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Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)

Date post: 30-May-2018
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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)



    S A T U R D A Y , J A N U A R Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 0

    Unfrickinbelievable: U.S. Military Serving as Chauffeurs, Babysitters for the

    Pelosi Kids: Receipts That Will Blow Your Mind

    Meet the Pelosi family! Using Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, Judicial Watch uncovered

    thousands of pages of travel documents related to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's use of military aircraft.

    What hasn't been revealed thus far is that military aircraft are being used to shuttle Pelosi's kids and

    grandkids between DC and San Francisco time and time again, which appears to be a violation of the

    Update: Judicial Watch provided separate documents from an earlier FOIA request whichshow that "most, if not all" of the flights did indeed have the Speaker aboard. This is beingresearched and, until complete, corrections are noted below.

    Update II: Commenters provide links to DOD 4515.12R "DoD Support for Travel of Membersand Employees of Congress and DOD 4515.13R "Air Transportation Eligibility", both ofwhich seem to indicate any travel by the Speaker's adult nondependent children andgrandchildren is offlimits.

    Update III: An article at Mudville Gazette offers additional useful information .

    Earlier: This post is updated here and it would appear that military jets may have been

    improperly utilized by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to shuttle her children and grandchildrenaround the country.

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    http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2009/08/to-congress.htmlhttp://directorblue.blogspot.com/2009/11/dont-cry-for-me-america.htmlhttp://www.blogads.com/http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/DougRossJournal/~6/4http://twitter.com/directorbluemailto:[email protected]?subject=Blog%20Feedbackhttp://www.judicialwatch.org/news/2010/jan/judicial-watch-uncovers-new-documents-detailing-pelosis-use-air-force-aircrafthttp://directorblue.blogspot.com/2010/01/pelosi-children-and-grandchildren-get.htmlhttp://www.mudvillegazette.com/033252.htmlhttp://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/451513r.pdfhttp://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/451512p.pdfhttp://directorblue.blogspot.com/2010/01/us-military-serving-as-chauffeurs.htmlhttp://directorblue.blogspot.com/
  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    appropr a e ru es see a ove . u s mp y, e n e a es r o rce s serv ng as a mu on o ar

    chauffeur and babysitting service for Nancy Pelosi's kids and grandkids presumably because commercial

    travel is beneath the families of the autocrats.

    But this couldn't be a waste of resources because the U.S. military really isn't engaged in any other

    significant activities around the world.

    Even if you assume that the Speaker's use of military jets for her personal travel is legitimate (a big "if" and here's an example of such a use), it would appear the Speaker is shipping her kids and grandkids across

    the country without any real Congressional delegation on board by using the military as a family

    shuttle service!

    Here's an example of the kids traveling with the Speaker.


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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    , .

    Here's but one example of the Speaker's kids traveling by military aircraft!

    In this case, Nancy's son hitches a ride.

    But here's another example of the Pelosi kids traveling in style and reimbursing the Air Force at Coach


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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    Other kids again stylin' courtesy of the taxpayer.

    In this case, the Speaker's son travels on a military jet.



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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    ere are t e s ett ng ac an ort aga n.

    Hubby and kids are transported reimbursing the Air Force at maybe $400 a seat.

    Pelosi's kids travel once more with the Queen.

    In this instance, Pelosi's relatives hitch a ride on a Congressional flight.

    The kids and grandkids tag along.

    Favored sycophant Anna Eschoo (DSocialist California) is in good graces she gets her own military jet.


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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    Inflight food is never a problem... hundreds of pages of receipts for food and beverages were included in

    the FOIA documents.

    Another House Democrat gets her own flight, presumably because she slavishly votes the Pelosi line.

    Wine and beer, anyone?

    In this case, domestic flights are operating at the discounted price of around $35,000 per the Pelosi kids

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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    are n enoug , presuma y, o rem urse e r orce a aroun a ea .

    Hubby needed a ride.

    Hey, we're going to Japan! Let's bring the whole posse!

    Oops. They lost their receipt!

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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    Oops the receipt didn't reproduce well. Reimburse 'em anyways.

    You stupid little taxpayers: pick up the bar tab, dammit!

    With the economy in a shambles and teetering on the brink of disaster thanks to the insane policies of

    the Democrats, this kind of waste is an outrage.

    Pelosi needs to resign as Speaker .

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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    Linked by: Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, Gateway Pundit, Memeorandum, Pundit & Pundette, Sister Toldjah,

    Atlas Shrugs, DBKP, Doug Powers, Verum Serum, Sipsey Street Regulars ("So, if they freeze the military

    budget as Pelosi wants, will they still use military aviation as a personal airline & babysitting service?"),

    Canada Free Press, Black & Right, Be John Galt, Illinois Review, Weasel Zippers, Left Coast Rebel, No

    Sheeples Here, Lonely Conservative, Incog Man, POWIPandAntareptic. Thanks!

    Labels: Crime, Democrats, Economy, Pelosi

    61 comments links to this postPermalink | 11:28 AM


    At 12:01 PM , Anonymous said...

    This is very depressing.

    At 1:17 PM , Anonymous said...

    So, one of the wealthiest women in CA is taking money from you that you would probably spend on your

    own kids to lavish on her own.

    And what are we going to do about it?

    At 1:32 PM , Reliapundit said...

    the American people need to fire this bitch.

    At 2:35 PM , Anonymous said...

    Meh. I think her failure to stop waterboarding/torture on her watch is far more outrageous and

    egregious. Junkets are to be expected from white politicians.

    At 2:42 PM , Anonymous said...

    Abuses such as this should result in impeachment or censure at the very least. Thomas Dodd (Chris'

    father) was censured for less.

    The term imperious cow comes to mind.

    At 2:58 PM , Anonymous said...

    This is so outrageous. I rarely post comments online, but this is such an egregious abuse. What can we

    do about this? How do we get this information out where it needs to be? Where is the outrage?

    At 3:02 PM , Anonymous said...At 2:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Meh. I think her failure to stop waterboarding/torture on her watch is far more outrageous and

    egregious. Junkets are to be expected from white politicians.

    You are so right...those poor murderous camel fuckers are still having water poured over their face and

    that white devil Charlie Rangal still hasn't paid his taxes.

    At 3:10 PM , Anonymous said...

    While I agree we've come to expect behavior like this from Congress, it's (past) time that we put a stop

    to it.

    At 3:12 PM , Anonymous said...

    You are so right...those poor murderous camel fuckers are still having water poured over their faceand that white devil Charlie Rangal still hasn't paid his taxes.

    Well I mean it's weird that ppl are so outraged over a politician taking advantage of the perks that come

    with being powerful yet have no qualms with the fact that this same person had the power to stop

    torture, which her whole party and lots of people are against, yet she didn't do anything.

    So I guess I join you in your frustration that she has her priorities all wrong. I guess I am not outraged by

    this article because I expect white politicians to take advantage of taxpayers. Especially Democrats,

    they take advantage of people like me who vote for them to bring social justice and redistributive


    I guess I just expect them to let me down. I only vote Democratic because they are the lesser of two

    evils and at least they pretend to care. I will probably not vote at all in 2010 and 2012 though;

    Re ublicans are no better when it comes to abuses of ower.

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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)



    I think in the future all campaigns should be publicly financed instead of what we see in this story,

    where Pelosi was most likely financed by liquor, airline and defense industry bribes.

    This way, politicians will be more accountable to us. I think firstly John McCain and Congress need to

    overturn the Supreme Court ruling that allowed such industries to bribe politicians. I think Pelosi is a

    direct benefactor of the Supreme Court decision.

    I think that if you are outraged against government bribery and abuses, you will agree with me that

    Congress needs to enact a law that mandates that politicians are publicly financed and thus will be

    accountable to us instead of the companies.

    At 3:29 PM , Anonymous said...

    "Well I mean it's weird that ppl are so outraged over a politician taking advantage of the perks that come

    with being powerful yet "...

    And what, may I ask, do you expect from politicians of color? How are they different than "white"

    politicians? Why point out race unless your point is racist?

    At 3:32 PM , Bruce said...

    Drain the swamp, drain the liquor cabinet...same difference.

    At 3:34 PM , Anonymous said...

    I think firstly John McCain and Congress need to overturn the Supreme Court ruling that allowed such

    industries to bribe politicians. I think Pelosi is a direct benefactor of the Supreme Court decision.

    Overturn the supreme court ruling? Why not the tranparency that Obama promised and didn't deliver?

    You want a constitutional amendment curtailing free speech? Impossible and insane. BTW, water

    boarding isn't torture and is much less upsetting than Stretch Pelosi, a multimillionaire, breaking the

    rules and taking our cash for booze while she jumps up to applaud Obama lying about earmarks. Horrible

    evil bitch.

    At 3:42 PM , Anonymous said...

    And what, may I ask, do you expect from politicians of color? How are they different than "white"

    politicians? Why point out race unless your point is racist?

    I don't mean to offend anyone, I just have a lot of bad experiences with white politicians being no good,

    like Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Nancy Pelosi.

    At 3:44 PM , Anonymous said...Overturn the supreme court ruling? Why not the tranparency that Obama promised and didn't deliver?

    You want a constitutional amendment curtailing free speech?

    Yes, because I think the courts got it wrong; corporations should not be running the country, we the

    people should.

    BTW, water boarding isn't torture

    You only say that because whites are doing it now. Whites said it was torture when nonwhites were

    doing it in Eastasia.

    At 3:50 PM , Anonymous said...

    I say we white people must stop paying taxes that pay for this waste and of course all of the

    entitlements that minorities demand, c'mon you white fools, quit working so hard, stop letting this

    government take your money and this robbery will stop.


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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    At 3:53 PM , HotAirPundit said...

    Excellent work Doug,

    I can just imagine if this had been Gingrich or Dennis Hastert, all hell would break loose...

    Remember, they wanted to stick it to Newt for claiming tax exempt status for a college course

    My how times change...

    At 3:56 PM , Anonymous said...

    I say we white people must stop paying taxes that pay for this waste and of course all of the

    entitlements that minorities demand, c'mon you white fools, quit working so hard, stop letting this

    government take your money and this robbery will stop.

    The biggest recipients of entitlements and subsidies are whiteowned corporations and white


    At 4:12 PM , Anonymous said...

    Have you checked to see how Republican leaders used, or didn't use, official transportation while they

    were in the majority? Didn't think so.

    At 4:17 PM , Daniel said...

    The most transparent Speaker of the House, ever.

    At 4:22 PM , Anonymous said...Have you checked to see how Republican leaders used, or didn't use, official transportation while they

    were in the majority? Didn't think so.

    They were too busy fellating Chimpy McFlightsuit for throwing away the previous decade's surplus on

    pointless wars.

    That kind of critical thinking also does not help the rightwing narrative that Republicans are any better

    than Democrats.

    I personally think this is a faux outrage ginned up by the blogosphere and World Nut Daily to score cheap

    political points. I think people should not complain when there are millions of chi ldren starving in Haiti.

    Please donate now.


    At 4:24 PM , Anonymous said...

    Somebody's head better roll for this this!

    At 4:24 PM , Joanie said...

    Wow. This thread sure got hijacked quickly. Everyone, just please ignore the trolls and stay on topic.

    We need to ensure that Doug's work here spread far and wide and at the top of our lungs. Pelosi is the

    ultimate elitist and MUST be forced to resign for this in addition to reimbursing the taxpayers for all of

    these expenses.

    Post this article to your FB and Twitter. Email it to everyone you know. When people get outraged

    enough because we are all tightening our belts and foregoing things for ourselves and our children only

    to see Queen Pelosi spending OUR money like this, action is inevitable.

    At 4:25 PM , Eugenia said...

    This is disgusting and represents all that the elitist Nancy Pelosi is in all of her glory. Seems the taxpayer

    gets the short end of the stick again....

    At 4:55 PM , Anonymous said...

    You expect this of White politicians but not one's of color. Ever here of Charlie Rangel you racist fuck!

    At 5:41 PM , bones said...

    The bottom line: An honest person with integrity just would not abuse their power and privilege in this


    At 7:19 PM , Anonymous said...

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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)



    Pelosi, Reed and Obama need to go...ASAP

    At 7:31 PM , Toaster 802 said...

    Q; What are the American people going to do about this?

    A; Nothing. No, Fucking nothing. Why? because people do not care. If they did, every elected clown and

    appointed chimp would be swinging from a lamp post tomorrow morning. But between the new

    monarchy entrenched in Washington, wall street and the state capitals, selfish wants, entitlement,

    laziness, and down right evil motives like the post troll, who is so STUPID as to think there is one

    difference between GWB and the messiah Obama, all of us will sit around and wait for a dynamic entry

    escort to the cattle cars. Pathetic.And we deserve it if we let them take us to the gallows before wetake them.

    At 8:54 PM , Anonymous said...

    Smacks of the upper levels of the Soviet government and their families' abuse of their positions. And the

    MSM wonders why the public is outraged?

    At 10:22 PM , Mad Monica said...

    Why, exactly, is this NOT an impeachable offense? I was not aware that the speaker of the house was

    allowed to use the military, for which THIS speaker has such disdain, as a way to milk the freakin' tax


    We have GOT to get control of Congress back before this woman and her cronies put our entire military

    to work catering the KSM trial.

    At 11:42 PM , Anonymous said...





    At 12:17 AM , Anonymous said...




    At 1:54 AM , fascinator said...

    I don't get it. What's going on?

    At 2:49 AM , Anonymous said...

    cry about it wingnuts

    At 10:33 AM , Patm said...

    you know, if this were Gingrich, he'd be made to resign his leadership for this. Why don't the Dems (who

    hate her as much as the Reps) use this to get rid of this awful, awful woman?

    At 1:46 PM , sizzers said...

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    At 1:53 PM , Anonymous said...

    At what point will We,The People finally break out the tar & feathers?

    At 2:37 PM , Anonymous said...

    With Pelosi being a representative from California is it any surprise especially since she is from San

    Francisco. The question is when will Californian's get smart and oust Pelosi, Boxer and Finestein?

    At 5:06 PM , Anonymous said...

    At what point will We,The People finally break out the tar & feathers?

    You wingnuts sat idly by the last 8 years in the midst of two offbudget wars, why would you start caring



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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    At 5:59 PM , Anonymous said...

    Read the article and then comment on it! Why can't the liberals ever stay on point. When will most(not

    all)of you stop your Bush obsession. Get over it!

    Pelosi needs to go! If this were a Republican he or she would have to go! I am sick and tired of the

    Democrats in Congress dictating the rules of the game to us, and having no such rules for themselves.

    This woman, is without credibility, integrity (a word she loves) and moral compass!

    If it were a Republican then I would articulate the same message. This woman has millions of dollars and

    she has the audacity to use the United States Air Force as her own private jet service?

    I feel a Tea Party Rally coming on!

    At 6:06 PM , Anonymous said...

    BTW: The Two supposed Bush wars (which the congress approved), do not add up; not even close, to

    the record deficit of the "wisest" President we have ever had. I am still waiting for the awe making

    policy that his Ivy League credentials should provide for us!

    I better sit down, because it just isn't going to ever take place. This President and his cohorts are a

    bunch of idealogues and empty suits. Yeah.....Bush was stupid! If this is brilliance then I rather be


    At 7:32 PM , Anonymous said...

    Why can't the conservatives ever stay on point. When will most(not all)of you stop your Pelosi obsession.

    Get over it!

    At 9:14 PM , expatyank said...

    There is a simple fix for all of this... It is time to flush the beltway toilet......

    If they have the word incumbent attached to their name vote for someone else !.!.!

    At 11:20 PM , Danimal said...

    She can choke on a cock and die.

    At 11:35 PM , Anonymous said...

    I have to agree with the comment made by "expatyank".

    we need to flush the political toilet and start out with new paper. Americans need to pay closer

    attention to who is running for office, why they are running and then sort out the bull from their

    platform. If we don;t wake up soon and start making better choices, it will be our own fault when we

    loose our rights and freedom..We don't have many rights left and the ones that are still hanging are on

    short strings.

    At 4:05 AM , Overtly American said...

    Personally I think she should be taken out back and beat with a 2 x 4 but that's just me. When you

    itemize the things that she and her cronies have been doing for the last 8 years it convinces you that a

    beating just isn't enough.

    At 12:01 PM , adrian said...

    DoD 4515.13R , Section C10.12, (http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/451513r.pdf) states

    very clearly that family members are allowed "Unofficial Travel" on military aircraft only when the

    following conditions are met;

    a) accompanying a senior DoD or other Federal official traveling on a military aircraft on official business.

    b) Such unofficial travel is authorized on military aircraft only on a noninterference basis:

    c) the aircraft is already scheduled for an official purpose;

    d) the noninterference use does not require a larger aircraft than that needed for the official purpose;

    e) official travelers are not displaced;

    f) it results in negligible additional cost to the Government;

    g) the Government is reimbursed at the full commercial coach class fare rate.

    So when Pelosi authorized her kids to travel unaccompanied using military aircraft, she blatantly

    contravened all the conditions mentioned above except for g).

    Pelosi should be impeached immediately.

    At 12:13 PM , Anonymous said...

    If she tried this at a private corporation, she'd be fired because if these were claimed as legitimate

    business expenses the IRS would be on her like white on rice. You can't cheat the government why is it

    all right to cheat the taxpayer?

    At 12:56 PM , Anonymous said...

    This is disgusting, no doubt about it but to ignore all the other politicians that do this as well is even

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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)



    It smacks of bias.

    Let's see some expense reports from both sides of the aisle, I'd bet my life Pelosi isn't the only one, nor

    is it only democrats.

    Both parties have screwed us and waste money and they will continue to do so. What can we really do

    about it short of storming Capitol Hill? Sure you can vote out the current legislature but the

    replacements are just the same old product in spiffy new packaging.

    At 1:43 PM , Anonymous said...Anybody heard of Charlie Rangle or Congressman "Iceboxcold cash" Jefferson there are a few more

    "colored" crooks, I didn't mention like OBAMA. Crooks come in all colors.

    At 3:18 PM , Michael said...

    Wow. I'm a dire opponent of Nancy Pelosi being a rightleaning Californian I'd just as soon see her lying

    in a ditch, but wow. You guys are passionate about twisting what you see to make it seem like what you

    want to see.

    a) The two bottom receipts are identical, in case you failed to notice, yet you seem to try to pass them

    off as different receipts

    b) I get poor printouts all the time and the IRS accepts them as legitimate deductions

    c) Nowhere on here is there any definitive evidence that Pelosi was not on each of these flights

    d) What kind of coldhearted person doesn't understand that someone may want to travel with their


    e) $400 is a lot for a DC to SF flight. I know, I fly that route a lot

    f) When a Rep travels, yes, they ALWAYS bring the whole posse. This is not new politics

    g) Where the hell can I get Kirin for $.75 a bottle!!! That's awesome!!! Steal of the century!

    Posts like this and the ensuing comments make me weap for my own cause in this nation because you

    guys completely exploit logic and reason and twist us responsible, wellthought conservatives into your

    own hellbent fundamentalist cause.

    To put it in terms you may better understand... you're acting like a bunch of suicide bombers. Good job.

    At 3:37 PM , Dilissa said...

    What I think is the most disgusting thing of all is that the DOD regulations and federal law appear to

    ALLOW this. Let's change this law after we throw these bums OUT.

    At 4:23 PM , J Baustian said...

    When I was in the Navy, active duty and retired military could fly on military aircraft on a "space

    available" (SpaceA) basis. Sometimes it took 2436 hours to make connections and get across the


    Also, I knew of at least two rear admirals who received official reprimands, forced to retire, and made to

    reimburse the government for the costs of using military aircraft for personal trips. What they did was

    insignificant compared to what Mrs Pelosi has done.

    At 6:11 PM , Anonymous said...

    This is just another example of liberal "do as I say and not as I do" The arrogance and stupidity of this

    "woman" knows no bounds. What happened to the most ethical and transparent administration yet?

    What a load. BTW those posting racist comments, get off it. This has nothing to do with race. Quit

    whining and baiting others. This is about an out of control arrogant administration.

    At 7:50 PM , 10ksnooker said...

    She who can afford her own airplane flys for free on the taxpayers nickel. Something that is just wrong

    with this type thinking.

    At 9:44 AM , ....Just random thoughts and my opinions said...

    It chaps my ass to hear constant comments about race. The sooner we get over it the better, and maybe

    then WE THE PEOPLE can act as one and do sometihing about the crazy way our government has gotten


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  • 8/14/2019 Pelosi' $28,000 per trip @ Taxpayers Expense($3 Millions so far)


    ou o an . s no us emocra s, e repu cans are gu y oo. s wou e a grea oppor un y

    for a third party to be formed. But we can't stop pissing and moaning among ourselves to come together

    and DO something! Our founding fathers never intended that government service be a full time job or a

    lifetime career. They had jobs at home and got together only when needed. They weren't paid..they

    didn't have free anything. No plane rides, which by the way makes me sick to my stomach, free leased

    cars..yeah..Charlie Ragle has a new cadillac leased for him..and gets free gas..this perk is available to all,

    some are just not skating on the taxpayers dime.

    At 5:53 PM , Anonymous said...

    Does anyone know if Nancy Pelosi can be sued by a private citi zen (such as myself) for unlawful use of

    these aircraft? Thanks!

    At 6:40 PM , vonbruno said...

    Congrats california.....you have some swell representatives out there......somebody take her out back.

    At 7:00 PM , Anonymous said...

    Throw the b***** in jail

    At 7:08 PM , Anonymous said...



    At 7:25 PM , J Baustian said...

    I am disappointed that anonymous commenters are allowed to post on this site. Dialogue typically

    degenerates when people do not have to use their real names, and degenerates even further when they

    don't need any name at all. This is nothing but a mob, and I do not care to read or hear the "opinions" ofa mob.

    At 8:00 PM , mr.sluggo said...

    You didn't mean to offend anyone?

    Then, why ,pray tell,did you open your pie hole?

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