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Policy process presn-12feb13- rebecca hanlin [compatibility mode]

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Presentation by Dr. Rebecca Hanlin of The Open University UK, on getting knowledge into policy, during the training on The Art of Influencing Policy Change: tools and strategies for researcher, held by The Scinnovent Centre on 12th -14th February 2013 in Nairobi
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Getting knowledge into policy: what works and what doesn’t Rebecca Hanlin ESRC Innogen Centre Open University
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Getting knowledge into policy: what works and what doesn’t

Rebecca HanlinESRC Innogen Centre

Open University

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Group work (10 mins)

• What is the difference between knowledge and research and evidence?

• How have you tried to get knowledge into policy before?policy before?

• How (un)successful have you been and why do you think that is?

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Depends on place in the policy process

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Depends on effort or luck (and actor?)…

• Different theories of how policy and decision making is made:

Knowledge levels– Linear and rational models– Bounded rationality/ satisficing models

Effort and luck– Windows of opportunity– Chaos theory and garbage can models

Effort and agency– Street level bureaucrat

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Depends on context

• Social• Political• Economic• Networks and connections• Networks and connections= windows of opportunities type issues

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But what is policy influence?• Not just where in the process but also with

what… goes back to the knowledge/ research/ evidence question

• Also the how - mechanisms for • Also the how - mechanisms for influencing*

• Change agents idea

ALL dependent on what trying to influence…

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Types of policy influenceType of policy influence Description Examples

IDEAS AND BOUNDARIES Influencing ‘policyhorizons’ by influencingdebate and policythinking

•Putting an issue in the policy domain• Encouraging dialogue and networking• Improving the intellectual frameworks• Broadening the parameters of the debate

TECHNICAL Influencing technicalaspects of programme

•Shaping specific features of policy or programme designaspects of programme

design or implementation

programme design• Reforming existing programmes/policies


Transforming policiesand affecting the ‘policyregime’ throughfundamental design ofpolicies

• Influencing how the success or problem is defined and how the impact is understood• Engaging with the values and ideology underpinning policy

CAPACITY AND PROCESS Building capacity andchanging the waypolicymakers useknowledge and evidenceto make policy

•Influencing how policymakers approach decision-making• Influencing how they useevidence in the policymaking process• Supporting policymakers to develop innovative ideas• Supporting policymakers to

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Not linear or exact process

• Alternative, unplanned consequences of policy influence

• Negative and positive… • Takes time and effort unless have window • Takes time and effort unless have window

of opportunity• Being targeted is important… (building it in

to activity from the start – bringing in end beneficiaries)

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The context mattersContext scenario Description How should researchers’


Clear government demand Policymakers want knowledge and are ready to act on itThey have the capacity to receive and use adviceThe policy window is wide open to researchers

Researchers need to buildrelationships of trust with policymakers and build a reputation for reliability

Government interest in research but leadership is

The window of influence is partially open

Researchers should take leadership research but leadership is

absentopenThe issue is considered as importantStructures to implement research recommendations are missing

leadership Pay careful attention to communication between research and policy communitiesResearchers need a plan of implementation or a champion amongst policymakers

Government interested in research but with capacity shortfall

The significance of the issue is acknowledge in the policy communityBut the necessary capacity for adoption/implementation is lackingLinks between research and decision-making are generally weak

Researchers need to help build capacity for concerting knowledgeinto policy and actionThey need to try and move the issue up the ranks of decision-making

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The context matters...cont’dContext scenario Description How should researchers


A new issue activates research but policymakers and uninterested

New issue captivates the imagination of researchersPolicymakers are indifferentPolitical support for the new idea/research is lackingThis is a high-risk context for researchers and their work

Chances of success are improved when researchers apply adroit strategies of advocacy, communication and education within and beyond the policy community

researchers and their work

Government is disinterested or hostile to research

The window of influence is tightly closedResearchers are probably ahead of their time or the policymakers are not ready to engage with implications of new research

Exercise patience and determinationRecognize that influencing policy may demand long and systematic persuasionThings change, attitudes evolve; preferences shift; needs arise and realignments happenWindows will open

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How does research influence policy?

• By expanding policy capacities– Enhancing the policy community’s collective

ability to assess innovative ideas and analyze research advice

• By broadening policy horizons– Introducing new ideas into the policy agenda; – Introducing new ideas into the policy agenda;

packaging information into ready-to-use formats; fostering dialogue between researchers and decision-makers

• By affecting decision regimes– The quality of a policy is determined both by the

procedures of deliberation as well as its contents

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Mechanisms of influence• How can one influence? Discussion (10

mins)… precursor for the next 2 days of activity– What are the mechanisms, tools, strategies you can

adopt?adopt?– Does it matter what research it is (idea, technical,

process approach etc.)?– Does it matter who you are trying to influence?– Does it matter who you are?

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Introduction to policy briefs activity (25 mins)

• Two readings… if you haven’t read them (both) over night; you’ll need to read one now

• Who has read what?• Break you into 2 groups – each group will • Break you into 2 groups – each group will

concentrate on one paper• You are going to use these to do an activity

around policy briefs – one of the most often used mechanisms of trying to influence the policy process.

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Before starting… what are policy briefs?

• Summaries of research findings, evidence that you feel is of interest to a decision-maker

• Not technical language but understandable to lay personlay person

• Short, snappy, creative in format• Specific to your target audience i.e. same

research findings could be written into 2-3 different briefs each for a different decision-maker group

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Group activity [1]

• In your two groups (15 mins):– Decide what are the key messages to take

from the paper which you want to ‘sell’ to a decision makerdecision maker

– How have you made that choice? (what decision-maker, how many messages, why one and not another etc.)

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Group activity [2]• In your two groups (45 minutes):

– Write a one page policy brief that summaries the key messages you have chosen

– Think about whether you want an introduction/ background section

– Think about how much of the research process you want to discuss

– Think about how much detail on the results you go into

– Think about how you convince a decision-maker to want to know more?

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Group activity [3]

• In your groups (20 minutes):– Review the policy brief that was developed

from the research and:• Identify the differences between the two• Identify the differences between the two• List what you think works and what doesn’t in both

briefs now you have something to compare yours to.

• Overall, which do you think is the best and why?

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Group activity [4]

• In Plenary (30 minutes):– How easy/difficult did you find writing the

brief?– How easy/difficult did you find to reach a – How easy/difficult did you find to reach a

compromise with your team mates?– Report back your thoughts following the

comparison of the two briefs

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Take home points

• Short summaries (could it be read over breakfast?)

• Lay audience (could your granny understand it?)understand it?)

• Creative (I want to pick this up?)• Interesting (I want to know more?)

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