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Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8

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  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8



    Cine Anaesthesia


    Cash transfer

    Features3 6 8


    Study group to assess

    UP admissions policy


    Making the cut: A study groupconvenes to study UPs current admissions

    policy in an efort to develop options or

    democratizing access to education in the

    national university.


    Opisyal na lingguhang

    ng mga mag-aa

    Unibersidad ng Pilipin

    MRT, LRT fare hike toserve corporate interest

  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8





    2013 - 201

    Punong Patn

    Julian Inah Anun


    Victor Gregor L

    Patnugot sa B

    Keith Richard M

    Patnugot sa G

    Ysa Calinaw


    ng Pinansi

    Gloiza Rufna Pla

    Panauhing PatPiya Constant

    Margaret Yar

    Mga Kawa

    Mary Joy Capis

    Ashley Marie G

    Kimberly Ann P

    Jiru Nikko Ra

    Emmanuel Jerome


    Amelyn Dag

    Tagapamahala sa S

    Paul John Al


    Gary GabaleAmelito Jaen

    Glenario Omma

    Mga Katuwang n

    Trinidad Gaba

    Gina Villas


    UP Systemwide A

    o Student Publications

    Organizations (Sol

    College Editors Guild o t



    Silid 401 Bulwagang

    Unibersidad ng Pilipin

    Lungsod Que


    981-8500 lokal






    Ukol sa Paba

    Dibuho ni Rosette

    91The Philippine Collegian republishes distinguished

    photographs rom its past issues that captured its

    tradition o critical and earless journalism.

    Photo by Richard Jacob Dy

    December 6, 2011

    Full throttle

    THE METROS RAILWAYsystem will have a new stopnext month. Everybodyswelcome to get on boardbut only as long as they canaord the ticket.

    In his ourth State o theNation Address two weeksago, President Benigno

    Aqu ino III has giv en thegreen light or a projected P7to P10 are hike or the Met roRailway Transit (MRT) andLight Railway Transit (LRT)systems. For a president whorets about subsidizing basicsocial services more than whathe deems necessary, the end

    o the road is clear: Filipinoscannot expect to enjoypublic goods without sharingthe cost.

    In the case o the MRTand the LRT, the price isin billions. In the last twoyears, inancial statementso the MRT alone reveal thatthe governments contractwith private developers hasuelled a total o P16.8 billionworth o loan amortizationexpenses, including rentalpayments to irms who builtthe train line.

    The MRT also incurredmaintenance ees o

    P1.05 billion and P582million, in 2011 and 2012,respectivelya period when

    several incidents o servicedisruptions and accidentswere recorded.

    Yet rath er thaninvestigating why these shadydeals are allowed to push ourtrains into onerous debts

    and sky-high operating costs,Aqu ino and his tra nsportoicials preer to pursue

    the astest track towardsa platorm o guaranteedcorporate proits. By simplyhiking ares, the governmentkeeps the avour o itsprivate partners while leavingpassengers with inancing the

    cost o such a partnership.In an attempt to justiy the

    increase, Aquino even wentas ar as pitting taxpayersagainst each other, claimingthat people in Mindanao aresubsidizing the commuterso the MRT and LRT inMetro Manila. He ailed tomention that all taxpayers,without exception, pay orquestionable debts incurredby the government.

    For more than a millionworkers and students whotake the MRT and LRTlines everyday, this burdenadds urther to other

    woes perpetrated by thegovernments complicity withbig businesses. During thepast ew months alone, oiland utility companies reelylaunched a series o pricehikes. Prices o commoditiesremained high, while wageswere kept ar below decentstandards o living.

    Similarly, or students,the cost o higher education

    also shited to high gear asthe Commission on HigherEducation unconditionallyallowed private schools toincrease tuition and other eesthis June.

    No wonder then that

    in the next weeksas theDepartment o Transportationand Communciations (DOTC)conducts token consultationswith the publicvarioustransport groups and othersectoral organizations willtake to the streets and stagedemonstrations against theimpending are hike.

    Aqu ino s engi ne o s upposedeconomic growth may nowbe in ull throttle as he beginsthe latter hal o his term withcontinued abandonment osocial services. But i the spateo recent and uture protests areany indication, the President

    should heed the demands othe people, or elseas he hasdone against demonstratorsduring his SONAresort onceagain to employing the statesmeans to quell dissent.

    For the people, however, whohave long been disenchantedby lame rhetorics o inclusiveprogress, the only option is toderail all attempts to attacktheir rights and welare.

    Carl Aquino



    A group o children in Hacienda Luisita pose in ront o the camera

    as they play in the felds, in this photo published on December 6,

    2011, two weeks ater the Supreme Court issued a ruling to distribute

    Luisita lands to armers. This month marks the ourth anniversary

    o the Comprehensive Agrarian Reorm Program Extension with

    Reorms since 2009.

  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8



    ABOUT 83,000 STUDENTS TOOKthe UP College Admission est(UPCA) this year, the most numbero applicants by ar. But only around13,000 students are expected to passthe national universitys entranceexam, most o them coming romhigher socioeconomic classes.

    Te skewed distribution o[the] UP student population hasled a seven-member study groupto assess UPs current admissionspolicy and process.

    In a July 22 administrativeorder, Pascual ormally conveneda study group headed by UP LosBaos proessor eodoro Mendozato develop evidence-based optionsor implementing the democraticaccess provision in the 2008 UPCharter.

    Other members include UPManila (UPM) University StudentCouncil Chairpersn Maryliz Zubiri,

    ormer Faculty Regent RolandSimbulan, UPD proessors DaniloArao, Ramon Guillermo, FidelNemenzo, and UP Diliman (UPD)research associate Perlita Raa.

    Section 9 o the Charter statesthat the university should takearmative steps, which includean alternative and equitableadmissions process, to democratizeaccess or deserving students romlower-income amilies.

    At present, there are ve ways ogetting into UP. (see sidebar 1)

    Under the current admissionssystem, however, the UP studentpopulation is unevenly distributedwith more students in the Luzoncampuses and higher socio-

    economic classes having greaterrepresentation (see sidebar 2).

    A doctoral dissertation o ormerUP President Emerlinda Roman alsoconcluded that, as early as 1989, theUPCA avored students o MetroManila, public special, and privateschools and those belonging toauent amilies.

    Te goal o UP is to train thebest minds rom [both] the privateschools and the lower incomegroups, said ormer UP PresidentFrancisco Nemenzo Jr. Te UPCAdiscriminates towards public schoolstudents due to the uneven quality

    o secondary education, he added.Passing the UPCA, however,

    is only the rst obstacle to UPeducation, said Zubiri. A numbero UPCA qualiers are eventuallydiscouraged to enrol due to hightuition rates, she explained.

    In UPD, a third o UPCAqualiers do not pursue enrolmenton average. O the 3,853 UPCAqualiers or UPD this academicyear, 1,280 did not enrol. In theirUPCA orms, these non-enrolleeshad declared annual amily

    incomes which correspond to thepaying brackets o the universitysSocialized uition and FinancialAssistance Program.

    Te study group met or therst time on August 5 to set thetimerame o the project.

    At the end o the study, wehope that the process o acceptingstudents in the University becometruly democratic, said EduardoGabral, national chairperson oKatipunan ng mga SangguniangMagaaral sa UP.

    Study group to assess UP admissions policy


    Photo by Keithley Difuntorum


    (BOR) again ailed toproposed reorms to tuition and FinanciaProgram (SFAP) and to the UP System CodBORs 1289th MeetinHall on July 29.

    Te universitys higmaking body did no

    upon the said topics asstill being consulted wconstituent units, said Alredo Pascual.

    Te BOR insteareports on the renaUP Diliman College Administration (CBASchool o Business (Vselecting o new deans

    Te regents also dtenure o Proessor MRaquiza o the Natio Public AdminisGovernance (NCPAG) academic, scal, and amatters.

    Virata School of Busi

    Staf Regent Anna Rpresented a paper onregents dissenting poalongside a petitionrescind the renaming aletter rom Ponciano President o UP Alumn

    Te sectoral regentthe renaming o CBsaying UP should notin honoring Cesar served under the ormFerdinand Marcos byacademic unit ater according to the positio

    One hundred members rom all sesigned the petition toappeal to rescind the

    CBA to VSB. Te petiwill be subjected discussion and the deboard has been deerre

    Gusto nating mmotion dahil sa ilaUna, malaking usapinat moral implication Ikalawa, ang renamingkomersyalisasyon ng said Student RegIris Melgarejo.

    On BoReports on

    July 29 Me

    Continued on p

    Relatives o University o the Philippines College Admission est (UPCA)takers anxiously wait or examinees to nish during the UPCA weekend,August 3 and 4, at Palma Hall, UP Diliman. Tis year marks the highest turnoutin UPCA history at 83,000. Incoming 2014 reshmen, however, ace a fawedSocialized uition and Financial A ssistance Program and potential tuition andother ee increases stemming rom continued s tate abandonment.

  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8




    or the countrys metro railsystems will only be used to paydebts and to ensure the prots oprivate investors, according toprogressive groups.

    In his ourth State o the NationAddress, President Benigno AquinoIII announced a P10-are hike in theMetro Rail ransit (MR) and LightRail ransit (LR), with the rst P5to be implemented by the end o August.

    Te Department o ransportationand Communications (DOC)proposed the are hike as earlyas January 2011. Te impendingincrease is expected to generateP900 million in annual revenues,said MR General Manager AlVitangcol III.

    In a brieng, PresidentialSpokesperson Edwin Lacierda calledon the public to bear with the rateadjustments because the 1.5 milliondaily commuters o MR and LRwill be the ultimate beneciaries.

    Investors gainsHowever, a study by Riles Laan

    sa Sambayanan Network revealedthat P5.3 billion o the P8.5 billionDOC spent in 2010 went toguaranteed prots or investors andP1.16 billion to debt payments. Teagency only spent P1.18 billion tocover maintenance costs and P880million or other expenses.

    Te construction o the metro railsystems was unded through localand oreign private investments.Te government guaranteedprivate investors o payment and

    a 15-percent return o investmentannually, according to independentthink tank IBON Foundation.

    Te government deal withprivate investors, however, wasonerous, said Renato ReyesJr., secretary general o BagongAlyansang Makabayan. For instance,the owners o the nancer-bankswere the same contractors or theconstruction o MR in 1998,explained Reyes.

    It is then questionable whypeople should shoulder the debts,

    because these were incurred romonerous contracts made by privatecompanies, said Rhea Padilla, mediaand communications head o IBON.

    PrecedentAquino, however, said the are

    hike would allow the governmentto decrease subsidy to the metrorail systems and channel it to othersocial services. Te whole countrysubsidizes the MR and LR, but thepeople benetting are rom MetroManila, said Aquino.

    Such reasoning seprecedent or socsubsidized by the goveKabataan Party-list Rerry Ridon.

    I Aquinos logic is t

    unds o hospitals in Mslashed with state schoto provinces, explainis clear that the goverto pass the burden teven twisting logic is uits position.

    MRT, LRT fare hike to serve corporate intere


    ang patuloy na kinakaharap, hindi parin natitinag si Jose Pepino, 50, isa samga manggagawang kasalukuyan paring nakapiket sa harap ng pabrikang Pentagon Steel Corporationsa Kaingin Road, Balintawak,Quezon City.

    Habang hindi kami nasesettle, tuloy ang laban [at aming]

    paninindigan, ani Pepino, na 20taong nagtrabaho sa nasabingpagawaan ng asero. Haloslimang buwan nang nasa piket siPepino kasama ang may 134 namanggagawang tinanggal sa trabahonoong Marso.

    Nakatakdang buwagin ang picketline ng mga manggagawa nangmatapos noong ika-27 ng Hulyo ang60 araw na palugit bago ipatupadang temporary injunctionlaban sa umanoy strike ng mgadating trabahador.

    Giit naman ng mga manggagawa,hindi strike ang kanilanginilunsad. Napilitan lamang umanosilang gawin ito, matapos biglaangmatanggal sa trabaho, ani Pepino.

    Hiningi umano ng pamunuanng Pentagon sa National LaborRelations Council ang temporaryinjunction upang protektahan anginteres ng kumpanya laban sa mganagpipiket na manggagawa, dagdagni Pepino. Sa ilalim ng nasabinginjunction, ipinagbabawal anganumang gawaing hindi bahagi ngpormal na pag-uusap at paglilitissa kaso.

    Gayunpaman, hindi natuloy angnakatakdang pagbuwag sa hanayng mga manggagawa, dahil walang

    dumating na mga pulis, ani Pepino.Walang nagpakitang pulis,

    [pero] may mga nakamotorsiklongsibilyan na panay ang balik sa harapng Pentagon, na sa tingin namin aypadala ng pulisya upang tingnankung marami ang nasa piket, aniNedy Gonzaga, opisyal sa campaigndepartment ng Kilusang MayoUno (KMU).

    Sinubok kapanayamin ngCollegian ang Station 1 Precint ngLa Loma upang alamin kung bakithindi natuloy ang demolisyon,

    ngunit hindi pa rin makapagbigayng komento ang mga opisyal sanasabing estasyon.

    Kinundena naman ng mgamanggagawa ang pakikialam umanong lokal na gobyerno ng Lungsod ngQuezon, dahil ang usaping labordispute ay dapat na sa pagitanlamang ng Pentagon at ng mgamanggagawa nito.

    Samantala, mahigit isanglinggo nang natigil ang operasyonsa pabrika ng Pentagon, matapossapilitang bigyan ng dalawangbuwang temporary leave at P3,000hanggang P5,000 compensationnoong ika-27 ng Hulyo ang may 80natitirang manggagawa sa Pentagon.

    Gayunpaman, tuloy pa rin ang

    protesta ng mga manggagawahanggang makuha ang hinihinilingna permanenteng trabaho, maayosna pasahod, at makataong kondisyonsa pabrika, ani Pepino.

    [Sa] mga manggagawangnakasubaybay sa aming [laban],huwag tayong magpasupil sa[mga] management [ng atingmga pinagtatatrabahuhan]. Angating mga karapatan, kung hindinatin ipaglalaban [ay] hindimaipagtatagumpay.

    Protesta ng Pentagonworkers, tuloy pa rin


    accused in the kidnapping and illegaldetention o UP students KarenEmpeo and Sherlyn Cadapan will

    remain behind bars until provenguilty.

    In an eight-page decision on July12, Malolos Regional rial CourtJudge eodora Gonzales denied thebail petitions o Col. Felipe AnotadoJr. and Staf Sgt. Edgardo Osoriobecause o the strong evidence otheir connection to the abduction oKaren and Sherlyn more than sevenyears ago.

    Anotado and Orsorio have beendetained at the Army DetentionCenter in Fort Boniacio since

    December 2011, while two otherco-accused are still at large: RetiredGeneral Jovito Palparan and MasterSgt. Rizal Hilario.

    Karen, a Sociology major, andSherlyn, a Sports Science major,were abducted while doing researchand community work in Hagonoy,Bulacan. Karen had been a membero League o Filipino Students andSherlyn o Anakbayan, both militantyouth groups.

    According to eye-witnessWilredo Ramos, Osorio draggedand hogtied Karen, Sherlyn, andthree others, including Wilredo andhis ather William. He then boardedthe students in a jeepney at 2 AM onJune 26, 2006. Another eye-witness,Raymond Manalo, testied thatAnotado brought Karen and Sherlynto Palparan.

    No bail for Karen-She abduct

    HURDLEPhoto by Kimberly Pauig

    A man jumps over the are gates o the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) Northwhen it reused to accept his card. Labor groups Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMRiles Laan sa Sambayanan (RILES) Network staged protests on August stations o the MRT and LRT to spark the start o weekly Monday protethe planned are hike. Meanwhile, Presidential Spokesman Edwin Laciepress briefng that the MRT management and DOTC will hold public conbeore implementing a hike.

    Te positive testimwitnesses proved thedisappearance o thethat the accused weror [Karen and Sherlyncustody, and consequsaid Department prosecution panel headin a statement.

    Ang paghingi nay upang makatakamangibang bansa smagagawa ang court ksaid Concepcion Empo Karen. She also addshould be no VIP treAnotado and Osorio beordinary criminals.

    Continued on

    Sa gitna ng bantang pagbuwag sa piket

  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8



    SA GITNA NG SERYE NG MGAdemolisyon sa Kamaynilaan,nakakulong pa rin ang 10 sa 33residenteng dinakip ng pulisyasa demolisyon ng komunidadng Silverio Compound saParaaque mahigit isang taon naang nakararaan.

    Hindi pa rin umuusad angpaglilitis sa kaso laban sa sampungresidenteng inaresto matapos angdispersal sa mga nagbarikadangpamilya sa 9.7 ektaryang sakop ngSilverio Compound, ika-23 ng Abrilng 2012.

    inaguriang Silverio 10, hindi parin nakakauwi sa kanilang mga pamilyasina Johary Smith, Alberto Gallemit,

    Edwin Bustamante, Dennis Cabunot,Vicente iongson, Alex Casanova, RonelAmor, Melvin Mohana, Mark Gil Borbe,at Dick Etrata.

    inatayang hindi bababa sa14 ang nagtamo ng tama ng barilmula sa mga M16 at armalite rieng mga pulis at ahente ng lokal napamahalaan ng Paraaque, habangisa naman ang kumpirmadong patay.

    Abril 10 ng 2012 nangmakatanggap ng sampung araw nademolition notice ang may 25,000pamilyang naninirahan sa SilverioCompound. Ayon sa mga ulatna natanggap ng mga residente,nabili umano ng SM Development

    Corporation (SMDC) ang SilverioCompund at balak itong patayuanng mga condominium, bagamanitinanggi ng SMDC ang nasabinglupain.

    Naghain na ng petisyon upanghayaang makapagpiyansa ang mgapamilya ng mga biktima, subalittatlong beses nang ipinagpalibanang hearing dahil hindi humaharapsa korte ang mga saksingmagpapatunay umano sa mgaakusasyon sa Silverio 10. Ika-11 ngHunyo ngayong taon nang maganapang huling pagdinig sa kaso.

    Delaying tacticsnagaganap. Paulit-ulitng judge na may witlalabas, pero pagdatinay magdadahilan sila makakarating, ani Nkawani ng ambuli ng

    na sinusubaybayan angkaso ukol sa Silverio 10

    Sa ika-29 ng magaganap ang spaglilitis, kung saan inlalabas na ang mga sakng prosekusyon.

    Huling pagkakatupang mapakita nila Kung hindi talaga dapat iresolba na yto post bail para makmga nakakulong na kay wala namang ani Gamara.

    Silverio 10, higit isang taon nang nakakulon


    Photo by Kimberly Pauig

    UPs Sheerose Luna squeaks past UEdeenders or a scoop in in a match atthe San Juan Arena on August 6. TeLady Maroons ignited a 9-0 run inthe last two minutes o the frst hal,keeping the Lady Warriors at bay andeventually winning the game, 67-55.

    THE UP ADMINISTRATION HASyet to disclose the report o a act-nding committee on the allegedmisuse o the National College o PublicAdministrations (NCPAG) Graduate

    uition Fee Increment (GFI) trustund, even ater Dr. Maria Fe Mendozahas been appointed as the new dean othe college.

    Created on January 10, the saidcommittee investigated allegationsthat ormer NCPAG dean EdnaEsteania Co misappropriated GFIunds or a curriculum review o theBA Public Administration program.Te event was instead turned into ateam building activity in April.

    Te committee was ormed thesame day as the Commission onAudit issued a notice disallowingthe appropriation o unds tothe activity or violating thegovernments austerity measures.

    According to NCPAG proessor

    Joyce Cuaresma, Mendoza inormeda group o senior NCPAG aculty in anAugust 5 dialogue that the report hasyet to be turned over to the NCPAGdeans oce.

    UP President Alredo Pascualinitially agreed to show to the saidgroup the contents o the report onJune 24, explained Cuaresma. Onthe same day, however, Pascual toldthem the report will be availableater a new dean has been selectedto replace Co, whose term ended onJuly 31.

    Te public disclosure o thereport, however, must be doneas immediately as possible, saidEduardo Gabral, national chair othe Katipunan ng mga SangguniangMag-aaral sa UP, the allianceo student councils across theUP system.

    Imperative na mailabas kaagadyung report, lalo na pera ng mgaestudyante ang pinag-uusapan. Maykarapatan ang mga estudyante namalaman kung saan napupunta angkanilang pera, explained Gabral.

    Meanwhile, in an interview withthe Collegian, Mendoza said shehopes that the report be releasedto her oce soon, as the report

    would help the college in its efortsto create rules and guidelines orthe use o the GFI. Mendoza alsosaid her oce plans to releaserelevant sections o the report inconsultations with the students,aculty, and other sectors o NCPAG.

    Creation o the drat guidelineswould help arm transparencywithin the college and prevent these

    sorts o issues rom recurring, saidMendoza. Tese guidelines couldalso be used as a template by othercolleges or their own GFI unds.

    Hopeully, maibigay na sa aminyung report. Its a lesson learned atmakakatulong siyang makapagbigay

    ng kalinawagan sa isyung ito,lalo na at polarizing issue [ito],added Mendoza.

    TWO YEARS FROM NOW, UPstudents might start their irstsemester in August instead oJune should the administrationapprove a proposal to revise theacademic calendar.

    In a policy proposal drated inJune, UP President Alredo Pascualproposed to shit the academic yearrom June-March to August-Mayas a response to the globalizationo education systems in South EastAsian countries (see sidebar).

    Te proposal was introduced tothe Board o Regents (BOR), the

    highest policy-making body in UP,in their July 29 meeting. Te Board,however, has yet to reach a decisionon the policy proposal.

    Te internationalization o UP isin accordance with the Associationo Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) efort to oster economiccooperation in the region by 2015.It is inevitable that it will involvehuman resources and capacity andtheir movements in the region, readthe proposal.

    According to Pascual, thediferences in the academic calendarso ASEAN member countries

    currently prevent UP sparticipating in the glo

    Te said proposal,a disappointing manthe university adprioritization o globaover many o the counproblems, said Eduanational chairperson ng Sangguniang Magaaalliance o student cothe UP system.

    I we really want to be globally competito improve rst the sitcountry, Gabral explai

    Aside rom aci

    academic opportuUP students in abroad, the proposcalendar addresses rsuspensions, because typhoon-prone montand July, said Pascual.also allow high schoto prepare themselveduring the long gap beand August, he added.

    Besides the apprBOR, however, thshould also be conJules Guiang, UP DiliCouncil Vice Chairper

    Report on misused NCPAG tuition

    fund still undisclosed

    UP mulls over shifting sch

    opening to August

    Sidebar: Shifted Acad Calendar


  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8



    biodiversity, a climate suitable orarming, and a determined andhardworking people could have verywell spelled economic progress orthe Philippines through agriculture.

    Sadly, the sector had always beenwanting o government support,and a recently passed legislationmight even worsen the situation. InMay, President Benigno Aquino IIIsigned into law Republic Act (RA)10574, allowing oreign companiesto own rural banks in the countryor as much as 60 percent.

    Supposedly established todevelop the agriculture industry,rural banks are now on their way to

    oreign control.

    BankruptAiming to develop rural

    industries such as arming,shing, and orestry, rural bankslargely cater to armers rom theprovinces, providing them basicnancial services.

    Te Rural Banks Act o 1992 orRA 7353 mandates them to provideloans and agricultural assistance,such as capital or the purchaseo equipment and ertilizers, toarmers, shermen or arm amiliesowning or cultivating land dedicatedto agricultural production. Teagricultural, shery, hunting andorestry sectors, in act, are the

    main recipients o the banksloans, according to Bangko Sentralng Pilipinas (BSP).

    As o March 2011, there are 595rural banks all over the country,most o them located in the primeagricultural provinces o Batangas,Laguna and Nueva Ecija. Overthe years, however, nancial andmanagement problems orced manyto close. Just this year, six have shutdown, urther trimming down thenumber o remaining rural banks toonly around 550.

    BSP reports that the worseningperormance o rural banks canbe attributed to insolvency or thelack o nancial resources. In act,they posted the highest number o

    unpaid loans worth P14.5 billion in2012, BSP adds.

    Foreign aidLegislators have since turned to

    oreign capital as the only option toaddress the challenges aced by ruralbanks. Senator Sergio Osmena III,the main proponent, then pushedor an amendment o theterms o ownership underRA 7353.

    Only Filipino citizens can

    wholly own rural banks, RA 7353states. But ater over a year odeliberation, the amendment RA10574 was approved. Now, non-Filipino citizens may own, acquireor purchase up to 60 percent othe voting stocks in a rural bank.Te government deems oreigncapital infow will address thenancial instability o local ruralbank investors.

    When you talk about banks,you always need two components good governance and capital.At least, capital portion may beaddressed by this legislation, saysEdward Leandro Garcia, Presidento Rural Banks Association o thePhilippines (RBAP), a non-stock

    corporation o rural nancialinstitutions, in an interviewwith BusinessWorld.

    Independent researchinstitution IBON Foundation, onthe other hand, doubts that themove will respond to the needs othe countrys agricultural sector.Tis act is only in urtheranceo liberalization, o opening upthe most vulnerable aspect o theeconomy at the exploit o oreigncompanies, said senior researcherXandra Casambre.

    Casambre then pointed to themining industry, which provedthat cases o oreign turnover oindustries does not always usherdevelopment. Te mining sector

    allows 100 percent oreignownership o mining businesseswith only ve percent tax. Butwhile the total worth o mineralproducts exported reach upto P22.33 billion, less than 2percent, or only P393.9 million,had been earned by the governmentrom taxes and royalties. Manymining companies have also letonce pristine lands denuded andpolluted, and the owners simplyreturned to their countries, protrom the operations in tow.

    By limiting ownership toFilipinos, Casambre notes,the government will promoteaccountability o the businesses,and ensure that earnings remain

    in the country to benet thecommunity.

    Reorienting development

    I the mining experienceteaches us a lesson, it is that oreignownership o rural banks will notguarantee the growth o an industry.Instead, progress entails providing ullsupport to the grassroots who serveas its backbone in the case o theagriculture sector, the toiling armers.

    [Te] slow growth othe agricultural sector [is a]refection o its low-income [and]backwardness. Kung hindi namanmasigla ang economic activity sa[rural areas], saan kukuha ang mgamagsasaka ng [pambayad] nila sautang? says Casambre. Farmers inthe rural areas, in act, only earna daily minimum wage o P230 toP280, according to the Department

    o Labor and Employment.She adds that i only the

    armers till landswithout any

    rent to pay or, then they will have

    the capacity to return the loansthey avail in rural banks. Landreorm in the country, however, istaking too slow. Sa bansa natin,may kabayaran ang land reorm.Its not ree distribution at all, androm that point, [the armers] arealready required to have money,eh wala nga silang resources in therst place, Casambre says.

    In lieu o the ailing agrarianreorm in the country embodiedby the Comprehensive AgrarianReorm Program, arming groupshave constantly called or a genuineagrarian reorm, or the reedistribution o lands to armers.

    Kailangan ng tunay nareporma sa lupa, para umunlad

    ang produksyon sa kanayunan attotoong umunlad ang ekonomiya

    nang hindi umaasa sa msays Antonio FloreGeneral o Kilusang ng Pilipinas, an alliancin the country.

    In the end, tappentities to save thrural banks will oncountry at a disadvturn our heads away rpressing problems thagriculture sector.

    o improve the ruthe government needmore sustainable opportunities, suppoindustries, and uphagrarian reorm. Onthere be true and last

    development or Filipand our agriculture ind

    Cash transferExamining the new ownership regulations for rural banks


    Illustration : Ysa

    Page design : Jan An

  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8







    Commonwealth Avenue.With raised truncheons and metal

    riot shields at the ready, thousandso policemen orm an impenetrableblockade to crush the advance oprotesters towards Batasan Complex.

    It was the day o the State othe Nation Address, and Pres.Benigno Aquino III was reportinghis accomplishments and plans or

    the country. For ten minutes in hisone and a hal hour speech, Aquinoshared his administrations eorts tobolster the police and military orces,but did not touch on pressing issues,especially the price hikes or oil andbasic commodities, the privatization ohealthcare services, and the decliningstate o public education.

    Outside the halls o Congress,battle lines were drawn once again inthe streets. Te men in uniorm havetheir commander at their back, but onthe other side, the militant armers,workers, women and youth only haveeach other.

    Locked and loadedHistorically, the government has

    always provided a large share o thenational budget to its security orces:the Armed Forces o the Philippines(AFP) and the Philippine NationalPolice (PNP), so that they canulll their constitutional dutyo securing the sovereigntyo the State and the integrityo national territory andpreserving peace and order.

    From 2006 to 2013,their combined undinghas constantly amountedto one-tenth o thenational budget, accordingto government data.Moreover, as the nationalbudget increases over time,the government never ails

    to hike AFP and PNPsshare, even tripling theirbudgets to P77.01billion and P67.4billion in2013 rom

    P22.84 billion and P35.17 billion in2006, respectively.

    In addition to their annualappropriations, the governmentalso allots a separate yearly budgetsolely or acquiring more advancedequipment and improve services orits security orces.

    Te Ramos administration wasrst to do so, giving the AFP aninitial budget o P50 billion or 15

    years to upgrade its capability. TeEstrada and Arroyo administrationscontinued to lobby or a higher budgetor modernization through amendingthe law but were unsuccessul. TePNP has likewise been assured bylaw in 2004 o an annual P2 billionmodernization und or purchasingguns and equipment.

    Under the current administration,the police and military are givenurther priority. Just last year, Aquinorenewed the AFP modernization lawand gave the military a budget o P75billion to use or thenext 5 years,

    P15 billion o which is planned orrelease this year. At the same time,Aquino also hiked this years PNPmodernization und rom P2 billionto P9 billion.

    Layon nitong tiyakin na hindinapag-iiwanan sa uri ng gamit at armas,at nakakasabay sa antas ng kasanayanang ating Sandatahang Lakas [para]protektahan ang sambayanan labansa anumang banta sa ating soberenya't

    kaligtasan, Aquino says.I the generous allocations are

    any indication, it is clear that thegovernment places a premium onits security orces. As it does sohowever, the people unwillinglypay a hety price or it as statepriorities ultimately shit away romtheir welare.

    At the same time Aquino renewedthe AFP modernization law in 2011and boosted the PNP modernizationallocations in 2012, state universitiesand colleges (SUCs), the National

    Housing Authority, andpublic hospitals

    received zero capital outlay, or thebudget allotted or buying equipmentand building new acilities. Moreover,almost one-third, or an average o P9billion o the proposed budget o SUCscolleges (SUCs) were not approved.SUCs have been asking or an averageo P32 billion every year since 2006.Finally, back-to-back budget cutso P1.2 billion and P200 million in2011 and 2012, respectively, plague

    government healthcare.

    To serve and protect (the elite)In theory, deense and security

    is a public good where everyone issupposed to benet. Its too expensiveand dangerous or the private sector,so the state has the responsibilityo the armed orces [and using it toprotect citizens], says UP politicalscience proessor Herman Krat.

    Tat said, the police and militarymerits proper allocation o resourcesor them to ulll their role toprotect Filipino citizens. However,the states policies regarding theuse o its security orces send adierent message.

    For example, in 2009, the Arroyo

    Administration established theInvestment Deense Forces whichallows private corporations to requeststate elements, at their expense, tosaeguard their businesses.

    Kailangan maipakita natin angpeace and order [ng Pilipinas] paradumating ang mga investorsTere is no development withoutpeace, explains P S/Supt. NoelBaraceros, deputy chie o thePolice Inormation Oce.

    Such development,though, appears reservedor the private sector underAquinos economic policieso dependence on oreignersand the elite, argues CristinaPalabay, secretary-general

    o human rights groupKarapatan. Furthermore, thepolice are ordered to carryout missions that clash with

    the peoples interests, asin the case o the violent

    dispersals o protestingPentagon Steel workers

    and inormal

    settlers o Agham RoaCity.

    In this sense, the sorces then become inthe elite to use contraro service enshrined ino o serve and protectservice, across lands

    Quelling dissentConfict between

    and the states securinevitable, especially whand military are usedinterests. More otendissent is punished grav

    On the morning o2012, the body o pregJuvy Capion and corpschildren lay outside oKiblawan, Davao del Susmashed and carcasswith gunshots.

    Earlier that day, so27th Inantry Battaliohad stormed their houJuvys husband, Daguil,indigenous Blaan ghtioperations o Xstrata in land.

    Along with the extrajudicial killings threcorded since the start administration, this millustrates the deadly o the states iron sMarcos dictatorship Law being the ultimthat such iron stbeneted the people.

    Dito pumapasok ni [Karl] Marx na ging naghaharing uri anby extension, the storces or their owKrat explains.

    Moves to incbudget would then the administration w

    to use and rely on thmilitary to create a climsilence opposition.

    akot kasi sila kumilos ang mga explains Palabay.

    In the end, regardlescommitment to human riand military will remaimandated to deliver thestate and elite. And whenis all too aggressive in eits orces, it can only shacknowledges the risinunrest among its people.

    Photograph : Kira Chan

    Page design : Jan A




  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8



    Illustration :Ros

    Page design : J

    Suot ang makulay na

    damit na burdado ng sining ngkanyang lahi, diretso ang tinginng matandang babaeng katutubosa lente ng kamera. Kung tititigannang mainam ang maiitim niyangmga mata, panandaliang maaaninagang kasaysayan ng kanyang tribo.Naka-ukit sa kaniyang kulukulubotna balat at sa mga linya ng ugat sakanyang noo ang masalimuot nakasaysayan ng kanyang lahi.

    Halos walang tao sa kwartonglulan ang photo eksibit na ito para saIndigeous Peoples. Nakakulong pa rinsa frame ang imahen ng katutubopinagmamasdanhabang laganapsa bawat sulok ng Pilipinas anglantarang pambubusabos sa mgakarapatan ng mga katutubo.

    Lupang TinubuanMatindi ang koneksiyon ng mga

    katutubo sa kanilang lupat teritoryona halos kasingkahulugan na ngkanilang identidad.

    Kapag inalisan mo [kami] nglupa, parang inalisan mo na rin[kami] ng lahi. Ang lupa ay buhay,ani Aling Kakay, isang Dumagat.

    Ang espasyong sosyal, ani isang

    Marxistang Pranses na si HenriLefebvre, ay isang produkto nglipunan. Bawat lipunanat mgabaryasyon nitoay mayroongkanya-kanyang moda ngproduksiyon na lumilikha ng kaibangespasyo at sistemang sa lipunangiyon lamang maaapuhap.

    Bilang isang lipon ng tao, naiibaang mga IP dahil sa pagkakaroonnila ng tribal system. Itoynagbibigay sa kanila hindi lamangng karapatan pang-indibidwalkundi pati ng karapatan bilangisang kolektib na tribo.

    Nais ng mga katutubo ngekslusibong espasyo upang ilulanang kanilang mayamang tradisyon.Sa mga hindi kabilang sa espasyong

    ito, kadalasay nagiging biktima angmga katutubong ito lalo na ang mgakabataan, ng mga maling kuro-kuromula sa labas ng kanilang teritoryo.

    Biktima ng pagkamkam ng lupa,napipilitan ang mga kabataangkatutubo na lumuwas sa espayonghindi lulan ang kanilang mgatradisyon ayon sa Katipunan ngmga Katutubong Mamamayanng Pilipinas (KAMP). Madalas aypuntirya sila ng diskriminasyonsa kanilang komunidad at samga siyudad. Kamakailan langay pabirong binansagan ni CandyPangilinan ang mga katutubongIgorot bilang mga taong maybuntot na ikinagalit ng mgakatutubong Igorot.

    Isa sa mga porma ngdiskriminasyon, ayon sa KAMP,ay ang diskriminasyon sa trabaho.Isang halimbawang naitala ng KAMPay ang kaso ng dalagang katutubonghindi natanggap sa isang fast foodchain dahil umano sa kanyangmalalaking binting katangian ngkanyang tribo.

    Sa ganitong lente, ang kanilangteritoryo ay maituturing hindilamang bilang pagkukunan ngpamumuhay kundi isang ligtas

    na kanlungan ng kanilang mgapaniniwalat kasarinlan. Sa patuloyna pagkamkam ng mga pribadongkumpanya sa mga lupain ng mgakatutubo, lalong mawawalan angmga kabataang katutubo ng kanilangpagkakakilanlan at karapatan.

    Dulot ng DahasMula sa diskriminasyon sa anyot

    pamumuhay, humaharap sa masmatitinding pang-aalipusta ang mga

    kabataang katutubo.Biktima ng maraming humanrights violations ang marami samga katutubong lumalaban parasa kanilang lupain. Isa na rito siJordan Manda, 11 taong gulang naanak ng isang Subanen chieftain nasi Lucenio Manda na tumanggi sapagkamkam ng Toronto VenturesInc. sa kanilang katutubong lupainsa Mindanao.

    Sa kabila ng ganitong mgapambubusabos, lalo pa ringdinadagdagan ng administrasyongAquino ang pasakit sa katutubo.Isinasagawa ang patuloy namilitarisasyon sa mga katutubonglupaing may kakayahang magingproject sites ng pamahalaan. Isang

    malaking banta ito sa pang-araw-arawna pamumuhay ng mga kabataangkatutubo mula sa sakahan hanggangsa paaralan, ani Kakay.

    Sa mga Teduray ng Mindanao,70 ang bilang ng mga estudyantengnagsisiksikan sa isang silid aralan,ayon sa Manobong gurong si MelissaComiso, na may kalayuan sa nayonng kanilang tribo.

    Dahil sa kakulangan ng suportamula sa pamahalaan, tulong-tulong na nagtayo ang mga tribong Mindanao ng 87 na paaralan sabuong Mindanao. Mga miyembro ngmismong tribo ang nagsisilbing mgaguro at hango sa pangangailanganng tribo ang kurikulum ng mgaeskwelahang ito.

    Maliban sa kakulangan sakalidad ng edukasyon, patuloy angbanta ng dahas sa mga paaralan.Ilan sa mga paaralan rin ng mgakatutubo sa Saranggani ay naipitsa matinding militarisasyon noong2010 kung saan hinarrass ang mgagurot estudyante.

    Hindi mawawala ang pagtataka sapagpipinansiya sa mga paaralang itona kadalasay tinatatakan nila bilangNPA-sponsored. Sumasailalim sainterrogation process ang maramisa mga kabataang katutubongpinaghihinalaang mga kasapi ngNPA, dagdag ni Comiso.

    Ilusyong UtopiaSa tindi ng banta sa kaligtasan,

    edukasyon at land grabbing,prayoridad pa rin ng administrasyongAquino ang kanyang mga proyektongpagkukunan ng geothermal naenerhiya ayon sa kanyang nakaraangState of the Nation Address.

    Nakasunod na magsapraktikang prayoridad na ito ni Aquino angChevron na makaaapekto ng tatlongprobinsiya sa Cordillera. Sa malagimna kasaysayan ng madugongpakikibaka ng mga katutubo parasa Chico River mula sa pamahalaangMarcos, hindi na natuto ang

    Huwad naPaggunita

    pamahalaan na nagnanais ipatupadang proyektong ito.

    Kalakhan ng mga kabataangkatutubo ay hindi pa mulat sa mgaisyung kinakaharap ng kanilanglahi. Sa pagkawala ng kanilangteritoryo, kasabay ng kawalanng sapat na social services,napipilitan ang mga kabataangkatutubong makipagsapalaran samga lungsod upang maghanap ngbagong kabuhayan na datiy kayang

    sustentuhan ng kanilang lupaingngayoy nakamkam na, ani Kakay .

    Hindi rin mainam angkundisyong hatid sa kanila nglungsod. Dahil sa kawalan ngbabalikang lupat lahi, malaki angposibilidad ng paglimot ng mgakabataang katutubo, wika ni Kakay.

    Labanan, ani isang magulangna Kankanaey nang tanunginkung ano ang tugon nila sa mgapaparating na proyektong yayaroksa kanilang lupain.

    Handang magsakripisyo angmga magulang para sa kanilang mgakabataang anak, dagdag pa niya.

    Gaano man karaming forum atmga kumperensiya ang ilaan sa mgakabataang katutubo, patuloy pa rinang pag-iral ng mga pangunahingisyung kinakaharap ng mgakatutubo.

    Sa pagtatapos ng huwadselebrasyon ng pagpapakitang pag-alala sa mga katutubongayong Agosto, nananatili pa ringestranghero ang mga kabataangkatutubo sa kanilang sarilinglahi. Sakop pa rin angkanilang lupang tinubuan ngmga pribadong interes at ngisang pamahalaang walangpagmamalasakit sa sarilinitong mga katutubo.

  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8




    Page design : Je



    Tumambad sa malaking

    screen ang katawan ni Greg (AlexMedina) na nanlalagkit sa pawis.Kasabay ng kanyang pag-indayogna tila may sinusundang ritmo, angmay pagnanasang pagtingin niya Sanakabanderang suso ng isang babaesa kanyang computer monitor.Walang kamalay-malay, ginulat ngpalabas ang mga manonood nangmay tumalsik na tamod sa desktopscreen.

    Isa lamang ito sa mga eksena ngBabagwa, na tampok sa ika-9 naCinemalaya Philippine IndependentFilm Festival, isang organisadongpagtatanghal ng mga independentflms na kadalasang tumatalakay ngmga mapangahas na paksa tungkolsa lipunang Pilipino.

    Taong 2005 nang unang itanghalang Cinemalaya sa pangunguna ngCinemalaya Foundation Inc. isangnon-proft at non-government naorganisasyong sumusuporta sapaggawa ng mga pelikulang indieat humihikayat sa mga Pilipinongna magpamalas ng kanilang talentosa paglikha ng mga pelikulangmagtatanghal ng bagong kaisipanat karanasan na nakabatay sa

    nagbabagong-bihis na panahon.Cinesthesia: Synergy o the

    Senses,ang temang ginamit ngCinemalaya ngayong taon. Mula sasalitang synesthesia o halo-halongemosyon, pangunahing tunguhin ng25 na pelikulang tampok na pukawinang damdamin ng mga manonood.

    Kumintal man sa isipan ng mgamanonood ang eksena sa pagtataposng pelikula, iniwanan nito sa mgamanonoood ang pagpapasya sa kunganuman ang kahihinatnan sakalingmalaman ni Greg na naloko siya ngkanyang biktima sa acebook scam.

    Pagbubukas ng tanghalanMadalas tinatalakay ng mga

    pelikulang indie ang mga isyu tuladng kahirapan, kawalan ng sapat

    na edukasyon, mga kwentong paglabag sa karapatang-pantao, sapilitangpagkawala (desaparecidos),sekswalidad, at iba pangmga isyu bibihirangipinapakita ng mgapelikulang mainstream.

    P i n a t u t u n a y a nlamang nito ang malakingpotensyal ng mga likhang-sining sa pagbibigay ngkritikal na puna sa mgausaping panlipunan. Sapagpapalabas ng mga pelikulangmay mga temang nakakabagabag,sinasalungat nito ang mararahasna kondisyong napalalampas nalamang sa pangaraw-araw.

    Sa kabilang banda, hindinaman nawawala ang mga kwentong pag-ibig sa ibat ibang anyo,tulad ng pelikulang Ang Dati, napangunahing tinatangkilik ng mgamanonood.

    Malaki ang bahagi ng usapingpinansiya sa kalayaang natatamasa

    ng Cinemalaya sa pagpili atpagpapalabas ng mga pelikulangmay kritikal na tema. Dahil walangpondong nagmumula sa gobyerno,hindi natatali ang mga pelikula ngCinemalaya sa mga temat ideyangsumasalamin sa paninindigan atpinahihintulutan ng estado.

    Kayat hindi maiiwasan angpagpasok ng mga progresibongpelikula tulad ng Dukot, Sigwa

    at Burgos sa Cinemalaya na

    direkta at mapangahas nahinahamon ang posisyon

    ng gobyerno sa lipunan.B i n i b i g y a n g

    pagkakataon rin ngCinemalaya ang mgabaguhang artistana gumanap samga pelikula. Kayakadalasan hindikilalang personalidad

    ang gumaganap sa mgapelikula subalit ngayong

    taon pinagbidahan ngmga malalaking pangalan

    sa showbiz tulad nina PaoloAvelino, Gretchen Barreto at VilmaSantos ang ilang mga pelikula saCinemalaya.

    Malaki ang inaasahan mula samga tampok na indie flms, lalo natlayunin ng Cinemalaya na pukawinang damdamin at konsensiya ngmga manonood. Naiiwan sa mgaindie flmmaker ang pagpapasyakung ang kanilang mga likhay naismanghimok na gumawa ng mgahakbang upang solusyunan ang mgaisyung tinatalakay ng mga pelikula.

    Subalit sa pagdaan ng mga taon,tila unti-unting umaayon ang mgapaksa at katangian ng mga indieflms sa mga pelikulang mainstream.Sa pag-usbong halimbawa ng genrena maindie, mistulang nawawalaang malinaw na kaibahan sa pagitanng dalawang anyo.

    Kung patuloy na umaangkop ang

    mga indie flms sa mga pamantayanng mga malalaking pelikula, hindimalayong lumabnaw ang mga ito attuluyang mabigo sa pagpukaw ngmga damdamin.

    Salamin ng karanasanIkinagulat ng mga masugid

    na tagahanga ng Cinemalaya angtuluyan nitong pag-iwan sa maliitna teatro ng UP Film Institute atpagtungo sa Ayala malls. Datingkabilang sa mga isponsor ngCinemalaya ang UP CineastesStudio at UPFI, subalit pinalitan itong Ayala Malls ngayong taon.

    Paliwanag ni Millado hindi naumano ipinalabas ang Cinemalaya

    sa UPFI dahil nakakuha sila ng masmalawak na lunan para maabotang mas malawak na manonood.Matagal nang hinaing ng institusyonng Cinemalaya ang kakulangan sabadyet kayat hindi na nakagugulatang pagtanggap nito ng komersyalna isponsor.

    Sa pagpasok ng mga pelikula ngCinemalaya sa mga Ayala MallsGreenbelt, Trinoma, AlabangTown Centerhindi maiwasangmabahiran ng komersyal nainteres ang mga likhang-sining nasanay may matayog na mithiingmagsilbing matalas na kritisismo salipunan.

    Mula Cinemalaya tungongCinemAyala, pinasok

    ng mga kalahok na indieflms ang lugar kungsaan itinuturing itongkaraniwang produktoo kalakal sa merkado.Naihahanay ang mgaito sa mga pelikulangmainstream kayatnawawala ang tunaynitong layunin sapagkathigit na nangingibabaw anglayuning kumita.

    Mistulang naiwawaksi angmapanurit kritikal na katangianng mga indie flms kapalit ngpinansyang matatanggap mula samga komersyal na isponsorisangkompromisong hindi maiiwasan.

    Dagdag pang makikita sa

    paglipat ng Cinemalaya sa mgamall ang pagtingin kung sino angkanilang target na manonood nanais maabotang panggitnanguri o middle class pataas. Maaaringdumami ang bilang ng mgamanonood ng Cinemalaya sa mgamall subalit lagit laging mapag-iiwanan ang mga taong walangkakayahang pumunta sa mga mall.

    Bagaman maraming mga indieflmest sa Pilipinas katulad ngCinema One Original Film Festival,CineFilipino, at CinePambansa

    nananatili pa ring pinakatanyagang Cinemalaya kayat

    maaari itong magsilbingmitsa upang tuluyang

    yakapin ng indie flms ana katangian ng mgmainstream.

    Marami mang napindie flm sa bansa, wahindi ito organisado pang mga likhang-sininpinagyayaman. Bungaalternatibong pamamaunting paglamon ng kinteres sa kanilang msining.

    Napakakipot na luflmest upang magtagitinuturing na bansot ang indie flmskunman itong maituturing

    Taliwas sa layonWalang p

    ipinalalabas sa Cinemga eksanang labis nang pagnanasa, pakiksa kaparehong kasarano-ano pang mga pkatanggap-tanggaptunay na namapanghusgang lipuna

    Binigyang-diin Cinemalaya a

    ng isang

    gigising sa mga manob i g y a n gang pagbpelikulangkatangiankinalimutkaialnganipaalala.

    Samantpatuloy na tu

    Cinemalaya anna landas hin

    mawalan rin ito ngbilang tagapagsualternatibong porma nPilipino. Malililhis ito skontra-diskurso ukol so kaisipan na tila ba pa

    na laman, ginagawangpandama ng mga mano

    Sa pagpasok ng Cmundo ng komersiyo,pangkaraniwang kalakang mga karanasang nnakagigimbal na mga k

    Bagaman hindinstrumento ang mgasa pagsasanay sa kaismanood na tingnaneksenang hawi sa tunna kinatha upang mago pampalipas-oras. magpalaya, tila ginagnormal ang karahasanminamanhid ang pandna pukawin.

    Sa huli, hindi m

    laki ng produksyonng pelikula at mga tagumpay ng Cinemaflm sa bansa, kundi sanito sa pagsulong ng panlipunanpaggisinna kamalayang maminanhid ng sistemang

    Malaki ang

    potensyal ng mga

    likhang-sining sa

    pagbibigay ng

    kritikal na

    puna sa mga



    Sa halip namagpalaya, tila

    ginagawa lamangnormal ang

    karahasan salipunan;

    minamanhidang pandama,

    sa halip napukawin

  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8


    American junkDamian

    The countrywould haveto allowthe US tooccupy itsterritoryin order toassert itsrights onthe disputedislands ofthe WestPhilippineSea

    Dream JobAli

    May mgamasasayangsimula nanauuwisa hindimaiiwasangpagwawakas


    As tensions continue to

    rise in its waters on the west,the Philippines is standing upto Chinas military supremacywithguess whata 46-year

    old warship.President Benigno Aquino III

    personally welcomed BRP RamonAlcaraz as it docked in Subic onAugust 6, ater a two-monthvoyage rom the United States.

    Aquino claims BRP Alcarazwould boost the Philippinemilitarys capability to deend thecountrys territoriesthat is, assoon as the newly acquired warshipgets repainted at the least.

    Te 378-oot BRP Alcarazis a Hamilton-class cutter rstcommissioned in 1967 or the USCoast Guard until its turnover tothe Philippines in 2012. In other

    words, not only is the warshipsecond-hand but might as wellobsolete relative to Chinas eet.

    But give it a chance, the Palacesays, since it costs $15 millionyes, in dollarsto revamp the46-year old ship. BRP Alcarazwill even have two machine gunsystems soon.

    Well, not really. It is absurdthat the Aquino administrationis actually spending billions inacquiring hand-me-down shipsto modernize the Philippine

    military.In the last State o the Nation

    Address o Aquino, it was quiteapparent that the currentadministration has a keeninclination towards patronizing

    American junk. Te president,it seemed, would rather spendP1.58 billion in constructinghouses and classrooms thanbuying a brand new ghter jet.

    Tat would have deservedapplause i not or the paradox.Te government has alreadyspent P27.62 billion or thesupposed modernization o the

    Armed Forces o the Philippines

    in the rst hal o Aquinos sixyears as president.

    More billions would evenbe appropriated in the next 15years, as the AFP Modernization

    Act requires so. Yet, the Aquinoadministration would still settleor the Hamilton-class cutters othe US.

    Maybe we should not losehope. Te US might just sendmore advanced warships, ghter

    jets and weapons to Subic; thetwo countries are allies ater

    all. We cannot be sure though ithey really are or the interestso the Philippines.

    Aquinos supposed hesitationto spending extensively on themodernization o the militarycame just a ew days ater hisdeense secretary announceda proposal to reopen militarybases in the country to US.

    Tus, what Aquino reallymeant in his SONA was: i thePhilippine government cannotrely on its own armed orces,then let somebody else do thework.

    Such move, however, creates

    another paradox. Te countrywould have to allow the US tooccupy its territory in order toassert its rights on the disputedislands of the West PhilippineSea.

    And in the end, thePhilippines would be letdisadvantaged.

    MAituturing kong dreAMjob ang naganap na internshipko nitong nagdaang summer.

    Mahigit isang taon din akongnaging tagahanga ng brand naito, at ipinangako ko sa sarili kona papasok ako bilang intern ditosa darating na summer classes.Sa kabutihang palad, hindinauwi sa pagtitimpla ng kape atpagphotocopy ng mga papelesang dalawang buwang nilaan kopara sa internship na ito.

    Noong unang araw kosa opisina, isang mahabanglistahan ng mga gawain angibinigay sa akin ng boss ko.

    At dahil naging bibo akopanandalian, may ilan rin akongnatapos sa listahan. Saktong-sakto yung internship ko, sabinila. Nangangailangan daw kasisila ng graphic artist tulad ko.

    Sa kalagitnaan nginternship, nahikayat angtatlo ko pang kaklase na mag-apply. Naging mas excitingang tila dumadaming trabahoat oportunidad para sa akin.

    Nakapunta ako sa ibat ibanglugar, maging sa mga partieskasama ang boss ko. Binibigyannila ako ng minimum wagebilang allowance, kasama naang tanghalian. Pamasahe nanga lang sa MR at traysikel angpinagkakagastusan ko araw-araw. Sinong hindi matutuwasa ipinangakong trabaho pagka-gradweyt?

    Maliban sa amin, may ilan paakong mga nakilalang internsdin na Inormation echnologyang kurso. Nakakapagtaka langna habang babad kami kakagawang mga posters at publication

    materials, nagbibilang lang silang resibo at nag-iimbentaryong mga produkto. Mayroon dindaw silang allowance, ngunithindi kasing laki noong sa amin.Dahil ba mas nakikinabang saamin ang kumpanya? Kahitinternship ito, may bayad owala, sana patas ang turing salahat, kahit ano pang trabahonila o saan sila galing.

    May mga masasayang simulana nauuwi sa hindi maiiwasangpagwawakas. Unti-unti kamingbumitaw ng mga kasamahankonawalan kami ng gana dahilsa naging pagtrato ng kumpanyasa mga interns nito. Maramingoras ang nasayang sa paggagawang mga bagay na hindi namangagamitin. Hindi na rin nagingsapat ang allowance dahil sakaunting oras na ginugol para satrabaho.

    Mas maswerte pa yata silangmga nagbibilang ng resibo,hindi nila inisip ang magkaroonng kinabukasan sa kompanya.

    Hindi sila umasa tulad namin.From interns to part-timers,titulo lang ito. Aanhin angpromotion kung walang nagbagosa sistema. Pero kahit palapinangarap ko ito, dumatingrin yung araw na pagsasawaanko rin ang lahat dahil hindi naako masaya. Mananatili na langna nakaukit ang masasayangsandali sa matamis naming uno.

  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8




    0916 739 2684

    Send in your opinions and eedback via SMS! ype KULE MESSAGE SUDEN NUMBER NAME andCOURSE (optional) and send to:

    Non-UP students must indicate any school, organization or sectoral aiation.

    Next weeks questions

    2. Kung ikaw si Anne Curits,sino ang gusto mong maka-duetng With or Without You?

    1. Sang-ayon ka ba sa pag-abolish ng pork barrel?

    Bakit o bakit hindi?


    Write to us via snailmail or submit a soft copy

    to Rm. 401, Vinzons Hall,UP Diliman, Quezon City.Email us at pkule1314gmail.com.Save Word attachments in Rich

    Text Format, with INBOX,NEWSCAN or CONTRIB in thesubject. Always includeyour full name, address

    and contact details.


    The CommiTTee oand the Arts presents Pana literary project wherework gets the chance to bJeeps around UP Dilimaany work written in Engliswith 100 words or less ayahoo.com. please indicacourse, and year.

    For inquiries just coto the USC Aliona Silva (0or CFA Rep to the USC (0906.243.2409).

    STFAP! Repeal or Rev

    leT us know whaTthrough this years muspecial debate tournamby the UP Pi Sigma FratUniversity Student Counc

    Joinings easy! Just

    o 3, determine which sand submit your [email protected]! August 16.

    Te nal list o accepbe released on August 18.3 teams will be chosen, aout on August 23!

    Sounds good? Join noyou there!

    For questions and/oeel ree to contact +639178725396


    This auGusT 10, lit all out as we party at Pool - Aqua Zumba style!!

    ParTy sTarTs aTrgtt: 3p

    Tis event is brought to youSwimming Enthusia

    University o the Philipp

    Sponsored by:Jamba JuiceYolo eaUSANA


    Te Google Student Ambaof UP Diliman brings you

    GooGle weWhere: Kalayaan ResidenceWhen: August 10, 2013 (Sa

    Get to know more abApps or Education and haternoon lled with Google stu!NOE: Please bring youlaptop before coming to the

    AGENDA:1:00 1: 25Google Search w1:25 2:00 Gmail w/ Ry

    2:00 2:45 Google DrivBalili & Jas olentino2:45 3:30 Google Sites w3:30 4:00 Google+ w/C

    For inquiries and addplease go to: tinyurl.com/

    See you!

    Its time to pass on thTeaCh kiDs howprociently by volunteCRAdLes Project Pass-A-

    Volunteers Orientationat UP CRAdles amabayan,

    I interested, c(09176671320)

    Sang-ayon ka ba sa pag-

    abolish sa SK? Bakit o bakit hindi?Dapat ay i-abolish na yang SK.

    Stepping stone to corruption. uwingpaliga pag summer ko lang namannararamdaman yung SK sa amin. Sayangang pinapasweldo sa kanila. Chura nila.20**-786** Renz

    hi Kule! Di po ako sang-ayon. Angkailangan ng SK ay renovation. Charot.But srsly, not barangay level perotown level na lang. And emphasis ontransparency and accountability please.2010-68904 Frost

    Im not pro-SK abolition sinceit will deprive d youth their muchneeded representation. Mas kailnganma-empower ang youth dhil s knila

    mnggagling ang uture leaders ntin.20123*129 Faye

    ama lang yun. Dhil ang SK ay SKKna ngyon: Samahan ng mga Kumag naKabataan. Ang bata bata, tinuturuan ngmagnakaw sa bayan 13-***49 Sopoorman

    Bakit hindi ka crush ng crush mo?Maria Urduja Jean, Bakit nga ba

    hindi? 2013-13071 Mathew Naral BSCivil Engg

    kasi may crush syang iba..maramisyang crush actually..diiii nyaaa akotypeeeee....booooo laman lang habol nyasakin..chos hi kian :* 0836690

    Kasi di kami talo. she will never getattracted to me just because Im a girl :|Lol -hi stat girl :) 2009-34953

    Hindi ako crush ng crush ko kasi batapa daw ako :) pero kahit na. crush ko padin sya. 2011780** MAKI

    Bakit di ako crush ng crush ko? Kasigirlriend ko na sya ngayon! Haha. #labo2010-68904 Frost

    Dahil hindi kami talo. shet ang lhondz XD. 2013-14746(pa-hide:D) Derpina McHerpson BSLove Science

    kasi hindi niya alam na nag-eexistako.. Huhu =(( 2013-35275 chinenG.Engg

    Bakit hindi ako crush ng crush ko?Kasi may girlriend na sya. Huhuhu. XD.2013-78590 Aphrodite (abangers. LOL)

    Hindi niya ko crush kasi d nya alam,:-DXD...pag nalaman nun,magigng crushna dn nya ko,XD! 2013-39***

    Kasi hindi niya lang ako crush, crushna crush niya ako! 20**-****7 Anika

    Kasi nalaman niyang may crushna akong iba. Akala niya di na ako

    makakahanap? Kawalan niya ako :>1101517

    Hindi ka crush ng crush mo kasi pangriendzone k lng. :( 2013-00*80 RainaBS CE

    Comments:Cool yung Hanggang saan aabot

    ang bente pesos mo?. Maganda angpagkakalahad nito sa pamumuhay ngisang tipikal na mag -aaral ng UP. :) 2012-23037 Antukin SA

    Pabati:Ewan kung kailan mapa-publish to,

    haha, pero best wishes sa magte-take ngMetE (LERIS) boards this month! Sanamaikasal tayo lahat sa license card o kunganuman. Andaw? Haha! Meow 2008-30718 BS MetE

    Miss ko na si Ninalyn Uy. Ano na kayanangyari sa kanila ng kanyang boylet atang proverbial kalasiao? 201*-***63

    Kasi love na niya ako.XD (assuming!)I love you Pooh!!!Okay lang kahit di mo kayang aminin

    sakin to.Remember what I said beore, para

    kang eel good song: you make me smile.201224363

    Te disapproval o the bail isgood news to the amilies o Karenand Sherlyn, even i the prosecutionteam expected the decision due tostrong evidence against all accused,including Palparan, said lawyerAtty. Edre Olalia. Palparan [andhis accomplices] should have everyreason to cringe in ear o beinglocked away or a long time oncejustice has caught up with him,added Olalia.

    Te next hearings or the case

    will be on September 2 and October7 this year.

    Karen and Sherlyn areamong the 206 cases o enorceddisappearances under ormerPresident Gloria Arroyos term,which remain unresolved even underBenigno Aquino IIIs administration,according to human rights groupKARAPAAN.

    Attached also in the BORsprovisional agenda is the letter oMagdaleno Albarracin Jr. to Pascual

    stating that he will donate P40million to the school should therenaming be approved and nalized.

    I request that the P20 millionpayment be made within two weeksthereo and a nal payment o P20million be due within three monthsrom approval o the renaming, saidAlbarracin.

    Appointment of New Deans and

    DirectorsBOR conrmed the appointment

    o six nominees or deanship and oneor institute directorship based onrecommendations rom UP Diliman(UPD) Chancellor Caesar Saloma.

    In UPD, the Board selected Dr.Aura Matias as dean o the College

    o Engineering, Dr. Miguela Menaas dean o the Asian Institute oourism, and Dr. Jose Buenconsejoas dean o the College o Music.

    Te BOR also conrmed Dr.Michael an as the College o SocialScience and Philosophy and Dr. MariaFe Mendoza as the NCPAG dean.

    Te Regents also appointed Dr.Annabelle Novero as dean o theUP Mindanao College o Scienceand Mathematics and Dr. CarloArcilla as the Institute Director orthe National Institute o GeologicalSciences.

    No bail for Karen-

    She abductors

    ON BOARDReports on the July29 Meeting

    Continued from page 4

    Continued from page 3

    Da Long Weekend Edishun!

    naGmamaGanDanG araw mGaSFAP ka-brackets! Kumusta angallowance? Down to the last coin naba? Grabe rin kasi sa dami ng mgarainy days this past week right? Hindituloy ako makapaglakad to maketipid sa pamasahe. In addition pa sapabente-benteng gastos sa mga jeepneyrides inside the campus, sobra rinang hassle sa pagcocommute! Jusko,early morning palang eh wet look naang aking peg. Anyway, I am obligedto give you the latest chikas na hindiniyo maooverheard. Obliged talaga kasihelloooo, Im your traditional chikadorarom the land o bekilandia!

    C#1. Sinetch itey mysterious

    kuya rom UP ******** who always maketambay near the Kolehiyo ng Maaarte atLiteratrulala na pinagkakamalang AlienPeter Cayetano raw. Alien as in like ourriend Kokey rom another planet. Paanoba naman, kuya rom UP ******* has noconcrete background history accordingto reports rom our local alien prowebateam. Kuya doesnt want to use hisreal name daw or no specic reasonsand every midnight raw ay George W.Baboosh na ang kanyang peg. Hell justreturn in the wee hours o the morningjust like any other kahinahinalangcharacter sa movies. Nakakaloka naang conspiracies na nabubuo, they arespurting up like se*en este mushrooms,and the biggest o them all is that kuyaalien hides his space shuttle under theorgs tepee!

    C#2. Koya rom Enggcantadialoves to FckDeliver and the FckDeliveragent called him to cunteerm his order.Everything is smooth just like his arms,but wait until you reach his elbow,ater a minute or so, the usapan wentbaku-bako and unny! Ate asked koyato conrm the delivery room numberso koya replied with D3. Ate was a bitConucius and reafrmed koya, Sir, Bas in Bravo, right? Nahawa yata si koyang Conuciunism at natarantula when heblurted out D as in DIVA. Bongga kakoya. Nakakaloka at ang sakit sa bangsha. O all the words starting in D, Divapa! Pwede namang D*ck or Dirty. HahahaI smell the letter pink coming rom yourcloset. Kalurkey.

    C#3. ambling na lang ako mgabeks when I heard this meaty chika thatsomeone ed someone the wrong kindo ood. Google niyo kaya mga gurl ngmalaman ang mga ganap sa kanila anek?Hihihi medyo lurky kasi. Sana dinalaniyo na lang yan dito sa opis ng mgaKulutero kasi you know naman, we arepatay gutoms and below the poverty lineevery presswork! Last niyo na yaaaan ha.

    Midterm hell week ragrance is stillin the air. But dont worry SFAP ka-brackets dahil ze long weekend is upahead. Makakabawi na din ng tulogat more time to raket to replenish our*ckets! Labia everyone!

  • 7/30/2019 Philippine Collegian Tomo 91 Issue 8



    week-long presspromised mysel which I know eventually dismiss.

    I told mysel andoce that I would quhowever hard it waemptiness that onlypacket o MarlborosMy lungs were in ashape based on theup I had. I also orand the rest to sood rom the clow

    bee. It alarmed mnormalcy o having ato fve astood delipresswork night.

    Another thing mysel was to availtravel bag I prepaoce two weeks agantasy, yes, to plarom reality in to the week to a never visited beorwas a summary o

    All it needed was actually use it.

    Inside it was a my black moleskand Gtech pens; twreceived rom an Kris Kringle last yDSLR with prime 5lens; my seven yeacontaining music 90s and below, mthe 60s which I cbe the greatest erhistory; my tattecontaining all the clie (AMs, debit, Fuand SM advantagepress, student, mand drivers ID), a the frst girl I kisreceipts, and a rosused; my condo anan inamous Jacbook; and a lighte

    empty pack o Marnot include a moin the bag.

    Te escape bunused. One o thwould pick it up to escape rom this reality or a day or I could share it witelse who would escape with me.


    Alan P. Tu

    A Temporary
