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PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Installation January 2014
Page 1: PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring … · 2014. 1. 14. · Oracle recommends that you complete training, particularly the PeopleSoft Server Administration and

PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Installation

January 2014

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PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring InstallationSKU itl92_012014Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Trademark NoticeOracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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PrefaceAbout This Documentation ...................................................................................................................... 5Understanding This Documentation ........................................................................................................... 5Audience ..................................................................................................................................................... 6Typographical Conventions ........................................................................................................................ 7Products ....................................................................................................................................................... 8Related Information .................................................................................................................................... 9Comments and Suggestions ........................................................................................................................ 9

Chapter 1Installing PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring ........................................................ 11Understanding PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Installation ................................... 11Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................. 13Installing the HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Product .............................................. 13

Chapter 2Installing Oracle Policy Automation, Policy Modeling, and Traffic Director .................................. 19Understanding Oracle Policy Automation, Policy Modeling, and Traffic Director Installation .............. 19Installing Oracle Policy Automation ......................................................................................................... 20

Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 20Installing Oracle Policy Automation Using the OVM Template for PeopleSoft on Exalogic ............ 21Installing Oracle Policy Automation Using the Web Application Deployment Tool ......................... 24

Installing Oracle Policy Modeling ............................................................................................................ 39Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................... 40Performing the Oracle Policy Modeling Installation ........................................................................... 40

Installing and Configuring Oracle Traffic Director .................................................................................. 40Installing Oracle Traffic Director ........................................................................................................ 40Configuring Oracle Traffic Director .................................................................................................... 41

Chapter 3Performing Install Verification Testing ................................................................................................ 47Understanding Install Verification Testing ............................................................................................... 47

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4 Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Verifying Labor Rules and Monitoring Installation ................................................................................. 47Verifying and Completing OPA Associations .......................................................................................... 48

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About This Documentation

This preface discusses:

• Understanding This Documentation

• Audience

• Typographical Conventions

• Products

• Related Information

• Comments and Suggestions

Understanding This Documentation

This documentation is designed to direct you through the installation of the PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM) 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring product. It is not a substitute for the database administration documentation provided by your relational database management system (RDBMS) vendor, the network administration documentation provided by your network vendor, or the installation and configuration documentation for additional software components that are used with PeopleSoft products.

Required updates to this installation documentation are provided in the form of "Required at Install" incidents, which are available on My Oracle Support.

Instructions for installing Oracle's PeopleSoft PeopleTools are provided in PeopleSoft PeopleTools installation guides. Application-specific installation instructions are provided in a separate document for the PeopleSoft application. For instance, if you are installing Oracle's PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management (CRM), you need both the PeopleSoft PeopleTools installation guide and the additional instructions provided for installingPeopleSoft CRM.

To find the installation documentation for PeopleSoft PeopleTools or for your PeopleSoft application, go to My Oracle Support and search for the installation guide for your product and release.

Note. Before proceeding with your installation, check My Oracle Support to ensure that you have the latest version of this installation guide for the correct release of the PeopleSoft product that you are installing.

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6 Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.


This documentation is written for the individuals responsible for installing and administering the PeopleSoft environment. This documentation assumes that you have a basic understanding of the PeopleSoft system. One of the most important components in the installation and maintenance of your PeopleSoft system is your on-site expertise.

You should be familiar with your operating environment and RDBMS and have the necessary skills to support that environment. You should also have a working knowledge of:

• SQL and SQL command syntax.

• PeopleSoft system navigation.

• PeopleSoft windows, menus, and pages, and how to modify them.

• Microsoft Windows.

Oracle recommends that you complete training, particularly the PeopleSoft Server Administration and Installationcourse, before performing an installation.

See Oracle University http://education.oracle.com.

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Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 7

Typographical Conventions

To help you locate and understand information easily, the following conventions are used in this documentation:

Convention Description

Monospace Indicates a PeopleCode program or other code, such as scripts that you run during the install. Monospace is also used for messages that you may receive during the install process.

Italics Indicates field values, emphasis, and book-length publicationtitles. Italics is also used to refer to words as words or letters as letters, as in the following example:

Enter the letter O.

Initial Caps Field names, commands, and processes are represented as they appear on the window, menu, or page.

lower case File or directory names are represented in lower case, unless they appear otherwise on the interface.

Menu, Page A comma (,) between menu and page references indicates that the page exists on the menu. For example, "Select Use, Process Definitions" indicates that you can select the ProcessDefinitions page from the Use menu.

Cross-references Cross-references that begin with See refer you to additional documentation that will help you implement the task at hand.We highly recommend that you reference this documentation.

Cross-references under the heading See Also refer you to additional documentation that has more information regarding the subject.

" " (quotation marks) Indicate chapter titles in cross-references and words that are used differently from their intended meaning.

Note. Note text. Text that begins with Note. indicates information that you should pay particular attention to as you work with your PeopleSoft system.

Important! Important note text. A note that begins with Important! is crucial and includes information about what you need to do for the system to function properly.

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8 Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Convention Description

Warning! Warning text. A note that begins with Warning! contains critical configuration information or implementation considerations;for example, if there is a chance of losing or corrupting data. Pay close attention to warning messages.


This documentation may refer to these products and product families:

• Oracle® BPEL Process Manager

• Oracle® Enterprise Manager

• Oracle® Tuxedo

• Oracle® WebLogic Server

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Application Designer

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Change Assistant

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Change Impact Analyzer

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Data Mover

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Financial Management

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Human Capital Management

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management

• Oracle's PeopleSoft PeopleTools

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Portal Solutions

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office

• Oracle's PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management

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Note. This documentation may refer to both Oracle's PeopleSoft Portal Solutions and to PeopleSoft PeopleTools portal or portal technologies. PeopleSoft Portal Solutions is a separate application product. The PeopleSoft PeopleTools portal technologies consist of PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture and the PeopleSoft PeopleTools portal technology used for creating and managing portals.

For a list of PeopleSoft products, go to the following web site:

See http://www.oracle.com/us/products/applications/peoplesoft-enterprise/index.html.

Related Information

Oracle provides reference information about PeopleSoft PeopleTools and your particular PeopleSoft application. The following documentation is available on My Oracle Support and on the Oracle PeopleSoft Online Help site:

• Product documentation for PeopleTools: Getting Started with PeopleTools for your release. This documentation provides a high-level introduction to PeopleSoft PeopleTools technology and usage.

• Product documentation for PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals for your PeopleSoft application and release. This documentation provides essential information about the setup, design, and implementation of your PeopleSoft application.

To access documentation on My Oracle Support, go to the following web site:

See https://support.oracle.com.

To access PeopleSoft Online Help (PeopleBooks), go to the Oracle PeopleSoft Online Help site:

See http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17566_01/epm91pbr0/eng/psbooks/psft_homepage.htm.

To install additional component software products for use with PeopleSoft products, including those products thatare packaged with your PeopleSoft products, you should refer to the documentation provided with those products,as well as this documentation.

Comments and Suggestions

Your comments are important to us. We encourage you to tell us what you like, or what you would like changed about our documentation, PeopleSoft Online Help (PeopleBooks), and other Oracle reference and training materials. Please send your suggestions to:

[email protected]

While we cannot guarantee to answer every email message, we will pay careful attention to your comments and suggestions. We are always improving our product communications for you.

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Chapter 1

Installing PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring

This chapter discusses:

• Understanding PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Installation

• Prerequisites

• Installing the HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Product

Understanding PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and MonitoringInstallation

This document is a technical guide for installers and system administrators who will implement and maintain Oracle's PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring product. This technical guide provides the steps necessary for installing PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring and Oracle Policy Automation (OPA).

PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring is intended to run on Oracle Exalytics In-Memory hardware and has been certified on the Oracle RDBMS platform.

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Installing PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Chapter 1

12 Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

The PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring installation contains the following activities:

Task Reference

Review and fulfill the hardware and software requirements. See PeopleSoft Human Capital Management 9.2 Hardware and Software Requirements, "Defining PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring and Oracle Policy Automation Hardware and Software Requirements on My Oracle Support."

Install PeopleTools 8.53.09 Upgrade a traditional installation to PeopleTools 8.53.09, or do a fresh install with the Oracle VM Template for PeopleSoft on Exalogic (OVM template).

Note. This only installs PeopleTools mid-tier components, not the HCM database.

Install PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 The HCM 9.2 database must be set up separately for either a traditional PeopleTools installation or an installation from the OVM template.

Take the PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring product through PeopleSoft Update Manager.

Take the PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring update from the PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 Image 5. Oracle recommends that you download the PeopleSoft Image from the PeopleSoft Image HCM 9.2 Home Page (Doc ID: 1529671.1) on My Oracle Support. However, you can also download the PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 Image 5 from https://edelivery.oracle.com. Once you have accepted the required terms and agreements of the site, select Product Pack "PeopleSoft Enterprise" and the specific platform that you need. The related product media will be available in the media pack "PeopleSoft Human Capital Management 9.2."

Install Oracle Policy Automation See the "Installing Oracle Policy Automation, Policy Modeling, and Traffic Director" chapter.

Deploy Oracle Policy Automation If you are using a traditional installation, you will use the PeopleTools Web Application Deployment tool to deploy OPA.

If you are using the OVM template, OPA is deployed by the template initialization process.

Perform Install Verification Testing See the "Performing Install Verification Testing" chapter.

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Chapter 1 Installing PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring

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Before you install PeopleSoft In-Memeory Labor Rules and Monitoring, ensure that the following PeopleSoft releases and updates are installed:

• PeopleTools 8.53.09

Note. You can carry out the OPA installation using either the Oracle VM Template for PeopleSoft on Exalogic, or the Web Application Deployment tool with a traditional PeopleSoft PeopleTools installation.

• PeopleSoft Human Capital Management 9.2

• PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 with PI005, Bug# 17884543, on Oracle Exalogic

Task 1-1: Installing the HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Product

To take the PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring product from the PeopleSoft HCM Image, you must get current with all updates for HCM 9.2 or perform the following steps to apply the In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring bug:

1. Sign on to your PeopleSoft HCM Image database and select PeopleTools, Lifecycle Tools, Update Manager, Define Change Package.

2. In the Define Change Package wizard, enter a project name for the custom change package in the Package Name field and click Next.

3. Select the Specific Updates search option, and click Next.

4. Use the lookup icon in the Bug Number column to select the In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring bug number 17884543, and click Next.

5. A listing of all the bugs associated with the Labor Rules and Monitoring product are displayed.

6. Click Next.

7. After you have finalized the change package definition, create the change package in PeopleSoft Change Assistant and apply it to your target database.

Note. After you apply the update, DDDAUDIT may contain TABLE-2 and INDEX-1 exceptions for temporary tables. You will need to create these tables manually.

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Installing PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Chapter 1

14 Copyright © 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

When you run the SYSAUDIT after applying the update, you may have VERSION audit exceptions. Perform the following steps to run the VERSION Application Engine program to fix any exceptions:

1. Log in to PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture as an administrator.

2. Select PeopleTools, Application Engine, Request AE.

3. Enter PS in the User ID field, 1 in the Run Control ID field, and VERSION in the Program Name field, as shown in the following example:

Request AE page

4. Click Add.

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Chapter 1 Installing PeopleSoft In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring

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5. On the Application Engine Request page, click the Run button.

The following example shows the Application Engine Request page:

Application Engine Request page

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6. On the Process Scheduler Request page, select the VERSION check box, and click OK.

The following example shows the VERSION check box selected:

Process Scheduler Request page

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7. Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor and continue to check until you see that the Run Status is Success, as shown in the following example:

Process List page

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Chapter 2

Installing Oracle Policy Automation, Policy Modeling, and Traffic Director

This chapter discusses:

• Understanding Oracle Policy Automation, Policy Modeling, and Traffic Director Installation

• Installing Oracle Policy Automation

• Installing Oracle Policy Modeling

• Installing and Configuring Oracle Traffic Director

Understanding Oracle Policy Automation, Policy Modeling, and Traffic Director Installation

This chapter provides the tasks necessary to install OPA, Oracle Policy Modeling (OPM), and Oracle Traffic Director (OTD).

OPA is a suite of software products for modeling and deploying business rules within enterprise applications. It is a specialist application that is focused on modeling, automating, and optimizing the implementation of policy, legislation, and complex business rules.

The OPA product contains the following three components:

• Oracle Determinations Engine

The Determinations Engine is the core component of OPA that provides basic services for executing rules-based applications like inference mechanisms, metadata to build rules, and natural language support.

• Oracle Web Determinations

The Web Determinations component is a web application that allows rapid deployment of interactive applications based on rules.

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Installing Oracle Policy Automation, Policy Modeling, and Traffic Director

Chapter 2

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• Oracle Determinations Server

The Determinations Server is a web service interface that enables remote client applications to send assessment data, performs inference operations based on the chosen rulesbase, and returns the result of the inference operations back to the requesting client. It is built on top of the Determinations Engine.

Oracle Policy Modeling is an integrated development environment that supports all aspects of the OPA lifecycle; for example, natural language-based rules authoring with Microsoft Word or Excel, debugging of rules, comprehensive rules testing facilities, and integrated source control to store multiple versions of the rules.

You can learn more about OPA on Oracle Technology Network.

See http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/apps-tech/policy-automation/documentation/index.html.

Task 2-1: Installing Oracle Policy Automation

This section discusses:

• Prerequisites

• Installing Oracle Policy Automation Using the OVM Template for PeopleSoft on Exalogic

• Installing Oracle Policy Automation Using the Web Application Deployment Tool

PrerequisitesBefore you install OPA for the PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring product, ensure thatthe following Oracle products are installed:

• Oracle Exalogic Linux environment (Exadata and Exalogic)

• OPA version 10.4.4

• Determinations Server Oracle Policy Automation for Java v10., downloaded from the Oracle SoftwareDelivery Cloud:

See https://edelivery.oracle.com/EPD/Download/get_form?egroup_aru_number=16685315.

See PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Hardware and Software Requirements on My Oracle Support.

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Task 2-1-1: Installing Oracle Policy Automation Using the OVM Template for PeopleSoft on ExalogicThere is no action needed if you are using the OVM template to install OPA. The OVM template is packaged withthe Oracle Determinations Server that is certified for PeopleSoft. As part of the OVM template initialization process, the Determinations Server (determinations-server.war) is placed in the /opt/oracle/psft/pt/opa folder. When the OVM template initialization script starts running, it will pick-up the determinations-server.war from this location.

The OVM template performs the following functions:

• Sets up the App Server and Web Server.

• Deploys the OPA domain under PS_CFG_HOME.

• Deploys the OPA Determinations Server on the OPA Domain.

• Deploys the OPA rulesbase onto the OPA Determinations Server.

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Additionally, the OVM template sets the OPA Service Operations connector properties to point to the OPA Determinations Server, as shown in the following example:

Connector Properties tab; PRIMARYURL selected

The OVM template also performs the following functions:

• Updates application.properties to modify general determinations properties to control the outcomes on the following response:

PS_CFG_HOME/webserv/opa1/applications/opa/WEB-INF/classes/config/⇒ application.properties

################General Determinations Properties#########   enable.request.validation   =false   enable.response.validation  =false   enable.second.person        =true   response.outcomes.only      =true###########################################################.

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• Starts the OPA Server.

This step is done automatically once the OVM template installation is complete.

Oracle's PeopleSoft applications that need integration with OPA as part of the OVM template will need to providethe rulesbase file (TL_Rules.zip) and the module file (PeopleSoft_TL_Module.rmod) in the directory PS_APP_HOME/setup/archives/opa.

To obtain the OVM template, go to one of the following sites and perform the steps listed:

• Oracle Software Delivery Cloud based upon a specific release, typically the generally available release (PeopleTools 8.53.09).

1. Sign in to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud portal for Oracle Linux and Oracle VM.

See http://edelivery.oracle.com/linux .

2. On the Media Pack Search page, select Oracle VM templates from the Select a Product Pack drop-down list for the desired operating system.

• My Oracle Support based on the latest PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch (8.53.09).

1. Go to My Oracle Support.

See https://support.oracle.com .

2. Select the Updates & Patches tab.

3. Download the OVM template for the PeopleTools download for the specific PeopleTools release.

To deploy OPA using the OVM template:

1. Upgrade to PeopleTools 8.53.09 or higher.

2. Ensure that you have installed the In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring product outlined in Installing the HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring Product task.

For information on using the PeopleSoft Images, see the documentation on the PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page, My Oracle Support, Document 1464619.1.

3. Validate that the following files are in the correct location:

• The OPARuleBase.zip content is in PS_APP_HOME/setup/archives/opa.

Note. Unzip the file if it has not already been done.

• The rulesbase TL_Rules.zip file is in PS_APP_HOME/setup/archives/opa.

• The OPA Data Model PeopleSoft_TL_Module.rmod file is in PS_APP_HOME/setup/archives/opa.

To launch the OVM template:

1. Initialize mid-tier PeopleTools on the vServer.

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2. Answer 'Y' to provide PS_APP_HOME on the vServer.

When prompted, provide the location of the Application Home. You can provide either the local or remote filesystem location (the HCM 9.2 location where PI005 was installed).

3. Answer 'Y' to provisioning PIA on the vServer.

The OPA setup will begin provided that the PS_APP_HOME is configured and the rulesbase file is present under the PS_APP_HOME/setup/archives/opa directory.

See Using the Oracle VM Template for PeopleSoft on Exalogic on My Oracle Support for detailed information about launching the OVM template.

4. Perform the following test to ensure that the Determinations Server is running the rulesbase file:

a. Sign in to the OPA Domain server console.

b. Select Domain Structure, opa-domain, Deployments.

c. Click the determinations-server link.

d. On the Testing tab, click the Determinations server URL.

e. After selecting the URL, make sure that the rulesbase end point URLs (both generic and specific) are displayed as available services.

Note. The OVM template can only deploy a single OPA server instance. To install multiple OPA server instances, refer to the Installing Oracle Policy Automation Using the Web Application Deployment Tool step.

Task 2-1-2: Installing Oracle Policy Automation Using the Web Application Deployment ToolUse the PeopleSoft PeopleTools Web Application Deployment tool to install OPA if you meet the following criteria:

• You are not using the OVM template.

• You are deploying multiple OPA instances.

To use the Web Application Deployment tool you need to be on an Oracle WebLogic server and on PeopleTools 8.53.09 or higher. The Web Application Deployment tool supports Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Solaris Sparc environments.

See PeopleTools Installation <for your database platform>, "Installing the Web Application Deployment Tools."

Note. The Web Application Deployment tool can only create one OPA instance (domain) at each initiation. To create multiple OPA domains, the Web Application Deployment tool must be initiated multiple times with different domain names.

The following steps are completed when the OPA web server domain is installed:

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• The OPA domain is created in PS_CFG_HOME.

• The determinations-server.war file is expanded and deployed on the domain.

• The OPA rulesbase module files are deployed onto the Determinations Server.

Using the Web Application Deployment tool does not install or configure the load balancer; it must be installed and configured manually. Oracle recommends that you use OTD as your load balancer.

Note. The following steps are similar to those used to install OPA using console mode. The console mode installation is typically used on Linux or UNIX platforms.

Perform the following steps to install OPA using the Web Application Deployment tool:

1. Download Oracle Policy Automation for Java v10. from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud:

See https://edelivery.oracle.com/EPD/Download/get_form.

a. Using the Media Pack Search, set the Product Pack to Oracle Policy Automation, and then enter your platform.

b. Select Oracle Policy Automation (10.4.4) Media Pack from the search results.

The next page enables you to download the Oracle Policy Automation for Java v10. zip file (OPA_Runtime_Java_v10.

c. Extract the OPA_Runtime_Java_v10. to a local directory.

When defining your OPA domain using the Web Application Deployment tool, the Determinations Server folder in this local directory will need to be specified to find the determinations-server.war file.

2. Copy the OPARulebase.zip from the directory PS_APP_HOME\setup\archives\opa to a local drive and extractthe files TL_Rules.zip and PeopleSoft_TL_Module.rmod to a local directory.

When defining your OPA domain using the Web Application Deployment tool, this local directory folder will need to be specified to find TL_Rule.zip and PeopleSoft_TL_Module.rmod.

Note. Do not extract the TL_Rules.zip file.

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3. To initiate the Web Application Deployment tool to create your OPA domain:

a. Navigate to PeopleTools Home, setup, PsMpWebAppDeployInstall.

b. Double click setup.exe.

The PeopleSoft Webapp Deploy Tool Welcome window appears, as shown in the following example:

PeopleSoft Webapp Deploy Tool Welcome page

c. Click Next.

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d. Enter the directory where you wish to deploy the Web Server domain and click Next.

The following example shows the directory location for the Web Server domain:

PeopleSoft Webapp Deploy Tool Get User Input page

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e. Select Oracle Weblogic Server, and click Next.

The following example shows the Oracle Weblogic Server selected:

PeopleSoft Webapp Deploy Tool installation type page

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f. Specify the root directory where you installed Oracle WebLogic, and click Next.

The following example shows the root directory where you installed Oracle WebLogic:

PeopleSoft Webapp Deploy Tool root directory page

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g. Enter the login ID and password for the new Oracle WebLogic domain you are creating, and click Next.

The following example shows the administrator login and password for the Oracle WebLogic domain:

PeopleSoft Webapp Deploy Tool login page

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h. On the Deployment Type page, select Deploy OPA, and click Next.

The following example shows Deploy OPA selected as the deployment type:

PeopleSoft Webapp Deploy Tool Deployment Type page

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i. Enter the domain name (opa_domain), the full path to the determinations-server.war file, and the directorycontaining the rules base and module files, and click Next.

The following example shows the domain name, the determinations-server.war file path, and the rules base and module files directory:

PeopleSoft Webapp Deploy Tool page

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j. Enter the port numbers, and click Next.

The following example shows the HTTP and HTTPS port numbers populated:

PeopleSoft Webapp Deploy Tool port numbers page

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k. Verify that the information entered in the previous windows is correct and click Install to deploy the OPA domain.

The following example shows the values entered to set up the Oracle WebLogic domain:

PeopleSoft Webapp Deploy Tool verification page

4. Perform the following steps to configure the determinations server:

a. Navigate to PS_CFG_HOME, webserv, opa. applications, opa, WEB-INF, classes, config.

The application.properties file for the OPA Determination Server, as shown in the following example, needs to be updated to control the outcome detail that is returned in the response message from OPA.

General Determinations Properties message

b. Set the response.outcomes.only to true.

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5. Perform the following steps to configure the OPA service operation connector properties to point to the OPA Determinations Server:

A synchronous service operation, ASSESS, is delivered to send OPA requests to the OPA Determinations Server. This service operation is delivered with a routing (OPA_ROUTING) that requires an update to the routing connector property (Primary URL).

a. Enter the following URL in a browser to access the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console and log in using the user name and password supplied during installation:

See http://hostname:port_number/console.

b. Navigate to the deployment testing tab for the OPADomain, as shown in the following example.

Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console page

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c. Click the Primary URL in the default row to view the accessible web services for the opa domain: for example,

A window opens listing all the accessible web services for the OPA domain, as shown in the following example:

Oracle Determinations Server Available Services page

The Primary URL consists of a default URL plus the path to the generic 10.4 TL Rules, as shown in the following example:

Note. The '?wsdl' text is not part of the Primary URL.

Continue with the following steps to update the Primary URL routing connector property:

d. Log into the PeopleSoft application in a browser.

e. Navigate to PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operations.

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f. Search for the ASSESS service operation, as shown in the following example:

Service Operations-Search page

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g. Select the ASSESS service operation from the search results.

The following example shows the Service Operations General page for the ASSESS service operation:

Service Operations page: General tab

h. Select the Routings tab.

The following example shows the ASSESS service operation definitions:

Routings tab

i. Select the OPA_ROUTING link to access the OPA_ROUTING definitions, and select the Connector Properties tab.

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j. Enter the primary URL in the PRIMARYURL field and click Save.

The following example shows the OPA_ROUTING connector properties:

IB Routing Definitions page

6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 to deploy multiple domains.

7. Refer to the "Performing Install Verification Testing" chapter to ensure that Labor Rules and Monitoring is installed.

Task 2-2: Installing Oracle Policy Modeling

This section discusses:

• Prerequisites

• Performing the Oracle Policy Modeling Installation

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PrerequisitesOracle Policy Modeling installation is required and enables you to make rules changes. Before you install OPM for the PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 In-Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring product, ensure that the following releases and updates are installed:

• OPM version 10.4.4 downloaded from the following Oracle Software Delivery Cloud:

See https://edelivery.oracle.com/EPD/Download/get_form?egroup_aru_number=16813733.

• Microsoft Office 2003 or higher.

Task 2-2-1: Performing the Oracle Policy Modeling InstallationTo install OPM, perform the following steps:

1. Download OPM 10.4.4 from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

2. Install OPM using the OPM Installer.

3. Copy the OPM Rules Project delivered by Oracle to your local drive and extract the project.

4. Launch OPM and open the OPM project to view or modify the delivered rules source files.

5. Build the rules to create the new rulesbase for deployment.

The rulesbase file is created in the output folder after the build.

6. Copy the newly built rulesbase into PS_APP_HOME.

7. Launch the Web Application Deployment tool to deploy the new rules onto the Determinations Server.

Task 2-3: Installing and Configuring Oracle Traffic Director

This section discusses:

• Installing Oracle Traffic Director

• Configuring Oracle Traffic Director

Task 2-3-1: Installing Oracle Traffic DirectorInstalling OTD is optional. You do not need OTD for OPA deployment.

To download and install OTD, perform the following steps:

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1. Download the OTD software from the following Oracle Technology Network web site:

See http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/webtier/downloads/traffic-director-1373931.html.

2. Copy the OTD installation zip file to the Linux host and unzip it.

The installer is located in the Disk1 directory.

3. Perform the installation using GUI or Silent mode.

If using GUI mode, make sure to have an XWindow server available.

4. Run the following command to perform a Silent installation:

./runInstaller -silent -waitforcompletion -ignoreSysPrereqs -invPtrLoc ⇒/etc/oraInst.loc ORACLE_HOME=<OTD_HOME> SKIP_SOFTWARE_UPDATES=true

Note. We denote <OTD_HOME> to be the location where OTD software is installed in this documentation.

Task 2-3-2: Configuring Oracle Traffic DirectorThis section discusses:

• Creating an Administration Server

• Creating an Administration Node

• Performing OTD Administration Activities

• Creating a Load Balancing Configuration for OPA Instances

• Verifying OPA Load Balancing Configuration Setup

Creating an Administration Server

Perform the following steps to create an Administration Server:

1. Run the following command to create an OTD Administration Server on the host where you installed the OTDsoftware.

<OTD_HOME>/bin/tadm configure-server --user=<admin user> --port=<admin⇒ server port> 

--instance-home=<INSTANCE_HOME> --host=<admin server host>

Note. We denote <INSTANCE_HOME> to be the location where the Administration Server is created. The Username and password for accessing the OTD Administration Server console are specified here.

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2. Run the following command to start the Administration Server:


Creating an Administration Node

Perform the following steps to create an Administration Node:

1. Run the following commands to create an Administration Node and register it with the Administration Server:

<OTD_HOME>/bin/tadm configure-server --user=<admin server user> --host=⇒<admin server host>port=<admin server port> --admin-node --node-host=<node host>--node-⇒port=<node port>instance-home=<INSTANCE_HOME>

2. Run the following command to start the Administration Node:


Performing OTD Administration Activities

Once you have the OTD Administration Server and Administration Nodes created on all hosts where you need an OTD instance, you can perform several Administration activities using one of the following methods:

• Log in to the OTD Administration Console on the browser.

• Use OTD's command line utility (CLT) called tadm.

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The following illustration shows the various Administration activities that you can perform on the OTD:

Oracle Traffic Director administration activities flowchart

Creating a Load Balancing Configuration for OPA Instances

To create a load balancing configuration for OPA instances using OTD, perform the following steps:

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1. On the Administration Server, create a load balancing configuration named opa-lb-config by using the create-config CLI command:

a. The value specified for the server-name parameter can be any logical name you would want to give as the server name in the Load Balancer URL. It does not need to be the same as the host name (for example, node host). Here the logical name we have given for the Load Balancer is opa-lb-server. The Load Balancer URL can then be constructed as http://<opa-lb-server:opa-lb-port>.

b. The list of comma separated origin servers in the following command indicates the multiple OPA server instances.

<INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/tadm create-config --user=<admin server user> --⇒port=<admin server port>

listener-port=<opa-lb-port> --server-name=<opa-lb-server>

origin-server=<opa-server1:opa-port1>,<opa-server2:opa-port2>  opa-⇒lb-config

2. On the Administration Node of the host (for example, node host) where you want your Load Balancing OTD instance, create an instance using the load balancing configuration opa-lb-config. The instance is created by running the create-instance CLI command from the Administration Server host.

<INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/tadm create-instance --user=<admin server user>

--port=<admin server port> --config=opa-lb-config <node host >

3. Start the OTD instance that you just created on host (for example, "node host") by running the start-instance CLI command from the Administration Server host.

<INSTANCE_HOME>/bin/tadm start-instance --config=opa-lb-config

The previous steps provided instructions for creating the Load Balancing Configuration by running various CLI utilities called tadm from the Administration Server host. You can also create the configuration by logging into the Administration Server console on the browser. As part of creating a Load Balancing Configuration, on the Administration Server console, you can also try the following options:

• Creating origin servers

• Creating listeners

• Creating server pools

• Configuring load balancing algorithms

Because you access multiple OPA servers only through HTTP when using the OPA Load Balancing Configuration, you need to create an HTTP server pool.

Verifying OPA Load Balancing Configuration Setup

To verify that OTD works as a Load Balancer for multiple OPA instances, perform the following steps:

1. Install multiple OPA domains using the PeopleTools Web Application Deployment tool on multiple hosts.

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2. Install OTD and create an Administration Server/Administration Node, Load Balancing Configuration, and anOTD instance on a designated host.

3. Verify that the Load Balancing Configuration will be a Server Pool of Origin Servers, in this case multiple OPA server instances.

4. Verify that the Load Balancer OTD instance will route HTTP traffic to multiple OPA instances based on the configured load balancing algorithm.

5. Start all OPA server instances.

On each OPA server, the WSDLs for the Determinations Server and any rulesbase are individually accessible through the following URLs:

• OPA Server1:



• OPA Server2



6. When you have a Load Balancer OTD instance, the previous OPA servers can be accessible at the following Load Balancer URLs:



7. The verification test case consists of accessing these WSDLs on the browser using the Load Balancer URL. The log files for the OTD instance will show the HTTP requests getting routed to one or the other OPA instance based on the load.

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Chapter 3

Performing Install Verification Testing

Understanding Install Verification Testing

In this chapter, you will perform install verification testing (IVT) to verify that the Labor Rules and Monitoring product is installed and to complete OPA associations.

Task 3-1: Verifying Labor Rules and Monitoring Installation

Perform the following steps to verify that the Labor Rules and Monitoring product is installed:

1. Sign in to the PeopleSoft application in a browser.

2. Select Set Up HCM, Install, Installation Table.

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Installation Table page; Products tab

Task 3-2: Verifying and Completing OPA Associations

Perform the following steps to ensure that the OPA Rule was created and to complete OPA associations:

1. Select Set Up HCM, System Administration, Utilities, Build Time and Labor Rules, OPA Rule Base Table.

2. In the OPA Rule Base ID field, enter TL_RULES.

3. Select the Labor Rules and Monitoring check box on the Products tab, as shown in the following example:

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3. Verify that the OPA Rule Base data exists, as shown in the following example:

OPA Rule Base Table page

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4. Associate the OPA Rule to the PSFT User Exit Rule definition:

a. Select Set Up HCM, System Administration, Utilities, Build Time and Labor Rules, Rules.

b. Select OPARULES in the Rule ID field.

c. Ensure that the data shown matches the data shown in the following example:

Rules page

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5. Add the OPA Rule to the Rule Programs.

a. Select Set Up HCM, Product Related, Time and Labor, Rules and WorkGroups, Rule Programs.

b. Enter the Rule Program OPARULES, as shown in the following example:

Rule programs page

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6. Create a new TRC program:

a. Select Set Up HCM, Product Related, Time and Labor, Time Reporting. TRC Program.

b. Add TRC Program ID OPTRC, as shown in the following example:

TRC Program page

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7. Associate the Rule Program to the Workgroup to test the OPA Rules. Perform the following steps to add the new Workgroup:

a. Select Set Up HCM, Product Related, Time and Labor, Rules and Workgroups, Workgroup.

b. On the Definition tab, associate the Rule Program and the TRC Program to the Workgroup, as shown in the following example:

Workgroup page: Definition tab

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8. Enroll the employee ID KU0035 into California:

a. Select Payroll for North America, Employee Pay Data USA, Tax Information, Update Employee Tax Data.

b. Search for employee ID KU0035.

c. On the Federal Tax Data tab in Correct History mode, enter 01/01/2010 in the *Effective Date field, as shown in the following example:

Update Employee Tax Data page: Federal Tax Data tab

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d. On the State Tax Data tab, add a new row for State Information, and enter CA in the *State field.

The following example shows a new row with CA entered in the *State field:

Update Employee Tax Data page; State Tax Data tab

e. Click Save once and ignore any warnings.

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9. Associate the Workgroup to the Employee (KU0035):

a. Select Time and Labor, Enroll Time Reporters, Maintain Time Reporter Data.

b. Select employee ID KU0035

c. In Correct History mode, enter 01/01/2010 in the *Effective Date field, as shown in the following example:

Maintain Time Reporter Data page

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10. Enter time for the employee in the Workgroup:

Ensure that only OPA overtime rules are going to be executed as per the previous Rule Program.

a. Select Manager Self Service, Time Management, Report Time, Timesheet.

b. Select Employee ID KU0035 and enter 01/04/2010 in the Date field.

c. Click the Get Employees button.

d. Click on the employee last name Fung in the Time Summary section, as shown in the following example:

Timesheet Summary page

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e. Enter the data as shown in the following example and click Submit:

Timesheet page

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11. Run Time Administration for the Employee:

a. Select Time and Labor, Process Time, Request Time Administration.

b. Create a run control ID to run the Time Administration process.

c. Click the Run button.

The following example shows the OPA run control ID:

Request Time Administration page

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12. Verify Payable Time:

a. Select Manager Self Service, Time Management, View Time, Payable Time Summary.

b. Select Employee ID KU0035 and enter 01/04/2010 in the Date field.

c. Click the Get Employees button.

d. Click on the employee last name, Fung in the Time Reportes section, as shown in the following example:

Payable Tiime Summary page

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e. Review the Payable Time Summary, as shown in the following example:

Payable Time Summary

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