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Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They ... 5/1845 Plus... · Xbt new • .ty...

Date post: 31-Mar-2020
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~»: , \ * :.* I THE LEADER. iiUVh S. 1,1.1.-., I's'ilishrr. ', . - ..i ••••'. | \pr.l 1 m at swMi as then**". l. k-l- WW pril '.. Tut reduction . . ,* • To N v "j oik, tiom f i t to *;:, UIAJlLOTTh, MICHIGAN. THE NEWS. limit Fins ;it Osaka ami Voko- hama. Jaiian. I'll".' ron •., I'ailadcl; uia. Irons $19 to $'-; It lav* .on- inid Washington, from *1« to •*.»; to B>-*tou, from $W totl-JnV Freight rate* .ii,cUI..'.. The T.^'.w any.: "It'he .. .• A; oi.io intend* v. swap iu ftmmt. advaiitagntl must reduce IU rate, still Un>«r 1 «-«-»urt, in»tr aose .-»abilsh<:d by tl»e other roads." I"'--' -"''' Xbt new • .ty directory oj St. Louis claims - ' t Hon <•! 4Wt,«W IB that city on the 1*1 o' last January. as to '.lit settlement nf U.e dltt i Mr. Tilton aud Mr. Bowea. L was corroboratory of former in *.;.•.• par', of '.he detente Sioux Iridlxoi.h* wssshrwn by A Lion Hunt at the < luclunatl /oolog. ot gold, aba-h they li.lonued n oUalued it different point* in leal Garden. I . : : rCHOIIML. raimib .- Memphis Grand Jury,** • , of the. l ..ted elate- •4 thou vo the aft t iL.r U . the I nited SUMy jtplleato Slate* and not Ind -, tnd tint the. denial to a negc ot ti,e full and K,naleuh>yu*eut ot the u wr laodatlou* and privileges of UnsaUrr* and mi,- Is i i M t t w t h a t tht tlrtt QtWMMi tl.-BU. k Hills, supposed to be from th" bed. ' I; g K(iin, nissebud aud Powder River*. sLdlrmu branches .,t the Tonglss Kivet; and :. lb representing that su< h yellow metal » 4at the greatest value, they told him they , t.or w h e a t there wa» a inour.tam of it. . ii«ri|ttMit laveatig&tiswi, however, proved •jiittli Indian mountain <.t gold w*a nothing KUuuU*. I rupitoM*. asoMgh fckttt. The •>»trm lieiu^ V ut oiider the iuRU MUX i-t lit. IWm'l Uoideo Mt-dUal HMMWrf _ . _. . . „ , i tor a few wmkl. the »km W-voaie* a w u t b . The »eB»*twu«.u HM n«.rtUta»t«-ri»lil.l t u»M. toft and v.lvetv. aud. Wiu< illm»m*tra kuhurbt ytattrday »fteraoun kO'i IMt ' wKk the * • . * of t.erfe*t health U'tm withio. eveuug i u tbt i m that a caiitive aoi- i true heauty »Uod« forth iu alt i u fluty. Tlte tual of the leolloe dew rititiun had iirokw l wSecU of all utvlkdnea whit b o^ra'te uj-.u from it» cate in the L *>V>iv »l tiarden I the . ..win through the ot< d i u t u ot the V**A udtaaa vildlv roamia K atliffk T h * f « "•".••ifi •»«»«*»'»». " ~\ "»»f tWr . " ; rt . , * ..,, i . , ,.,,,.», lit-, ,v,» io» ^ood the retiied} emj .o)ed ^hdeoue utonr at flrtt M.unded ao much like XYus. w Uif - e ( ^ (lUw ck i , ^ i k . n of t.i«»*». ^ r ^ ^ j S ^ ^ i ^ W - r . ; . veru.euventd.^ethat , it wat not believed until it «••» au- atory a thouuht I nounced officially from the txjHteitk- ti ,u. OD the bill*. The j>aj~ticuiaik oi the Tl. RMTttatt Syala—r-arliM H»iuf 1U- bwlltes lAliau-'fl. Grand Jury of the lJi-.tr!. t of Columbia MMHk, and '.AH only r* reached h>• » i . : djr'j-l WblUdaw ft-1.1, of thi-. Kew York I al -. la rha Ihoda taland !>-.-'.*;»ture <m the 94' (MMJ9MM i-.-ort *a» mad* u. tl,* recent conflict of authority »*•-*»« V I uiUu otate* M-irnUal »oU tue #Ut« Caa»- MM OW '.'.. wholeawhl iUah •'• '»"\^- in f.o••. a i, for llbelloK ex-<>ov. Hheoherd- A r teut Wuihlnttton dUjiat* h .ay» It up j^-ar- tint u.e. late MM mil M , wh» m • • '• 1 i ui'-mlier of the Br:li»h f^rliatuenl I •••;! Tiuti'-rary, lrt'iind, a* a iuhject 0< itUwi of the I attach* by the Marahal and aft«rw»-' a ii'tmiM iii-e<-riWd i ,untrv li.-id »4-arcely girna the klkrlhW, until ah<MH ' ) La| (teuad to he ha X lta« bruuirht to way to-M KcBtieKan, vt ho .:• -Hi. I w.i« to t « (<i ; " H.'iuSd ••: -• ' • <A tb- »i.U.(l ] Alter When Maw year* ag iw York, and It !• o' • tie* 0> a urutu* j *hwd Br where Father I md. ..nd iu.Uted 'bat > .'. • ' once U> Ket fiou. . gold | . whhh ; « Hi' national deht, etc I had Informed him that It waa uu old I itlitil Muii> Ht'iiulorlHl I'.kt-ur- «iir.iou to vievlro. '; Victoria, wan The Chicago "Times" Editor Impris- oned for Contempt. le h Ssattuwatif liWilri, \ t4f l><is»», "5 • »r.i «f S»p»f*»i i-. it. du. lion in I'a.M-nirer r'n-lirhU Irom < liltago to the la-t. A Decision that the Civil-HiuhU Bill Oofs riot Ap^ly to Rf staurants. 1^ Mi r Irom t.rti. Miei iilttii I <>u Hi. Hlai k Hill.. i ratMt Ktc, Etc., Etc., Etc E'c. altli the Al wen made hy nun II.N. A I'. -.'.•'.••.••• <1,- o\.-rj ..1 . . ol -|- Id' ;. tlii ohji • I ot » III' w.i- th<- ;,..;,..;,. • (,. , ' .iiiri-ra. the r> . MM ' I • ! - - ' • I w * m o ""'" OwJ$w) M I I I ili- .illinif into the nnl'.l ov i nil • • IIIKI. - II, MM Navir" NwT Incc" over e'urlii' en Mar- old. I."Ill- Ko.i-Ulh I'- liei'll llf'-.l'."! Ilia l" ,r - llawentar) i ontert in HunKary. (I., i 1IM»»I |.. ,•;'• .it'' ii'Ji-d the fiineriil of Jol.n Mil ,.• i at Kawry, Ireland, -.tt the a«i. A k'n .it tire in-, urri il in OMkka, lap •", W tin-Tth of February, whhh de.troyed 1.'" bull III p Mkd c.iu ••! 11.- kwM of "-or.il $*•». < in the j -ding >:..> •>'• li'iUM-s Were hurni 'I tiio'her defent bin l>i«ii lnflicttd uj>oii the OwrU '-•' Bwjwrt. in «wkk they I'mt $M unit the Albhon.lata »llty.eh/ht killed. Ac. . •• dim; '" the l.il. < . u U i " from K-d lla, uy to the -J»',th, fieii.. Mnndera, Sal,.i',la and Tii> %tany had united m a protcut atiiin-t Oen. Owhrera'a nuuilleato iu favor of Aljihonao. \ M' loo;ill.i' i.\ii.t:.il;.ii di-iiatih of the 'JiMi .iiiliouiii i • th" r»i »|H- of twenty'"in iii'in'i-t iiri-'iU' r. Irom Sew t »Ws4o« th.J. i rten£l£..t»«-j/SJIhTwiH. .. tlir reei i.t arrll ii ''< 0' • l.-'Ui.i jroirv. Hi" «'iirll»l« fratenil/.ert |.hon.l«t«i, and deinon.tratiotiii botli arnilea In favor nl jK-aee. An E.tella (Hi'iiiu) dlavatrh of tin >th .«>> th.it lb I'titien from the four j.ioviniea oc- MJftoihy the Carllata bad met to consider the rei ( ue.t of l)"ii I'lilo^ for colitrlhutloti*. and had replied that the country l>-cxhau»tcd. that frenh aacrlfi<e« are linpo»fthle, and that lion Carlo* nhould procure funds alimad. IHnpatchea ftmn Madrid report tbut Hon Carlo* had ordered periona found readliiK the Cabrera m.mlfe*1o to tie »hot. Thcr'- huve neently been additional iii.tance. "f frab rnltatloo nf the C'arlUta and Alpl' •- i-t» on the banks of the Una. A riantanilci dispatch.tatea that Ikm< arloshad departed for Ksiiniiles with sixteen battalions j and artillery to meet a threatened Invasion of tin proviiee. Spain had paid 11,'KHI thalcra for the (iu.'.av outrage. An Kt ulinntial hurricane passed over Van. rouver Island on thcUth. At Victoria sev- CTal veasels were badly injunrd, trees w, re vprooted and the telegraph lines demollrhed. The French liovcrninent has denied to th- Hue de Montl^'nsier a passport to Spain on lb. ground that in citing it the (iovernnient Would establish a precedent bv which ex- Vjuieii IsatH-lU niigh*. return to Spain, which was undesirable. Nearly HaM*** people met in llyde l'ark. London, on the 'A»1h ult.to expris- sympathy With and demand Claimant. I Alj^li'M tlltt V <»'«^»».« •• at /.UUi , laj i"i M l I all i Stat'-,a» apj-ars from tr.o.- rlpt* the -siord-, rcei,tlv umrte In the o$b i rk of the Supreme « > of •, i.,! i oluni*. .' t ' Hi • M || li irwaumed the l,ovenmieU ,. . ' irai.icript to iio- , | .... 4 !.. i.- 'i uriii-r'- ' ••••• in.- :* h. Several c o m •: m.i'l' . .lid MM - llii:"-''. b*»- . .. I Intfl itAgatfeXJ I 'OIUII.':' ML 1 stlmony a- to M I,':- family and toward bar. i, ... « :. i'.-ii-.i -, ••! MM witty, I i • . I Hi IMWWXV IMA Albany Kailroad. «. rwttUtr , . , oi t|M Vh ol .'•.•..-. a t V;-. M'nilt'iii .n dU day Mr. |. ., , ,. f. .-..I 'o 1,. . . V-. «•••• f Mi. <-. I Kljiflna, .. d to I .ing - i n " i- . . a Wo ,4l,'i.l and Mil* ' ,.. ., • . . : •-•.'.. -toliu i bo , ! •„ Mi", truth "f tl • •*»»- , , • , M ,.- j . r unit II, T :• ,i bad proae MM tfoofll ' ttloried In - -,,-i:.,.|: hi r H a . | V, .... I'. . i, i • ,. M-, \V ll.'. . - MM ' • ' ' " ,'.!.. ||, I, ,il frequently f-n >!»• I at th- house and MM I ' • . : :, ,f Mi • YYii.nlliu:l. H- 'I- the nlHi-e tery often in the suimmr of 1 H T1 !• . ,, -i i o| tlte iiillilli .•;."', "I ','••- -• .•: ,n w.-le -- i m o-.i'.'ht to MM -ll ;'. M le ' '• t ' ••' .., .: foi th' a w , ,'nl , MM i , " m • flltj (i... ., would Mif $lMg$H t • I-ve it -•• M M C Wilin-- l.„d M I Nt 'I •' Mi-. WieilhiiM ofli ii itttMg tMMtMT, With •: . arms around eactiothcr. Kii hard Adaiu" Qtwj ..nd UH Anii'il— •' ••''• ' - ; ' • ''I. for- ii-' iu in th- eiiii'iov of Mi- 97«ewhsS U-.tii.'il to having seen M Tilton frequently :,.-„• TTwiibltl hoti- . ,o-'. M bMThjfwH many demonstration, of attrition he. iw- , V.i.'l. . I 1 M.-. W. I I - w.'i • - '•! 4 reiiieiiibered a conven Iweei Mr. I mid Mn.W. about getting Mr. Heeihi r to pre- id.- at Mrs. W.'s St, ii.w.,, H.r.i meeting in lv-n-.Mr.. W.aaid he had belt, r preside or .h- wou'.d oiake it \i ry ho' I I bini- Ml 1 M-. T. aaldhetBetchcri wouidhavi to and wouli . . i sti,.i, '.f .lodge I ' fliirell, and to whi Ii .tin!.- Partial- w a. ni.m- j .i '. I l.v the pri-idelit, I i." al.ich ii"ln. ...'..••! •he (senate refused to coi.i. rm, ' annot ' I until the next .esslon ol I .itigr—s. A Si w c»i bans dUpat. hof the'Ji'ith .aysjudge Woods had decided that the tUtutM give him tin power to n-le. t a Distri. t .lu-lg- in hi. I lr. u,', t o ti'.l the Hun '.1 vacant y. ton. ll Augur arrived in Sew Orl-ar.s from TwSM on th- 9fttli, and th- n-xt day as. sumed command of th- ' • •: .-'ii-s Iriaips stationed there, Ucii. Emory ,ia\.iig tor W ashiugton. A Senatorial excursion t. rty h .'I '.Va-hing Pm on the 'itlb tH r-i-iXt (or Mexico It is com- p«i*ijd of the following person* Senators t'anw-ron. Patterson, ll-nnis, Anthony, Mor- ton, i v -en.ilor l handler, Tom Scott and wife, Wayne McVeigh and wife. Hen l'erley P.air-. 'f tlir Boston ..'..irun'. and Ml»a l',."re, Mrs. Senator Morton, and i<\.(«o\ I'irowii. of 1,1-orgia. arid wife. It Is st.itrd that the State lVepartment has official- lv aa-nri-1 Mexican Minister Marl., il that the excursion has no political slgnifii am e , Whatever, litllCt Immediate or rellio-l Urn. splinter ha» tendered bli resignation I is Cnitcd Slate. Treasurer, t"Uke effect July I, and th-resignation haa been accepted by the Prealdert, ;,nd tba po»ltion offered to John C Kew.t ashler of the l i n t National Hank of Indianapolis, tnd. tome days ago an arti.li appeared ;n tha Justice tor the Tlchborue Chicago TUSKS liarai teriring > Urand Jury I In the Criminal Court of ( hhago, which hail i )u«t found four Indhtnivnt* against Mr ! Storev, thi editor, for libel, as a dlsrepuUhli. I cobteinptlble and dishi«e*t lnidy. Be. an-.- 1 of theae strictures Judge Williams ; .--m d an I rflcr thai Mr. Storey should show rause why fan should not he punished for contempt. Ik. heiicig o . uirnlon ",*-.• 'J*1h ult., and j reanlteil in Mr. Storey Iwing sentenced •'• ' tifi days' i oi-.ttnetnent in the Iciunty Jail. I About elevm o'clock on the evening , f thai 1 dwy a writ of «.i;.r^it*4. was issued l,y .linle;- , Me Mlister, of the Supreme Court, under wtih h Mr Sb.rey «•• held to bail in the »um 14 Fi.NOO Ui await the action of the S.ipremi Omrt. .1 oiies l.l'k.. the San Fran, isci millionaire, hJ>« filed In the Re,-order's office of that elty *r, Mieation of the trust deed • ve, uted last i Jaily conveying to. property ;.. V'l-'.—s for I »rlmi- t-ii. \olcnt purpose. H- recite". | IP the revocation, that he wishes to 1 1 Jrovlde for parties having natural claim* I of Representative i in him, to amend the original instrument, ! Id at Cincinnati on | ind.wlth nlurnlng health, to give hi" per- I Jon si attention to the exenlion of his d--1 iigns. He confirms t'.ie acts heretofore jier-| formed by the trustees. s. \-ral witnesaet testified In the B> , »c)ur | kiii', on the '^t'th ult. as to the win reabout* •>( I •f 1..' Sta'e ' ' - »,f- made froui the lvi«Utloii «f the State law. Th« eoi ,,, --o. • ' ' .• f ••: p. . - oCPro Of ( i r i . t I rt-m - f,r re(U»Uig to obey tb« tt, ,,„..- .'. aiding Inatead the Vi. • •.':; = . n J lb« ad, . ..- the Govera , ••.. ;••••• • it the Ual tathw; to' | InUTfir-i, • of UM I •'•'• I >'a--- Marabal lb- lll»*ri ' of ii ' tbe at i . - - ' ''--'r dwt} i,,. , • .1 t .,-.'.d-i.ee ou tht 33d of FebMU MM i. .. ; IMJ '-as ls.ued a < aU for a»«r sessloii of . -i.iture, ton, on the 14th of Apiii.'o. ,rrv out the ad. . ''.-kalld for v.'. A bill to n pi al the Registry law of •Hate has b" u defeated in the lower hou.. !.-. -".' ire. The i. i . ' Keyubli at, s'.ib-ronTMjUo . ,i K.,-i.ovenwr,Hi l.i,.,.. •• ..'iu,. lieiiU-naiitaflMrci Henry T -•-••, of t.inle Comptun; Mere tt Addeman: Attarney^kii. .rd Sayki; General Tr-naurer, ban brec arc the preaMrt be ' > . - . " \! n Prohlbltlonlrta hart -ate tl, ket nominated at Lai. . , I ni The reaaona which has- toU.li . • •:• -*.it.d byftaC: i, ..<• -.'-I .•i.tr.ilC,.iuraltteea»9al" /. •_']!. N.nomination ot Judge br - • . . i . . • •.•. Iii-moi rats arid j ' .... '-'ll.e to ii political t. of the offices of Ju.tlcea of the Supreme' and Ri'gents of '..c tniv.-r.tty; TMrrl- raabmatlon of thr t the candidaten- na:-'l al the Prohibition State Coawn, The Khod- l.Und I»• in... rttic tUb' yention ui I'rov.'leic c on the 'iTth soa, I ol. K. fuller, of Warren, for Gain John H. Pier-e for I.ieutcnant-Goin i ),.. I: Gorman for Attomey4ltii ai .1 Philip Klder (or General Treaaunr Th- ; '..jrietois of a C h i c a g o 1Mb.. were recently liefore I n l t e d S u t e t Obi. sinner H'Viie on a charge of h a v i n g Ho! the Civll.Hlghti law. ami were diacHlf- •ind that a r-.Uurant ia Mt«i icud In r.-e dm s not come withii. thepati of the law. The United Slut.. Su;ir- t .nfer tut i iffi igc upon any..i.e. uml that tbeb i,i - ,.f the —veral State" wbi' ll i -I» list l o m m alone ace not rn sst- I 1 he court unanimous in thli ••'.• j which in delivered by th< < I •' Ji|.' The Califo'i ia aaMMt tMll | Hon Is to hi- I.e.l at Sa'; Krai.. ... owe of ,lUI,e mdexpicMlcd story his aidor cootod, and tb n.eiit »liout the "laouiilain of . sjjitl auUided. HtehMMKbed, how-ver, that the Black Hills I wai euoraced in my Military i uiaiid, a u d t w o v e i r s ax* it beckasc apparent to me that a wiliUrv post in the Blask Hill* - . una would toon IH-COBM! aaceaaaxy | rthe i/roinr protect'.im of tbeaettleoicnta in UMUI froMi the raiaa of btoux warr.ors, - so a, v* ays before they coMMBct depridat- 'i.-r a«ured a iafe pta* e for their - I i :.,;,. in t h - b.-allty oentioatd. . ..g that these looiaits would never I.- *arnn our krlUriu-nU a. l>ng aa w e iid threaten their faiuii •» slid Villages in - r.-iootc Im avlity, ai* t game and i'.hat goes to ii.ak- Ii.i ai, oi. eoMfurtaMk, ud with this purely mil tare o'.jeit in view, - .>r<ler aaacjiven for IL Cuatar reconaola- blatcbti, eruptions, yellow apota, < om.-d.jo or " grut*," adoaeii May psmthly resankwt ta cure aoane caaea where ll.. - Sen with scrofulous or vtrulei.1 blood poUon. excitement art as folVowa: The cure of all theae dlacaaea, l,.we»er. front .V'IOU'. three o clock in the aflcmison . g«u* plMipto to t^he worat acrUttla, U, boy was leading n donkey in trout ..! a ' »'•••' lue u r " l tl -"> » « ' • ^"^ ° ° 7 , .u ! . ? lr T v. , "i i. , u i a matter of Umt. cjld bv dealer- iu n«c.. cajce I D t h t " buffaio-Uouae, iu wmtb M 1 1-11* a. *• aO^W. »»• 'o.'itin I a iwo-y.-.r aM .I'.ue-.. a , ..vkatt. •-ITH Htrrriuxa—11 wei.. rn. -|...-incu, leteotly purcbaacd from , ,„,.,,, v. y ,, i.rtat Ea.-t.ru ui-uagerie collection , i,- p, v Pitat haflaia N. x . al Lebanon, Ohio. The aavavge animal, y»„ r s,r—l mm sixty year* of age, aad have in a fit of rage, Uiunded aguinst the bars, 1 boon afflicted with Sail Kb* uui ia tie which \n I'icl. and let .1 tr^\ ll lmtuc- I lorm tor airreat many years out'.:, acchtomlaiU diatelv liouaued on the donkey, wbi. b , 1.-.« »««•>«'' hook, which we^rli-rd I t t a w o w c t w » . t h r o w n u. the ffmmL ] WSm^SSPmml ^bM-^UT^^rSf. The laiy w h o V « Wauini the liear, waa £ : ^ t l ^ T From MC acrati bed on the band with the clawa Of |MI In m j ••• J T T ~ll -—*—H covswwd with the lioneii, but other *i*e twaped un- ,ruptioi... a.«o on face aau iMjfis IwrwaUaa- ; hurt, and ran away The iwsor donkey i wist aSis-tod with U so that 1 I wu terribly lacerated »Wul the neck waJk.d w.-.h great difficulty, aad ".hat i* . i,. and the hinder parla with the claw* and Urely cured. Mar Gwd apart j I .in dlwiiVfry of partlclea of gold by i'.i.vlal washing :.. ,ir riaracl - I'-ak, on the a ilopa of the Black Hill* .rf t h e .'• (i •! aad --.-lit t" the surface Father ii. - rv to: lb- tlnrd iiuir teeth of the lion. »*, but gaining Hi feet turned uj<on and *ektd wiib it* teeth it* aaaaiiaat and ifeuMa il viciously. At thi* the lioness quitted the donkey and bounded away through the park. >oon the news of its liberation spread ami | Iu n-nuitii a blecaisg U» ui.i ,. ;. V'lU. .o.. told gran' . MH. A. W. ttn.Liau.. . Kit- Dr-.i'iKA.NUiit.—A real KtoUhf man Of Woman is a rarity, and what i wonder* when we realize that it i» t!.> -turn to overload the ctuinacb, and crowd gathered, butaos.n diajserstd when . tlj ,. u r „ . a e , Ur nk di^.,,... by the u»c the liontssput in an apuearance. Lieut. ,., kplrltUuUs ^jjuora, " Tonica,' "Api*«- Cody aad two or three polucnien <r.. iu .,,... • - ju-.torative,, tt. Having tltet Corryvillt UistrK t htation hapi*ened to ptyMivct!li uib4::iM . b y L-dlacrelk**, the be in the park at the tjuie a n d a counct . v „ , , m wonder , »•/.. a,Ahm)i d.^-s b i n of war waa held. They tiebateil • . .> i, . -,'a t i _ r iUltl . . , . . _ . Hla-k H U i . of t h e Shvi one, de. r.ud | „.. . fl ,,„. whether thev would ' g , ' „ ,' ,, 1 t '*'""*. l "- '"* l tue question wiieiner i m y woaiu tbi-y all, <>r n e a r l y all. Hod a ba*i» in al- -.,. " thtaniiiialon'b.--p.,1 -i capture ,„,;,;_,, r ,., ll ^, N '' T KU thu* diacour- tt-Uve They surrounded it, but Use d w e C M 1 e^^Uoualy ,,y. "axakc circle waa very wiae. A s t h e circle grew ,„, mope triai •. i )iftC(U .d spirituous a 1 .- lust, i. ., ,1 between tl th aud south lurk- of that river, one of his known a- tiie Belle Fourche, the fork; and *ltb"Ufh I bsv- .'.I C'.liilleliec ill tin- .tateUlulll of n«r and (ieu. it gold waa found let>* in dialneler, the- ltoneas in the mid- < i n - , a n d give salt Kfc a chance, aiding; For-.'!,. ,.f mvstail dlegrowhng and snar.ing and leaping hi.t iUh,rT .trucgl.-by unug -me of '.. it mar Harney . peak 1 . aU.ut, the oincers concluded neither to , (Wa ^j B 3 wlul ' lenil(ra herb rtnxe- shoot nor capture alive I l..-y got out i d|e » iB , w kL .„, V l M ,..,,. B ITTKI:S. name iu ex,.u.uce f U „,tv 1 cimty»si.uicka« they could., xk* dhwoxDrtT , W J. Waiavtu. of Ca.i Which Is :. ,i MM •*•< imen« ,!'.lv iiy iL-re tniad. - . - • . i g e IjUUUtil il - Tlieie is n u t a Terr : ...l doss ui.t ex.-I, .la-itib - ItoaHi d I - UlU'il as has vet ."- H-ak. The •rougtit back by the Cust. r exped*ltlon are ,..t favorabie Indi.-utlous of the exiabi al .•••Id in any great i.uantitv. Still .t i.ut a* the treaty of i'a'i^. duly ral n< d, ,;rtually deeds thia i»irtlon of the Black il .lis hi the Sioux Indlaua, there is no alter. •i.ut to keep out ,r-.pa.*er*. But to go back to the P a l h c r d> si,,. I ml •- n..itiou,lh«i. .- i..' MU, I, doubt of the lor- •ii—sof his Itatl melt that gold exist* In .. ..aantitics .i, the Bla, k Hill-, bu'. non k . ihcrWcat than the Rack Hill* of the Shy. lie 1 Ii., v -g-ts from the Big Horn ainl Tuugue Rivera, and raauy specimen* from i.ear lort aWMaiiaairh, ii, ',i..- LTpncr Wlwd it. v-r cuntry, where mining has fall ad h i ' I The panic spit ad, and a tumultuoua hem the ! skedaddle froin the park waa made. Spectator* state that the appearince i of the CM-ajK-d animal was most turiou*. Excited with its freedom, it would stand ' for a tew minutes with glaring eyes and ! open mouth, la.-hing its sides with its ; tail and uttering wild, hiaaini cries, and then spring into the air. In a nWli 1 space of time the lioness had the whole ' pnrk to itself. Later in the evening a uunilier of Hi'n aud Iniy. aaaenxbied from the neigbtxirluNxl with putols ana guns. and with tin- i unaent of the Zoological : Garden.authoritie. started in on a gen I nine lio'n hunt, the object being to kill . the brute, a- it was apparent that il I i ould not 1* ttihcn alive. Alaiut six 1 o'cbKk i; was found in an open space f water for alluvial washing and from j »oine di-lan<«• trum the cage from which ; fornia. is no pietender, but an bonorab.e i practicing puysii ; an. and bis discovery :s raa-nit of ye*r»ot labor aud study Tl.' wonderful curt, efecti •! by tluiu of Dyspepsia. Fevers, Rheumatism and many other terrible diseaaes ale almost incredible. -s Aar Y-.f AWSKKTMSI I H L l'a- !\itoatta 1 i . • • a i i . s . . - i ougba. Colds, Mron- .h.ti., Pa.ns iu the Bide and! bawt, Uifhcurttoa irf Breathiug, iter If you j.-ruut theaa symptom* to run on tubercle, will hf the re. iUlt, and end in Consuiaptioc Now. If y, i want t» cur- these diseases, u.e Alien's Luug h*'-ain without delay. For sale by ai! Medicine Healers. uo.tllltle* of the Indians; and _-..od reaaou to bdi-ve—In fact, uultt i ei tain—that gold exists In the iwl Creek Mountains, in the Lower WW elh Am ll,. I ni'. i! I It ..rain'i III the headwaters of the Powder •hearand the Koaabud, all the-• liaalltiea itidcr the general meaning in the Black Hills, and outs.d- of the Sb. nnui. A i-ii and Terry treaty of With i -xi ept so far i- ".l.i- p r i v i l e g e lo hunt game Itliaabeen i.-. ii. to communicate u u i h ii.forma- ion this c.imlng summer to 'he Govi rnunnt u '.i.e atsove-de*crttM$ country; and as the UbMSwS h a v e no absolute right to the soU, there may be but little ilifllenlty m exliu- 1,J \" '• il i-caped. With a shot-gun, heavily ' ' loaded with buckslmt, Patrick M.Avoy, a cari>enter, fired two loadw at the ani mal; one shul nii--ed and the other took ctleet in the animal's side, from which it Enaovmicin us hire—All in reus dhwjr- ders,chronic diseaaoaof Ike .he-', bead, stoma.-1,, kidneys and Mood, at has and pains, ncrvou* and general debility, etc„ awVck y cured after dn.g* fall by wearing Volta's El< ,- tro B-ll* *nd Band*. Valuable iwok I.- Volla Belt Co,. Cincinnati. «n...• M J:'. have i Waa rirst Invent- nr than fifty year* n fell upon its side and died. In the I •''•'' J **'* Am ''y^*.. , i» , n i , , u ...„„..,. .i,...«-a .1..ni. , td, during wbi. htltae handrt-ds of tliou*aiida cosing tight t w o m e n w« r e thrown down u ^ t . ^ Ul „. nUrd b y i u UM . p ro ,^,, Sv nu ind hurt, though not sermusly. jarlUieever U-ca«e so uuiversally poimlar Altogether, the sensation was a huge ( with all claaae* a* •/•.'aavi,'- i - , - . . /, •.• .., ..-- though the Zoological SiK-iety b i- to no m rn the l...s of an fi.l'ft animal —C'laciaiuifi C<.»»m«rew«, M-irrh ib Big I ttiaa alaa r2 : IMISIKWTII. The I'nlted State* S o o n , - i elded that dividend* and profit* earned in the last half ot the year 1*711 are sub\ect to tra- in, ome tax of 2)t JUT cent. James Brown w.,» I. o ..-d :,' r-."-\ Pa., on the 94th, for the murder. In February, lsTi, of Daniel S. Kreamer, his wife, her moth'iiMr-. V.e In nu i ' and Annette hrca mer. In it-ply to a telegram from oiv of the Miners who recently came out of the Black HUI*, li* to whether he would be JH rmilt. d lo return with reinforcements anil provision*, Gen. Cnil is reported us saying: "Tnxips fri.tu Pint Laramie and hostile Indian* have Iwitb gone tor you miners. For their sake* I hope the troop* will reach them lir-t, a« the military order* are simply to bring In the party, i ot'flnc the leader", hurn tlnir wagon*, and destroy their outfit." A National Confereni Worklngineii is to be I the lir-t Tuesday in September next. A large body of annul Mexicans attacked everal r»nche. about seven mile* from Corpus Chrlstl, Tex., on the evening of the antti, Riid robbed one stor»'. taking several American* prisoner*. An inva-lon of the city ans apprehendi d and the excitement waa Intense, all the rltltens ralng under arm« After the 1st of next M»y mutilated cur- Ten, y wilt lie redeemed according to rules wlii-h were formerly in existence hut after ward abolished. Money will t«e redeemed si cording to the proportion remaining of th, Ma* A Washlntrton dlspstch of tie '>»h says !n«tm. Hon* would Immediately !«• issued a. »y- •"i-k,la-akY* r l>l l"' ,l " : ' ' '" the il.-neral commanding In Texas to take «'uWiYfr«r-...T.-.. a* may be powilble to deal summarily with Mexli an raider*. The Chicago paper* of the .nth announce a material reduction of passenger rate* to tha F.a»t over the Michigan Central. Michigan: I. *. Sli^trti K X T H A SlkMllS. Th-Louisiana resolution »i.',:wJT Oehate.i on the *td. M —-r. ,|..r - i ' sjker si,4 Tliuiiiian speak.i,^ n i.',-,.. - Mr i hri.nsii. » . - • ' . - • - -, gaage of the res..Intl.in slid the ttnald vrtr tor ll An asasadisi ihc u.e of the army in UTS Ssawfoi ladfe Barell aad 'he losmvi soldier* with the 1 .•>•-->-ian. I».- w»« rejected— yr»* * t n*>- v. \ , u> tie rase sttan w*s ih.v. »nd rejected ve»* J*, c m , her. in . nntaioed is me»m in »rHia ivi Krlkkzgl*<f< ;••" i,oT,-rn..r ol ' aestinn then being on .he res. I »* nWcltnted for thai it Hi luiv.i-n. tl w»* agreed -i follows: Fsa* Alll.oii. At. I I. Ilr'ire. taiswHi, Cameron (Wit ,i . I onklinK. « rsitln. II..t— > I iKiclc. i . -• v. Hsr.i .. II •, ., H l««»:ls. Jones i>« ,Lofran.ttrhMlu k M rrtll iNe •. M-.-r. I \< htoiq, l'» P*tler*«in. Bobertaou. Ssrgaat, Sbiraui -MB> irr. Wa.l'.eurli. tt •', tt , ..lnm \i„. l.,rMfi Bngy. Booth. < spenr«. < oekrrlt.i -\ • owstt, liennls. i.i.Tdon torn—ot, • 1. ni in - HTak KelU, kerwaa, •ce'raery, Mav.i \.;• d-U'ti. Saal'Stiry, Stevenson. Tlim '.see. W'hyte. tt ither*. Msasn H > ' unMBt - . and Cwasema. ,,( lVi.o,,.itna. ^H wuuid h»vr vn'ed in rhe »fTtrii'.»: i Mk4 with Nr..r* Merrlmn*!. .lohn.tni.il,I K«iisoni. who would h*.. sotril : :i, Th- r-.uluvlnn »s amewded ws* i: : **a* t\. nays n . tinrU. , ..... : ..-.rem. i.' h* TIM I saivw •>» A. I'.r-y th aad ' ••!. lirant. of mj -'» the Yelbiw-stone 'o the mouth of tin Hum M *isiu a* the H m braaha, which win giv-th'- lowest tide of water, having alreadv j •cured a PsSwMiao.it to iu*k- th s i-\ph>r». ti-ii. If Gen Forsyth is successful I w;!l m i l lo-ii. t iist.r, with a command from Port Lincoln, across the mouth of Powder River, j tliHica u p o n the •on'li bank of tin Yellow s-,,i,e, , rousing Pawner Kiv. r. Tongue River, I Uii'-bud, and on to the mouth of the h.g Horn. This onuntry I* a* yet entirely unexplored, slid the ex]»-ditior. may develop a very valu- able auriferous section and make tne Father U-sin.t -buy t me cMcnt true, but I am ef the belief that the mountain of mica ha* not ( hanged lo gold. Iwlll»l-o»e«d an expedition down Wind Rher, through the <lwl I i—k Mountain*, from Fort Slamhaugh. •• Port Brown, to the II am.ill no-nts are ( at ctnet^Txflrrr^^TVe to be the tie.t of their I (lass In Ib« world. Hut If the opinion of a dealer 1st asked he will trti ( uently re- onimend some other, for the simple rea- son that be can get larger commissions for selling inferior instrument* PILLS which Msntaln antimony.quinine and I a. >mel . h o u l d be avoided, a* *• n ri. grip i,g The aalvsl, ' uti'f or ! Itaics would be their only result. The "e ' n - r ' i 1 A ~" Bafc >»• ^____ I an sou papers are IM rf.riui - ..-In • Water. Address ll. H roll ol wondcrTut enr-« I.. :, I ,ota Mine: si Park-, tt a ik-gal,, I I. Till. M-afaring men of Newfoundland rah pastors the skippers of the chun be* Iron and Hardware. - ,'r n ' I sgo '•' ' I- "t wsrth .<- Iron and hardw are la the and leas divisions and SUIKIIVIMOJ,. of nnr, hand sr Included tn the bmis constitute * great featun ot om meree in every inaiiufai Hiring or mercantile distn.t, sua H, « bi.ago the bnsines* of this department lis* t-owM f> rwnak h i g h figures. An. hotel* and pickle bouaes use Pruaaing'e White Wine Vinegar. A*k your grocer* for It. * Tnc t« -t El„sti Tru**, warranted the be*t, is Pomerov'., 7*4 Broadway. N 'i •>• t ', K' H s r i - - ' - -VINE b --.nr .'• the w '. and cheap. IHL M A Ilk I C*. '.-"•a 'a '3 mouth of the Big Horn, and will bring it back A visit loslino't ..ny ope of the .everal large '.sad .tivs The Semite, in e x e r u t i w »p-«: the-Mib, MaasnstedJI hi t» •% Instton ••' f V I'snl.c *• I fit v.- trtit Ji. ••.• -si. Dnrell. toi.Ti'il r.iiifirmed. and * Pre.Id* nt hs.t aa iii*se to th- Seiist,. s. .,r.l eimri se lu-t.d fnrthi-r iHBBi.iiirs- Afie, vu>. ni •!., Vll r-Pre-Otelil tt «,,Ir SU I • I IVrrs tor 'tie ,.,iirti-"s slid which th-y had presided -hi i.- /.. »,t" »d to ,s to j VST •itS through thr park* about the liead water* of Powder River visited by (apt. Mills smt bis command ls»t summer 1 i . c - p»rk> are for I teantv fullveoual to those neseribed so graph- It ally'hv isen. Custer as existing in the Bla. k Hill* of the Sbyennc. 1 may al-o say from ii.v own knowledge that the valley* of the Big and Little Po |si-agie, Little Wind River, .aid M»in Wind River i ,in scarcely •«• ex celled la beauty snd fertility, wbilcthe student ut nature will tind tie re th- mo»t cxtrsordi- . nary upheavals of the earth'" -rust protiably " hi b e tound on this lontlnent. 1 am of the nt in son that this ronntry is gold la-aring, btit at Its abundance there can only tie a conject- ure at present. 1 feel quite confident of our ability to pre- vent the intended treepa" on the rights of the Indian", and cavalry and infantry in the de- partment of tin-liakota are taring Moved at ttie present time to the most available points, to i a m out my directions of Sept. S of last year. Wet, It not for tie -e precautions on th'- psrt of the Government then- might lie a repetition of the Callfotria (.old Bea. h and G«»ld 1-ake humbug*, wilh a *till greater «iiffir- ing. a* man* of the p-r*on* now i rarv to go to the Blark'Ilill* never thitik of how they stc lo xirt after they get there, or how they could return in case of failure. If tbey will only wait for further inform* lion froin the Government, wbi. I, n.w -.. tn- t,, i.e ib - 'on* of raaking cot" es«inn* tomeet the*' new lntere*t», there will N- no one TURK March at, trr* f l u on Mis'O . sa r . -.. 1 ITS, I Gen. therldan on the Black Hint. Iltsivyt sn-re. MUITSRV Itninn* ,.r -sit Wi-soi m.CHK »„o. aurlfi i«- '• c vv T Snrr.wss. Headoravtmof th I I. -, Bn '•-••'-.i In reply to t-nur QnaMat '• vVbat do you know of tin W», k H br" 1 ri*pecUul'ly submit th. (..",,* ; -. -.•".,»»• My tlr«t know'ciiie of '.!., Kli.k 1 .».. rived from interviews w •' :!,. .,• de Snnt. * nob il t stholi I met m*ny years ago River, in incgo'ti. from nVoa 1 heard di.cn romance.,! a mountain,,( n.-ld Black Hill*, ami ru» etplimtlnn ,,f ih»; *s> traordlnary and delusive "tntr To Indian.. fmyiUersmrnsnd sx| lorrrstte Black Hills country l* murli mure exbndN than that partlcnlar lo. sllli brought t.. swa sjrd ' more willing than my*elf to »id In ascertain- ', ing their vslne; so far as the boons sre con- I . erned 1 will promtae actlvpy iu the present emergen- v and a , onu .euliou* i>erfonnance of duty. Should the point* from which the miner* atari be *o remote a* to mslo if Impossible lor our scanty tor-•-to watch them, wa can occupy the two or three gap* in the Black Hillsand effectually exclude traspsssers. Very respectfully. P H Snraii.s^, L'.iStcnsrt o.nsr*', . iis»m«nd-,nf «l» 1'Uw lat. LtbtT i,i!"i,inarv. «taMl Ut t'oltina* Is- ' i. defendant on tin ,'d, ad and Sth of Jun-. „„(,>, •>( th» public bvil,. t,..••. oft.i-n. Custer, and gel* Hi nsme " j hlnek. si rwbb] i hsrscter nt the tti : grow- on the -ides snd ti.|.i"( tl„ ni..iiV Is;-; Mr Tomer and son testified that Mr Tt- hi r ar-ived at h;. farm at Peckskill on ! phi afternoon of the 2.1. early enough to take i dinner. Two telegraph operator* testified t*> ; the sending of a h legram on the morning of j that day announcing Mr. Be—her'* intended j vi«,t to Peek*kill. Another witness »wore I he .aw Mr. B. there at that time Thorn** J. Tilncy, lawyer, swore j that he wa* married in Brooklyn on the even, j Ing of June ", by Mr. Bvei her. F-edrrick j A Putnam testified th»t he saw Mr. Be.chrr H H,r depot ot l*tc Newttaven Rsilroel on I June 4. PC.'.. TTdin ivfffto 1 .^, Stephen l>. White and H. B Claflln, memt-ers of! the Plymoii'h Church Investigating Com j mlttee, testified as to the statement" made hy j Mr Tilton regarding tin- evidence against ' M-'"'.-,eaw Tie tr„ n IM . h A I st'V having twelve sen ant* in her house gave n small article of drc«*. known among the initiated as a rhemi- aette, and composed of tnu»lin and la«-e. to her ladv's maid to wa«b. the lady's iiiai'l passed it on to the laundry maul, I on the plea that the article w-v- muslin and belongi-d to her department. The laundrv msid declined to do it because it was W e , and. a* such, it must be " got up" bv Ihe lady's maid nei'her •s the whole .,1 \ isnttilaasgM.ua.] th cseetaiitrr a the * e » v (,» 1 Kuvr*. «,, i M and hill*. It ..mpri.. i iiuntry bound' d on Hv deg , on 1he »outh by 1 • t, ,e Riv, rs, on Big Horn snd Wind the north by the Vr,;„s.:,,„,. Thi" I* reallv the cimalrv at the V , v Hills, but embraced In it irrwvoral :... tMa nill'd !<:,,. k Hills" Fur instamt ana "Black Hill* of the I.arsmir," the ' H'.ssnt Hills of Powder River," ind t h e . '„.» Hill* w\ the Shyrnne Rlw," Ihe Islt.i i.iasr- th- loealltv in which On t'u»ter an S 'snnn iMjbsya^y -nd ahwn . Mb there is so much sprcuiitmn st the p.. -m\ time, and within the Uninds of wl,. „ Tim suppo-ed b j a lartt numler..' t<, Father drSm»t rm,uU|., 0 nf th Boulhcrnaud Pittsburgh 4 Fort Wayne Roads, j Mr, Bee.hir, Mr. Ttsij's louncilion wilh silplHi.e* !"• found gold. lather de Sulci's story vis that, w h',1. Iff. „'ould do it. the mistress ordered the necessarv appliance* to IK- got ready, and herself descended to the laundry and washed the article — LonAm Cmirt Junr- tat —TTie T'arisian* devour l(a5.f»0,00t of spples evcrv w inter An eminent Freni h pnvshlan think" that the decrease of dy.pep-t* nni luliont affections in Paris (sowing to the increased consumption of this fruit, wbt< h. be mmtitains tntratde proph viae tic and loarc. s Ma very 0.rtfrr?*.yis*s«>,a..>-' , v-d article of food. houses reveals * general oadit'KW of active prepsratlon for a biisyaeason. S fl Klmbark, stli eessor to the firm of hirut.trk Bns*. A Co., wh.. is ja-rl,*).. mo«l widely »nd generally re- lated to Uie Iron and heavy hardware trade. «nd who I* regarded aa a general Western sntho. Ity In matters and statistics pertaining U.that Interest, when interviewed by a Tn'mmt rep- resenlatixe yesterdsv, aud idly referred lot be depression in the outside manufacturing In- dustry as the mil"! colcspii UOUS lest lire In tb<- reiords of the year, but r.ss.med in s way to apply eftei ts op s national rather than I,a al scale. The business of the great house on Michigan avenue of whuh Mr Klmtiark is the hesd, dat.ng Lack a ipiarter of s i entury, entering somewhat largely Into the history of the cummer." ot the , uy, hss attained a sta- bility and uniformity by simid" magnitude which would naturally prevent Hat*.tig af fected to *ny noticeable degree by the ordi- nary vb Issit'ude. of the markets .t l*i Islmed that to the operations of thi* house I*due the *• cpn*itl«n of ioi,.iiterable i4 the original ter ritory of trade t.-.w < .aastltullrg th* lomroon ground of the • ommen-e of Chicago, in. hid- ing the Ss'.t Lake district, and remoter fields toth" West and South wti.ch Were trsversed ty '- '..-'-. si I :,..,',.' f ,-..,'\ ' • Ihe business id the i ity. long beh^-e any buffalo. or Indian. • r oihct nstive ot those fertile but unchristian lands hsd en r t>een »< ared bv the wh.-t'n of a hanmotiw. And when it i* remeinbi "ad tb.-t for twenty years the liouse has >.instituted a sort of steady . en- ter of distribution of Iron *nd hardwaf sup. piles for manufscturer*. wagon make-*, bla. k«miths and merchants Uiroughout the intir- dominiim rd Weatern commerce, with a.issi rmanent name* <« the books .4 the firm, snd sales aggregating ss high as ••i.lgxl.nsi a year, it Is reasonable to sup- p.a*e that It would rei4uire *,,m<thii'g in.'- Ulan the tem{airary depression in t h ' tnanu ts. turing Industry to {.erieptihly affect the uniform volume' and MMM of business Tbe establishment iteelf I* one of tbe nser- antlle curio*ities and solid stlrsetlons ot Ike city—a center of very great interest to Intel- llgent visitors generally a* well aa to a special community of meehani-*. manutar turers and dealers—and may I* pr,.',» r > ,1. - .gwsted as a perpetual industrial exposition ol iron, steel, nails, carriage and heavy hard- ware, blacksmiths* outfit* and SMMMJ wood material, each rlaasified department snd every hr«**d floor i4 the lofty building afford- ing a display in enormous bulb more rah u. lated to surprise aad Interest the imagination of * wsr-iin maker, Iron mechanic or dealer than a world's fair. ,T .IS*. .1* .SM I- •' 5«0 i.V, arti Its M .tl .l'H$ -IT 4*0 » :: %'.• t So - , .*» I .«0 m •• V 11 IS! -.-• ».S0 kali - » JI ts:. inn 1 M ISA t - f 1 Ml . » ' •• v « NEW BgKF CATTLt. ...... liCK.a-Dressed. Wes-ern Live SHgEP—Live <OTTON-Middtng rUit K-4..-d oCbcdca WHtAT-Brc « Chlrago CORS-Wes'rTa Mixed OAT*-W*.te:n ttixed svaa B\hl.EY-We*tera." "'"... PtiKa-New Maaa 1. Mil iHLKSB rr* 1 WlKiU—Uomeetic Fleaee I CBKAUV. •EKYES-rbotcs G.KKI Medium Butibcr*' Stock. .. S-t«a .sltle •OfiS-Llve -Oisal lo ChaSSe. Itri .sed SI1EF.P-4»«IO«1 'a C hmra BCTT»«-fhoica Te.low E(»<iS-Pre*h CUtESE-N.w T.-k raeUiey Western Paeiory .. FLOCK-Whre Winrtr Kitr* Spr.or Extra (iKAtS-W i,.sr~Si,r.ng. No t. Cora—Ma. 1 Oate—No. a. Rve-No.t Bar'.v—No. t l*Ortk->,w Mess I.AKTI WUOL-Tub-wsshed r.eet-e. washed - : wubed LVNBER-r.r*t tianr » • toad dear Casna I asm ••A-' Lath CTSCINNATI rLfifrt-ramlly WIIKAT—Itofi . n1:\ o v i - ... R\ h BAhl.EY-No I 1N>RK-Mrss LARH »T LOriS. BEEFCATTLE-Pair to c b.dce $».« •OC.S—Lies «« ruiVR-F*. XI sa*v WHEAT-*.• Jh>4 Fa'.! . 1 ! * \ CORN-NO t m usT» v . : «TI--«o 1 104 I BAK1.EY-No.t 1 ni iiiRg-Hes* aaso LAkto ......... .t»-»4 NtLWAVXEK. riAltR-SpT'r.f XX $ * * ft I ' • WHEAT-Spring, Na. t 1 IU % 1014 No. 9 **a># WS4 CORN-No t aw m .•*•» tjilt Mil I M an M $r I»I 1 M a* JJ ' '' f •*' ! -'• s ,1»%, t I. sr* SMI .1* .1.4 ».T*i «.T5 M% Jnsa v^ Ws 11* ISM*. IS so •e Jb x; • • ,.- fill IS* 11.ISI ism .-• is M| MS •4 1 10 m.n a m • •• i i . *i a* 11* i t * 4 W7f> «M BIE-N BARLEY -Ni. . 1* an ad a- wi 1! gastcd WHEAT No. t CORN OATS-No. I... t u n roa A'Ttaw » —1 see that some one In your valuable paper, »»k» f.ir a cure tor | WHEAT—Xxtr* asthma 1 have t«-en afflicted with that ' ' - dreadful dlseas.- for fiarty.four years, and never found relief until last summer. In - k,c- • ••• r the y.eirwa.' sasst .Vssansswr, owe o* your city p*i»r», I saw a aoSJre *4 "O. Lsngeli*' Asthma (ure. One trial free.* 1 *ent and re\*lved by return mail. It gave rae relief m tlte minutes My was one of the verv w..r*t. l»o not fail h> for It. (tod ides. It lavngrli* tor hi* n-medy Hi-addr—* is. " U Laagclls. apple Creak, W.vr.r «•-•••-. '-,:••• . _ \ St a*, ajarw. l:..(\.. -r * li.o ' " ^*" w . LaVELARD Nol Bed a HiRR UATS •lOLEDO. WBEAT-AsabeTttch ";-tiw :.•:..:.: BVFFALsj BEEF CATTLE H«*Hji-LlT» •BEEF-Uv* | EAST LtBBRTT rATTLB-Best t: •xttam -. * a c a » s - \ .:.-=-wnWlt*n»> , . « ^ . ""«l $11. ,f«lis LISAS* It .. . - . s ^ .-.a a 1 "ft 91 -•• ,a .•• i s t i - 1 lV*i*> 1.14 Tl^f Tt M 4> ao I t*MI STTV 9*"«n - rs. rno I - TtrrR spring bonnets are to *.ave very high crowBb. i ~— "T~~ . ,, _ Pbtlaaalnbla ..."." ~77. s *n Taw NowTWwnsTTna* HoMM-NaxL lo.'t «B2tF-B~t a.sn 'FUuahed" >aal la the bmt lathy world. [ Mastna »r M %T» A ran SB SiA ass t> S 40 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They ... 5/1845 Plus... · Xbt new • .ty directory oj St. Louis claims - ' t Hon

• ~ » :


\ * :.*


THE LEADER. i i U V h S. 1,1.1.-., I's'ilishrr.

', . - ..i

• • • • ' . | \pr. l 1 m at swMi as then**". l. k- l- WW pril ' . . Tut reduction . . ,* • T o N v "j o ik , t iom f i t to *;:,



limit F ins ;it Osaka ami Voko-hama. Jaiian.

I'll".' ron

•., I'ailadcl; uia. Irons $19 to $ ' - ; I t l av* .on- inid Washington, from *1« to •*.»; to

B>-*tou, from $W t o t l - J n V Freight rate* .ii,cUI..'.. The T . ^ ' . w any.: " I t ' h e

.. .• A; oi.io intend* v. swap iu ftmmt. advaiitagntl must reduce IU rate, still Un>«r 1 «-«-»urt, in»tr

aose .-»abilsh<:d by tl»e other roads." I " ' - - ' -" ' ' ' Xbt new • .ty directory oj St. Louis claims - '

t Hon <•! 4Wt,«W IB that city on the 1*1 o' last January.

a s to '.lit settlement nf U.e dltt i Mr. Tilton aud Mr. Bowea. L was corroboratory of former

in *.;.•.• par', of '.he detente

Sioux Ir id lxo i .h* w s s s h r w n by A L i o n H u n t at t h e < l u c l u n a t l / o o l o g . • ot go ld , aba-h they l i . lonued n oUalued i t different point* in

leal Garden.

I . : :

r C H O I I M L .

raimib • .- Memphis Grand Jury,**

• , of the. l . .ted elate-• 4 t h o u vo the aft • t iL.r U

. the I nited SUMy jtplleato Slate* and not Ind

-, t n d t int the. denial to a n e g c ot ti ,e full and K,naleuh>yu*eut ot the u w r laodatlou* and privileges of UnsaUrr* and mi,-Is i i M t t w t h a t t h t t l r t t Q t W M M i

tl.-BU. k Hil ls , supposed to be from th" bed. ' I; g K(iin, nissebud aud Powder River*.

sLdlrmu branches .,t the Tonglss Kivet; and :. lb representing that su< h yellow metal

» 4at the greatest value, they told him they , t.or w h e a t there wa» a inour.tam of it. . ii«ri|ttMit laveatig&tiswi, however, proved •jiittli Indian mountain <.t gold w*a nothing

K U u u U * . I r u p i t o M * . a s o M g h fckttt. The •>»trm lieiu^ V u t oi ider the iuRU

MUX i-t lit. I W m ' l Uo ideo Mt-dUal HMMWrf _ . _ . . . „ , i tor a few w m k l . the »km W-voaie* a w u t b . T h e »eB»*twu« .u H M n«.rtUta»t«-ri»lil . l • tu»M. toft and v . lve tv . aud. W i u < i l lm»m*tra

kuhurbt y t a t t r d a y » f t e r a o u n kO'i IMt ' wKk the * • . * of t.erfe*t hea l th U'tm w i t h i o . e v e u u g i u tbt i m that a c a i i t i v e aoi- i true heauty »Uod« forth iu alt i u fluty. Tlte tual of t h e l eo l loe d e w ritit iun h a d i i r o k w l wSecU of all utvlkdnea whit b o^ra'te uj- .u from it» c a t e in t h e L *>V>iv »l t i a r d e n I the . . . w i n through the ot< diutu ot the V**A u d t a a a v i l d l v r o a m i a K a t l i f f k T h * f « " • " . • • i f i •»«»«*»'»». " ~\ • " » » f t W r

. " ; r t . , * . . , , i . , , . , , , . » , l i t - , ,v,» i o » ^ood the retiied} emj . o ) e d ^ h d e o u e utonr a t flrtt M.unded ao m u c h l i k e XYus. w U i f - e ( ^ ( l U w c k i , ^ i k . n of t . i « » * » . • ^ r ^ ^ j S ^ ^ i ^ W - r . ; . v e r u . e u v e n t d . ^ e t h a t

, i t w a t not b e l i e v e d u n t i l it «••» au-atory a thouuht I n o u n c e d officially f r o m t h e t x j H t e i t k -

ti , u . O D the bill*. T h e j>aj~ticuiaik o i the

T l .

RMTttatt Syala—r-arliM H»iuf 1U-bwlltes lAliau-'fl.

Grand Jury of the lJi-.tr!. t of Columbia M M H k , and '.AH only r* reached h>• » i . : djr'j-l WblUdaw ft-1.1, of thi-. Kew York I a l-.

l a rha I h o d a taland !>-.-'.*;»ture <m the 94' (MMJ9MM i-.-ort * a » mad* u.

tl,* recent conflict of authority »* • -*»« V I uiUu otate* M-irnUal »oU tue # U t « C a a » -M M O W '.'.. wholeawhl i U a h •'• '»"\^-

in f.o••. a

i, for llbelloK ex-<>ov. Hheoherd-A r teut Wuihlnttton dUjiat* h .ay» It up

j^-ar- tint u.e. late M M mil M , wh» m • • • '• 1 i ui'-mlier of the Br:li»h f^rliatuenl I •••;! Tiuti'-rary, lrt ' i ind, a* a iuhject 0<

itUwi of the I a t t a c h * by the Marahal and aft«rw»-'

a ii'tmiM • iii-e<-riWd i ,untrv

li.-id »4-arcely girna t h e klkrlhW, until ah<MH ' ) La| (teuad to he ha X lta« bruuirht to way to-M KcBtieKan, vt ho .:• -Hi. I w.i« to t « (<i

; " H.'iuSd • ••: -• • ' • <A tb -

»i.U.(l ] Alter

When Maw year* ag iw York, and It !• o' • tie* 0> a urutu* j *hwd B r where Father I md. ..nd iu .Uted 'bat > .'. • ' once U> Ket fiou. . go ld | . w h h h ;

« Hi' national deht , e t c I had Informed h im that It waa uu old

I i t l i t i l M u i i > Ht'iiulorlHl I'.kt-ur-« i i r . i o u t o v i ev l ro .

'; Victoria, wan

The Chicago "Times" Editor Impris­oned for Contempt.

le h Ssattuwatif liWilri, \ t4f l><is»», "5 •

»r.i «f S»p»f*»i i-.

i t . du. l i on in I'a.M-nirer r'n-lirhU Irom < l i l tago to the l a - t .

A Decision that the Civil-HiuhU Bill Oofs riot Ap^ly to Rf staurants.

1^ Mi r I r o m t . r t i . Mie i iilttii I <>u H i . H l a i k H i l l . .

i ra tMt

K t c , E t c . , E t c . , E t c E ' c .

altli the Al wen made hy

n u n II.N. A I'. - . ' . • ' . • • . • • •

<1,- o\ .-rj ..1 . . ol -|- Id' ;. tlii ohji • I ot » III' w.i- th<- ; , . . ; , . . ; , . • (,. , ' .iiiri-ra. the r> • . MM ' I • ! - - ' • I w* mo ""'" OwJ$w) M I

• I I i l i - .illinif into the nnl'.l ov • i nil • • IIIKI. - II, MM Nav ir" NwT

Incc" over e'urlii' en Mar- old. I."Ill- Ko.i-Ulh I ' - liei'll llf'-.l'."! Ilia l",r-

l lawentar) i ontert in HunKary. ( I . , i 1IM»»I |.. ,•;'• .it'' ii'Ji-d the fiineriil of

Jol .n Mil ,.• i at Kawry, Ireland, -.tt the a«i . A k'n .it tire in-, urri il in OMkka, l a p •", W

tin-Tth of February, w h h h de.troyed 1 . ' " bull III p Mkd c.iu ••! 11.- kwM of "-or. i l $*•». < in the j -ding >:..> •>'• li'iUM-s Were hurni 'I

t i io 'her defent bin l>i«ii lnflicttd uj>oii the OwrU ' - • ' Bwjwrt . in « w k k they I'mt $M unit the Albhon.lata » l l ty .eh/ht killed. Ac. . •• dim; ' " the l.il. < . u U i " from K-d lla, uy t o the -J»',th, fieii . . Mnndera, Sal,.i',la and Tii>

%tany had united m a protcut at i i in-t Oen. Owhrera'a nuuilleato iu favor of Aljihonao.

\ M' loo;ill.i' i . \ i i .t:.i l; . i i di-iiatih of the 'JiMi .iiiliouiii i • th" r»i »|H- of t w e n t y ' " i n iii'in'i-t iiri-'iU' r. Irom Sew t »Ws4o« t h . J . i r t e n £ l £ . . t » « - j / S J I h T w i H . . . t l ir reei i.t arrll ii ''< 0 ' • l.-'Ui.i jroirv. Hi" «'iirll»l« fratenil/.ert |.hon.l«t«i, and deinon.tratiotiii botli arnilea In favor nl jK-aee.

An E. te l la (Hi'iiiu) dlavatrh of tin > t h .«>> th.it lb I'titien from the four j . ioviniea oc-M J f t o i h y the Carllata bad met to consider the rei (ue.t of l)"ii I ' l i lo^ for colitrlhutloti*. and had replied that the country l>-cxhau»tcd. t h a t frenh aacrlfi<e« are linpo»fthle, and that l ion Carlo* nhould procure funds alimad. IHnpatchea ftmn Madrid report tbut Hon Carlo* had ordered periona found readliiK the Cabrera m.mlfe*1o to tie »hot. Thcr'-huve n e e n t l y been additional i i i . tance . "f frab rnl tat loo nf the C'arlUta and Alpl ' • -i-t» on the banks of the U n a . A riantanilci dispatch.tatea that Ikm< arloshad departed for Ksiiniiles with sixteen battalions j and artillery to meet a threatened Invasion of tin prov i iee . Spain had paid 11,'KHI thalcra for the (iu.'.av outrage.

An K tulinntial hurricane passed over Van. rouver Is land on t h c U t h . At Victoria sev-CTal veasels were badly injunrd, trees w, re vprooted and the telegraph lines demollrhed.

The French liovcrninent has denied to th -Hue de Montl^'nsier a passport to Spain on lb . ground that in c i t ing it the (iovernnient Would establish a precedent bv which ex -Vjuieii IsatH-lU niigh*. return to Spain, which was undesirable.

Nearly HaM*** people met in l lyde l'ark. London, on the 'A»1h ult . to expr is - sympathy With and demand Claimant.

I Alj^l i 'M tlltt V <»'«^»».« ••

at /.UUi , laj i"i M l

I all i S ta t ' - ,a» apj -ars from tr .o . - rlpt* the -siord-, r c e i , t l v umrte In the o$b

i rk of the Supreme « > of •, i . , ! i oluni*. .' t ' Hi • M | | li irwaumed the l , o v e n m i e U ,. . ' irai.icript to iio-

, | .... 4

!.. i.- 'i uriii-r'- ' ••••• in.- :* h. Several c o m •:

m.i'l' . . l id MM - llii:"-''. I« b*»-• •

. .. I Intfl itAgatfeXJ I 'OIUII.':' ML 1 stlmony a- to M

I,':- family and toward bar. i , ... « :. i'.-ii-.i -, ••! M M witty, I i • . I • •


I M A Albany Kailroad. «. rwttUtr , . , oi t|M V h ol .'•.•..-.

a t V;- . M'nilt'iii .n dU day Mr. | . ., , ,. f. . - . . I 'o 1,. .. V-. «•••• f

Mi. <-. I Kljiflna, .. d to I . ing - i n " i-

. . a • Wo ,4l,'i.l and Mil* ' ,.. ., • . . : •-•.'.. -toliu

i bo , ! •„ Mi", truth "f tl • •*»»-, , • , M ,.- j . r unit

II, T :• ,i bad proae MM tfoofll ' ttloried In

- - , , - i : . , . | : hi r H a .

| V, ....I'. . i, i • ,. M-, \V ll.'. . - MM ' • ' ' "

,'.!.. | | , I, ,il frequently f-n >!»• I at th- house and MM I ' •

. : :, ,f Mi • YYii.nlliu:l. H- 'I-the nlHi-e tery often in the suimmr of 1HT1 !• . ,, -i i o| tlte iiillilli .•;."', "I ','••- -•

. • : ,n w.- le - - i

m o-.i'.'ht to M M -ll ;'. M le ' '• t ' ••' .., .: foi th'a w , ,'nl , MM i , " m • flltj

( i . . . ., would Mif $lMg$H t • I -ve it -•• M M C W i l i n - - l.„d M I Nt 'I •' Mi-. WieilhiiM ofli ii i tttMg tMMtMT, With •: . arms around eactiothcr. Kii hard Adaiu" Qtwj ..nd U H • A n i i ' i l — •' ••''• ' -;' • ''I. for-ii-' iu in th- eiiii'iov of Mi- 97«ewhsS U-.tii.'il to having seen M Tilton frequently : , . - „ • TTwiibltl hoti- . ,o-'. M bMThjfwH

many demonstration, of attrition he. i w - , V.i . ' l . . I 1 M.-. W. I I - w.'i • - '•! 4 reiiieiiibered a conven Iweei Mr. I mid M n . W . about getting Mr. Heeihi r to pre-• id.- at Mrs. W.'s St, ii.w.,, H.r.i meeting in lv-n- .Mr. . W.aaid he had belt, r preside or . h - wou'.d oiake it \ i ry ho' I I bini- Ml 1 M-. T. a a l d h e t B e t c h c r i wouidhavi to and wouli

. . i sti,.i, '.f . lodge I ' fliirell, and to whi Ii . t in! . - Partial- w a. ni.m- j .i '. I l.v the pri-idelit , I i." al . ich ii"ln. ...'..••! •he (senate refused to coi.i. rm, ' annot ' • I until the next .ess lon ol I .itigr—s. A S i w c»i b a n s dUpat. hof the'Ji'ith . ays judge Woods had decided that the tUtutM give him tin power to n-le. t a Distri. t .lu-lg- in h i . I lr. u,', to ti'.l the Hun '.1 vacant y.

t o n . l l Augur arrived in S e w Orl-ar.s from TwSM on th - 9fttli, and th - n-xt day as. sumed command of t h - ' • •: . - ' i i - s Iriaips stationed there, Ucii. Emory , i a \ . i i g tor W ashiugton.

A Senatorial excursion t . rty h .'I '.Va-hing Pm on the 'itlb tH r-i-iXt (or Mexico It is com-p«i*ijd of the following person* Senators t'anw-ron. Patterson, l l -nnis , Anthony, Mor­ton, i v -en.ilor l handler, Tom Scott and wife, Wayne McVeigh and wife. Hen l'erley P.air-. ' f tlir Boston ..'..irun'. and Ml»a l',."re, Mrs. Senator Morton, and i<\.(«o\ I'irowii. of 1,1-orgia. arid wife. It Is st.itrd that the State lVepartment has official-lv aa-nri-1 Mexican Minister Marl., il that the excursion has no political slgnifii am e , Whatever, litllCt Immediate or rellio-l

Urn. splinter ha» tendered b l i resignation I i s Cnitcd Slate . Treasurer, t"Uke effect July I, and th-res ignat ion haa been accepted by the Prealdert, ;,nd tba po»ltion offered to John C K e w . t ashler of the l i n t National Hank of Indianapolis, tnd.

t o m e days ago an arti.li appeared ;n tha Justice tor the Tlchborue Chicago TUSKS • liarai teriring > Urand Jury

I In the Criminal Court of ( h h a g o , which hail i )u«t found four Indhtnivnt* against Mr ! Storev, thi editor, for libel, as a dlsrepuUhl i . I cobteinptlble and dishi«e*t lnidy. Be. an-.-1 of theae strictures Judge Williams ;.--m d an I • rflcr thai Mr. Storey should show rause why

fan should not he punished for contempt. Ik . he i i c i g o . u i r n l o n ",*-.• 'J*1h ult., and

j reanlteil in Mr. Storey Iwing sentenced •'• ' tifi days' i oi-.ttnetnent in the Iciunty Jail. I About e levm o'clock on the evening , f thai 1 dwy a writ of «.i;.r^it*4. was issued l,y .linle;-, Me Mlister, of the Supreme Court, under

wtih h Mr Sb.rey « • • held to bail in the »um 14 Fi.NOO Ui await the action of the S.ipremi

Omrt. .1 oiies l.l'k.. the San Fran, i s c i millionaire,

hJ>« filed In the Re,-order's office of that elty * r , Mieation of the trust deed • ve, uted last i Jaily conveying t o . property ;.. V'l-'.—s for I » r l m i - t - i i . \olcnt purpose. H- recite". | IP the revocation, that he wishes to 1

1 Jrovlde for parties having natural claim* I of Representative i i n him, to amend the original instrument, !

Id at Cincinnati on | i n d . w l t h n l u r n l n g health, to g ive hi" per- I Jon si attention to the e x e n l i o n of his d--1 iigns. He confirms t'.ie acts heretofore j ier- | formed by the trustees.

s. \ -ral witnesaet testified In the B>,»c)ur | kiii', on the '̂ t'th ult. as to the win reabout* •>( I

• f 1..' Sta'e ' ' - » , f - made froui the

lv i«Ut lo i i «f the State law. Th« eoi ,,, --o. • ' ' .• f ••: p. . - oCPro

Of ( i r i . t I rt-m - f,r re(U»Uig to obey tb« t t , , , „ . . - .'. aiding Inatead the Vi.

• •.':; = . n • J lb« ad, • . ..- the Govera

• , ••.. ; • • • • • • i t the Ual • tathw; to'

| InUTfir-i, • of UM I •'•'• I > 'a- - - Marabal lb- lll»*ri ' of ii ' tbe at i . - - ' ''--'r dwt} i,,. , • .1 t .,-.'.d-i.ee ou tht 33d of FebMU

MM i. .. ; IMJ '-as ls .ued a < aU for a » « r

sessloii of . -i.iture, ton, on the 14th of A p i i i . ' o . ,rrv out the ad.

. ''.-kalld for v.'. •

A bill to n pi al the Registry law of •Hate has b " u defeated in the lower hou . .

• ! . - . -".' ire. The i. i . ' Keyubli at, s'.ib-ronTMjUo .

• ,i K.,- i .ovenwr,Hi l.i,.,.. •• . . ' i u , . lieiiU-naiitaflMrci Henry T - • - • • , of t.inle Comptun; Mere

tt Addeman: Attarney^kii. .rd S a y k i ; General Tr-naurer, ban

• brec arc the preaMrt be ' • > . - . "

\ ! n Prohlbltlonlrta hart • - a t e tl, ket nominated at Lai. .

, I ni The reaaona which has-toU.li . • •:• -*.it.d byftaC: i, ..<• - . ' - I .•i.tr.ilC,.iuraltteea»9al" • / . • _ ' ] ! . N.nomination ot Judge br

- • . . i . . • •.•. Iii-moi rats arid j ' .... ' - ' l l . e to ii political t.

of the offices of Ju.tlcea of the Supreme' and Ri'gents of '..c tn iv . -r . t ty; TMrrl-raabmatlon of thr t the candidaten-na:-'l al the Prohibition State Coawn,

The Khod- l . U n d I»• in... rttic t U b ' yention ui I'rov.'leic c on the 'iTth soa, I ol. K. fu l ler , of Warren, for Gain John H. Pier-e for I.ieutcnant-Goin i • ),. . I: Gorman for Attomey4ltii ai .1 Philip Klder (or General Treaaunr

T h - ; ' . . jr ietois of a Chicago 1Mb.. were recently liefore I nlted S u t e t Obi. sinner H'Viie on a charge of having Ho! the Civll.Hlghti law. ami were diacHlf-

•ind that a r - . U u r a n t ia Mt«i icud In r.-e dm s not come withii. thepati of the law.

The United S l u t . . Su;ir-

• t • .nfer tut i

iffi igc upon any..i.e. uml that tbeb i,i - ,.f the —veral State" wbi' ll i -I» list lo m m alone ace not rn sst-

I 1 he court l» unanimous in thli ••'.• j which i n delivered by th< < I • ' Ji|.'

The Califo'i ia a a M M t tMll | Hon Is to hi- I.e.l at Sa'; Krai.. ... owe

of ,lUI,e

mdexpicMlcd story his aidor cootod, and tb • n.ei i t »liout the "laoui i la in of .

sjjitl auUided. HtehMMKbed, how-ver, that the Black Hills

I wai euoraced in my Military i uiaiid, a u d t w o v e i r s a x * it beckasc apparent to me t h a t a wi l iUrv post in the Blask Hill*

- . una would toon IH-COBM! aaceaaaxy | rthe i/roinr protect'.im of tbeaettleoicnta in

UMUI froMi the raiaa of btoux warr.ors, - so a, v* ays before they c o M M B c t depridat-

'i.-r a«ured a iafe pta* e for their - I i : . , ; , . in t h - b.-allty o e n t i o a t d .

. ..g that these looiaits would never • I.- * a r n n o u r krlUriu-nU a. l>ng aa we iid threaten their faiuii •» slid Villages in - r.-iootc Im avlity, ai* t • game and

i ' .hat goes to ii.ak- I i . i ai, oi. eoMfurtaMk, ud w i t h this purely mil tare o' .jeit in v iew, - .>r<ler aaacjiven for IL Cuatar reconaola-

blatcbt i , erupt ions , yellow apota, < om.-d.jo or " grut*," adoaeii May psmthly 1« resankwt ta cure aoane caaea where ll.. -Sen with scrofulous or vtrulei.1 blood p o U o n .

e x c i t e m e n t art a s folVowa: The cure of all theae dlacaaea, l , .we»er . front .V'IOU'. three o c l o c k in t h e a f l c m i s o n . g « u * plMipto to t̂ he worat acrUttla, U,

boy w a s l ead ing n d o n k e y in trout ..! a ' » ' • • • ' l u e u r "l tl-"> » « ' • ^"^ ° ° 7 • , . u ! . ? lr T v. , "i i . , u i a matter of Umt. c j l d bv dealer- iu n « c . . cajce I D t h t " buffa io-Uouae , iu w m t b

M 1 1 - 1 1 * a. *• a O ^ W .

» » • 'o . ' i t in I a i w o - y . - . r aM .I ' .ue- . . a , . . v k a t t . • - I T H H t r r r i u x a — 1 1 wei.. r n . - | . . . - i n c u , l e t e o t l y p u r c b a a c d from , , „ , . , , , „ v. y

, , i . r t a t Ea.-t .ru u i - u a g e r i e c o l l e c t i o n , i,- p, v P i t a t haflaia N. x . a l L e b a n o n , O h i o . T h e aavavge a n i m a l , y»„ r s,r—l mm s ix ty year* of age, aad have in a fit of rage, U i u n d e d a g u i n s t t h e bars, 1 boon afflicted with Sai l Kb* uui ia tie w h i c h \ n I ' ic l . a n d l e t .1 tr^\ l l lmtuc- I lorm tor airreat many years out'.:, acchtomlaiU d i a t e l v l i o u a u e d on t h e d o n k e y , wbi. b , 1.-.« » « « • > « ' ' h o o k , which we^rli-rd I t t a w o w c t w » . t h r o w n u . t h e ffmmL] WSm^SSPmml ^ b M - ^ U T ^ ^ r S f . T h e laiy w h o V « W a u i n i t h e l i ear , waa £ : ^ t l ^ T From M C acrati bed on t h e b a n d w i t h t h e c lawa Of | M I In m j • • • JT T ~ l l -—*—H covswwd with the l i o n e i i , but o t h e r * i * e t w a p e d u n - ,rupt ioi . . . a.«o on face aau iMjfis IwrwaUaa-

; hurt, and ran a w a y T h e iwsor d o n k e y i wist aSis-tod with U so that 1 I w u terr ibly l a c e r a t e d » W u l t h e n e c k waJk.d w.-.h great difficulty, aad ".hat i* . i,.

and the hinder parla w i t h t h e c l a w * a n d Urely cured. Mar Gwd apart j

I . in dlwiiVfry of partlclea of gold by i'.i.vlal washing :.. ,ir riaracl - I'-ak, on the

a ilopa of the Black Hill* .rf the . ' • (i •! aad --.-lit t" the surface

Father ii. - rv to: l b - tlnrd iiuir

t e e t h of the l ion . »*, b u t g a i n i n g Hi f e e t turned uj<on a n d * e k t d w i i b it* t e e t h it* aaaai iaat and ifeuMa i l v i c i o u s l y . At th i* t h e l i o n e s s q u i t t e d t h e d o n k e y and b o u n d e d a w a y t h r o u g h t h e park . > o o n the n e w s o f i t s l i b e r a t i o n s p r e a d ami |

Iu n-nuitii a blecaisg U» u i . i ,. ;. V'lU. . o . . told gran ' . M H . A. W. ttn.Liau..


K i t - Dr- . i ' iKA.NUi i t .—A r e a l KtoUhf m a n Of W o m a n i s a r a r i t y , a n d w h a t i w o n d e r * w h e n w e r e a l i z e t h a t it i» t!.>

-turn t o o v e r l o a d t h e c t u i n a c b , a n d c r o w d ga thered , b u t a o s . n diajserstd w h e n . t l j , . u r „ . a e , U r „ n k d i^ . , , . . . b y the u»c t h e l i o n t s s p u t in an a p u e a r a n c e . L ieut . , . , k p l r l t U u U s ^jjuora, " T o n i c a , ' "Api*«-C o d y a a d t w o or t h r e e p o l u c n i e n <r.. iu . , , . . . • - j u - . t o r a t i v e , , t t . H a v i n g t l tet C o r r y v i l l t UistrK t h t a t i o n hapi*ened t o ptyMivct!li u i b 4 : : i M . b y L-dlacrelk**, t h e be in the p a r k at t h e t j u i e a n d a c o u n c t . v „ , , m w o n d e r , » • / . . a,Ahm)i d.^-s b i n of w a r w a a h e l d . T h e y t iebatei l • „ . .> i , . - , ' a t i _ r „ i U l t l . . , . . _ .

Hla-k H U i . of the Shvi one, de . r . u d | „ . . . „ f l , , „ . w h e t h e r t h e v w o u l d ' g , ' „ ,' , , 1 t '*'""*. l"- ' " * l

tue q u e s t i o n w i i e i n e r i m y w o a i u tbi-y a l l , <>r n e a r l y a l l . Hod a ba*i» in a l --.,. " t h t a n i i i i a l o n ' b . - - p . , 1 - i capture , „ , ; , ; _ , , r , . , l l ^ , N ' ' T „ K U t h u * d iacour-t t - U v e T h e y s u r r o u n d e d i t , but Use d w e C M 1 e ^ ^ U o u a l y , , y . " a x a k c c irc le waa v e r y w i a e . A s t h e c i rc l e g r e w , „ , m o p e t r i a i •. i ) i f t C ( U .d s p i r i t u o u s a

1 . - l u s t , i. ., ,1 between tl t h aud s o u t h lurk- of that river, one of • h i s known a- ti ie Belle Fourche, the

fork; and *ltb"Ufh I b s v -.'.I C'.liilleliec ill tin- .tateUlulll of

• n«r and (ieu. it gold waa found

let>* in d ia lne ler , the- l t o n e a s in the m i d - < i n - , a n d g i v e s a l t Kfc a c h a n c e , aiding; For- . ' ! , . ,.f m v s t a i l d l e g r o w h n g and s n a r . i n g a n d l e a p i n g hi.t iUh,rT . t r u c g l . - b y u n u g -me of '.. it

m a r Harney . peak 1 . a U . u t , the o i n c e r s c o n c l u d e d neither t o , ( W a ^ j B 3 w l u l ' l e n i l ( r a h e r b rtnxe-shoot nor c a p t u r e a l i v e I l..-y got o u t i d | e » i B , w k L . „ , V l M , . . , , . B I T T K I : S .

n a m e i u ex , .u .uce f U „ , t v 1 c i m t y » s i . u i c k a « t h e y c o u l d . , x k * dhwoxDrtT , W J . W a i a v t u . of C a . i

Which Is :. ,i M M

•*•< imen«

,!'.lv i i y iL-re tniad. - . - •

. i g e IjUUUtil il -T l i e i e is n u t a Terr

: . . . l doss ui .t ex.-I, . l a - i t i b - ItoaHi d I - UlU'il as has vet

."- H-ak. The •rougtit back by the Cust. r exped*ltlon are ,. .t favorabie Indi.-utlous of the ex iab i al .•••Id in any great i.uantitv. Still .t •

• i.ut a* the treaty of i'a'i^. duly ral n< d, ,;rtually deeds thia i»irtlon of the Black il . l i s hi the Sioux Indlaua, there is no alter.

•i.ut t o keep out ,r-.pa.*er*. But to g o back to the Palhcr d> si,, . I ml •-

n. . i t iou, lh«i . .- i . . ' MU, I, doubt of the lor-•ii—sof his Itatl melt that gold exist* In . . ..aantitics .i, t h e Bla, k Hill- , bu'. non k

. ihcrWcat than t h e R a c k Hill* of the Shy. l i e 1 Ii., v - g - t s from the Big Horn

ainl Tuugue Rivera, and raauy specimen* from i.ear lort aWMaiiaairh, ii, ',i..- LTpncr Wlwd it. v-r c u n t r y , where mining has fall ad h

i '

I T h e panic s p i t ad , a n d a t u m u l t u o u a hem the ! s k e d a d d l e f ro in the p a r k w a a m a d e .

Spec ta tor* s t a t e t h a t t h e a p p e a r i n c e i o f the CM-ajK-d a n i m a l w a s m o s t tur iou*.

E x c i t e d w i t h i t s f r e e d o m , it w o u l d s t a n d ' for a tew m i n u t e s w i t h g l a r i n g e y e s a n d ! o p e n m o u t h , la . -h ing i t s s i d e s w i t h i t s ; ta i l and u t t e r i n g w i l d , h i a a i n i cr ies , a n d

then spring in to t h e air. In a n W l i 1 s p a c e of t i m e the l i o n e s s h a d the w h o l e ' pnrk to i t se l f . L a t e r in t h e e v e n i n g a

uunil ier of Hi'n aud I n i y . aaaenxbied f r o m t h e neigbtxirluNxl w i t h p u t o l s ana g u n s . and with tin- i u n a e n t of t h e Zoolog ica l

: G a r d e n . a u t h o r i t i e . s t a r t e d in on a g e n I n ine lio'n h u n t , t h e o b j e c t b e i n g to ki l l . the brute , a - it w a s a p p a r e n t t h a t i l I i o u l d no t 1 * t t ihcn a l i v e . Ala iut s ix 1 o'cbKk i; w a s f o u n d i n a n o p e n s p a c e

f water for alluvial washing and from j »oine di-lan<«• t r u m t h e c a g e from w h i c h

; f o r n i a . is no p i e t e n d e r , but an b o n o r a b . e i p r a c t i c i n g puys i i ; a n . and b i s d i s c o v e r y :s

raa-nit o f y e * r » o t labor a u d s t u d y T l . ' w o n d e r f u l c u r t , e f e c t i •! by t l u i u o f D y s p e p s i a . F e v e r s , R h e u m a t i s m a n d m a n y o t h e r t e r r i b l e d i s e a a e s a l e a l m o s t i n c r e d i b l e .

-s A a r Y-.f A W S K K T M S I I H L l'a- ! \ i t o a t t a

• 1 i . • • a i i . s . . - i ougba. Colds, Mron-. h . t i . , Pa.ns iu the Bide a n d ! bawt, Uifhcurttoa irf Breathiug, i t e r If you j.-ruut theaa symptom* to run on tubercle , will hf the re. iUlt, and end in Consuiaptioc Now. If y, i w a n t t» cur- these d iseases , u . e Alien's Luug h*'-ain without delay.

For sale by ai! Medicine Healers.

uo.tllltle* of the Indians; and _-..od reaaou to bdi-ve—In fact, uul t t i ei tain—that gold exists In the • iwl Creek Mountains, in the Lower W W

e l h A m ll,. I ni'. i! I

It ..rain'i III the headwaters of the Powder •hearand the Koaabud, all the - • liaalltiea

itidcr the general meaning in the Black Hi l l s , and outs .d- of the Sb. nnu i . A i - i i and Terry treaty of With i -xi ept so far • i- ".l.i- privilege l o hunt game I t l i a a b e e n

i.-. ii. to communicate u u i h ii.forma-ion this c.imlng summer to 'he Govi rnunnt u '.i.e atsove-de*crttM$ country; and as the

UbMSwS have no absolute right to the soU, there m a y be but little ilifllenlty m exliu-

1 , J \ " '• i l i - c a p e d . W i t h a s h o t - g u n , h e a v i l y ' ' l o a d e d w i t h b u c k s l m t , P a t r i c k M . A v o y ,

a cari>enter, fired t w o loadw a t the ani m a l ; one shul n i i - - e d and t h e o ther t o o k ct leet in t h e a n i m a l ' s s i d e , f rom w h i c h it

Enaovmicin us hire—All in r e u s dhwjr-ders ,chronic diseaaoaof Ike . h e - ' , bead, stoma.-1,, kidneys and Mood, a t has and pa ins , ncrvou* and general debility, etc„ awVck y cured after d n . g * fall by wearing Volta's El< , -tro B-ll* *nd Band*. Valuable iwok I.-Vol la Belt Co,. Cincinnati . «n...•

M J:'.

have i Waa rirst Invent-

nr than fifty year*

n fel l u p o n i t s s i d e a n d died . I n the I • ' ' • ' ' J**'* Am''y^*.. , i» , n i , , u . . . „ „ . . , . . i , . . .« -a .1. .ni. , t d , during wbi. h t l t a e handrt-ds of tliou*aiida

c o s i n g t ight t w o m e n w« re t h r o w n d o w n u ^ t . ^ U l „ . n U r d b y i u U M . p r o , ^ , , S v n u

i n d hurt , t h o u g h n o t s e r m u s l y . j a r l U i e e v e r U - c a « e so uuiversally po imlar A l t o g e t h e r , the s e n s a t i o n w a s a h u g e ( wi th all claaae* a* •/•.'aavi,'- i - , - . . /, •.•

.. , . . - - t h o u g h t h e Zoo log ica l SiK-iety b i- to no m rn t h e l . . . s of a n f i . l ' f t a n i m a l —C'laciaiuifi C<.»»m«rew«, M-irrh ib

Big I

ttiaa alaa


• :


T h e I'nlted State* S o o n , - i elded that dividend* and profit* earned in the last half ot the year 1*711 are sub\ect to tra­in, ome tax of 2 ) t JUT cent.

J a m e s Brown w.,» I. o ..-d :,' r-."-\ Pa., on the 94th, for the murder. In February, l sTi , of Daniel S. Kreamer, his wife, her m o t h ' i i M r - . V.e In nu i ' and Annette hrca mer.

In it-ply t o a telegram from o iv of the Miners w h o recently came out of the Black HUI*, li* to whether he would be JH rmilt. d lo return with reinforcements anil provision*, Gen. Cnil is reported us saying: "Tnx ips fri.tu Pint Laramie and hostile Indian* have Iwitb gone tor you miners. For their sake* I h o p e the troop* will reach them lir-t, a« the military order* are simply to bring In the party, i ot'flnc the leader", hurn tlnir wagon*, and destroy their outfit."

A National Confereni Worklngineii is to be I t h e lir-t Tuesday in September next.

A large body of annul Mexicans attacked everal r»nche. about seven mile* from

Corpus Chrlstl, Tex . , on the evening of the antti, Riid robbed one stor»'. taking several American* prisoner*. An inva-lon of the city a n s apprehendi d and the excitement waa Intense, all the rlt ltens ralng under arm«

After the 1st of next M»y mutilated cur-Ten, y wilt lie redeemed according to rules wli i -h were formerly in existence hut after ward abolished. Money will t«e redeemed si cording t o the proportion remaining of th,

Ma* A Washlntrton dlspstch of t i e '>»h says

!n«tm. Hon* would Immediately !«• issued a. »y- •"i-k,la-akY*r l > l l " ' , l " : ' ' '" the il.-neral

commanding In Texas to take «'uWiYfr«r-...T.-.. a* may be powilble to deal summarily with Mexli an raider*.

The Chicago paper* of the .nth announce a material reduction of passenger rate* to tha F.a»t over the Michigan Central. Michigan:

I . * . S l i ^ t r t i K X T H A SlkMllS.

T h - L o u i s i a n a r e s o l u t i o n » i . ' , : w J T Oehate.i on the *td. M —-r. ,|..r - i ' sjker si,4 Tliuiiiian speak.i,^ n i.',-,.. - Mr i hri.nsii. » . - • ' . - • • - -, gaage of the res..Intl.in slid the ttnald vrtr tor ll An asasadisi ihc u.e of the army in UTS Ssawfoi l ad fe Barell aad 'he losmvi

soldier* with the 1 .•>•-->-ian. I».-w»« rejected— yr»* * t n*>- v. \ , u> tie rase sttan w*s ih.v. »nd rejected ve»* J*, c m , her. in . nntaioed is me»m in »rHia i v i Krlkkzgl*<f< ;••" i,oT,-rn..r ol '

aestinn then being on .he res. I »* nWcltnted for thai it Hi

luiv.i-n. tl w»* agreed -i follows: Fsa* Alll.oii. At. I I. Ilr'ire. ta iswHi, Cameron (Wit ,i . I onklinK. « rsitln. II..t— > I iKiclc . i . -• v. Hsr.i . . II •, ., H l««»:ls. Jones i > « ,Lofran.ttrhMlu k M rrtll iNe •. M-.-r. I \< htoiq, l'» P*tler*«in. Bobertaou. Ssrgaat, Sbiraui - M B > irr. Wa.l'.eurli. tt • •', tt , ..lnm \i„. l.,rMfi Bngy. Booth. < spenr«. < oekrrlt.i -\ • owstt, liennls. i.i.Tdon torn—ot, • 1. ni in - HTak KelU, kerwaa, •ce'raery, Mav.i \.;• d-U'ti. Saal'Stiry, Stevenson. Tlim '.see. W'hyte. tt ither*. Msasn H > ' unMBt

- . and Cwasema. ,,( lVi.o,,.itna. ^ H wuuid h»vr vn'ed in rhe »fTtrii'.»: i Mk4 with Nr. .r* Merrlmn*!. .lohn.tni.il,I K«iisoni. who would h* . . sotril : :i, Th- r-.uluvlnn »s amewded ws* i: : **a* t\. nays n . t i n r U . ,.....:

..-.rem. i.'

h* T I M I saivw •>» A. I'.r-y th aad ' ••!. l irant. of mj -'» the Yelbiw-stone ' o the mouth of tin Hum M *isiu a* the Hm braaha, which win giv-th'- lowest t ide of water, having alreadv j • cured a PsSwMiao.it to iu*k- th s i-\ph>r». • ti-ii. If Gen Forsyth is successful I w;!l m i l lo- i i . t i ist .r , with a command from Port Lincoln, across the mouth of Powder River, j tliHica u p o n the •on'li bank of tin Yellow s-,,i,e, , rousing Pawner Kiv. r. Tongue River, I Uii'-bud, and on to the mouth of the h.g Horn.

This onuntry I* a* yet entirely unexplored, slid t h e ex]»-ditior. may develop a very valu­able auriferous section and make tne Father U - s i n . t -buy t me cMcnt true, but I am ef the belief that the mountain of mica ha* not ( hanged l o gold.

I w l l l » l - o » e « d an expedit ion down Wind Rher, through the <lwl I i—k Mountain*, from Fort Slamhaugh. •• <« Port Brown, to the

II am.i l l no-nts are

( at c tnet^Txf lrrr^^TVe t o be t h e tie.t o f the ir

I ( l a s s In Ib« w o r l d . Hut If the o p i n i o n of a dealer 1st a s k e d h e w i l l t r t i ( u e n t l y re -o n i m e n d s o m e o t h e r , f o r the s i m p l e rea­son that b e c a n get l a r g e r c o m m i s s i o n s for s e l l i n g in fer ior i n s t r u m e n t *

P I L L S which Msntaln ant imony .quin ine and I a. >mel . h o u l d be avoided, a* *• n ri . grip i,g

The aalvsl, ' uti'f or

! Itaics would be their only result. The

"e ' n - r ' i 1 A~" B a f c — > » • ^ _ _ _ _ I a n s o u papers are

IM rf.riui - ..-In • Water. Address ll. H

roll o l wondcrTut enr-« I.. :, I ,ota Mine: s i

Park-, tt a ik -ga l , , I I.

Ti l l . M-afaring m e n o f N e w f o u n d l a n d r a h p a s t o r s the s k i p p e r s of the c h u n be*

I r o n a n d H a r d w a r e . - ,'r n ' I sgo '•' ' I - "t wsrth .<-

Iron and hardw are la the and leas divisions and SUIKIIVIMOJ,. of nnr, hand sr Included tn the b m i s consti tute * great featun ot om meree in every inaiiufai Hiring or mercantile d i s tn . t , sua H, « b i . a g o the bnsines* of this department l is* t-owM f> rwnak high figures.

A n . hotel* and pickle bouaes use Pruaaing'e White Wine Vinegar. A*k your grocer* for It.

* T n c t« -t El„sti Tru**, warranted the be*t,

is Pomerov' . , 7*4 Broadway. N 'i •>• t ',

K' H s r i - - ' - -VINE b - - . n r .'• the w

• '. and c h e a p .

I H L M A I l k I C*.

' . - " •a



mouth of the B ig Horn, and will bring it back A visit l o s l i n o ' t ..ny ope of the .everal large

• '.sad .tivs

T h e Semi te , in exerut iw »p-«: the-Mib, MaasnstedJI hi t» •% Instton ••' f V I'snl.c *• I f i t v . -trtit Ji. ••.• - s i . Dnrell. toi.Ti'il r.iiifirmed. and * Pre.Id* nt hs.t aa iii*se to th- Seiist,.

s . . , r . l eimri s e lu-t.d • fnrthi-r iHBBi.iiirs-

Afie, vu>. ni •!., Vll r-Pre-Otelil tt «,,Ir SU I • I IVrrs tor 'tie ,.,iirti-"s slid which th-y had presided -hi

i.- / . . »,t" »d

• to ,s to j



through thr park* about the liead water* of Powder River visited by ( a p t . Mills smt bis command ls»t summer 1 i . c - p»rk> are for I teantv fullveoual to those neseribed so graph-It ally'hv isen. Custer as exist ing in the Bla. k Hill* o f the Sbyennc. 1 may al-o say from ii.v o w n knowledge that the valley* of the Big and Little Po |si-agie, Little Wind River, .aid M»in Wind River i ,in scarcely •«• ex celled la beauty snd fertility, wbi lc the student ut nature wil l tind tie re th- mo»t cxtrsordi-

• . nary upheavals of the earth'" -rust protiably " hi b e tound on this lont lnent . 1 am of the

nt in son that this ronntry is gold la-aring, btit at Its abundance there can only tie a conject­ure at present.

1 feel quite confident of our ability to pre­vent the intended t r e e p a " on the rights of the Indian", and cavalry and infantry in the de-partment of t in- l iakota are taring Moved at ttie present time to the most available points, to i a m o u t my directions of Sept. S of last year. Wet, It not for tie -e precautions on th'- psrt of the Government then- might lie a repetition of the Callfotria (.old Bea. h and G«»ld 1-ake humbug*, wilh a *till greater «iiffir-i n g . a* man* of the p-r*on* now i rarv to go t o the Blark'Ilill* never thitik of how they stc l o • xirt after they get there, or how they cou ld return in case of failure.

If tbey wi l l only wait for further inform* l i o n froin the Government, wbi. I, n.w - . . tn-t,, i.e ib - 'on* of raaking cot" es«inn* tomeet t h e * ' new lntere*t», there will N- no one

TURK March at, trr* f l u on M i s ' O

. s a r

. -..

1 I T S ,

I Gen. ther ldan on the Black Hint.

Iltsivyt s n - r e . MUITSRV Itninn* ,.r - s i t Wi-soi m.CHK »„o. aurlfi i«-

'• c vv T Snrr.wss. Headoravtmof t h I I. - , Bn '•-••'-.i In reply to t-nur QnaMat

'• vVbat do you know of tin W», k H br" 1 ri*pecUul'ly submit th. (..",,* ; - . -.•".,»»•

My tlr«t know'ci i ie of '.!., Kli.k 1 .».. rived from interviews w •' :!,. . , • de Snnt . * nob il t stholi I met m*ny years ago River, in incgo'ti. from nVoa 1 heard di.cn romance.,! a mountain,,( n.-ld Black Hill*, ami ru» etplimtlnn ,,f ih»; *s> traordlnary and delusive "tntr

To Indian.. fmyiUersmrnsnd s x | lorrrstte Black Hills country l* murli mure exbndN than that partlcnlar lo. sllli brought t.. swa

sjrd ' more wi l l ing than my*elf to »id In ascertain-', i n g their v s lne ; so far as the boons sre con-I . erned 1 will promtae actlvpy iu the present

emergen- v and a , o n u .euliou* i>erfonnance of duty.

Should the point* from which the miner* atari be *o remote a* to ms lo if Impossible l o r our scanty tor- • - to watch them, wa can occupy the two or three gap* in the Black Hil lsand effectually exclude traspsssers. Very respectfully. P H S n r a i i . s ^ ,

L'.iStcnsrt o.nsr*', . iis»m«nd-,nf «l»

1'Uw lat. LtbtT i,i!"i,inarv. «taMl • Ut t'oltina*


' i. defendant on tin ,'d, ad and Sth of Jun- . „„(,>, •>( th» public bvil,. t,..••. oft.i-n. Custer, and gel* Hi nsme "

j hlnek. si rwbb] i hsrscter nt the tti : grow- on the -ides snd ti.|.i"( tl„ ni..iiV

I s ; - ; Mr Tomer and son testified that Mr T t - hi r ar-ived at h;. farm at Peckskill on ! phi afternoon of the 2.1. early enough to take i dinner. Two telegraph operator* testified t*> ; the sending of a h legram on the morning of j that day announcing Mr. Be—her'* intended j vi«,t to Peek*kill. Another witness »wore I he .aw Mr. B. there at that t i m e Thorn** J. Tilncy, lawyer, swore j that he wa* married in Brooklyn on the even, j Ing of June ", by Mr. Bvei her. F-edrrick j A Putnam testified th»t he saw Mr. Be.chrr H H,r depot ot l*tc N e w t t a v e n Rs i l roe l on I June 4. PC.'.. TTdin ivfffto1.^, Stephen l>. White and H. B Claflln, memt-ers of! the Plymoii'h Church Investigating Com j mlttee, testified as to the statement" made hy j Mr Tilton regarding tin- evidence against

' M-'"'.-,eaw Tie tr„n I M

• . h

A I st'V h a v i n g t w e l v e s e n ant* in her house g a v e n smal l ar t ic le of drc«*. k n o w n a m o n g t h e i n i t i a t e d as a rhemi-aette, a n d c o m p o s e d of tnu»l in and la«-e. to her l a d v ' s m a i d t o w a « b . the lady's iiiai'l p a s s e d it o n to the laundry maul ,

I o n the p l e a t h a t t h e ar t i c l e w-v- mus l in and b e l o n g i - d t o her d e p a r t m e n t . T h e laundrv m s i d d e c l i n e d t o do it b e c a u s e it w a s W e , a n d . a* s u c h , it m u s t be " got up" b v Ihe l a d y ' s m a i d A« ne i 'her

•s the whole .,1 \ isnttilaasgM.ua.]

th cseetaiitrr a the *e»v (,» 1

Kuvr*. «,, i


and hill*. It ..mpri.. i iiuntry bound' d on Hv deg , on 1he »outh by 1 • t, ,e Riv, rs, on Big Horn snd Wind the north by the Vr,;„s.:,,„,. Thi" I* reallv the cimalrv at the V , v Hi l l s , but embraced In it irrwvoral : . . . tMa ni l l 'd • !<:,,. k Hi l l s" Fur instamt ana "Black Hill* of the I.arsmir," the ' H'.ssnt Hills of Powder River," ind the . '„.» Hill* w\ the Shyrnne Rlw," Ihe Islt.i i.iasr-th- loealltv in which On t'u»ter a n S

'snnn iMjbsya^y -nd ahwn . Mb there is so much sprcuiitmn st the p.. -m\ time, and within the Uninds of wl,. „ Tim suppo-ed b j a lart t numler..' t<,

Father drSm»t rm,uU|.,0 nf th

Boulhcrnaud Pittsburgh 4 Fort Wayne Roads, j Mr, Bee .h ir , Mr. T t s i j ' s l o u n c i l i o n wilh

silplHi.e* !"• found gold.

lather de Sulci's story vis that , w h',1. I f f .

„'ould d o it. t h e m i s t r e s s ordered the necessarv a p p l i a n c e * t o IK- got ready, and hersel f d e s c e n d e d to t h e laundry and w a s h e d the a r t i c l e — LonAm Cmirt Junr-

t a t

—TTie T'arisian* d e v o u r l(a5.f»0,00t of s p p l e s evcrv w inter A n e m i n e n t Freni h p n v s h l a n t h i n k " that the d e c r e a s e of d y . p e p - t * n n i l u l i o n t af fect ions in P a r i s ( s o w i n g to t h e i n c r e a s e d c o n s u m p t i o n of this f ru i t , wbt< h. b e m m t i t a i n s tntratde p r o p h v iae t i c a n d loarc . s M a v e r y 0.rtfrr?*.yis*s«>,a..>-' ,v-d ar t i c l e of f o o d .

houses reveals * general • oadit'KW of active prepsratlon for a biisyaeason. S fl Klmbark, stli eessor to the firm of hirut.trk Bns*. A Co. , wh.. is ja-rl,*).. mo«l widely »nd generally re­lated to Uie Iron and heavy hardware trade. «nd who I* regarded aa a general Western s n t h o . Ity In matters and statistics pertaining U.that Interest, when interviewed by a Tn'mmt rep-resenlatixe yesterdsv, • aud idly referred l o t be depression in the outside manufacturing In­dustry as the mil"! colcspii UOUS lest lire In tb<-reiords of the year, but r.ss.med in s way t o apply eftei ts op s national rather than I,a al scale. The business of the great house on Michigan avenue of w h u h Mr Klmtiark is the hesd , dat.ng Lack a ipiarter of s i entury, entering somewhat largely Into the history of the cummer." ot the , uy , hss attained a sta­bility and uniformity by simid" magnitude which would naturally prevent Hat*.t ig af fected to *ny noticeable degree by the ordi­nary vb Issit'ude. of the markets .t l*i Islmed that to the operations of thi* house I*due the *• cpn*itl«n of ioi, .iiterable i4 the original ter ritory of trade t.-.w < .aastltullrg th* lomroon ground of the • ommen-e of Chicago, in. hid­ing the Ss'.t Lake district, and remoter fields t o t h " West and South wti.ch Were trsversed ty '- ' . . - ' - . si I :,..,',.' f , - . . , ' \ ' • Ihe business id the i ity. long beh^-e any buffalo. or Indian. • r oihct nstive ot those fertile but unchristian lands hsd e n r t>een »< ared bv the wh.-t'n of a h a n m o t i w . And when it i* remeinbi "ad tb.-t for twenty years the liouse has >.instituted a sort of steady . en­ter of distribution of Iron *nd hardwaf sup. pi les for manufscturer*. wagon make-*, bla. k«miths and merchants Uiroughout the i n t i r - dominiim rd Weatern commerce, with a.issi i« rmanent name* <« the books . 4 the firm, snd sales aggregating ss h igh as ••i.lgxl.nsi a year, it Is reasonable t o sup-p.a*e that It would rei4uire *,,m<thii'g i n . ' -Ulan the tem{airary depression in t h ' tnanu ts. turing Industry to {.erieptihly affect the uniform volume' and MMM of business Tbe establishment iteelf I* one of tbe nser-• antlle curio*ities and solid st lrset lons ot Ike city—a center of very great interest to Intel-l lgent visitors generally a* well aa to a special community of meehani-*. manutar turers and dealers—and may I * pr,.',» r > ,1. -.gwsted as a perpetual industrial exposition ol iron, s tee l , nai ls , carriage and heavy hard­ware, blacksmiths* outfit* and SMMMJ wood material, each rlaasified department snd every hr«**d floor i4 the lofty building afford­ing a display in enormous bulb more rah u. lated to surprise aad Interest the imagination of * wsr-iin maker, Iron mechanic or dealer than a world's fair.

,T .IS*. .1* .SM

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NEW BgKF CATTLt. . . . . . . liCK.a-Dressed. Wes-ern

Live SHgEP—Live <OTTON-Middtng r U i t K - 4 . . - d oCbcdca W H t A T - B r c « Chlrago CORS-Wes'rTa Mixed OAT*-W*. te :n ttixed svaa B \ h l . E Y - W e * t e r a . " " ' " . . . P t i K a - N e w Maaa 1. M i l iHLKSB rr*

1 WlKiU—Uomeetic Fleaee I CBKAUV.

• E K Y E S - r b o t c s G . K K I Medium Butibcr*' Stock. . . S-t«a . s l t l e

• O f i S - L l v e -Oisal lo ChaSSe. Itri .sed

SI1EF.P-4»«IO«1 'a C hmra B C T T » « - f h o i c a Te.low E(»<iS-Pre*h C U t E S E - N . w T. -k raeUiey

Western Paeiory .. F L O C K - W h r e Winrtr Kitr*

Spr.or Extra ( i K A t S - W i, .sr~Si,r.ng. N o t.

Cora—Ma. 1 Oate—No. a. R v e - N o . t Bar'.v—No. t

l * O r t k - > , w Mess I.AKTI WUOL-Tub-wsshed

r.eet-e. washed - : wubed

LVNBER-r . r* t tianr » • toad d e a r Casna I asm ••A-' Lath

CTSCINNATI r L f i f r t - r a m l l y WIIKAT—Itof i . n 1 : \ o v i - . . . R \ h B A h l . E Y - N o I 1N>RK-Mrss LARH

»T L O r i S . BEEFCATTLE-Pair to c b.dce $ » . « •OC.S—Lies « « r u i V R - F * . X I sa*v W H E A T - * . • Jh>4 Fa'.! . 1 ! * \ C O R N - N O t m u s T » v . : « T I - - « o 1 104

I B A K 1 . E Y - N o . t 1 ni i i i R g - H e s * aaso LAkto . . . . . . . . . .t»-»4

NtLWAVXEK. r iAl tR-SpT'r . f XX $ * * ft I ' • WHEAT-Spring, N a . t 1 IU % 1 0 1 4

No . 9 **a># WS4 C O R N - N o t aw m .•*•» t j i l t Mil I M an M

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B I E - N BARLEY -Ni . .

1* an ad a- wi 1!

gas tcd

WHEAT N o . t

CORN O A T S - N o . I . . .

t u n r o a A'Ttaw » —1 see that some one In your valuable paper, »»k» f.ir a cure tor | WHEAT—Xxtr* asthma 1 have t«-en afflicted wi th that ' ' -dreadful dlseas.- for fiarty.four years, and never found relief until last summer. In

- k , c - • ••• r the y.eirwa.' sasst .Vssansswr, owe o* your city p*i»r», I saw a aoSJre *4 " O . Lsngeli*' Asthma (ure. One trial free.* 1 *ent and re\*lved by return mail. It gave rae relief m tlte minutes My was one of the verv w..r*t. l»o not fail h> for It. ( tod ides . It lavngrli* tor hi* n-medy Hi-addr—* is. " U Laagclls. a p p l e Creak, W.vr.r «•-•••- . ' - , : • • • . _ \ St a*, ajarw.

l : . . ( \ . . -r * li.o ' " ^ * " w

. LaVELARD N o l Bed



•lOLEDO. W B E A T - A s a b e T t t c h

";-tiw :.•:..:.: BVFFALsj

BEEF CATTLE H«*Hji-LlT» • B E E F - U v *


• x t t a m - . • * a c a » s - \ .:.-=-wnWlt*n»> , . « ^ . ""«l

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9*"«n - rs. r n o

I-TtrrR spring bonnets are to *.ave very

high crowBb. i

~— "T~~ . , , _ Pbtlaaalnbla ..."." ~77. s *n Taw NowTWwnsTTna* HoMM-NaxL l o . ' t « B 2 t F - B ~ t a.sn

'FUuahed" >aal la the bmt la thy world. [ Mastna » r

M %T» A ran SB S i A *» ass t > S 40

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