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Price Delivered Cash. O,roliia., stair, · 2017-12-16 · KATES OF ADVERTISING: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS....

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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KATES OF ADVERTISING : Advertisements will be inserted iu the Tieeoeo SciTHtRXEE At the following rates. Tea lines of mixiox, or one iueh lungthwUe will constitute a soi-An- s : One square one insertion, fl Hi Euch subsequent insertiou, 50 pocket and if you come on me with that knife I will shoot you." Murray stoped a moment. Then Strange said, "lay down your knife and that stick and I will cover it with the pistol and fight it out with you even if you are 30 or 40 lbs. heavier, Murray refused and advanced again. Strange said ' I tell you for the last time if you come on me with that knife I will shoot you on the spot so sure as then is a Pkrsosai. Miss Placid Engelhard, the young and interesting daughter of our dis- tinguished cotemporary of the Wilmington Journal is visiting friends in our city, and is the guest of Mrs. Gov. Clark. Blck Fishing at Beaufort. Our thanks to Mr. Geo. W. Charlotte of the Atlantic Hotel for an invitation to partic- ipate in the fine sport of Blue Fishing which he writes is now in full blast. Departed. Jeema II. narris of spring chicken notoriety lias as length departed the limits of the county acting upon a sug- gestion of nis Honor Judge Moore, that if he were in these parts at the next term of the Court, he would be given a free ride to Raleigh, and a check for five years board at the State Hotel up the country iu Wood- son's neighborhood. Jeems has figured conspicuously on the criminal dockets of four consecutive years and the community is now rid of a first class nuisance. We have nothing to say of those with whom he has taken up a new abode, but it would be well for them to give the locksmitli a job. '' ,. M Thk Fair. There will be, from present indications, the greatest display of blooded horses, cattle and Bheep at the Fair in Oc- tober that we have ever had in this State. Such an npportunity may not occur again for years for our people to see such a va- riety of fine stock as will then be exhibited, and the purses offered for racing are such as to render it certain that we will have the finest trotting and running races ever witnessed in North Carolina. The citizens of Raleigh will offer a purse of $500 inde- pendent of the Society. The premiums offered farmers are unusally liberal, which will doubtless create every conceivable competition, and notwithstaning the dull times, we are clad to know that our peo Hardware of Every Description, from a Steam Engine to a Cambric Needle at the Hardware Store of W. G. LEWIS. Gin and Savr Mill Belting, Mill Saw Files, Circular Cut Sawa, A splendid line of Cook Stoves at the very lowest prices, Oat Cutters, Genuine Cucumber Pumps, Grass Scythes. Buggy, Carriage and Wagon Material, &c, &c. I havo a BOOKWALTER ENGINE a exhibition at my Store and m iik x uu ib Every Tuesday at 11 o'clock. Jg Every Farmer should hare one of these Engines. Price Delivered here, $355.00 Cash. " -- " 1 The best Cotton Press in the market, " O,roliia., stair," Price, $125.00. Also the famous MASSEY GIN. vields more lint and better staple than any vjrin. impossible to choke it. JSSsT I am selling Hardware a prioes. July 23-t- f. H. MORRIS & BRO. HAVE Barbara' Jloittljtnur. ? Friday, : : : Sept-3- , 1S75 31.A.TE NEWS. A sporting-clu- is to bo organ'zed in Fayettevillc. At Charlotte a dogwood and a pine Livicgly grow into eacli other. lion. JtdLerson Davis has been in v!t:d to deliver the address at the Salisbury fair. J.n.is S. Battle, Esq., of Rocky Mount, 'will be the Chief Marshal at th- VVeldon IVir this fall. Tho Methodists of Goldsboro havo purchased tho residence of Mr. John )i. Smith, on Yvllliam street, for a parsonage. Mrs. Turner, a lady living a few i.nles west of Enfield, had the miofor-iun- o to dislocate one of her hips on Thursday last, says the Weldon News. It is said that there will be a rush of Uadical oilicoholders to Raleigh to buy up all who may bo wavering k v doubtful iu tho Convention. One evening last week while Mrs. living near Enfield, was in :i"l'ainting fit sue fell forward and doubling her hands fell ou them, !reaking both wrists. Our Living unci Our Dead for Sep-tcindo- r contains two handsomepictureo a portrait of Gen. George Burgwyn Anderson and a front view of the Peace Institute, Ealeigh. A cleverly vrritton sketch of the lamented Auder son appears also in thia number. Williamson, tho hegro who mur- dered bridge-tend- er Presson, near Weldon, was executed at Jackson, Northampton county, on Friday. lie made a half hour speech. The Wel- don News gives a full account of the atl'air, with a history cf tho murder and trial. Jiays tho Winston Sentinel: The prospects for a good tobacco crop havo not improved since last week. The continued wet and unfavorable weath- er has destroyed all hope of much fine tobacco. There is a great complaint from our farmers of trenching and rottir.g off on the hill. bays the Wilmington Star of Fri- day; 'Wo learn that Messrs Kerch nor & Caldor Bros., must be accorded tho trophies for the first bale of new cotton this year. It came to hand yes- terday, by express, from Mr. E. J. Moody, of Marion, S. C. It is the herald of busy times to como.' Tho Elizabeth City Republican says: i'Le farmei'3 of our county aro pleased with tho prospect of their corn and rotten Ccids, and judging from ap- pearances, the yield, especially in !.:rn, will icuca exceed per acre, that ut any previous year since 16GG. Ihcro is also in acerage at least twen- ty i;vo per cent over last years farm- - tho Wilson Advance: Our J, B. Iluasey, of the States-vi;i- o Landmark, and W. P. William-on- , of tho Tarboro Southerner, will t o candidates for clerkship before the fc'tate Convention. If our party should control xlio organization of tho Con- - vur.-ioi- we fiio sure they will not bo behind tlm Logislaturo in appreciat- ing tho services of the press, which Las labored so faitb.tul.-- for the suc-- ' e-- s of our cause.' The Wilson Plaindealer says: Three nrgro men who confess that they are ' eaped convict3 from the penitentia- - ry of this iitato have been arrested and lodged in tho Wilson county jail i"r saff keeping. They claim the name j Nuah Kiel:, Henry Jones and Closes Lewis. They aro supposed I acknowledge themselves to be of '.o number who escaped from the ;.;tiar l where they were at work brick leaking near Raleigh on Saturday Vv't-ldo- News; Tho case cf Martha i". Burnett, of Enfield, against W. & W. R. R. Company, action for dam- ages for forfeiture of contract, re- - i.'.oved i'rem this county to Warren T:s decided rd the present Term of tii- - Cour: held in the latter county, tap jury giving. JKJUOO actual damages :.u i Jl!i)ni)0 consequential damages, i ho verdiet was set aside by the Judge, and tho case will probably go to tne :"';preni9 Court. The Raleigh pap?rs learn that on application of Mr. Kemp P. Battle, and Treasurer of the Uni- versity; Col. John W. Robinson, Pres- - f tho Seaboard & Roanoke I:a:Iroad Company, and Capt. A. B. A';di(; , s Superintendent of the IlaU ' :ja & Gaston and Raloigh & Augus- ta Air Lino Railroad Company, have to aid in tho reestablishment t tho University of North Carolina, bv transport professors and students, ' u 1 freight for them at one-ha- lf the v-'- rates, from the :25th. of August, i 7."., to ths 10th of June, 175. This ' . a hanh;cmo contribution by Jthoso uiparties. Mr. Battle has made sim .! .;r application to other transportation I.at Juno, whilo Gov. Vance was ''aing homo from Raleigh, tho band-- : ebony cane with gold head, "'.:: h was wesented to him by the youths of Wilmington, was 'en frrm tho train at Greensboro, vr :y to recover it was fruitless, 1 nothing was heard of it until Sun- - iv moi ning last, when Gov, Vance ;'';--- ; d a letter from tho Se.perinten-r.- t Police of Now York City, in- - ' n taing him that tho cane was in a in that city, and had been ietoetcJ by the engraving on tho head, 'iv Vance immediately telegraphed r and expects its arrival in a few ys. Ho prizes the cane very high v, and is quito elated in tho prospect ei rn early recovery. Observer. IhoRaidgii Sentinel eays: Maj. W. . IV.tf-rso- is tho candidate to fill 'ae vacancy caused by tha death of ('ov. Tirrdiaru. Ike Young and Billy a.'uli it is said will canvass Orange to ' the Major. They aro too late. Major's grand father canvassed 'rr.ngo ono hundred years ago. llis ''her canvassed Orange near one iian lred years ago His father can v .sul h fifty years ago, and tho Major -- .a i -- el i canvassed and the votes are all '"gr-- to him except the negroes ' I thu wait-- allies of Guthrie, who id the I'ogroo had no soul. H:a and Brnss-Ey- e Trill will find it - i ',o draw the people from a man ' h is canvassed Orange by his good r; and deeds long before he was ; esinated to office Let there be a ''ill turnout for Patterson oatbe lGth of September. 1 mo. 2 hob. 13 nios.iii nios.ll J inos Oue square, 3 00 6 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 Two 5 00l 8 0O lOOOi 15 00 20 00 Three " 7 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 27 50 Four " 9 00 lflOO 18 00 25 00 36 00 XA column, iao 18 00 2000 27 50 40 00 U " IS 00 25 00 30rt0 40 00 fciOQ Oue column, 22 50 So 00 4i 00! 60 00 100 00 Court advertisements inserted 6 weeks for $8. Funeral and Obituary notiuc, not mora than ten.lines inserted rui or chaeuk. SubscriptioM 2.50. If paid casli at time of subscribing; 12.00. S- - 31- - PETTENGILL & CO.. 10 State Street, Huston, 37 Park Kow, New York, aixl 701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, are our AacnU for procuriagr adTertisements for The Exqdirkr iu the abova cities, and authorized to contract for advertising at our lowest rales. A Uevl-est- . Will friends, in noticing advertisement m our paper, and responding to same please state to purtics addressed, " I saw your advertisement in Exquirrk-Soct- h erxer ?' It is little trouble, aud will help our business wonderfully. Remember us. LOCAL MATTERS. Bkikfs. It makes a mun and mars a woman to be talked about. J. A. "Williamson sells heavy goods at a small margin. Ladies dresses have got to that point where one more pull back will either tear tlir cloth or break the limbs. If you want to build up the South en- courage home manufacturers. t Women spend the greater portion of their time these days iu fixing up their pin backs and hunting for thimbles. A lot of Flour, choice brands, just in store by J. A. Williamson. Whitlock sells the best Cigar for 5 cents in the State. 4t The foolish fellow who tries to have a rich man's ways, with only a poor man's purse r.t command, has a hard time of it. Xewly Corned Mullets, at J. A. "William- son's. aug20-4- t. Try Whitiock's celebrated 5 cent Cigars. Brazen faced im pudence and ignorance are mistaken for " smartness" by many an unfortunate youth. To make room for Winter goods, I will sell cheaper than ever for cash, A. Whit lock. 4t The item of cotton rope for plow lines seems a small matter. In the aggregate it is worth keeping at home. Order from Battle & Son's ltocky Mount Mills, Rocky Mount, N. C. t Our latest sensation was caused by cne of our young ladies in a well arranged 'pin-back- " trying to step around both ends of a small dog at once. Choice brands of Cigars at wholesale and retail, at J. A. Williamson's. tf Money saved is money made. The way to save it is to make J. A. Williamson your grocer. When a man and woman are made one by the clergyman, the question is which, is the one ? Sometimes there is a long strag- gle between them before this matter is finally settled. Buy your heavy 4- -4 Brown Sheeting your Cotton Yarns and your Plow Lines, of Battle & Son's Rocky Mount Mills, t Take the Sol-tueene- k if you desire the news current in your county. In some parts of the South the drought has been so severe that there has not been water enough in the rivers to keep fish from getting sun burnt on the back. Reduced rates, Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, 5cc., will be sold low, to make room for winter goods at Whit- - luck's. 4t Fresh Family Groceries, received daily, at J. A. Williamson's. A lazj' fellow once declared in a public company, that he could not find bread for his family. "Nor I," replied an industri- ous man ; "I'm obliged to work for it," Bill heads printed in the neatest style at the Southerner office. Special inducements offered for cash in Clothiug and Dry Goods, at Whitiock's. The novelty in belts is the grain ribbon not more than two inches wide, and worn about the waist, to fasten in front of the left side in a bow, with loops and ends reaching nearly or quite to the knee. J. A. Williamson keeps (at wholesale and retail) the finest brands of Chew- ing Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes. lie beats the town on five cent cigars. aug20. Dr. L. L. Statou, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, sells at and below Northern prices. mar. 2G-t- f. In' Beaufort, Pamlico and Hyde the crows are reported to be more destructive to corn this season than usal. Some fields have been almost totally destroj-ed- . Court Advertisement Read it. Wanted Elsewueke Situation as Teacher. Et.dek IIassel Preached at the Primi- tive Baptist Church last night. Court Adjourned Wednesday. Busi- ness has been pretty well disposed f . RrxXEYMEDE Park. First rate "scor- ched pig " at Runneymcde Park Wednes- day. Convalescent. We are glad to learn that Dr. Aug. H. McNair who has been confined a week or more is now convales- cent. Cotton Gin. Messrs. Hyman it Dancy of Norfolk advertise the celebrated Hall's self feeding Cotton Gin. Read advertise- ment. Cotton Plant. The Steamer Cotton Plant commerced her regular trips l ist Monday we learn. The river will hardly admit her appearance at the wharf at present. FiiiST Cotton. The first two bales of new cotton that has been shipped from this county this season were brought to town yesterday. Mr. Pollard Edmondson raised the first one and sold to R. C. Brown & Co., at 14 cents. Death. We regret ta learn of the death of Wm. M. Cox at his residence in Con-t5utn- Township in Pitt, on the 5th inst. The Register saya he was surrounded by his fauiily and numerous friends who mourn his loss. Damages Awauuetx Tho case of Mar- tha E- - Burnett, of Enfield, against W. & W. R. R. Company, action for damages f or forfeiture of contract, removed from Halifax county to Warren was decided the present Term of the Court held in the latter county, the jury giving $13,000 ac- tual damages, and $10,000, consequential damages. The verdict was set aside by the Judge, and the case will probably go to the Supreme Court. dial. 2Sm God.' He continued to advance and when he got within a few paces, Strange, who was standing by the road-sid- e, fired. The sht did not take instantaneous effect and he advanced a step or two more and fell. Both the knife and stick were found in his hands after death. Both Strange and BridgeiS are still in jail, the latter declining to take advantage of bail as Strange is still held in custody. The trial will be moved to Buncombe, an adjoining county, and Mr. Bridgers, the counsel, says there is little doubt but that a plea of self defense can be sustained in behalf of Strange and no case can be got- ten against Bridgers. Tho friends of these young gentlemen who were so much excercised over the new3 that first reached them may dismiss then- - fears. Proclamation to oub Numerous Cus- tomers. Having been the first to buy Fall goods, we are determined to be the first to sell them. We desire to proclaim to our numerous friends and customers throughout this section that we are now daily receiving one of the most elegant as- sortments of Fall and Winter goods ever offered for sale in the Tarboro market. We buy for cash, sell for cash, and are thereby enabled to compete with anybody in the way of fine bargains, and will sell the best goods at the lowest and most rea- sonable prices. The public is invited to call early and make a thorough examina tion of our stock before supplying their wants. L. Heilbeonek & Bso., It. Main Street. Thk First Gun. Choice lot new styles fall Calicoes, Corsets, Sash Ribbons, Silk Scarfs, Kid Gloves, Slippers, Gaiters, Cot ton Duck and Drills, at Pender & Jenkins. Aug. 27 St Democratic Executive Committee. There will be a meeting of the County Democratic Executive Committee at the Southerner office n Tcesday, 7th of Sep- tember, to consider matters of importance. A fall attendance is earnestly requested. W. P. Williamson, Sec'y. Jko. S. Daxct, Chairman. Chamberlain & Rawls are offering great inducements to purchasers of goods in their line. A splendid assortment of Clocks just received. A full line of 18K Rings, Vest and Opera Chains, cheaper than they were ever offered before in Tarboro. Every thing else in their lino " dirt cheap." Fine repairing a specialty. Silver Plated Ice Pitchers, Gobets, Slc, at BELL'S, together with a full assortment of desirable Table Ware and Cutlery. Also Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Studs, Cuff and Collar Buttons, Kings, Chains, Charms, B racelets, Gold and Silver Thimbles, &c. Cheap. tf. The Best in the Commonwealth for the money, Mehegan's Banker Segars and Glee Club Segars. Ask yonr Druggist,Hotl Keep- er and Grocer for the Bankers and Glee Club Segars. Manufactured in Norfolk, Va., by mrl9.-tf- . W. A. MEHEGAN. COMMERCIAL. Tarboro' Market. CORBECTKD WEIKLf BT R. B. ALSOP, Grocer, MAIN STREET, TAEBORO' 1ST. C. Home are quoted at the buying price, and all others at the selling price from stores. Ba.com S. C. llams.in canvass, per lb. 1930 Shoulders " ia13 Sides, back bone and rib, 151 Oc Bulk Meats. Shoulders, per lb- - ll12c Sides, clear, Id$i4c Beef. Fresh, per lb. 68c Spiced Family per lb 12c Bagging,. per yard,-1- 4 17 Beeswax f? fi. 25c Butter " 4050c Cotton, per pound, 12Xc13 Cotton Yarn, per bunch, fl 2514C Corn, per bushel, ..65c70c Chebse, lb 2025c Chickens, 20c(430c Eggs, per dozen 15joc Floub Patapsco family fbbl- - .f 10 50$ll Other brands niDBS Dry $ lb. 910c Green, a n. oc Iron Ties, $ ft. Xc Lard, V E. 1920c Meal, per bushel '800 Molasses sugar House ganon, ou(g,.w Onba " 52 60 Osioks, per bushel, fl 502 00 roBK Mess per bbl. za uuiffiu w Potatoes, sweet, per bushel, 67c75 Irish, oer bushel- - .$! 50f 1 75 Peas, per bushel, fl.00125 Sat t (i A. ner sack. $1 75?2 00 .Liverpool, per sacx, Sausage, lb, uc Tea, per lb) .$1 002 00 Tallow, per B. 6(8c New.York Markets. New Yobk, September 1. Cotton very firm sales f 1,453 bales ; uplands at 14 5-- Baltimore Markets. Baltimore, September 1. Cotton quiet and middlings 14J; low raid's 14 1-- 8. YOU CAN NOW GO TO T. H. Gatlin's With the assurance of finding most (ksirablo styles of FR.INTS. All grades of Dress Goods, Hats, Hosiery, Lisle Thread and Kid Gloves, Beautiful Em- broideries, Variety in Ruchings, Having just received my SPRING STOCK, The public are respectfully invited to call and examine it. A full stock of very desirable Goods, including everything usual- ly found in a First-Cla- ss Store. April 9tb, 1875. tf. Badly Injured. Experienced planters, among them Jesse II. Powell, Esq., in- forms us the ctttton crop has been badly injured by the late protracted rains. The damage is estimated t T,0 per cent, and perhaps more. We are truly sorry the prospects have so greatly changed. A Daring Editor. -- Friend Murrill way up in the west is PEESS-i- n so much money that he dares to talk about establishing a bank at Hickory. Bo there is where all the money has gone. Wonder if there is room enough far two up there, brother. All widths Rubber and Leather Belting. New Fall and Winter Goods received daily at Pender & Jenkins. 4t Brought to Grief. We learn a negro by the name of Winstead was jailed in Greenville for robbing the Marlsboro' Post office last week. Uncle Sam must not te imposed upon. Albany can accomodate a few more of Grant's favorites. Those Mosquitos. This conrmunily has been intolerably inf ected with the mid- night tunes of the mosquito long enough, but a German chemist comes to the rescue by discovering the bite is healthy. It may be for the mosquito, but we would rather not be 'healthy.' Rev. Dr. Closs. The Methodist pulpit was filled by this distinguished Methodist divine Sabbath evening, who preached one of his characteristic able sermons. Dr. Closs is one of ti e clearest expounders of the scriptures we ever heard preach. Hon. T. J. Jarvis Passed through Wednesday on his way to Pitt. He will take the cars for Raleigh at this place on Saturday morniug. Wc hope Messrs. King Hasscll and Shepherd will also be along in time. Be prompt ! P. 8. Since the above was put in type, Mr. Shepherd passed through yesterday morning for Raleigh. Students of the University and the Railroads. Students going to Chapel HilL we learn will pay full fares over the railroad lines, whose authorities have agreed to transport for half fares, going to the Universily, but will be returned free on the proper certificates from the Presi- dent or other officer of the University. Mariuved. Mr. Lamb Lawerence, of Edgecombe, and MLs Sue Woolen, of Pitt, were married on Wednesday at the resi- dence of the bride's mother. All is bright before them and we hope a happy and contented life will attend them in their new relationship. The ceremony was per- formed by Elder Thomas O'Berry of the Primitive Baptist Church. Pic-Ni- o. The pic-ni- c given by the young gentleman of the town compliment- ary to the Misses R3'an of Baltimore, who licbvo ltn on a iit tw IIIT3. !tt. ID. rowcll of Edgecombe was quite a pleasant affair. Good music, good dinner, fine ladies and fine dancing enlivened the select party en- joying the luxury f a pic-ni- c on the banks of Hendrick's stream running through the grounds of the late ex -- Gov. Clark. i Just received, 3 40 Saw, and 1 45 Saw Cotton Gin, at Pender fc Jenkins. :Jt Weldon Fair. The Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Fair of North Carolina takes place ou the 20th, 27th, 2Sth, 29th, of October. We have received from its secretary a copy of the premium list, prin- ted by the Roanoke News in a full sheet poster, and find the premiums are quite liberal. When we have more leisure wc propose giving t his subject a more extended notice. The Fair is as much that of the people of Edgecombe as any ether county in the Tar River section and should be more liberally patronized by us. More anon. The " Pin-Back- s " Proscribed, These darlings of creation doubtless imagined all the newspaper bits at the present "pin-bac- k " skirts as the idle talk of local hun- ters ; but what must they think of the edict that has gone fortli from a Catholic church in Canada to the effect that no lady wearing "low neck dresses or pin-bac- k skirts" shall commune in that church. What a monster that Priest must be, aud with what pleasure would wc wring bis his neck, just for the sake of the dear crea- tures whom he thus wantonly assails. Elective Judiciary. We are able to state on authority that Albertson and Bate-ma- n, prominent radicals of this section and members elect of the Convention, promise to with the friends of consti- tutional refcrm iu changing the mode of electing the judiciary to nomination by the Governor and confii nation by the Senate. This will redress the evil we have so fre- quently brought to the attention of the public. Our authority is Judge Moore. Tuk Tarboro Brancu. We take pleas- ure in bearing testimony to th satisfactory manner in which the business on the Tar- boro Branch is conducted. Capt. Hay- wood Clark, the conductor, and Mr. Robt. E. Whitehurst, the agent, arc both young gentlemen and are as faithful to the interests of the road as they are accommodating to the public at large. Wc can also include Mr. W. D. Bryan who has so long and favorably served the public as express messenger and route agent of the U.S. Mails. No Credit. The Raleigh News pub. lished our "Lawyer nasitur non fit" of ksi week and forgot to give us credit. We believe it was an unintentional oversight, but it is so seldom anything approaching the funny is gotten off by the Southerner, that we confess our vanity in wishing to let our friends abroad know that there is such a thing in us occasionally. But we are so muck indebted to our Metropolitan exchange that perhaps it is out of place to demur. We have been intending some time to acknowledge the benefit we derive from the able editorials and news columns of the News and also professional and pri- vate courtesies frequently received at the hands of its clever editors, and will state here that were we deprived of it as an ex- change we would be somewhat like a Bhip without a rudder. FOR -- oo- ple are going to lay aside their troubles for awhile ana meet to exchange views aDd have a good time generally. Raleigh News. . mm m Color Link. The bond question once more and once only. Next Monday will be a fair test whether there be any "virtue in drawing the color line in our local af fairs with equal severity upon democrats who become bondsmen for radical office holders as upon the white men who vote that ticket. Our private opinion has al- ways been against the policy of proscribing a man socially for political opinions when he declares such is his honest conviction ; but not desiring to place that opinion in antag- onism to older and wiser heads than ours, we have surrendered it in favor of a poli- cy that was represented to us to be endor- sed by the respectable white men of the county and the democratic party. Should it prove futile as it has before, we shall assuredly reveit to our opinion and adhere to it hereafter. We are indisposed to fol low up a doctrine that results, it would seem, in no good to the part', sacrifices our own personal friends and makes us the laughing stock of sober-minde- d men. Those friends who have patted us on the shoulder and tell us to go ahead must toe the mark next Monday, or we shall con- clude their conduct argues a disposition to make us shoulder the burden alone and then we have done. Thje Pin -- Backs. Oh ! wasn't h a pull-bac- k, . A pull-bac- a pull-bac- k. Old Song. Did the author prophetically have refer- ence to allusion ? was he a married man ? an elder brother? an affectionate first cou- sin ? or a sentimental uncle ? or a dyspep- tic lover ? can't the girls pull-bac- k r tie-ba- without provoking verse? What care they if it engenders homesickness in the absent married man? matters it to them if it iueites a burning desire in the bachelor to become a benedict ? go it girh ! Here goes our hat. Hurrah ! for the pin- - back ! Yes, essence of sweetness, tie-ba- to your hearts content ! The backer, the better. We look and wonder, wender and admire. " Oh woman, thou art perfectly and wonderfully maid." No divinity of less than 125 lbs. avor-dupo- is should tie-bac- k any worth mention- ing. It dn't become their complexion. Se-la- h. Strange-Murra- y Homicide. We hope ths public will reserve its judgment in the Stamg Murray homicide until the full aw! accurate details are learned. We feel assured there was greater provocation than what has been published. An intimate as- sociation of three yeais at school with Thos. Strange has given us an aquaintance with his character, lie is an amiable young man with a high sense of honor and we know that he has better judgment than to shoot down a man iu cold blood without sufficient provocation. We indeed sym- pathize with him iu his misfortune and trust he may soon be restored to society of which he gave such promise of being a brilliant and useful member. The blow will doubtless fall heavily upon his father, Col. Robert Strange, one of the first men of the State, whose affections are almost centered on his son. Nothing has occur- red within our recollection that has been such a source of regret as the matter- - to which we allude: later. Since the above was written we have seen Jno. L. Bridgers, Jr., Esq., of Tarbsro, who was sent for as counsel soon after the shooting occurred and leam from him the following facts which are accurate : Mr. Bridgers states that Murray is not a son of the Sheriff of the county as it was reported and the state- ment that Strange was threatened with lynching is all bosh. The cause of the trouble arose as follows : When Murray came up behind hand with his vehicle, he was told by Strange that he was paid for the trip and that he was two hours behind time, Murray replied that he had to have his horse shod and came as soon as he could. Strange stated you had five hours notice and that is no excuse. Murray re torted by saying, 'whoever says I had five hours notice is a liar.' Strange then said, ' I say so, do you intend it for me?' Mur ray says, 'you can take it if you like,' jumping down from the hack remarking, 'I can whip any two of you.' Strange grasped a chair and attempted to strike him but was stopped by his friends. The party then drove on about thirteen miles from Waynesville when a wheel brake down and the driver of the wagon went off to a neighboring blacksmith shop to have it repaired. Murray who drove the hack then gave the party a cushion and blanket and they went off aside a hundred yards to engage in a game of euchre to while away the t; i After awhile some one was heard coming up the road and all with the exception of Strange went in that direction to see whether it was the man with the broken wTheel, Strange in the mean time remarking to Preston BridgciB, "where is your pistol, I don't see it in your over coat?" Bridgers replied, "don't shoot away all my cartridges, I haven't many, to which Strange said, "all right, I merely want a few shots." Murray was sittirg near the spaUerboard of the back and Strange shortly afterwards approached him saying. 'I want to settle this matter with you peaceably, yon called me a liar and I want you to take it back as I am un willing for you to go further with us after what you have said." A woman working near by swore that she heard this remark. Murray replied, "you eaid I had five hours notice, and folks that tell lies must expect to be called so.' He had a knife and a slick in his hand when he said this and stood up. Strange who also had a small stick struck at him and Murray advanced on him with the knife drawn. Strange In Our Sanctum. On Monday last tho genial shadow of our sprightly neighbor of the Rocky Mount Mail brightened our sanctum. Mr. Thorpe was highly pleased with our beautiful 'burg. Our latch string is always out to such clever visitors and we hope he may find bis way in our midst again. On Wednesday we also had a call from the happiest newspaper correspondent this side of the Equator, Dossey Battle, Esq., of Rocky Mount. His letters to the Pe- tersburg Index-Appe- al are the finest that we see. He practices at this bar and fre-- q iently gets off a hit that brings down His Honor, the jury, spectators and all. McCabe Williamson Difficulty. The public is aquainted with the late shoot- ing affray between Mr. A. McCabe and the editor of this paper. The case came up for trial last week. Mr. McCabe submit- ted and was fined a penny and costs. As the perscnil and political relations of Judge Moore and Mr. Williamson are hostile, he very properly declined to sit on the case, stating that he would request one of his brethren to exchange circuits with him at the next term and leave the matter in hi3 hand. We will state in this connection that the matter between Messrs. McCabe and Wil- liamson has been amicably adjusted through the medium of mutual friends and their former relations resumed. An elegant assortment of new Fall styles Silk Scarfs and Ties, Silk Belts, Good qual- ity 2 button Kid Glove for $1.00 cash. A large stock of Lamps, China and Crcck-cr- y, just received, at Pender & Jenkins. 4t Kentucky Springs. Dr. K. H. Dick-e- n writing from Crab Orchard Springs, Ky., says: The springs are prettily located and the waters very fine. I think they act better on me than any I have ever tried. They are the bulling Epsom water, making Epsom Salts. The races are going on here now. To- day is the third. I tell you the scenery on the Baltimore & Ohio Road is grand, al- most equal to the Hudson. There are a number of tunnels on the read, one a mile long- - The up grade is so heavy two en- gines are necessary for the cars. The crops through West Ya, , Ohio and Kentucky so far as I could see about like the classification of cotton from Ordinary to low Middling. I expect to leave in a few days for Greenbrier WThite Sulpher Springs, so you will please send my next paier there. W. T. Coub, Esq. We Lave denoun- ced in unmeasured terms white men who become boudsmen for radicals, but wish to state that the course of Mr. W. T. Cobb in standing with his brother, Sheriff Cobb, is winked at by public sentiment. We dare say there is not a truer democrat in the county than himself and no man would be farther from standing a radicals bond, but when lie is asked by his brother to do a personal favor, it is natural for him to comply and is wholly justifiable in so do- ing. We will also state that in our edito- rials touching upon this bond there has always been an implied discrimi- nation in favor of Mr. Cobb, whom we re- gard as a representative mail in every res- pect of the white people of the county and look upon as nc of our best friends. Seaboard & Raleigh Railway. Capt. D. P. McCorkle, engineer of the road, who has been stationed at Tarboro for some time, informs us that a special meeting of the stockholders was held at No. 54 Broad street, New York, on Sept. 2nd, to elect directors for the coming and to trans- act such business as came before them. We would be glad to see the proposed scheme to build this road carried into ef- fect, but owing to the peculiar circumstan- ces under which the road firat went by the board, its friends may expect no confidence from our people till the work has been ac- tively begun, and so soon as they are as- sured the road will be built, then the movers may expect assistance and good will and not before. Court Squibs. Jeems n arris who will steal anything from a spring pullet to a cane-botto- m chair, was let off by Judge Moore last week upon condition of " leav- ing his county for his country's good." But Jeems is a constitutional thief. 'Tis said he practiced in early youth on his jacket suspended within reach on purpose, under the covert covering of his own shadow. He has made a buisness by skill- fully abstracting the egg during the process of incerbation. Three credible witnesses can be produced to his theft of leeches from a snapping turtle's groins, without disturbing the repose of said turtle. Well, Jecuis in the politest manner, while ramoosing the place of his piracy on the Rocky Moimt cars, stole a lady's parasol m removing her baggage Irom the plat form. He would have purloined the conductors star had it not been too thin. Lucky Rocky Mount did not offer any temptation to James, Bro. Ihorpe . Clerkships. J. B. Hussey, Esq., editor of the Statesville Landmark aud ourself, are candidates for Clerkships in the Con- vention. We are under obligations to our brethren of the press for endorsement and particularly to the Raleigh News and Wilmington Journal : Says the News : Our your friend Mr. W P. Williamson, of the Tarboro Southerner, is a candidate for Assistant Clerkship of the Convention. Mr. Williamson is an earnest and able worker in the cause of Democracy, and would make a most capa ble orhcer ot the Convention. Says the Journal : Our friends, W. P. Williamson, of tho Tarboro Southerner, and J. B. Hussey, of the Statesville Land mark, are Candidates for Clerkship before the apDroGhiDS! convention, and as are they not seeking the Earne position Ave would be glad if both could be elected. They have both done much good work for the party and the State, and are gentlemen of intelligence and industry. We rccomend them to our menus. other bottom "SySTm THEIR in a few days. Meal, Corn, Oats, Confectioneries, Oranges and Lemons, Cigars in quantities, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Cotton Yarn. Wood ware, Tinware, Brooms, Chairs, Glassware, Crockery: his line at Wholesale Main Street. taken in exchange at the highest THEY WILL OFFER to the public Tarboro, Sept. 3, 1875. J. A. WILLIAMSON, General Grocer and Produce Dealer, Has the following articles in Store, to ml : Mesa Pork, Kump Fork, Bacon Shoulders and Sides, Bulk Shoulders and Sides, S. C. Hams, Sugars A. B. & C. Granulated, Coffees Laguayra, Rio, Parched. Flour, all grades, Patapsco a specialty, Molasses, Syrups, All other articles in and Retail. June 18,i.ly. P. S. Country Produce, Hides, &c, market rates. thea said to, him. 'I haye a pistol in my
Page 1: Price Delivered Cash. O,roliia., stair, · 2017-12-16 · KATES OF ADVERTISING: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements will be inserted iu the Tieeoeo SciTHtRXEE At the following rates.

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.KATES OF ADVERTISING :Advertisements will be inserted iu the Tieeoeo

SciTHtRXEE At the following rates. Tea linesof mixiox, or one iueh lungthwUe will constitutea soi-An-

s :

One square one insertion, fl Hi

Euch subsequent insertiou, 50

pocket and if you come on me with thatknife I will shoot you." Murray stoped amoment. Then Strange said, "lay downyour knife and that stick and I will coverit with the pistol and fight it out withyou even if you are 30 or 40 lbs. heavier,Murray refused and advanced again.

Strange said ' I tell you for the last time

if you come on me with that knife I willshoot you on the spot so sure as then is a

Pkrsosai. Miss Placid Engelhard, theyoung and interesting daughter of our dis-

tinguished cotemporary of the WilmingtonJournal is visiting friends in our city, and

is the guest of Mrs. Gov. Clark.

Blck Fishing at Beaufort. Ourthanks to Mr. Geo. W. Charlotte of theAtlantic Hotel for an invitation to partic-

ipate in the fine sport of Blue Fishingwhich he writes is now in full blast.

Departed. Jeema II. narris of springchicken notoriety lias as length departedthe limits of the county acting upon a sug-

gestion of nis Honor Judge Moore, thatif he were in these parts at the next termof the Court, he would be given a free rideto Raleigh, and a check for five years boardat the State Hotel up the country iu Wood-

son's neighborhood. Jeems has figured

conspicuously on the criminal dockets offour consecutive years and the communityis now rid of a first class nuisance. Wehave nothing to say of those with whomhe has taken up a new abode, but it wouldbe well for them to give the locksmitli ajob.

'' ,. M

Thk Fair. There will be, from presentindications, the greatest display of bloodedhorses, cattle and Bheep at the Fair in Oc-

tober that we have ever had in this State.Such an npportunity may not occur againfor years for our people to see such a va-

riety of fine stock as will then be exhibited,and the purses offered for racing are suchas to render it certain that we will havethe finest trotting and running races everwitnessed in North Carolina. The citizensof Raleigh will offer a purse of $500 inde-

pendent of the Society. The premiumsoffered farmers are unusally liberal, whichwill doubtless create every conceivablecompetition, and notwithstaning the dulltimes, we are clad to know that our peo

Hardware of Every Description,from a Steam Engine to a

Cambric Needle at theHardware Store of

W. G. LEWIS.Gin and Savr Mill Belting, Mill Saw Files,

Circular Cut Sawa, A splendid line ofCook Stoves at the very lowest

prices, Oat Cutters, GenuineCucumber Pumps, Grass


Buggy, Carriage and WagonMaterial, &c, &c.

I havo a BOOKWALTER ENGINE a exhibition at my Store andm iik x uu ib

Every Tuesday at 11 o'clock.Jg Every Farmer should hare one of these Engines.

Price Delivered here, $355.00 Cash." -- " 1The best Cotton Press in the market,

" O,roliia., stair,"Price, $125.00.

Also the famous MASSEY GIN. vieldsmore lint and better staple than anyvjrin. impossible to choke it.

JSSsT I am selling Hardware aprioes.

July 23-t- f.



Barbara' Jloittljtnur.?

Friday, : : : Sept-3- , 1S75

31.A.TE NEWS.A sporting-clu- is to bo organ'zed

in Fayettevillc.

At Charlotte a dogwood and a pineLivicgly grow into eacli other.

lion. JtdLerson Davis has been inv!t:d to deliver the address at theSalisbury fair.

J.n.is S. Battle, Esq., of RockyMount, 'will be the Chief Marshal atth- VVeldon IVir this fall.

Tho Methodists of Goldsboro havopurchased tho residence of Mr. John)i. Smith, on Yvllliam street, for aparsonage.

Mrs. Turner, a lady living a fewi.nles west of Enfield, had the miofor-iun- o

to dislocate one of her hips onThursday last, says the Weldon News.

It is said that there will be a rushof Uadical oilicoholders to Raleighto buy up all who may bo waveringk v doubtful iu tho Convention.

One evening last week while Mrs.living near Enfield, was in

:i"l'ainting fit sue fell forward anddoubling her hands fell ou them,!reaking both wrists.

Our Living unci Our Dead for Sep-tcindo- r

contains two handsomepictureoa portrait of Gen. George Burgwyn

Anderson and a front view of thePeace Institute, Ealeigh. A cleverlyvrritton sketch of the lamented Auderson appears also in thia number.

Williamson, tho hegro who mur-dered bridge-tend- er Presson, nearWeldon, was executed at Jackson,Northampton county, on Friday. liemade a half hour speech. The Wel-don News gives a full account of theatl'air, with a history cf tho murderand trial.

Jiays tho Winston Sentinel: Theprospects for a good tobacco crop havonot improved since last week. Thecontinued wet and unfavorable weath-er has destroyed all hope of much finetobacco. There is a great complaintfrom our farmers of trenching androttir.g off on the hill.

bays the Wilmington Star of Fri-day; 'Wo learn that Messrs Kerchnor & Caldor Bros., must be accordedtho trophies for the first bale of newcotton this year. It came to hand yes-terday, by express, from Mr. E. J.Moody, of Marion, S. C. It is theherald of busy times to como.'

Tho Elizabeth City Republican says:i'Le farmei'3 of our county aro pleasedwith tho prospect of their corn androtten Ccids, and judging from ap-pearances, the yield, especially in!.:rn, will icuca exceed per acre, thatut any previous year since 16GG.

Ihcro is also in acerage at least twen-ty i;vo per cent over last years farm- -

tho Wilson Advance: OurJ, B. Iluasey, of the States-vi;i- o

Landmark, and W. P. William-on- ,of tho Tarboro Southerner, will

t o candidates for clerkship before thefc'tate Convention. If our party shouldcontrol xlio organization of tho Con- -

vur.-ioi- we fiio sure they will not bobehind tlm Logislaturo in appreciat-ing tho services of the press, whichLas labored so faitb.tul.-- for the suc-- '

e-- s of our cause.'The Wilson Plaindealer says: Three

nrgro men who confess that they are' eaped convict3 from the penitentia- -

ry of this iitato have been arrestedand lodged in tho Wilson county jaili"r saff keeping. They claim thename j Nuah Kiel:, Henry Jones andCloses Lewis. They aro supposed

I acknowledge themselves to be of'.o number who escaped from the

;.;tiar l where they were at work brickleaking near Raleigh on Saturday

Vv't-ldo- News; Tho case cf Marthai". Burnett, of Enfield, against W. &W. R. R. Company, action for dam-ages for forfeiture of contract, re- -

i.'.oved i'rem this county to WarrenT:s decided rd the present Term of

tii- - Cour: held in the latter county,tap jury giving.JKJUOO actual damages:.u i Jl!i)ni)0 consequential damages,i ho verdiet was set aside by the Judge,and tho case will probably go to tne:"';preni9 Court.

The Raleigh pap?rs learn that onapplication of Mr. Kemp P. Battle,

and Treasurer of the Uni-versity; Col. John W. Robinson, Pres--

f tho Seaboard & RoanokeI:a:Iroad Company, and Capt. A. B.A';di(; , s Superintendent of the IlaU' :ja & Gaston and Raloigh & Augus-ta Air Lino Railroad Company, have

to aid in tho reestablishmentt tho University of North Carolina,

bv transport professors and students,' u 1 freight for them at one-ha- lf thev-'- rates, from the :25th. of August,i 7."., to ths 10th of June, 175. This' . a hanh;cmo contribution by Jthoso

uiparties. Mr. Battle has made sim.! .;r application to other transportation

I.at Juno, whilo Gov. Vance was''aing homo from Raleigh, tho band-- :

ebony cane with gold head,"'.:: h was wesented to him by the

youths of Wilmington, was'en frrm tho train at Greensboro,

vr :y to recover it was fruitless,1 nothing was heard of it until Sun- -

iv moi ning last, when Gov, Vance;'';--- ; d a letter from tho Se.perinten-r.- t

Police of Now York City, in- -

'n taing him that tho cane was in a

in that city, and had beenietoetcJ by the engraving on tho head,'iv Vance immediately telegraphedr and expects its arrival in a fewys. Ho prizes the cane very high

v, and is quito elated in tho prospectei rn early recovery. Observer.

IhoRaidgii Sentinel eays: Maj. W.. IV.tf-rso- is tho candidate to fill

'ae vacancy caused by tha death of('ov. Tirrdiaru. Ike Young and Billy

a.'uli it is said will canvass Orange to' the Major. They aro too late.

Major's grand father canvassed'rr.ngo ono hundred years ago. llis''her canvassed Orange near one

iian lred years ago His father canv .sul h fifty years ago, and tho Major-- .a i -- el i canvassed and the votes are all

'"gr-- to him except the negroes' I thu wait-- allies of Guthrie, whoid the I'ogroo had no soul.H:a and Brnss-Ey- e Trill will find it- i ',o draw the people from a man

' h is canvassed Orange by his goodr; and deeds long before he was

; esinated to office Let there be a''ill turnout for Patterson oatbe lGthof September.

1 mo. 2 hob. 13 nios.iii nios.ll J inos

Oue square, 3 00 6 00 7 00 10 00 15 00Two 5 00l 8 0O lOOOi 15 00 20 00Three " 7 00 10 00 15 00 20 00 27 50

Four " 9 00 lflOO 18 00 25 00 36 00XA column, iao 18 00 2000 27 50 40 00U " IS 00 25 00 30rt0 40 00 fciOQ

Oue column, 22 50 So 00 4i 00! 60 00 100 00

Court advertisements inserted 6 weeks for $8.

Funeral and Obituary notiuc, notmora than ten.lines inserted rui or chaeuk.

SubscriptioM 2.50. If paid casli attime of subscribing; 12.00.

S- - 31- - PETTENGILL & CO.. 10State Street, Huston, 37 Park Kow, NewYork, aixl 701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,are our AacnU for procuriagr adTertisementsfor The Exqdirkr iu the abova cities, andauthorized to contract for advertising at ourlowest rales.

A Uevl-est-. Will friends, in noticingadvertisement m our paper, and respondingto same please state to purtics addressed, " Isaw your advertisement in Exquirrk-Soct- h

erxer ?' It is little trouble, aud will helpour business wonderfully. Remember us.

LOCAL MATTERS.Bkikfs.It makes a mun and mars a woman to be

talked about.J. A. "Williamson sells heavy goods at a

small margin.

Ladies dresses have got to that pointwhere one more pull back will either teartlir cloth or break the limbs.

If you want to build up the South en-

courage home manufacturers. tWomen spend the greater portion of

their time these days iu fixing up their pinbacks and hunting for thimbles.

A lot of Flour, choice brands, just instore by J. A. Williamson.

Whitlock sells the best Cigar for 5 centsin the State. 4t

The foolish fellow who tries to have arich man's ways, with only a poor man'spurse r.t command, has a hard time of it.

Xewly Corned Mullets, at J. A. "William-son's. aug20-4- t.

Try Whitiock's celebrated 5 cent Cigars.Brazen faced im pudence and ignorance

are mistaken for " smartness" by many anunfortunate youth.

To make room for Winter goods, I willsell cheaper than ever for cash, A. Whitlock. 4t

The item of cotton rope for plow linesseems a small matter. In the aggregate itis worth keeping at home. Order fromBattle & Son's ltocky Mount Mills, RockyMount, N. C. t

Our latest sensation was caused by cneof our young ladies in a well arranged'pin-back- " trying to step around both endsof a small dog at once.

Choice brands of Cigars at wholesale andretail, at J. A. Williamson's. tf

Money saved is money made. The wayto save it is to make J. A. Williamsonyour grocer.

When a man and woman are made oneby the clergyman, the question is which, isthe one ? Sometimes there is a long strag-gle between them before this matter isfinally settled.

Buy your heavy 4--4 Brown Sheetingyour Cotton Yarns and your Plow Lines,of Battle & Son's Rocky Mount Mills, t

Take the Sol-tueene-k if you desire thenews current in your county.

In some parts of the South the droughthas been so severe that there has not beenwater enough in the rivers to keep fishfrom getting sun burnt on the back.

Reduced rates, Clothing, Dry Goods,Boots, Shoes, 5cc., will be sold low, tomake room for winter goods at Whit- -luck's. 4t

Fresh Family Groceries, received daily,at J. A. Williamson's.

A lazj' fellow once declared in a publiccompany, that he could not find bread forhis family. "Nor I," replied an industri-ous man ; "I'm obliged to work for it,"

Bill heads printed in the neatest style atthe Southerner office.

Special inducements offered for cash inClothiug and Dry Goods, at Whitiock's.

The novelty in belts is the grain ribbonnot more than two inches wide, and wornabout the waist, to fasten in front of theleft side in a bow, with loops and endsreaching nearly or quite to the knee.

J. A. Williamson keeps (at wholesaleand retail) the finest brands of Chew-ing Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes. liebeats the town on five cent cigars. aug20.

Dr. L. L. Statou, Wholesale and RetailDruggist, sells at and below Northernprices. mar. 2G-t- f.

In' Beaufort, Pamlico and Hyde thecrows are reported to be more destructiveto corn this season than usal. Some fieldshave been almost totally destroj-ed- .

Court Advertisement Read it.

Wanted Elsewueke Situation as


Et.dek IIassel Preached at the Primi-tive Baptist Church last night.

Court Adjourned Wednesday. Busi-

ness has been pretty well disposed f .

RrxXEYMEDE Park. First rate "scor-ched pig " at Runneymcde Park Wednes-day.

Convalescent. We are glad to learnthat Dr. Aug. H. McNair who has beenconfined a week or more is now convales-


Cotton Gin. Messrs. Hyman it Dancyof Norfolk advertise the celebrated Hall'sself feeding Cotton Gin. Read advertise-ment.

Cotton Plant. The Steamer CottonPlant commerced her regular tripsl ist Monday we learn. The river willhardly admit her appearance at the wharfat present.

FiiiST Cotton. The first two bales ofnew cotton that has been shipped fromthis county this season were brought totown yesterday. Mr. Pollard Edmondsonraised the first one and sold to R. C. Brown& Co., at 14 cents.

Death. We regret ta learn of the deathof Wm. M. Cox at his residence in Con-t5utn-

Township in Pitt, on the 5th inst.The Register saya he was surrounded byhis fauiily and numerous friends whomourn his loss.

Damages Awauuetx Tho case of Mar-

tha E- - Burnett, of Enfield, against W. &W. R. R. Company, action for damagesfor forfeiture of contract, removed fromHalifax county to Warren was decidedthe present Term of the Court held in thelatter county, the jury giving $13,000 ac-

tual damages, and $10,000, consequentialdamages. The verdict was set aside bythe Judge, and the case will probably goto the Supreme Court. dial. 2Sm

God.' He continued to advance and when

he got within a few paces, Strange, whowas standing by the road-sid- e, fired. Thesht did not take instantaneous effect andhe advanced a step or two more and fell.

Both the knife and stick were found in his

hands after death.Both Strange and BridgeiS are still in

jail, the latter declining to take advantageof bail as Strange is still held in custody.The trial will be moved to Buncombe, anadjoining county, and Mr. Bridgers, thecounsel, says there is little doubt but thata plea of self defense can be sustained inbehalf of Strange and no case can be got-

ten against Bridgers.Tho friends of these young gentlemen

who were so much excercised over thenew3 that first reached them may dismissthen-- fears.

Proclamation to oub Numerous Cus-

tomers. Having been the first to buyFall goods, we are determined to be thefirst to sell them. We desire to proclaim toour numerous friends and customersthroughout this section that we are nowdaily receiving one of the most elegant as-

sortments of Fall and Winter goods everoffered for sale in the Tarboro market.We buy for cash, sell for cash, and arethereby enabled to compete with anybodyin the way of fine bargains, and will sellthe best goods at the lowest and most rea-

sonable prices. The public is invited tocall early and make a thorough examination of our stock before supplying theirwants. L. Heilbeonek & Bso.,

It. Main Street.

Thk First Gun. Choice lot new stylesfall Calicoes, Corsets, Sash Ribbons, SilkScarfs, Kid Gloves, Slippers, Gaiters, Cotton Duck and Drills, at Pender & Jenkins.

Aug. 27 St

Democratic Executive Committee.There will be a meeting of the County

Democratic Executive Committee at theSoutherner office n Tcesday, 7th of Sep-

tember, to consider matters of importance.A fall attendance is earnestly requested.

W. P. Williamson, Sec'y.Jko. S. Daxct, Chairman.

Chamberlain & Rawls are offering greatinducements to purchasers of goods in theirline. A splendid assortment of Clocks justreceived. A full line of 18K Rings, Vestand Opera Chains, cheaper than they wereever offered before in Tarboro. Everything else in their lino " dirt cheap." Finerepairing a specialty.

Silver Plated Ice Pitchers, Gobets, Slc,at BELL'S, together with a full assortmentof desirable Table Ware and Cutlery. AlsoWatches, Jewelry, Clocks, Studs, Cuff andCollar Buttons, Kings, Chains, Charms,B racelets, Gold and Silver Thimbles, &c.Cheap. tf.

The Best in the Commonwealth for themoney, Mehegan's Banker Segars and GleeClub Segars. Ask yonr Druggist,Hotl Keep-er and Grocer for the Bankers and Glee ClubSegars. Manufactured in Norfolk, Va., by

mrl9.-tf- . W. A. MEHEGAN.

COMMERCIAL.Tarboro' Market.



TAEBORO' 1ST. C.Home are quoted at the buying

price, and all others at the selling price fromstores.Ba.com S. C. llams.in canvass, per lb. 1930

Shoulders " ia13Sides, back bone and rib, 151 Oc

Bulk Meats. Shoulders, per lb- - ll12cSides, clear, Id$i4c

Beef. Fresh, per lb. 68cSpiced Family per lb 12c

Bagging,. per yard,-1- 4 17

Beeswax f? fi. 25cButter " 4050cCotton, per pound, 12Xc13Cotton Yarn, per bunch, fl 2514CCorn, per bushel, ..65c70cChebse, lb 2025cChickens, 20c(430cEggs, per dozen 15jocFloub Patapsco family fbbl- - .f10 50$ll

Other brandsniDBS Dry $ lb. 910c

Green, a n. ocIron Ties, $ ft. XcLard, V E. 1920cMeal, per bushel '800Molasses sugar House ganon, ou(g,.w

Onba " 52 60Osioks, per bushel, fl 502 00

roBK Mess per bbl. za uuiffiu w

Potatoes, sweet, per bushel, 67c75Irish, oer bushel- - .$! 50f 1 75

Peas, per bushel, fl.00125Sat t (i A. ner sack. $1 75?2 00

.Liverpool, per sacx,Sausage, lb, uc

Tea, per lb) .$1 002 00Tallow, per B. 6(8c

New.York Markets.New Yobk, September 1. Cotton very

firm sales f 1,453 bales ; uplands at 14 5--

Baltimore Markets.Baltimore, September 1. Cotton quiet

and middlings 14J; low raid's 14 1-- 8.


T. H. Gatlin'sWith the assurance of finding most

(ksirablo styles of

FR.INTS.All grades of

Dress Goods,Hats, Hosiery,

Lisle Thread andKid Gloves,

Beautiful Em-broideries,

Variety inRuchings,

Having just received my

SPRING STOCK,The public are respectfully invitedto call and examine it.

A full stock of very desirableGoods, including everything usual-ly found in a

First-Cla- ss Store.April 9tb, 1875. tf.

Badly Injured. Experienced planters,

among them Jesse II. Powell, Esq., in-

forms us the ctttton crop has been badlyinjured by the late protracted rains. Thedamage is estimated t T,0 per cent, andperhaps more. We are truly sorry theprospects have so greatly changed.

A Daring Editor. --Friend Murrill way upin the west is PEESS-i- n so much money thathe dares to talk about establishing a bankat Hickory. Bo there is where all themoney has gone. Wonder if there is room

enough far two up there, brother.

All widths Rubber and Leather Belting.New Fall and Winter Goods received dailyat Pender & Jenkins. 4t

Brought to Grief. We learn a negro

by the name of Winstead was jailed inGreenville for robbing the Marlsboro' Postoffice last week. Uncle Sam must not teimposed upon. Albany can accomodate afew more of Grant's favorites.

Those Mosquitos. This conrmunily

has been intolerably inf ected with the mid-

night tunes of the mosquito long enough,

but a German chemist comes to the rescue

by discovering the bite is healthy. It maybe for the mosquito, but we would rathernot be 'healthy.'

Rev. Dr. Closs. The Methodist pulpitwas filled by this distinguished Methodist

divine Sabbath evening, who preached one

of his characteristic able sermons. Dr.

Closs is one of ti e clearest expounders ofthe scriptures we ever heard preach.

Hon. T. J. Jarvis Passed throughWednesday on his way to Pitt. He willtake the cars for Raleigh at this place onSaturday morniug. Wc hope Messrs. KingHasscll and Shepherd will also be along intime. Be prompt !

P. 8. Since the above was put in type,Mr. Shepherd passed through yesterdaymorning for Raleigh.

Students of the University and theRailroads. Students going to Chapel

HilL we learn will pay full fares over therailroad lines, whose authorities haveagreed to transport for half fares, going tothe Universily, but will be returned freeon the proper certificates from the Presi-

dent or other officer of the University.

Mariuved. Mr. Lamb Lawerence, ofEdgecombe, and MLs Sue Woolen, of Pitt,were married on Wednesday at the resi-

dence of the bride's mother. All is brightbefore them and we hope a happy andcontented life will attend them in theirnew relationship. The ceremony was per-

formed by Elder Thomas O'Berry of thePrimitive Baptist Church.

Pic-Ni- o. The pic-ni- c given by theyoung gentleman of the town compliment-ary to the Misses R3'an of Baltimore, wholicbvo ltn on a iit tw IIIT3. !tt. ID. rowcllof Edgecombe was quite a pleasant affair.Good music, good dinner, fine ladies andfine dancing enlivened the select party en-

joying the luxury f a pic-ni- c on the banksof Hendrick's stream running through thegrounds of the late ex -- Gov. Clark.


Just received, 3 40 Saw, and 1 45Saw Cotton Gin, at Pender fc Jenkins.


Weldon Fair. The Roanoke and TarRiver Agricultural Fair of North Carolinatakes place ou the 20th, 27th, 2Sth, 29th,of October. We have received from itssecretary a copy of the premium list, prin-

ted by the Roanoke News in a full sheetposter, and find the premiums are quiteliberal. When we have more leisure wcpropose giving t his subject a more extendednotice. The Fair is as much that of thepeople of Edgecombe as any ether countyin the Tar River section and should bemore liberally patronized by us. Moreanon.

The " Pin-Back- s " Proscribed, Thesedarlings of creation doubtless imagined allthe newspaper bits at the present "pin-bac- k

" skirts as the idle talk of local hun-

ters ; but what must they think of theedict that has gone fortli from a Catholicchurch in Canada to the effect that no ladywearing "low neck dresses or pin-bac- k

skirts" shall commune in that church.What a monster that Priest must be, audwith what pleasure would wc wring bishis neck, just for the sake of the dear crea-

tures whom he thus wantonly assails.

Elective Judiciary. We are able tostate on authority that Albertson and Bate-ma- n,

prominent radicals of this section andmembers elect of the Convention, promiseto with the friends of consti-

tutional refcrm iu changing the mode ofelecting the judiciary to nomination by theGovernor and confii nation by the Senate.This will redress the evil we have so fre-

quently brought to the attention of thepublic. Our authority is Judge Moore.

Tuk Tarboro Brancu. We take pleas-ure in bearing testimony to th satisfactorymanner in which the business on the Tar-

boro Branch is conducted. Capt. Hay-wood Clark, the conductor, and Mr. Robt.E. Whitehurst, the agent, arc both

young gentlemen and are asfaithful to the interests of the road as theyare accommodating to the public at large.Wc can also include Mr. W. D. Bryanwho has so long and favorably served thepublic as express messenger and routeagent of the U.S. Mails.

No Credit. The Raleigh News pub.lished our "Lawyer nasitur non fit" of ksiweek and forgot to give us credit. Webelieve it was an unintentional oversight,but it is so seldom anything approachingthe funny is gotten off by the Southerner,that we confess our vanity in wishing tolet our friends abroad know that there issuch a thing in us occasionally. But weare so muck indebted to our Metropolitanexchange that perhaps it is out of place todemur. We have been intending sometime to acknowledge the benefit we derivefrom the able editorials and news columnsof the News and also professional and pri-

vate courtesies frequently received at thehands of its clever editors, and will statehere that were we deprived of it as an ex-

change we would be somewhat like a Bhip

without a rudder.



ple are going to lay aside their troubles forawhile ana meet to exchange views aDd

have a good time generally. RaleighNews.

. m m m

Color Link. The bond question oncemore and once only. Next Monday willbe a fair test whether there be any "virtuein drawing the color line in our local affairs with equal severity upon democratswho become bondsmen for radical officeholders as upon the white men who votethat ticket. Our private opinion has al-

ways been against the policy of proscribing aman socially for political opinions when hedeclares such is his honest conviction ; butnot desiring to place that opinion in antag-

onism to older and wiser heads than ours,we have surrendered it in favor of a poli-cy that was represented to us to be endor-sed by the respectable white men of thecounty and the democratic party. Shouldit prove futile as it has before, we shallassuredly reveit to our opinion and adhereto it hereafter. We are indisposed to follow up a doctrine that results, it wouldseem, in no good to the part', sacrificesour own personal friends and makes us thelaughing stock of sober-minde- d men.Those friends who have patted us on theshoulder and tell us to go ahead must toethe mark next Monday, or we shall con-

clude their conduct argues a disposition tomake us shoulder the burden alone andthen we have done.

Thje Pin --Backs.Oh ! wasn't h a pull-bac- k, .A pull-bac- a pull-bac- k.

Old Song.Did the author prophetically have refer-

ence to allusion ? was he a married man ?

an elder brother? an affectionate first cou-sin ? or a sentimental uncle ? or a dyspep-tic lover ? can't the girls pull-bac- k r tie-ba-

without provoking verse? Whatcare they if it engenders homesickness inthe absent married man? matters it tothem if it iueites a burning desire in thebachelor to become a benedict ? go it girh !

Here goes our hat. Hurrah ! for the pin--back ! Yes, essence of sweetness, tie-ba-

to your hearts content ! The backer, thebetter. We look and wonder, wender andadmire. " Oh woman, thou art perfectlyand wonderfully maid."

No divinity of less than 125 lbs. avor-dupo- is

should tie-bac- k any worth mention-ing.

It dn't become their complexion. Se-la- h.

Strange-Murra- y Homicide. We hopeths public will reserve its judgment in theStamg Murray homicide until the fullaw! accurate details are learned. We feelassured there was greater provocation thanwhat has been published. An intimate as-

sociation of three yeais at school withThos. Strange has given us an aquaintancewith his character, lie is an amiableyoung man with a high sense of honor andwe know that he has better judgment thanto shoot down a man iu cold blood withoutsufficient provocation. We indeed sym-pathize with him iu his misfortune andtrust he may soon be restored to society ofwhich he gave such promise of being abrilliant and useful member. The blowwill doubtless fall heavily upon his father,Col. Robert Strange, one of the first menof the State, whose affections are almostcentered on his son. Nothing has occur-

red within our recollection that has beensuch a source of regret as the matter-- towhich we allude:

later.Since the above was written we have

seen Jno. L. Bridgers, Jr., Esq., of Tarbsro,who was sent for as counsel soon after theshooting occurred and leam from him thefollowing facts which are accurate :

Mr. Bridgers states that Murray is nota son of the Sheriff of the countyas it was reported and the state-

ment that Strange was threatened withlynching is all bosh. The cause of thetrouble arose as follows : When Murraycame up behind hand with his vehicle, he

was told by Strange that he was paid forthe trip and that he was two hours behindtime, Murray replied that he had to havehis horse shod and came as soon as he

could. Strange stated you had five hoursnotice and that is no excuse. Murray retorted by saying, 'whoever says I had five

hours notice is a liar.' Strange then said,' I say so, do you intend it for me?' Mur

ray says, 'you can take it if you like,'jumping down from the hack remarking,

'I can whip any two of you.' Strange

grasped a chair and attempted to strikehim but was stopped by his friends.

The party then drove on about thirteenmiles from Waynesville when a wheel

brake down and the driver of the wagon

went off to a neighboring blacksmith shop

to have it repaired. Murray who drove thehack then gave the party a cushion and

blanket and they went off aside a hundredyards to engage in a game of euchre towhile away the t; i After awhile some

one was heard coming up the road and all

with the exception of Strange went in thatdirection to see whether it was the man withthe broken wTheel, Strange in the mean

time remarking to Preston BridgciB, "whereis your pistol, I don't see it in your over

coat?" Bridgers replied, "don't shoot

away all my cartridges, I haven't many,

to which Strange said, "all right, I merely

want a few shots." Murray was sittirgnear the spaUerboard of the back andStrange shortly afterwards approached

him saying. 'I want to settle this matterwith you peaceably, yon called me a liar

and I want you to take it back as I am unwilling for you to go further with us afterwhat you have said." A woman workingnear by swore that she heard this remark.Murray replied, "you eaid I had five hoursnotice, and folks that tell lies must expect

to be called so.' He had a knife and a

slick in his hand when he said this and

stood up. Strange who also had a small

stick struck at him and Murray advanced

on him with the knife drawn. Strange

In Our Sanctum. On Monday last thogenial shadow of our sprightly neighbor ofthe Rocky Mount Mail brightened oursanctum. Mr. Thorpe was highly pleasedwith our beautiful 'burg. Our latch stringis always out to such clever visitors andwe hope he may find bis way in our midstagain.

On Wednesday we also had a call fromthe happiest newspaper correspondent thisside of the Equator, Dossey Battle, Esq.,of Rocky Mount. His letters to the Pe-

tersburg Index-Appe- al are the finest thatwe see. He practices at this bar and fre-- q

iently gets off a hit that brings down HisHonor, the jury, spectators and all.

McCabe Williamson Difficulty.The public is aquainted with the late shoot-

ing affray between Mr. A. McCabe and theeditor of this paper. The case came upfor trial last week. Mr. McCabe submit-

ted and was fined a penny and costs.As the perscnil and political relations

of Judge Moore and Mr. Williamson arehostile, he very properly declined to sit onthe case, stating that he would request oneof his brethren to exchange circuits withhim at the next term and leave thematter in hi3 hand.

We will state in this connection that thematter between Messrs. McCabe and Wil-

liamson has been amicably adjusted throughthe medium of mutual friends and theirformer relations resumed.

An elegant assortment of new Fall stylesSilk Scarfs and Ties, Silk Belts, Good qual-

ity 2 button Kid Glove for $1.00 cash.A large stock of Lamps, China and Crcck-cr- y,

just received, at Pender & Jenkins.4t

Kentucky Springs. Dr. K. H. Dick-e- n

writing from Crab Orchard Springs,Ky., says:

The springs are prettily located andthe waters very fine. I think they actbetter on me than any I have ever tried.They are the bulling Epsom water, makingEpsom Salts.

The races are going on here now. To-

day is the third. I tell you the scenery onthe Baltimore & Ohio Road is grand, al-

most equal to the Hudson. There are anumber of tunnels on the read, one a milelong- - The up grade is so heavy two en-

gines are necessary for the cars.The crops through West Ya, , Ohio and

Kentucky so far as I could see about likethe classification of cotton from Ordinaryto low Middling. I expect to leave in afew days for Greenbrier WThite SulpherSprings, so you will please send my nextpaier there.

W. T. Coub, Esq. We Lave denoun-ced in unmeasured terms white men whobecome boudsmen for radicals, butwish to state that the course of Mr. W. T.Cobb in standing with his brother, SheriffCobb, is winked at by public sentiment.We dare say there is not a truer democratin the county than himself and no manwould be farther from standing a radicalsbond, but when lie is asked by his brotherto do a personal favor, it is natural for himto comply and is wholly justifiable in so do-

ing. We will also state that in our edito-

rials touching upon this bondthere has always been an implied discrimi-

nation in favor of Mr. Cobb, whom we re-

gard as a representative mail in every res-

pect of the white people of the county andlook upon as nc of our best friends.

Seaboard & Raleigh Railway. Capt.D. P. McCorkle, engineer of the road, whohas been stationed at Tarboro for sometime, informs us that a special meeting ofthe stockholders was held at No. 54 Broadstreet, New York, on Sept. 2nd, to electdirectors for the coming and to trans-

act such business as came before them.We would be glad to see the proposedscheme to build this road carried into ef-

fect, but owing to the peculiar circumstan-ces under which the road firat went by theboard, its friends may expect no confidencefrom our people till the work has been ac-

tively begun, and so soon as they are as-

sured the road will be built, then themovers may expect assistance and goodwill and not before.

Court Squibs. Jeems n arris who willsteal anything from a spring pullet to acane-botto- m chair, was let off by JudgeMoore last week upon condition of " leav-

ing his county for his country's good."But Jeems is a constitutional thief. 'Tissaid he practiced in early youth on hisjacket suspended within reach on purpose,under the covert covering of his ownshadow.

He has made a buisness by skill-

fully abstracting the egg during theprocess of incerbation. Three credible

witnesses can be produced to his theft ofleeches from a snapping turtle's groins,without disturbing the repose of said turtle.

Well, Jecuis in the politest manner, whileramoosing the place of his piracy on theRocky Moimt cars, stole a lady's parasolm removing her baggage Irom the platform.

He would have purloined the conductorsstar had it not been too thin. LuckyRocky Mount did not offer any temptationto James, Bro. Ihorpe .

Clerkships. J. B. Hussey, Esq., editorof the Statesville Landmark aud ourself,are candidates for Clerkships in the Con-

vention. We are under obligations to ourbrethren of the press for endorsement andparticularly to the Raleigh News andWilmington Journal :

Says the News : Our your friend Mr. WP. Williamson, of the Tarboro Southerner,is a candidate for Assistant Clerkship ofthe Convention. Mr. Williamson is anearnest and able worker in the cause ofDemocracy, and would make a most capable orhcer ot the Convention.

Says the Journal : Our friends, W. P.Williamson, of tho Tarboro Southerner,and J. B. Hussey, of the Statesville Landmark, are Candidates for Clerkship beforethe apDroGhiDS! convention, and asare they not seeking the Earneposition Ave would be glad ifboth could be elected. They have bothdone much good work for the party andthe State, and are gentlemen of intelligenceand industry. We rccomend them to ourmenus.





in a few days.

Meal, Corn, Oats,

Confectioneries,Oranges and Lemons,

Cigars in quantities,Chewing and Smoking


Cotton Yarn.Wood ware,




his line at Wholesale

Main Street.taken in exchange at the highest


to the public

Tarboro, Sept. 3, 1875.

J. A. WILLIAMSON,General Grocer and Produce Dealer,

Has the following articles in Store, to ml :

Mesa Pork,Kump Fork,

Bacon Shoulders and Sides,

Bulk Shoulders and Sides,

S. C. Hams,Sugars A. B. & C.


Coffees Laguayra,Rio,

Parched.Flour, all grades,

Patapsco a specialty,Molasses, Syrups,

All other articles inand Retail.

June 18,i.ly.

P. S. Country Produce, Hides, &c,market rates.thea said to, him. 'I haye a pistol in my
