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Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona Ingredients for a Successful Sustainability Program...

Date post: 31-Dec-2015
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Phoenix Convention Center • Phoenix, Arizona Ingredients for a Successful Sustainability Program Sustainabili ty Sustainability Planning Mr. Paul Wirt Office of the Chief, Army Reserve August 11, 2015

Phoenix Convention Center • Phoenix, Arizona

Ingredients for a Successful Sustainability Program

Sustainability Sustainability Planning

Mr. Paul WirtOffice of the Chief, Army Reserve

August 11, 2015

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade2

Army Reserve Footprint

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade3

Securing the Cornerstone• Defining clear goals• Utilizing diverse

funding strategies• Building critical

partnerships• Leveraging accurate


Building Connections• Gaining leadership

buy-in• Maintaining high-

level visibility• Identifying

champions• Fostering culture


Measuring Success• Tracking program

progress• Maintaining

accountability• Pursuing and

receiving recognition

Expanding Into Sustainability • Leveraging

relationships• Mimicking

successes• Developing best

management practices

Building a Successful Sustainability Program

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade4

Cornerstone:Developing Strategies & Goals

ESG #4: Energy Program Foundation

ESG #1: Energy Conservation

ESG #2: Energy EfficiencyESG #3: Renewable &

Alternative (R&A) Energy

4.1 Develop Energy Program Investment Strategy4.2 Man the Energy Program4.3 Collect, Validate, and Analyze Data4.4 Help Shape the AR Sustainability Campaign Plan

1.1 Establish Mission Command Structure

1.2 Establish BEM Program

1.3 Deploy AR Energy and Sustainability Communications Plan

1.4 Provide Energy Conservation Training

2.1 Champion New Designs / Construction

2.2 Ensure Efficient Building Operations

2.3 Upgrade Existing Buildings

2.4 Optimize Decommissioning Process

2.5 Modernize transportation equip’t and portable power

3.1 Track R&A Energy

3.2 Develop Comprehensive Portfolio of R&A Opportunities

3.3 Implement R&A Projects

3.4 Operate, Maintain, and Enhance R&A Infrastructure

3.5 Support Net Zero Energy, Water, and Waste Initiative

30% reduction in EUI 2003-201525% of energy use from renewable sources by 2025

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Cornerstone: Multi-pronged Funding Strategy







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Cornerstone: Partnerships

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Collect Accurate Data

Analyze Data

Cornerstone: From Data to Decisions


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Meter Data Evaluation

Night and Weekend SetbacksNo Setbacks

Cornerstone: Data Integrity Example – Metering

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade9

Leadership Buy In: AR Senior Sustainability Council (AR SSC)



Chief, Army

ReserveAR SSC

Membership: Commanders

Convenes: Semi-annuallyAdvisory & Steering Group

“Council of Colonels”Membership: DirectorsConvenes: Quarterly

Senior Working GroupMembership: Energy Managers

Convenes: Monthly

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade10

ARCampaign Objectives

AR 2020 Ends

7.0Shape the Army


4.0Support Global Operations with

Ready LandpowerG-3/5/7

6.0Sustain the Force


5.0Equip the


A Force that more effectively provides land power for National Security Decision Makers

Modernized, ready, tailored land forces capable of meeting CCDR’s requirements across the range

of military operations

Developed leaders who are able to meet the challenges of the 21st century

An All-Volunteer Force of High Quality Soldiers, Civilians, and Leaders


A high quality, all-volunteer Army Reserve of Leaders, Soldiers, and

Civilians, supported by a network of Families and Employers.

An AR that is manned, equipped, trained, and employed as an operational

force, fully integrated into the Total Army.

A restored, reconstituted, and ready AR prepared for 21st Century Operations in

support of Combatant Commanders.

An Army Reserve transformed to provide expeditionary enablers to the Total Army, meet

Combatant Command requirements, and maintain strategic depth.

AR 1-1 Acquire & Retain Best Qualified


AR 1-2 Develop & Maintain a

Sustainable & Affordable Force


AR 1-7 Improve Individual Medical


AR 2-1 Deliver Services to Support the Total Force &

Protect Installations, People & Environment


AR 2-2 Provide AR Facilities & Infrastructure to Support the Total Force (ARIMD)

AR 2-3Implement

Environmental Stewardship


AR 4-1 Provide Ready Forces

ISO Operational Requirements


AR 4-5 Implement Theater Security

Cooperation Support Strategy


AR 4-6 Improve Communication Synchronization


AR 4-2 Adapt Army Force Generation ISO Changing

Operational Requirements


AR 8-1 Enhance Energy & Water

Security & Sustainability


AR 7-1 Develop Concepts,

Capabilities, & Design the Future AR


AR 6-4 Integrate the Single Army

Logistics Enterprise (SALE)


AR 6-2 Sustain AR Units for


AR 6-3 Enhance AR Readiness


AR 5-1 Provide Validated & Approved Materiel


AR 5-2Modernize & Equip the Army Reserve




AR 8-3 Improve water security and

sustainability across AR facilities and

installations (ARIMD)

AR 7-2 Powering America’s AR Through LandWarNet


AR 9-2 Monitor & Report on

Implementation of AR Efficiencies


AR 8-2 Achieve Energy-Informed

Operations (ARIMD)

AR 9-3 Adapt Resource

Management to Support AR


AR 9-4 Achieving Audit Readiness


AR 9-1 Improve Business Processes


AR 1-8 Execute Civilian/MILTECH

Work Force Transformation


AR 6-1 Improve Contract Execution &


AR 4-4 Provide Ready Units and Capabilities ISO

Disaster Response Operations (G33)

AR Core Enterprise (CE) Lead Responsibility

AR Human Capital CE


AR Materiel CE

AR Service & Infrastructure CE

Assistant Chief, AR/COS

AR 1-3 Establish a Capabilities-based Civilian Workforce


AR 3-4 Maintain Relevant,

Recognized ARTS (G37)

AR 4-3 Train Units for Decisive Action & Joint Operations

(G37)AR 3-3 Provide

Training Capability & Support


AR 3-2 Develop Professional Army


AR 3-1 Provide Institutional


3.0Train & Develop


AR 1-5 Prevent Sexual Assault & Harassment


AR 1-4 Implement Ready & Resilient


AR 1-6 Support Soldiers & Families

throughout the Soldier’s Life Cycle


AR 2-4 Ensure Medical Systems Support the Total

Force (SURG)

AR 3-5 Adapt the Army Civilian/MT Leader

Development Strategy


AR 7-3 Operate Effectively in Cyberspace(G39/G6)

AR 4-7 Protect AR Capabilities &


AR 2-5Bolster AR Security

Resiliency (G2)

AR 7-5Shape AR

Intelligence (G2)

Leadership Buy In: Army Reserve Campaign Plan Strategy Map

9.0Sustain and

Enhance Business Operations


8.0Achieve Energy

Security & Sustainability


1.0Man the AR &

Enhance the All-Volunteer Force


2.0Deliver Services &

Provide Infrastructure to

Enable Global Operations


Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade11

Leadership Buy In:Change Agents – Identifying Champions

• Identifying champions• Providing forums for

interaction • Creating opportunities

for ownership• Fostering inclusion

and collaboration

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade12

Leadership Buy In: Culture Change• Leading Events

– Earth Day– America Recycles Day– Energy Awareness Month

• Utilizing Outreach Tools– Trainings and Education – Newsletters– Website– Social Media

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade13

Mandate Congressional / OMB Goal

Army Reserve FY14Score

FY14Trend Performance Issues/Actions

Reduction in Energy Intensity: Reduce 3% per year to total by 30% by 2015 (2003 baseline)

Score: Amber

• 12.2% reduction vs 27% reduction requirement

• 28.2% reduction in energy intensity in FY14 vs a 3% reduction goal

• ESPC includes Energy Conservation Measures

• Many new energy efficient buildings are starting to come online

• Energy reduction programs of the past taking effect

Use of Renewable Energy: At least 3% of total electricity consumption (FY07-09), 5% (FY10-12), 7.5% (FY13 +) Score: Green

• 20.4 % vs 7.5% goal• Goal to achieve 7% by FY15

• ESPC includes RE projects (Solar and Wind)

• Cannot purchase RECs

Reduction in Potable Water Intensity: Reduce consumption by 2% annually for 26% total by FY 2020 (2007 baseline )

Score: Green

• 45% potable WUI reduction from FY07 baseline vs 14% reduction goal for FY14

• Goal is to achieve 36% reduction by FY20

• Inadequate Data for baseline year

• ESPC includes Water Efficiency projects

• Net Zero Water Installation

Reduction in Fleet Petroleum Use: Reduce by 2% per year thru FY20 (Base 2005)

Score: Green

• –16.2% USAR vs –14% goal for petroleum reduction

• 64% increase in alt fuels vs 60% goal

• 70% of non-tactical fleet is alternatively fueled vehicles

• On track to meet or exceed all goals

• 2:1 turn-in requirement of NTV when mission allows

Measuring Success: Fort Buchanan Energy Scorecard

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade14

Measuring Success:Energy Dashboard

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade15

Measuring Success:Army Reserve Awards

• GreenGov 2014– Fort Buchanan – Sustainability Hero

• Secretary of the Army 2014– Fort Hunter Liggett – Energy

and Water Management• Secretary of the Army 2015

– 99th RSC – Energy Program Effectiveness

– Fort Buchanan – Alternative Financing• Federal Energy and Water Management 2015

– 9th MSC – Program Award– 99th RSC – Program Award

COL Patrick O. Briley and COL Caryn S. Heard with 2014 GreenGov Award Winner Anibal Negron of Fort Buchanan.

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade16

Expanding into Sustainability:Additional Integrated Strategies

Leveraging relationships– Making new connections through

existing contacts

Mimicking successes– Using successful elements of mastered

program to stand up other programs

Learning lessons– Valuing experiences in all program areas

as important steps toward a comprehensive sustainability program

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade17

In Place In Development

Army Reserve SustainabilityCampaign Plan



Army Reserve Solid Waste

Implementation Strategy

Published Aug 15

Implementing Guidance

Execution PlanAction PlansWaste Dashboard



Army Reserve Energy Security Implementation


Published Dec 13

Implementing Guidance

Execution Plan Action PlansEnergy Dashboard

Army Reserve Water Security Implementation


Published Aug 15

Implementing Guidance

Execution PlanAction PlansWater Dashboard

Army Reserve Environmental

Programs Strategies and


Scheduled Dec 15


Pollution PreventionEnvironmental Liabilities

Expanding into Sustainability:Comprehensive Strategies

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade18

Land Use


Capital Investment


Human Capital

Materials & Services

Solid Waste





Triple Bottom Line

Expanding into Sustainability:Integrated Approach to Sustainability

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade19

Questions ?

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade20


How do we systematically work with our Installations/ RSCs/MSC to incorporate sustainability into their strategic plans and/or strategies?

Planning Approach (“top down”)• Organization-wide planning event with subject

matter experts and stakeholders developing sustainability goals and objectives

Implementation Approach (“bottom up”)• Incorporate sustainability into existing programs

such as Environmental Management System and Building Energy Monitor Program



Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade22

Strategy: A plan that sets Vision, advances ARCP, and charts the path forward

Action Plans: Detailed implementation plans focused on key Strategic goals

Metrics: “Energy Dashboard” tracks key energy measures updated semi-annually

Periodic Reviews: Monthly telecons with Installation/RSC Energy Managers (EMs)

Performance Assessments: Quarterly reviews with supporting command/DPWS

Command Emphasis: Semi-annual overview by Senior General Officers

Training: Annual workshops to build the bench, consolidate gains

Tech Support: On-call DOE support for project development, analyses, and studies

Reference Library: Shared site with project templates, training materials, and complete

“toolkits” that capture Best Management Practices from across the Reserve Command

Philosophy: Centralized management and enabling, decentralized execution

Progressing SustainabilityA Comprehensive, Holistic Approach

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade23

How we did it:• Regular Site Visits• Monthly Teleconferences with Field POCs• Annual Workshops• Program Specific Working Groups• PICS: one of our team members at a site visit.

Picture of telephone.

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade24

How we did it:• Constant development of new projects ready

for execution • PIC: projects list.

Leadership Buy In –Preparing for Funding Execution

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade25

Mastering One Program Area

• Surpassing expectations– More than just meeting mandates– Using Innovative systems/technologies– Newsletter

• PICS: ARIMD team. Innovated technology that we use. newsletter.

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade26

Leadership Buy In

• Communicating with HQ• Supporting leaders in the field• Preparing for funding execution• Maintaining accountability

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade27

How we did it:• Created the Senior Sustainability Council• Coordination and collaboration on new policy

initiatives• Remaining highly responsive to all HQ

communication and requests • PICS: SSC. New executive order.

Leadership Buy In – Communicating with HQ

Energy Exchange: Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade28

Change Agents

• Identifying champions• Engaging points of contact • Collaborating on actions

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How we did it:•Asking for their opinion/view on large program decisions

–Field review of strategies and action plans•Inclusion and collaboration

• Inviting change agents to Strategic Planning Session

• PICS: Anibal greengov award. Snapshot of water and waste strategy field review tasker. Picture from last strategic planning session.

Change Agents – Collaborating on Actions
