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Planning Schedule - Stirling Schedule – Recommendations ... Please refer to Planning Circular...

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CORPORATE OPERATIONS Planning Schedule APPLICATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, DECISIONS and INFORMATION Date 23 March 2016 Week Number 12 The Planning Schedule Recommendations contained in the following Planning Schedule will become formal decision of the Planning Authority at 0900hrs on Thursday, 31 March 2016 unless the Head of Planning receives from a Councillor a written objection to the recommendation outlining relevant planning reasons and requesting that the application is referred to the Planning Panel for determination. The deadline for the Head of Planning to receive such written objections from Councillors to this week’s Planning Schedule Recommendations is therefore 1700hrs on Wednesday, 30 March 2016. Planning, Stirling Council, Teith House, Kerse Road, Stirling FK7 7QA, Tel: (01786) 233660


Planning Schedule

APPLICATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, DECISIONS and INFORMATION Date 23 March 2016 Week Number 12 The Planning Schedule Recommendations contained in the following Planning Schedule will become formal decision of the Planning Authority at 0900hrs on Thursday, 31 March 2016 unless the Head of Planning receives from a Councillor a written objection to the recommendation outlining relevant planning reasons and requesting that the application is referred to the Planning Panel for determination. The deadline for the Head of Planning to receive such written objections from Councillors to this week’s Planning Schedule Recommendations is therefore 1700hrs on Wednesday, 30 March 2016. Planning, Stirling Council, Teith House, Kerse Road, Stirling FK7 7QA, Tel: (01786) 233660

The Planning Schedule

The Planning Schedule The Planning Schedule is issued every week and contains information on a range of planning matters. The Schedule is distributed to all Councillors, Community Councils and statutory consultees. It is available on the Council’s internet site – www.stirling.gov.uk. Information on all planning applications submitted to the Council may also be obtained from www.stirling.gov.uk/onlineplanning.

Applications Received

When a Valid Planning Application is registered it is given a unique reference number. If you are enquiring about any of the applications please contact the officer shown in the Schedule and refer to the application reference number. The list of applications received includes an indication of the anticipated decision making level which is governed by the Hierarchy of Developments and the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. An explanation of the Council’s new Section 43A Council report is available at www.stirling.gov.uk/planning. The decision making levels are: Panel – the application will be determined by the Planning Panel having considered the Planning Officer’s recommendation and any other relevant representations. See Hearing Interested Parties. Schedule – the Planning Officer’s recommendation on the application will appear in the Schedule under Planning Schedule – Recommendations – see below. Delegated – the application will be determined by an Appointed Officer and his decision will appear in the Schedule under Decisions of Appointed Officers – see below.

Decision of Appointed Officers

Generally applications for developments which are classified as “local developments” under the Hierarchy of Developments will be determined by an Appointed Officer under the Council’s Section 43A Scheme of Delegation. There are certain exceptions - see Scheme of Delegation below. The decisions appear in the Schedule as a matter of record only. The applicant has a right of review of the Appointed Officer’s decision. The Council’s Local Review Body will consider any such review. Please refer to Planning Circular 7/2009 Schemes of Delegation and Local Reviews for more information and also at www.scotland.gov.uk. Planning Schedule – Recommendations This part of the Schedule contains the Planning Officer’s recommendation on an application. At the end of the seven day period the recommendation will become the decision of the Planning Authority unless the Head of Economy, Planning & Regulation receives from a Councillor a written objection to the recommendation outlining relevant planning reasons and requesting that the application is referred to the Planning Panel for determination. Such requests must reach the Head of Economy, Planning & Regulation before the deadline shown on the front page of this Planning Schedule.

At the end of the seven day period formal Decision Notices will be issued for the recommendations which are not referred to Planning Panel. Hearing Interested Parties at Planning Panel: The Planning Panel may decide if objectors and applicants will be invited to address the Panel on a particular application. Generally this will occur only where it is felt that this will further inform the Panel in its consideration of a Planning Application and will only be used when considering more complex and contentious issues. Contributions will generally be limited to 5 minutes from each side.

Community Councils: Any Community Council will be consulted on an application if a written request is made (telephone the case officer in first instance). Community Councils are expected to act within the provisions on PAN47, and concern themselves only with cases that raise issues of genuine community interest. Householder applications will rarely involve issues of this kind.

Planning Panel Recommendations This section contains Planning Officers’ recommendations for applications which are scheduled for consideration at the Planning Panel meeting as stated. Planning Panel Decisions This section contains the decisions of the Planning Panel. Hierarchy of Developments

The Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009 created a classification for all developments across Scotland. The three categories in the hierarchy of development to which all developments will be allocated are:-

National development;

Major developments; and

Local development. The top tier of developments is national developments and these are contained in the National Planning Framework for Scotland published by the Scottish Ministers in June 2009. The National Planning Framework may be viewed at www.scotland.gov.uk. Below national developments are major and local developments. Whether a development is a major or local development is determined by whether the development falls above or below certain thresholds. There are 9 thresholds. Where a development meets or exceeds the following thresholds the development will be classed as a major development. Any development below the thresholds will be local developments. The thresholds are: 1 All development under Schedule 1 to the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland)

Regulations 1999. 2 Housing where the development comprises 50 or more dwellings or the area of the site is or

exceeds 2 hectares. 3 Business of general industrial, storage and distribution with a gross floor space of 10,000

square metres or the area of the site is or exceeds 2 hectares. 4 Electricity Generation where the generating capacity is or exceeds 20 megawatts. 5 Waste Management Facilities where the capacity of the facility is or exceeds 25,000 tonnes per

annum or for sludge treatment facilities where the capacity to treat more than 50 tonnes (wet weight) per day of residual sludge.

6 Transport and infrastructure projects where the length of road, railway, tramway, waterway,

aqueduct or pipeline exceeds 8 kilometres. 7 Fish farming where the surface area of water covered is or exceeds 2 hectares. 8 Mineral extraction where the site area is or exceeds 2 hectares. 9 Other Development not falling wholly within one of the above classes where the gross floor

space is or exceeds 5,000 square metres or the area of the site is or exceeds 2 hectares.

Scheme of Delegation In the case of Major Developments and subject to the right of Councillors to request (for relevant planning reasons) that the application be referred to the Planning Panel for determination, the recommendation of the Planning Officer shall appear in the Planning Schedule and such recommendation will become the decision of the Planning Authority unless the application is referred to the Planning Panel. Generally, Local Developments will be determined by an Appointed Officer in terms of Section 43A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and the Council’s Section 43A Scheme of Delegation which is published below. There are seven exceptions listed (a) to (g) below where Local Developments will either be determined by the Planning Panel or appear as a Planning Schedule Recommendation. Planning - Section 43A Scheme of Delegation The following is an excerpt from the Council’s Scheme of Delegation: This part of the Scheme of Delegation is operated under Section 43A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and Part 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Schemes of Delegation and Local Review Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008. The Appointed Officer, being the Officer appointed under Section 43A(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and EPR52, is authorised to determine any application for planning permission (and any application for consent, agreement or approval required by condition imposed on a grant of planning permission) and being applications which fall within the definition of a local development as specified in the Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009 under the following exceptions:-

(a) Planning Authority Applications The application (a) is made by the Planning Authority or a Member of the Planning Authority,

or by members of staff directly involved in the planning process or (b) relates to land in the ownership of the Planning Authority or to land in which the Planning Authority have a financial interest. Any application falling within this exception shall be determined through the Weekly Planning Schedule under EPR67.

(b) Section 43A(6) Remit to Planning Panel Prior to either (a) the determination of the application by the Appointed Officer or (b) the request

by the Applicant for a review on the grounds of non-determination under Section 43A(8)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the Planning Panel or the Planning Manager or any officer authorised by him (including the Appointed Officer) decide that the application should be remitted to the Planning Panel for determination under Section 43A(6) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.

(c) Member Remit to Planning Panel Prior to either (a) the determination of the application by the Appointed Officer or (b) the request

by the Applicant for a review on the grounds of non-determination under Section 43A(8)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the Planning Manager receives from a Member a written request setting out relevant planning reasons for referral of the application to the Planning Panel for determination and the Planning Manager, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Panel, agrees to the request.

(d) Significant Local Objection Prior to either (a) the determination of the application by the Appointed Officer, or (b) the request

by the Applicant for a review on the grounds of non-determination under Section 43A(8)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997,and in circumstances where the determination by Appointed Officer would likely to have been to approve the application, the Planning Manager receives significant local objections and is satisfied that the objections disclose relevant planning reasons. Any application falling within this exception shall be determined through the Weekly Planning Schedule under EPR67.

(e) Contrary to local Development Plan The application is a significant departure from the local development plan. Any application

falling within this exception shall be determined through the Weekly Planning Schedule under EPR67.

(f) Scottish Ministers The application requires to be notified to the Scottish Ministers. Any application falling within

this exception shall be determined through the Weekly Planning Schedule under EPR67. (g) Listed Building Consent etc Any application which also requires any or all of the following: (i) Listed Buildings Consent,

(ii) Conservation Areas Consent; (iii) Hazardous Substances Consent; and (iv) Control of Advertisements Consent. Any application falling within this exception shall be determined through the Weekly Planning Schedule under EPR67.

Only exceptions (a), (b), (f) and (g) shall apply to applications for a householder development falling within Classes 1 to 6 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 or a sundry minor operation falling within Classes 7, 8, or 9 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992.


The Planning Schedule contains information on a range of planning matters.

1 Valid Planning Applications Received

2 Decisions of Appointed Officers

3 Planning Schedule Recommendations

4 Planning Panel Recommendations

5 Planning Panel Decisions

6 Planning Applications Withdrawn

7 Applications Approved by Historic Scotland

8 Planning Appeals & Public Inquiries

9 Local Review Body Decisions

10 Planning Enforcement

11 Enforcement Matters

12 Tree Preservation Orders/Trees in Conservation Areas/Trees on Development Sites

13 Forestry Planting and Felling Proposals

14 Street Naming

15 Roads and Transport Development

16 Other Planning Issues

17 Countryside Matters

The Schedule is distributed to all Members of the Council, Community Councils and statutory consultees. It is available for inspection at Planning & Regulation Reception, Council Access Points and in local Libraries. It is available on the Council’s internet site – www.stirling.gov.uk. Information on all planning applications submitted to the Council can also be obtained from www.stirling.gov.uk/onlineplanning.

Who to contact in Planning

If you have a query about a Planning Application or related matter you should contact the appropriate member of staff using their personal direct dial phone number. If they are not available, your call will be automatically redirected to our Planning Support staff who will be pleased to help you. If necessary they can arrange an appointment for you to see somebody who can deal with your particular query. The dialling code for Stirling is (01786).


Peter Morgan: ... 233682, Email: [email protected]


Principal Planning Officer, Jay Dawson: ..............................

233683 ............................. Email: [email protected]

Senior Planning Officer, Iain Jeffrey: ....................................

233676 ................................ Email: [email protected]

Senior Planning Officer, Jane Brooks Burnett: ...................

233672 ................... Email: [email protected]

Planning Officer, Peter McKechnie: ......................................

233679 ....................... Email: [email protected]

Planning Officer, Gavin Forrest: ...........................................

233674 .............................. Email: [email protected]

Planning Officer, Mark Laird: .................................................

233678 ................................ Email: [email protected]


Enforcement Officer, Lynne Currie: ......................................

233673 ................................. Email: [email protected]

Asst Enforcement Officer, Andrew Gardiner: ......................

233675 ............................ Email: [email protected]


Tree Officer, Ingrid Withington: .............................................

233681 .......................... Email: [email protected]

Valid Planning Applications Received

Major Developments

Application Number

Description Decision Level

There are no major developments in the Stirling Council area this week.

Local Developments

Application Number

Description Decision Level

16/00150/FUL 14 Mar 2016 Ward 7 Bannockburn 283715 691999

Proposed alterations and single storey extension to rear and side of existing dwelling house at 8 Oak Drive, Fallin, FK7 7EL for Mrs Jane Austin per Machin Dunn And MacFarlane The E Centre Cooperage Way Business Village Cooperage Way Alloa Officer: Peter McKechnie, Tel: 01786 233679, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00147/ADV 17 Mar 2016 Ward 4 Castle 279646 693098

Advertisement of the following types : Fascia Sign, Projecting Sign at Dominos Pizza, 1E Pitt Terrace, Stirling, FK8 2EZ for DOT 100 Ltd T/a Domino's Pizza per Pegasus Planning Group First Floor South Wing Great Park Road Equinox North Almondsbury BS32 4QL Officer: Mark Laird, Tel: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00169/FUL 15 Mar 2016 Ward 4 Castle 280684 694044

Alterations and extension to lower ground floor flat at 10 South Street, Cambuskenneth, Stirling, FK9 5NL for Mr Grant Thomson per Kennedy Architectural Services 18 Ballater Drive Causewayhead Stirling FK9 5JH Officer: Mark Laird, Tel: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00172/FUL 15 Mar 2016 Ward 4 Castle 278299 694595

Gas bottle store to support production/development operations at Glendevon House, Castle Business Park, Raploch, Stirling, FK9 4TZ for Cascade Technologies per Artemis Architects Ltd 4 Newlands Place West Mains East Kilbride G74 1AE Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Tel: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00162/FUL 15 Mar 2016 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 278109 697897

Proposed extension and alterations to existing dwelling at Lecropt Church Cottage, Lecropt, Bridge Of Allan, FK9 4NB for Mr Oliver Lloyd per Alastair Heron 46 Kenilworth Road Bridge Of Allan FK9 4RP Officer: Peter McKechnie, Tel: 01786 233679, Email: [email protected] View this Application


LB Cat: C(s)

16/00163/LBC 15 Mar 2016 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 278109 697897

Proposed extension and alterations to existing dwelling, including removal of internal walls and slapping of existing external wall at Lecropt Church Cottage, Lecropt, Bridge Of Allan, FK9 4NB for Mr Oliver Lloyd per Alastair Heron 46 Kenilworth Road Bridge Of Allan FK9 4RP Officer: Peter McKechnie, Tel: 01786 233679, Email: [email protected] View this Application


LB Cat: C(s)

16/00165/FUL 17 Mar 2016 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 279093 698448

Alteration to form pitched roof over flat roofed tower feature at Khyber House, 5 Upper Glen Road, Bridge Of Allan, FK9 4PX for Mrs Judy Murray per Denholm Partnership Architects 11 Dunira Street Comrie PH6 2LJ Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Tel: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00166/FUL 15 Mar 2016 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 283869 695393

Proposed single-storey replacement of existing rear extension at West Gogar Cottage, Gogar Road, Blairlogie, FK9 5QB for Mr A Paterson per Enspire Architects Ltd Office 29, Alloa Business Centre Whins Rd Alloa FK10 3SA Officer: Michael Mulgrew, Tel: 01786 233664, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00171/FUL 15 Mar 2016 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 277282 701112

Single storey rear extension at 5 Anchorscross, Dunblane, FK15 9JP for Ms Pat Scrutton per Farquhar MacLean Beechcroft Studio Northlea Doune FK16 6DH Officer: Michael Mulgrew, Tel: 01786 233664, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00173/FUL 16 Mar 2016 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 278398 702144

Extend dwelling house to provide new guest bedroom with ensuite to the front above the existing conjoined double garage at first floor level and extend to the rear to enlarge the kitchen diner with single storey flat roof extension at 31 Wedderburn Road, Dunblane, FK15 0FN for Mr Steven Spence per Module Architects 24 Anchorscross Dunblane FK15 9JW Officer: Peter McKechnie, Tel: 01786 233679, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00174/FUL 16 Mar 2016 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 278622 697945

Single storey extension to rear of property at 31 Allan Walk, Bridge Of Allan, FK9 4PD for Mr & Mrs Hoggan per Bobby Halliday Architects 3 The Avenue Bridge Of Allan FK9 4NR Officer: Mark Laird, Tel: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00176/FUL 17 Mar 2016 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 279385 697617

Convert existing attic into 2No. bedrooms and study and alterations to existing flat to form new stair at 5 Well Road, Bridge Of Allan, FK9 4DR for Mr & Mrs Moen per Bobby Halliday Architects 3 The Avenue Bridge Of Allan FK9 4NR Officer: Peter McKechnie, Tel: 01786 233679, Email: [email protected] View this Application


LB Cat: C(s)

16/00177/LBC 17 Mar 2016 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 279385 697617

Convert existing attic into 2No. bedrooms and study and alterations to existing flat to form stair at 5 Well Road, Bridge Of Allan, FK9 4DR for Mr & Mrs Moen per Bobby Halliday Architects 3 The Avenue Bridge Of Allan FK9 4NR Officer: Peter McKechnie, Tel: 01786 233679, Email: [email protected] View this Application


LB Cat: C(s)

16/00178/FUL 18 Mar 2016 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 279505 697174

Proposed replacement of glass roof on conservatory to a slate finished roof with upgraded wall specification at 32 Keir Street, Bridge Of Allan, FK9 4QJ for Mr Nigel Fletcher per Architectural Services And Design 40 Polmont Park Polmont Falkirk FK2 0XT Officer: Michael Mulgrew, Tel: 01786 233664, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00149/FUL 17 Mar 2016 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 251548 685579

Erection of new single storey extension with associated patio area, formation of new roof terrace and installation of new window in master bedroom and installation of two larger rooflights to gym at Lindale, Lampson Road, Killearn, G63 9PD for Mr & Mrs Martin & Michelle Livingstone per Morris Architects Rowan House 4 Castle Gardens Ballikinrain Balfron Officer: Mark Laird, Tel: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00151/FUL 17 Mar 2016 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 270094 694542

Renewal of planning permission Ref: 13/00041/PPP for erection of new dwelling house under Regulation 11 of the Development Management Regulations 2008 at Garden Ground South West Of Woodside, Main Street, Gargunnock for Mr and Mrs E Hunter per Houghton Planning 102 High Street Dunblane FK15 0ER Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Tel: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00164/FUL 15 Mar 2016 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 256661 676713

New pavilion to provide cafe, toilets and club room, with associated office, ancilliary space and parking arrangements with accessible parking at Easterton Stables, Bankend, Strathblane, G62 8LG for Mr Ian Hart per BC Design 259 Garriocch Road Glasgow G20 8QZ Officer: Mark Laird, Tel: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00170/FUL 15 Mar 2016 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 252414 686210

Single storey oak framed orangery extension (amendment to 15/00364/FUL) at 26 Balfron Road, Killearn, G63 9NJ for Mr Mark Junner per Mr Jonathan Stackhouse Prime Oak Ltd Whitehouse Farm Whitehouse Lane Swindon Officer: Mark Laird, Tel: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00181/FUL 21 Mar 2016 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 270312 694508

Erection of rear extension with upper floor flat roof dormer, rear elevation clad with natural timber, existing upper floor renovated to create master suite, existing slate roof covering to be replaced with natural slate with 3No. velux rooflights added to the street elevation and demolition of existing single garage at Briar Cottage, Main Street, Gargunnock, FK8 3BP for Mr Martin Robertson per Mparchitecture Ltd Macfarlane Gray House Castlecraig Business Park Stirling FK7 7WT Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Tel: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00161/FUL 21 Mar 2016 Ward 5 Stirling West 277581 692449

Side extension to dwelling house at 45 Main Street, Cambusbarron, FK7 9NN for John & Davina Campbell 45 Main Street Cambusbarron FK7 9NN Officer: Michael Mulgrew, Tel: 01786 233664, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00160/PPP 15 Mar 2016 Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith 262619 700897

Erection of dwelling house with detached garage and associated access at Land 156 Metres East Of Burnside Of Ruskie, Thornhill for J & JT Muir & Son per James Muir The Learig Thornhill FK8 3LG Officer: Mark Laird, Tel: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] View this Application


16/00182/FUL 18 Mar 2016 Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith 272041 698654

Proposed conversion and extension of workshop to form dwelling house at Land North Of Joiners House, Thornhill for Mr Gordon McBeath per John H White Architects Ltd Ballat Crossroads Balfron Station G63 0SE Officer: Jane Brooks-Burnett, Tel: 01786 233672, Email: [email protected] View this Application


Developments in which there is Council Interest These are applications where the Council has a financial interest in the land or the applicant is the Council.

Application Number

Description Decision Level

16/00175/FUL 16 Mar 2016 Ward 7 Bannockburn 283483 691767

Change of use from office accommodation to form 4No. one bedroom flats at Offices Above 6 - 10 The Square, Main Street, Fallin for Stirling Council Housing Services Allan Water House Kerse Road Stirling FK7 7SG Officer: Michael Mulgrew, Tel: 01786 233664, Email: [email protected] View this Application


Decisions of Appointed Officers

The decisions are published here as a matter of record only. The applicant has been informed of the Appointed Officer’s decision and of the right to seek a review of the decision by the Council’s Local Review Body.


Proposed infill of existing external covered eating and drinking area at Birds And Bees Easter Cornton Road Causewayhead Stirling FK9 5PB

UPRN: 000122051986 Ward: Ward 4 Castle Reference: 15/00776/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 14 December 2015 Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Birds And Bees per W D Harley Ltd Ancaster Business Centre Cross Street Callander Stirlingshire




Proposed ancillary extension to kitchen and laundry on ground floor at Randolph Hill Perth Road Dunblane FK15 0GZ

UPRN: 000122060944 Ward: Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan Reference: 16/00092/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 17 February 2016 Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Randolph Hill Nursing Group Ltd per Gilberts 39 Grassmarket Edinburgh EH1 2HS


Approve with Conditions


Demolition of existing chimney and replacement of existing rooflight with a conservation rooflight at Roundgable Fintry Road Kippen FK8 3HL

UPRN: 000122010121 Ward: Ward 2 Forth & Endrick Reference: 15/00798/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 9 December 2015 Officer: Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Mrs E McKinnon per John H White Architects Ltd Ballat Crossroads Balfron Station G63 0SE


Approve with Conditions


Installation of ramp and formation of new doorway in place of existing window on west elevation to allow disabled access and formation of replacement window at Glengoyne Distillery Strathblane G63 9LB

UPRN: 000122048753 Ward: Ward 2 Forth & Endrick Reference: 16/00118/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 25 February 2016 Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Glengoyne Distillery per Contagious 48 St Andrew's Square Glasgow G1 5PP


Approve with Conditions


Erection of 5No. small business units, associated parking and groundworks at Land To Rear Of Wm Lewis And Sons Whitehouse Road Stirling

UPRN: 000122043738 Ward: Ward 6 Stirling East Reference: 15/00829/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 17 December 2015 Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Brian Masterson Ltd per Mark Thomson 40 Wallace Street Bannockburn FK7 8JG


Approve with Conditions


Single storey extension to existing first floor external art terrace to provide additional internal floor area for vocational training centre at St Modans High School Royal Stuart Way Stirling FK7 7WS

UPRN: 000122062503 Ward: Ward 6 Stirling East Reference: 16/00033/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 22 January 2016 Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Stirling Gateway Limited per Jmarchitects 64 Queen Street Edinburgh EH2 4NA


Approve with Conditions


Proposed alterations and two storey extension to dwelling house at 27 Pottis Road Balquhidderock Stirling FK7 7XB

UPRN: 000122028146 Ward: Ward 6 Stirling East Reference: 16/00035/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 27 January 2016 Officer: Peter McKechnie, Telephone: 01786 233679,

Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Mr Robert Burnett per Kennedy Architectural Services 18 Ballater Drive Causewayhead Stirling FK9 5JH


Approve with Conditions


Two storey extension at 3 Mclachlan Avenue St Ninians Stirling FK7 0PJ

UPRN: 000122015123 Ward: Ward 5 Stirling West Reference: 16/00069/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 8 February 2016 Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Mr & Mrs Reid per T Square Architects 39 Allanvale Road Bridge Of Allan FK9 4PA


Approve with Conditions

Planning Schedule Recommendations

All of the applications in this Schedule have been considered against the Development Plan and unless otherwise stated accord with the provisions of the Development Plan, in terms of Sections 25 and 37 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.


Alterations, repairs to and partial removal of boundary wall and formation of hardstanding at 2 Mine Road Bridge Of Allan FK9 4DT

UPRN: 000122024308 Ward: Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan Reference: 15/00446/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 17 July 2015 Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] Website: www.stirling.gov.uk/onlineplanning Applicant/Agent:

Mr Adam Brown per Denholm Partnership LLP 11 Dunira Street Comrie Perthshire PH6 2LJ

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Approve with Conditions

Subject to the following Conditions: 1 Compliance with Details: All works shall be carried out and completed strictly in accordance

with the approved details, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. 2 Method Statement: Prior to the commencement of any such works, a Method Statement shall

be submitted for the written approval of the Planning Authority, detailing the removal and rebuilding of the boundary wall with existing stone only. Thereafter, the works shall be completed in accordance with the approved details.

3 Mortar: An appropriate mix of lime-only mortar shall be used in the formation and pointing of the new opening to match that of the existing wall.

4 Wall Removal: For the avoidance of any doubt, permission is not given to any alterations to

the wall situated north of the existing pedestrian access on the western boundary of the property to Mine Road.

5 Gravel - Details: Details of the gravel surfacing shall be submitted for the written approval of

the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of works on site. Thereafter, the works shall be completed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason(s): 1 To ensure that the overall development is undertaken in accordance with the approved

drawings. 2 In the interests of the character and appearance of the Listed Building. 3 In the interests of the character and appearance of the Listed Building. 4 In the interests of the character and appearance of the Listed Building. 5 In the interests of the character and appearance of the Listed Building. Status Constraints: Conservation Area, Within 50m of Listed Building LB Cat: B Supplementary Information:

Report of Handling Summary of Representations No representations received. Summary of Consultation Responses Roads Development Management: No objection subject to conditions relating to visibility, driveway construction, and access. Development Plan and Other Material Considerations Primary Policy 1: Placemaking, of the Stirling Local Development Plan, September 2014, states that development of all scales must be designed and sited, not only with reference to their own specifications and requirements, but also in relation to the character and amenity of the place, urban or rural, where they are located. Policy 2.12: Residential Alterations and Extensions, of the Stirling Local Development Plan, September 2014, the extension of residential properties will be supported provided that all the relevant criteria are satisfied: a) The proposal is of a scale, size, massing and design that is subordinate and sympathetic to the building to be extended and the wider townscape, and uses materials appropriate to its context. b) The proposal does not result in a material detrimental impact on the amenity of surrounding residential properties in terms of privacy, noise or loss of daylight.

Stirling Council's Statutory Supplementary Guidance, SG12: Residential Alterations and Extensions, states that an extension to a house should be sympathetic in terms of scale, positioning and detail to the original building. Normally an extension will be considerably smaller than the original house, and should be designed to look like as it is an integral part. Policy 7.2: Development within and outwith Conservation Areas, of the Stirling Local Development Plan, September 2014, states that all new development should respect the architectural and visual qualities of the area, have regard to the character of the area as identified in the relevant Conservation Area Character Appraisal. Policy 7.3: Development affecting Listed Buildings, of the Stirling Local Development Plan, September 2014, states that the layout, design, materials, scale, siting and use of any development must preserve the character of the Listed Building and its setting. Where this is not proposed, development will be refused. The site is located within the designated Kings Park Conservation Area and comprises of a category B Listed Building. The property is a semi-detached two storey ashlar fronted dwelling with a slated pitched roof. Summary of Submission Planning permission is sought for alterations to dwelling house, partial removal of boundary wall and formation of hardstanding, 2 Mine Road, Bridge of Allan. The site is located with the designated Bridge of Allan Conservation Area and comprises of a category B-Listed Building. The proposal involves increasing the width of the existing wall aperture that provides pedestrian access to Mine Road. The opening will be increased by 1.55 metres to a proposed width of 2.75 metres in order to accommodate in-curtilage parking of one vehicle. The proposal involves downtaking the wall at its southern side, leaving the historically significant northern side of the wall intact. This proposal is consistent with the advice provided by Historic Scotland in their consultation response relating to the application for Listed Building Consent (15/00447/LBC). Following consultation with the Roads Authority, a recommendation has been made to reduce the height of the boundary wall to a minimum of 1.05 metres over the entire length of the plots frontage along Mine Road. Imposing this condition would be detrimental to the integrity and setting of the Listed Building and the character of the Conservation Area streetscape. It is also considered that such a condition would be unreasonable in view of the fact that similar access arrangements currently exist along Mine Road, namely the driveway accesses at 5 Mine Road and 5 Kenilworth Road. Therefore, it is reasonably accepted that the development proposal will not compromise highway or pedestrian safety. Overall, the proposed development is sympathetic to the appearance and setting of the Listed Building in accordance with Primary Policy 1 and Policy 2.12 of the Development Plan. The development proposal also respects the character of the Listed Building and the appearance of the Conservation Area in accordance with the relevant Development Plan policies Policy 7.2 and Policy 7.3. Summary of Main Issues Raised In Respect of: Any Environmental Statement submitted. Any assessment under Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.) Regulations 1994 carried out. Any Design Statement or Design and Access Statement submitted. Any report on impact or potential impact of the proposed development (e.g. retail, transport, noise or risk of flooding) submitted¬. Not Applicable. Summary of terms of Section 75 Legal Agreements Not Applicable.

Directions Under Regulations 30, 31 or 32 Not Applicable.


Internal alterations, demolition of conservatory, repairs and partial removal of boundary wall and formation of hardstanding at 2 Mine Road Bridge Of Allan FK9 4DT

UPRN: 000122024308 Ward: Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan Reference: 15/00447/LBC Type: Listed Building Consent Date Valid: 17 July 2015 Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] Website: www.stirling.gov.uk/onlineplanning Applicant/Agent:

Mr Adam Brown per Denholm Partnership LLP 11 Dunira Street Comrie Perthshire PH6 2LJ

© Crown copyright and database right 2016. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100020780


Approve with Conditions

Subject to the following Conditions: 1 Compliance with Details: All works shall be carried out and completed strictly in accordance

with the approved details, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. 2 Method Statement: Prior to the commencement of any such works, a Method Statement shall

be submitted for the written approval of the Planning Authority, detailing the removal and rebuilding of the boundary wall with existing stone only. Thereafter, the works shall be completed in accordance with the approved details.

3 Mortar: An appropriate mix of lime-only mortar shall be used in the formation and pointing of

the new opening to match that of the existing wall. 4 Wall Removal: For the avoidance of any doubt, permission is not given to any alterations to

the wall situated to north of the existing pedestrian access on the western boundary of the property to Mine Road.

5 Gravel - Details: Details of the gravel surfacing shall be submitted for the written approval of

the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of works on site. Thereafter, the works shall be completed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason(s): 1 To ensure that the overall development is undertaken in accordance with the approved

drawings. 2 In the interests of the character and appearance of the Listed Building. 3 In the interests of the character and appearance of the Listed Building. 4 In the interests of the character and appearance of the Listed Building. 5 In the interests of the character and appearance of the Listed Building. Status Constraints: Conservation Area, Within 50m of Listed Building LB Cat: B Supplementary Information: This application requires referral to Historic Environment Scotland since the proposals involve alterations to a category B Listed Building and the application was lodged prior to 1 October 2015. Community Council: No consultation sent or requested.


Construction of enclosed bike, bin and container shed at Old Viewforth Pitt Terrace Stirling FK8 2ET

UPRN: 000122018138 Ward: Ward 5 Stirling West Reference: 15/00837/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 20 January 2016 Officer: Peter McKechnie, Telephone: 01786 233679,

Email: [email protected] Website: www.stirling.gov.uk/onlineplanning Applicant/Agent:

Stirling Council per Stirling Council Teith House Kerse Road Stirling FK7 7QA

© Crown copyright and database right 2016. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100020780


Approve with Conditions

Subject to the following Conditions: 1 Compliance with Details: All works shall be carried out and completed strictly in accordance

with the approved details, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason(s): 1 To ensure that the overall development is undertaken in accordance with the approved

drawings. Status Constraints: Conservation Area, Within 50m of Listed Building LB Cat: B

Supplementary Information:

Report of Handling Summary of Representations None. Summary of Consultation Responses None. Development Plan and Other Material Considerations Primary Policy 1: Placemaking of the Adopted Stirling Council Local Development Plan September 2014 states that development of all scales must be designed and sited, not only with reference to their own specifications and requirements, but also in relation to the character and amenity of the place, urban or rural, where they are located. Policy 7.2 of the Adopted Stirling Council Local Development Plan September 2014 seeks to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of Conservation Areas by ensuring that new development accords with the special architectural and visual qualities of the Conservation Area. Development should relate well to the density and pattern of existing development, the design, massing, scale and materials used in surrounding buildings. Furthermore retain existing natural and built features, which contribute to the character of the Conservation Area and/or its setting. Policy 7.3 of the Adopted Stirling Council Local Development Plan September 2014 states that the layout, design, materials, scale, siting and use of any development must preserve the character of the Listed Building and its setting. Summary of Submission Full planning permission is being sought to construct a container, bike and bin enclosure within the curtilage of Old Viewforth, Pitt Terrace Stirling. This property is category B listed and is situated within the Kings Park Conservation Area. The works are to involve the construction of this enclosed bike, bin and container shed to provide a secure place to store bikes and to provide a tidier appearance to this area, as it is currently open and used for a container and bins. The container and bins are positioned on an existing area of raised tarmac, which is to be extended to provide additional raised area and then enclosed using timber fencing constructed to a height of 2.9 metres. This area of enclosure will also include one of the adjacent car parking spaces. Old Viewforth is occupied by the Council and the proposed enclosure is to be constructed to the south east of these offices at an area already used for storage and bin purposes, as stated above. This area is visible from Old Viewforth and currently is untidy/unsightly for the public and the setting of the Listed Building. The proposal is considered to accord with the above policies and material considerations for the following reasons: The proposed enclosure is considered to be of a sympathetic design and scale compared with the adjacent building and the character of the area in general. It is considered that the construction of this enclosure will greatly tidy up the appearance of the area improving its character. The proposal also does not raise any concerns with respect to any loss of daylight, sunlight or privacy to neighbours habitable room windows.

The proposed enclosure is also considered to comply with Policy 7.2 and 7.3 set out above, as it is considered that it will preserve the character and setting of the Conservation Area and the Listed Building. It is to be constructed on an area of the buildings curtilage set away from the Listed Building, Old Viewforth. Therefore, it is considered that the setting of this Listed Building is preserved as approached from the west. The site area is currently untidy and the erection of this enclosure will greatly tidy it up and preserve the setting of the Listed Building as it is approached from the east. Furthermore, it is considered that the erection of this enclosure will greatly improve views through the Conservation Area and towards the Listed Building by formalising and tidying up this area. This is helped by the fact that the proposal is to be constructed from materials that will blend in well with the background of trees. For these reasons the application is recommended for approval. Summary of Main Issues Raised In Respect of: Any Environmental Statement submitted. Any assessment under Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.) Regulations 1994 carried out. Any Design Statement or Design and Access Statement submitted. Any report on impact or potential impact of the proposed development (e.g. retail, transport, noise or risk of flooding) submitted¬. Not applicable. Summary of terms of Section 75 Legal Agreements Not applicable. Directions Under Regulations 30, 31 or 32 Not applicable.

Planning Panel Recommendations

Planning Panel – 29 March 2016

The recommendations for the items outlined below are scheduled for consideration at the Planning Panel meeting on 29 March 2016.


Erection of carbon-neutral dwelling using sustainable materials and developing a small-scale farming enterprise at Land Some 150 Metres North East Of Park Of Auchentroig Aberfoyle

UPRN: 000122068284 Ward: Ward 2 Forth & Endrick Reference: 15/00638/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 25 September 2015 Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Mr George Drever Roundlaw Farm Cottage Trinity Gask Auchterarder PH3 1LL




Single dwelling in principle at Land East And Adjacent To The Bothy Nethercarse Farm Stirling

UPRN: 000122069950 Ward: Ward 2 Forth & Endrick Reference: 15/00679/PPP Type: Planning Permission in Principle Date Valid: 20 October 2015 Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Mr and Mrs J Christie per Houghton Planning 102 High Street Dunblane FK15 0ER




Single dwelling in principle at Land Adjacent To West Of Station House Port Of Menteith

UPRN: 000122070061 Ward: Ward 2 Forth & Endrick Reference: 15/00775/PPP Type: Planning Permission in Principle Date Valid: 11 December 2015 Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Mr Gordon Addison per Houghton Planning 102 High Street Dunblane FK15 0ER




Change of use and conversion of existing detached garage to form salon at 23 Abbot Road Stirling FK7 7UG

UPRN: 000122027658 Ward: Ward 6 Stirling East Reference: 15/00702/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 28 October 2015 Officer: Peter McKechnie, Telephone: 01786 233679,

Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Mrs Claire Bonthron per Architectural Drawing Services 9 Glentye Drive Tullibody Alloa FK10 2US


Approve with Conditions


Erection of managed student accommodation with associated amenity and landscaping at Land Adjacent To Chandlers Court Shore Road Riverside Stirling

UPRN: 000122043028 Ward: Ward 6 Stirling East Reference: 15/00790/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 17 December 2015 Officer: Jane Brooks-Burnett, Telephone: 01786 233672,

Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Empiric (Stirling Forthside) Ltd/ LandSynergy (Stirling) Ltd per Susan Stephen Architects Ltd 14 Alva Street Edinburgh EH2 4QG


To defer for a Hearing


Erection of 2No. residential units at Land North Of 2 And 4 Wallace Gate Stirling

UPRN: 000122056647 Ward: Ward 6 Stirling East Reference: 15/00816/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 16 December 2015 Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Stirling Building Company per Farquhar MacLean Beechcroft Studio Northlea Doune FK16 6DH


Approve with Conditions


To demolish derelict garages and replace with a new build Co-op Store (external revision - 3 air conditioning units and a refrigeration unit) at Land And Buildings To Rear Of 52 To 54 Main Street Castlehill Doune

UPRN: 000122042241 Ward: Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith Reference: 15/00429/FUL Type: Full Date Valid: 8 July 2015 Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Rubicon Land Investments Limited per Jewitt and Wilkie Architects 38 New City Road Glasgow G4 9JT


Approve with Conditions


Demolition of the existing single storey garage and subsequent erection of new Class 1 retail building (external revision - 3 air conditioning units and a refrigeration unit) at Land And Buildings To Rear Of 52 To 54 Main Street Castlehill Doune

UPRN: 000122042241 Ward: Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith Reference: 15/00430/LBC Type: Listed Building Consent Date Valid: 8 July 2015 Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Rubicon Land Investments Limited per Jewitt and Wilkie Architects 38 New City Road Glasgow G4 9JT


Approve with Conditions


Demolition of single storey garages/car repair workshop at Land And Buildings To Rear Of 52 To 54 Main Street Castlehill Doune

UPRN: 000122042241 Ward: Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith Reference: 15/00583/CON Type: Conservation Area Consent Date Valid: 14 September 2015 Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: [email protected] Applicant/Agent:

Rubicon Land Investments Limited per Jewitt And Wilkie Architects 38 New City Road Glasgow G4 9JT


Approve with Conditions

Planning Enforcement – week ending 18/03/16

New Cases Received


Erection of fence


Goosecroft Road, Stirling,

Ward: Ward 4 Castle

Reference: EN/16/029/UNAUTH

Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: [email protected]


Alleged non-compliance with approved details in relation to planting and access.


Upper Glen Road, Bridge Of Allan, FK9 4PX

Ward: Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan

Reference: EN/16/030/NONCOM

Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: [email protected]


Unauthorised advertisement


Stirling Road, Fallin, FK7 7JL

Ward: Ward 7 Bannockburn

Reference: EN/16/031/UNADV

Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: [email protected]

Delegated Decisions

Cases Closed


Alleged breach of restriction of construction hours condition.


Drumbeg Loan, Killearn,

Ward: Ward 2 Forth & Endrick

Reference: EN/15/057/NONCOM

Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: [email protected]

Supplementary Information: No further breaches reported or observed.


Erection of fence and landscaping works including creation of terracing and associated retaining walls.


Henderson Street, Bridge Of Allan, FK9 4HG

Ward: Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan

Reference: EN/15/104/UNAUTH

Case Officer: Andrew Gardiner, Telephone: 01786 233675,

Email: [email protected]

Supplementary Information: Planning permission approved.


Alleged non-compliance with restriction on construction hours condition


Land 90M North Of Tombrake Farmhouse, Balfron,

Ward: Ward 2 Forth & Endrick

Reference: EN/15/140/NONCOM

Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: [email protected]

Supplementary Information: No further breaches of the planning condition reported or observed.


Erection of building



Ward: Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith

Reference: EN/16/018/UNAUTH

Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: [email protected]

Supplementary Information: The planning permission was implemented prior to expiration. No breach of planning control.


Speculative site development


Mugdock Road, Strathblane,

Ward: Ward 2 Forth & Endrick

Reference: EN/16/020/UNAUTH

Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: [email protected]

Supplementary Information: No breach of planning control.


Erection of advertisement banner


Bannock Road, Fallin,

Ward: Ward 7 Bannockburn

Reference: EN/16/026/UNADV

Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: [email protected]

Supplementary Information: The advertisement has been removed.


Issues relating to private road


Throsk, FK7 7NG

Ward: Ward 7 Bannockburn

Reference: EN/16/028/UNAUTH

Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: [email protected]

Supplementary Information: No breach of planning control.

Planning Contravention Notices Served None

Breach of Condition Notices Served None

Enforcement Notices Served None

Amenity Notices Served None

Forestry Planting and Felling Proposals

There are no entries on the register for the Stirling Council Area this week.
