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Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module

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  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module



    Parallel ledger management

    in SAP Fixed Assets module.

    Innovative technology solutions forsustainability

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    Table of contents


    Parallel ledger conguration project in xed assets.2

    Changes in G/ account deter!ination for"#$G%%P ledger &2'.(


    )e* transaction %#+B.,

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    Table of contents


    Parallel ledger conguration project in xed assets.2

    Changes in G/ account deter!ination for"#$G%%P ledger &2'.(

    )e* transaction %#+B.,

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module



    To give an ans#er to the di$erent accounting criteria and valuations %&or'orate( IAS()S*AAP( etc+ that may be re,uired in Abengoa com'anies for 'resenting -nancialstatements( in SAP #e use function -anage!ent of parallel account books/.

    According to this solution( #ithin Abengoa model( all com'anies must have at least

    four ledgers activated0 the so1called main boo" %3+ and three more( #ith thefollo#ing de-nition0

    All com'anies must register the di$erent transactions as 'er Abengoa4s accountingregulations and( de'ending on the country #here the com'any is established( theymust "ee' at least one local ledger %generally( ledger 3 and 23 in com'anies fromthe )nited States+.

    Thus( the reference local ledger #ill contain all individual ledger transactionsregistered and also a number of ad5ustments( either manual or automatic( necessaryfor ettin some -nancial statements consistent #ith the local re ulations of each






    Abengoa %PI&+

    3ocal entities

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module



    7aily 'ostings #ill al#ays be carried out in the main ledger according to cor'orateaccounting techni,ue and valuation criteria. The system al#ays treats additionalledgers as com'lete ones( i.e.( all daily 'ostings #ith no di$erences 'lanned in thesystem are also 'osted in the main ledger and in the rest of ledgers of the com'any%e.g. 'urchase invoices( sale invoices( 'ayments( collections( etc+.

    8aluation ad5ustments s'eci-c to each regulation #ill be 'osted only in the s'eci-cledger corres'onding to that regulation. These ad5ustments #ill generally be doneautomatically in the case of the valuation of assets %de'reciations+( the valuation inforeign currencies( etc. The rest of ad5ustments can be made manually.

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module



    Manual vs. automatic ad5ustments.8aluation ad5ustments s'eci-c to each regulation#ill be 'osted only in the s'eci-c ledger of that regulation to meet s'eci-c valuationre,uirements. These ad5ustments done to a s'eci-c ledger are basically of t#o di$erentty'es0

    Manual %e.g.( 'rovision and accrual ad5ustments( etc+. They #ill be generallyregistered through transactions F!93 or F!63 and you must s'ecify a ledger


    Automatic. These ad5ustments must be set in the system. They #ill generally

    be mass 'rocesses #here the system ma"es automatic 'ostings and includes avaluation ad5ustment in the corres'onding ledger.

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module



    :xam'les of ledger s'eci-c automatic ad5ustments0

    8aluation executions of ledger s'eci-c foreign currency items.

    Financial 'roduct settlements #ith valuation di$erences by ledger.

    Fixed asset module transactions. For exam'le( accounting di$erences in

    handling some ty'es of assets( di$erent de'reciation 'atterns( di$erences thatcan a''ear during FA retirement transactions( etc.

    In this document( #e focus on this last case %ledger de'endent -xed assettransactions+.

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    Table of contents


    Parallel ledger conguration project in xed assets.2

    Changes in G/ account deter!ination for"#$G%%P ledger &2'.(


    )e* transaction %#+B.,

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    Parallel ledger con-guration Pro5ect in -xed assets.2

    At the moment( there is one 'ro5ect under execution #hich consists in're'aring and con-guring SAP Asset Management module so that 'ossiblecriteria di$erences regarding a$ected ledgers in Abengoa com'anies can beautomatically maintained.

    The main aim is to have in SAP the correct original information so that( on a

    short term( you do not have to ma"e manual ad5ustments to the cor'orateaccounting re'ort tool %PI&+.

    This #ill entail some changes on the user o'erations( mainly in determinationof asset *

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    Table of contents


    Parallel ledger conguration project in xed assets.2

    Changes in G/ account deter!ination for"#$G%%P ledger &2'.(


    )e* transaction %#+B.,

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    &hanges in *

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    &hanges in *

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    &hanges in *

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    &hanges in *

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    &hanges in *

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    &hanges in *

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    &hanges in *

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    Table of contents


    Parallel ledger conguration project in xed assets.2

    Changes in G/ account deter!ination for"#$G%%P ledger &2'.(


    )e* transaction %#+B.,

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    @e# transaction AS=!.(

    AS=! transaction mainly detects errors in account determination for 23 o'erations inasset management. This technical transaction have to be run 5ust after de'reciationrun %AFA!+ and #ill be included in all closing coc"'its.

    Selection screen0

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    @e# transaction AS=!.(

    Transaction AS=! can be run in test mode or real mode. If you run it in test mode( youcan select an asset or asset grou' individually to chec" the results. If you run it in realmode( you must 'rocess all existing assets.

    Gest of selection -elds0 &om'any &ode Flag Ma"e list of -xed assets/0 if you select this 'arameter( the system #ill ma"e a list of all the

    assets to be 'osted #ith their corres'onding 'osted de'reciation. Hou must leave it selected. Flag Ma"e a list of direct items/if you select this ag( the system #ill sho#( a'art from the

    items to be 'osted through this 'rogram( those items that have been 'osted automatically by thesystem. Hou can leave this -eld unselected.

    3ayout0 if the user has created a layout for the out'ut re'ort( you must include the name in this-eld.

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    @e# transaction AS=!.(

    Gun in real mode. To run in real mode( the same as #ith transaction AFA!( bac"ground'rocessing is necessary. To do so( 'ress on menu Program Gun #ith bac"ground'rocessing0

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


    @e# transaction AS=!.(

    3og re'ort. In this exam'le #e dont have any errors for this execution.

    In case of errors is necessary to o'en a SOS in order to -x the 'roblem.

  • 7/23/2019 Parallel Ledger Management in SAP Fixed Assets Module


