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PCC Event: Analytics for PR Pros

Date post: 18-Jun-2015
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Why should PR people use analytics? Learn which communications initiatives are most effective, traffic patterns, trends and which customer segments are most valuable to your organization. • Common Issues with Basic Setup • Overview of the Most Important Reports • Which sources of traffic and social networks are most effective? • Which topics are connecting with your visitors? • How can you get more value from the same traffic? • How to use digital measurement to enhance influence and impact • Learn the latest methods for digital measurement and sharing comprehensive results • Translate ROI results into corporate objectives support
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Google Analytics for PR Pros Andy Crestodina @crestodina
  • 1. Google Analytics for PR ProsAndy Crestodina@crestodina

2. This is your funnel 3. This is your funnel on content 4. Your website is the mousetrapyour content is the cheese.Barry Feldman@FeldmanCreative 5. Traffic x Conversion Rate = Success 6. Traffic x Conversion Rate = Success 7. TOP OF THEFUNNEL 8. Search + Social + Email = Content Marketing 9. Social Traffic 10. Email Traffic 11. Search Traffic 12. Which posts haveranking potential?Low hanging fruit is delicious! 13. Top content 14. Find your traffic champions 15. The Spike and the Long TailInitial spike fromemail marketingand social promotion(one week)20 to 40 visits per dayfrom organic search(months or years) 16. Posts that rank high on page twoQueries Report with Advanced Filter for Average Position set to Greater than 10 17. Posts that rank high on pagetwo!Queries Report with Advanced Filter for Average Position set to Greater than 10 18. Finding posts with ranking potential1. View: Search Engine Optimization > Queries2. Set Advanced Filter: Average Positiongreater than 103. Sort by Average Position4. Confirm the rank and the post by searchingfor the phrase 19. Now for a littleon-page SEOLets indicate the relevance. 20. Use the phrase in 4 placesA. Once at the beginning of the title B. Once in the first header C. Four to six times in the body of the pageD. Within the links to the page from otherpages on your site. 21. 1. Title: Once in the beginningIt appears above the address bar in your browserand its the link in Google search results! 22. HHoommele> 23. 2. Header: once, anywhere 24. 3. Body: 4 - 6 Times 25. Dont be tooaggressive! 26. This stuff works 27. The Report ofBroken Dreams 28. MIDDLE OFTHE FUNNEL 29. Optimize forsubscribers 30. BeforeAfter 31. 1900% increase. Not bad! 32. Why it works1.Prominence2.Promise3.Proof 33. Call to Action Conform#convcon @crestodina 34. GOOD 35. BAD 36. CAMPAIGNTRACKINGJust for you, Monique! 37. Campaign Tracking 38. Campaign TrackingThank you, Email! 39. Google Analytics: Campaign TrackingSource: Google URL Builder 40. Google Analytics: Campaign Trackinghttp://www.site.com/email-advice?utm_source=Oct-Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-advice 41. Find YourConversionChampionsWhich are your most compelling posts? 42. Setting Up Goals 43. Subscribers per blog postReverse Goal Path with Advanced Filter for Goal Previous Step 1 set to /blog/ 44. Pageviews per blog post 45. Subscribers per page view per blog postwell hello, champions! 46. Lets watch that in slo-mo 47. Now put on your traffic driving gloves Put it into heavy rotation on the social streams Add it to your home page slideshow Link to it from your email signature Run an ad using PPC, Facebook, etc. Write a guest post. Link back to the page Include it in a roundup of your best posts Link to it from other high traffic pages 48. BOTTOM OFTHE FUNNEL 49. Testimonials = supportive evidence 50. Never make a testimonials page 51. When you say it, its marketingWhen they say it, its social proof. 52. SUBSEQUENTCONVERSIONS 53. But wait! Theres more 54. Subsequent Conversions 55. Where theres traffic, theres hope... 56. Your Pages.Your Funnel.Lets break it down. 57. source: Lead Generation Best Practices 58. #convcon @crestodinaBottom Line. 59. HOW GOOGLEWORKSIts simpler than you think. 60. This is why Google won 61. Search Ranking FactorsSource: MOZ, 2013 Search Ranking Factors 62. links are credibility 63. more links = more credibility 64. links from credible sites =much more credibility 65. many outgoing links =less credibility per link 66. Its good when the link textIncludes the target keyword. 67. but if all the links include thetarget keyword, thats bad. 68. Link Popularity / Domain Authority20 40 60 80#unfair 69. Check Link PopularityResource: Open Site Explorer 70. Thismighthelp 71. Thank you!Andy [email protected]
