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Preliminary Task: Planning & Research PowerPoint

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OCR Media Studies – AS Level Unit G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media Planning & Research Name: George Barnstable Candidate Number: 3010 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135 Set Brief - Print Music Magazine – Production Preliminary Task Progression and Planning & Research
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OCR Media Studies – AS Level

Unit G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media

Planning & Research

Name: George BarnstableCandidate Number: 3010Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

Set Brief - Print

Music Magazine – Production

Preliminary Task Progression and Planning & Research

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Section 1) – Preliminary Task

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Preliminary Task Progression – EvidenceFront CoverStep-by-step

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For the background of my Preliminary Task Front Cover, I used the classic St. Andrews deep navy blue, while additionally adding in a lighter blue gradient towards the bottom of the page. The St. Andrew logo features the darker shade of blue seen in the background. It is significant and beneficial that I used this colour as it connotes consistency throughout the magazine. Once I had this colour, I added it into my Swatches Palette therefore it could be quickly and easily selected. I then selected the background layer and added the dark blue colour overlay from my Swatches Palette. Then I used the Gradient Tool to create the lighter blue colour as seen towards the bottom of the background.

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After the introduction of my background and gradient, I used the Rectangle Tool to create a shape similar to a banner, where I could place my Masthead, Strapline and other important information about the magazine. Once again, I wanted to use the St. Andrew’s yellow colour as this highlights consistency. Additionally, I used the Gradient Tool to create a lighter colour yellow, much like what I did with the blue background. After this, I used the Character Window to edit the text, adding spacing to the text as well as spacing and stretching it out slightly. I then applied the following effects; Drop Shadow, Outer Glow, Inner Glow, Bevel and Emboss, and Satin. Next, I used the same character font to create my Strapline. For my Strapline, I wanted to use something which relates to the school, therefore I used the St. Andrew’s school website slogan “To Life, to Learn and to Love in the Light of Christ”. To create consistency, I applied the same effects to the Strapline as I did to the Masthead.

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Next, I screen-shotted the St. Andrews Logo from their website and placed it into my work. I then adjusted the size of the image by holding shift and resizing the image from one of its corners. After this, I dragged the image into the right hand side of the page and placed it. Afterwards, I duplicated the layer to avoid the trouble of having to resize the image all over again. I then moved it over to the left hand side of the page, and used the Ruler Tool to keep the logo’s in line. Then, I used the Text Tool to create a box to write the information including the Issue Number, Date, Price and School Name in. To keep consistent, I used the same effects (Drop Shadow, Outer Glow, Inner Glow, Bevel and Emboss, and Satin) as I did on the Masthead and Strapline.

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As you can see, in this section, I will addressing how I completed the Barcode. I started by creating the outer box by using the Rectangle Tool, which held all the crucial information about the magazine. Once I was happy with the box’s size, I had to decide from 3 Barcode’s which 1 I would choose. After I chose my most preferred Barcode, I placed it into the box and adjusted its size. After this, I used the Line Tool and created 2 lines, both above and below the Barcode simply to make it look professional and keep it separate from the Verbal Code. Next, I chose 3 Social Media Platforms and inserted them into my work. I adjusted the size of the images to make sure they were all the same size and measured this using the Ruler Tool. After, I added in the magazines Social Media Account for each Social Media Platform and also their Website Address by using the Text Tool. Finally, I used the Text Tool once again to create the Issue Number, Date, and Price. For all pieces of text in the Barcode, I used the Font because due to its bold appearance, it is able to stand out, which is crucial as a Barcode outlines vital information about the magazine.

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In this part of my work, I used the application Pixel Mator to help me with my work; this software allowed me to create a finer image as I was more able to edit the photograph. I was able to take the background out from the image and ensure this was done professionally. I placed the man in the picture: Giacomo towards the left hand side of the page, as I knew that text would be present on the right hand side. I made sure Giacomo took up the majority of the image as he is a student at St. Andrews and therefore many students of the school know who he is and what he looks like, therefore when partnered with an interesting Main Headline, the consumer is likely to read into the magazine and buy it. The shot is a medium-close up meaning that the camera only captures the individuals upper body. I believe that the use of a medium-close up shot in a school magazine is important as it allows the user to see Giacomo’s face more effectively as the image is larger when compared to a long shot, meaning that they are more likely to identity who he is and therefore read the magazine.

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After I adjusted the image of my magazine’s model, I made a start on my cover lines. The cover line on the left hand side is a simple yet effective piece of information, outlining how if you buy the magazine, you can receive great exam tips. Also, the Masthead is important in this case as users are able to link the ‘A Grade Exam Tips 2016’ to both the magazine’s name, as well as suggesting that the tips included are able to get students A Grade marks in exams. At this time, I also created and thought of my puff promotion hence why there is a small circle on the right hand side of the page. I brainstormed many idea’s and believed the product should be related to both studying and personal enjoyment.

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For the puff promotion, I used the Shape Tool to create a circular shape. I then filled the shape with the same colour yellow as seen in the St. Andrews logo as this highlights consistency. I duplicated this shape and slightly enlarged it, I filled the shape with the colour black and made it a lower layer to the yellow circle. This meant that the Text Tool to create the box for the text. After this I decided what prize I would include as my puff promotion. This convention is commonly used by many magazine companies as it acts as a deploy for the consumer to buy the magazine as they are therefore able to win a valuable prize or gain valuable information. I altered the text to make the ‘WIN’ stand out and added a picture pf Beats Headphones so that the user could identify with the product. I used this type of promotion so that users can use it for themselves as well as using it for homework by listening to music as music has been suggested to help revision. Additionally, I took a picture of A-Level school books from the internet and placed them into the picture in the bottom right hand corner. This is a small suggestion that the magazine is about school and exam based information.

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In this final stage, I added my cover lines, sub lines and main headline. I chose the cover lines because the relate to the school and mainly to the school and therefore appeal to all students. The sub lines were simply a short summary of what the story would include. I ensured that both the cover lines and sub lines seemed exclusive so that people would be drawn to reading the magazine.

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Preliminary Task Progression– EvidenceContents PageStep-by-step

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For the background of my Contents Page Task, I used the classic St. Andrews deep navy blue, while additionally adding in a lighter blue gradient towards the bottom of the page. The St. Andrew logo features the darker shade of blue seen in the background. It is significant and beneficial that I used this colour as it connotes consistency throughout the magazine. Once I had this colour, I added it into my Swatches Palette therefore it could be quickly and easily selected. I then selected the background layer and added the dark blue colour overlay from my Swatches Palette. Then I used the Gradient Tool to create the lighter blue colour as seen towards the bottom of the background. I used the same background as seen on my Front Cover as this connotes consistency and the magazine would simply look strange if the background colors were not similar.

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After, I duplicated the Yellow Box from my front cover into my content page so that I could have the exact same colour and shape. Next, I used the same St. Andrew’ logo’s and placed them into the left and right side of the yellow box, just like on the front cover. I used the same large font for the ‘A Grade’ but this time did not use the glow effect to connote that the front cover should be the page which draws the readers eye and therefore the other pages do not need such effects. I used a formal font for the ‘CONTENTS’ text as this suggests professionalism, and as this is a school magazine, this is necessary.

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Next, I used the shape tool to create 3 shapes, which would be my boxes for the sub titles and sub lines. I finished off the 3 boxes each with an extra box at the top of the shape which was a blue rectangle shape with a yellow stroke so that the blue colours would look separate to the background. This gives the boxes an aesthetic look as due to the addition of the white larger shape for the text I am able to use black text.

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Next, I added the sub titles into the blue boxes. I added the picture I took for my editorial which was a simple close up image of my face and shoulders. This picture allows the reader to get to know the editor and have an understanding of who he is by the picture provided. I then took a screenshot of my front cover and placed it into my contents page as this creates brand identity. Lastly, I began to make a start on the another rectangular shaped box. I planned that this would simply hold the schools website address as well as how to find ‘A Grade’ on social media. I filled this shape using the bucket tool with the consistent yellow colour I have been using throughout as this highlights consistency. Like the other boxes, I added a stroke onto the shape so it looks detached from the background and therefore is more able to stand out and be seen.

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After this, I use the long shot picture I took of Giacomo and after a while of using Pixel Mator to remove the background, I placed him into my contents page. I wanted to use Giacomo as the person on my contents page because I believe that showing consistency in a magazine is key and therefore I adopted this approach when producing my magazine. I used a long shot so that all of Giacomo could be seen, as well as this, the logn shot is a common convention seen on numerous contents page. I made sure he was not too large or too small as this would either shine too much attention on him or do the opposite and neglect him. I placed him in the center of the page so he would most likely be the first thing that the reader would see. As you can also see, Giacomo covers a small section of the ‘Features’ box, which highlights that he does have importance in the magazine but does not have too much importance that he covers all of the sub lines as this is crucial information which could be valuable to the reader.

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Next, I created a text box and wrote the editorial. This is simply an introduction and a better way to get to know the writer. This is significant since the reader may want to engage with the individual who is writing the article. I also used the Pen Tool in order to create the Drop Capital. This convention is crucial in a magazine since it places the readers attention on the letter due to overwhelming size of it compared to all the additional text and therefore the reader is most likely to read the rest of the editorial. I signed it off with my signature in which I wrote it on a piece of paper and electronically copied it so that it is a authentic and real signature, creating a pure connection between the reader and writer.

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After this, I included all the relevant topics of the magazine which I believe fit into the ‘General’ section. This section included topics in which were relevant to the magazine and also appeared on the front cover of the magazine. This section is also important as it informs the reader of the pages that the stories are available on, which additionally is important as it allows the reader to easily navigate through the magazine.

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Section 2) – Log Book

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According to Statista, the graph on the left shows the top results for “Leading music genres according to consumers in the United States as of May 2014”. As you can see, Rock and Pop are more popular then Hip Hop/Rap.

Additionally, the graph in the center of the page, also taken from Statista, pictures a “Genre breakdown of total album sales in the United States in 2013”. The graph highlights how Rock and R&B are dominant genres over Hip Hop/Rap.

Music Magazine – Genre Research

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Established Magazine for my Research

Strapline – The verbal code of the strapline signifies the magazine success and importance in the world, highlighting its popularity and status.

Masthead – The Q masthead is clean, effective and most importantly, easily noticeable.

Cover lines – Sub titles placed to the side of the magazine as other topics to lure the consumer into reading the magazine.

Main Headline – The language used on the main headline is often intriguing and is aimed to draw a consumer into reading the magazine. It is unclear and reveals very little of the main story.

Main Imagine – This non verbal code is an example of Star Appeal (Richard Dyer) as it shows Kanye West, who is such a popular, controversial, and prominent figure in the music history and world. This means people are likely to read the magazine just because of its cover star.

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Target Audience – Katz, Maslow, Hartley and/or socio-economic needs‘Q’ Magazine is generally targeted at individuals aged about 25, this is an important factor as it allows them to charge pricey £3.90 per copy. The magazine may appeal to hip hop music fans. Additionally, it may appeal to more middle class people such as class B, C1 and C2 as it is a arguable expensive magazine. I believe Q magazine focuses uses Star Appeal (Richard Dyer) as its method to make readers buy each publication. According to Katz’ Uses and Gratifications theory, readers may want be to be ‘educated;’ about a certain topic in the magazine. Readers may read the magazine as the vague main headline intrigues consumers due to Kanye West being addressed as a “punk, provocateur and activist”. This instantly makes readers wonder why he is being such names. In addition to this, Kanye West fans may be persuaded to buy the magazine due to Star Appeal (Richard Dyer), simply because one of their ‘role models’ are on the cover. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, ‘care givers’ may feel pity towards Kanye West and his childhood, which may encourage them to buy the magazine. Whereas, ‘social climbers’ may be more influence by the content and cover stories on a page especially so if their favorite artist or band is on the front cover of the magazine.

What is the USP of this magazine? From the research conducted into Q Magazine, I have found that the unique selling point for Q magazine is their reviews and interviews with global artists and bands. This allows the magazine to appeal to a wider target audience as it appeals to everyone in the world therefore it is being bought worldwide. The magazine also uses Star Appeal (Richard Dyer) to lure consumers into buying the publication due to such a worldwide-known star being on the magazine cover. Q magazine also offer a monthly top 50 essential track list for customers and has a program in which celebrities answer selected readers questions. In addition to this, they also offer promotional gifts such as CD’s or posters with purchases of the magazine.

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Publisher research


Bauer Media uses the slogan “We Think Popular” to connote that their magazine follows trends and most importantly is kept up to date. The adjective ‘popular’ highlights how successfully the magazine how continued to update readers with its sublime taste in music. The slogan is short, snappy and sweet which also makes it easy to remember and recognize; therefore allowing it to be the ‘perfect’ slogan.

Bauer’s Q Magazine’s target audience is aimed towards 30-40 year old males who are interested in alternative music and purchasing CD’s and albums. According to Bauer Media Magazines website, 83.8%of readers are aged between 15 and 44. Additionally, 66.2% are male and the remaining 33.8% are female. By featuring such popular and ’household’ names, Q magazine is able to target a incredibly wide audience.

Bauer distributes its magazines online by offering subscriptions to paying consumers. The subscription allows readers to decide whether they want to receive a digital or paper copy of their magazines. The subscription costs £24 annually, which gives 7 issues of print and digital copies.


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Conventions of a Music Magazine

Barcode/Price/ Issue/Date

Strapline – XXL’s strapline being “Hip Hop on another level” suggests that they are superior over other hip hop magazines and therefore consumers should purchase their publications due to their .

Cover lines – These ‘sub stories’ highlight other articles in the magazine which can act as another invitation to make consumers read the magazine; XXL use cover lines featuring popular names such as Kendrick Lamar and Chris Brown to attract additional attention.

Main Image – Like Q magazine, XXL uses Star Appeal (Richard Dyer) as it shows Big Sean as the cover star; Big Sean being a popular name in the hip hop/rap industry.

Main Headline – The language used in the main headline is intriguing as well as vague which makes the consumer eager to read the magazine. The use of the headline suggests what life is like for Big Sean now that he is a successful artist.

Masthead – XXL’s masthead is very bold and clear to read, it is simple and therefore effectively easy to recognize.

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Target Audience – Katz, Maslow, Hartley and/or socio-economic needsFrom the table I am able to suggest that XXL's target audience is 25-29 year old African - American males. (Hartley’s 7 Subjectivities). Additionally, from the table, 83% of consumers are aged above 21 years old. This can imply to me that the majority of XLL's audience is mature and therefore able to afford the price tag of $5.99. From the socio-economic needs, I am able to place consumers into the B, C1 and C2 category. This means that the target audience of XXL are most likely to be employed and have a stable income – therefore are able to afford the magazine. Moreover, from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; I understand that consumers are likely to be ‘social climbers’ whom are attracted to materialistic things. Lastly, consumers may be able to have a ‘personal identification’ (Katz’ uses Graftifications theory) with Big Sean in the main image and headline. This means that consumers who buy this article may be “Living the good life” just like the main headline outlines.

What is the USP of this magazine? From the research completed into this media product, I believe the unique selling point of XXL is based around their cover star and main imagine. XXL uses Star Appeal (Richard Dyer) as a method to lure in consumers. In this particular issue, Big Sean is the main image; a well established hip hop/rap icon known worldwide. XXL also use large, bold main headlines as an additional way to attract possible readers. The headlines are short and vague, which lures an individual into reading into the topic.

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Publisher research

XXL also releases its annual Top 10 Freshman list. The unique issue features the ten picks of ‘upcoming’ hip hop icons. The list features small maybe unknown artists who are deemed to be on the rise. The list has become known to create excitement and is credited for giving numerous artists their first taste of fame.

References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XXL_(magazine)

The use of XXL’s slogan; “Hip Hop on a higher level”, suggests that their magazine is innovative and more importantly, better than every other hip hop magazine. This confidence gives their readers the assumption that they aren't reading an ordinary hip hop magazine, but getting the news on a advanced level.

On the XXL website it displays readership figures

from 2013; displayed above.
