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Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx

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  • 8/19/2019 Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx


    Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    Spring AY15(Class of 201 !

    "nited States #a$al Acade%&

  • 8/19/2019 Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx


    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    Table of Contents


    Course Shared Drive............................................................................................................2

    Design Communication: Formatting, Conduct, Submission, and Archiving......................3

    Purchase Orders...................................................................................................................

    Sho! "or# $e%uests............................................................................................................&

    O!erationa' $is# (anagement Assessment.........................................................................&

    Design Communication )uidance and $ubrics...................................................................*

    Pro+ect Pro!osa' Descri!tion...............................................................................................

    Pro+ect Pro!osa' $ubric.....................................................................................................1-

    Pro+ect Pro!osa' Presentation $ubric................................................................................11

    Pre'iminar Design $e!ort Descri!tion.............................................................................12

    Pre'iminar Design $e!ort $ubric....................................................................................1&

    Pre'iminar Design Presentation $ubric...........................................................................1*

    Detai' Design $e!ort Descri!tion......................................................................................1

    Detai' Design $e!ort $ubric.............................................................................................1/

    Detai' Design Presentation $ubric.....................................................................................2-

    0nd o erm Status (emorandum )uidance....................................................................21

    0nd o erm Status $ubric.................................................................................................22

  • 8/19/2019 Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx


    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    *he Capstone Research Design Project

    his document describes the re%uirements or ca!stone design as the a!!' to research students,students in the )0P !rogram, and students who !'an to s!end the a'' semester o their 14C ear abroad. he s!eci ic de'iverab'es or the irst and second semesters are summari5ed andguidance about the orm and content o these de'iverab'es is !rovided.

    +$er$ie,A'' 0ngineering students must !artici!ate in a ca!stone design !ro+ect as !art o the engineeringcurricu'um. he ca!stone design !ro+ect is an o!!ortunit or ou to so've a !ractica'engineering design !rob'em using the engineering s#i''s and #now'edge that ou have deve'o!edover the !ast three ears. 6ou wi'' be cha''enged to de ine a !rob'em, e7!'ore di erent wa s oso'ving it, a!!' technica' reasoning to se'ect the best so'ution !ath, and to carr out our

    !ro!osed so'ution 8 demonstrating that the design ob+ectives have been achieved.

    he design courses have some traditiona' course content, but the most' consist o o!en time to

    deve'o! our !ro+ect. 6our e7act course !ath wi'' di er according to our circumstance. 9ere isa ma! o the design se%uence o!tions:

    Student )rou! 24C S!ring 14C Fa'' 14C S!ringraditiona'; Pro+ect se'ection Design < Design

  • 8/19/2019 Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx


    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    covers the assigned reading. he reading guides are 'in#ed rom the s ''abus, which is avai'ab'eon the course website. For one o the remaining hours each wee# ou '' have a grou! meetingwith our !ro+ect mentor>s?. he remaining two hours o c'ass time each wee# are ours to wor# on our !ro+ect tas#s, though ou wi'' certain' need to wor# more than these our hours !erwee# to be success u'. he mentor wi'' be the instructor or our o''ow on research courseswhere ou wi'' com!'ete the design se%uence. he Design < instructor wi'' consu't with ourmentor in assigning the grades or the irst course.

    his document !rovides the course guidance on' or Design < or students conducting ca!stoneresearch design !ro+ects. Students who wi'' go on to research courses to com!'ete their designre%uirement shou'd consu't with their !ro+ect mentor or the re%uirements or those courses.Semester Stud Abroad students who wi'' go on to ta#e Design e.g. =:?


  • 8/19/2019 Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx


    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    2'Purc"ase (rders and )udget .

  • 8/19/2019 Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx


    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    En'ess otherwise s!eci ied, a'' orma' written communications wi'' be submitted according to the Design Report !emplate avai'ab'e in the course shared o'der and on the course web!age. hegoa' o a'' design communication is that it shou'd be !ro essiona' in a!!earance and ma#e it eas

    or the reader to access the content.

    A com!uter with PowerPoint, access to the e.g. remote contro''ed boats, bic c'es, etc. an thing un rea'' ?, ouma have to write a one !age +usti ication memo e7!'aining wh ou need this !articu'aritem and how ou wi'' use it. An e7am!'e is !rovided in the course shared o'der.

    b. (a7imum a''owed s!ending is G2,/// !er !urchase order, inc'uding shi!!ing charges.Orders cannot be s!'it >e.g. G&,--- worth o items, !urchase rom the same com!an ,s!'it between two orders, each tota'ing G2,&--? to accommodate the s!ending 'imit.

    c. PA6PA and other third !art !a ments shou'd be avoided. hese are on' to be used asa 'ast resort and wi'' re%uire e7tra !a!erwor#.

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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    d. An order that inc'udes an item that can !rovide in!ut to or receive out!ut rom acom!uter must be accom!anied with an < P$ smart orm, a'so inc'uded in the courseshared o'der. 6ou '' need he'! or this one. As#.

    e. 9AN(A !urchases re%uire the 9AN $Aeach 9AN(A item?.. For 9AN(A !urchases, !'ease a'so su!!' the materia' sa et data sheet >(SDS?.

    &. Joti our mentor that ou have a !urchase order read to go. Chec# with our mentor to seewhether the !re er to use the share drive or wou'd rather ou e mai' them the i'es.

    *. 6our mentor wi'' submit the !urchase order !ac#et to the SD !urchasing manager who wi''assign our !urchase to one o his or her !urchase card ho'ders. 6our mentors shou'd carbonco! ou so that ou have visibi'it as to who is ma#ing the !urchase or them.


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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    +perational Ris 6anage%ent Assess%entAn O!erationa' $is# (anagement >O$(? assessment wi'' be conducted an time an evo'utioncou'd !otentia'' resu't in the 'oss o 'i e, 'imb, or !ro!ert . "ritten in memorandum ormat, theassessment sha'' inc'ude:

    • From the student• o the !ro+ect mentor • For each !otentia'' ha5ardous evo'ution

    o Brie descri!tion o the evo'utione.g. the evo'ution invo'ves benchmar# testing on a !neumatic !um!#in'auncher, inc'ude s!ec sheets or com!ressor and !ressure vesse'?

    o Characteri5ation and descri!tion o ha5ard using the ris# matri7 !rovided be'ow>?.

    o A s!eci ic descri!tion o what sa eguards wi'' be !ut in !'ace to mitigate the ris#

    >e.g. PP0, ire e7tinguisher at the read , su!ervised b SD technician, etc.?• Signature o !ro+ect mentor signi ing that the evo'ution has been discussed with teamsu!ervisors.

    *a le 1- +R6 Ris 6atriConse3uence of failure

    Pro a ilit& Jeg'igib'e (argina' Critica' Catastro!hicCertain 9igh e7treme e7treme e7treme

    i#e' (oderate high e7treme e7tremePossib'e ow moderate high e7treme

    En'i#e' ow ow moderate 9igh$are ow ow 'ow moderate

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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    • Jeg'igib'e 8 sing'e minor in+ur , minor damage to !ro!ert

    Design Co%%unication Guidance and Ru rics)uidance or each re!ort, !resentation, and de'iverab'e is !rovided in the o''owing !ages.9owever, rident and Bowman scho'ar !rogram a!!'icants shou'd use their !ro!osa's to those

    !rograms as the basis or design documents. o ma#e this easier, the 'abe's or each section ands!eci ic ormat can var as needed. 9owever, a'' o the content described here shou'd beinc'uded. his wi'' 'i#e' mean adding sections, 'i#e the re%uirements s!eci ication, which arenot ca''ed or in the guidance or the rident and Bowman scho'ar !rograms. hese sectionsmeet s!eci ic 'earning ob+ectives or the design courses and need to be inc'uded i our !ro+ect isto count towards our design re%uirement. Since the are not !art o the other a!!'ications,however, ou can !ut them at the bac# o the !ro!osa' as an a!!endi7 instead o in the main

    bod o the document.

    he !resentation corres!onding to each re!ort is schedu'ed at 'east a wee# !rior to the date thewritten re!ort is due in order to give ou the o!!ortunit to revise the materia' in our re!ort

    !rior to submitting it orma'' . he content guidance !rovided be'ow is written rom the conte7to the written re!ort. 0ngineering Design < or

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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    ab'e o Contents o''owed b a ist o Figures and a ist o ab'es. hese come a ter thee7ecutive summar and are not genera'' !aginated e7ce!t with 'ower case $oman numera's.

    hese 'ists are o!tiona' or rident and Bowman scho'ar candidates, as the are not to beinc'uded in the a!!'ications or these !rograms.

    Pro le% Definition 8 9ac ground- Page numbering shou'd start with this section. hissection shou'd begin with the !rob'em statement 8 the one ou were !rovided at the start o the

    !ro+ect. a#a customer re%uirements;?, 'isted in order rom

    most im!ortant to 'east im!ortant. Be sure to e7!'ain an customer re%uirements that re%uire it.Accom!an the tab'e with a brie summar 8 how ou deve'o!ed them, with whom ou s!o#e tocon irm them, and which are most im!ortant. P'ease inc'ude images wherever use u' incommunicating the necessar detai's.

    Je7t, inc'ude a tab'e o our engineering re%uirements, or 0ngineering Characteristics >0Cs?;'isted rom most to 'east im!ortant inc'uding units, target va'ues, and direction o im!rovement,as a!!ro!riate. S!eci which o these design !arameters are design variab'es >a !arameter over


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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance

    which the team has a choice? and which are design constraints >a !arameter whose va'ue has been i7ed?. in addition to those 'isted on the s ''abus?. hesedates ma seem ver vague at this stage, but it is use u' to thin# through our !ro+ect schedu'eeven in the initia' stages. 6ou wi'' re ine the schedu'e 'ater.

    9udget- i#ewise, it ma seem a bit !remature to !ro!ose a budget or a !ro+ect or which the

    detai's have et to be determined. 9owever, !ro+ects are a'most never !ro!osed without !re'iminar budget estimates. > st-le ormat is recommended or the ist o $e erences. 6ouma use endnotes, so 'ong as the a!!ear !rior to the a!!endices as described in the Design$e!ort em!'ate.

    #ote- A!!endices shou'd be 'ettered A 8 N and a!!ear in the order the are re erenced in thete7t. A!!endices are com!osed o an in ormation that does not com!'ement the narrative 'owo the in te7t discussion, but must be inc'uded or the sa#e o com!'eteness.

    Appendi : Project ;uad Chart his is a sing'e !ower!oint s'ide that describes our !ro+ect.

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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Research Design Project Guidance


    Grading Criteria or Re3uire%ent Co%%ents Points

    .ront 6atterit'e Page 8 student name, !ro+ect tit'e, course and number, name ore!ort, date submitted, and student signature.07ecutive Summar 8 !rob'em statement and descri!tion o to! ive 0CsConcise and on its own !ageQ ahead o oC4 oF4 o , no !age Rs

    ab'e o Contents, ist o Figures, and ist o ab'es


    Pro le% Definition 8 9ac ground Jeeds identi ied and e7!'ained.Su icient bac#ground !rovided to understand !ro+ect conte7t.A'' re'evant sources consu'ted.0stimations and !re'iminar ca'cu'ations inc'uded as needed.


    Re3uire%ents Specificationab'e o customer re%uirements or ob+ectives inc'uded, !rioriti5ed, and

    e7!'ained.ab'e o 0Cs inc'uding units and direction o im!rovementQ

    identi ication o which are variab'es and which are constraints, targetva'ues and discussion o how targets were de ined.


    Deli$era les"hat ou !'an to have u!on com!'etion )5

    Project 6anage%entab'e o !ro+ect s!eci ic mi'estones in addition to those inc'uded in the

    s ''abus.)5

    9udgetab'e o !'anned e7!enditures

    Discussion o antici!ated costs >we'' researched versus estimated?)5

    ReferencesCom!'ete 'istingPro!er ormat


    Appendi : Project ;uad Chart 8

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    'ngineering Design ) = Capstone Design Project GuidanceProject Proposal Presentation Ru ric


    *opic "nsatisfactor& 9elo, ' pectations 6eets ' pectations Possi le A,arded

    Prob'em De inition Jot inc'uded or signi icant'incom!'eteProb'em statement contains errors,

    biases, or im!'ied so'utionsDescribes who and whatQ re ined tosuccinct' describe design intent 10

    Bac#ground Jot inc'uded or signi icant'incom!'ete

    Prior wor# and conte7t described buton' using one or two sources.0'ements o bac#ground 'e t out.

    hought u' and com!'ete discussion o !rior wor# and conte7t or !ro+ect.(u'ti!'e sources consu'ted.



    S!eci ication

    Jot inc'uded or signi icant'


    0Cs inc'., but incom!'eteQ not we''

    corre'ated to needs

    Com!'ete, abstract, veri iab'e,unambiguous and traceab'e to the

    !ro+ect needs.10

    Design 0stimation andarget Determination

    Jot inc'uded or signi icant'incom!'ete

  • 8/19/2019 Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx


    'ngineering Design )Capstone Design Project Guidance

    Preli%inar& Design Report Description

    Purposehe !ur!ose o the Pre'iminar Design $e!ort >PD$? it to document the !rocess o

    design eva'uation and se'ection. and each subse%uent re!ort? bui'ds u!on wor#

    !revious' submitted. Begin b revising our Pro+ect Pro!osa', as mar#ed u! b anddiscussed with our !ro+ect mentor. Be sure a'so to continua'' revise the content o

    !revious' written sections to re 'ect new in ormation gained since the 'ast time it wassubmitted. As a matter o course, the re!ort shou'd a'so contain the most u! to date tab'eo contents, 'ist o igures, 'ist o tab'es, !ro+ect management in ormation, budget, and

    re erences.

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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Design Project Guidance

    meaning u' design decisions within our !ro+ect, !'ease discuss this with our mentorand4or the ca!stone coordinator or the de!artment. As ou identi these design choices,

    ou shou'd a'so identi the engineering characteristics that wi'' be a ected b eachchoice. 6ou wi'' use those engineering characteristics to choose between di erenta'ternative conce!ts or each design decision.

    Design Concepts/ '$aluation 8 Selection

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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Design Project Guidance

    thin# care u'' about what ou need to ta'# about and how to e icient' !resent it. Uee!in mind, not matter how im!ortant our to!ic, no Admira' or )enera' 'istens to a brie'onger than 1& minutes un'ess it s his or her own. 6ou ve got to 'earn to ma#e our !ointe icient' . o that end, the introductor matter shou'd !rovide the necessar in ormationto bring the audience u! to s!eed on the !rob'em and an necessar bac#groundin ormation %uic#' >1 2 minutes at most?. he !ur!ose o this is to +og the res!ectivememories the review !ane' members, who have to tr and #ee! man !ro+ects straight intheir minds. Care u' consideration wi'' !a dividends.

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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Design Project Guidance

    Preli%inar& Design Report Ru ric


    Criteria or Re3uire%ent Co%%ents Points.ront 6atterit'e Page 8 student name, !ro+ect tit'e, course and number, name o re!ort, datesubmitted, and student signature.07ecutive Summar 8 !rob'em statement and descri!tion o to! ive 0CsConcise and on its own !ageQ ahead o oC4 oF4 o , no !age Rs

    ab'e o Contents, ist o Figures, and ist o ab'es


    Pro le% Definition 8 9ac groundSection revised and u!dated )5

    Re3uire%ents SpecificationSection revised and u!dated )5

    *echnical ApproachC'ear and concise overview o so'ution a!!roachS stem decom!osed as a!!ro!riate(a+or design decisions identi ied, with re'evant 0Cs


    Design Concepts/ '$aluation 8 SelectionFor each ma+or design decision:

    Descri!tion o at 'east two a'ternative conce!ts$e'evant igures inc'udedPer ormance !rediction or re'evant 0Cs given each conce!t"eighted decision matri7 and discussionStatement o conce!t se'ected with e7!'anation

    Conc'uding !aragra!h >with igure i re'evant? summari5ing the overa'' conce!t or the so'ution inc'uding the di erent design decisions discussed


    Project Deli$era lesSection revised and u!dated )?

    Project 6anage%entSection revised and u!dated )?

    9udgetSection revised and u!dated )2

    ReferencesSection revised and u!dated )2

    Appendices (;uad Chart/

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    'ngineering Design ) = Capstone Design Project GuidancePreli%inar& Design Presentation Ru ric


    *opic "nsatisfactor& 9elo, ' pectations 6eets ' pectations Possi le A,ardedProb'em De inition VBac#ground Jot inc'uded or revisions ignored Further revision or u!date necessar A!!ro!riate' revised and u!dated 5

    $e%uirementsS!eci ication Jot inc'uded or revisions ignored Further revision or u!date necessar A!!ro!riate' revised and u!dated 5

    echnica' A!!roach Jot inc'uded

  • 8/19/2019 Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx


    'ngineering Design )Capstone Design Project Guidance

    Detail Design Report Description

    PurposeDesign is a !rocess which invo'ves ma#ing decisions at successive' iner 'eve's o detai'Q romenumerating unctions, to identi ing s stems and subs stems to carr out those unctions, todesigning and se'ecting s!eci ic com!onents, to manu acturing and assemb'ing thosecom!onents. he !ur!ose o the Detai' Design $e!ort >DD$? is to 'a out the !ro+ect in asu icient 'eve' o detai' such that ou and our eva'uators #now e7act' how ou wi''accom!'ish our !ro+ect goa'.

    Content As with each !revious re!ort, the DD$ shou'd bui'd u!on the !revious iteration.

    Restate%ent of Pro le% Definition/ 9ac ground/ Re3uire%ents/ *echnical Approach/ andDesign Concepts Sections- hese sections shou'd be the same as our !ro+ect !ro!osa', u!datedto re 'ect our better understanding o the !ro+ect, and revised as suggested b our mentors. <

    ou do not agree with a suggested revision ou shou'd discuss it with our mentor.

    '% odi%ent Design- Begin b !resenting our !roduct architecture, s!eci ing the modu'es oour s stem, their in!uts and out!uts, and how the modu'es interact. Ese gra!hics as a!!ro!riate

    to e7!'ain our !ro+ect. his might inc'ude b'oc# diagrams or 'ow charts as is a!!ro!riate toour !ro+ect.

    hen, discuss con iguration design. his section shou'd get into the weeds o ever modu'e oour s stem, describing and +usti ing things such as com!onent se'ection and the choice o

    o!erating s stem or !rogramming 'anguage. A'so, be sure to discuss how engineering best !ractices were incor!orated into our design > or e7am!'e, considering a sa et margin or the

    ma7imum am!erage when se'ecting a wire gauge?.

    For an !arts that wi'' need to be made, this section shou'd re erence detai'ed engineeringdrawings, contained in an a!!endi7. 6ou ma a'so wish to inc'ude !roduct data sheets or #ecom!onents that ou wi'' !urchase as another a!!endi7. For manu acturing issues, ou areencouraged to consu't with one of the TSD shop supervisors: Mike Superczynski or DaveMajerowicz.

    Ese ca'cu'ation, mode'ing, and sound technica' estimation to +usti our decisions. At this stage,ou are encouraged to ma#e 'ots o mode's and4or moc#u!s and tr them outK here s a great

    %uote rom om Ue''e , the director o sti'' third !ersonK? st 'e inc'uding a'' attem!ts and ai'ures, and !'ent o !hotosK

    Protot&pe *est Plan- E'timate' , ou wi'' need to demonstrate how our !ro+ect has met ourorigina' design ob+ectives, which shou'd be u'' ca!tured b our engineering characteristics.

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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Design Project Guidance

    his section o the DD$ describes how ou are going to ma#e our case that our designob+ectives have been met. o do this, ou shou'd design a set o e7!eriments that address the

    ive most im!ortant engineering characteristics or our !ro+ect. i re%uired? that ou had in ourear'ier re!orts, ou shou'd a'so now inc'uded a!!endices or our test !'an matrices and our

    !ro+ect )antt chart. here ma be other materia's, such as engineering drawings and com!onentdata sheets, that shou'd a'so be inc'udes de!ending on the !ro+ect.

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    'ngineering Design )Capstone Design Project Guidance

    Detail Design Report Ru ric


    Criteria or Re3uire%ent Co%%ents Points.ront 6atterit'e Page 8 student name, !ro+ect tit'e, course and number, name o re!ort, datesubmitted, and student signature.07ecutive Summar 8 !rob'em statement and descri!tion o to! ive 0CsConcise and on its own !ageQ ahead o oC4 oF4 o , no !age Rs

    ab'e o Contents, ist o Figures, and ist o ab'es


    Pro le% Definition 8 9ac groundSection revised and u!dated )1

    Re3uire%ents SpecificationSection revised and u!dated )1

    *echnical ApproachSection revised and u!dated )5

    Design Concepts/ '$aluation 8 SelectionSection revised and u!dated )5

    '% odi%ent Design)antt chart inc'uded as an a!!endi7? )5

    9udgetSection revised and u!dated )1

    ReferencesSection revised and u!dated )1

    Appendicesuad Chart and 9O >i re%uired?, revised and u!dated

    0ngineering Drawings or !arts to be (anu actured >i re'evant?est P'an (atricesMre%uired or a'' !ro+ects

    )antt ChartMre%uired or a'' !ro+ects


    .or%attingFigure4tab'e ormatting >centered, numbered, ca!tioned, re erenced?@usti ication and !aginationC'ean and !ro essiona' a!!earance


    St&leStrong, 'ogica' narrativeCorrect voice >third !erson?A!!ro!riate tense 8 consistent with narrative or each section)rammar and s!e''ingQ evidence o !roo reading


    +$erall )100

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    'ngineering Design ) = Capstone Design Project GuidanceDetail Design Presentation Ru ric


    *opic "nsatisfactor& 9elo, ' pectations 6eets ' pectations Possi le A,ardedProb'em De inition VBac#ground Jot inc'uded or revisions ignored Further revision or u!date necessar A!!ro!riate' revised and u!dated 5

    $e%uirementsS!eci ication Jot inc'uded or revisions ignored Further revision or u!date necessar A!!ro!riate' revised and u!dated 5

    echnica' A!!roach Jot inc'uded >>>>>

  • 8/19/2019 Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx


    'nd of *er% Status 6e%orandu% Guidance

    Purpose6our !ro+ect ma be resh on our mind now, but or most o ou at 'east a summer wi'' !ass

    be ore ou return to this !ro+ect. he !ur!ose o this memorandum is to ensure that ou 'eave

    our !ro+ect in a state where it can be easi' resumed when ou return to ESJA.

    Procedure6ou shou'd com!'ete this memo in consu'tation with our !ro+ect mentor. re!orts, images, code, etc.? is organi5ed and where it is

    archived. his is eas i ou ma#e !ro!er use o the !ro+ect share drive, however it is

    recommended that ou bac# u! those i'es be ore 'eaving or the semester. 6ou shou'da'so ma#e sure that our !ro+ect mentor has access to a'' o those i'es in our absence.• he !rocurement status or an thing that shou'd be !urchased or our !ro+ect during

    our absence. or SSA or )0P? ou shou'd a'so state that here. A'so, ire'evant, ou shou'd describe our summer internshi! !'ans.

    • he !'an or where our e%ui!ment and materia's wi'' be stored in our absence. he'ocation shou'd be secure and our mentor shou'd have access to it.

    • he !'an or where ou wi'' wor# when ou return to our !ro+ect. his is to he'! theca!stone coordinator in !reserving s!ace or our !ro+ect when s!aces are assigned or

    our c'assmates in the Fa''. < ou have been assigned a !articu'ar wor# bench in thedesign s!ace, !'ease inc'ude that in ormation in addition to the room number.

    • 6our contact in ormation. P'ease !rovide a ce'' !hone number or non ESJA e mai'address where our mentor can reach ou whi'e ou are awa rom ESJA in case theneed arises.

  • 8/19/2019 Project Guidance for Research Design v1.docx


    'ngineering Design )Capstone Design Project Guidance

    'ngineering Design ) = Capstone Design Project Guidance'nd of *er% Status Ru ric


    *opic "nsatisfactor& 9elo, ' pectations 6eets ' pectationsPossi l


    dOvera''Progress Jo !rogress

    Behind schedu'e butmoving orward

    On trac# orcom!'etion 50

    DocumentationArchive Jot addressed
