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PROCESSING FACTORS AND EMULSION CHARACTERISTICS D 22 William L.Sulzbacher and Clifton E.Swift * M: Emulsion type sausages are a major product of the united 6s meat industry, amounting to over 2.5 x 10^ pounds of pro per year. This Laboratory has been concerned for a decade the characteristics of meat emulsions and the scientific ctples underlying their formation. A review of some of our , APal findings for the benefit of this meeting seems especial- •^e emulsion sausage is actually a mixture of a true emulsion N „ i ai"ticles of unemulsified muscle and fat. The more stable the \ en>uision part of the mixture, the more stable w ill be the age as a whole. The emulsion is composed of fat globules en- iu a matrix of denatured protein (Hansen, i 960 ). In ion- S thi H 18 emulsion, the ability of the meat protein to for* the S&ry ®atrix is critical to successful sausage making. There- the very beginning of our work we devised (swift ejt a l., a technique for measuring the emulsifying capacity of vari- ats, and other sausage ingredients, which has become a stand- 0 <a6 for hsi this purpose in the united states, k ~ lng the Swift technique for determining emulsifying capaci- ’ ve v t. "ere able to elucidate several basic principles of emulsion % ^8 l°h. por example, we showed that the amount of fat emulsifi- ^ directly proportional to the rate at which fat was added the m ^ ^ture and that the higher the temperature attained during ’ the less fat was emulsified. Both salt-soluble and water- df Proteins were used in emulsification, and the efficiency 8°luble proteins as emulsifiers was much more concentra- - 1027 -
Page 1: PROCESSING FACTORS AND EMULSION CHARACTERISTICS …icomst-proceedings.helsinki.fi/papers/1970_04_22.pdf · PROCESSING FACTORS AND EMULSION CHARACTERISTICS ... beef and pork fats were


W illiam L .Su lzbach er and C lifto n E .Sw ift



Emulsion type sau sages are a major product o f the united

6s meat in d u stry , amounting to over 2.5 x 10 ̂ pounds of pro­

per y ear . This Laboratory has been concerned fo r a decade

the c h a r a c te r is t ic s o f meat em ulsions and the s c ie n t i f i c

ctp le s underlying th e ir form ation. A review o f some o f our

, APal f in d in g s fo r the b e n e fit o f th is meeting seems e sp e c ia l-

•^e emulsion sausage i s a c tu a lly a mixture o f a true emulsionN „i ai" t ic le s o f unem ulsified muscle and f a t . The more sta b le the

\en>uision p art o f the m ixture, the more s ta b le w ill be the

age as a whole. The emulsion i s composed o f f a t g lob u les en-

iu a m atrix o f denatured p ro te in (Hansen, i 960) . In ion-S thiH 18 em ulsion, the a b i l i t y o f the meat p ro te in to fo r * the

S&ry ®a t r i x i s c r i t i c a l to su c c e ssfu l sausage making. There-

’ the very beginning o f our work we devised (sw ift ejt a l . ,

a technique fo r measuring the em ulsifying cap ac ity of v a r i-

at s , and o ther sausage in g re d ie n ts , which has become a stand-




hsith is purpose in the united s t a t e s ,

k ~ lng the Sw ift technique fo r determining em ulsifying capac i- ’ ve vt. " ere ab le to e lu c id a te se v e ra l b a s ic p r in c ip le s o f emulsion


^8l °h . por example, we showed th at the amount o f f a t e m u ls ifi-

^ d ire c t ly proportion al to the ra te a t which f a t was added the m •^ ^ t u r e and th at the higher the temperature a tta in e d during

’ the le s s f a t was em u lsifie d . Both s a lt - s o lu b le and w ater-

df Proteins were used in e m u ls ific a tio n , and the e ff ic ie n c y

8°lu b le p ro te in s as e m u ls ifie r s was much more concentra-

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Page 2: PROCESSING FACTORS AND EMULSION CHARACTERISTICS …icomst-proceedings.helsinki.fi/papers/1970_04_22.pdf · PROCESSING FACTORS AND EMULSION CHARACTERISTICS ... beef and pork fats were

e# J

t io n -se n s it iv e than was that o f the w ater-so lub le p ro te in s (S *-3

• t a l . , 1 9 6 l) .In fu rth er stu d ies o f the e f fe c t o f p ro te in s on emulsion»»

c$showed in 1963 (Sw ift and su lzbacber) th at a t three d iffe re n t

le v e ls , em ulsifying cap ac ity o f the w ater-so lub le p ro te in s wa»

ouch g re a te r a t a pH o f about 5 .2 than a t e ith e r more a lk a lin e

more ac id con d ition s. For the sa lt - s o lu b le p ro te in s , however#

s ify in g capacity increased rap id ly from pH 5 to PH 6 and remai

a t a high le v e l up to pH 8. Furthermore, the em ulsify ing cap®c

o f the s a lt - s o lu b le p ro te in s improved s l ig h t ly with in crease»

sodium ch loride ( io n ic stren gth ) content.

Ve next turned our a tten tio n to the f a t component o f the

sion and, using d i f f e r e n t ia l thermal a n a ly s is , we were ab le to

analyze the m elting c h a r a c te r is t ic s o f the pork and beef fa t»

n e ra lly found in sausage m ateria ls (Townsend ejt a l . , 1963)*

beef and pork f a t s were found to melt in two ran ges, from 3°

14«C and from 18® to 30°C fo r beef f a t s ; and from 8° to i 4 ° c

18® to 30®C fo r pork f a t s . S tab le em ulsions were e a s i ly prep

with a l l these f a t s a t le v e ls o f 12$ added f a t . At f a t le v e l8

* si*! v



a ei

22$, s t a b i l i t y was re la te d to the m elting point o f the f a t .I t i J^


high m elting f a t s y ie ld ed s ta b le em ulsions while those me

low temperature did not. Chopping tem perature a lso affecteds t a b i l i t y o f the em ulsions, high tem peratures tending more

s t a b i l i t y (sw ift e t a l . , 1968) .

Our most recent in te r e s t in th is a rea has been an inve». ar

tion of the e f f e c t s o f chopping speeds on the p rocessin g cn

i s t i c s o f fra n k fu rte rs (Townsend et a l . , 1970) . Emulsions *eI

tbei f

t i i1V

stechopped in a sp e c ia l ly m odified s i le n t c u tte r so th at k n iie ,te0pef

o f 1500, 2500, and 5000 rpm were a tta in e d . F in al chopping

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Page 3: PROCESSING FACTORS AND EMULSION CHARACTERISTICS …icomst-proceedings.helsinki.fi/papers/1970_04_22.pdf · PROCESSING FACTORS AND EMULSION CHARACTERISTICS ... beef and pork fats were

8 from 7,2®C to 29.*i*C were in v e st ig a te d . The ra te o f tempera-

r is e was found to be dependent on chopping speed, as n ight be

'ected . T h irty minutes chopping a t 1500 rpm was required to ob-

the same tem perature r i s e as three minutes a t 5000 rpm. «hen

®Ped to 7 .2 °C , em ulsions prepared with beef or pork fa t bad

^ e r v i s c o s i t i e s than those prepared with cottonseed o i l . From*? o'S°C to 29.4°C there was very l i t t l e d iffe re n ce in v i s c o s i t y ,

^ °h g h the b eef and cottonseed o i l tended to be h igher than pork

* Also the v i s c o s i t y v a lu e s d id not seem to be r e la te d to enrul-

at a b i l i t y shrinkage in the smokehouse, an important p r a c t ic ­al

^krameter, was not re la te d to chopping speed but was re la te d

ei>8e ly to the t o t a l f a t content and to the type o f f a t . Fat

*e re noted only in fra n k fu rte rs which received in su ff ic ie n t

kPlng. G reater s t a b i l i t y was obtained by chopping a t f a s t e r&vi6<is to h igher tem peratures than was obtained a t slow speed and

tem perature. The optimum temperature fo r emulBion formation

®h8ed with in creasin g kn ife speed.

Ah important p r a c t ic a l con sid eration i s the ease with which ^ h ish ed fra n k fu rte r can be p eeled , in th is work (Townsend et

' *970)., poor p e e lin g , when i t was observed, was a sso c ia te d

to p p in g to high tem perature. Skin stren g th , another p rac tic-



f8-meter, was observed to he g re a te s t in fran k fu rte rs prepared

. “Pping a t slow speeds or too low tem peratures, or both. This

< r e s u l t s from g re a te r m igration o f p ro te in to the denatur­es

8Urfaced during cooking in those sau sages with the weakest

work reviewed has been noteworthy in both i t s p ra c t ic a l

» Cations and the fundamental nature o f the in sig h t i t has

the p rocess o f em u ls ific a tio n in meat products.

Page 4: PROCESSING FACTORS AND EMULSION CHARACTERISTICS …icomst-proceedings.helsinki.fi/papers/1970_04_22.pdf · PROCESSING FACTORS AND EMULSION CHARACTERISTICS ... beef and pork fats were


Hansen, L.

swift, C.E

Swift, C.E

Swift, C.E

Swift, C.E



I. i960. Em ulsion fo rm atio n in f in e ly comminuted s®

age. Food Technol. ¿4 , 565., c .Lockett, and A .J .F ry a r . 1961. Comminuted meat

emulsions - The cap ac ity o f meats fo r e m u lsify iD̂

Food Technol. 15, '168.

. and V. L . Su lzbach er. 1963. Comminuted meat em uis*0

Factors a f fe c t in g meat p ro te in s as emulsion s ta

e r s . Food Technol. JL2, 106.

1965. The em ulsify ing p ro p e rtie s o f meat protei11proc. Meat Industry Research Conference, Chicag0'March 1965, P-78. J

d ^, V.E.Townsend, and L .P .W itnauer. 1968. Comminute

• t i cSem ulsions: R elation o f the m elting characteri®i 4

of fa t to emulsion s t a b i l i t y . Food Technol. 2j2’

I.E., L.P.W itnauer, J .A .R i lo f f , and C .E .S w ift. l9^8

Comminuted meat em ulsions: D if fe r e n t ia l tberma<jl>

a n a ly s is o f f a t t r a n s i t io n s . Food Technol. 22 'a r i**f .E . , S.A.Ackerman, L.P.W itnauer, W.E.Palm, ana

iS tSlS w ift. 1970. P re s, in s t i t u t e o f Food Technol0^San F ran cisco , May 2^-28, 1970.

i i l '

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