Figure provided by the National Park Service.

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walk around checking for more obvious, larger,well-exposed specimens (Fremd, 1995).

The cyclic prospecting schedule outlined afour-year rotation of fieldwork among each of thefive most productive areas. (Fremd, 1995). Theschedule split each of the five main areas into sub-areas. and designated when to visit each subareafor fine or coarse prospecting on the four-year rota-tion (Table 1). This system ostensibly allowedenough time for erosion and weathering to uncovermore fossils without waiting so long that significantdiscoveries eroded away. However, little field datawas available early on to confirm the validity of thefour-year interval (Fremd, T., Memo to Superinten-dent, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument,February 17, 1986). Furthermore, a four-year

return interval demands an ambitiously large fieldarea be covered each year with the five areas cov-ering approximately 0.2 – 0.5 square kilometers ofexposed rock each. Preliminary observation of thedata shows that field collection practices havealmost never been consistent with the originalcyclic prospecting schedule (Fremd, T., Memo toSuperintendent, John Day Fossil Beds NationalMonument, February 17, 1986) (Figure 3).Because field days and field staff fluctuate fromyear to year and seasonally, JODA staff cannotconsistently cover such a large area every fieldseason. With over 30 years of field collection, wecan evaluate, 1) the effectiveness of the four-yearreturn interval for allowing fossils to “recharge”,

Field AreaNPS Boundary



John Day

0 50 100 kmN

Sheep Rock UnitPainted Hills Unit

Clarno Unit

FIGURE 2. Map of Oregon showing the three park units (purple) and the extent of the majority of non-NPS sitesworked by JODA paleontologists (green). There are museum collections at JODA from many sites in area highlightedin green. However, many of these sites have not been visited recently. Many of the sites with paleontologicalresources in the green area are found on lands administered or owned by partners and are scattered across the fullarea.

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and 2) best practices for monitoring large, produc-tive field areas regularly.

Several factors potentially control the rate offossil exposure, such as rock erodibility and abun-dance of fossils. Though these vary substantiallybetween the formations exposed within the bound-aries of JODA, most of JODA’s field collectionoccurs within the highly fossiliferous Turtle CoveMember of the John Day Formation (approximately6,800 of 13,800 cataloged paleontological speci-mens). Four of the five areas covered by the cyclicprospecting schedule are exposures of the TurtleCove Member. The Turtle Cove Member consistsof a soft silty claystone that erodes into badlandstype landscapes. It is interbedded with volcanictufts that separate the member into subunits (14layers, A-K2, in the type area), with a largeignimbrite dividing the upper and lower sections(Retallack et al., 2000; Hunt and Stepleton, 2004;Albright et al., 2008) (Figure 1). Most notably, it ishighly fossiliferous across several of its subunits,chiefly E1, E2, E3, K1, and K2 (Famoso, 2016).Because most of the collection occurs within theTurtle Cove Member, we only evaluated the fossil“recharge” rate for this unit of JODA’s geology. Weused field collection locality data from one of thefive areas outlined in the cyclic prospecting sched-ule, which will herein be referred to as Test Area.Test Area is entirely exposures of the lower TurtleCove Member (below the Picture Gorgeignimbrite). Precise locality information is availableto qualified researchers upon request from JODA’smuseum program. We used these results to createa new system for inventory and monitoring in linewith current NPS practices, that evaluates priorityareas on a year to year basis.


We used the long record of locality and fielddata at JODA to evaluate year to year fossil yield in

the Turtle Cove Member of the John Day Forma-tion, using Test Area as a case study. Early localitydata at JODA was recorded in the form of analogmeasurements on aerial photographs in inches(Figure 4) or using coarser Township, Range, andSection. The aerial photograph coordinates werephased out as the park acquired GPS units, start-ing with the handheld Garmin units and later on themore precise Trimble differential GPS units. Evenwith this new technology, GPS coordinates wereonly recorded in handwritten field notes and notcaptured digitally until 2017. The park is now imple-menting a decoupled GPS system with Trimble R1units connected to tablets via Bluetooth that allowsdirect transfer of coordinates from tablet to cloudservice. Because both the aerial photograph coor-dinates and a majority of the GPS data associatedwith uncatalogued specimens required digitizationof so-called “dark data” (Marshall et al., 2018), wechose to focus on a single area from the originalfive outlined by the cyclic prospecting schedule.First, we pulled previously digitized GPS data forcataloged museum specimens from the InteriorCollections Management System (ICMS) databasefor JODA to visualize broad patterns in field collec-tion since the establishment of the monument. Wechose Test Area based on the large number andspread of collections across the entire basin.

We compiled locality data for Test Area from20 years of field notes (1999-2019). We digitized1057 field collection localities in ArcMap 10.5(ESRI, 2017) (Figure 5). We digitized field localitieswith GPS coordinates by importing a table of thefield numbers and associated GPS coordinatesand applying the Add XY Data tool. To digitize theaerial photograph coordinates, we scanned theoriginal aerial photographs, imported the imageinto ArcMap, and georeferenced their location bymatching 8-10 landmarks with the satellite imagerybasemap. We then measured the inches from thetop and from the left as recorded in the field notes

TABLE 1. Cyclic prospecting schedule for subareas within one of the five main cyclic prospecting areas within SheepRock Unit of John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. F stands for fine prospecting and C stands for coarse pros-pecting (Fremd, 1995). Note that this proposed schedule does not align with the actual collection in Figure 3. This iseasiest to see for the years 1993 and 1997. These should overlap based on the schedule but are on opposite ends ofthe collection area.

Example Area 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Subarea 1 F C F

Subarea 2 C F C

Subarea 3 F C F

Subarea 4 C F C

Subarea 5 F C F

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FIGURE 3. Map of locality data for cataloged specimens by year collected in one of the five main collection areas.Years correspond to cyclic prospecting schedule outlined in Table 1. Note the overlap between 1993 and 1994 and1997 and 1998 contrary to the schedule shown in Table 1. Precise locality information is available to qualifiedresearchers upon request from JODA’s museum program.

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on the physical copy of the aerial photograph (Fig-ure 4). We located the same area on the digitizedaerial photograph georeferenced in ArcMap andadded a point to mark the location. For each digi-tized locality, we recorded only the field numberand year of collection.

For the purposes of this study, we assumedthe lower Turtle Cove is uniform in fossil distribu-tion and that most collections came from fine pros-pecting as defined by the cyclic prospectingschedule. Though E1, E2, and E3 are the mostabundant subunits of the lower Turtle Cove, theseare the layers with the most area outcropping inTest Area and many of the other cyclic prospectingareas. Additionally, many fossils are found as floatas erosional processes move fossils away fromtheir parent layer. We know most of these collec-tions came from fine prospecting where an areawas thoroughly checked for fossils based on thenarratives in the field notes. We did not factor insize of the specimens or the taphonomic state of

specimens in the collection, as we only wanted totest number of fossils found. Though field collec-tions can contain multiple fossils, these are oftenfragments of a larger specimen that can be reas-sembled in the lab. To simplify assumptions aboutthe number of fossils in an area, we only used fieldcollection numbers as a proxy for the total numberof fossils. Therefore, we tested only previous col-lection as the variable controlling fossil abundance.

With the digitized locality data, we estimatedyear to year yield by approximating a collectionarea for each year and then looking at the differ-ence in number of collections from early to lateryears with overlapping collection areas. We esti-mated a collection area for each year using a 15 mbuffer around the collection points for that year(Figure 6). We determined this buffer size usingsome collection data with known collection areasfrom overlays of aerial photographs made duringfieldwork. This buffer size also accounted for crewsize. JODA field practices have the crew spread

FIGURE 4. Aerial photograph with example measurements of T2.0” and L7.0”. Fieldworkers recorded locality data bylocating their place on the air photograph, measuring inches from the top and inches from the left, and writing the airphotograph number and measurements in field notes.

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out and cover separate areas, so a larger crew sizemeans more area covered and not more fossilsfound in the same area. We used the estimatedcollection area to identify areas where collection fortwo years overlapped. For each possible combina-tion of two years, we intersected the estimated col-lection areas and erased the collection areas of allyears between the two years to generate a polygonof collection area that had a hiatus in collection.We counted the number of field collections for eachyear within these overlap areas to compare howmany collections were made in the earlier yearcompared to the later year based on the length ofhiatus (Appendix 1). We automated these stepswith a Python 2.7 (Python Software Foundation,2019) script integrated into ArcMap 10.5 (ESRI,2017) to go through every combination of years(Appendix 2).

The final raw dataset included the length ofhiatus for each year combination, the overlap area

in square meters, the number of field collections forthe early year within the overlap area, and thenumber of field collections for the later year withinthe overlap area (Appendix 1). We created twoindices to compare the number of field collectionsfor different lengths in hiatus: yield difference overarea (YDOA) (Eq. 1) and last year yield over area(LYYOA) (Eq. 2).

YDOA = ((Last year yield – First year yield)/Area)*1000


LYYOA = (Last year yield/Area)*1000


A negative value for YDOA indicates morecollection occurred in the earlier year and a posi-tive value indicates more collection in the lateryear. A negative value would indicate the area hadnot “recharged” with fossils since the last time of

FIGURE 5. Map of field collection data for Test Area from 1999-2000. Each point represents one field number. Preciselocality information is available to qualified researchers upon request from JODA’s museum program.

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collection, and a zero or positive value would beexpected if enough time had elapsed to exposemore fossils in the area. LYYOA will always bezero or positive and is expected to be higher forlonger hiatuses with more time for fossils to erode

out in the area. We binned each overlap area bythe length in hiatus and compared areas with a 1,2, 3, 4, or 5+ year collection hiatus (Appendix 1).We grouped the longer hiatuses to compare withthe proposed four-year recharge (Fremd, T., Memo

FIGURE 6. Map showing estimated collection area. Points are field localities and 15 meter buffer shows estimatedprospecting areas for 2008 (yellow), 2009 (green), and 2010 (blue). Precise locality information is available to quali-fied researchers upon request from JODA’s museum program.

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to Superintendent, John Day Fossil Beds NationalMonument, February 17, 1986) and because lon-ger hiatuses were less common.

We performed all statistical analysis in the Rprogramming language (R Core Team, 2017). First,we tested for normality and homogeneity of datausing the Shapiro-Wilk W test and Bartlett test,respectively (Bartlett, 1937; Shapiro and Wilk,1965). Because the results of these tests indicatednon-normal and/or heterogenous data, we usednonparametric statistical tests to evaluate the data.We separated the dataset by length in hiatus andtested each subset for a significant difference fromzero in YDOA using a one-sample Wilcoxon test(Wilcoxon, 1945). We then tested for differences inLYYOA between the different hiatus lengths usingthe nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysisof variance (Kruskal and Wallis, 1957).


Our calculated overlap areas with number offield collections and each are presented in Appen-dix 1. Most overlap areas contain some amount offield collections, but some do not. These wereincluded in the final calculations because they indi-cate areas that were prospected in multiple yearsand fossils were found in neither. We also found agreater number of overlap areas in the 5+ year hia-

tus category than any other category. The variationin sample size across the hiatus categories indi-cates a heterogenous dataset.

The distributions of both YDOA and LYYOAwere found to be non-normal and heterogenous.The Shapiro-Wilk test returned a p-value of<0.0001 for both YDOA and LYYOA, rejecting thenull hypothesis of normality for both datasets. TheBartlett test returned a p-value of 0.002 for YDOAand a p-value of 0.0003 for LYYOA rejecting thenull hypothesis of homogeneity for both indices.Based on these results, we evaluated for signifi-cant differences between different length hiatusesusing nonparametric tests.

We found YDOA to have no significant differ-ence from zero for any of the hiatus lengths usingthe Wilcoxon test. For the 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5+ hiatuslength classes the Wilcoxon test returned a p-valueof 0.4185, 0.7874, 0.234, 0.8339, and 0.417,respectively, rejecting the alternative hypothesisthat any length in hiatus had a YDOA greater orless than zero. In addition, the Kruskal-Wallis testfor LYYOA returned a p-value of 0.9643, well overour p=0.05 threshold for significance. The exam-ination of the boxplots for both these indices showssimilar medians and distributions across all hiatuslength classes (Figure 7, Figure 8).

FIGURE 7. Boxplot of yield difference over area index by hiatus class. Note the median for each hiatus class is closeto zero. This indicates similar amounts of collection between the earlier year and the later year regardless of the num-ber of years the area has been left to erode.

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Our results indicate that the number of fieldcollections made in the Turtle Cove Memberremains approximately the same no matter thelength of hiatus in collection. Based on the resultsof the Wilcoxon test, YDOA has no significant dif-ference from zero for any hiatus length. This showsthat overall, the number of collections in an earlieryear is not statistically different from the number ina later year in the same area, regardless of theamount of time left to erode. If the rock requiredmore time to erode to expose fossils, the medianfor shorter hiatuses would be expected to be nega-tive, and the median for longer hiatuses would bezero or positive. Likewise, the distribution ofLYYOA would be expected to be higher for longerhiatus lengths compared to shorter hiatus lengths.However, the boxplot for LYYOA shows that themedians for each hiatus length category areapproximately the same (Figure 8). These resultssuggest that the recharge rate for the Turtle CoveMember is a year or less.

These results reflect the high number of col-lections found year to year along the trail that runsthrough the Test Area’s center. This trail is walkedby both visitors and rangers who have the opportu-nity to report new fossils as they appear. Park pale-ontologists have thoroughly inventoried andcollected the material along the trail several timessince 1999, most recently in 2017. Even still, new

fossils continue to be found by visitors and staffcasually visiting the area.

This short recharge rate fits with the knownlithology of the Turtle Cove Member. Water easilysoftens and transports the claystones of the TurtleCove Member, shaping the characteristic badlandstopography (Graham, 2014). Additionally, the Tur-tle Cove Member is incredibly fossiliferous as seenin the field collection data and by observation ofJODA paleontologists. Given the rapid erosion andnumber of fossils in this member, it is plausible thatthe major collection areas recharge after one win-ter of erosional forces acting on the rock. Erosionalso likely reburies exposed fossils while weather-ing exposes buried fossils, setting a dynamic equi-librium of fossils discoverable during monitoring.

While these results show that approximatelythe same number of collections will be maderegardless of hiatus length, several other factorscontrol the number of collections made. First, themore time spent prospecting an area can increasethe number of fossils found. The prospecting styleof the people in a group can change whether manysmall fossils, such as rodent teeth or fragmentarybone, are found in a small area or whether largerfossils are found across a widespread area. It isalso possible that while the number of collectionsstays the same from year to year, more fragmen-tary fossils are found after a short hiatus and moreintact fossils are only found after a long hiatus withmore time to be exposed, or vice versa. Variable

FIGURE 8. Boxplot of last yield over area index by hiatus length. Note the similar mean between all hiatus lengths.

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lithology within the Turtle Cove could also controlthe size and number of fossils found. Differentpreservational environments, such as sandstonelenses or ash tufts may have different concentra-tions, sizes, shapes, and types of fossils as well asdifferent erosional rates when compared to the restof the unit (Wilson and Moore, 2016). Finally,accessibility of exposures needs to be consideredwhen looking at the number of collections in anarea. Exposures of Test Area not explored in thepast 20 years are difficult to reach safely, and themost heavily collected areas are along the officialtrail through the center of Test Area.

Although many factors influence the numberof fossils found prospecting on any given trip, theresults of this analysis demonstrate that the TurtleCove Member reliably produces fossils each yearindependent of past fieldwork contrary to the previ-ously suggested four-year interval. The initial pur-pose of the four-year return interval and cyclicprospecting was to collect as many scientificallyvaluable fossils as possible as they were exposedby weathering and before they were destroyed inanticipation of future research questions (Fremd,T., Memo to Superintendent, John Day Fossil BedsNational Monument, February 17, 1986; Fremd,1995). The calculated recharge rate of one year orless demonstrates that to collect every potentiallyscientifically valuable fossil in JODA, every areawould need to be inventoried annually. However,current park collections spaces and staffing makethe logistics of this approach infeasible. We there-fore have outlined a new resource managementstrategy to replace cyclic prospecting at JODA byreviewing the limitations of park resources.

Through the digitization and analysis of fieldcollection data and discussion with park staff, wehave identified the major issues with the cyclicprospecting schedule at John Day Fossil BedsNational Monument. The area set to be coveredeach year by the cyclic prospecting schedule is toolarge to be completed within the given time frameby park staff. Inclement weather and other unfore-seen disruptions can randomly cancel field daysthroughout the year, limiting the amount of timefield crews could go out and disrupting the sched-ule even when adding field days year-round. Onceoff schedule, it is difficult to review which areashave or have not been inventoried without goingback through several years of field notes or relyingon institutional knowledge. Additionally, the currentschedule does not include other obligations, suchas BLM localities and the Clarno, Mascall, and Rat-tlesnake formations, or other priorities, such as the

monitoring and retrieval of not-collected or par-tially-collected paleontological resources and cata-loging the backlog of fossils in accessions.Because park priorities change from year to year,we recommend retiring the cyclic prospectingschedule and moving to a system of flexible inven-tory and monitoring.

Our proposed inventory and monitoring sys-tem heavily relies on the efficient tracking of previ-ously visited areas. Tracking areas visited directlythrough field notes requires sifting through hun-dreds of pages of handwritten notes. To alleviatethis issue, we have created a geodatabase of alllocality data. Currently this database is served onlyat JODA, but the intention is to have it served bythe Upper Columbia Basin Inventory and Monitor-ing Network or at the national level in a cloudserver restricted to authorized users. The currentgeodatabase allows the user to see all collectionareas at a glance (Figure 9). Users can also navi-gate the map and search through the attribute tableof field collections to check on specific areas ornamed localities. Additionally, this geodatabase willassist in tracking partially-collected or not-collectedresources needing excavation, jacketing, and/orextraction. Updating this geodatabase with currentinformation each year will be simplified as Collectorfor ArcGIS is implemented in field collection, andpoints can be uploaded and downloaded directlyfrom the ArcGIS Online Cloud service, especiallyas these tools become standard for the Depart-ment of the Interior.

We recommend that JODA sets collection pri-orities yearly using the geodatabase tracker tolocate an area not recently visited. The paleontol-ogy staff can then decide the areas to cover basedon available resources and research priorities. Toinform these decisions, we propose some guide-lines to be followed each year to avoid major col-lection biases. Cyclic prospecting aimed to collecteverything, large or small, across all areas of thepark. To continue this relatively unbiased collectionstyle, we recommend one major collection area outof the five areas outlined by the cyclic prospectingschedule be chosen each year as the primary col-lection area and worked through systematically ashas been done in the past with cyclic prospecting.If the area is not completely covered in one year,the geodatabase tracker can then be used to pickup again the next year. We also recommend thatevery part of these areas be revisited at least onceevery 10 years to check for more complete or rarepaleontological resources, such as partial skele-tons, to minimize loss of major finds to erosion.

Page 13: Palaeontologia ElectronicaTurtle Cove Member, we only evaluated the fossil “recharge” rate for this unit of JODA’s geology. We used field collection locality data from one of



The areas more vulnerable to poaching by visitorsshould be revisited more frequently, possibly moni-tored on a yearly basis, namely the areas near offi-cial visitor trails or visitor-created or “social” trails.Inventorying the major area chosen within the parkshould take approximately one half of the total fielddays for the year. The paleontology staff can thenallocate the other field days to secondary collectiontasks, such as other formations in the park or BLMsites, or the days required for jacketing and remov-ing larger specimens. Additional days would needto be included for any construction mitigation proj-ects occurring within NPS-administered lands.Finally, we recommend high priority be given tofully removing jackets as soon as they are created.Larger jackets can take a crew of 3-4 days toremove. In the past, jackets have been left partiallycompleted for years as other fieldwork took priority,leading to the degradation of the fossil inside. If a

jacket cannot be completed and removed within afield season, the fossil should be stabilized withfield consolidant and left unjacketed until the exca-vation can be fully completed. These resourcesshould be monitored regularly while they are in thefield.

Our flexible inventory and monitoring systemshifts JODA’s collection practices to more effec-tively represent the full 40 million years recorded inthe John Day basin with limited resources. How-ever, given the high volume of fossils eroding out ofthe Turtle Cove Member, JODA has several inter-nal and external options to increase resourcesavailable for fieldwork and recover more fossils. Inthe past, JODA staff applied for project funds inter-nal to the NPS (Service-wide Comprehensive Call)to temporarily increase staffing. We recommend acontinuance of this practice. Providing internshipopportunities like the Geoscientists-in-the-Parks

FIGURE 9. All field collections from 2013 - early 2019 to be used for tracking previous collection area. Points outsideof JODA boundaries are BLM, USFS, or private localities. Precise locality information is available to qualifiedresearchers upon request from JODA’s museum program.

Page 14: Palaeontologia ElectronicaTurtle Cove Member, we only evaluated the fossil “recharge” rate for this unit of JODA’s geology. We used field collection locality data from one of



Program will continue to supply additional fieldassistants. Often, non-paleontology staff of JODAwill also supplement field crews. The JODA staffcan also continue to peruse in-kind collaborationswith other land management agencies (e.g., BLMand USFS) to increase the size of field crews. Thispractice can also work with state and private orga-nizations. A new option established in 2018 is theuse of the NPS memorandum of understanding(MOU) between the NPS Paleontology Program,the Paleontological Society (PS), and the Societyof Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP). Additional field-work done by members of these societies can beaccomplished though this MOU. Researchers,museums, or universities can also collaborate withJODA to conduct permitted fieldwork within JODAor the greater fossil beds and even curate JODAspecimens given proper repository agreements areestablished.

Although some of these suggestions are spe-cific to JODA, the principles of a flexible inventoryand monitoring system could effectively be appliedto other field programs run by public land manag-ers, universities, or museums. Digitally mobilizing“dark” fossil locality information allows researchersto easily visualize large amounts of field collectiondata (Marshall et al., 2018). These data can beused to relocate old sites, identify underworkedareas, or analyze fossil yield (Haug, 2016). Impor-tantly, a central locality geodatabase eases confu-sion that can occur with turnover in staff. Forexample, over the course of digitization, we identi-fied a portion of Test Area that had not been visitedfor 17 years and then inventoried that portion on asubsequent field day. Prior to the creation of ourtracker geodatabase, this information would haveonly been accessible by sifting through severalfield notebooks and associated maps and overlays.Finally, our suggestions aim to strike a balancebetween collecting everything in an area to avoidcollection bias and collecting only rare or “scientifi-cally significant” fines to curate a collection withlimited space. Data from our yield analysis showthat collecting every fossil out of the Turtle CoveMember, in addition to every other park obligation,is extremely difficult given available resources.Rather, we aim to use a combination of systematicinventorying and year-to-year decision makingbased on previous locality data to spread parkresources as efficiently as possible. Partnershipswith other organizations and NPS project fundscan then be used to recover more paleontologicalresources from the Turtle Cove Member withoutadding additional strain to JODA’s resources.


Digitizing locality data enabled identification ofpatterns in past fieldwork practices, analysis of fos-sil yield, and the creation of a new prospecting planfor John Day Fossil Beds National Monument(JODA). Through direct observation, we found thatthe cyclic prospecting schedule intended to spreadyear to year fieldwork evenly throughout JODA hasnever consistently been followed and that someareas were visited more frequently than others. Weidentified the four-year return interval of the cyclicprospecting schedule as the core cause of theseissues. Analysis of the locality data showed thatfossil yield was about the same no matter how longan area was left untouched. Based on the originalaim of the cyclic prospecting schedule, to collect asmany fossils eroding out as possible, JODA staffwould have to return to every exposure of the lowerTurtle Cove Member every year. Constraints onspace and staff make this strategy impractical.Instead, we propose a new flexible inventory andmonitoring system wherein the paleontology staffmakes fieldwork decisions year to year using thedigitized locality data as a guide. We created atracker geodatabase at JODA, which will contain alllocality data associated with the park and its collec-tions. This will allow staff to see previous years col-lection at a glance and choose areas for fieldworkthat optimize the museum collection at JODA to beas representative of the entire park as possible.

Many museums and universities have yearsto decades long field programs with associatedlocality data. At JODA, we have shown that digitiz-ing “dark” locality data and capturing future localitydata digitally can better inform decisions for futurefieldwork. Other field programs could use thesemethods to re-evaluate existing fieldwork plans orcreate new ones. By setting fieldwork prioritiesbased on existing locality data, paleontologicalresearchers and resource managers can more effi-ciently make decisions on where to do fieldworknext and how much to collect.


We would like to thank the Geoscientist-in-the-Parks program, NPS Geologic Resources Divi-sion, AmeriCorps, and Environmental Stewards fortheir financial and administrative support of AEKduring her internships in 2018 and 2019. This workcould not have been completed without the count-less hours of fieldwork performed by John DayFossil Beds National Monument (JODA) paleontol-ogy staff over the years lead by T.J. Fremd, J.X.

Page 15: Palaeontologia ElectronicaTurtle Cove Member, we only evaluated the fossil “recharge” rate for this unit of JODA’s geology. We used field collection locality data from one of



Samuels, and NAF and the superintendents whocreated and supported the JODA paleontology pro-gram (B. Ladd, J. Hammett, S. Hall, and P. Gam-man). We also thank the IU paleontology group, A.

Sharp, A. Jerolleman, and two anonymous review-ers for their constructive reviews of this manu-script.


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A zipped file with the three appendix files can be found at: https://palaeo-electronica.org/content/2020/2996-gis-at-john-day-fossil-beds


Calculated fossil yield data from Test Area. Each row represented an area of overlap betweentwo years given as Early Year and Later Year. The Hiatus Length is the time between the twoyears and the Hiatus Class is the class used for statistical analysis. Early Year Collections is thenumber of field collections occurring in the overlap area for the early year and Later Year Collec-tions is the number for the later year. YDOA and LYOA are calculated as explained in the meth-ods.


Python code implemented in ArcMap to 1) Estimate prospecting area, 2) Locate overlap areas,and 3) Count number of field collection in an overlap area.
