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Pendragon Corporate Brochure

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Pendragon PR specialises in managing stakeholder communications during the planning process. We have been providing advice, consultation services and on-the-ground engagement support to clients for many years, interfacing with politicians, stakeholders, local communities, pressure groups and the media.
consult inform influence support communicating with your public
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consult � inform � inf luence � support

c o m m u n i c a t i n g w i t h y o u r p u b l i c

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Pendragon Public Relations specialises in managingstakeholder communications during the planningprocess. We have been providing advice, consultationservices and on-the-ground engagement support toclients for many years, interfacing with politicians,stakeholders, local communities, pressure groups andthe media.

Experts in community and stakeholder consultation,Pendragon helps make the voice of developers heardand influence local opinion throughout a project’sprogress through planning, development, constructionand operation.

We fervently believe that in order to manage large, complex and, sometimes controversial projectsthat engaging with local communities and listening to what they have to say is at the heart of trueconsultation.


We bring our experience of local and nationalplanning procedures together with meticulousresearch, creating successful strategies for dealingwith even the most sensitive and intricate projects.

�I StandardsPendragon is accredited with the followingprofessional standards:• ISO 9001 Quality Management• ISO 14001 Environmental Management

�I Services include:

I Stakeholder engagement

I Community consultation

I Media relations

I Public affairs

I Support campaigning

I Online engagement

I Workshops and facilitation


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�I Stakeholder engagementWhen a project starts to take shape, a whole range of stakeholders, individuals and groups, will want toknow what is going on. Local residents, businesses,environmental organisations and pressure groups care about their community and each often has adifferent agenda.

Stakeholder mapping identifies all interest groups andpotential issues enabling risks to be identified andassessed. We ensure the voice of the community as a whole is heard and not just the views of a vocalminority. We know that some projects falter becausethe only views heard belong to opponents rather thana more balanced cross-section.

�I Community consultationA strong relationship with the local communitybenefits everyone. Residents and local groups are key stakeholders and ongoing engagement is thebest way to create understanding betweendevelopers, communities and interest groups.

We have many years experience engaging withcommunities and other stakeholders to forgesuccessful working partnerships that deliver mutualbenefits, during planning, construction andoperational project phases.

�I Media relationsThe media plays an influential role in shapingopinions, but journalists can only make judgementsbased on information passed to them. Journalists canbe assailed by a handful of vocal and passionateactivists representing a minority stance and, withouta countering viewpoint, the media often reports justone side of a story.

Our media relations skills ensure balance is injectedinto the debate and that the merits of a project arepresented. Building and maintaining relationshipswith the media from an early stage is a key elementof our approach.


�I Public affairsMost politicians believe an important part of theirwork is to represent the views of the people whoelect them. It is extremely important to ensure thatlocal and national politicians are kept fully informedabout a particular project proposal and understandthe views of the wider community as well as those of a vocal minority. To ensure that politicians hear all sides of the debate, we have a range of tried and tested measures including an innovative range of online community and stakeholder engagementmeasures.

�I Support campaigningPlanning and politics are inextricably linked. If itappears that that a community totally opposes aplanned development, local councillors and politiciansmay well see it as their job to work to have theproject rejected. Pendragon has many yearsexperience developing and implementing campaignsdesigned to encourage active and vocal supportduring planning, construction and operation.

�I Online engagementOnline communications have become key componentsof fully inclusive consultation programmes. In manycases, determining authorities insist that two-wayonline communications are included as integralelements of a consultation exercise.

Pendragon offers a comprehensive range of onlineconsultation services including:

• Website advice, design and hosting

• Web-based feedback questionnaire including analysis and reporting

• Support letter generating software

• Social media

�I Workshops and facilitationWorkshops and facilitation are key to establishing the views of both stakeholders and the localcommunity. They can provide insight into previouslyunheard opinions and create a sense of realinvolvement. Pendragon can provide expertfacilitation services and have many years experienceof handling effective workshops at a variety of levels,including on the ground facilitation training.


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�I Alex Doyle MCIPR

Alex is the founder and managing director ofPendragon PR which he started over 20 years ago.Under his guidance the company has grown into one of the foremost issues management PR agenciesin the UK, with an excellent track record.

Before setting up Pendragon, Alex held seniormanagerial positions at the CEGB and Norweb, withresponsibilities for planning, and public relations.During this time he had extensive communityrelations and issues management experience, havingbeen involved in nuclear waste storage and powerstation development and demolition.

For the past 20 years at Pendragon, Alex hassuccessfully managed a wide range of controversialissues management projects including numerouspower station developments and established areputation for successful outcomes.

Examples of successful projects to which Alex hasprovided specialist PR advice include a 900MW gas-fired power station development at Langage in Devon,a 17-turbine wind farm development at Lochluichart in the Scottish Highlands and the reinstatement of the Old Dalby railway track in Nottinghamshire that is used to test rolling stock including Pendolinos andLondon Underground tube trains.

[email protected]


�I Carole Riley MCIPR

Carole specialises in community relations and issuesmanagement. She has worked with Pendragon since1994 and previously spent more than 10 years withthe former Central Electricity Generating Boardorganising corporate events, VIP visits and seniormanagement conferences.

Carole has a successful track record of working closelyin multi-disciplinary schemes, adopting a hands-onapproach focused towards delivery and client needs.Carole has provided communications support for thepermitting and construction of power stations,airports and waste management facilities.

In recent times, Carole has provided specialist PR support that has helped ensure that a 900MW gas-fired power station was consented in Essex and a 1,000MW gas-fired power station consented inLincolnshire. Carole has also worked on a number of high profile wind farm proposals that have gainedplanning consent.

[email protected]


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�I Daniel James MCIPR

Daniel is a specialist public affairs consultant who hasworked extensively in the retail, housing and mixeduse development sectors where he has devised andimplemented public affairs strategies to dealeffectively with the many political and planningissues relating to new build developments.

Experienced in all aspects of communitycommunication, Daniel has an excellent understandingof how to produce effective project literature that bestpromotes a development and is skilled at organisingconsultations, public exhibitions, workshops and otherkey stakeholder events. Daniel works withcommunities, interest groups and other involvedbodies to ensure that a development proposal is fullyunderstood by all who have a local stake.

Most recently, Daniel has led the promotion of anumber of large-scale energy infrastructure projectsincluding energy from waste projects and wind farmproposals.

[email protected]

�I Richard Bowen MCIPR

Richard has a media and marketing background and has a wide-ranging knowledge of journalism,copywriting, publishing and PR. Richard also has a thorough understanding of public sector andgovernment and maintains excellent contactsthroughout various levels of government, industry,media and politics. Richard offers extensive PRexperience, together with a sound knowledge ofpolitical affairs.

Richard has worked previously for high profile mediaagencies such as McCann-Erikson and is a contributorto a number of media titles such as the ENDS Reportand Local Government News.

During his time at Pendragon, Richard has devised and implemented successful stakeholder engagementprogrammes for a series of high-profile and complexdevelopment projects which have subsequentlygained planning consent. Examples include two290MW biomass power plants in Yorkshire andHumberside and a 1,000MW gas-fired power stationin Medway.

[email protected]



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�I Andrew MillsAndy is a designer and print professional who hasmany years relevant experience working in the fieldof energy stakeholder communications. Andy hasundertaken innovative design work for blue chipclients such as Scottish Power and Drax Power thathas successfully communicated client projects tostakeholders such as politicians, community leaders,interest groups and members of the public.

�I Michael O’LearyMichael has successfully led numerous onlinestakeholder consultation projects. From design of relatively straight forward websites that havepromoted power station developments andintegrated waste facilities to more complex web wind farm projects that have created engagementand two-way dialogue, Michael adds great designskills to development proposals and stakeholderconsultations.

�I Sophie WilcocksonA trained copywriter, editor, proof reader andresearcher who combines creative flair andimagination with a thorough understanding of thecommunications industry, Sophie has a great deal of experience of both internal and externalcommunications methods and processes. She hasmanaged large-scale communications projects fromthe initial planning stage through to execution anddelivery, and continues to advise organisations oncommunication planning strategies.


�I Graham McMillanGraham has nearly 25 years of experience in publicaffairs, government relations, issue management,corporate communications and corporateresponsibility. He has extensive experience on energy,climate change, engineering and sustainability. His clients have included GE, E.ON UK, BNFL MagnoxGeneration, National Grid, CO2DeepStore, Unilever,Prudential, Vodafone and Eurostar. He is a founderand CEO of London-based public affairs and corporatecommunications consultancy Open Road.

�I Jeane FreemanJeane Freeman has more than 25 years’ experience inthe public, private and voluntary sectors in positionsof strategic management and policy development.Her experience includes work with local governmentand the health service, as well as research experiencein the House of Commons. She is a former senior civilservant and senior political adviser to the ScottishGovernment where she worked at Cabinet level onthe education, health, local government, justice andfinance portfolios. She has held a number of publicappointments and advised on governmentcommissions and inquiries.

�I Chris ChurchChris is a skilled facilitator and has facilitated planningsessions, conferences and workshops. He has workedat every level from international policy meetings tolocal community planning work and with a verydiverse range of communities. He can help designsessions or days to deliver desired outcomes. Recent work includes facilitation training over twodays for Westminster Council staff, leadingconsultation meetings for their evolving core strategy.


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� I Case Studies:

I Lochluichart Wind Farm, Near Garve, Scottish Highlands 08

I Heron Renewable Energy Plant, Immingham 09

I Lancaster University Wind Turbine 10

I Glanford Energy from Waste Plant, Flixborough 11

I Commercial Tower Block, Liverpool 12

I Town Centre Redevelopment, Altrincham 13

I Rail Infrastructure Development, Nottinghamshire 14

I Power Station Development, Devon 15



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CASE STUDYLOCHLUICHART WIND FARMClient: INFINERGYLocation: Near Garve, Scottish Highlands

INFINERGY started developing onshore wind farms in2003. The company is committed to the developmentand operation of sensitively sited wind farm projectsacross the UK.

A wind farm project was proposed for the LochluichartEstate in the Scottish Highlands, amid a growingclimate of hostility towards the proliferation ofturbines in the region.

The local authority had approved a clutch of windfarms but was beginning to face stiff opposition fromwell-organised, well-informed groups campaigningon a Scotland-wide basis as well as locally.

The proposal for the 17-turbine wind farm waslocated outside the Highland Council’s preferred areaof wind farm developments and close to main touristroutes and destinations.

Pendragon carried out extensive desktop and on-the-ground research to establish the probable views oflocal residents, councillors, the media and a range ofinterested parties.

Although the planning officer’s recommendation wasto object to the scheme on grounds of visual impactand potential effects on tourism, Pendragon’spersistence paid off as councillors on the planningcommittee voted to support development of the51MW scheme.

This is exactly the type of projectwe need to drive our renewablesambitions for Scotland

Jim Mather, Scottish Energy Minister


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DRAX POWER operates the largest coal-fired powerstation in the UK near Selby in North Yorkshire. The3,960MW plant is capable of supplying the countrywith as much as 10% of its electricity requirements.

Having traded in and burned biomass at Drax since2003, Drax Power took a decision to enter thededicated biomass power generation sector.

The Heron Renewable Energy Plant close toImmingham Docks in North Lincolnshire was one ofthree 290MW biomass-fired power stations proposedby the company.

Already a highly industrialised landscape, localpoliticians and residents were concerned that thebiomass plant might add to existing road congestion,affect air quality standards, cause water drainageproblems and be harmful to local wildlife.

An analysis was undertaken by Pendragon thatidentified key stakeholders to engage in theconsultation process.

Residents of approximately 5,000 nearby householdswere contacted and invited to exhibitions held inImmingham and South Killingholme. A mediacampaign was orchestrated that involved local andregional newspapers.

Meetings were organised with key stakeholders andpresentations given to district and parish councils. A wide range of queries were handled and potentiallydamaging objections addressed successfully.

The proposal gained the unequivocal support of North Lincolnshire Council Planning Committee. The Department of Energy and Climate Changegranted planning permission to the Heron RenewableEnergy Plant in August 2011.

Pendragon’s support through the project development phase has been first class

Marvin Seaman, Project Developer, Heron Renewable Energy Plant, Drax


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LANCASTER UNIVERSITY has a campus encompassingover 300 acres of academic buildings and studentaccommodation. Approximately 20,000 staff andstudents work, study and live at the University duringterm time.

The University was keen to use renewable energy tohelp power its campus and had made an unsuccessfulapplication to Lancaster City Council in 2010 to sitetwo large turbines on land owned by the Universityclose to the M6 motorway.

The original application had been turned downfollowing objections from local residents that theturbines would have an unacceptable visual impact.

Following modifications to the original proposal,Pendragon undertook a campaign to engage with thelocal community and ensure that politicians heard theviews of those who were supportive of the proposal.

Despite continued vocal opposition, over 800 lettersof support for the scheme were submitted to theCouncil, demonstrating that there was in factconsiderable community backing for the University’slow carbon energy scheme.

Lancaster City Council’s Planning Committee reversedits previous position and voted in favour of the secondapplication in early 2011.

I have benefited from your adviceand guidance on this project andwill be recommending Pendragonto others

Mike Sheppard, Deputy Director, Facilities,Lancaster University


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ENERGY POWER RESOURCES is at the forefront of therenewable energy market with one of the largest andmost diverse portfolios of plant in the UK. They havefacilities for generating electricity from chicken litter,straw and meat and bone meal with a combinedcapacity of over 110MW.

Glanford Power Station was originally designed togenerate electricity from chicken litter, predominantlylocally sourced from North Lincolnshire chicken farms.In 2000 the plant was re-commissioned and had beengranted a time-limited consent to burn meat andbone meal (MBM) supplied from non-infected cattleculled during the BSE crisis. During the BSE crisis, thepower station had managed to renew the consent tocontinue to burn the meat and bone meal.

However, once the Government’s culling scheme hadended, EPR wanted to carry on burning MBM due toits superior qualities as a fuel coupled with the factthat the fuel attracted a gate fee.

A small group of neighbours wanted to revert tolocally produced chicken litter, despite the pungentodours and emissions associated with this fuel,expressing concerns about the health risks associatedwith imported meat and bone meal.

A wide ranging on-the-ground consultation programmeover a period of months successfully educated peopleabout the benefits of the proposed fuel, as well aspersuading a number of key stakeholders to changetheir previously negative views. The consultationprogramme involved face to face meetings with localstakeholders, site visits and tours of the power stationand presentations to parish councils. The plant now hasunrestricted consent to generate electricity using MBMfrom across the UK and Europe.


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CHIEFTAIN CONSTRUCTION is a leading internationalproperty developer with interests in Ireland, the UK,South Africa, the US and eastern Europe.

Regeneration was long overdue in some areas ofLiverpool city centre, but opinion was divided on howbest to integrate the numerous historic buildings withnew commercial developments.

A draft ‘tall buildings’ policy indicated to developersthe preferred sites for towers block clusters, but acommercial proposal for one of the central designatedareas, a key gateway to the city, looked set forrejection by the Council.

A consultation programme was devised to secureviews from members of the public and, in just a shortspace of time, almost 100% out of hundreds ofshoppers and passers-by declared themselves totallyin favour of the plans.

Their views demonstrated to the Council that thepublic liked the tower block, which would fit in withanother project nearby and create a stunninglandmark on the city’s skyline and provide an excitingwelcome for visitors arriving by rail.


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PARK LANE ESTATES is a Manchester-based propertyinvestor and developer with more than £350 millionof assets.

Refurbishment of Altrincham’s 1960s shoppingprecinct was long overdue. The layout andarchitecture were dated, while parking andpedestrian access were inadequate.

Shoppers were being lured away by the nearbyTrafford Centre and, as a consequence, retail units stood empty with little interest in new leases.

The £30 million investment proposals for a completerevamp needed to win the support of the residentswho would play a key role in the town’s revival. Local decision-makers also needed persuading thatthis scheme would succeed in stemming the exodusto other retail venues.

Pendragon established a dialogue with influentiallocal authority members and business leaders whowere keen to see the best for their town. A presencein the existing centre, in the form of a staffedexhibition, successfully attracted thousands ofpassers-by.

Their views on the town centre were carefully noted,plus their thoughts about the new proposals. Theresult was a resounding endorsement for the revampand a smooth passage through the planning process.


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ALSTOM is a world leader in the energy and transportindustries, with a presence in more than 70 countriesand a workforce of more than 100,000.

After years of under-investment in UK railways, therewas no longer a suitable test track where new trainscould be put through their paces.

Introduction of Virgin’s high-speed tilting train for theupgraded West Coast Main Line would mean carryingout significant improvement work on a 13-milestretch of old line that was perceived as disused bythe surrounding communities.

Although nominally used for testing, many residentswere unaware that trains still ran along its length. Stationhouses had been converted into homes and a restauranthad even extended onto one of the platforms.

A communications campaign would need to reassureresidents that noise from frequent high-speed trains would cause no problem, that steelelectrification masts were visually acceptable, and that the work was essential for the future of the UK rail system.

Working across two local authority areas, Pendragonestablished community liaison groups, a school visitsprogramme, a sponsorships and donations budgetand built good contacts with local authority members.

Trackside residents received personal visits andongoing contact, while construction problems wereaddressed via Freephone and Freepost inquiry lines.

Both local authorities approved the upgrade workwith minimum local opposition, and the Pendolino is now in regular service between London and the North.


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CARLTON POWER is an independent UK powerdeveloper, with interests across the world. It wasaiming to construct a 1,000MW gas-fired power plantwith associated business park in Devon.

The proposed £400 million gas-fired power stationwould be located near Plymouth. Although the sitewas designated for industrial use and abutted abusiness estate, the boundary of Dartmoor NationalPark lay only a few kilometres to the north and theland, currently used for farming, was considered bylocals to be part of the rural landscape.

A nearby densely populated residential developmentalso promised to yield a few vocal opinions. Due toimpending Government legislation, the applicationwas hastily submitted without any form ofcommunications programme in place.

Predictably, public reaction was loud and hostile,while the local MP decided to launch a personal crusade against the project.

Pendragon went out into the community with a rangeof communications measures, including exhibitions,business and jobs fairs, leaflets, newsletters,telephone polling, direct lobbying and presentations.

A highly active support campaign emerged fromthese measures as members of the business andresidential community threw themselves behind the project, appreciating its many benefits for theregional economy.

The project was one of the first in the country to beapproved when the legislative moratorium was lifted.Following a three-year construction period, the plantbegan generating electricity for over 1.5 millionhomes in 2010.


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Contact us

Please contact Pendragon PR to discuss any projects that have public relations, communications, consultation and stakeholder strategy requirements.

Pendragon Public Relations24 Office Village Exchange Quay Manchester M5 3EQ

t 0161 786 8000 f 0161 786 8001 e [email protected]

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