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Putting Content First - Planning Content Types

Date post: 05-Dec-2014
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Content Types – they make Drupal awesome and flexible. But do you put content or development first when planning them? If you aren’t planning the content first, you’re doing the entire project a disservice. Content types are the backbone of a Drupal website and will be the main way end-users interact with Drupal.Start with what content will be on the site and work backwards from there. The content will dictate the fields, the taxonomies, the views, and everything in between. The result may not be an easier development but it will be a more extensible and scalable site. Your UX designer will thank you, your project manager will thank you, your end user will thank you, and your client will thank you.Presenter: Carrie Hane Dennison, Content & Usability Director, Balance Interactive
  • 1. Content First PlanningContent TypesDrupalCamp MarylandFebruary 10, 2012Carrie Hane Dennison#DrupalCampMD#contentfirst@carriehd
  • 2. I DrupalBalance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 3. Why Should You Care About Content? Better direction Less guessing Do it right the first time Balance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 4. When You Dont Think About Content First Misdirection 11th hour $^*#storm Migration headaches Late, over-budget projects that dont meet needs No content at all Re-dos Goals not met Unhappy end-users who toss out the site or Drupal Balance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 5. When You Think About Content First Clear list of tasks More depth to the content Smooth path to launch On-time, on-budget projects that meet needs now and in future Happy end users & visitors Balance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 6. Collaborate Pre-build meeting content and development leads Pre-define content types based on the actual content of the site Content strategist leads meeting with lots of input from developer Go through site map and wireframes to ensure youre covering all bases for use of contentBalance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 7. Defining Content Types What needs to be included from the legacy system? Review site map and wireframes where are possible distinct content types? Ask the client what they foresee changing Name them, define the fields and taxonomies Use non-technical, non-circular words to describeBalance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 8. When to Divide Content Types Used in different ways across site? Many unique fields? Used in views? Goal: Just enough not too many, not too fewBalance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 9. What to Fields to Include Default - Rename fields? Include or delete? Custom List fields name and type Taxonomy vs select-list field Labels? Display fields?Balance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 10. Think About End Users How comfortable are the end users with technology? Make it easy for them to update site easily with little instruction When possible, set up fields so they do not have to format textBalance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 11. Example Content TypeBalance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 12. Balance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 13. Balance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 14. Futureproofing Today: content being transferred, some enhancements Tomorrow: add information and relationships, new types of content, known enhancements Ask the question: What do you see happening with this content? Make it easy to go from today to tomorrow Add taxonomy Think modular Think views and taxonomy Moving to mobileBalance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 15. Communication Dont work in a vacuum Demand input Ask questions and give options Think like an end user and visitor Be creative and push your boundariesBalance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 16. Conclusion Avoid snowball effect Embrace the creativity that Drupal allows Everyone is happy no do overs, time for fun thingsBalance Interactive Inc. www.BalanceInteractive.com
  • 17. QUESTIONS?Contact me: [email protected] me: @carriehdView slides: http://slidesha.re/w4IhtE
