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Proposals for teaching the art of midwifery · Fluor Albus—FlyftericAffections—FurorUterinus...

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fA I 0 W \ P E R Y,





Accouchmr and Phyfician to the Lying-in-Wards of th§Middlefex Hofpital.

PROPOSALS.H E Courfe will confift of EighteenLeClures, to begin on the firft Mon-

T pf&S da 7 °f every Month, at Ten in the'zH r£ Forenoon, at the Dolor’s Houfe, in

NorthumberlandStreet,CharlngGrofs,or at any more convenient Hour, to be fixed by theGentlemen who enter, after the Introductory Lec-ture. It is expeCted, however, that every one willbe punctual to the Time appointed.

Each Pupil to pay, for the firft Courfe, four, andfor every fubfequent Courfe, two Guineas; the Mo-ney to be paid on or before the fecond LeCture; topay alfo Half a Crown on attending the firft natu-ral, and every fubfequent laborious and preternaturalLabour.

During the firft Courfe, each Pupil fhail be inti-tled to attend at two Labours, and deliver one natu-ral Cafe.

In the fecond Courfe, to deliver two natural, andone difficult Cafe.

In the third, (according to Seniority) to deliverthe firft preternatural Cafe that occurs, and to at-tend whatever Labours may happen at the Apart-ments in the Courfe of his Studies.

4Gentlemen who choofe to enter for three Courfes

at once, to pay feven, for fix Months, ten, forone Year, fourteen, and to become a perpetualPupil, twenty Guineas; and fhall be allowed La-bours, and Opportunities of Practice, in Propor-tion.

A private Courfe, to one or two Gentlemen,with proper Opportunities of Practice, fix Guineas;and five Shillings for every Labour.

Dr. COOPER will read an Evening Courfe toany Number of Gentlemen, not lefs than four, onthe fame Terms, for the Accommodation of fuchGendcmen as have finished every other Part of theirEducation.

Gentlemen may alfo be accommodated as HoufePupils, with whom the Method of Inftrudion willbe familiarifed by private. Converfation (exclufiveof the Ledlures) at fuch Times, and In fuch Man-ner, as not to break in upon the Purfuit of anyother Study, by which Means Gentlemen may atthe fame l ime attend the Hofpitals, and anatomi-cal Ledures, and compleat the Courfe of their Edu-cation within the Year.

Each Houfe Pupil, may engage for four, fix, ortwelve Months, to pay on Entrance for their Board,at the Rate of forty Guineas per Ann. and for theirEducation according to the Terms abovementioned.

Proper Apartments are provided for the Accom-modation of the Poor, with a convenient Chamberfor the Gentlemen to wait in, when any Women arein Labour. The Doctor has alfo frequent Oppor-tunities of fending his Students to attend Women

5at their own Apartments, on which Occasion, eachGentleman attends lingly, according to Seniority, aPreference being always fhewn to the HoufePupils ;

and if each Student has not his proper Opportunitiesof Practice during the limited Time of the Courfeshe attends, they are procured him afterwards asfoon as pollible.

Each Student pays to the Matron of the Doctor'sHoufe Half a Crown, to the Nurfe One Shilling,on Entrance ; and Sixpence to the MefTenger whenever called to a Labour.

Women are inftrudded by themfelves, and may1 ave the mod; extenlive Opportunities of Practiceand Improvement, at the Middlefex Hofpital, on

very eafy and advantageous Terms.Dr. COOPER may be fpoken with, at his Houfe

in Northumberland Street, Clnring Crofs, anyMorning before Ten; or at the Middlelex Hofpital,in Marybone Fields, any Thurfday at Twelve.


t | *\HESE Lectures are digefted under the three1 general Heads of THEORY, PRACTICE,

and DISEASES, under each of which Divifronswill be comprehended all that is effential to beknown by the Accoucheur.

Under the firft Head will be explained, the Ana-tomy and Functions of the Parts concerned 3 thefecond will comprehend all the Variety of Cafes thatcan poffibly occur, from the mod; eafy to the mod:

6difficult and perplexing Labours, with the LeftMethod of Affiftance, particularly enlarging on theMethod of relieving the moft lingering and labori-ous Cafes by the Hand only. This Divifion will beembellifhed with a Variety of ufeful and neceffaryPrecepts, Precautions, and corollary Obfervations,and may be deemed a complete Syftem of Practice,built upon Theory, and a ufeful Theory deduciblefrom Praffice. In the third Divifion will be givena concife' Hiftory of the various Difeafes the FairSex are peculiarly fubjecf to; the Maladies of preg-nant Women, and of Women after Delivery, (par-ticularly the Lochial Fever, a Subject hitherto butindifferently handled) with the Difeafes of Children,and their various Diagnofiics, Prognoftics, andMethod of Cure.

By this Difpofition, the Leddurcs will be mademore methodical and extenfive, than by blendingpromifeuoufiy, in the common Method thefe threediftineft Branches of the obftetric Art.

The Laws of Mechanics, as far as they are analo-gous to the Operations of Nature in the A<ff of Par-turition, and neceffary to the comprehending or ex-plaining any relative Branches of the Art, are pro-perly explained in the inrroduffory LeHure; whichLedturc, at the Opening of every Courfe, will befree for the Attendance of any Gentleman of theMedical Faculty, after which the Apparatus willalfo be difplayed.

At the End of the Courfe will be given an ad-ditional Lecfture, containing an Hiffory of the mollapproved and moft powerful Emmenagogue and

7uterine Medicines, comprehending their mechani-cal Powers and Method of Operation : with practi-cal Obfervatione on the Virtues of MUSK andOPIUM.




LECTURE I. Introduction—Plan propofed—General Syltem of the animal Oeconomy—

Authors recommended—Laws of Mechanics analo-gous to Midwifery—Qualifications and Deportmentan Accoucheur.

LECTURE 11. Contents of the Pelvis—CurforyView of the Parts of Generation proper to Women,external and internal—Bones of the Pelvis—Asunited—Separately—ln the adult—ln the fxtalState—Offa innominata—Sacrum, Coccyx—lliaIfchia—Pubes—Their Connections, &c. Diffe-rence between a Male and Female Pelvis.


LECTURE 111. A well conftruXed—A deformedPelvis-—Different Diameters and Depths, of thePelvis—The foetal Skull—lts Sutures, Connexions,and Diameters—General Obfervations on the Struc-ture of the Pelvis and the foetal Skull.

LECTURE IV. Of the Vagina—Uterus—Ova-ria—Veffels—Ligaments and Fallopian Tubes—Ofthe Catamenia—Theory of Conception—Conjec-tures on the Caufes of Sterility.

LECTURE V. Signs of Conception—EquivocalSigns of pregnant and obilruXed Women—TheOeconomy of the. gravid Uterus—The Placenta,Funis,- Membranes, Waters, &c.-—Of the Foetus,its Nutrition, Secretions, &c.—Of the Increafe ofthe Uterus after Conception—Of the Magnitude,Weight, and DiftinXions of the Foetus —Of theChild’s Situation in the Womb.

LECTURE VI. Of Twins—-Superfoetations—■Falfe Conceptions and Moles—Of Abortions in ge-neral—From particular Caufes—The Child’s Death—Separation of the Placenta from the Uterus—Ofextra-uterine Conceptions.



LECTURE VII. Of touching—Signs of La-bour—The Nature, Caufes and EffeXs, of Labour

9Pains —How to diftinguifh the true and falfe Pains—What to be done on that Occalion—The Dlvifion ofLabours—The Portion and Management of theWoman after a natural Labour—Progrefsof anaturaland eafy Labour—The Cawl or Monk’s Hood—When and how to break the Membranes—Aquaefugitive—Paucity and Superfluity of Waters—Toguard the Perinaeum—To tie the Funis—To deli-ver the Placenta—To pafs the Catheter—Method ofdifeovering a fecond Foetus.

LECTURE VIII. Lingering or tedious Births,not abfolutely laborious—The Vertex p'refentingwith little or no Waters—The Forehead on oneSide—Various Accidents that may haften or retardDelivery—How to affiil when the Funis is en-tangled—When the lower Part of the Uterus con-trails round the Child—When the Shoulders redon the Pubes or Sacrum—To manage the Womanand Child after Delivery—General Obfervations onnatural Labours.

LECTURE IX. Of laborious Labours—TheirCaufes and Confequences Bulk, or wrong Pnfi-tion of the Head—Rigidity of the Os Uteri—Di-ftortions of the Pelvis—Accidents from the Coniine-ment of the Child’s Head—to the Mother—to it-felf—Lacerations of the Os Uteri—Vagina—andPerinaeum.

LECTURE X. Of the various Inflruments in-vented to aliiid in laborious Labours. —The Fillets


and Forceps, a commodious and fimple Ap-paratus - General Rules for ufing the ForcepsDifferent Ways of introducing them—when theHead is down to the Os externum—when higher inthe Pelvis. N. B. In this Lecture are difplayed aSeries of old and uncouth Inftruments, with Exam-ples of every modern Improvement on the For-ceps, &c.

LECTURE XI. When the Forehead is to theFubes—When the Head prefents fair at the Brimof the Pelvis—When the Face prefents—The Ufeof the Crotchets A more limple, and faferPfocefs—The old Method—The Woman’s Pofture—Prolapfus in the Time ofLabour—Of the Obli-quity of the Womb or Foetus.

LECTURE XII. Preternatural Labours—Divi-sible- into three Claffes—The Breech—The Feetprefenting—Mixed Labours—The Funis before theHead—Before the Breech, or any other Part—ThePlacenta at the Os Internum—Floodings in tneTime of Labour, premature, or at full Period.

LECTURE XIII. Second and third Clafs of pre-ternatural Labours—blow to turn a Child—To pre-vent the Rupture of the Uterus—The Arm—TheShoulder—The Hip—The Back—The Abdomenprefenting —The Hydrocephalus,or watery Head—The Head left in the Uterus—Method of extract-ing it by the Hand only —Signs of a dead ChildMethod ofrecovering the Child when ftupified byits long Confinement in the Pelvis—Precepts and


Precautions relative to laborious and preternaturalLabours.

LECTURE XIV. The Delivery of Twins—OfMonfters, and the united Placentae—The CefarianSection—The natural Confequences of Delivery—Lochia—Coagula. —After Pains— Preternatural—Floodings—Syncope, &c.—On the Coming of theMilk—The Structure of the Breafts—The ladfife-rous Dudfs and Vefiels—Corollary Obfervations, byWay of Aphorifms, deductible from the foregoingpradVical Lectures.



LECTURE XV. DTesfes peculiar to Women—ObftruCtion, Supprellion, and immoderate Flow ofthe Menfes—Chloiolis—lmperforated Hymen—Fluor Albus—Flyfteric Affections—Furor Uterinus—Relaxation of the Ligamenta Uteri—lnflamma-tion of the genital Pans—Schirrous Tumours, andcancerous Ulcers ,in or near the Uterus—Gangrene,or Mortification of thcfe Parts—Sterility,

LECTURE XVI. Dlfeafesof pregnant Women,and of Women afcerDelivery—Naufea—Longings


—Diarrhea Cofllvenefs—Piles—Swellings andPains in the Breafts—Lownefsof Spirits—Menftru-al Difcharges—Abortion—Swelling of the Labia,


Legs and Thighs—Difficulty, Retention, and In-continence of Urine—Cough and Difficulty ofRefpiration—Violent Floodings Suppreffion ofthe Lochia—the Lochial fever Milk FeverEruptive Fever—Prolapfus—Various.Forms of Pef-lariesand the Manner ofapplying them—Tumefac-tions and Suppurations of the Breads—Sore Nipples.

LECTURE XVII. Difeafes confequent on la-borious Labours—Tumefaction of the external Parts—Lacerations—Of polipofe, cancerous, and fchir-rous Tumours—of Herniae—Rupture of the Veflcaurinaria Various Species of falfe Gravidation—Caufes—Dropfy ofthe Ovaria—Comparative View,and Diftinciion of the Signs of Conception and falfeGravidation Medicines required by Women inLabour—Authors who have wrote on the Dieafesof Women.

LECTURE XVIII. Of the imperfections andDifeafes of Infants—The ObftruCtion of the excreto-ry Paffages Mifconforrmtion Contuiion— andExcoriations of the Head—or other Parts —TheSpina bifida Hydrocephalus Total or partialWant of the cranial Bones—The Hare Lip—Ra-nula, or Confinement of the Tongue—Starting ofthe Navel—Hcrnia-congenita—TumefaCtion in theBreads—Gripes—Errylipelas—Red Gum—Thrufh—Dyfentery—Dentition—Fit—Venereal Taints—Scrophula—Small Pox—Mtafles RicketsFlooping Cough—Worms.

J 3Concluding LECTURE—On the mechanical O-

perations and Powers of the moft ufeful Emmena-gogue and uterine Medicines—On the Powers ofMufk and Opium—On the Treatment of venerealSymptoms in pregnant Women.

Dr. COOPER has printed a Compendium ofMidwifery for the Ufe of his Students, from theforegoing Courfe of Ledfures, to prevent the Trou-ble of taking Notes : I'o which is added, an Ap-pendix, containing the Heads of the concludingLedfure, and a Formula ofPrefcription; or PHAR-MACOPOEIA OBSTETRICARIA. EveryStudentis intitled to a Copy with hi? Certificate; the Priceof which to fuch Gentlemen as do not attend theLedfures is Haifa Guinea, as it is not in the Handsof any Bookfeller, but to be had only of the Dodfor,being merely intended as a Compliment to hisStudents,

The foregoing Leisures are exemplified and il-luftrated by a very curiois and extenfive Apparatusconfiding of four Mac lines, being Human Skele-tons, properly fluffed and covered, which exhibitas exadt Reprelentatioi/s of Nature as it is polliblefor the Power of Art h arrive at; with Foctufes ofdifferent Bulk, imitating the Form and Appear-ances ofreal Childrei as near as pollible. The firftMachine fhews the whole abdominal Vifcera, inSitu, with the Blood Velfols, 6tc. and the Mannerof the Uterus con Reflag after Delivery, and the

HExpulfion of the Placenta, Membranes, &c. Thefecond Is calculated to tliew the Progrefs of LabourIn the more eafy and natural Cafes, being a Figurewith a well formed Pelvis; to this Machine thereare three Uteri to fix on or remove at Pleafure, firfla flaccid one, to fhew the State of the Uterusin flooding Cafes; fecondly, a thick leather Uterusofa particular ConftruCtion, to fhew the Pofition ofTwins; and thirdly, a very curious tranfparentUterus, to fhew the Manner of turning a Foetuswhen the Membrar.es are entire. The third is aMachine with a diftorted Pelvis, to fhew the morelaborious Cafes, and the inftrumental Method ofDelivery. The fourth, a Machine with a very ca-pacious Pelvis, on which are explained the Methodof feparating the adhering Placenta, and of turningthe Foetus when the Waters are all evacuated, andthe Uterus is forcibly contracted round the Body ofthe Child.

A Preparation in Spires of the Body of a Womanwho died undelivered, from the Confequences of anuterine Haemorrhage, the Placenta at the Os Uteri,and the Foetus preferring with the Breech.

Three Cafts in Plaiflerof Paris, painted from theabove Preparation.

A Series of Human Ova and Foetufes, from theearlieft Appearance of Hunan Exiflence, to thefull Period of Deflation (among which is oneFoetus in Utero of feven IVonths) ; with manyother Preparations to explain the Oeconomy andFunctions of the Parts confined. A Foetus of

*5the full Growth without a Cranium. Three Ex-amples of a well conftru&ed and three of theftrait and diftorted Pelvis. Three united TwinPlacentae. Se&ions of the Pelvis and foetal Skulls ofdifferent Proportions. A Collection of Inftrumentsthat have been in Ufe from the earlieft to the prefentTime 5 and PelTaries of various ConftruCtions.
