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Presentation of Case Study

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Presentation of Case Study Shelby Lucier

Presentation of Case StudyShelby Lucier


•Australian Mushroom Growers









Mushroom Growers General Manager, Greg Seymour said a global review of published mushroom research conducted by the CSIRO had established the need to inform consumers more about the “Power of Mushrooms”.

Mr Seymour said research, funded by the industry in partnership with the Federal Government, was now looking to build on these discoveries, with studies underway to confirm the outcomes with human trials.

The campaign will commence in July and comprises a range of communication activities to inform consumers about mushrooms.

Funded by Australian mushroom growers, the campaign was developed by Advertising agency, Traffic and features a variety of strong visual images depicting the health benefits of mushrooms.


•Recipes using mushrooms, encouraging the audience to include mushrooms in their diets

•Health and nutrition facts given on their website educating the audience about how mushrooms are beneficial to their lives


What is the campaign’s purpose?•To try and promote healthy life style for

the audience. They include on their website many health and nutrition facts and ways to fit their facts into the audiences’ lives.

What is the campaign’s genre?•The genre of the campaign is health and


What is the campaign’s form & style?•The form and style of the campaign is

health benefits. It’s market wide, all over Australia, meaning it’s national. It’s form is mainly social media, giving it a very up-to-date status and it has a friendly approach making it look happy and healthy, just like its promotions.

What is the campaign’s content?

What is the campaign’s process?•The campaign has a lot of different

processes in terms of getting in touch with the audience.

•They have little competitions (a current one is called ‘Eat Post Win’) which is highlighting their technique of getting in touch with the audience and having the audience share their experiences and how they have helped them with their life.

Agency Production ProcessHow does the Agency do it?

• 'The Power of Mushrooms' is a campaign used to raise awareness of the health benefits one can gain from adding mushrooms to their regular diet. 'The Power of Mushrooms', or 'POM' is a campaign in Australia, advertised by the Traffic Ad Agency in Melbourne.

•Although it stays unclear about the particular ownership of the Traffic Ad Agency, their website (www.traffic.com.au) presents a lot of work with very large and well-moving companies; eg campaigns for LG Mobile, various different health campaigns and jewellery campaigns.

Given from the evidence above and on their website, there are many different categories of which the agency takes part in. They have been involved mainly in creating campaigns for jewellery companies or health beneficial companies with the exceptions of a few others. Their sections include retail, property, automotive, franchise and health services. Within each of these sections, they have done a large range in numbers for taking part in projects. The numbers of projects they've been a part of varies from around 3 to around 25.

There are two main offices in Australia. One is in Sydney which is more well known and vocal and the other is in Melbourne. 

The CEO & Founder's name is Andrew Begg.Andrew is an agency art directer and a client which gives him a view of both sides of the 'retail fence'. He spent the early years of his career at 'Saatchi & Saatchi', BWM and at Cossette in Canada where he created award winning campaigns for Freedom, Tooheys and more.He then moved client side to work with Brett Blundy at Brazin Limited where he launched Sanitiy.com, taking it to the Number 1 entertainments and e-commerce site in only 6 months. He also managed over TBA Sanity and Bra's N Things stores. Having both retail and branding experience, Begg decided to put his passion to deliver a better advertising agency experience in the world and make it real. Finally, Begg opened Traffic Ad Agency in 2003.

You also have Samantha Moore, who is Creative Director at Traffic Ad Agency, Austin Begg who is Chairman and Jeremy King who has the role of GM in Melbourne (and 22 other members of staff). Andrew, Samantha, Austin and Jeremy however, are the senior members of staff.

What the clients say…'Andy, I wanted to thank you and the team for all your work, particularly Jeremy, on our new brand look and feel. I think it has really hit the mark – the new suite feels great! The evolution, as we all knew, was well over due and the coming together of the brands was required – I am personally delighted with the outcome and you’ll be pleased to know that the market is responding well.  Thanks again.'


Steven Abbott, Managing Partner, Director"


“Traffic is the perfect partner. They drive us to out perform, they have a can-do attitude without the ‘attitude’ and they've played a key role in the ongoing transformation of our business across all aspects of that business, not just producing some ads and POS materials. Clearly I'm a big fan of Traffic and wouldn't hesitate to recommend them.”

GOODYEAR DUNLOP TYRES AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALANDJudith Swales, Former Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director_____________________________________________________________“I have been delighted to work with Traffic on a number of campaigns that have generated significant results for our business. The team at Traffic work collaboratively as an extension of our own marketing team, demonstrating genuine understanding of the nuances of Retail Marketing within a commercial reality. They deliver exceptional creative that generates demand for our brand, resonates with our target consumer and delivers return on our marketing investment.”


Melinda Wood, Former National Marketing Manager"

Source: http://www.traffic.com.au/about-us/what-our-clients-say/_____________________________________________________________There were a few other examples of happy clients giving their praise and appreciation on the Traffic Ad Agency website but I thought it'd be more tasteful to just demonstrate the different types of clients that Traffic appear to get, along with the fact that they appear to do a remarkable job.Traffic Ad Agency is mainly based in Australia. However, this does not mean that they exclude global clients and they may well get a wide range from different nations. Like LG, for example. They are not based in Australia, yet Traffic had them as clients twice to create 2 different campaigns for them.

Legal & Ethical IssuesThe advert's impact and effect on the audience is important. It is the whole point of the advert - if it has no effect then it's a really pointless advertisement. It's meant to be eye catching. The Power of Mushrooms' advert is really effective in terms of making you think. A lot of the people I showed it to initially thought that it was something to do with drugs, funnily enough. They saw a mushroom and the fact that it was talking about the power of them and what they can do, so they thought that they were looking at an anti-magic-mushroom campaign. They had to look again to see that it was talking about the health benefits from mushrooms... Normal mushrooms. Relevant issues of presentation: What I said above about misinterpreting it is really relevant to the POM campaign. It COULD potentially be quite misleading. However, this could be a good thing. In my opinion, it could be a really effective technique having the ad look a bit misleading. It makes the audience question it and want to study the issue it's presenting.Legal/ethical issues may be the fact that it could potentially mislead the audience when it is first seen into thinking that it is to do with drugs. It could also easily be incorrect facts about how mushrooms can be beneficial to your health (although this is rather unlikely). 

ASA – UK RegulationsAbout regulation"As the UK’s independent regulator for advertising across all media, our work includes acting on complaints and proactively checking the media to take action against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing.

If we judge an ad to be in breach of the UK Advertising Codes, it must be withdrawn or amended and the advertiser must not use the approach again. In 2012 we considered 31,298 complaints about 18,990 cases and we actively checked thousands of ads. Our work led to 3,700 ads being changed or withdrawn.“

Source: http://asa.org.uk/About-ASA/About-regulation.aspx

The UK advertising regulatory system is a mixture ofself-regulation for non-broadcast advertising and co-regulation for broadcast advertising.Broadly this means that the system is paid for by the industry, which also writes the rules, but those rules are independently enforced by the ASA. For TV and radio advertising, we regulate under a contract from Ofcom.

The UK Advertising Codes are written by two industry committees: the Committee of Advertising Practice writes the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing and the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP) writes the UK Code of Broadcast Advertising.

The system is a sign of a considerable commitment by the advertising industry to uphold standards in their profession. All parts of the advertising industry – advertisers, agencies and media – have come together to commit to being legal, decent, honest and truthful in their ads. 


ASA Australia• About ASA Australia• ASA Australia is a select dealer group operating in the Australian independent office products market.• ASA Australia consists of 10 independently Australian owned office products dealers operating

throughout Australia in capital cities and major regional locations. Each ASA Australia member operates with its own branding and corporate identity in the marketplace.   The annual turnover of ASA Australia in 2010 in Office Products, IT Supplies, Paper and Furniture is expected to be in excess of $80 million.

In our industry ASA Australia members have dominated the prestigious industry awards the ‘Reseller of the Year Award’ since its inception 10 years ago. 

ASA Australia Pty Ltd is set up for the sole purpose of supporting its members with national supplier negotiations, rebate programs, catalogue and promotional programs.The production of ASA Australia’s annual catalogue is the principal marketing service provided by the ASA Australia’s office. 

Over 33,000 catalogues are produced with ASA members own branding and corporate identity featured on their front cover and inside front and back pages. 200 are branded ASA for ASA marketing purposes. 

The philosophy of ASA Australia is to forge long-term partnerships with selected suppliers that are fair and ethical to both parties, and will have the commitment of all ASA Australia members.

We consider our membership of ten to be the biggest and best resellers in their geographical location.  Combined as a group, with expected turnover in excess of $80 million for 2010 in Office Products, IT Supplies and Furniture, ASA Australia is a strategic partner of great value.

Understanding How Advertising is Promoted and Distributed

"The Science of Nutrition in Medicine conference in Melbourne attracted 750 delegates, making it the 2nd biggest nutrition conference in Australia after the dietitians’ annual conference. Glenn Cardwell had an abstract accepted and got to present on Vitamin D in mushrooms and the potential for its public health benefi ts. The Australian mushroom industry is going to consider the value of having a booth at the next conference in Sydney 2013.

X Doctors and nurses The General Practitioner and Practice Nurse Convention and Exhibition was held in Sydney in May. This very popular convention attracts 1,500 doctors and nurses both locally and from the west coast of Australia, all through to New Zealand. Dietitian Glenn Cardwell gave four workshops on “Superdiets & Superfoods” and a short nutrition quiz. Sue Dodd and her team provided scrumptious tastings of mushrooms for these influential attendees. This was our first opportunity to offer the new brochure detailing the health benefits of mushrooms and the new poster on the 10 reasons why we should all be eating three mushrooms a day.“

source: http://www.mushroomsandhealth.com/files/Files/ISMS%20Bulletin_Iss19_Aug12(1).pdf

The 'Power in Mushrooms' campaign was much more a health issue than anything that might be on your more 'day-to-day' advertised things. The company decided to promote the campaign with open health days at GP Surgeries and doctors and nurses doing health talks and promoting the issue themselves.

This is more of a vocal advertisement - meaning that the issue is being spread by word of mouth more than anything.

It was also put up in various different billboards around Australia, and they also used the visual effectiveness by creating a YouTube advertisement video.


What is the campaign’s process?•They also have a variety of different social

networks that they are involved with and that they use to get in touch with people.

How the campaign get in touch

•As I stated earlier, the campaign use a lot of different ways to get in touch with their audience; such as social media networks.

• It is important to connect with your range of audience; such as age, gender, lifestyle and spending power.

Age•The age range is pointed at a stereotypical

guess that the campaign has t0 make when designing their adverts and websites. It’s having a target audience.

•Stereotypically speaking, the ‘Power of Mushrooms’ campaign could be pointed at people the age of around 20’s to mid 30’s, as that’s the age group when people start learning to cook for themselves, their families and/or caring more about their diets.

Gender• The gender is also based on a stereotypical guess

that the company just has to make. It could also be assumed that the person starting the campaign was a certain gender because of what the campaign is about.

•STEREOTYPICALLY SPEAKING, the target audience’s gender would mostly be female, as females are known for being more self-aware about their diets and their weight. The campaign demonstrates many different diet techniques and recipes to use if you want to slim down or just have a healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle & Spending Power

•With lifestyles, it’s easy to assume that the target audience they are trying to approach is a younger age group.

•University students tend to start cooking for themselves when they set off from home. The campaign are promoting different, easy and delicious recipes that people could use to have a more healthy and balanced diet that is also affordable.

Operating Model
