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Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wild cod ... · 120 parasite species (Hemmingsen &...

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AQUACULTURE ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS Aquacult Environ Interact Vol. 2: 1–13, 2011 doi: 10.3354/aei00027 Published online July 14 INTRODUCTION Parasites may move freely between farmed fish kept in net pens and adjacent wild fish populations. The background prevalence and intensity of the different parasite species determines the infection pressure on net-penned populations, especially of naïve juvenile © Inter-Research 2011 · www.int-res.com *Email: [email protected] FEATURE ARTICLE Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wild cod populations in Norway: a comparison Peter A. Heuch 1, *, Peder A. Jansen 1 , Haakon Hansen 1 , Erik Sterud 1,4 , Ken MacKenzie 2 , Paal Haugen 3 , Willy Hemmingsen 3 1 National Veterinary Institute, PO Box 750 sentrum, 0106 Oslo, Norway 2 University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK 3 Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics, University of Tromsø, 9037 Tromsø, Norway 4 Present address: Norske Lakseelver, PO Box 9354 Grønland, 0135 Oslo, Norway ABSTRACT: Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. is host to more than 120 parasite species. Background abun- dance of these parasite species on adjacent wild hosts determines the infection pressure on cod farmed in open pens. In 2006, 2007 and 2008, 343 cod were col- lected from 4 locations along the coast of Norway: Øks- fjord, Kvarøy, Brønnøysund and Ålesund. Freshly killed wild local cod, wild migratory cod, hatchery-reared farmed cod and wild-caught farmed cod were given a complete autopsy according to a standardized protocol. A total of 343 cod were examined, from which 48 para- site taxa, including 37 named species, were recorded. Wild local cod had the most diverse parasite fauna. Wild-caught farmed cod had a more diverse parasite fauna than the wild migratory cod, and the latter had 2 more parasite taxa than the hatchery-reared cod. The most common parasites in hatchery-reared cod were the digenean Cryptocotyle lingua, the monogenean Gyrodactylus marinus and the protozoans Spironucleus torosa and Trichodina spp. Other parasites occurring frequently in hatchery-reared cod were the para- sitic copepod Cresseyus confusus, the myxosporean Zschokkella hildae and the nematode Hysterothyla- cium aduncum. The nematode and digenean fauna of the hatchery-reared fish was sparse compared to wild cod and the wild-caught farmed cod. Caligid copepods were very rare on the hatchery-reared cod. These results support the hypothesis that food-borne para- sites, such as nematodes and mature stages of di- geneans, are most unlikely to become a health problem for farmed cod, and that parasites with simple life cycles and pelagic transmission stages, such as mono- geneans and trichodinids, may dominate the parasite fauna of farmed cod in the future KEY WORDS: Gadus morhua · Cod farm · Parasites · Transmission · Wild cod Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher Wild and farmed cod Gadus morhua were sampled at Øks- fjord, Norway. Insets: ectoparasites Trichodina sp. (left) and Caligus sp. (right). Photos: Erik Sterud, Ken MacKenzie
Page 1: Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wild cod ... · 120 parasite species (Hemmingsen & MacKenzie 2001, MacKenzie & Hemmingsen 2003). Some of these will infect the cod in the


Vol. 2: 1–13, 2011doi: 10.3354/aei00027

Published online July 14


Parasites may move freely between farmed fish keptin net pens and adjacent wild fish populations. Thebackground prevalence and intensity of the differentparasite species determines the infection pressure onnet-penned populations, especially of naïve juvenile

© Inter-Research 2011 · www.int-res.com*Email: [email protected]


Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wildcod populations in Norway: a comparison

Peter A. Heuch1,*, Peder A. Jansen1, Haakon Hansen1, Erik Sterud1,4, Ken MacKenzie2, Paal Haugen3, Willy Hemmingsen3

1National Veterinary Institute, PO Box 750 sentrum, 0106 Oslo, Norway2University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

3Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics, University of Tromsø, 9037 Tromsø, Norway

4Present address: Norske Lakseelver, PO Box 9354 Grønland, 0135 Oslo, Norway

ABSTRACT: Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. is hostto more than 120 parasite species. Background abun-dance of these parasite species on adjacent wild hostsdetermines the infection pressure on cod farmed inopen pens. In 2006, 2007 and 2008, 343 cod were col-lected from 4 locations along the coast of Norway: Øks-fjord, Kvarøy, Brønnøysund and Ålesund. Freshly killedwild local cod, wild migratory cod, hatchery-rearedfarmed cod and wild-caught farmed cod were given acomplete autopsy according to a standardized protocol.A total of 343 cod were examined, from which 48 para -site taxa, including 37 named species, were recorded.Wild local cod had the most diverse parasite fauna.Wild-caught farmed cod had a more diverse parasitefauna than the wild migratory cod, and the latter had 2more parasite taxa than the hatchery-reared cod. Themost common parasites in hatchery-reared cod werethe digenean Cryptocotyle lingua, the monogeneanGyrodactylus marinus and the protozoans Spironucleustorosa and Trichodina spp. Other parasites occurringfrequently in hatchery-reared cod were the para -sitic copepod Cresseyus confusus, the myxosporeanZschokkella hildae and the nematode Hystero thy la -cium aduncum. The nematode and digenean fauna ofthe hatchery-reared fish was sparse compared to wildcod and the wild-caught farmed cod. Caligid copepodswere very rare on the hatchery-reared cod. Theseresults support the hypothesis that food-borne para -sites, such as nematodes and mature stages of di -geneans, are most unlikely to become a health problemfor farmed cod, and that parasites with simple lifecycles and pelagic transmission stages, such as mono-geneans and trichodinids, may dominate the parasitefauna of farmed cod in the future

KEY WORDS: Gadus morhua · Cod farm · Parasites ·Transmission · Wild cod

Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher

Wild and farmed cod Gadus morhua were sampled at Øks-fjord, Norway. Insets: ectoparasites Trichodina sp. (left) andCaligus sp. (right). Photos: Erik Sterud, Ken MacKenzie

Page 2: Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wild cod ... · 120 parasite species (Hemmingsen & MacKenzie 2001, MacKenzie & Hemmingsen 2003). Some of these will infect the cod in the

Aquacult Environ Interact 2: 1–13, 2011

fish. Knowledge of the natural infection levels is essen-tial for parasite control as well as for assessment of par-asite transfer rates from farms into the environmentand for public management of marine farming activity.

Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. is host to more than120 parasite species (Hemmingsen & MacKenzie 2001,MacKenzie & Hemmingsen 2003). Some of these willinfect the cod in the farm, and eventually, dependingon the life cycle of the parasite, may represent a sourceof infection for wild cod. It is not yet known, however,which parasites will create problems and which will bepresent but will remain harmless. Along the Norwe-gian coastline there are many wild local cod popula-tions, and migratory cod feeding on offshore banksenter the fjords to spawn (Larsen et al. 1997, Robi -chaud & Rose 2004, Sarvas & Fevolden 2005). Thesepopulations are natural reservoirs for parasites whichmay infect farmed cod. Research on assemblages ofwild fish around Norwegian salmon farms shows thatthese are dominated by gadids. Atlantic cod and saithePollachius virens in particular are likely to act as reser-voirs for parasites because they occur in high numbersin the close vicinity of farms (Dempster et al. 2009).

Commercial cod farming has 4 main phases (Moks -ness et al. 2004). (1) Eggs are produced and fertilizedby brood fish. (2) Hatcheries produce larvae, whichare weaned from cultured rotifers and Artemia to particulate commercial diets in ca. 4 mo. The larvaeare then 5 to 10 g wet weight. (3) The larvae are on-grown to juveniles. These first phases are carried out intanks supplied with filtered seawater. (4) Juveniles areon-grown in sea cages. The standing stock of Atlanticcod farmed from hatched juveniles in Norway on 31December 2009 was ca. 18.1 million fish. A varyingnumber of wild-caught cod (length >40 cm) are alsoon-grown in farms (DFN 2010). The growth and sus-tainability of the cod farming industry is critically de -pendent on control of parasites. Norwegian authoritieshave stated that experience from salmon farmingshows that the greatest environmental problems fol-lowing the domestication of a new aquaculture speciesare related to transfer of parasites and disease betweenwild and farmed fish (Anonymous 2003). The transferof infections between farmed species is also identifiedas an important area of research, and the importance ofestablishing basic knowledge on the parasite infectionstatus of wild cod before cod farming grows to a largeindustry is emphasized. Such information was scarcefor Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. be fore salmon farm-ing grew to become a major industry in Norway, Scot-land, Ireland and Canada. This resulted in conflictsbetween salmon farmers, environmentalists and anglerswith respect to the natural levels of the parasitic cope-pod Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837) (Pike &Wadsworth 1999, Heuch et al. 2005).

A number of authors have tried to predict which par-asites will become important pests in cod farms basedon characteristics of the life cycles of different speciesand on their occurrence in wild cod (Burt & MacKinnon1997, Hemmingsen & MacKenzie 2001, MacKenzie &Hemmingsen 2003, Bricknell et al. 2006). A featurecommon to these publications is the prediction thatparasites with one-host life cycles will pose the great-est threat to mariculture, as transmission of these willbe favoured by the high density of potential hostswithin the farm. For cod culture specifically, theseinclude the copepods Caligus elongatus and C. curtus,species of the monogenean genus Gyrodactylus, theprotozoans Cryptobia sp., Cryptocaryon irritans, Gous-sia gadi, Loma branchialis, Pleistophora sp., Spironu-cleus torosa, Trichodina spp. and species of the generaParamoeba and Neoparamoeba (see Burt & MacKin-non 1997, MacKenzie & Hemmingsen 2003, Bricknellet al. 2006). Some parasites with 2 or more hosts intheir life cycles have been identified as pests in the cul-ture of other fish, and species related to these have onthis basis also been put forward as possible cod diseaseagents. These include mostly myxosporeans, whichhave oligochaetes and polychaetes as alternate hosts,and the well-known parasitic copepod Lernaeocerabranchialis. Finally, it has been hypothesised thatascaridoid nematodes will not be found in farmed cod,as these parasites are absent from the dry pelleted feedused in farms (Hemmingsen et al. 1993). In a recentsurvey of North East Atlantic cod parasites, 58% ofthe macroparasite individuals discovered were larvalanisakids (Perdiguero-Alonso et al. 2008); thus, a largedifference between the parasite faunas of wild andfarmed cod may be expected.

This communication presents the results of a parasitescreening programme (CODPAR) of wild and farmedcod from the 3 Norwegian counties Finnmark, Nord-land and Møre og Romsdal. The aim of CODPAR wasto assemble a database of the protozoan and metazoanparasites infecting wild and farmed cod in differentparts of the Norwegian coast, to compare the parasitefaunas of wild and farmed cod from the same location,to assess the likelihood of parasite transfer between the2 populations, and to identify those parasites mostlikely to cause problems in cod culture.


Collection of cod. During 2006, 2007 and 2008, codwere collected from 4 locations along the coast of Norway: Øksfjord (Finnmark), Kvarøy (Nordland),Brønnøysund (Nordland) and Ålesund (Møre og Roms-dal) (Fig. 1). Four different groups of cod were sam-pled: wild local cod, wild migratory cod (Øksfjord


Page 3: Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wild cod ... · 120 parasite species (Hemmingsen & MacKenzie 2001, MacKenzie & Hemmingsen 2003). Some of these will infect the cod in the

Heuch et al.: Parasites of farmed and wild cod

only), hatchery-reared farmed cod and wild-caughtfarmed cod (Øksfjord only). The last category were codthat had been captured in the wild in northeast Finn-mark about 1 yr before sampling, held in cages and fedcommercial pelleted fish food. The farmed cod wereprovided by farm staff; wild cod were either caught intraps by local commercial fishermen or by CODPARpartners using hook and line. Wild local cod were notcaught in the immediate vicinity of fish farms but in thesame area as the investigated cod farms. These fishcorrespond to ‘farm unassociated’ fish of Dempster etal. (2011). Øksfjord was sampled in April and October2006, Kvarøy in June and September 2007, Brønnøy-sund in August 2006, April 2007 and June 2008, andÅlesund in October 2007 and April 2008.

Examination for parasites. The cod were held alivein tanks of aerated seawater until complete autopsieswere carried out according to the following protocol.

(1) Each fish was killed with a sharp blow to the head.(2) A blood smear taken from the caudal vein was air-

dried, fixed in methanol, labelled and stored. For latermicroscopic examination, the slide was stained withGiemsa, a drop of DePeX mountant was placed on thesmear, a 20 × 50 mm coverslip placed over it, and theentire surface was scanned at a magnification of 125 ×.

(3) A skin smear was taken by scraping a microscopeslide along the flank of the cod, which was thenscanned under a compound microscope at 100 to 200 ×magnification.

(4) The following organs were removed, placed inpetri dishes under seawater, and scanned under a dissecting microscope at 20 to 40 × magnification: thedorsal, ventral and tail fins, plus pectoral and pelvicfins from the left side only; the operculum and jaw fromthe left side; the nostril from the left side, completewith the olfactory rosette; the eye from the left side; thegill arches from the left side; and the pharynx. Any par-asites found were removed and examined underhigher magnifications where necessary.

(5) A smear was taken from the gill filaments andscanned under a compound microscope at 200 to 400 ×magnification.

(6) The abdominal and pericardial cavities wereopened and all internal organs, including the swimbladder, removed and isolated. Each organ wasscanned under a dissecting microscope at 20 to 40 ×.Smears were taken from the liver, spleen, gonads, gallbladder, urinary ducts, and from any lesions observed,and examined at 200 to 400 ×. Samples of gall and urinewere extracted with a syringe and scanned under acompound microscope at 200 to 400 ×. In addition,squash preparations were made from any abnormaltissue from the liver, spleen and gonads and examinedat 200 to 400 ×.

(7) The alimentary tract was divided into stomach,pyloric caeca, fore-, mid- and hind-intestine. Apartfrom the pyloric caeca, each section was opened longi-tudinally and examined under a dissecting microscopeat 20 to 40 ×. Some of the contents of the pyloric caecawere squeezed onto a slide and examined at 20 and200 ×. Smears from the stomach and intestinal mucosawere examined at 200 to 400 ×. All metazoan parasitesfound were re moved and placed in watch glasses ofsea water. Any unidentified specimens were fixed in10% formalin for later examination.

(8) Samples of head and rear kidney were squashedon a slide and examined at 200 to 400 ×.

(9) A scraping from the swimbladder was examinedat 200 to 400 ×.

(10) The head was split longitudinally and the cranialcavity examined under a dissecting microscope at 20 to40 ×. A smear was taken from the brain and surround-ing fluid and examined at 200 to 400 ×.

(11) The carcass was filleted and the left side filletsexamined by eye over a light box for metazoan para-sites or lesions.

(12) The skin from the left side of the fish behind thehead was examined for Cryptocotyle lingua metacer-caria on a light box. The number of metacercariawithin a standardised area was counted. If the skin was


Fig. 1. Cod sampling areas in Norway

Page 4: Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wild cod ... · 120 parasite species (Hemmingsen & MacKenzie 2001, MacKenzie & Hemmingsen 2003). Some of these will infect the cod in the

more than 9 cm wide, a circular areawith this diameter was examined. Insmaller fish 25% of this area was exam-ined and the count multiplied by 4. Thecounts were binned into 4 categories:1 = 0; 2 = 1 – 10; 3 = 11 – 100; 4 = >100C. lingua metacercaria within the circle.

(13) Representative specimens of eachhelminth species found were washed inseawater then fixed and preserved ineither 10% formalin (for morphologicalidentification) or ethanol (for molecularstudy). Adult caligid copepods wereidentified to species in the field lab -oratory, whereas larvae of this familyand all isopods were stored in ethanolfor later examination. Only adult femaleClavella adunca were counted.

(14) The number of Anisakis simplexfrom the surface of the liver was noted.

All compound microscope examina-tions were carried out using phase con-trast.

Parasite identification. As far as pos-sible the parasites were identified tospecies in the field labo ratory using relevant literature. Caligus and isopod larvae (Crustacea) and specimens ofGyrodactylus (Monogenea) could notbe identified to species in the field laboratory. Representative specimensof Gyrodactylus and larval Caligus andisopods in 96% ethanol were broughtback to the laboratory of the NationalVeterinary Institute for further charac-terisation.

Larval Caligus and isopods: Larvalcaligids were identified by DNA se -quencing of a fragment of the mito-chondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1)gene and then comparing the obtainedsequences to sequences in GenBank.DNA was extracted from 98 specimensusing the GeneMole DNA Tissue Kit ona Genemole extraction machine (Mole-genetics) and the CO1 se quences wereobtained following the protocols out-lined by Øines & Heuch (2005). In in -stances where no sequences were ob tained, the para-site was noted as Caligus sp. Attempts were made toidentify the larval isopods morphologically.

Gyrodactylus: Ethanol preserved gills, fins andpharynx infected with Gyrodactylus specimens orindividual specimens of Gyrodactylus preserved inethanol were brought back to the laboratory for iden-

tification. A sub-sample of individual parasites fromthe different sites and organs were identified to spe-cies level using morphological criteria. The soft tissueof the haptor was digested following the protocol ofHarris et al. (1999), and following digestion, the para-sites were identified morphologically following Malm-berg (1970).

Aquacult Environ Interact 2: 1–13, 20114

Sample Area Date Category n Wet weight no. (kg)

1 Øksfjord Apr 2006 Farmed WC 18 2.12 ± 0.662 Local WC 19 2.24 ± 0.913 Wild migratory 17 3.26 ± 0.534 Oct 2006 Farmed WC 17 3.02 ± 0.715 Local WC 17 2.09 ± 0.776 Brønnøysund Aug 2006 Hatchery-reared 20 0.38 ± 0.217 Local WC 14 1.20 ± 1.328 Apr 2007 Hatchery-reared 20 1.12 ± 0.359 Local WC 15 1.20 ± 0.48

10 Kvarøy Jun 2007 Hatchery-reared 20 0.24 ± 0.1011 Local WC 20 0.50 ± 0.2312 Sep 2007 Hatchery-reared 20 0.32 ± 0.0613 Local WC 12 1.06 ± 0.3214 Ålesund Oct 2007 Hatchery-reared 16 1.20 ± 0.2515 Local WC 18 1.22 ± 1.0216 Apr 2008 Hatchery-reared 20 2.24 ± 0.5717 Local WC 20 1.92 ± 1.8618 Brønnøysund Jun 2008 Hatchery-reared 20 3.16 ± 0.7519 Local WC 20 1.20 ± 0.72

Table 1. Gadus morhua. Numbers and types of cod sampled in different areas and mean (±SD) wet weight. WC: wild cod

Parasite Wild Wild-caught Hatchery-rearedfarmed farmed

Gyrodactylus callariatis 5.2 ± 11.4 0.3 ± 0.7 1.2 ± 5.8Gyrodactylus marinus 7.2 ± 41.3 42.2 ± 70.8 33.4 ± 117.4Gyrodactylus pharyngicus 3.1 ± 14.3 0.1 ± 0.4 0.4 ± 2.1Cryptocotyle linguaa 1.8 ± 1.1 1.1 ± 0.6 1.4 ± 1.1Derogenes varicus 16.8 ± 20.0 20.3 ± 27.8 0.1 ± 0.5Hemiurus communis 44.0 ± 84.9 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.1Hemiurus levinseni 1.9 ± 7.5 1.1 ± 2.2 0.0 ± 0.0Diphyllobothrium phocarum 0.0 ± 0.3 0.1 ± 0.6 0.0 ± 0.0Anisakis simplex 10.9 ± 26.4 20.1 ± 28.9 0.0 ± 0.3Hysterothylacium aduncum 8.7 ± 13.3 6.3 ± 33.7 0.2 ± 0.6Pseudoterranova decipiens 0.2 ± 1.0 0.1 ± 0.4 0.0 ± 0.0Cucullanus cirratus 2.2 ± 4.0 0.0 ± 0.2 0.0 ± 0.2Echinorhynchus gadi 4.5 ± 10.0 0.7 ± 1.3 0.0 ± 0.3Caligus spp. 1.2 ± 5.5 0.1 ± 0.2 0.0 ± 0.1Caligus curtus 0.5 ± 2.0 0.0 ± 0.2 0.0 ± 0.1Caligus elongatus 0.1 ± 0.5 0.2 ± 0.5 0.0 ± 0.0Clavella adunca 1.7 ± 2.4 1.7 ± 3.4 0.2 ± 0.7Cresseyus confusus 4.5 ± 5.6 0.7 ± 1.5 0.9 ± 1.9Lernaeocera branchialis 0.1 ± 0.3 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0Praniza larvae 0.0 ± 0.2 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0aTabulates the mean of 4 categories (see ‘Materials and methods’) for C.lingua

Table 2. Mean abundance (±SD) of the parasites entered in the multi-dimen-sional scaling analysis. Data were pooled for season and for samples comprisingwild (including local and migratory cod), wild-caught farmed and hatchery-

reared cod

Page 5: Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wild cod ... · 120 parasite species (Hemmingsen & MacKenzie 2001, MacKenzie & Hemmingsen 2003). Some of these will infect the cod in the

Heuch et al.: Parasites of farmed and wild cod

Statistical analyses. Multivariate ordina-tion techni ques were used to compare similarities in parasite species composi-tion at the level of 19 different samples ofcod (Table 1). All parasite species forwhich a measure of infection intensity wasobtained were entered in the analyses(Table 2). Prior to the analyses, the datafor each parasite were reduced to samplemean abundance, with the exception ofCryptocotyle lingua, for which the meanof 4 abundance categories was used. Clas sical metric multi-dimensional scaling(MDS) for dissimilarity in parasite speciescomposition between samples was per-formed in the STATA (9.2) sta tistical pack-age. The square of the Min kowski distancemetric (L2 squared in STATA) was used asthe measure of dissimi la rity between sam-ples. Fourth root trans formations of samplemeans were performed and the data werescaled to min. = 0 and max. = 1 prior tocomputation of dissimilarities. Transforma-tion of the data de creased the stress valueof the MDS representation, hence increas-ing the adequacy of the MDS representa tion(Appendix A, Primer; http:// eprints. utas.edu. au/ 419/ 7/ 07 appendix. pdf).



A total of 343 cod were examined (Table 1,Supplement www.int-res. com/ articles/suppl/ q002p001_supp. xls) from which 48parasite taxa, including 37 named species,were recorded (Table 3). These includedone hitherto undescribed species of theprotozoan genus Trichodina and 2 newhost records for cod—the digenean Lam-pritrema miescheri and the nematode Hys-terothylacium cornutum (see Mac Kenzieet al. 2009). The subsamples of gyro-dactylids were identified by morphologicalmethods as Gyrodactylus marinus infect-ing the gills, G. calla riatis infecting theskin and G. pharyngicus infecting thepharynx (Table 3). In the following, allGyrodactylus from the gills are regardedas G. marinus, all Gyrodactylus fromthe skin and fins as G. callariatis, andall Gyrodactylus from the pharynx as G.pharyngicus.


Parasite Site of infection

ProtozoaGoussia spraguei Morrison & Poynton, 1989 KidneyTrichodina cooperi Poynton & Lom, 1989 Skin, fins, gillsTrichodina murmanica Polyansky, 1955 Skin, fins, gillsUndescribed Trichodina sp. SkinIchthyobodo sp. NaresUnidentified microsporidian Urinary bladderSpironucleus torosa Morrison & Poynton, 1989 RectumHexamita sp. RectumTrypanosoma sp. BloodMyxosporeaMyxidium oviforme Parisi, 1912 Gall bladderMyxidium bergense Auerbach, 1909 Gall bladderGadimyxa sp. Kidney, urinary bladderZschokkella hildae Auerbach, 1910 Kidney, urinary bladderMonogeneaGyrodactylus callariatis Malmberg, 1957 Skin, finsGyrodactylus marinus Bychowsky & Polyansky, 1953 GillsGyrodactylus pharyngicus Malmberg, 1964 PharynxDigenea (metacercariae)Cryptocotyle lingua (Creplin, 1825) Skin, fins, gillsProsorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi, 1819) Cranial cavityOtodistomum sp. Body cavityDigenea (adults)Derogenes varicus (Müller, 1784) Oesophagus, stomachHemiurus communis (Odhner, 1905) StomachHemiurus levinseni (Odhner, 1905) StomachLampitrema miescheri (Zschokke, 1890) IntestineLecithaster gibbosus (Rudolphi, 1802) IntestineLepidapedon elongatum (Lebour, 1908) Intestine, pyloric caecaLepidapedon rachion (Cobbold, 1858) IntestineStephanostomum pristis (Deslongchamps, 1824) Pyloric caecaEucestoda (plerocercoids)Diphyllobothrium phocarum (Fabricius, 1780) Body cavity outside

pyloric caecaGrillotia erinaceus Van Beneden, 1858 Body cavityTetraphyllidea sp. 1 Pyloric caecaTetraphyllidea sp. 2 IntestineEucestoda (adults)Abothrium gadi Van Beneden, 1871 Pyloric caeca, intestineNematoda (larvae)Anisakis simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) Body cavity, muscula-

ture, liverContracaecum osculatum (Rudolphi, 1802) Liver, body cavityHysterothylacium aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802) Stomach, intestine,

body cavityHysterothylacium cornutum (Stossich, 1904) StomachPseudoterranova decipiens (Krabbe, 1878) sensu lato MusculatureNematoda (adults)Ascarophis filiformis Polyansky, 1952 StomachCapillaria gracilis (Bellingham, 1840) IntestineCucullanus cirratus Müller, 1777 Pyloric caeca, intestineHysterothylacium aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802) Stomach, intestineHysterothylacium cornutum (Stossich, 1904) StomachAcanthocephala (juveniles)Corynosoma sp. Body cavityAcanthocephala (adults)Echinorhynchus gadi Zoega in Müller, 1776 IntestineCopepodaCaligus curtus Müller, 1785 Skin, finsCaligus elongatus Nordmann, 1832 Skin, finsClavella adunca (Strøm, 1762) Skin, mouth, pharynxCresseyus confusus (Stock, 1953) NaresLernaeocera branchialis (L., 1767) GillsIsopodaPraniza larvae Fins

Table 3. Gadus morhua. Parasites found and sites of infection

Page 6: Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wild cod ... · 120 parasite species (Hemmingsen & MacKenzie 2001, MacKenzie & Hemmingsen 2003). Some of these will infect the cod in the

Aquacult Environ Interact 2: 1–13, 2011

Altogether, 96 adult specimens ofCaligus curtus and 25 adult C. elonga-tus were found. Sequences of the CO1gene were obtained from 83 specimensof larval caligids and these sequencesidentified 77 specimens as C. curtus,5 specimens as C. elongatus Genotype1 and 1 specimen as C. elongatusGeno type 2 (Øines & Heuch 2005).

There were marked differences be -tween the parasite faunas of the differ-ent groups of cod (Tables 4 & 5). Asexpected, local wild cod had the mostdi verse parasite fauna. Wild-caughtfarmed cod had a more diverse parasitefauna than the wild migratory cod, withthe latter having only 2 parasite taxamore than the hatchery-reared cod(Table 5). The most common parasites inhatchery-reared cod were the metacer-carial stage of the digenean Crypto-cotyle lingua encysted in the skin, themono genean Gyrodactylus marinus andthe protozoans Spironucleus torosa andTricho dina spp.

However, the only parasites whichwere significantly more prevalent onfarmed than on wild cod were Gyro-dactylus marinus and Trichodina spp.The prevalences of G. marinus on thegills of both wild-caught farmed andhatchery-reared cod were higher thanthose on local wild cod, whereas thereverse was true for G. callariatis on theskin and fins, and G. pharyngicus in thepharynx (Fig. 2). However, G. callari-atis was the only gyrodactylid found onboth farmed and wild fish at all sites.Trichodina spp. were also clearly moreprevalent on both wild-caught farmedand hatchery-reared farmed than onwild cod (Table 4). Other parasites oc -curring frequently in hatchery-rearedcod were the parasitic copepod Cres se -yus confusus (formerly Holobomolo chus;see Ho & Lin 2005), the myxosporeanZschokkella hildae and the nematodeHysterothyla cium aduncum. The gallbladder myxo sporean Myxidium ber -gense was found at the same low levelof prevalence on both wild and hatch-ery-reared cod (Table 4).

Parasites frequently present in wildcod and rarely in farmed cod includedfood-borne helminths, but also Myxid-


Parasite Wild Wild-caught farmed Hatchery-rearedSpring Autumn Spring Autumn Spring Autumn

ProtozoaG. spraguei 1 0 0 0 0 0Trichodina spp. 25 16 56 76 35 46Ichthyobodo sp. 4 5 0 0 14 5Microsporidian 7 15 33 29 0 0S. torosa 70 77 39 47 48 79Hexamita sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0Trypanosoma sp(p). 3 0 6 6 0 0

MyxosporeaM. oviforme 32 34 0 0 6 2M. bergense 9 5 0 0 9 2Gadimyxa sp(p). 12 25 0 35 5 5Z. hildae 27 34 44 41 35 20

MonogeneaG. callariatis 50 46 22 24 18 29G. marinus 43 26 100 82 55 61G. pharyngicus 10 26 6 6 0 14

DigeneaC. lingua 75 93 94 100 55 79P. gracilescens 13 15 0 0 1 0Otodistomum sp. 0 0 6 0 0 0D. varicus 90 80 56 94 4 5H. communis 63 57 0 0 0 2H. levinseni 16 11 0 71 0 0L. miescheri 1 0 0 0 0 0L. gibbosus 0 3 0 0 0 0L. elongatum 11 11 0 0 0 2L. rachion 3 0 6 0 0 2S. pristis 0 5 0 0 0 0

EucestodaD. phocarum 2 0 0 12 0 0G. erinaceus 8 11 0 0 0 0Tetraphyllidea spp. 14 18 6 82 0 0A. gadi 2 2 0 0 0 0

NematodaA. simplex 86 87 100 100 1 0C. osculatum 0 0 0 12 0 0H. aduncum 63 75 17 41 13 20H. cornutum 0 0 0 6 0 0P. decipiens 6 11 17 0 0 0A. filiformis 1 2 0 6 0 0C. gracilis 5 5 0 0 0 0C. cirratus 41 64 0 6 0 2

AcanthocephalaCorynosoma sp. 0 0 0 12 0 0E. gadi 54 44 11 47 3 2

CopepodaCaligus spp. 26 23 0 12 1 0C. curtus 16 21 0 6 0 2C. elongatus 3 11 0 24 0 0C. adunca 56 49 61 47 24 0C. confusus 65 82 22 53 36 29L. branchialis 7 15 0 0 0 0

IsopodaPraniza larva 2 7 0 0 0 0

Table 4. Gadus morhua. Prevalences (%) of parasite taxa in 3 groups of cod inspring and autumn samples. Local (from all sampling sites) and migratory (fromØksfjord) wild cod are combined in this table. Full species names given in Table 3

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ium oviforme, Gyrodactylus pharyngicus and parasiticcopepods of the genera Caligus, Clavella and Cres -seyus (Table 4). Of the parasites with a zoonotic poten-tial, the nematode Anisakis simplex was the mostabundant at a prevalence of 87% in wild cod and 100%in wild-caught farmed cod (Table 4). Only about 1%of the hatchery-reared farmed fish harboured thisworm. No hatchery-reared cod had Pseudo terra novadecipiens, but this species was found in ca. 10% of thewild cod and 0 to 17% of the wild-caught farmedcod. Parasite prevalences were rarely differ ent be -tween spring and autumn samples in wild cod (Table 4).

Multi-dimensional scaling analyses

Species composition of parasites in samples of wildversus hatchery-reared cod grouped along Dimension 1in the MDS plot (Fig. 3). Fish category was significantlyassociated with Dimension 1 coordinates (Spearmanrank test, p = 0.002, df = 3) but not with Dimension 2 co-ordinates. Neither sample season nor sample locationwas significantly associated with Dimension 1 or 2 co-ordinates (Spearman rank tests). Fish weight was significantly correlated with Dimension 2 (Spearmanrho = 0.49; p = 0.03) but not with Dimension 1. Thereare qualitative differences between samples sharinglow (wild cod) versus high (hatchery-reared cod) Di -mension 1 coordinates (Fig. 3). Food-borne in fectionsare practically non-existent in hatchery-reared farmedcod, whereas Gyrodactylus marinus tended to be moreabundant on farmed than on wild cod (Table 2).



As mentioned in the introduction, several authorshave predicted that parasites with one-host life cycleswould pose the greatest threat to the culture of cod andother marine fish (Burt & MacKinnon 1997, Hem-mingsen & MacKenzie 2001, MacKenzie & Hem-mingsen 2003, Bricknell et al. 2006). The results of ourstudy support this prediction in that the only parasitetaxa that were clearly more common on farmed hatch-ery-reared and wild-caught than on wild cod (bothgroups) have such life cycles: Gyrodactylus marinus onthe gills and Trichodina spp. on the body surface. Theimportance of Gyrodactylus spp. and Tricho dina spp.as pathogens of farmed fish is well documented (e.g.Vadstein et al. 2004, Basson & Van As 2006). Further-more, the nematode and digenean fauna of the hatch-ery-reared fish was sparse compared to the wild codand the wild-caught farmed cod (Table 4). An excep-

Heuch et al.: Parasites of farmed and wild cod 7

Wild Wild-caught Hatchery-Local Migratory farmed reared

Protozoa 9 4 6 4Myxosporea 4 3 2 4Monogenea 1 1 1 1Digenea 100 3 5 4Cestoda 5 2 2 0Nematoda 6 4 6 2Acanthocephala 1 1 2 1Crustacea 6 3 4 3

Total 420 210 280 190

Table 5. Gadus morhua. Numbers of different parasite taxa recorded from the different groups of cod






Brønnøysund Kvarøy Ålesund Øksfjord

Brønnøysund Kvarøy Ålesund Øksfjord

Brønnøysund Kvarøy Ålesund Øksfjord

Farmed springFarmed autumnWild springWild autumn


























Fig. 2. Gyrodactylus spp. on wild and farmed Gadus morhua.Prevalence in spring and autumn. In Øksfjord the farmedfish were wild-caught. Gyrodactylus on (A) gills (G. marinus),(B) skin (G. callariatis), and (C) in pharynx (G. pharyngicus)

Page 8: Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wild cod ... · 120 parasite species (Hemmingsen & MacKenzie 2001, MacKenzie & Hemmingsen 2003). Some of these will infect the cod in the

tion was Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria, which oc -curred at high prevalences in all fish groups. A surpris-ing finding was the near absence of caligid copepodson the hatchery-reared cod. The apparent separation ofhatchery-reared farmed cod from all wild cod samplesalong Dimension 1 in the multi-dimensional scalinganalysis was due to higher abundances of all enteredtaxa in wild cod, except for G. marinus, where theopposite was true. In the following, these differencesare discussed in more detail.

Parasites with direct life cycles


The most common protozoan parasite of both wildand farmed cod was the intestinal flagellate Spiro -nucleus torosa (Table 4). Although this species has notbeen asso ciated with pathological changes in its gadidhosts, another member of the same genus, S. salmoni-cida, has caused systemic disease in farmed Atlanticsalmon in Norway (Sterud et al. 1998, Jørgensen &Sterud 2006). S. torosa must therefore be regarded ashaving the potential to be a pathogen of any farmedcod. About 10% of hatchery-reared cod were infectedwith Ichthyobodo sp. Ichthyobodo is a genus of flagel -late protozoan that is well documented as a seriouspathogen of farmed fish worldwide (Woo 2006). A sin-gle species, Ichthyobodo necator, was originally con-sidered to be responsible for all infections, until Todalet al. (2004) showed that I. necator is in fact a complexof sibling species. Callahan et al. (2005) identified a

complex of 9 different species with low host specificity,one of which was capable of infecting both marine and freshwater fish. A species of Ichthyobodo was reportedfrom cod by Isaksen et al. (2007). Clearly Ichthyobodois a potentially serious pathogen in cod mariculture.

Three species of Trichodina were identified from codin the present study, by far the most common of whichwas T. murmanica. The undescribed species of Tri-chodina is highly distinctive, its most outstanding fea-ture being a much larger number of denticles (about40) than is usual for Trichidina spp. infecting fish. Aspecies possibly identical to this was reported from codcaught off Nova Scotia, Canada, by Poynton & Lom(1989), and from saithe Pollachius virens caught offBergen, Norway, by Nilsen (1993). As in the presentstudy, these authors found too few specimens of this fra -gile species to allow them to prepare a full description.

Trichodinids are commensals using fish as a sub -strate (Basson & Van As 2006). They feed on water -borne particles, and thrive in fish farms where such areplentiful. Their movement and growth irritate the fishskin, which reacts by increased mucous production,adding food particles to the water (Basson & Van As2006). Trichodinids disperse through the water andtherefore are expected to be are more prevalent in codfarms, where the possible hosts are closer than in wildfish populations.

The process of capture at depths down to severalhundred meters, subsequent transport and stocking incages is stressful and harms the cod skin. This is alikely reason why wild-caught cod had a markedlyhigher prevalence of trichodinids in the present survey.


Six species of the genus Gyrodactylus have beenreported from cod, some of them highly site-specific(Appleby 1994). In this survey, G. marinus in particularappeared to be associated with the farming situation(Fig. 2 & Table 4). It is not clear what makes this para-site thrive on the farmed fish, contrary to G. callariatisand G. pharyngicus, which were more prevalent onwild cod. On some of the sites visited in the course ofthe CODPAR study the fish had previously shown gillpathology associated with Gyrodactylus sp(p). thatnecessitated chemical treatment.

Parasitic Copepoda

The most common parasitic copepod on hatchery-reared cod was Cresseyus confusus. About one-thirdof the fish were infected at intensities of up to 14 cope-pods per cod. Karlsbakk et al. (2001) found C. confusus

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Dim 1–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12









Hatchery-reared farmedWild-caught farmedWild localWild migratory

Stress: 0.13









7 5





Fig. 3. Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot of dissimilaritiesof parasite species composition in samples of cod. Differentsamples are shown according to the category of cod they represent (see key) and according to Dimension 1 (Dim 1) andDimension 2 (Dim 2) of the MDS scales. Numbers to the right

of each data point refer to sample no. in Table 1

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to be the most common metazoan parasite of postlarvalcultured cod that had been fed natural plankton, withalmost one-third of their cod infected. On thesouthwest coast of Sweden, a 77% prevalence of thiscopepod on wild Atlantic cod was found by Linderby& Thulin (1983). Boxshall (1974) reported C. confususfrom 9 species of marine fish in the North Sea,including some, such as Atlantic cod, saithe Pollachiusvirens and pollack Pollachius pollachius, that are com-monly found in the vicinity of sea cages of aquaculturefish (Carss 1990, Dempster et al. 2009). It is thereforeob vious that this copepod can access farmed cod veryeasily. Although the pathology of C. confusus in fec -tions has not been investigated, Kabata (1984) foundinfected nasal capsules of cod full of opaque, pus-likemucous. He considered that the olfactory function ofan infected nose is probably adversely affected. Thiscopepod could therefore be considered a potentialhealth and welfare problem for farmed cod.

The only other parasitic copepod found on hatchery-reared cod at more than a few percent prevalencewas Clavella adunca. Janusz (1980) reported confusingvariations in the relationship between C. adunca infec-tion and weight of wild cod, but the only evidence ofpathology associated with this parasite is some erosionof the fin margins or the formation of small hyperplas-tic tumours around their points of attachment (Kabata1984). Possible sources for this copepod are commoncoastal fish species such as wild cod, whiting, saitheand haddock (Boxshall 1974, Dempster et al. 2009).

Contrary to the predictions referred to above, hatchery-reared cod carried only 0 to 1% Caligus spp., and C.curtus was much more abundant than C. elongatus. Itmust be noted that the hand netting in farms, subse-quent transport and storage in tanks be fore examina-tion would most likely have dislodged some of thehighly agile C. elongatus (Neilson et al. 1987, Øines etal. 2006). Thus, the prevalence of adult lice may havebeen reduced, but the sessile chalimus stages, whichare anchored to the fish skin by a chitinous thread(Pike et al. 1993), would have remained. Had the Cali-gus population been large, a high number of chalimuslarvae would have been found on the farmed hosts.This was, however, not the case.

Parasites with indirect life cycles

Parasites with complex indirect life cycles involvingdevelopmental stages in 2 or more different hosts areusually adapted to low host densities and can persist ina population of farmed fish only if all the other hostsnecessary for the completion of their life cycles are pre-sent in the immediate vicinity of the farm site. Giventhis scenario, however, many such parasites canbecome serious threats to farmed fish.


Myxosporeans are amongst the most serious pathogensof farmed fish (Alvarez-Pellitero & Sitja-Bobadilla 1993,Rigos et al. 1999). At least 4 species were found in bothwild fish groups and in hatchery-reared cod in the pre-sent study (Gadimyxa may include 2 species, see Køieet al. 2007). The most important factor that will deter-mine whether or not these myxosporeans will becomeproblems in cod mariculture is the nature of their lifecycles. All life cycles of myxosporeans infecting fresh-water fish and those of the few marine species so fardescribed have included an alternate invertebrate hostin the form of an oligochaete or polychaete, but directfish-to-fish transmission has also been confirmed forthe pathogenic marine myxosporean Enteromyxumleei (see Sitjà-Bobadilla et al. 2007). E. leei and otherspecies of Enteromyxum were originally assigned tothe genus Myxidium, to which they are closely related.This raises the possibility that the 2 Myxidium speciesfound in the gall bladders of cod in the present studymay also be capable of direct fish-to-fish transmission.This possibility is of practical importance becauseMyxidium, like Enteromyxum, is a genus that includesspecies pathogenic to marine fish (Shotter 1970, Feist &Bucke 1992, Al-Jahdali & El-Said Hassanine 2010)

Zschokkella hildae was the most common myxo -sporean in hatchery-reared cod in the present studyand was found at the same prevalence in both wild andhatchery-reared cod. Holzer et al. (2010) reported100% prevalence of Z. hildae infection in 45 Atlanticcod sampled from a culture facility in Scotland. NoZschokkella species infecting the kidneys and urinarybladders of fish has been associated with any patholog-ical effects, but damage to the gall bladder and hepaticducts due to Z. russelli was described by Davies (1985).Gadimyxa infections were rare in hatchery-reared cod.While no pathogenicity has been reported associatedwith Gadimyxa, the closely related genus Parvicapsulaincludes 2 species that are serious pathogens of bothwild and farmed salmonids (Sterud et al. 2003, Brad-ford et al. 2010).


The only digenean to be found commonly on hatchery-reared cod was the metacercarial stage of Cryptocotylelingua. Cod and many other inshore species of fishserve as second intermediate hosts for this parasite,which is the agent of the condition known as ‘black-spot’. Farmed fish become infected with Cryptocotylelingua when cages are sited close to rocky shores withlarge populations of the mollusc first intermediate host,the periwinkle Littorina littorea, from which large num -bers of infective cercariae emerge to seek out a fish


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host. The cercariae penetrate the skin of the fish andencyst in the subcutaneous tissues, while the fish reactsby depositing melanin pigment around the cysts. Theusual final hosts are seagulls, which tend to be attractedto fish farm sites, so that the coexistence of large num-bers of periwinkles, fish and seagulls guarantee a highrate of transmission for this parasite. The design of thefish cages can also be a factor in determining the infec-tion pressure of C. lingua. Lysne et al. (1998) found thatcod held in cages close to the surface became infectedwith significantly more cysts of C. lingua than thoseheld in cages lower in the water column.

The problems caused by this parasite are not somuch related to its effects on fish health, but to thespoilage effect of heavy infections, with fillets beingrendered unmarketable as a result. However, pig-mented cysts may develop in the cornea of the eye,which may impair sight at high intensity infections.


No adult cestodes were found in hatchery-reared fish,but plerocercoid larvae of Grillotia erinaceus and tetra-phyllideans were common in wild-caught farmed andwild cod. The final host of Diphyllobothrium phocarum isthe bearded seal Erignathus barbatus (see Polyansky1955). This seal has an arctic distribution, which ac countsfor the occurrence of the larvae only in cod from Øksfjord.Final hosts of tetraphyllidean cestodes are elasmobranchfish; cod and other teleost fish become infected by eatinginfected invertebrate intermediate hosts.

Nematodes and Acanthocephala

The most common nematode found in hatchery-reared cod was Hysterothylacium aduncum, whichoccurred as 4th-stage larvae and adults in the alimen-tary tract at a prevalence of 15.4%. No serious pathol-ogy has been reported to be associated with infectionsof this nematode.

The adult acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi isone of the most common parasites of cod and othergadid fish, but it was found in only 3 hatchery-rearedcod. Again, this must be ascribed to the artificial diet ofthe fish. To become infected, farmed cod would have toeat the mainly benthic crustacean intermediate hosts(Marcogliese 1994), and it is apparent that most cod donot have access to such food items. The 3 infected codin the present study may have eaten crustaceans suchas amphipods off the cage net.

Helminths in cod farms

Intestinal digeneans, cestodes and acanthocepha-lans were absent or nearly absent in farmed hatchery-

reared cod. This translated to the mean abundanceof these parasites being negatively correlated withDimension 1 in the MDS analysis, indicating that theorigin of the fish explains the occurrence of these par-asites. These worms have intermediate stages in faunawhich must be consumed by the cod for this to becomeinfected. Farmed cod eat pellets of formulated feedand are prevented from foraging on bottom fauna andmost pelagic food organisms by the net pen. Wild-caught cod were most likely infected with such wormsbefore they were stocked in the pens, and were foundto have a worm prevalence intermediate betweenhatchery-reared cod and wild cod (Table 4, Fig. 3). Theresults are thus congruent with the experimentalresults of Hemmingsen et al. (1993), where new infec-tions with ascaridoid nematodes in wild-caught codwere not detected after they had been put in cages.

Parasitic Crustacea

The only parasitic copepod found in the presentstudy which has a life cycle involving an obligate inter-mediate host is Lernaeocera branchialis. This copepodhas been considered by some to be the most seriousmetazoan pathogen of cod (Hemmingsen & MacKenzie2001, Brooker et al. 2007). In the present study onlyone farmed cod, from the wild-caught group, wasinfected, but in wild cod from 7 to 15% prevalence wasrecorded. The larvae and adult males of L. branchialisinfect the gill filaments of other of teleost species,mainly flatfish such as flounder Platichthys flesus L.,plaice Pleuronectes platessa L. and lemon sole Micros-tomus kitt Walbaum, which serve as intermediate hosts(Kabata 1979). In the north of Norway and in New-foundland, Canada, the lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpusL. has taken the role of intermediate host (Templemanet al. 1976). The lumpfish is not a permanent part of thecoastal fauna in Norway, but lives most of its life pelag-ically in the open ocean (Bjelland & Holst 2004). It istherefore likely that the L. branchialis infection pres-sure from this intermediate host is much lower in thecoastal zone in northern Norway than in southernareas, where flounder and plaice are more permanentcoastal residents (Froese & Pauly 2009).

Noteworthy absentees and unfulfilled predictions

Among the parasites mentioned in the ‘Introduction’as having been predicted to become serious threats tocod mariculture are the copepods Caligus elonga -tus, C. curtus and Lernaeocera branchialis, and theprotozoan Loma branchialis (Burt & MacKinnon 1997, Hemmingsen & MacKenzie 2001, MacKenzie & Hem -mingsen 2003, Bricknell et al. 2006). Lumpfish Cyclo -pterus lumpus is a major host for C. elongatus (Box -

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shall 1974, Heuch et al. 2007). It is possible that thevery low C. elongatus infection and absence of L.branchialis on farmed cod is at least partly due to thefarm cages being remote from the lumpfish habitat.Lumpfish spawn in kelp forests along the NorthAtlantic shores (Daborn & Gregory 1983) in spring, andthe spent females return to the open ocean before sum-mer to feed on plankton (Bjelland & Holst 2004). Mita-mura et al. (2007) tracked female lumpfish spawnerscaught in the Øksfjord, one of the sampling sites in thepresent study, and found that these fish do not staymore than a few hours around farm sites but travelquickly out of the fjord after tagging and release in theinner fjord. Adult males guard the eggs until theyhatch about 60 d after spawning, and they then leavethe coast (Bjelland & Holst 2004). If spawning occurs inthe fjord, adult males could therefore be a possiblesource of C. elongatus and L. branchialis females in themigration and guarding periods. However, the lowprevalence of the former and absence of the latter sug-gest that the transmission of these to farmed cod fromlumpfish is limited.

That Caligus larvae were found on only a few per-cent of hatchery-reared fish is particularly difficult toexplain given that such larvae were found on >20% ofwild cod caught in the vicinity of the farm sites, and onca. 25% of the adults (Table 4). Both C. elongatus andC. curtus can use a range of wild fish species as hosts(Boxshall 1974, Heuch et al. 2007) and should thus beable to seed the waters near the farms with infectivestages. Some loss of adults of this species will occurduring sampling, but that will be true for all fishgroups. This suggests that some aspect of the hatch-ery-reared cod or their environment may act in a deter-rent fashion for C. elongatus. Dempster et al. (2011)investigated the copepod parasite abundance of codsampled at (farmassociated = FA) and distant from(unassociated = UA) salmon farms in Norway. In Øks-fjord they found a higher abundance of caligids on FAcod; however, this was not always the case in farms fur-ther south. The present data shows the opposite pat-tern: fewer cod in the cod farm carry lice than do wildcod. Dempster et al. (2011) also found that the abun-dance of Loma branchialis was lower on cod caught atsalmon farms, which is congruent with the lack of L.branchialis in cod farms in the present survey.

Khan (1988) found that both naturally and experi-mentally Loma branchialis-infected cod are morelikely to die when stressed than uninfected fish of thesame size. It is plausible, therefore, that the absence ofthis parasite on wild-caught farmed cod is due toinfected fish having succumbed on capture and trans-port. The presence of infected intermediate hosts in thevicinity of farm cages is necessary for the transmissionof the fertilized female L. branchialis to farmed cod.

Such a situation obviously did not occur at the sites vis-ited during the present study, but under conditionsfavourable for its transmission, it must still be consid-ered a potential threat to farmed cod.

Thus, Loma branchialis is a potential pathogen inboth hatchery-reared and net pen-cultured cod inNewfoundland (Khan 2005). L. morhua has been iden-tified in up to 100% of Atlantic cod at aquaculture sitesin Atlantic Canada and has also been observed in codat aquaculture sites in Iceland (A. Frenette, Depart-ment of Biology, University of New Brunswick, pers.comm.; M. Eydal, Institute for Experimental Pathology,Keldur, Reykjavik, pers. comm.). However, neitherwere found in wild or farmed cod in the present study.As far as we know, no study has yet examined the geo-graphical range of these 2 Loma species. The presentstudy did not include a survey of Loma occurrence incod using molecular tools and it is thus possible thatthis parasite is present on the Norwegian coast. How-ever, as abnormal outgrowths and cysts within gillsand internal organs were examined, it is not likely thatheavy Loma infections on the sampled fish were over-looked. We conclude that Loma sp. is not abundant onAtlantic cod in the sampled areas.

Summing up, the most common parasites in hatch-ery-reared cod were the digenean Cryptocotyle lin-gua, the monogenean Gyrodactylus marinus and theprotozoans Spironucleus torosa and Trichodina spp.The nematode and digenean fauna of the hatchery-reared fish was sparse compared to those of the wildcod (local and migratory) and the wild-caught farmedcod, and caligid copepods were very rare on the hatch-ery-reared cod. These results support the hypothesisthat food-borne parasites such as nematodes andmature stages of digeneans will most likely not becomea health problem for hatchery-reared farmed cod, andthat parasites with simple life cycles with pelagic trans-mission stages such as monogeneans and trichodinidsmay dominate the parasite fauna of farmed cod inthe future.

Acknowledgements. The CODPAR project was jointly fundedby the Norwegian Research Council and Innovation Norway.Thanks are due to the staff at the cod farms and the compa-nies Fjord Marine Cod, Helgelandstorsk, Kvarøytorsk, Brancoand Ultra Seafood Loppa. We are also grateful to the fisher-men’s guild at Øksfjord and the Ålesund University Collegefor loan of facilities. And last but not least, thanks to Pål ArneBjørn, Stein Eric Solevåg and Anne Stene for field coordina-tion and facilities in Øksfjord and Ålesund.


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Editorial responsibility: Bengt Finstad, Trondheim, Norway

Submitted: January 17, 2011; Accepted: May 31, 2011Proofs received from author(s): July 5, 2011
