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People-Based Marketing

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The People-Based Marketing Strategy Optimize campaign success with humanized data.

The People-Based Marketing StrategyOptimize campaign success with humanized data.


Introducing: People-Based Marketing In an ever-evolving technological world, it’s more imperative than ever to adapt our marketing practices to the rising generation. The marketing world is shifting its focus from quantity to quality. To stay relevant in today’s industry, fuel your campaign with a humanized approach.

People-based marketing gives a deeper insight into how to reach the individual behind the screen. Whoever your audience may be and whatever device they may use, utilizing people-based marketing will revolutionize how you target your consumers.

The increasing focus on a humanized approach to campaign delivery has shifted to what marketers should be paying close attention: the people. It is now possible to have a campaign that reaches individuals where they want to be reached.

Distributing mass campaigns to a large array of individuals has become a thing of the past. By deterministically matching each device to a specified person, you will open up your business to a plethora of information about each of your specified target audience members.

Put people at the heart of your marketing initiatives. People-based marketing has the power to reach individuals and instill a marketing message in a way that the solely data-driven era has never done before.

thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy


The evolution of digital marketing.

Marketing has always put a great deal of emphasis on numbers and data. The thought process behind it makes sense – reach the most people and collect the most data to achieve high ROIs. What this process fails to recognize, however, is what these numbers and data points represent.

Each email address, IP address, phone number and cookie represents a real person. Each piece of data tells a story about a person’s journey through their online and offline behavior. All marketers have to do is learn how to understand it.

People-based marketing emphasizes the human elements in data. This revolutionary concept allows markers to customize media plans for each individual.



thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy/Approach

Leverage offline data.Offline data is one of three foundational elements necessary for building an intricate people-based marketing plan.When combined with online consumer information and mobile identification intelligence, marketers can enable offline data to build unique audience profiles.


Traits include, but are not limited to:

• Age• Gender• Religion• Race• Occupation

• Marital Status• Household Income• Town• Zipcode• Interests

On its own, offline data is powerful. For years, advertisers relied on segmenting customers primarily on the basis of offline data. Email marketing thrives on sending to a certain selection of consumers who make up a target audience.

As powerful as it can be alone, the significance of offline data is amplified when layered with online information and mobile identification data.

Each time a consumer ties an email address to a website or an in-store consumer loyalty program, his or her buyer behavior patterns can be tracked. Marketers can leverage these data points to determine demographic, geographic, and psychographic traits.

thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy

Opening email, shopping online, web surfing and

checking social media all occur on a desktop and are

all potential touch points for your next ad campaign.

Track on desktop:

• Open-rates• Email opens• Website visits• Purchase history• Form submissions• Etc.

Without knowing how your consumers prefer to access media, you cannot properly target them with an appropriately placed ad.

For example:The majority of people in the workplace use a computer on a daily basis to accomplish tasks and browse the web. Placing ads amongst company email lists, on business-related news websites and on frequently visited pages will reach your specific target audience.

Online shopping on a desktop has become the norm because it's the most efficient route to purchase. By tracking individual purchase history and online store visits to place ads accordingly, you are optimizing your online data.

Gather online information. Collecting data about your consumers’ cross-channel habits is essential to implementing a successful people-based marketing strategy. A demand-side platform is one way that allows your business to collect online information. DSP technology garners comprehensive information about online consumer behavior and utilizes individual profiles to optimize display ad placements.


thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy

Build a mobile data warehouse.Consumers are spending more and more valuable time on their mobile devices every year.


By collecting mobile identification analytics, savvy marketers can add more intelligence to their data warehouse.One way this task can be accomplished is by analyzing SDK software metrics. App developers use an SDK as a framework platform to build their programs. When a consumer downloads an app, they are typically required to “opt-in” to the app's terms and services. This agreement enables companies to not only see user behavior on their particular app, but also across the device - a key part of people-based marketing.

For example, with SDK integration, businesses can see not only app activity, but also what other apps the user has installed on the device. This helps create unique audience profiles. Developers have the opportunity to discover in-depth persona traits about their users. Does this app attract photography lovers? Fashionistas? Gaming mavens?

This wholesome and collective view of the consumer can be achieved by tracking behavior and preferences across the device that is at their fingertips all day long.

Digital users spend upwards of 4.7 hours per day on their mobile devices every day.

The average person looks at his or her phone 46 times per day.

70% of the world’s population has access to a smartphone.

thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy





via Email via Social via DisplaySUSAN EMILY JANE



With the right mixture of data branching from all platforms, it is possible to create a hyper-targeted campaign that reaches users individually, on the channel they prefer.





thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy

Create a custom audience. Once you collect online, offline and mobile data, deterministic device ID matching is the final missing puzzle piece that you need to turn information into intelligence.


Deterministic ID matching bridges all of the individual data components together. Essentially, it uses email addresses tied to mobile device IDs to identify unique individuals engaging across multiple devices.

Deterministic device ID matching is more people-focused than probabilistic device ID matching because it relies on verified personally identifiable information – email addresses. Probabilistic matching uses algorithms to “probably” identify unique individuals, whereas deterministic matching eliminates all uncertainty.

Users are no longer simply a collection of data points, but rather targetable people with rich consumer profiles full of specific characteristics. This intelligence can be truly invaluable to marketers.

Building a Custom Audience

• Lives in 07653• Works in Law Enforcement• Married with two kids• Values time efficiency, quality, and utility• Accesses email daily from mobile device• Activity high on business related sites• Recently downloaded CNN app


custom profile

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Talk to people, not data points.Up to 40% of all online mobile ads are potentially fraud. Online bots serve false ad impressions across the Internet, increasing inaccurate ad exposure. Your online reputation, marketing budget, and resource productivity can all suffer if a mass campaign is exposed to one of these fraudulent bots.People-based marketing cuts out fraud by ensuring that the people you are reaching are real. By deterministically linking real people to mobile device IDs, you know you are targeting real, verified users. Cutting out fraud in this way provides a big win for both advertising and sales teams.

Fraud is a huge part of why advertisers may be wary of your services. Put their minds at ease by using verification technology that ensures you are reaching active users, not bots.

thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy

Reach people where they want to be reached.We live in a world that is saturated with all sorts of technology. Collecting data on your target audience is the first step to hyper-targeting your reach and narrowing down where and when you place your ads.


Women ages 35-45 living in suburban area.

Susan values staying up to date with the news and constantly refreshes her

email throughout her day.

Emily is all about staying connected. She gets all her latest updates through her

social media accounts.

Jane spends her workday brows-ing her favorite home furnishing web pages on the Internet from

her desktop computer.


People-based marketing focuses on the individual - the face behind the screen. Layering data from online, offline and mobile sources makes it possible to create a campaign that is personalized to your audience’s preferences and media consumption habits.

Everyone has an outlet that they favor when checking their email, and social media accounts. By exposing yourself to this information, you can better adjust where you are placing ads for that user. You no longer need to “batch and blast.” Why waste your budget on ads that will never be seen?

By using extensive data collection and a combination of techniques to truly understand each and every one of your consumers, you will have the knowledge to build a smarter campaign that is streamlined for success.

thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy


Campaigns as unique as your consumers. A people-based marketing approach allows you to understand that each individual in your target audience frequents digital platforms differently, has unique interests and lives a different life.Focus your campaign on the people you are looking to reach. By building individualized media plans tailored to each unique audience member, your campaign will be seamlessly delivered to the channel in which each individual user frequents most.

This is what sets people-based marketing apart from the approaches to which marketers have become accustomed. With an exponentially increasing focus on actual humans who read your advertisements, you need to be 100% certain that your campaigns are exactly what your audience would want to see.


thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy

With deterministic device ID matching, every impression, every click, every conversion can be tied back to one identifiable consumer with a rich profile full of actionable data.


thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy


Bring the campaign full circle. With a humanized mindset, your campaigns don’t stop at the delivery point. Real-time reporting and tracking is imperative in enhancing the future of your marketing campaigns. People-based marketing opens your company up to an entire suite of reports that illustrate what your consumers are clicking on and how they are reacting, broken down by each channel. By taking the comprehensive information gained through this humanistic approach to marketing, you’ll be able to evaluate every aspect of your campaign.

After your campaign has run, you can use the evaluative data to make your next campaign that much stronger. The people-based marketing approach is a cyclical process that improves upon itself. The more you use these strategies, the richer your insights become.

thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy

Don’t just infer-know. Being smart in the ways you deliver media allows you to formulate insights each step of the way. Don’t just gather data points-listen.


thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy

People-Based Marketing Glossary


Demand-Side Platform (DSP):Demand-Side Platforms provide centralized (aggregated) media buying from multiple sources including Ad Exchanges, Ad Networks and Sell Side Platforms, often leveraging Real-Time Bidding (RTB) capabilities of said sources. A demand-side platform often has extra features including: reporting, budget management, frequency tracking and more. Since the DSP is on a central user, all of the different features are easily accessible from one central point.

Individualized Media Plan:Bridge’s new people-based marketing platform allows our clients to deterministically link email addresses to device IDs in order to identify unique individuals. We combine offline data with online data from our DSP and mobile data from our SDK to create individual profiles for each audience member. We score the audience members on their propensity to respond and determine which channels to serve them media in based on their engagement behavior. Each audience member will be served a unique media plan specifically for them in the channels in which they are most likely to respond. Individual media plans give the advertisers the opportunity to reach their audiences where they want to be reached, where and when they are most likely to engage.

Deterministic Device ID Tracking:Deterministic tracking involves recognizing personally identifiable information (PII), like an email address, when it is used across multiple devices to log into apps and websites, and using the PII to identify one unique user across all of those devices.

Probabilistic Device ID Tracking:Probabilistic tracking is a type of cross-device ID tracking that involves algorithms. The probabilistic method tracks billions of anonymous data points from multiple different elements tied to digital use, and then applies algorithms to identify one probable user engaging across more than one device.

Fraud:Ad fraud is the practice of serving advertisements that have no potential to ever be seen by a human user. Advertisers waste money when they pay for impressions that are actually being served to bots or other illegitimate users. People-based marketing eliminates ad fraud by deterministically linking email addresses and device ID’s to ensure that all ads are served to real, verified users.

Software Development Kit (SDK):An SDK is a set of programs used by an app developer to write device application programs. Essentially, an SDK serves as a framework for developers to build upon. When an app developer integrates our SDK, Appjolt, into their app, we have the ability to collect email addresses that consumers use to sign up for the app with, in addition to the unique device IDs tied to those email addresses.

thebridgecorp.com The People-Based Marketing Strategy

For More Information onPeople-Based MarketingEmail: [email protected] Phone: 800.495.4770 Site: www.thebridgecorp.com

As a company, Bridge aims to be human, evolving, accessible and inherently interesting. Our team is at the heart of these beliefs. We are committed to being first to market with the technologies and systems that solve today’s marketing trends. Our data - also human, evolving, and inherently interesting - is just an extension of our company’s values. It has the power to connect, convert and exceed your marketing objectives.
