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Proactivetheme based approachof Englishlearning · Curriculum (LaC) approach can raise the English...

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Teaching Philosophy "Our objective is to establish an approach that can enable students to truly enjoy learning. Our curriculum is planned on units that are theme-based or project-based. It focuses on developing the capabilities of students in using English in an authentic environment." Proactive theme Proactive theme- -based based approach of approach of English learning English learning Back row left to right: Mr MOHAMMAD, Thair, Mr TAO Elvin Front row left to right: Mr HO Teck-way, Sam, Ms HORGOS, Jennifer Anne, Ms CHAN Yin-yu, Jenny Subjects taught English Language (S1-6) School HKUGA College Ms HORGOS, Jennifer Anne (Years of Teaching: 13) Mr HO Teck-way, Sam (Years of Teaching: 9) Ms CHAN Yin-yu, Jenny (Years of Teaching: 9) Mr MOHAMMAD, Thair (Years of Teaching: 5) Mr TAO Elvin (Years of Teaching: 13) T T e e a a c c h h e e r r s s p p r r e e s s e e n n t t e e d d w w i i t t h h t t h h e e C C e e r r t t i i f f i i c c a a t t e e o o f f M M e e r r i it t E E n n g g l l i i s s h h L L a a n n g g u u a a g g e e E E d d u u c c a a t t i i o o n n K K e e y y L L e e a a r r n n i in n g g A A r r e e a a 069

Teaching Philosophy

"Our objective is to establish an approachthat can enable students to truly enjoylearning. Our curriculum is planned on unitsthat are theme-based or project-based. Itfocuses on developing the capabilities ofstudents in using English in an authenticenvironment."

Proactive themeProactive theme--basedbasedapproach ofapproach ofEnglish learningEnglish learning

▲Back row left to right: MrMOHAMMAD, Thair, MrTAO ElvinFront row left to right: MrHO Teck-way, Sam, MsHORGOS, Jennifer Anne,Ms CHAN Yin-yu, Jenny

Subjects taught

English Language(S1-6)


HKUGA College

Ms HORGOS, JenniferAnne

(Years of Teaching: 13)

Mr HO Teck-way,Sam

(Years of Teaching: 9)

Ms CHAN Yin-yu,Jenny

(Years of Teaching: 9)


(Years of Teaching: 5)

Mr TAO Elvin(Years of Teaching: 13)

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eerriitt20142014 // 20152015 行政長官卓越教學獎薈萃行政長官卓越教學獎薈萃Compendium of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching ExcellenceCompendium of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence068

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KKeeyy LLeeaarrnniinngg AArreeaa






Enhancing students'learning outcomes throughan integrated approachbased on language artsand literature





Promoting students'language proficiency throughthe adoption of theLanguage across the

Curriculum initiative

The awarded teachers believe that creating a richEnglish Language learning environment in the school isthe best way to improve students' English proficiency.To this end, they come up with sustainable and feasiblemeasures that would benefit as many students aspossible. They believe that students should developkeen language awareness in learning content subjects.Based on previous experience in conductingcross-curricular reading and writing projects at school,the teachers believe that a holistic Language across theCurriculum (LaC) approach can raise the Englishstandards of the students as well as enhance theirlearning of other subjects. Hence, a detailed andstructured programme plan with clear objectives is putin place. Close collaboration has enabled the teachersto put their ideas into practice. Cross-curricular writingactivities and oral presentations, enriching co-curricularactivities such as English iZone, Lunch Music VideoTime and English Time are provided. On-linestrategies handbooks, which enable learners to learnmore efficiently and independently in English, areprepared. All these lead to a revamp in the curriculumdesign as well as a change in teaching culture amongteachers at their school. A school culture that bothEnglish and teachers of other subjects play animportant part in helping students develop competencyin English has emerged.

A learner-centred teaching strategy with effectivecross-curricular learning activities relating to the dailylife experiences of learners is adopted. The teachersstrive to create language learning opportunities for

students to learn and use English in natural and realisticsettings. Themes used are cross-curricular in order toconnect the learning experiences in the English lessonsand those of other subjects in school. Students are alsoencouraged to learn through co-curricular activitiesoutside class time. These activities promote learners'interest in learning English and boost their confidencein using English for practical purposes. Various modesof teaching strategies are used to develop students'critical thinking skills, creativity, free expression,positive attitudes and independent learning skills.

The teachers have succeeded in initiating a change inthe school by implementing the LaC initiative. Theinitiative has created a language-rich environment forlearners at school. The teachers are dedicated to theirwork and have demonstrated seamless collaboration increating a motivating learning environment for students.They also contribute to the school and local communityregularly through professional development workshopsto raise the awareness of the importance of holisticlanguage development across the curriculum.


Mr WONG Kwan-ho

Tel: 2428 5129

Fax: 2480 3015

Email: [email protected]

Ways to Obtain Informationon the Teaching Practice


▲An English drama production based on topics learnt in Chemistry lessons

We are delighted and proud to have wonrecognition from this Award. We believe thatthe English programme at the College iseffective in stimulating and maintaining students'interest in learning English as well as providingthem with the necessary skills and confidence touse English in their everyday life, both duringtheir school years and beyond.

Our aim is to providelearners with opportunities to use

English in meaningful contextsthrough cross-curricular projects, sothey can explore knowledge and makeconnections among ideas andconcepts in different subject areasand gain proficiency in their

English Language skills.


















20142014 // 20152015 行政長官卓越教學獎薈萃行政長官卓越教學獎薈萃Compendium of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching ExcellenceCompendium of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence070

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KKeeyy LLeeaarrnniinngg AArreeaa


Over recent years, with the collaboration of our

colleagues and the enthusiasm of our students, we

have made a significant change to the teaching and

learning of English at Good Hope School. With

dedication and commitment, we have worked together

to ensure the broad range of co-curricular activities

we provide can, integrate seamlessly into the core

English curriculum to improve the quality of English

learning at our school.


▼ Students engaged in communicativeand interactive tasks in the classroom

◀ Students and teachers sharing a laughduring a role-play on job interviews

◀ Fashion Show - Thefinale of the EnglishWeek

▼ Developing high-orderthinking skills throughco-operative learning

▶ A student reportingto class after agroup discussion


Integrative use of Englishin authentic contexts

One example of learning English inauthentic context is when S2 studentswere asked to sell muffins baked bythemselves, or fruit punch or organicsweets made with unique recipesduring lunchtime for charity. Prior tosuch a chance of selling their own foodproducts, they had to win a competitionin designing their own packaging andposters. They even recorded their ownpromotional jingles to compose the salespitch. This demonstrates how annualcross-departmental projects are used tofacilitate students to learn English throughauthentic real-life scenarios. "Instead of learning whatadvertising is on paper, students have to choose theirproducts and apply the skills to advertise the products.They have to actually create the promotional contentand practise the whole process," Mr Mohammadexplained. In this particular advertising project, heeven guided his students to write the selling message aswell as the product information that constituted part ofthe packaging.

The integrated approach fosters a sense of belongingamong students and develops their ownership of theirworks. Division of labour is another major factor tomake it possible; while English teachers are

concentrating on language training, teachers of othersubjects would teach students on subject knowledgelike design and food-making processes. "The authenticquality of real-life scenarios is important, because wewant to train our students to fulfil lifetime needs.When they leave school, we want them to be able touse English confidently and fluently in real-lifesituations," said the teachers.

Encouraging creativity and free expressionLearning English should be fun and students have to

be proactive and creative. With this vision in mind, theteam has designed theme-based tasks for students. "Forinstance, when we teach S6 students Shakespearean

classics, the focus is far beyondstudying the texts but to gofurther to explore andappreciate the universality ofthe themes. Very often,students have to come upwith their own ideas anddevelop the ideas into storieson their own. To a certainextent, they have to takerisks." The teacherselaborated, "We want tobring the language alive soit is not just an academictest."

Nurturing global citizensApart from the cross-disciplinary nature of English

lessons, the team of teachers is working hard to fulfiltheir mission of cultivating a global vision amongstudents. In order to compose persuasive argumentswhile writing argumentative essays, students areencouraged to look at different views of differentparties. For that, they need to research and understandthe different social backgrounds and aspirations ofdifferent people. "We are so proud that our studentscan actually utilise what they have learnt in Englishlessons in their daily life," Mr Tao concluded.

▲ S5 students being challenged whileparticipating in a group discussion

Creating a holisticlanguage environment

The overarching philosophy of the English panel atHKUGA College is to provide students with a holisticlanguage education. We aim to prepare students notjust for the examinations, but for life outside school.We see English as a vital life skill, and our curriculumis designed to nurture students who are as confident inface-to-face communication and public speaking as theyare in reading and writing. All-round competency inthese skills gives students more opportunities in life.

We aspire to foster in students a love andappreciation for English in all its forms. We aspirealso to develop their creativity, communication skillsand co-operative learning skills that are essential in themodern world. Above all, we aspire to cultivatestudents who are eager and confident in using theirEnglish Language skills to actively engage in the worldaround them.

Characteristics of our school-based curriculumThe English curriculum is entirely school-based and

designed to cater for the needs and interests of ourstudents. All the units are thematically organised,covering all eight language arts and non-language artselectives over a six-year period. Each unit is centred

around interactive and purposeful tasks and projects sothat students are always using language with a clearpurpose and objective in mind. These tasks range fromprocess writing, oral presentations to large-scale groupprojects such as advertising (involving the creation,marketing and sale of a product) and film production(including scriptwriting, storyboarding, acting andfilming). These projects are completed in collaborationwith other panels, such as Technology & Living, Musicand Visual Art.

Nurturing intrinsic motivation and lifelong learnersA great deal of attention is paid on developing

intrinsic motivation: once students understand andappreciate how important and pleasurable learningEnglish can be, then lifelong learning can take place.The curriculum emphasises engaging learners ingenuine and authentic acts of communication. Anauthentic and natural English Language learningenvironment is created throughout the school. Thelearner-centred instruction enables students to take aninterest in and responsibility for their own learning.They approach their work with purpose and a strongsense of ownership. The interactive, collaborativenature of the task-based and project-work approach hasproven to be the most effective way in developinglearners’ interest, confidence and proficiency inEnglish, as reflected in the positive learning attitudeand good performance of our students.

Teaching Philosophy

Nurturing pupilsNurturing pupilsto learn Englishto learn Englishon their own initiativeon their own initiative

▲ Back row left to right: Ms LAM Kar-yee,Alice, Ms IP Tak-wai, Mary and Ms YIUKwun-sze, Cecilia.Front row left to right: Mr HUSTWITRichard James and Ms PRADHAN AshwiniWinnie.

"The teachers view their mission of teachingEnglish as their collaborated effort infostering an attractive learning environmentat school. They believe that it is mostimportant to nurture confidence and interestof learning English in pupils, as thesecapabilities can promote their self-accessand independent learning skills. These skillscan enable pupils to learn better as they takeup more responsibility in monitoring theirown learning progress." Subjects taught

English Language (P1-6)


Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated SchoolWong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School

Ms PRADHAN,Ashwini Sachin,

Winnie(Years of teaching: 16)

Mr HUSTWIT,Richard James

(Years of teaching: 14)

Ms YIU Kwun-sze,Cecilia

(Years of teaching: 7)

Ms LAM Kar-yee,Alice

(Years of teaching: 7)

Ms IP Tak-wai,Mary

(Years of teaching: 5)

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20142014 // 20152015 行政長官卓越教學獎薈萃行政長官卓越教學獎薈萃Compendium of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching ExcellenceCompendium of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence072

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KKeeyy LLeeaarrnniinngg AArreeaa



Mr TAO Elvin

Tel: 2870 8815

Fax: 2870 8825

Email: [email protected]

Ways to Obtain Informationon the Teaching Practice






Enhancing students'learning outcomes throughan integrated approachbased on language artsand literature

AA ssssee




Promoting students'motivation and developing alove for learning English throughthe provision of a language-richand cross-curricular learning


▶ Students involved in discussionsto find out answers by themselves

The awarded teachers' pedagogical belief is thatstudents could learn best when they are given the rightstimulus and environment to learn English. Moreimportantly, language learning and teaching should beholistic and integrated. To uphold their belief, alanguage across the curriculum approach is adopted inthe school. To provide a broad and deep languagelearning experience for students, thematic-basedteaching units integrating the English subject with othersubjects are designed. Cross-curricular collaborationwith teachers of other Key Learning Areas tostrengthen the use of English in all subjects in theschool is put in place. Task-based learning withemphasis on project work and process writing as thelearning platforms is adopted. A variety ofopportunities to widen learners' exposure to theauthentic use of English outside the classroom isprovided through the promotion of cross-curricularactivities. Different assessment modes such astask-based assessments, group work, presentation andproject work are designed to promote assessment forlearning and assessment as learning to further enhancecross-curricular collaboration.

A school-based reading programme is used todevelop students' reading habits and independentlearning skills. The notion of enjoyment and learningin a relaxed language-rich environment is cherished.The teachers' target is not only on developing learners'language competencies, but also on inspiring a love forthe English Language. Teachers aspire to instill instudents an ability to appreciate the beauty of theEnglish Language and harness it to enhance theirpersonal, intellectual development and culturalunderstanding. In the classroom, teachers act asfacilitators, guiding students in the process of learning,asking the right questions, and involving students in

discussions to find out answers by themselves. Sourcesof instructional input are mainly drawn from authenticmaterials to increase interest and motivation.Pleasurable and meaningful extra-curricular activitiesthat involve using English in authentic situations suchas taking part in Speech Festival, watching plays andcompletion of reading logs, are provided to fosterlearners' love for the English Language, positive valuesand attitudes vital to independent and lifelong learning.

The teachers have succeeded in implementing thetrue-spirit of learner-centred instruction at school,which can enhance students' language competenciesand encourage learner independence. The holistic andintegrated approach they adopt has given the rightstimulus to enable students to make steady progress inenhancing their language competencies. The teachersare dedicated to their work and have demonstratedgood collaboration in building up a motivating learningenvironment that empowers students with goodlanguage competencies. They also set themselves asrole models for self-improvement by disseminatingtheir good teaching ideas and practices among otherteachers and providing support to new teachers.. Theirenthusiasm has fostered a culture of sharing amongteachers.
