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PIATTSBlIR' - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-12-08/ed...poaoe and...

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PIATTSBlIR' <ST For Plattsburgh and XVIII NO. b? &AB&98T CmOtJJLATOOH FMHBB0R0H ItilCHT OF (01 mm : i > \ v - VI N< It NKAVSPAPIER* .'fM:.H-\:'.r\.x.Ts- ARIS !.RM>. themselves, : The «omb&am* alone, wWbave measured the ,-wlteje m e a t of the ef> tort, can fix lastly the conditions of poaoe and Jads« justly of the eu«ra»v tees Which & * •necegaaay- for. the fu- ture. 1'Ms asi a s (muck to the* inter- est of those wha- reitiuain .fteatrai to •the very end .as tt.te the rlsht of Uhose who fea,«5 fon#ht. J * ES STRIKE AKD BLOWS Tl-..- Trhaps. in £&& ;..•;..:•••*.'., on "Heatr&fe -: -'W'!-pre. is tfoere a *..- -.-vr t h a t h e fcs •• .'••• ..:.;> Jfci&'y .treat* • >- onti-anea. - . mnrwtrmw- WOttta ••-.-•,. „,rs<l treaeh&fi" .-.'• ia\ Which- Would v'. cioofi. which has '"•» "Jin.9 ,aa& tnteeries in* :i;i\s. jj} w o u l d fe<» •? •.'•!!, t r i e .Vv«MA of combatants pease Vaea iw.ve -bow;© thf- I •>.v 'r-ch-tfu5 of wat& ...,;,.. a:nd w h e n tfe<? *;, ' i ^ a c e i t SS to thsfe thpy shoaM address ItHaea, Dea. f»~SE>aniet Frederlefe i hotter, JF* V » *j«4eff « t tfttfelD, was yestwtoy elected-«aj*aii »| (He Co? abit varsity *^o*SM?oa&try team for \ l'tl'5. Potter has been a, member of the team fiw fcva years ajul ?n the la- tewj*ii«.s»ate last aioatif won the tl- a* x& m&mmm mtawftte#&\& era** country ehamuioa* ;ai;-aw nssairote 1 •t&km today refused to -tine supreme 'S*u-0 'a writ to review be* ai. Stoanfcfc •convicskw/ of -the atnrdex* *» »fe^y Phas-an, <i» F»isk mast hniisr «ale?s tti* gov cr*xor v^f Otporgtia » m mates his 8KJ-ie»«e, T-odara o^eion Jjy the. s-u* W«3B6 coart was tateo a& his Urn* tattmtss fa t}*e eoium, KflVERSAL Froas SS.^.ep»»s«l I-rem 11^5 cswaid. hm^ip<xL. _ , '•. " . | •pessife jepoai^i coat, llie cltstr&juBoia i t an lie. |«6s8idl'i Ftt^le- Hog :S*!w . U7<rvauL I'slVERSAl Prior JS.« H if ii i M y f -Ml -^-.^yt. fclj|" M»i^iii^lASt force Foe Bi& From Notlh Set to Alsace and Lorraine sue IN - &mi&~mj&i&Bat WEAK pom? m ARMOR oi^ TEtTmU AMilES blow* battl* North Faris^ Dec, £-HSttiiasMngr were delivered, today by the with ttoHifheavfi? reinforce-a tine and G^i-ma*s from the Sea te Alsace ard L«watao 'oj-ced back, TOs campaign, of the trench and tlie.l&ritlsh mm »oW b« ?aid to be well un< I6r way. The he&v. Scst point of the attaclt Is In Alsaee and Lorraine, etttliough tM Germans are.being hard jjixsaed la the Argotine oft the Aisne isttd i >ls» battteSield^SJid ia the Amentiemj-fi^AiTas regl'on^a* JS'elL JTI Belgium the furious ehatatster, %htihg vtm of a ithc French making heavy assattl*» on the jpsssiticms on the west bash of the held by the Guritjaas. It waft -brought •^al dfepatcb.es thit th« Freseh jw« s <trt> far better tha a tho<# of thft CTei 4 - tnujjsL Thiti was *3lsj»atches frosatthe "was* »IHea and is tit* first smnonaci 6 « m M B Sutve*-**'^ A*wtiBiil X*xf» EeflS»» 3DC& -T Ceat*d tlw; .liassia and- southwest «t - 'liamfr, D e c ?— day that a JM*W A istrKca army fit be' tug iprmed a«d w] K«fskTtn.s l a t h e C The- O Tser that*are now Atbaay* 'fii a. ?»*4&i8 a iresmlt .of t h e Noyfafober cJJcctJoni a»d "Ub* subs 3- qtxetit eaatrada cif ftte voics^b^ the tsm$ bo^rjd of caa-iasisets, t|k maK2' «i> of the orticto ibailot for|lfch& «ei* eiul election ja J»K» wiHb«» .jjsatesriai- ly -chaR^oa. j Thft BeiiiiCbiieAn party goe^ back to ; first ©lac« o a t h * pa#jj* baibits and. jiaaehinje and the lDem> feratf^.'colamli t ^ ^ b o secreted, a f t n hi|Vih« fli«t rilace Inl liSsJil, sl»l<2, *t-»-S]»» aaafl :thl» 3N*r yeaovi A^sa.retwlr'of ihed»26,WO votes ctte fof floyeirttoV Olswii under/the Jade- jxta^e^ee. 3Ue-*J8EUo emblewi, the Meat Ft; I«vrtif ^ H 'bewlven third jvlsuje ou tp* »«i<^at ; b*iiaM''.. Thm Momml-vstf, - w h i c h , 1ft 19113" ax£& fthts 3fea» mm third j*arty oa i te ballot* WW 4r05> to *ixth place, lor Prv^erlck ML B&wtt$o¥t»- tlte uwty eaudldat* *fo^ soVcraor, 'reeelved oa- ly to t O0fi, aithoujufh ••• Chaatteey 1st. Hawha r for Mcwtthamt goveraQf poEi ed-^ivole of fcPOrokm^ely .11S,S"(». . Wiljiasa .S|il*er*4 - Ataerlean, ^ar y. r if li iputs a rait ticket ia'the lifeld in iJHfi 4 will be; glyejtj. fourth place, H €M votes f«jp sroVentor being regfs* terc<f ttnderj»embleai«. ^ Th!e Sotiaifetn mast give* way. iti ( mtik t* th<- P»h!Mtloa party, lot &*|M« v^tes i «-cre-cant for-^olzcr i or G«v<-ravw .»ri tit* ''dry* tibekct* as i^lftrt JI^O «*st fi» t h e jSoehS'iHt eaad|dato Tot a»verao?» 'the. Social 1st L a w |K»U ': 'HH'.be wiped off the bjs,l oat to-day'* o'fll-: l(t% iavlaBTi^nea to paU M f f>0» v o t » . ai^atlotted la tine meat of thl* mtt hi northern Fidaad very sueec'Ssfal in 1i«lr fighting arotind lUods, Ti»y fl€» a force* aorthwest the city. Army *V>m»}n« tt wa* 4"*p«rtM td- il glT<* battle to the KKSW district, ^Wii^ are. fxpeeted to .*©« 'raiiias a^trts that rratfow »iast aot-iali. ' Its tall weald' b]«c& t&viavas&v «f tile Carman f>rdviat»? of Sltesfci. ,,- - i?e»ft»«* S»bjili|y |fav<j X*»d*. l«)ftdf «a, ^ Uea*' •eomtjariis^a of^tito Un aad Petro-gmd i j on .oh thrjr first Saw. iSerltn a?akes aseat'that £«# while jpeito^rad a ''aatloa- taere is d< If th)?- fall of m IUS • s* S3u at,- report* from Eer- pails to ttoto eoaclW' «sip» that the .Qenjaans asala. oeca©-? I*od*. from wliich *;Uy. they were dri*y •ctreat from War* positive aaaouace- . l a their haads Jmlta that'the sit« aerate. a «ny is at f*ct» I* indicates that eoasasanle^tJoa will* Watsaw agola fs itcrloasly »eaaeed but. a sratlHsfdelal ;' Prtr<*grad 4 w ! a r ^ ' ajpft «tsroas .eaoagh va&tifs ia aorther?: ; coateat the^asetvci wMlu d#yotta# sjtasemeat trmx tfm t t o Ett«sla«* to hold the l»; Polaad and wii* with dolag tftisi thte* ; i»ai» eaergie^ f •CraeoWaad the to the redacaoa © :;ift-vasio» of Haajtuy. JSaappry sfc 11Tcale l?&t»* Hangary, aeeordiag to reverts tmm th» Sasslaa- 'capital *a the armour.of that *TI?S a« early < ,btrK» Aaktrla aslietl ; of fea«;e. ffhe, a< Is itbe we»3te polat th©'"*retttoa allies ia* Fetrograd say is tfcft -toll o f Leas- Rttsaa- for *er*»* l?otlatto.n» to, this end» if -any really ; : mM place, a|»»ar- entiy proved abortjve. ... , w leaver. Bee?- .ja«de by -as otTlofa .^"ederatSija of iMia^is today t h a t i h * great sfcrl&e la .tlie «oal ilelds- hais. n e- ain't 'm$Kf,, tm\& iat it jtftffc ^ i f s i # " ^ ^- $m$ a 1 *> as lu<^ of you? Find Qpbw'lmt fofyif* v Bp^aMy WB^ ftpiti declared, o ^ l Sh& stru;3?3e« lavolv jaw aad 'resulted la l a g si?at l a t a t h e sir&iEi zoi%s». CK,BAKX»S TiRIAr. •i {.tatciuaeement. wft%, 1 ©f the. . Western" lite termiaatioa of ed. taHlloas of dol- federal troo»s be» i wiisiwdr ^ and Always.' j in', rinBnJi.i.,^ jmnri'i'i •-.•.*.iiiftf.i»i ii'ji.iiiifiiil.ii.TiiUi m'|^t,^i.'i 1111*11 iVii^wn'i'ifi^wi^i i4 i.'i^w Mib.iV»S J^P^ U>iW^wr^'irt» ii imjimi^nu .f/1 *r ft. rn^ ...yjit „ ,:, ^,V; -,, iaJ.i r-'wiMininihiii k •r^iiiiViii'iV : iiii,]ij^i.'.^ir.^-;*>^J.N mil... in 1uwi4.ni«.it»»iii«NHiiiiiiii iilninMia BE BE^VBMCSAS FAJtTl* GOES ttACK m wmst ri>Ac« AS mstoi* ov t- "This «sxder pt*'4»»ear Ah the onlclal ballot or ktafljmo lit dtteranlaed ly tho .str*-nKih «h>jwa la caei*. ;«teccedl(rs? ; gi»5;craatorJM|: «tee*3oa. //The- tun s.\Iop» party! eaaie cloie'.jfo Kcttiej? *SCblja JtfLtitW tttt'Tsadtot 1» 1SJ5, be* e;w"»s4 of lh<> h«tadredg -of thoasai ds «t '^.it*^ Citift fiar c*)>eur ^tradx :'or sovjr-thMCltt wiaay coaaties ajpsiStte aad ia Matteltattan and Kitim 4» ihe IMS cawtpalmijlie Bidl ai«M8e re ice Uf &m*nxi'<i -wttn fnp In ettsww, of i.fe;ik-pttbli«m 1%arts. cosatttiuaity adyertWoir .That W^B jail a* j ** a soaare ye& aad aity #oa* or if eotfafttericlal adv#rtl»l»^ »|iy* j «••*» fee ^ii?eoli~hoied in thoj .eomajlt* Whifh roar?(p" 3a yoii »'*« 'www- riiOT* fareibiy vim .tvMk- !t*e cfa.r»i«*. isirtlf, s;irov»» thatt:Ja,Dui~i k frei>.t i;na|a«tli^? liaar*«iloar «jsad« « » tW* #»n«ib)er« | «^m yn tt aathoriae afrwy ^*h« EaiqXvtk.Sme iCrait,«row^ifliacM»a t« fccattfy'-before. 0Sh«^iaJ«i Wi9(|Iauo)i H«ho m Xtihr »&tte li*t T«omtttttee oa ray .invitttfoh- *ithe» towopt xb#:*& I'lttttsbargh an** :**Vwli« «sr wtth«at resmetb,^-laatrae 'ratt.frowtnir belt la tW»:*baaty* ttfe»a*t w . . -•"' I ? '•- TUjit frfctonrc* rnooey wa*'»pent T *t{- Whea Mr. aardaer ttff tkr-PreBl that ttnio far the ent^rttttanteat' «f |d«at he refaaed to aay what anaweii tte $Hst»fc4» beea «nald -wioay l^ltl'/bsa, »eea gttea to tils «netftoaa.. t% Now Torfe city,. Dec. 7.-—Gharlts Cleary, proiaineat li-oekktsd' . «b»aty poHtMua will «o4o trial for the »»kr der of hjs.l^yeajvcld. «aa ia law, E«* ge»© 'K«sw.waa, oa Thwrsday, 30ec. 17. Th-'s 4 a » was set today «"by. BuftrjeiaQ Coart.. justice ' .aiowpohasuser ' whea 'Clfeary 'anaeared la >*«trt, pistrlet Attoraey : ~<»asaa 'a&:jed that the court imedl&tely caB an «sara--paael of sevsaty-five from IwWh tdrisfrject a 3»ry.' 9CR Sr k,13byiLDi~~ . P^f Tho ladlea-of -tho M» S, charcb at •.West.CM'^ wlp feold &JS&!« of fancy' arilalea aad a train inaga sala ia Fos- ter 1 '.* Hall Friday, Bea- da. in the .eyekttg ah eafertgiameat will be-flV"* ea t?y 't&fe yoaa«ij«ople, •'> '•-'. ? . » |!rogr«m: ;f Fiaao Solo ,... •...'.,« mbel Lspierfo Dialogue , . . . , , . , . .MOrnlwg' Catl'era Solo »-. - . .... >*»»,..-,' Morris liactiu 331aiof«e A Sudden IHscovary ^wna' of .Mrs. 3$$w*s\ Wax Flgares $i$m tfnttt f^ith. wh^tilas" aceqai" . - paalaieaf, ..,,...',*•. ! „..„"Uera Boajtnsan, .Marion •Qoo"4a?e tableau, Santa Chvas* iToy Shop, eonji Elites aader W. A, 1 FiCSh Eab:« Strock, 5'oai Bd, "Vari;*, -jft»es\Warwt,<3iky GARDNER M ESIDENT Latter Oppottt Uie RfprescsUtive's Preposed In?csti«aiJwi . AN UNWISE WAY I' :1 <«* /. SQK - t w o . -QisEsaaoiifsi 'lawfe"" omt 'A---. ',:. -; i *' Wasalttgton, ttec. ••'7—+^teildeat Wil«oa*attnoaneed today Jie waa ap posed to Sfcepresentativer Sardatr'a plan for Investigating the prepared* ae»s of the t?atted States for aationat defease, because he ^thoagbJ; It w^i aa.wawtee way of ha'adUn^ 1 '"* qaea tioa which wil|rht create ve£y nntt^- vorable iatoraatloaal iaipreasloa?." Sftepreaeatatlye Cfardner /ealled on the .resident today at the,laiter*«/re- >aae»t to diseaas his resohition for an Investigating commission/. jift** Sfer. "Gardner** eall the faHoswl^'' 'atate- tnen^ waa' iifiVea out at- $u> .White Housf'^ '•'.'• . - " "' *'*he Breiffdent told 3&epre«ent«tiv«. dardaer thai he wa» oppoij^d to the method "of ingairy pr|jpo*«d by Sir, ftTwMeTtho "JW'BK I * 3ara » er ' *wa««e he. dhoasjht ; H* wa« a» unwise way nt »ha , adMhg? » 4jdea ; Hon ,;waieh might' ere*ite j i. J e:ry > wait* vora^ -laternatioaal ia)ipre««l'bns, Hte #'tat#d' to 3Str.,-<*a?dBet; that he ww entirely ia favor of the fullest la quJry by Hie «oaHnittee ofjcowp'ess and jthat there wrVo' ho : tapt» in the poRSBfsalott of the execatlVet depart' mcttta Which were no* at:th|0 disposal of tbjo'se ««atmlttee»,** ''. ' <l ; .1 . BuTiafhis call Mr. Oardjaer read tac .followtae two o.«e?tioh» -to' the JPresliaeatJ- •' ••'!'. »Tp|i#rft a r e twOt. #ay*'of' jd*featiari; 1 my jfeaoltttloa*., tt eaa ' b# I dejfe'ated *s »hjwn by thfr reatarkable fact ffaact C}!at»n <£.wAy applea nave : "b^h 'iroasnt ta'tlte attehtJaa o^tfee-tn** •tn ^ttye'ric'tiiroaith the r«comm*;sd .'t.loK,» af" : 'western 'JS*w 'fork Salt *tfaw!e?« wto;vt«lit«tf the Clinton co m : -f'-'aijehord- * i m that time.-" SSaa. sr*r ' rowi '€aifi^§ witala#.tho 'past Jkw v-eolw ItHft: l«i«o te'='thii *e<*ilott l»>k *ittft #jBpctsali3'" f^r SIciatisah Bed* up' w jrpoai«i,«!»6attoa of ionm viait tnu: Yattj^rowirilast; MW a«d.b'*far| f«» *arai«ir to t$« we^rt left'over' tlit, 1 100 *» caah- jTn !9»I» coan^r fo.r : C^a:aa •sumty. ap-^fisfc. And f«rth«tr» - thS* *i»yer_«taftja:.th*t tiiift preaeat $&»• ••neai; af thfe^e «eleet«4 applet fa 'CM- 'aK0 wa» '-cottiparatiyely <.<|fey.- a •starter 1» thr djfanaad_ia that alar set *or ^he Ctlntm ceanty jkfej^toah Bed.' 'Tftc ¥lsit-to.^iat^bar#* of the Si'ow : Tori:, StaU. |F^felt Growers* -A«ia4ia.* tioai h*» p;4jt' *aa»y handred fold. AWJ-atdSSBl*. JP^MTEItS*' M^a-r^licwlls Batiee* 3>wj9'Barrtett; 15.. & JBAte»»'-<^« It, 'BMiaiey, -JUir Bri^uTOj ^p^a Bk-tek, fraak Buia^ Mn'flFe««l'o'OJi«pai*Et» Harry;B«vS»»-ati ehaei-' C. JCorraaoa, ^5awnofe Fraa;ls,' Cfeaisv M,- ;plater, Hart-nmh' Qlhaan* tiT* 31. tlaadJ'aw* fSeo. I1/&1J-, I'i-ed Ke:ua, JUmtiu iiafonatai^, ar^ F* J lAvaJtey* •'Palter l^effier,, Qmp Gerta, X**>i a rd' ajJokera^ Hom&r son, vtn HfaahbMav Joan Uarry Weniridk, •,Wo.roen^-*3|rs, BIdw«|, Mi ^5eorj^e' Cas Mrs. jAnielh! 'iSxslmk&i '2d: Wani *aet HOi..m'...«'-"i,.„.t if-."' Flahins la an tlnjportaat la^astry [ali-aloas tlie i?oa«t of i0raep#» 'f A' j m * - * * - * * »" with JToJja ,Jt >it>ftier,: Alux* Bvlson Salte|niaiL , "of Ster^acy* 'Boma ^hon|ip'' "WieMhtm^ j. W. Barrows, >1 rs. Hiraah tmmpoeti, ST». J t r a JSablO/ Mwsy* lilberty,, -Mlsa -1411a at. .; SaritiJt* Mp AvMliary -off f r i l l y p.t^a chaisfeK-.'^.^stoa^ay^; «&mber*%^aa ; px*§i!a& ' and'nwrs White. Hoase oMelala JKkld.th'e for wal statement slvea ottt/w»«W' b& thej tiply tomaieat an thfe.«all* 1' -.»•" Mr* Oardlner aatd he wa« -ftot sar- l»rl«?a at tti« L Presia«at*«'piQttttoa aafl w««14 «ontta»o ta jerf^fol*' piua^e of Ms r«olatloa. .Frior to jilr. 0a»dtter*a. tfjll* ^Chair- mah -Bllmaa of tiift : Se»4f:# . astval eo»»«iJttee..' dl»<ai««ed|. »«ti,anal ' 4e- feaw# wlHt.tfeJs ^M«ift«t.''-i' : l«tf«* , :M said;'he a a * tftt-.. ^fe#«te# ;'a«rf.eia t h a t ' t h e /UsdBt-e^. atat%iC#hottl* ; J>iy<! N<W-. : fpl* a afterwjoa, s;i A^ter prayer 5 «by'.iiav.*3UCr. '^ale, presidlat. SJ«, J. <?. Smithy reac letter :!r»m Alaska and ^ate th© port of the absent treasurers -iflrai, E!nie.ry. Th* .aecr«tory v a report towed. 1Ph§ ;?rofrara. began. ^Ith paper x ^td bj Mi'?. <5asslos ^ooaihoter, > e r k t » work of the AaxSliSry. 3he Society waa t r^anJKed la $S , M ; as, t|ha *Wo««w.*Sr An: salary ,Q$ tho.i ^ o a r d ipareieq MS«4i aIls ' Jtf#-work-;Jaito tho board'.aw? tha l?" woaiaa ia tfte cbaich to thO. Sooi'etyiii $fs«|_ 'piapcr oa Vails*d; Off •*- Operate .that shall 'baloiisj Sparry i\ea4 4 'la^s,- which 'Oraveii •ferStts;' olo$ed \ 1 ratata. israa {followed by on T4e. <jh«roh Wo,ih*.a i «-OfF of-' .R ijsmaaea. Th^ . »»<»t .Hf •itli" a facial hoar aat refra sh> a^-^i * m*~i* ** ^ •«««'«»*.»* < jk****^.^*. J i.*^*i < , l f , : ^* J (, jt*:**-.* * *. * * k w <r« « » . » i . » « . jaw WMi SiestiBB. '•' FOR; «msiaaBipEK* . - isa.aW3@»ti-srA«eS' '.sg^ia-' WHB&jr-i'* Kaa^ts tafejv* afei; Dee.'t—"Jjfe© «oa* ifcerenee '.op&aed hfre taftay;a»deS , "tl«; .|iiu#j)i<eea,.of ' t t a . t f alt$4 ^mte^ <^m* tal«lb!i|i oa ladastjsial ^elitio'^^'-^^aa' aiteadfed by railroad. 'aa!i?iai«L-.' state; [iijoir ^^ml«&ioiie;rs'-'aa'0 farr^rs, r£ : wasa hearty ge.$,tOs«lhe:* ' ike®t*&r>. ;.Ehe «ffi^e«t b&im^- to' d«yl4^.a.'fel2oaat '; s^tfeaa..; of cooperation 1' toj. dlistrifeat^ :, fcarveat, - hands.' ia; tho' •epM*} "growing atkt»s i of th'fe Miwwm ; v 'i^lace the prooosa.l'f'oy'isiO'Ch; 'i Ee^eniee was'' ajade^grgataf- ^f-»the.--,|fed- jeit^i coai-mlssioa ;M>ye /fdumdj ^._tov*' : •' ta^erest throaffh©ttt-'-the ^ a w w ^ t b . * 1 i^bore*»» the.s^t^ > a««Jijor&;.ea .tbr#ash'.: bbt the aeetloav.aa4'tM rai!^tf J s8a.a* f 'ak|aiaita. .• ; •' ' • " l 'l . ' . • ( when- the coaferix^fc •op;^e4 t*4ay,, rellorfas '#£• iavemisabataf "«(t«rf'. -pffft-- »»jj^»;-«hom- , ins'- tliat isajoi-jeoAditioas :ia < .th« haryest fitlds .are teji^ktlsfac-; tor^." ]at- was shovVa.that menu -vm^. -so- thc-.^elds from faraway+.;epea,jwi|'li^ «wjedic«s of - where ( thffly>. are , and, often, aadersoj haMah'tl^ ivatlans whieii tena'jto demjsir- alissa. theat. beca.«fie <•€ th*|f' lhabipty; : : to-gel work^roiTOptly.. \ \'\ ' The,. cha-otie -edaditiotis itbip- »ave exMtid ia'-previous ^:«&i^ ^felapa»i the jseason'Jnst. ended, rea'4w-©|l iafi'-Att' over-HUpty of hands along--thfc. : iaala. 'line* of.rallr»>ad^-while ia'^isfriow reatcrte- fr^m, tbe : -«aafi» lla«Si fheAfar-, j^meass'auffiereit fw>m"a»»fln*rt^te;, -ox " : mea. '"; ,./ " : '.' .-j - 1 • , ^The opinion -o-^reprcscatati|ii'e,«ie|;. itettt all «ee*k»is pf the sraijtt ^ l t wili be Kivctt at- the konffe*eae4 ajad will b* fee basis of thf •.p.oticv to -'be $«*> iCied. tt is' ,p»babie. that ji' n^masft* : •tso wlli be appalated to draft |j .wWk-." las plaafor aest.ifeuar«in ^rbi&n. tin* -federal sovenwtt^nt njjH>talwija' I've lat*r«st^ •PKISONJ3lt SfHtJiO«« XSp mtmu\mnmim)w\immm\mimttmi - *wt| -I2| '• cetm^B«c«c, MYERSil I'IIW' I" EST hm® r~T» 'C3 1 ALB AN 1- YFR« * 1*7 MABGARE7 C OTKfiaSJT Hceee -=tt IX FINAL vsemhled Yesterday After of Six W«ks-.Me»l>m iwitxl to finish 1 t^fj itiJ&fr , ; ^'asbiasfcoa, pec tlilrS iCongress re-aasesttbiad the third and emus) President Wltsoa wjtt del; amaai address, in person,- •few 3 "the rostra at % in t»a *»*^| Hotse before a join session, th© admialettatlaa progrj that Ja folly dtseu^d, Wlsleh Will Sj§ aad'Wrsa3rea eaaamr&tliely few r««ia*ifin«ii the .bfe tot iMs Co»«re*a^ w^ at ^OOK, Haireh t 4, reajtaW eset-pt *©tat th^ a»na< a -.Wiifi are likely! to receive •caJtef atte»tioa,J Whefher thel fourth Caligrfes*, chosea *t-4i<MJ e*a&i»r eleeSons. wia4e ea^Nl «fai sessioa or will ttot asw^a forp another year aa one caa- <wi«i*'eertaiaty .€a*r* of 'tfeawa'^Qtfjth- on tiflal for a ^ "lyaattja'S a.-sferf,-fjat>t and kjiHM £ ; fj, 'Fraaklla la the ipo^rt roedi a^t .CaslW ; asgrn..-todos", '¥h^baU£..t ^l-u^sfd aa«t 'also a maa wanfeti-fitrtoaMS:,-. i i. " ifcKxma&^ mm: -»cs5B&: S*w»«.tl8W-Ve«<»te,, ; Snnfc. <llf 'If'SiSats?!" Voa^-*^M|*Hej'* -««-to>he JMk,'. Bat'. ,j I s o a d o a , I> gfroejSaaim to- . posay -states o f -.jO'^iey Sadedrj I.: -A CSslatti* t M o r j . J W 5* 19W. [ ^Teie.«cdaiCo-M^- : » ?he great ft%i -L. TMTE THOIBAkl> 1MJLLAKH } J50B €HLptt*fcaJEN K. More Than $5S,dOO,0«0 laiprnvenasa^ fs^t»fl^«t«-tsr>ekfia*efed far 1 rakas aad aitttnte»a.w» af ' ; 0o i ti's waterwai"* a»fi 3^a1rb«<«f ' .';tai"'-fia?al y e a r m &»%% A libit, the. Swed|sh' jfteaw W^ part « ^e ixd .EverUda st3BU ! eb,i .ttdaes tft f works ik mad wa,bcrwaj»' re«pfk* | toblj prs I<aa4- mm .Everllda stTjU'ekj .adaes _ if the Flatfish- eea$t ..aftdj taajt. boat. jsseaaiers sank* .^he erew of 'ifok Tuani.% waa &-ve«> bat all «oamea jab|»ra the , Syo-rftda, ese-ept "one .man,! wphe ta adequate navy'ia acfiorj the deolaratioa^ of the last, jbsiao Gratia piatfofcni. H& addeft ^ h a t t h e aavajt ^^P 161 !^ wwW' kay'a -to 4er iermlae Whp 0a.adeG.aate; itifgy, was. ******#«»«***«**«*#»-«***4»«***«»«*^^*»*** o i«, I Haye waia t sttt^y iXfli? I thB t^st'attl Mas$l£$& pfo^r^ to |ir >due^ more yoferfe|d€^^iak]ii%et. ^ o^!st|ie4i|aeto^^;it|ln yaw Winter "Supply %eMgS€cr#3nget|[ilg tlie fcest ^esfllts yoariftossfelptfeifcloacjirig^f tjife feel joti jate T ,de fjp esff » ei wvk'ly small number of ia«ia aatf -'& •ooniparaflTely iar^e a«ln^bai ,r i sa^ail items. 12fe 3«Pst{ssippi rttrer - lost, f tiap*® fe *lW-fi« r tffeej tae'OMo, I rs&io&e; the H|ndsO»v $S,$?a,<»S4>j [•••• ' ! •""-•' -|- Teteiessee* iaorse t a a a $3.0ftU*B«; t | i ii-pe with. Cokmbia and the ^a^iaartj flSl'" 1 am each; and the Delawaiaa* $t, tm. ., , } •^stlaiates fou hawbor mpxt trpmm Fermoat—BbrH-astott, |&fi rosW3 of fjffes Caiamiplata^ $S ;^esv Yank-*- Btt|falo> . Cikrlotte t $12>C0Gj SoWa r e h s a a e l , $i*5G ? >ftG0j % e a t .d*E^bor §3,fl0uj Kew t o r k vet chaael, lasa.O'WrOsfee ' W Ji Port Chetster, j ^9,$#B yta^c, *l6,t0C>t); Haairagtea,. . ' ^ r t Jefferson, | } M # ; ?UM; liondoat aad Peek^ WPi Sheepsiheai Bay, $&A , town* §9,#00; m-onx riv4r, fess4iSdb;J Brown Creefe, JJS.pO'O-i Eas* •Ghe^fer' wsefc $<10,0POj Harlem ,i%4^ 4 i * i » OOOi Newton Creek, §54MH><p* Arth*fr ritgf,Afi ]EM3 ?a Our W^AlfRiQfI® 30BATCH feii lias :OH SEED pLlNGS, ani to take a^iitage of Come in an^ .fe ^ffl waere we can samyon i^Loney. ig-'>f€Mlerent larot cat IJL- tarry?^ A|L BEA^ ^d
Page 1: PIATTSBlIR' - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-12-08/ed...poaoe and Jads« justly of the eu«ra»v tees Which &* •necegaaay- for. the fu ture. 1'Ms

PIATTSBlIR' <ST For Plattsburgh and



OF (01 mm : i

> \ v -



.'fM:.H-\:'.r\.x.Ts- A R I S


themselves, : The «omb&am* alone, w W b a v e

measured the ,-wlteje m e a t of the ef> tort, can fix lastly the conditions of poaoe and Jads« justly o f the eu«ra»v tees Which & * •necegaaay- for. the fu­ture. 1'Ms asi a s (muck to the* inter­est of those wha- reitiuain .fteatrai to •the very end .as tt.te the rlsht of

Uhose who fea,«5 fon#ht.J*


Tl-..- T r h a p s . i n £&& ;..•;..:•••*.'., o n " H e a t r & f e

-: -'W'!-pre. is tfoere a *..- •• -.-vr t h a t he fcs

•• .'••• ..:.;> Jfci&'y .treat*

• >- ont i -anea. - . mnrwtrmw - WOttta

••-.-•,. „,rs<l treaeh&fi" .-.'• ia\ Which- Would v'. cioofi. which h a s

'"•» "Jin.9 ,aa& tnteeries in* : i ; i \ s . jj} w o u l d fe<»

•? •.'•!!, t r i e .Vv«MA o f

combatants pease V a e a

iw.ve -bow;© thf- I •>.v 'r-ch-tfu5 of wat& ...,;,.. a:nd w h e n tfe<? *;, ' i ^ a c e i t SS to thsfe thpy shoaM a d d r e s s

ItHaea, Dea. f»~SE>aniet Frederlefe i hot te r , JF*V » *j«4eff « t tfttfelD, was yestwtoy elected-«aj*aii » | (He Co? abit varsity *^o*SM?oa&try team for \ l'tl'5. Potter has been a, member of the team fiw fcva years ajul ?n the la-• tewj*ii«.s»ate last a i oa t i f won t h e t l -a* x& m&mmm mtawftte#&\& era** country ehamuioa*

;ai;-aw nssairote 1 •t&km today refused to -tine supreme 'S*u-0 'a writ

to review be* ai . Stoanfcfc •convicskw/ of -the atnrdex* *» »fe^y Phas-an, <i»

F»isk mast hniisr «ale?s tti* g o v cr*xor v f Otporgtia » m mates his 8KJ-ie»«e, T-odara o^eion Jjy the. s-u* W«3B6 coart was ta teo a& his Urn* tattmtss fa t}*e eoium,


Froas SS.^.ep»»s«l

I-rem 11^5 cswaid.

hm^ip<xL. _ , '•. " . |

•pessife jepoai^ i coat, l l i e

cltstr&juBoia i t an

lie. |«6s8idl'i Ftt^le- Hog :S*!w

. U7<rvauL


Prior JS.«


i f ii i M y f -Ml -^-.^yt. fclj|"


force Foe Bi& From Notlh Set to Alsace and Lorraine

sue IN

- &mi&~mj&i&Bat W E A K pom? m ARMOR oi



battl* North

Faris^ Dec, £-HSttiiasMngr were delivered, today by the with ttoHifheavfi? reinforce-a tine and G^i-ma*s from the Sea te Alsace a r d L«watao 'oj-ced back, TOs campaign, of the t rench and tlie.l&ritlsh mm »oW b« ?aid to be well un< I6r way. The he&v. Scst point of the attaclt Is In Alsaee and Lorraine, etttliough tM Germans are.being hard jjixsaed la the Argotine oft the Aisne isttd i >ls» battteSield^SJid ia the Amentiemj-fi^AiTas regl'on^a* JS'elL

JTI Belgium the furious ehatatster,

%htihg vtm of a ithc French making

heavy assattl*» on the jpsssiticms on the west bash of the held by the Guritjaas.

It waft -brought •^al dfepatcb.es t h i t th« Freseh jw« s

<trt> far better tha a tho<# of thft CTei4-tnujjsL Thiti was *3lsj»atches frosatthe "was* »IHea and is tit* first smnonaci

6 « m M B Sutve*-**'^ A*wtiBiil X*xf» EeflS»» 3DC& -T

Ceat*d tlw; .liassia and- southwest « t

- 'liamfr, Dec ?— day that a JM*W A istrKca army fit be' tug iprmed a«d w] K«fskTtn.s la the C

The- O

Tser that*are now

Atbaay* 'fii a. ?»*4&i8 a iresmlt .of the Noyfafober cJJcctJoni a»d "Ub* subs 3-qtxetit eaatrada cif ftte voics^b^ the tsm$ bo^rjd of caa-iasisets, t | k maK2' «i> of t h e or t ic to ibailot for|lfch& « e i * eiul election j a J » K » wiHb«» .jjsatesriai-ly -chaR^oa. j Thft BeiiiiCbiieAn par ty goe^ back to ;first ©lac« o a t h * pa#jj* baibits and. jiaaehinje and the lDem> feratf^.'colamli t ^ ^ b o secreted, aftn hi|Vih« fli«t rilace Inl liSsJil, sl»l<2, *t-»-S]»» aaafl :thl» 3N*r yeaovi

A^sa.retwlr'of ihed»26,WO votes ctte fof floyeirttoV Olswii under/the Jade-jxta^e^ee. 3Ue-*J8EUo emblewi, the Meat Ft; I«vrtif ^ H 'bewlven third jvlsuje ou tp* »«i<^at ;b*iiaM''..

Thm Momml-vstf, - wh ich , 1ft 19113" ax£& fthts 3fea» mm third j*arty oa i te ballot* WW 4r05> to *ixth place, lor Prv^erlck ML B&wtt$o¥t»- tlte uwty eaudldat* *fo soVcraor, 'reeelved oa-ly totO0fi, aithoujufh ••• Chaatteey 1st. Hawha r for Mcwtthamt goveraQf poEi ed-^ivole of fcPOrokm^ely .11S,S"(».

. Wiljiasa .S|il*er*4 - Ataerlean, ^ar y.r if li iputs a rait ticket ia ' the lifeld in iJHfi4 will be; glyejtj. fourth place, H €M votes f«jp sroVentor being regfs* terc<f ttnderj»embleai«. ^

Th!e Sotiaifetn mast give* way. iti( mtik t* th<- P»h!Mtloa party, lot &*|M« v^tes i «-cre-cant for-^olzcr i or G«v<-ravw .»ri tit* ''dry* tibekct* as i ^ l f t r t J I ^ O «*st fi» the jSoehS'iHt eaad|dato Tot a»verao?» ' the . Social 1st L a w |K»U ': 'HH'.be wiped off the bjs,l

oat to-day'* o'fll-: l(t% iavlaBTi^nea to paU Mff>0» vot» .

ai^atlotted la tine

meat of thl* mtt

hi northern Fidaad very sueec'Ssfal in

1i«lr fighting arotind lUods, Ti»y fl€» a force* aorthwest the city. Army *V>m»}n« tt wa* 4"*p«rtM td-

il glT<* battle to the KKSW district, ^Wii

are. fxpeeted to .*©« 'raiiias a^trts that

rratfow »iast aot-iali. ' I ts tall weald' b]«c& t&viavas&v «f tile Carman f>rdviat»? of Sltesfci. ,,- - i?e»ft»«* S»bjili|y |fav<j X*»d*.

l«)ftdf «a, ^ Uea*' T» •eomtjariis^a of^tito Un aad Petro-gmd i j

on .oh thrjr first Saw. iSerltn a?akes aseat ' that £«# while jpeito^rad a

''aatloa- taere is d< If th)?- fall of m

IUS • s* S3u at,-

report* from Eer-pails to ttoto eoaclW'

«sip» that the .Qenjaans asala. oeca©-? I*od*. from wliich *;Uy. they were dri*y

•ctreat from War* positive aaaouace-. la their haads Jmlta that ' the sit« a e r a t e . a «ny is at f*ct» I* indicates that eoasasanle^tJoa will*

Watsaw • agola fs itcrloasly »eaaeed but. a sratlHsfdelal

;' Prtr<*grad 4w!a r^ ' ajpft «tsroas .eaoagh va&tifs ia aorther?:;

coateat the^asetvci wMlu d#yotta#

sjtasemeat trmx tfm t t o Ett«sla«* to hold the l»; Polaad and wii* with dolag tftisi

thte* ;i»ai» eaergie^ f •CraeoWaad the

to the redacaoa © :;ift-vasio» of Haajtuy.

JSaappry sfc 11Tcale l?&t»* Hangary, aeeordiag to reverts tmm

th» Sasslaa- 'capital *a the armour.of

that *TI?S a« early < ,btrK» Aaktrla aslietl ; of fea«;e. ffhe, a<

Is itbe we»3te polat th©'"*retttoa allies ia* Fetrograd say is tfcft -toll of Leas-Rttsaa- for *er*»*

l?otlatto.n» to, this end» if -any really ;:mM place, a|»»ar-entiy proved abortjve. • ...

, w leaver . Bee?-.ja«de by -as otTlofa .^"ederatSija of iMia^is today t h a t i h * great sfcrl&e la .tlie «oal ilelds- hais.

n e- ain't 'm$Kf,, tm\& iat it jtftffc ^ i f s i#"^ ^- $m$ a1



lu<^ of you? Find Qpbw'lmt fofyif* v Bp^aMy W B ^

ftpiti declared, o ^ l Sh& stru;3?3e« lavolv jaw aad 'resulted la lag si?at lata the sir&iEi zoi%s».


•i {.tatciuaeement. wft%, 1 ©f the. . Western"

lite termiaatioa of ed. taHlloas of dol-federal troo»s be»

i wiisiwdr ^

and Always.' j in', rinBnJi.i.,^ jmnri'i'i •-.•.*.iiiftf.i»i ii'ji.iiiifiiil.ii.TiiUi m'|^t, i.'i 1111*11 iVii^wn'i'ifi^wi^i i4 i.'i^w Mib.iV»S J ^ P ^ U>iW^wr^'irt» ii imjimi^nu .f/1 *r ft. rn^ ...yji t„ ,:, ,V; -,, iaJ.i r-'wiM t» ininihiii k •r^iiiiViii'iV:iiii,]ij^i.'.^ir.^-;*>^J.N mil... i n 1uwi4.ni«.it»»iii«NHiiiiiiii iilninMia


m wmst ri>Ac« AS mstoi* ov t-

"This «sxder pt*'4»»ear Ah the onlclal ballot or ktafljmo lit dtteranlaed l y tho .str*-nKih «h>jwa la caei*. ;«teccedl(rs?;

gi»5;craatorJM|: «tee*3oa. //The- t u n s.\Iop» party! eaaie cloie'.jfo Kcttiej? *SCblja JtfLtitW tttt'Tsadtot 1» 1SJ5, be* e;w"»s4 of lh<> h«tadredg -of thoasa i d s « t '^.it*^ Citift fiar c*)>eur ^» ^ t r adx :'or sovjr-thMCltt wiaay coaa t i e s ajpsiStte a a d ia Matteltattan a n d Kitim 4» i h e IMS cawtpalmi j l ie Bidl ai«M8e r e ice Uf &m*nxi'<i -wttn fnp In ettsww, of i.fe;ik-pttbli«m 1%arts.

cosatttiuaity adyertWoir .That W^B jail

a* j ** a soaare ye& aad aity #oa* or if eotfafttericlal adv#rtl»l»^ »|iy* j «••*» fee ^ii?eoli~hoied in thoj .eomajlt*

Whifh roar?(p" 3a yoii »'*« 'www- riiOT* fareibiy vim .tvMk- !t*e cfa.r»i«*. isirtlf, s;irov»» thatt:Ja,Dui~ikfrei>.t i ;na |a«t l i^? liaar*«iloar «jsad« « » tW* #»n«ib)er« | « ^ m yntt aathoriae afrwy ^*h« EaiqXvtk.Sme iCrait,«row^ifliacM»a t « fccattfy'-before. 0Sh«^iaJ«i

Wi9(|Iauo)i H«ho m Xtihr »&tte li*t T«omtttttee oa ray .invitttfoh- *ithe» towopt xb#:*& I'lttttsbargh an** :**Vwli« «sr wtth«at resmetb,^-laatrae 'ratt.frowtnir belt la tW»:*baaty* ttfe»a*tw . . -•"' I ? '•-

TUjit frfctonrc* rnooey wa*'»pentT*t{- Whea Mr. aardaer ttff tkr-PreBl that ttnio far the ent^rttttanteat' «f |d«at he refaaed to aay what anaweii t t e $Hst»fc4» beea «nald -wioay l^ltl'/bsa, »eea gttea to tils «netftoaa..


Now Torfe city,. Dec. 7.-—Gharlts Cleary, proiaineat li-oekktsd' . «b»aty poHtMua will «o4o trial for the »»kr der of hjs.l^yeajvcld. «aa ia law, E«* ge»© 'K«sw.waa, oa Thwrsday, 30ec. 17. Th-'s 4 a » was set today «"by. BuftrjeiaQ Coar t . . justice ' .aiowpohasuser ' whea 'Clfeary 'anaeared la >*«trt, pistrlet Attoraey:~<»asaa 'a&:jed tha t the court imedl&tely caB an «sara--paael of sevsaty-five from IwWh tdrisfrject a 3»ry.'

9CR Sr k,13byiLDi~~

. P^f

Tho ladlea-of -tho M» S, charcb a t •.West.CM'^ wlp feold &JS&!« of fancy' arilalea aad a train inaga sala ia Fos­ter1'.* Hall Friday, Bea- da. in the .eyekttg ah eafertgiameat will be-flV"* ea t?y 't&fe yoaa«ij«ople, •'> '•-'.

? . » |!rogr«m: ;f Fiaao Solo , . . . •...'.,« mbel Lspierfo

Dialogue , . . . , , . , . .MOrnlwg' Catl'era Solo »-. - . ....>*»»,..-,' Morris liactiu 331aiof«e A Sudden IHscovary ^wna' of .Mrs. 3$$w*s\ Wax Flgares $i$m tfnttt f^ith. wh^tilas" aceqai" . - paalaieaf, ..,,...',*•. ! „..„"Uera Boajtnsan, .Marion •Qoo"4a?e tableau, Santa Chvas* iToy Shop,

eonji Elites aader

W. A,1

FiCSh Eab:«

Strock, 5'oai Bd, "Vari;*, -jft»es\Warwt,<3iky


?£ Latter Oppottt Uie RfprescsUtive's Preposed In?csti«aiJwi .



<«* /.

SQK -two. -QisEsaaoiifsi 'lawfe""

omt • 'A---. ',:.

- ; i*' Wasalttgton, ttec. ••'7—+^teildeat

Wil«oa*attnoaneed today Jie waa ap posed to Sfcepresentativer Sardatr 'a plan for Investigating the prepared* ae»s of the t?atted States for aationat defease, because he ^thoagbJ; It w^i aa.wawtee way of ha'adUn^1'"* qaea t ioa which wil|rht create ve£y nntt^-vorable iatoraatloaal iaipreasloa?."

Sftepreaeatatlye Cfardner /ealled on the .resident today a t the,laiter*«/re->aae»t to diseaas his resohition for an Investigating commission/. jift** Sfer. "Gardner** eall the faHoswl^'' 'atate-tnen^ waa' iifiVea out at- $u> .White Housf'^ ' • ' . ' • . - " "'

*'*he Breiffdent told 3&epre«ent«tiv«. dardaer thai he wa» oppoij^d to the method "of ingairy pr|jpo*«d by Sir,

ftTwMeTtho " J W ' B K I * 3 a r a » e r ' *wa««e he. dhoasjht ;H* wa« a» unwise • way nt »ha,adMhg? » 4jdea; Hon ,;waieh might' ere*itej i.Je:ry > wait* v o r a ^ -laternatioaal ia)ipre««l'bns, Hte #'tat#d' to 3Str.,-<*a?dBet; that he ww entirely ia favor of the fullest l a quJry by Hie «oaHnittee ofjcowp'ess and jthat there wrVo' ho :tapt» in the poRSBfsalott of the execatlVet depart' mcttta Which were no* at:th|0 disposal of tbjo'se ««atmlttee»,** ''. '<l ; .1 . BuTiafhis call Mr. Oardjaer read tac .followtae two o.«e?tioh» -to' the JPresliaeatJ- •' ••'!'.

»Tp|i#rft a r e twOt. #ay*'of' jd*featiari; 1 my jfeaoltttloa*., tt eaa ' b# I dejfe'ated

*s »hjwn by thfr reatarkable fact ffaact C}!at»n <£.wAy applea nave :"b^h 'iroasnt ta ' t l te attehtJaa o^tfee-tn** •tn ^ttye'ric'tiiroaith the r«comm*;sd .'t.loK,» af":'western 'JS*w 'fork Sa l t *tfaw!e?« wto;vt«lit«tf the Clinton co m

: -f'-'aijehord- * i m that time.-" SSaa. 6« sr*r ' rowi '€aifi^§ witala#.tho 'past Jkw v-eolw ItHft: l«i«o te'='thii *e<*ilott l»>k *ittft #jBpctsali3'" f^r SIciatisah Bed* up' w jrpoai«i,«!»6attoa of ionm viait tnu: Yattj^rowirilast; MW a«d.b'*far| f«» *arai«ir to t$« we^rt left'over' tlit,1100 *» caah- jTn !9»I» coan^r fo.r :C^a:aa •sumty. ap- fisfc. And f«rth«tr» - thS* *i»yer_«taftja:.th*t tiiift preaeat $&»• ••neai; af thfe^e «eleet«4 applet fa 'CM-'aK0 wa» '-cottiparatiyely <.<|fey.- a •starter 1» thr djfanaad_ia that alar set *or ^he Ctlntm ceanty jkfej^toah Bed.'

'Tftc ¥lsit-to.^iat^bar#* of the Si'ow : Tori:, StaU. |F^felt Growers* -A«ia4ia.*

tioai h*» p;4jt' *aa»y handred fold.

AWJ-atdSSBl*. JP^MTEItS*' M^a-r^licwlls Batiee* 3>wj9'Barrtett;

15.. & JBAte»»'-<^« It, 'BMiaiey, -JUir Bri^uTOj ^p^a Bk-tek, f raak Buia^ Mn'flFe««l'o'OJi«pai*Et» Harry;B«vS»»-ati ehaei-' C. JCorraaoa, 5awnofe Fraa;ls,' Cfeaisv M,- ;plater, Hart-nmh' Qlhaan* tiT* 31. tlaadJ'aw* fSeo. I1/&1J-, I'i-ed Ke:ua, JUmtiu iiafonatai^, ar^ F* J lAvaJtey* •'Palter l^effier,, Qmp Gerta, X**>i a rd' ajJokera^ Hom&r

son, vtn HfaahbMav Joan Uarry Weniridk,

•,Wo.roen^-*3|rs, BIdw«|, Mi ^5eorj^e' Cas Mrs. jAnielh! 'iSxslmk&i '2d:

Wani *aet

HOi..m'...«'-"i,.„.t i f - . " '

Flahins la an tlnjportaat la^astry [ali-aloas tlie i?oa«t of i0raep#»


A' j m * - * * - * * » "


JToJja ,Jt >it>ftier,: Alux* Bvlson • Salte|niaiL • , "of

Ster^acy* 'Boma ^hon|ip''


j . • W. Barrows, >1 rs. Hiraah tmmpoeti, S T » .

J t r a JSablO/ Mwsy* lilberty,, -Mlsa -1411a at.

.; SaritiJt*

Mp AvMliary -off f r i l l y p . t ^ a chaisfeK-.' . stoa^ay ;

«&mber*%^aa;px*§i!a& '


White. Hoase oMelala JKkld.th'e for wal statement slvea ottt/w»«W' b& thej tiply tomaieat an thfe.«all* 1 ' -.»•"

Mr* Oardlner aatd he wa« -ftot sar-l»rl«?a at tti« LPresia«at*«'piQttttoa aafl w««14 «ontta»o ta jerf^fol*' p iua^e of Ms r«olatloa.

.Frior to jilr. 0a»dtter*a. tfjll* ^Chair-mah -Bllmaa of tiift : Se»4f:# . astval eo»»«iJttee..' dl»<ai««ed|. »«ti,anal ' 4e-feaw# wlHt.tfeJs ^M«ift«t.''-i':l«tf«*,:M said;'he a a * tftt-.. ^fe#«te# ;'a«rf.eia t ha t ' t he /UsdBt-e . atat%iC#hottl*;J>iy<!


fpl* a

afterwjoa, s;i A^ter prayer 5 «by'.iiav.*3UCr. '^ale, presidlat. SJ«, J . <?. Smithy reac letter :!r»m Alaska and ^ a t e th© port of the absent treasurers -iflrai, E!nie.ry. Th* .aecr«toryva report towed. 1Ph§ ;?rofrara. began. ^ I th paper x ^td bj Mi'?. <5asslos ^ooaihoter, > e r k t » work of the AaxSliSry. 3he Society waa t r^anJKed l a $S,M; as, t|ha *Wo««w.*Sr An: salary ,Q$ tho.i ^oard ipareieq MS«4iaIls' Jtf#-work-;Jaito

tho board'.aw? tha l?" woaiaa ia tfte cbaich

to thO. Sooi'etyiii $fs«|_ 'piapcr oa Vails*d; Off •*-

Operate i» .that shall 'baloiisj Sparry i\ea4 4 'la^s,- which 'Oraveii •ferStts;' olo$ed \

1 ratata.

israa {followed by on T4e. <jh«roh Wo,ih*.ai«-OfF of-' .R ijsmaaea. Th^ . »»<»t .Hf •itli" a facial hoar a a t refra sh>

a^-^i * m*~i* ** ^ • « « « ' « » * . » * < j k * * * * ^ . ^ * . J i . * ^ * i < , l f , : ^ * J ( , j t * : * * - . * * * .

* *

k w <r« « » . » i . » « .

jaw WMi SiestiBB. '•' FOR; «msiaaBipEK*

. - isa.aW3@»ti-srA«eS'

'.sg^ia-' WHB&jr-i'*

Kaa^ts tafejv* afei; Dee.''t—"Jjfe© «oa* ifcerenee '.op&aed hfre taftay;a»deS,"tl«; .|iiu#j)i<eea,.of ' t ta . tfalt$4 ^mte^ <^m* tal«lb!i|i oa ladastjsial ^elitio'^^'-^^aa' aiteadfed by railroad. 'aa!i?iai«L-.' state; [iijoir ^^ml«&ioiie;rs'-'aa'0 farr^rs, r£

: w a s a hearty ge.$,tOs«lhe:* ' ike®t*&r>. ;.Ehe «ffi e«t b&im - to' d«yl4^.a.'fel2oaat '; s tfeaa..; of cooperation 1' toj. dlistrifeat^ :,fcarveat, - hands.' ia; tho' •epM*} "growing atkt»si of th'fe Miwwm;

v 'i^lace the prooosa.l'f'oy'isiO'Ch; 'i Ee^eniee was'' ajade^grgataf- f-»the.--,|fed-jeit^i coai-mlssioa ;M>ye /fdumdj ^._tov*': •' ta^erest throaffh©ttt-'-the ^ a w w ^ t b . * 1

i^bore*»» the.s^t^>a««Jijor&;.ea .tbr#ash'.: bbt the aeetloav.aa4'tM rai!^tfJs8a.a*

f 'ak|aiaita. .• ; •' ' • " l'l . ' . • ( when- the coaferix^fc •op;^e4 t*4ay,,

rellorfas '#£• iavemisabataf "«(t«rf'. -pffft--»»jj^»;-«hom-,ins'- tliat isajoi-jeoAditioas :ia<.th« haryest fitlds .are teji^ktlsfac-; tor^." ]at- was shovVa.that menu -vm^. -so-thc-.^elds from faraway+.;epea,jwi|'li^

«wjedic«s of - where (thffly>. • are , and, often, aadersoj haMah'tl^ ivatlans whieii tena'jto demjsir- •

alissa. theat. beca.«fie <•€ th*|f' lhabipty;:: to-gel work^roiTOptly.. \ \'\ ' • The,. cha-otie -edaditiotis itbip- »ave exMtid ia'-previous ^:«&i^ ^felapa»i the jseason'Jnst. ended, rea'4w-©|l iafi'-Att' over-HUpty of hands along--thfc.:iaala.

'line* of.rallr»>ad^-while ia'^isfriow reatcrte- fr^m, tbe:-«aafi» lla«Si fheAfar-,

j^meass'auffiereit fw>m"a»»fln*rt^te;, -ox ":mea. '"; ,./ ": '.' .-j - 1 •

, ^The opinion -o-^reprcscatati|ii'e,«ie|;. itettt all «ee*k»is pf the sraijtt ^ l t wili • be Kivctt at- the konffe*eae4 ajad will b * fee basis of thf •.p.oticv to -'be $«*> iCied. tt is' ,p»babie. that ji' n^masft* : •tso wlli be appalated to draft | j .wWk-." las p laafor aest.ifeuar«in rbi&n. • tin* -federal sovenwtt^nt njjH>talwija' I've lat*r«st^ •PKISONJ3lt SfHtJiO«« XSp


- *wt | -I2| '• cetm^B«c«c,

M Y E R S i l I'IIW' I"

EST hm® r~T»




YFR« *





vsemhled Yesterday After of Six W « k s - . M e » l > m

iwitxl to finish 1 t^fj

it iJ&fr

, ; ^'asbiasfcoa, p e c tlilrS iCongress re-aasesttbiad the third and emus)

President Wltsoa wjtt del; a m a a i address, in person,-•few 3 "the rostra at % in t»a *»*^| Hotse before a join session, th© admialettatlaa progrj that Ja folly d t seu^d , Wlsleh Will Sj§ aad'Wrsa3rea eaaamr&tliely few r««ia*ifin«ii the .bfe tot iMs Co»«re*a^ w^ at ^OOK, Haireht4, reajtaW eset-pt *©tat th^ a»na< a

-.Wiifi are likely! to receive •caJtef atte»tioa,J Whefher thel fourth Caligrfes*, chosea *t-4i<MJ e*a&i»r eleeSons. w i a 4 e ea^Nl «fai sessioa or will ttot asw^a forp another year aa one caa-<wi«i*'eertaiaty

.€a*r* of 'tfeawa' Qtfjth- on tiflal for a ^ "lyaattja'S a.-sferf,-fjat>t and kjiHM £ ; fj, 'Fraaklla l a the ipo^rt roedi a t .CaslW;

asgrn..-todos", '¥h^baU£..t ^l-u^sfd aa«t 'also a m a a wanfeti-fitrtoaMS:,-. i i.

" ifcKxma&^ mm: -»cs5B&: S*w»«.tl8W-Ve«<»te,,; Snnfc. <llf 'If'SiSats?!"

Voa^-*^M|*Hej'* -««-to>he JMk,'. Bat ' .

,j Isoadoa, I> gfroejSaaim to-

. posay -states

of -.jO' iey Sadedrj

I.: -A CSslatti* t M o r j . J W 5* 19W. [ ^Teie.«cdaiCo-M^-: » ?he great ft%i


} J50B €HLptt*fcaJEN K.

More Than $5S,dOO,0«0 laiprnvenasa^

fs^t»fl^«t«-tsr>ekfia*efed far1

r a k a s aad aitttnte»a.w» af ';0oiti's waterwai"* a»fi 3 a1rb«<«f

'' .';tai"'-fia?al year m &»%%A

libit, the. Swed|sh' jfteaw W ^ part « ^ e ixd .EverUda st3BU!eb,i .ttdaes t f t f works ik mad

wa,bcrwaj»' re«pf k* | t ob l j

prs I<aa4- mm .Everllda stTjU'ekj .adaes _ if the Flatfish- eea$t ..aftdj taajt. boat. jsseaaiers sank* .^he erew of 'ifok Tuani.% waa &-ve«> bat all «oamea jab|»ra the , Syo-rftda, ese-ept "one .man,! wphe

t a adequate navy'ia acfiorj the deolaratioa^ of the last, jbsiao Gratia piatfofcni. H& addeft ^ha t the aavajt ^^P161!^ wwW' kay'a -to 4er iermlae Whp 0a.adeG.aate; itifgy, was.

* * * * * * # « » « * * * « * * « * # » - « * * * 4 » « * * * « » « * ^ ^ * » * * *

o i«, I Haye waia t sttt^y iXfli?

I thB t^st'attl Mas$l£$& pfo^r^ to |ir >due more yoferfe|d€^^iak]ii%et. ^

o^!st|ie4i|aeto^^;it|ln yaw Winter "Supply

%eMgS€cr#3nget|[ilg tlie fcest ^esfllts yoariftossfelptfei fcloacjirig f tjife feel joti jate T

,de fjp esff » e i wvk'ly small n u m b e r of i a « i a aatf -'& •ooniparaflTely i a r^e a«ln^bai,ri sa^ail i tems. 12fe 3«Pst{ssippi rttrer -

lost, f tiap*® fe *lW-fi«rtffeej tae'OMo, I rs&io&e; the H|ndsO»v $S,$?a,<»S4>j [••••'! •""-• ' -|- Teteiessee* iaorse t aaa $3.0ftU*B«; t | i ii-pe with. Cokmbia and the ^a^iaartj f lSl '"1

am each; and the Delawaiaa* $t, tm. . , , }

•^stlaiates f ou hawbor mpxt trpmm

Fermoat—BbrH-astott, |&fi rosW3 of fjffes Caiamiplata^ $S

;^esv Yank-*- Btt|falo> . Cikrlotte t $12>C0Gj SoWa rehsaael, $i*5G?>ftG0j %ea t .d*E^bor §3,fl0uj Kew t o r k

vet chaael, lasa.O'WrOsfee ' W Ji Port Chetster, j ^9,$#B yta^c, *l6,t0C>t); Haairagtea,. . ' ^ r t Jefferson, | } M # ;

? U M ; liondoat aad Peek^ WPi Sheepsiheai Bay, $&A , town* §9,#00; m-onx riv4r, fess4iSdb;J Brown Creefe, JJS.pO'O-i Eas* •Ghe^fer' wsefc $<10,0POj Harlem ,i%4^ 4 i * i » OOOi Newton Creek, §54MH><p* Arth*fr


]EM3 ?a

Our W^AlfRiQf I® 30BATCH feii lias


pLlNGS, ani to take a^iitage of

Come in an^ .fe ffl waere we can samyon i Loney.


larot cat IJL-

tar ry?^

A|L BEA^ ^ d
