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Participant Portal and SEP

Date post: 22-Mar-2022
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Participant Portal and SEP: general overview of the system.

Participant Portal and SEP:

general overview of the system.

Participant Portal Participant Portal –– general informationgeneral information

The Horizon 2020 is the EU’s largest instrument for funding research and innovation

3 Internet portals related to the H2020 are currently available:

•RESEARCH on EUROPA: political informationhttp://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm

•PARTICIPANT PORTAL: interactions with participantshttp://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html

•CORDIS: dissemination of FP7 resultshttp://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/

Participant Portal Participant Portal –– general informationgeneral information


The Participant Portal is the single entry point for

electronic administration of EU-funded research and innovation projects, and

hosts the services for managing your proposals

and projects throughout their lifecycle

Public accessPublic accessECAS ECAS loginlogin

Participant Portal Participant Portal ––main main functionsfunctions

Non-registered users may:• search for funding • read the funding guide & download the legal documents• check if an organisation is already registered• get the information on expert database• contact the support services or check FAQs

Registered users may:• submit the proposal• sign the grant• manage their project throughout its lifecycle• register as an expert

Participant Portal covers:

2014-2020 Horizon 2020 - research and innovation framework programme2007-2013 7th research framework programme (FP7) and Competitiveness & Innovation

Programme (CIP)

Funding opportunitiesFunding opportunities

How to participateHow to participate

Project information Project information –– My ProjectsMy Projects

View project details with basic information, abstract and list of participants

View all roles in the projectIf you have sufficient rights, you may also nominate and revokeroles for other persons according to the current situation in the consortium

Access the available tools for the project

AN – Access NegotiationAA – Access AmendmentFR – Financial ReportingPR – Periodic ReportingRD – Reporting & Deliverables


Submission process and templates

••• 10

Electronic Submission

Electronic Submission System accessed from the call pageECAS passwordPICs for all partnersPrepare proposal,

On-line for structured partUpload non-structured part - pdf file(s)

Submit the proposal!Validation checksComplete submission, before the 17h00 deadlineSubmission failure rate = + 1%

Only reason for failure; waiting till the last minuteTechnical problemsPanic-induced errors (uploading the wrong proposal)Too late starting upload, run out of time

The electronic proposal submission system:integrated in the Participant Portalthe servise is available linked to an open calldraft and submitted proposals are accessible under the “My Proposals” tab

Steps for proposal submission

Electronic Submission Service - SEP

PART APART AAdministrativeAdministrative

PART BPART BTechnicalTechnical

Forms and Templates

Standard proposal template RIA, IAStandard proposal template CSAStandard proposal template PCP, PPIStandard proposal template ERA-NETStandard proposal template EJPStandard proposal template SME-PHASE1Standard proposal template SME-PHASE2Standard proposal form PRIZESMSCA standard proposal template MSCA-IF-EF/GF/RFMSCA standard proposal template ITN-ETN/EID/EJDMSCA standard proposal template RISEMSCA standard proposal template COFUND-DP/FPERC standard proposal template STGERC standard proposal template COGERC standard proposal template ADGERC proposal template for PoC

Support and helpSupport and help

Participant Portalhttp://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html

ECAS account creationhttps://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas/eim/external/register.cgi



Unique Registration Facility – User’s Guidehttps://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal4/desktop/en/organisations/index.html
