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1 MINISTRY OF ECONOMY RAAN – State Company for Nuclear Activities Pitesti, Romania Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


MINISTRY OF ECONOMY RAAN – State Company for Nuclear Activities

Pitesti, Romania

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


Main Achievements and Future Objectives in Romanian Nuclear Energy Research

RAAN – State Company for Nuclear Activities Institute for Nuclear Research, Pitesti

Serban Constantin VALECA, I lie TURCU

Institute for Nuclear Research – INR, Romania

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

NUCLEAR 2013 The 6th Annual International Conference

on Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education



National infrastructure

INR mission, infrastructure and staff

Research programmes Main achievements

Future objectives

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


Nuclear Power Programme

Cernavoda Candu unit 1 – commercial operation 1996

Cernavoda Candu unit 2 – commercial operation 2007

Cernavoda Candu unit 3 and 4

Spent fuel and radioactive waste safe repositories Long term options: Advanced nuclear power reactors and

fuel cycles; GEN IV Share of nuclear in national electrical energy mix: 20 %

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


Main Organizations Involved in Nuclear Power Production



CNCAN National Commission for Nuclear

Activities Control

NA&RW Nuclear Agency and for Radioactive Waste


SNN (Nuclearelectrica National Society)

RAAN Romanian Authority for Nuclear


INR (Institute for Nuclear Research –


SITON Center of Design and Engineering for Nuclear Projects – Bucharest

ROMAG-PROD Heavy Water Plant

Cernavoda NPP (U1&U2)

FCN Nuclear Fuel Factory

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

National Research Organizations

6 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

IFIN-HH, National R&D Institute for Atomic Physics “Horia Hulubei”, Bucharest ICIT, National R&D Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies, Rm Valcea INCDTIM, National R&D Institute for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca ICECHIM, National R&D Institute for Chemistry, Bucharest INFM, National R&D Institute for Physics of Materials, Bucharest ICPE-CA, National R&D Institute for Electrical Engineering, Bucharest IRMM, Institute for Rare and Radioactive Metals, Bucharest IFT, National Institute for Technical Physics, Iasi INCDFP- National R&D Institute for Earth Physics, Bucharest INFLRP- National R&D Institute for Laser Physics, Bucharest IMT- Institute for Micro Technologies, Bucharest Obs. Consortia with research groups from universities: UPB-Polytechnica University of Bucharest, UB-University of Bucharest, UPIT- University of Pitesti, UBBC-University of Cluj-Napoca etc.


INR Pitesti – in the past 1971 Foundation of Institute for Nuclear Technology with the mission to provide scientific

and technical support for the Romanian Nuclear Power Program; IAEA recommendations. 1979 Contract with AECL completed. November 18: first criticality of TRIGA Material Testing

Reactor 1987 - Heavy Water Plant 1990 Incorporation in RENEL (the National Authority Electrical Power) as Institute for

Nuclear Research. 1992 organization of the Nuclear Fuel Factory (FCN); 1996 April 16, first criticality of Cernavoda unit 1 with involvement of the reactor physics

specialists of INR 1998 INR is transferred under the supervision of the RAAN (Romanian Authority for Nuclear Activities) as a subsidiary.

2006 May 24 – Completion of TRIGA reactor core conversion to LEU following a several year process and cooperation with IAEA, US DOE and CERCA;

2007 May 06 First criticality of Cernavoda Unit 2 reactor; October, commercial operation; 2010 Completion of the main refurbishing of TRIGA Reactor 2013 Completion of the main refurbishing of Waste Management Station

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


INR Mission

Scientific and technical national support for Cernavoda unit 1 and unit 2 safe operation during plant lifetime.

Contribution to the international R&D effort to develop advanced NPP and

Generation IV nuclear power reactors.

Provide specific nuclear services, products and equipment for NPP

Support for non-power nuclear energy application (radioisotopes)

Education, training and knowledge management.

R&D infrastructure operation, maintenance and upgrading.

International Cooperation

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


TRIGA Reactors High-Inherent Nuclear Safety, intended to Fuel

and Materials Testing in Steady – State and Pulse Modes

Post-Irradiation Examination Laboratories

Evaluation of Nuclear Fuel and Structural Materials Behavior

High Activity Gamma Irradiation Station

(SIGMA) Fuelling Machine Heads Testing

Rig High Pressure Loops for Testing of

Nuclear Fuel and Nuclear Equipment

Laboratories specialized Physical, Chemical

and Materials / Equipment Testing and Diagnosis


ASSETS Radioactive Waste

Treatment Plant based on Qualified and

Authorized Technologies and Staff

Laboratories for Fuel Elements Manufacturing

and Experimental Development of Technologies for Advanced Fuel


Mechanical Workshops Precision Mechanics, Pressure

Equipment, Lifting Devices sustained by Special Authorized Processes and Distinct

Laboratories for Material and Quality Control

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


INR Staff

Researchers 117 185 PhD 31 33 PhD students 27 28 MSc students 51 37

Nuclear Scientists/Engineers 237 244 Technical staff 296 277 Administration and Services 125 137 Total 658 658












Technical staff Administration andServices



Breakdown by qualification



Researchers PhD PhD students MSc students


Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

Education, training and knowledge management

University cooperation and training


- Pitesti University - Bucharest Politechnical University

- Students diploma disertations - Masters - PHD - Students fellowships

- Hosting IAEA fellowships - IAEA Knowledge Management projects

- Implementation of INR Knowledge management strategy

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


TRIGA reactor

- used in Romanian nuclear fuel licensing irradiation tests on structural materials and nuclear fuel for CANDU type nuclear power plants. irradiated and non-irradiated nuclear fuel behavior analysis in transient regime.

- radioisotopes and irradiated materials production with applications in health, industry and environment areas

• Irradiation tests on:

-TRIGA Nuclear fuel, -experimental CANDU SEU-43 fuel type -Cernavoda NPP fuel - in accident conditions – LOCA, RIA

US General Atomics design for materials testing

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


Post-Irradiation Examination Laboratory

CANDU fuel and structural

materials behavior investigation after irradiation in Cernavoda NPP and in Romanian TRIGA research reactor.

Manufacturing of sealed nuclear radiation sources and radioisotopes used in industriy, agriculture and medicine.

Radioactive waste characterization

Direct connected to the TRIGA reactor

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013



design, manufacturing and test of the equipment and facilities for Out–of-Pile testing

design, manufacturing and operation of the specialized unique devices for Out-of-Pile testing on nuclear fuel

nuclear and non-nuclear materials Out-of-Pile testing

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


• Thermo-mechanical testing of metallic and ceramic materials under different state of stress and environment conditions;

• investigation of degradation mechanisms acting in the NPP systems/components materials;

• Fracture mechanical analysis; • Zirconium alloys and UO2 pellets behavior

under sever accident conditions; • Microstructural and fracture surfaces

analysis; • Micro- and nano-structural analysis; • Development of technologies for UO2

sinterable powders and sintered pellets with controlled microstructure;

Nuclear Materials and Corrosion

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013



research and development of dedicated electronic instrumentation and equipment, mainly for nuclear applications an R&D program for development of radiation field measurement devices software development for process control and data processing

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


Radioactive Wastes Management Department

treatment and conditioning of radioactive wastes resulted from the TRIGA reactor and other research laboratories of the site, the Nuclear Fuel Factory (FCN), the Cernavoda NPP, Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering (IFIN-HH). design and manufacturing of equipment and tools for the assay and measurement of radioactive samples from the environment and from working areas, which imply radioactive sources.

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


Radiation Protection, Environmental Protection and Civil Protection Department

implementation of radiation and environment protection plan for ICN nuclear facilities R&D program focused to increase proficiency in human and environment protection against radiation-associated risks.

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013



Objective: Development, implementation and maintenance of a quality management system

according to ISO 9001:2000 and to applicable statutory and regulatory requirements Activities: Quality engineering activities for quality management system documentation; Quality survey activities for design and manufacturing of products for nuclear

installations and conventional applications; Quality survey activities for nuclear installations operation; Quality assurance training of personnel; Quality management systems internal and external auditing. Main achievements: INR quality management system certification by LRQA (Approval certificate No.

170254); INR quality management system authorization by CNCAN for research, design,

manufacturing and operation activities related to the nuclear field.

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


Scientific and technical support Technical areas, safety research

- Reactor physics - Thermalhydraulics - Nuclear fuel - Fuel channel - Materials - Equipments and components - Spent fuel and waste management Accident analysis (deterministic and probabilistic) Technical basis, standards, regulations

20 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


Scientific and technical support National Framework

- Regular R&D programs - Cernavoda NPP R&D Agreement - Technical assistance for COG R&D - AECL (CANDU Energy) R&D Agreement - COG R&D programs

21 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

Research and Development Regular Programs

Nuclear Power

Nuclear Safety Fuel Channel Nuclear Fuel Fuel Handling Radwaste Management Radioprotection Steam Generator Systems & Equipment Chemistry of Circuits Instrumentation &

Control Ageing, PLIM

Other Programs

TRIGA Reactor Radioisotopes Applications of Nuclear

Techniques Heavy Water Support for International


Advanced reactors and fuel cycles

22 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

About 350 internal research reports

Scientific and technical support Nuclear Safety

Reactor Physics Analysis Reactor Physics Computer Methods and Codes Development Development of experimental methods for reactor physics Thermo-hydraulic Analysis Plant behavior during severe accident conditions Nuclear Safety Analysis for NPP PSA for Cernavoda NPP, research reactors Safety Assessment for Radioactive Wastes Repositories

23 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

Scientific and technical support Fuel Channel Program

Irradiation behavior and deformation Corrosion and hydrogen pick-up Methods and equipment for measurement of

hydrogen content in P/T material Methods and equipment for post-irradiation

examination of pressure tubes

24 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

Scientific and technical support Nuclear Fuel Program

Development and validation of computer codes describing fuel behavior in normal operating conditions

Design of SEU / RU advanced fuel bundle Manufacturing technologies for advanced fuel

bundle TRIGA irradiation tests and out-of-pile tests Fuel behaviour during accident conditions

(LOCA and RIA)

25 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

Scientific and technical support Fuel Handling Program

Qualification of Fuelling Machine (F/M) head testing facility

Computer system for F/M head testing Software for checking NPP fuel handling

programs Technologies for testing of F/M head Technical assistance for operation and

maintenance of Cernavoda NPP fuel handling system

26 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

Scientific and technical support Radioactive Waste Management Program

Technologies for treatment of liquid and gaseous wastes generated by Cernavoda NPP

Characterization of site foreseen for LLW / ILW disposal

Safety assessment of LLW / ILW final repository Technologies for treatment and conditioning of

INR hot cell radwastes

27 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

Scientific and technical support Chemistry of Cernavoda NPP Circuits

Corrosion of PHTS structural materials in normal and abnormal operating conditions

Decontamination techniques

Water chemistry and transport of corrosion products

Corrosion of structural materials from secondary circuit

28 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

Scientific and technical support Systems and Equipment Program

Contributions to the development and implementation of a Plant Life Management Program for Cernavoda NPP

Improved design and manufacturing of Failed Fuel Location System

Computerized data acquisition systems for surveillance of Cernavoda NPP reactor core components

Design and manufacturing of a new Gross Activity Monitor for surveillance of reactor activity in Cernavoda NPP

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Scientific and technical support Instrumentation and Control

Integrated radiation monitoring system Fixed area monitors Radiation detectors Ageing mechanisms

30 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

Research Cooperation protocol Around 40 research topics in regular research programme Contribution to the operational events investigations Examination of spent fuel Servicies, commercial contracts: mainly for Cernavoda, other beneficiaries to a lesser extent; about 20 % share in INR budget.


Support for Cernavoda NPP

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

About 500 COG documents were analyzed by the ICN Technical Team during the 2008 – 2012 under five COG R&D


Fuel Channels Safety & Licensing Health, Safety and Environment Chemistry, Materials & Components Industry Standard Toolset (17)


Technical Assistance for COG R&D Programs (Cernavoda COG membership)

COG R&D contract: Developing Irradiated Testing Facilities at ICN Pitesti

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

33 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

- Gen 4 lead fast reactor - High fuel utilisation - Enhanced safety; passive - 1/10 wastes - Proliferation resistant

- European project / partnership / ESNII - Consortium: ANSALDO as leader, ENEA, INR - Enlargement: under development - Horizon 2020 projects / financing schemes

ALFRED demonstrator

34 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

LFR: Lead fast reactors Participation in ELSY, LEADER, ADRIANA Involvement in ALFRED Governmental approval (February 2011)

for: proposal to host ALFRED INR to represent Romania in the future consortium

Contribution to advanced reactors and fuel cycles Generation IV nuclear power reactors

35 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

ALFRED demonstrator – Plant Layout

ALFRED demonstrator


International Cooperation R&D Agreements and technical cooperation

AECL/CANDU Energy - Canada CEA – France ITU- Germany KAERI- Korea IRSN-France JSI – Slovenia SCK-CEN – Belgium Ansaldo Nucleare- Italy, ENEA-Italy

LANL – Los Alamos National Laboratory ORNL- Oak Ridge National Laboratory ANL- Argonne National Laboratory BNL – Brookhaven National Laboratory SNL - Sandia National Laboratory

IAEA, EU, CANDU Owners Group, US DOE

Expected: NEA/OECD

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

International Cooperation IAEA

Regular Projects with INR as the main recipient: - Development and testing of locally made fuel elements - Building Nuclear Safety capabilities - Development of the Cernavoda Probabilistic Safety Evaluation Studies - Plant commissioning requirements and training - Radiological protection - Licensing of test facilities for CANDU 600 fuelling machine - Full conversion of TRIGA 14-Mw Core from HEU to LEU Regional projects Training courses, scientific visits, expert missions, etc. Ex: RER/9/076 Strengthening Safety and Reliability of Nuclear Fuel and Materials in Nuclear

Power Plants: Upgrading the Hot Cells at INR Pitesti and development of the CANDU spent fuel examination technologies.

Others co-operation forms: Research contracts (8 active contracts) INR contribution to the IAEA activities (development of standards, experts)

37 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


International cooperation Canada

Collaboration with AECL - CANADA, started in 1999 under the Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the research and development of nuclear energy and technology between Romania and Canada (under renewal with CANDU Energy):

– CANDU nuclear fuel; – Nuclear safety; – Nuclear Power Plant life management

Projects with AECL – Power cycling condition for Candu fuel in C9 capsule of TRIGA reactor; – Fatigue test for Zircaloy - 4 sheaths; – Transfer, implementation and validation of computer codes for nuclear safety analysis and design.

COG Projects

– Cernavoda technical assistance for COG R&D programs (Fuel channel, Plant chemistry, Safety and licensing, Radioprotection, Computer programs;

– Developing Irradiated Testing Facilities at ICN Pitesti ; to develop the capability to test irradiated material in the hot cells at ICN Pitesti. Types of tests to be develop cover DHC testing and associated with material (PT) surveillance.

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013


International Cooperation EU R&D Framework Programs

FP5 EURATOM: PHEBEN 2, Validating Severe Accident Codes Against Phebus FP for Plant Applications - integral codes

for LWR and guidelines for optimum code use for the various applications (2002 – 2005) FP6EURATOM:

SARNET, NoE in Nuclear Reactors Severe Accidents COWAM2, Community waste management: Improving the governance of nuclear waste management

and disposal in Europe HOTLAB: European Hot Laboratories Research Capacities and Needs - to set up a hot laboratories

network in support of the nuclear energy safety optimization and long-term management of radioactive waste

NULIFE, NOE on Nuclear Plant Life Prediction - framework for continuing professional development of its personnel via targeted internal training, exchange of best practices and where appropriate mobility/exchanges

CIP, COWAM in Practice - to assist local communities directly with their engagement on their particular siting programmes - and to capture the learning from that experience and to prepare EU-level guidance for the implementation and improvement of inclusive radioactive waste management approaches

MTR+I3, Materials Testing Reactors Innovations – strengthening the European experimental potential in materials and nuclear fuel testing

ELSY, Generation IV Reactors- European Lead System – to develop a lead-cooled fast reactor concept

Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

International Cooperation EU R&D Framework Programs

FP7 EURATOM participation: CARBOWASTE, Waste management, Graphite LEADER, Generation IV Reactors- European Lead System – to develop a lead-

cooled fast reactor concept SARNET-II, NoE in Nuclear Reactors Severe Accidents ADRIANA, Infrastructure for Generation 4 reactors STYLE, Materials Investigations for NPP (non-pressure vessels components) MATTER, Advanced materials for generation 4 NEWLANCER, Increase NMS participation to EURATOM FPs SEARCH, HLM , LEAD technologies MAXSIMA, Methodology Analysis and Experiments for the Safety in MYRRHA

40 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

41 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

International Cooperation EU R&D Framework Programs

ESNII+ ESNII Preparation for Horizon 2020

MATISSE Materials Innovation for safe and Sustainable Nuclear in Europe CAST C-14 Sorce term

ASAPMSA_E Advanced Safety Assessment Methodologyes – PSA extended

MARISA MYRRHA research infrastructure support action

MAXSIMA Methodology Analysis and Experimets for the Safety in MIRHHA Assessment

ARCADIA Sustainable Approach for Regional Research Active Integration in Horizon 2020

PLATENSO Building a platform for enhanced societal research related to nuclear energy in Central and Eastern Europe


Enhancing educAtion, traininG and communication processes for informed behaviors and decision-making reLatEd to ionizing radiation risks

New Projects 2013 last EURATOM call

During 2003-2013 about 25 Projects

International Cooperation EU research area

SNETP – EU Nuclear energy technological platform ESNII member IGD-TP – EU Geological disposal EERA – EU Energy Research Alliance APSA (JRC IE Petten) – Aging PSA

Expected: ENEN – EU nuclear education network ETSON – EU TSO network

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43 Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013

Concluding remarks

- Most probably nuclear power will not have alternate options on a medium and long term during this century.

- Nuclear power is a clean energy suitable for co-habitation with renewables

- Research and the support for safe development and operation of nuclear power installations.

- Romania has a clear option and commitments regarding nuclear power programme

- INR is expected to extend and enhance its role in safe deployment of nuclear energy in Romania and in Europe.


1, Campului Street 115400 Mioveni, Arges POB 78, Pitesti ROMANIA Tel: (+40) 248 213400 Fax: (+40) 248 262449 email: [email protected] Web: http://www.nuclear.ro


Nuclear 2013, Pitesti, Romania, May 22-24, 2013
