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Republic of Moldova The Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure STATE ROAD ADMINISTRATION Public Tender Opening Rehabilitation of M3 Chisinau – Giurgiulesti Road, km 96+800 – km 171+290 and km 179+650 – km 190+750 under the Contract RSP/W10/01 *** April 27 2018
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Republic of Moldova

The Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure


Public Tender Opening

Rehabilitation of M3 Chisinau – Giurgiulesti Road, km 96+800 – km 171+290 and km 179+650 – km 190+750 under the Contract RSP/W10/01


April 272018

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1. Minutes of the Evaluation Committee No. RSP/W10-01/02/2018 (original version);

2. Minutes of the Evaluation Committee No. RSP/W10-01/02/2018 (translated version);

3. Annex No. 1 Tender Submission Register;

4. Annex No. 2 Register of Late Tenderers;

5. Annex No. 3 Register of Attendance;

6. Annex No. 4 Tender Opening Checklist;

7. Annex No. 5 Register of Potential Tenderers who have requested Tender Documents.

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1. Minutes of the Evaluation Committee No. RSP/W10-01/02/2018

(original version)

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PROCES-VERBAL NR. RSP/Wl0-01/02/2018

27 aprilie 2018 or. Chi ~inau

Comitetul de Evaluare numit prin ordinul Ministrului Transporturilor ~1 Infrastructurii Drumurilor (MTID) nr. 8 din 06.02.2015 , prezent in urmatoarea componenta:

Pre~edintele Comitetului: • Radu ROGOVEI - Sef al Directiei Infrastructura de Transport, Ministerul Economiei ~i


Vicepre~edintele Comitetului: • Gheorghe CURMEI - Director general , LS. Administratia de Stat a Drumurilor.

Secretar: • Serghei POLISCIUC - Director adjunct, i.s . Administratia de Stat a Drumurilor.

Membrii Comitetului: • Ion DRUCEC - Director adjunct, i.S. Administratia de Stat a Drumurilor;

• Iurie PA$A - Director adjunct, l.s. Administratia de Stat a Drumurilor.

Invitati: • Ion JOSAN - Specialist in Procurari , Roughton International Ltd;

• Diana LUPU - Sef al Serviciului juridic, i.S. Administratia de Stat a Drumurilor.

Ordinea de Zi: Deschiderea publica a Ofertelor

Reabilitarea sectorului de drum M3 Chi~inau-Giurgiult~~ti, km 96+800 - km 171 +290 ~i km 179+650 - km 190+750

in cadrul Contractului RSP/Wl0/01

in urma lansarii procedurii de achizitie publice Nr. RSP/2017/0T/Wl 0101 ~i publicarii

Invitatiei pentru depunerea Ofertelor, 36 companii (Anexa nr. S) ~i-au exprimat interesul de

participare, fiindu-le puse la dispozitie Documentele de Licitatie.

Comitetul de Evaluare a desra~urat la data de 27 aprilie 2018, ora 14: 15, la sediul i.S .,,Administratia de Stat a Drumurilor'', deschiderea Ofertelor dlepuse pana la te1menul limita stabilit pentru 27 aprilie 2018, ora 14:00, ora locala.

Reprezentantul ASD a prezentat membrii Comitetului de Evaluare ~i a specificat scopul

~edintei ~i modul de derulare a acesteia. De asemenea, s-a precizat ca procedura de achizitie se

va desra~ura in conformitate cu Regulile ~i Politicile de Achizitie ale Bancii Europene pentru Reconstructie ~i Dezvoltare (BERD), editia revizuita in octombrie 2014.

Pana la data depunerii Ofertelor, operatorii economici interesati de aceasta procedura, au adresat ASD intrebari de clarificare privind Documentele de Licitatie. ASD a raspuns la aceste

clarificari care, ulterior, au fost publicate pe pagina web a i.S. Administratia de Stat a

Drumurilor, www.asd.md, ~i transmise in adresa operatorilor economici interesati.

1 rlin 1

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P~oces-Verbal nr. RSP/W 10-01 /02/2018 al ~edin\ei Comitetului de Evaluare Nr. 13/2018

Deschiderea Ofertelor

Reprezentantii ASD au deschis Ofertele depuse pana la termenul limita, in prezenta membrilor

Comitetului de Evaluare, invitatilor ~i reprezentantilor ofertantilor. Deschiderea s-a desra.~urat

!n baza numarului de inregistrare a Ofertelor primite, !n ordinea receptionarii acestora.

Nici un Ofertant nu ~i-a retras Oferta ~i nici nu au fost lnregistrate careva substituiri sau

modificari a Ofertelor depuse initial, inainte de deschidere.

Lista de verificare a Ofertelor la deschidere, continand informatii precum pretul Ofertei ,

discount-ul oferit, prezenta garantiei de participare la licitatie, sunt completate ~i ulterior semnate atat de catre reprezentantii ASD, cat ~i de reprezentantii ofertantilor (Anexele nr. 1, 2

~ i 4). Prezenta reprezentantilor ofertantilor este, de asemenea, consemnata !ntr-un formular de inregistrare separat, semnat de catre ace~tia. (Anexa nr.3).

Preturile Ofertelor receptionate pana la termenul limita, discount··ul oferit, precum ~i prezenta

sau absenta garantiei de participare la licitatie a ofertantilor sunt indicate !n tabelul ce urmeaza:

rretul Ofertei ~i Discount-ul (EURO) Prezenta garanfiei d~

Ofertant I Tara RSP/Wl0/01 participare

i Pre tu I Of ertei Disc:ount la licitatie

' (Da/Nu) Asocierea dintre companii le 6% apl icate la Totalul de OJSC Construction mounting lucrari din Devizu l de

I. trust no.8 ~i OJSC Road 42.429.020, 17 Euro cheltuieli (fara TV A), cu Da Construction trust no. I , Vitebsk exceptia sumelor (Belarus) provizori i.

10 % aplicate la Devizu l de cheltuieli, cuprinzand Itemul 6 ,,Dayworks'', dar cu

2. LLC Automagistral - Pivden

32.639.166, 18 Euro exceptia sumelor

Da (Ucraina) provizorii, astfel lncat

valoarea contractu lui con tituind

29. 675.249, 56 Euro

3. China Railway 19th Bureau

40.992.786, 02 Euro NIA Da Group Co., Ltd. (China)

Akkord Industry Construction 4. Investment Corporation OJSC 35.492.274, 90 Euro NIA Da


N ota: Conform paragr.21 ,,Depunerea, Sigilarea ~i Marcarea Ofertei", Sectiunea I, Instructiuni pentru Ofertanti, a Documentelor de Licitatie, ,, plicurile trebuie sti fie marcate corespunztitor

ca ,, Original " .)i ,, Copie Originalti ". In conformitate cu paragr. 20 ,,Formatarea ~i Semnarea Ofertei, Sectiunea II, Tender Data Sheet, a documentelor de Licitatie, ,, Oferta trebuie sti fie

depusti fn original .Ji 1 copie, (pe CD sau p e stick) fiecare plic sti fie sigilat separat, iar

plicurile trebuie incluse fntr-un singur pachet sigilat ''.

2 din 3

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Proces-Verbal nr. RSP/W I0-0 1/02/20 18 al ~edinte i Comitetului de Evaluare Nr. 13/20 18

S-a hotarat:

1. A desemna Grupul de Experti 1n urmatoarea componenta: , 1n vederea evaluarii ~i compariirii Ofertelor;

2. A intocmi Raportul de Evaluare a Ofertelor ~ i Recomandari de Atribuire a Contractelor, pentru a fi prezentat Comitetului de Evaluare spre aprobare.




lurie PASA




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2. Minutes of the Evaluation Committee No. RSP/W10-01/02/2018

(translated version)

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MINUTES NO. RSP/W10-01/02/2018

April 27, 2018 Chisinau

Evaluation Committee is appointed by the Order No. 8 dated 06.02.2015 issued by the Minister of

Transport and Roads Infrastructure (MTRI), present as follow:

Chairman of the board:

Radu ROGOVEI – Head of transport infrastructure Department, Ministry of Economy and


Deputy Chairman of the Committee:

Gheorghe CURMEI – General director, State Road Administration.


Serghei POLISCIUC – Deputy director, State Road Administration.


Ion DRUCEC – Deputy director, State Road Administration;

Iurie PAȘA - Deputy director, State Road Administration.


Ion JOSAN – Procurement Specialist, Roughton International Ltd;

Diana LUPU – Chief of Legal Section, State Road Administration.


Public Tender Opening

Rehabilitation of M3 Chisinau-Giurgiulesti road,

km 96+800 – km 171+290 and km 179+650 – km 190+750

under the Contract RSP/W10/01

Following the launch of the public Tender No. RSP/2017/OT/W10/01 and publication of Invitation for

Tenders, 36 companies (Annex no. 5) have expressed their interest to participate in the tendering

procedure, consequently, they have been sent the Tender Documents.

On April 27, 2018, 14:15, (local time), at S.E. State Road Administration headquarters, the Opening of

the Tenders submitted before the established deadline, i.e. 14:00 pm (local time), has been held.

The secretary of the Evaluation Committee, has presented the members of the Evaluation Committee,

specified the purpose of the session and mentioned that the tendering procedure is carried out in

accordance with the EBRD's Procurement Policies and Rules (PP&R), ed. revised in October, 2014.

By the deadline set for submission of Tenders, the companies interested in the tendering procedure,

have requested clarifying questions regarding the Tender Documents. SRA responded to those

clarifications, publishing them on the official web page of SE "State Road Administration"

www.asd.md, and sending them to prospective tenderers by email.

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Minutes no. RSP/W10-01/02/2018 of the Evaluation Committee Session No. 13/2018


Opening of the Tenders

The SRA’s representatives opened the Tenders submitted before the deadline, in the presence of the

Evaluation Committee members, invitees and Tenderer’s representatives, based on registration

numbers given to tenderers, in order in which they have been received.

Modifications and withdrawals of Tenders before opening of the Tenders have not been registered.

The Tender Opening Checklists, containing such information as the Tender’s prices, offered

discounts, Tender Securities, etc., are filled in and thereafter signed both by the SRA’s representative

and the tenderer’s representatives (refer to the Annexes no. 1 and 4). The presence of tenderer’s

representatives is also recorded in a separate register of attendance signed by them (Annex no.3).

Prices of Tenders received by the deadline, the offered discounts and the presence or absence of the

Tender Security are indicated in the table below:

Note: According to para.21, Submission, Sealing and Marking of Tenders of the Part 1 – Section I,

Instructions to Tenderers, of Tender Documents, „The envelopes shall be duly marked as

“ORIGINAL” and “ORIGINAL COPY”. In accordance with para 20, Format and Signing of Tender, of

the Section II: Tender Data Sheet of Tender Documents, „ In addition to the original version of the

tender, the number of copies required is: 1 (one) hard copy and one electronic copy of the tender on a

CD or another media holder (e.g. memory sticks), enclosed with the original tender in the same sealed


The Evaluation Committee has decided:

1. To appoint the Group of Experts in the following composition:

, in order to evaluate the Tenders;

Tenderer / Country

Tender Price and Discount (EURO) Tender


e (Yes/No)


Tender Price Discount


Open Joint Stock Company

Construction mounting trust no.8 and

Open Joint Stock Company Road

Construction Trust no.1 Vitebsk

(Republic of Belarus)

42.429.020, 17 Euro

6% to be applied to the

Total Works (without

TVA) of Bill of Quantities

except for the Provisional



2. LLC Automagistral – Pivden (Ukraine) 32.639.166, 18 Euro

10 % to be applied to all

Bills in the Bill of

Quantities including

Dayworks but excluding

Provisional Sum for

Contingencies, so total

amount of Contract is

29. 675.249, 56 Euro



China Railway 19th Bureau Group

Co., Ltd. (China) 40.992.786, 02 Euro N/A Yes


Akkord Industry Construction

Invstment Corporation OJSC


35.492.274, 90 Euro N/A Yes


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Minutes no. RSP/W10-01/02/2018 of the Evaluation Committee Session No. 13/2018


2. To prepare the Tender Evaluation Report and Recommendations for Award of Contracts, that

will be subsequently submitted to the Evaluation Committee for approval.




Iurie PAȘA



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3. Annex No. 1

Tender Submission Register

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4. Annex No.2

Register of Late Tenderers

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5. Annex No. 3

Register of Attendance

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Annex no. 3


Contract RSPIW10101: Rehabilitation of M3 Chisinau-Giurgiulesti road, km 96+800- km 171+290 and km 179+650 - km 190+750

' No. ·"




4. . t
















Public Tender Opening held on April 27, 2018 at State Road Administration, 4th floor, Room 400, Bucuriei 12A str. ,Chisinau, MD- 2004, Republic of Moldova

Name of Tenderer Contract No. Name of Tenderer's Signature of

' . Representative Repres~ta~s

ftt<.~~ /~/e '?/fc fS r u h/IJ/ /!1rsf l/;ck~~ or-- I

jt!Q::vr-o\ "1ccc. Dd'S'~ f2_S P w-10/0 4 ~J..L.t/~ OJff )DU£-e.L~

~fu~£<fij I~ #KJ~. fl+J' P ;)(Sf w 10 / o ( ..4) r .... ~10\_

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WI / f'D . ~ffe 1ff?A/ t?f W~/M Va &f/!f~ ~[/1-b /I ,.,.;;; ~u~V '7P;;_l'~~

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SRA'S REPRESENTATIVE Name: l e,, ,,,'f,--,.A~, '[!;,1..L<>- Signature: ,b,/~ T 1 4 -·

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6. Annex No. 4

Tender Opening Checklist

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In accordance with ITT 25.4, Tender Opening, of the Part I - Section I: Instructions to Tenderers of the Tender Documents: The omission of a Tenderer's signature on the record shall not invalidate the contents and effect of the record.


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7. Annex No. 5

Register of Potential Tenderers who have requested Tender Documents.

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