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Pullman herald (Pullman, Wash.) 1918-08-30 [p ]store, factory and bakery, leaving lit-tle carry-over...

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INSURANCE W^f d" 0. O'Shea, president Fed- ,Und Bank. Spokane. Wash.) ia recent years, especially since the __ tor foodstuffs has become d'° \u25a0 ojovements have been inaugu- 'Ted from time to time to extend * rt) e jd to farmers to provide seed f*heat an promote production, and *. appropriation of funds for such „, r poses has been considered by the Clonal congress. Some of the states wre found It necessary to call to- other their legislative assemblies in session to make provisions to head. The need for such aid has been generally recognized, hence it . üBl to some extent at least have ex- Wd./<1?;"' 1 The Plana B«BKested for promoting production and providing seed are Necessarily temporary, and in no way -move the conditions which have Bide such movements necessary. Wheat is the most essential product .four farms, and the development of ill production should not be wholly Speculative. The lands of the west devoted to wheat production cover a large area and are subject to period- ical droughts, destruction by grass- hoppers, hot winds, hailstorms and ether causes for injury or failure over which man can exercise little or no control. The government very prop- erly sets the price at which this es- aotlal and necessary product must be gold, thereby limiting gain that an be made; it is proper to consider if It should not also provide means to limit the loss. The farmer should not need appropriations or gifts, but he may be given reasonable, permanent business protection. He who is will- ing and able to work at a necessary, beneficial and essential calling should be assured some measure of protection against utter ruin and bankruptcy. In many localities iv the north- western states there was a serious trap shortage or total failure, especl- iiy in the grain sections, in 1917. ..ch failure following a severe win- ter, supplemented by advancing trices on all necessaries, brought much hardship and inconvenience, The general advance in prices did not Mnetlt him who failed to secure a trap, while it affected his purchases. The present season began with ex- cellent promise; the farmers in all localities, responding to the call of the nation, made unusual efforts to plant a larger acreage. Many of these farmers were in distress on ac- count of the failure of the former rear and exhausted their resources and credit to plant the largest acre- age that could be had in wheat and other cereals." This has been a sea- ion of unusual weather conditions. There has been excessive heat and hot winds at an earlier date than usu- al. In some localities the heat has htm accompanied by drought and conditions are very menacing for many of the farmers through no fault ol their own. In other localities there hag been considerable rain, and such »!*ces have great promise of "bump- «" crops, which, at prevailing prices, "ill bring them plenty and independ- ence. Those of us who have lived in Mon- '«* since the early territorial days <*& recall in the years past that the question was not to get the crop, but to dispose of it. In the years gone ty the production was invariably un- questioned, but in many seasons the farmer could not secure sufficient Price for his product to pay the W of producing it. Last season and •Ms, In which excellent prices can be r *<J'ly secured, the crop is not to had. The record of precipitation implied by the weather bureau '&owb for the published reports am- Wj Precipitation prior to 1917, ex- iting in small units, the location °' which varied from year to year, This situation should properly **r't attention and consideration, farmer has ever had to contend ( th the elements to secure his crop "the first place, and thereafter, in •Past, If he did secure the crop, he »<> to sell his product in a market he .»M not regulate or control. lt "jould be an established policy to en- "rage me to stay with the farm this 0? the farm: the world needs at "•j tti e the products of the farm ** than it ever has at any period. fa*" are Calls for labor from sh,p " ret* and other industries where the ar. 1.? 18 f°r serv,ce and short hours tion and definite. The produc- iulM?' WhGat is as essential as the Th ding of the bottoms to convey it. t * man who produces wheat lives £ °t« and with social disadvantages let C 2 Pared to workers near manu- *___?** centers- The production of \u25a0 " should not be wholly a specu- not h busln°B8' The elements can *\_T controlled by man, and he 'a has to contest with the elements ****_** Bometh,n * essential and On**?** «hould be assured In some U_f» , * Wa*U re turn at least for his . "\u25a0•• labor and effort. >tH of*" 06' who ,anted •<"•«• acre* 0 wheat this season may hare been Inspired by the hope of profit as well as a desire to meet the na- tional call tor increased wheat, pro- duction. The cost of cropping the ground and the price of seed were much above normal. Where two un- toward seasons occur, even though ia many cases they be the first in a 20- --year period, many will become dis- couraged and others become insolv- ent. The need lor wheat the coming year will doubtless be as great as ii is now. it does not seem reasonable to ex- pect the farmer, under the conditions as recited herein, to continue to take "11 the chances, it is not suggested that he should receive something for nothing, but that a method should .properly be devised for affording him a reasonable protection tor the chances he necessarily has to take when contending with the elements, over which no control can be exer- cised. In past years grain crops in •Montana were seriously menaced by hail, Hail-insurance companies were in business, charging exorbitant rates and at times defaulting in payments. There is now in effect a state hall in- surance law, which is operating suc- cessfully, economically and depend- ably, and affording protection to the farmers who elect to become subject to it. so that in the event of the de- struction of a field of grain by hail they will receive at least more than they have invested in the crop. Some such method should be devised to protect the farmer against other fail- ures. It is not to give him charity or a gift, but to furnish him with In- surance to the end that he will be sure to receive at least what it has cost him to plant the crop plus re- muneration for his labor, in the even) that there be an absolute fail- ure caused by weather conditions over which he could exercise no con- trol. Such insurance should be na- tional. It adopted at once it would bring hope and inspiration to those who are now seriously discouraged, and keep*on the farms many men who otherwise would answer the call of the manufacturing centers, where life may be more alluring and re- wards are definite and assured. A scheme of insurance can readily be worked out under the operations ol which no unworthy person could l«- --e-ei- a benefit; the cost may be borne by the farmers themselves or the national government may con- .ribute to the fund; the fund should be administered by the government. Provision may be made to prevent the application of the law to areas not cultivated In the past until after the same would have been examined and reported upon by representatives of the Department of Agriculture to Ihe effect that such localities aro rea- sonably adapted to agricultural pur- suits. Reasonable protection can easily be devised for determining the losses, which may be limited to a stated maximum figure sufficient only to cover the cost incurred and a small margin for labor and living ex- penses. There seems to be a specific need at this time for this form of legisla- tion; the operations of the federal land banks can be better assured and extended if such insurance be pro- vided, and many men who naturally will become discouraged at repeated failures may be kept on the farms and inspired to make renewed efforts for the coming season if a means be provided to insure them a small re- turn for their labor, even though the elements be against them. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT AMI TO CREDITORS n the Estate of Grover C. Whlteley, Deceased- Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have been appointed administratrix of the estate of Grov- er C. Whlteley, deceased, and have qualified as such executrix, and notice Is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased, and all persons holding claims against his estate, to serve the same on Neill & Sanger, the attorneys of record of said estate at their office in Pullman, Washing- ton, and file the same with the clerk of the superior court at Colfax, Wash., together with proof of service, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or be forever barred. Date of first publication August 30, 1918. ELLA WHITKLEY, Administratrix. Aug.loSep27 Out of the last harvest the Amer- ican people, by abstinence, saved 140,000,000 bushels of wheat to feed the hungry allied nations; and these same people are going to stay right on the sugar job and see It through. Many of the larger hotels of the country are using no cane sugar In pastries and desserts. Almost 70 per cent of all the sugar consumed in this country Is used in the households. So It Is up to the women to mako the sugar go around. THK ALLIED SUGAR BOWL We have been ut,l« to tide over times of great difficulty and today the acute food crisis i a past. There will be a better loaf for the allied nations and greator meat supplies. That those who dare all must share all is the growing conviction of America. In fact, as the President sa-d. speaking of the allied nations, "We are eating at the common table with thorn." Although there are some Individual sugar bowls scat- tered here and there on this table, the fami.y bowl into which America »nd the allies must dip a the west- ern hemisphere; for Java is out of reach, and the beet fields of Europe either tie inside the Herman lines or their production has been cut down by German invasion. A careful surrey of the sugar situ- ation has prompted the Food Admin- istration to drop th,. individual sugar ration from three to two pounds a month. Two pounds per person for household purposes will put us upon a level that England tries to main- tain. The Crouch ration is one and one-half pounds and the Italian one pound; but it is not always possible to assure these- quantities, This honor ration, with the addi- tional al.owance for canning, can be made to go around; and when our people understand the "whys'' they will be willing to put the sugar cam- paign through with the same spirit with which they tackled wheat. Why a Shortage Those who recall the sugar short- age last fall know that before the end of the year there was a practical exhaustion of supplies in home, store, factory and bakery, leaving lit- tle carry-over as a starter for 1918. The mere filling of this void took up most of the surplus of new sugar coming In. Then, too, the produc- tion from tho American beet and Louisiana cane crops has been dis- appointing and the yield in Porto Rico has likewise been smaller than anticipated. The imperative call for ships for the movement of troops and their supplies has materially reduced the amount of sugar from distance sources. Added to this already dif- ficult situation, the quantity needed by the army and navy greatly exceeds earlier estimates. There must be no counting of spoonfuls for our troops or holding buck even on the candy they want. The best we have and all we have is not too much to offer them. Remember that, for soldiers on the battle front sugar and candy is by no means a mere luxury as it is to a large degree with us at home. Sugar is necessary for them to sup- ply the energy they must quickly gain for the- heavy work of fighting. We find also that an increased amount of sugar must be sent to France and Italy to take the place of that lost as a result of the German and Austrian Invasion, during which much beet land was overrun and many factories destroyed. Under agreements we are to supply certain quantities of sugar to neutral na- tions; and finally, over 000,000 pounds were lost recently through submarine sinkings off out Atlantic coast. To sum it all up, we must ac- cept the situation and push on to victory. Most of the industries using sugar have had their supplies cut in half; and the situation is so serious that only the utmost conservation will pull us through. Women are urged to go ahead with their canning, sugar or no sugar. Fruit can be canned with the hot water pack or fruit juice pack and sweetened when opened, or cooked to a pulp, canned and made into jam later. This is a little more trouble, but every American woman wants to share in the great work of building up the food reserves, for re- serves mean victory. Each jar oh the home shelf frees another com- mercially-packed can for the army. Save the fruit crop. It will not be easy, but it MUST be done. The first beet sugar will reach the market in October and will continue to arrive until the end of the year. This sugar will probably net be dis- tributed farther east than Buffalo. Louisiana cane will commence com- ing in about the middle of November and the Cuban crop about tbe middle of December. This sugar comes on the market gradually and the distri- bution is necessarily slow. America faced the wheat crisis, cut household consumption to 50 per cent of normal, and exported 141,- --000.000 bushels of wheat. This wheat was the salvation of the al- lies, and each Individual who helped has the right to the consciousness of duty well done. What has been done with wheat can be done with sugar. Too much sugar is used on the American table, with a consequent loss of variety and piquancy of fla- vor. The nutty flavor of grains, the natural sweetness of corn hread, the distinctive flavor of fruits and the real coffee taste are too often smoth- ered with sugar. EWARTSVILLE Mrs. On ill,. Kendall, who is spend- ing- the summer at the W. P. Paul- lus home, had as her guests this week, her sister, Mrs. Flank Lath- rop. and Mrs. Lnthrop's sister-in-law, Miss Lura Lathrop, both of Lewiston, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Brannon gave a party Saturday night in the basement of their new house, which is being finished this week, to the young folks of the neighborhood. Dancing and games were enjoyed. after which refreshments were served. The party was given in honor of Miss Grace Warmouth of San Francisco, Cal., who has been visiting at the Brannon home for some time, and Fred Brannon, who will leave for Camp Lewis Septem- ber 4, having received his call for that date. Roy .Myers arrived one day last week from his home at Medicine Hat, Alberta, to assist ("has Vollnier with his harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kincaid were business visitors in Colfax one da) lust week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Holt of Pull- man and their daughter, Mrs. Cleo Bloor, called at the 11. J. Young and J. T. LaFollette homes Sunday after- noon. Chas. Vollnier started his thresh- ing outfit the first of the week. Mrs. L. R. Rueker and little son, Delbert. called at the J, 8. Klemgard home Saturday afternoon. Miss Grace Warmouth, who has been a guest at the Sherman Bran- non home for some time, left on Tuesday for her home at San Fran- cisco, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. Kd Hogan motored to Ka- miah. Idaho, last Monday to attend the funeral of Charles Young, an uncle of Mrs. Hogan and Mrs. Ryan. Mr. Young was struck by a train at a station named Terry, about 40 miles from Glendive, Mont., receiving injuries which resulted in his death three weeks later. Mr. Young spent several years of his life In this neigh- borhood, where he has many friends who were very sorry to hear of his death. Mrs. W. W. Snyder and daughters, Lena and Meryl, spent Sunday at the .1. S. Klemgard home. Reade Young was one of 15 young men who passed the examination for enlistment into the tank corps in Spokane last week, and he will be called on October 1 to entrain for Fort I.awton. thence to Camp Colt, Pa., to begin training. Miss Anita Kincaid spent last week visiting at the home of her brother, Oscar Kincaid. .Miss Kincaid has ac- cepted a position as instructor in manual training in the Twin Falls, Idaho, high school. Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. LaFollette spent one day last week at the 11. .1. Young home. Mrs. L. R. Rueker called at the J. M. Klemgard home Sunday evening. Mrs. W. H. Kincaid of Pullman spent a couple of days last week at the home of her son, Oscar Kincaid The Misses Patsy and Mildred Klemgard had as their guests from Saturday until Sunday the Misses Al- ma and May Chamberlln of Colfax, and Miss Lola Bryant of Pullman. Cedric Anderson, who had been visiting his sister, Mrs. Oscar Mas- ton, for several days, and his sister, Miss Helen Anderson, spent Thurs- day night at the V, L. Hlggins home. The young folks were on their way to their home at Ritzville In their Chevrolet roadster. W. H. Pritchard lost a valuable horse Saturday, Its death being caused by overeating of some seed wheat which it got into. It was one of seven that helped themselves u> the grain. Three of the others were quite sick, one of them being still in a serious condition. Mrs. A. F. Carrothers, Miss Annie Carrothers, Mrs. T. F. Claggett and little daughter. Rosalie, the last two of Salem, Ore., spent last Friday af- ternoon at the V. L. Higgins home. Miss Patsy Klemgard spent from Sunday until Tuesday with Miss Lola Bryant in Pullman. A car driven by a Mr. Munson overturned in the field back of H. W. Hodge's residence Saturday. Mr. Munson suffered a broken leg and was removed to the hospital by Dr. L. C. Kimzey. Drying fruit concentrates the sugar. The amount of sugar ln some fruits is over 50 per cent. Dried fruits make excellent jam, pickles, salads and ice cream, and when eat- en as stewed fruit need less sugar than fresh fruit. Select the sweetest fruits for drying. Our future is vitally linked with that of the allied nations. "Right and liberty have obliterat- ed space and the ocean to bring France and America together."— President Polncalre. Am_m_s ' '<**< fi afjm\m——mr^^ _\_P___r4^m, 'JWr.' ' Jk! W mk Vm__^_r _&J__tm_~mW __^A / _r^_*''%\ tt) j '^^m^o> 1 When a Kelly-Springfield Tire has | passed its guarantee mark, it has . merely become of age. Its life is \ . nearly all before it. ; H - I Kelly-Springfield i I tires I LEE ALLEN 1 Hardware \u25a0 l;,.^jßlJfl__g^^ I A: Continuous Chain 1 -giveseasy starting^uick t^sTT^Vv i m and smooth acceleration, / 43 ____of l A\ H \u25a0 power and mileage, in Red jjjiiM^ —\ 4~m\ fl \u25a0 Crown gasoline. I *J^»f/VrVvl 1 If STANDARD OIL COMPANY I Qtf fc 3 __t^ I H | 6as^nGoy_\u000a\ IX. It. Sole-mink, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Pullman, Wash. Pure Bred Sales Conducts Auction (leneral Farm Sales Sales Anywhere In My Specialty Northwest HARRY C. CRANKE AUCTIONEER PULLMAN, WASHINGTON OFFICE WITH DOWNEN INSURANCE COMPANY Where Sales Can Be Dated A T T E IN T i O N Tbe Sale Season is opening up. When you think of your auctioneer, think of Col. L. Stro- bel. My reputation is built on square dealing and I have for references my large list of satis- fied customers. Call me at an early date, be- fore my dates ore all taken. Phone my office, 94, or residence., 207 R, Colfax, Wash., at my expense. All Red Cross work free of charge. L. STROBEL COf-FAX, WASH. Turkey is starving. Germany pinched and Austria rioting for food. The allies are well fed and full of fight, thanks to Uncle Bam, who in- vited them to sit down to his table a year ago he has been passing around the victuals ever since. There is no vacation on the firing line. Sugar bowls have been banished from American dining cars a trav- eler is served his portion of sugar and no more. Naval officers and their families who buy at commissary stores have gone on the honor system of sugar purchase established by tho Food Ad- ministration for civilians.
Page 1: Pullman herald (Pullman, Wash.) 1918-08-30 [p ]store, factory and bakery, leaving lit-tle carry-over as a starter for 1918. The mere fillingof this void took up most of the surplus


W^f d" 0. O'Shea, president Fed-

,Und Bank. Spokane. Wash.)

ia recent years, especially since the• __ tor foodstuffs has becomed'°

\u25a0 ojovements have been inaugu-

'Ted from time to time to extend

* rt) e jd to farmers to provide seed

f*heat an promote production, and*. appropriation of funds for such

„,rposes has been considered by the

Clonal congress. Some of the states

wre found It necessary to call to-

other their legislative assemblies in

session to make provisions to

head. The need for such aid has

been generally recognized, hence it. üBl to some extent at least have ex-

Wd./<1?;"'1 The Plana B«BKested for promoting

production and providing seed areNecessarily temporary, and in no way

-move the conditions which have

Bide such movements necessary.

Wheat is the most essential product

.four farms, and the development of

ill production should not be wholly

Speculative. The lands of the west

devoted to wheat production cover alarge area and are subject to period-

ical droughts, destruction by grass-

hoppers, hot winds, hailstorms and

ether causes for injury or failure overwhich man can exercise little or nocontrol. The government very prop-erly sets the price at which this es-aotlal and necessary product must

be gold, thereby limiting gain thatan be made; it is proper to considerif It should not also provide means tolimit the loss. The farmer should notneed appropriations or gifts, but hemay be given reasonable, permanent

business protection. He who is will-ing and able to work at a necessary,beneficial and essential calling

should be assured some measure ofprotection against utter ruin andbankruptcy.

In many localities iv the north-western states there was a serioustrap shortage or total failure, especl-iiy in the grain sections, in 1917...ch failure following a severe win-ter, supplemented by advancing

trices on all necessaries, brought

much hardship and inconvenience,The general advance in prices did notMnetlt him who failed to secure atrap, while it affected his purchases.The present season began with ex-cellent promise; the farmers in alllocalities, responding to the call ofthe nation, made unusual efforts toplant a larger acreage. Many ofthese farmers were in distress on ac-count of the failure of the formerrear and exhausted their resourcesand credit to plant the largest acre-age that could be had in wheat andother cereals." This has been a sea-ion of unusual weather conditions.There has been excessive heat andhot winds at an earlier date than usu-al. In some localities the heat hashtm accompanied by drought andconditions are very menacing formany of the farmers through no faultol their own. In other localities therehag been considerable rain, and such»!*ces have great promise of "bump-

«" crops, which, at prevailing prices,"ill bring them plenty and independ-ence.

Those of us who have lived in Mon-

'«* since the early territorial days<*& recall in the years past that thequestion was not to get the crop, butto dispose of it. In the years gonety the production was invariably un-questioned, but in many seasons thefarmer could not secure sufficientPrice for his product to pay theW of producing it. Last season and•Ms, In which excellent prices can ber*<J'ly secured, the crop is not to

had. The record of precipitationimplied by the weather bureau'&owb for the published reports am-Wj Precipitation prior to 1917, ex-iting in small units, the location

°' which varied from year to year,This situation should properly

**r't attention and consideration,"« farmer has ever had to contend

(th the elements to secure his crop

"the first place, and thereafter, in•Past, If he did secure the crop, he

»<> to sell his product in a market he.»M not regulate or control. lt"jould be an established policy to en-"rage me to stay with the farm

this 0? the farm: the world needs at"•j ttie the products of the farm

**than it ever has at any period.

fa*" are Calls for labor from sh,p "

ret* and other industries where the

ar. 1.?18 f°r serv,ce and short hours

tion and definite. The produc-

iulM?' WhGat is as essential as the

Thding of the bottoms to convey it.

t * man who produces wheat lives

£ °t« and with social disadvantages


C 2Pared to workers near manu-*___?** centers- The production of

\u25a0"should not be wholly a specu-

not hbusln°B8' The elements can

*\_T controlled by man, and he

'ahas to contest with the elements


* essential and

On**?** «hould be assured In someU_f» , * Wa*U re turn at least for his

. "\u25a0•• labor and effort.

>tH of*"06' who ,anted•<"•«•

acre*0 wheat this season may hare

been Inspired by the hope of profitas well as a desire to meet the na-tional call tor increased wheat, pro-duction. The cost of cropping theground and the price of seed weremuch above normal. Where two un-toward seasons occur, even though iamany cases they be the first in a 20---year period, many will become dis-couraged and others become insolv-ent. The need lor wheat the comingyear will doubtless be as great as iiis now.

it does not seem reasonable to ex-pect the farmer, under the conditionsas recited herein, to continue to take"11 the chances, it is not suggestedthat he should receive something fornothing, but that a method should.properly be devised for affording hima reasonable protection tor thechances he necessarily has to takewhen contending with the elements,over which no control can be exer-cised. In past years grain crops in•Montana were seriously menaced byhail, Hail-insurance companies werein business, charging exorbitant ratesand at times defaulting in payments.There is now in effect a state hall in-surance law, which is operating suc-cessfully, economically and depend-ably, and affording protection to thefarmers who elect to become subjectto it. so that in the event of the de-struction of a field of grain by hailthey will receive at least more thanthey have invested in the crop. Somesuch method should be devised toprotect the farmer against other fail-ures. It is not to give him charity ora gift, but to furnish him with In-surance to the end that he will besure to receive at least what it hascost him to plant the crop plus re-muneration for his labor, in theeven) that there be an absolute fail-ure caused by weather conditionsover which he could exercise no con-trol. Such insurance should be na-tional. It adopted at once it wouldbring hope and inspiration to thosewho are now seriously discouraged,and keep*on the farms many menwho otherwise would answer the callof the manufacturing centers, wherelife may be more alluring and re-wards are definite and assured. A

scheme of insurance can readily beworked out under the operations ol

which no unworthy person could l«-

--e-ei- a benefit; the cost may beborne by the farmers themselves orthe national government may con-.ribute to the fund; the fund shouldbe administered by the government.

Provision may be made to prevent

the application of the law to areasnot cultivated In the past until afterthe same would have been examinedand reported upon by representatives

of the Department of Agriculture toIhe effect that such localities aro rea-sonably adapted to agricultural pur-suits. Reasonable protection caneasily be devised for determining the

losses, which may be limited to astated maximum figure sufficientonly to cover the cost incurred and asmall margin for labor and living ex-penses.

There seems to be a specific needat this time for this form of legisla-

tion; the operations of the federalland banks can be better assured andextended if such insurance be pro-vided, and many men who naturally

will become discouraged at repeated

failures may be kept on the farms

and inspired to make renewed effortsfor the coming season if a means be

provided to insure them a small re-turn for their labor, even though the

elements be against them.


n the Estate of Grover C. Whlteley,

Deceased-Notice is hereby given that I, the

undersigned, have been appointed

administratrix of the estate of Grov-

er C. Whlteley, deceased, and havequalified as such executrix, and

notice Is hereby given to the creditorsof said deceased, and all personsholding claims against his estate, to

serve the same on Neill & Sanger,

the attorneys of record of said estate

at their office in Pullman, Washing-

ton, and file the same with the clerkof the superior court at Colfax,

Wash., together with proof of service,

within six months from the date of

the first publication of this notice orbe forever barred.

Date of first publication August



Out of the last harvest the Amer-ican people, by abstinence, saved140,000,000 bushels of wheat to feedthe hungry allied nations; and these

same people are going to stay right

on the sugar job and see It through.

Many of the larger hotels of the

country are using no cane sugar In

pastries and desserts.

Almost 70 per cent of all the sugar

consumed in this country Is used in

the households. So It Is up to the

women to mako the sugar go around.


We have been ut,l« to tide overtimes of great difficulty and todaythe acute food crisis ia past. Therewill be a better loaf for the alliednations and greator meat supplies.

That those who dare all must shareall is the growing conviction ofAmerica. In fact, as the Presidentsa-d. speaking of the allied nations,"We are eating at the common tablewith thorn." Although there aresome Individual sugar bowls scat-tered here and there on this table,the fami.y bowl into which America»nd the allies must dip a the west-ern hemisphere; for Java is out ofreach, and the beet fields of Europeeither tie inside the Herman lines ortheir production has been cut downby German invasion.

A careful surrey of the sugar situ-ation has prompted the Food Admin-istration to drop th,. individual sugarration from three to two pounds amonth. Two pounds per person forhousehold purposes will put us upona level that England tries to main-tain. The Crouch ration is one andone-half pounds and the Italian onepound; but it is not always possibleto assure these- quantities,

This honor ration, with the addi-tional al.owance for canning, can bemade to go around; and when ourpeople understand the "whys'' theywill be willingto put the sugar cam-paign through with the same spiritwith which they tackled wheat.

Why a ShortageThose who recall the sugar short-

age last fall know that before theend of the year there was a practicalexhaustion of supplies in home,store, factory and bakery, leaving lit-tle carry-over as a starter for 1918.The mere fillingof this void took upmost of the surplus of new sugarcoming In. Then, too, the produc-tion from tho American beet andLouisiana cane crops has been dis-appointing and the yield in PortoRico has likewise been smaller thananticipated.

The imperative call for ships forthe movement of troops and theirsupplies has materially reduced theamount of sugar from distancesources. Added to this already dif-ficult situation, the quantity neededby the army and navy greatly exceedsearlier estimates. There must be nocounting of spoonfuls for our troopsor holding buck even on the candythey want. The best we have and allwe have is not too much to offerthem. Remember that, for soldierson the battle front sugar and candyis by no means a mere luxury as it isto a large degree with us at home.Sugar is necessary for them to sup-ply the energy they must quickly gainfor the- heavy work of fighting.

We find also that an increasedamount of sugar must be sent toFrance and Italy to take the place ofthat lost as a result of the Germanand Austrian Invasion, during whichmuch beet land was overrun andmany factories destroyed. Underagreements we are to supply certainquantities of sugar to neutral na-tions; and finally, over 000,000pounds were lost recently through

submarine sinkings off out Atlanticcoast. To sum it all up, we must ac-cept the situation and push on tovictory.

Most of the industries using sugarhave had their supplies cut in half;and the situation is so serious thatonly the utmost conservation willpullus through. Women are urged to goahead with their canning, sugar orno sugar. Fruit can be canned withthe hot water pack or fruit juice pack

and sweetened when opened, orcooked to a pulp, canned and madeinto jam later. This is a little moretrouble, but every American womanwants to share in the great work ofbuilding up the food reserves, for re-serves mean victory. Each jar ohthe home shelf frees another com-mercially-packed can for the army.Save the fruit crop. It will not beeasy, but it MUST be done.

The first beet sugar willreach themarket in October and will continueto arrive until the end of the year.This sugar will probably net be dis-tributed farther east than Buffalo.Louisiana cane will commence com-ing in about the middle of Novemberand the Cuban crop about tbe middleof December. This sugar comes onthe market gradually and the distri-bution is necessarily slow.

America faced the wheat crisis,

cut household consumption to 50 per

cent of normal, and exported 141,-

--000.000 bushels of wheat. Thiswheat was the salvation of the al-lies, and each Individual who helpedhas the right to the consciousness ofduty well done. What has been donewith wheat can be done with sugar.

Too much sugar is used on the

American table, with a consequentloss of variety and piquancy of fla-

vor. The nutty flavor of grains, thenatural sweetness of corn hread, the

distinctive flavor of fruits and thereal coffee taste are too often smoth-ered with sugar.

EWARTSVILLEMrs. On ill,. Kendall, who is spend-

ing- the summer at the W. P. Paul-lus home, had as her guests thisweek, her sister, Mrs. Flank Lath-rop. and Mrs. Lnthrop's sister-in-law,Miss Lura Lathrop, both of Lewiston,Idaho.

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Brannongave a party Saturday night in thebasement of their new house, whichis being finished this week, to theyoung folks of the neighborhood.Dancing and games were enjoyed.after which refreshments wereserved. The party was given inhonor of Miss Grace Warmouth ofSan Francisco, Cal., who has beenvisiting at the Brannon home forsome time, and Fred Brannon, whowill leave for Camp Lewis Septem-ber 4, having received his call forthat date.

Roy .Myers arrived one day lastweek from his home at Medicine Hat,Alberta, to assist ("has Vollnier withhis harvest.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kincaid werebusiness visitors in Colfax one da)lust week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Holt of Pull-man and their daughter, Mrs. CleoBloor, called at the 11. J. Young andJ. T. LaFollette homes Sunday after-noon.

Chas. Vollnier started his thresh-ing outfit the first of the week.

Mrs. L. R. Rueker and little son,Delbert. called at the J, 8. Klemgardhome Saturday afternoon.

Miss Grace Warmouth, who hasbeen a guest at the Sherman Bran-non home for some time, left onTuesday for her home at San Fran-cisco, Cal.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryan and Mr.and Mrs. Kd Hogan motored to Ka-miah. Idaho, last Monday to attendthe funeral of Charles Young, anuncle of Mrs. Hogan and Mrs. Ryan.Mr. Young was struck by a train ata station named Terry, about 40miles from Glendive, Mont., receivinginjuries which resulted in his deaththree weeks later. Mr. Young spent

several years of his life In this neigh-borhood, where he has many friendswho were very sorry to hear of hisdeath.

Mrs. W. W. Snyder and daughters,Lena and Meryl, spent Sunday at the.1. S. Klemgard home.

Reade Young was one of 15 youngmen who passed the examination forenlistment into the tank corps inSpokane last week, and he will becalled on October 1 to entrain forFort I.awton. thence to Camp Colt,Pa., to begin training.

Miss Anita Kincaid spent last weekvisiting at the home of her brother,Oscar Kincaid. • .Miss Kincaid has ac-cepted a position as instructor inmanual training in the Twin Falls,Idaho, high school.

Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. LaFollette spentone day last week at the 11. .1. Younghome.

Mrs. L. R. Rueker called at the J.M. Klemgard home Sunday evening.

Mrs. W. H. Kincaid of Pullmanspent a couple of days last week atthe home of her son, Oscar Kincaid

The Misses Patsy and MildredKlemgard had as their guests fromSaturday until Sunday the Misses Al-ma and May Chamberlln of Colfax,and Miss Lola Bryant of Pullman.

Cedric Anderson, who had beenvisiting his sister, Mrs. Oscar Mas-ton, for several days, and his sister,Miss Helen Anderson, spent Thurs-day night at the V, L. Hlggins home.The young folks were on their wayto their home at Ritzville In theirChevrolet roadster.

W. H. Pritchard lost a valuablehorse Saturday, Its death being

caused by overeating of some seedwheat which it got into. It was oneof seven that helped themselves u>the grain. Three of the others werequite sick, one of them being stillin a serious condition.

Mrs. A. F. Carrothers, Miss AnnieCarrothers, Mrs. T. F. Claggett andlittle daughter. Rosalie, the last twoof Salem, Ore., spent last Friday af-ternoon at the V. L. Higgins home.

Miss Patsy Klemgard spent fromSunday until Tuesday with Miss LolaBryant in Pullman.

A car driven by a Mr. Munsonoverturned in the field back of H.W. Hodge's residence Saturday. Mr.Munson suffered a broken leg andwas removed to the hospital by Dr.L. C. Kimzey.

Drying fruit concentrates thesugar. The amount of sugar ln somefruits is over 50 per cent. Dried

fruits make excellent jam, pickles,salads and ice cream, and when eat-en as stewed fruit need less sugar

than fresh fruit. Select the sweetestfruits for drying.

Our future is vitally linked withthat of the allied nations.

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France and America together."—

President Polncalre.

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\u25a0 Crown gasoline. I *J^»f/VrVvl 1If STANDARD OIL COMPANY I Qtf fc 3 __t^ I H

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Tbe Sale Season is opening up. When youthink of your auctioneer, think of Col. L. Stro-bel. My reputation is built on square dealing

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AllRed Cross work free of charge.


Turkey is starving. Germany

pinched and Austria rioting for food.

The allies are well fed and full of

fight, thanks to Uncle Bam, who in-

vited them to sit down to his table a

year ago he has been passing

around the victuals ever since.

There is no vacation on the firing


Sugar bowls have been banishedfrom American dining cars a trav-

eler is served his portion of sugarand no more.

Naval officers and their familieswho buy at commissary stores havegone on the honor system of sugarpurchase established by tho Food Ad-ministration for civilians.
