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POS HANDBOOK Introduction Kim Cameron and Gretchen...

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1 POS HANDBOOK Introduction Kim Cameron and Gretchen Spreitzer The primary objective of the Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship is to compile and synthesize much of the knowledge that has been generated after approximately ten years in existence as an area of inquiry. The Handbook identifies what is known as well as what is not known and what is in need of further investigation in Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). The 79 chapters in the Handbook are not intended to be a comprehensive summary of all related POS topics, but they represent a good sampling of work that has adopted a POS perspective. This introductory chapter helps clarify the definition and domain of POS, why it is an important field of study, and why POS began as a field of study within organizational studies in the first place. Nine key clusters are used to organize the chapters‘ themes in the Handbook. The concluding chapter summarizes major contributions, key findings, and explanations for the results discussed in the Handbook‘s chapters. What is POS? Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) is an umbrella concept used to unify a variety of approaches in organizational studies each of which incorporates the notion of ―the positive.‖ Several different descriptions have been used in past publications which define the domain of POS including, the states and processes that arise from and result in life-giving dynamics, optimal functioning, and enhanced capabilities and strengths‖ (Dutton and Glynn, 2007: 693); an emphasis on identifying individual and
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POS HANDBOOK Introduction

Kim Cameron and Gretchen Spreitzer

The primary objective of the Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational

Scholarship is to compile and synthesize much of the knowledge that has been

generated after approximately ten years in existence as an area of inquiry. The

Handbook identifies what is known as well as what is not known and what is in need of

further investigation in Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). The 79 chapters in

the Handbook are not intended to be a comprehensive summary of all related POS

topics, but they represent a good sampling of work that has adopted a POS perspective.

This introductory chapter helps clarify the definition and domain of POS, why it is an

important field of study, and why POS began as a field of study within organizational

studies in the first place. Nine key clusters are used to organize the chapters‘ themes in

the Handbook. The concluding chapter summarizes major contributions, key findings,

and explanations for the results discussed in the Handbook‘s chapters.

What is POS?

Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) is an umbrella concept used to unify a

variety of approaches in organizational studies each of which incorporates the notion of

―the positive.‖ Several different descriptions have been used in past publications which

define the domain of POS including, ―the states and processes that arise from and

result in life-giving dynamics, optimal functioning, and enhanced capabilities and

strengths‖ (Dutton and Glynn, 2007: 693); ―an emphasis on identifying individual and

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collective strengths (attributes and processes) and discovering how such strengths

enable human flourishing (goodness, generativity, growth, and resilience)” (Roberts,

2006:292); “the study of especially positive outcomes, processes, and attributes of

organizations and their members,” and a “focus on dynamics that are typically described

by words such as excellence, thriving, flourishing, abundance, resilience, or

virtuousness” (Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003:4); and “organizational research

occurring at the micro, meso, and macro levels which points to unanswered questions

about what processes, states, and conditions are important in explaining individual and

collective flourishing. Flourishing refers to being in an optimal range of human

functioning” (Dutton, 2010, OMT website). These descriptions share an emphasis on

similar terms that describe processes, dynamics, perspectives, and outcomes

considered to be positive.

In brief, the ―O‖ (organizational) in Positive Organizational Scholarship focuses

on investigating positive processes and states that occur in association with

organizational contexts. It examines positive phenomena within organizations and

among organizations, as well as positive organizational contexts themselves. The ―S‖

(scholarship) in Positive Organizational Scholarship focuses on pursuing rigorous,

systematic, and theory-based foundations for positive phenomena. POS requires

careful definitions of terms, a rationale for prescriptions and recommendations,

consistency with scientific procedures in drawing conclusions, a theoretical rationale,

and grounding in previous scholarly work.

The most controversial concept associated with POS is the ―P‖—positive. Most of

the misunderstanding and criticism of POS has centered on this concept. It has created

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controversy in organizational studies and has spawned skeptics as well as advocates.

The term ―positive‖ is accused of having a potentially restrictive connotation and values

bias (George, 2004; Fineman, 2006) and as being a naïve and dangerous term

producing more harm than good (Ehrenreich, 2009). It is criticized as implying that

most organizational science is negative, that an ethnocentric bias is being represented,

or that a narrow moral agenda is being pursued. The term has been credited, on the

other hand, with expanding and enriching the domain that explains performance in

organizations and with opening up, rather than restricting, organizational studies (Dutton

& Glynn, 2007; Caza & Cameron, 2008). These contradictions have arisen at least

partly because of the definitional ambiguity surrounding this term.

A review of dictionary definitions of ―positive‖ reveals that the concept has such a

wide range of connotations and so many applications as to defy the establishment of

precise conceptual boundaries (e.g., Webster‘s, Oxford, American Heritage). Literally,

scores of meanings are offered. However, precise conceptual definitions of a variety of

terms do not necessarily provide scientific clarity (for example, definitions of ―love ‖ or of

―effectiveness‖), yet people know what love is through experience, for example, more

than through an explanation of its conceptual boundaries or nomological network.

On the other hand, some convergence on the meaning of ―positive‖ has begun to

occur as the term has been employed in scholarly work over the past decade, and four

different approaches help specify the domain of POS. Identifying these themes helps

provide a conceptual explanation of what ―positive‖ means in the context of POS.

One approach to ―positive‖ is the adoption a unique lens or an alternative

perspective. Adopting a POS lens means that the interpretation of phenomena is

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altered, so that, for example, challenges and obstacles are reinterpreted as

opportunities and strength-building experiences rather than tragedies or problems

(Gittell, Cameron, Lim, & Rivas, 2006; Lee, Caza, Edmondson, & Thomke, 2003;

Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003). Variables not previously recognized or given serious

consideration become central, such as positive energy (Baker, Cross, & Wooten, 2003),

moral capital (Godfrey, 2003), flow (Quinn, 2005), inspiration (Thrash & Elliot, 2003),

compassion (Dutton et al, 2006), elevation (Vianello, Galliani, & Haidt, 2010), and

callings (Wrzesniewski, 2003) in organizations. Adopting a POS lens means that

adversities and difficulties reside as much in the domain of POS as do celebrations and

successes, but a positive lens focuses attention on the life-giving elements or

generative processes associated with these phenomena. It is the positive perspective,

not the nature of the phenomena, which brings an issue under the domain of POS.

A second consensual approach to the concept of ―positive‖ is a focus on

extraordinarily positive outcomes or positively deviant performance (Spreitzer &

Sonenshein, 2003). This means that outcomes are investigated which dramatically

exceed common or expected performance. Investigations of spectacular results,

surprising outcomes, and extraordinary achievements have been the focus of several

investigations (e.g., Gittell, Cameron, Lim, & Rivas, 2006; Hess & Cameron, 2006; Tutu,

1999; Worthington, 2001), each treating ―positive‖ as synonymous with exceptional

performance. Reaching a level of positive deviance, in other words, extends beyond

achieving effectiveness or ordinary success in that it represents ―intentional behaviors

that depart from the norm of a reference group in honorable ways‖ (Spreitzer &

Sonenshein, 2003:209). For example, the closure and clean-up of the Rocky Flats

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Nuclear arsenal exceeded federal standards by a factor of 13, 60 years ahead of

schedule, and $30 billion under budget (Cameron & Lavine, 2006). An examination of

how the number 1 rated delicatessen in America—located in Ann Arbor, Michigan—

achieved that distinction (Baker & Gunderson, 2005), the cultural and organizational

transformations that occurred in South Africa with the release of Nelson Mandela from

prison (Tutu, 1999), and the extraordinary success of a financial services organization

that adopted POS as a corporate strategy (Vanette, Cameron, & Powley, 2008)

illustrate these studies. Investigating the indicators of and explanatory processes

accounting for such positively deviant performance is one area where ―positive‖ has

taken on a consensual connotation.

A third area of convergence regarding the term ―positive‖ is that it represents an

affirmative bias which fosters resourcefulness. POS accepts the premise that positivity

unlocks and elevates resources in individuals, groups, and organizations, so that

capabilities are broadened and capacity is built and strengthened (Fredrickson, 2002,

2009). ―Resourcefulness‖ means that individuals and organizations experience an

amplifying effect when exposed to positivity, so that resources and capacity expand

(Dutton & Sonenshein, 2009; Fredrickson, 2003). All living systems have a heliotropic

inclination toward positive energy (Cameron, 2008a), so that, indeed, positivity is life-

giving (Diener, 2009; Cooperrider & Srivastra, 1987). Adopting an affirmative bias,

therefore, prioritizes positive energy, positive climate, positive relationships, positive

communication, and positive meaning in organizations (Cameron, 2008b) as well as the

value embedded in difficult challenges or negative events (Losada & Heaphy, 2004;

Harter & Clifton, 2003; Worline & Quinn, 2003). POS is unapologetic in emphasizing

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affirmative attributes, capabilities, and possibilities more than problems, threats, and

weakness, so strengths-based activities and outcomes are highlighted (Clifton & Harter,

2003). Again, an affirmative approach does not exclude consideration of negative

events. Rather, they are incorporated in accounting for life-giving dynamics, resource

generation, and flourishing outcomes (e.g., Dutton, et. al., 2006; Weick, 2003; Dutton &

Glynn, 2008).

A fourth area of convergence regarding the concept of positive is the examination

of virtuousness or the best of the human condition. POS is based on a eudaemonic

assumption—that is, the postulation that an inclination exists in all human systems

toward achieving the highest aspirations of humankind (Aristotle, Metaphysics; Dutton

and Sonenshein, 2007). The study of virtuousness is the examination of excellence and

goodness for its own sake—captured by the Latin virtus and the Greek arête. Whereas

debate has occurred regarding what constitutes goodness and whether universal

human virtues can be identified, all societies and cultures possess catalogues of traits

that they deem virtuous, that represent what is morally good, and that define the highest

aspirations of human beings (Peterson & Seligman, 2004; Comte-Sponville, 2001).

POS examines the development of and the effects associated with virtuousness

and eudemonism (Cameron, 2003; Bright, Cameron, & Caza, 2006; Ilies, Nahrgang, &

Morgeson, 2007), or ―that which is good in itself and is to be chosen for its own sake‖

(Metaphysics XII, p. 3). Studies of virtuousness in organizations focus on the behaviors

of individuals in organizational settings that help others flourish (Fowers & Tjeltveit,

2003) including investigations of character strengths, gratitude, wisdom, forgiveness,

hope, and courage (Grant & Schwartz, 2011; Luthans, et al., 2008). Studies of

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virtuousness through organizations focus on the practices and processes in

organizations which represent and which perpetuate what is good, right, and worthy of

cultivation (Park & Peterson, 2003; McCullough & Snyder, 2001). This includes, for

example, investigations of profound purpose and transcendent objectives (Emmons,

1999), healing routines (Powley & Piderit, 2008), institutionalized forgiveness (Cameron

and Caza, 2002), and human sustainability (Pfeffer, 2010).

These four convergent uses of the concept of ―positive‖—adopting a positive lens,

investigating extraordinarily positive performance, espousing an affirmative bias, and

exploring virtuousness or eudaemonism—do not precisely define the term ―positive‖ per

se, but they do identify the scholarly domain that POS scholars are attempting to map.

Similar to other concepts in organizational science whose definitions are not precisely

bounded (e.g., ―culture,‖ ―innovation,‖ ―core competence‖), this mapping provides the

conceptual boundaries required to locate POS as an area of inquiry.

It is important to underscore that POS is not value-neutral. It advocates the

position that the desire to improve the human condition is universal and that the

capacity to do so is latent in almost all human systems. This means that whereas

traditionally positive outcomes such as organizational improvement, goal achievement,

or profitability are not excluded from consideration, POS has a bias toward life-giving,

generative, and ennobling human conditions regardless of their attachment to traditional

economic or political benefits.

How did POS emerge?

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Unlike positive psychology, POS did not emerge to try to rebalance a prodigious

amount of emphasis on illness and languishing in organizations. Organizational

research has not been overwhelmingly focused on failure, damage, and demise. In fact,

the study of organizational decline was first introduced in organizational studies in 1980

(Whetten, 1980) because most organizational theories focused almost exclusively on

growth. Big was assumed to be better than small, and getting more was preferable to

getting less. Negative phenomena did not dominate the organizational studies literature

as it did in psychology, even though plenty of attention had been paid to alienation,

stress, injustice, and the evils of bureaucracy in traditional organizational studies (e.g.,

Weber, 1997).

Rather, POS arose because a large array of organizational phenomena were

being ignored and, consequently, neither systematically studied nor valued. It was

usually not legitimate in scientific circles, for example, to discuss the effects of virtues in

organizations, or to use terms such as ―flourishing‖ or ―positive deviance‖ to describe

outcomes. Studies of compassion and forgiveness—two of the early studies in the POS

literature (Dutton, et al., 2002; Cameron & Caza, 2002)—were certainly out of the main

stream of organizational science. Similarly, certain kinds of organizational processes—

i.e., ―generative dynamics‖—remained largely uninvestigated such as high quality

connections (Dutton & Ragins, 2007), thriving (Spreitzer, et al., 2005), ―connectivity‖

(Losada & Heaphy, 2004), and positive energy networks (Baker, Cross, & Wooten,


POS also arose because the outcome variables that dominated the organization

literature focused mainly on profitability, competitive advantage, problem solving, and

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economic efficiency (Davis & Marquis, 2005; Goshal, 2005; Jensen, 2002). Granted,

outcomes such as job satisfaction, justice, and teamwork appeared frequently in the

organizational studies literature (Kramer, 1999; Guzzo & Dickson, 1996; Smith, Kendall,

and Hulin, 1969) , but alternative outcomes such as psychological, social, and

eudaemonic well-being (Gallagher, Lopez, Preacher, 2009; Keyes, 2005)—including

social integration, social contribution, social coherence, social actualization, and social

acceptance—as well as human sustainability (Pfeffer, 2010) were largely outside the

purview of mainline organizational science. The best of the human condition—what

people care about deeply and profoundly—was much less visible in organizational

scholarship. The famous quotation by Robert Kennedy in an 18 March 1968 speech at

the University of Kansas is illustrative:

“The gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the

quality of their education, or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of

our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate,

or the integrity of our public officials. It measures neither our wit nor our courage,

neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to

our country. It measures everything, in short, except that which makes life


POS might be argued to have a long history, dating back to William James‘

(1902) writings on what he termed ―healthy mindedness‖, Allport‘s (1960) interest in

positive human characteristics, Jahoda‘s (1959) emphasis on prevention-based

community psychology, Maslow‘s (1968) advocacy for the study of healthy people in

lieu of sick people, Cowan‘s research (1973, 1986) on resilience in children and

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adolescents, Diener‘s (1984) investigations of happiness and subjective well-being, and

Organ (1988) and Batson‘s (1994) consideration of ―citizenship behaviors‖ and

―prosocial‖ activities.

Similarly, the early foundations of the organizational development field advocated

a ―new attitude of optimism and hope‖ (Bennis, 1969:3) and an emphasis on The

Human Side of Enterprise (McGregor, 1960) as a reaction to the dehumanizing and

economically-directed emphases in work organizations. Cooperrider and Srivastva‘s

(1987) introduction of Appreciative Inquiry placed a spotlight on positive dynamics

associated with planned change and organizational development efforts. POS,

therefore, is not so much a new field of investigation as it is a coalescing force that

brings together themes, perspectives, and variables that have been dispersed in the

literature and underdeveloped or ignored in scientific investigation.

Most importantly, much this earlier work possessing a positive theme was not

based on scientific research and empirical investigations. It was, rather, focused largely

on advocacy and on the promotion of an approach to addressing problems, overcoming

ills, and resolving difficulties (e.g., Bennis, 1963; Maslow, 1965). Moreover, little of this

work explicitly addressed organizations as the entities of interest. Therefore, the

emergence of POS does more than merely construct a repository for earlier work. It

highlights the organization as a context for study while, at the same time, emphasizing

the importance of multiple levels of analyses including individuals, groups, and

societies. POS highlights the processes and practices that occur in organizations which

are associated with positive outcomes, the empirical rationale for claims about positivity,

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and the theoretical rationale for the life-giving dynamics and outcomes associated with


Positive Organizational Scholarship as an identifiable field of study essentially

began in earnest approximately a decade ago at the University of Michigan. As with all

historical accounts of the beginnings of movements and initiatives, various scenarios

are available regarding the beginnings of scholarly interest in POS, and no single

description will capture all of the motivations and significant events that produced this

field of scholarly endeavor. That said, POS emerged as result of Jane Dutton, studying

individual and organizational compassion, and Kim Cameron, studying organizational

forgiveness, joining with colleague Robert Quinn, investigating positive personal

change, in sponsoring a conference on topics that did not seem to be at home in

mainstream organizational studies. The objective was to bring together researchers in

psychology and organizational behavior to examine what could be learned

collaboratively about positive phenomena in organizations.

During the planning stages of this event, the terrorist attacks on 11 September

2001 occurred in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. Like most other citizens, a

strong desire arose among the conference organizers to contribute resources that might

be beneficial to those suffering from the pain and tragedies associated with these

horrific events. The decision was made to launch a website—Leading in Trying Times

(http://www.bus.umich.edu/Positive/CPOS/Publications/tryingtimes.html)—which shared

what had been learned from research relating to positive approaches to difficult

situations. Brief articles on topics including compassion, transcendence, hope,

resilience, healing, forgiveness, helping, courage, character, and finding strength were

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written. Responses to this website from scholars and practitioners highlighted the need

for more attention directed at understanding how to cultivate flourishing in the context of

challenge and pain in organizational settings.

The subsequent conference brought together scholars working in a variety of

academic domains to discuss not only how to address difficult circumstances and

problems but also how to foster flourishing and capability-building at the individual,

group, and organizational levels. The Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship

was subsequently formed at the University of Michigan (www.bus.umich.edu/positive)

with colleagues Wayne Baker, David Mayer, Gretchen Spreitzer, and Lynn Wooten in

order to foster and facilitate this work. The title, Positive Organizational Scholarship,

was selected to describe the common themes that were being pursued.

Why is research on POS important?

In addition to revealing and highlighting phenomena that have largely been

ignored in organizational studies, scholarly attention focusing on the positive is

important because positive conditions produce a ―heliotropic effect‖ (Drexelius, 1627,

1862; Cooperrider & Srivastva, 1987). Heliotropism is defined as the tendency in all

living systems toward positive energy and away from negative energy—or toward that

which is life-giving and away from that which is life-depleting (e.g., Smith & Baker, 1960;

D‘Amato & Jagoda, 1962; Mrosovsky & Kingsmill, 1985). In nature, positive energy is

most often experienced in the form of sunlight, but it may occur in other forms as well

(e.g., interpersonal kindness) (Erhardt-Siebold, 1937; Dutton, 2003). A positive

environment, based on the heliotropic argument, is the preferred condition because it

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engenders positive energy and life-giving resourcefulness. Following this logic, human

systems, like biological systems in nature, possess inherent inclinations toward the

positive, so understanding this tendency and its implications is an important need in

social and organizational sciences (Camewron, 2008a).

For example, people are more accurate in processing positive information—

whether the task involves verbal discrimination, organizational behavior, or the

judgment of emotion—than negative information (Matlin & Stang, 1978). People think

about a greater number of positive things than negative things, and each positive thing

is thought about for a longer period of time. People are more accurate in learning and

remembering positive terms than neutral or negative terms (Kunz, 1974; Matlin, 1970;

Taylor, 1991). When presented lists of positive, neutral, and negative words, for

example, people are more accurate over time in recalling the positive (Akhtar, 1968;

Rychlak, 1977; Thompson, 1930), and the longer the delay between learning and

recalling, the more positive bias is displayed (Gilbert, 1938).

People reported thinking about positive statements 20 percent longer than

negative statements and almost 50 percent longer than neutral statements, so mental

rehearsal is biased toward positivity, and positive information can be recalled easier and

more accurately (Matlin and Stang, 1978). Positive phenomena are learned faster than

negative phenomena (Rychlak, 1966; Bunch & Wientge, 1933), and people judge

positive phenomena more accurately than negative phenomena. Managers, for

example, are much more accurate in rating subordinates‘ competencies and

proficiencies when they perform correctly than when they perform incorrectly (Gordon,


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People tend to seek out positive stimuli and avoid negative stimuli (Day, 1966;

Luborsky, et al., 1963), so people judge from two-thirds to three-quarters of the events

in their lives to be positive (Bradburn, 1969; Havighurst & Glasser, 1972; Meltzer &

Ludwig, 1967), and most people judge themselves to be positive, optimistic, and happy

most of the time (Young, 1937; Goldings, 1954; Wessman & Ricks, 1966; Johnson,

1937). Positive words have higher frequencies in all the languages studied, and positive

words typically entered English usage more than 150 years before their negative

opposites (for example, ―better‖ entered before ―worse‖) (Mann, 1968; Zajonc, 1968;

Boucher & Osgood, 1968). Central nervous system functioning (i.e., vagus nerve

health) is most effective when positive emotions are fostered (Kok & Fredrickson, 2010),

and bodily rhythm ―coherence‖ is at its peak in a positive or virtuous state (McCraty &

Childre, 2004).

A bias toward the positive, in other words, appears to characterize human beings

in their thoughts, judgments, emotions, language, interactions, and physiological

functioning. A tendency toward the positive appears to be a natural human inclination,

and empirical evidence suggests that positivity is the preferred and natural state of

human beings, just as it is of biological systems.

Emerging empirical evidence also exists that organizations respond in a similar

way to individuals in the presence of positive influences (see Cameron, 2008a, for

references). The irony in these findings is that, by definition, positive influences do not

need to produce traditionally-pursued organizational outcomes in order to be of worth.

An increase in profitability, for example, is not the criterion for determining the value of

positivity in organizations. Positivity is inherently valued because it is eudaemonic.

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Nevertheless, studies show that organizations in several industries (including

financial services, health care, manufacturing, and government) which implement and

improve their positive practices over time also increased their performance in desired

outcomes such as profitability, productivity, quality, customer satisfaction, and employee

retention. That is, positive practices which were institutionalized in organizations,

including providing compassionate support for employees, forgiving mistakes and

avoiding blame, fostering meaningfulness of work, expressing frequent gratitude,

showing kindness and caring for colleagues, led organizations to perform at significantly

higher levels on desired outcomes (Cameron, Mora, & Leutscher, 2010; Cameron,

Bright, & Caza, 2004; Gittell, Cameron, Lim, & Rivas, 2006).

Several explanations have been proposed for why heliotropic tendencies exist

and why individuals and organizations have inclinations toward the positive. For

example, Erdelyi (1974) explained that mental processes develop in such a way as to

favor the positive over the negative. Most information available to human beings is

disregarded, so what is retained tends to life-giving rather than life-depleting. Becker

(1973) explained natural positive biases as resulting from the fear of death, meaning

that the negative is repressed and the positive—or the life-preserving—is reinforced and,

consequently people develop a bias toward it. Learning theorists (e.g., Skinner, 1965)

explained positive biases as being associated with reinforcement—i.e., positive

reinforcement leads to repetitiveness—and Sharot, Riccardi, Raio, and Phelps (2007)

found that the human brain has a tendency to produce optimistic and positive

orientations in its natural state. More mental acuity and mental activation occurs in a

positive compared to a negative condition.

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Social process theorists have explained positive biases on the basis of the

functions they perform in perpetuating social organization (Merton, 1968). Simply

stated, organizing depends on positive social processes that reinforce mutual benefit.

Observing and experiencing positivity unlocks predispositions to act for the benefit of

others, leading to increasing social connections in an organization (Feldman and

Khademian, 2003; Fredrickson, 2008). Similarly, Gouldner (1960) proposed that positive

role modeling and positive social norm formation create a tendency toward

organizational sustainability. These positive social processes are more likely to survive

and flourish over the long run than negative social processes because they are

functional for the organization‘s survival. Weigl, et al (2010) explained that ―positive

gain spirals‖ are associated with positivity because it leads individuals to more

effectively protect, retain, accumulate, and conserve resources which are instrumental

in helping organizations perform successfully.

Of course, abundant evidence also exists that human beings cognitively react

more strongly to negative phenomena than to positive phenomena (Baumeister, et

al.,2001; Wang, Galinsky, & Mirnighan, 2009), and evolutionary theory reminds that

living systems respond strongly and quickly to stimuli that threaten their existence or

that signal maladaptation (Darwin, 2003). Negatively valenced phenomena have a

greater impact on human beings than positively valenced phenomena of the same type,

so the positive achieves precedence over the effects of the negative only by sheer force

of numbers (Baumeister, et al., 2001; Fredrickson & Losada, 2006).

This dynamic helps explain why a bias has existed in organizational sciences

toward studying the negative much more than the positive (Seligman, 1999; Czapinski,

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1985). A larger effect (R2) can usually be detected by accounting for negative

phenomena compared to positive phenomena—that is, the bad has stronger effects

than the good (Baumeister, et al., 2001)—so it is understandable that researchers have

focused on the strongest factors accounting for the most variance. Negative effects

often dominate heliotropic inclinations, they account for a larger amount of variance in

behavior change, and they capture more attention in scholarly analyses. Even more

important is that, over time, organizations also tend to emphasize negative phenomena

for the same reasons—survival and adaptation are associated with addressing

obstacles, competitive pressures, or threats (Nadler & Tushman, 1997; Williamson,

1998; Porter, 1998; Davis, 2009). If greater organizational effects can be created by

addressing the negative, it is logical that organizational policies, practices, and

processes will, over time, also tend toward focusing on and organizing around negative

factors more than positive factors. Evidence of this tendency is confirmed by Margolis

and Walsh‘s (2003) findings that negative phenomena dominate positive phenomena in

the business press and organizational studies literature by a factor of four.

An important function of POS, therefore, is to provide more attention to the

processes and practices that can unleash heliotropic effects and elevation in

resourcefulness. Empirical evidence suggests that when positive factors are given

greater emphases than negative factors, individuals and organizations tend to flourish.

The positive overcomes the negative primarily by sheer force of numbers (Baumeister,

et al., 2001). Research on POS is important, in other words, because positive

phenomena in and through organizations explain variance that has largely been ignored

in previous empirical investigations. Processes and attributes are highlighted that have

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received little attention in previous organizational research. Adopting a positive lens

illuminates research questions and relationships that have been under-investigated and

are frequently otherwise ignored. Thus, studying positivity in individuals and in

organizations provides fertile territory for understanding the mechanisms and outcomes

associated with the naturally occurring, but under-investigated, inclination toward the


Criticisms of POS

On the other hand, the desirability of POS as a legitimate field of scientific study

is by no means universally accepted, and three primary criticisms of POS have been

promoted: (1) POS ignores negative phenomena; (2) POS adopts an elitist

(managerial) viewpoint; (3) POS is not defined precisely, does not acknowledge that

positive may not be the same for everyone, and the concepts and phenomena

associated with POS are fuzzy terms that lack construct and discriminant validity and

careful measurement.

The first criticism is that POS ignores issues such as conflict, poverty,

exploitation, unemployment, war, and other negative circumstances that are typical of

the human condition and are commonplace in organizational functioning. Positivity is

equated with Pollyannaishness and just ―putting on a happy face‖ in the midst or serious

problems and challenges. Some authors, such as Ehrenreich (2009), for example, can

find little that is positive in POS, claiming that positivity unrealistically assumes

unremitting growth and guaranteed success in organizations, excuses excess and folly,

denies reality, mitigates against hard work, implies pride and boastfulness, avoids

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difficult questions, invites unpreparedness, assumes that all success is deserved, and

leads to ―reckless optimism‖ and ―delusional thinking.‖ Little evidence exists, according

to critics, that positivity fosters success (Ehrenreich, 2009; Hackman, 2008).

To be sure, empirical evidence exists that bad is stronger than good (Baumeister,

Bratslavsky, Finkenauer, & Vohs‘ (2001). That is, human beings react more strongly

and more quickly to negative phenomena than to positive phenomena because

existence is threatened. When equal measures of good and bad are present, the

psychological effects of bad ones outweigh those of the good ones. For example,

negative feedback has more emotional impact on people than positive feedback

(Coleman, Jussim, & Abraham, 1987), and the effects of negative information and

negative events take longer to wear off than the effects of positive information or

pleasant events (Brickman, Coates, & Jason-Bulman (1978). The negative tends to

disrupt normal functioning longer than does the positive, so that a single traumatic event

usually has longer lasting effects on behavior than a single positive event. When

negative things happen (for example, people lose a wager, endure abuse, or become a

victim of a crime), they spent more time trying to explain the outcome or to make sense

of it than when a positive outcome occurs (Gilovich, 1983; Pratto & John, 1991).

Moreover, undesirable human traits receive more weight in impression formation than

desirable traits (Hamilton & Huffman, 1971).

It is inaccurate, however, to argue that POS ignores negative phenomena

inasmuch as some of the greatest triumphs, most noble virtues, and highest

achievements have resulted from the presence of the negative (e.g., Cameron & Lavine,

2006). Common human experience, as well as abundant scientific evidence, supports

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the idea that negativity has an important place in the investigation of positive processes

and outcomes. The development of positive identities in negative environments,

organizational healing after trauma, and achieving virtuous outcomes in the face of trials

exemplify cases where negative conditions have been investigated with a POS lens

(Powley & Cameron, 2006; Kanov, et al., 2004; Powley & Taylor, 2006; Weick, 2003,

2006). POS does not ignore the negative but rather seeks to investigate the positive

processes, outcomes, and interpretations embedded in negative phenomena.

A second criticism of POS is that it adopts an elitist perspective. Critics claim

that POS is oriented toward exploiting human beings in favor of corporate profits,

productivity, and maintaining power for the advantaged over the disadvantaged.

Perpetuating the positive for the sake of organizational success, to make managers look

good, to manipulate the workforce, or to reinforce unequal employment status are

common criticisms (e.g., Fineman, 2006; Ehrenreich, 2009; George, 2004). These

critiques fundamentally center on the claim that POS has a narrow focus on managers

rather than on the exploited underclass. Detractors accuse POS of not asking the

question, ―positive for whom?‖ and suggest that unexamined assumptions are biased

toward western philosophies and toward power-elites.

On the other hand, this criticism seems to miss the unequivocally stated focus of

POS on life-giving dynamics, resource generation, and flourishing outcomes whether for

workers or managers, the under-class or the upper-class, the individual or the

organization (e.g., Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003; Dutton & Sonenshein, 2007;

Roberts, 2006). The fundamental assumption of POS is a eudaemonic assumption—

that all human systems are biased toward achieving the highest aspirations of

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humankind—or excellence and goodness for its own sake. Adopting an affirmative

bias prioritizes positive energy, positive climate, positive relationships, positive

communication, and positive meaning for individuals and organizations, so exploitation

in order for one party to achieve advantage over another is inconsistent with the

fundamental assumptions of POS. Thus, ―positivity for whom?‖ is not exclusive.

Fletcher (1998), for example, documented how positive practices actually reverse

the disadvantaged status of under-privileged employees. Positive energy (Baker, Cross,

& Wooten, 2003), flourishing relationships (Dutton & Heaphy, 2003), empowerment

(Spreitzer, 1992) and virtuousness (Cameron, 2003) all represent non-zero-sum

dynamics that benefit all parties. Moreover, abundant research has examined cultural

differences regarding positive phenomena, including the well-being of employees in

more than 50 countries (Diener, 2009; Veenhoven, 1996, 2010; Diener & Suh, 1997)

and has identified universal attributes and predictors as well as unique cultural

differences across a wide variety of cultures. Non-western cultures are well-

represented in positive research (including some chapters of this Handbook).

A third criticism of POS, related to the first two, is that a precise definition of the

term ―positive‖ is lacking. Positive is subjectively experienced, so what may be positive

for one person is not necessarily positive for another. What is defined as ―good‖ or

―ennobling‖ may be individualistic. Imposing a definition of positive on others is an act

of power and, therefore, is, by definition, non-positive (Caza & Carroll, 2011). Moreover,

other related terms used in POS research lack precise definition and scientific validity.

Of course, many core scientific terms are the subjects of investigation,

measurement, and theory-building without precise definitions. Well-used and frequently

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discussed terms such as ―life,‖ ―leadership,‖ and ―quality‖ are examples, none of which

has been precisely and consensually defined. These terms are considered to be

―constructs,‖ meaning terms constructed to capture the meaning of something that is

ambiguous and difficult to precisely circumscribe. In such circumstances, investigators

artificially constrain the meaning or dimensions of the construct in order to examine

certain aspects of it. The key is to be precise about what is and is not included in the

construct‘s measurement. Individualistic definitions are addressed, therefore, by

defining the concept scientifically and precisely in scholarly investigations.

As in many domains in the organizational sciences, this requirement is important

in research on positive phenomena and constant attention to this requirement is crucial.

Improvement can certainly be made on this score in POS. On the other hand, a variety

of positively-oriented constructs such as ―thriving‖ (Spreitzer, et. al., 2005),

―virtuousness‖ (Cameron, Bright, & Caza, 2004), ―positive emotions‖ (Fredrickson,

1998), ―meaningfulness‖ (Pratt & Ashforth, 2003), ―energy‖ (Fritz, Lam, & Spreitzer,

2011), ―best-self‖ (Roberts et. Al., 2005), ―resilience‖ (Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003), ―positive

deviance‖ (Spreitzer & Sonenshein, 2003) and many others have been quite carefully

defined in POS investigations. Scientific standards have not been ignored.

Nevertheless, vigilance must be maintained to be as precise as possible

regarding what is and is not defined as positive. By identifying the four different

domains of the term ―positive‖ (as discussed earlier), the conceptual boundaries of POS

become clearer, and the same requirement applies to all POS-related constructs. In

other words, mapping the conceptual terrain of ―positive‖ is not so much an act of power

as a scientific necessity in order for cumulative work to be conducted and for the

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nomological network surrounding the constructs to be expanded. Some progress has

been made in this regard, although much is left to be done.

The Organization of the Handbook

To that end, the domains of ―positive‖ in the Oxford Handbook of Positive

Organizational Scholarship have been organized into nine categories. The Handbook

does not claim to contain a comprehensive list of relevant or important topics, nor does

it claim to cover the entire conceptual landscape of POS. Nevertheless, the chapters do

represent a good sampling of significant subjects in this field of study, and they help

map the terrain of the discipline.

Each chapter contains a review of relevant literature—essentially addressing the

question, ―What do we now know about this topic?‖—as well as the findings of current

scholarship. Chapters also offer suggestions and recommendations for needed future

research—essentially addressing the question, ―What else do we need to know about

this topic?‖ Hence, chapters serve as a useful summary of up-to-date knowledge as well

as a guide to future scholarship in POS for the decades ahead.

The groupings into which chapters are organized represent a somewhat arbitrary

categorization of major themes. They exemplify different levels of analysis—from

individual-level topics to organization and societal-level topics—and they include topics

that are traditionally considered to be negative or problem-centered—such as trauma,

stress, crises, and conflict—and topics not usually considered to be in the domain of

POS—such as economic theory, sustainability, and social movements. Each chapter

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adopts a positive lens and emphasizes the relevance of these topics to the broad area

of inquiry called POS.

Certain sections in the Handbook address issues of practice—such as the

section on human resource practices and the section on leadership and change—and

other sections address key theoretical issues embedded in organization studies—such

as organizational processes and positive relationships. The placement of chapters in a

particular section does not imply that other sections may not also be appropriate, but

these nine categories provide for a reasonably clear schema for highlighting the

domains of POS, and the chapter placements illustrate and highlight these themes. The

nine categories are described below.

Positive Individual Attributes. This first section contains chapters focusing on the

positive attributes of individuals in organizations. These chapters treat the individual as

the relevant level of analysis but position individuals in the context of work organizations.

Chapters address these themes:

Psychological capital

Prosocial motivation

Callings in work

Work engagement

Positive identity




Positive traits

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The neuroscience underpinnings of POS.

Positive Emotions. The second section focuses on aspects of positive feelings,

sentiments, and affect among individuals and groups in organizations. An examination

of emotions and subjective experience are themes that are shared in common across

these chapters. Topics addressed include:

Positive energy

Positive emotions

Subjective well-being


Socio-emotional intelligence

Group emotions.

Strengths and Virtues. The third section addresses the concepts of virtuousness

in organizations and virtues in the individuals who work in organizations. A wide variety

of virtues have been proposed as being universal and have been examined in previous

literature, so this section contains but a limited sampling of topics, including:









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Positive ethics

Leveraging strengths

Character strengths in global managers.

Positive Relationships. This section focuses on temporary encounters as well

as long-term relationships among organization members. It analyses the dynamics that

emerge in interpersonal interactions, temporary connections, and organizational

processes that relate to relationships. The chapters examine these topics:

High quality connections

Relational coordination







Psychological safety.

Positive Human Resource Practices. The chapters in this section provide

perspective on practices in organizations relating to the management of human capital

and human resource systems. Topics of potential interest to human resource

professionals, and which are addressed in human resource management functions,


Career development


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Conflict resolution


Work-family dynamics.

Positive Organizational Processes. This section contains chapters that examine

dynamics in organizations which are not usually considered to be in the positive domain.

The chapters address organization-level topics, and by adopting a positive lens, the

chapters highlight how POS has relevance to a broad variety of phenomena. They


Symbolism in organizations


Collective efficacy

The design of work

Mindful organizing

Goal attainment

Organizational identity

Organizational energy


Organizational boundaries.

Positive Leadership and Change. Chapters in this section address the process

of positive organizational change as well as the leadership that is associated with

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achieving positive change. Strategies and approaches to enabling organizational

change are addressed, and the leadership qualities associated with successful

organizations are examined. The topics addressed are:

Organizational development

Appreciative inquiry

Positive change attributes

Implementing positive change

Authentic leadership

Leadership development

Peak performance

Strategic change

Strengths-based strategy.

A Positive Lens on Problems and Challenges. Because POS is often accused of

ignoring non-positive phenomena, chapters in this section address challenges, issues,

and problems from a positive perspective. They illustrate the importance of the

negative in better understanding the positive. Chapters include:

Managing the unexpected

Healing after trauma

Organizational recovery

Responding to crisis

Resilience under adversity

Post-traumatic growth


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Responding to stress.

Expanding Positive Organizational Scholarship. The final section features

chapters that explore the relationships between POS and areas of scholarly interest

other than traditional organizational behavior and organizational theory. Disciplines

such as economics, sociology, religion, and political science are included in the

chapters which focus on:


Critical theory

Economic models

Social movements


Positive deviance

International peacemaking.


The Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship seeks to provide a

foundation for continuing POS research. It provides a good summary of the current

state of the field by explaining relevant research and conceptual grounding for key

concepts within the general domain of POS. Any scholarly field of endeavor will have a

short life span unless founded on valid evidence, theoretical explanation, and practical

utility, so the chapters in this Handbook seek to provide that foundation. Equally

important, however, is the guidance each chapter provides regarding unanswered

questions, puzzles, and needed investigations. Hopefully, the suggested directions for

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future research provided in each chapter will not be dismissed as perfunctory

supplements to the chapters‘ content but as a roadmap for making significant progress

in understanding POS in the years ahead.

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