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[POMP 2013] Clemens Coob - Zakaj je content marketing tako učinkovit

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Poznavalec formule za uspešno in učinkovito strategijo Mednarodno priznani strokovnjak na področju svetovanja ter oblikovanja marketinških strategij. Uspešen poslovnež, izjemen strateg in pozoren poslušalec, ki vedno najde pot do končnih kupcev. »Kar 94 % podjetij vlaga v korporativne medije, vendar le vsako tretje podjetje meri učinkovitost ter uspešnost svojih naložb. Potrebno se je zavedati, da je ključ za trajnostni uspeh in razvoj podjetij na področju založništva, redni pregled vseh dejavnosti in aktivnosti, ki jih podjetje opravlja.« Clemens je generalni direktor ter ustanovni partner vodilne svetovalne in marketinške družbe Zehnvier v Švici in redni profesor na Univerzi v Erdingu v Nemčiji. Ima več kot deset let bogatih izkušenj s področja oblikovanja ter zasnove poslovnih in marketinških strategij. V svoji karieri je svetoval in pomagal mnogim mednarodnim in lokalnim podjetjem pri reševanju kompleksnih marketinških ter strateških vprašanj v številnih panogah. Ima ogromno znanja s področja tržnega raziskovanja in pozicioniranja blagovnih znamk. Deluje znotraj različnih gospodarskih panog, poseben poudarek pa namenja področju medijev.
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The Path to Improved Corporate Media Performance Ljubljana, 09/19/13 Prof. Dr. Clemens Koob
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The Path to Improved Corporate Media Performance

Ljubljana, 09/19/13

Prof. Dr. Clemens Koob

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Situation (1)


Today, only one in three companies continuously assesses the impact of its Corporate Media.

33 continuously measuring the impact of B2C magazines (%) occasionally

measuring the impact of B2C magazines (%) 42

31 continuously measuring the impact of digital media (%)

occasionally measuring the impact of digital media (%) 30

Source: Corporate Media Baseline Study 3, DACH region

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Situation (2)


51 great need for improvement: impact measurement of print media (%)

45 great need for improvement: impact measurement of digital Corporate Media (%)

Source: Corporate Media Baseline Study 3, DACH region

More and more communications executives see great need for improvement in the area of Corporate Media performance measurement.

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Qualitative expert study (German-speaking countries, UK)



for a best-in-class

Corporate Media


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Principle: Strategy integration


Performance measurement should be an integral part of any Corporate Media strategy


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Principle: Strategy integration


Rigorous performance management can best be achieved if impact measurement is seen as an essential building

block of the Corporate Media strategy right from the start.

!   Precise definition of communication objectives (what, until when) and criteria for success already during conception stage

!   Clear definition of impact measurement responsibilities within the Corporate Media team

!   The timing of the impact measurement must be a core part of the Corporate Media strategy

!   Impact measurement has to be included in the budget plan right from the beginning

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Principle: A- and D-Checks


Realize A-Checks and D-Checks.


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Principle: A- and D-Checks


Life-cycle of the medium

Conception: professional pretests before launch

Launch: extensive testing after launch

Growth & maturity: continuous performance tracking over the course of time

Actualization: extensive testing at relaunch

measurement intensity intensity of media usage




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Principle: Strategic and operational perspective


Take a strategic and an operational perspective.


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Principle: Strategic and operational perspective


Do we meet our strategic communication targets? How should we arrange our Corporate Media activities in the long run? Examples: >  Continuous tracking of communication

success relating to the customer journey >  Analysis of the media requirements of the

target group

What can be done immediately to further optimize our Corporate Media efforts? Examples: >  Continuous A/B-testing of magazine covers >  Continuous analysis of digital media bounce

rates and dwell times

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Principle: Agility and continuity


Agility and continuity as guiding principles.


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Principle: Agility and continuity


test- & learn-environment:

Rapid availability of results for immediate optimization and iterative improvements

Meaningful comparisons over time, visibility of long-term effects / impact

performance measurement


& consistency

Corporate Medium

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Principle: Performance-Management-System


Establish a Performance-Management-System.


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Principle: Performance-Management-System


A best-in-class Corporate Media Performance-Management-System consists of a six-steps cycle.

Set ambitious goals Define criteria for


Define KPIs

Measure success

Evaluate impact

and success

Optimize communi-


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Principle: Keep eyes firmly on key parameters of success


Keep eyes firmly on the key parameters of success regarding customer communications.


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Principle: Keep eyes firmly on key parameters of success

There are three dimensions of success regarding customer communications.

The importance of these dimensions varies from project to project.


Dimensions of success: Medium

Effectiveness Efficiency

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Principle: Keep eyes firmly on key parameters of success


1) Success regarding medium itself: > reach > usage > acceptance > appraisal > media engagement (e.g. follow-up communication)

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Principle: Keep eyes firmly on key parameters of success


2) Success in terms of effectiveness:

> communication success related to the customer decision journey

> in cognitive, affective, conative and economic terms

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Principle: Keep eyes firmly on key parameters of success


> Brand awareness and presence > Brand image, brand knowledge,

sympathy, brand trust > Desirability, buying consideration > Sales support (leads, purchases etc.) > Customer service function > Loyalty, retention, word-of-mouth

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Principle: Keep eyes firmly on key parameters of success


3) Success in terms of efficiency:

> Return on communications

> Communication success in relation to investment

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Principle: Adequate KPIs


Define adequate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


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Principle: Adequate KPIs



>  unique users, average daily users, new users >  «quality reach» without occasional users

>  time on site per visitor / time per visit >  page views per visit

>  conversion rates >  revenue per purchase

>  returning users, heavy users >  monthly visits per user

Example: McKinsey / OMEX dashboard for online media

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Principle: Big Picture


Get the Big Picture!


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Principle: Big Picture


Understanding details is indispensable when it comes to continuous fine-tuning of Corporate Media.

However, steering the overall performance of Corporate Media activities demands focusing on a manageable

number of vital performance indicators.

Performance Dashboard

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Principle: Benchmarking


Broaden your horizon.


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Principle: Benchmarking

With the help of internal and external benchmarks it is possible to better classify communication performance and to challenge

one‘s Corporate Media activities.


performance / impact of Corporate Media activities

internal benchmarks

§  previous values / time comparison

§  other media / cross-comparison

external benchmarks

§  competitors §  within own sector §  cross-sector

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Principle: Instruments and methods


Choose the best-of-breed instruments and methods.


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Principle: Instruments and methods


1) Quantitative methods:

> «facts & figures»: assessment of Corporate Media success on a solid fact base

> continuous monitoring and steering

> e.g. surveys, standardized web reports, social media tools, ReaderScan

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Principle: Instruments and methods


2) Qualitative methods:

> Explorations / explorative analyses

> detailed understanding of media needs and requirements, media usage, and media effects

> e.g. focus groups, in-depth interviews, shadowing, usability tests

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Principle: Instruments and methods


3) Physiological methods:

> Deep drilling regarding users‘ experiences and behavior

> e.g. eye tracking, pupillometry, skin conductance measurement

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Principle: Instruments and methods

The instruments for proactive performance management are at hand.


!   There is a broad range of measurement methods and tools – with respect to print media as well as digital media.

!   Methods and instruments need to be chosen in line with the research question / respective situation.

!   This means there is no cure-all method being appropriate under all circumstances.

!   A combination of different methods can lead to even more comprehensive findings and higher validity of results (triangulation).

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Principle: Just Do It!


Just Do It! »»

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your attention!
