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  • 7/31/2019 Puesta a Tierra y Drives



    Effect of Adjustable-Speed Drives on the Operationof Low-Voltage Ground-Fault Indicators

    Gary L. Skibinski, Barry M. Wood, Senior Member, IEEE, John J. Nichols, Member, IEEE, andLouis A. Barrios, Senior Member, IEEE

    AbstractOver the years, the petroleum and chemical industryhas found increasing favor with 60-Hz low-voltage ( 600 Vac)power systems that utilize a high-resistance grounded (HRG)neutral philosophy. Historically, the older generation of ad-

    justable-speed drives (ASDs) had little or no effect on the normaloperation of ground-fault indicators (GFIs) used with the installedHRG systems. This paper focuses its investigation into nuisanceGFI alarms that may occur when present-generation ASDs areretrofitted into the existing plant. The paper first reviews possibleneutral grounding systems, with emphasis on the types of HRGsystems possible and GFI alarm philosophy. The paper then dis-cusses how ASDs may generate zero-sequence high-frequency noisecurrents in the HRG neutral circuit, which may cause nuisanceground-fault alarms and potentially mask a legitimate groundfault. GFI noise current magnitude is defined for both presentand older ASD technologies (e.g., insulated gate bipolar transistorversus bipolar junction transistor drives). The effect this transientzero-sequence noise current magnitude has on GFI operation isdescribed. Mitigationmethodsused at thedriveto reduceASD noisecurrent magnitude to acceptable nonalarm levels is investigated.Filter solutionslocated at the HRG/GFI meter that reduce nuisancealarms are also investigated. The pros and cons of at the drive or atthe meter filter solutions are supported with laboratory and fieldtest data. Application guidelines are given to help avoid nuisanceproblems with a plant ground-fault protection scheme, whichneeds to successfully operate in the presence of multiple ASDs.

    Index TermsAdjustable-speed drives, common-mode noise,electromagnetic interference filters, ground-fault indicators, high-

    resistance neutral ground, pulsewidth modulation, zero-sequencecurrent.


    A. System Grounding Philosophy

    SYSTEM grounding philosophy for process industry ap-

    plications is based on providing safe and reliable power

    distribution, while insuring maximum protection against

    Paper PID 002, presented at the 1999 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical In-

    dustry Technical Conference, San Diego, CA, September 1315, and approvedfor publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by thePetroleum and Chemical Industry Committee of the IEEE Industry ApplicationsSociety. Manuscript submitted for review September 15, 1999 and released forpublication June 5, 2001.

    G. L. Skibinski is with Standard Drives, Rockwell AutomationAllen-Bradley Company, Inc.,Mequon, WI 53092 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

    B. M. Wood is with Chevron Research and Technology Company, Richmond,CA 94802 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

    J. J. Nichols is with the Wood River Refinery, Tosco Refining Company,Roxana, IL 62084 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

    L. A. Barrios is with Equilon Technology, Houston, TX 77082-3101 USA(e-mail: [email protected]).

    Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-9994(01)08316-5.

    Fig. 1. Typical neutral grounding systems.

    transient voltages and maintaining uptime availability during

    ground faults [1].

    An advantage of the ungrounded system of Fig. 1 is that a

    single line-to-ground fault does not require immediate inter-

    ruption of power flow. A disadvantage is that primary line-to-

    groundvoltage transients arepassed to the secondarywithout at-

    tenuation. Impulse testing of a transformer with an ungrounded

    neutral shows a 2000-V-peak 1.2 s/50 s impulse test applied

    line to ground on the transformer primary is virtually unatten-

    uated line to ground on the secondary side. Another disadvan-

    tage is that neutral point is capacitively coupled to ground,

    allowing voltage to float toward the line voltage during tran-

    sients and overstress the line-to-neutral insulation system. The

    principal problem with an ungrounded neutral system is that an

    arcing ground fault can cause escalation of the system line-to-

    ground voltages to several times normal line-to-ground voltage.

    This occurs as the arcing fault alternatively extinguishes and

    reestablishes itself, successively trapping a higher charge on thesystem shunt capacitance each time. This causes displacement

    of thesystem neutral, which is only connected to ground through

    the shunt capacitance, to a voltage that is several times normal

    line-to-ground voltage. Voltages to ground which are sufficient

    to cause insulation failures, especially in motors, are very pos-

    sible [2].

    An advantage of grounded wye systems in Fig. 1 is a

    5 : 1 10 : 1 attenuation of transformer primary line-to-ground

    voltage transients. Impulse testing of a transformer with a

    grounded neutral shows a 2000-V-peak 1.2 s/50 s impulse

    00939994/01$10.00 2001 IEEE

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    test applied line-to-ground on the transformer primary had only

    a 200-V-peak line-to-ground voltage on the secondary side.

    Also, an neutral solidly connected to earth ground potential

    reduces the possibility of overstressing line to neutral insula-

    tion. A disadvantage is that a line-to-ground fault will interrupt

    power to the process line. With a solidly grounded neutral

    system, the problem with line-to-ground voltage escalation due

    to an arcing ground fault is eliminated, since the neutral is heldto ground potential. However, the disadvantage is that a ground

    fault must now be immediately interrupted due to the higher

    ground fault current. The load being supplied by this circuit is

    immediately shut down without warning. The higher ground

    fault current also has the possibility to inflict more damage due

    to the higher energy to be dissipated. Other circuits may also be

    disrupted due to the severe voltage drop caused by the higher

    fault current.

    The high-resistance grounded (HRG) system of Fig. 1 adds

    sufficient neutral-to-ground resistance to limit the ground-fault

    current to a value greater than or equal to the system capacitive

    charging current, which is normally in the range of 15 A.

    Although the neutral is not held at earth ground potential as

    with the solidly grounded system, this value of resistance will

    limit the voltages to ground during an arcing ground fault to

    levels sufficiently low to avoid insulation failures. Secondary

    attenuation of primary line-to-ground voltage transients de-

    pends on the resistor value chosen, which is outside the scope

    of this paper. The largest advantage of the high-resistance

    neutral grounding method is that a line-to-ground fault does

    not require immediate shutdown of the affected equipment.

    When the ground-fault alarm is initiated, an orderly shutdown

    of the affected equipment can be organized within a reasonable

    amount of time period, usually 24 h. The ground fault still must

    be given attention, to avoid escalation into a higher magnitudephase-to-phase fault if another ground fault should occur on a

    different phase.

    A detriment of HRG systems is additional equipment cost

    over a solidly grounded or ungrounded system. The fault on an

    HRG system may be more difficult to locate than on a solidly

    grounded system because there is usually minimal damage and

    the individual affected circuit is not automatically isolated by

    circuit breaker or fuse action. The HRG system usually has a

    current pulsing scheme to enable tracking down the fault with

    a clamp-on ammeter. However, due to the benefits of providing

    for continuous operation, minimum ground-fault damage, and

    avoiding voltage escalation during ground faults, the HRG

    system, used in conjunction with a ground-fault indicator (GFI)meter, has become the standard practice in the petrochemical

    process industry.

    B. GFI Alarm Philosophy

    Voltage-sensing and current-sensing GFI schemes are shown

    in Fig. 2. In voltage-sensing GFIs, voltage across -to-ground

    is sensed with a high-impedance voltmeter. The high input

    impedance of the GFI meter insures the desired ground-fault

    current trip point is not desensitized by a parallel current path

    through the meter.

    (a) (b) (c)

    Fig. 2. Ground-fault detection schemes with HRG/GFI systems. (a) Voltagesensing. (b) Current sensing. (c) GFI sensing ungrounded system.

    In the Fig. 2 current-sensing GFI scheme, current through the

    grounding resistor passes through a current transformer (CT)

    and is sensed by a low-impedance ammeter on the CT sec-

    ondary. The low input impedance of the GFI ammeter insures

    essentially allof -to-groundvoltage is across the resistor and

    not the meter, so that the desired ground fault current trip pointis not desensitized.

    Various GFI alarm philosophies exist for both GFI schemes.

    Maximum rms fault current ( ) is typically sized for 15 A

    and is defined by ( ). is the neutral grounding re-

    sistor and is rated rms line-to-neutral voltage. Maximum

    voltage across to groundis , which is 277 V on a 480-V

    system. In general, it is desirable to set an alarm trip point as

    low as possible without nuisance tripping.

    In a balanced three-phase system withoutASDs, neutral

    voltage is theoretically near zero potential, so a GFI voltmeter

    would normally read 0 V and a GFI ammeter scheme would

    read 0 A. A relatively low GFI alarm level ( 10% of the max-

    imum voltage or current value) is desirable to provide sensi-tive ground-fault detection, especially for wye-connected loads

    where a failure near the neutral point results in relatively little

    fault current. In practice, line-to-ground 60-Hz capacitive cable

    charging current, 60-Hz nonlinear loads such as transformer

    magnetizing current or fluorescent lighting ballasts wired line

    to ground, and unbalanced loads may exist. These parasitics are

    discernible on most voltmeters. As a result, a minimum prac-

    tical voltage trip point is usually in the 10-V range. GFI volt-

    meters usually contain high-frequency filters or time delays to

    prevent false alarms during normal system transients that occur,

    e.g., across the line motor starting. A GFI ammeter approach

    is somewhat less sensitive in that neutral current for a typicaland 10-V -to-ground voltage is barely seen

    on the 05-A scale of the GFI. Historically, a minimum pickup

    setting of 10% of maximum voltage or current has proven sat-

    isfactory for most applications.

    In a balanced three-phase system with ASDs, neutral

    voltage is not close to zero potential, so nuisance alarms and

    masking of legitimate faults on existing standard HRG and GFI

    system is possible. This paper discusses how ASDs generate

    transient zero-sequence current, which, in turn, creates a

    nonzero voltage at the GFI. The effect the ASD transient

    noise current has on GFI and methods to mitigate the effect of

    this noise source on existing HRG systems are described.

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    Fig. 6. Expanded voltage and charging current at kHz (0at offset 3 div; 50 s/div; 2 A/div; 100 V/div).

    current waveform is the combined zero-sequence or CM line-to-

    ground current from all ASD phases. The 8-Apk current

    spike of Fig. 6 is typical of systems using solidly grounded

    transformers. Exact calculation of magnitude is discussed

    in [4]. Although kHz in Fig. 6, the current spike repe-

    tition rate into the ground circuit is closer to 20 kHz, because

    every phase switching contributes line-to-ground current tran-

    sients. Thus, the repetition rate is estimated as .

    B. Zero-Sequence Current of Past-Generation BJT Drives

    Previous-generation ASDs used BJT semiconductors withrise/fall times of 12 s. For the same system capacitance,magnitude is lower than in IGBT drives because of thelower output . Also, BJT drives had a maximum of 750Hz1.5 kHz. Thus, reduced current and lower explainswhy there were fewer problems of nuisance GFI alarms withpast-generation drives.


    System grounding philosophy affects the ASD tran-sient zero-sequence current magnitude and circuit path. Theungrounded system of Fig. 1 breaks the return path backto the ASD in Fig. 3. Thus, and CM noise voltage(e.g., ) developed across the ground grid of Fig. 3 doesnot exist. The grounded wye system of Fig. 3 detrimentallycompletes a transient zero-sequence noise current return pathas previously discussed. current is highest with groundedsystems. However, the current is contained totally withinthe transformers solidly grounded neutral ( ) and secondarycircuit. zero-sequence current cannot flow into the trans-former primary circuit of Fig. 3. Thus, the benefit of a solidly

    grounded transformer of Fig. 3 is that it controls the returnpath to the ASD and insures that other sensitive equipment orplant HRG unit connected on the primary side are not affected.

    An HRG system has 55277 (15 A) in series with thezero-sequence noise current return path which significantly re-duces peak current. Thus, CM voltage differences acrossthe ground grid are smaller than with solidly grounded systems.The bottom trace of Fig. 7 shows that in a balanced three-phasesystem with the ASDs off, the neutral point voltage at isclose to zero potential. The top trace of Fig. 7 shows that in a bal-anced three-phase system with ASDs operating, the neutralpoint voltage is not close to zero potential, which is due to theASD zero-sequence current developing a transient voltage

    Fig. 7. Voltage across with ASD operating at kHz and with ASDoff. Top trace: with ASD operating (0 level at offset 4, 50 V/div, 1 ms/div).Bottom trace: with ASD off (0 level at offset 1, 50 V/div, 1 ms/div).

    across the high resistance in to ground. The GFI meter usu-ally has insufficient filter action to prevent false alarms duringthe voltage spike intervals induced by ASD transients. As aresult, the initial desired GFI alarm/trip point must be substan-tially increased to prevent false or nuisance trips. Consider the

    single ASD operating waveform of the top trace of Fig. 7 whichcontains a high-frequency rms voltage of 45 Vrms and voltagespikes up to 175 Vpk across . It is unclear where the GFIalarm must be set. The problem is that the GFI set point mayhave to be so high that it cannot reliably detect a ground faultwhen theASDs areoperating. Also, unlessprecautionsare takenin rating the neutral grounding resistor, the power dissipation ofthe ASD high-frequency component in the resistor may exceedthe power rating, especially when combined with the added fun-damental frequency component during a ground fault.


    There are a few methods that minimize, but may not elim-inate, ASD zero-sequence current and its effect on the ASD-generated voltage developed across the neutral grounding re-sistor.

    Lower the carrier frequency . Reduce the number of ASDs on a system transformer. Operate the ASD closer to 60 Hz. Add CM chokes to drive output. Add output line reactor. Add an electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter to ASD

    input. Add CM capacitors to each ASD dc bus. Investigate lighting surge capacitors in plant.

    Use shielded or armor cable. Use a drive isolation transformer.

    Lowering the carrier frequency to the minimum allowablevalue (typically 2 kHz) will increase the time between tran-sient current spikes in Figs. 6 and the top trace of 7, sothat the GFI meter responds to a lower effective RMS noisevoltage. Section VII-D test results of a single ASD drive showthe ASD-generated voltage read on the GFI meter is 1/41/6lower at kHz as compared to 6 kHz.

    Decreasing the number of ASDs on a transformer is imprac-tical and may not reduce the -to-ground voltage to accept-able GFI levels. The GFI meter readout obtained under singledrive operation may not necessarily increase as the number of

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    Fig. 11. Input impedance and phase angle versus frequency of GFI voltmeter.

    The above methods attempted to reduce the ASD zero-se-quence current in the -to-ground circuit, so that groundresistor voltage is reduced and lower GFI alarm set points areallowed. Each method has a performance versus cost expense

    associated with it that must be evaluated. The following sec-tions investigate allowing system ASD current to flow, butsolving the GFI readout problem with filtering at the GFI meter.


    Prior to designing a high-frequency zero-sequence noise filterbetween the HRG and GFI, it is necessary to characterize thefrequency response of the respective GFIs.

    A. Characterization of Voltage-Sensing GFI

    Fig. 11 plots input impedance versus. frequency of a typ-ical GFI voltmeter shown in Fig. 2(a). The meter looks like asimple lag filter with 60-Hz impedance of 620 k and cornercutoff frequency of 20 kHz. Meter input impedance at 60 Hz ishigh, as compared to , and avoids desensitizing the 60-Hzground-fault alarm set point. The 20-kHz corner frequency im-plies an 8- s filter time constant. Thus, some filtering of the

    rise-time component exists, but the ASD zero-sequencevoltage at willoverloadthe meter, causing GFI readoutproblems.

    B. Characterization of Current-Sensing GFI

    Frequency response of a typical current-sensing GFI systemof Fig. 2(b) was evaluated at a field site. System voltage was

    480 Vac. was rated at 130 so that 60-Hz ground-faultcurrent was limited to 2 Arms. The CT had a unity primary-to-secondary ratio (5 A : 5 A) and fed a digital GFI with a 1-A alarmsetting and 3-s delay. The GFI digital meter read 0 A, evenwith 15 PWM IGBT ac drives powered on the feed transformer.

    Fig. 12 shows an ASD-induced 75-Vpk voltage developedacross the neutral grounding resistor (0.5 Apk in CT primary),while the CT secondary response read zero current. The CT ironlamination thickness, chosen for 60-Hz frequency, could not re-spond to the high-frequency ASD transient current.

    Thus, some GFI current-sensing schemes may inadver-tently solve the GFI readout problem under ASD operation bytheir inherent high-frequency rejection characteristics.



    Fig. 12. Neutral grounding resistor voltage and CT secondary current ofcurrent-sensing GFI system measured at field site with multiple PWM IGBTdrives operating between 3060 Hz with kHz. (a) Voltage acrossneutral grounding resistor (0 at offset 5, 25 V/div). Time scale: 200 s/div.(b) CT secondary current (0 at offset 2, 0.2 A/div). Time scale: 2 ms/div.

    Fig. 13. GFI meter plus high-frequency bypass capacitor.


    The advantages and disadvantages of the following solutions

    used at the GFI meter location to reduce the effect of zero-se-

    quence voltage are discussed:

    high-frequency bypass capacitor across grounding resistor

    and GFI meter;

    low-pass filter between grounding resistor and GFI


    impedance-buffered filter between grounding re-

    sistor and GFI meter.

    Fig. 13 shows a high-frequency bypass capacitor placed in

    parallel with the grounding resistor and GFI meter. There is a

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    Fig. 16. (a) Top trace: applied 60Hz voltage across HILO filter input

    terminals; middle trace: voltage across terminals ; bottom trace:voltage across terminals . (b) Applied 60-Hz voltage across filterinput terminals HILO and filter output terminals HILO.


    A. Conceptual Design of the Filter

    The input section of Fig. 15 consists of a voltage step-downautotransformer . A standard 480-V/120-V control trans-former is reconnected as an autotransformer with a 5 : 1 ratio.Fig. 16(a) shows 60-Hz voltage applied to the filter inputterminals, with 80% of the input voltage across ofand 20% across of .

    Voltage across is applied to a low-pass filter sectionconsisting of , , and . Low-voltage capacitor and inductorcomponents rated for 600 Vac may handle much higher tran-sient voltages across the grounding resistor because of 1 : 5step-down ratio. Transformer provides impedance bufferingand is critical in determining the low-pass . Low-pass sectioncomponents along with the parameters set a cutoff frequency

    Hz. Filter inputoutput attenuation follows the stan-dard 40 dB per decade past .

    Capacitor voltage is applied to voltage step-up auto-transformer , which is a standard 120-V/480-V controltransformer reconnected as an autotransformer with a 1 : 5ratio. Transformer also acts as an impedance buffer, in case

    the output terminals are shorted together.Fig. 16(b) shows there is no input-to-output attenuation ofthe 60-Hz component through the filter. Voltage applied to theHILO filter input terminals is stepped downed, passed throughthe low-pass section, and stepped up back to the original inputvoltage magnitude at the filter output terminals HILO. Thesealed filter box physical dimension is 9 in 6 in 4 in andmay be placed at the HRG location.

    B. Filter InputOutput Attenuation Versus Frequency

    Fig. 17 is a plot of filter input-to-outputattenuation versus fre-quency. Fundamental frequencies between 0100 Hz are not at-tenuated. Attenuation of ( ) 40 dB per decade exists beyond the

    Fig. 17. Measured inputoutput attenuation of GFI filter versus frequency.

    Fig. 18. Measured input impedance magnitude and phase angle versusfrequency of the impedance-buffered low-pass GFI filter.

    95-Hz cutoff frequency up to 1000 Hz. Third harmonic (180 Hz)voltage in the transformer neutral is attenuated by ( ) 14 dB, ifit exists.

    Attenuation greater than ( ) 40 dB/decade occurs forfrequencies 1000 Hz due to high-frequency skin effects,substantially increasing the ac resistance of the inductor andtransformer coils. The ambient noise floor [( ) 85 dB] isreached at 620 kHz. At 20 kHz and greater frequencies,the inductance of the iron components is reduced to air corevalues. A high-frequency magnetic skin-effect phenomenonreduces the effective permeability of the iron lamination to thepermeability of air. Beyond 20 kHz, the gradual decrease inattenuation versus frequency is due to parasitic winding ca-pacitance of the magnetic components becoming predominantalong with the coil skin-effect ac resistance. The followingdiscussion identifies the critical ASD noise frequencies, which

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    Fig. 19. (a) Single 2-hp ASD operating at kHz, Hz, 30-ftcable. Top trace: -to-ground voltage (0 level at offset 4, 50 V/div, 1ms/div); bottom trace: filter output (0 level at offset 1, 50 V/div, 1 ms/div).(b) Time scale expansion of (a) but at 50 s/div.

    need to be attenuated by the filter before entering the GFImeter. Corresponding filter attenuation at these frequencies is

    obtained from Fig. 17. Conversion of decibel-to-attenuationratio may be done using .

    The predominant frequency of ASD-induced voltage acrossthe grounding resistor that corrupts the GFI readout is the carrierfrequency and frequency components of Fig. 6. Re-sults ofFig. 17show a 80-dB to 85-dB reduction (1: 17800)and total removal of these components prior to the GFI meterconnection.

    A second ASD frequency component developed across thegrounding resistor is that due to the IGBT 50200-ns rise timesshown in Fig. 4. Equivalent frequency ( ) relative to rise timeis obtained from Fourier analysis of the PWM pulse and definedby . The 6.41.2 MHz frequencies are

    Fig. 20. Single ASD operating in laboratory at kHz, Hzwith 0.05 F added line to ground on drive outputs. Top trace: -to-groundvoltage (0level at offset 4, 250 V/div, 200 s/div); bottom trace: Filter output(0 level at offset 1, 50 V/div, 200 s/div).



    also greatly attenuated by the filter at ( ) 40 dB to ( ) 50 dBfrom Fig. 17 and verified Section VII-D.

    A third ASD frequency component developed across the

    grounding resistor is that due to a 100400-kHz oscillationfollowing the IGBT rise time of Fig. 8. These components arealso greatly attenuated by the filter at ( ) 60 dB to ( ) 70 dBfrom Fig. 17 and verified in Section VII-D.

    Thus, the impedance buffered low pass filter is effective inremoving ASD frequency components that might corrupt andfalsely trigger a GFI alarm. It also protects the GFI meter fromtransient voltages that might occur in the system.

    C. Input Impedance of the GFI Filter

    The filter 0100-Hz input impedance value is critical whenaccurate ground fault detection is required. Fig. 18 is a plot ofmeasured input impedance and phase angle with the filter output

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    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    Fig. 21. Waveforms at Field Refinery Site #1a with No Filter Solution and a High-Frequency Bypass Capacitor Solution across the HRG for an ASD operatingat kHz and Hz. (a) -to-ground voltage with No Filter Solution. (b) -to-ground voltage using 13- F Bypass Filter Cap Solution acrossHRG. (c) Spectrum of No Filter Solution (a) showing 52 Vrms at a fundamental frequency content of 2 kHz and 2-kHz harmonics. (d) Spectrum of Bypass FilterCap Solution (b) showing 5 Vrms at a fundamental frequency content of 2 kHz and 2-kHz harmonics.

    terminals open circuited and short circuited. The open-circuitcase simulates operation with the GFI meters 620-k inputimpedance. The filter 60-Hz input impedance with its outputopen circuited is 4296 . The 60-Hz ground-fault currentcomponent, when it exists, will divide between the groundingresistor and filter input impedance. The GFI trip level is onlydesensitized by 6% and is an improvement as compared to otherfilters discussed. The 20-kHz resonant point in Fig. 18 is where

    the filter-input impedance is maximum. Beyond 20 kHz, inputimpedancedropsand input phase angle becomes negative, duetocapacitive effects in the windings of the magnetic components.

    The filter input impedance does not change much with theoutput terminalsshort circuited, so that there are no large currentinrushes into the filter when there is an accidental short circuiton the GFI meter terminals.

    D. Laboratory Test Results of Impedance-Buffered

    Low-Pass Filter

    A single 480-V 2-hp ASD was connected to an input HRGtransformer with and to a motor with 30 ft of unshielded cable. The GFI voltmeter reading was recorded for

    ASD operation at 5, 30, and 60 Hz and with two carrierfrequencies settings of kHz and kHz. Tests wererepeated with an 8- F Bypass Capacitor Filter of Fig. 13 andImpedance-Buffered Low-Pass Filterof Fig. 15 connected to theGFI meter.

    Table I results show that with no filter solution, the false GFIreadings increase with higher carrier frequency and tend to de-crease with increasing ASD output frequency. GFI readings aregenerally 20 V for this single drive application with a low-ca-pacitance cable of short length. Both filter circuits of Fig. 13and Fig. 15 functioned properly when connected, in that theyallowed the GFI meter to accurately read the desired 60-Hzzero-voltage value.

    Fig. 7 shows the input waveform to Fig. 15 filter for the cor-responding test conditions described and the ASD operating at

    kHz, and Hz. Filter output voltage recordedwas 0 V. Fig. 19(a) shows the Fig. 15 filter input and filteroutput voltage waveforms for the ASD now operating atkHz, and Hz. Fig. 19 shows that the grounding resistorvoltage peaks are lower at the higher fundamental output fre-quencies. Filter output voltage at the desired zero-voltage value

    is still achieved under this operating condition. Fig. 19(b) is atime-scale expansion of Fig. 19(a) showing the step-like modu-lation voltage across the neutral grounding resistor.

    The next test condition attempted to simulate the appreciablecable line-to-ground capacitance of a long shielded or armorcable or a motor with a large line-to-ground capacitance. Thiswas accomplished by adding 0.05- F CM capacitors on eachASD output between line and ground. The results of Table Ishow large erroneous readings when the GFI meter is used alonewith no filter solution. Table I shows that ASD operation at lowfundamental output frequency is the worst case, as well as ASDoperation at higher carrier frequency.

    The 8- F Bypass Capacitor Filter circuit reduces the worst

    case 220-V GFI reading down to 20 V in Table I, but did notreduce it to zero. This suggests that this circuit is probably bestsuited for single drive operation with short cables and is subjectto system analysis for every drive application condition.

    The Impedance-Buffered Low-Pass Filter circuit reduces theworst case 220-V GFI reading down to the desired 0-V valuefor any ASD operating condition and provides both a technicaland cost-effective filter solution. Fig. 20 shows input and outputfilter waveforms with the CM output capacitors added. Thehigher ASD output capacitance changes the -to-groundvoltage waveform as compared to Fig. 19(b). It is seen that the

    -to-groundvoltage in Fig. 20 does not fully decay to zero be-fore the next switching instant. Peak-to-peak voltage excursions

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    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)


    Fig. 22. Waveforms at Field Refinery Site #2 with no solution, a GFI filter solution, and a solidly grounded drive isolation transformer solution applied. (a)Line-to-line output voltage of 200-hp ASD (500 V/div, 2 ms/div). Zero-sequence current at ASD output (10 A/div, 2 ms/div). (b) -to-ground voltage with

    No Solution showing 150-Vpk spikes and step-like modulation (50 V/div, 200 s/div). (c) GFI voltage with Impedance-Buffered Low-Pass Filter Solution (10V/div, 10 ms/div). (d) -to-ground current in the ASD isolation transformer when a Drive Isolation Transformer Solution is added to the plant (10 A/div, 50

    s/div). (e) GFI voltage across the HRG unit of the main plant transformer when a Drive Isolation Transformer Solution is applied (50 V/div, 200 s/div).

    onthe transformer neutral -to-groundvoltage can swingfrom( ) 750 Vpk to ( ) 750 Vpk depending on system conditions.

    The GFI filter of Fig. 15 attenuates these repetitive high-fre-quency high-magnitude spike voltages and correctly outputs azero-voltage value to the GFI meter. The filter output waveformin Fig. 20, with the added CM capacitors, show a small 5-V peakspike that decayed to zero in 10 s. The 8- s filter time constantintheGFImetercaneffectivelyhandlethis5-Vspikeandallowedthe GFI meter to record the desired zero-voltagevalue.


    The GFI voltmeter results taken before and after filter solu-tions were installedare presented. Results were taken at separaterefinery sites during running of the standard process line.

    Field Site #1a): This is a 480-V HRG unit of 300 installedon a 750-kVA transformer which supplied a single 200-hp ASD

    and other fixed-speed loads. The ASD was connected to themotor with 600 feet of 600 V, nonshielded continuous weldedarmor cable. ASD operation was at kHz and5060 Hz.

    Field Site #1b): This is a 480-V HRG unit of 304 installedon a 1-MVA transformer with a total bus loading of 400 A. Two25-hp ASDs with output line reactors were installed and con-nected to a motor with 700 ft of continuous welded armor cable.ASD operation was at kHz and Hz.

    Field Site #2): This is a 480-V HRG unit of 250 installedon a 1-MVA main transformer which supplied a single 200-hpASD and other plant fixed-speed motor loads. The ASD wasconnected to a motor with 600 ft of three single conductors plus

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    a ground wire which are unshielded and installed in rigid steelconduit. ASD operation was at kHz and 4950 Hz.

    Field Site #3): This is a 480-V HRG unit of 130 installedon a 1.5-MVA transformer with a total bus loading of 40% con-tribution from 15 installed ASDs and 60% from other plantfixed-speed motor loads. The 15 ASDs each had 3% input linereactors and ranged in horsepower from 7.5 to 150 hp. Contin-

    uous welded armor cable was installed on the drive input andoutput with lengths ranging from 100 to 700 ft. ASD operationwas at kHz and 3060 Hz.

    A. Test Results With No Filter Solution

    Field Site #4) had a single 4-kHz IGBT ASD, connected toa motor with armor cable, and operating on a transformer withan HRG unit using No Filter Solution at the GFI meter. Table IIfield results verify the previous laboratory data taken from Sec-tion VII-D and show erroneous GFI voltmeter readings decreasewhen ASD output frequency is increased. Field Site #1) dataalso show a similar trend for and frequency .

    Field Site #1a) -to-ground voltage across the groundingresistor with No Filter Solution applied is shown in Fig. 21(a).The waveform is similar in appearance to the drive outputvoltage waveform of Fig. 6. The ring up voltage on every driveoutput switching step is due to reflected wave interaction ofthe long output cable and motor line-to-ground capacitance.The HRG waveform has a peak voltage of 150 Vpk and a cyclethat repeats at the expected 2-kHz (500 s) carrier frequency.Fig. 21(c) shows the voltage harmonic spectrum taken acrossthe HRG/GFI unit that corresponds to the time window ofFig. 21(a). The 2-kHz 150-Vpk waveform has a fundamentalcomponent of 52 Vrms. This voltage gives false GFI readings.Due to the step-like modulated waveform, the appearance of

    (8 kHz) (12 kHz) harmonics in Fig. 21(c) are also seenas previously discussed in Section II. The long armor cableadds significant line-to-ground capacitance, so that the GFI52-Vrms readout is close to the Table I 60-Hz laborarory dataentry labeled GFI meter alone with CM output capacitors.

    Field Site #2) -to-groundvoltage across the grounding re-sistor with No Filter Solution applied is shown in Fig. 22(b).The waveform is also similar in appearance to the driveoutput voltage waveform of Fig. 6. The HRG waveform alsohas a peak voltage of 150 Vpk and a cycle that repeats at the ex-pected 2-kHz (500 s) carrier frequency. In this case, the largeline-to-ground capacitance of the 200-hp motor is predominantover the smaller cable-to-conduit capacitance in determining the

    neutral voltage waveform.Field Site #3) -to-groundvoltage across the grounding re-

    sistor with No Filter Solution applied is shown in Fig. 12. Thewaveform is notat allsimilarin appearance to previous Field Sitecases.The HRGwaveform, which hadvoltagepeaksto 150Vpk,now has an occasional peak voltage of only 75 Vpk with 25 Vpkbeingmorecommon.Thisisduetotheinstantaneous( ) and ( )peaks of each ASD waveform adding and subtracting in the

    neutral circuit. The instantaneous sum ofall 15 ASD cur-rents tends to reduce the high peak values and create more of awhite noise average waveform at a lower rms value. This is in-teresting effect, since many of the 15 drives investigated hadcurrentsof 25 Apk toground onthe ASD output.



    Fig. 23. Waveform at Field Refinery Site #1b with ASD Output Line ReactorSolution and Impedance-Buffered Low-Pass Filter Solution for a single ASDoperating at kHz and Hz. (a) -to-ground voltage withASD Output Line Reactor Solution installed. (b) Voltage across GFI (output of

    Impedance-Buffered Low-Pass Filter) with ASD Output Line Reactor Solutionand Impedance-Buffered Low-Pass Filter Solution installed.

    B. Solution at GFI Using a High-Frequency Bypass Capacitor

    Field Site #1a) -to-ground voltage across the groundingresistor with a parallel 13- FHigh-FrequencyBypass CapacitorSolution applied is shown in Fig. 21(b). The HRG peak voltageis now reduced by a factor of ten from 150 Vpk withNo Solutionto less than 10 Vpk, with a waveform cycle that repeats at the

    expected 2-kHz carrier frequency. The capacitor addition causesincreased high-frequency noise ringing on every step edgedue to interaction with transformer leakage inductance, cableinductance, or possibly some amount of motor stator leakageinductance. Fig. 21(d) shows the voltage harmonic spectrumtaken across the HRG/GFI unit that corresponds to Fig. 21(b).The 2-kHz 10-Vpk waveform has a fundamental componentof a 5 Vrms, which is an acceptable GFI reading The step-likewaveform with the increased high-frequency ringing leads to the

    to harmonics being higherin magnitude.

    C. Solution at the ASD Using Output Line Reactor

    Field Site #1b) -to-ground voltage across the groundingresistor is shown in Fig. 23(a) when output line reactors wereinstalled and one of the 25-hp ASDs shut off. The waveformis not similar in appearance to the previous No Filter Solutionvoltage waveforms of Fig. 21(a). The line reactor interacts withline-to-ground capacitance to smooth out the waveform. TheHRG waveform has a peak voltage of 20 Vpk. In this case, it isseen that the line reactor can reduce, but not eliminate the ASDinduced -to-ground voltage across the grounding resistor.

    D. Solution at GFI Using Impedance-Buffered Low-Pass Filter

    Field Site #1b) conditions of Fig. 23(a) were modified to in-

    sert an Impedance Buffered Low Pass Filter Solution between

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    has a 180-Hzcomponent voltage that is further amplitude modu-

    lated by a 10-Vpk15-Vpk ( 10 Vrms) component of unknown

    25-Hz30-Hz origin. The corresponding GFI meter reading was

    an acceptable 8 V. Due to the high value of neutral grounding

    resistance, a relatively small amount (50 ma) of 180- and 25-Hz

    harmonic current develops a significant voltage (8 Vrms) across

    the resistor and indicating voltmeter with GFI voltage sensing


    E. Solution at the ASD Using Drive Isolation Transformers

    Field Site #2) was modified per Fig. 10 to insert a solidly

    grounded drive isolation transformer between the 200-hp ASD

    and main plant transformer where the HRG unit is located.

    Fig. 22(a) shows the line-to-line output voltage of the 200-hp

    ASD and the resulting zero-sequence current at every ASD

    output switching instant after the drive isolation transformer

    was installed. Peak currents up to 30 Apk were recorded.

    Fig. 22(d) shows the transient zero-sequence current is

    totally contained within the -to-ground neutral circuit of

    the ASD isolation transformer. Fig. 22(e) shows the resulting

    GFI voltage across the HRG unit of the main plant transformer

    is completely clean. The advantage is it effectively solves

    the problem and keeps ASD zero-sequence high-frequency

    current from the rest of the plant. Also, several drives can share

    one isolation transformer. A disadvantage is cost. Another

    disadvantage is that for the solidly grounded neutral the benefit

    of a high-resistance grounded system is eliminated on the

    transformer output, that is, you have to trip immediately for a

    ground fault.


    The GFI is designed to provide safe and reliable protection

    by sensing and detecting the 60-Hz low-level ground-fault or

    leakage current present in a system. This paper has shown a

    methodology whereby the erroneous GFI readings and nuisance

    false trips/alarms caused by PWM ASDs can be eliminated.

    This was done either by: 1) reducing the high-frequency ASD

    zero-sequence current that occurs at the drive switching fre-

    quency rate; 2) rerouting the high-frequency current away from

    the GFI; 3) desensitizing the GFI to the effect of ASD zero-se-

    quence current with local filters; or 4) changing the GFI to cur-

    rent sensing scheme, which on some models, may have some

    inherent high-frequency filter mechanism. Table III provides asummary guideline of the pros and cons of using no filter and

    applications that require a GFI solution, be it at the drive or at

    the GFI meter location.


    The method and conditions by which an ASD produces a

    high-frequency zero-sequence current which interferes with

    HRG-GFI systems has been described.

    Several corrective measures including different filter arrange-

    ments and an isolation transformer have been investigated. The

    results of these investigations are supported by laboratory and

    field measurements.

    It is always desirable to know when to apply corrective mea-

    sures to avoid a GFI problem up front before the equipment is

    installed, so that the system can be properly designed from the

    beginning rather than finding the problem in the ASD startup

    phase. There is a wide variety of voltage-sensing GFI vendors,

    current-sensing GFI vendors, and ASD vendors. It is difficultto predict when a GFI problem will occur since vendor vari-

    ation must also be considered along with system application

    variations in line-to-ground capacitance with horsepower, cable

    length, cable type, HRG value, pulse rise-time variation, carrier

    frequency, output frequency, line reactor usage, and use of single

    versus multidrive systems. However, from observations made, it

    appears that lower hp drives ( 10 hp) with short output cables

    may not create enough ASD-induced zero-sequence voltage to

    cause GFI problems.

    Having determined when we need to apply a corrective mea-

    sure, we can conclude that a filter can be applied at the GFI

    and the Impedance-Buffered Low-Pass Filter is the most effec-tive filter for voltage-sensing-type GFIs. See Table III for limi-

    tations. We can also conclude that some types of current-sensing

    GFIs may have CTs that act as inherent filter mechanisms to the

    high-frequency components of the zero-sequence current.

    However, if it is desired to avoid ASD-generated zero-se-

    quence currents and voltages from entering other portions of

    the plant electrical system, an isolation transformer connected

    delta-wye grounded can be used and is recommended. See

    Table III for limitations.


    The authors would like to thank J. Sands, J. Ulloa, and P.

    OBrien of Chevron, J. McQuacker and F. Shewchuk of Candor

    Engineering, and J. Mistry, D. Dahl, and H. Jelinek of RA for

    their valuable assistance in arranging for and conducting the

    field measurements, which provided essential data for the de-

    velopment of this paper. Additionally, the authors would like to

    thank L. Berg for his insightful comments and J. Propst for his

    support of the paper.


    [1] J. Nelsonand P. Sen, Highresistance grounding oflow voltage systems:

    A standard for the petroleum and chemical industry, presented at theIEEE PCIC, Philadelphia, PA, Sept. 26, 1996.

    [2] D. Beeman, Industrial Power Systems Handbook. New York: Mc-Graw-Hill, 1955, pp. 286289.

    [3] J. Schaefer, Rectifier Circuits: Theory and Design. New York: Wiley,

    1965, pp. 2730.[4] G. Skibinski, D. Dahl, K. Pierce, R. Freed, and D. Gilbert, Installation

    considerations for multi motor IGBT AC drives & filters used in metalsindustry applications, presented at the IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeting, St.Louis, MO, Oct. 1998.

    [5] E. Bulington and G. Skibinski, Cable alternatives for PWM AC driveapplications, presented at the IEEE PCIC, San Diego, CA, Sept. 26,1999.

    [6] D. Anderson, R. Kerkman, L. Saunders, D. Schlegel, and G. Skibinski,Modern drives application issues and solutions tutorial, presented atthe IEEE PCIC, Philadelphia, PA, Sept. 26, 1996.

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    Gary L. Skibinski received the B.S.E.E. andM.S.E.E. degrees from the University of Wisconsin,Milwaukee, and the Ph.D.degree fromthe Universityof Wisconsin, Madison, in 1976, 1980, and 1992,respectively.

    From 1976 to 1980, he was an Electrical Engineerworking on naval nuclear power at Eaton Corpora-tion. From 1981 to 1985, his work as a Senior ProjectEngineer at Allen-Bradley Company concerned

    servo controllers. During the Ph.D. program, he wasa Consultant for UPS and switch-mode power supplyproducts at R.T.E. Corporation. He is currently a Principal Research Engineerwith Rockwell AutomationAllen-Bradley Company, Inc., Mequon, WI. Hiscurrent interests include power semiconductors, power electronic applications,and high-frequency high-power converter circuits for ac drives.

    Barry M. Wood (M73SM87) received theB.S.E.E. degree from Virginia Polytechnic Instituteand State University, Blacksburg, and the M.S.E.E.degree from the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,PA, in 1972 and 1978, respectively.

    From 1972 through 1977, he was with West-inghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA,as a Power Systems Engineer for the IndustryServices Division. In 1978, he joined McGrawEdison Company, Canonsburg, PA, as a SeniorPower Systems Engineer and, in 1981, he joined

    Electro-Test, Inc., San Ramon, CA, where he held positions of Senior ElectricalEngineer and Supervisory Electrical Engineer. Since 1987, he has been withChevron Corporation, where he is currently a Staff Electrical Engineer withChevron Research and Technology Company, Richmond, CA. His primaryresponsibilities include consulting in the areas of electrical power systems,adjustable-speed drives, motors, and generators.

    Mr. Wood is a Registered Electrical Engineer in the States of California andPennsylvania.

    John J. Nichols (S85M88) received the B.S.E.E.degree from the University of Missouri, Columbia,and the M.S.E.E. degree from the University of Mis-souri, Rolla, in 1988 and 1994, respectively.

    He is currently with the Wood River Refinery,Tosco Refining Company, Roxana, IL, as theElectrical SupervisorTechnical.

    Mr. Nichols is a member of the IEEE Industry Ap-plications Society and a Licensed Professional Engi-

    neer in the State of Illinois.

    Louis A. Barrios (S84M86SM00) received theB.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. degrees from Louisiana TechUniversity, Ruston, in 1987 and 1989, respectively.

    From 1989 to 1998, he was with Shell OilCompany, where he was an Electrical Engineerin petrochemical plants in Louisiana and Illinois.In 1998, he joined Equilon Enterprises, a jointventure between affiliates of Shell Oil Companyand Texaco Inc. Since 1999, he has been withEquilon Technology, Houston, TX, where he iscurrently a Staff Electrical Engineer providing

    electrical consulting services to the petrochemical industry. He is a memberof the American Petroleum Institute Subcommittee on Electrical Equipment,an alternate member on Code Making Panel #1 of the National ElectricalCode, and an alternate member on NFPA 70EStandard for Electrical SafetyRequirements for Employee Workplaces.

    Mr. Barrios is a member of theExecutive Subcommittee of thePetroleum andChemical Industry Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society and aRegistered Electrical Engineer in the State of Louisiana.
