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Project on Hamam Soap

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Page 1: Project on Hamam Soap


Page 2: Project on Hamam Soap

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products

and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen

as a key performance indicator within business and is part of the four perpectives of a

balanced scorecard.

In a competitive marketplace where business compete for customers

satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element

of business strategy.

The usual measures of customer satisfaction involve a survey with a set

of statements using a Likert Technique or scale. The customer is asked to evaluate

each statement in terms of their perception and expectation of performance of the

service being measured.

We conduct a customer satisfaction survey, what you ask the customer is

important. How, when, and how often you ask these questions are also important.

However, the most important thing about conducting a customer satisfaction survey is

what you do with their answers.

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Company Profile

History of Hamam soap

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Hindustan Unilever (HUL) is the largest fast moving consumer goods

(FMCG) company, a leader in home & personal care products and

foods & beverages. HUL's brands are spread across 20 distinct

consumer categories, touching lives of every 2 out of 3 Indian.

It has employee strength over 15000 & 1200 managers. It has created

widespread network through its 2000 suppliers & associaties.There 75

manufacturing locations in India itself. It caters its wide range of

products to 6.3million outlets. It has market capitalization of 11.5billion.


Home & personal care:- Under this it has brands that caters to every

income segment of population. In this segment it has brands like

Lakme, Axe, Pepsodent, Surf Excel, Wheel, Lux, Dove, Fair &

Lovely & many more.

Foods & Beverages:-Under this segment it has brand like Kissan,

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Knnor Soups, Annapurna, Kwality Walls, Brooke Bond & Lipton.

It has also launch water purifier with the name Pureit.

The FMCG market is set to treble from $11.6 billion in 2003 to $33.4

billion in 2015. Penetration level as well as per capita consumption in

most product categories like jams, toothpaste, skin care, hair wash, etc

in India is low indicating the untapped market potential. Companies

present in FMCG segment like HUL, Dabur, ITC, Godrej & many more

have potential to acquire market share.

Milestones achieved

Five of HUL's leading brands – Lux, Dove, Hamam, Pears, Clinic

Plus and Sunsilk – won the Reader's Digest Trusted Brand 2008


Four HUL brands featured in the top 10 list of the Economic

Times Brand Equity's Most Trusted Brands 2008 survey

HUL was awarded the Bombay Chamber Civic Award 2007 in the

category of Sustainable Environmental Initiatives.

HUL was selected as the top Indian company in the FMCG sector

for the Dun & Bradstreet - American Express Corporate Awards

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Hamam is a brand of soap made in India and marketed by Hindustan

Unilever, the Indian unit of Unilever. The name comes from the

Arabic/Persian/Hindi word Hammam which refers to a public bathing

establishment in the middle-eastern countries. It was launched in 1934 and is

a leading product in its category.

Launched in 1931 as a ‘mild, family soap’, Hamam soon drew a large natural

following long before it was trendy or fashionable. Perhaps the only Indian-made

natural soap at the time, Hamam was embraced by mothers and doctors alike, for its

purity and safety on skin.

Only Hamam brings alive ancient time-tested skincare rituals that have been perfected

over generations in convenient and contemporary formats.

The three variants of Hamam - Sampoorna Snaan, Hamam Scrub Bath and Abhyanga

Snaan embody traditional skincare practices.

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Hamam can best leverage this due to its heritage and natural ingredient legitimacy to

claim purification of the body and spirit.

Key facts

Only 400 crore Herbal soap brand in the personal care segment

21.36% market share in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu

From our range

Hamam Sampoorna Snaan

Hamam Scrub Bath

Hamam Abhyanga Snaan

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Objectives of study

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Primary Objective:

To study the customer satisfaction of Hamam soap.

Secondary Objective:

To obtain the information regarding customer preferences

towards the product

The objectives of study are as follows,

To identify the customer satisfaction on Hamam soap

To study the overall performance of Hamam in the market

To analyse the demand for Hamam soap

To analyse the performance of advertisement in market

To identify the sales force effectiveness

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Scope of study:

The study is conducted to know the customer satisfaction about various

brands, the choice and satisfaction towards Hamam. The study covers only a short

range of operations on the study area.


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Data collection

a)Primary Data

b)Secondary Data

Sample Design

a)sampling Technique

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b)Target sample

c) Sample size


Research in a common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can

also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on

a specific topic.

Research is an art of scientific investigation. Research is an academic activity

and as such the term should be used in a technical sense. the term research refers to

systematic method consist of enunciating the problem ,formulating a hypothesis,

collecting the data, analysis the facts and reaching certain conclusion either in a form

of solution towards the concerned problem or in certain generalization for some

theoretical formulation

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The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined

and research design or plan chalked out. Data may be collected in two ways, there are

as follows,

Primary data

Secondary data

Primary data:

The primary data are those data which are collected afresh and for the first time

and thus happen to be original in character. The researcher collects primary data

particularly in surveys and descriptive researches. Followings are the various way of

collecting primary data,

a) Observation method

b) Interview method

c) Through questionnaires

d) Through schedules, etc.,

These are the various ways the primary data’s can be collected.

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Secondary data:

Secondary data means data that are already available i.e., they refer to the

data which have already been collected and analyses by someone else. Secondary data

may either be published data or unpublished data. Usually published data are available


a) Various publication of the central, state and local government

b) Various publication of foreign government or of international bodies and their

subsidiary organizations

c) Technical and trade journals

d) Books, magazines and newspapers etc.,

In this project, data is based on primary data and it is collected through

questionnaire method.


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A Sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given

population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in

selecting items for the sample. The sample design may as well lay down the numbers

of items to be included in the sample , i.e. the size of the sample. Sample design is

determine before data are collected.

Sample Technique :

The researcher has to decide the sampling tools by determing the

size of the sample. A small random sample is better than a larger but badly selected

sample .

Target Sample :

Target sample is refers to the number of respondents that we select as

the target to do the study of customer satisfaction.

Sample Size:

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Sample size refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe

to constitute of sample .this is a major problem before researcher. The size of

sample should neither be excessively large, nor too small. It should be optimum.

An optimum sample is one which fulfills the requirements of efficieny,

reprentativeness, reliability and flexibility.

A research design is an arrangement of condition for collection and

analysis of data .In this study only a few units of population where considered for

analysis .60 sample were selected to study in the chosen area.


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Review of literature:

Customer satisfaction:

Organizations need to retain existing customers while targeting non-

customers; Measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful

the organization is at providing products and/or services to the marketplace

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When to Conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey

The best time to conduct a customer satisfaction survey is when the

experience is fresh in their minds. If you wait to conduct a survey, the customer's

response may be less accurate. He may have forgotten some of the details. He may

answer about a later event. He may color his answers because of confusion with other

visits. He may confuse you with some other company.

What to Ask In a Customer Satisfaction Survey

There is a school of thought that you only need to ask a

single question in a customer satisfaction survey. That question is, "will you buy from

me again?" While it is tempting to reduce your customer satisfaction survey to this

Supposed "essence", you miss a lot of valuable information and you can be easily


It is too easy for a customer to answer yes to the "will you buy from me

again?", whether they mean it or not. You want to ask other questions in a customer

satisfaction survey to get closer to the expected behavior and to collect information

about what to change and what to keep doing.

By all means ask the basic customer satisfaction question

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How satisfied are you with the purchase you made (of a product or service)

How satisfied are you with the service you received?

How satisfied are you with our company overall?

And ask the customer loyalty questions"

How likely are you to buy from us again?

How likely are you to recommend our product/service to others

How likely are you to recommend our company to others.

Also ask what the customer liked and didn't like about the product, your service,

and your company.

How Often Should You Conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey

The best answer is "often enough to get the most information, but not so

often as to upset the customer". In real terms, the frequency with which you conduct a

customer satisfaction survey depends on the frequency with which you interact with

your customers. My state renews driver’s licenses for five-year periods. It would be

silly for them to ask me each year what I thought of my last renewal experience.

Conversely, if I survey the commuters on my rapid transit system once a year, I will

miss important changes in their attitudes that may be driven by seasonal events.

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What to Do With Answers from a Customer Satisfaction Survey

Regardless of how I ask my customers for their feedback, what I ask them

in the customer satisfaction survey, and when I survey them, the most important part

of the customer satisfaction survey is what I do with their answers.

Yes, I need to compile the answers from different customers. I need to

look for trends. I should look for differences by region and/or product. However, I

most need to act on the information I get from my customers though the survey. I need

to fix the things the customers have complained about. I need to investigate their

suggestions. I need to improve my company and product in those areas the mean the

most to the most of my customers. I need to not change those things that they like.

Most importantly I need to give them feedback that their answers were appreciated

and are being acted upon. That feedback can be individual responses to the customers

if appropriate, or it can simply be fixing the things that they tell you need to be fixed.

Statement of problem:

The topic deals with the study of customer satisfaction towards the

product “pears”. The customer satisfaction varies from brand to brand on the basis of

quality and price. The complication had undergone to identify customer reaction.

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Therefore being interested to know, the degree to which customer behaviour varies

with income, age, sex or characteristics induced the selection of this study.


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Analysis mean the computation of certain indices or measure along with

searching for patterns of relationship that exist among the data groups. Analysis,

particularly in case of survey or experimental data, involves estimating the values of

unknown parameters of the population and testing the hypotheses for drawing


In this study, the data’s are analysed based on percentage method.

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Percentages are often used in data presentation for they simplify numbers,

reducing all of them to a 0 to 100 range. Through the use of percentages, the data are

reduced in the standard form with base equal to 100 which fact facilities relative

comparisons. While using percentages, the following rules should kept in view by


a) Two or more percentages must not be averaged unless each is weighted by the

group size from which it has been derived.

b) Use of too large percentage should be avoided, since a large percentage is

difficult to understand and tends to confuse, defeating the very purpose for which

percentage are used.

c) Percentage hide the base from which they have been computed. If this is not kept

in view, the real differences may not be correctly read.

d) Percentage decreases can never exceed 100 per cent and as such for calculating

the percentage of decrease, the higher figure should invariably be taken as the


Analysis and Interpretation:

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In the previous chapter attempt have been made to define, discuss and

identify the consumer satisfaction .in this chapter various particulars, information and

observation and their critical analysis to arrive at judicious conclusion and to finally

evolve consumer preference are given.

The study is spread over a sample size of 100 respondents in velachery for

the purpose of conducting study areas respectively.

4.1 Table showing the classification of age

Age No of respondent Percentage (%)

0 - 20 20 40

21- 30 15 30

30- 40 12 24

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Above 40 3 6

Total 50 100

4.1. a chart showing the classification of respondent on the

basis of age

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From the above chart 40% of respondent are between the age group of less

than 20, 30% of respondent are belongs to 21-30, 24 of respondent are between 31-40

and 6% of respondent are between 41 and above .

4.1 table showing classification of gender

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Gender No of respondent

Percentage (%)

female 33 66

male 17 34

total 50 100

4.2.a chart showing classification of respondent on the basis

of gender


From above chart 66% of respondent are female and 34% of respondent are male.

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4.3 table showing classification of respondent on the basis of occupation

Occupation No of respondent Percentage (%)

Student 20 40

Employee 13 26

Professional 10 20

Homemaker 2 4

Business 2 4

other 3 6

Total 50 100

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4.3.a chart showing classification of respondent on the basis of occupation


From the above chart 40% of respondent are students, 26% of respondent are

employee, 20% of respondent are professional, 4% of respondent are doing business

and 4% of respondent from homemaker and 6% were other.

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4.4 table showing the purchase of Hamam soap regularly

Buy regularly

No of respondent

Percentage (%)

Yes 16 32

No 34 68

Total 50 100

4.4.a chart showing the regular purchase of Hamam soap by respondent


From the above chart 68% of respondent purchase Arun ice cream regularly

when compare to 32% of respondent.

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4.5 table showing the classification of respondent on the basis of different type

of types.

Type No of respondent Percentage (%)

Hamam sampoorna

sanaam 15 30

Hmamam scrub Bath 15 30

Hamam nalangu mavu 10 20

Hamam Abhyanga


5 10

other 5 10

Total 50 100

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4.5.a chart showing classification of respondent on the basis of types


From the above chart 30% of respondent like sampoorna sanaam,

30% of respondent like scrub bath, 20% of respondent like nalangu mavu, and 10% of

respondent like Abhyanga snaam and other types.

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4.6 table showing various ways that the respondent came to know about Arun ice


Various ways No of respondent Percentage (%)

Advertisement 25 50

friend 10 20

promotional 5 10

Through shop 3 6

other 5 10

Hoarding 2 4

Total 50 100

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4.6.a chart showing various way that the respondent come to known about

Hamam soap


From the above chart 50% of respondent come to know about Hamam

Soap through advertisement,20% of respondent know through friends,10% of

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respondent know through shop, 6% and 10% from hoarding and promotional and 4 %

from other ways.

4.7table showing the reason for buying Hamam Soap

Reason No of respondent Percentage (%)

Usage 16 32

Quality 13 26

Price 18 36

quantity 3 6

Total 50 100

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4.7.a chart showing the reason for buying Hamam Soap


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From the above chart 32% of respondent prefer usage ,26% of

respondent prefer quality,36% of respondent prefer price and 6% of respondent prefer

quantity for buying Hamam Soap.

4.8 table showing different opinion about the price of Arun ice cream


No of respondent Percentage (%)

Reasonable 40 80

Costly 5 10

Cheaper 5 10

Total 50 100

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4.8.a chart showing the difference of opinion about the price of Hamam Soap


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From the above chart 80% of respondent feel that the price of Hamam soap is

reasonable, 10% of respondent feel it is costly and 10% of respondent feel it is


4.9 table showing the amount spend by respondent per month

Amount spend per


No of respondent

Percentage (%)

Below 100 21 42

101-200 16 32

201-300 8 16

Above 301 5 10

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Total 50 100

4.9.a chart showing amount spend by respondent per month

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From the above chart 42% of respondent spend below 100 for purchasing

Hamam soap, 32% of respondent spend between 101-200, 16% of respondent spend

between 201-300 and 10% of them spend more than 300 for buying Hamam soap.

4.10 table showing the detail how often the respondent purchase Hamam soap

Often purchase of

Hamam soap

No of respondent

Percentage (%)

weekly 12 24

monthly 14 28

occasionally 19 38

Daily 5 10

Total 50 100

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4.10.a chart showing the detail how often the respondent purchase the Hamam


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From the above chart 38% of respondent buy Hamam soap occasionally,

28% of them buy monthly, 24% of them buy weekly and 10% of them buy daily.

4.11 table showing the factor that influence the respondent in selecting Hamam


Factor influence No of respondent Percentage (%)

Advertisement 9 18

Brand image 12 24

Quantity 15 30

Quality 8 16

Hygienic 6 12

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Total 50 100

4.11.a chart showing the factor that influence the respondent in selecting

Hamam soap

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From the above chart 30% of respondent select for quantity , 24% of

them select for brand image, 18%of them select for advertisement, 16% of them select

for quality and 12% of them select for good hygienic.

4.12 table showing whether the Hamam soap sales fall

Sales fall No of respondent Percentage (%)

Yes 35 70

No 15 30

Total 50 100

4.13.a chart showing opinion from respondent whether the Hamam soap sales


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From the above chart, the opinion of 30% of respondent says that the sales of

Hamam soap does not fall while opinion of 70% of respondent says that the sales of

Hamam soap sales falls.

4.13 table showing whether Hamam Soap available in the market

Available in the


No of respondent Percentage (%)

yes 48 96

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No 2 4

total 50 100

4.14.a chart showing the opinion from respondent whether the Hamam soap

available in the market

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From the above chart, the opinion of 96% of respondent says that the

Hamam soap is easily available in the market while opinion of 4 % of respondent

says that the Hamam soap is not available in the market.

4.14 table showing the suggestion from the respondent to improve sales of

Hamam soap.

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Suggestion No of respondent Percentage(%)

Improve quality 7 14

Advertisement 14 28

Brand awareness 19 38

Price 10 20

Total 50 100

4.15.a chart showing the suggestion from respondent to improve the sales.

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From the above chart, 38% of respondent suggest to create brand

awareness, 28% of respondent suggest to improve advertisement, 20% of respondent

suggest to improve the price, 4% of them suggest to improve quality and 14%.

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Finding and suggestion

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58% of respondent are between the age group of 0-20.

66% of respondent are female.

20% of respondent are professional.

68% of respondent purchase Hamam soap regularly.

30% of respondent like Sampoorna sanaam.

48%of respondent come to know about Hamam soap through


62% of respondent prefer quality for buying Hamam soap

74% of respondent feel that the price of is reasonable

42% of respondent spend below Rs.100 for purchasing Hamam soap

38% of respondent buy Hamam soap occasionally

30% of respondent select Hamam soap for taste

70% of respondent says that the sales of Hamam soap does not fall

94% of respondent says that the Hamam soap is easily available in the


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38% of respondent suggest to create brand awareness.


Improving the taste and also giving more brand can attract more


The company can improve their brand image

The company may give more offer and discount to increase sales

The can provide Hamam soapin low cost

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Research methodology book - C R Kothari


www.hamammsoap .com

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This study mainly focused on the consumer’s attitude towards

Hamam in sholinganallur .The data which are collected from the respondent and other

resources are analysed in the last chapter.

From the data analysed it was found out that Hamam soap is the best

brand in the market.

It is concluded that the market study on Hamam soap at

sholinganallur as helped to know the status of Hamam soap..Hamam soap are having a

good market share in .the study has helped the researcher to gain good experience and

more information about Hamam soap in sholinganallur.

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1 Name :

2. Address :

3. Age : a) Below 20 b) 20-30 c) 30-40 d) 40-50 e) Above 50

4. Gender : a) Male b) Female

5. Occupation: a) Student b) Employee c) Professional d) Home maker e) Others

6.Do you buy Hamam soap regularly ?

a) Yes b) No

7. What type do you like in Hamam soap ?

a) Hamam sampoorna snaam b) Hamam scrub bath

c) Hamam nalangu mavu d) Hamam abhyana snaam

8.How did you come to know about the Hamam Soap ?

a) Advertisement b) friends c) promotional

d)Through shop e) Other

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9. What is the reason for buying Hamam soap ?

a) Price b) Quality c) Quantity

10. What is the opinion about the price of Hamam soap ?

a) Reasonable b) Costly c) Cheaper

11.How much amount do you spend per month for buying Hamam soap ?

A. Below 100 b) 100-200 c) 200-300 d) above 300

12. Please rank your opinion that attracted you in buying the Hamam soap?

a) Packing b) Price c) Look

13. How often do you purchase Hamam soap?

a) Weekly b) Monthly c) Occasionally

14.Rank the factors that influence you in selecting Hamam soap ?

a) Advertisement b) Brand image c) Quality d) smell

15.Do you think the Hamam soap Sales fall ?

a) Yes b) No

16.Do you find Hamam soap is easily available in the market ?

a) Yes b) No

17. What is the suggestion to improve the sales ?

a) Improve quality b) Advertisement c) Brand awareness d) Price

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