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Programme Guide 071207

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  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207



  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207



  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207



    INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................5PART A - GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAMME...........7

    1. What are the objectives, the priorities and the iportant !eat"res o! the #o"thin $ction %ro&rae'........................................................................................(

    2. What is the b"d&et'.........................................................................................1)

    *. What is the str"ct"re o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae'.................................15

    ). Who ip+eents the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae'...........................................17

    5. Who can participate in the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae'..................................2

    -. What s"pport is avai+ab+e'...............................................................................2)

    PART B -INFORMATION ABOUT THE ACTIONS............................................................27

    $ction 1.1 #o"th /0chan&es....................................................................................2(

    $ction 1.2 #o"th Initiatives.....................................................................................*7

    $ction 1.* #o"th Deocrac %rojects......................................................................))

    $ction 1 "+tieas"re projects..............................................................................51

    $ction 2 /"ropean 3o+"ntar 4ervice......................................................................52

    $ction *.1 Cooperation ith the Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntries o! the /"ropeanUnion................................................................................................................7*

    $ction ).* Trainin& and Netor6in& o! those active in o"th or6 and o"thor&anisations....................................................................................................(

    $ction ).* "+tieas"re projects...........................................................................(

    $ction 5.1 eetin&s o! o"n& peop+e and those responsib+e !or o"th po+ic.........

    PART C - INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS................................................................17

    1. What do o" have to do in order to s"bit a #o"th in $ction project'............17

    2. What happens once the app+ication is s"bitted'.........................................115

    *. What happens i! o"r app+ication is approved'..............................................11-

    ANNEX I - LIST OF CONTACT DETAILS.......................................................................121

    ANNEX II - GLOSSARY OF KEY-TERMS........................................................................12ANNEX III - USEFUL REFERENCES..............................................................................1*5


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207



    APV8 $dvance %+annin& 3isit CO8 Coordinatin& Or&anisation

    CoE8 Co"nci+ o! /"rope

    DG8 Directorate 9enera+

    DG EAC8 Directorate 9enera+ !or /d"cation and C"+t"re

    EACEA8 /d"cationa+, $"diovis"a+ : C"+t"re /0ec"tive $&enc

    EC8 /"ropean Coission

    EI8 /0pression o! Interest

    EECA8 /astern /"rope and Ca"cas"s

    ENGO8 ;od active at /"ropean +eve+ in the o"th

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207



    #o"th in $ction is the %ro&rae the /"ropean Union has set "p !or o"n& peop+e. Itais to inspire a sense o! active /"ropean citi@enship, so+idarit and to+erance aon&o"n& /"ropeans and to invo+ve the in shapin& the UnionAs !"t"re. It prootesobi+it ithin and beond the /UAs borders, non!ora+ +earnin& and interc"+t"ra+dia+o&"e, and enco"ra&es the inc+"sion o! a++ o"n& peop+e, re&ard+ess o! theired"cationa+, socia+ and c"+t"ra+ bac6&ro"nd8 #o"th in $ction is a %ro&rae !or a++B

    /ver ear, tho"sands o! projects are s"bitted bpromotersin order to &et

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207



  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part A H 9enera+ in!oration abo"t the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    ; Decision N 171J2-J/C o! 15 Noveber 2-1,the /"ropean %ar+iaent and the Co"nci+adopted the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae !or the period 27 to 21* hich p"t into p+ace the +e&a+!raeor6 to s"pport non!ora+ +earnin& activities !or o"n& peop+e.

    The #o"th in $ction %ro&rae ais to respond at /"ropean +eve+ to the needs o! o"n& peop+e!ro ado+escence to ad"+thood. It a6es an iportant contrib"tion to the acE"isition o!copetences and is there!ore a 6e instr"ent in providin& o"n& peop+e ith opport"nities !ornon!ora+ and in!ora+ +earnin& ith a /"ropean diension. It contrib"tes to the !"+ %ro&rae as carried o"t in 2*, receivin& inp"t!ro a ide variet o! specia+ists, sta6eho+ders and individ"a+s invo+ved in the %ro&rae. $n exanteeva+"ation as a+so "sed in p"ttin& to&ether the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae.

    The ip+eentation o! the present %ro&rae 9"ide and o! the additiona+ speci

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    () *!at are t!e o+,e'tie./ t!e 0rioritie. a& t!ei#0orta&t 1eat$re. o1 t!e Yo$t! i& A'tio&Pro"ra##e2

    O+,e'tie.The &enera+ objectives stated in the +e&a+ basis o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae are to8

    proote o"n& peop+eKs active citi@enship in &enera+ and their /"ropean citi@enship inpartic"+ar

    deve+op so+idarit and proote to+erance aon& o"n& peop+e, in partic"+ar in order to !ostersocia+ cohesion in the /"ropean Union

    !oster "t"a+ "nderstandin& beteen o"n& peop+e in diGerent co"ntries contrib"te to deve+opin& the E"a+it o! s"pport sstes !or o"th activities and the capabi+ities

    o! civi+ societ or&anisations in the o"th

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part A H What are the objectives, priorities and iportant !eat"res o! the %ro&rae'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    an approach and attit"de rather than a speci

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    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    9eo&raphica+ obstac+es8 o"n& peop+e !ro reote or r"ra+ areas o"n& peop+e +ivin& on sa++

    is+ands or periphera+ re&ions o"n& peop+e !ro "rban prob+e @ones o"n& peop+e !ro +essserviced areas +iited p"b+ic transport, poor !aci+ities, abandoned vi++a&esF.

    #o"th &ro"ps and or&anisations sho"+d ta6e appropriate eas"res to avoid e0c+"sion o! speci

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part A H What are the objectives, priorities and iportant !eat"res o! the %ro&rae'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    into !ora+ ed"cation and trainin&, s"ch activities are partic"+ar+ re+evant to o"n& peop+e ith!eer opport"nities.

    The dra!t &"ide+ines o! the /"ropean obi+it P"a+it Charter have been ta6en into acco"nt hende

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    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Di..e#i&atio& a& e605oitatio& o1 re.$5t.Dissemination and exploitation o resultsre+ates to the "se and practica+ app+ication o! a projectAso"tcoes. It is achieved thro"&h trans!er and adaptation o! e0istin& res"+ts to the needs o! netar&et &ro"ps. The needs o! those ho i++ bene

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part A H What are the objectives, priorities and iportant !eat"res o! the %ro&rae'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    end each prooter participatin& in the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae sho"+d have in p+ace eGectiveproced"res and arran&eents to proote and &"arant the e+!are and protection o! o"n& peop+e.

    This i++ he+p to enhance the o"n& peop+eAs e0perience as a sa!e, eGective and enjoab+e +earnin&e0perience.

    M$5ti5i&"$a5i.#$s set o"t in the co"nication !ro the Coission The Multilingual Union! the Coissionendeavo"rs to "se its %ro&raes to proote "+ti+in&"a+is hi+e bearin& in ind to +on&terobjectives8 he+pin& to create a societ that a6es the ost o! +in&"istic diversit, and enco"ra&in&citi@ens to +earn !orei&n +an&"a&es.

    The #o"th in $ction %ro&rae achieves these objectives b brin&in& o"n& peop+e o! diGerentnationa+ities and diGerent +an&"a&es to&ether and b &ivin& the the opport"nit to participate inactivities abroad. $+tho"&h #o"th in $ction is not a +in&"istic %ro&rae, it is neverthe+ess a non!ora+ +earnin& %ro&rae hich &ives o"n& peop+e the opport"nit to becoe acE"ainted ithother +an&"a&es and c"+t"res.

    7Co"nication !ro the Coission to the Co"nci+, the /"ropean %ar+iaent, the /"ropean /conoic and4ocia+ Coittee and the Coittee o! the Re&ions $ Ne =raeor6 4trate& !or "+ti+in&"a+is,COJ25J5-

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    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    8) *!at i. t!e +$"et2

    The %ro&rae has an overa++ b"d&et o! ((5 i++ion e"ros !or the seven ears 2721*F. Theann"a+ b"d&et is decided b the /"ropean %ar+iaent and the Co"nci+. The !o++oin& site enab+eso" to !o++o the diGerent steps o! the adoption o! the b"d&et. This %ro&rae is concerned ithb"d&et +ine 15.5.55.

    http8JJec.e"ropa.e"Jb"d&etJdoc"entsJann"a+Qb"d&etsQreportsQacco"ntsQen.htThe Coission reserves the ri&ht not to a++ocate a++ the !"nds avai+ab+e.


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    Part A What is the str"ct"re o! the %ro&rae'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    9) *!at i. t!e .tr$'t$re o1 t!e Yo$t! i& A'tio&Pro"ra##e2

    In order to achieve its objectives, the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae !oresees

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    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    S$+-A'tio& ;)9 - Trai&i&" a& &etwor:i&" o1 t!o.e a'tie i& 4o$t! wor: a& 4o$t!

    or"a&i.atio&.This s"b$ction s"pports the trainin& o! those active in o"th or6 and o"th or&anisations, inpartic"+ar the e0chan&e o! e0periences, e0pertise and &ood practice as e++ as activities hicha +ead to +on&+astin& E"a+it projects, partnerships and netor6s.

    S$+-A'tio& ;); - Pro,e't. e&'o$ra"i&" i&&oatio& a& 7$a5it4This s"b$ction s"pports projects aied at introd"cin&, ip+eentin& and prootin& innovative

    approaches in the o"th - Part&er.!i0.

    This s"b$ction is !or the !"ndin& o! partnerships in order to deve+op +on&ter projects hichcobine vario"s eas"res in the %ro&rae. 9rant reE"ests re+ated to this s"b$ction are tobe s"bitted !o++oin& speci

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part A Who ip+eents the %ro&rae'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    ;) *!o i#05e#e&t. t!e Yo$t! i& A'tio&Pro"ra##e2

    T!e E$ro0ea& Co##i..io&

    The /"ropean Coission is "+tiate+ responsib+e !or the r"nnin& o! the #o"th in $ction%ro&rae. It ana&es the b"d&et and sets priorities, tar&ets and criteria !or the %ro&rae on anon&oin& basis. ="rtherore, it &"ides and onitors the &enera+ ip+eentation, !o++o"p andeva+"ation o! the %ro&rae at /"ropean +eve+.

    The /"ropean Coission a+so bears overa++ responsibi+it !or the s"pervision and coordination o!the Nationa+ $&encies, hich are oces that have been desi&nated and set "p b the Nationa+$"thorities in char&e o! o"th aGairs in each %ro&rae Co"ntr. The /"ropean Coissioncooperates c+ose+ ith the Nationa+ $&encies and oversees their activities.

    The /"ropean Coission de+e&ates to the /d"cation, $"diovis"a+ and C"+t"re /0ec"tive $&encthe ana&eent o! projects at centra+ised +eve+.

    T!e E$'atio&/ A$ioi.$a5 a& C$5t$re E6e'$tieA"e&'4

    The /d"cation, $"diovis"a+ and C"+t"re /0ec"tive $&enc /0ec"tive $&encF estab+ished bdecision 25J5-J/C o! the /"ropean Coission o! 1) Lan"ar 25 is responsib+e notab+ !or theip+eentation o! the centra+ised $ctions o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae. It is in char&e o! thecop+ete +i!e cc+e o! these projects, !ro ana+sin& the &rant reE"est to onitorin& projects on thespot. It is a+so responsib+e !or +a"nchin& the speci

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    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    =ina++, the act as a s"pportin& str"ct"re !or the &ramewor' or European cooperation in the youthfeld.

    Ot!er .tr$'t$re.$part !ro the bodies entioned above, the !o++oin& provide cop+eentar e0pertise to the

    #o"th in $ction %ro&rae8

    T!e SALTO Yo$t! Re.o$r'e Ce&tre.4$?TO 4"pport !or $dvanced ?earnin& and Trainin& Opport"nitiesF #o"th Reso"rce Centres providetrainin& and cooperation opport"nities aiin& at E"a+it iproveent and reco&nition o! non!ora++earnin&.

    The !o++oin& 4$?TOs s"pport the %ro&rae8

    SALTO Yo$t! RC C$5t$ra5 Dier.it4/ +ocated in United in&do and providin& trainin&,reso"rces and s"pport !oc"sin& on identit, !aith, ethnicit, etc. as e++ as on +earnin& ho to+ive and or6 ith diGerence and ta6in& interc"+t"ra+ +earnin& one step !"rther ithin the #o"thin $ction %ro&rae.

    SALTO Yo$t! RC Ea.ter& E$ro0e a& Ca$'a.$. EECA/+ocated in %o+and and s"pportin&cooperation beteen %ro&rae and Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntries !ro Eastern Europe and#aucasusithin the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae.

    SALTO Yo$t! RC E$ro-Me/ +ocated in =rance and s"pportin& cooperation beteen%ro&rae and Mediterranean Partner #ountries/D$F ithin the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae,as e++ as the identi

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part A Who ip+eents the %ro&rae'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    The netor6 contrib"tes to the "pdatin& o! data on the /"ropean #o"th %orta+ and enhances itsprootion and !"rther deve+opent. To this end, /"rodes6 cooperates ith other re+evant o"thin!oration netor6s, in partic"+ar ith the /"ropean #o"th In!oration and Co"nse++in& $&enc/R#IC$F and the /"ropean #o"th Card $ssociation /#C$F.

    T!e E$ro-Me Yo$t! P5at1or#The /"roed #o"th %+at!or ais at enco"ra&in& cooperation, netor6in& and e0chan&e aon&o"th or&anisations !ro both shores o! the editerranean. It provides "se!"+ !aci+ities s"ch as adatabase !or partner search, a disc"ssion !or", co"ntr pro

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    =) *!o 'a& 0arti'i0ate i& t!e Yo$t! i& A'tio&Pro"ra##e2

    #o"n& peop+e and o"th or6ers nat"ra++ constit"te the ain tar&et pop"+ation o! the %ro&rae.>oever, the %ro&rae reaches these individ"a+s thro"&hpromoters. Conditions !or participationin the %ro&rae there!ore re+ate to these to actors8 the participants individ"a+s participatin& in

    the %ro&raeF and the Kprooters in ost cases, legally establishedor&anisationsF. =or bothparticipants and prooters, conditions !or participation depend on the co"ntr in hich the arebased.

    E5i"i+5e 0arti'i0a&t.$re o" o"n& person a&ed beteen 1* and * ears o+d or soebod active in o"th or6 oro"th or&anisations legally residentin one o! the %ro&rae or Partner #ountries'

    I! so, o" can be a participant o! a #o"th in $ction project, dependin& on the $ction and s"b$ctionconcerned. =or the conditions !or participation in speci

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part A H Who can participate in the %ro&rae'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    E5i"i+5e Co$&trie.Dependin& on the $ction or s"b$ction, participants and prooters based in vario"s co"ntries canparticipate. =or the conditions !or participation in speci"n&arIre+andIta+?atvia?ith"ania?"0ebo"r&a+ta

    Nether+ands%o+and%ort"&a+Roania4+ova6 Rep"b+ic4+ovenia4pain4edenUnited in&do

    Pro"ra##e Co$&trie. o1 t!e E$ro0ea& Free Trae A..o'iatio&EFTA

    w!i'! are #e#+er. o1 t!e E$ro0ea& E'o&o#i' Area EEAIce+and ?iechtenstein Nora

    Pro"ra##e Co$&trie. w!i'! are 'a&iate.1or a''e..io& to t!e E$ro0ea& U&io&


    Nei"!+o$ri&" Part&er Co$&trie.The #o"th in $ction %ro&rae s"pports cooperation beteen %ro&rae Co"ntries and the!o++oin& Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntries8

    So$t! Ea.t E$ro0eEa.ter& E$ro0e a&


    Part&er Co$&trie.$+bania;osnia and >er@e&ovinaCroatia=orer #"&os+avRep"b+ic o! acedonia=#ROFontene&ro4erbia1

    $renia$@erbaijan;e+ar"s9eor&iao+dovaR"ssian =ederationU6raine


    Lordan?ebanonorocco%a+estinian $"thorit o!the West ;an6 and 9a@a4trip4ria


    8 Individ"a+s !ro an Overseas Co"ntr and Territor OCTF, and here app+icab+e the re+evant p"b+ic andJorprivate bodies and instit"tions in an OCT, sha++ be e+i&ib+e !or the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae, s"bject to ther"+es o! the %ro&rae and the arran&eents app+icab+e to the eber 4tate ith hich the are connected.

    The concerned OCTs are +isted in anne0 1$ o! Co"nci+ decision o! 27 Noveber 21 on the association o! theoverseas co"ntries and territories ith the /"ropean Co"nit 22J(22J/CF, OL ? *1) o! * Noveber 21.9>avin& et the conditions envisa&ed as necessar in vie to ip+eent the %ro&rae at nationa+ +eve+.10Inc+"din& osovo, "nder the a"spices o! the United Nations, p"rs"ant to UN 4ec"rit Co"nci+ Reso+"tion 12))o! 1 L"ne 1.


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Ot!er Part&er Co$&trie. o1 t!e *or5Cooperation is possib+e ith the Other %artner Co"ntries o! the Wor+d +isted be+o hich havesi&ned a&reeents ith the /"ropean Co"nit re+evant to the o"th ond"ras 4aint3incent and the


    ;ra@i+ India 4aoa;r"nei Indonesia 4ao Toe and %rincipe;"r6ina =aso Ivor Coast 4ene&a+;"r"ndi Laaica 4eche++esCabodia a@a6hstan 4ierra ?eoneCaeroon ena 4o+oon Is+andsCanada iribati 4o"th $!ricaCape 3erde orea, Rep"b+ic o! 4"danCentra+ $!rican Rep"b+ic r&@stan 4"rinaeChad ?aos 4a@i+andChi+e ?esotho Tan@aniaChina ?iberia Thai+andCo+obia ada&ascar To&oCooros a+ai Ton&aCon&o D. R. o! theF a+asia Trinidad and Toba&oCon&o Rep"b+ic o! theF a+i T"va+"Coo6 Is+ands arsha++ Is+ands U&andaCosta Rica a"ritania United 4tates o! $ericaDjibo"ti a"riti"s Ur"&"aDoinica e0ico U@be6istanDoinican Rep"b+ic icronesia 3an"at"/ast Tior o@abiE"e 3ene@"e+a/c"ador Naibia 3ietna/+ 4a+vador Na"r" #een/E"atoria+ 9"inea Nepa+ Sabia/ritrea Nicara&"a Sibabe


    Vi.a re7$ire#e&t.I! o"r project invo+ves non/"ropean Union co"ntries o" a need to chec6 visa reE"ireents.

    In princip+e, #o"th in $ction %ro&rae participants !ro non/"ropean Union co"ntries coin&into the /U and participants !ro the /U &oin& to non/U co"ntries to ta6e part in a o"th projecthave to app+ !or a visa o! entr into the re+evant host co"ntr. #o"n& peop+e resident ithin an /Ueber 4tate, ho are ho+ders o! a non/U nationa+itJpassport, i&ht a+so need a visa to enteranother /U eber 4tate.

    It is a co++ective responsibi+it o! a++ the prooters to ens"re that an visa reE"ired is in order be!orethe p+anned $ctivit ta6es p+ace. It is stron&+ recoended that the visa is arran&ed e++ inadvance, since the process a ta6e severa+ ee6s.

    Nationa+ $&encies and the /0ec"tive $&enc a &ive !"rther advice and s"pport concernin& visas,residence perits, socia+ sec"rit, etc.


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    Part A H Who can participate in the %ro&rae'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    The Coission has dra!ted soe &enera+ recoendations !or visaJresidence perit app+ications!or the bene

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    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    >) *!at .$00ort i. aai5a+5e2

    T!e .$00ortie a00roa'!

    The s"pportive approach o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae consists o! &"idin& "sers o! the%ro&rae thro"&h a++ phases, !ro the oever, it is based on the idea that in order to &"arantee eE"a+ opport"nit !or everbod, it isnecessar to &ive ore assistance to soe &ro"ps o! o"n& peop+e thro"&h advisin&, co"nse++in&,onitorin&, and coachin& sstes.

    There!ore, an iportant princip+e o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae is the provision o! assistance,trainin& and advice !or the app+icants at diGerent +eve+s. $t a decentra+ised +eve+, the Nationa+$&encies and the /"rodes6 Netor6 provide trainin& and in!oration. $t a centra+ised +eve+, he+p isprovided thro"&h the /0ec"tive $&enc and the 4$?TO netor6.

    T!e Trai&i&" Strate"4 o1 Yo$t! i& A'tio&The /"ropean Trainin& 4trate& o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae is coordinated b the /"ropeanCoission and ais to contrib"te to deve+opin& the E"a+it o! s"pport sstes !or o"th activitiesand the capabi+ities o! civi+ societ or&anisations in the o"th

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part A What s"pport is avai+ab+e'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    /ach Nationa+ $&enc8

    oGers nationa+ and internationa+ trainin&, seinars and or6shops to peop+e interested ora+read invo+ved in #o"th in $ction projects

    &ives advice, in!oration and assistance to participants, project coordinators, act"a+ orpotentia+ partners and bene

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    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    The activities ithin the !raeor6 o! the %artnership are or&anised and ana&ed b the%artnership 4ecretariat hich reports both to the Co"nci+ o! /"rope and the /"ropean Coission.

    ="rther in!oration on the %artnershipAs activities can be obtained !ro the %artnership 4ecretariatin 4trasbo"r&.

    T!e E$ro-Me Yo$t! P5at1or#The /"roed #o"th %+at!or provides s"pport to o"n& peop+e and o"th or&anisations in the /"roediterranean re&ion in order to !aci+itate the e0chan&e o! &ood practice, netor6in&, cooperationand capacit b"i+din& in the re&ion.

    To eet these objectives, it provides a series o! netor6in& !aci+ities, inc+"din&8

    a database !or partner

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    In this %art o" i++

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    A'tio& ()( - Yo$t! E6'!a&"e.


    #o"th /0chan&es a++o one or ore &ro"ps o! o"n& peop+e to be hosted b a &ro"p !ro anotherco"ntr in order to participate to&ether in a joint pro&rae o! activities. These projects invo+vethe active participation o! o"n& peop+e and are desi&ned to a++o the to discover and becoeaare o! diGerent socia+ and c"+t"ra+ rea+ities, to +earn !ro each other and rein!orce their !ee+in& o!bein& /"ropean citi@ens.

    *!at i. a Yo$t! E6'!a&"e2$ #o"th /0chan&e is a project hich brin&s to&ether &ro"ps o! o"n& peop+e !ro to or oreco"ntries, providin& the ith an opport"nit to disc"ss and con!ront vario"s thees, hi+st+earnin& abo"t each otherKs co"ntries and c"+t"res. $ #o"th /0chan&e is based on a transnationa+

    partnershipbeteen to or ore prooters !ro diGerent co"ntries.

    $ccordin& to the n"ber o! co"ntries invo+ved, a #o"th /0chan&e can be bi+atera+, tri+atera+ or

    "+ti+atera+. $ ;i+atera+ #o"th /0chan&e is j"sti

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction 1.1 H #o"th /0chan&es%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    *!at are t!e 'riteria $.e to a..e.. a Yo$t! E6'!a&"e2

    E5i"i+i5it4 Criteria


    /achpromoter"st be8 a non pro

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    *!o 'a& a00542

    A55 a005i'atio&.

    $ prooter ishin& to app+ "st be legally establishedin its co"ntr.

    A005i'atio&. .$+#itte to t!e E6e'$tie A"e&'4see be+o, sectionWhere to app+'KF8One o! the prooters ass"es the ro+e o! #oordinating %rganisationK COFand app+ies to the /0ec"tive $&enc !or the ho+e project one sided!"ndin&KF on beha+! o! a++ prooters.

    A005i'atio&. .$+#itte to t!e Natio&a5 A"e&'ie. see be+o, sectionWhere to app+'KF8Bi-/ tri5atera5 Yo$t! E6'!a&"eeach and ever prooter app+iesseparate+ to its respective Nationa+ $&enc !or its part o! the project splitundingK.FM$5ti5atera5 Yo$t! E6'!a&"ethe prooter hostin& the $ctivit ass"esthe ro+e o! #oordinating %rganisationK COF and app+ies to its Nationa+$&enc !or the ho+e project one)sided undingKF on beha+! o! a++ prooters.Iti&era&t Yo$t! E6'!a&"e +i/ tri or #$5ti5atera5one o! the prootershostin& part o! the $ctivit ass"es the ro+e o! Coordinatin& Or&anisationKCOF and app+ies to its Nationa+ $&enc !or the ho+e project one sided!"ndin&KF on beha+! o! a++ prooters.

    A55 a005i'atio&.

    In the case o! an in!ora+ &ro"p, one o! the ebers o! the &ro"p ass"esthe ro+e o! representative and ta6es the responsibi+it o! s"bittin& theapp+ication to its Nationa+ $&enc and si&nin& the grant agreementon beha+!o! the &ro"p.

    *!ere to a00542

    A005i'atio&. to +e .$+#itte to t!e E6e'$tie A"e&'4 projectapp+ications b bodies active at /"ropean +eve+ in the o"th

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction 1.1 H #o"th /0chan&es%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Awar 'riteria%rojects i++ be assessed a&ainst the !o++oin& criteria8

    Re5ea&'e to t!e

    o+,e'tie. a&0rioritie. o1 t!ePro"ra##e9

    The re+evance to8 the &enera+ objectives o! the %ro&rae the speci

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    *!at are t!e 1$&i&" r$5e.2The b"d&et o! the project "st be dra!ted accordin& to the !o++oin& !"ndin& r"+es8

    Eligible costsFi&a&'i&"#e'!a&i.

    #A#o$&t Be&eost Or&anisation bi,tri+atera+F


    $chieveents to bedescribed in

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Eligible costsFi&a&'i&"#e'!a&i.

    #A#o$&t Be&eostOr&anisations bi,tri+atera+FCoordinatin&Or&anisation"+ti+atera+F

    Conditiona+8disseination ande0p+oitationactivities "st bec+ear+ o"t+ined inthe app+ication !or

    ="++ j"sti

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    How to ee5o0 a "oo 0ro,e't2The A$ard criteriaA tab+e in this s"b$ction +ists the criteria a&ainst hich the E"a+it o! a projecti++ be assessed. >ere are soe advices hich a he+p o" to deve+op a &ood project.

    $a5it4 o1 0ro,e't e.i"& $a5it4 o1 t!e 0art&er.!i0Ja'tie i&o5e#e&t o1 a55 0ro#oter. i& t!e 0ro,e't

    4ooth and ecient cooperation beteen prooters is a vita+ e+eent !or the s"ccess!"+deve+opent o! a project. %rooters "st deonstrate the abi+it to estab+ish and r"n acohesive partnership ith active invo+veent o! a++ partners and ith coon &oa+s to beachieved. In this respect, the !o++oin& !actors sho"+d be ta6en into consideration8 the +eve+ o!netor6in&, cooperation and coitent o! each prooter in the project the pro

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    participants oGers additiona+ potentia+ !or spreadin& in!oration abo"t the #o"th /0chan&e, ase++ as abo"t the opport"nities oGered b the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae. 3isibi+it andeas"res ain+ occ"r be!ore and d"rin& the ip+eentation o! the #o"th /0chan&e. 4"cheas"res can be divided into to broad cate&ories8

    - 3isibi+it o! the project

    %rooters and participants sho"+d p"b+iciseK the project as e++ as its ais andobjectives and spread the o"th essa&eK thro"&ho"t the ip+eentation o! theirproject. In order to raise aareness o! the project the co"+d !or e0ap+e deve+opin!oration ateria+ do a ai+ shot or 44 ai+in& prepare posters, stic6ers,prootiona+ ites tshirts, caps, pens, etc.F invite jo"rna+ists to observe iss"e pressre+easesK or rite artic+es !or +oca+ papers, ebsites or nes+etters create an e&ro"p, aeb space, a photo&a++er or b+o& on the Internet, etc.

    - 3isibi+it o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae$s e++ as the cop"+sor "se o! the ocia+ +o&o o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&raep+ease cons"+t part C o! this 9"ideF, each project sho"+d a+so act as "+tip+ierK o! the

    #o"th in $ction %ro&rae in order to increase aareness abo"t the opport"nitiesoGered b the %ro&rae to o"n& peop+e and o"th or6ers in /"rope and beond.%rooters are invited to inc+"de in!oration abo"t the %ro&rae !or instance,in!oration on the %ro&rae $ctions, or its objectives and iportant !eat"res, tar&et&ro"ps, etc.F in a++ eas"res "nderta6en to increase visibi+it o! the project seee0ap+es aboveF. %rooters co"+d inc+"de in!oration sessions or or6shops in the$ctivit pro&rae o! the #o"th /0chan&e. The co"+d a+so p+an participation in eventsseinar, con!erences, debatesF or&anised at diGerent +eve+s +oca+, re&iona+, nationa+,internationa+F.

    Di..e#i&atio& a& e605oitatio& o1 re.$5t./ach prooter sho"+d p"t in p+ace eas"res to disseinate and e0p+oit the res"+ts o! the #o"th/0chan&e.

    - 4tandard disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res4tandard disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res a have the sae !orat asvisibi+it eas"res indicated in the section above the ain diGerence is thatdisseination and e0p+oitation eas"res !oc"s on a projectAs res"+ts, rather than its$ctivit and objectives. =or this reason, disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res occ"rain+ a!ter the #o"th /0chan&e has ta6en p+ace.

    - $dditiona+ disseination and e0p+oitation o! res"+ts$s e++ as the standard disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res, prooters co"+d set"p additiona+ eas"res to spread and hi&h+i&ht the va+"e o! their projectAs res"+ts. The

    #o"th in $ction %ro&rae oGers a !"rther

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction 1.2 H #o"th Initiatives%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    A'tio& ()8 - Yo$t! I&itiatie.

    O+,e'tie.This s"b$ction s"pports projects here o"n& peop+e participate active+ and direct+ in activitieso! their on devisin& in hich the p+a the 6e ro+es, in order to deve+op their initiative, enterpriseand creativit.

    *!at i. a Yo$t! I&itiatie2$ #o"th Initiative is a project initiated, set "p and carried o"t b o"n& peop+e these+ves. It &iveso"n& peop+e the chance to tr o"t ideas thro"&h initiatives, hich &ive the an opport"nit to bedirect+ and active+ invo+ved in p+annin& and carrin& o"t projects. %articipation in a #o"th Initiativeis an iportant non!ora+ +earnin& e0perience. It a+so provides o"n& peop+e ith an opport"nitto consider these+ves as /"ropean citi@ens and to !ee+ that the are contrib"tin& to theconstr"ction o! /"rope.

    $ #o"th Initiative project has three phases8

    p+annin& and preparation ip+eentation o! the $ctivit eva+"ation inc+"din& reMection on a possib+e ollow)upF.

    Non!ora+ +earnin& princip+es and practice are reMected thro"&ho"t the project.

    $ #o"th Initiative can be8

    nationa+8 desi&ned at +oca+, re&iona+ or nationa+ +eve+ and deve+oped b a sin&+e &ro"p in itsco"ntr o! residence

    transnationa+8 a netor6in& o! o"th initiatives joint+ carried o"t b to or ore &ro"ps !rodiGerent co"ntries.

    *!at are t!e 'riteria $.e to a..e.. a Yo$t! I&itiatie2

    E5i"i+i5it4 'riteria

    E5i"i+5e 0ro#oter.

    Thepromoter"st be8 a non pro

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction 1.2 H #o"th Initiatives%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Awar 'riteria%rojects i++ be assessed a&ainst the !o++oin& criteria8

    Re5ea&'e to t!e

    o+,e'tie. a&0rioritie. o1 t!ePro"ra##e9

    The re+evance to8

    the &enera+ objectives o! the %ro&rae the speci

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    E6a#05e o1 a Yo$t! I&itiatie12 #o"n& peop+e !ro T"r6e deve+oped a project aied at &ivin& basic cop"ter s6i++s to chi+drenho are ob+i&ed to or6 in the streets. The &ro"p cooperated ith a +oca+ N9O that or6s re&"+ar+ith these chi+dren. ;ased on disc"ssion ith the chi+dren, the &ro"p +earned abo"t their sit"ationand as6ed the hat the o"+d +i6e to do the idea o! the cop"ter trainin& as born there. Thetrainin& in cop"ters +asted three onths and the project reached soe 7 chi+dren.

    We++, the ost iportant thin& at persona+ +eve+ as that the project enab+ed e to do hat IantedB #o" 6no, I !e+t oved b the sit"ation o! these street chi+dren. I anted to do soethin&B

    #o" can approach the and &et to have an idea o! their rea+it, b"t o" need a !rae to rea++ or6ith the, and this is hat the #o"th Initiative project a++oed "s to achieveB The contact ith the

    #o"th Centre in the +oca+ area and the N9O cooperatin& ith "s ere ver he+p!"+ and iportant !orthe project. We or&anised diGerent socia+ activities, hich &ave the chi+dren the chance to !ee+ +esse0c+"ded. We had the ipression that e s"cceeded in he+pin& the, that the +earnt soethin&"se!"+ and enjoed the e0perience too. T"r6ish eber o! the &ro"pF


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    *!at are t!e 1$&i&" r$5e.2The b"d&et o! the project "st be dra!ted accordin& to the !o++oin& !"ndin& r"+es8

    Eligible costsFi&a&'i&"#e'!a&i.

    #A#o$&t R$5e o1 a55o'atio& Re0orti&" o+5i"atio&.

    A'tiit4'o.t. !orNationa+ #o"thInitiativesF

    $n cost direct+ +in6ed to theip+eentation o! the project.

    /ump sum

    ( "n+ess a +oer ao"nt o!&rant is reE"ested b theapp+icantF

    $"toatic provided thatconsistenc ith provisiona+b"d&et is respected

    $chieveents to be described infnal report.

    4i&nat"re +ist o! a++ participants.

    A'tiit4'o.t. !orTransnationa+


    $n cost direct+ +in6ed to theip+eentation o! the project.

    ?"p s"

    1 "n+ess a +oer ao"nt o!&rant is reE"ested b the


    $"toatic provided thatconsistenc ith provisiona+

    b"d&et is respected

    $chieveents to be described in

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    on+ !orTransnationa+#o"thInitiativesF

    ven"e o! the project and ret"rn.Use o! the cheapest eans and!ares /cono c+ass Mi&ht tic6et,2ndc+ass train tic6etF.

    o! act"a+costs

    inc"rred, cop o! trave+tic6etsJinvoices.

    X ?"ps s"s and sca+es o! "nit costs can be adapted b Nationa+ $&encies. $ prooter app+in& at nationa+ +eve+ "st "se the +"p s"s and sca+es o! "nitcosts de

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction 1.2 H #o"th Initiatives%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    How to ee5o0 a "oo 0ro,e't2The A$ard criteriaA tab+e in this s"b$ction +ists the criteria a&ainst hich the E"a+it o! a projecti++ be assessed. >ere are soe advices hich a he+p o" to deve+op a &ood project.

    $a5it4 o1 0ro,e't e.i"& $a5it4 o1 t!e 0re0aratio& 0!a.e

    The preparation phase is o! cr"cia+ iportance !or the s"ccess o! a #o"th Initiative. D"rin& thisphase, the &ro"p o! o"n& peop+e sho"+d choose and coon+ a&ree a thee re+evant to the&ro"p itse+! and to the +oca+ co"nit. The sho"+d +oo6 at creatin& a e++str"ct"redpro&rae o! the $ctivit and a tietab+e, their or6in& ethods and the bene

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    The $ctivit pro&rae and or6in& ethods sho"+d ai to invo+ve the ebers o! the&ro"psF and a++ other peop+e possib+ identi

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction 1.2 H #o"th Initiatives%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    - 3isibi+it o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae

    $s e++ as the cop"+sor "se o! the ocia+ +o&o o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&raep+ease cons"+t %art C o! this 9"ideF, each project sho"+d a+so act as "+tip+ierK o! the

    #o"th in $ction %ro&rae in order to increase aareness abo"t the opport"nitiesoGered b the %ro&rae to o"n& peop+e and o"th or6ers in /"rope and beond.%rooters are invited to inc+"de in!oration abo"t the %ro&rae !or instance,in!oration on the %ro&rae $ctions, or its objectives and iportant !eat"res, tar&et&ro"ps, etc.F in a++ eas"res "nderta6en to increase visibi+it o! the project seee0ap+es aboveF. %rooters co"+d inc+"de in!oration sessions or or6shops in the$ctivit pro&rae o! the #o"th Initiatives. The co"+d a+so p+an participation in eventsseinar, con!erences, debatesF or&anised at diGerent +eve+s +oca+, re&iona+, nationa+,internationa+F.

    Di..e#i&atio& a& e605oitatio& o1 re.$5t./ach prooter sho"+d p"t in p+ace eas"res to disseinate and e0p+oit the res"+ts o! the #o"thInitiative.

    - 4tandard disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res4tandard disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res a have the sae !orat asvisibi+it eas"res indicated in the section above the ain diGerence is thatdisseination and e0p+oitation eas"res !oc"s on a projectAs res"+ts, rather than its$ctivit and objectives. =or this reason, disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res occ"rain+ a!ter the #o"th Initiative has ta6en p+ace.

    - $dditiona+ disseination and e0p+oitation o! res"+ts$s e++ as the standard disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res, prooters co"+d set"p additiona+ eas"res to spread and hi&h+i&ht the va+"e o! their projectAs res"+ts. The

    #o"th in $ction %ro&rae oGers a !"rther

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    A'tio& ()9 - Yo$t! De#o'ra'4 Pro,e't.

    O+,e'tie.This s"b$ction s"pports o"n& peop+eAs participation in deocratic +i!e. It ais to enco"ra&e theactive participation o! o"n& peop+e in the +i!e o! their +oca+, re&iona+ or nationa+ co"nit or atinternationa+ +eve+.

    *!at i. a Yo$t! De#o'ra'4 Pro,e't2$ #o"th Deocrac %roject is deve+oped b a /"ropean partnership, a++oin& the poo+in&, at/"ropean +eve+, o! ideas, e0periences and ethodo+o&ies !ro projects or activities at +oca+,re&iona+, nationa+ or /"ropean +eve+, in order to iprove o"n& peop+eKs participation.

    $ #o"th Deocrac %rojecthas three phases8

    p+annin& and preparation ip+eentation o! the $ctivit eva+"ation inc+"din& reMection on a possib+e ollow)upF.

    Non!ora+ +earnin& princip+es and practice are reMected thro"&ho"t the project.

    4oe e0ap+es o! $ctivities ip+eented ithin a #o"th Deocrac %roject are8

    the creation o! netor6s !or the e0chan&e, deve+opent and disseination o! good practiceinthe

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction 1.* H #o"th Deocrac %rojects %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    N$#+er o10ro#oter.

    %rooters !ro at +east 2 diGerent %ro&rae Co"ntries, o! hich at +eastone is !ro an /U co"ntr. There "st be ini" 2 prooters per co"ntrinvo+ved in the project. %rooters "st be independent see be+oF.


    Yo$&" 0arti'i0a&t.o"n& peop+e a&ed beteen 1* and * and legallyresidentin a %ro&rae Co"ntr.De'i.io&-#a:er.Je60ert.8 I! the project !oresees the participation o!decisiona6ers or e0perts in the

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Awar 'riteria%rojects i++ be assessed a&ainst the !o++oin& criteria8

    Re5ea&'e to t!e

    o+,e'tie. a&0rioritie. o1 t!ePro"ra##e 9

    The re+evance to8

    the &enera+ objectives o! the %ro&rae the speci

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction 1.* H #o"th Deocrac %rojects %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    E6a#05e o1 a Yo$t! De#o'ra'4 Pro,e't) o"n& peop+e !ro 11 %ro&rae Co"ntries eet !or 1 das in vie to si"+ate the or6 anddecisiona6in& process o! the /"ropean %ar+iaent. The participants appoint the president o! their%ar+iaent and a+so create par+iaentar &ro"ps and coittees to disc"ss on coon+identi

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    *!at are t!e 1$&i&" r$5e.2I! the project is se+ected, the !o++oin& !"ndin& r"+es i++ app+ to the &rant8

    Eligible costsFi&a&'i&"

    #e'!a&i.# A#o$&t R$5e o1 a55o'atio&Re0orti&"o+5i"atio&.

    A'tiit4 'o.t. Eligible direct costs Trave+ costs $ccoodationJ!ood costs Or&anisation o! seinars,eetin&s, cons"+tations, activities %"b+icationsJtrans+ations Jin!oration costs Disseination and e0p+oitation o!

    res"+ts Other costs direct+ +in6ed to theip+eentation o! the project

    Eligible indirect costs7 o! e+i&ib+e direct costsF

    Percentage oactual costs

    75 o! the tota+ e+i&ib+e costs."n+ess a +oer o! &rant isreE"ested b the app+icantFa0i" 5

    Conditiona+8 objectivesand $ctivit pro&rae"st be c+ear+ o"t+inedin the app+ication !or

    ="++ j"sti

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction 1.* H #o"th Deocrac %rojects%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    How to ee5o0 a "oo 0ro,e't2The A$ard criteriaA tab+e in this s"b$ction +ists the criteria a&ainst hich the E"a+it o! a projecti++ be assessed. >ere are soe advices hich a he+p o" to deve+op a &ood project.

    $a5it4 o1 0ro,e't e.i"& $a5it4 o1 t!e 0art&er.!i0Ja'tie i&o5e#e&t o1 a55 0ro#oter. i& t!e 0ro,e't

    4ooth and ecient cooperation beteen prooters is a vita+ e+eent !or the s"ccess!"+deve+opent o! a project. %rooters "st deonstrate the abi+it to estab+ish and r"n acohesive partnership ith active invo+veent o! a++ partners and ith coon &oa+s to beachieved. In this respect, the !o++oin& !actors sho"+d be ta6en into consideration8 the +eve+ o!netor6in&, cooperation and coitent o! each prooter in the project the pro

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    $a5it4 o1 0ro,e't. 'o&te&t a& #et!oo5o"4 T!e#e o1 'o##o& i&tere.t a& re5ea&'e to t!e "ro$0 o1 0arti'i0a&t.

    The project sho"+d have a c+ear theatic concept, hich prooters ish to e0p+ore to&ether.The chosen thee sho"+d be a&reed to&ether and sho"+d reMect interests and needs o!participants. The thee has to be trans+ated into the concrete dai+ activities o! the #o"th

    Deocrac %roject. No&-1or#a5 5ear&i&" #et!o. a005ie

    The project sho"+d !o++o the princip+es o! non!ora+ +earnin&. $ variet o! non!ora+ +earnin&ethods and techniE"es a be app+ied or6shops, ro+e p+a, o"tdoor activities, icebrea6ers,ro"ndtab+es, etc.F to address diGerent needs o! participants and desired o"tcoes. In &enera+ters, the project sho"+d be based on an interc"+t"ra+ +earnin& process sti"+atin& creativit,active participation and initiative.

    A'tie i&o5e#e&t o1 0arti'i0a&t. i& t!e 0ro,e'tThe $ctivit pro&rae and or6in& ethods app+ied sho"+d invo+ve the participants as "chas possib+e and tri&&er a +earnin& process. %articipants a+so sho"+d be active+ invo+ved in thepreparation and eva+"ation phases o! the project. #o"n& peop+e sho"+d be ab+e to e0p+orediGerent topics on an eE"a+ basis, re&ard+ess o! their +an&"a&e abi+ities or other s6i++s.

    Pro#otio& o1 .o'ia5 a& 0er.o&a5 ee5o0#e&t o1 0arti'i0a&t.The project sho"+d enab+e the participants to acE"ire se+!con

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    Part B $ction 1.* H #o"th Deocrac %rojects%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Vi.i+i5it4 o1 t!e 0ro,e'tJi.i+i5it4 o1 Yo$t! i& A'tio& Pro"ra##e

    %rooters sho"+d coon+ reMect on eas"res aied at enhancin& the visibi+it o! theirproject and the visibi+it o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae in &enera+. The creativit o!prooters and participants oGers additiona+ potentia+ !or spreadin& in!oration abo"t thep+anned $ctivit, as e++ as the opport"nities oGered b the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae.3isibi+it and eas"res ain+ occ"r be!ore and d"rin& the ip+eentation o! the #o"th

    Deocrac %roject. 4"ch eas"res can be divided into to broad cate&ories8- 3isibi+it o! the project

    %rooters and participants sho"+d p"b+iciseK the project as e++ as its ais andobjectives and spread the o"th essa&eK thro"&ho"t the ip+eentation o! theirproject. In order to raise aareness o! the project the co"+d !or e0ap+e deve+opin!oration ateria+ do a ai+ shot or 44 ai+in& prepare posters, stic6ers,prootiona+ ites tshirts, caps, pens, etc.F invite jo"rna+ists to observe iss"e pressre+easesK or rite artic+es !or +oca+ papers, ebsites or nes+etters create an e&ro"p, aeb space, a photo&a++er or b+o& on the Internet, etc.

    - 3isibi+it o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae$s e++ as the cop"+sor "se o! the ocia+ +o&o o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&raep+ease cons"+t %art C o! this 9"ideF, each project sho"+d a+so act as "+tip+ierK o! the

    #o"th in $ction %ro&rae in order to increase aareness abo"t the opport"nitiesoGered b the %ro&rae to o"n& peop+e and o"th or6ers in /"rope and beond.%rooters are invited to inc+"de in!oration abo"t the %ro&rae !or instance,in!oration on the %ro&rae $ctions, or its objectives and iportant !eat"res, tar&et&ro"ps, etc.F in a++ eas"res "nderta6en to increase visibi+it o! the project seee0ap+es aboveF. %rooters co"+d inc+"de in!oration sessions or or6shops in the$ctivit pro&rae o! the #o"th Deocrac %roject. The co"+d a+so p+an participationin events seinar, con!erences, debatesF or&anised at diGerent +eve+s +oca+, re&iona+,nationa+, internationa+F.

    Di..e#i&atio& a& e605oitatio& o1 re.$5t./ach prooter sho"+d p"t in p+ace eas"res to disseinate and e0p+oit the res"+ts o! the #o"thDeocrac %roject. 4tandard disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res a have the sae!orat o! visibi+it eas"res indicated in the section above the ain diGerence is thatdisseination and e0p+oitation eas"res !oc"s on projectAs res"+ts, rather than its $ctivit andobjectives. =or this reason, disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res occ"r ain+ a!ter the

    #o"th Deocrac %roject has ta6en p+ace. $s e++ as the standard disseination ande0p+oitation eas"res, prooters co"+d set "p additiona+ eas"res to spread and hi&h+i&ht theva+"e o! their projectAs res"+ts. /0ap+es o! additiona+ disseination and e0p+oitation eas"resare or&anisin& p"b+ic events presentations, con!erences, or6shopsYF creatin& a"diovis"a+prod"cts CDRo, D3DYF settin& "p +on&ter co++aboration ith edia series o!radioJT3Jpress contrib"tions, intervies, participation in diGerent radioJT3 pro&raesYFdeve+opin& in!oration ateria+ nes+etters, broch"res, boo6+ets, best practice an"a+sYFcreatin& an Internet porta+, etc.


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    A'tio& ( - M$5ti-Mea.$re 0ro,e't.

    *!at i. a M$5ti-Mea.$re 0ro,e't2Thro"&h a "+tieas"re project, a prooter ho ais to carr o"t severa+ $ctivities "nder $ction 1over a period o! "p to 1( onths can s"bit a sin&+e app+ication cobinin&8

    either beteen to and

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    Part B $ction 2 H /"ropean 3o+"ntar 4ervice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    A'tio& 8 - E$ro0ea& Vo5$&tar4 Seri'e

    O+,e'tie.The ai o! the /"ropean 3o+"ntar 4ervice /34F is to deve+op so+idarit and proote activeciti@enship and "t"a+ "nderstandin& aon& o"n& peop+e.

    *!at i. a E$ro0ea& Vo5$&tar4 Seri'e 0ro,e't2The /"ropean 3o+"ntar 4ervice enab+es o"n& peop+e to carr o"t vo+"ntar service !or "p to 12onths in a co"ntr other than their co"ntr o! residence. It !osters so+idarit aon& o"n& peop+eand is a tr"e +earnin& serviceK. ;eond benei&hris6 interventions in iediate postcrisis sit"ations e.&. h"anitarian aid, iediatedisaster re+ie!, etc.F are e0c+"ded.

    It is desi&ned to ip+eent one or ore /34 $ctivities.

    EVS A'tiit4$n E0$ -cti(ityhas three essentia+ coponents8

    T!e Seri'e8 the vo+"nteer is hosted b a prooter in a co"ntr other than herJhis co"ntr o!residence and carries o"t vo+"ntar service !or the bene

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    Individ"a+ /34 $ctivit8 1 vo+"nteer sent b one 4endin& Or&anisation to one >ost Or&anisation

    9ro"p /34 $ctivit8 beteen 2 and 1 vo+"nteers sent b one or severa+ 4endin&Or&anisations to one or severa+ >ost Or&anisations. The distin&"ishin& !eat"re o! the 9ro"p /34$ctivit is that vo+"nteers carr o"t their 4ervice in the sae tie !rae and the tas6s thecarr o"t are +in6ed to a coon theatic. $ 9ro"p /34 $ctivit can a+so be +in6ed to a speciO in the project a+tho"&h it a beF. In /34 projectsinvo+vin& on+ one vo+"nteer, either the 4O or the >O acts as CO.

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    Part B $ction 2 H /"ropean 3o+"ntar 4ervice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    N$#+er o10ro#oter.

    I&ii$a5 EVS A'tiit4to prooters one 4O V one >OF !ro diGerentco"ntries, o! hich at +east one is !ro an /U co"ntr.Gro$0 EVS A'tiit48 to or ore prooters one or ore 4Os V one orore >OsF !ro diGerent co"ntries, o! hich at +east one is !ro an /Uco"ntr.

    In the /34 project, the n"ber o! prooters !ro %artner Co"ntries does note0ceed the n"ber o! prooters !ro %ro&rae Co"ntries. The /34$ctivit is not aGected b this criterion, as +on& as this r"+e is respected inthe overa++ /34 project.


    #o"n& peop+e a&ed beteen 1( and *, legally residentin a %ro&raeCo"ntr or %artner Co"ntr.3o+"nteers are se+ected re&ard+ess o! their bac6&ro"nd.3o+"nteers ith !eer opport"nities can participate !ro the a&e o! 1-.3o+"nteers a be identi

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    *!o 'a& a00542

    To be e+i&ib+e as an app+icant a prooter "st be legally establishedeitherin a %ro&rae Co"ntr or in 4o"th /ast /"rope.

    A005i'atio&. .$+#itte to t!e Natio&a5 A"e&'ie. see be+o, sectionWhere to app+'KF8One o! the prooters ass"es the ro+e o! Coordinatin& Or&anisation andapp+ies to its Nationa+ $&enc !or the ho+e project one)sided undingKF onbeha+! o! a++ prooters.In order to aintain a c+ear +in6 to the co"ntr here the N$ is based8 eithera++ 4endin& Or&anisations o! a &iven /34 $ctivit or a++ >ost Or&anisations o!a &iven /34 $ctivit "st be based in the co"ntr o! the Coordinatin&Or&anisation.

    A005i'atio&. .$+#itte to t!e E6e'$tie A"e&'4 see be+o, sectionWhere to app+'KF8One o! the prooters ass"es the ro+e o! Coordinatin& Or&anisation andapp+ies to the /0ec"tive $&enc !or the ho+e project onesided !"ndin&KFon beha+! o! a++ prooters.

    *!e& to a00542

    The project "st be s"bitted !or the app+ication deadlinecorrespondin& tothe start date o! the project p+ease cons"+t %art C o! this 9"ideF.

    $s an e0ception, /34 projects coposed o! one or severa+ $ctivities that a++

    invo+ve o"n& peop+e ith !eer opport"nities ith 4ervicesF +astin&beteen 2 ee6s and 2 onths a be accepted "p to to ee6s be!orethe re&"+ar se+ection coittee. =or !"rther in!oration on the dates o!these se+ection coittees, p+ease contact the re+evant Nationa+ $&enc orthe /0ec"tive $&enc.

    *!ere to a00542

    A005i'atio&. to +e .$+#itte to t!e E6e'$tie A"e&'4 app+ications b bodies active at /"ropean +eve+ in the o"th

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    Part B $ction 2 H /"ropean 3o+"ntar 4ervice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Se5e'tio& Criteria

    Fi&a&'ia5 'a0a'it4The app+icant "st sho that the have stab+e and s"cient so"rces o!!"ndin& to aintain their activit thro"&ho"t the period d"rin& hich theproject is bein& carried o"t and to participate in its !"ndin&.


    The app+icant "st sho the have the necessar copetencies andotivation to cop+ete the proposed project.

    Awar Criteria%rojects i++ be assessed a&ainst the !o++oin& criteria8

    Re5ea&'e to t!eo+,e'tie. a&0rioritie. o1 t!ePro"ra##e9

    The re+evance to8 the &enera+ objectives o! the %ro&rae the speciost Or&anisations, in +ine ith thedistrib"tion o! tas6s !ora+ised in the /34 $ctivit $&reeent

    ens"res that the vo+"nteersF attendsF the !"++ /34 Trainin& and /va+"ation Cc+e

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    provides s"pport to the vo+"nteersF it p+aces in the >ost Or&anisationsF

    carries o"t a++ or soe o! the adinistrative tas6s o! the 4endin& or >ost Or&anisationsFinvo+ved in the project

    ens"res, ith the 4endin& and >ost Or&anisations, that each vo+"nteer is covered b theob+i&ator /34 &ro"p Ins"rance p+an !oreseen in the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae

    arran&es ith the 4endin& and >ost Or&anisations a visa !or the vo+"nteersF ho need it. TheNationa+J/0ec"tive $&encies can iss"e visa s"pport +etters, i! needed

    cop+etes, ith the 4endin&, >ost Or&anisation and the vo+"nteer, and iss"es, a #o"thpasscerti

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    Part B $ction 2 H /"ropean 3o+"ntar 4ervice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    - &ivin& the d"e a++oance to the vo+"nteersF on a ee6+ or onth+ basis.

    *!at i. a& EVS A'tiit4 A"ree#e&t2

    In order to &"arantee the sooth and transparent ip+eentation o! /34 projects, prooters andvo+"nteersF invo+ved in an /34 $ctivit are as6ed to !ora+ise their distrib"tion o! tas6s,responsibi+ities and share o! the /U &rant thro"&h an interna+ a&reeent, deost Or&anisations as e++ as o! the vo+"nteersF invo+ved in the /34$ctivit. $++ si&natories sho"+d receive a cop o! the $&reeent the $&reeent is bindin& on a++ o!the. Where there is do"bt or disp"te, the criteria and r"+es o! /34, as stip"+ated in the %ro&rae9"ide, sha++ prevai+ over the $ctivit $&reeent.

    The #o"th in $ction %ro&rae de

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    *!o or"a&i.e. t!e EVS Trai&i&" a& Ea5$atio& '4'5e2

    /34 vo+"nteers have the ri&ht and ob+i&ation to participate in these trainin& and eva+"ationsessions. Responsibi+it !or or&anisin& the /34 Trainin& and /va+"ation Cc+e depends on here theevents are to ta6e p+ace.

    InPro"ra##e Co$&trie.the trainin&Jeva+"ation is or&anised b the Nationa+ $&encies inc+"din&!or those vo+"nteers se+ected in projects approved b the /0ec"tive $&encF.

    InSo$t! Ea.t E$ro0e SEE the trainin&Jeva+"ation is or&anised b 4$?TO 4// Reso"rce Centreinc+"din& !or those vo+"nteers se+ected in projects approved b the /0ec"tive $&encF.

    The &rantin& $&enc Nationa+ or /0ec"tiveF a, e0ceptiona++, a"thorise beneost, as Coordinatin& Or&anisationF.


    /0pression o! Interest !ors can be s"bitted at an tie no dead+ineF. >oever, prooters arestron&+ invited to s"bit their reE"est ithin reasonab+e tie be!ore the s"bission o! the /34project app+ication in princip+e, at +east - ee6s be!oreF. This is in order to avoid the /34 projectbein& rejected b the Nationa+ or /0ec"tive $&enc d"e to the !act that soe o! the prootersinvo+ved in it are not accredited b the tie the app+ication is assessed.

    B4 w!o#2$ccreditation is carried o"t b8

    the E6e'$tie A"e&'48 !or prooters that are aF a bod active at /"ropean +eve+ in the o"th

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    Part B $ction 2 H /"ropean 3o+"ntar 4ervice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    n"ber and co"nicate it to the prooter this n"ber "st be entioned in an app+ication!or re+atin& to /34 projects the prooter is invo+ved in.

    The accreditation is va+id !or the period indicated in the /I hoever, the a0i" e+i&ib+e d"rationis three ears. $!ter the e0piration o! the va+idit period, the accreditation can be reneed bs"bittin& a ne /I.

    $++ prooters "st app+ the princip+es o! the /34 Charter at a++ sta&es o! the project this is a basis!or accreditation.

    The responsib+e str"ct"res a ithdra the accreditation at an tie here there is noncop+iance ith the /34 Charter.

    In order to !aci+itate partner

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    EVS Ai'e a& S$00ort Or"a&i.atio&.To cop+eent /34 services, /34 $dvice and 4"pport Or&anisations are identiost Or&anisationand 1 vo+"nteer.

    EVS Pro,e't i&'5$i&" ( A'tiit4 Gro$0 EVS

    $ 9eran prooter actin& as the Coordinatin& Or&anisation s"bits one &rant app+ication b the 14epteber 2 dead+ine to the /0ec"tive $&enc.

    It inc+"des one $ctivit8 "n&ar, 4+ova6ia sendin& 12vo+"nteers to three 9eran associations cooperatin& ith the or&anisin& coittee o! /ssen/"ropean Capita+ o! C"+t"re 21, !or 1 onth o! 4ervice )J21 to 5J21F.

    The project invo+ves 1 Coordinatin& Or&anisation, 5 4endin& Or&anisations, * >ost Or&anisationsand 12 vo+"nteers.

    EVS Pro,e't i&'5$i&" 9 A'tiitie.

    $ =rench prooter actin& as Coordinatin& Or&anisation s"bits one &rant app+ication b the 1 L"ne2( dead+ine to the =rench Nationa+ $&enc.

    The /34 project inc+"des three /34 $ctivities8

    $ctivit 18 To %o+ish prooters sendin& 2 vo+"nteers in an orphana&e in =rance. The vo+"nteersare hosted b one =rench >ost Or&anisation and the carr o"t their 4ervice !or a period o! (onths 2 to 1J2F.

    $ctivit 28 =o"r =rench prooters sendin& in tota+ 2 vo+"nteers to 2 carin& centres !or o"n&peop+e ith disabi+it +ocated in $+bania, ;e+&i", 9reece, and Roania !or - onths J2to *J21F.

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction 2 H /"ropean 3o+"ntar 4ervice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    $ctivit * Inc+"sion $ctivitF8 One =rench prooter sendin& 1 vo+"nteer ith !eer

    opport"nities !or instance, a o"n& person !acin& socia+ dic"+ties beca"se sJhe dropped o"t o!schoo+F to a socia+ and +eis"re centre !or o"n& re!"&ees in =in+and !or 12 onths )J2 to*J21F.

    In tota+, 1 Coordinatin& Or&anisation, 7 4endin& Or&anisations, 22 >ost Or&anisations, and 2*

    vo+"nteers o"+d be invo+ved in the project.The &raphic be+o i++"strates the ain steps o! this project e0ap+e8

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    *!at are t!e 1$&i&" r$5e.2The b"d&et o! the project "st be dra!ted accordin& to the !o++oin& !"ndin& r"+es8

    A A'tio& 8 Oeriew o1 1$&i&" r$5e.

    Eligible costsFi&a&'i&"

    #e'!a&i.# A#o$&t R$5e o1 a55o'atio& Re0orti&" o+5i"atio&.

    Trae5 'o.t. o1t!eo5$&teer.

    Trave+ costs !ro hoe to the ven"e o!the project and ret"rn one ret"rntic6etF. Use o! the cheapest eans and!ares /cono c+ass Mi&ht tic6et, 2ndc+ass train tic6etF.

    Percentage oactual costs

    1 o! e+i&ib+e costs $"toatic ="++ j"sti

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    B A'tio& 8 Oeriew o1 aitio&a5 1$&i&" r$5e. 1or 0ro,e't. i&'5$i&" 4o$&" 0eo05e wit! 1ewero00ort$&itie.

    Eligible costsFi&a&'i&"

    #e'!a&i.# A#o$&t R$5e o1 a55o'atio& Re0orti&" o+5i"atio&.

    Co.t. re5ateto a& Aa&'eP5a&&i&" Vi.it

    Trave+ costs !ro hoe to theven"e o! the project and ret"rn.Use o! the cheapest eans and!ares /cono c+ass Mi&ht tic6et,2ndc+ass train tic6etF

    %ercenta&e o!act"a+ costs

    1 o! e+i&ib+e costs Conditiona+8 need !or andobjectives o! $dvance%+annin& 3isit "st bej"sti

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    C A'tio& 8 Trai&i&" a& Ea5$atio& C4'5e

    Eligible costsFi&a&'i&"

    #e'!a&i.# A#o$&t R$5e o1 a55o'atio& Re0orti&" o+5i"atio&.

    Co.t. re5ateto o&-arria5trai&i&"

    Costs direct+ +in6ed to theor&anisation o! the event,inc+"din& trave+ costs to thetrainin& p+ace and ret"rn.

    %ercenta&e o!act"a+ costs

    1 o! e+i&ib+e costsUp to 0 n"ber o!participants vo+"nteers, trainers,etc.F

    NOT &ranted !or trainin& ta6in&p+ace in a %ro&rae Co"ntror in 4o"th /ast /"rope since,in these co"ntries, trainin&sessions are or&anised b or onbeha+! o! the Nationa+ $&enciesand 4$?TO 4// !ree o!char&eF, "n+ess e0ceptiona++a"thorised.=or trainin& ta6in& p+ace in

    other co"ntries, the a++ocationis conditiona+8 objectives,content, and a pro&rae o!the p+anned activities "st bedescribedJ inc+"ded inapp+ication and be in +ine ithCoissionKs ini"standards !or vo+"nteertrainin&.

    ="++ j"sti

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    X ?"p s"s and sca+es o! "nit costs can be adapted b Nationa+ $&encies. $ prooter app+in& at nationa+ +eve+ "st "se the +"p s"s and sca+es o! "nitcosts de"n&ar 5 Ire+and 125 Ita+ 115 ?atvia ( ?ith"ania ( ?"0ebo"r& 15 a+ta 5 Nether+ands 115 %o+and (5 %ort"&a+ 5 4+ova6 Rep"b+ic 5 4+ovenia (5 4pain 15 4eden 115 Roania - United in&do 15

    11Individ"a+s !ro an Overseas Co"ntr and Territor OCTF, and here app+icab+e the re+evant p"b+ic andJor private bodies and instit"tions in an OCT, sha++ be e+i&ib+e !or the #o"thin $ction %ro&rae, s"bject to the r"+es o! the %ro&rae and the arran&eents app+icab+e to the eber 4tate ith hich the are connected. The concerned OCTs are +isted inanne0 1$ o! Co"nci+ decision o! 27 Noveber 21 on the association o! the overseas co"ntries and territories ith the /"ropean Co"nit 22J(22J/CF, Ocia+ Lo"rna+ ? *1) o!* Noveber 21.

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Co$&trie. o1 t!e E$ro0ea& Free TraeA..o'iatio& EFTAw!i'! are #e#+er.o1 t!e E$ro0ea& E'o&o#i' Area EEA

    Ice+and 1)5 ?iechtenstein 1* Nora 1)5

    Ca&iate 'o$&tr4

    T"r6e (5

    Nei"!+o$ri&" Part&er Co$&trie.

    Ea.ter& E$ro0e a& Ca$'a.$.$renia 7 $@erbaijan 7 ;e+ar"s 9eor&ia ( o+dova ( R"ssian =ederation U6raine (

    Meiterra&ea& Part&er Co$&trie.

    $+&eria (5 /&pt -5 Israe+ 15 Lordan - ?ebanon 7 orocco 75 %a+estinian $"thorit o! the West;an6 and 9a@a 4trip


    4ria ( T"nisia -

    So$t! Ea.t E$ro0e

    $+bania 5 ;osnia and >er@e&ovina -5 Croatia - =orer #"&os+av Rep"b+ic o!acedonia =#ROF


    ontene&ro ( 4erbia (

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Ot!er Part&er Co$&trie. o1 t!e *or5

    $!&hanistan 5 $n&o+a ( $nti&"a and ;arb"da (5 $r&entina 75 $"stra+ia 75 ;ahaas 75 ;an&+adesh 5 ;arbados 75 ;e+i@e 5 ;enin 5 ;o+ivia 5

    ;otsana 5 ;ra@i+ -5 ;r"nei - ;"r6ina =aso 55 ;"r"ndi 5 Cabodia 5 Caeroon 55 Canada -5 Cape 3erde 5 Centra+ $!rican Rep"b+ic -5 Chad -5 Chi+e 7 China 55 Co+obia 5 Cooros 5 Con&o Deocratic Rep"b+ic o!theF


    Con&o Rep"b+ic o! theF 7 Coo6 Is+ands 5

    Costa Rica 5 Djibo"ti -5 Doinica 75 Doinican Rep"b+ic - /ast Tior 5 /c"ador 5 /+ 4a+vador 55 /E"atoria+ 9"inea - /ritrea 5 /thiopia 5 =iji 5

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    9abon 75 9abia, The 5 9hana 7 9renada 75 9"atea+a 5 9"inea, Rep"b+ic o! 5 9"inea;issa" 5 9"ana 5 >aiti -5 >ond"ras 5 India 5 Indonesia 5 Ivor Coast - Laaica - a@a6hstan 7 ena - iribati - orea, Rep"b+ic o! (5 r&@stan 75 ?aos 5 ?esotho 5 ?iberia (5 ada&ascar 5 a+ai 5 a+asia 5 a+i - arsha++ Is+ands 5 a"ritania 5 a"riti"s - e0ico 7 icronesia 55 o@abiE"e - Naibia 5 Na"r" 5 Nepa+ 5 Nicara&"a 5 Ni&er 5 Ni&eria 5 Ni"e 5 %a+a" 5 %anaa 5 %ap"a Ne 9"inea 55 %ara&"a 5 %er" 75 %hi+ippines -

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Randa -5 4aint itts and Nevis (5 4ainte?"cia 75 4aint3incent and the 9renadines 75 4aoa 5 4ao Toe and %rincipe - 4ene&a+ -5 4eche++es (5 4ierra ?eone 55 4o+oon Is+ands 5 4o"th $!rica 5 4"dan 55 4"rinae 55 4a@i+and 5

    Tan@ania 5 Thai+and - To&o - Ton&a 5 Trinidad and Toba&o - T"va+" 5 U&anda 55 United 4tates o! $erica ( Ur"&"a 55 U@be6istan 75 3an"at" - 3ene@"e+a (5 3ietna 5 #een - Sabia 5 Sibabe 5

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    How to ee5o0 a "oo 0ro,e't2The A$ard criteriaA tab+e in this $ction +ists the criteria a&ainst hich the E"a+it o! a project i++ beassessed. >ere are soe advices hich a he+p o" to deve+op a &ood project.

    $a5it4 o1 0ro,e't e.i"& $a5it4 o1 t!e 0art&er.!i0Ja'tie i&o5e#e&t o1 a55 0ro#oter. i& t!e 0ro,e't

    4ooth and ecient cooperation beteen the 4endin&, >ost, and Coordinatin& Or&anisationsand the vo+"nteer is a vita+ e+eent !or the s"ccess!"+ deve+opent o! a project. %rooters"st deonstrate the abi+it to estab+ish and r"n a cohesive partnership ith activeinvo+veent o! a++ partners and ith coon &oa+s to be achieved. In this respect, the!o++oin& !actors sho"+d be ta6en into consideration8 the +eve+ o! netor6in&, cooperation andcoitent o! each prooter in the project the pro

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction *.1 Cooperation ith Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntries%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    hether the objectives o! the project have been achieved and the e0pectations o! theprooters and vo+"nteersF have been et.

    ;esides the

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    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    I&ter'$5t$ra5 i#e&.io&The /34 sho"+d increase o"n& peop+eAs positive aareness o! other c"+t"res and s"pportdia+o&"e and interc"+t"ra+ enco"nters ith peop+e !ro diGerent bac6&ro"nds and c"+t"res. Itsho"+d a+so he+p to prevent and cobat prej"dice, racis and a++ attit"des +eadin& to socia+e0c+"sion and to deve+op sense o! to+erance and "nderstandin& o! diversit.

    E$ro0ea& i#e&.io&The project sho"+d contrib"te to the o"n& peop+eKs ed"cation process and increase theiraareness o! the /"ropeanJinternationa+ conte0t in hich the +ive. The /"ropean diension o!a project co"+d be reMected b the !o++oin& characteristics8

    - the project !osters o"n& peop+eKs sense o! /"ropean citi@enship and he+ps the to"nderstand their ro+e as part o! the present and !"t"re /"rope

    - the project reMects a coon concern !or iss"es ithin /"ropean societ, s"ch as racis,0enophobia, anti4eitis, dr"& ab"se

    - the projectKs thee is +in6ed to /U topics, s"ch as the /U en+ar&eent, the ro+es andactivities o! the /"ropean instit"tions, the /UAs action in atters aGectin& o"n& peop+e

    - the project debates the !o"ndin& princip+es o! the /U, i.e. the princip+es o! +ibert,deocrac, respect !or h"an ri&hts and !"ndaenta+ !reedos, and the r"+e o! +a.

    $a5it4 o1 0ro,e't rea'! I#0a't a& #$5ti054i&" ee't

    The ipact o! an /34 project sho"+d not be +iited j"st to the vo+"nteersF, b"t a+so brin& theconcept o! /"ropeK to the +oca+ co"nities invo+ved. =or this, the >ost Or&anisations sho"+dtr, as "ch as possib+e, to invo+ve other peop+e !ro the nei&hbo"rhood, +oca+ area, etc.F inthe $ctivit. The possibi+it o! cobinin& diGerent /34 $ctivities ithin one project as e++ asthe introd"ction o! the concept o! &ro"p /34 oGer p+ent o! opport"nities !or the abovestr"ct"rin& e+eents, hich a+to&ether sho"+d serve to a0iise the eGectiveness and ipacto! /34.

    I! severa+ vo+"nteers are invo+ved in a project or $ctivit, str"ct"rin& e+eents sho"+d beens"red herever possib+e, in partic"+ar thro"&h a coherent or cop+eentar theaticapproach, reciprocit in the sendin& and hostin& o! vo+"nteers, cop+eentarit o! $ctivitareas and tas6s, re&"+ar eetin&s and netor6in& opport"nities !or vo+"nteers etc.

    The project sho"+d be !raed ithin a +on&erter perspective, and p+anned ith a vie toachieve a "+tip+in& eGect and s"stainab+e ipact. "+tip+ication is obtained !or instance bconvincin& other actors to host or send vo+"nteers. %rooters sho"+d identi! possib+e tar&et&ro"ps that co"+d act as multiplierso"n& peop+e, o"th or6ers, edia, po+itica+ +eaders,opinion +eaders, /U decision a6ersF in order to spread projectAs objectives and res"+ts.

    Vi.i+i5it4 o1 t!e 0ro,e'tJi.i+i5it4 o1 Yo$t! i& A'tio& Pro"ra##e%rooters sho"+d coon+ reMect on eas"res aied at enhancin& the visibi+it o! theirproject and the visibi+it o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae in &enera+. The creativit o!prooters and vo+"nteers oGers additiona+ potentia+ !or spreadin& in!oration abo"t the /34,the activities o! the prooters, as e++ as the opport"nities oGered b the #o"th in $ction%ro&rae. 3isibi+it and eas"res ain+ occ"r be!ore and d"rin& the ip+eentation o! the/34. 4"ch eas"res can be divided in to broad cate&ories8

    - 3isibi+it o! the project%rooters and vo+"nteers sho"+d p"b+iciseK the project as e++ as its ais andobjectives and spread the o"th essa&eK thro"&ho"t the ip+eentation o! theirproject. In order to raise aareness o! the project the co"+d !or e0ap+e8 deve+opin!oration ateria+ do a ai+ shot or 44 ai+in& prepare posters, stic6ers,prootiona+ ites tshirts, caps, pens, etc.F invite jo"rna+ists iss"e press re+easesK orrite artic+es !or +oca+ papers, ebsites or nes+etters create an e&ro"p, a eb space,a photo&a++er or b+o& on the Internet, etc.

    - 3isibi+it o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae=irst, the or&anisations and vo+"nteers invo+ved in the project sho"+d be ade aare o!their participation in /34. Then each /34 project sho"+d hi&h+i&ht the &rant and provide

    in!oration on the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae to the o"tside or+d.

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    Part B $ction *.1 Cooperation ith Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntries%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    $s e++ as the cop"+sor "se o! the ocia+ +o&o o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&raep+ease cons"+t %art C o! this 9"ideF, each project sho"+d a+so act as "+tip+ierK o! the

    #o"th in $ction %ro&rae in order to increase aareness abo"t the opport"nitiesoGered b the %ro&rae to o"n& peop+e and o"th or6ers in /"rope and beond.%rooters are invited to inc+"de in!oration abo"t the %ro&rae !or instance,in!oration on the %ro&rae $ctions, or its objectives and iportant !eat"res, tar&et&ro"ps, etc.F in a++ eas"res "nderta6en to increase visibi+it o! the project seee0ap+es aboveF. %rooters co"+d a+so inc+"de in!oration sessions or or6shopsd"rin& the 4ervice o! the vo+"nteer. The co"+d a+so p+an participation in eventsseinar, con!erences, debatesF or&anised at diGerent +eve+s +oca+, re&iona+, nationa+,internationa+F.

    Di..e#i&atio& a& e605oitatio& o1 re.$5t./ach prooter sho"+d p"t in p+ace eas"res to disseinate and e0p+oit the res"+ts o! the /34.

    - 4tandard disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res4tandard disseination and e0p+oitation eas"res a have the sae !orat asvisibi+it eas"res indicated in the section above the ain diGerence is thatdisseination and e0p+oitation eas"res !oc"s on projectAs res"+ts, rather than on the4ervice itse+!. ore speci

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    E$ro0ea& Vo5$&tar4 Seri'e C!arter

    E$ro0ea& Vo5$&tar4 Seri'e C!arter

    The /"ropean 3o+"ntar 4ervice /34F Charter is part o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae 9"ide andhi&h+i&hts the ro+es o! /34 4endin&, >ost and Coordinatin& Or&anisations and the ain princip+esand E"a+it standards o! /34. Ea'! EVS Pro,e't 0ro#oter a!ere. to t!e 0roi.io&. .et o$ti& t!i. C!arter)

    EVS partnership

    $ so+id partnership beteen /34 4endin&, >ost, Coordinatin& Or&anisations and the vo+"nteer is thebasis o! ever /34 $ctivit. $deE"ate atchin& beteen the vo+"nteer pro

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction *.1 H Cooperation ith the Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntries o! the /U%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    A'tio& 9)( - Coo0eratio& wit! t!e Nei"!+o$ri&"Part&er Co$&trie. o1 t!e E$ro0ea& U&io&

    O+,e'tie.The p"rpose o! this s"b$ction is to deve+op "t"a+ "nderstandin& beteen peop+es in a spirit o!openness, hi+e a+so contrib"tin& to the deve+opent o! E"a+it sstes that s"pport the activitieso! o"n& peop+e in the co"ntries concerned. It s"pports activities desi&ned to netor6 and enhancethe capacit o! N9Os in the o"th

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    sports copetitions stat"tor eetin&s o! or&anisations or6 caps.

    *!at are t!e 'riteria $.e to a..e.. a Yo$t! E6'!a&"e

    wit! Nei"!+o$ri&" Part&er Co$&trie.2E5i"i+i5it4 'riteria

    E5i"i+5e 0ro#oter.

    /achpromoter"st be8 a non pro

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction *.1 H Cooperation ith the Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntries o! the /U%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    *!o 'a& a00542

    $ prooter ass"es the ro+e o! coordinator and app+ies to the re+evant$&enc see section here to app+'K be+oF !or the ho+e project one)sided undingKF on beha+! o! a++ prooters. Not a++ prooters can beapp+icants t!e 1o55owi&" 0ro#oter. 'a&&ot a0054 an inormal group o young people a prooter !ro a Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntr.

    E6'e0tio&a prooter !ro 4o"th /ast /"rope can app+ i! it hosts the$ctivit.

    In the case o! projects s"bitted to the Nationa+ $&encies8 i! the projectta6es p+ace in a %ro&rae Co"ntr, the app+icant "st be the prooterhostin& the $ctivit.

    $ prooter ishin& to app+ "st be legally establishedin its co"ntr.

    *!ere to a00542

    A005i'atio&. to +e .$+#itte to t!e E6e'$tie A"e&'4 project app+ications b bodies active at /"ropean +eve+ in the o"th

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Awar 'riteria%rojects i++ be assessed a&ainst the !o++oin& criteria8

    Re5ea&'e to t!eo+,e'tie. a&0rioritie. o1 t!ePro"ra##e9

    The re+evance to8

    the &enera+ objectives o! the %ro&rae the speci

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    *!at are t!e 1$&i&" r$5e.2The b"d&et o! the project "st be dra!ted accordin& to the !o++oin& !"ndin& r"+es8

    Eligible costsFi&a&'i&"

    #e'!a&i.# A#o$&t R$5e o1 a55o'atio& Re0orti&" o+5i"atio&.

    Trae5 'o.t. Trave+ costs !ro hoe to theven"e o! the project and ret"rn.Use o! the cheapest eans and!ares /cono c+ass Mi&ht tic6et,2ndc+ass train tic6etF.

    Percentageo actualcosts

    7 o! e+i&ib+e costs $"toatic ="++ j"sti

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    e605oitatio& o1re.$5t.

    in the app+ication !or described in

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    *!at i. a Trai&i&" a& Networ:i&" 0ro,e't wit!Nei"!+o$ri&" Part&er Co$&trie.2

    $ Trainin& and Netor6in& project can be o! to tpes8

    a project prootin& e0chan&es, cooperation and trainin& in the

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction *.1 Cooperation ith Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntries%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    *!at are t!e 'riteria $.e to a..e.. a Trai&i&" a&Networ:i&" 0ro,e't2

    E5i"i+i5it4 'riteria

    E5i"i+5e 0ro#oter.

    /achpromoter"st be8 a non pro

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    *!o 'a& a00542

    $ prooter ass"es the ro+e o! coordinator and app+ies to the re+evant$&enc see section here to app+'K be+oF !or the ho+e project one)sided undingKF on beha+! o! a++ prooters. Not a++ prooters can beapp+icants t!e 1o55owi&" 0ro#oter. 'a&&ot a0054 an in!ora+ &ro"p o! o"n& peop+e a prooter !ro a Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntr. /0ception, a prooter

    !ro $outh East Europecan app+ i! it hosts the $ctivit.

    In the case o! projects s"bitted to the Nationa+ $&encies8 i! the projectta6es p+ace in a %ro&rae Co"ntr, the app+icant "st be the prooterhostin& the $ctivit.

    $ prooter ishin& to app+ "st be legally establishedin its co"ntr.

    *!ere to a00542

    A005i'atio&. to +e .$+#itte to t!e E6e'$tie A"e&'4 project app+ications b bodies active at /"ropean +eve+ in the o"th

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    *!at are t!e 1$&i&" r$5e.2The b"d&et o! the project "st be dra!ted accordin& to the !o++oin& !"ndin& r"+es8

    A Oeriew o1 1$&i&" r$5e. 1or a55 a'tiitie. e6'e0t Networ:i&" A'tiitie.

    Eligible costsE5i"i+i5it4 o1 t!e e60e&.e

    a''ori&" to t40e o1A'tiit4

    Fi&a&'i&"#e'!a&i.# A#o$&t

    R$5e o1a55o'atio&


    Parti'i0a&t.trae5 'o.t.

    Trave+ costs !ro hoe to theven"e o! the project andret"rn. Use o! the cheapesteans and !ares /conoc+ass Mi&ht tic6et, 2ndc+ass

    train tic6etF.

    $++ $ctivities Percentage o actualcosts

    7 o!e+i&ib+e costs

    $"toatic ="++ j"sti

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    costs re+ated to participants ith specia+ needs.In the +atter cases, the &rant a cover, !or e0ap+e, edica+ visits hea+th care additiona+ +in&"istic trainin&Js"pport additiona+ preparation specia+ preises oreE"ipent additiona+ accopanin& person additiona+ persona+ e0penses in the case o! econoic disadvanta&e trans+ationJinterpretation.


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    B Oeriew o1 1$&i&" r$5e. 1or Networ:i&" A'tiitie.

    Eligible costsFi&a&'i&"

    #e'!a&i.# A#o$&t R$5e o1 a55o'atio& Re0orti&" o+5i"atio&.

    A'tiit4 'o.t. Eligible direct costs %ersonne+ costs Trave+ costs $ccoodationJ!oodcosts eetin&s costs %"b+icationsJtrans+ationsJin!oration costs Disseination ande0p+oitation o! res"+ts

    Other costs direct+ +in6edto the ip+eentation o!the project inc+"din& visacostsF

    /+i&ib+e indirect costs7 o! e+i&ib+e direct costsF

    Percentage oactual costs

    5 tota+ e+i&ib+e costs"n+ess a +oer o! /U&rant is reE"ested bthe app+icantFUp to 2

    Conditiona+8 objectives and$ctivit pro&rae "st bec+ear+ o"t+ined in theapp+ication !or

    ="++ j"sti

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    How to ee5o0 a "oo 0ro,e't2The A$ard criteriaA tab+e in this s"b$ction +ists the criteria a&ainst hich the E"a+it o! a projecti++ be assessed. >ere are soe advices hich a he+p o" to deve+op a &ood project.

    $a5it4 o1 0ro,e't e.i"& $a5it4 o1 t!e 0art&er.!i0Ja'tie i&o5e#e&t o1 a55 0ro#oter. i& t!e 0ro,e't

    4ooth and ecient cooperation beteen prooters is a vita+ e+eent !or the s"ccess!"+deve+opent o! a project. %rooters "st deonstrate the abi+it to estab+ish and r"n acohesive partnership ith active invo+veent o! a++ partners and ith coon &oa+s to beachieved. In this respect, the !o++oin& !actors sho"+d be ta6en into consideration8 the +eve+ o!netor6in&, cooperation and coitent o! each prooter in the project the pro

  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Part B $ction *.1 Cooperation ith Nei&hbo"rin& %artner Co"ntries%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    The project sho"+d have a c+ear+ identio can disc"ssion on the theatic concept be contin"ed andhat co"+d the ne0t steps be' Wi++ it be !easib+e to p+an and carr o"t ne projects "nderdiGerent $ctions o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae'

    Vi.i+i5it4 o1 t!e 0ro,e'tJ i.i+i5it4 o1 Yo$t! i& A'tio& Pro"ra##e%rooters sho"+d coon+ reMect on eas"res aied at enhancin& the visibi+it o! theirproject and the visibi+it o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae in &enera+. The creativit o!


  • 8/11/2019 Programme Guide 071207


    Yo$t! i& A'tio& %ro&rae 9"ide%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    prooters and participants oGers additiona+ potentia+ !or spreadin& in!oration abo"t theproject, as e++ as the opport"nities oGered b the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae. 3isibi+it andeas"res ain+ occ"r be!ore and d"rin& the ip+eentation o! the project. 4"ch eas"rescan be divided in to broad cate&ories8

    - 3isibi+it o! the project%rooters and participants sho"+d p"b+iciseK the project as e++ as its ais andobjectives and spread the o"th essa&eK thro"&ho"t the ip+eentation o! theirproject. In order to raise aareness o! the project the co"+d !or e0ap+e deve+opin!oration ateria+ do a ai+ shot or 44 ai+in& prepare posters, stic6ers,prootiona+ ites tshirts, caps, pens, etc.F invite jo"rna+ists to observe iss"e pressre+easesK or rite artic+es !or +oca+ papers, ebsites or nes+etters create an e&ro"p, aeb space, a photo&a++er or b+o& on the Internet, etc.

    - 3isibi+it o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&rae$s e++ as the cop"+sor "se o! the ocia+ +o&o o! the #o"th in $ction %ro&raep+ease cons"+t %art C o! this 9"ideF, each project sho"+d a+so act as "+tip+ierK o! the

    #o"th in $ction %ro&rae in order to increase aareness abo"t the opport"nitiesoGered b the %ro&rae to o"n& peop+e and o"th or6ers in /"rope and beond.%rooters are invited to inc+"de in!oration abo"t the %ro&rae !or instance,in!oration on the %ro&rae $ctions, or its objectives and iportant !eat"res, tar&et&ro"ps, etc.F in a++ eas"res "nderta6en to increase visibi+it o! the project seee0ap+es aboveF. %rooters co"+d inc+"de in!oration sessions or or6shops in the$ctivit pro&rae. The co"+d a+so p+an participation in events seinar,con!erences, debatesF or&anised at diGerent +eve+s +oca+, re&i
