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Parenting tips and tricks

Date post: 28-Nov-2014
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Parenting tips and tricks
Parenting Tips and Tricks How To Become An Award Winning Parent
Page 2: Parenting tips and tricks

Tips for Talking to Our Children

Use these guidelines to

better communicate

with your child!

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Instead of giving your

child unlimited access to

things, make them work for

what they want!

Give Them An Incentive To Work Towards

Page 4: Parenting tips and tricks

Encourage healthy Habits

Promote good hygiene by

incorporating this kid friendly

sink to your bathrooms.

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Give Them Learning Tools

Cut a sticker in half to help them learn their right

from their left.

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Praise Them For A Job Well Done

Make a potty training board to praise your

child with stickers for a job well done!

Page 7: Parenting tips and tricks

Visit our Pinterest at http://www.pinterest.com/

Parents_Ware/ for more parenting tips and

