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Performance School Family Handbook

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Performance School 385 FAMILY HANDBOOK The Essentials: An Overview of What Parents Need to Know 750 Concourse Village West The Bronx, New York 10451 Lourdes Estrella Executive Principal If You Take a Child By the Hand…You Take a Parent By the Heart!
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Performance School 385


The Essentials: An Overview of What Parents Need to Know

750 Concourse Village West The Bronx, New York 10451

Lourdes Estrella

Executive Principal

If You Take a Child By the Hand…You Take a Parent By the Heart!

Page 2: Performance School Family Handbook

New York City Department of Education

Children First Network 109

Dennis M. Walcott Chancellor

Maria Quail

Network Leader

Caterina Ditillio Deputy Network Leader

Yolanda Torres

District 7 Superintendent

Performance School 385 750 Concourse Village West The Bronx, New York 10451

School Website: www.385x.org

Tel: (718) 292-5070 Fax: (718) 292-5071

Lourdes Estrella Executive Principal

Scott Elson Guillermo Feliciano Assistant Principal Assistant Principal

Barbara Pinos Assistant Principal

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____________________________________________________Table of Contents Principal’s Message: Building A Shared Vision School Mission Statement School Motto

I. Helping Your Child to Succeed in School

♦ Attendance ♦ Dismissal ♦ Appropriate Dress ♦ What to bring to school and what to leave at home

II. Academic Expectations for Students ♦ Common Core Standards ♦ Grading Policy ♦ Homework ♦ Academic Help ♦ Progress Reports

III. Student Behavior in the Classroom and School Community ♦ Chancellor’s Discipline Code ♦ Prejudice and Hate-Free Policy ♦ School Pledge

IV. Communication ♦ Who Should I Ask? ♦ Information Sent Home

V. Other Information for Parents ♦ Emergencies ♦ Lost and Found ♦ Storm Days/School Closing Procedures

VI. Parent Involvement ♦ Parent Involvement Policy ♦ Parent Teacher Association ♦ Learning Leaders Program ♦ Snow Storms and Other Emergencies ♦ Forms ♦ Health Forms ♦ Birthdays

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Principal’s Message Building A Shared Vision

Dear Parents: As we build a shared vision of the our purpose we must inform ourselves and help others

clearly understand the role of Performance School 385 in the Mott Haven community.

The service we provide this community is the development of an educated child that will

grow up with the necessary tools to become a caring and productive citizen, informed,

equipped and empowered to make choices in an ever growing global community. This is

the idealistic and noble purpose of Performance School 385 and of all the wonderful

people who work here.

Just as you, the parent becomes the child’s first teacher and begins to build the character

of your child from the first day he/she was born; so to are, we, the people who work at

Performance School 385 committed to continuing on this mission. Our staff is not just

answering telephones or making copies or cleaning floors or teaching reading, history,

mathematics, science or music or art. We are, each and every one of us, as we do these

things each day, helping you build upon the character of your child to become a caring and

productive citizen, the one, which you envisioned when your child was born. We even go

beyond your expectations; we educate your child to become an independent learner, so as

your child grows beyond our school community he or she will be thoroughly prepared to

contribute to his or her ongoing education or to become members in the world of work.

Our interest is in nurturing the voice, imagination, creativity and a sense of excellence of

your child in an academically challenging learning environment so that they may achieve

success in this 21st century.

This is of course a noble cause one that is full of hope that one day your child, our

students, those we have educated will have the capacity to build a better and brighter

future for us all.

Warmly, Lourdes Estrella Executive Principal

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School Mission Statement Our mission is to engage staff, students, families, and community partners to make a difference

in the life of each child in our learning community. We will provide all students with an exceptional education to develop their mind and nurture their spirit, empowering them to

pursue dreams and change the world.

School Motto

If you take a child by the hand… You take a parent by the heart!

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I. Helping Your Child to Succeed in School Attendance School begins at 8:20 am each day. Your child should not arrive before 8:20 am. We have made arrangements for all children to participate in the Breakfast In the Classroom Program. We encourage all children to be in their classrooms at 8:20 am to eat breakfast before they begin their day. After 8:20 am there will be a ten-minute grace period for all children. If your child is not in class at 8:31 am, then he/she is considered late. Students should be in school on time every day. During the month of September parents will escort Pre Kindergarten, Kindergarten and first grade students directly into their classrooms. By the end of October we will begin to allow the Kindergarten and First grade students to go to their classrooms unescorted. Pre- Kindergarten will continue to be escorted by the parent throughout the year. Second, third, fourth and fifth grade students will go straight to their classrooms where the teachers are awaiting them. Please be aware that your child must be in school every day. Excessive absences or lateness may result in a truancy investigation or may even been called in to ACS for negligence. Please be aware that our school is diligent about following up on attendance matters. We will call home if there is an unreported absence or tardy. Our school must maintain a 92% attendance rate for the year. When your child returns from an absence, he/she will need a note from an adult family member or a doctor explaining the absence. Your child should present this note to their official class teacher. When your child is out of school, he/she is still responsible for the work missed. For students, being in attendance means not only showing up but also they must be ready to work. If they stay up too late watching TV or mingle with friends, then they won’t be doing their best work. Likewise, if they show up without having eaten breakfast (or having eaten something very sugary) their bodies will concentrate on how hungry they are rather than on their Reading Workshop or Mathematics Workshop class. Remember breakfast is served every day at school for free. Please encourage your children to take advantage of this! Dismissal Dismissal is at 2:40 daily. In order to maintain a safe environment, teachers, students and parents must follow dismissal procedures. All Teachers will escort students to the schoolyard where they will be picked up by the parent, the designated caretaker or are to walk home alone. Bus children will be escorted to the front yard to the area where the busses will be waiting. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for arranging after school activities and routines for their children. There will be no staff available to watch your child after dismissal. Please make sure your child is picked up on time every day. We discourage students leaving school early. Students may not be dismissed early to take care of a younger sibling. At 2:30 pm the main office will be closed. The main office staff will not request children to be sent down at that time. Please make sure you wait for your child outside the schoolyard. Your child will be standing in line with his class until he is dismissed. All gates will be opened at 2:40 pm. If a student is to be picked up from school by a parent or guardian during the school day, before 2:30 pm you must go to the main office. Please speak to our school secretaries and they will call upstairs for your child to be sent down. You must wait for your child to come from their classroom to the main office. Again, you DO NOT need to climb the stairs. Sign out for your children in the main office.

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If your child is in need of extra help a letter will be sent home informing you that he/she will be given extra help from 2:40 to 3:30 pm. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. All students needing extra help will be dismissed in the schoolyard at 3:30 pm. Appropriate Dress Your child is required to come to school wearing the school uniform every day. The uniform is conducive to learning and appropriately respectful of the importance of school. At Performance School 385, we are preparing students for the world of work. Appropriate dress shows that this is an environment in which our tasks are taken seriously. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

• All students are required to wear the school uniform, which consists of a navy blue (dark) colored polo shirt and khaki colored pants or skirt.

Shorts and skirts must reach the knees. Hats, caps or head coverings of any kind may not be worn in class unless they are required for religious

observance. Clothing depicting illegal substances or obscenities is not allowed. Excessively baggy pants, especially those that fall below the hips, are not allowed.

Families will be called to bring appropriate clothing to the child if the school determines that a student’s dress is inappropriate. If the family cannot be reached, students will have to wear clothing borrowed from the school for the duration of the school day. What to bring to school and what to leave at home Articles of value should not be brought to school. The school is not responsible for items that are lost, stolen, misplaced or broken. So, if there is something that a student would regret losing, it’s best to leave it at home.

Bring to School Leave at Home

Pens Pencils Notebooks Reference Materials (when needed) A good book Completed homework Notes sent home to be signed by parents A positive attitude Any other materials/supplies requested by

your teachers

IPods, Radios, MP3 players, CD players or

other audio equipment Cell phones Laser pointers Beepers/pagers Water guns or other toys (especially toy

guns) Fire crackers Stink bombs Gum and candy

In addition, any items on the Chancellor’s list of prohibited items (such as weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, items that may be used as a weapon, etc.) More information can be found at http://www.nycenet.edu

Cell Phone Policy

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Safety and security of our students is our utmost concern. It is for this reason that we are urgently requesting that cell phones and other electronic devices be left at home. They are a distraction and pose a safety hazard to our school community. The theft of cell phones or other electronic devices have become a citywide epidemic. Students are being approached on their way home from school in an attempt to steal these items, and in some cases students have been assaulted. We are committed and determined to ensure the safety and security of our students. Chancellor’s Regulation A 412 Section V clearly prohibits any electronic devices in school. II. Academic Expectations for Students Common Core Standards We are currently in the process of implementing new Common Core State Standards. Standards are important because they help ensure that all students, no matter where they live, are prepared for success in college and the workforce. They help set clear and consistent expectations for students, parents, and teachers; build your child’s knowledge and skills; and help set high goals for all students.

Grading Policy Your child must complete his/her work every day. Your child’s grades will be based on the number of assignments completed and scored, the effort/participation demonstrated in class, performance on tests, homework completion and class work. At Performance School, 385 we take the process of teaching and learning very seriously. Students are expected to come to class prepared to work hard. This means that they will bring all necessary materials and focus on the teacher, on behaving appropriately and not on their classmates. Teachers will be sending you progress reports on an ongoing basis. This way if you see that your child is not keeping up to the standards you can make an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher. If the child scores a … It means that the work is…

4 Excellent

(90% – 100%)

Exceeding the goal for a student in the grade and your child has met the standard with distinction This does not mean that your child is finished (there is always more to learn and room for improvement), but students should take a great deal of pride in the work at this level.

3 Satisfactory (80% - 90%)

Exactly where it should be for a student in the grade and your child has met the standard for the grade

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2 Basic

(65% - 79%)

Student performance demonstrates a partial understanding of the English language arts knowledge and skills expected at this grade level. With more work, your child should be able to reach the level needed for a student in the grade. If you see that your child is often earning “2”s, you should speak to your child’s teachers about specific areas in need of improvement.

1 Unsatisfactory (Below 65%)

Below where it should be and your child is performing far below the standard for the grade. If your child is getting “1”s, then you should speak to your child’s teacher about how to get extra practice and extra support in this subject.

Homework Homework is a way for students to reinforce skills that they have learned in school. The quality of homework should be the same as the work completed in school. Homework must be completed before the next school day. This means that it should be finished before students arrive at school. The chart below shows approximately how long homework should take each night. It is an average time frame, some days students may need more time and some days they will need a bit less time. Other factors that may impact nightly assignments are long-term projects, individual needs and make-up work.

Your Grade Average number of minutes per day K 20 minutes plus 20 minutes for parent story time

1, 2, 3 20 to 30 minutes plus 30 minutes of quiet reading time

4, 5 30 to 60 minutes plus 30 minutes of quiet reading time

It is expected that a student’s homework assignments will increase both in complexity and amount as he/she progresses through the grades from elementary school to the senior year in high school. It is the practice of Performance School 385 to assign homework Monday through Thursday. Fridays will be reserved as a time to make up missed homework assignments or for extra credit. Academic Help When students need extra support, try these sources:

Classmates Teachers After school programs Community Centers Department of Education Website www.nycenet.edu. Click on “Students” Dial-A-Teacher 1-212-777-3380

For more information please call Carmen Colon the school’s parent coordinator at 347- 563-5237. In addition to these resources, Performance School 385 will offer Academic Intervention Services during the day and during extended day (from 2:40 pm to 3:30 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays) and if there is funding available during after school (from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm). Academic Intervention Services are for students that are struggling. Due to limited funding and teachers, we cannot offer these services to every child. However, if you child is offered services please make sure that they attend. More details on extended day and after school classes will be sent home in late September.

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Progress Reports Parents will be informed if their child is considered “at-risk” of failing a particular area or of repeating a grade. If you receive a notice that your child is “at-risk” you should take it very seriously. The New York Department of Education has established a holdover policy, which is in effect. Any student in grades 3-5 who does not get a Level 2 on both the reading and mathematics state test must be retained in the same grade and attend summer school to have a second chance to pass the test. In addition, failing three or more classes is grounds for automatic holdover. We urge all parents to take these regulations seriously and to work with their children to help them not only pass their classes, but to achieve at high levels. III. Student Behavior in the Classroom and in the School Community Chancellor’s Discipline Code Performance School will follow the Citywide Standards Of Intervention And Discipline Measures as published by The Chancellor’s Office. A copy will be sent home with your child during the month of September. The standards set forth in the Discipline Code apply to behavior in school during school hours, before and after school, while on school property, while traveling on vehicles funded by the Department of Education, at all school-sponsored events and on other-than-school property when such behavior can be demonstrated to negatively affect the educational process or to endanger the health, safety, morals, or welfare of the school community. When misbehavior involves communication, gestures or expressive behavior, the infraction applies to oral, written or electronic communications, including but not limited to texting, e-mailing, and social networking. If an incident involves an illegal activity, then the Police will also be called. Prejudice and Hate-Free Policy In order to insure that all students feel welcome, safe and part of our school community, it is the policy of Performance School 385 not to tolerate any inappropriate or offensive comments based on racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, religious background or political beliefs. Students are prohibited from:

Making inappropriate remarks Making threats Harassing or bullying other students because they are different.

Violations of this policy will be dealt with swiftly and severely. We celebrate the diversity of our student body, and we are committed to creating a safe learning environment for our school community. School Pledge Developing respect for our country, national pride and character in our students begins with a daily routine that promotes well-being and happiness in each individual. In doing so we help our student to learn how to serve the common good in and around our school and the adjoining community.

Here at Performance School 385, we will follow New York State guidelines on reciting the pledge. The relevant statute requires an unelaborated daily recitation of the Pledge. N.Y. Educ. Law § 802 (2005). The matter has never been fully litigated, but case law suggests that students in New York have the right not to participate in reciting the Pledge, and to protest silently while it is being recited. See Frain v. Baron, 307 F. Supp. 27 (E.D.N.Y. 1969).

This requires that every morning we will take a moment of time to conduct opening exercises for the day. Those students who have been directed by their parents to not participate in reciting the pledge can protest silently as we pledge. We will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by our National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner and then our School Pledge.

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Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag I pledge allegiance to the Flag

Of the United States of America,

And to the Republic for which it stands:

One Nation under God, indivisible,

With Liberty and Justice for all.

Star Spangled Banner Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,

O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?

And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.

O say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free,

And the home of the brave!

Performance School 385 Pledge

In and around our school,

We will be trustworthy.

In and around our school,

We will be understanding.

In and around our school,

We will be respectful.

In and around our school,

We will be peaceful.

In and around our school,

We will be considerate of others.

In and around our school,

We will always try to do our personal best.

In and around our school,

We will be responsible for our learning and for our actions.

Today in and around our school,

We will honor this pledge and our personal codes.

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All students are expected to behave respectfully in every classroom and every area of the school. Your teacher has the authority to do several things if you misbehave and break school rules during class.

• Teacher/student conference to correct behavior. • Teacher/parent phone call. • Teacher/parent conference. • Lunchtime/afterschool detention. • Referral to Director of Adolescent Development.*

* In the case of a referral to the Director, students who are breaking school rules and disrupting the educational process are subject to additional consequences and possible Principal Suspension. Please note that all Principal Suspensions are entered online with the New York City Department of Education and will be permanently recorded on the student’s record. IV. Communication

Who should I ask? The Performance School 385 community values student independence. We strongly encourage (and try to foster) students to problem-solve. However, we are always here to lend a helping hand or and open ear. To that end, please make sure that your children know who to go to when they need help. We can’t help solve a problem if we don’t know it exists!

I f t h e s t u d e n t n e e d s … T h e y s h o u l d t a l k t o … . Extra Math Help Classroom Teacher/Assistant Principal Extra Reading/Writing Help Classroom Teacher /Assistant principal Help solving a dispute with a friend Classroom Teacher or Mr. Elson, Mr.

Feliciano, Ms. Sanchez, Ms. Colon To talk about a family problem A teacher they trust, or Assistant

Principal, Ms. Sanchez A new Metro-card Maria Padua, Secretary To share a concern about a friend A teacher you trust, Mr. Elson, Mr.

Feliciano or Ms. Sanchez, Ms. Medical help The Nurse

Information Sent Home At Performance School 385, we attempt to keep parents and community members highly informed of all events, special occasions, new policies and school news. Please ask your children on a daily basis whether or not they have received any notes, flyers or parent letters that need to be read and returned. We try to limit these notices but please help us out by asking your children regularly. E-mail has proven to be a very effective way of reaching the parent community and of communicating with school staff. If you have an e-mail address, make sure we have it. We also have a school website, which will open up in September. A parent letter will inform you of the school’s website address. Again, please reach out to us if you have any questions. The school’s main office number is (718) 292-5070. Carmen Colon, our Parent Coordinator, can be reached at (347) 563-5237.

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V. Other Information for Parents and Students Emergencies A blue Emergency Contact Card that must be on file for every single student. This is a safety issue. We must know how to contact you in the case of an emergency. Moreover, if a child is injured we must know what you wish for us to do. Things to remember when filling out the card:

1. We will only release students to people whose names appear on the card. 2. You must indicate any special custodial arrangements of which we must be aware. 3. Please be sure to indicate what actions you wish the school to take in an emergency situation. You may

simply write, “Use best judgment” if you have no specific wishes. 4. Write down any special health or safety related concerns on the back of the card. 5. If your contact information changes during the year, please make sure to call the main office in order to

update the emergency card. In the case of a dire emergency, a member of the school staff may accompany a child to the emergency room at Lincoln Hospital. However, a physician will not treat a child unless a parent or guardian is present. Lost and Found Articles of value should not be brought to school. The school is not responsible for any items that are stolen, lost, misplaced, or broken. We strongly urge students not to bring to school any possessions that they might deeply regret losing. However, lost articles may be searched for in the “lost & found.” The “lost & found” is located in the Parent Room. Items that are not claimed with a reasonable amount of time will be donated to the local homeless shelter. Title I Parent Involvement Policy General Expectations Performance School 385 agrees to implement the following statutory requirements: o The school will put into operation programs, activities and procedures for the involvement of parents,

consistent with section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Those programs, activities and procedures will be planned and operated with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children.

o The school will ensure that the required school-level parental involvement policy meets the requirements of section 1118(b) of the ESEA, and includes, as a component, a school-parent compact consistent with section 1118(d) of the ESEA.

o The school will incorporate this parental involvement policy into its school improvement plan. o In carrying out the Title I, Part A parental involvement requirements, to the extent practicable, the school

will provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports required under section 1111 of the ESEA in an understandable and uniform format and, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents understand.

The school will involve the parents of children served in Title I, Part A programs in decisions about how the 1 percent of Title I, Part A funds reserved for parental involvement is spent. The school will be governed by the

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following statutory definition of parental involvement, and will carry out programs, activities and procedures in accordance with this definition: Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring—

That parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning; That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school; That parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in

decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; the carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1118 of the ESEA.

The school will inform parents and parental organizations of the purpose and existence of the Parental Information and Resource Center in the State.

Description of How School Will Implement Required Parental Involvement Policy Components 1. Performance School 385 will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of the

District Parental Involvement plan (contained in the DCEP/DCEP Addendum) under Section 1112 – Local Educational Agency Plans of the ESEA:

Convene an annual meeting, for parents of participating Title 1 students, for the purpose of explaining the program offerings. These meetings will be held during the start of the school year, in conjunction with curriculum night, which is held sometime in October. At this meeting, parents will be asked to volunteer to serve on a committee that will meet during the school year, to help plan and review Title 1 programs.

2. Performance School 385 will take the following actions to involve parents in the process of school review

and improvement under Section 116 – Academic Assessment and Local Educational Agency and School Improvement of ESEA:

Provide parents with the opportunity to meet with Title 1 funded reading, and ESL teachers, in order to familiarize parents with curriculum review, student assessment results. Title I parents will be represented on the School Leadership Team (SLT). The SLT provides input and feedback various school initiatives.

3. Performance School 385 will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other

support in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance:

Parent workshops and informational meetings based on curriculum and assessments of the school will be conducted. Title I programs and interventions will be implemented through Teacher’s College Program, Fountas and Pinnell’s Leveled Literacy Intervention Program, Wilson and Words Their Way, Every Day Mathematics, Numbers World, ARIS and Acuity.

4. Performance School 385 will coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies in Title I, Part A with

parental involvement strategies under the other programs: Local Head start and local Pre-K program parents are invited to visit and learn about PS 385. The Parent Coordinator and ELL Program Supervisor will visit these local institutions to educate parents on the program options available at our school.

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5. Performance School 385 will take the following actions to conduct, with the involvement of parents, an

annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parental involvement policy in improving the quality of its Title I Part A program.

The evaluation will include identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background). The school will use the findings of the evaluation of its parental involvement policy and activities to design strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to revise, if necessary (and with the involvement of parents) its parental involvement policies.

6. Performance School 385 will build the parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement, in order to ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, involved parents and the community to improve student academic achievement through the following activities specifically described below:

a. The school will provide assistance to parents of children served by the school, as appropriate, in

understanding topics such as the following, by undertaking the actions described in this paragraph – i. The State’s academic content standards;

ii. The State’s student academic achievement standards; iii. The State and local academic assessments including alternate assessments, the requirements

of Part A, how to monitor their child’s progress, and how to work with educators: Parent workshops will provide information for parents to access government and state

websites to help them understand State content and achievement standards. Annual Curriculum Night Session will provide an opportunity to review state standards

with parents and for parents to work with teachers. The PS 385 Parent Newsletter will share information on assessments and testing

calendar. Results of periodic assessments will be distributed to parents and meetings will be held to explain the results of these assessments.

Leveled Reading workshops will provide parents the necessary tools to understand the academic progress of their children throughout the school year.

b. Performance School 385 will provide materials and training to help parents work with their children

to improve their children’s academic achievement, such as literacy training, and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement by:

Collaborating with the Learning Leaders Program, local programs, and CBO’s, to provide on-site workshops on family care issues and on leadership training for parents.

Staff providing parent workshops on up coming state exams and school-wide assessments.

c. PS 385 will, with the assistance of the Children First Network and parents, educate its teachers, pupil

services personnel, principals and other staff in how to reach out to, communicate with and work with parents as equal partners, as well as in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools by:

Using grade level meetings, faculty meetings and PLC meetings as an opportunity to discuss issues, which are relevant to parents.

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d. PS 385 will, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parental involvement programs and activities with Head Start Programs for Preschool Youngsters, and other programs and conduct and/or encourage participation in activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children by:

Local Head Start and local Pre-K program parents are invited to visit and learn about PS 385. The Parent Coordinator will visit these local institutions to educate parents on the program options available at our school.

e. PS 385 will take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school and parent-

programs, meetings and other activities, is sent to parents of Title I participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand:

Compose a Parent Handbook, to be distributed at the beginning of the school year and to all new students throughout the school year, which will include vital information to parents.

Adoption This School Parental Involvement Policy has been developed jointly with, and agreed on with, parents of children participating in Title I, Part A programs. This policy was adopted by Performance School 385 on June 19, 2011 and will be in effect for the period of one school year. The school will distribute this policy to all parents of participating Title I, Part A children on or before November 15, 2011. Parent Teacher Association Performance School 385 has made a commitment to develop a viable Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA serves as a type of forum where parents, teachers, administrators, and other concerned adults discuss ways to promote quality education, strive to expand the arts, encourage community involvement, raise funds, and work for a healthy environment and safe neighborhoods. Please speak to Ms. Colon, Parent Coordinator, in room 248, for more information on how to join the PTA. Learning Leaders Program Performance School has been working with the Learning Leaders Program for the past two years. The Learning Leaders’ mission is to help New York City public school students succeed in school by training volunteers who provide tutoring and other school-based support, and by equipping all parents to foster their own children’s educational development. The majority of the volunteers work one-on-one or with a small group of students in elementary school classrooms and libraries. Some volunteers also give general assistance to a teacher. Volunteers are asked to serve a minimum of 2 hours per week from September through May. School Personnel supervise all volunteers. For more information about our school program contact Ms. Colon, Parent Coordinator Forms: It is extremely important that all forms issued to students be completely filled out and returned to the official class teacher promptly. (Blue emergency cards (2), medical, dental, internet, lunch, handbook, discipline code book, photo consent, video consent, trip permission slips) Nurse procedures:

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• All medication must be delivered directly to the school nurse by the parent/guardian in the properly labeled original container from the pharmacy. No medications are to be given to students to take to school. A verbal or telephone request by the parent/guardian is NOT acceptable. Under NO circumstances can a student take medication on his/her own nor can anyone at the school accept the responsibility of administering medication to any student. Parents need to fill out a 407 form in order for the nurse to administer any medication.

Health Forms The Department of Education requires that every student have an up-date health form, signed by a physician on file. Immunizations must be up-to – date, or the child can be excludedfrom school. If you are notified that your child’s health form is not up- to – date, or that immunization are missin, please let us avoid repeated requests: make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you receive the notice or call, and have them fax us the current information at 718-292-5071 Snow Storm and other Emergencies Performance School 385 follows the NYC Department of Education policy for closing the school during snowstorms and emergencies. Listen to AM radio WINS (1010) who will announce all closings. In the event of an emergency where the school must be evacuated, we will take our students to a nearby school, depending on the nature and location of the emergency. Teachers and school must have up- to date contact information in order to alert families. Principals will have school information for the families to pick up their children in the designated site.

Birthdays: Parents who wish to celebrate their child’s birthday in school should make arrangements in advance with the classroom teacher. Please remember we are a Health and Wellness School.
